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BaKhabar, June 2015

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BaKhabar is the monthly magazine of Bihar Anjuman, a network of those who care for Bihar, India and Muslims. Website: http://bakhabar.biharanjuman.org/ Also available online @ http://biharanjuman.org/pages/bakhabar/bakhabarPdf.php ISSN 2319 - 4049
Better light a candle than curse the darkness Monthly e-Magazine ISSN 2319-4049 http://bakhabar.biharanjuman.org/ Volume 8, Issue 06, June 2015 BE AWARE, ALWAYS, EVERYWHERE INSIDE STORY Are you prepared for DEATH? Page 3
  • Better light a candle than curse the darkness

    Monthly e-Magazine ISSN 2319-4049

    http://bakhabar.biharanjuman.org/ Volume 8, Issue 06, June 2015BE AWARE, ALWAYS, EVERYWHERE


    Are you prepared for

    DEATH?Page 3

  • Editorial Board

    PublisherBihar Anjuman BaKhabar

    Editorial BoardAsrarul Haque, Seraj Akram, Mohd. Allam,

    Ms Farhat Shakeel and Jahanzeb Mashhadi

    [email protected]

    The editors and publishers are not respon-sible for the views of writers, and their viewsdo not reflect our policy or ideology in anyway. We however reserve the right to editany material submitted for publication, onaccount of public policy, or for reasons of

    clarity and space. From Publishers. Pic-tures have been taken from available public


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    Bakhabar : June 20152

    DAUGHTER OF AN ORDI-NARY TRACTOR ME-CHANICMiss TasmeenFatmahasdone our community proud by an in-credible performance in her diplomaengineering course at MANUU. Sheappeared for 6th and final semester inMay 2015, and she is waiting for resultand hoping to secure 82 % marks. Inthe last five semesters, she securedabove 80 % marks. The details are asfollows:

    1. 1st year 703 marks 78 %2. 3rd semester 761 do 80%3..4th semester 790 do 83 %4. 5th semester 827 do 87 %5 6th semester waiting for result

    Looking atherexcellentperformance,the university has offeredher to take direct admission throughlateral entry in B. Tech in Hyderabad.But, alas, her father cannot afford herexpenses. Thanks to IBF through Dr.MohammadObaidullahsb who spon-sored her education for 3 year fordiploma. She is one of the ZERO TOHERO stories we must be proud of.She is in Patna and can be contactedon 9304165943.

    Will it be end of road to her?

  • Bakhabar : June 20153

    I By Imam Al-Qurtubi I

    Death is not the absolute end. It is just the dis-continuation of unity between the body andsoul. It is a change from one state to anotherand a transition from this present life to that of thehereafter.The purpose of our existence is the worship of Allahas mentioned in the Book of Allah:

    And I created not the Jinns and Men except thatthey should worship Me Soorah az-Zariyat (51): 56This life, which we are living, is the testing groundfor which there shall be only two consequences, Par-adise or Hellfire. Unfortunately more than often wedisregard death, as we are so attached to this worldand the love of which has been established in ourhearts.

    Certainly, they see it as distant, but We see it asnear Soorah al-Maarij (70): 6-7

    Death only becomes a reality when a close belovedone dies. The heart feels heavy, the eyes shed tearsand there is, at that moment, a present fear of death.If we were to spend even a single moment each daythinking about death, it would bring forth many con-cerns? The greatest being our Hereafter:He Who has created death and life, that He may testyou, which of you is best in deed. Al-Mulk (67):21So we stop and consider what we are doing with ourtime and where we are heading, and then realize thatmuch of it is wasted in light talk, in laughing, in pur-suing that which is not going to benefit our Here-after.

    This World in comparison with the world to comeis just like one of you putting his finger in the sea.Let him consider what it returns with. (Muslim)The Prophet Muhammad (sallahu alihi wa-sallam)explained how this world is not even worth the wingof a mosquito! And how small is a mosquito, andthen the wing of a mosquito- so what is the worth ofthe world we run after and are dearly attached to?

    The Messenger of Allaah (sallahu alihi wa-sallam)referred to death as the destroyer of desires.[Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)

    Because when each one of us remembers the awe-some reality of death and what is to follow after that,our present desires and wordy concerns seem so in-significant and futile, and the life of the Hereafterbecomes our goal and we become interested in themeans to attain that goal.

    But truly the home of the Hereafter is the actuallife, if only they knew. (Soorah al-Ankabut (29):64) Live in this world as if you are a stranger or a trav-

    eler. (Saheeh al-Bukhari )

    Does a traveler waste his time in gathering thatwhich is of no benefit for his journey? Or does heimmediately select that which shall facilitate him toreach his goal? In the same way, we too must getinto the good habit of striving to do as much as wecan today and everyday, not putting off things for to-morrow, or after exams, or the age of sixty. . !

    If you survive till the evening do nor expect to bealive in the morning and if you survive till the morn-ing, do not expect to be alive in the evening. Andtake from your health for your sickness and fromyour life for your death. [Saheeh al-Bukhari vol.8,p.284, no.425]

    And die not except in a state of Islaam Soorah al-Imran (3):102

    So we keep our hearts moistened and alive with re-membrance of Allaah, and we remember death inorder to remember the Hereafter, and finally weclose with a citation from Imaam ash-Shaafiee: Omy soul, it is not except a few days patience, As ifher extent were a few dreams. O my soul passquickly on through this world, And leave it, For in-deed life lies ahead of it.Taken from Paradise and Hell-fire (At-TadhkirahFihw Alil Mawta Wal-Akhira)

    Are you prepared for

    D E A T H ?

  • Bakhabar : June 20154

    5$+%$5%LKDU$QMXPDQV1*2JRYHUQLQJERG\member, Dr. AsrarulHaque publishes his first book Title: Pattern of Injuries in Blunt Trauma Abdomen Paperback

    by HaqueMohdAsrarul (Author), Hussain Munawwar (Author), Harris Syed Hasan (Author)

    Available at http://www.amazon.com/dp/3659442712

    x Paperback $39.001 Used from $47.075 New from $39.00 The present work is the culmination of three years of extensive study focusing on Blunt Trauma Abdomen (BTA). In conjunction with the Department of Emergency Services, the work was carried out and which formed the core dissertation work for MD Forensic Medicine. While pursuing cases of Blunt Trauma Abdomen different hue and shades of injury were encountered relational to offending weapon. This study has been able to give authoritative profile of Blunt Trauma Abdomen in broad perspective sweeping within its ambit age, gender, seasonal variation, offending weapon, culprit vehicle, height of fall etc., enabling the author to create a comprehensive portrait of trauma. Armed with this knowledge a graph for morbidity and mortality was plotted. Amazingly, false belief in traumatologists nurtured by the gravity of injury and reciprocal mortality has been quashed. Speed essentially matters in such cases. Providing timely medical aid assisted by high-end technological diagnostic tools lives can be saved despite multiple injuries involving multiplicity of solid organs.

  • Bakhabar : June 20155

    I By Sameen Ahmed Khan I

    An earthquake (also known as a quake, tremoror temblor) is the perceptible shaking of thesurface of the Earth, which can be violentenough to destroy major buildings and kill thousandsof people. An earthquake is what happens when twoblocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another.The surface where they slip is called the fault orfault plane. The location below the earths surfacewhere the earthquake starts is called the hypocenter,and the location directly above it on the surface ofthe earth is called the epicenter. The radius of theEarth is about 6400km. The earth has four majorlayers: the inner core, outer core, mantle and crust.The crust is the outer layer of the earth. It is a thinlayer up to 80km thick. The crust is the solid rocklayer upon which we live. There are two differenttypes of crust: continental crust, which carries land,and oceanic crust, which carries water. The mantleis the widest section of the Earth. It has a thicknessof approximately 2900km. The mantle is made up ofsemi-molten rock called magma. In the upper partsof the mantle the rock is hard, but lower down therock is soft and beginning to melt. The outer core isthe layer surrounding the inner core. It is a liquidlayer, also made up of iron and nickel. It is still ex-tremely hot, with temperatures similar to the innercore. The inner core is in the centre and is thehottest part of the Earth. It is solid and made up ofiron and nickel with temperatures of up to 5500C.With its immense heat energy, the inner core is likethe engine room of the Earth. The crust is like a thinskin which is not uniform and made up of manypieces called plates. These plates are under constantmotion. Earthquakes and volcanoes are most likelyto occur at or near the plate boundaries.

    The size of an earthquake depends on the size of thefault and the amount of slip on the fault. Since theslip is inside the Earth, it cannot be measured di-rectly. The power of an earthquake is measuredusing a seismometer. A seismometer detects the vi-brations caused by an earthquake. It plots these vi-brations on a seismograph

    The strength, or magnitude, of an earthquake ismeasured using the Richter magnitude scale, whichassigns a magnitude number related to the energy re-

    leased by the earthquake.

    S. No. Magnitude Earthquake Effects Esti-mated Number Each Year1. 2.5 or less Usually not felt, but can be recordedby seismograph. 900,0002. 2.5 to 5.4 Often felt, but only causes minordamage. 30,0003. 5.5 to 6.0 Slight damage to buildings and otherstructures. 5004. 6.1 to 6.9 May cause a lot of damage in verypopulated areas. 1005. 7.0 to 7.9 Major earthquake. Serious damage.206. 8.0 or greater Great earthquake. Can totallydestroy communities near the epicenter.One every 5to 10 years

    The earthquakes cause damage to buildings andother permanent structures; landslides and ava-lanches; fires; Tsunami and floods. Many methodshave been devised to predict earthquake but all havefailed. Even animals have been kept under observa-tions as they do have some sense in detecting them;but understanding the unusual behavior of animalsjust before the earthquakes has been inconclusive.The objective of earthquake engineering is to foreseethe impact of earthquakes on buildings and otherstructures and to design such structures to minimizethe risk of damage. Existing structures can be modi-fied by seismic retrofitting to improve their resist-ance to earthquakes.

