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Baffling Mysteries No. 5 - 1951

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1. WEIRD! I-'ANTAsfIc! _ ASTOUNDINGEV C-OME FORWARD,MAN OF THE OUTER WORLD] YOUSHALL LEARN THE SECRETS -' OF THE GOAT PEOPLE!I 2. was bonds William andl bougln r our counfys defnse _ helped build 9 house For us!" , F:. _ . HOW u.5. smrmcs nouns min or:FOR MRS.ROSE NYSSE or BRISTOL.PA. Theres nothing more wonderful than a houseand garden of your own, says Mm.Nysse, and no surer way to own one than to save for it through U.S.Savings Bonds and thesafe,sure Payroll Savings Plan! Mn.Rosa Nysse says.In 1942 William and I started making U.S.Savings Bonds 9. part of our plan for nancial security.I joined the Payroll Savings Plan at the Sweetheart Soap Co.where I work,andllau can do whahe Ngsses are doin3 -fhemeln sf-an-is now! Maybe you cant save quite as much as . j.1- a.i!rv WV? : 'Z.1:T! 'l'E'7.'! began buying a $100 bond 3 month,knowing my money was safe and working for me.U.S.Savings Bonds certain- ly make saving easier! "Savings Bonds alone made a 55,000 down pay: nentonou. rhause! " says Mrs.Nyase.Al- together,wevE saved $8,000 just in bonds bought through Payroll Savings,and we are keeping right on.When we retire,our bonds will make the difference be- tween comfort and just getting by.Bonds olfer a patriotic and practi- cal way to security. " William and Rose Nysse;maybe you can save more.But the important. tl1ing is to start now!It only takes three simple steps. 1. Make the big decisionbo put saving rst- before you even draw your pay. 2. Decide to save a regular amount system- atically,week after week,or month after month.Even small sums,saved on a systematic basis,become a large sum in an amazingly short time!3. Start saving by signing up today in the Payroll Savings Plan where you work. You'll be providing security not only for yourself and your family,but for the blessed free way of life thats so very im- portant to every American. FOR YOUR SECURITY,AND YOUR COUNTRY'S TOO,SAVE NOW- THROUGH REGULAR PURCHASE OF U.S.SAVINGS BONDS! Your sanmmmyt don not pay for rbi:adwnbrmrnt,It in rionaredtin:pkbliratfm In cooperation with 11::/ldrerttldng Comm!and the Alagazrne Pubfuber:of Axrmvra 4:: : pzdzlir . m-pint. BAFFLING MYSTERIES (formerly INDIAN BRAVES).November,1951. Number 5. Published bi-monthly by Periodical Ijlousc.Inc. , 2?:West 47th Street.New York 19. N.Y.I-Imered as Second Class Matter at.the Post Olce at New York.N.Y.Addmona!entry at Canton,Ohio.Single copies,10:;12 issues,$1.20. Copyright,1952. by Periodical House.Inc.Printed in U.S.A. din 3. H. " I "so ancx To SLEEP.sson;YOU.no NOT a: m.Lv sag ANYTHING 1, YOU ARE onur 6nEAMme1 Haw WHO'S THAT?