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bank exam.docx

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  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    Important Summits held in 2015 - Complete list of Summits /

    Conferences held in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017

     List of Recent Summits & Conferences-7 Summit

    40th G-7 Summit 2014 – Brussels, Belgium, RussiaMembers -

    France, Germany, Italy, a!an, "ana#a, $nite# %ing#&m '$%(, $nite# States &)

    *merica '$S*(

    41st G-7 Summit 201+ - Schl&ss lmau, %rn, Ba.aria, Germany

    42n# G7 summit 201/ - %ashi& Islan#, Shima, Mie re)ecture, a!an

    ! Summit

    40th G Summit 2014 – Russia 'S&chi(

    41st G Summit 201+ – Schl&ss lmau 'Germany(

    Members -

    "ana#a, Russia, France, Germany, Italy, a!an, $nite# %ing#&m, $nite# States &)

    *merica '$S*(

    42n# G Summit 201/ – Sen#ai "ity, a!an3

    20 "eetin#

    • th G-20 summit 201 - hel# at Saint etersburg, Russia

    • 5th G20 Meeting 2014 - It 6as hel# in Brisbane, *ustralia

    • 10th G20 Meeting 201+ - urey, *ntalya

    • 11th G20 Meeting 201/ - 8ang9h&u, :he;iang, "hina '1st summit t& be hel#

    in "hina(

    $%ICS Summit

    "&re BRI"S Members - +

    BRI"S Full )&rm - Bra9il, Russia, In#ia, "hina, S&uth *)rica

    /th BRI"S Summit 2014 – F&rtale9a, Bra9il

    7th BRI"S Summit 201+ – $)a, Russia

    th BRI"S Summit 201/ – ?e6 @elhi, In#ia

    S&&%C Summit

  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    S**R" – S&uth *sian *ss&ciati&n )&r Regi&nal "&&!erati&n

    1th S**R" Summit 2014 - It 6as hel# in %athman#u, ?e!al in ?&.ember


    8ea# A))ice - %athman#u, ?e!al

    Secretary General - *r;un Baha#ur 

    Member "&untries '( - Sri ana, Mal#i.es, Bangla#esh, aistan,

    *)ghanistan, In#ia an# ?e!al

    15th S**R" Summit 201/ - It 6ill be hel# Islamaba#, aistan3

    &S'&( Summit

    *S*? – *ss&ciati&n &) S&uth ast *sian ?ati&ns

    2/th *S*? Summit - %uala um!ur C anga6i, Malaysia, 2/-2 *!ril


    2+th *S*? Summit - ?ay!yi#a6, Myanmar ?&.ember 2014

    24th *S*? Summit - ?ay yi a6, Myanmar, 10-11 May 2014Member "&untries '10( D Brunei, "ambia, In#&nesia, a&s, Malaysia,

    Myanmar, hili!!ines, Singa!&re, hailan# an# Eietnam

    I$S& Summit

    IBS* - In#ia-Bra9il-S&uth *)rica

    7th IBS* Summit 201+ - ?e6 @elhi, In#ia

    th IBS* Summit 201+ - ?e6 @elhi, In#ia

    Members - Bra9il, Russia, In#ia, "hina an# S&uth *)rica

    &)'C Summit

    *" )ull )&rm – *sia aci)ic c&n&mic "&&!erati&n

    2/th *" Summit 2014 – "hina

    27th *" Summit 201+ – hili!!ines

    2th *" Summit 201/ – ima, eru

    25th *" Summit 2017 – 8an&, Eietnam

    *)'C International Seminar

    A" – Argani9ati&n &) etr&leum !&rting "&untries

    /th A" Internati&nal Seminar 201+ - Eienna, *ustria

    (&" Summit

  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


     ?*M – ?&n *lighe# M&.ement membershi! c&untries '122(

    17th ?*M Summit 201+ – "aracas, Eene9ulea

    (uclear Securit+ Summit

    1st ?uclear Security Summit 2010 - $S*

    2n# ?uclear Security Summit 2012 - S&uth &rea ,se&ul

    r# ?uclear Security Summit 2014 - he 8ague, ?etherlan#s

    4th ?uclear Security Summit 201/ - $nite# States

    (&* Summit

     ?*A - ?&rth *tlantic reaty Argani9ati&n

    8ea# A))ice - Brussels, Belgium

    Members - 2

    Secretary General - ens St&ltenberg

     ?*A Summit 2014 - ales 'Britain(, $% 'Britain last h&ste# the summit in 1550, 6hen Margaret hatcher 6as rime