    Earthquakes have been under discussion since an-cient times across all cultures. In the GloriousQuran the word used for the earthquake is Zalzalah(possible English translations: Earthquake and Con-vulsion). The word Zalzalah occurs explicitly twicein the Holy Quran, that is in the first Ayat of SurahAl-Hajj and the first Ayat of Surah Al-Zalzalah. Weshall use the meaning in English by MuhammadAsad (also available fromhttp://www.islamicity.com/QuranSearch/):

    1. O men! Be conscious of your Sustainer: for,verily the violent convulsion of the Last Hour will bean awesome thing! [Surah Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage):22:1] On the Day when you behold it, every woman that

    Jolted by the Earthquakes

  • Bakhabar : June 20156

    feeds a child at her breast will utterly forget hernursling, and every woman heavy with child willbring forth her burden [before her time]; and it willseem to thee that all mankind is drunk, although theywill not be drunk - but vehement will be [their dreadof] Gods chastisement. [Surah Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage), 22:2]

    2. WHEN THE EARTH quakes with her [last]mighty quaking, and [when] the earth yields up her burdens, and man cries out, What has happened to her? on that Day will she recount all her tidings, as thySustainer will have inspired her to do! On that Day will all men come forward, cut off fromone another, to be shown their [past] deeds. And so, he who shall have done an atom's weight ofgood, shall behold it; and he who shall have done an atom's weight of evil,shall behold it. [the complete Surah Al-Zalzalah (The Earthquake),99:1-8]

    The earthquakes and their destructive power are de-scribed in several other places in the Holy Quranwhich include:

    3. Those who lived before them did, too, devisemany a blasphemy -whereupon God visited with de-struction all that they had ever built, [20] [striking]at its very foundations, so that the roof fell in uponthem from above [21] and suffering befell themwithout their having perceived whence it came.[Surah An-Nahl (The Bee), 16:26]

    4. Can, then, they who devise evil schemes everfeel sure that God will not cause the earth to swallowthem, [50] or that suffering will not befall themwithout their perceiving whence [it came]? [SurahAn-Nahl (The Bee), 16:45]

    5. Can you, then, ever feel sure that He will notcause a tract of dry land to swallow you up, or letloose upon you a deadly storm-wind, whereupon youwould find none to be your protector? [Surah Al-Isra(The Journey by Night), 17:68]

    6. For, every one of them, did We take to taskfor his sin: and so, upon some of them We let loose adeadly storm wind; and some of them were over-taken by a [sudden] blast; and some of them Wecaused to be swallowed by the earth: and some of

    them We caused to drown. And it was not God whowronged them, but it was they who had wrongedthemselves. [Surah Al-Ankabut (The Spider), 29:40]

    7. Or can you ever feel secure that He who is inheaven will not let loose against you a deadlystormwind, whereupon you would come to knowhow [true] My warning was? [Surah Al-Mulk (Do-minion), 67:17] And, indeed, [many of] those who lived aforetimedid give the lie [to My warnings]: and how awesomewas My rejection [of them]! [Surah Al-Mulk (Do-minion), 67:18]

    Earthquakes (so also hurricanes, tornados, typhoons,cyclones, tropical storms, tropical depressions,heavy rains, floods, and other natural disasters) are aform of Divine punishment to deviators of His Com-mands and ill-doers of His Creation. May AllahAlmighty Guide to us to follow the righteous pathand save us from what is forbidden, Amen.


    1. A website for Quran Majeed with compre-hensive search in Arabic and numerous languages,along with several English translations (meanings),http://www.islamicity.com/mosque/quran/ 2. Websites for Hadith,http://www.searchtruth.com/ andhttp://ahadith.co.uk/ 3. Tarawih Summaries in English, Hindi andUrdu,http://NawabMohammedAbdulGhani.webs.com/tarawih.html andhttp://www.ipci.co.za/information/taraweeh-quran-summary/ 4. Shams Pirzada, Is it not necessary to read theQuran with Understanding?, Idara DawatulQuran, Mumbai, India, 13th Edition (2011).http://scanislam.com/browse-islam/read-quran-with-understanding/ 5. Khurram Murad, Way to the Quran, IslamicBook Service, New Delhi, India. http://www.sunni-path.com/library/books/B0039P0000.aspx

    Sameen Ahmed KhanEngineering DepartmentSalalah College of Technology, Salalah, Sultanate of Oman([email protected], http://SameenAhmed-Khan.webs.com/)

  • Bakhabar : June 20157

    Hajira KhanIndian School Salalah

    Salalah, Sultanate of Oman

    The holy month of Ramadan-ul-Mubarak was going on. The little girl,Maryam used to get up for Suhoor(the pre-dawn meal) every morning and joineverybody in the meal. But was yet to haveher first Siyaam (Fast) as the elders felt shewas too young to fast. One fine day, shewoke up or Suhoor as usual. She ate morethan the usual, with the intention to fast. Shealso drank a good quantity of water. She alsohad some Zamzam and made a Dua. She didthe Fajar Salaat as usual and slept. When shewoke up it was midday!! Usually she used towake up at nine or ten. But all the same shewas very happy. Now, she would be able tofast for the whole day. She went to herneighbours house for some time. After re-turning home, she told her parents about it.Her parents felt that it is too late to break thefast!!! They also felt very excited about herfasting. Soon the preparations began for theRoza-Rakhai (also called the Roza Khushai isa function to mark the first fast of a person).The guests were invited; shopping was donefor the food and a lot more.

    The invitees also included the elder brotherof Maryams father. He was affectionatelycalled Hajji-Abba by Maryam and other kidsin the family. Hajji Abba had earlier discour-aged Maryam from fasting but now realizedthat little kids can also fast!!!

    When it was time for Iftaar, the guests ar-rived, with gifts for Maryam. Then afterhearing the Maghrib Azan, everybody endedtheir fast. Hajji Abba gifted Mayram a bignote. Maryam was the happiest of them all.She again had some Zamzam. That Ra-madan, she kept two more fasts.

    This article is based on a true incident.


    1. Hajira Khan, Ramadan at last!!! But...,BaKhabar, Vol. 8, Issue 5, pp. 23 (May2015). Published by Bihar Anjuman,http://bakhabar.biharanjuman.org/.

    2. Hajira Khan and Sameen AhmedKhan, Dates Round the Year, BaKhabar, Vol7, Issue 07, pp 18-20 (July 2014). Publishedby Bihar Anjuman, http://bakhabar.biharanju-man.org/.

    Iftaar Party with a Difference

    Page 1 of 1

    Iftaar Party with a Difference

    Hajira Khan

    Indian School Salalah Salalah, Sultanate of Oman

    The holy month of Ramadan-ul-Mubarak was going on. The little girl, Maryam used to get up for Suhoor (the pre-dawn meal) every morning and join everybody in the meal. But was yet to have her first Siyaam (Fast) as the elders felt she was too young to fast. One fine day, she woke up or Suhoor as usual. She ate more than the usual, with the intention to fast. She also drank a good quantity of water. She also had some Zamzam and made a Dua. She did the Fajar Salaat as usual and slept. When she woke up it was midday!! Usually she used to wake up at nine or ten. But all the same she was very happy. Now, she would be able to fast for the whole day. ShHZHQWWRKHUQHLJKERXUVKRXVHIRUVRPHWLPH$IWHUUHWXUQLQJKRPHshe told her parents about it. Her parents felt that it is too late to break the fast!!! They also felt very excited about her fasting. Soon the preparations began for the Roza-Rakhai (also called the Roza Khushai is a function to mark the first fast of a person). The guests were invited; shopping was done for the food and a lot more. 7KHLQYLWHHVDOVRLQFOXGHGWKHHOGHUEURWKHURI0DU\DPVIDWKHU+HZDVDIIHFWLRQDWHO\FDOOHGHajji-Abba by Maryam and other kids in the family. Hajji Abba had earlier discouraged Maryam from fasting but now realized that little kids can also fast!!! When it was time for Iftaar, the guests arrived, with gifts for Maryam. Then after hearing the Maghrib Azan, everybody ended their fast. Hajji Abba gifted Mayram a big note. Maryam was the happiest of them all. She again had some Zamzam. That Ramadan, she kept two more fasts. This article is based on a true incident. Bibliography:

    1. Hajira Khan, Ramadan at last!!! But..., BaKhabar, Vol. 8, Issue 5, pp. 23 (May 2015). Published by Bihar Anjuman, http://bakhabar.biharanjuman.org/.

    2. Hajira Khan and Sameen Ahmed Khan, Dates Round the Year, BaKhabar, Vol 7,

    Issue 07, pp 18-20 (July 2014). Published by Bihar Anjuman, http://bakhabar.biharanjuman.org/.

  • Bakhabar : June 20158

    JOURNEY TO ISLAM: Bread for My SoulA Russian Lady Discovers Islam

    I By Elena Shromova I

    Curiously enough I could never utter thephrase: I dont believe in God. I just could-nt. I felt that I did believe."and then, when Youri Gagarin came back to theearth, glorious as he was, surrounded by thousandsof people who wanted to see the hero of the day, anold babushka came to him and asked :"My son, have you then seen God in Heavens?"I still see, as if it were justyesterday, my motherstanding in the kitchentelling me this popularstory, smiling at meIwas eight or nine years ofagesmiling at the simplelittle old babushka who forsure had no idea that theone who believed in God would never ever be ableto become a pioneer or a "komsomolez". Such ashame for the poor!

    This is how I grew up. Pioneers, red flags, atheism,father Stalin, father Lenin, endless chain of other"fathers". Easter..well yes, there still was a kind ofEaster. We painted eggs and found it very excitingbut we were forbidden to tell about it at school (thesame reasonthe desired title of a pioneer whichunless would have been difficult to obtain).

    And then everything changed. "Fathers" were "defa-thered" and the whole country started to search fornew idols. Easy money, business, westerngoods.Freedom, freedom and freedom again. Churchslowly gained power, slowly became in. A Mafiosowith a gold chain almost dicker than his neck as wellas all possible politicians and Mr. president himselfdidnt fail to attend the church on an appropriate oc-casion.

    Looking for Answers to My Questions

    I can only say from that time that this mass churcheuphoria didnt touch me at all. Well, the faade be-came more beautiful, more attractive, more fashion-able, but it still didnt give answers to the veryessential questions. As my logic just refused to ac-cept the idea of God having a son and I didnt seeother ways rather than church and Christianity Iquestioned the whole existence of life after death,the meaning of life, the meaning of myself in thisworld.

