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BAKER k - Rockaway Township Free Public...

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Offers th* Larr«t Utmttttt TO ASTBtTIOIS! VOL XVII DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, MARCH 26 1887. NO17 TMB Of* MBA OSM M Haaknl IW, Mtafu ta. latieeal HIM laak. TBBBi Of (DBtOBIFTIOB ItVASIA BLY IX ADVAXCI. Oaa Tata H i Hoama 1.08 .' H Ba\t(P. I wa. 2 waa. S waa. 1 at., 1 Tr, ais 2 75 a HI < Ml 5 ni 1(1 CPU 15 H 110 900 lit SOI 6 % 6 60 8(10 17 00 I area. 5 00 to 6U) 10 09 i»a> 16 00 a to urn Saoa. 660 01) II Oil IS 00 1(1*5 I t OU SB 00 •SOU 15 50 35 011 29 50 4 ma 16 mnniil» p so. o. ocwiiin, a. D.,' QISEHAL PltACTITIOrHB. nn> rmJMjpr a TET, Tncunn Or ataUBI.Ii DUEaSEI. omci AT TH nu nom, DOTU, «. I i (In •mar «f sieaaMitM MM m. DOVER. N. J. I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. a.*a-i. uu ". 'rrmi D . n.lwr m»t, ticiug nine ™lK.f««ii|..r.1^r- ' • in* lubrin? iu urn,... . . = aadcroalh or aflhrunlMni, within tlie timuto liuifieil.will Ira r-n.vir burrcl or UN or Bur Mibm therefor, agiiiutt tlie *d>n,n'Btr»tiil. Oftltd tbe flr.t IUV or Wiroli A. D. 1W7. ENILVO. .UMMILL, Ailmmiitt Kills, lttw Dmkeiillle, N.J. f CODMUVOB-aT-UW, UMM aiMil in KOTUI rvauo, |E0» BU BDILDIHO, D0TI1I. «". J T O.BI1BWI1TH, I . » . DOVER, S. J. uiLnn or oiiw A»B MIKEUU, dUBVZIB OF M1BB. A Ual ofolianrwr.ralek.4 OR afpllratloa. f a«ft«wjt.»ts,» AajtBt, opp.poflT OFFIOE, DOTH, M J. local))' inthortlfil afteut, with cnrllSuat* of •mttiurlty Kir tbe **rptt rompanlea In the Wiirftl, looliidiug lite following; CONTINENTAL. OF NKW TOBK. \ ORKMA^U. OV.IIKW YORK. .._ _ oil lirftp ciimpiniri. HHhur nith 'hPtn-Kvulaal rennotmii.ility of A LBRIDOB 0. SMITH, (LATKOr MKiaUKIDBtfHlTII,) * COUNiirXLOIf-AT-LAW, IM BaowirAT, SowYork. llnU.au, Dover, X. J. L. W. THURBER, or nnuo seaooui OOVSTf• D IffOBB, DOVER BAND, f rof. Frank Kemtler, Leiifer. j>MM S. Mtllck PrttlaeMt. Tbn nHi«rt or 1h« Dover llantl m\mh to tuNHe to tli<« |inblio that tiivj are JOHN DIUMMOV MUVINfl AMD HMR BALOON. SUSSEX STREET tumnniMiMi . Q. BOOKBrELLEE, DOVER, N.J. '. ««•. •»• paat*4Va, IL. .mim wooDJetaeW. LF. JOLLEY & Co., SHIRT M.NIFACTORERI, •EN'S FURNISHERS, 831 BROAD St. NEWARK, N. J. D IBIT nod ra •>• aoto. ESTABLISHED 183a flEORGI E. VOOHBEES, PAINTS, OILS, fcc. AUnCILTIML IRPLEBENTt 8AFE8 AMD BOALE8. DR.G.W.McDAVIT DENTIST, JOHN J. ECKHART, llMBMtot to linilh kBeklitrt.) MAHOI ABiD BUILDER. n-ir S. H. BENJAMIN, PAISTEB, OUoa ia aba ridI1OV UHA 111 BOUUIIJ ST.. UOVGB, V. J. MOVIE AND II6N MINTING, CANBItUB PAIKTIMU. Paper iiolr.1. ele. . . . . . . .„. rj kluit, aad furulali wale- n«ht, «a tUu ltiwe. |Hja#llflu trru. cuttiiii Itta Ibaexer.utfan al' re»llj> gauil work. NOTICE! IteUte of DNT1«I llMtmell, IORBUAKT lu tbe ur<lrr nf the Hurrontt *. » . v l u v ua "TV ira HIV Dl day of IbW., A ' i r t c , notice It Ii il Otuiulj of .Unrrirt.(l<'o<-!ini'(l l to preit nt Hie me, nptlrr omhor •fllnni.tmi, tci (tu »ah- J.J.LANQDON AT THE MT. PLEASANT STORK in oCerinix cain|>l»t« Hwi'in allfcindiof BEST! FLOUR! AT THE I.OWKBT QUU1E1I 1'BICEa. N.L r. utitlo tb-ai (a the fiillwt FORCITE POWDER Is tke best bluting »ow- derlntke mtirket k 35 per cent, stronger thM «ny known raplMvc. IN not ax danittroiw lo huudle or tnwtport. IK \tltwtle, and produces much lets tune*. h waterproof iiiid I*told tw!o«rw) any other Mich explosive. Ai ianieu fasti fnk HT[ b, OIBci: SS llktrty St., N. V. Wwkt: DrakMVIII*, N. I. r T l i r Will lanUb * b.nd ot lr ' i l r a * i *y '*^" l ''» Plllt HALE. a»allf.r«« r *laer». t lio.ae a.d wilier bulliliuiiB; nnr*. dear. Ital.nr* In <t. (1,™1 aprliu •«!«. variety of frail a. On Ml. ll»|» null alpont «ii« a.d a luile. Irnai liuvi-r, For |.uill.-Mhr« m- _.r. .1 lit aSuA t « o . er J... II Nolu .!-.«>. •il'j, U.«.r,» i- 141.0 » FOR 8ALE. lor law. |J ll. Uoo« •t X.I Mil l I" lh.«»«.li.»ii o« Ml. I U ~ii »*» *•••, I" 1 ?" """ * Vl«-Mr wf all liieuwlinliDtl. luqnln «t inClu <J>ta or r FOB RENT. FOR RENT. FOB RENT. OHAS. LURCH, DRAKE & KING, < BIra. GrOOIMS, 6R0CCRIU M* PROVISIONS, BOOTS and SHOES, •nil evor.rUiIng wliicli la eouonillr kept in IUJ line uf ltuaiu««a. I toatn » «|ici<<i)ty oi CK HAMS !<<)• atv nckuowlMn.'il lo bu (he liudtlii (bo irki>t. Kv^rftlilnti Inniv utore twid a* .. >ai>un lb» 4>hf«tw»t. A l i o n l f n rtellverwl |irom|>ilv. OIVB uii! Hcull •ml joa vlll lie vim v iu <«d as tu xnod* und |>rlurs. J. J. LANnOOH, Amos H. Van Horn, 73U1ETST.J£FM,N.J. Hill likt •<««• l*r O'arppt «•• ranltarc • • t»t» »rlia. wllh naittll «rp«>ll • ' • tkcai u< h*M tkeai-«>ll Nl %vUk«Mt calra ckirih MININ0IACD1HSI1K MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON Co. AIH CUNFRr0HOHP, •isl #g*clSHcr. IIOWTIftU RN<ilNG«, M'MPIKO BVIJINKI. ••4 twmkii COHMDH Hr.it IIHI Lliibl 0»nta«i la Ina. Iran, »nt) PhoMpli'tr SroniD, rurtlna or evarr dc Ml* I BOaEWl . » , . o Ml* I The Equipment of Imn Hlie* ipetlalty. «C.-.flEIfr..IOTl'1 THE IEIT HOLIDAY GIFT \ far lie aomlng year, In 781 ft 7S6 BROAD Br.. NBWAHK, NEWI-KUKI -:- NEWTERM I DAY AND EVENING HE88IONH. l^utnansbfp, nwk-krnp>iig, Arithmetic •fi' fVibrmtnontfai. ,,.„,,. „„ JB «»d C»rt Wnttnf. [rwudUameHEd a T. jrmnai^ K rmniilh. S ritmi, d BSsftHiffiS SEARIM0 * 8HARP -. S-.^icsSar-.'si^.T, MIIPENIEIISANDIUILDEM, WILLIAM KING ruomtx BOOT ASD8IOB MAKER. OOVEM, Hi, I • I [Sliop on ITnlofi Bt., npp. Dn.tr lainlier juH) Are prepared in t ^ e ami fxecata all en.. Iraela lorTjUl iliriai, aad nrDlaa n.urlali, nranaaud auedlwloa*. >baa dtalrai]. HWe Bo>fMHdoae la th. beat n a u e r a" •it. Ibe beat materiala. JnliMna a • Iwofallr. andeleceted picnptl.* la a wjtamanuke faiaoer. 3. 0. Sa*a«o. WM. M. |F«« »..T >ear. .Itb tt. Y. B. » HOTEL. CM«ty CaNtetH-'t NttlM. Tb« C...t» Colleetor .III b. •!1 »• I.™, •atr'a oHlm. »,irri.lo««, far ta« tranneUea !r bailnna, on TliarwUj »f eaeb »ea«, tniai »o'clock A. B., tola aflaia*, U. All spat- •ODlr.itaaar., Ll«.b..ld be addrea^d u IU.U. W B«.u,« IbuLinjta^ BUCHAHAH BROS. PAINTERS. •ILLIHERri RULLIMERY lb.W~lF.il atrlea «aakaf«adU MRS. GEO. FABR'S SHOES! SHOES! Who would purchase a maohine made shoe when HEAGAN be CO. will furnish their own make Little Falls Calf, Button, Laced and Congress at the following astonishing prices: Calf Toy, plain ar t»K« ••!•• - - • - ; - - • S3.60 " Cmgreii - - - I- • - 3.50 hand itwtd, uinleit, • • j' - - - •.SO Kid " " " " . . . ; - . . 500 We accumulate this line of Shoes in dull season that we mar keep our men steadily employed in order to retain their services for the busy season- The quantity 61 these goods are limited, and every pair will outwear two pair of faotory made goods. Come early and supply yourselves. HIAOANtt CO., OPPDLiWRFDEPOT, DOVEB.HJ. ijutli Florida during tbe pnst few duyu, tinniioi)re«F«J witb (lie material firog- •fflB hviog niiiile in Hiis pnrt o( IhoStale, is wfll at with il» buuuty. At Euatis iu Drtingc cuutil v u fuw days agn. I taut mj frlcuil Col. '•* Ii. ]{jtlinja^1^r^fUf<ur]jJ^;< Htwo brotlieisis oamlacling a Tory 6iK'co;aful bauk nt that place. On rut muniiua lifter tu; BTlivnl I RUV OF THE 1ANUFAC1URER AT FIRST COST. cd in no; putt of Ibe dtate, And (he great number ot lakes girus this the name of "Ibe Lako Bugion" of Florida, a bili in very oppropiliito for lirro 60 pieona Botly BriinHulM per yard tl.25, reOaced to !t!) ccutH. 100 [>iecos Tajiestry DraBselii por yard 75 couts, reduced to 50 cents. 100 rteves 3 cents. 1PARLO SUITS I 50 Pnlor Baits, all tho latest styles of fnmea, upbolatered in Plain Moli.it anil EmbMael Plunb, regukr price t7S, rojaced io ISO. 25 Parlor Suits, (7 pieces), Walnut frames, regular price tSQ, reduced to *30. BEDKOOM -:- SUITS. 50 Walnut Bedroom Baits, Ibrble Top, 8 pieces, regular price 105, reduced to 9a.m. 50 Walnut Bedroom Suits, Marble Top, B pieces, regular price ISO, reduced to 137.00. 60 Antique Oak Bedroom Suits, 8 pieces, regular price IN), reduced to |3J>. SO Ash Bedroom Suits, regular price ISO, reduced to 137.50 50 Ask Bedroom Suits, regular price WS, reduced to »21S0. M) Cherry Bedroom Suits, regular price •40, to close them out only (27.50, 25 Bed Loncges, regular priceIB, reduced te (4.75. 35 good mixed Mattresses only M, reduced to SS. 35 good Bedsprings, regular price 13, reduced to 11.50. 25 0 ft. Extension Tables, regular price 17, reduced to W.75, i WIU SHU MY EXTIBE STOCK C0KS1ST1KU Oh' Marble T«p Tables, Sideboards, Clothes Presses, Book Cases, Writing Desks, Extension Tables, Chairs of all kinds, Bedding, Stoves, Oll-clotb, etc., etc., —NEABLY AT— COST FRICHS and hold Ilium until Spring with a nmnll depoait on them without extra charge. (EASY TEUMS OF PAYMENT.) pf Qood. dsurand fraa d oban. lo say part ef Iks Hats. AMOS H. VAN HORN, 73 MARKET STREET, NEWARK. CASTORIA far Infanta and Children. CARRIAGE PAINTING. J, J. VBEELAND CHA8. G. GKIFFFN, oirna Ilia \xtt lldanmaiila'tii Ibla Una la lha l lraelloai li> baaal»«ja (l>aa lo Pli l h k tba >arj «»<l.. i , •araraarababaabaaaliilMialaraa. ataran ro«mla >Ha«^^g^^ ghop on fflUtm DOVEB.I.J. B tk« DowrLsaibwC)oat- Like ime wl» imn Wth m With teudor pain. Bo stand t nowwith inhaled pain nnd Alter ICHIK iilisonce, HI a Well-known door WIJIGJI HMI i r*t I uil ouci) my ttavllLitf. MM bttxt treasuro III rtiljs of vor«. * ' Btill litootii the n»>>> with their old-time aim Komiil tliii dear cottase In my natlvo land; I'rtuimi-il in tliti Imdita wituall Its moutcdnea 'Tlie oldelmi sUnd. 111 li:,ii>* tho rViinialn witli Its llubt imliation, Yean luivo nut than nud It; now, as tlion, •nt' rlvor utU IuilirfllNtiinct' llko a silver slreitiii; Ami iiriKliUy ukaiiu All! 1> i Hint Ion •Kill Here! nut liercl"tlie murraurliitf eK i-tra* Xl.'hfl, Iff clmrlHliud niHi'H inniiriihilly n.-|ily ir )Vr llinNiift knvii Hie Hlindawi we»tivarJ craej - FLORIDA LETTER. (JBbAKDD, Mflici.l8tb,'1887. EDITOU OF IBUH EIIA : DKAK KIB :—AS I buvc LnJ occnBionto tf of lLo lowua io tin' nour fillnMi. A Kt'Mtleinnn Lin uu lie re from Louisiituii aud in cr ;i\\ iu rune eujliiri 1 . Ke mtysthin; undent r l o any Imifl Ilicrc is io L uiics tin: fcrnson in m miu'l) loii^f c tbiii c:iui- will lippu nhiloit ncv. 'a iu fh<; o!.l cauc fifowiuf,' Htnlc on vory easy (cilus, but they will itico iD*|'i'iop. Tittle uro tun young men, u(>i>bij«» of Col. A. E. MeUIurc, of u (sou ol [lau. Willmui V. Kelly I*J,, vim is visiting hero told tuc tin f ymiup UIPD are unking: from livo to aix buudrcil iiollurs OD rere tliiu win ter, growing culiUigos. Tlio rich vegi ub'o deposit cmtheso Ittiiils wonhi BUT- iriso a fafiiif!' from tliepniirieH of Illi coifi, R>ot vcgtilablup, ricound oano arc lio ttiiii^s tliitt tliriYu licHt here, rliile cvur^iliiuf; will groir witli mucli J.SH labor ot uulliviitiut) llmu perl uny where «lmi in111^ country. 'rniH am) comli'.iunn of Ibt Hale of t ndf, but I tlutl tliin letter is too i aud if iniy of yutir ri'itkrs waut any iu- formntiou, a loiter uiliiressod tu Hi Himiltoii Disstoii, Tbila., or Mr. Wil- liam CiiQDon, KisHiiuuiee, Fla., will no doubt bo promptly imBwrr^l. Aud I find I cannot n:iy anything nbout ily of Uilaudo, whine growth iu atuioat pbuDomiuul.liuUliin way bu rcrcrrnil to at another time. 1 ; 11ud 1bo ('ulunet'H brotber vitli a leum iiud fiurinfo wuitiug furtuunt Ibe rnnk wlmii 1 «ont out from b , ttiil an I ti»il n few hours of leisure liis uvituliontu tlrivo WUB ncecptcJ, We Irovo about iituoug tbu U-autifnl lakes MUfit IV-oirlc When 11 ntimber ol gooii-lintuorcd peo- ple ura nutting out, brigbt and curly in , «u fiuaiu exhilarating ex- iH'ilition, it is pleuBuut tu notice b>>\ i\.ii L-xpanttive ttiuy aie. For tb. first lioitr they talk ivll nl ODGO, laugbing beir words rattier tlrnn speaUing t But as tlio foreuuou goes on, oue afttr notliot drops gradually into cumpara' i i l I i Ia a large factory iu which were cur ployed sevttral huDdrcd persoas. one ol workoietj, in wieldiug Lis bummei tlimaly ullowuil it Iu Klip from In finoJ. It flew half wuy ncroBa the rouiu und sirtick a fellow wort urn u in tbe Ir The mail averred tbat bbj eye v, blinded by tho blow, although 11 eami eimiiuatiou fuiluJI tort-VLiil any injury, tbcro lieiug nut u tcralch vjniblc. Ik iglit a fiiit in the courts for com- |.0Qsalion for tUo loss of half Lis ci light, and refused all offer* of co nom'ne. Uuder tho l»w Ibe owner tlie fuctory wna reapousible fur uu iujury resulting fiom uu accident of this kiml, uud, Dltliougli tie believed tbat tha man shammiug, nud tliufc tlm wbolc ens was un lit tempt nt Bwiinlliog, bo bin about mudti up bis mind tliut Uo woulil be compelled to pay the claim, XLc <lny •f tlie triiil arrived, uud in ojiou cnml iu ciuiiietit oculist retnioei by tho <1 Tcncn cxniuiuod the alligeil injtir i\w,r, nad gave it ns liin opiuion tli it WUHm gooil as tho riglituyt). U|)i the pluintiff'ri loud protest of bis iuuliilitj to etc with liU left eye, tho oculist proved him a perjurer ami satisfied tU< court and jury of the falsity of bit? claim Aud how do you HUpposo lio did it ? Wliy, limply by knowing tint tbo uolora green nod red combined mnlco block. He prepared a black card on which a few words were written with green iuk, Then the plaintiff was ordered lo put OD a pair of spectacles with two different en, tlio ooe for tho right eyebeing red ami the one for the left eye consiit iugof ordimiiy glass. Then tbe card il») K, wliioli ure not exue t witln'n of eaeli other oro ike Entstia, wliohcoutniui a i n j uaie njilea, Lukti Dora witli (wcutj- 111- niikri, Luke Harris ninety miles, ike Clriflln Kicbly to iiint't^ miles, •ud «itb liotwrtnfoiiniuJ tire iied square miles, bctiide a Dumber if ntuullei lakes which would be culled ponda " in New Ji-rscj-, HUCII US Like Dot" named for tbe daughter ol Col. NnrtoD, L'ike "Dk-io " eo called utter B bfiiuliful HpuoiHli ludy, Lnko " Nettie," Lako "Grncic," Lnko " Qurlruile/'Luke "Iroia"andolhem. The drive lasted tciverul bourfl, and uottiing coald bnve becu mureeiijoyuble. Mr. Bishop de- " nil tlio nature, und history of Hie lukes nod Rroves, e»ina the value of the •utter, wbich in about oi.e thousand AoU tars per acre, und told of their owuern, some of wliicli have national repntatious. Among tbem ore Bonntor 8. B. Cuoover H. Noiton. pant commtoder 6f"fte ii3- partmeDt uf Florid*, G. A. It., Col. MOKCBJ. Tut lor, Hon. Hamilton Jay, •oil Dr. W. K- Feadletou, ei President of a Virginia Votlege. We met at tbe Oobluiratm Home Mm. Stcbbina, tbe wire of tbe noted alnger of BrooklfD. New Tfm k, and manj otben who an bcra cither for health or pleasure and who apead tbe time eating fruit, plajiDg Burnett, ind driving, or walking about atiiidM tbo bMatifal iniroaudinii, Iriokiog in new life and vigor for home Intiea. A noticeable feature of this lake n ia Ibe bcantiful anoseti. ET«J one at tbe bolel was profuse ia eiotanm- liona of Burpriau nnUdelight at tbe beuutj of tbe «aatern »ky as Ibe light reflected from tho lake painted tbe cloads io most forgeaas baea. Tbe company ns veil Ibe enisino at tbto hotel was ao attractive that it w*» liard to leave, bat tbe line came and after j niilea ri<lo behind "real Teinn Jack," as Mark Twain would B»y, we reached Tuvorcs where we look traio for Orlaodo, tbe county teat of Orange unty, the heart of the Orange "bolt. 1 * A few days stop hero, then we goto ramee City, which is a beautiful and Ihriving place, and ii atito at the head ol otber chain of largo lakes, with jaw- breuktng uumes, Tbe Tropical botel wbicb fronts on Like TobopekaiiRO, ii an eicelleut boaae, where we met Biabop Wbtppie of Mivnesota, wbo has been and still ia the great blend of the Indian. Tbe fifnhnp lectured in tbe evening on the "North American Indiana," among whom be has lived during the pant Iwcnlj-seven years. His description of the treatment of our "words" by the wbiteman, and ntnries of wrong, and suffering of tribes and individual! brought tenra to many cyea. While their uoli.e trcita of cLarnoler, fidelity, loynltv end truthfulness, etc., as cx< plaintJ by tbe Bishop, gave ill present better opinion of the noble ml man than wo bad ever had before. He said among other things that be has yet to learn of a single int-Unee ot cruelty by an Indian when tbe white nan bad tot given provocation for it. I will relate one instance about which most people are ignorant, and a ease where tbe treachery of tbe Indian baa been BO severely denounced. Tho Binbopuid that the man in tbe Ifoboc band of Captain Juck who killed General Oanby nnder a flag of truce, bad hia owl ftitlier killed by a whilo man atao under a flag ofti nee. Tbia region i* very inlercstiDg for they have ceutted to cDjoy tbe excursion i each other, but tbe first effervescence of tho uncorked animal Bi-irits of tbe morning has spout itself. In a similar fushiou, an we get on in ifc past tbo period of obstreperous youth, wo incline to talk less nud write less, especially OD Ibe topics which we have most at heart. The yaungor p#o- B notice Ibis, and think it m bqoauso tare growing lukewuru on these unit- tent. 1'hey duptoro us, umoog them- solves, ai bring "lost leaders,"or lost vers, or this aud tbd other fine '. Bat 1bought ia deeper and itrouger in asn»w, ucrlinps, thnti when was visible at the surface and made more noise. Wo ata Ijeginoiog to real- ite the UBolesHueHii of pcrpetunlly talkiunr, ihat is all. If there in u thing to be said wo prefer to wnit nn<l Bay it only when and wheie it vill hit somutbiug or soiue- body. Moreover, if tboyouug^tern will ob- irve uu a little, they uiity Bee that we aay a number of thingH-uud pretty forcibly, too—by simply taking them (or py g They might follow us around, and B and 0, nud a half docen more of us elders, and linten toour talk for a wbole week without even bearing from m a Binglti nrgnreont or exhortation ou fol. In tbo gronud*. of Ibe hotel wbicb I bsYe >M>Din FluHdii, there are beaatifn and ilelicalc flowers blooming every month io tlieje-T. I saw tutK roses,' lowers, tea roses, several members of Ihe geraninra fnmilynnd many others as (ra- gnint anil brnntifnla* wo find themin June nt the nnrll. Anotbtr very iulerebt- ing feature of the country is its tukea and Bjstem of ilrainnge. A compnny of whicli Mr. Hniailton Dintou, of Phila- delphia, is the heml. In cnttiiiga ounul throngb from Lake Tobopekoligo, which baa tevcuty square miles, toLako Ki •imtnee, which covers abont one hnadred and twenty square mile*, tbenco to Lib Ococbobee, which covers nearly 1w hundred miles, and tbence to Cbnrloth Hitbor wbicli trnplies into tbe Ualf o; Mexico. Tbe c.inal will he nearly (w handredmileBip length and will droll (oar million acres ot tbo richest sagai Un/- in MB "r p ire quiet anl Hilo p It is not that tho writing on it. Tbia bo did witliodt hesitation and tbo cheat was nt OIICQ exposed. The Bound right eye, Btfed with the red glais, was unable to distinguish tbe green writing on tbe ulaok surface of tbe card, wbile the left -ye, which be pretended wns nightie. IHthe oou with which tbo reading hod o be done 1i; rf v Ther Uve the Mllitirj. Everyl>oily knows what an irresistible Bcionlion a uniform bas for woman, ind wban there's a man in it—well, tbo lictionary is a nseleas adjanct in P I irciaiug the fomiuiae condition uudcr mcb uiroumbt»nct>H. Iu Wusliiogton. irmy and navy oflictrs are in tbeir glory, nd wlicn in uniform arc in u double I017. I know one naval offlcoi, young in years, elroog in mind andbravo as icy mnke tbem, wbo witbal IOTCB to lave bis fun. In the hotel wliero LB ves are many pretty girls, and they a.ro natnrully very fond of him, even IU his liieu'i olotbea. They bud never seen ilm in uniform and initiated tbut be pat on BOtbey conld have "just one look." e refused for 11 long lime, but filially rrecd UBOU one «ouditiou, and tbat was tbatthey each pay n quarter for tlo show, tbe "pot" to go to some charitable insti- tution. It struek them Hagood thing nd tho offloer decked himself out in nil hi* briny finery, put a high government flfcinl at tbo door, posed himself in t moot graceful attitude ia tho only arm chair in bis room and rang tbo curtain h nwan Thick-nud-Th.Q Pdrtisana, or the Cane of Iho Ignorant Vote. But they would aoou Dutlce tbat what we qnfctljr take for grunted in our l»lk wonld forcish a number oFtolerably strong creeds or ptittlormB. Tbey might come to tbe con- clusion, loo, tbat Ibis quiet taking of certain thing* for grsnjed by sensible and vigoroua men nod women ia not to i dispised, RS U working force, inc pariaon with wboln parlors full of vooifer- ous ohitter—Atlantic AMm ! • » Venn ••«. Don't worry, my aon, OODI worry. Don't worry about something that yon think nay happen to-morrow, because you wuy die to-night und to-morrow will find yon beyond tbe read of woiry. Don't worry over a thing that happened yesterday, because yesterday is a, hundred yean away. If you ilou't believo (t just try to reach after it and bring it back. Don't worry about anything tbat Is hap- pening to-day, beo.inne today will only last fifteen or twenty nuuates. If joa Joo't believe At tell your crediton you'll be ready ta settle iu fall with thornat minuet. Dant worry ub3Ut tbinga you can't help, because worry only makes them worse. Dou't worry abuut things yon on help, becnuao then there's no need to worry. Djn't worry nt all. If you want to bo penitent now and then, it won't hurt you a bit lo go Into the uokcloth ind »heibuiineuB little. It will do yoa good. If yon want lo cry a little once in s long while, that isn't > bad thing. I[ 70a feel Hko going'out and clubbing yourself occasionally, I think you need it and will lend jou % helping band at it. and pat a plaster on yon afterward. All these things will do yoa good. Bat worry, worry, worry, fret, fret, fret—why, there's neither sor. row, penitence, strength, penance, refor- mation, hope, nor reaoloiioa in it. It's jost worry. »« Terrtbbt HMI VIJ. Mr. J. T. Hill, of Bed Fork. I. T. one of Ihe oldest cattle shippers in the ooanlry,ia at the Planters' House. Speaking ot tho beelflyand tbe wny it iffrcts cattle, he uid ; " Tbe heel fly is so iniect closely resembling tbe yellow horsefly ioeverything rxcept color, the former insect being black. Tbey m times appear in greut swarms among the herds, snti sting the cattle iu tbe leg or boel, depositing eggs under Ihe skin Tbii wonld seem a small matter, bat it seta Ihe cattle perfectly wild, and it is imposaiblu to I10I1I n herd when tbia fly ia about. Tbey rash around as if mad nnder tbo inlolerjble torture, ami I hiive a them riprinu over a forty-foot bank In order lo get into uniVj Water, which iii tu hv the uuly tbiutf which can give them relief. They low flesh rapidly when the My is bud, and reaiHty succumb to II10 GligliteHt indisposition. The fly % pe.'t for wbicli there teems tj be 1 remeby. A .lllkmili it mi; Dull. Hott to Miss Chalkly (duufihter of teuUliy miliruao)—"Wtaj, my dvar Miss CL .Uly, wliy do yoa nut juin us in tbe ballrootn ?" 1 BeeaiiM I'VE h*»en iosntted." WhoiDsaltcJycn ?" 1 One of tliune gnloots osked mo if dress was n watered silk. Wuforetl, in- deed 1 Fd never waters hii milk." Thcr tbr&ib wbeat lo get tbe good -,_'Uhes out of it. Tl-T'j \ to eetft*'-goo^ <iua!iffo*iu(o /u'm. A Sclentiflfl Eiperimenl- ' What's the mutter with yonr nose, Billy ?" "Well, Jim Stokos told ma that if ft dog run at me, and I would juatturn mj back to him aud look at him frombe- tween my legs, be would run away, and so I tried it witb Vr. Jones' big Buwaer." "Well, what then T" " What then ! Why, are jer blind f" A. A. Cllckner, an old oiseu of Phillipsburn, died ou Saturday, from injuries received two eeks ago by •lipping and falling *n tbe orofaJeitwyCitjIerryboikt. He waalaths i]>loy of the Central Builrotd (or over thirty-Mine yeara, during most of wlilnh time be NrTcd AN hiwjinie master. Ho was fre- quentlyflukedto become a conductor, bat ••- ays refused, lie icrved on one traia for twenty-eight years.^ _ ^ Tbe iron industry it Oxford It on the in- ireup. Uat week certificate*: of incorporation iuued fur the Beuener Iron Or* Cm- pauy, of Batvi<ler«ioapital itock iiOO.OOO. Ibe newcompaar will open mim« at Oxford, •pon thefanm ofQuDrge Keyaer a«cl the lute Plillil* Un»b. A l*r XB number of tuea wUl 1M employed. An O.tor.i man adrerllses in tbe atr Un Bevim tbat he will m r r j «y lady with good dliDOfition atd a few aorei of land, la ulaiug for a oentDsnion. do when a norpse is lying iu state, and Mull gated npoa kin in bia beauty and igbtdfortbeiaipoMible. Ariga"bandi ff" was put apover him, and be aat nder it grand, gloomy and peculiar, a algtat once neen never forgotten. He neTer tnoTed, but sat tnere like patience on « monumflnt amiling at grief, and the girts pasted on around, and oat again into tbe cold, cold balla wliera nniforms •CM oalj at memory. .75. Total receipt*, From sn interview with OapL Dease, who wu in charge of the Stanley Falla, OH tbe Coago river, daring tbe teeeat snoeeasfal attack by tbe Arabs ou Uut post, and who is BOW in Londoi, il ap- tbat he and Lieut. Duboh de- fended tbe plaoe until tbeir ammanitios was exhausted. Tbe Arabs then attacked the station with a nub. and carried everything before tbem. When the whites found it neoesaary tofly,Deane ordered petroleum poured on tbe boild- ingi and tbat they be set on Are. Then and bis parly escaped through tlie nderwood, and be anil Duboistell from slippery rook into the river. Deane •am ashore, leaving Daboio clinging to tbe rook. Wbile Deane was seeking aasUtance lor Dabois tbe latter beoante eihauslet. and fell away from the rook ind vii drowsed. Doano fled into the jangle,where he wanbuntej and tracked by the Arabs for » month, lie 1 barefooted all this time and bad onlya blanket to cover him. He was wounded in one of bis ttilghs and in one arm, aad ved oi locust* and wild fruit until be wai found and lesoued by friendly palivcs. ' lKtVt 8M It at First. A joke ii a mystery to some people. In a certain court in Maine, one lime, the proceeding* were delayed by the failire of a witness namod Sarah Xoaj to arrive. Afler waiting a long tine for aarab, tbe •onrt concluded towait no «er, and wishing to crtuk bis little joke remarked. •'This court will adjourn without Sarah Hony." Everybody laughed eioept one man, wbo sit is solemn meditation for five minntoa, and then barst into a hearty guffaw, esclaJmtug,— "I nee it I I see it r When he weal bone he tried lo tell tbe joke to his wife; "Then WM a witness named Vary Mony, who didn't eom?," said he, " and so the court said, 'We'll adjonrn without Marv-mony. 11 ' "Idoo't seo aay point to that, I'm sure," uid his wife. "Ikno* it,"said he; "I ilidn't a Oral; bat you wilt in about live urinates, 1 A Hvkewie U Bay LssltUaa. Some one oncu asked John Jacob Aa- lor about the largest sumof money he ever made at any one time in his life. He sal(1 in reply : " The lurgest sntn miBsuil mnkiag was in reference to the purchase of Louisiana in connection with IJcWitt Oiiuton, Oouverneur Mor- i-, ami ctbert. We intended in par- chase all of tbat province of the Emperor Njpoleon aad then sell it to Pr<*ideut Jiffereon at the same pi ice, merely w- ing tbe public domain, charging 3(' per cent, cotnmianion on the pflrcliaso." It fell through, however, fur sons triffling cause or otiier. Had tbey suc- ceeded Mr. Astor estimated tbit he should have mode abont 130,000,000. Coal wuigbing for retail is apt to be a abort weigh from tbe truth, They bad a gurman at Hans Schmidt'l liouHO tho otber uiglit. It was a boy. Out ID Nubrurika, tho .telegraph in- forms us. " it rained mud." We Buppona the SfnteLeeislatiiro wan aittiug nt tbe time. A writer aeks : "Wliy do nil women look m fiiiii.ll oowaduyg V" It'u tho big tiutlt'B timt maka tbem look so. An Ubio man and his wife havo not cliuiigcid a woril for tweuty-five years. iio nouiiin Las Jotio all tbe talking, TboCliiougo vtomau'e weapon ia her moutb, but you never bear of her being arreslcil fur earryiiifj n coucoalej weapon. It cau't be concealed. It is Buid that during tbo recent earth- qunke iu Nice tlie beds in tbo .totals lc, fur tho first timo iu maijy years, ivud n tborongli shaking up. ii{,'ili»tHiilliva[)dt'i]i(.'Hllmtliodrinkri. IHU don't dniiht hh vnnl Drink hurdly vxpiORSCH tbo vodferuua and en- li nimmtr iu which he goea at it, - *••• —- A (.allint NeMfer. " Yes " remarked Dumloy at tbe sap- tl "I was a soldier in the late per Uttl rar, and if I do suy it myself, I was ft good oue." Presently Foatberly broko the awed l Were you wounded. Dumlcy f" he asked. "N-iio, bot after tho battle of Bull Bun I was ropoitod among tho billed. But tbe report wai corrected." " Corrected to 'smoi. 0 'tic 'jUBftife/L ' luppoHe," wild Fatherly, helping him- TRUTHS ABOUT t Dafay D«M •Mtattvam. Bs*MS •oived, why so nutaJiU jooa sn «nx - stantly being perpiili atwi akimta mm* mother-ln-Uw. Whfll wiwatM tjaiaa •UMonforturiatavoaun OMMH(W4 ta pre?idinf tlw MM with k* wm that tu should baar auat •• —fljlafl irudc* against tw f Now tt it was to* wouurt mttkm ln-Uw who WM natUs ta* twtt of ttwa jokes there ml*fht baa grain of a«aM in them; for Ik to tht BUD'S BOtbaf whohaitt ia hot powwtooutka lite burdonto ths ywuif wlhatj*»o»l«if 7- As a saatter of fart, » WOMB II nsaaUjpronA Badfondof IwM BWI !• Uwlf bsoal7«nvwilHr UatftHattCa ehance. When tlw yooflff coopto flnl go to houaekeeping, wbo is it that «omt In and with her food a » a o l ataetlaal experience Uda> tbem «nr tk* roofh lacesf . . _ _ A man's moth«rtn-Uw. ' It La the woman'i moUuaMa-Uw wto it most apt tocrittdas and wtoasafr perata tbe jronng wife, all t«o fre- quently: "My a n It asaa to aavinf things thua and w." "My son mast luvetfcli or that teNu metis." "My •on, with bis ttmBUtn«stt», thoukl hare marrieda prudent,eeoaomleal etc. When tha first baby aakas Its ap- BamiKe, at well at tat •nensaatv otiea, whu la it that atapa in and re- lievea the huibani of hit waary TlflU and takes the losi of caret and worrf (ill toe wife's feeble shoulders and ksep the household machinery smoothly? The man'a mother-in-law. When be and hit wife plan to take a little trip together, who ii It comes in and take* chuffs of tne hows and children, so that they can perfectly enjoy their holiday, with tbe restful ' thought, "Mother la then and it will be all right"? The man'* mottor-ln-law. When there It tictUMtt or trouble In the house, who ii the faithful nurse, the wiu counselor, the sympsthixlnf friend? The man's mother-in-law. Ami if, in tbe course of events, the wife dio, who Is It tbat ustull? comes in and takes can of the children and keeps up the hone till ths Deleaved iusliand has time to look around aad find another win! A man's mother-in-law. And how doea he reward her for all this devotion ? By making heartiest jokes at her expense and publishing them for other men to snicker over! Ingratitude, thy name is Haul Waver Heard Daalel WeBwter. Daniel Webster once made a great speech before an audience of thou- sands in a natural aaphltheatn among the Given mountains In Vermont A writer reccntlr Tlsitod the spot and found it awildeniBBfl. "The desolation waa perfect, and at a bear, utterly indifferent to our presence, shambled acrosa the road iu front of us, we were still more impressed with tbe fact that the wilderness, with IUaccustomed inhabitants, had long resumed its ancient reign. Drivtns; along fora mile or two, we saw a solitary ahanty and a forsaken looking man who had tbe spot when Webster had •pokec Webitar-who was hlmr* 'Why,ha ivas a great American orator, 1st made a speech anmankars acoand hers many yean ago.' *Iner»r hen on he, an* rn beeaht»mteBBam*iurtr rear:»-B - -
Page 1: BAKER k - Rockaway Township Free Public Librarytest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1887/1887-03-26.… · 29 50 4 ma 16 mnniil ... ijutli Florida during tbe pnst few