     ?*A Summit 201/ - arsa6, &lan#

    $I"S'C Summit

    BIMS"8 – Bay &) Bengal Initiati.e )&r Multisect&ral echnical an# c&n&mic

    "&&!erati&n "&untries '7( - In#ia, ?e!al, Bangla#esh, Myanmar, Sri ana,

    hailan#, Bhutan3

    r# BIMS"8 Summit 2014 - ?ay yi a6 'Myanmar(

    4th BIMS" Summit 6ill be hel# in %athman#u, ?e!al3

    &.$ &nnual "eetin#

    *@B – *sian @e.el&!ment Ban 

    *nnual meeting &) the b&ar# &) g&.ern&rs &) the *sian @e.el&!ment Ban '*@B(

    hel# e.ery year3

    *@B *nnual Meeting 2014 - *stana, %a9ahstan

    *@B *nnual Meeting 201+ - Bau, *9erbai;an

    'arth hourGl&bal earth h&ur 201+ – Se&ul

    Gl&bal earth h&ur 201/- *ustralia

    loal Insurance Summit

    7th Gl&bal Insurance Summit '2014( - 8y#eraba# 'elangana(

  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    C*" Summit

    "8AGM - "&mm&n6ealth 8ea#s &) G&.ernment Meeting

    his meeting is hel# e.ery t6& years

    2r# "8AGM 201+ - &rtl&yis 'Mayritius(

    &ra Summit

    *rab Summit 2014 - %u6ait h&st the *rab Summit )&r the )irst time

    *rab Summit 201+ - "air&


    Internati&nal etr&leum "&n)erence 'RA"8( 2014 hel# in ?e6 @elhi,


    )raasi $harati+a .ias

    12th ra.asi Bharatiya @i.as 2014 hel# in ?e6 @elhi1th ra.asi Bharatiya @i6as 201+ 6ill be hel# at Gu;arat 'Gan#hinagar(

    14th ra.asi Bharatiya @i6as 201+ 6ill be hel# at ?e6 @elhi in anuary 201/3

     ?e6 @elhi h&ste# the ra.asi Bharatiya @i.as 'B@( m&st number &) times3


    /th Internati&nal ?uclear nergy F&rum *t&me!& 2014 hel# in M&sc&63

    loal Inestors meet

    Gl&bal In.est&rs Meet 201+ - "hennai

    ' S Summit

    $ $S - $nite# States an# the ur&!ean $ni&n

    8&st - Brussels

    ( Climate Chan#e Summit

    $? "limate "hange Summit 2014 - ?e6 H&r 

    $? "limate "hange Summit 201+ - eris

    Indian 'conom+ Summit&rl# c&n&mic F&rum 'F( h&ste# 25th In#ian c&n&my Summit in @elhi

    Indian Science Con#ress &ssociation

    • 100th #iti&n 201 %&latta

  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    • 101 – 2014 –ammu C ashmir 

    • 102 - 201+ Mumbai

    10 - 201/ Mys&re

    Important )oint to note D

    • In#ia is member &) G-20, BRI"%S, S**R", "8AGM, BIMS" C ?*M3

    •In#ia is n&t a member &) G-, $, *$, *", A", *S*? C ?*A3

    (e "emers of Important *r#aniations

    $nite# ?ati&ns – &tal Members – 15 'ast Member - S&uth Su#an(

    A – &tal Members – 1/0 'ast Member - Hemen(

    &rl# Ban an# Internati&nal M&netary Fun# D &tal Members – 1 'ast

    Member – S&uth Su#an(

    ur&!ean $ni&n – &tal Members – 2 'ast Member – "r&atia(3

    $an8in# eneral &areness 2015 9imit on :.I arious sectors of

    India (e 9imits ;