-WHAT --;4 Ana Tau name IN MY mom 7 ; . .8TAND, STlLL UNTIL t~9uT- THE UGHT ow ,6 ,.7/ As FIELD my ran ms was r AMETPICAN _ gusquu,mojsm-we V45 (1550 T0 sr-ANa. sIam3, AND a1zA_: -ms nova/ vmwts.HE mo LOIVG AGO'GEA&: 'D' ro ssvgwsp,SHOCKED an FRIGHTENI-D er Mrr ar ms .T . 'j FEARSOME EVENTS mm:Imrcn msrxonc occur-A-_ ;-.no SOMEHMES LED HIM;a_ur THEN,ONE mam;IN,3; A"M9UN7Jl/ N-S/ _E INN NEAR ms suotosn/ M vaumw _c aw:PA mm M!A -Tsmu.czmmz : IMERIcAiV .my,I-IEIIAS suoosmmaumrapvso max A rtvmsycr_ nzsnsss 51.559, peavcnso av/ m spmrmv.._. v_ . -. s Ty, EVANISHED!ONE TI'IING'S CERTAIIII-NO HUMAN BEING GOULD SCALE THAT SHEER,THOUSAND-FOOTTIPUDER FOR A uauswrmps ran scam:wcAa: - nnscmcz To REACH THIS wmaow 1 new THAT euowBLE aruavwsur;HWEN HE FMVALLY LEAFED FFOM was THE exam:or arr.PATAXQ 1 THAT VOLCANO HA5ms 350. .. . ~ a: N". ~;x'rmcT FOR CENTURIESI auT TONIGHT IT - r 1 LOOKS LIKE n"s READY TO eauPT_: Tue suameawve sr/ amass or me noimram ' war,ms mmorrc mm:or rms marrmnisn Mr- PATAXO GOATMEN _I GQME BACK HERE!I WANT TO TALK TO YOU!. 4. HW OIIDIE rw t $1! ff DMAIINA TIOIV 0' 77f'GY07E%Y-f7-Tuvwmu ucx mm ms noon,sr/ u. L6H! -AEADED,0/zzr may / -//3 snwvc:AND suaoav mmxsm/ vs, A SLAB OF LAVA RON THE VOLCANO_I IT-IT WAS NOT HERE WHEN I.WENT TO BED!THAT GOATMAN MUST HAVEPEDRO. THE mn- xEE? En_r THE SECRET or MT.PA- TAXO,YOU SHALL smsw ms,AND ALL or us 90 ~ THE VILLAGE WITH I NTRY I715 70!! !-V vtsrmrr REFOFPTS or cnumrs or um arm rauvn BEARING nae' IMPMNT OF VIE Flf OF!MYTH- ICAL saanwv AND F POSSIBLE,TDSECUREA SAJIPLE FOR 7WEMUSt'- UM.FOR 7']-[REE TIHESOIIE WEEKSHEHADHPLOQED THE AREA ANDFWNDNOSBNOETJEREPOYTBE IN8 TRUE.NOD,7IJWUh'f0FU'_ H'U4$7U'77Wh'1'DVVl. IJ'@, , -t" OGJEDTNVIIS KARO!Ii HYSIIHOUHYHHNIITFURUIWHAT ARE YOU TALKING J 7 T00 FCILDVED VH5 HI'. S'1E'II'CAl.HW-A%.7'D7I' ' * 1ABOUT an-on Awmr 7 THERE] IT I:ossmovsop I THAT mecaaas cnuux - STONE AWAY FROM ~ , ,,_, ,_, .,, E-l_, _ BE SAVED,To snvz TI-IE vn. u.es non ms r= uLv: mzeo_( YDUSUPERSTITIOUS IDIOT,WHY DID YOU DOI AWAKENED AWHILE AGO BURNING WITH FEVER AND I KNEW THAT THE OOATMEN OF HT.W_ITH THE FIERY FURY OF THE GDATMEN!I. _IOUlD FIRE WILL FATMO HAD BEEN ANGERED AND THAT THE GREAT ROLL WWN THE MOUNTAIN AND DESTROY THE VILLAGE FIRES INSIDE THE MOUNTAIN WERE STARTING T0 UNLESS THEY ARE APPEASEDIIOIL OVER.IT WAS YOU WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE! 5. WHEN ONE OF THE SACRED eoxrneu wn-no LIVE :24 THE FLAMING DEPTHS or THE vouweo DIES,ms FORM IS ounmso on A enve- STONE or LAVA] IF rr FALLS mo THE HANDS or AN unaeuaven,THE _I ' WIEIIVIElIlIEE. julI?I II&IIIBLAST IT] I'VE LET HIM ESCAPE AGAIN] OR- 7 BUT THERE H081 HAVE BEEN SOMEONE-SOIIETHINCI ' - OR MAYBE HE- HE'WASN"| ' EVEN REALLY HERE AT ' THIS HOOF PRINT PROVE5 IT!AND ITIPATAXO I5 QUIET ALL;1-:MusTvE BEEN STILL HALF ASLEEF,- A6AlN: I BUT sTII. L, NDNE oF THAT OTHER oou. o HAVE" HAPPENED,REALLY] THAT PART or IT MUST HAVE EEEH A DREAM; Am av ms enorzsout cuuwr or 