    This was probably the time when I unconsciouslystarted to search for God, Iwanted deadly to find an-swers to my questions. Icouldnt live just like that,just exist without any pur-pose as it seemed to me. Attimes I had an indescribablefear of death. It was almost adepression.

    At these moments I would ask myself again andagain, well, suppose you will have a happy life ac-cording to the standards: loving husband, lovelychildren, good job, good friends, and then you diewould anything from your whole life have anymeaning? Your children and grandchildren will alsoone day be gone. The Earth, The Cosmos, everythingwill one day be gone. Why do I live then? Why mak-ing efforts? Where is this line of what is right andwhat is wrong? Why being good? Why being bad?When I look back now, I see so many small thingswhich like parts of a puzzle give now a full pictureof my journey.

    Curiously enough I could never utter the phrase: Idont believe in God. I just couldnt. I felt that I didbelieve. Whenever somebody asked me about reli-gion, I would almost panic and depending on a per-son asking would either say that was a very personalquestion or I would start a discussion which wouldpractically always end up with even more questions.

    JOURNEY TO ISLAM: Bread for My Soul

    Other Inspiring Journeys to Islam- For the First Time I Knew the Truth- I Finally Made Peace with My Destiny!- The Logic of the Quran Led Me to Islam- It Was Like Someone Gave Me Glasses- Fasting Changed My Life Forever

  • Bakhabar : June 20159

    The concept that I should believe without question-ing didnt satisfy me at all. I couldnt feel anythingwhen my questions stayed unanswered. Now I un-derstand how desperately I wanted to love God then,I wanted to feel and to believe and to be sure and tolive in peace.

    During my whole five years at the University, I justonce came across a bit closer the word "Islam". Wehad a subject, something like the "History of Reli-gion". One of the textbooks contained the followingphrase "and it is written in the Quran: Kill the dis-believers..." (At-Tawbah 9: 5). I remember I wasshocked and I said to myself if I had ever chosen areligion then not Islam. But Allah knows best!After finishing University in Russia I went to con-tinue my studies in Germany, al-hamdulillah!

    Finding Logic and Sense in Islam

    I come from a very distant part of Russia, the FarEast. We are almost the end of the country, the lastpoint before China. Japan, Korea and China arenearer to my native town than Moscow. 10,000 kilo-meters was my journey to Hanover. 10,000 km to getto know and to love Allah and Islam. Isnt it a won-der? Isnt it a great mercy? Subhan Allah!

    When I look back now, I see somany small things which likeparts of a puzzle give now a fullpicture of my journey.

    My first year in Hanovertoo busy with my studies,learning German and adjusting myself to a new envi-ronment to occupy myself with existential problems.Like a small drop in the sea of busy life, I remembertalking to a student from Turkey. He was not really avery religious person, but this is a thing which stillfascinates me about Muslims: sometimes even anon-practicing person carries unconsciously a certainfeature of a good Muslim, if it is for generosity, hos-pitability, honesty, or just a firm belief that there is aGod, often Forgiving, most Merciful, a belief whichseems odd in the western consume obsessed society.So one day we talked about religions and I came upwith my usual unanswered questions which almostalways blocked the entire further discussion. I justcouldnt understand the concept of sin in Christian-ity. How can a priest forgive a sin? How could heknow if I was sincere in my repenting? So I can ac-

    tually sin everyday and go to the priest everyday?And if Jesus (peace be upon him) has already diedfor all of our sins, why not sin?

    The student from Turkey was calm and quiet andthen said: "In Islam we say that every person is bornlike a clean sheet of paper. Everything that you do inyour life is written down on that sheet and it is up toAllah alone to forgive or not".

    I was fascinated. For the first time the discussiondidnt have a dead-end, I found an answer to myquestion. I was so confused before and just a simplephrase made things so clear and logical and free forunderstanding and feeling.

    I bought a book about the life of Prophet Muham-mad (peace be upon him) and went to France for alanguage course.

    But at that point I did not go further in learningsomething else about Islam. I think it was a yearlater that I fell in love with a Muslim man. I cannotsay that it was a very happy relationship. He was nota perfect Muslim, he didnt pray and led a life whichunfortunately many young Muslim students leadwhen they come to western countries. But in spite ofthis he had something which I didnt have; some-thing very strong insidea belief in God, a belief indivine script, and no fear of death.

    Well, I was a bright and industrious student, a goodfriend and tried to be a good person, but I alwayslacked this power, which now, I know, can onlycome through realizing the existence of God. I sawhim fasting in Ramadan, but didnt think much aboutthe meaning. Strangely enough, I first started tosearch for the meanings when we separated. We did-nt understand each other in many aspects and Icouldnt stand it any longer. I wanted to leave himbut also to understand what was it that didnt func-tion! Was it his religion? His traditions?His up-bringing? Or was the problem in me?

    I bought a book about the life ofProphet Muhammad (peace beupon him) and went to France fora language course.

    The course was good, the book was even better! Iwanted to learn more. That was quite a difficult year

  • Bakhabar : June 201510

    as I got very ill and had to be operated. But in every-thing is Allah's supreme Wisdom. I was very lonelyand I had fear of operation but this was the pointwhere I started to think more and more about God.Al-hamdulillah, everything went fine and somehow Ibecame another person after that. Everything thathappened after is just a logical consequence. I thinkat that point in my heart I was already a Muslim.

    A Meeting That Changed My Life

    For my studies I had an Italian private teacher for al-most a year but through all the problems I lost thecontact. So after having recovered I decided to con-tinue my Italian lessons and started to search for anew teacher. One day I picked up a telephone num-ber out of a dozens of offers which one can find onan information desk in a University. I dialed thenumber and a very nice Italian woman told me thatshe would be happy to give me lessons and was notvery expensive. We arranged a place to meet andthen she told me she would be easy to recognize be-cause she was wearing a scarf.

    A scarf?! Well, I was surprised, but I thought shewas probably an Italian of Arabic origin or some-thing like that. I have never talked to a woman wear-ing a scarf in my life. I just thought of some of thosegirls whom Ive seen now and then and who seemedto be Europeans wearing scarves. I always thoughtthey were not much educated and that they did alltheir men wanted them to do. Well, I didnt knowmuch about Islam and had my own western-ized ideas of how a woman should presentherself.

    And then I met Nura, al-hamdulillah. Thismeeting changed my whole life. I saw thiswoman, an Italian convert to Islam, very well-educated, intelligent, beautiful, with brightsense of humor and wearing a scarf! She hadlight, light in her face coming from inside,masha'Allah! My world was changed. I under-stood how prejudiced I was. We started ourlessons, but, to tell the truth, we talked moreabout Islam than learning Italian, al-hamdulil-lah!

    And then I read the Quran. And I asked my-self why didn't I do this before! This shouldhave been the first step.

    I was crying of happiness and joy because I

    understood at once, from the first pages, this is thetruth, this is what I was searching for, this is the an-swer and the guidance and I dont have to fear anymore. These words went directly into my heart and Ifelt peace. Life has a meaning and I can do a lot tofulfill this meaning,insha'Allah

    I remember sitting one day at my work feeling so ab-solutely and completely happy that when my col-leagues had seen me, they would have known I hadfallen in love. And I did I fell in love with Allah andIslam and the way of life He prescribed for us. Andnothing on this earth can give a person this feeling ofcomplete, incomparable happiness. Only the love forAllah and recognition of His will.

    I pray, I wear hijab, I fast in Ramadan and I dontknow how I have lived without doing all of this be-fore! What was that sort of a life, full of confusion,fear and loneliness?

    Everything comes from Allah, we just need to makea small step in His direction and He will take us inHis Great Mercy. I was lonely and He gave me sucha nice Ummah, I was ill and He cured my heart andmy soul, I was lost and confused and He gave mepeace and guidance, my soul had hunger and Hegave it bread.


  • Bakhabar : June 201511

    Sameen Ahmed KhanEngineering Department

    Salalah College of Technology, Salalah, Sultanate of Oman

    ([email protected], http://SameenAhmed-Khan.webs.com/)

    The life of the Holy Prophet Mohammad(PBUH: Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam, peaceand blessings of Allah be upon him) wasmarked with many events. Two of the most remark-able events were the Israa (Night Journey) and Mi-raaj (Ascension). Israa refers to how one night AllahAlmighty took Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) fromthe Kabah (in Makkah Mukarramah) to Bait Al-Maqdis (the Sacred Mosque of Worship, i.e.,Solomon's Temple) in Jerusalem. See the followingAyah (verse) from the Holy Quran:

    LIMITLESS in His glory is He who transported Hisservant by night from the Inviolable House of Wor-ship [at Mecca] to the Remote House of Worship [atJerusalem] - the environs of which We had blessed -so that We might show him some of Our symbols: for,verily, He alone is all-hearing, all-seeing. [Surah

    Israa (Bani Israil), 17:1]

    The exact date of Israa and Miraaj are not known.Even the exact year is not known. Some sourcesplace it in the first year, or the fifth year or the tenthyear, or the twelfth year or the thirteenth year of theprophethood, with varying months and dates. Hadthe date been of any importance, it would have beenprescribed in the Shariah or documented by therightly guided Caliphs and the Sahabah (may Allahbe pleased with them all).

    The incident of the Prophets journey is very instruc-tive. Before the Prophet (PBUH) took this nightjourney, the ceiling of the house in which he wasstaying was opened, and Jibreel (the ArchangelGabriel) descended. Jibreel cut open the chest ofProphet Muhammad (PBUH) and washed that openarea with Zamzam water. T hen he emptied some-thing from a container into the chest of the Prophet(PBUH) to increase his wisdom as well as thestrength of his belief. This was done to prepare theMessenger of Allah Almighty.