  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    43 c&urier ser.ices

    +3 #rugs an# !harmaceuticals

    /3 electricity

    73 !&6er 

    3 )ilms an# stu#i&s

    53 h&tel an# t&urism

    103 h&using an# real estate

    113 c&nstructi&n

    123 mass ra!i# trans!&rt system

    13 minig'minig &) g&l# an# sil.er(

    143 nb)c

    1+3 &il e!l&rati&n

    1/3 !etr&leum !ruct mareting

    173 !etr&leum !ruct !i!elines

    13 !etr&leum re)ining'!ri.ate sect&r(153 !&lluti&n c&ntr&l

    203 r&a#,high6ays,!&rts an# harb&urs

    213 t&urism

    223 tran!&rtati&n in)rastructure

    23 t&6nshi!s

    243 s!ecial ec&n&mic 9&ne'se9(

    2+3 rail6ays

    2/3 single bran# retail 'u!t& 45J aut&matic 45-100J by )i!b(

    273 telec&mmunicati&ns 'u!t& 45J aut&matic 45-100J by )i!b(

    23 asset rec&nstructi&n c&m!anies ' u!t& 45J aut&matic 45-100J by )i!b(

    KKthere is n& )#i limits in rene6able energy sect&r3 )&reign c&m!anies can

    h&l# 100J &6nershi!KK

    sect&rs 6ith 45J )#i limits are  

    13 airlinesLa.iati&n

    23 #e)ence

    3 insurance

    43 !ensi&nsect&rs 6ith 2/J )#i limits are  

    13 !rint me#ia ' ne6s!a!er – 2/J

    scienti)ic C !eriicals – 100J (

    23 )m ra#i&

    sect&rs 6ith 20J )#i limits is  

  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    13 !ublic sect&r bans

    *ld 9imits - 9imit on :.I arious sectors of India

    Sector :.I

    *griculture 100J

    *sset Rec&nstructi&n "&m!anies 100J

    "i.il *.iati&n 100J

    "&mmity changes 45J

    "&urier Ser.ices 100J

    "re#it In)&rmati&n "&m!anies 74J

    @e)ence 45J

    Insurance 45J

    Multi Bran# Retail +1J

    ensi&n 2/Jetr&leum an# ?atural Gas 45J

    &6er changes 45J

    rint Me#ia 45J

    ri.ate Sect&r Bans 100J

    ublic Sect&r Bans 20J

    Single Bran# Retail 45J

    S!ecial c&n&mic :&nes 100J

    St&c changesL"learing "&r!&rati&ns 45J

    ea lantati&n 100J

    elec&m 100J

    &urism 100J

    3 %e#ulator+ odies in india

    Sectors Regulator Established Website

    Inland Waterways for shipping and navigation Inland Waterways Authority of India 27-Oct-1986 1!

    "ational #ighways "ational #ighways Authority Of India 1988 2!

    $o%%odity &ar'et (orward &ar'ets $o%%ission 19)* *!


  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    +eleco%%unication Industry +eleco% ,egulatory Authority of India 2-(e.-1997 /!

    (inancial Audit and Accounting professions Institute of $hartered Accountants of India 1-&ay-19/9 )!

    (inancial syste% and %onetary policy ,eserve 0an' of India 1-Apr-19*) 6!

    (ood afety (ood afety and tandards Authority of India  Aug-211 7!

    ecurity &ar'et ecurities and 3change 0oard of India 12-Apr-1992 8!

     Aeronautical +ariff Airports cono%ic ,egulatory Authority 12-&ay-29 9!

    Insurance industry Insurance ,egulatory and 4evelop%ent Authority 1999 1!

    $o%pany- related %atters ,egistrar of $o%panies 19)6 11!

    5ower sector  $entral lectricity ,egulatory $o%%ission 2/-ul-1998 12!

    5ension sector  5ension (und ,egulatory and 4evelop%ent Authority 1-Oct-2* 1*!