Offers th* Larr«t




OSM M Haaknl I W , M taf u ta.latieeal HIM laak.


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p so. o. ocwiiin, a. D.,'QISEHAL PltACTITIOrHB.

nn> rmJMjpr a TET, T n c u n nOr ataUBI.Ii DUEaSEI.

omci AT TH n u nom,DOTU, «. I

i (In

•mar «f sieaaMitM M M m.DOVER. N. J.

I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

• a.*a-i. uu " . ' rrmi D .

n.lwr m»t, ticiug nine™lK.f««ii|..r.1^r- ' •

in* lubrin? iu urn,... . . =aadcroalh or aflhrunlMni, within tlie timutoliuifieil.will Ira r-n.vir burrcl or UN or BurMibm therefor, agiiiutt tlie *d>n,n'Btr»tiil.

Oftltd tbe flr.t IUV or Wiroli A. D. 1W7.ENILVO. .UMMILL,

Ailmmiitt Kills,l t t w Dmkeiillle, N.J.


U M M i« a i M i l i n KOTUI rvauo,


D0TI1I. «". JT O.BI1BWI1TH, I . » .

DOVER, S. J.u i L n n or oiiw A»B MIKEUU,

dUBVZIB OF M1BB.A Ual ofolianrwr.ralek.4 OR afpllratloa.



opp.poflT OFFIOE, DOTH, M J.local))' inthortlfil afteut, with cnrllSuat* of

•mttiurlty Kir tbe **rptt rompanlea In theWiirftl, looliidiug lite following;


.._ _ oil lirftp ciimpiniri.HHhur nith 'hPtn-Kvulaal rennotmii.ility of



* COUNiirXLOIf-AT-LAW,IM BaowirAT, Sow York.

l lnU.au, Dover, X. J .

L. W. THURBER,or nnuo seaooui


D O V E R B A N D ,

f rof. Frank Kemtler, Leiifer.

j>MM S. Mtllck • PrttlaeMt.

Tbn nHi«rt or 1h« Dover llantl m\mh totuNHe to tli<« |inblio that tiivj are





DOVER, N.J.' . ««• . •» • paat*4Va,

I L . .mim wooDJetaeW.



NEWARK, N. J.D IBIT n o d ra •>• aoto.



P A I N T S , OILS, fcc.





JOHN J. ECKHART,llMBMtot to linilh k Beklitrt.)




OUoa ia aba rid I1OV UHA 111BOUUIIJ ST.. UOVGB, V. J.


Paperiiolr.1. e le . . . . . . . . „ .rj kluit, aad furulali wale-

n«ht, «a tUu ltiwe. |Hja#llflu t r r u . cuttiiiiItta Iba exer.utfan al' re»llj> gauil work.

N O T I C E !

IteUte of DNT1«I llMtmell,

IORBUAKT lu tbe ur<lrr nf the Hurrontt*. » . v l u v ua "TV ira HIV D l

day of IbW., A 'i r t c , notice It

I i il

• Otuiulj of .Unrrirt.(l<'o<-!ini'(ll to preit nt Hieme, nptlrr omhor •fllnni.tmi, tci (tu »ah-



in oCerinix cain|>l»t« Hwi'in all fcindi of




r .utitlo tb-ai (a the fiillwt


Is tke best bluting »ow-derlntke mtirket

k 35 per cent, strongerthM «ny known raplMvc.

IN not ax danittroiw lohuudle or tnwtport.

IK \tltwtle, and producesmuch lets tune*.

h waterproof iiiidI*told tw !o«rw) any other

Mich explosive.

Ai ianieu fasti f n k HT[ b,OIBci: SS llktrty St., N. V.

Wwkt: DrakMVIII*, N. I.

rT l i r Will lanUb * b.nd ot lr' i l r a *i*y ' * ^ " l ' ' »

Plllt HALE.a»allf.r««r*laer». t lio.ae a.d wilier

bulliliuiiB; 1» nnr*. dear. Ital.nr* In<t. (1,™1 aprliu •«!« . variety of fraila. On Ml. ll»|» null alpont «ii« a.d aluile. Irnai liuvi-r, For |.uill.-Mhr« m-

_.r. .1 l it aSuA t « o . er J... II Nolu .!-.«>.•il'j, U.«.r,» i- 141.0 »

FOR 8ALE.lor law. |J

ll. Uoo« •tX.I Mil l

I" lh.«»«.li.»ii o« Ml.I U

~ i i » *» *•••, I"1?" """* Vl«-Mr wf all liieuwlinliDtl.luqnln «t i n Clu <J>ta orr






< B Ira.


BOOTS and SHOES,•nil evor.rUiIng wliicli la eouonillr kept in

IUJ line uf ltuaiu««a. I toatn » «|ici<<i)ty oi

CK HAMS!<<)• atv nckuowlMn.'il lo bu (he liudtlii (boirki>t. Kv^rftlilnti In niv utore l« twid a*

.. >ai>un lb» 4>hf«tw»t. A l i o n l f n rtellverwl|irom|>ilv. OIVB uii! H cull •ml joa vlll lievim v iu <«d as tu xnod* und |>rlurs.


A m o s H. V a n Horn,73U1ETST.J£FM,N.J.

Hill l ikt •<««• l*r O'arppt «•• ranltarc • • t»t» »rlia. wllh• naittll «rp«>ll • ' • tkcai u < h*M tkeai-«>ll N l

%vUk«Mt calra ckirih



•isl #g*clSHcr.




Hr.it IIHI Lliibl 0»nta«i la Ina. Iran,»nt) PhoMpli'tr SroniD, rurtlna or evarr dcM l * I BOaEWl .», .oMl* I

The Equipment of ImnHlie* • ipetlalty.


T H E IEIT HOLIDAY GIFT \far lie aomlng year, In


DAY AND EVENING HE88IONH.l^utnansbfp, nwk-krnp>iig, Arithmetic

•fi' fVibrmtnontfai.,,.„,,. „„ JB «»d C»rt Wnttnf.[rwudUameHEd

a T.


Krmniilh. Sritmi,


B S s f t H i f f i S SEARIM0 *8HARP-.S-.^icsSar-.'si^.T, MIIPENIEIISANDIUILDEM,




• I [Sliop on ITnlofi Bt., npp. Dn.tr lainlier juH)

Are prepared in t^e ami fxecata all en..Iraela lorTjUl iliriai, aad nrDlaa n.urlali,nrana aud auedlwloa*. >baa dtalrai].

HWe Bo>f MH doae la th. beat nauer a"• i t . Ibe beat materiala.

JnliMna a • Iwofallr. and eleceted picnptl.*la a wjtamanuke faiaoer.

3. 0. Sa*a«o. WM. M.|F«« » . .T >ear. .Itb tt. Y. B. »

HOTEL.CM«ty CaNtetH-'t NttlM.

Tb« C...t» Colleetor .III b. •!1 » • I.™,•atr'a oHlm. »,irri.lo««, far ta« tranneUea!r bailnna, on TliarwUj »f eaeb »ea«, tniai»o'clock A. B., tola aflaia*, U. All spat-•ODlr.itaaar., Ll«.b..ld be addrea^d uI U . U . W B«.u,« I b u L i n j t a ^




lb.W~lF.il atrlea «aakaf«adU



Who would purchase a maohine made shoewhen HEAGAN be CO. will furnish theirown make Little Falls Calf, Button, Lacedand Congress at the following astonishingprices:Calf Toy, plain ar t»K« ••!•• - - • - ; - - • S3.60

" Cmgreii - - - I- • - 3.50

hand itwtd, u in le i t , • • j ' - - - •.SO

Kid " " " " . . . ; - . . 5 0 0

We accumulate this line of Shoes in dullseason that we mar keep our men steadilyemployed in order to retain their services forthe busy season- The quantity 61 these goodsare limited, and every pair will outwear twopair of faotory made goods. Come early andsupply yourselves. •


ijutli Florida during tbe pnst few duyu,tinniioi)re«F«J witb (lie material firog-•fflB hviog niiiile in Hiis pnrt o( Iho Stale,is wfll at with il» buuuty. At Euatis iuDrtingc cuutil v u fuw days agn. I taut mjfrlcuil Col. '•* Ii. ]{jtlinja 1 r fUf<ur]jJ ;<

H two brotlieisis oamlaclinga Tory 6iK'co;aful bauk nt that place. On

rut muniiua lifter tu; BTlivnl I

RUV OF THE 1ANUFAC1URER AT FIRST COST.cd in no; putt of Ibe dtate, And (he

great number ot lakes girus this the nameof " I b e Lako Bugion" of Florida, a

bil i in very oppropiliito for lirro

60 pieona Botly BriinHulM per yard tl.25, reOaced to !t!) ccutH. 100

[>iecos Tajiestry DraBselii por yard 75 couts, reduced to 50 cents. 100

rteves 3 cents.

1PARLO SUITS I50 Pnlor Baits, all tho latest styles of fnmea, upbolatered in Plain

Moli.it anil EmbMael Plunb, regukr price t7S, rojaced io ISO. 25

Parlor Suits, (7 pieces), Walnut frames, regular price tSQ, reduced to *30.

BEDKOOM -:- SUITS.50 Walnut Bedroom Baits, Ibrble Top, 8 pieces, regular price 105,

reduced to 9a.m. 50 Walnut Bedroom Suits, Marble Top, B pieces,

regular price ISO, reduced to 137.00. 60 Antique Oak Bedroom Suits,

8 pieces, regular price IN), reduced to |3J>. SO Ash Bedroom Suits,

regular price ISO, reduced to 137.50 50 Ask Bedroom Suits, regular

price WS, reduced to »21S0. M) Cherry Bedroom Suits, regular price

•40, to close them out only (27.50, 25 Bed Loncges, regular price IB,

reduced te (4.75. 35 good mixed Mattresses only M, reduced to SS.

35 good Bedsprings, regular price 13, reduced to 11.50. 25 0 ft.

Extension Tables, regular price 17, reduced to W.75,


Marble T«p Tables, Sideboards,Clothes Presses, Book Cases, Writing Desks,

Extension Tables, Chairs of all kinds,Bedding, Stoves, Oll-clotb, etc., etc.,


COST FRICHSand hold Ilium until Spring with a nmnll depoait on them without

extra charge. (EASY TEUMS OF PAYMENT.)

pf Qood. dsurand fraa d oban. lo say part ef Iks Hats.


CASTORIAfar Infanta and Children.


CHA8. G. GKIFFFN,oirna Ilia \xtt lldanmaiila'tii Ibla Una la lha

l lraelloai li> baa al»«ja (l>aa loP l i l h k tba>arj «»<l.. i ,

•araraarababaabaaaliilMialaraa.ataran ro«m la >Ha«^^g^^

ghop on fflUtm

DOVEB.I.J.B tk« DowrLsaibwC)oat-

Like ime wl» imn Wth m

With teudor pain.Bo stand t now with inhaled pain nnd

Alter ICHIK iilisonce, HI a Well-known doorWIJIGJI HM I i r*t I uil ouci) my ttavllLitf. MM bttxt

treasuroIII rtiljs of vor«. * '

Btill litootii the n»>>> with their old-time a i m

Komiil tliii dear cottase In my natlvo land;I'rtuimi-il in tliti Imdita wituall Its moutcdnea

'Tlie old elmi sUnd. •

111 li:,ii>* tho rViinialn witli Its llubt imliation,

Yean luivo nut than nud It; now, as tlion, •nt'rlvor

utU Iu ilirfllNtiinct' llko a silver slreitiii;

Ami iiriKliUy ukaiiuAll! 1> i Hint Ion

•Kill Here! nut liercl"tlie murraurliitf eK i-tra*Xl.'hfl,

Iff clmrlHliud niHi'H inniiriihilly n.-|ily ir

)Vr llinNiift knvii Hie Hlindawi we»tivarJ craej -

FLORIDA LETTER.(JBbAKDD, Mflici.l8tb,'1887.


tf of lLo lowua io

tin' nour fillnMi. A Kt'Mtleinnn Linuu lie re from Louisiituii aud in cr;i\\ iu rune eujliiri1. Ke mtysthin;undent r lo any Imifl Ilicrc is io Luiics tin: fcrnson in m miu'l) loii^fc tbiii c:iui- will l ippu n h i l o i t ncv.

'a iu fh<; o!.l cauc fifowiuf,' Htnlc

on vory easy (cilus, but they willitico iD*|'i'iop. Tittle uro tun young

men, u(>i>bij«» of Col. A. E. MeUIurc, of

u (sou ol [lau. Willmui V. Kelly •I*J,, vim is visiting hero told tuc tin

f ymiup UIPD are unking: from livoto aix buudrcil iiollurs OD rere tliiu winter, growing culiUigos. Tlio rich vegiub'o deposit cm theso Ittiiils won hi BUT-iriso a fafiiif!' from tliepniirieH of Illi

coifi, R>ot vcgtilablup, ricound oano arclio ttiiii^s tliitt tliriYu licHt here,rliile cvur^iliiuf; will groir witli mucliJ.SH labor ot uulliviitiut) llmu perl

uny where «lmi in 111 country.

'rniH am) comli'.iunn of Ibt Hale of tndf, but I tlutl tliin letter is too i

aud if iniy of yutir ri'itkrs waut any iu-formntiou, a loiter uiliiressod tu HiHimiltoii Disstoii, Tbila., or Mr. Wil-liam CiiQDon, KisHiiuuiee, Fla., will nodoubt bo promptly imBwrr^l. AudI find I cannot n:iy anything nbout

ily of Uilaudo, whine growth iu atuioatpbuDomiuul.liuUliin way bu rcrcrrnil toat another time. 1

;11 ud 1 bo ('ulunet'H brotber vitli a

leum iiud fiurinfo wuitiug furtuunt Ibernnk wlmii 1 «ont out from b ,ttiil an I ti»il n few hours of leisure liisuvituliontu tlrivo WUB ncecptcJ, WeIrovo about iituoug tbu U-autifnl lakes

MUfit IV-oirlcWhen 11 ntimber ol gooii-lintuorcd peo-

ple ura nutting out, brigbt and curly in, «u fiuaiu exhilarating ex-

iH'ilition, it is pleuBuut tu notice b>>\i\.ii L-xpanttive ttiuy aie. For tb.

first lioitr they talk ivll nl ODGO, laugbingbeir words rattier tlrnn speaUing t

But as tlio foreuuou goes on, oue afttrnotliot drops gradually into cumpara'i i l I i

Ia a large factory iu which were curployed sevttral huDdrcd persoas. one ol

workoietj, in wieldiug Lis bummeitlimaly ullowuil it Iu Klip from In

finoJ. It flew half wuy ncroBa the rouiuund sirtick a fellow wort urn u in tbe Ir

The mail averred tbat bbj eye v,blinded by tho blow, although 11 eamieimiiuatiou fuiluJI to rt-VLiil any injury,tbcro lieiug nut u tcralch vjniblc. Ik

iglit a fiiit in the courts for com-|.0Qsalion for tUo loss of half Lis cilight, and refused all offer* of conom'ne. Uuder tho l»w Ibe owner

tlie fuctory wna reapousible fur uu iujuryresulting fiom uu accident of this kiml,uud, Dltliougli tie believed tbat tha man

shammiug, nud tliufc tlm wbolc enswas un lit tempt nt Bwiinlliog, bo binabout mudti up bis mind tliut Uo woulilbe compelled to pay the claim, XLc <lny•f tlie triiil arrived, uud in ojiou cnmliu ciuiiietit oculist retnioei by tho <1Tcncn cxniuiuod the alligeil injtir

i\w,r, nad gave it ns liin opiuion tliit WUH m gooil as tho riglituyt). U|)ithe pluintiff'ri loud protest of bis iuuliilitjto etc with liU left eye, tho oculistproved him a perjurer ami satisfied tU<court and jury of the falsity of bit? claimAud how do you HUpposo lio did it ?Wliy, limply by knowing tint tbo uoloragreen nod red combined mnlco block. Heprepared a black card on which a fewwords were written with green iuk,Then the plaintiff was ordered lo put ODa pair of spectacles with two different

en, tlio ooe for tho right eye beingred ami the one for the left eye consiitiugof ordimiiy glass. Then tbe card

il») K, wliioli ure not exue

t witln'n of eaeli other oroike Entstia, wliohcoutniui a i n juaie njilea, Lukti Dora witli (wcutj-111- niikri, Luke Harris ninety miles,ike Clriflln Kicbly to iiint't^ miles, •ud

«itb liotwrtnfoiiniuJ tireiied square miles, bctiide a Dumber

if ntuullei lakes which would be culledponda " in New Ji-rscj-, HUCII US LikeDot" named for tbe daughter ol Col.

NnrtoD, L'ike "Dk-io " eo called utter Bbfiiuliful HpuoiHli ludy, Lnko " Nettie,"Lako "Grncic," Lnko " Qurlruile/'Luke"Iroia"andolhem. The drive lastedtciverul bourfl, and uottiing coald bnvebecu mureeiijoyuble. Mr. Bishop de-

" nil tlio nature, und history of Hielukes nod Rroves, e»ina the value of the•utter, wbich in about oi.e thousand AoUtars per acre, und told of their owuern,some of wliicli have national repntatious.Among tbem ore Bonntor 8. B. Cuoover

H. Noiton. pant commtoder 6f"fte ii3-partmeDt uf Florid*, G. A. It., Col.MOKCBJ. Tut lor, Hon. Hamilton Jay,•oil Dr. W. K- Feadletou, ei Presidentof a Virginia Votlege. We met at tbeOobluiratm Home Mm. Stcbbina, tbewire of tbe noted alnger of BrooklfD.New Tfm k, and manj otben who an bcracither for health or pleasure and whoapead tbe time eating fruit, plajiDgBurnett, ind driving, or walking aboutatiiidM tbo bMatifal iniroaudinii,Iriokiog in new life and vigor for homeIntiea. A noticeable feature of this lake

n ia Ibe bcantiful anoseti. E T « Jone at tbe bolel was profuse ia eiotanm-liona of Burpriau nnU delight at tbebeuutj of tbe «aatern »ky as Ibe lightreflected from tho lake painted tbecloads io most forgeaas baea. Tbecompany ns veil a« Ibe enisino at tbtohotel was ao attractive that it w*» liardto leave, bat tbe line came and after •

j niilea ri<lo behind • "real TeinnJack," as Mark Twain would B»y, wereached Tuvorcs where we look traio forOrlaodo, tbe county teat of Orange

unty, the heart of the Orange "bolt.1*A few days stop hero, then we goto

ramee City, which is a beautiful andIhriving place, and ii atito at the head ol

otber chain of largo lakes, with jaw-breuktng uumes, Tbe Tropical botelwbicb fronts on Like TobopekaiiRO, iian eicelleut boaae, where we met BiabopWbtppie of Mivnesota, wbo has beenand still ia the great blend of the Indian.Tbe fifnhnp lectured in tbe evening onthe "North American Indiana," amongwhom be has lived during the pantIwcnlj-seven years. His description ofthe treatment of our "words" by thewbiteman, and ntnries of wrong, andsuffering of tribes and individual!brought tenra to many cyea. Whiletheir uoli.e trcita of cLarnoler, fidelity,loynltv end truthfulness, etc., as cx<plaintJ by tbe Bishop, gave ill present

better opinion of the noble ml manthan wo bad ever had before. He saidamong other things that be has yet tolearn of a single int-Unee ot cruelty byan Indian when tbe white nan bad totgiven provocation for it. I will relateone instance about which most peopleare ignorant, and a ease where tbetreachery of tbe Indian baa been BOseverely denounced. Tho Binbop uidthat the man in tbe Ifoboc band ofCaptain Juck who killed General Oanbynnder a flag of truce, bad hia owl ftitlierkilled by a whilo man atao under a flagofti nee.

Tbia region i* very inlercstiDg for

they have ceutted to cDjoy tbe excursioni each other, but tbe first effervescence

of tho uncorked animal Bi-irits of tbemorning has spout itself.

In a similar fushiou, an we get on inifc past tbo period of obstreperousyouth, wo incline to talk less nud writeless, especially OD Ibe topics which wehave most at heart. The yaungor p#o-

B notice Ibis, and think it m bqoausotare growing lukewuru on these unit-

tent. 1'hey duptoro us, umoog them-solves, ai bring "lost leaders,"or lost

vers, or this aud tbd other fine'. Bat 1 bought ia deeper and

itrouger in asn»w, ucrlinps, thnti whenwas visible at the surface and made

more noise. Wo ata Ijeginoiog to real-ite the UBolesHueHii of pcrpetunlly talkiunr,ihat is all. If there in u thing to be saidwo prefer to wnit nn<l Bay it only whenand wheie it vill hit somutbiug or soiue-body.

