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Band Description

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Marketing and PR Presentation

Marketing and PR Presentation


Band Profile

Name: Last California

Age: All in their early 20’s (20-24)

Album: Keep Afloat

Previous releases: This will be a new band that have released an EP called ‘Money In Bed’ and from that have had a single released from it which was called ‘I Might Be Wrong’.

Genre: Indie, rock

Style: Alternative indie rock that have a really laid back and casual style about them

Contemporaries: The Neighbourhood, The 1975 and Imagine Dragons


ObjectivesWhat are the objectives for this project?For this project, I want to be promoting the band Last California and to try and promote their new album to a young audience. I also want to be marketing the band successfully and to also make sure it appeals to the audience I’m aiming it at by using effective ways of advertising the new album. This will then drive sales for the new album and bring a fresh new taste to the market.

Who do you want to target? I want to target a really young audience that are teenagers going on young adults (18-25) and that are interested in this sort of music. As it’s not a very popular style of music, it won’t be targeted at a wide range of people and it will only have a limited audience and it will be aimed at both males and females.

How many records do you want to sell?With it not being aimed at a huge amount of people and only having a limited audience, I would want to be selling around 3000 records. This would be enough to get them more popular and well-known and with them only being a new artist on the market and not too well-known to people. As well as looking at album aims, I could also look at giving targets for social media to help kick start the band. I would like to aim for the band page to get at least 1000 followers within their first year of doing gigs and promoting themselves. This will be an achievable and a good amount to start with for the band and from there I think people will find them. I would also want to get their hashtag (#KeepAfloat or #LastCalifornia) trending on twitter in the first year of the album release. Whether it trends when they reach their first year of album release or whether it’s when they first release it, I think with it being in the first year of their album release, it’s achievable. I would see this by looking on the top trending hashtags and would see if it’s worked or not by looking there every day and keeping a tracker so it can tell me what hashtags are trending.

What would make this a successful exercise?With them being a small band and starting off with a new taste, they need to be able to sell about 3000 records and this is their target and if they sell more than 3000 than it will help them in this market a lot more. Also one of the targets would be to go from performing at small venues to big gigs and this will be done by using a lot of advertising and by making them have a place on the market for good.


AudienceWho is the audience for this band?The audience for this band will be both males and females as they contain both genders within the band anyway so it appeals to different genders. They will be at a younger age and they will be mainly college and university students who listen to this band. The age range will be from 18-25 years old as an older audience won’t listen to this genre of music so it fits in with a much more younger audience. The audience will be unique and will have a very similar style to the band itself and they listen to similar artists in this genre.

What age are they?The age range will be from 18 and will go up to about 25 and when they are past the age 25, I think they will listen to a different genre and the audience will be younger students that are at college or university.

What do they look like?They will be both males and females who listen to the band and they will be young, college and university students. They will have a unique sense of style and will shop at Urban Outfitters and Ark. They will look quite indie themselves and wearing clothes that are classed as indie as this is influenced by the music they listen to.

Who else do they like?They like other indie rock bands such as Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boy, The 1975, The Neighbourhood and Arctic Monkeys. They are all in the same genre and they all target the same audience and age range so they all fit well together. They may also like indie rock or indie pop solo artists such as Hozier, Lana Del Rey and MO.


MediaWhat media will you use and why? Be specific about the platforms you will use. There will be certain types of media that will be really effective to use and that will catch the audiences attention. This means not putting the advert anywhere that the audience won’t really look at because this then wouldn’t be effective advertising in the media. The most effective media will be putting them into magazines and on radio stations because this is what younger people tend to look at more and listen to more rather than TV shows and types of media like that. It need to be effective and stand out to the audience so they look at it and notice their music and start to really like it. I also think that having their own YouTube account with their music on and also appearing in interviews on the internet is a good way of using the media as a lot of people in this generation use the internet everyday and will notice them a lot easier through the internet. Millions of people are on the internet so it’s a great way for advertising of the band. You can sometimes get the 30 second adverts on YouTube before you watch a video so even having them on there would give them some recognition.

What magazines might they get in to? They will feature in mainly music magazines that fit in with this genre rather than fashion magazines because their audience won’t really look and be interested in magazines like fashion. They will be magazines such as Rolling Stones and NME as these are the main music magazines that are aimed at a younger audience.

What TV channels would they be on? I don’t think that they will appear on daytime channels as students are studying and are at college at this time so it wouldn’t be an effective way of using media to attract the audience. But if they do watch TV channels it will mainly be the music channels so having them be advertised here would be really effective as they will notice them then.