    Warehouses Warehousing 4evelop%ent and ,egulatory Authority 27 1/!


    Name of the Bank Punch line

    "II Ban etNs get it #&ne

    Stan#ar# "hartere# Ban H&ur Right artner

    8SB" Ban he &rl#Ns &cal Ban


  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    R&yal Ban &) Sc&tlan# Mae it ha!!en

    B? aribas he ban )&r a changing 6&rl#

    M&rgan "hase Ban he right relati&nshi! is e.erything

    @eutsche Ban  A passion to perform

    Sc&tia Ban  You’re richer than you think 

    *merican !ress Ban @& m&re

    Barclays Ban Fluent in )inance

    @BS Ban i.ing, Breathing *sia

    I"4IA" 0 A" OA"

    Bank Name Bank Slogan

    *llahaba# Ban * tra#iti&n &) trust

    *n#hra Ban Much m&re t& #&3 ith HA$ in )&cus

    Ban &) Bara In#iaNs Internati&nal Ban 

    Ban &) In#ia Relati&nshi!s bey&n# Baning

    Ban &)


    Ane Family Ane Ban 

    Ban &) Ra;asthan &gether 6e r&s!er 

    "anara Ban ItNs easy t& change )&r th&se 6h& y&u l&.e,

    &gether 6e "an

    "entral Ban &)


    Buil# * Better i)e *r&un# $s, "entral t& y&u

    since 1511

    "&r!&rati&n Ban r&s!erity )&r all

    @ena Ban ruste# Family Ban  

    Fe#eral Ban H&ur er)ect Baning artner  

    8@F" Ban e $n#erstan# H&ur &rl#

  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    8SB" &rl#Os &cal Ban  

    I"I"I Ban P8um 8ai na333P

    I@BI Ban Baning )&r allQ P*a& S&chein Ba#aP

    In#ian Ban aing Baning echn&l&gy t& "&mm&n Man,

    H&ur ech-)rien#ly ban 

    In#ian A.erseas


    G& !e&!le t& gr&6 6ith

    C % Ban Ser.ing t& m!&6er  

    %arur Eysya Ban Smart 6ay t& Ban 

    ashmi Eilas Ban he "hanging Face &) r&s!erity

    Oriental Bank of


     Where every individual is committed

    Punjab and Sindh Bank Where series is a ay of life

    un;ab ?ati&nal


    he ?ame y&u can Ban $!&n

    State Ban &) In#ia he ?ati&n bans &n usQ ure Baning ?&thing

    lseQ ith y&u all the 6ay

    State Ban &)


    H&u can al6ays ban &n us

    State Ban &)Mys&re &ring )&r a better t&m&rr&6

    State Ban &)


    Blen#ing Mernity 6ith ra#iti&n

    State Ban &)


    * &ng ra#iti&n &) rust

    S&uth In#ian Ban !erience ?et Generati&n Baning

    Syn#icate Ban H&ur Faith)ul *n# Frien#ly Financial artner 

    he c&n&mic


    %n&6le#ge is &6er 

    $"A Ban 8&n&rs H&ur rust

    $ni&n Ban &) In#ia G& !e&!le t& ban 6ith

    $nite# Ban &)


    he Ban that begins 6ith =$

  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    Ei;aya Ban * Frien# H&u can Ban $!&n

    Hes Ban !erience &ur e!ertise

    3 Chief ministers and #oernors of Indian states

      !hie" Mi#isters $ o%er#ors o" I#dia# States  

    S (* State and Chief "inister oernor

    1 *n#aman C ?ic&bar  $33*3 %3 Singh 'ieutenant-


    2 *n#hra ra#esh  ?3"han#rababu ?ai#u Shri3 3 S3 3 ?arasimhan

    *runachal ra#esh %alih& ul y&ti rasa# Ra;h&6a

    4 *ssam Shri arun G&g&i

    a#manabha Balarishna


    + Bihar   ?itish %umar Ram ?ath %&.in#

    / "han#igarh $33Shri Shi.ra; E3 atil


    7 "hhattisgarh @r3 Raman Singh Shri Balram;i @ass an#&n

    G&a amiant arsear Mri#ula Sinha

    5 Gu;arat *nan#iben atel Shri Am raash %&hli

    10 8aryana Man&har al %hattar %a!tan Singh S&lani

    11 8imachal ra#esh Eirbha#ra Singh *charya @e. Erat12 ammu an# %ashmir  Mehb&&ba Mu)ti Sayee# ?arin#er ?ath E&hra