    Jibreel had brought with him a white animal, calledburaq, one of the animals of the Jannat (Paradise).Buraq is slightly larger than a donkey and smallerthan a mule. The buraq is a very fast animal; thelength of the buraqs stride is the farthest distance itseye can see. Jibreel held the buraq by his ear andtold the Prophet to mount it. The Prophet Moham-mad and Jibreel rode the buraq to the Sacred Mosqueof Worship in Jerusalem. Once there, the Prophettethered the animal outside the mosque where earlierprophets had tied their mounts. Then the Prophetentered the mosque. In the mosque he found thegrand assembly of all the prophets from Adam to Isa(peace be upon them all). Jibreel asked Prophet Mo-hammad to lead the Salaat (prayer). The ProphetMohammad offered two Rakah of Salaat as Imam ofall the messengers assembled there. This is an indi-cation that the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) ishigher in status than the rest of the messengers ofAllah. Hence, he is also called as Imam-e-Ambiya.

    Jibreel brought two vessels to the Prophet Moham-mad (PBUH), one filled with wine, the other withmilk. The Prophet chose the second vessel. Jibreelcommented on the Prophet's choice:

    You chose milk in accordance with the purity ofyour nature. Hence you have received guidance andyour followers have too. Had you chosen wine, yourfollowers would have been astray. [Sahih Bukhari,Book #55 (Prophets), Hadith #607]

    The Prophet was then taken to the first level ofheaven, which was the first stage of his Ascension.Jibreel asked for the door to be opened for theProphet, and there stood Adam the first man andprophet. Adam said, Peace be upon you, to whichthe Prophet responded, And upon you be peace.Adam then testified that Muhammad was theProphet of Allah. Adam looked to his right andsmiled, and then looked to his left and wept. TheProphet saw two groups of people on either side ofAdam, and the ones he smiled at were the believers,while the ones that caused him to weep were unbe-lievers.

    The Prophet was then escorted to the second level ofheaven. Jibreel asked for the door to be opened, andthere the Prophet saw two cousins, the prophets

    Journey of the Israa and Miraaj

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    Yahya bin Zakariya (John, son of Zechariah) and Isabin Maryam (Jesus, son of Mary). The Prophetgreeted them and they returned the greeting, andthen they testified that Muhammad was Allah'sProphet.

    On the third level of heaven, the Prophet met Yusuf(Joseph). After an exchange of greetings, Yusuf alsotestified that Muhammad was Allah's Prophet.

    On the fourth level the Prophet met Idrees (Enoch).Both the prophets exchanged greetings, and Idreestestified that Muhammad was the Prophet of Allah.

    On the fifth level of heaven the Prophet met Haroon(Aaron), who, like all the previous prophets, ex-changed greetings and testified that Muhammad wasAllah's Prophet.

    On the sixth level of heaven the Prophet met Musa(Moses). After greeting the Prophet and testifyingthat Muhammad was indeed a Prophet, Musa beganto weep. When Musa was asked why he was weep-ing, he said: The reason for my tears is that a youthwas commissioned as prophet after me, but his fol-lowers will enter heaven in greater numbers thanmine.

    On the seventh level of heaven, the Prophet metIbraheem (Abraham) resting against Bait Al-Ma-mur, a celestial house of worship which seventythousand different angels circumambulate every day.The Prophet Ibraheem returned the greeting of hisdescendant and testified that Muhammad was theProphet of Allah.

    At this point, the Prophet Mohammad was then ledup to Sidrat Al-Muntaha, a tree of Paradise. Itsleaves were the size of an elephant's ears, and itsfruits the size of small pitchers. It was covered bygolden moths, and no words can describe its beauty.

    The Prophet Mohammad was then brought beforeAllah the Almighty. Since no human eyes could takein the majesty of Allah, the Prophet could not actu-ally look upon Allah, but he stood in close proximityto Him. Allah informed the Prophet that it was nowobligatory for his followers to perform Salaat fiftytimes a day. The Prophet was then led away by Ji-breel. Musa, however, halted the Prophet and askedhim what Allah had commanded. Fifty prayers aday, the Prophet said. Musa advised: Your follow-ers are not strong enough. Go back to your Lord and

    ask Him to make it lighter. The Prophet looked atJibreel who said, You may do so if you so desire.

    The Prophet returned to Allah and did as he had beenadvised. Allah reduced the obligatory number ofprayers from fifty to ten. Again the Prophet was ledaway and once again Musa stopped him. Upon hear-ing that the number had been reduced to ten, he ad-vised the Prophet to ask for another reduction. Allahreduced the number to five. When Musa learned ofthis, he again advised the Prophet to ask Allah to re-duce the number. Musa said: The Children of Israelwere asked to do less, but still they were unable tocarry out their duties. The Prophet did not intend toreturn another time. I feel ashamed before myLord, he said. A voice then announced:

    I have enforced My obligation and made it light forMy servants. He who prays these five prayers will berewarded as if he had prayed fifty. What I decreecannot be changed.

    During the Miraaj the Holy Prophet was shown cer-tain signs of the heaven and hell.

    The Prophet returned to Makkah before dawn, andthe next morning he told the people about his mirac-ulous journey and ascension to heaven. The Makkanpagans, of course, scoffed at his claim. Some ran toAbu Bakr and told him, thinking that it would shakehis faith in the Prophet. Abu Bakr remarked: If theProphet said so it must be true. Abu Bakr later jus-tified his remark which is an inspiration to genera-tions of Muslims till the Day of Judgment. Since hehad believed the Prophet was indeed a prophet, oneto whom an angel brought revelations from Allah,Lord of the worlds, why should he not also believethe Prophets account of his travel through space andtime? From that day onward, Abu Bakr was calledSiddeeq one who believes. The pagan Makkanstried another idea. They quizzed Prophet Moham-mad in detail about the journey to the SacredMosque in Jerusalem. Allah revealed the looks ofthe mosque in Jerusalem and then the Prophet de-scribed everything in detail, and no one could faulthis description. Additionally, the Prophet told theMakkans about a caravan traveling from Jerusalemto Makkah, mentioning the number of camels, theircondition, and the time that they would arrive inMakkah. The caravan from Jerusalem appeared ex-actly when the Holy Prophet said it would, andeveryone saw that his description was accurate. Butthe pagans remained fettered to their disbelief. The

  • Bakhabar : June 201513

    description of the Israa and the Miraaj was a test forboth the believers and the nonbelievers.

    That same morning Jibreel descended and taughtProphet Mohammad how to perform the five dailySalaat. Following Jibreels visit, the Muslims beganpraying five times each day instead of praying morn-ing and evening.

    The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was given three thingsduring the Miraaj [Sahih Muslim, Book #1 (KitabAl-Iman, The Book of Faith), Hadith #329]:

    1. Five daily Salaat (prayers) equal to the reward offifty daily Salaat.

    2. Revelation of the last two Ayat (verses) of SurahAl Baqarah:

    THE APOSTLE, and the believers with him, believein what has been bestowed upon him from on highby his Sustainer: they all believe in Allah, and Hisangels, and His revelations, and His apostles, mak-ing no distinction between any of His apostles; andthey say: We have heard, and we pay heed. Grant us Thy for-giveness, O our Sustainer, for with Thee is all jour-neys end! [Surah Baqara (The Cow), 2:285]

    Allah does not burden any human being with morethan he is well able to bear: in his favour shall bewhatever good he does, and against him whateverevil he does. O our Sustainer! Take us not to task if we forget orunwittingly do wrong! O our Sustainer! Lay not upon us a burden such asThou didst lay upon those who lived before us! Oour Sustainer! Make us not bear burdens which wehave no strength to bear! And efface Thou our sins, and grant us forgiveness,and bestow Thy mercy upon us! Thou art our LordSupreme: succour us, then, against people who denythe truth! [Surah Baqara (The Cow), 2:286]

    3. Remission of serious sins for those among hisUmmah who associate not anything with Allah.

    The first thing points to the significance of the dailyfive Salaat. The second thing has to do with thetenets of Iman (faith). In the third point, there is thePromise of Allah that the sins of the people from theummah of Prophet Muhammad would be forgiven

    except those who died associating partners withAllah. It means that the believers will not suffereternal punishment on account of their serious sins,but will instead be pardoned either through taubah(sincere repentance) and istighfaar (seeking the for-giveness of Allah), or after first being punished fortheir sins. The mushriks (those who assign partnersto Allah) will suffer eternal punishment. The thirdpoint mentioned above has to do with tauheed (one-ness of Allah) and Iman (faith), needs to be under-stood in precise detail. The very basics of tauheedneed to be understood, believed and importantlypracticed as prescribed in the Shariah. One may beforgiven or punished for the non-shirk sins; but theones doing shirk there is the internal fire of hell.

    May Allah Guide us to do Salaat regularly and saveus from the grave sins of shirk, Amen.

    We have seen a concise description of the Israa andMiraaj. The Holy Prophet was shown certain signsof the heaven (jannah) and hell jahannum, which canbe read in the Hadith. We have to overcome the mis-conceptions about the miracle of Israa and Miraaj.Firstly, the Israa and Miraaj was physical with body(not spiritual; and not in a dream). The other mis-conception has to do with seeing Allah Almighty. Itis clearly evident from the Quran and Hadith that theHoly Prophet did not see Allah Almighty. We quotea few Hadith:

    1. Narrated by Hazrat Aisha (PBUH): Whoeverclaimed that (the Prophet) Muhammad saw his Lord,is committing a great fault, for he only saw Jibreel inhis genuine shape in which he was created coveringthe whole horizon. [Sahih Bukhari, Book #54 (Beginning of Creation),Hadith #457]

    2. Narrated Masruq: I said to 'Aisha, O Mother! DidProphet Muhammad see his Lord?" Aisha said,"What you have said makes my hair stand on end!Know that if somebody tells you one of the follow-ing three things, he is a liar:

    a. Whoever tells you that Muhammad saw his Lord,is a liar. Then Aisha recited the Ayat: '

    No human vision can encompass Him, whereas Heencompasses all human vision: for He alone is un-fathomable, all-aware. [Surah Al-Anam (The Cat-tle), 6:103]

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    And it is not given to mortal man that Allah shouldspeak unto him otherwise than through sudden inspi-ration, or [by a voice, as it were,] from behind a veil,or by sending an apostle to reveal, by His leave,whatever He wills [to reveal]: for, verily, He is ex-alted, wise. [Surah Al-Shura (The Consultation),42:51]

    b. Aisha further said, And whoever tells you thatthe Prophet knows what is going to happen tomor-row, is a liar. She then recited:

    Verily, with Allah alone rests the knowledge of whenthe Last Hour will come: and He [it is who] sendsdown rain; and He [alone] knows what is in thewombs: whereas no one knows what he will reap to-morrow, and no one knows in what land he will die,Verily. Allah [alone] is all-knowing, all-aware.[Surah Luqman (The Wise), 31:34]

    She added: And whoever tells you that he con-cealed (some of Allah's orders), is a liar. Then sherecited:

    O APOSTLE! Announce all that has been bestowedfrom on high upon thee by thy Sustainer: for unlessthou doest it fully, thou wilt not have delivered Hismessage [at all]. And Allah will protect thee from[unbelieving] men: behold, Allah does not guidepeople who refuse to acknowledge the truth. [SurahAl-Maidah (The Table Spread), 5:67]

    c. Aisha added. But the Prophet saw Jibreel in histrue form twice. [Sahih Bukhari, Book #60(Prophetic Commentary on the Quran), Hadith #378]

    3. It is narrated on the authority of Abu Dharr: Iasked the Messenger of Allah (may peace be uponhim): Did you see thy Lord? He said: He is a Light;how could I see Him? [Sahih Muslim, Book #1 (TheBook of Faith or Kitab Al-Iman), Hadith #0341]

    In the light of the above Ayat and Hadith we have tobe conscious that the Holy Prophet did not see Allah,did not have the knowledge of the unseen and didnot hide the revelation of Allah. These are the worstaccusations against our beloved Prophet.

