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Balvi primary school

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Balvi Primary School
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Balvi is a small town in the East of Latvia. It is a beautiful and green town.

There are about 8 thousand people.

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One of the town visiting card is Balvi Primary School.

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There was schools’ reorganization in Balvi in 1965. There was founded two-flow Primary School

at 47,Brivibas street.

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The building of Secondary school is there from 1965.-2010.

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There was next reorganization in 2010. Now Balvi Primary School is at 16, Partizanu street.

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There are 463 students in Balvi Primary School in 2013./2014. Students can get knowledge and skills

in three education programmes.

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Teachers are a heart and soul of the school, gold rezerve. There are 54 teachers in our school.

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There is active parents’ council at school led by Renate Preimane.

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Pupils’ self government is working creatively in Balvi Primary School. The teacher Svetlana Pavlovska organizes its work.

The pupils’ council president is the 8th form pupil Roberts Pavlovskis.

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The logo of the school was created in 2011. There is a school in two hands.

There are 2 letters „BP” on the school. The author of the school logo is Daina Pimanova.

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The author of the school flag is Anita Putniņa. The symbols of the flag is rising sun on the blue sky background. There

is a book in the hands in the centre of the sun. The book symbolizes wisdom. Every colour symbolizes concrete thing or feature of the school.

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The pastor of Balvi Evangelically Lutheran parish – Mārtiņš Vaickovskis consecrated to school flag

on February 8,2012.

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The students of our school take part in the olympiades of our school, district, region and country.

They get good results. They get the first, the second, the third places, gratitudes and appreciations.

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Our students sing, dance, play drama, draw, do sports, work with woodworking and get the first skill in computers at

school, too.

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The dancers of the school take part in the activities of our school, district, region, Folk and Dance Festival in Riga.

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The school is proud of our sportsmen. They have good results in our district, Latgale region and republic.

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Our school has dozens of traditions and celebrations which are handed down from class to class.

Every school year starts with the 1st September celebration „Knowledge day”.

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Teacher’s day- is always expected from both the teachers and the students.

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The first class party- helps to become familiar with the school.

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Students’ parade and different sport activities take place in Lačplēša day. These activities teach to love our native


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We especially celebrate Birthday of the Republic of Latvia on November 18.

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Christmas waiting time starts with the lighting of the 1st candle in Advent wreath.

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St.Valentine’s day is also celebrated. It’s a great chance for pupils to show their English knowledge.

Children also like ’Popiela’ (Musical Show).

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We celebrate different traditional celebrations, for example, Meteni, Maslenica.

Spring starts with these activities.

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Once a year parents’ week events take place.There are different meetings and open lessons

during this week.

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The school year ends with Thanksgiving afternoon.

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The pupils of the 6th form (in Latvian flow) and the 9th form (in minority flow) say good-bye to their school.

Further they are going to learn in other schools.

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This is our Balvi Primary school. Every Balvi Primary school pupil can say in

the full conviction: ” We are proud of our school”!