Moreover, if tbo youug^tern will ob-irve uu a little, they uiity Bee that we

aay a number of thingH-uud prettyforcibly, too—by simply taking them (orpy g

They might follow us around,and B and 0, nud a half docen more

of us elders, and linten to our talk for awbole week without even bearing fromm a Binglti nrgnreont or exhortation ou

fol. In tbo gronud*. of Ibe hotel wbicb IbsYe >M>D in FluHdii, there are beaatifnand ilelicalc flowers blooming everymonth io tlieje-T. I saw tutK roses,'lowers, tea roses, several members of Ihe

geraninra fnmilynnd many others as (ra-gnint anil brnntifnla* wo find them inJune nt the nnrll. Anotbtr very iulerebt-ing feature of the country is its tukea andBjstem of ilrainnge. A compnny ofwhicli Mr. Hniailton Dintou, of Phila-delphia, is the heml. In cnttiiiga ounulthrongb from Lake Tobopekoligo, whichbaa tevcuty square miles, to Lako Ki•imtnee, which covers abont one hnadredand twenty square mile*, tbenco to LibOcocbobee, which covers nearly 1whundred miles, and tbence to CbnrlothHitbor wbicli trnplies into tbe Ualf o;Mexico. Tbe c.inal will he nearly (whandredmileBip length and will droll(oar million acres ot tbo richest sagaiUn/- in MB "r

pire quiet anl Hilo

pIt is not that

tho writing on it. Tbia bo didwitliodt hesitation and tbo cheat was ntOIICQ exposed. The Bound right eye,Btfed with the red glais, was unable todistinguish tbe green writing on tbeulaok surface of tbe card, wbile the left-ye, which be pretended wns nightie.

IH the oou with which tbo reading hodo be done

1i; rfv

Ther Uve the Mllitirj.Everyl>oily knows what an irresistibleBcionlion a uniform bas for • woman,

ind wban there's a man in it—well, tbolictionary is a nseleas adjanct in P Iirciaiug the fomiuiae condition uudcrmcb uiroumbt»nct>H. Iu Wusliiogton.irmy and navy oflictrs are in tbeir glory,nd wlicn in uniform arc in u doubleI017. I know one naval offlcoi, young

in years, elroog in mind and bravo asicy mnke tbem, wbo witbal IOTCB to

lave bis fun. In the hotel wliero LBves are many pretty girls, and they a.ro

natnrully very fond of him, even IU hisliieu'i olotbea. They bud never seen

ilm in uniform and initiated tbut be paton BO tbey conld have "just one look."e refused for 11 long lime, but filiallyrrecd UBOU one «ouditiou, and tbat was

tbatthey each pay n quarter for t lo show,tbe "pot" to go to some charitable insti-tution. I t struek them Hagood thingnd tho offloer decked himself out in nil

hi* briny finery, put a high governmentflfcinl at tbo door, posed himself in t

moot graceful attitude ia tho only armchair in bis room and rang tbo curtain

h nwan

Thick-nud-Th.Q Pdrtisana, or the Caneof Iho Ignorant Vote. But they wouldaoou Dutlce tbat what we qnfctljr takefor grunted in our l»lk wonld forcish anumber oF tolerably strong creeds orptittlormB. Tbey might come to tbe con-clusion, loo, tbat Ibis quiet taking ofcertain thing* for grsnjed by sensibleand vigoroua men nod women ia not to

i dispised, RS U working force, in cpariaon with wboln parlors full of vooifer-ous ohitter—Atlantic

AMm ! • » Venn • • « .Don't worry, my aon, OODI worry.

Don't worry about something that yonthink nay happen to-morrow, becauseyou wuy die to-night und to-morrow willfind yon beyond tbe read of woiry.Don't worry over a thing that happenedyesterday, because yesterday is a, hundredyean away. If you ilou't believo (t justtry to reach after it and bring it back.Don't worry about anything tbat Is hap-pening to-day, beo.inne today will onlylast fifteen or twenty nuuates. If joaJoo't believe At tell your crediton you'llbe ready ta settle iu fall with thorn atminuet. Dant worry ub3Ut tbinga youcan't help, because worry only makesthem worse. Dou't worry abuut thingsyon o n help, becnuao then there's noneed to worry. Djn't worry nt all. Ifyou want to bo penitent now and then,it won't hurt you a bit lo go Into theuokcloth ind »heibuiineuB little. Itwill do yoa good. If yon want lo cry alittle once in s long while, that isn't >bad thing. I[ 70a feel Hko going'outand clubbing yourself occasionally, Ithink you need it and will lend jou %helping band at it. and pat a plaster onyon afterward. All these things will doyoa good. Bat worry, worry, worry,fret, fret, fret—why, there's neither sor.row, penitence, strength, penance, refor-mation, hope, nor reaoloiioa in it. It'sjost worry.

» « Terrtbbt HMI VIJ.Mr. J. T. Hill, of Bed Fork. I. T.

one of Ihe oldest cattle shippers in theooanlry,ia at the Planters' House.

Speaking ot tho beel fly and tbe wny itiffrcts cattle, he uid ; " Tbe heel fly is

so iniect closely resembling tbe yellowhorsefly io everything rxcept color, theformer insect being black. Tbey mtimes appear in greut swarms among theherds, snti sting the cattle iu tbe leg orboel, depositing eggs under Ihe skinTbii wonld seem a small matter, bat itseta Ihe cattle perfectly wild, and it isimposaiblu to I10I1I n herd when tbia flyia about. Tbey rash around as if madnnder tbo inlolerjble torture, ami I hiive

a them riprinu over a forty-foot bankIn order lo get into uniVj Water, which

iii tu hv the uuly tbiutf which cangive them relief. They low flesh rapidlywhen the My is bud, and reaiHty succumbto II10 GligliteHt indisposition. The fly

% pe.'t for wbicli there teems t j be 1remeby.

A .lllkmili i t mi; Dull.Hott to Miss Chalkly (duufihter of

teuUliy miliruao)—"Wtaj, my dvarMiss CL .Uly, wliy do yoa nut juin us intbe ballrootn ?"

1 BeeaiiM I'VE h*»en iosntted."WhoiDsaltcJycn ?"

1 One of tliune gnloots osked mo ifdress was n watered silk. Wuforetl, in-deed 1 Fd never waters hii milk."

Thcr tbr&ib wbeat lo get tbe good-,_'Uhes out of it. Tl-T'j \to eet ft*'- goo^ <iua!if fo* iu(o /u'm.

A Sclentiflfl Eiperimenl-' What's the mutter with yonr nose,

Billy ?""Well, Jim Stokos told ma that if ft

dog run at me, and I would juatturn mjback to him aud look at him from be-tween my legs, be would run away, andso I tried it witb Vr. Jones' big Buwaer."

"Well, what then T"" What then ! Why, are jer blind f"

A. A. Cllckner, an old oiseu of Phillipsburn,died ou Saturday, from injuries received two

eeks ago by •lipping and falling *n tbeorofaJeitwyCitjIerryboikt. He waalathsi]>loy of the Central Builrotd (or over

thirty-Mine yeara, during most of wlilnh timebe NrTcd AN hiwjinie master. Ho was fre-quently fluked to become a conductor, bat ••-

ays refused, lie icrved on one traia fortwenty-eight years.^ _

Tbe iron industry it Oxford It on the in-ireup. Uat week certificate*: of incorporation

iuued fur the Beuener Iron Or* Cm-pauy, of Batvi<ler«ioapital itock iiOO.OOO.Ibe new compaar will open mim« at Oxford,•pon thefanm ofQuDrge Keyaer a«cl the lutePlillil* Un»b. A l*rXB number of tuea wUl 1Memployed.

An O.tor.i man adrerllses in tbe atrUn Bevim tbat he will m r r j « y lady with

good dliDOfition atd a few aorei of land,la ulaiug for a oentDsnion.

do when a norpse is lying iu state, andMull gated npoa kin in bia beauty andigbtdfortbeiaipoMible. Ariga"bandiff" was put apover him, and be aatnder it grand, gloomy and peculiar, a

algtat once neen never forgotten. HeneTer tnoTed, but sat tnere like patienceon « monumflnt amiling at grief, and thegirts pasted on around, and oat againinto tbe cold, cold balla wliera nniforms

•CM oalj at memory..75.

Total receipt*,

From sn interview with OapL Dease,who wu in charge of the Stanley Falla,OH tbe Coago river, daring tbe teeeatsnoeeasfal attack by tbe Arabs ou Uutpost, and who is BOW in Londoi, il ap-

tbat he and Lieut. Duboh de-fended tbe plaoe until tbeir ammanitioswas exhausted. Tbe Arabs then attackedthe station with a nub. and carriedeverything before tbem. When thewhites found it neoesaary to fly, Deaneordered petroleum poured on tbe boild-ingi and tbat they be set on Are. Then

and bis parly escaped through tlienderwood, and be anil Duboistell fromslippery rook into the river. Deane•am ashore, leaving Daboio clinging

to tbe rook. Wbile Deane was seekingaasUtance lor Dabois tbe latter beoanteeihauslet. and fell away from the rookind v i i drowsed. Doano fled into thejangle,where he wan bunte j and trackedby the Arabs for » month, l i e 1barefooted all this time and bad only ablanket to cover him. He was woundedin one of bis ttilghs and in one arm, aad

ved o i locust* and wild fruit until bewai found and lesoued by friendlypalivcs. '

lKtVt 8 M It at First.A joke ii a mystery to some people.

In a certain court in Maine, one lime,the proceeding* were delayed by thefailire of a witness namod Sarah Xoajto arrive. Afler waiting a long tine foraarab, tbe •onrt concluded to wait no

«er, and wishing to crtuk bis littlejoke remarked.

•'This court will adjourn withoutSarah Hony."

Everybody laughed eioept one man,wbo sit i s solemn meditation for fiveminntoa, and then barst into a heartyguffaw, esclaJmtug,—

"I nee it I I see it rWhen he weal bone he tried lo tell

tbe joke to his wife;"Then WM a witness named Vary

Mony, who didn't eom?," said he, " andso the court said, 'We'll adjonrn withoutMarv-mony.11'

"Idoo't seo aay point to that, I'msure," uid his wife.

"Ikno* it,"said he; "I ilidn't aOral; bat you wilt in about live urinates,1

A Hvkewie U Bay LssltUaa.

Some one oncu asked John Jacob Aa-lor about the largest sum of money heever made at any one time in his life.He sal(1 in reply : " The lurgest sntn

miBsuil mnkiag was in reference tothe purchase of Louisiana in connectionwith IJcWitt Oiiuton, Oouverneur Mor-i-, ami ctbert. We intended in par-

chase all of tbat province of the EmperorNjpoleon aad then sell it to Pr<*ideutJiffereon at the same pi ice, merely w-

ing tbe public domain, charging 3('per cent, cotnmianion on the pflrcliaso."It fell through, however, fur sonstriffling cause or otiier. Had tbey suc-ceeded Mr. Astor estimated tbit heshould have mode abont 130,000,000.

Coal wuigbing for retail is apt to be aabort weigh from tbe truth,

They bad a gurman at Hans Schmidt'lliouHO tho otber uiglit. I t was a boy.

Out ID Nubrurika, tho .telegraph in-forms us. " it rained mud." We Bupponathe SfnteLeeislatiiro wan aittiug nt tbetime.

A writer aeks : "Wliy do nil womenlook m fiiiii.ll oowaduyg V" It'u tho big

tiutlt'B timt maka tbem look so.

An Ubio man and his wife havo notcliuiigcid a woril for tweuty-five years.

iio nouiiin Las Jotio all tbe talking,

TboCliiougo vtomau'e weapon ia hermoutb, but you never bear of her beingarreslcil fur earryiiifj n coucoalej weapon.It cau't be concealed.

I t is Buid that during tbo recent earth-qunke iu Nice tlie beds in tbo .totals

l c , fur tho first timo iu maijy years,ivud n tborongli shaking up.ii{,'ili»tHiilliva[)dt'i]i(.'Hllmtliodrinkri.IHU don't dniiht hh vnnl Drink

hurdly vxpiORSCH tbo vodferuua and en-l i nimmtr iu which he goea at it,

- * • • • —-A (.allint NeMfer.

" Yes " remarked Dumloy at tbe sap-tl " I was a soldier in the lateper Uttl

rar, and if I do suy it myself, I was ftgood oue."

Presently Foatberly broko the awedl

Were you wounded. Dumlcy f" heasked.

"N-iio, bot after tho battle of BullBun I was ropoitod among tho billed.But tbe report wai corrected."

" Corrected to 'smoi.0 'tic 'jUBftife/L 'luppoHe," wild Fatherly, helping him-


t Dafay D«M •Mtattvam. Bs*MS

•oived, why so nutaJiU jooa s n «nx -stantly being perpiili atwi akimta mm*mother-ln-Uw. Whfll wiwatM tjaiaa

•UMonforturiatavoaun OMMH(W4ta pre?idinf tlw M M with k* wmthat tu should baar auat • • —fljlaflirudc* against tw f

Now tt it was to* wouurt mttkmln-Uw who WM natUs ta* twtt of ttwajokes there ml*fht baa grain of a«aMin them; for Ik to tht BUD'S BOtbafwhohaitt ia hot poww to outka lite •burdonto ths ywuif wlhatj*»o»l«if

7-As a saatter of fart, » WOMB II

nsaaUjpronA Bad fond of IwM BWI ! •Uwlf bsoal7«nvwilHr UatftHattCaehance.

When tlw yooflff coopto flnl go tohouaekeeping, wbo is it that «omt Inand with her food a » a o l ataetlaalexperience Uda> tbem «nr tk* roofh

lacesf . . _ _A man's moth«rtn-Uw. 'It La the woman'i moUuaMa-Uw wto

it most apt tocrittdas and wtoasafrperata tbe jronng wife, all t«o fre-quently: "My a n It asaa to aavinfthings thua and w." "My son mastluvetfcli or that teNu metis." "My•on, with bis ttmBUtn«stt», thoukl haremarrieda prudent,eeoaomlealetc.

When tha first baby aakas Its ap-BamiKe, at well at tat •nensaatv

otiea, whu la it that atapa in and re-lievea the huibani of hit waary TlflUand takes the losi of caret and worrf(ill toe wife's feeble shoulders and ksepthe household machinerysmoothly?

The man'a mother-in-law.When be and hit wife plan to take

a little trip together, who ii It comesin and take* chuffs of tne hows andchildren, so that they can perfectlyenjoy their holiday, with tbe restful 'thought, "Mother la then and it willbe all right"?

The man'* mottor-ln-law.When there It tictUMtt or trouble In

the house, who ii the faithful nurse,the wiu counselor, the sympsthixlnffriend?

The man's mother-in-law.Ami if, in tbe course of events, the

wife dio, who Is It tbat ustull? comesin and takes can of the children andkeeps up the hone till ths Deleavediusliand has time to look around aad

find another win!A man's mother-in-law.And how doea he reward her for all

this devotion ?By making heartiest jokes at her

expense and publishing them for othermen to snicker over!

Ingratitude, thy name is Haul

Waver Heard Daalel WeBwter.Daniel Webster once made a great

speech before an audience of thou-sands in a natural aaphltheatn amongthe Given mountains In Vermont Awriter reccntlr Tlsitod the spot andfound it awildeniBBfl. "The desolationwaa perfect, and at a bear, utterlyindifferent to our presence, shambledacrosa the road iu front of us, we werestill more impressed with tbe fact thatthe wilderness, with IU accustomedinhabitants, had long resumed itsancient reign. Drivtns; along for amile or two, we saw a solitary ahantyand a forsaken looking man who had

tbe spot when Webster had •pokecWebitar-who was hlmr* 'Why,haivas a great American orator, 1 s tmade a speech anmankars acoand hersmany yean ago.' *Iner»r hen on he,an* r n beeaht»mteBBam*iurtrrear:»-B - -

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Ta» Dover Fritting CompanyPU«UIK1 * AM 1) FH

MCK4WAV.Si-ur l f l Cover l ias u i a d c i l« iiii|irtm

t l iU |>lii<>i>. Mini . l . it .v-'Hiij; ( luugbl t

Mt»r.<l iliat (M-.I b.liiili.l.l wa-ni , , N...»i»i l.>-»u*, »C lUmUtiwui!lop,irnUmij-M. In KM. Kri>d.lllnLiV.-vUiinj-.H.-.-HoVlmL. Wa.T

tllBUluUlflltBOlloff•rvKknj or he uliuhi;)

Duvi.l Smith, ufextreme »*;>• ut )*i' V<

uiHl.injllii .til*ill m v . rii Irutil ilx fi

i.n-.-uvilU-uan* lust »

mid wuulil tiltuti walk In licKknevi'u «>i Uli-yturs, t

II uuw lilirary.Nuli*iri]iliuL« ure bduu take

as lor tlin

, died ul iti<>uuiluy. He atiij ltoujinrutWBJ and back.

u fur tlm 1'iif

liertiis. » youiiK •••» of Mr Kli«u II. Mnut «<i|()tt j-t'«rti of uno, liiitl u tintnut' from UnitiK klilcil W t Hiitunluy m

i "«.v. -UrUM. I.tln-ir ..ton tud wlxilii'.v eiiimul Iht- tvutru] It. K. depot u train load «twWin juinaliitf ul tliu liiui'. lmutftliulttl.T ufltitli(ul]ii»M'iltlii-.r huiriiJ to i-rmn. tlm O Iiml Iraik. ComliKiUir Ciwk Inn! itrrivid itlir Ur]nil wilb Lin traiti at ll:M oVI.uk anvuMfiiijuei-a In nnujjihii llio luuiwniprcftuchilin.vond tli« truHiiiiKi Hot M'I'IIIJE thtin uti Hrniiutoflui'utliek-li-uiu ; tlic IMJ.VHran ilim-tliu front »f tWii . hut LiHiihutoTCrook, Httetutlin iniin.-rthle Jiu.jirt-hf. humieil HHV or! I.I

fell l

Lu .)iiiikl.v i

K hi., lilt- iu tin-

'lllH lutlT JlL

w)io I

wltile tlia tlrxl tui

lc.l off, .flint rm-iif-

ih ul l , forllljjlllt Ilil

«'(irii.sr. Hi! was ml IVi^-liiriii'il llhil lir'lul i

JIITMIIUH ttiuiild bi'\t'r,r euutiouH anil enpt'ally I'liiUiruu, in ri-otmini; tLti tnukd, forlimoB tin' two (ralu» meet lit ilmt pniul, aT.v l.ciii« ciircfiil nil t inner mny be inertf

The huiler* ituil vutiiiii' Inr the Imttoii lii


of Lht<

lii llii' I'


. A)lliuUKt> "In-llif.V liml iiiuTii] ai |-i..,n MUVV.iuu.

j'trrinn I'hU

d iu

, tjtlltt! Illl ilfll'tl 1mlI, iluU Momljt.v nft.t-.orhcuHI. furitloiveil hft* *<M«: yeaa), but rot il rli oil lii»iJlerfiiiMirit

ri'U uMloelm-kTIiiii*.


fool in

,un kcU-t -xnuilKtrrijUiotmII HllllT. Til.

—i»hut I Let Hi

In l-i- IJII-I

,ii<k ih'^f •

wlii-u tli<-v fitiil tliat |iiibln

lro;i.l-tlirt.reward t« I

• Jrojliticu) ,

0 Ui mil) it i» form iii an mi iri>i' of U"1"1 tUat tint world

1 luuilins: (tunic bnrkwbciit coI bin liem llm <I|1KT <)ny ami

iiii ke<i iu uuiltT il mi mo tu lift wlmt waitro*.-U when it l>i|2 chunk wi-ijiliitiK ulioilltons «iid flown uinu.nl unr>-tti|> >mlUBiliiiTiuitlon- H. will lirotmlily l iot .milKrt nlmut for turw or lour ilayi' but I"1 iUtlM9T*i*« illJUIKll.

Till' ruiil tnuim were ileiwyfd b.v I lie «imrtVt]iifHauv,tb« win-» wen- i iolyelin worklunorder tuul w* coultl uot KC| nuler* fnnititnvwbt-re ami were k i t to our own ilovli-on. Iit imiMi'iijjcr Irtiin WHU lull' the biiyi l»"

miii liud tu lie ut ihei'uat fuel of the yanli


ll tin

nrlil mi"!

Iin.bil.Ui.»ti»l witall the dmuk wttUiuK r

un cdiit Unit

itli NI'VITHI 4.'ur»diiy ufuriiouu, am) runiiiDu uniii' foil «fn\tlir Kortih (lieu crosiim:, in order la pit ovwttio Ills itrvld Wyonil. a row lialauicfnu toVanOkve H>II!<T wnll>i<l nff rlio w»Rlln r,.nnd nntlprtdok la <r(i»» thi> trunk in front


l R)n: WIIH ili'liil. It


lnti-r that Uu kliliil l.i-foi

ibeyairHlonji tliu t>ij;lniu.v amwiUfiiuij ilt>tuy iu NUii>piii)- tlu-ruM in ufilortndrive them oil. IMlu>r nwn*>^of COHM wLiaeotu it Unit llii'.v me not al!i»*orl t» ruuitlaon tlif irmk, IM l i m e tuny In-itcnU of tl.ii kiml uml iimiiolily tiinnv tlm«»ra»rt iiiidHlli auinrlnnh.

Oil HilDdaj' Iml llui Vr< »bvl.J lommlicl nilli 11,.' M.'tlioili.U nuJ h>v/A.X.H»nU jiKuciirit lii^ liv»|ji ,t«*r u* Wfore IDIIVIIIK fur cunt'i'n'iti'f, Th*om)i].t('ly illlod both morn in«uud Mr. UuvtU'" Kirm,,in. v<. n vwell uilaploil, i--i.cda)lj to tln<tBftt tim Imth clmrtbt-s iipcctfilnrw|HttHiir*,one by rvamiu u( ttic ek|ttruUi)ii of the thtvcy e i n limit ami HIP utuer i-Haaril l>v tbeaestli of tlic Vrttihi lenuu \m»W, KtT. JiO.dvttrlll. In LIH muruiuti HDiuioi) lieKoodadtio! tu botb i outcrciHliunx nuil HIII(heiutlin iuiporiuinu «t Jultlllio« t lc lr <lu1« • churcli incmbi-rN uml b.v ttidr wor.l*< W 0 R cui:i>iirii)fo iiml ai«\Ht tlitir new jiiutin tlic work Unit Is l.cforr HIPUI. In elm .-iIBR tin «)k)k* tifbia |uHt<irnli' ln-ro of tly«M» ami it llit. roiiriiMicin oi t)i« ^ mWbliib wtiB vtsty iolete«tiii«, Im C«|IIUIwfth <lc>-|> .-mttti.in bin hMTllelt (bunk.tb*offlvlal U>ati »ftne vtiuti'h, to i l" nP « M , nnil to tlm I'ronl.jteriiiu iunKrcKilibr th«* ld tvtHlrroil itiDinriull.r «ud mui

Htth f tic W Kll l iUTuhbear; burden »r di'lil, uml to «h«> peuptfwen mill iimuiivrrk'd. Ko ureat WH» Uii ju-AWlfitlyVipetWnl ftli i ^ ivadlig th»tr heaHn i t lio finished bia Iwt •• o K a | h i t

j l i l j dlMemlble iM MrilogSover. Ho in iwtwHh ' N M oth l

d and mlimld U

Mtming o<gtf-tU fail

wHh 'NOONI other imkiimrii brwit Ue it notlarge, but rather •lira, yti BdverthelrHktttlt for u ntuall Jn|i. flit bittr iawhite, Hut Blrfukfd witb Itiwk nutl bruwi•bant bit hijuil, uml MKR portions of hi* bod Iundit |«uf NiBiti . i lkymtun. III. •„.. ithree j«art BB«1 lif la t tWBi*tkabl« hrif-JloolriBicdng, p9»mm\n#* k<wn ejra wl.i.l. it.DOleiijDirk perception to umlrrMauil what in- to him. Hn .'oucM Juilj- to tbo lllbcrub

. tlio train, <..,! ,1B -,„.,>witb H liark he ban* b.ibit o

n b m i B K i . ^ home witl, biiu|w«i:fiiill,T w,dautttl^. He 1. .rr.T (|«it ami <(nlrk Iu f vtrj-tbini he dw«, If ibe tra,in i . wry Ut« atUMD lie will trip eter to tba H M. U. li.oRii*and w o o tu tbn door tu ni»e what in tlin tuat.14-r, aail It Mr. Mlllf r lias K.me he la orf aic<1i,•••qalc. OB • « , . ! , . HH.au inalimu cnouxlaboutblm t o . I , j e t f,um lh<- train unil hi.leaving tiuo nt liomr i. ufurmlly Kni<ln.lbsanng tbe ntiulne of tlio fmKiuc Ull umlblowing or thr vbiRtli;. (Wi<Bl.iua1ljr he tedBM to aen him nl llm ntHi* uml will m,bat»dc«tlfforb)into Ko Wni» witb bin ...looking u|i iu hi* facn au.l Utrkaadtbon *»\o tie door and murmur. Hn U « *erf oWdl-•nt Md intellljttnt 4oS mil a)i)>ArmltV kuu• goad deal, rortbcic «ro mauv Inataoipawhiuli be faa* (ira.d biniM-ll to be piMMMWith cantfldwable limUu<.-t. ^ : i m tun*

nnnu.Tte fall of Kwm no Tui'mliiy wa* *e

W j b«rr. rea«blii,t a .!*|,th of HKkl iu.b.VDlh at ntlinr placeH, tint thtea tullpit itwionly three looliu* of ««.w i«n|wru^.

Tbe gwat welBbt i-l npiiv tl^t lmlKCd «noHontbo tclephun^ wircn tii -ko utiiuvtbem and reudcit-il loniuiuntrulbn witb othripplnu alntiH ibo iiiw iiupoMible for Mt*»yt, which c*uw-<l luu.-lt in.unveuiHji-e,

Daatb am in vlaitvd tlti* toiouiuolty uuTnetdaj Blglit uad ]*id low MM. Haruh Kej-sold*, the ota>*t luhiiuiKitit of Mipe Hill, >.[,.haTii'g reacLcd tbe (treat »tit>of m.'«rljr iilnetrJMOT. flbti WMV.rv MUve fur 0 B e»l heraf* mUt bcr d«atb, anil in flue weather couldteam walking back and forth tnrtn rrh on80*4*9*. a d U t w e af BM B»1<>. Her f.cuVtieaahe MtaWduntil lb« lau. On*able thing waa Uf *<renticfat. Hue ni>

•, and•r«n thread a nenlle until withinktr dMth. Th.a her.ijht ..idH«Bbe had stanj-friendu and waa m.,all who knew her. At Ihia writing *e do notkpow the time of bcr bnrlal.

The GbaaglBv boatae at the Dlckertun Oilufwaa deativjnd by fire an MoBtlar tnotniiiiIt wat a building tottr !•> tweet; feet, amw»» ued by tbe men to thange anil drj tbeiDOTUDI elstteM. It ia anppoaed thai aome uthe clotbaa were liuig too near the ato?B. O.tkat Maw of the uiea caUMd tbe tire by ha*i i« a tighted U^i> iu ihvir hat and »iWbitr the elotbci. Nothing Mtnid IM diaan tha bad I din,,, u , l it waa W DwhM. Then «w about «Utj nwn B ._•be •!•*, wad Marly all of the* feat .lathe.m boeta to the atnouut ot ten or twslf* dol-laia. TheoMiHuynM partly reanaetatetlthe Bwa tm* their luea. Cukt.% Lmt.

The haadkerchier |.aHy waaaauvoeaa*aa largely att^mled. Tbere<-eipU«ei«M3,which waa pfcaenled to tbe paator, Ke*. Mr.Brown, on Binder arirraoon in tbe Haadatachool bf Mr. John Urfbbel, aad waa ac-cepted by Jf I. Urowa ia a aeat laticb, thaah-ingbUueajfriMidBfar thoir latarert ia hUbehalf. Mr. Brown went to eovfenmet thitw k bnt will he witb u* agtia anolaaiftwda,.

Tb* lataat ran of iltettC* Krenawnt middcalr laat Haadaj aad WM buried atBerlualnVallejon TOCMUJ.

Mr., Lance Kkhnrdwo in ttry uluk agala.I>r. L. Bright la atteadmjc her.

Mr. PaillP Welliaxum l-md a«i in ,offtrawMdtbal he WM caning awiy froaitbeplaeeof John McCanfllb. <he man whoI H kfllet at the Mmhard nine. Philip tttnraai It hi Me or the rhildrtn tbe aeit dar.

A lat af Swedn who bato !«»• workingaroa*d her* got an the risbt aide of nne ofaar vateben and warned blm to tha tana afa» . If yea vaat la •**• a aud bntaher, jmat

y Mwad«. Mna

Htntit'tl iu ik'.uili or »lmt tticuu^li." <>tliL>Hf tinii'a wux IUKI Huturilii.v ni«Ut Kvmnit; itiau in (bin virinily wiin1irnu«lii

liPioiild lint utaiiil; liit «yc« WPW «tiIniui tbeir norkctK; lil« mouth WHO wiili,IJI,1 wctin-d fixed tliitt ttiij; tiirt SirU.tW'a w<>n< nil mml. Hoiue .it Ibu-.;..i,.b> uiioi'knii . . . iii, '

II Butiirjiiy Ui^lit i>ml •••)j ,»d Dull *•»« tin- *3|(lit tlmt unit (lii> ri«<•,«*. They «ol liim Into tbe lioiwe ;

Kiti Ibiiwi-d out a littl-r In- V.lurto.l on'I- ol bin tutber'n iH'Hnlrm IUUKUUK^ tlmt

.li well iu voW tJlie, aud Uw Iwanli-vii iiinws tlm tuuiitli witb bin opmi biiuJ.

mid tli'' vmiuf! UIHII, lt»t ymt nv.'tiij-uui- 1 litMittiHtdi'd iulii ii drunken olmulirr HIIIliki' n IUK uiilil nti.ruIHK. Si-tl dny

< Ibo K.iliti.ilti of liu- l . inl . Uu' 1-ov ^II

I ut-Hin, Iml not - •trunk but v \ut u'lmt In: wnn ilniun—HIP ttui'V uuvn tlmvnhirnfLitk.' II.I|IIII< it iiifir Hie lock


hit' it.MM.il.-Ilicl (It.ifl


»• r.iil

uivu pt lhivil(im:>-.i<. ln>

!•:-.(.,;,,), J.