    1 harhan# Raghubar @as @rau!a#i Murmu

    14 %arnataa Shri %3 Si##aramaiah Ea;ubhai Ru#abhai Eala

    1+ %erala Shri A&mmen "han#y 3 Sathasi.am

    1/ Ma#hya ra#eshShri Shi.ra; Singh

    "h&uhanRam ?aresh Ha#a.

    17 Maharashtra @e.en#ra Fa#na.is "hennamaneni Ei#yasagar Ra&

    1 Mani!ur  Shri Aram Ib&bi Singh Sye# *hme# '@ie#(

    15 Meghalaya Muul Sangma E Shanmuganathan

    20 Mi9&ram u althanha6la ?irbhay Sharma

    21  ?agalan# R :eliangShri a#manabha Balarishna*charya

    22  ?e6 @elhi *r.in# %e;ri6al ?a;eeb ung 'ieutenant-G&.ern&r(


  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    2 A#isha Sh3 ?a.een atnai Shri S3 "3 amir  

    24 u#ucherry Shri ?3 Rangasamy*;ay %umar Singh 'Ret#3 t3General(

    2+ un;ab Shri arash Singh Ba#al Shri Shi.ra; atil

    2/ Ra;asthan Easun#hara Ra;e %alyan Singh

    27 SiimShri a6an %umar

    "hamlingShrini6as @a#asaheb atil

    2 amil ?a#u 3 ayalalithaa %∋eti R&saiah

    25 elangana % "han#rasehar Ra& S ?arasimhan

    0 ri!ura Shri Mani Sarar athagata R&y

    1 $ttar ra#esh *hilesh Ha#a. Shri Ram ?ai  

    2 $ttarahan# resi#ent Rule %rishan %ant aul

    est Bengal %m3 Mamata Baner;ee %eshari ?ath ri!athi

    4@a#ra an# ?agar

    8a.eli$33 Shri B3S3 Bhalla '*#ministrat&r(

    + @aman an# @iu $33 Shri B3S3 Bhalla '*#ministrat&r(

    / asha#6ee! $33 Shri 83 Ra;esh rasa#

    Chief "inisters of India

     Andhra 5radesh har'hand 5ondicherry

     Arunachal 5radesh arnata'a 5un:a.

     Assa% erala ,a:asthan

    0ihar  &adhya 5radesh i''i%

    $hhattisgarh &aharashtra +a%il "adu

    4elhi &anipur  +elangana

    oa &eghalaya +ripura

    u:arat &i;ora%

  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    @esam arty(




    'resi#entNs rule(

    y&ti rasa#


    *ssam arun G&g&i 'In#ian ?ati&nal "&ngress(


    Bihar ?itish %umar 'anata

    @al '$nite#((

    Ram ?ath %&.in#

    "hhattisgarh Raman

    Singh 'Bharatiya

    anata arty(

    Balram;i @as


    G&a amiant arsear  

    'Bharatiya anata


    Mri#ula Sinha

    Gu;arat *nan#iben atel

    'Bharatiya anata


    Am raash %&hli

    8aryana Man&har al %hattar  

    'Bharatiya anata


    %a!tan Singh




    Eirbha#ra Singh

    'In#ian ?ati&nal


    *charya @e. Erat

    ammu an#



    'resi#entNs rule(

     ?arin#er ?ath


    harhan# Raghu.ar @as

    'Bharatiya anataarty(

    @rau!a#i Murmu

    %arnataa Si##aramaiah 'In#ia

    n ?ati&nal "&ngress(

    Ea;ubhai Eala

    %erala A&mmen 3 Sathasi.am

  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    "han#y 'In#ian

     ?ati&nal "&ngress(



    Shi.ra; Singh

    "h&uhan 'Bharatiyaanata arty(

    Ram ?aresh Ha#a.