Which radio stations would play their music? They will feature on the Radio 1 radio station as they play a variety of music that also includes a lot of indie rock. This radio station aims their music at a younger audience and a lot of people will listen to this station while they are studying so this will be effective as they will hear their music and people will then acknowledge them.

Who would they give interviews to?They would go on TV shows to be interviewed by different celebrities such as Alan Carr as he gets a lot of people on who young people look up to and know about so it would be ideal for them to be interviewed by him so that they would know about them. They could also conduct interviews online and put them on YouTube as a lot of young people go on YouTube and watch videos so it would be an ideal way of getting them recognised with a lot of people on YouTube.


MediaWhich forms of social media would you use and how would you use social media? There are different forms of social media that is used by millions of people everyday and it’s something that is used by the younger generation. There is Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube and Instagram which are the main forms of social media that people use today. Twitter can be a really useful form of social media as you can use hashtags and then if somebody searches that hashtag, they will get all the tweets that have used that hashtag up which can be really effective and if they get the hashtag trending, people will see if worldwide and it becomes a really big thing and other fans can join in with chats. There are a range of different hashtags that can be used to help promote the band, for example, #LastCalifornia could be one to use as this is the band now so if it ever got trending, people would know the bands name quite quickly and this would help them gain popularity. Also #KeepAfloat would be a good hashtag to use because that’s the name of the album and when it’s being used with the hashtag #LastCalifornia then people will soon understand what the message is and see that it’s related to the band. I also think that using smaller hashtags that will help people know about the band really quickly is ideal too. This could be #indierock and #LastCalifornianewalbum and these will be really useful when writing tweets about them and gives the audience an indication about what people are promoting (the new album). I would use social media to promote events that the artist is taking part in and to promote new music or merchandise that they are selling. I would also use it so that the fans could interact with the band and so they get to know what is going on within the band and keep updated. It would be a useful way to promote the new album they are releasing and the band themselves as they aren’t very well known with them being new in the music industry. I would set up competitions on Instagram so that when people like the image they are in with the chance of winning merchandise which means they also would be promoting the band by wearing the merchandise and by spreading the word of the competition. Getting them to trend on Twitter will also raise awareness of the band and from there they can gain more followers when people acknowledge who they are and when they have listened to their music. Uploading new videos regularly of the music on YouTube will also get people interested and releasing them quite often will keep them entertained and not as bored for waiting for new videos. Uploading interviews on YouTube too will let the fans see inside footage of the band and how they are together and get fans to see exclusive sides to them will also promote them quite a bit as they will get to interact with them in a different way. Getting vloggers and bloggers to promote the band as well would work really well when they post a video on YouTube. This will then help promote the band as millions of people watch their videos which will give the band some recognition from it. By using vloggers that are very popular with a range of different people is ideal because they can then get a lot of people looking at the band and converting people to their style of music and because the certain vloggers have promoted them, it could create a trend for the band. Vloggers such as Zoella, Tanya Burr or Tyler Oakley all have millions of subscribers and people are constantly watching their videos so by getting a small shout out for the band will help the band attract so much more attention. They also aim their videos at teenagers too so this would be quite ideal for the target audience for the band and help them create a place in the market. I could also put up on Twitter competitions to gain more followers and promote the band by giving people merchandise. Giving away merchandise for competitions will attract people and using hashtags will promote the band a lot. #giveaway, #competitiontime and #freebies are used a lot to help people find competitions to enter so by using them the tweets will be found a lot easier and it will help people enter the competition. By them having merchandise will also help promote the band too. I could also get other celebrities to mention something about the band as they have millions of followers and this will then get them to have a listen and promote the band. Getting musicians such as Imagine Dragons, The Weeknd, The Neighbourhood, James Bay and The 1975 to give the band a shout out will attracts so many people because they are all related artists that have very similar sounds and they also have millions of followers. It will help the band gain the right audience because all the people who follow these artists will be really interested in Last California’s music.