I t.i Ki-lo Illl

• 11,

if M

„ y

l l j l


l l> i

<t i

i (t

» E

Mill. 11 i-iluit

Itljjllt Inlitutu

•d bj-

L-tuiU-- ol" cmliiutiiiii, it ""i*' I" 1 ' l l m w"tin. Hpurwlr mitilwl. wilil niouutiim

n-dfuii ul W««t Milloui muriMlilli. lti*rl«nljr

y lllll." b

iy tiiuclii'

| M n l NVvark uud Jpnay City.II Vt.i.Ordoti, Wlter knottii IIH "Tur-

n . i m K

-ki-d uji *i»r any off*

n v i r j wuiruwo Murrisiuwn l«rnniilU'tl in Morn

.nir UililillHMr. I-iiii' i|iurl, of Newtniliiilli'

h.'i-ii irxiwriuifiiiiuK with tlie fbalu d<-ifKcdll i l l . A* H wiuiTul pnlat II bi.lied iu i,iialitv or i-«1i»r. Tbi-re miv be

M i » ,WH <|U«!MIIOII la hi'iuit nuit

iTtirirtti Cliur'b. At «OIIM>Hill" will l«; nunltU'd t

aufarliiin-biNin.r rlei-tion »

pHHiiiB ibnt


Hlrr for uttiuc, uu, uml uiitlioiit.v. tin- ninny lulloir il« wlio mas bt- lunre " tpl'tctl »'Uli «*»ulkuviTt'lii' livu liodii-M ut I1IIM.> wli> really Mini pel etit U\ fill un «>tli<:« iincrnl nuod unit Uiti'Wdt of tbf V1'0!1'

Wo T>oli<» tlmlli>K*l viitew <wrvoil iu tlrf-aiiiiilnKkf|n1 »oi' lircitlicoaomitriet .

bind diHir

ff iu the l?inliuit

y'l No '.¥1. (Mini

fi eitlicr bud s

te wwr. Tho



ut «•Vlark <> tbtn ibiinl- W

i»l ilt'im

r, innkiuj; Ibr blu^d t* WPM vurrantH Ub

do IwitiiielHtdy Iu their

t t r i ly M mH to trial. Kilaruxuf Ibo i'iwe when it .

in«'d then- »b»ll be uo trial b.vKut KII|I|>UM] it bud l)icu jnui

Hmt I'orii HPII nr un no wbu w;m bmuublitaii< muildy uud maudlin, wbat would weduMv lUvi.l 'wt niigl.t t'd-liiiH. - I t AI.M.iblu

my »i>n, u v -on, woulil In U<»l I bu<l died fur

!" but bow tuld *

UIIIII !« 21

whUk.y ( Tu Iw-mre ij iItHTH Old Ullll u f MtllUl) Ulim

. jkii » rowdy ofliiuwir hiit licrfeit iliilii tu, but I would not bl.iim

tik f*lu(r tiHirli il tin weni KnaninK lor tViiinuu wmiuiftile liim ilidiik Cor the dm Hum.Tbe inul coiiJi'K ull ut Williuau'it buUi1, HSinnbttlM', \w\l KatunWv, utur whlvb _Uttv *iet tliu t«cU u they may IH> bronfibt uutinajUHtivc'ttaourt.

Mr. licnuiy uius buvtitu iu*ko mmtluT tripto Ciilnrndo tnl«> llierpwliisu hU uiotlier'will i« i)fl'«r<'d inrprnhutfl. Tbo rliiiui** «ttbatwbfii tbeim.pt.rty out Ibera it diviike.iunilvum'.uK (be t-Uildivu our tfonlal bmki

e II blontt'l l»»»'t

did u>it tell yuu that Vnrt Morrlt' dowu to Sum VorkouNt. Pattick'i

day io swell tbv liidebnticm. I underhandthe; teleiirnpliea tur |.l*w« Ui U*tbcuili: tlie line nfmM.b. Idoa'tkirouok truth there l« in that atory. I do knowthey UMBM bouie aober, BB4 aobod; Iu thewicked wit* atole their dianwuda or | "

It tbe Mowltakea that fell BDIbe^id areany «i|cn of Ibe flow era of lutlnga!! rl)|lilI he wins werr, out of kilter aoawnow apiPort Murrifl W»« eomBletflly IsoiHled. ft waatbe worst Morm of the anaoti ao tur M Ita et-tiet om tb« tnlcsrapb waa uoaeeroiMl andtlnw waauotink IntliPultke uml tbeluihitz uktliir nf tbn tottrutweuU waa hmbrtland tb« idliinsn of th J t«le|(r.>|ili offiue waa o|i-

puKlUiMt tuk » lAWyur tk» otherday to mk faia Sunduy aohvol teauber wb(t'«lu |{ot hia wife and tbe lawyer, very wWL.

I tbtiifc, kept on talking about «ooi*tUl»ndue. Aa a Kcueral rule there In nut much uwia Boitwiirjng taitin whu mk auvh queatloya lia tone tlmt girta you to uaderauod tbutHoers did BOI know umufa any bow aud thiibu nmn who addraanes jou i« wlacr a loaddeal than Motea and Aaron together. But "beard a younK man u*k tbe aama quutiuu•untn ur uu into. MUII for bin information_ tbe fullowiuK bit of feography from»ent«La, 4 i: W v. '• And Calu went nut Iranitlic iirrafuiw af tho Lord, ami dwelt In tb*laadorNiNl,onthe taat ol tfden." Then. U«a tloubt tbat t W e were twenty tbonianapeople ou th* earth at the tiate Cain went to jthe Laud or Nod and Ihej ware But all M*oI waut io add thl. piece ol ndvltototUf-jtmu(lman. He i-an-lul you do w t *' RU ant from the j|.rr«cni-e ul tlie Lurd " like Cain did. » . J.

Mr. .lotiu K. Uarmfa. who kuepe i i i metwptojui in bia abop on Canal atrvel, umno

faeturintf j.aper tube*, ban recuivwl itn ordeifar ten tbouund tub** t« he tltipued to Sent

r. tdrnmel Hi...JDK tbe fuundatiiin fur bis new boaao on

tbe comer uf Cornelia and Birch it re* lit.Vrambcamay ljndi^ that It will be one oftbe nueat rraidouuea I hat we CMN buaat n

Tbi Bet. W. Martin LIUMHI bia tbn-e jnaatonte ot tb* N. K.Cbnrcti on Sunday lnat.la the errata* be |ireavbnd bia hrevell anr

n to a large aniteoee. Mr.MaHlu baa been

greatest uraiM that can Jie bentnwwl npoiiliim. puring the last year ol hia atay witbua, tbrra boa been Uken into the menuer-«ktpofUiuGbiirohaUrgeBauiberofMn»ru.A floating dabt of ttvn thoaaand doll.r.,whkb baa huan o»*r the heada of th« people" r H u»»Wr or yeara. haa beea wiped oat

tiraly. duo a»««Uy t* the bard work dosethi* liae by Ike }iaator, aaalaled by the,

rge doaaltoa of twcntyDve hundred dollars,by M.yor llolam. The rbon-b hw bnnIboroaghly rcuotated and iwinted, tie wall*mm* vMlian papered, and tba aeata eajhloBed,aadthli eitrawoik baa all beea paid for.Barely |b* congregatMa ol AH cboroa aboulitbe very Ihaukful, u the* undmbUdly ate, toMr Martin for the j p t f m k d m , and aoa>Bbt would jail BH i l wiaalag kia Ood•am] in wbateter Held be la calW to work.WbotbeaeitpMtor forthia rbarch will bein wbateter Held be la caJW to work.

tbe aeit pattor forthia cbirofc wil;yrt knowo, bat I pfMBaw we will ki

reck • tine. The wilf "lltaa nbore church on tba

l v t jrt known, bat I preaaaw wl a a w w k i U n e . The will he no •reaehinsl t b b h b la( Rnhbatb.

Cl a a abov cburch on tba eawla ( Rnhbatb.

TbtpalaltartbePmbjUrlaa Charefa U.Iftindav waa fllkd ay a flanua preachertroBvOraiise,<Rbaae %tm* I bare aot learned.

Mr. Edward Lowe bad one olbiaflnfenbadl; amaahed at the Uolaad aaiaa one dai'ait week.

Mr. Jsarn tte*eaa buried a child 1 M | weekb.t died from tbe effect af Bwaale*.Anwgic lantera eoaeera nadeite apaear

MMUtbeMbvolbowa laat Moidaj ateaaK. From what we lean It did nat come uaotbeHaccUtioBaof niwt aaople, aa theypeaa, very nnrvrnpliMeBUr; ot the affair. '

Mr. Jeaiah CnrtK ST., haa been cownoed tobU bone lor tbe put few weeka bj a ecTere

We will acknowledfe that we a n net verydelirb«e«rbalir, bat for the beaeflt of ib*JOUBI teBtleawD thai got find ant with tbeBaker, we will isitert that there ia ao penon,•ruereom, i-eajplicnted into the wriuasi of•hcae leltrra in u j *ay. •hapaor a u n e r ,

terti| Koacimka.Tbe pnaipiai ont of tbe wafer at tbe Huff

vine WM eoma»eaMHl laat week.tbe pate bane aad ite rider ha. aiade i u>»eM In our neighbourhood M.<•., uk-

vktiai N n . Voorbeca, wba dMdt i r b t » tok7 .tier « I M U7 oat •»« I M U atokMae

Tae deceaiwd leavea a buabaad aad t«od i b t e r a to Dwura bar lats. runeral aaricea

bald«• T«eadaj ftftcr&ooB in ft. JobarM. E. Cburch, with Mar. J. Maari eaViatlag.

We iluulit ifiiiij Mi'fiool diitu CIJTI lu>iit (.'liiitou'H mir rcfrtiuuld bu pli'iiNi-il tuKuitwil.

• '' t!r promt! wJldUlIN bt'iMi iiHKtl uud occupied tm-po«fs for nufini I>DII Immlrcil an'yruis. 'I'liiiilrxl MCW'IIIOHSP WHibli' lou li»u*i'. it |>itri ul' wbiili wn

t n* n «liovlwrii<ut HIIU|I. Thv miwfl* *ti»t tt-at'licru ImvR bceu bmt lo liitftorj

i nf ttio llrat HCttlnr» »f tbe pr«i»not vlllitj.of NV.wfuiia<l!iitid ut(«udeil tbU sell DO I, '1\:

rouiidiiiKn vrn-is knuHii in NiMvfuutMltnmtun, Oak Itldu'-. L'urtliutJf, I'ontville unnv oilier iiei<i1tliui'bn(nli* werr induilcintdii wa" nimicil in liuiiiir in (icu. Ciintui(I'viiliiliniiury iiH'iniirv, miuie yuiiM »fli

Hi'VdiatlnvHi-y war. As many of IIih uf our ocuiian HIIDW IIUICH pn-VMi""!I), ihMxiU'llaii rcpreKUiikd « fot-nidi?raliii:l cm ill tlic- tluh< ut thi' Itevolutiimiiy lo-^illlim llm bfL'tniiiiia of llm pri'H-^i-Blnrj tlit-Mj WIIK un maiiv Inliuhitnnli

it ]irt>tii'Ut. Hmiif Wiiiities ImJH'\\ tvitbiu ttic liirit Illiy your*. To jfiv

ol'tliu llitici-of

lucn ltt7O~Su.

iiiil vbibllill IU tli.rom sitm'd tc.f

hildren, W ; IH72V; V

IH74, 74; IK7H, 711; 1K7K, 117; IHHu, til; IHrrfi; 1NM. m ; 1N»1, ai Tlii!ii>j;H(dtiiolhoumthe relii-M ot rurly lirili/.itloii, have dlampoitrcil. I kuuw of but our. tbe lo^ chH|wl iWillialim-, in Huaaex county, erected liowevi

ih lu Ibe im<KUt uemwlion. Tlic little rc.ll liouw. I row hcinif iMtliii'il red, loi]l.u-" Hltyoi- H(il.v .vriim nitn. uud t

ri'il, Wiiijt now rooruauuted iu ncurly.limrict. Iu uu ii.ldroiH i^coiill

I ut tbo ii|irniuK o«€rri«iiB uf tlinu:lioo1 at l'.nmui; the vnturun niiicndeul, H'tv. S. V Crulknlumk,

l.v school buildiuKih l b11K ' lira tt

built uu Hunbattau IMIUDII, iipil tlutt I1'uritann built tbe Hinuud at I'lyuonth f<yeurM luUir." I do not koo« ttiedate*, awould eKiectu It a favor if numc frii>ud ufiiiMliuu vnriuid in early lilxtury woiilil «i'them, uml tlm authority. Ha furilur statitbat ' t b a K«od otani|ilc« agirniid, t-vi-,|,nm.,l „ . t.omlat I.-Lii— tMW»1iu. 'meruuB bad ihty Iwi-iime tli at Mi-ut. L'olHtimai reiHirtFil lo lieu, lluraoyim wlillcthU niLiivh tu lleuniii|{lou, Vt.. uud wbu «rikilled in tho buttfe, that tbe country witilled with log •choot t>auM-», into wbbb chl]dreu wnr* tmtherrd asd Uuubt I ream n to hiroyal majmtty'a ^avtttnvmnt" 'ibo v«upertut«ud«ut farther nivw* *u inintnwhlnh wfty sot be out uf place here. "Tht'reuubuaD bun K|f«n hia hteaot tbe OodiofLluortv, but to au America* at-u.«*l*t<with tbe inwar* klatory cf the nouutry, I!poailiou tbe aubliu wbocila bave held tranearly tmli-iuPBt, (beiog (lu-eil*UBM and I'part tbny hud In laying the fonuihtioB. bullinitiipuiiil iimlntiiainjr the ualliiual Mralun-. tha ri>iiN>*entatlou uf tbx Hudie**Mbertv wautO bo tbo lnR wbool hoow, KreulIt uu liudlow'i Nlnnd ua-1 let it If wb IfKuropenu world IU power." V. V. J,

Mra. Johu Kowe ban been <(uiW aiok toilnow Iniprovinii.

Mr 1. I'. lUrtlKy, aon o(Wn). Hartley, whas been In the Wi*at tur name time, nturarborne last ft*turda> nlKbt.

Mr. fleorx" <lruy, who hum been iIotfai*u'«grirt mill for serctal month*, wii n k in Vat, mill owned \>y .1.11. Iloffman,liH-kuttalowu, this y*r.Tbe MetbndLt pulpit allll voutinuei to I

ipka uu 8aud*y by U«>. Mt. Viwbea,p T y ,Hartley, in piece ol their nuilar. We are a;htOH^jrtbat Mr. llatfRtirty IM KeithiK •trooavery rapidly, aud eulerUlua bo|iea at MOb i bl l t bl f l d a M i tinbeing able lo meet bli frleada M in tiweit|Mlt.

Tbe truitcea of «ur public whool nro tuikliK iiuile u improTraoeat around the bnlldliby re-erectinK tbe tori down poatu, MI aaavoid tra»eter« croaabajf tlie plot, and uuttiL,up th« ground. At the uuuuiilaobool uectlnilaat Taeaduy evening Mr. II. K. Hophlna wiekcled tru*t«a In plam< of Wm. Voul

lr»«e li*so bad expired.There m»* • umgic Unlcro itntertaiiI Ibfl hall on Hattirday *ii(bt given by 0

Uajtoo, «r BtuoWyu, nbont Uttw-u dtffereivlewn IWIDK ahown. AftmrdiRg to tb* hodbills and ponrern, one would tbink It wilotuft to be a great treat, bat u t i r u llearu (horn who attended it were aadly ...apuoilited. 1 have no doubt but I kit I It wiagreat combination of iDitntvtion aad MBJIIMUKDI, but tbe character w*» too much variedUtgive perfect aatiafat-twn. Peraapi If theeltlMuaafthD plai« had been better rejire-nentrd it would have produced a niBcb beltiet'eo*. but the art gallery wa* pprtalalyvi>ry claliorate, and an a wimlt I lave bearof uo mind pocket* that were Blled.

Quite a number ot tbe peopiu of tbitity bad tba pleaattM of attending the exblbltlon at iW Barttej achoot bonm gtran byMIM McCracken, ibe teacher, OB TbnrwlajeveniDK, ibe ltnii lnat. Tbe programD«,whieb waa rather lengthy, oatuiitcd sfnasu,dueta. aelert raadlaga, reciiatioiiN, dialognea,aad laughable fartea. Tho latter created agood laugh at tbe openae of tboae eade•To^lBgto»tertaia, and i* fact the nndlllnuthe whole prograRimr Was enjoyed bypntaeBt. Tbe room wan w«tl (tiled and aboutten itiillam wai raatiied for tbe beaetll of tbeechool. It in arid that Mint Lyon, teaeber orKUndcr* piiblui aehool, i* at presett Btahlng

poratlona for *a*Mlbiag ripjiiar to tbei»e. It in indeed a pleaame for tbe taWB

folk t* bear of such thing* aud at at) eveutaMaietbnae iatcra^ed tbat tt will be well•pported to proiBute the aacoeaa mtMr. Henry C. Howell haa beeaI« and lumber quite eitentmW daring tbe

put few nontbe On Batarda; art^raoon,while be aad hU yw»g hired nun, Mr.William Lake, were loading a laige log ontbe wagon. It rolled hack and caagbtMr.Lake aid broke hia leg jnat above tnS aubte.taring the esrltemtnt Mr. Howell faioledtwar, aud it wa* Mt u*Ut apby*telau«tri*«-rlhat tbiugi went on naturally. Mr. l*ke Iilotagnirtly. l.to.

The Pleaaaat Hoar Circle «wt at tbe te*i-focc of Mr. M. R. Meeker Twaday avnaiBg

of luat week. The evening waa « r y pront-ably laeotlo an aaiHteddiaeaMloiior tbederivation aad con#troetiao of word*. Tbeeirrle li oompoMd ofyonng n m and ladieafrom tnia vicinity and meet* aeati Moatbly atthe reDideare of one ot Ita member*.

Mr. «•«. U. Eyland baa ••ebang.d hl> M Inwr ronideoo*, larma and farm stock withMr. Hrown for real relate in tlrooklm Vt

re Miry tn k»e Mt. ByUwd. n* ha» OM>urb iu tbe part for tbe bcnenl of thta placeAn entertainment to aaaiit In raiting fnada

for furnlahing the ajemurial chapel wilt beeld at r o o m i hillTaeaday ereBldg, 39tllaL, roaalauag ot toeal aatt iaatraBealalia*ii-F aelect readings and the Mother QOOM

, Jbarade. Eierciaei begin* at 7:13. OeneMi'adaiaciratteeBta.

Mr. Heary Moon, a highly reapectad citia»a of MeCalaaviile, died at kia naiiaaM

*dne*4ay aJKraooo. Taeeaaaeof hfadaatk


Au»i-I riittnu uuii Ue». Hinlinc of Muck-miMili^ (liirty nitle,"of ruilfoiwl

i' KrlH.-.v'" tUil O

'In-. Jc-Adilv •i»n-AWii tviJi* nl tUt Xr.VTEA IIMtr. ill


ml liiiviH . . i i K . v

•vl«ti, (Ut Uuit>n(m'

«. Tlu^, I'mll, i.f Oi

k-lt <> Kl JVl

ot.lolm M.Hiiul..... „„_Lit l,ak»- (irimi«U, jyive; UirtU to

irtv iiiiiititBoti Saturday 1unt,W. lihn::t IJIIH retired trotu llic

•ii^lit by bif piirtaer, Wiuor Ln Ko«.Tin' death \« (lunuuntrd of Mr. Gro. E.:.:kl.*. Hi; MUD tbo liitlur oi Gen. Uauiol:. ISicklcs BU<1 fuiiMk-r i>r Ibu Ifclvidere


Si Ins VOIIDU. who W»B n nieiulK-rof (be LegPliitiin- rrotu WiirurL ciunty in IWtfMi, dkil it

**tx enmity limt woe*. Hiit vote i> said tovpiurrlodtbf: Miarler ot the Nuwark and•»• York railroad.Uu Alun-b !lil, tbe nest daj- after l>r- Slirjrd ciiUKbl Hi" O'xt trout of tbe HCHXOIJIm Su.dlnr, of Liifnjcttt-, bvut tbr reconl b

llniii fully liflccu iuulu-H iu length.—8UMMI

On u imru near Waliiut Valley, Warren.imuty, uri) uniktl ibu tailn of illly or t.lity• ruy M|uirri)ln. AittbB windatiM tliom theyii'Hml D cuiiuui nitfbt. Tbu owuev ul tliirurn, wlinu bo VlruwH a bund, aajs tbey niuairu)>, mil HI> it N.Tiiuiua» IWI, furlv-llv, old«fnrd Fnrnarc

nd eiu|>loy<>i| IIH U uiuuluer in tbe fouudiy u,Uv UxUiri Iron aiitlXrtii t^nipmiy'* Works,oujiuitKd suklile in bfa IIUUHD OU Weduundo"

jlteniuoBbjrahoirtlNK "tiHwII, He Mood I.(runt uf »lookiiiK-glu. \>\*etA the we«p*m t*

in bi-ud anil tired Ibe fatnl nbot. Sever aon tlm HKO he ]mt a little dau«bter by deathul f icr Him-u be haa Hcunieil *K-«pomleut.

K,,i,,.'tbinu iteu- i* Or. Hatid'i Tfetiiloliou to butbu imbipR auuii. It reliiiVCH uluiu uud in kuruiow. I'rici!, 25 elm.I'ureutM mnetnbnr Ur, Hand'M Cotigli mmuy MtdUiu© rtlw«in iuftiuiwatitft uf t...• runt HUI) tubED uf tlii> ialign ami L-IIKH coiiglud irou]i. l'rite, '£i vU.

H. II. Purify, mitui of aUianjer Ariiuim, IKi» font biully juuiiuod. Tli.nnun' Kcleutrlii . I.I.NI it. Kottiluu niual to II lui< a «|iiii

j.nin reliever.

Cwaaawtio* C*»4An (.lit f-li. ]*R.JW T,-(uv.ii. vurt*\ >ivivvUi'.

liaviiiK Inul |I'1IIIHM1 in HIB IIIIIIIIH by an £nliidin «u*Hloinit>' 1lw f uviuiilu » i i" *" —••t 11 ill' I'I-IUI•itn- ol' CoiiHimipti\-tliuitt au.l ull t l i r . . . . .lUiin im«lth<i inul rudii-iil t u n for NurvouJi'MlitT nod ull Ndrvonx Cuui[»!uiu(». itfti-

iniikf it It in.w n tu IIIH unllVtrinii follown. Autuuttid li\ tlib tuutive uml n do«iro in rntieTi

W.I.fen-tar- Trimmer and Farnt

tare UphftUtonr,IIT,ACKWELL HTliBET, DOVBB, N. I.

(NcxtttiPiiriU>cA(JI*i'k'a.)Hair Mattraaie* made tuoraeraml old aiat*

CMietnanitsover. WlnilnwvbadeBuwdraatl»UUK. Ordura for all kind* of nj.liolateriDgneatly anil promptly oieenteil. Oarrlafcetrim-min« in all ita br»u«iho». Prlon* moderate

ItOVFH, \. J.

iouviurtH tbe pro|irw torn tlml ttifir t'finrti. I

•atiafy (lit )iulilitr in


goodtfuaYetMBUHiimtHsfiil. nud tbey willluulimie on tin fume line oidfiiHni

witb the L.AKHKK1', t'liKSHKHTuud PL'KKHT STOCKS uf

to i-piulilbli, mid iiroi"'"'- to do il by utfiiriiii!tbo lirfll gociJH »t tin- li>H»nt |<riirN IMHIHIMIINIIw it ti living |irnli|,.


II deliTi'i'order* iimuiptljiu (be JlfterfiiliHrtHoTiliU vi^uity,


BARTON SMITH - Auctioneer,

la the PMIO4.C« mt »«*#r.N. J.Dturr, N. J.. M.iruli 25tb. 1887.

Oman Itritton, Win. E. Jackaua,|>«vid Tuoiwr, K. K King,A'liim IJiukiTsuu. l.i*»ie Nicliota,Kiuburd I>or*nn», •lohn J. O'Hrino,Anuitt I'luiit'tfau. Hnumib A. Ueafan.

MM, WOI. «i*ri*.To obtain any of tbe • bwve intlera a*y ' • g»

vertUwl"»Bdglve date of tbUliat.O 0 . BINCHHUI. T. U.

MAHHlKli.«HM1ttVtKl.l>-LYOH—At the DenTlllc H.

¥. l-urooiuRe, March 90th. W Re*. Pnd.lilooiu, Ue", K. Htibnnrld, of Kwkawny,and Nannin liyon, of Hind town.

KKKWH-At Hibemia, March »lh, Hi.li-r.1.iafa»l MW i>I John »»il Jane »kew», a«eil

, two year*.HKUWN—At I>enville, March 12tb, Sarab

tlkuc, tUti^hier nf liMinard and VnunlUrawD, aueil thrre yftara.

HMITH-At Ureenvllk, March 30tu, DavidHwitli.BgedWyeaTit.

STlC'KtV:-\t Kockawar, Mama Jlat.MawltB uf Hub bard Btlcklf, ST., *ged Wyei

HANDS WANTED.Twcnty-flve able bodied m*a to work oa

tbe dnai at the renideuee of J, Aadn w Cu-urtiitv. Apply immediately to

T. H U S K HOXtE.I M * I' AttiirD»B),

UfWraadottu e%tn Iruru flnt'claai Bloak for

hatcliing. Two dolltra lat a pellin* ul Rfteen.'Iheff-cat beauty and gnud quailllea or laeWr»udott'» nule for thorn friend* whurecorlUtroriucrd. J. AllNOT.

D<t?er, N. J., Marub. ll l l i , 1W. lS-3w


A> I have wii<ttlcied my aeleethn «f IT __.lint l»r Men, IIOVH aad Cblldna, 1 will AN-SOL'NCK in B V frtenda and tbe mifa)]lat|« that the prlcen will auryaaa Iu

anythlug heretofore B*1IP«1. I hare alamy meiv*Mit ttiiortua depaHwent tbelatnttuoTeltka iu l>iag*as)«, CorkMsraws, Caolmere*, Cheviot* and oilier styles taa> aaansr-oua tn mention. Also the latest styles ia

HATS AND OAFS,a»tl*fiaeUaanl

UKliTn'F|IH?IISHINU OOODS.A call in parueatly aolielted before puKbaa-

lag clanwhere.

-A.. B. SIMON,(O|ip. linker Opera I loose,)

HI«k well St., Dover, N. J.

A. TAYLOR & SONbarn removed ta their new

Harriett Makinf EtUMiihrnM



Wbrre they will carry u naual lull HUM Inenry kind aad quality af

everything n tbe war ol borae raita aad faraMiagt. Weeitead•*]_. .ra to all .ur old eaalMwn. and tb* pan-

lie genarally to visit us at our new place, IBwbieb case we be«e*« we will be aW* to

lure them beyond dnabt that we Intel ~iilaverytbiagiBourllBeatbotUBi nrirc


FOB SALE.Wood Und—about l.KI t e n s ;

handy to railroad; heavy growth;can be pnrchaaed upon ouv term j .

3i\ acres ol land at Ironia.BnUding lot 10,100 It. in Dover.

A. JUD8ON COE,Beal Estate and inBunnM Agent,

Auctioneer,BEJIOIN ST., DOVI«, N. 1.


r iind«r»iKued will HOII nt jiublii- aule


between Cui.nl and Wnokwell »tn, Duvcr,

nuDeitdug ou

SATURDAY, March 26thIH87,nt 1 1*. M. *hurji uud mntluuli

cwk diy nfternoou nuil ivi'biu),' <

mins ia all uinpoHed of, tlio InrifO

llurJwurf, Cutlury, At., now in m

oota, Tbe a lock in nil uvw aud In fboofi,

luul imakiigo*, and con«lt,t« uf ,


lot ot BaVoit, V«rk>, Sj.o.V", Hbureln, Ho

id FAKMIKa l.'TLN'HiliN Benori»llv :

all klmlH of

Carpenters' and Bn.MmHardware,

WH, Hatrhntu, Ohi«e1», llamnmn. Hi

let*, KuWen, Forti, Kywm*, Meat Cleavi

and Cuttera, OH Caun, Htm-h Vjurn, Anvl

A Wgf (tMortmelikU - r^"rvi l .v ¥..i—*great T|i>aii7Tty nf HiUf.r Knivrni and For

Toualem, Broilers, fcr. All Limit nt HnW>

ftrrewH, Awl»,*o. All kind* uf

HiaukaMaat Kiteken Utcnlli

*r., in grem

vaHety. Enwry l',p«r, Hlrap aad T Ilmgi

Whip Htwkuta. Cattle Leaders, Hnring Ma-

ebiwa, CirrtaK* atnd Tire Botta ia great qi

tlty, Carpet fltrelrhera, Umbrella Hta

Shovel aad TOBBIU. fltaml-, Coat »ml

Hooka, Veatbrrlliutem, ITphotatoKra'II

mem, r'anien1 llammera, Ilevotven,

okatea, IVitdto Html fa t ten and ftacl

fltoBerx, Bed Cutflit, CoRve Mills, Sad It

Mauda, All,. I'lOlle.., t e a and Conn ter Seal

Drawer Full-. Ink Stand., Coffee BoMte

Toilet Racka, Kalaamlae, fflint and Vtrni

Brnabea, all kind* of Bella, loe Tongx, blKor Pocket Knifes Ma1 BaC^n, 8.iHanra

»arbeN, Hanker* and fa-il.r uae.