    The Ayat 7-18 in the Surah Najm (The Star) are alsorelated the Miraaj:

    4. (7) appearing in the horizons loftiest part, (8) andthen drew near, and came close, (9) until he was but

    two bow-lengths away, or even nearer. (10) And thusdid [Allah] reveal unto His servant whatever Hedeemed right to reveal. (11) The [servants] heart didnot give the lie to what he saw: (12) will you, then,contend with him as to what he saw? (13) And, in-deed, he saw him a second time (14) by the lote-treeof the farthest limit, (15) near unto the garden ofpromise. (16) with the lote-tree veiled in a veil ofnameless splendour. (17) [And withal,] the eye didnot waver, nor yet did it stray: (18) truly did he seesome of the most profound of his Sustainers sym-bols. [Surah Najm (The Star), 53:7-18]

    Narrated Masruq: I asked Aisha What about HisStatement:- Then he (Jibreel) approached And camecloser, And was at a distance Of but two bow-lengthsOr (even) nearer?" (Ayat 53:8-9) She replied, Itwas Jibreel who used to come to the Prophet in thefigure of a man, but on that occasion, he came in hisactual and real figure and (he was so huge) that hecovered the whole horizon. [Sahih Bukhari, Book#54 (Beginning of Creation), Hadith #458]

    In the above Ayat and the supporting Hadith it is evi-dent that the Holy Prophet saw Jibreel and not AllahAlmighty.

    There is no authentic date of Israa and Miraaj. Evenif the date is proven, it is not permissible to celebrateit in any form. The reason is simple and straightfor-ward: the Prophet (PBUH) and his Sahabah (com-panions, may Allah be pleased with them all) did notcelebrate it. If celebrating it was something that isprescribed in the religion of Islam, the Prophetwould have told his ummah about that, either inword or in deed. If any such thing had happened, itwould have been well known, and his companionswould have transmitted the information to us. Theynarrated from their Prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) everything that his ummah needsto know, and they did not neglect any aspect of thereligion, rather they were the first ones to do any-thing good. If celebrating this night had been pre-scribed in Islam, they would have been the firstpeople to do so. The Prophet (PBUH) was the mostsincere of people, and he conveyed the message tothe people in full, and he fulfilled the trust. If vener-ating and celebrating this night were part of the reli-gion of Allah, then the Prophet (PBUH) would havedone that and would not have concealed it. Since nosuch thing happened, it is known that celebrating itand venerating it is not part of Islam at all. Allah hasperfected this ummahs religion for it and has com-

  • Bakhabar : June 201515

    pleted His favour upon them, and He condemns thosewho introduce things into the religion which Allahhas not ordained. Allah says in the Holy Quran:

    1.Today have I perfected your religious law foryou, and have bestowed upon you the full measureof My blessings, and willed that self-surrender untoMe shall be your religion. [portion of Surah Al-Ma'idah (The Repast orThe Table Spread), 5:3]

    2. Is it that they [who care for no more than thisworld] believe in forces supposed to have a sharein Allahs divinity, which enjoin upon them as amoral law something that Allah has never allowed?Now were it not for [Allahs] decree on the finaljudgment, all would indeed have been decided be -tween them [in this world]: but, verily, grievoussuffering awaits the evildoers [in the life to come].[Surah Al-Shura (The Consultation), 42:21]

    In the saheeh ahaadeeth it is proven that the Mes-senger of Allaah (PBUH) warned against bidah (in-novation) and stated clearly that it is misguidance,so as to show the ummah how serious the matter isand put them off it.

    3.Jabir b. Abdullah said: When Allah's Messenger(PUBUH) delivered the sermon he would say:The best of the speech is embodied in the Book ofAllah, and the best of the guidance is the guidancegiven by Muhammad. And the most evil affairs aretheir innovations; and every innovation is goingastray. [Sahih Muslim, Book #004 (Kitab Al-Salator The Book of Prayers), Hadith #1885] And every going astray will be in the Fire. [Al-Nasaai]

    4. Narrated Abdullah: the Prophet said, I am yourpredecessor at the Lake-Fount (Kauthar) and somemen amongst you will be brought to me, and whenI will try to hand them some water, they will bepulled away from me by force whereupon I willsay, O Lord, my companions! then the AlmIghtywill say, You do not know what they did after youleft, they introduced new things into the religionafter you. [Sahih Bukhari, Book #88 (Afflictionsand the End of the World), Hadith #173]

    We all should avoid and condemn such innovationscalled Shab-e-Miraaj (The Night of Journey withthe assigned date 27 Rajab) and Shab-e-Baraat

    (practiced on 15 Shabaan), as innovations woulddeprive one from the pond of Kauthar. TheProphet and his Sahabah, the Rightly GuidedCaliphs; and Tabiun (generation which saw theSahabah and not the Prphet); Tabi al-Tabiin (gen-eration which saw the Tabiun but not the Sa-habah), may Allahs blessings be on them all, neverdid any special prayers or rituals or any kind ofsuch celebrations.

    We ask Allah to help us all to understand His reli-gion and adhere to it, to bless us all by making usfollow the Sunnah, and to protect us from bidah,for He is the Most Kind and Generous. May Allahbless our Prophet Muhammad, and his family andcompanions.


    1.A website for Quran Majeed with comprehensivesearch in Arabic and numerous languages, alongwith several English translations (meanings),http://www.islamicity.com/mosque/quran/

    2.Websites for Hadith, http://www.searchtruth.com/and http://ahadith.co.uk/

    3.Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri, Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum (the sealed nectar), (A Biography ofProphet Mohammed, PBUH), Another Title: Whenthe Moon Split, Darussalam Publishers, (1979).http://www.kalamullah.com/sealed-nectar.html

    4.Tarawih Summaries in English, Hindi and Urdu,http://NawabMohammedAbdulGhani.webs.com/tarawih.html andhttp://www.ipci.co.za/information/taraweeh-quran-summary/

    5.Shams Pirzada, Is it not necessary to read theQuran with Understanding?, Idara DawatulQuran, Mumbai, India, 13th Edition (2011).http://scanislam.com/browse-islam/read-quran-with-understanding/

    6.Khurram Murad, Way to the Quran, IslamicBook Service, New Delhi, India. http://www.sun-nipath.com/library/books/B0039P0000.aspx

  • Bakhabar : June 201516

    I By Dr Mohammad Manzoor Alam I

    Narendra Modi government has come topower on a plank of development, a thriv-ing economy and peoples economic wellbe-ing. In practice, it has ended up doing just theopposite.

    Nobel laureate Amartya Sen says public health andeducation are the foundations on which developmentstands. To handle jobs in a vast development enter-prise people need different levels of education andtraining as well as health and fitness to do assignedwork efficiently.

    The first thing that Modi government has done inthis regard is heavily cutting allocation to bothhealth and education. Sen says health and educationenable people to earn enough to sustain a flourishingmarket. A government that de-emphasises these twocannot be development friendly or a champion ofmarket. We will come to health in a later article.

    In this column we have earlier discussed the budgetcuts on health and education, two stepchildren ofModi government. Here we revisit for a whilestepchild number one, education. Funding has beenslashed across the board, from primary level to uni-versity level and elite institutions like IITs.

    The overall education budget has been brought downfrom Rs. 82, 771 crore to Rs. 69,074 crore, a mas-sive cut from any standards. Under the UPA, the

    Plan allocation was hiked by 18.2 percent in 2012-2013 and 8.3 percent in 2013-2014. On the otherhand, BJP government has reduced Plan allocationfor 2015-2016 by 24.68 percent.

    The Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan has been reduced by22.14 percent, funding for the Mid-day Meal by16.41 percent, Rashtriya Madhyama Shiksha Ab-hiyan by 28.7 percent and Rashtriya Uchchtar Shik-sha Abhiyan by 48 percent.

    Such cuts have been made across the entire spectrumof education and the above is only a brief glimpse.The governments announcement about creating fivenew IITs is also surrounded by ambiguity. There is amismatch between the size of funds required and thequantum of funds allocated.

    There is a certain lack of seriousness visible in thechoice of persons to lead the HRD ministry, Univer-sity Grants Commission, Indian Council for Histori-cal Research and allied organisations regulatinghigher learning. The governments choice for head-ing such organisations has gone in favour of a personwithout any academic background (the HRD minis-ter), historians who think myth is history and sci-entists who claim that planes were used by Indiansthousands of years ago to fly to other countries, andwe had surgeons who could graft elephants head onhuman neck. In a speech before distinguished aca-demics the prime minister himself endorsed theseviews. No wonder, the government is treating educa-tion like a stepchild.

