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Bandra Croma

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  • 8/12/2019 Bandra Croma


    Project Report

    Submitted by

    Amit Sharma

    Rohit UchilAbid Hussain

    Abdul Rahim Rehman

  • 8/12/2019 Bandra Croma



    AT Croma, we help you buy. It is Cromas motto. Croma is promoted by Infiniti

    Retail td, a !""# subsidiary of Tata Sons. $oolworths, one of the worlds leadin%

    retailers, pro&ides technical and strate%ic sourcin% support, ensurin% that you buynothin% but the best.

    Croma's first store opened on (ctober ), *""+ at uhu in -umbai and it's rollin%

    out many more stores across India. So, no matter where you are, if you want hi%h

    /uality products, bac0ed by ad&ice you can trust, head for the nearest Croma.

    Infiniti Retail imited is a !""# subsidiary of Tata Sons. The company has

    launched Croma, a national chain of me%a stores of consumer electronics and

    durables. Infiniti Retail td, owns and runs Croma's retail operations in India,while $oolworths pro&ides technical support and strate%ic sourcin% facilities from

    its %lobal networ0.

    Croma has stores in 1 places in India, namely 2u3arat, 4elhi, 5une, -umbai,

    Chennai, Hyderabad and 6en%aluru. The total numbers of stores it has is

    appro7imately 8" across india. Croma has also opened Croma 9ip Stores in many

    airports of the country e.%. -umbai. :ou can shop for +""" products across ei%ht

    cate%ories in a worldclass ambience at Croma. ;riendly, welltrained and

    0nowled%eable store ad&isors will %i&e you sound and personalised ad&ice so thatyou can ma0e informed buyin% decisions about any technolo%y or consumer

    electronics product.

    Brand Philosophy

    If ser&ice wasn't important, If technolo%y wasn't comple7, If &ariety wasn'tconfusin%, $e would ha&e no reason to be in business, $e Help :ou 6uy.

    The reason why people could choose Croma o&er other stores are many and

    a few stated by company are stated below

  • 8/12/2019 Bandra Croma


    $idest Ran%e of 5roducts

    Choose from +""" products across ei%ht cate%ories.

    $e Help :ou 6uy

    Sound and 0nowled%eable ad&ice from welltrained ad&isors to help you

    ma0e informed buyin% decisions.

    A name you can trust

    Croma is promoted by Infiniti Retail td, an initiati&e of the Tata %roup, a

    brand that stands for trust and reliability %lobally.

    Customer Commitment

    Croma not only %i&es you a worldclass shoppin% e7perience, but also bac0s

    it with %reat aftersales ser&ice.

    2reat deals and offers

    Croma periodically offers e7citin% deals on all your fa&orite products.

    A first of its 0ind

    Consumer electronics and durable retail is a fra%mented se%ment and has

    been lar%ely catered to by re%ional players. ar%eformat, specialist and pan


  • 8/12/2019 Bandra Croma


  • 8/12/2019 Bandra Croma



    -ar0eters in $oolworths then decided to tar%et people with disposable incomes in

    middle class and classes abo&e them who ha&e a sense of indul%ence while

    shoppin% and are loo0in% for the ri%ht price with /uality and which can be testedphysically with li&e demos. The &aluebased retail business has recei&ed a

    phenomenal acceptance from the customers.


    As it was a Tata enterprise concern people wanted to belie&e it and as per the deals

    and the type of a%%ressi&e mar0etin% they did with introducin% low prices with

    combo deals and seasonal sales. 6asically their concept and style wor0ed for them.

    In the be%innin% only it %ot a hu%e customer base and if we loo0 at the facts mar%in

    in durables retail is waferthin and hence scale is the sin%lemost important thin%.

  • 8/12/2019 Bandra Croma



    De7t, a &enture by EI4>(C(D %roup did a business of Rs !,!"" crore in ;: *"!"

    and e7pects around Rs !"" crore business this year. Croma, howe&er, did much

    more business per store with its turno&er touchin% Rs !,""" crore in ;: !". A3itoshi, mana%in% director and chief e7ecuti&e of Infiniti Retail, which runs Croma

    Stores, wants to double the turno&er in this financial year. De7t, the consumer

    durable and electronic chain promoted by the Eideocon 2roup, is the lar%est player

    in the mar0et and has 8*+ stores already F o&er !" times than Cromas. De7t plans

    to add @"" more stores by the end of this fiscal. The other leadin% players in this

    se%ment are Gishore 6iyani's ;uture 2roup which runs @+ standalone stores of

    e9one and !+ shopinshops, and Reliance 4i%ital with @) stores. Tatas ha&e so far

    in&ested Rs *" crore in the business.