SHAFT CHIME IELLS,Skaft AnIIHattler*, Aleofeol L*»|» aHeatlag Stove*, Hat Braahea, KMatcbeoiia,Brass Bbell iwplemeuU, Shade Flitura,a tkouaaod *ad one thing* usually found inflNt-«I**» U»r4waire fAon, bat ut wbiniapaee will not permit to eaiawrate.

17* Jobbtra and dealer, will find thl.rare opportunity to pareaaae.

Ira aad goods atuat be sold tby April 1st, ai the alora la t* be ocoapiedother psrtie*. Thin will be B rare thane* ifamrtie», farroen, carpenters, t c , to gelgood nupply of bardware al bottom price-*.

Condition. ia»d« kiiowa t t wle bj


Kaecliltlrt !• HftlH7, Hltlta IliaVrwear ••« VMt i tW

FRAZEE. CON NET & Co.Central Dry Oa*lt •tars.

657 I 659 BROAD St.

TheMflpseiaWeaaMalila --. -im dca. Child', fel.oh Wbl>ed Uvt, will

•ottd white fret or wbita trwi aad litela, froi

ewifJ atattvanmlB.naie*ahBbie. OaailsactatiBifineeae.

Aim •rail line of LidiM. tfhwa andretiaaWldHaekH »e, • OiroUD epaitafwhtekM w«t»nt«*U0Cto w b o i*",'•*•<• w«hJn,fxt' |nt"j*tly pure dye^ver*paimaaipad aad u * gauaaMa ahawlBte.r Aba lad***' »lsck and Ouluvrd LbJ* Hiw,

. (jor liHB ef Mo.iin <|TDderwe*r are m*Dt*od fariod, run men into vary la* guod*, bur•II grade* «ife tmphalio satknwlloi).

"OnrSBe.aroBplnR" or Ma>lw UBiteiwcarBtMUiaa Nith' Uowti', Chswtfica, Draiaad tTuJerwiltta tbit ma eta not fear In iant na tvnrcnl ">«uy«t avrcnttomer*.

UPH0L"5TlB»-Chfiill« and Tnrcoin, Co*era anJ Piivilaira, Feitypomtrf, IdrFoTBltimCawlrK.audri '

a>ito*'^-'viffi?i^:ab,..,ottonOnropenittft »f Obolce Paiapoit baa alreL...

oaaMa«U, aad l>y Moaday, Ihrca 91*., miihdlheteaffryftne Hftplaf. nom tfia earl:

!• nd itoeore 4 flnt cbni


TM OM Follow!' Bill, 01 e>mePn*n, will be let dun April Ut loi i a at ftucfef*. Far ttrMt, avpl

" 6too(

any wtow

With the Mwaat acript type. Jart rtwith* ERA ii preaared Vm da aapark wet* » tbeway BI weddiac aid atkertad





Men's Fine Calf, Genuine Hand Sewed

Shoes,!en's Fine Calf Shoes, Goodyear welt ,

equal to hand sewed, . . .

Men's Laoe Shoes, solid leather

throughout, correct styles,

Misses Extra High Gut School Shoes,Ladies' Kid Vamp, Patent Leather

Trimmed, Laoe Shoes, very stylish.






Passage tickets on nil tlie principal lines, and drafts, for sale nt our office.'





JOHN A.We am now offoriag creator iitliinomiMitii to Uityem tban wo ever ilid befuru; every unr

^eat will IM marked WAV DOWN LuW to *utt th« pnrcbam. In or.b>r 1.» vhm mit uuisatire stock * e »h»U offer * *

'W OOBT.WR protMMe to make tbe prine* perlRnily nniltfiiciorily l» nil who vhh (o liny. <

niicatlt ttHlayaOK^KHALHLAUUUTEIlliiitt been made ou llio jiiiiituii'verv «»irntbeatme. We nrnan bmiifin; no hair way uluut il. .N»w i« ttie llino tu [inn-urr

.Tinventory e »li»U tuulu uewia Miivt^tcvl ll»ri;aimil at J. A. LYOS'H, Ojip.HielNmt-n


Spring U hei»! So ar« we. Bo is oar itook of U0HTWII0HT OVBECOiTB, and a royal itook it ii. There i i notanotta.r luob in Newtrk and but f«w outtlde thit will oonpan with it. Thia U not fancy, bat feet. The only troublewith th. Bngliah lugnage, when we attempt ta llnd word,to Ao oar itook jutieo, is IU poverty. Word» do not give aproper veaeeptioa of ita i i » and oompleteneu. There aregarmenta of every i i n and eelor; ef every weight, and of allmaterial.. We have ramicked both the Domeitio and taeForeign Market! and gathered therefrom a collection fromwhieh aayboor tan be anited.

Another point: Tha whole itook it of the HTE8T STYLEwhether yon pnrohue a Coat at f S or ono at $18, they will fitequally well. It don't ooat any more to make a good fit thana poor one to those who know how. There's the rub; theydon't know how. Who den't? Why not half the elothingdealers in the country. If they did we ihould not see 10many ill-fltting garmenta on the street. But come in and•a. the 001T8.

ncORBG-OR * CO.,


Pillsbury's Best.Oar stock ol meroliamliso in every ileparlment i« thorongh nnil

complete, having )»onglit llUffdy ami STKICTLV FOR CASH, Wo

•hall offer lo the Spring trndo at still lcwcr prices. Out Roodn are oi

tlie beat tiaality anil an inspeolion will eouvinro Uw clnsont lmJ 0 I of

the gonnineneas of this advortifuiuient. All competition will lo «|nnrely

met and our patrons can rest assured of our intention of fully racetinfip

tlirir reqnirementa.


SPRING CLOTHING.We are receiving daily! We have ut-

most everything pertaining to CLOTHINC:

for Men, Youth, Boys and Children'swear. We sell all CLOTHING at a pricelow enough so that no one in the city orcountry can undersell us. In case youwish to buy f 10 suit ask to see our $6.5Qthey will'please you.

Should you wisha $13 suit take nlook at our $10.00ones; that is verylikely what you arelooking for.

We sell Suits aslow as $3.50 nnd iishigh as $29.00.

Always have on hand 2,000 pairs ofPants to select from 75c. to $7 a pair.

We have them as long and as short usyon require, as small and as large as you[wish them.

Single Vests 50c. upwards; also LinenDusters and Market Gowns, and a fall lineof SWEET ORR OVERALLS AND PANTS,

warranted never to rip, 50c. upwards. Trya pair and you will use no other.

We also keep Carpenter's Aprons.All the latest styles of HATS aad CAPS

which we will sell at a price fully as lowns the lowest. Everything in the line ofNECK-WEAR, SHIRTS, SITSPEJTDERS, HALF

HOSE, Cotton, Linen and Silk Handker-chiefs, Paper, Linen and Celluloid Caffsand Collars.


Trunks, Satchels, Urn.brellas. Nothing will bemisrepresented and oneprice to all at

ISAAC KATE'So B Z KP. 0. Bex 117.

Page 3: BAKER k - Rockaway Township Free Public Librarytest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1887/1887-03-26.… · 29 50 4 ma 16 mnniil ... ijutli Florida during tbe pnst few

Saturday, March 26, 1887.Entered at tbe IVst OHIue »t JJOTI



Be*. Doau Vljnn, t>f Nittriirtown, in o

octal) tijion liin way liamn.

aiu In to Lttfr a weekly |>a)it'r, wliifli

t ll-will D l IO1I1.At i iHulnio Handera liy W. \V. Trit

lii l iQtm averaga* f i l l B » h .The fiiiiiiililtioii for n new frt'Iirhl limit

MnnUtown l»ia hern commenced.Fred.O. WillmuHliao tawd ttu> I'uirviiw

llouse at Cbitilium for number yetir.ftuliwrilwrft wbo n u v t ulimvlrt mitify l>i

promptly ol the obnrtee in their oridreiH.The HoituB of Aiwemhly hn* pissed a m o

lnllou to uiljoiirn nu Friday of iioit week.'1'lienew (JLiren Anlie cottage of I)r. Ilk-J

tiling IN ibe bandsoawM villa lu wttl|t|*a.nj'.lien. ('(liidllRmltli, who wua mj-sterir :-^y

nliot In New Vurfe, IK re eu [re ruling at 'in'.VHill*.

WiilllieldClianiliers, of lUlaUiulown. nearlyH«vur«il two toei from lii" foot wlii!i>clio|>pInKwood.

The Htanlmn* and WaterlooM. K charjicrutaulover «2.tKMlliut jear fur tiiUtlimn jmpaaes.

It Is thought Her. Wenlr.y Martin, nf I ton Iton. will be uaslitned to tlie Nuwtuu M. K.Oharoli.

The Canal Comjiaos liatt natituato tw ready for tti< ojn'iilnn ol HHVApril 1st.

A little more tliau u year licni>Will SjdloampaiKt

Tbu M.paring t<family u*o,

Ludlow BH»H. arc pnttfitmriw nuwer stran engine ibub factory,

Kd. I). Kiiighliour .-nujtlit llir.ro (rout lamSulunlny, tbn fir*I p i tlie mumm in ihin

Iliinltii tl at EHnoa*cctor of the Hog til

yi be tu ilia lioat at a

n W u w u Chitr iv IJK1it Co , i»furnish i iu'audwMtt iiglln

uly-fiircV a pur It

One of oR. Hiwlte will lieof Freeholder*,

Ooudtiutor* J. K. GMirtrn anil Hi monn lull you Hiiimtlhiiiir about tin( l i edgur traili*.

ttev. 11. A. Tuft, who nuahiwn itlm Wlilpriatiy at. II Church, lian n»cF)>tort.ll toCnnidcn.

Mrs. Hullie NCJBOM*, one «f the olildfl it i of Mine Hill, J lnl nn TIHMIIIJ- uifilthe age of 82 yriirs.

It in reported f la t tbe Cramer niinr,Suhooley'* HoiiDUin, has teen IFH«>.IH Y k

It Is brilrved tliitt Mr. JUH 9. Coli'irnntie renmioiuteil 8tm<t Coiuuifwuiouar of NewYork l i l y thlaspring.

of t of emptn(itiMiieu'o utiHH'tation* ot llii* KUto-ilny lu HurrfatowQ. ,

Hperinl tnciMiDB of VIBllfln( Hnext Monday nljilit. All niitinl>«r« »re rr-< I lie* If d to lm |)re«rDt.

A liill in Wfore tie. S.uato (« 1i«jH tipiillfiiR ilittlrlut to fl»i vKlcre unil tu u lon Ipnllnalfm'uloi-k.J*. H.

Jeff, fclimrk nud A. Vox. i>f \Vlii|i|>niliavc token » grint, U W H U I I rhkr mill

Moiriitown iilltn-The 1liured pr^imritttiry to t!io lutraiLuttlioit of tbufree pitatwl delivery sje-tem.

Hli'linrd (Ipurne, KSIJ , or tliU pine?)1, bunmilil ilm Waul properly ut Edit M.ulimiu toJli'iirj Htmdrnlb for £! ,300. '

lti-v. l>r. Howard Cranny promlmii In SmithHtrc«t ClniMb, Mori-Mown, 1ml Htuulu.v, IDC*I'IIDIIEU witli Dr. Kidunn.

(lor. tlrecn ha* appointed! HliVrfi. Crime,nftlilarnnnty, one nf the Hoard of VWtomtu tUn Agricultural College.

A pio noehlile was given \>y the yciiinc nee.ntauttLn Vlratal. K. Clmrch at Mm. L A .While'alaPt Friday evening.

J u - T. CarlMl*. itrinR riwiit t o m n o i pflodtb,-wtti wellwU boSMOMld *><N1H n t Wtion n c i l Tsesday aftersem.

Tke «il« nf (lie form of tlm lull) Hit* . (Ill-ten, wbii'li was put Bp at twt inu on Weiluc*-day, wa i adjourned cue week.

Tke particular* of lb*Wnroins;ofllif cliaitu-iBg home at tbe JHekanoa mine nre gi«fn tnont Wine 11111 «(rtH"»ii»sdci>i;e.

l a e people of the Plaudr.ru l*m«li.vii'i-l«nCbureb have Iscwased the anlary ol K«T.fboraton A. MUM t i e o t*r j s a r , ,

Ckas, H. Marib baa began tb« crerlton eraA I A jytfi _ . I .I. . . . . —— 4L^ mljtbAtlAM •. . . • t L ^ • • i^WtUw W I M P W W l^n BivlSkHlV HUl lBi lwl

or the Morrli plains rsllroail depot.H a a t a e N e w l*f*y Rdilorlal AMoelatioi)

made Ita last trip T Tbat interstate Cum-nwnfl bill np*r>ta •> urrat sassy projorl*.

A braanh of tbu Wonwn'i National Indian

With M n . T*OP. V. Kandolph I ' . f . l l fn t .Hsvlag tluy comes n « t Fi iday. Tbete

aem> BIBB any l ink in Moviap; duy. u j h a v ,An4eren ^ ( i ^ s j «*«u|dB'l wake it worse.

Fourteen porwus Wfr« reueivfdon punfrj-ataaaDd one by IfUerfn the Mt. VtreHowl '«»bytcrUii Ohnreh Kabbatb fee for* last.

A Coaaecliuat w w s j w p " w a n t s QirnitmIn bny a Mew Jersey l eg i s la ture b«lore UtwUIng tbat be has Ib* grvateat «bn* oa vartai-

Wasbiagton Kagl ieCs , anil the NorrfitownHeard of r"ire Waf dens b*v« UeeO invitrii inthe Eaalou Bremen's parade neat a>|*t«nWf.

MhoBld the Aasesably concur with tlmBfu-i ate In tbe * t w marrlagft WoeutB bill, i t « m tap| Bfwesaary to take oat • license to net married.• About eight Inebei of *oow foil on TosadayI on (he «lb*r aide of Sparta mountain and

made excellent olelfbiag In tbat part of

lllnbop Starkey rbited Rt. John's parish onW e d u m l a y and IB the e?enfag prearbed aaerunn af fir*ft| import antl l i ter wit to thepeople.

^raok U. French, only M B «4 Her. Pr . J.Clement prennb, died In Newark last Satur-day, l i e * r u ** ; M U obi and Jeavpa a wKaa n d child.

Jaa. H. Meliflk:, goor nanager for the <ioavlug VigtUat Gaater Mendav Ball. ha . Mlwt«dTbM. V, Jubnaoa and Daniel ikehUr fur bis

[ Dr. H. f. llpbain, o f Prew lemlitary, andf Wife are la Florida wibar* Dr. Uplian laati week delivered foMV Icctnrva to the Florida

Enterprise Eorampnifot. I. O. O. V.nstltuted in HnrtUtnwn on Tneadny. Theirand Officers of Ibe Mate Enfasflf*ere pretest,Tne rVanayhanU Qasrtntte mailo many

rieads ia this aertion, bat ft la ddiibtfnl ifmy body gol bit as bard S>H Bro. lirown,

H- K. Twewbly, son-ls-la. of tfc.laU W».I. Vaaderbilt, has leased atr, 41M. U. l>an.

ptaee, near afad)«on, fortae aeasoarod April 1st..

Ir, Ibe sletbfer, bas rented a pariif im. Cala'a stow, em Swsex street, asItalian frait dulef, «f atsrrlalown, baw tafcaakeatbecpart.

BOWM MaJiacdi f inane nigfatkliM 43sxge Ply swath fcwkfowla b«l»a«iBg la H.t'as W.gaar asd 13 ftae ahlehMa belasigiBgla Mrs. CeTsassgb.

It la BOW eosildeBtly beilcTedUiat tbs Mor-a* eanal will asaaj be derated Ur other ases.IU bnaliesa bai Islka off till It is lew thanIt waa Csrty Tears a«o.

J. rraafc Ho«y, of PatersM, HaMMtraot-1 ta watbitba new dam at Minkey fct tbeipeonakt Clnb, alter plans by Engineer Q

KMIowell, far (3,601).try Twley, UM Cand» Desmwrat wboseat is tbe begUlatore by • Ullot bo«

.as bsatcn lor Assessor ta bis town

Harry K.*M<rrltt, of MorrUtown, a*n »fKei. B. V. Merritt, bas been appalled gen-•ml BBaaager of tbe Mutual Life AssuranceOo. for Wetter* Ontario.

AtteBtia* as dlwwted to adterliMWeat *••ppostte page sf tbe large auction rale nf.ardware aad entiery. which begins In Do

Mrs. O'Usley, nether of tbe late Tbomaa>'Ms>y, died oa tiatuNay last ierred In Bowel. ftbaBBabantirf.t naff' r» far waay Tears.'

rwuhB Rsnr.DcOOI. of SessM&i '• Jftiu-aia. lsaycs bshlnd hlsn oue of the latestritatstbeologioal libraries lolhc eowntry.

A Rilk flnu tidki of xturtltmt t « j atl'jimj^on,

Dutb bou-E-nnf Illu I^i-littlirt'J ailjoiim April 7th.

'I'itUd'rti'oij|fK<-iniil» tin: bt-.tr

yrtect l i fur li,ii.giiia Illm.

(ty?r 1 IIM) Vy.,\\ (ttlVli Win

(ii'u. >V.lluVf r,»Slurri»Uiwn undiitrci, baiclmwii thu pluiiH fur it new ItHjilial I'liurrli alHuuntrit.

Hr. Win. Kiiiiit-.v IM nlHiut to riliiriilU expculH tn iirrivu in ilu<keIlMn«i

Thurmlay.Tlm Mi.rriHli.wn V. M. (3. A- lm-

'• I did il, bu! I ilidn't menu lo." lm- »

Tbe Butler Hard Mubbcr Co. hnv<; HIilioiii Sil liDUKUit hi itiiller to tli<--irworkiiiguiipou n-r.v uaej terms.

tegular roettlnn olJai. MrOurU VOHXFri-ltfj evpblDf, April 1st. OWiinrHiiuil mi'

Tbe ]>., L. sV W. niHd Imx rt'diici'd tlio fiI-1 net II Djret nml 1'urt Druu t» tivn rm

IfkfIB tin' iiuod citbi'i' vaj MDII may W IIHI-IItabyUmr.

Win. O rail a iti, of l'iuf Itm'il:, nti.) Jbrewer, ni t'tiiluilelpbl.t. will Hti.tnt B imilibJi'i-o.v City Hriuln.uc-M Thursday lorn Dtn

ITtliii thiDK beeps ou the |iroWliiIiiii>s uIbat tliHifniiiundl |]i»nuiueiitiuHii<'kellHt«ivWill l ieunrtrd lo roiuiiii'inorute tin: virtii

iiiii'Hj. Titu«.

Fx-Henatnr Enioii. uf Ciiiinrrlii-ut. L'tjici

uu tlie Rcpiil.li.ini Ff<

duntialticict i ifxt.war.

Hfv. C.I'. Aiidi>rnnu, of II Ji-kc.riani'k. Inudercd IIIH re^uii tnm, tu tuito i ll>tt MiK, wliDti he will [ti!ct-i>( tb» imatonttu ol IIodfttttuy J'ft-Hliyti-riuti ClmnHi.

A. TaTlor 4 Sim nu- .n -a ,Vn^ti-rdny to•eir new• mow wi 8 n w « ctn-ei. nbliOj tli.jtw. arraii^uil riroly for t.tiflr biMlncMH. Kciui lr annoitiK'CiiK'iil nu oj:)'wit" )Migv.

It i« IHOWD Iliiit -evcral d.fliSci, liate InnIXIOIIH to ^curi' Ut v K M. (l.iitnn, Imi I

i tbu Viral H. E. Iliillcli -if 11,1,, ;,IJM^.

;f Muni.hiwfi r.-..„- lii'Ui'H \vil

• ,,fr;,r;l . K W , , , , . . )',„• U,,he V. M. C. A. iiiHlitioK fund.

A I'Hr

l.iilajettn Citliiuf, KrtHtim. IIIIH mnv 2ilililf ntn pnmllnl . Amiiup Ihf mi HIP Hlewn

M.S*«',uf Uover. Wm, M.VVUtimu*. cl1 MIO[IP, uud John 1'. -J'tiorntoii. ( f IVufiiuk.Mr. Jim. Jurliiii'. ol Km- mm, n-tnruc

m l w d k Inim I'mmdu, vbllher hf went illcnd the funeral of Lis niollior. wlio dnorj niidilcu!v at thu advuBcnd n^f »I'M| lL.urKlii-iifxnr Miller, nf Clmfttoiis, n ci^ur iiuiknDHI'IIIIIIII iiunniHiioiiH in IIKI mail nn Tui1

»S ut«lit Hiul wv thorium'1'.1!' elitilftl li.v t"osiiro tliat lindind fUDiiurierruiiclilui; IIOIIITht> (H'lllntf ilintilrlH uf tlie Stain «rt< to I

i-fivldut) witli new bitllitt linxi-» by Kt'iil. 1:

imlHil In r «if Hie Im

piixxhs, III KoliiK iul

•if Mut-»ulil

•)l aTlii; niipp

ll'Ut U"V. C. T. AIM.m.-ili .tlnrUEli.iirkl1]i».l JI., t.i Kockmray, SI HITjK>irhIt<i>.Itirloti Smilli lino <li"!KJ,l<'lri('.V lk>'"lc> IVktlHVtvi•UOTMI ilmt li»«rlll trot Ir beil«r. Hr IIUI-I- lH|ijM>d

hni.rii.c U>!i-tume ont Iti *';

iinl'i iidiiiliii*triulnn, tlm I'nLli-il Ht^tcn'(iiiftH in ttii* Ht»le Imttt iKinti coiuuc-HHI tnbutitHKii forlut'k nf iunai£ fo_ PW f i l l e r

TIIP Mi-rrimimt V. H. C. A. \>:n orunni*".!it "Oiiliiiu' CHiilt." In |-Uy bn.rt bull, fmilHII. |MI'I<. tHniiU, fii<, £ . A. Kii'iirr- I'rnii'i;V, St. llnt.v, Vi*n IVwulmil1, tt ('. U-Uibttt,.'^n-tsr.v .Hi T«ui«»r*-r.J . I.. CuiAtio, "1 Kewark, hns a volume of

iruii'ily l<t>lune«il t-i ln< urjinlfulbiir, TIIJH!,.nkll.., » l i i waa u T\,,Dnr umi cnnMiiblsf Hltltehnll, Iti lltisi-mimv.

Bn-jfiui-utii will IH; iiiHtlf for DIH IHHIfiliation

lemiau Vullc.v w»l Vitinunuut.LPKIS W Willon. |(>-|iiililkiiD, l-m Hnrvcd

oticotif unnioatimJnbiilh'iiwiin, P iDncriit.wh«r»o aesjDOt Mm In lira Mm H|irinjt He*-

un tor Town Cnmuiittct'iiiiiN iiMofitoluwB.

1'M-slduHCWv.latid ws* liftvji-amnhf lastf'rid .v. I'IK MJIIIIO dit;( Ui-v. rtin* T. Kerry,

nltuimd luIiU filth birti'dny.a !•*••« that llin rowln hur*' lice a in "(Kb

good uamlftlun sxlbi-y fterebt-fnre tip.1nra>(iu Tuonday. Tlm front bud '

icy were ptrftfilly dry, eauff>a>by wnow b»o|( apread KM II

KtflDwaj I|»H neat '

wht're Bum«

ni-iil uf the M*mwill be ht-lil iu

< Mi**r».J-rwl P. Tblbmi and Win H. HKJIMO-, «f Hoon-

m.Tbe ofllcf m elt etc*! at tbe tree tit inecliuK ot

iet'butltiM'AiJ AssDclatlaii Wurt-j Prrsf.«utt ClMVgff A. Wylte; Vion Pmldent, Kev.llwrt Erdnun, 1>. 1>.) Trpa.ur.tr, J. C. Puui

Hly; SwreUry *mi liibrnrliin, Mrs. <1PO.\VHniore Culles.

Ellin, ia travtllnfi srouad tho tUatr, MllritluKanoiiey for B Wiwlpn leu and prcteuillHK to bufrom the SolJier'n llonin st IM.VIou. U. The

r.....i>n*aek Kfpulilifan finds on lnvesiina-tion that b« U w fraud.

UprriM nnd Enxei ktailroid stiwk last weriifell to 15". n n i t B i m \ty. A Tm»t»n p»*tl,<rt» Rot a " point" an to the probable artiop

Kallroad Uunpany in tbi> iV l'ute wild tl(>Dtate, it is Hitid, his niiide •.w.'Wi* uy »he »iw,

l|*« (,'nndit Imllh, whose broilirr WflH si lotilBttitvn H.)u»™ a few w«»k" ago, Is (jumb-tier studies in u private acbwal in Wmiiiu*

ton, U. C. t i l (he an) nf dwsitoe VieM, attbePmltoDi-acalloiiNew Year's moniiiK,

rat prononneed by many llio uiMt din

^-jriirrs are twve'lnK in rarluu- par!the gtnt(T, sulieiting farncrs to place their^i^.tnr*. U a pledge sot to destroy Mil

dp<t to pronilsaory uoleo, which, by nounuss , get i»U) tbebuki, leaTiug tbe farmiMpay a seat littls Sltm.

The ratlaber sad wnnlerar ol Tillte Saailhd tu Ub w b a d h i a dea BV

p r l » a n « » t for life. Tbo Court or i'ardoidid U oa Tnwadity laM.at tbe -earaea* aollc-lt»ti<M «t tUt ipeopto at WatKB county."

bst • furcB.-Hie^ettitown Bcpublloan.Murder ia oiltrurr, s f d if tbere waa on

. . a » n for Mumming: Ibe duatb aentrnce ofTiUt, tbere w*r* at leant two for dwiog tbeMine tiling for l>»w .""»«K Troglown, wfa<waa d o t e U> (Jfa(i • few yeata ago np iiMortis coanly . -Nowark Journal.

If the •odfeasion o f J " 4. Titus be truewltat will becojjjo ol tbe lunnuuieat t o Tilliaflawitb, wbo d k * "Jcfrstliitg her bettorf"—

Uta O tv g Oeinocrat.Titna's eonhWion seens tn no«t )ieopbi

b*Mcr te bang on than to sUnd on.—Sewark

ATwatUWlA leatbw tn um of »«* Huatlaj •cleal*,

after eJiplaining the lenao, abom 4br«hajnoflVrinai l*aso, Hiked one of her itifunticfaolars to repeat tbe story, to wblek be gmxo-,hi»ao»ftfr[ "The Lord bad told Abrabam[A Uhe Isaac and offer bin for a burnt oflor.

-, bat Just M Abraham wnn about to kit.. i nod *ni<), 'Abrabaai! Aliraliunl donlkill Itaae. J waa only la fun!"


tuli-, sibo wtid ci>iiv|i:ii:d ot tlii« uiiiTilliu timilb on Ajuii H, 18*0, liflH iF i l r l K

.v, tlK-j'ii.^ Tim-

tniut il. Muli,l..mKbl «r.ro

It \va* lii'ltl tiuntil inicniKiiii

M.V. ,m.l tbu

niim-ii, lind li>-<Mitt, tlm inn

rl,,f « fatal!*'

tin jury In tlio trUIcnimiilorinj; tlit-tiII>IIU'OH('»|I<"> liad nol

itrtH, licfim- wlioiu ibi- i<)i|K-ub> v

ii'iliitH for two lionrs uad u Imlf TmtMilatioruiiiK, KifT.v [)iia*o of tbo VHML> wa*i'iH»uil, with lint uuiinimons ronuit |li*t 111^•iivioiinu l.iivinK itE-i-n bmlf u(ir<lj'upon ri•iiujMtiipiil.il cvidiiii-i1, ir would Ho lu llio line

it JHSlicC to l-OU'll'Ulf till- llt'Utll MtUlPllCf.l i m i n g iti^ti'iiiiiiKil ti) N|iHn< the .jliiitur

ili>, llm iii-it <|ii.'-.ii,.u wan: What pruuitl-ull l>oini|ii.M.i iiiiou tlio i«tivii:ti<] wanf Ii*ii« JlituM.v .linrnifuiililiat bu Mionld bu Iiirmiiucil lurlifc,

The- aitomi.vH fur tla- iiiuvicli'd tiiitn HII

IIU di ml< fPwuU.vi tlmi Ut vlcwtUwitU iirriiHinji iiTmr I to liuHNibllll,v tif ili-alb mi tl

II.VH TITCH CCISV'tSHlHl tWlli'U till- ill loll IJJPIIH' ICllulttMi lll'lvilll'l

lilt JmiltiiP TliUh'M ficiil«tii'n IIIKI III'PII enn

i\ Unil.V i rnr ITIIIIIIIICIIIM -fiti

ied or tlie ilcvlhii)•\i in mi ->ltr»'}ii'r"H!iii<li.

huturuoii t>>o "itmul<p'.l. I'mn'iitlybUruiiiiltu truth il-ihticd on 1

IIOUM. "1 dnl II

tmt it i*fitrt,f;t.

ud bv.n uuHie nlgbt n

v iluoranil hi

Tillhtn.v 1

• fidelityIn arise

uuuld huld himliK'. TliM iitttli'il Titus antl he ro-Ifll) w'Uil tlM-, llllt l-blt HUM ](«rf.Utell|

i^;miiili. OMIIIII. TIIIMHU iin'clisril»f lm I.- lioi.l uf line uud iu tin'

li-nt iiili'iiloil nuil lixiud tlint Ii.' butt

l l - i l i . l i io tk i i ' iUn boilr mill

iv want [udoitli itrt'U ((iffl

a 'fit

ylouuil. II- tud K.ourney. l|nnvi<nut prttni-tiitntion.biilr|j| k

i < I M Ii

iriiitiiiiiPd tn ilicifinll. f«>. I

Ilir clerk of

I l.uviu«l)(lull fun l l t< l

fd iu.inll. «;ivsi lat iioltiTitUH1*lily «tnl IIIH .uiiuscl iltuy c[iipbiitii':illy

iin-f ili«> fmemiiuy wim In typo tlid I'hil-ittn-it Ui'aiomm announces that it utiilt-r-!iit» (In- mull! point" cf (bo rutil^i*!ou, us

»t«! tiy Mie-firailHar wltR (neTricia. I t*, IIIIH cypr, i b u l t v i l l not tion vlnce nuny

Tlu ttanbef* I t f- Chaieb.BTXNIMI'H. Miir.li ZiJ. ISH7.