    Modi governments stepchild

  • Bakhabar : June 201517

    "And We have enjoined on man (to be dutiful andgood) to his parents. His mother bore him in weak-ness and hardship upon weakness and hardship, ......" (Surah Luqman, Chapter #31, Verse #14)

    "And We have enjoined on man to be dutiful andkind to his parents. His mother bears him withhardship and ... ..." (Surah Al-Ahqaf, Chapter #46,Verse #15)

    Narrated Abu Huraira: A man came to Allah'sApostle and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Who is moreentitled to be treated with the best companionshipby me?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." Theman said. "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Yourmother." The man further said, "Who is next?" TheProphet said, "Your mother." The man asked forthe fourth time, "Who is next?" The Prophet said,"Your father. " (SahihBukhari, Book #73, Hadith#2)

    And (remember) when We took a covenant fromthe Children of Israel, (saying): Worship none butAllah (Alone) and be dutiful and good to parents,and to kindred, and to orphans and Al-Masakeen(the poor), (Tafsir At-Tabaree, Vol. 10, Page 158(Verse 9:60)) and speak good to people (i.e. enjoinrighteousness and forbid evil, and say the truthabout Muhammad Peace be upon him ), and per-form As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and give Zakat.Then you slid back, except a few of you, whileyou are backsliders. (Tafsir Al-Qurtubee, Vol. 2,Page 392). (Surah Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #83)

    It is prescribed for you, when death approachesany of you, if he leaves wealth, that he make a be-quest to parents and next of kin, according to rea-sonable manners. (This is) a duty uponAl-Muttaqoon (the pious - see V.2:2). (Surah Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #180)

    They ask you (O Muhammad SAW) what theyshould spend. Say: Whatever you spend of goodmust be for parents and kindred and orphans andAlMasakin (the poor) and the wayfarers, andwhatever you do of good deeds, truly, Allah knowsit well.

    (Surah Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #215)

    Worship Allah and join none with Him in worship,and do good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, Al-Masakin (the poor), the neighbour who is near ofkin, the neighbour who is a stranger, the compan-ion by your side, the wayfarer (you meet), andthose (slaves) whom your right hands possess.Verily, Allah does not like such as are proud andboastful; (Surah An-Nisa, Chapter #4, Verse #36)

    Say (O Muhammad SAW): "Come, I will recitewhat your Lord has prohibited you from: Join notanything in worship with Him; be good and dutifulto your parents; kill not your children because ofpoverty - We provide sustenance for you and forthem; come not near to Al-Fawahish (shamefulsins, illegal sexual intercourse, etc.) whether com-mitted openly or secretly, and kill not anyonewhom Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause(according to Islamic law). This He has com-manded you that you may understand. (Surah Al-Anaam, Chapter #6, Verse #151)

    And your Lord has decreed that you worship nonebut Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents.If one of them or both of them attain old age inyour life, say not to them a word of disrespect, norshout at them but address them in terms of honour. (Surah Al-Isra, Chapter #17, Verse #23)

    And We have enjoined on man to be good and du-tiful to his parents, but if they strive to make youjoin with Me (in worship) anything (as a partner)of which you have no knowledge, then obey themnot. Unto Me is your return, and I shall tell youwhat you used to do. (Surah Al-Ankaboot, Chapter #29, Verse #8)

    And We have enjoined on man (to be dutiful andgood) to his parents. His mother bore him in weak-ness and hardship upon weakness and hardship,and his weaning is in two years give thanks to Meand to your parents, unto Me is the final destina-tion. (Surah Luqman, Chapter #31, Verse #14)

    Mother' Day, Father's Day ....for us, it's everyday

  • Bakhabar : June 201518

    It was just another Tuesday,Nothing special, nothing great,Started off as just another day,Ended off with a disturbed fate.Was sitting in class, it was the third lecture,A loud blast and lots of screaming,Within seconds the whole scene turned into a differ-ent picture,Now crouched beneath my desk I lay silently weep-ing.I saw my friend under another desk,Shaking with fear, his face so red,Could clearly hear the sound of footsteps,As I saw those big black boots I will never forget.In the name of God, you screamed out loud,The sound of cries, the smell of blood and burningflesh,As you mercilessly fired multiple bullet rounds,I acted dead when you came upon me to check.I open my eyes as I realize Im sitting on my bed,Its been so many days but I still cant get over it,That scene is engraved in my head,But In the name of God is what I just cant forget.My religion is peace,My God never wants innocent's bloodshed,Clearly you didnt believe in this,If you would then you would never hurt innocents.My God tells me to treat everyone equally,To even escort an enemy to safety,To not hurt a bird or animal or even a tree,And to choose for others what I choose for me.I thought we come from the same place,I thought you believed in peace too, but obviouslyyou did not,You were a completely different case,

    Under the skin of a human was a monstrous bigot.You praised God as you did deeds of the devil,This wont take you to Paradise youre only fallingdeeper in hell,Being under some sort of satanic spell,All you really care about is your agenda and yourcartel.You make a mockery of the verses and scriptures,Its not about a particular attire and few Arabicwords,This faith is much much deeper,Unlike yours which is broken and blurred.Patience and tolerance is what makes a true believer,Cause no harm to your family, friends and even yourneighbors,Feed the hungry even if its just one supper,Treat the orphan in a respectful and righteous man-ner.People are of two kinds,Either brothers in faith or equals in humanity,You cannot interpret without having the context inmind.You will be answerable for all your criminality.Knowledge is placed on such a high pedestal,That even the first word revealed was Read,So how can this religion command you to kill,You could get the answer yourself if you actuallybother to read.Killing young blood is only done by cowards,By low self-esteemed weak little men,Whatever your justification murder will always bemurder,Forget about Muslim youre not even human.

    I feel like it's become a trend nowadays where self-proclaimed religious groups do terrorist activities in thename of religion & God. Dont even know if they are actually Muslims or under-cover agents (latter looksmore likely). But am writing this Poem taking the media into consideration that, even if it was a deviatedMuslim, the act is not part of Islam. This poem actually hits home for me. And just like it's one's responsi-bility to defend one's family, one's honour, in the same way, I feel like it's my moral obligation to defendmy religion in the most civil and peaceful way possible.To summarize a bit, this poem is written from ayoung boy's point of view who has suffered a lot due to the attack and he's addressing his attackers and in-forming them about the correct Islam. And since this poem is written from a boy's point of view, I hope itrelates to the youth.

    " NOT IN THE NAME OF GOD " -By Yusra Shaikh AIR'ing

    This poem is based on the Peshawar attack which took place on 16th Dec 2014(Link:http://time.com/3646246/peshawar-pakistan-taliban-students-school-attack/)

  • Bakhabar : June 201519

    Sameen Ahmed KhanEngineering Department

    Salalah College of Technology, Salalah, Sultanate of Oman

    ([email protected], http://SameenAhmed-Khan.webs.com/)

    The olives, like the dates, holds great value inancient and modern cultures. The dove hold-ing an olive branch in its mouth has become auniversal symbol of peace. It is said to have origi-nated in the story of Prophet Noah (peace be uponhim). The dove appeared as a sign that the flood,which had been sent as a punishment, would abate.Let us have a closer look at this familiar fruit whosetree is known as the Blessed Tree. The botanicalname of olive is Olea Europaea Linn. In Arabic theolive is known as Zaith and in Quran it is referred asAl-Zaitun. We shall note the names in several otherlanguages: Olive (English, French and German), Za-itun (Arabic Persian, Hindi, Urdu and several Indianlanguages), Oliva (Russian, Latin and Italian), Olivo(Spanish), Elia (Greek), Zayit (Hebrew) and so on.

    The olive tree has a rich history. The ancients knewthese virtues, and olive oil became a key to their reli-gious and political ceremonies, from the temples ofRa in Egypt where lamps burned olive oil, to thetemple of Soloman, where kings were anointed withoil based ointments. The olive was a native to AsiaMinor and spread from Iran, Syria and Palestine tothe rest of the Mediterranean basin 6,000 years ago.It is among the oldest known cultivated trees in theworldbeing grown before the written languagewas invented. Olives have been found in Egyptiantombs from 2000 years BC. The olive trees on theMount of Olives in Jerusalem are reputed to be over2000 years old, still relative newcomers consideringthe long domestication of the olive.

    The olive tree grows to less than 10 metres high. It isan evergreen tree with leaves that are pale greenabove and silvery below. The bark is pale grey andthe flowers are numerous, small and creamy-white incolor. Olives are cultivated through grafting, themethod routinely used to propagate fruit trees. Thestem or bud of one plant is joined to the stem or budof another to form a new plant. It can take morethan five years for a tree to start producing fruit.

    The trees can be harvested annually and continue toproduce fruits until they become very old and hol-low. The fruit of the tree is a drupe with fleshy fruitand a hard seed. The oval-shaped olives are approx-imately 2 to 3 cm long. Olives go through a numberof growth stages. They start out as a green fruit,which turns yellowish, then, reddish and finallyblack as they ripen. An olive contains 10-40% oil byweight. Though olive fruits are very nutritious it isnot usually eaten due to its metallic taste. Olives areusually consumed in the form of pickles and pre-served in salt or vinegar solutions. One can find anastounding array of olives from green and black va-rieties to stuffed ones in the market stores. One canalso find a variety of olive oils in the market. Oliveoil is produced through a process known as crushingand pressing. While machines have taken over mostof the work, traditional methods of extracting oil arestill in use. Different methods of crushing and press-ing are used to extract olive oil. Types of olive oilinclude:

    Extra virgin considered the best, least processed,comprising the oil from the first pressing of theolives. Virgin - from the second pressing. Pure - undergoes some processing, such as filteringand refining. Extra light - undergoes considerable processing andonly retains a very mild olive flavour.

    Health benefits of olives:

    Traditionally, olives have been viewed as avery healthy food. Beside providing energy, theycompose of significant amounts of plant-derivedanti-oxidants, minerals, phyto-sterols, and vitamins.

    Olives are a moderate source of calories; 100grams of fruits provide just 115 calories. Their calo-rie content basically comes from fats. Nonetheless,the fruit composes healthy fat in the form of mono-unsaturated fatty acids. Mediterranean diet, which isrich in monounsaturated fatty acids help to preventcoronary artery disease and strokes by favoringhealthy blood lipid profile.