31- Iuuutrzlr,/DIFIED A5,CLEIHU DEF/ NE,'43 "K TWXWED -ANOTHER ONE OF THE Go-I-MEN'S F/ WETuuN"7E"W5',{$7110 :0 H13,~'_ GAVEsfNEs.JUST LIKE THE ONE PEDRO SEEN 5%WnfFIE7 HEARra'TII CIT oEsTRoYED _lOUEEN ARNI HA5 sENT ME "-"'"/"3 "5933 ANoTHER me:To TAKE am:To THE THIS Paovzs mu .1- I.W457 775*? ALL REALLY HAPPENED] I WAS YYITHIN m'Em" '5 W3urcauw I055! - . . uYE: YruuAI ro rAronvI. rIII-s ru- nmves mar Aw ma-EIVED ro Aw,Mo Imumvt rmr HE NE! !! czuo REALLYn amrnmsux 10. __ MAYBE IF!TAKE ONE MOREPRACTICE JUMP,I'LL GET RID OF - THIS js_: LL*r SUDDEN FEA THAT'S COME OVER ME THE PAST FEW DAYS] HMMPH_IMAYBE I'M BEGINNING TO BELIEVE RAY'SFueucmr ABOUT MY "ToRcHI_IsHT DEATH LEAP"!I-HEY,wHo '5 THAT comma oowu THE sI_ 9IT'S ONE OF THE GUESTS]THE IDIOT MUST HAVE FOUNO MYSTACK OF TORCHES AT THE TOP] HES TRYING MY DEATH LEAP! I, or me ANNUAL wmrsn CARHIVAL A1 smawmp Laws,in NEW ympsnms.IT , ;._.ms ,4 Merry / wavr,cnsm AND cur: -nw ' co1.arr,as mm HGNROE rm/ oaso up ms sras/ = APPROACH ro ms row or H . Th'E SKI-JUMF',SHE ms FILLED WITH A " FEARFI/ L Fa/ T5500/N6 AND ro new me A msyr sEIwo ma STILL,THE AIR omega1: WITH %ME MYSTEEIM/ SLY CHILLIM5 FORE.THE HIGH FULL MOON EEMED TUNER TDFOOLHARD) SKIER TU TLRAI 0Ff THE APPROACH 0!?FALL,BEFORE HEREACHED fl-IE JLWA FHBV,A5 THE BLACK-$H0(lDED F160-RE Z05-'. 'IST . : S/7/_. /54,?AA DEATI-Is HE. =9_I EUT IT-IT *COULDN'T sE_r THE Foo.wsr as 'WEARING A auaesa M5: OF -J"., some KI? -'D_I 11. THEN,RIGHT BEFORE mm:TERROR-Flu. ED Eras,sue SAW THE BLACK-GLAD sar/ an 1.055 HIS an/ .AIv:2'/ H P/ IVWHEEL so xnwrma any [IV THE 5 I71.: .- NIGHT AIR Asa swoav smoow smouoEo 77;:man.A SH/ PILL 052771.I winIs mu.BE LUCKY AND MAKE A - I-'E_ LANDING; Bur Hm RELIEF saa-I cwuvaso ra sAwrIIvo reanan mar sewr / VEHS WWW HERSHQE..I'M SURE THIS IS THE SPOT ' WHERE HE LANDED] YET THE_ OHH ;HE cAN'T POSSIBLY suavwz THAT FALL] I--I'VE GOT I'D GO ' Down THERE AND sEE IF HE'SAs mm RACED,Mm THUDD/ N6 Hsanr,TOWARD n-I:SKI-JUMPLANDING smncu,Fa-I A FEW MIN- urss 77cI('sHRUaBE/ W OBSCUHEDHER VIEW OF THE SCENE.WHENSIE BROKE G/7'/ N70 THE CLEAR AGAIN' AND sruso,IWLD-EYED msmno msSPOT WHEE THE CMJMPLED BODY OULD HAVE SPRAWLED..E-HEs GONE;I-I DoN'TI I RSTND JUST As THOUGH No ONE . ,.- FALLEN!BUT I sAw ITHE couLON'T HAVE SKIED DOWN THIS SLOPE I'LL HAVE TO TEL!RAY THAT 1 cAN'T wITHouT LEAVING TnAcIf"""" , $2"". ." "i. """""'x, '% WHAT DO IOU - ' C-3-AVE HER!DO ~0ME- 9'0 OVER BONNIE.I WAS CHILLED WITH FEAR,THINKOF THAT?A THING. 