KlilTdD' — I . . I III' hi|i'«iii5 ol f«W tflt-l


1 1KII- .li.llllS.-.i

i huM Bfivtuned tiy II

r l i i l h o irkiwl h»nMe wli^nnolit la kit tlio U •KI-TH. I

t .itliir preaiotii'ii ben-. Tlmv linvit v

ili»|.iniymioiit to otlierrt to

pwaobi-r, Ki'V, I-;, t.'. Mi millias crown frtnn the Haiti 11

ili.T«. Alluiirclnport

(-biT« lil IHTII j-.iod inIml it «i l l '»•nay ]irrlmpK u

tlieThe elm

b woik U ina !• n

ihu,v 9I.INNI iu lull tn the piwlor, leutrewmry ILHUHIU tialucce. TUettUipuiil nil billH uud bnvo * balaui

>ty. l o o Kuuiluy whoul I* In DUGtlition. luiwWvinn J**uut ]*'•() iDsiiheiB «ttdaulioltirx, ami liiw u buluuci- iu tuiudMol tn.'H«-nrrr. We iiuvi: ,w Hue a purMiuagO as thereiipi-rlujm oil ttii' iliiitritt. Tbe nhunib U kUntil ri'ji:iir, but too miiutl, *a our eoujitegu-liuurtbuvi'Mtiiud'ly lucrcaseil, »iHUitt miw atnltuuKt every eej} iff i'itr« seatwarr providi d•J'lt(M'(tniin'[iulio[i bti". uud I inidi-tHtiiuil the

t Wl.k'lluu, n'_ th, l;lM rr^u,'*l.,»1 Sub-


Towiship Xleetioni.

rtplt* ul' «ci-liHa(;u, Ibat oiii>lii|i clut'iion. And

niiil 1oalible, it.

mn) unt l.y imi,«|ji|. Heolmu


il liy IILTMIIUlitn. Ili-i o tl

,H: ]>!.> eprk l» pet Hi.Uiffi)r iciil nrluiicii'd i ; i 1n 'W(* ,u i i i l a

great tlciil ol bin! l e d in n in rii^uilnied tburc->y in iR'nrl.vaH Liitiiaiutiilli'jt. Hit uln^dy

ul' t>'«nliilili"

rion ,,nI<TO.llbiit wi•>d t'»i

fibiill vlrct. and It 1

« l l t••nr tn elect tbe bulBinc of tliotiit4>riui>iHl'tn of two yeur» bc-

1 KMu^>b1e, woulil do nJiutiti'mch,* tboy (iPUttaHjr wva-

i' prfM'iil l/<i!iKliitnt<i would euaul nifurfMt utility, nuil unu hlulily MatU-i tlii'|ir(i|ili<, li.v |inHi<ttiKn litwlor tlie

A ftflHUvntius Tialin Uwxnwei -rPiuopH, lu lti.lv, wilt tiiiuiiun during (I:i uud IXtli ceiitiuic* for tlie violins mainoied tliiTt. mid to-duy uu i>lil('r''«>oi

imikorx, IioiiiiK, a ].ui>it

I«7II unit died iulint wtt.-rcvn k

; l.vull I>l fill ul tin' Crt


Witb a

I . l l l l t }•<•,

' IIMMI.;!:„:,„! .1,, I.,M. M l ' - I'iiutf ri-itt wlwii Uilii-u ia tivuiiw^ii

ini'i' Ibut bun In .n .p ind Iir Mr. 1.. l». Hiliwt.1/,HIIHHI'I] iti Huv York fur tMt^uod liimd vinlia ut a CONI or f4,

Tli-I,no Blr. <•H1.MIL: . iwuntii l Iliin lime ai>ne-l violin i.f v..ry *w vt IOUP, ttliii'

Ui-tlavo |,i bi« u;ruud.d;i<islitrr. tin; <1 nut:!A*11. Uiiuifl Mollir. but ilic luiti-riliil uu> (or it Iwimiuie ol it•« inii'utith iiptiniraneeirMr.DitLurit'f ili'iilh Hie iilil viulin jiufMii I tie bands at Mr. A. W. Tbeilcr, mid tbi•'itriidrfl it to Mr. Nchwair. for tbo ummd biiiiKlit iu *•'"" York.I Ttiu iuli'riur uold laslrunwut «un c n v m i l witli mm

aud (lunt, uud iu (ili'ituitii: " imt tbe ulber duyJir. KchwKtz't bny luim- rnmn B(<r.


lii'sldi'H t b r w wt>riiK wmt a i<niu)) trade nurk,seal. The lot tats are iu o Id-fa* bioncd Ko-

umti lypp, exactly fiuiilnrtnthn Human typ«>lie [.mud iu boek» uttbnt ««€-, uud uu wddi-IIul evIdi-tiL'D of Kciiuiui:i>i!M is to bo fuundIlia fiti'l Dial tlie two In*I llfiurits ari' writ-i in. tlie lalicl bavins b.'in piiutcit "AIIUO

17 " kaviag wnini fur tbi> uurivnt yrurtiitr i ldu lu.aalctlot luituli iiro unwitriuttil.lbu dmc correipuiidn v i tb the tiiuc wticn

be Krrat umker wai ID bnsiiipaa, there cciiimittin routu to ituubt tlmt Mr. K«rlL«art line «c-

JtibnBUM ia a ktiaa,

Cont^lr', ubu bna w<ill

lmpensnt Matters M m 0»Ufr*aM.Al tb« iirfMuut m MHinii or tbe Newurk M. ti-unli'rput'ti HiivtTuI toplt'aol m.ii« lb«n ordi-iry luiir-ol will bo lonoidim-J, Itnvi uf•pin Rill lm ibi< "time Iliiiil," and mi eflorjill in' iimdr in p j ^ » rt'Holiillon tiifiiiurinl-

lUin U»' U.m-i-iil Cuoineiiro tn makp nbiintjfi. 'i'bein IN II ttrmitf fcoiliiii'iit of luuk-

uf tbiHix't'tiuu tura l|niirtci'Ofimi-e, HUM kilk'il lu u fluttnlurin Uichunl Mioe lint Friduy

ifMTuoon. Al nluut imir-puHt four o'clockKU% ul Ibe biiltotii ol' a xhalt, wulHnji furliuckiil lo drtccud, wbuit it pluuk full nutii tbi! >iil» of lli<> htialt aad rmuu down

itliou liitu. Tlie side of |ii« hedU waa alitflitTybruited, but tke gre*tt-*t (mm «{ the bluw

mr ii|inii tbp upper- purl of Li* h'g; break-K uiiu t.i tbcni it is ll.ou^lit, uud tuukine itisli wbieh s e t e n d tlie frmunl wrler.T, csne-g auoli a ltiis ol blwid that bo ilk'd suonlerwanl. Hr. Mot'onvillo « • " • widower,

II !n" diet ' . ... .•flBBawaBBSasBBwaaP9'dren b»vi..g gruwa up Hnil rtiiuovrd awny bollvi'il uliiue lit uls lioiiiB itwir Mt. Hope. IIWIIS no upriglit anil lionunibln imiu, hluhlv4'alfi'UU'd fur bla eiaellent ubutneUr, and budbeon u tctnin-rau*p Wini for thli ly your*. Hiwan i* yr.ura UI'WK*. i l i« fuiipiul, wbkb »mbelli at Mt, l loue on tutiduy, wus one of tbiliiruml iiver knoVB In thnt plane. HerKattur UHlnbau saitff tl.e u m i at MM A . M.uui At Him V. U. d«l iwvfd n fn\oa.v wliirbw,i« >i llithiK nilworth ol tbo d e c e a s e . Tun day alter Hr.atVUnnllWM d r a t i his it,Mm (I'Miilpy.dUd. •

Uikli u" J H H < ( U I | ,

nvMMQ TBE rOOK HOffll .iiei'ling uf tbe SluU) ClinriMi'H•I. iu Muiri^owu laKtiv.i-k Ucv.<nil Hi" riiiuii (jf llio Vinitin^ Clit- Murri- Cnuiily IMi'i IIUUBI-, I

•vul.-ui tu tin-11ft t

"l.l.olltof tlio i

I l.i'ln, it IVOUl.l I,U It blrMC

lo Munis rouulv! A n"0(ltiro.v(lu II (tor bourn for tbe K<""1 nutmit.v ot tlio w u u i y , tluiii, nn uru•encct>ui|ilUliuiI lu a long while by tin

iniiu ud tlielugty timid no»«y uf tho IOUUIj utni-tut

"Tlie AIIIIH HiHtiw, witli il a olil, ni'kctutultlu tlowu iuUrior, itn low mlii i i:* «uratnd u i tb the griate uuii Kt|iittl»r oi'^i'iin1

MuiiH of jmupora, can never be aiiytbiiJtltiir tliau tiuctniiu iintl nnhculili.v. Tll*t«WfliiioM» itliHR-eil a In ml lib lo ilimtri' tu iHie bent Kbpcao. but wbuteaininowouiiui dIOWCVIT aalp hmli...) umi wi l l ing wi l l . -mH'lp an lln- f^rblf and im'tHi'icul in mattlieniMfili'i>n may ulTorJ tuwjinln maklnn tl|»U<-« WtlHl il OU(£bt lo bo! Nl> llHIL' l.H tlhBble-Biladed.witblbuirnllfaybabitil.uiiii,;Willl ttii* luuru iiiidliKiJlt 11111!* (tutf-ift'lii'illi

1 In1 ikA ii'i.btcil but a luwrriiifMtltc whole 10110 of iliu iimtiluiivQ. HII ull HIUI

llul lu il(!Hi'euil I rein geui'rulH i« pra ! |j«!i IIB* look fur e iaw| . lo at the \\te-iition of tho f.oud. Nut uiklv at* & »>a

hiukfili, imt BIMD UK liitrak'lh,B(M«hi'. W(\litre Uuue hri ic irou [ii>tor (Uul.tion. HUH

il im 111 a)" retiH'iulMir In sur earlier

will-lipfiiiG we'bHjiuii tn cat 11

wbitih H-iiH dcvoU'.l tu tu« Ix.lhi-K ortlii- fuinilthe OJM>II a\, innlur *ui.i• 011k. lu Hiiuh > \,i'K blutk

put. inff (lit- M

ut tunp, Mow of nicBt i.ml pointo.

id Ibe like—(UII tl.o dnv ol nur vir.it it wuutbl a U d HIBII in ttml riami! blark ho;

pi>t, iiftcr PIICII liurricil tjlruuiug im jnni|ii-lf> limy iitt'unl, 1M prejmnul tliu tv» or mi Hoe,wtuiU'vef v\w- U to lie drunk nr enttu. ]

cl, mi tut-an (be t'oiumittcc toulti we , tlieiiuu uotliluu tlHe lo ttlke JtM placo, if tuul

.1)1 black irou ]iot Hboul.l break, nr aiirinuk, il would utterly Itiinknigit tbo uulium

nf tb<! institilttim, nml tbi' ninety

ixb. 11i pail) mid liui

t>t> |u>t lniii niiiL'f beeu'('ID,—VOIUpllllnt llllB llll

I I I I K Cnn.niHtWH, oiand uuwliulrRUDJi-. J i

d U

(A hiift" liiroouioil.) Aiiuthvi tua.lo b j fnro^re bread luitun i>our

, Win

tiiih uo *

1 tlm flB.im old trayH unuj-f, till every Ml>ro ot imiiti Huturuied with u «ourui>ilbllilig or JAL'K-fl.AMN<i i'Olll

M loujj a

I thi'llim'-mtrnoj^M HltAl tirrnpiit

ml.v i>p ti

. It ffilmi«.;.l m

t. 1M«IS itoTm.ivy Wf ijibt uf wi'l miiw Ibat |ell Hml•v r.vtLjii- hirit itietilii.v miiiHcd 0011itioi'ii>-1-ulnsico. Out oftowu U'U'.

il Tin* furly miimiuit train on thelire llraunli vat c<iuiiM>lled to H|«|I

Tssfel fcl isihaaB taamL-iRt week (iovorunr Uri-eu sent acomuiuui-

iition lo both brSBebcH of Ibe l^itinlalillh imoiber from I be MurrU uuil Knxoi U

roml Cimipany, anutiutiriut; thst the eontp" lu |iny the mat*. tli« tax a«w«

bft t io U o i r d o f Anwnora in IWsi atnl 1:and to nuhspit allutlier i|iii>slli>nM In d|ap«l«to utblleftti»tii *tu& nfU.tli'ul'Vf W lw fh|\| ivi 1by tb* llororapr uud 0,- l l tli«r by therondr.ni)mu.y. Uolh tlio Uoveruor anil HIP

F-S OftiMBl KKomuiundod IW sdujiti iuof Ilirueourm', HID Intli-r nnviutf tbat tli« 8U1would lone ifyl I.INN1 If the charter of (lift citfi

i,v WUH repeuied, anil tlis adxptlan uf tl

tliut I*vVhit

lmt t b m «il l .•UU.TH be n doubt mtbal I* Mm true alary «f ker "taking (»fl!

A B « s f tBt*r*s Burial.lames Allnc, a wrll-knowu Im-oniotive en-iuetr, WUH buried frtiiu II)M eitrly borne a tIKW Wruiw. in Ilii* eounty. on Tlmrsdsr of

« • • * . He h- ' bocu fcinacclsd with rsll-lifor.il .uiit IWFhlj-Hrfi j fAi . , Mud fur ail p u t of ibut tiuin wus widely knowa aamcini'iT ot the Enstan Eipreia, 011 tbe

M. sVlC. Dlrinimi. During the wur hn was.ubi-tnd wllh th« NMbrliln Railraid, Par-nif trnopn to diff-jreut alatioun. At thvin <il bi« (l^atb, wblvli wua t'liutftl liy a|io-xy. he w*i runnluR on Ihu Hrook'yurnti'd roml, !!«• wna ft member ot the>lbcrli<HHl uf ],»U')iuotivn Eniiiueeni, and

iniuitb Hint «rtJf r left bin family uo limit-irf t;i,fHM. Cblei Silelier, of llubukeni»u, unit quite n l ir j ic ilftli'Hitioa of tho

IratlicrtiiMitl nltKU<l«d ilm lunernl at Hieou««in n-biob tbu dpenaacd v u i barn and

a\-e, was s l w born find married tbere, andipet'tii t« he Ituried from tbe aamo old mau-lon, whicli is une uf the moat I uterus! iutf In

ThB f i l l . Winaw is t | i « • * • OBBMAThe i' word (u>iitest"inittitated l i j t h e N . V.

rudii« in lM>b»lt of the U r m t Monusient r'uodin-Ju-l t'luM-d, nnd a tiheeb for il,00B hasiL'fii wot lu t i e monument torn in Itl ee. Thexiuwi* uf ibe vrii.-n olii-rdl b j Judge in tbfslunlent are M U. Lj le , l lraokljn. N. V., Missl|. A Andrew*. New Vurli, H. W. Wllsua,iKlLun. 1'*, lire. K U. A ad rows, N. V.,; b u i b t Tarltov. Cbarlvstoa, 111., *»«n of

wliom reocivn * l« ' i Hr. A. E. Ileaub, Brook-lya, N V . Mrs A. it Hovela**, Baffalo, X.V. ,»n>t A If,, .\ A. 1'oi.t, MMbp. i i , Mssa., who

re *40, s)!15 Hint |25 renpociltely, Tfaee linn stani'd a new and even ator* M r e l

lo nut bi'llevc tlie pwple of thi« townKriat of personal uaatiucaa and absne

fnna ouw until tlie obtrter election, and wehaa ten ton»«un i them that tbe ERA will eontaia

it ul the Hurt, ('alliniriienple *'snekern.Vidrels " ati'l ". loafera '1 foi

n.l |u t'(f bak Ibittbujaluml ceutjit

of wbiob t l«U aj Hii-re at a tlaie

}wr lor mme than ouo tiundmd yearf,« fattiet luut bruttwr «f llw dtteim«tl wrto

itti Lilled \ty rarrlpge awldeniH, and tlirrenr» atlt rniiim-er All.'n apct with mi Piffl-v l un tin- Now Voik anil Xew Koghm.l

mad, In which an artery wai se?ered, tan*-llie Inn of an tuueli blood tbat bis

ire numeH the KUA will diaeaai our townatTnirs In un ifuptrannal way MI4 frosa Ibentand|H)lu>olpahVo mterert alone, but nbal)retrain lrow tltut l i n d o f u t l w o n i nersoia)abuio at whfdb tbe Hlisons of this plane ire

waa Itnpuvt-rliilind andrnrd lnll.r rctiivereil.

arer af|er>

laaafatst n tbs Wast.The man of Uauriaii, in Dakota, on HieNMuurl tlvor, IIIVI n •jieciul lutertmt to pro-> beri>, Ironi thx fnnl that Heaarii. Car|M>ii-•, Cur.v, Hmyner nnd other ]«-op!efroiu tbUL'tlon arn lirealfil tin" re, and Ike report a ol>• KiNMlsnot there bavebren watched withstatv. A di'patcb on Tuenday imy*: "Al

Mundan tlio wtttfF It <iv«r fl«e trrt iltwp in'i-eiH, ucd i« ntill linliift in|>i(lly. llolowrr|i It ^nvrrx fi,O(fO acrcn ut nirmlow

Innrt, anil la Irnm lit to * t » t rteep pa tnr,airii'. The suiiwa abnv« are nifiltiug, aniltbi-re i» a Si>rK* Uelntr. wblrh cuutiuiiM111, every Jutli or' water flut «»m<a down

idtlitin tiie flood. Jt Is tbe ainbe»l *» l t t r

mown iu tbat tiounlry sinpe It w»a nettled.fliuhpropfltty hus blrcmly burn deMrojct),ul II h lenrt'il that tone l|vea have been•t. Comiuiiiiimtltin is so dinioult tlmt ouljunty reportu bare Dame in."

ll ltr ttt Wfsif I u .A i>.irrf»|ioiidnnt writenlrom 1'arkera Irt-ir derctidiiiK Albert Bunn. of tliut pUiT, fromin nit nek* «f »uutli*"r cor««pontlim(, liepeaks *er/highly of Mr, Haas's enaraoMr

md roaches for th» oterling qnaTfty of blaUt>uioota«.v, all uf wttlcu we are wll»ti« lo ac-cept and would publlob tlm It tier hut fur thefact I but tbe Wtjtcr naea |pn»t «fbia spacp

fin u\\aek u p Mr. )l. ». Suttus. bejnsivldeotly of tlt<! ifflpreilfop tuaf Mr. Untton

the author of the oHtie|soi upon Mr. l)uibin ia very f*rfrom beinft the ca«e. Mr.

Satins is a ptraigei- wholly anboown UMd we b*ie no knowledge o(blshaviii|{<sent ttsaline for pntdtcalioB upon anf iuti-jent. If tbe writer wlsben, we will separntehl« hlter and pabHab that part of it wbieh

IOB tbe defense of Wr. ftunn.

IBT. C I. Wt'i XspsrlsifS.Tbe Bttssei Hegitter says; The Newton H.

K Ubnrcbwas crowded on Bunilay eveningt« be** HOT. C. M. Colt'* fM*w«H Mil>(r.Ci>UaaidliDl«san bis «u in Uteri*! dntieaorer the nonnialn forty years ago, and rode

er there with theater U£den, who tldrove staar. For b[i l|r»t yeat'« servipe. hobad Lla boots balf solfd, his horu send, and

clveil *3r.;». and fii la eaab. Ho «loarde<)around "from house t» buuac, bis bora* I•Iso tales, care of. OBO M liis first wh

now Rnpertntenilefltol the Sunday sehool.. D0DO]udlnftr bii remarks Mr. C thanked10 cuagwRstiop, tlie poBinanUy ia general

and tbe prut, for tbslr osrdial sojiport girentrim dnrlns hln pi»torat«.

O t s y n U Tsr OaBgfe f r n j .Moit reiiithla artirle for old or young, nindi

the llrkk Dm •>- «Ujro.

A ">a| Drive,'> 44 bleached aid sisbkafk«l Bmalins byo p l w at Htn'.t Nr H k

i tl.i M.* K road tbi* uklc of Newark alyltt train r.in t»ti) ti u w i of wtrtH ilmtil MltB aorona th<i tnnli, aud before itnltl 1 top tbo hood llubt ami other parts of1 o'^me "Mmlintia" wort' oatried awiiyil tUe truio ws,s t^itinltd HJ» lbti> inunj

li'iiiriinilitiif feet of wit**. Telephone (;OBI>

prolrutitrd, uostly a»l vexatious 1A.joint raanlulluii proVidios thnt method nfuottk-inoitt n(!«urup»aied lb« i>ouuiunli'iLtlons,aud the IIUIHI aduuied it by a voteuf Ml»a,tiler »wui! dohittc. Uo Wpdneiday It pangedllio Bouatd by a uuaniuimit volt>. Thus has^ruituittil what ptaniini-tl ta lie a, Inng and»s|inn«lve litl«ntton a» tbe deuiaiona of tliearbitrators " HI. 11II be tiual mid bludioK iipuuthe Stan- nnd thts nid cunipanVen." The Mor-ris ami K*KX offers In hereafter submit totaxation under the ,aot of IW**, tbe aaane aa

Wu o b a m e Ibat HOB. A. W. Oatler Ii anal a• nenl lMed," Ibis time for the o n V e t f 8M--

reta»y ut Utnto to nuecwd Henry t'. Kelasf.Tbere m • • «ae In the Deaweratlf) yarty* b o n we would rather see attain to honarsa n d iiinrlt than Mr. Cnttac. UM tbU beUKnnenlloned every week for sonielhing, andne?er k'iBg aominatt^d to sej th ing , Is grow-ing l a t t e r nroamtneoi^ and we inonld t n l i bweuld wear on Mr. ta l l er . Wrjhia • fewbrlaf niOMlba w« faave seea blm " ueutisned "lor Congress, Utiveraor, V, 8- senator. Chan-

ellor, nWretary of State and other offlec*.eijtcctf ng the laat named nosltloa we believe

Hceretury Kelsey will sneered himself, for bobaa proven a lunhr man to kill politically(baa tbe late John Xelloy.

nd i.Kttiiun elw, wljl faa>e BO weightlb wnsible people, ana with IMB ibwp

b b t t a l l d t Wk

Wswtoa H • • b M i T T B S U S *Tin- Hano*er i*i-buo1 dlslnrl, In tbiaeounty,it eltwted Mrs. A, 8 . Hupping a aebool tnu-

laleaddreaf, Mr. A. W. Cstler, ol

IsiprmnwBsi at th* I M M. I . China.The peaale of the f'iNt M. E. G h h

flits place, have resolved, to greatly t pand beautily thefr bo^ae of weriblp. Ttstttteriw Uf tbv f,u >tort»M wHV be hand*o.Miyfreicoed, paneled ind decorated by an oi?perieaeed artist wno hu VMB entaged farthe vork, the r»w» will be *araktbed, andtbe wbole of the floor will be uovared by ahandsome new carpet. Tbawbehteoatof tbeimpmvttBienta will be over tfuV, n d at lastaccount* morn than t*o.tblrds of this aunth} been aubacribed. The work will be vom-Sieneed at OBM, In tbe hop* ef Laving It oosi-plelnd by the tlnw ihe new pastor will lieglob i l b i W 1bis labors. No a

b Bei t Sunday.

j e ot tbe great beneHls taatetult fro« an slrctfea of


il LruMen*, nud referred tu the law that[MMHI In IN7.1, whivliattthnriEedtbeGlr-c-it wonii'ii aa tfusteen. Tula law w*a IB-

lr. Cstlet while, ha wa* lu thenati\ atid he ciprcKnod tun bupe that tbely WHS not far dlituiil wb^t tbn live ichoals, S%% JVTMV wntfd all b« nnrifit tbe control

of women tru«tet«.

& I i i g n » l fa* \a* **M* « r t .ir Knderit wilt wiaituiber Ihe fatal stri-

dent at 81 auk-j Ati«. 4lh, 1NH5, in wtiivk threeH were killed un«l /\nn rawlurd, • nurte.

itjrl wns iwvoTtily itijureil. Itiw Craw lard

!.>. befarn Judge »rCe4m«n is tbn New VerbSHiK-rlur Court IMI Huwsn-r, wblrfa resulledlu u, verflletlorihsdeli'udBntB. Onspr*altotbo lit-nernl Trrmtht-Judc*i|ietit was rvverncdumi a new triul WHS onlereil. whltth ciime offbefore Judge Dugn laat week, wkeu tk« jury

u verdict iur S7.MIQ daniiges

laror of Ml-* Crawford

Tbs Vs w O m u i Talltj f«stor.uiiitH'lliigof the Presbytsry ol Newlon

« Siiart* Cb»K,b Us i twaata j ttw paa-rutdtiou eiiatlng bfSM4hst thnn.li and

Uw. TIiwi. F . t'batikers was dlMOlved* star.Mr. Cliumtars, wbu bus accepted sc*1l to tbe(Jtrmsn Valley l're*byteiian C'bnrcb, baarecently pttblUfaci) a con|>letc btalory of tbeSparta cbaipfa nod nelgblfurfatwd. l(e Is a

ltliflttev. T i l b o t W . C'humben.D. p . ,ol N w Vuik city, SSJB of t b e p a t t a n of tbefoilejriala Itafrnawd Ub«Kb of tbat etty and

y oniaevt BibKeal scholar.

A tali* s* lbs War.Hr. 1'. II. Bell, of Chattanooga, TenDcaaee,

hut foiwanUd to HcDavil I'oit, No. M, ti. AU., of tbU I-lacc. a eonkial I n n shell pickedup (MI tbo ualtlu groiiad near l))tit place. ItitttiuiurdvruunlaqtdBKu^sileradlUaballoiKinterior ia tilled w|tb balls aboflt tbe ilse ofmirbles, wbiph in caip ol efplot iop wb»v« l*en bnrled in ever) diwption. It w a tb N i i f t U o B b y J a a T - CaHMle, aad after be-IOK rAfalblted fer awhile ut Rillgwre'a winwit) bs placed awmng ibe retlci q l Ibe I'm

Mr. V. I] . Uimpbtll , of Warwluk, X. V.oflered at j.ublii. s»l« in I>0*sr laat Vriduy avery Hue tut of Indiana boraoa, wbiub oom-BiBpdcd excellent priiwu. Among tbo Aoent

V. » MK to John

Foundland, for I'M, alttr«e bay teaa* to W. W. fieree, pdent of fnnklln AHUM., tor «Uft «nd a pair

K l Ji U b l P fk , pt« KrtMl. Ji. Uracb, « l Purer, forof lino grn,v


Brick DmfStam. A rsllaiU plaoeUJJta

voutnc >ubl the

nearly on« nundrod miles distant from Mt.I'ernon, and of which At the time Wasbiniitanknew nothing. It ia wlilreaaed lo <• Mr. The*.AsUerbrosike, at CoicbrooketUle, nenr Shif-

Shrojmhirt), in Knglaud," A "2-4i"marked on tbe liuckludicates that the chargefor postage was two ahilllng and twapenue-a pretty stiff prloe, it seems In these dayi.Tbs letter bears Waabiagtoai'a eeal, U s*dwaxfananuantiily perfect apcclafen , BB4 »«f M earlier date than Blast of his s«t*-

p gTire* will be iwW 1« the

aWbilo moving tba geodn of Mr. rtabenss

from his late plaee of resla>RM on Kandolpkaveuue an Wedneiday, tbe team of A. J.Meiaenger beenue trigbt«Md at the whistleof «toeomntivr and runaway wllli u load ofbonsehold furafinr*. They ran thnnghElltolt street and eawe d»*B trmpeet streetwith a rnsb. Nesr tbe bridge a cook stovewas thrown ont and broken la bits. A eeatertable was broken i u two. a rocker demolished,and other artielts wem strew* U M R the wayin a snore or less daquged tttiqdltiQn. 1'aehorses ran thrnHgh jllacfcwell and AUBMXstreet*, tint wen finally Mapped withonttliimage to tbeusetaea or tbs vagen.