What merchandise would you use to promote this band?With this being an indie rock band, as well as selling CD’s for the album and putting the album up on iTunes, I would also sell records with the album on as it would sound really good on a record for their style of music and would work really well. With them coming back, they would also be a good selling point for people who are using them so it won’t be for everyone but it’s also something which would sell easily for some people. I would also sell T-shirts with the band on and with the album name or even quotes from the album on so that there is a range of different shirts that will cater for everybody and I would also do different style of shirts for the target audience (e.g. for women and men and different style cuts). This would then give the target audience plenty of options for choice of shirt and there will also be a range of different colours. A lot of people start to wear tops now that have bands on (especially in the indie sector) and so it’s a good selling point and a good way to promote the band as well as earning some money. I would also sell hoodies as they are quite popular for a younger audience and it would have the same options as the t-shirts so it would cater for every gender and have multiple designs to chose from so there is a large range and gives the audience a variety instead of having one which won’t suit everybody. As well as selling hoodies there will also be the option to sell jumpers too as some people would not always wear a hoodie inside with it being quite thick with the hood, having the option to have a jumper is sometimes what people want and again this target audience would wear jumpers a lot. With a lot of people wearing their t-shirts, it would promote the band so much as people would see them everywhere they went and it would then get people maybe looking into the band more and seeing what kind of band they are and maybe gain more people to listen to them. I would also sell beanie hats and wrist bands with the band on. This is a good way of promoting the band as a lot of young people wear beanie hats now and they also wear wrist bands so this is also something that would sell pretty well and promote the band. I would also sell posters to promote the band because quite a lot of people buy posters for their room and if someone ever comes round and they see the poster, it may lead them to listen to their music more. Some people could also buy them to put them in music venues too so this would be a better way for people to know about the band because they could then do gigs there to help people get a taster of the band and it’s a good way for the band to kick off their career. By giving away merchandise in competitions, it will be a good way of people getting hold of the merchandise for free and will attract a lot of people if they know they are trying to win it for free. It will be a good way of them promoting the band because once they have their merchandise and it’s something that interests them., they will talk about them more and want to show off the merchandise and when other people see it, it’ll attract more people and it’ll continue.


Manage the messageWhat is the message you want to communicate about this band?The message I want to communicate about this band is that it’s a new band trying out in a tough market but is wanting succeed and give the audience music they will enjoy. With a lot of new bands now starting out, this is an opportunity for this band to promote themselves and get themselves in this market by showing their audience what amazing music they can produce. They are a fresh, new sound and they are willing to throw themselves into anything and will do anything to be out there and succeed. They will appear in interviews and in magazine articles and on chat shows and the radio and these are all ways they can promote their music and ways to make them be recognised. They all have potential to make themselves noticed and be loved by the audience and this is their chance to show they can do this and get themselves heard. With such unique voices this band is going to be high in the market.

What is the main selling point of the band and the album? This is a fresh, new band with a unique sound to their new album. It involves a variety of different instruments that will come across as relaxing and pleasing for the audience. It won’t be a hectic and loud sound it’s very laid back and has a sense of calm throughout the album. The lyrics are powerful and will have a powerful meaning for the audience and it may help them relate to memories of their past and relate to their future times. It will be promoted everywhere with merchandise helping sell the band and by them performing on the radio and by being involved with interviews on chat shows and help get their album out there and the band itself out there. It has been quoted “one of the freshest albums in a long time” and critics have said “it’s extraordinary and a powerful album”. This incredible album is going to be something that people don’t want to miss and with a lot of promoting it can make it’s way up to the top of a tough market. With gaining followers on social media it will also get people in the audience to promote the band too by giving their opinion on the album and by saying what they like about the band. Making sure they get themselves known in such a tough time will make them succeed.


HyperboleWhat are the words you will use? What words will help you sell and will appeal to your audience? When you are writing to promote an album or a band, you need to use words that are going to draw the audience in and stand out to them. By using words such as ‘extraordinary’, ‘amazing’, ‘unbelievably astonishing’ or ‘brilliant’ this will attract people in as they will see all the good comments about them and how amazing they are. This then makes them want to buy it as they hear such great things about it and makes it stick in the audiences mind. Using negative or average words is going to not make an impact on them and you want to do this as you want them to see this album and read all the amazing things said about it and pick it up and buy it straight away. Words that create a positive impact on the album will then draw even more sales as people will then promote the band too as they will agree with what has been said about it (even if some is exaggeration). Using words that will also be easy for the audience and be powerful for them are the words that need to be used to help sell the album. Keeping it to what young people would say and not something that they wouldn’t is also a good way of appealing to the audience as the album is targeted at a young audience so it needs to be something they can agree with and not something that may come across too old for them. They need to be short and snappy without going on for too long and them getting bored of reading the review and making sure that it gets straight to the point and gets them pumped up to buy the album.