9109 -nusEVEN A5 HE EXPLAINED. .. ~' IZEMARKABLE!HORRIBLE THING rHA1=s roe. - -~ HAPPENING , r "'""5CALM oown!11-9 we HEAT AND 2n'Mosn-IE2: OF THI5 STEAMING JUNGLE COUNTRYTHKT APFECT5 PATIENT6 -rm-r WAY AI-TERA 31.000 rRAN5r-U-3I0N 1 NOTHING 10 won.ABOUT .1 6/ MPTOM5 WILL vANI5H .ONOW YOU'LL HAVE TO LEAVE!"BUTA5.I LEFT THE BU/ lDl%-WONDERED.I 1--UH:HAVE SOME IMPORTANT GUESS IOU HAO HEARD STRANGE TALES OFTIIEOLDDZTDI ' WORK THAT I MUST DO RIGHT OUGHT TO WHO HAD ISOLATED HIM6EF IN ME ROTTINGAWAY!QTOP BACK IN A KNOW WHAT INDIAN JUNGLEE TD EXPERIMENT WITH Wllb COUPLE OF HOURS AND YOU'RE I ANIM/1l5.HIVERING UNEASINESS FILLED ME. .. "YOU'LL SEE BONNIE WlLLBE. ALL RIGHT!MA/ BE I 5|-iOULON"| ' HAVE BROUGHT BONNIE_* HERE!BUT THERE l6N'T ANOTHER DOCTOR- IN A HUNDRED MlLE5!usrsurrne -rHA'r-5 A TIGER THE NEXT INSTANT men:was ANGRY ROAR QCREAMING.ALL A PRIGHTFUL HUMAN SCREAM RIGHT!I'D kmow FROM me H0055. As we _ THAT 5PmE- 6TARTD 7Um4Ro TI-IE TINGLING soumo AWESOME souivas. .. ~ -AN/ WH ERE _!_ BETTEP- HURRV10 ms HOUSE! ,H1lTl31TlllFlli1lf" H]? ! Woocvoxz-s HOUSE. rr EPES no! 19. WI-IAT HAPPENED,SI-IE--YOUR WIFE HAD A GUDDEN BONNIE -- GONE?AND IOU WHAT TIGER?WHAT DOCTOR?WHERE'S ATTACK OFJIJNGLE MANIA. '5HE EA!6195 RIPPED-YOUR ARE YOU TALKINGEONNIE?DID TI-IREW A FIT,LEAFED ouT OF CLOTI-IE6 AND WOUNDED ABOUT;1 5AW 5H!ESCAPE BED AND ATTACKED ME WITH YOU LIKE "l'HAT? THAT'5 NO TIGER.ITEETH AND NAILS!WHEN I IZIDICULDUSI IT WAS ..PASSED OUT,6|-IE--53-IE ' II-IE TIGER!" DIEAPPEAREDI ' I . "ammo AND ; CX1|VFI'IION swavrI APOLOGIZE I QAW THE WE'LL ROUND BUT "I'HATLL VER MEI-3735 DOCTOR DENIEDFOR THAT TIGER. IT UP A HUNTING TAKE A COUPLE SIHNG '3'NE: WBEAND FLEW [N70 DISPLAY OF WA5N"| ' ANY OF I-IOUIE . WI-I!A MURxRO&5"RAGEA3AIN$T WE TEMPE? -. IMAGINATION . " CAN'T IOU AND 1' .NATIVE9 WIOB%KH>llPA4I'Y 570R)/ " STUART.BUT BUT IT'S BONNIE GO IMMEDIATELY? WHEN THOSE I'M WORFIIED BEARERS M!WIFE. -':OUTYOU LYING EUPERSTITIOUS FOOLS NATIVE5 ABOUT. WE'VE AND BU5H- THERE IN 1 AT JUQT THINkIOU QAWATIGER. IT :GET M!601 TO BRING BEATER5;WAS:BONITA JACKSON,IN THE 3;.GUEST TO HER BACK. THEN WHERE,ILL.THROE6 OF JUNGLE MANIA , 'lHAT H IMAGINING START FEVERISH,IN IOU SAW FLEE THROUGH THE ' 'TH| N(5$, |TI5. , .THE DANGER._' WEWINDOW. (_5ET OUT!V WAIT _'I'VE GOT To FIND BONNIE "1 HAO PENETRATED BUTA CDUPLEOFHUNDRED so-mos FA6T. ' IVE GOT A QUEER INTO THE D: sMAL, .E'rEAM/ N6 JUNGLE,WHEN. .. U so INTO THE FEELING THAT "lHERE'5 A NGLEWITM LOT MORE-to-rm-s-ruAM MIZ.JACKSON!wmr!1 MU61 THE DOC ems!'I'ALI ,*" "FROM THAT -I , / vmssrvs PAWKNOCKED ME FLAT.THE LAST THING I SAW, SWEPT oven ME WA5 THAT CAVERNOU5 JAWJAMMED WITH THE LONG F/ W65 OF DEATH:COMING TOWARD Ms. .."1 swan THROUGH Iwssrr-' MARISJI M1575, mxso I warm 5CREAMlNG. .GROWl ;IN6 HALF-WOMAN,I14: 5157 CREATIIRE5, ALL:WITH 'I'IIg; FAcs army man BONITA 3 ALL- THROUGH THE WI-IOl. E .THING.HOWLW wn-II.T DEMONIAC -M flrk,ms was msroioas. _.ma.zANpsIz. ..~ I . TORCHES AND THE QOUND OF DRUMS COMING THIS 7 WAY. WI-IAT NOW?I-IE/ ,"IIGEP-!BONNIE!COMEBACK!DON'T BE FRIGI-ITENED!I WON'T.AND THAT'S ZAWANGAIYOU DEVIL-MAN "HIENATIVED 5H$7'DGEOOVVhV%I HOW IT HAP- oo.LIKE DOCTOR!nee:7IIA'r .1 ms PART orsaue spearPENED!I NEVER FRIENDLY TO HUMAN!suPI. =Iz/ vA'rI/ RAI.PLAN.1050 AFTER' KNOW IT 'nc-355: CAN'T KILL LION IKAM Au 71-IATHADHAPPENED.1 was ,some-5 2A WANGA-KO. SAVE us BEGINNING -ro BELIEVE I'I'AIELF. I UNBELIEv FROM SUCH EVIL .men,wyE; v_w5 eoragcg-m ' ' DR.z4NDER'5 PLACE. .." 