Tlio Dover l'.tl.t Club went t» NewburK. N.V., laat Saturday evening to play tbe famous

i d l l b f brlok and were hesttn.vert b i d nacbed Newbnrg, t a d they pre-sented far Ibe Oceanian Ibe strangest team of

roftMfffnalo to be found along tbe Hndsoai*er, Isdndlag two of tbe N e w b « K i , tworiUeSiug Sings, sud one of Ibe Pnvoaisfl.

As a reaolt they won by a score of 3 lo I, batthe name proved a hotly caaUated ana sodlasted forty sulente*. Tbe Rarer beys t feekvery highly of tbe fairness and, povrtesy with

I U awftUft TUsf • « • H Wat*hstWankck thief who " siltisd" lallav^B

betel ia th|i place s«w» USM a«s>, aa4 luaaisoe worked Ibe botnls st HaobetiststWa,Deckertows aad other plsces, Is Bill! engagedla bwsioMi M l is apoarsstly deisg well.Ha usB.lly misters fan Pbtlsdeiphla srPafrMB. and carries - gripsack fall ol rab-bUh, wbkb be depeait* in tbe tartss mt *!•

B and Mrries awsf tbe bed draper; IB" grip." A few niflhls ago he registered

st a alioch Chunk hotel from Patrrtoa aad•cooped a pair of ^no blankets.

rsttar at Wasklagtsm.E. S . f e t t e r sddrcased • Urge meeting un

dertbeilitSwtlaiiortbeKBlgbtB of Labor atWashington, N. J . last Saturday evening, atwhich wera pTeseat Speaker lU i td , M»ynrCorniak and other prowl neat people, l a bU

_-. b f o inveighed itroogiji agniait tkelaeTsoy of tne wmntiy a*d sa id : "Thi s

i$ WasUingtoB, I bellew, thoagb nnt the one1 tried to se t ta, 1 would bave not them,tfaoagb. tf I'd bad forty-one good ltonobi

Hra. Trewarttaa fc Bon bava just receivedan Invoice or the latest abaci onilc, whichtheir will sell at nre and ten cents per copy,glnglai pteees, dnetts, and aongs (ran all thelateit opens; In fact, a large assortment toselect from, They will keep iheev nmsiointbe fature, and will rrrtelvt nil tbe latest

•ablic are la-

tbe usw advtJrtlsciMBt la tbe Issue mt BerryA Co.

rr, "Ukw*n)«->S»JatibaHrkliDrugikoro.

il more Iiupurtillve, U th« needm u u wtiiiiou'*i)iiartPi« nl 'n general Kittinguou', (ilry, tirtiitit uud cliwrftil, ntatcittl ofillim lii« tin) I'oor wratc-fat's tu sit ur Inill ihii luiiu iu tbn Munie ruoiu wbere theyl««p. iinidt nf ihcir lime uu I bo bed*, till nillUflrmiliiicBn provuilx, aciom|iahii*d with

dirt, wliuHti Krvntegt oUjuL-llon U tliut it If

A 01ft In- •srriMm.Tlie Wanbimlcm Asuoriation, of NorriH-

towu, will suou aciliilnt u very VUIUHIIIH udili-tion to fheir .iol1i>4.-tl»u (,f UriiMbiuRt«u r*- t i n early letter, bilkerW tiuuutilUUetl, t<

d itidPfiiiiirlv liy Mr. Kmnklinl l . Tinker,urt Hills, \ . J. The document 1KMPftUlanitlvumti or lifcttttlfinl Importnit written two years lu>fnro tke Vv.oii>1 liiilrjipntlruin1, and, conitciiiiPiitly,

fore tltx writer WBB cltlicr f te lie nil or i'ldctut. l lul the tlriil piiruxraph tbrnwn u o lu-

eitillK Nidf.|iKlit on a marked trait ombiugtoii'a cliiiruul«r, bin aoriipulouo K

Unf\ for (ho truth, even in trit ml affain. Ii1 mitUm tbat delights in titles, and iDvaiiadl;UncoiluU military prumotinn, it is refreNhinglo read inch a a tiotu as tliis;

MOUNT Vrmnnt, Way 1 T 7 4 - 8 I 8 , Vu«t Le tInrvftlie iNiof July In At ycur, addrtWd to

I'iruiuin " t'litnu to uiy bauds name time «KH.No ptrson, Sir, ut tlmt name, iu tlii* Country,

1 uiitlllt'd tn ilii rank yuti are plfuartd to b«-loni but aa I birnt beuueitgngnl iu a Militaryilif, At b»4 Uie liuuor to Cam ma 11 d thu

Troops or this (Julouy, it wu» itrcaumcil bytlm dheetiuu tliut I ho Lot tnr Must bave bettu

id 1 liuve ULTortliuBlyopened it. . . l'leuao direct fiirtlin lutura

•"• "' Alexandria,p n e d t. . , l leuao direct


Tbo mmaludor of tbo let<iaei>t for infornatiuD c

r rt-fers toing au estate


Oswrt aaws.In the BpeHwt Hcmiiiun OB Wednesday,idfte Child im]HWPd two sentenoes. HenryL-krrt. tbe lluanton d(!S|KtriMln, who •••ullcd Mr 1. Kouso and attempted to billarolial Ollmnrtin, was tout to State prissa

jr Hire© yeiira. Oeo. Dixon, or Randolph,wbo pleaded guilty to a charge ot Unieay wasaunt to State prison fur 01m year.

Ueokimra ButDlngton, appellant, and Lucyird, apiwllee. Tbe appellee., who In a ner-mt jfirl brougbt suit in a JUSKOB'S court forll.M in wanes due her, w k k k her m p l o y t u ,bo reshlea in MadiBOu, o f w t by chargingr with br»kdii Rlaaaware, etc. The courtilow gnve judgnnont for too ulaiui and tbs

miployer appealtul. The Common f l e a sCourt iuoreaard the judgment for tlie girl totil.

U|«n the adjourniueot of tho Court l ion.V. Vouo^lluod taitl it WUH llttiug that some

ctioti should bo tukim by the Bur reipectingIlia (be lu.it ui.puaruiit-e of Judge DM Ik-her

Appropriate reaolutiana, r*o-iguitiOK Judgo Dellieker'fl fifteen yeats «fnibllo aerricn, were offerod by Prosecutorfuller, seconded by J#JL H. Netghlmc la anppropriale sgieech, nnd itnaninitHsly adop-

Osg«od In

st*It vat " pteked «B " by Mr J.a. k.

I Id l

A •esVJia« c e n m o a y sf great Interest andileaiBN was celebrated la the hospitable

boats of Mr. Elbe Tlgar, at LebancB, l lnaler .don Co., on Tburmlay of tbls week, the partlea lo whlcb were Miss Tillie, daBghter «lthe best, and Mr. R. H. UoUntl, of Mt. Hope.The ceremony was performed at BOOB bykev. W. H. MeCorsnlek, of Illgb Bridg«, iathe preseBoe of abowt VJT. g m . u . Amoojrbaas present from (bin seotton were Mr. and

Urt. I. W. i*«riBg, Mr. itnd Mrs. Frankfearing . . d Mr. and Mrs. M. M u a m . «> . t .ing, ot Dover, ana tbe brothers and sisters oftbe Ktooaa, f i » » ttookawtiy and Mt. Hop*.The bride was aiUivd IB • bandsawM d n a s ofcream HtlB, witk laoa and neari triumiBl*,wbleb waa greatly admired. Tbe gl f ts - fawmaar for spcelal mention-formed a b«antl-ful display, and iattladed silver ware of everjdeHrlpthM, handsone lamps, rngs, ptotarei,thins, IISMB saJ snDalaatial offering* inBoney. A remarkable (natnn wan tkat thaofferings of silver ware farmed a complete setor table service, with tbe cieepUon of onenioce. After a «ntetd«l eolUtum th« bridksod g n a m ltft Lebanon for Xew York oa the5:80 train, and started upon a wedding tripoC a week amid whowen o l riw trom tbelrBBtneroas friends. Pram what we learn ourMead " Bob" baa displayed but Banal goodtaste and judgment in tbn selection, o f abride, and we ainMtrety hope that tbe fore.caat »r joy In thin pleasant wedding n a y lie* illllletl iu the hopes e>f y e a n to romc.

pCumtnlns McCArty, uttol* to Mr. C. A. Mi

Carty, af 4toekawayf and Mrs. Oeo. Kicharda,ol Ilover, and it gentteniMi well known to Ih*nid reshjeata of thia secl|*>D, died at the borneor bis eldest daughter, Mrs. M. V. Moalsy, attlwen, Lincoln €». , HUiourl, H a N h a d , and•*** buried beside bia wife. Mr. MeCart; wasborn at Aockawny, Kept. Slat, 18tM), and at onelime wss prominent In tbo affairs of tbtawction, having at one time been one of the

I'leas Judge* of tbe Morris CountyH I d f a d

gCourts, H e IBBTFH two daujefaters and Ibrsons, alt of wham married and live ia

The tBamfaa Lain dab.Tbe new olab which take*

flhongnm Lake oa April 1st, he* been organ-used and ineorporateil under tho laws of MewJersey an "Tbe fluooKWu MteCluW Vol.

•wing li tbe list af Inooinaratars t Isaac W.eurinsr, <|e»rge pip r i o B , C'liarles K. Clwrb,

Vim. 11. itabet. J»bn U. ttnaon, CUtk D.BMB, Kit. h. Diokersoo, Wm. E. ikrry,

AlbrhtgeCBmttb, Theo. A. Piekenon, DavidYouDg, Ikepben V. ttriaat. Tbe etsetien ofofficers will take plane next week, when fullparticulars will be glvea.

Tbe woadaarMorria eoanty a n said to befilled with Democratic esBdldatee who desireto be Collrtslor af MprrU aoanly ibe vumiagvear. Among tbnso aamod a n the presentCollector, Mabloa lloaglaaa, Mr, of Bockaway | ea.Coliector Um. MeCraeken, af Kan

pbt C<dl*ctotW».H.CIn«,ef!U>s.bniy-,E. M. Skellengsr, of Chester! ••<' K C. LysBand one or two others of Morriatowo, withths back dUt id i yet to bear from.

Joseph Bnot, anptirlntcndent of tbe CraneIron Company, at Catasauqua, Pa., bas n-siRned, to take effect April Ut He hasaccepted the nanaK<!HMnt of the Cameron

Company, Ksiporinm, 1>«. He will mt1 niahe preparation for tbe erection of

fursacei at tbat pirn*, the derelopneot efIron depoaiti, etc

II you kill » w o n a s to cover yonr sbniAnd your o t w i* ptopetly seen U ,

Yon'll escape tbe rope by railing the claimTfcst yon aiil It, l>Ht didn't mean to.

COVFIBEaTCK l i t UMIOsT.Jjj»lioj>Jii-nrv W. WiiiTeii.ofDenver.iiiillfd

Ilir tliirli-i'titb •ntf.-tinu <rf ttin Nrwark M. E.('duff-ruii.-i' to in-Jrr in l lmk. lumfc yu««nlayTin / J tiii I i f ul iNu tiiwti vi-n: uuabto to proviil.- 11


• I * ! . * !Nlil-I

V .I'.l.H

u, (1. Miller, J . A

ii. l.>ll<.w.,: S,-,-r.itmW-. h^M\mi\, .1. M. Mt-.-k.S.>ni>lnr.v, .lolm A. <iuti.riil-p: TntitNuri'iA. S\. I'ulmiT. TIK-

iUijioiutbd :

iaii.iiB—X, ViiiiMiut, K. XV. Uurr, (J. WSmith, .1. » . Vaulks.

IvdiU'tition—I) A. Itr.

llil>le-i.O. W tuner, f. A. Coit, 3 .U. Wrigb'

IO'UIM—,r. Mouijjnmfiiv, H. 11,UnaIUI, K. t*. UuiCUtODtl.S-. Kuban, W, K. Keiffir, t .

Uiiti'hur, II. J . l i i ivter .Frt'fdui:iirt> A i d - i , . il. Putin, V. Wnitei

fi l*«rHmiH. V. K Mule .rinircl, KxiciiHiiti,-*'. Liimw, H. K. Dmilil

'Ic.J.Cruwnird, J v.H Hull.']>int>eniii('i'-J. II. Ili-yuu, II. Suellmnyi

r. AtliiiiMin, W. Itnv-r«ni| . Mi'i-ti»i;-li II R Huutloli.h, W, E.

lilnUtiU-c, it, Vnubnriii', $. N. Dtubout.Khil» of Ihe t ' lmi f l i -J , W. NitmliHll, k\ A

Muui.u, ('. S. Ityumii, M. 1>. Cliurch, W. h.K- H. JikiuiHoit, H. Joliiin, J. E.

ock.:H u r KXAMINATIUN ton ltW7.

_._ uu Trial—K. H. Ganon, C. r"Hull, K. <;. IJiilrhL-r, ,1. Mi'ud.

KirHt ronr— II. HI. hiiiiiwou, K. H, JaaiiciW. Mnrtiii.H, II, Koont-y.

Hccuutl Voai-K. M. Mucker, J. Cowius, J.It. Wri^lit, Nuiuiiol HutKOiit.

Tl.iiil V ^ r - - r . N. nyimn, W. Fiikiux, R.lanniiit , \Y. II. Until.Fourth y e u r - A . f-taig, 3. W. M am hull, fi,

IV. Smith. J. Hnufuoiucry.Lociil Urdoi-x-ti. S . Crasto, C. E. Walton,

.A . OWL-U.V. II. Coukliu.Tal'rant-liMtaiiionuryHeiiuou-A.O.UrowiiU'viinU', Kctiry M. Hit»pnou.

Kowitrk l i lMi i iv l -Hlals l im: <.'.'E. Little,Wtlliuiu 1'uniBou, li\i\BU'«: O. J. r*errj, E.

Joriwy City—MtnwMrH: I,, tt. Dunn, J. W.luMliall. l ,iijuieu: C. II. Itukcr, W. 11.

Ueacb.Kli/iiliflb-Mini«t«r§: U . S . Arudt, (i.W

Smitu. Laytnuti: James McUi'f. .fames Floy.rutorHiii-MiulHtcr-: C. ». Colt, K. Johu*.

m.vai^ti: Albert Carr, H. T. Hmflli.TIKI Jolli>*ti>tf worn u|>poii>i«<l ou the HU-

liMicul Comiuittee: Tke Ktv. Messrs. Oil-Uen, Ocirton, Wri«lit, Johimon, Clark, Hutbind Koktnan. t'oiuuiittca 011 Metuolrst S. S .

Izgernld, W. TuniiUon. It. Van If urn, K.Ichu, A. V.rug.

Tbo following iknt'uim « « n ailraitteiV 10rullo >nkl

ALL ABOUT PANTS.As this is the season of the year that we

usually sell great quantities of PANTS, wehave just laid in a tremendous stook.

KJt>nc». V.S. TitmliiiHDU, Chariot Msyburr

md JohaCMIall .op Warren, the presiding officer of thn

lonfereaue tin* J C 8 r , IH a ni.n of alwat llftyra, witb Irougroy beard and a kindly c i -nloc of features. He Is nst »* •trlct a par-HUtariiui ax llii>hop Foster, who presidedyear, uud t'reijiieutly cauaes a Uugk by

wittli'lsruH on peculiar nolioni

we have Heavy Oottonish Pants linedthroughout; great wearers and warrantednot to rip.

we hare good Miners' Oassimere Panta, wellmade and new patterns.


frastKsl aUUW fer UM Fatw.The Woman's KtnploymeBt HecletTof Mer-

ristawn bas bsw dsisf praeUeal - a r t allwinter making olothlng for the poor and relleviaK diitrees in various ways. The M B .borsblp tnolndea •auy sf the Boat wealthySB* jroBtiBeBt ladies or tbe eity. fjberalSBBMrlptins hare baen reeeired frern Tart-oas ssnroea, and, beaidsa Mt*a«a( to tbewamts »r Ike h..-s poor, the asssetstioB bas

sasled ta send Urppsefcapa of cletbIII to the lawaMii uf ehariUble InslitntioBs

Mew York and Newark. There still m-natm on hand, however, s> lart* atoek ofnsderolotbina, bcaMss a Taxied assortsmt *apraw sad children's dresses, whioh tbe Sell-i l l €o-ml lW will be ilad to dispose of he

the uloBtag of the sonlety In April.

we have ALL WOOL Oaasimere Pants inneat Stripes and Check Patterns; verysightly and well worth $4.00.

vox* . * a . o o «* B4 .00we have a great variety of Fine All Wool

Pants, equal to oustom make in style andfinish.

FOR $5.00, $6.00 AND $7.00we have a flue assortment of Imported Oas-

simere Pants, in the latest patterns, whiohfor style and workmanship cannot be ex-celled.


• • - <

Mrs. FISM, wife of tbe Her. Dr. Vlagg, anttted GntMopal dwgysis*, of M*rtt»ioir»

Ibe happy owner of a ajovkey *t tbe saatespecks as Mrs. Clsveland's laaww pet.Tbta* two are tbe only ones ol their kind la

Gauntry. Mrs. Plagn's wai presented Uby Emperor Uom Pedro UB her recent

iP to Brasti. jam, u tbe antnial bas beeariatcBBd, has reamed at will saost eftbc

thno. One day weeutly he was accidentallyl k e d np ta tbe carriage boase, and be sot

p a terrible b.wlima. Wbea the ooaehmaaopened the door tbe (nrnriated swakey svraagupon hlsi and bit blmla the haad, lsllrtln|Ijuries wtifch made it Beonsary to have hia

ib amputated. AfUt tbat lac« w o«*-fined la a cajr.e—World.

Prof, Aloasa J. Abbey died at Chester anirsday, ef consumption, afftd t l yean.

was widely knows in this part of theState as an instructor of voeal aiBsie, a*das given frenutnt sanslcal conraulhoas Cot

snany yean. Hn was alss a eomnoeer of ooa-ilo merit, particularly ef Sabbath

hoot Biualu, u d ieav««D«bitidhima,i.n.-her of nuUiilwd works. He was a slaeera

hrlstiaa and a moat ewteow gettlesaea.faneial MIVIMS wdl be heU in tke OOB-

gregattooal cbwrob, Chester, te-awrmw—Saturday—mornisg, at 11 •'eloek.

Vaa«tr I iw pThe EngineertiK and Miainf Jotratt «f

last flatardaT sajs:Avaaic*ii Pio.-Tais market la flrm, batitre««i7 «i«iei. It i* barA to bay small lota,

•ranceii a n busy filling orders. WeUMteforrUaidBrd Lehigb u d Iforth Hirerbrands, as Vefon, WKtW for Mo. 1 X,

fftlMtafyifoi'Na.aX. ForgeBBcbaaged,W3IW. Uttle « no Ssvtben iron Uoffered In this market.

A ooanitteu rcprMentina; employes of tbeDelawan Rolling affll, at Fblllfpaburg, taMbe awnste* «n Wettacnday tbat tbej wo«ld

KbewastaitltabAve aided in stcnrlng newmen niter a> rtrifce, was not dlsobargeil. Themansger tald be would five his reply Uter.

came in an order to ibut down the mill,ae kosired bands a n tbrawa oatof werk.

fc. Iska's Chans.The pnaefaers at S t John's enureh fswtbt

fallowing week will be: This-Friday-**. Q.M. HesJ, «f Jarsaj City, Wad-r n.ci.ln,. M>r. 9Wb, Sev. Saajnel

BdsoD, of Newton; Friday evenlaa;, April lat,Ra*. J. K. Jertlewoa, ot Rtatnoee. Berrtew


It Is tfas duty of e r e r j person who baa usedBowbc*'t Gorman fyroji to let ita wonderful<iu*]itieal»e known to their friends In earingCansumrtion, seTore Congbi, Cronp, Astbsia,

iofii», and in fact all tbnwt and lauiea. Nn person can ass It without im

mediate relief. Three dosea will relieve aay., «nd we consider it tho duty of all Drag*

gluts to rpiHHumead it tat t ie poor, dyiB|(ooa-Buni[itlvc, s t lesat to try one battle, an 80,006

a bottles were s o U last year, a a d n* «swwfaere It failed w u reported. 8ucb a

mwlltlne as the German Syr op cannot he toowidely known. A»k your dmgjprt about I t

In buttles t o try, sold at 10 cents, tteg-ilar nUe, V* cents, fkild by all P r n g g i i u an(|lealors. In the UnMed States and Caaatts.





•XaaUBZUS 1 O 7 B .


Aaa MBAO«|VAaTaas rua


^UnnTDwfpLWAJC'^WoJMThe Syracuse Steel Beam Chilled Plow.


y / , Jitrcil. fwtiii for C







Shrewsbury .paddle Rodkan^Jorrtfitte fiuMtlu msrliM, wrfod ta « « r j .ty>, wiU ZuUUa My wua

r^ve Oysters,

Wail rafsr aa4 aUabastlattt the Brick I>rog Store.

and to\i la any ut segan in atoek.


Page 4: BAKER k - Rockaway Township Free Public Librarytest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1887/1887-03-26.… · 29 50 4 ma 16 mnniil ... ijutli Florida during tbe pnst few


Over (ho tvny Jilts a dear llltlv innld.

Hut I think she Is

u lull bli life fur Unit



Having no imrtk'ulnr jipt Hu'iiry toY.-iitilalr. 1 am »nt iilimit ti> \vriu< auessay on tlreilim, My lmriMisn Is tn r olitti/ Wfll, ifyiiu win.. w.> Kliull fall it :iBtury, wliirli has ;it least tin* ini'iit <>i'truth if it may not |>o.ssi*ss tliu iuu-ivstof lictiini.

1 IIIMI i'tiirly ciitfrt'il in i i i iyc i iMr :IRa lawyer, ami my IHMIIII, i^v.-r tht.«mtist ri'lnist, of i:.U hiul h.-.'ii tMHsinirmi' .•imsidcriliilt' ;iiiimy;iinv. I Iimlbeen ulwiiys (.wjinsi'il tn JIL'H'C With

] i h

" Vniiquire i

t\m''s [ijioUii'inry mul " lluo tlu« tt^'si," tint in the t'liip'il to nji]>ly to a i>liysl<'i.m f

It W;lS IIITVOUS pldStntt 1(11vil mi', brought mi by i-xcrsairml I must forthwith ei"*- m

ami ««-t ,iway to tin- countty.ill I ml tin1 ery Ionic you re-




salt sea breeze utWi.li'i'li.jf |)l;i"c." in; said to

ji,V,. n*i.lv.lr».i.)i' '•-,'• ' - v ^ f v w ; r'irttcvi-ninj: I limited 1111 ii IITTTI7 rt'ccivcifruin mi "kl rolli'Ku cliuni ttmiw ikiyln'fmv. ami lliis is what 1 read:

" IiK.\i:<'iiAwroii»:—I'vi'lii-'iiril wit!ci>iisitliTiiljl« rum-em that yuur lienlt:lias been Inline yim latuly,axul tlialt<c< i-l"se iiiiiilicnti.tn tu yuur lionlcsi

Mirt'ty tliisis an emim-iitl;c tn t'ltllill (i iiniliiiMtt «•i' to spend u few days wit!uvitfi.ratiiur sea lnvezi; wiliU.iii iiotiuif. Ct.m«awtt;

that wilderi»•.« of brick:ai.,1 m..rl-ir they titll Svw Yurk,Iwim wlml li;ii»i>uu'S9 can bis fimnd in ahealthy country life. 1 sluill nutiniyfurun answer, •» don't compel mito rivn »i" to town nnd tsirry you awayban <jre ma! ure.

" VolllS, .itu., FlIKO I*lVINflSTOS."Witliiti iiiiliuiir a valise \v»a pitckei

and a li'ttt.T written to tin; otHeeslntii.]my intcntinn of tiikinp a (.hurt vai'iitiun, I'liti ;mtiii|i;itii>ii of a lon-j-rtistuHlfor holiday and its cont inent uxcit*nuuit ii-iidcrcd in<? nervous ami restlesiand when i retired tr. bed it was t<renmiii iiw.ike and IVvurish througlhalf tli<- night.

Toward morning I jrrew more coin-posed, und felt tlint liiKslnl sense ul

wford, *I'L lllIlK s!u* stiirtc.l

[ intently on.'••liiltT line..

,,n Inve!i my lin

yet he

irt I

S tllL' Ml))dll.'de thiit an1 vtry


• evident agitation onmid (•••i-talu furtlvu

•ine-i.it eaeh oilier durins; tins CVL-II--, W.-ll. 1 siiji|i.i.-j.' I niiiHt takf it mr.i-it! nf mutual love at llrst sight."•• I'l-t-il. my goinl buy, 1 have always•lifvi'd that, li.vi- at tlrst Hifflit is u\.-A-\i ]i.-:-^ililf only to fonts."Krnni my I'liihllioud I kid loved the...and many li.mri were wnl nliiugn> »li..ri'. "ften ....me, but mtlierVm*r with Mls-t \':tw iw « •'(>"•-mi.iii. Kven if her iH-auty had noti-eiiy riitln-iiUcd tne. the society ofit * -elille. ciiHiire.! Kill rthmdd hilVOi im-!t|.ivs<iljlii fiis'-iuatiuii for me;, 1. as Hi" il«>» More on, I realizeduit Hi.- hire, of wliich I had only, read, iMo\s,;iw»k*' in my iie;in at, Itutl ar.iiitfM.niii|iiict joy. .-'or what couldlis new-bun u i^ ion ljrii.ff nns but,nmv> Wht'ii this l»ri«f lmliilay was,-,•!• oni- putlis in l i l e i m u t iieceriBiirily,. fai- apurt. And yet, '"how happy:.. (|;iys of 'I'luiliib:. pussctl hy," ForII- n-st.wlii'ii the lKirthitf i-aine, snruly

mid 1«lint

mi to fornet iniweet in iiltn--H

'tital toilif my mail'

When NwivliiAlaska from I!uVnili'd states a UTJiirner iireii thiin HitYork. IViii.rfv.viiiii.i,l.iwa. Mi.-l.iL-.in. Wn

trrrifry ^-tivt.-lies on.westward tlml Sitkn, i uhalf way i'r.

y s«-w;,nl h •sia. he add.-,! .lenil-iry nf i

estern Alaskan iy i»f tin* details «-

of Alaskafairy lali*.

,-ad ILK.* -iiill-!,. I th i i sa v..i|!u: Yukon ri.'ifrom litln-ii to tWl'l

it eiiijitii'i, with fucli a volume intin' sea Unit Um "H.-t-..i. If -lid ty U'tev,Wiitt-r forli'ii mill's oui. '1'he t'-iii]K-i-ton- .low lit times full IL* !o«- IIK 5bt'low zero, lint as a rule it b mild, ium.unt.pfiisortof Culf stream knov

It WJW IVFoot the exi

.1 Altithe t'xplort'rstoward tJif I'vra was Jfa'lonjt in th

LT the llreat who s•diliou whk-li liii.il':ka. It WJIS in lT2ri tli.itsi-t out to cross SiWriiisi, iiml oiu'of thdrlead-

rltifr, a HaItiiMsian

who budervi lie ilii1

whkU liendds a :etixlHlcep. The transition from Uie rcalit;ofthcKii ivnkt-ful hours into the" fan-tastie rciihtm" uf slifp mustteen instiuitJiiicous. A piiljiuble preB-wice was in tlie room and btiiuUtig oveime, nnd a voieitwau whiBiMTitiR ioftly"Leslie Oawforil, I am thy guardliinfairy! Thou hast bi>onpoor unJ ill uudlonely, itntl 1 linvt> sorrowed with thoe.But thu slmdows of thH past are clear-ing, mul a brighter future wilt openfor tlive to-morniw. Williin a atone*!

: throw of lilt; filnid'n lioitw tltoii Rrtabout to visit thon will ilnd a treuurathat will brin« theo Imppineaa." M;furmer kiiuwleilff* of fairies had beeiconfiiuil to tboue or the BiHfiea that iiabbreviated skirts appoar occKsionallIn bui1t3(juf. Hut my guardian f«lr•eemeda wldt'ly different iR'ing, albeitendowed with nil the attributes of asweetly-pert ected womanhood.never notion th« startling iticungrultlt»of dream.t until we w»ke from them,and to me thuru wai nothing that WHSnot serenely proper In this tall andstately girl, dressed a la mats, bendingorer me as I slept. So vividly was heicorporeal presence impres t upon myntiti* while 1 nle|it that I dr«w lieportrait wlu-n I woke in these wordsA fairy clotlit-d in all the "ripeumreal" churins of a woman, with thevoluptuous form of H Juno, the ethe-real beauty of fuce of a St. Cecilia.

It WUH lat« In the afternoon whenreached tin! end uf my journey by railMud started on the half-mile walk t«my friend's home, I had been theresome yearn before, and the road wasnot altogether unfamiliar to me. H ewere lads then, but now I would ilndkirn » married nun cttltlTating thedomestic virtues and bucolic tastes.As I reached the gate I stooped tobrush the dust from my shots, and asI did so » glittering object bidden Intlie grass, attracted my attention.With some curiosity I picked it up, asI wondered was this the treasure troveof which tin s iby l* n j drauu badUM me. K w u i MalteM cross ofgold, quaintlf chastil, and with a staff 1«sapphire set In the center. Did I be*Mere in dn>iKm? Not then, indee«.Such belief I regarded at a superstl-tloa, which time had fonsecmted Intoa religion for the ignorant. Fred Llr-Ingston and his charming wife receivedme with a cordial wanutu that wasTerj gratifying.

" Why, Crawford,you do Indeedoff your form. But never nind, oldfellow, the little woman and I shall•end you back to Xew York with theblood in your chocks again.