EventsWhat events would you put on as part of the promotion of this band and album?Events are useful to have to help promote a band and this also helps the band figure out if their music is attracting the right audience. With them being really new and with the music they will be singing, a big arena isn’t really something that would attract younger people and wouldn’t work for their style of music. Performing at small gigs would suit their music a lot more as they are really laid back and not a loud band so for them performing at small gigs would be a lot more better for them and with them only starting out, they won’t have thousands of people turning up so it wouldn’t be essential for them to be at big arenas as it wouldn’t sell out. Getting the fans all up and close and getting them to have a good time and dance around while at a smaller venue seems more appropriate for a younger audience. Having them appear at record stores to do signings would be another event that would draw the audience in. It would then give the audience the opportunity to interact with the band and also get their autograph so even in years time when they become a lot more famous and well known, they will have that to refer to. It also gives them the chance to promote the band as they may post images up from meeting them on social media sites which then other people will see and they also will want the chance maybe to do this. Getting them to appear on BBC Radio 1 to do interviews and to join in with little activities and games they have on the show will also get the band promoted more as a lot of young people listen to Radio 1so this will get them interested and also might get them interacting as well to maybe ask the band questions themselves. They would also perform on different chat shows such as Jonathan Ross or Alan Carr as again a lot of young people watch these chat shows as they get people on who interest this audience and having them play will give the audience chance to hear their music and get them interested and this is a good way to promote the band. They could also go to festivals and perform there as quite a lot of young people go to festivals so it would be aiming the band at their target audience and this is a good way to promote the band to them. They wouldn’t perform at big venues as I think for such a small band it wouldn’t work well and they wouldn’t be gaining much of a profit for it and I think performing at smaller venues would attract the target audience more. I also think that going and performing at new clubs or places that are opening will be a good way of promoting the band too because this younger people will be there so again the band will be getting recognition and will be appealing to their target audience.


Internal motivationWhat is the motivation behind this project?The motivation behind this project is wanting to achieve the final outcome and to get the band to a point where they are well known and they are established in the music industry. Also to get the band well advertised and make sure they appear on every bit of media possible so that their audience then know who the band is. I also want them to achieve what they have wanted to by living their dream and to be performers and to be in the music industry and so by doing everything possible to help them achieve this is something that gives me motivation.

What is it an important project for you?An important project for me is one that is going to succeed and for one that is going to be achievable and not unrealistic. It needs to have a strong idea behind the project so that it will succeed and be realistic. It is also important that in the project the idea is kept the same throughout and the outcome at the end and there is a lot of planning throughout the project to make sure the outcome has been achieved. Putting 100% into the project also makes it important because it then makes it a lot easier and more detailed and so the outcome is then achieved too.

Why is it an important project for the band?This is an important project for the band because it gives a new, fresh band the opportunity to succeed and do something that they love as their job and to interact with their fans. It gives them an opportunity to perform for the bands and to make a success from something they are passionate about and my aim is to achieve this for them by giving them the chance to do this and to perform at different venues and to try and secure a place on the market for them. This gives them the start of a new life with a job they love especially because they are at a young age this gives them a good chance on the market.


Motivation of mediaWhy would the media be interested in this project?The media would be interested in this project because I am giving a young and new band the opportunity to succeed in their life and to get the dream job they wanted. With them being aimed at a young audience there is a lot of social media and different media that aim themselves at a young audience just like the band is. This would then give them a place on the market and the media would be interested because it would give them a good chance to bring a new sound to the market. By getting them on chat shows and on the radio and advertising the band a lot and getting their name around, they would be really interested because of all the advertising been done and all the promotions they’ve had to make them well known and this will then make it clear to the audience who the band are.

Which parts of the media or media products (be specific) would be interested in the project?I think that BBC Radio 1 would be interested in this project because they aim their radio station at a younger audience so the style of music the band play would be really beneficial for the radio station and for the band. This is because their music will be very similar to what other music they play on the station. Another part of the media that would be interested would be NME and Q magazine because they do exclusive interviews and facts about bands that are very similar to Last California so I think that this would be something that this band would need to help promote themselves. They also aim their magazines at a younger audience so again this band would fit in with the style of magazines really well. Having twitter accounts and getting hashtags to trend worldwide would be something that is beneficial for the band because they will them get recognition easily and would gain followers and so the band then would have a wide range of fans. Alan Carr and Jonathon Ross do chat shows in the UK which are watched by a wide range of different people but a lot of younger people watch the show so this would give them recognition. If they then get really popular and become famous worldwide, there is the Jimmy Kimmel chat show which is based in America and they aim their show at a younger audience and this would give the band a chance to promote themselves to America itself.