22. DR. zANDEIz HOLD TAKE rr EA57.B0/55! I'LL- .tzususomro -'1'! -lE: H005_E AND BURSTINM-Dag:- INGA PI-lI5ONEP~..1, 60 IN AND 55? WHAT THI6 5ZANDE8'.5.;5ECRET ROOM, W'HERE'EVER, /BODY A 'I'_P. ! BAD MAGIC I9 ALL ABOUT. I PROMISE IWAE FORBIDDEN Ar-ENTER -' ON HER!UNLEs5 YOU INGA WON'T -'HE FREE HER,WHAT ARE How DARE vou INTERRIJPT M! NOT UNTILYOU I'LL'lELLlOUa EXPLAIN E'VEP. Y- ALL R161-| T!ALL THE FIRST QUBJECT. WHEN I THING--ABOUT THE WORLD WILL MADE THE 'IRANEI= u5IoN,I USED AND LISTEN Man o3NcLu5IvEI. BONNIE" AND QOON KNOW WHAT 5PEC| ALL/TREATED WHOLE BLOOD 10 REASON. BYTURNING INGA | NGA-- AND A MIRACLE I'VE OF A NEWLY KILLED TIGER CUB . ' INTO ATl6RE55.WHATEVER - PERFoRMEb, ANY- MVTHEORY HA5 LONG BEEN THAT CONTINUE 100. I WILL BE KIND OF HOW. .. AFTER 5UCI-I A 'IRAN5Fu5ION WOULD RICH.I= AMOIJ5 aIJT.. .I I - FIRST 1 5|-| A.Ll. . , ,; ,ME-NT PROVE5 KIND OF BEAST WHOSE BLOOD _ " DIsPoeE 3: .THAT WHAT I DID WAS FLOWING THROUGH HIS . .To / DUR.wII= E WAS OR HE| lVE! N5. IT woRI CAN HAVE FUN WITH OLD HANS ITIE DANJBE RIVER IZOIVS THROUGH SMALL TOWNS IN LOWER GERMANY.A7 173' NARROW POINTS,THERE ARE FERRYBOITS IO GIRRY HGSSENGERS 7U VNEOTHER SIDE.HERE IS TNE STRANGE STORY OF ONE FERRYMAN AND NI8 BARGE .. o WE'LL DISGUISE OURSELVES As I'LL MEET GHOSTS AND MAKE YOU HERE HANS FERRY us LATE ACROSS THE RIVER _I Touonnow HE'LL as scnnt-:0nausea;THE OLD FERIPYJIMN DID ASHE WAS TOLD.TNE _PRANK57'ER5' 601/13 IIAIIDLY KEEP FROM LAUGHING,BUT THE OLD MAN WAS FRIGHTENED INTO ' L > D:FERRY NEVER REACHED Ir:ptsrrmr/ av AND rm!rsnnmm AND ms anon ma orsanvuntax ms ramme- PEOPLE camera ms n/ vs ran Am.E5 IN SEARCH or may 9439: AND 7':NEW on /7.NOT A rue:or me mete ME/ V 0/v m:50.47 was EVER FOUND!uusr mar/ vsn 3.7.IN E/ IE.. !. 4L-9.9.?EH5. PERM 25. A misty form materialized from the black deprtihs. 'The form was a little below him,was walking,ftv ig slowly towards him as it ascended.It maddened him to realize that this gure could rise,while he himself was compelled to descend.The gure came closer,arms outstretched,tortured face twisted into convulsive lines of -stark horror. It was a man.Marci-rant remembered the stolid,square face of the German who had hurried b -,when he had been struggling with the huge body 0 Zrinyi. The German gazed at him dully,drifted past.He saw that the man's eyes were closing,with a seeming finality,only the upraised,imploring arms apparentlyhaving life.The heavy boots of the German drifted"past his head;the gure disappeared. "Lorna!Lorna,dearest!Where are you!I will come to you,if you will let me know where you are! "He had stopped descending at last.He was resting on what apparently