    CA5ITA.6>ST -ARG>T>RS $>R> TAGID2 U5 TH> TASG (; -ARG>TID2IT.>.AIT (SHI.AS( (n an a&era%e, a Croma store costs between Rs @.8 crore and

    Rs 8 crore, includin% infrastructure and the in&entory. that means foreseein% the mar0et

    share tata could easily &enture and succeed.


    IT $AS H>A4ID2 IDT( A -ARG>T $HICH $AS AR>A4: 6>ID2

    4(-IDAT>4 6: D>T JEI4>(C(D 2R(U5, $HICH 5ADS T( (5>D

    AD(TH>R @"" ST(R>S S((D, R>IADC> 4I2ITA. TH> STRAT>2: HA4 T(

    6> ;U 5R((;.

  • 8/12/2019 Bandra Croma



    CR(-A had a lar%e opportunity ahead because of the increasin% retail

    business. The sector is %rowin% tremendously at a fast rate.


    THR>ATS were the players in the mar0et which had already in&ested hu%e

    in retailin% and were ha&in% a %ood mar0et share already. Threats were also

    the local dealers and distributors which were bloomin% because of personal

    factors li0e loyalty etc.

    Croma has also %ot another Tata firm TCS to implement the SA5 system in its bac0

    end operations. >arlier it was usin% the software of its bac0end partner


    The Indian consumer durable and electronics mar0et is estimated to be around Rs

    ",""" crore and is e7pected to %row at !"!* per cent this year.

    Croma is %rowin% in terms of si?e, reach and turno&er. Cromas %rowth rate so far

    is more than 8" per cent in terms of turno&er and it has a%%ressi&e plan for thecomin% years. The companys strate%y is to penetrate deeper in the cities it is

    operatin% in. This will aid operational efficiency and allow Croma to %arner hi%her

    mar0et share.

    >lectronics retail has not been impacted and has been %rowin% at an impressi&e

    rate ri%ht throu%h the festi&e period. :ear *"!" will establish us as a leader in the

    electronics retail cate%ory.

  • 8/12/2019 Bandra Croma


    Bandra roma

    It is located at in0 S/uare -all, 6andra K$L in the basement.

    The si?e of the outlet is !*,8""s/.ft. appro7.

  • 8/12/2019 Bandra Croma


    roma has # $inds o% employees

    !L Croma >mployees

    The outlet has around *" employees of croma.

    Their uniform is Red TShirt and 6lac0 Trousers.

    The ob 4esi%nation aremployees from Specific 6rands

    These employees wor0 for a particular brand in the Croma outlet.

    These employees are from Samsun%, Sony, 2, Do0ia etc.

    Their uniform is $hite Shirt with Tie and 6lac0 Trousers.

    They are on the payroll of the 6rand and not of Croma.

    Store Layout

    Croma has se%re%ated all its products in different sections for consumer


    :ou can enter the store only by escalator as it is in the basement and does

    not ha&e ele&ator and staircase.

    The ambience is bri%ht as it is properly illuminated with yellow bulbs and

    white tube li%hts.

    All the li%hts are on the ceilin% and none are on the wall.

    It has white tiles and offwhite colour walls.It has Central AirCondition.

    It has CCTE at a distance of appro7. !"mtrs.

    It has speciality counters such as 4ell, Apple and Eodafone.

    The ad&ertisement was displayed only at the top of each section and

    han%outs displayin% the latest offers.

  • 8/12/2019 Bandra Croma


    It has a separate finance des0.

    It has a ba%%a%e counter at the entry.

    It has a sin%le billin% des0 with counters and small accessories li0e pen

    dri&e, headphones, batteries etc. displayed there itself.


    Apart from there in house products li0e C4 TE, >4 TE, $ashin% -achines,

    Refri%erators, table fans, -5@ 5layers, 4i%icam etc. :ou can choose from a

    number of products across ei%ht cate%ories. Croma has o&er!" brands and +"""

    products for you to choose from. 5lush stores, spread o&er nearly *",""" s/ feet,

    with strate%ically planned products and cate%ory lay outs allow you to ma0e

    hasslefree purchases. There are deals all the time that people %o for.. -others day,

    ;athers day, 4iwali, Christmas, they celebrate all occasions with offers that ma0e

    them special for you. Dow it has o&er !"" consumer electronic products under itsportfolio ran%in% from accessories li0e head phones, pendri&es to hi%hend

    products li0e C4 and plasma screen TEs.