    Maharashtra @e.en#ra Fa#na.is

    'Bharatiya anata





    Mani!ur Aram Ib&bi Singh

    'In#ian ?ati&nal


    E3 Shanmuganthan

    Meghalaya Muul Sangma

    'In#ian ?ati&nal


    E3 Shanmuganthan

    Mi9&ram al

    hanha6la 'In#ian

     ?ati&nal "&ngress(

     ?irbhay Sharma

     ?agalan# 3 R3 :eliang '?aga

    e&!leNs Fr&nt(


    *charyaA#isha ?a.een atnai 'Bi;u

    anata @al(

    S3 "3 amir 

    un;ab arash Singh Ba#al

    'Shir&mani *ali


    %a!tan Singh


    Ra;asthan Easun#hara Ra;e

    'Bharatiya anataarty(

    %alyan Singh

    Siim a6an %umar

    "hamling 'Siim

    @em&cratic Fr&nt(


    @a#asaheb atil

  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    amil ?a#u ayalalithaa '*ll

    In#ia *nna @ra.i#a



    %3 R&saiah

    elangana %3 "han#rashear

    Ra& 'elangana

    Rashtra Samithi(

    3 S3 3


    ri!ura Mani Sarar  

    '"&mmunist arty &) 

    In#ia 'Marist((

    athagata R&y

    $ttar ra#esh *hilesh Ha#a.

    'Sama;6a#i arty(

    Ram ?ai 

    $ttarahan# 8arish Ra6at

    'In#ian ?ati&nal


    %rishan %ant aul

    est Bengal Mamata Baner;ee

    '*ll In#ia rinam&&l


    %eshari ?ath


    ist A) ieutenant G&.ern&rsL*#ministrat&rs A) In#iaOs 7 $ni&n errit&ries

    nion erritor+ Chief "inister 9t oernors ?


    *n#aman an#

     ?ic&bar Islan#s

    *3%3 Singh

    't3 G&.ern&r(

    "han#igarh %a!tan SinghS&lani


    @a#ra an# ?agar


    *shish %un#ra


  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    @aman an# @iu *shish %un#ra


    @elhi *r.in# %e;ri6al

    '*am *a#miarty(

     ?a;eeb ung

    't3 G&.ern&r(

    asha#6ee! 83 Ra;esh rasa#


    u#ucherry ?3Rangas6amy

    '*ll In#ia ?3R3


    *3%3 Singh

    't3 G&.ern&r(

    3Important da+s 

    !anuary " #lobal $amily %ay  

    !anuary & '() %ay  

    !anuary "* World +au,hter %ay  

    !anuary "- 'ational Youth %ay  

    !anuary ". Army %ay  

    !anuary -. 'ational /oters %ay 0 'ational 1ourism %ay  

    !anuary -2 )ndia’s (epublic %ay0 )nternational Customs %ay  

    !anuary -3 %ata Protection %ay  

    !anuary 4* 5artyrs %ay6 World +eprosy 7radication %ay  

    $ebruary second Sunday World 5arria,e %ay 

    $ebruary 8 World Cancer %ay  

    $ebruary 2 )nternational %ay a,ainst $emale #enital 5utilation

    $ebruary "- %arin %ay 0World %ay of the Sick  

    $ebruary "4 World (adio day  

    $ebruary -* World %ay of Social !ustice

    $ebruary -" )nternational 5other +an,ua,e %ay  

    $ebruary -- World Scout %ay  

  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    $ebruary -8 Central 79cise %ay  