was the bottom of the abysmal profundity.Black;reeking mire sucked at his feet,made his leaden steps even more diflicult,slower.Other gures wandered dimly around him on the lthy,steaming bottom.They were groping,search- ing.. .."Lorna!Lorna,where are"He saw her:She seemed miles away,her vague gure merging distantly with the black mists.Yet he could see her face,a white blotch that drifted closer and closer. Sluggishly,with maddening deliberation,his feet carried him towards her.He could see anothengure,.1 huge,distorted gure bearing down upon the girl from above.It was Zrinyi. The hideous man was nearing the girl,descending upon her with greater speed than Marchant coul summon into his lagging legs.-Lorna held out her arms,her terried eyes beseech- ing him to hurry,even as she endeavored to move toahim.He cursed his deadened legs and their mad- dening,slu ish motions,tried to run,and found that he co move no faster.- "Lorna!Lorna,darling,run to me!Beloved,there is some one trying to come near you.From above.Look above you! " ~As though she were unaware that Marchant was shouting to her,warning her,Lorna called to him: "john,dear!Come to me,please.Hurry,John.He is coming! " , _ Marchant felt the uncanny_ throb of her voice in his brain.He knew that he had not heard Lama call,something in his mind had telegli-aphed him she was pleading with-him. I "Lorna,darling!I'm coming as fast as I an ! "But he knew he could not hope to reach her before the black,sinister form of Zrinyi would descend u n her.Even as he watched,the hulking man r ed out,his huge arms encircling Lornas waist,pulling her to him.The diabolical face was twisted in a ter- rible expression,as it pressed near Lorna's white one. The girl and the clutching monster were locked for a moment,struggling with lethargic,sluggish move-ments.Lorna succeeded in pulling away from his. grasp.Zrinyi reached out,caught her again.Zrinyi's paws locked their ngers convulsivel in adath grip about her slender little throat.The agent 7tightened,Lorna:head was forced back,a horrible expression of pain and fear etching across her white face.The huge devil kept on choking,choking.. ..A black mist of futile rage swam before Mar- chant's blu'rred eyes,a dull roaring of his own brain pounding in his ears.If only he could nuke his.eaden legs move faster.. ..It was too late now.Loma lay limply on the sock- ing mire of the bottom.The end was bendiiig over her,staring at her.. .. The black mist clouded Mar- chant's vision again.Rage and frustration clamped as a vise about him.'The mist cleared,and he saw the ghastly form of the monster coming toward him,the face black and dernoniacial with a bitter rage.His ngers were ex- tended,clutching towards Marchant.Marchant moved as fast as he could to meet him,horror and revenge stirring his half~mad brain. Lorna!Where was she?