    !L Tele&ision

    There were only C4s, >4s and 5AS-A tele&ision sets

    on display.

    There were no CRTs on display

  • 8/12/2019 Bandra Croma


    There was a separate section for >4s, as it is the latest


    The tele&ision sets were arran%ed as per their si?es.

    All brands of similar si?es were 0ept to%ether so that a

    customer can differentiate amon% the a&ailable brands. The brands a&ailable are (nida, 2, EU, 6en/, 5anasonic,

    Eideocon, Sony and Samsun%.

    Croma also has its own In House brand a&ailable.

    The prices are clearly mentioned in a price ta% ne7t to the

    tele&ision set.

    The >-I scheme is also mentioned in a ta% which is attached

    to the tele&ision. This ma0es it easy for the consumer to ma0e

    buyin% decisions. There is a couch in front of e&ery tele&ision display shelf.

    There is chart which differentiates between 5lasma and


    $ashin% -achine

    $ashin% -achines were placed in a two layered shelf. The bottom layer had top load washin% machines.

    The bottom layer had a trolley which can be used * pull out themachine from the shelf and see its features.

    The upper layer had front load washin% machines.

    So it is easier for the customers to open the door and see the features.

    -ultiple brands were a&ailable for washin% machines. >.%. Samsun%,

    $hirlpool, 2, I;6 etc.

  • 8/12/2019 Bandra Croma


    The prices and the capacity of the washin% machine were clearly

    displayed in the ta% 0ept near the machine.

    The >-I amount was also mentioned in a ta% attached to the machine.


    As Refri%erators cannot be 0ept one abo&e the other, it co&ered a ma3orsection of lar%e appliances section.

    It co&ered almost bays.

    ! bay could accommodate !* refri%erators.

    They were arran%ed as per their capacity.

    -ultiple brands were a&ailable for refri%erators.

    >.%. $hirlpool, 2odre3, Gel&inator, 2, I;6 and Samsun%. Croma also had its own In house brand in refri%erators

    The capacity, pricin% and the >-I options were mentioned the ta%

    attached to the Refri%erator.

    Cell 5hones

    A rectan%ular counter was prepared for this section. The salesperson stand inside the rectan%ular counter.

    The counter had three shel&es.

    The low end cell phones were displayed on one side and the hi%h end

    cell phones were displayed on the other side.

    >&ery cell phone had a ta% displayin% its features and price.

    4ifferent 6rands a&ailable, such as Do0ia, 2, Samsun%, -a77, Asus,

    Acer, HTC, 6lac0berry and Iphone.


    aptops occupied almost bays.

    aptops were 0ept accordin% to the brands.

  • 8/12/2019 Bandra Croma


    ! side of the bay displayed only ! brand in &arious si?es.

    -ultiple brands were a&ailable

    e.%. Toshiba, Sony, H5, HC, Acer, eno&o, -SI and Compa/.

    Apple and 4ell had separate round sections for display.

    The features, price and >-I options were displayed in a ta% attached tothe laptop.

    The aptop accessories such as 5rinters, -ouse, Headphones, Coolin%

    5ad etc. were a&ailable in the section ad3acent to laptops.

    Small Appliances

    It consisted of + bays.

    !stbay displayed microwa&es.

    *ndbay displayed %rinders.

    @rdbay displayed 3uicer, mi7er and blenders.

    thbay displayed 0ettles.


    bay displayed &acuum cleaners. -ultiple brands were a&ailable

    e.%. -orphy Richards, 2odre3, 5hilips, 5anasonic etc.

    The features, price and >-I options were displayed in a ta% attached to

    the product.

  • 8/12/2019 Bandra Croma


    Sto&es and Chimneys

    This section needed a wall to display its

    chimneys. So this section was displayed

    to the ad3acent wall of small appliances.

    The features, price and >-I options

    were displayed in a ta% attached to the



    This Section has 2amin% 2ad%ets such

    as 6( @+", 5S*, 5S@ and 5S5.

    The C4 of the %ames are also a&ailable


    The outlet has %i&en the demo of 6(

    @+" to chec0 the performance.