    Olive fruit contains tyrosol phenolic com-pounds such as oleuropein and oleocanthal. These

    Zeroing on Olives

  • Bakhabar : June 201520

    compounds are responsible for its bitter and pungenttaste. Oleocanthal, oleurpein, and its derivative hy-droxytyrosol are natures most powerful anti-oxi-dants. Together with vitamin E and carotenoids,they play a vital role fighting against cancer, inflam-mation, coronary artery disease, degenerative nervediseases, diabetes, etc.

    Studies suggest that oleocanthal has ibupro-fen like ant-inflammatory activities. Mediter-ranean diet that uses olive and its oil may beresponsible in part for the lower incidences ofcoronary artery disease.

    Olive contains a good amount of vitamin E.100g cured, and canned fruits provide 1.65mg(11% of daily requirement) of -tocopherol.Vitamin E is a powerful lipid soluble antioxi-dant, required for maintaining the integrity ofcell membrane of mucus membranes and skinby protecting it from harmful oxygen-freeradicals.

    In addition, the fruits contain good amountsof minerals like calcium, copper, iron, man-ganese, and zinc. Further, they are smallsources of B-complex vitamins.

    Oil expressed from these fruits is recognizedas one of the healthiest edible oils since itcontains less saturated fat, and composeslinoleic (omega-6) and linolenic acid (omega-3) essential fatty acids at the recommended8:1 ratio.

    Every part of the blessed tree of olive is fullyutilized as the medicinal and cosmetic usesare many: the fruits are eaten or used to pro-duce olive oil; the leaves possess medicinalvalue; and the wood of the tree is highly val-ued for carpentry work. The ProphetMuhammad (may the peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) is reported to have said:Take oil of olive and massage with it it is ablessed tree. Olive oil is applied to the skinas it brightens the complexion, softens theskin. It is used in the treatment of eczemaand several other skin ailments. The olive oilis extremely nutritious as it is rich in anti-oxi-dants and the vitamins E, A, D and K. It isuseful in balancing the fats and lowering thecholesterol and controlling the blood pres-sure. Olive oil also relates to the mainte-

    nance of a healthy digestive system.

    The smoke-less burning of olive oil is a peculiar fea-ture, which produces a bright light. The Quranstresses the importance of the olive on several occa-sions. This luminescent property of olive oil is pow-erfully illustrated in the following parable in the

    Page 2 of 5

    Olives (Olea europaea), ripe, canned, (small to extra large)

    Nutritional value per 100 g. Source: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Nutrient Data Base, http://www.ars.usda.gov/nutrientdata

    Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA Energy 115 Kcal 5.75% Carbohydrates 6.26 g 5% Protein 0.84 g 1.5% Total Fat 10.68 g 50% Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Dietary Fiber 3.2 g 8% VITAMINS Folates 0 g 0% Niacin 0.037 mg

  • Bakhabar : June 201521


    Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. Theparable of His light is, as it were, that of a niche con-taining a lamp; the lamp is [enclosed] in glass, theglass [shining] like a radiant star: [a lamp] lit from ablessed tree - an olive-tree that is neither of the eastnor of the west the oil whereof [is so bright that it]would well-nigh give light [of itself] even thoughfire had not touched it: light upon light! God guides unto His light him that wills [to beguided]; and [to this end] God propounds parablesunto men, since God [alone] has full knowledge ofall things. [Surah Al-Nur (The Light), 24:35]

    The olive is mentioned in six other Ayah of the HolyQuran:

    1. And He it is who has caused waters to come downfrom the sky; and by this means have We broughtforth all living growth, and out of this have Webrought forth verdure. Out of this do We bring forthclose-growing grain; and out of the spathe of thepalm tree, dates in thick clusters; and gardens ofvines, and the olive tree, and the pomegranate: [all]so alike, and yet so different! Behold their fruit whenit comes to fruition and ripens! Verily, in all thisthere are messages indeed for people who will be-lieve! [Surah Al-Anam (The Cattle or The Live-stock), 6:99]

    2. For it is He who has brought into being gardens-[both] the cultivated ones and those growing wild -and the date-palm, and fields bearing multiformproduce, and the olive tree, and the pomegranate:[all] resembling one another and yet so different! Eatof their fruit when it comes to fruition, and give[unto the poor] their due on harvest day. And do notwaste [God's bounties]: verily, He does not love thewasteful! [Surah Al-Anam (The Cattle or The Live-stock), 6:141]

    3. [and] by virtue thereof He causes crops to growfor you, and olive trees, and date palms, and grapes,and all [other] kinds of fruit: in this, behold, there isa message indeed for people who think! [Surah Al-Nahl (The Bee), 16:11]

    4. as well as a tree that issues from [the lands adjoin-ing] Mount Sinai, [8] yielding oil and relish for all toeat. [Surah Al-Mu'minun (The Believers), 23:20]

    5. and olive trees and date-palms, [SurahAbasa (He Frowned), 80:29]

    6. CONSIDER the fig and the olive, [Al-Tin (TheFig), 95:1]

    The olive tree, one of the blessings of the plant king-dom, not only has nutritional, medicinal and cos-metic value, but also fulfils a religious function as asign. Since the time of Prophet Adam, the olive hasbeen said to represent those seeking God.


    1.A website for Quran Majeed with comprehensivesearch in Arabic and numerous languages, along withseveral English translations (meanings), http://www.is-lamicity.com/QuranSearch/

    2. Websites for Hadith, http://www.searchtruth.com/ andhttp://ahadith.co.uk/

    3. Tarawih Summaries in English, Hindi and Urdu,http://NawabMohammedAbdulGhani.webs.com/tarawih.html and http://www.ipci.co.za/information/taraweeh-quran-summary/

    4. Shams Pirzada, Is it not necessary to read the Quranwith Understanding?, Idara Dawatul Quran, Mumbai,India, 13th Edition (2011).http://scanislam.com/browse-islam/read-quran-with-un-derstanding/

    5. Khurram Murad, Way to the Quran, Islamic BookService, New Delhi, India.http://www.sunnipath.com/library/books/B0039P0000.aspx

    6. Mohammed Iqtedar Husain Farooqi, Plants of theQuran, Sidrah Publishers, Lucknow, India (2003).

    7. Mohammed Iqtedar Husain Farooqi, Medicinal Plantsin the Traditions of the Prophet Muhammad: ScientificStudy of the Prophetic Medicine, Food and Perfumes(Aromatics), Sidrah Publishers, Lucknow, India (2004).

    8. Quranic Botanic Garden, Doha, Qatar,http://www.qf.org.qa/explore/heritage-centers/quranic-botanic-garden

    9. Hajira Khan and Sameen Ahmed Khan, Dates Roundthe Year, BaKhabar, Vol 7, Issue 07, pp 18-20 (July2014). Published by Bihar Anjuman, http://bakhabar.bi-haranjuman.org/.

  • Bakhabar : June 201522

    I By Mohammed Shafeeq I

    Hyderabad, 08 May 2015: Ayodhya, the birthplaceof Hindu warrior-god Ram, is in Pakistan, claims abook by a top Muslim leader.

    Ayodhya in Faizabad district of Uttar Pradesh is notthe original city by the same name as it was inhab-ited by human beings only in 7th century BC whileRama is believed to have been born 18 million yearsago, says "Facts of Ayodhya Episode" authored byAbdul Rahim Quraishi, assistant general secretary ofthe All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIM-PLB).

    Quoting research papers of Jassu Ram and other ar-chaeologists of the Archaeological Survey of India(ASI), the book reveals that there were two Ayod-hyas - one which was built by King Raghu, greatgrandfather of Ram, and the second built by Ramhimself.

    "Jassu Ram in 'Ancient Geography of the Ramayana'says that both Ayodhyas are in Dera Ismail Khan dis-trict of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province (nowKhyber Pakhtunkhwa)," says Quraishi, also presi-dent of MajlisTameer-e-Millat, a socio-religious or-ganization.

    Quraishi, a key figure in the committee constituted

    by the AIMPLB to fight the Babri Masjid case, saidAyodhya in Faizabad district was known as Saket in7th century BC.

    In all probability, Hindus in 11th century CE gavethe name of Ayodhya to the town. They also gavenames connected with Ram Katha to various areas ofthe town.

    The writer says that if the present Ayodhya was thebirthplace of Ram, it would have been mentioned inRamayana of Tulsidas, who penned the epic in 1574CE in Ayodhya. Tulsidas wrote Ramayana during thetime of Mughal emperor Akbar, the grandson ofBabar.

    "If Babri Masjid was constructed by demolishing atemple, he would have mentioned this," Quraishitold IANS.

    He believes all these evidences may be producedduring the hearing of the case in the Supreme Court,where the AIMPLB has challenged the 2010 verdictof the Allahbad High Court on the Babri Masjid titlesuit.

    The Urdu version of the 82-year-old leader's bookhas hit the stands. The English translation is ex-pected to be published soon.

    Ram's birthplace Ayodhya is in Pakistan, says bookRam's birthplace Ayodhya is in Pakistan, says book 08 May 2015 04:05 PM, IST

    The bricks brought over from all over India for constructing the Ram temple in Ayodhya of Uttar Pradesh (Photo

    credit - PTI)

    By Mohammed Shafeeq, Hyderabad, 08 May 2015: Ayodhya, the birthplace of Hindu warrior-god Ram, is in Pakistan, claims a book by a top Muslim leader. Ayodhya in Faizabad district of Uttar Pradesh is not the original city by the same name as it was inhabited by human beings only in 7th century BC while Rama is believed to have been born 18 million years ago, says "Facts of Ayodhya Episode" authored by Abdul Rahim Quraishi, assistant general secretary of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB). Quoting research papers of Jassu Ram and other archaeologists of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), the book reveals that there were two Ayodhyas - one which was built by King Raghu, great grandfather of Ram, and the second built by Ram himself. "Jassu Ram in 'Ancient Geography of the Ramayana' says that both Ayodhyas are in Dera Ismail Khan district of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province (now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)," says Quraishi, also president of MajlisTameer-e-Millat, a socio-religious organization. Quraishi, a key figure in the committee constituted by the AIMPLB to fight the Babri Masjid case, said Ayodhya in Faizabad district was known as Saket in 7th century BC. In all probability, Hindus in 11th century CE gave the name of Ayodhya to the town. They also gave names connected with Ram Katha to various areas of the town.