-I-'le gazed about as he moved.Shapes,grotesque and horrible,still drifted aimlessly about him,above him.But Lorna had gone.She had disappeared.A moment agoor was it a centui-y? -she had been on 'her knees,then on her back,her white throat in the grasp of the ghoulish Zrinyi.Now she had been spirited aways was no-' where.Had Zrinyi killed her,and had she,iodeath.dissolveddnto nothing? A murderous fury consumed Marchant as he"snd- denly closed with the horrible s re of Zrinyi.This man had killed Lorna!Had rutally throttled her white,delicate throat.. .. At rst his rage lent him strength,and he seemed to overpower the malicious,inhuman thing with which he was ghting. But Zrinyi's' maniacal force soon wore him down.He was suddenly ghting I.hopeless, losing battle for what remained of his life. He felt himself,still struggling weakly,sink into the slimy mire at his feet.Gasping,he tore feebly at the hands about his windpipe,tried to loosen them. 26. Thengers remained incredibly rm,with a grip of a madman.Then blackness slowly stole over him.He felt -hisbody relax.go limp as his back sogged into the. mire. Lorna,Lorna!'DarlingI'm' dying.1 wi_ll be-- with you'~beloved. "He lay perfectly still. He was vaguely aware that there were no hands about his throat.He seemed to be oating through time and space.He was ascending.Far above,he could see the glimmer of light".It appeared a little stronger.If he were dead,and drifting toward Ely- sium,then hewould soon be with Lorna. His head and lungs were suddenly splitting,as though they had been a long time deprived or air. .He could drag no air- into his searing body. His eyes opened,became accustomed to the light.The f1'rst'thing he- saw was the beloved face _of Lorna.He gasped" her -name,heard her murmer his.Her featureswere contracted at first in fear,but as he moved,she broke into a tired;relieved smile,pressed herwet face against his, ,sobbed: "John!john!Thank heaven! -' -A man's heavy,uniformed body was crawling off Marchant's aching chest and stomach.The man,he- realized,was a member of "the Arcadia:crew,and. -had been working over hirn, restoring life-giving air into his lungs by means of articial respiration. _ "You're-okay now,buddy, the sailor muttered."And. you'~re "lucky. "Marchant looked about him.He was in one of the large-lifeboats of the Arradicr.There were six or sev- en seamen in the boat.The others,some fteen or so,were,like himself and Lorna,passer:ers on the Arcadia.They were hudclling together un er blankets trying to warm their. wet,chilled bodies.The sailors were pullingat long oars,weaving the boat in and onto the'debris and Twreckage which floated-about on'the~ surface of the oily water.From time to time the_boat stopped and the crew shed exhausted hu-rnan-beings out of the water. One of the bodies oated neat,arms flutterin slightly.Marchant saw when the crew had helpe the man into the boat,that it was'the stplid-faced Gerrnanh1alf drowned,gasping hoarsely as he sucked air into his bursting lungs.