"Indeed we ihall, Fred. And nowI'm going to let you two talk orer oldtimes while I lock aftordfnfter.'

"Before you g«, Ufa. Livingston, letme show you a trinket I foflnd at tk*gate below, and whieb very Hkaly Isyour own."

"Why, Fred," she eiclaimed, " if it' V

y, , ,ain't Virginfe's lost brooth. 1'erhapsftaint a vaiunble article, Mr. Craw-ford, but the way my friend was putout over the loss, it must be an oldheirloom."

"Or the gift of a lover," herhusl.itndadded, dryly. "The young lady in aschool friend of my wife, and is spend-ing a little time with us. For yourown sake, old man, I IUJJIC there'a anentanglement in Sew York, for Ifyou're come down hura heartwholt)you're a'goiter.'**

«Fred ""I beg your pardon, my dear; but

here is the IJWIV returning from herwalk. Come over, LYuwftmi, and judgefor yourself."

I approached thu window, tmd aeryof amazemeut almost escaped' me.Barely I could not mistake the grace-ful pose of that shapely head, the Ion*,broad brow, tlie uxnuialte curve of thealmost faultless mouth and, above all," the tender blue of tlie liirge.lovinp eye."Yes, she was the Mryof hut night's

•M .•y»:--U«l my jiiji-

"Oh! Virginle, your cross has bei>nfound," Mrs. Livingston siM. and let

the l ^ h

My holiday hill Jikeiiily been pro-IDII^HI far lK-yon'1 the limit I at ilr.Htjnri-nrh'rt. hut ;i letter 1 received one j.tfu-rn i from my lnw-piii-tntT siiin-jmulled im» *)ereii]]>ti>rily itiul lit once toN»riv York. I fituiid Virglnie Vanedown by the beach, where I souglit hertn aay fiiri-well. There wits » swift tm-

e and n sudden uro>i|ni.ilken laelies-thiit pretty trick

ut laud iu Alaska till >liiti-r, and died on out; of Ilk- island* oiltlie shore, wlih-li licam his uunHi, andwhere lib) liody now lies. Sp;lill, Kii(*-land and Fnuiwt a.m. Hiiiit out exjiioriupI'Miedilions, anil Itussia estal>lisliiMa trading ettiiiiany, wlik-li loujf soldthfifiiraurtlMin'Kluii.

]Jut in I*!! Si'eivtary SiMViird t-liecteia liuri-hiiH! iif Ahi.ska for the 1'iiMnSUitr.-;, whk'li paid UiiHsia &;>>rt,m\

il :i litlh; inori! than two ywirs a-jii ild ort,'aui/ed fis a civil and jndicla

fllHtrlc't. of wiiiuli A. 1'. Swlii<!furd innow ffov.Timr. At jin-sent the cli "illdustrU'H are i-iirriud uu by fishery andseal fur eumnanirw. In lSSllthc cate.liwas K,(MK)cases,in l s;t,:!i'..iKN)caats, andCi mnri, <ir>,(KH) eases, at about $Hn caue.'J'he magnitude nf this fur ope'rations

iv lie REten from tliu fuct Unit IwtweriIS71 and |ss;i about *r>,ujtyj» was puidliytlHicnmiiHiiy tu thu L'ulted Stntwl.oveniiiiLiit as rent and tm, Th«i

I. Until, topper, nil-mi growth uf lir.u

K|iruct> niid cedar, which will some d»)prove of pa-at valiiu to tliu people o!lliu inittHl States. LU'iiti-'iiiiiit JSchwit-ka lias twice been on i>x|iedltluiw tithe. great Xinlliwestt-ru territory, andis now Ht'iidiiiff home Ri-nrts of hlidiscoveries, which ttru full of interest.It aii|»-uru to \w flt-ar now that Sfcre-liiiy .St-waril aftcd wisely wli«n lie ne-Huti:itwi the jHirrlmse fromTin* Kxamliier.

hers I liad HO oft<>n admired—when I'.< 1-1 ln-r I WHS leaving in thu morn Ing.

•'And the tliuuirht of gL'ttlug back toN'eiv Votk a^iiiii mukes you feel liup-|iieiT

•'1 would have bcon happier [f Inever ruuie IHTC, 1 do not think thattliia rtumnitT vacation hy tlie 8»'n.sidMwill tend to hri^htt'ii tliu dull routino•if my city life. .May I not siiin«tiiii«Bmink of many u nuuUe by this shoreWIIKII, nipht after niKht, I walk Iron, alitwvt-r'a ollice to ii solitary home, alongthe Siiina fltrot'ta, the siime aveiuiti audintuit the same frowsy women anduuknuipt elilldrm. and ever tn belutunted by tlie memory of a dream V"

Sli* llflWnea to renrets that muatliaTu «eoined to her aliuost childiBhlfpetiili.nt, in silenw, ami—well, Heavenonly knows how it happened; but l ! Boer fMhLen,"«lri»der namrf "Ni^irtTIrnii come to say farewell, and I re- who ehanced to be present told themiained to toll her that I loved her. I ,roUw Jacoba that the great wtlUam not Roiug to plnct on record h m ihiiiing stonei they had imt been heaiwtlie wordi in which that declarattoa ing ot reminded him of tbe pebble.

'" l l •«» lungbeeii a wttled QIH children played with, picked up


BUtary of * • DIM«*MYh

In a farm-house, with its large tableand bureau beartut* a Bible and two orthree old Dutch booki, and the clumsyrille touting iu the corner, after theveiling reading of a chapter In tb*

ti of mine thiit iu tho s(i|»remewhen a man wishes to appear

dignified in one vomanV eyes, he nut*cetris in IHUIIK unly ridiculous; and I

i> that uny young lady who hasever been iinuiu lovo UJ will bustaiii mein ihat ronvlction. Pur thu limt tluiflI had known her tho faintest ihuh ofolor Wi.rinn1 Virginie's clict-ks, iu HIIB

"Mr Crawford, will you Rail it fe-mal« vanity or female intuition if Isay 1 knew you would tell mo this? 1)0you believe in dre:ims? Why do I ask?you would any. The niglit before youcame here, 1 saw you lu u dream.dreamod you came to me to reitonthis MftlUao cro3S, Imt on ono condi-tion, that I Hhoulil [troinis** to bu yourwife, mid the coincidence ws.9 ntnrtlingenough to explain my agitation wlienmet you thu following d»y."

rwme innrnlist tells us that no secretsshould exist htitwutm hushand »uwife, jind Fred l.lviugston once said totne, " It's a beaittiful eentiment. Cruwfonl, Imt it don't work worth a cent.'VirRinie Crawford never knew of nown dream until she raid this limntu-rii't.

It WAS rent me:iu to keep thisret from m»," was her only cot

iiieut, "but will uny of your mttk-iit'itlii*, lieliuvu tht' story."

'n-ofaieMi Cl vrlnnd'H I till I? RUHIINPresident Cleveland rises at half

past Buven o'tdock, ihwsstw and Bhaveahimself, and is ready for breakfast tieight. He Itreukfasts en famille, HUI

Ills morning n*iK.st iu less thanthirty lniiiuttjs. His umikfast usuallyconsistH of (lutmeal, beefsteak,hot eaki'8, and e.(jg«. He in very fondof fruit, and c;,h Treely of i t II«leaven the breakfast tabln and goesdirectly to his olHce and begins work,without any czereiw! whatever, writingi-ttera and looking over papers until

ten o'clock, when the callers besriu toarrive. Ife then has » sit;n<: of a coupleof hours with tlie statesmen and ollicc

-eker», which lists until half-past oneo'clock, when lie is ready for libluncheon.llfteeu milbreakfaBbi and tliiuiere, It Is eaten iithe private dining-room, and the winFamily Bit down tosutlier. Presidentricveliind'rt lutieh consintsof bread andbutter, cold meats, • little fruit nnd ucup of tea.

After he has eaten it he goes directlymrk lo his otHce and works steadilyintil four. At this time he goes out to

it rive, in company with his privateBmi'Ury.Col, Ijtimout. He returns in

fur dimseven o'clock,dinner in the <_'wht'U he has guests who will appear in

mingdrt'Hs. His private dinners are

l ie eats t lm in less thanites, mid, like his every day

which is ready atl ie does not dress forinvent ioual style, except

ihiiti. Wine is ssrved unly when there>re gu^sti preseat who are arcustotnalo drinking wiitt with tlieii meals. He

i fond of beer as Inn b»K-n re-ported by thu newspapers, the totalWhite I louse consumption of this

rticle during the past 'year being nutmore than two doxen bottles. The

resident's daily dinner consist* of livesix courses; lint there is soup, then

itt.li, then n roast, followed by gntne,lessert, fruit, and, after dinner, coffee.It* dops not nit long nt table, anilin mediately on leaving it he goes uputo the corridors of the second f-tor>f the White House and smoki-s t[gar, after wliich he goes hack tu his

'work. President Cleveland neverikes in his oilier, and the only amok-lit-does is this solitary post-prandial

cijtar. He goes tu bed about midnight,il falls asleep as soon aa his headid n-3 the i>H low. Ills system is such

hat six or seven hours' sleep is tnilttcl-mt lor him.—iAppitmtV*


A yoaag My who k itodjing FrenchIstah/ wrote to Ler fmnatm ttwt abc waa in.

d fclfKkj before, andwaigoiog to • fete cbftoipetn U>» nut d.j .Im« prafcMor of Uw ooBegs wai sopfiNd to

d V d h m UM "old mu," «

j , y f l"If jon don't knep ntf du^hUr «W»T

w d ildJ•hows, I wiO eosss down aid ws vTnsi aik

•long tho banks of the neighboringOrange Iliver. As he spoke, thereentered O'Heilly, an ostrich hunter.They tried one of the stonea on thewindow glass and scratched it alt over,the scratches remaining there till thisday. It wna agreed if it turned outdiamond all were to share equally. Uuhis w»y to Cape Town Oitviily Bhowedthe stone, and was laughed at for hicredulity; It was even taken from him,and recovered with difficulty from thestreet where it dad been thrown; hut"he laughs bent who laughs hint," fuiin ('»•>« Town the pebble from thebanks of tho Orange was prommncei;a diamond, and bought by Sir I'liili]Wodehoustt for £500. Ten mom HIICIwere easily found by the vmuw Jacobs,and early in the next year, Iwere picked up along the bunks' of theVaal, among them the renowned Staiof Nouth Africa by a Hotteutot :herd, who sold It to Nick irk, the trader,for .i'-ioo, who disposed of it on tlittainu day for tli dOli. Then tlie nishbegan iu earnest, lirst to rntel und theriver digghign on tho Vaal -Pniel,which stretched with Us sea of tetitiits Idve of men and checker uf clnlmidown to the loud and busy river, nudup again to the populous Ituijrht ofKlipdrift, Here mid there, but rarelyupon tho slope, a ennteen ol' dirtyvan, or A plunk-built 'tore with root olcorrugated iron; upon thu Hlnpt>, allpocked with holts, HO that all luokilike some rude und cureless cemetery.Within three months of thu tlrst dis-covery there were 5,1 KKJ illgging the—The (.'ornldll MiiiraKine.

A Cralary PIHRI,Tho century plant U the A merit!:

aloe. Its botanical n;unj is Ana...Americana, nud ft is called tlie magueyin Hnnth *«.«•!- ileXlCO til

the cactusIn .South America, and iimescal, l t Is a plant ofkind, having » xhurt stem, which te.roinatesjuacirculur elustur of He»liy,iharp [HjinU-d, bluelsli grdtiii leaves,covered with spinea. Each of theselive for many years, so that but fewhave withered when the plant hasreached its niiiturlty. It is a popularerror that tlili only e<*cnra once In ahundred years, wherefore the name"century plant" ifl used. Tim periodof maturity of the plant varies ir«iier-nlly, according to climate, from ten toseventy years. In tropical countriesit rapidly attain- its perfect state, butIn colder climates, where it it culti-vated H an exotic, it often r&qulret afull century to reach IU maturity/ Atwon as it does so, it sends up a stem,which grows to a height of forty feet,and sends out numerous branches,forming a perfect cylindrical pyramid,and each is crowned with a cluster ofgreenish yellow flowers, which continuein perfect bloom for several mouths.This blossoming ii never repeated; asIOOU as the flowers fall the plant with-ers aud dies. The plant grows throughall the central part of tli? Americancontinent, from Mexico to Chili, flour-tshlng alike in windy plaint at the ] e T e *of tbe MS> and mountain plateaus t*nthousand feet above. Various partsof the plant are put to different u-es.Prom Its sap,drawn from deep loci-,lions in its stem. Is made pulque (pool-kaX t fermented liquor with very in-toxicating qualities, and from this Isobtained, by distillation, the Thuvmezcal, a drink pleasant to the taite,tut a powerful intoxicant, and other-win injurious to those using it. Fromthe leaf fibres a coane flax Ii mada.The dried flower stem make a thatchwhich U pcrfectlT impervious to nin.Soap-baJla are made from an extract oftbe leaves, and from the center of the* longitudinally, a substitute Isob-

t for ahooe or raxor strop, which,owing to fine particles of silica coo-

ihMd In it, has the property •fputttngY«ry fine edge upon stotle.

The paragraph saying that Geronlnoi pronounoad "lleeronimo" haskftched San Angelo, when they ought

to know how to pronounce the name,and leads the Standard to exelaim:

Hoodhradouil whatiih<tWhat a hay and a hWdythi U b


Kot lutig ago a uild, olerical-kmluag gea*de-man, drussod in black aud deconted witha white uecktiu and spectacle*, WTivad attliocily oi Brooklyn. To wveral tlieolo-gians Le represcutHl kiiuself aa m niJnintcrfrom one of the Southern Ktutex, and in hiiiihniu)cnln mul cootroviTttic-. Upon the Qos-pol, (Jifipfayed talcut and Uct Ilintpluwiod hiri opjionoutn. Ou uereralo«cft iouBhe llllod the pulpitu of tbe local brethren andpreacLcd with »n eloquence and force thatalmost woke up the dcucoun. luvilatioue totea poured in upon him, und in his Hocial re-la t bug be wit pronounced perfect. Onenoticeable thing about Ultu wastUity of liix ready cash. He ga*e libemllyto the church aud to charitable«uJ norer tefusod Uto beggar his jiilUucewLoD there wan anybody wuai i i BudOenlyho stopped diislianiiug, and vthen cluidcd bytbo niiuifitere, vbo bod notedwith pleasure, he frankly announced thatlife money had given out aud that he wouldto compelled to wait for rflinittancibe could get bin check on bis home bankcashed in this city. An a uiatler of coarse,tho clerical fraternity saw through huscheme in n momeut, aud they detetniiuedto put the swindler wlicro ho would do tliemost good. Not IICIIIR of the world'H peo-ple, they did not exactly know how to patup a secular job, and HO they employed thebervicet of a detective to aid them in nend-iug the brother to SUtto jtriwra. Tbe de-tective adviktid them to single some ana pas.tor as a rictiui, who riiould indorse thec\wr]t and toko the culprit to a certain Lank,where he would bo promptly arrested wittthe money iu Lis pocket, '.'litre was Bonndifficulty ai first, a* nil the mmister* engagediu tlie enterprise vehemently volunteered tobo tho victim. This u-ai tinullyby ciistiug lotn, nml cmo was cbowen. Henotidedthe whie^er tliat ho would indorsebis check for my amount, and tho docu-ment was drawn fonpl.lWO. i'ogi'tlier thuywent to the bank, Ihe money wns jiitid, audthe dolcotive sprung njinii IHK ijtiarry. Ilorder to iiiiiki! tumruii^B HUie, u tulogiunV.IIH snnt to tho bank, and in an hour the anSWL-V tniuo, " Ohcuk good. Let Ornwulinvo anything up to eUfifMHMI. Ho owu:tlii-i,bmikaiidiH bWiop wf tliiu diocese."—lirwklyn Eagle.

upslurl."TD ttliotltnifo ou fork means '

Jo tiifce hyrnp i H "Youa of my

To cxL'iivute yunr tcctb with an ica picknumis "Ice pick of tlmu."

Tu lift » fly from tho drawing wean*suvii.l yi.ii frum n wutury uravey."

To <lrii>k frum t)m tin-pot H'WIlt III" l'.Jiluno Ii. l|is thrill that hiilptiiBiUtiL'h

To iicmli--b jour bend with u fork IU»Mykiuiiui«up."

To cut from bottom of the pUle in" I've turned the miillor over."

To KwutloK tho tilling of a back toothnii'niiK •• ' f was tooth iu."

To M-ntk-h jour li.'nd with a knifo nm" The wicked thai tutu whuu uu man )iMM tli."

To i'itt wilh your knifo uieaua "Oueiwal-low iimkfK iiomiiiiiuer,"

To put a bitwuit in tho pltchei" Cust your hrend ii|>oii the wotem."

t tlie pork-dUh tucouawny of tlie lanl."


'i'o «ii>« your"My tinuk in pucked,"

To lit-1; yuur tingon* tueanii

i a uapkiu i

Hit* w . ,


luke dremiug from toaalcd tnrk«j" It'H brea ia Ilie boue."ccept mbbit maane " ¥ua M« g

To wipe mouth on table cloth mean*"The fool* are uot all dead."

To eat dried apples with tea meantH'WCII th»t end awell"—Ctiutnnatt SMm-.day At'sht.


There l> > n n p wbo btuiu tM a t and]of OidTehtou who IIM got It down In*. HiIUH reduced It to % perfect Kf^jam. He hMhie reguUr automen, eo to epeftt. ~knocked Ullie door of • • « » • . ThemrMTcimeogl. Ai «OE M he Bw Uu Map, he*U: "Now,look ken; bet wed I |yon ft nickel lo fttftj ftwajr for tea dft|«, • • !here jron ere bejek ftfkln." The fhla hud to tie InnlieM ftod n > Inn el IthomhUoiearenlalutae. TkeaheftftU,"Vooeieri8ht,OoloneU T o t e r nMeMeentkMi *•• yet for ft week. WheaI let baek to • ; nomlac-ma I 1 n

of my lead bonk kaeper —i dfacherpku>. He b» aegleeM lo tire i n Iheprop-or«dll c the led(«. W * ,on, now." "AH riihl, Oatadi tlie k•ot • pirfneioiiel oeU: k te oftty eiam.plimenUry. Ho . « ! • charge." ItUeiteetoi tnmp, too, whok d

gier. H«ftftUtUlthfty*H|inTka>> kekftl]b«no<tUI)doUeie hy leaee k< • •

« no mu loo tihtralj before kk fan,coDKn Uailaoavrkkly hehl»4 hie hack

—tkaoManora of Hoary, Ihe other Xa.dlae.udhiithannpiahaaeihk, Ihe era*way to advance aoothar'etinae k la fallowHi anatluihBetBMaatoaj'raaftMltkalodecllaait.

Tomrlyotleiida|»r>aa« auaofalrslrllaod.lrli». Itkharifccaaeearty la


It h one thlag to te taaptoA, saothsrthing to falL

and mnstiaHi Tktoa-, aeemdiag to ITss e»*r-•etw la which It to (end, awl la* stjMt to

BpMklittto, tmt ^tak (as taftth; «UlUs,batpayeasa.

«Miring us? Istyle or Wlh t i

ito B U



urtulviiuf work «lii>li lli.-ir loiaincait


ROOFING and JOBBING,ot all kinds done at wiinrt nulice und muson

Me. Youcanal«i.y>tlludufiill(.t«'kuf

STOVES,of all BMk<-a and Lfu<l«.



Lamps. Paints. Oils, k .

•CALEI,at maaafactaiar'a price., AIM aceala far

Hfft'l Gllil flutlt Pill!wbicti are tbe beat jiumpa ID tbe market.



1MIKHE l'luw. an- cunaiikrtil limt In tli.•imraiil, liarlai aol.t 1.2UO l« p u t few

ycari«, uuil takeu aBV«!rul prtKUH at fain.

ACME H t at BOH at,

AIM PLAIN HARBI>««. r«r-•>•>'.. rataillt

ED DRILLS!Will. Prr)l<l»r AiiackaicBt.


Wilkin|in4*idln|Cilti«it*rtWAI.TEII A. WOOD HOWEK8. BtAI'KliS


cl.i.Ur Hakci, itar

llor«ii I'nwen. Tliri-.lien, ku Alao ullirHU'la.)! Iaipl«a:ei>IH and aiaolilnery.

Baw«t a*4 Pcnll lun.


S.R BENNETT(acccRtaoa TJ a. wiamrnx.)



TIM, CLpras AMI SHE In » BooiihU,

Zinc,8he«t Lead.

Lead Pipe," Pumpi. Ac.


wimm nui muniA •PICULTT.


Insurance Agents.


REAL ESTATE A8EKTI,aa< aaadh-all tlaaa 1 rnr>nj, ladallvH veil lac aegetlaUaa vl taane aa4 aellec--'--•aftaata. • 61J

D. & MORRISONS,a>eAAkM A * akM.aMP- ai a

• i t M X •I.f W&wwft H* *»iaj alvajt •« iBBDjtaawUUaa* jo« ftf*4

-:-STATIONERT-:-Of BTBBT BIHB. Waal MMU imt U 'Bleato of all forma, nylegraehte rVaa aaOeeee, M.tlU, Pbatampa aid teuwtapAlfaaaM. Btrattoa'a (Vieante4 Tlolla Mriaffi,laaWaa<l OeaU' U l Iii.ee, all Ika leeaV,la. Dal» aad WeidT»af«a. Vail llaaa olftbaaaea aad flegar., lad HaefaaaaaB aaalBraw Htee la great «aaMr.

E G. RORICK,BtMkH»tr aM SUtlwwr,

Oor. BlackMll and h i m ltt» Dortr. H. I.

Alwua tui cm hand a fall U M O» MOSt of,

TLBfrZSZSw &PapmTfeui,reecr ot ev.r

a tall atank of Ttacr Aantoaaaajllftk. lalaoaacaalarEa

PapmTfeui, botk fol< ead eleal; Wrlreecr ot ev.r? Jieullftllna, Pielare Vraialleiada} aad a tall atank of Ttacr Aan"uaaaMraaatoaaaajllftk lalaoaacaal

•kfca a n alena kaak a d aald ekaaf.


,eaaUaeeT«eatr«ltl .aratea a< Baelaeae Triaawiha. aaaed caataalniaaa. »a».n.lle»« Baksan. « a * -







Ull.ueuUnmim wouM bet ni into. By|«mbfeVa"a«'™M««>»"' X»t.lT»o „hoah, w « » o n t l i a T t l t HoWl U o t o l " | B.F.jp«A>1 .



STATIONDRYor every denenptioo, ia<-h a* Blank Buuk*, Pocket Ucniaram

Booki, EenUna Buck* of all kind*; I/ml I'd Lihrarj iu full; Prandnm*, Paxa llookf, Pictar

oaki, Beailltiit Buoki or all bluila ; I/mlld Library iu full; Pt'ii and Holder*, Feu. ilx,all colors t Writing P.ptr, Wrttiug Inkx. »i«t«>i, l'ockut Boolii, Pen Knife*; In fact

•remlimg which IH to be tumid io * aUtiuucry I tore. Tliu above gooilf caa liebought l» clirip an tin* eUe»|iuit. QIVB 11B A CALL.p |




BiauBiOarBattaakadllriKB Mm i o r t m .

I t o JuoJdiblia. *eia»la», Oreat l

O t t M l t t l t WftUllsi wttb BE



APRIL 1st, 1887,>itfa a full linn uf evetjlhing pertaiulug U

ttM uroontt trade.


Carpet Weaver and Dyer,

U Mliidtt Ovd liilltH.•UAC'KWELL. HI-KMT,

DOVEH, N. 4.

€leaal>K and

aapeclalty. A large alack af

-:-RAO CARPET-:-«lw»ji ou linn! at the loweit cub prioea.

Extending their Business!THE DOVER LUMBER CO

IMOBBUABS KUHEX DiVIMIOIi.)»l>la Hew 1cm, tw> 01 lurola) m e a l


tl MOfciJAX. Ut.i-.Oiij, 1M6.

;.'Ti,';u.",x. * w. * B . e

i i i t l l a l t a a U *B Mm iortm.PM'

i B l 10 W

*ffgB£«!SSStiissiir{Diawtitf Mofm 0**) W»*i


IU CIltMMY tf • •Tu Tbe New York Oaanatr *»4 Inikaiiiir

Ctmtmoj, Catharine Ik W m r t mat Urt-land Stewart;

Br virtue i*r so order of tbe Cowtef Chau-cer; of Mew June/, m»A» vm lliv itj ol

LidRttwood a .- .nlon of Stephen Tall, ikteansd, air ootj-plaiiuiita, and yon and other* axe defeaoanU,JJO an ttciuirM lo appear, plead, UMwaror [lenur lo ttie kill of aald ooupUiHBii. onor before tlwi iveuty-wveatb day ol Aprilnext, or tbe aaid uili wdl lie lakes aacoVf«*acd a|t*iutt jou.

Tbe aaid bill ii Died to <DCM)OM a •lorifue.iv-ii lij Allen M- Hauler to Vre«etvk 0,»-He 111. torn held bj covpUiBMU a* 'daled Joie eiith, efgaiwa M r ' - 'four, oa landi in ihe " 'tbecooniy "Uuaraa^adull Ddaut bt-eaiiM yoa

!.?£d££^..p.rilt.Eirllaod i i#w«t a*« aaade aMO*e J M have aa iBteraalju •••aHl ,r.

N O T I C E .

E«UteefWIIIUtaiTntke-WAV £jyy^^^^M ^ f HVWla^Ha

PCBMUBT to tee older ot Ika lajnajal.01 ta. Ooa.l, af Bocna, e-dTiaSe

tveal.-MreBtuaafaf J.aaa*rA.D.aaellM«>


PUT. 7.

hat eagaged la the coal badness, and will kwp thebent iradet of COAL of all kind*. They will also keeaFire, CoBinon aad Front Brick. Lime, natter, ShoreBund. Cement. MttMt' MaUrlal*. Ftrtlllztri, *•.


- P O B -

Ladiea, M i n n and CklMrn. Men, Btyi M i Yaitkiaow eoui|ileu, anil aai nlferlug tliena et





I lure three Urgelota for aile on Ban-dolph

I tare thno lotsfor sale on Btakwellstreet, near the ri?erbridge.

I hare fifty-eightlots for sale on Pena

1st, 3d, 3d,4th, 5th and 6th St-,

I will Mil ray •rai lof the ahore cheap foreash; half mortgageor all mortgage, andgire all the time re*qnired. Apply to






ii* tattf. Buonrood, OakThUa «o«4, «%e.Tho BOiHlu knack I aball wrietly I¥|»MB.Mad •jMlTtt.d enploy DM liest or H«ektBiioi.I art a Mr trial of • * stout* aod frtii m-dostor to gy v t o n l t '

P K I M E LIQUORS- ro» -

Pamily and MedicinalPurposes.


le>>w oaVrl.i Ira, anil olaer Wakkle. t n«cu. lullHaerqain«cla.li>rmm « e

l l . l t to 111 puraelloa.prlea peld ha bMaa of all

-Mvm EUGENE BUCHUMrS.•Diua m m novei, x. j.

WIL0OZ & BERRT,TJ m. w. a.


fUaa.tpMiBolloUk.e aad ankriab

JaAMm rnaiMIr UluaU4 t8UT1 aoon-Wataralia




Ettatt el Mattela* T.

" l ° i 3 B > . M. Bo»r Aeeoa>a>olallcai be1,Herriateani aiidDover


M b k lapreea*CM>ev> Bapreee*Dgrar laaraae •U H W E i

KuMB Btpraaa t:ttOovwAaMB. lltla

OooriaaSat. 1:11• D b l o I i t W VMbatoa tooa. •:»»

HFkettatowaBap.TllBairalD I n . ' 1:11DentWaaB. I?:»

O a m i B BaUDOH :

aasr \Inals 1.9.U 1.40

UM tSSS..15 «.9T

Otntnl XtObotd of Vtw Jimj,

b Bio leaa, laat af Idtertr • . . , Bank rim.L1AVI. tir TRA1M.

& J i . AM. w m. tM. tM.mar law <.MI.I> mm


Down num.t.m.

HMlMtrBirlouriiiilaaBd Mkibll b . or herdi3«, « V | oelli « .Braulloa, wltUa tkaUse K llviHd, will b. fotararawred ot Ua« litr Kllao tlerafor afaiaet tb. Biaaaltti.

Estate ef Wllllaai A. H.8eett, 1[UTMtaa order •TUMI

aBrfbar.oaarbefbratbaftcenber ant , befall • aHOtha Ikael<a>der;.adaareradilorii>|la .ad eaklblt ku or her elate!••malloB, vtlblB the tine ao khmwbarred ol ele or bar^aliwt tke Adaalalatrator.Delad tka tourteeelk dar ol Hank 4. a. M l .



•stiM »f BttthantRotka la kereby • ! * » laal tha aeftaaau «f

61 "ipM°S!i«i5Sd1«!ll&




•ftlaUaatraaflaaJ a> Ika balk alaaiafBerriTaUaal kill, aa Ika aaaltaUas M


ft,•eeaMa.ll. 4.

tapertMl VMtt HIMMTBU!Tka aoeilat h>l at Aamiaft ta4 |KM B . f



WuSaHall wort lakaMeterdai


Noittiem New JBrsey. I *""C1MU""' E ~ ° " M - —OLEAmna AND HEPAI/HNI.


Mineral Fain hr SatoAT IBOMA, X. I.

' -arJ.a.TOOBHBU,


OIBBICB, Praailelar.


* i. nun