  • Bakhabar : June 201523

    Quraishi pointed out that the excavations undertakenby Banaras Hindu University and ASI and those onthe orders of Allahbad High Court found nothing toprove that a temple existed there. There was no ob-jection by Hindus when Babri Masjid was con-structed in 1528.

    He referred to a 1855 incident in which 'bairagies'(Hindu ascetics) returned Babri Masjid to Muslimsafter occupying it for some days.

    It was in 1885 that a Mahant filed a suit for permis-sion to construct a temple on chabutra or platform inthe outer courtyard of the Babri Masjid claiming it tobe the birthplace of Ram.

    The sub-judge of Faizabad, PanditHariKishan, onDec 24, 1885, refused to give permission. NeitherMahantDharam Das in his plaint stated nor sub-judge, a Hindu Pandit, remarked that Babar built themosque at a scared place of Hindus.

    The author said the Allahbad High Court decided theBabri Masjid title suit on the basis of belief. "Thefindings of the three-judge bench are patently wrong.In 1855, the Hindus of Ayodhya did not believe thatthe Babri Masjid stood on Ram Janmasthan."

    The book has dealt in detail with developments lead-ing to the night of December 22, 1949, when idols ofRam and other gods were planted in Babri Masjid.

    Quoting extensively from the orders of variouscourts, reports of commissions and books, Quraishihas written in detail how the conspiracy was hatchedby the Hindu Mahasbha and implemented by K.K.K.Nayar, the then deputy commissioner-cum-districtmagistrate.

    The Babri Masjid was demolished by a mob ofHindu zealots on December 6, 1992, and and amakeshift shrine was constructed on its debris.

    (Mohammed Shafeeq can be contacted [email protected])


    Hi Little FairyHajira Khan

    Indian School SalalahSalalah, Sultanate of Oman

    Hi little fairy I like your tiny wingsHi little fairy I like your tiny shoes Hi little fairy I like your golden hair Hi little fair I like your tiny dressHi little fairy I love you so much!!!

    Hi Little Fairy

    Hajira Khan

    Indian School Salalah Salalah, Sultanate of Oman

    Hi little fairy I like your tiny wings Hi little fairy I like your tiny shoes Hi little fairy I like your golden hair Hi little fair I like your tiny dress Hi little fairy I love you so much!!!

  • Bakhabar : June 201524

    I By Sheikh Mohammed al-Ghazali I

    Before every new morning, God exhorts people torenew their lives with the break of dawn

    Often, when we want to start a new page in our life,we tie such a wish to some favorable circumstancesin the unknown future, a turnabout in our career, or aspecial date or event.

    This postponement is accompanied by the belief thatpower will come to us at that time to invigorate usafter a period of indolence and reawaken hope afterdespair.

    But this is merely an illusion; renewal of life springs,above all, from within the self.

    When life is faced with purpose and insight, there islittle danger of succumbing to ones surrounding cir-cumstances, no matter how bitter they may be.

    Rather than being swept along by their currents, onewould benefit from them, retaining ones real self inthe face of them, just as flower seeds buried underheaps of earth cleave their way up to the light wherethey release their refreshing fragrance.

    They transform the soil and muddy water into joyfulcolors and pleasant scents; we can do the same if wetake control of our time and preserve our freedom ofaction while confronting adverse conditions. We areable to fulfill much without waiting for externalhelp.

    Don't Postpone Your Life-Renewing Plan

    Help is given to those who are walking their way to-wards the truthBy harnessing hidden internal pow-ers, buried faculties, and limited or triflingopportunities, man can build himself anew.

    There is no time to linger. Help is given to those whoare walking their way towards the truth, but thepower of running or climbing will not be showeredon those who are crippled with inaction. That is im-possible. Do not hinge the building of your life onsome chance that may or may not break forth fromthe unknown. This will not bring you anything good.

    The present days you have in your hands, the soulwithin you, and the smiling or frowning circum-stances around you are the foundations from whichyour future emerges. Prophet Muhammad (peace beupon him) said:"Allah spreads out His Hand at nightto accept the repentance of those who sinned duringthe day, and He spreads out His Hand by day to ac-cept the repentance of those who sinned during thenight." (Muslim)

    Every postponement of a life-renewing plan throughwhich you get yourself on the right track only pro-longs the dark period you want to deliver yourselffrom, and keeps you defeated and powerless in frontof temptations and carelessness. It can even drag youdown a steeper slope, and here lies the calamity.

    The day and night are two mounts. Ride them wellto the hereafter. Beware of procrastination (of repen-tance), for death comes suddenly. Do not be deludedby the Forbearance of Allah; Paradise and Hellfireare closer to you than your shoelace. (Ibn Ady)

    Then Prophet Muhammad recited:

    {Whoever does an atoms weight of good will see it,and whoever does an atoms weight of evil will seeit.} (Al-Zalzalah 99: 7-8)

    It is important to rearrange your life from time totime, to look critically into its different corners todig out the defects and failures, and create a shortand long-term scheme to eliminate them.

    Every few days, you look into the chaos of your deskdrawer and tidy up the scattered scraps, messybooks, and useless papers. You put everything in itsproper place and throw the meaningless things intothe trash.

    The rooms of your house become messy by the endof the day, and so busy hands go up and down, hereand there, to clean the dirty furniture, dump anywaste into the bin, and restore everything to orderand beauty.

    Does our life not deserve such an effort?

    Renew Your Life

  • Bakhabar : June 201525

    Does it not deserve to have its affairs examined fromtime to time to see if there are any problems thatneed solving, or any sins weighing it down that needpurifying?

    It deserves to have its profits and losses consideredafter every stage forged through this life journey, andto be restored to equilibrium and stability wheneverit is shaken by crises or conflicts.

    Daily New Hope

    at that peaceful time every one of us can renew hislife and rebuild himself anewMore than any othercreature, humans need to delve deeply within andexplore themselves in order to protect their privateand public lives from disease and disunion. Theirmoral and mental structure rarely remains intact andconcrete with sharp collisions against desires andtemptations.

    If left to destructive forces, morality and sensibilitywill inevitably be ruined, like the spilled beads of anecklace whose string has broken.

    {one whose heart We have made heedless of OurRemembrance, one who follows his own lusts andwhose affair (deeds) has become broken up.} (Al-Kahf 18: 28)

    Hence, continuous work is necessary to organize andaccurately monitor oneself.

    Before every new morning, God exhorts people torenew their lives with the break of dawn, havingrested their bodies after a days labor and upon risingfrom their beds to face a new day. At that decisivetime they can think over their stumbles, falls, andsins; at that peaceful time every one of us can renewhis life and rebuild himself anew with the shiningrays of light, hope, and new beginnings, guided bythe Voice of Truth calling out everywhere to re-store the wandering and revive the weary.ProphetMuhammad said:

    "Our Lord (Blessed and Exalted is He) descendsevery night to the nearest heaven (to our world),when only the last third of the night remains, andsays, Is there any seeker of My Favor that I maygive to him? Is there any supplicant that I may an-swer him? Is there any asker of forgiveness that Imay forgive him? This continues until the break ofdawn." (Al-Bukhari)


    "The nearest a slave can be to his Lord is during themiddle of the night." (At-Tirmidhi)

    If you can be among those who remember God dur-ing that special time of closeness to Him, be amongthem. It is the time when night goes and morningcomes, and out of the debris of the near or distantpast you can rise to build your future.

    Do not be discouraged by your countless sins. Evenif they are as much as the ocean foam, God will notmind forgiving them all for you as long as you turnto Him repentantly and hurry your steps for HisMercy and Pardon. Past ingratitude should be nobarrier to sincere repentance.

    {Say: O My servants who have transgressed againstthemselves (by sinning), do not despair of AllahsMercy. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it isHe Who is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. And returnin repentance to your Lord and submit to Him.} (Az-Zumar 39: 53-54)

    In a sacred hadith (Revelation from God in theProphets words):

    "Allah says: O son of Adam, as long as you callupon Me and put your hope in Me, I will forgivewhatever you have done, and I will not mind.

    O son of Adam, even if your sins were to reach theclouds of the sky, then you were to seek My Forgive-ness, I would forgive you, and I will not mind.

    O son of Adam, if you were to come to me with anearth-full of sins, and you were to meet Me not asso-ciating anything with Me, I will come to you with anearth-full of forgiveness." (At-Tirmidhi)

    These and similar Words of God revive hope to adeadened will and stir up a dull and somewhatashamed person with a determination to resumewalking towards God and renew life after a bad, pas-sive past.


  • Bakhabar : June 201526

    I By Suzana Nabil Saad I

    {I respond to the invocation of the supplicantwhen he calls upon Me. So let them respond toMe [by obedience] and believe in Me that theymay be [rightly] guided.} (Quran 2:186)

    Duaa is part and parcel of every Muslimslife. Not only does it please our Lord and saveus from arrogance, its goodness extends to ourwell-being.{And your Lord said:Invoke MeI will respondto your (invocation).

    Verily, those who scorn My worship [i.e. donot invoke Me, and do not believe in My One-ness], they will surely enter Hell in humilia-tion!} (40:60)Duaa is part and parcel of every Muslimslife. Not only does it please our Lord and saveus from arrogance, its goodness extends to ourwell-being; as Allah responds to our wishesand concerns.

    The Power of Supplication (Duaa)Islamic Ethics of Supplication- Why a Supplication Remains Unanswered?- Supplication for Guidance- Influence of Du`a' on Qadar- Can Converts Make Dua for non-Muslims?- Don't Make Bad Dua - True Story

    The Prophets (peace be upon them all) werepioneers in comprehending the significanceand power of duaain a believers life.

    They went through tremendous hardships andtrials in their dawah(calling) to the worship ofAllah; and were met with atrocities and falsi-fied accusations. In those moments, theywould call to Allah for guidance and strength.

    Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) invokedAllah to help him in his confrontation with the

    Pharaoh of Egypt who was known for hisvengeance. He did not back off but ratherturned to Allah in a duaa for str