~ . Marchant turned to Lorna,pressed her cold cheek against his,kissed her."Thank heaven you're all right, " he breathed. Hecould see-no sign of the Arcadia,the huge passenger liner upon which he and Lorna had been returning from a tour of Europe.Nothing bu't an oily,turbulent vsurfaceremained where she big ship "had been.He saw distantly the skyline of New York's Lower Manhattan.There were the buildings he had been so glad to see again.They were almost within sight of the harbor.He saw -tugboats and re-boats steaming toward them,their sirens blasting. "The Arcadia sank? " he asked in a low voice.Lorna nodded. "Yes.One of the engine rooms caught on re.The boilers burst,blowing holes through the bottom of theship.She went down almost at once.0nly_a few of us were saved. " 'Mai-chant" 'rernembcred the ominous trembling of the polished salon deck,it should have warned him thansomething was wrong.Then the terric heir coming through the bulkheads "and a ventilator-he had ignored that also,until too late.The explosion- that had been . one of the boilers going.The flash of re,and the sharp blow on his head when he had been hurled against the suddenly slanting deck rail.. ... lt all -came back to him now,vividly,rapidly.He had been unconsgious mm!have becnhad sunk probably to the bottom of the river along with some of the other passengers.Lorna had gone down too,had risen to the surface before him,after strug-- giving withHe started as he gazed u on Lorna'_s throat.The soft white flesh was horrib inamed.there were ugly,livid welts-nger'mar .6."Lorna! " he rasped.That man!Zrinyi!That in- human beast who talked about doomsday,just before we went down!Your throat?Who was he? "The sailor who had worked over him,said: "Yeah,buddy,your girl friend asked about him,too.'l; hat guy was a nut.We've taken him across before.Some kindpof foreigner who went around preaching about how the day of judgrnent's always coming.He just happened to be spouting it to you when the boilers busted and tore us apart.He went down,too. ""But her throat-the marks""Yeah, " the sailor said."Your own necks scratched., up some,too.That guy was drowning.A drowning man who can't swim will grab anything he can gethis hands on.First clothes,then neck-strangl_in'.When he grabbed your neck and the young lady's,it practically knocked you both out,I guess.When you lay still,you sanlo-ok- lot tells how to takeadvantage ol correct choice of clothes.pwmrua cl nah pnpaid. llaanurIn15=P-tall-I up and other secret: 9""luhelp you Iaoltyeora ' 5-*younger.pounds andMMinches llinuner.will be included with your order. :ddle. 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