    $ebruary -3 'ational Science %ay  

    5arch second 5onday Commonealth %ay  

    5arch second 1hursday World :idney %ay 

    5arch 8 World %ay of the $i,ht A,ainst Se9ual 79ploitation

    5arch 3 )nternational Women’s %ay  

    5arch ". World Consumer (i,hts %ay  

    5arch "2 'ational /accination %ay  

    5arch "3 Ordnance $actories %ay  

    5arch -* World Sparro %ay  

    5arch -" World $orestry %ay  

    5arch -- World Water %ay  

    5arch -4 World 7arth %ay  

    5arch -8 World 1B %ay  

    5arch -; World %rama %ay  

     April - World Autism Aareness %ay 

     April . )nternational %ay for 5ine Aareness0

     April . 'ational 5aritime %ay 

     April ; World

  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    5ay "st 1uesday World Asthma %ay  

    5ay 4 Press $reedom %ay  

    5ay=-nd Sunday 5other’s %ay  

    5ay 8 Coal 5iners’ %ay  

    5ay 3 World (ed Cross %ay  

    5ay & World 1halassaemia %ay  

    5ay "" 'ational 1echnolo,y %ay  

    5ay "- World (ajiv #andhi dead?

    5ay -- )nternational %ay for Biolo,ical %iversity  

    5ay -8 Common ealth %ay  

    5ay -3 World

  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    !une -4 @' Public Service %ay  

    !une -2 )nternational %ay a,ainst %ru, Abuse and )llicit 1raffickin,

    !une -; )nternational %iabetes %ay  

    !uly " %octor’s %ay  

    !uly 2 World oonoses %ay  

    !uly "" World Population %ay  

    !uly "- 5alala %ay  

    !uly "3 'elson 5andela )nternational %ay  

    !uly 4* )nternational %ay of $riendship

     Au,ust first Sunday )nternational $riendship %ay 

     Au,ust 2 @'7SCO?

    September "8 (ose %ay?

    September -. Social !ustice %ay  

  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    September -2 %ay of the %eaf  

    September -; World 1ourism %ay  

    September -3 World (abies %ay  

    September -& World

  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    'ovember "- Public Service Broadcastin, %ay  

    'ovember "8 Children %ay  

    'ovember "8 World %iabetes %ay  

    'ovember "2 )nternational %ay for 1olerance

    'ovember "; 'ational 7pilepsy %ay  

    'ovember "; 'ational !ournalism %ay  

    'ovember "& Citiens %ay  

    'ovember "& World 1oilet %ay  

    'ovember "& 'ational )nte,ration %ay  

    'ovember -* Africa )ndustrialisation %ay  

    'ovember -" World 1elevision %ay  

    'ovember -" World $isheries day  

    'ovember -. )nternational %ay for 7limination of /iolence a,ainst


    'ovember -2 Constitution %ay  

    'ovember -& )nternational %ay of Solidarity ith Palestinian People

    %ecember " World A)%S %ay  

    %ecember - World Computer +iteracy %ay  

    %ecember 4 World %ay of the

  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    3 oscar and filmare aards and inners

    63rd National Film Award

    • $est :ilm; Baahubali

    • $est .irector; San;ay eela Bhansali, Ba;ira& MastaniO

    • $est &ctor; *mitabh Bachchan, iu

    • $est &ctress; %angana Ranaut, anu e#s Manu Returns

    • $est Supportin# &ctor; Samuthiraani )&r Eisaaranai

    • $est Supportin# &ctress; an.i *9mi, Ba;ira& Mastani

    • $est indi :ilm; @um aga %e 8aisha

    • Indira andhi &ard for $est .eut :ilm *f & .irector; ?eera;

    Ghay6an, Masaan

    • $est )opular :ilm )roidin#

  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    • $est ChildrenBs :ilm; @ur&nt&

    /2 )ilm)are a6ar#s s&uth

    he /2n# Film)are *6ar#s S&uth cerem&ny h&n&uring the 6inners an# n&minees

    &) the best &) S&uth In#ian cinema in 201+ is an e.ent hel# &n 2/ une 201+ in"hennai3

    &ards for annada Cinema

    • $est :ilm - Mr *n# Mrs Ramachari

    • $est .irector - Rashit Shetty - $li#a.aru %an#anthe

    • $est &ctor @"aleA - Hash - Mr *n# Mrs Ramachari

    • $est &ctor @:emaleA - Sh6etha Sri.atsa. - Fair *n# &.ely

    • $est &ctor in a Supportin# %ole @"aleA - *chyuth %umar - @rishya

    • $est &ctor in a Supportin# %ole @:emaleA - Samyutha 8&rna#u -


    • $est "usic - B3 *;aneesh &nath - $li#a.aru %an#anthe

    • $est 9+ricist - E ?agen#ra rasa# - %annalli '*mbareesha(

    • $est )la+ac8 Sin#er @"aleA - Ei;ay raash - Gaatiya Ili#u '$li#a.aru


    • $est )la+ac8 Sin#er @:emaleA - *nura#ha Bhat - "hanana "hanana


    &ards for "ala+alam Cinema

    • $est :ilm - Munnariyi!!u

    • $est .irector - *n;ali Men&n - Bangal&re @ays

    • $est &ctor @"aleA - Mamm&&tty - Earsham

  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    • $est &ctor @:emaleA - Man;u arrier - 8&6 Al# *re H&u

    • $est &ctor in a Supportin# %ole @"aleA - ayasurya - *!&thecary

    $est &ctor in a Supportin# %ole @:emaleA - ar.athy - Bangal&re @ays

    • $est "usic - G&!i Sun#er - Bangal&re @ays

    • $est 9+ricist - B% 8arinarayanan - Alan;ali %uru.i '15(

    • $est )la+ac8 Sin#er @"aleA - 8aricharan - thu %ari Ra.ilum 'Bangal&re


    • $est )la+ac8 Sin#er @:emaleA - Shreya Gh&shal - Ei;anatyhayil '8&6 Al#

    *re H&u(

    62nd :ilmfare &ards for elu#u Cinema

    • $est :ilm - Manam

    • $est .irector - Eiram %umar - Manam

    • $est &ctor @"aleA - *llu *r;un - Race Gurram

    • $est &ctor @:emaleA - Shruti 8aasan - Race Gurram

    • $est &ctor in a Supportin# %ole @"aleA - aga!athi Babu - egen#

    • $est &ctor in a Supportin# %ole @:emaleA - ashmi Manchu -

    "han#amama %athalu

    • $est "usic - *n&&! Rubens - Manam

    • $est 9+ricist - "han#rab&se - %ani!inchina Maa *mmae 'Manam(

    • $est )la+ac8 Sin#er @"aleA - Simha - "inema "h&&!ista Mama 'Race


    • $est )la+ac8 Sin#er @:emaleA - Sunita - Hem San#eham e#u 'A&halu


  • 8/17/2019 bank exam.docx


    62nd :ilmfare &ards for amil Cinema

    o $est :ilm - %aththi

    o $est .irector - *R Muruga#&ss - %aththi

    o $est &ctor @"aleA - @hanush - Eelaiyilla attathari

    o $est &ctor @:emaleA - Mala.ia ?air - "ucc&&

    o $est &ctor in a Supportin# %ole @"aleA - B&bby Simha -


    o $est &ctor in a Supportin# %ole @:emaleA - Rit6ia - Ma#ras

    o $est "usic - *niru#h Ra.ichan#er - Eelaiyilla attathari

    o $est 9+ricist - ?* Muthuumar - *9hagu 'Sai.am(

    o $est )la+ac8 Sin#er @"aleA - ra#ee! %umar - *agayam

    hee!i#icha 'Ma#ras(

    o $est )la+ac8 Sin#er @:emaleA - $thara $nnirishnan - *9hagu


    $est &ctor Critics &ard;

    o  ?i.in auly '15(

    o %arthi 'Ma#ras(

    $est Choreo#rapher - Sh&bi - aam .anthu '%aththi(

    Cinemato#rapher - S Ein 'Manam(

    .eut &ards "ale ;

    @ulTuer Salman 'Eaayai M&i esa.um(

    Bellam&n#a Sreeni.as '*llu#u Seenu(

    .eut &ards :emale; "atherine resa 'Ma#ras(

     ?ii Galrani '15(

    9ifetime &chieement &ards - IE Sasi an# Ra#hia
