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Banner Prince of Peace Lutheran Church · 2020-04-02 · The Publication of Prince of Peace...

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The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner April 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 1 Volume 29 Issue 4 (LUKE 24:13-49): Hope is a unique signature of the Christian gospel. I believe what makes the Christian gospel unique and different is its inherent message of not to quit hoping. The walk to Emmaus is a story of two disciples walking down a dusty road to the village of Emmaus, the evening of that first Easter day. They were in deep conversation reflecting on the events started barely 72 hours earlier. Their talk centered on the crucified, dead Jesus. You can hear their words come out slowly, almost painfully, as they trudge their way along, their feet heavy and their hearts broken. "Life seems hopeless." And just then a stranger joins them — perhaps he has come up from behind, unknown to them. Perhaps he has walked along with them for a while without their noticing. But suddenly he is there. “What are you talking about?” he asks. Of course, they stop and turn to him. "Where have you been the last few days?" one of the disciples asks the stranger. "How is it you haven't heard anything about Jesus of Nazareth?" And so the two of them tell the stranger what they know. Listen to what they say. He was a prophet, powerful in word and deed before God and all the people. The chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death, and they crucified him; but we had hoped that he would be the one who would redeem Israel. And what is more, it is the third day since all this took place. In addition, some of our women amazed us. They went to the tomb early this morning but didn't find his body. They came and told us that they had seen a vision of angels, who said he was alive. Then some of our companions went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said, but they did not see him. — Luke 24:19c-24 We are all daily engaged in difficult conversations around our dinner tables. Clearly the two beloved disciples of our Lord, were filled with sadness and despair, grieving at the death of a friend, telling that stranger how the last nail has been driven into their hope for the future. And our Savior himself, unknown to them, was patiently listening to them, his nail-scarred hands undoubtedly buried deep within his robe to keep them from recognizing him. As he heard those words of grief and sadness, no doubt his heart must have been touched by their pain. The two disciples’ hopes were dashed because of the events of the past few days. They were reminding themselves of what was and could have been had their messiah not been brutally killed. It was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. We too as Christians (and non-Christians) today are going through some bad days. We are currently going through a pandemic like no other in our generation. COVID-19 has dashed many of our hopes. Our lives have come to a screeching halt. We are losing loved ones. We are losing jobs. We are losing our livelihoods. One event (COVID-19) Banner April 2020 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
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The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner April 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 1 Volume 29 Issue 4

(LUKE 24:13-49):

Hope is a unique signature of the Christian gospel.

I believe what makes the Christian gospel unique and

different is its inherent message of not to quit

hoping. The walk to Emmaus is a story of two

disciples walking down a dusty road to the village of

Emmaus, the evening of that first Easter day. They

were in deep conversation reflecting on the events

started barely 72 hours earlier. Their talk centered

on the crucified, dead Jesus. You can hear their

words come out slowly, almost painfully, as they

trudge their way along, their feet heavy and their

hearts broken. "Life seems hopeless." And just then

a stranger joins them — perhaps he has come up

from behind, unknown to them. Perhaps he has

walked along with them for a while without their

noticing. But suddenly he is there. “What are you

talking about?” he asks.

Of course, they stop and turn to him. "Where have

you been the last few days?" one of the disciples asks

the stranger. "How is it you haven't heard anything

about Jesus of Nazareth?" And so the two of them

tell the stranger what they know. Listen to what

they say. He was a prophet, powerful in word and

deed before God and all the people. The chief priests

and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to

death, and they crucified him; but we had hoped that

he would be the one who would redeem Israel. And

what is more, it is the third day since all this took

place. In addition, some of our women amazed us.

They went to the tomb early this morning but didn't

find his body. They came and told us that they had

seen a vision of angels, who said he was alive. Then

some of our companions went to the tomb and found

it just as the women had said, but they did not see

him. — Luke 24:19c-24

We are all daily engaged in difficult conversations

around our dinner tables. Clearly the two beloved

disciples of our Lord, were filled with sadness and

despair, grieving at the death of a friend, telling that

stranger how the last nail has been driven into their

hope for the future. And our Savior himself,

unknown to them, was patiently listening to them,

his nail-scarred hands undoubtedly buried deep

within his robe to keep them from recognizing him.

As he heard those words of grief and sadness, no

doubt his heart must have been touched by their

pain. The two disciples’ hopes were dashed because

of the events of the past few days. They were

reminding themselves of what was and could have

been had their messiah not been brutally killed. It

was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

We too as Christians (and non-Christians) today are

going through some bad days. We are currently

going through a pandemic like no other in our

generation. COVID-19 has dashed many of our

hopes. Our lives have

come to a screeching halt.

We are losing loved ones.

We are losing jobs. We

are losing our livelihoods.

One event (COVID-19)

Banner April 2020

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

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has paralyzed our every aspect of life. I am reminded

that it was during similar hopelessness that the

resurrected Lord showed up to join in the

conversation with the two frightened disciples.

Christ joins us today to make sense of what’s

happening around us.

Our fears and frustrations can be the avenue to

experience the resurrected Lord and God’s grace

more widely and more deeply. Sometimes, our lives

are often fenced in by low expectations. At times,

like the disciples, we fear and dread that whatever

has dashed our hope might as well come for our lives

too, so we think. Those who have crucified our Lord

might kill us next.

But Jesus’ encounter with the two disciples should be

a reminder for us to expect Jesus to come and walk

with us in our life’s journey. Rather than live in fear,

let’s be in a state of expectancy, and leave room for

God to come in as he sure will. We live under hope.

That hope is rested in God, not the situation.

Sometimes quitting is the easiest thing to do once

the challenge has lost its glamor in tedious

endurance. But no matter how hopeless our

situation might be, we can stake our hope on Jesus’

reputation. In the confusion of this pandemic that

we are experiencing, do we ask ourselves, where is

the risen Christ? As Christ reminded the two

disciples, let’s hold fast onto what the prophets have

said of him. We will soon realize the holiness of the

One who has promised to be with us to the end of


In the midst of our fears and frustrations he breaks

bread with us. As Christ is walking with us in our

life’s journey, may we each walk with each other and

encourage each other in our most holy faith. The

Christ we meet in this gospel story is one that gives

us the hope that jolts us out of our uncertainty and

fears. He calms our fears in saying “Peace be with

you.” (Verse 36) In calming our fears, he offers us

not just comfort and complacency, but commitment,

connection, and conviction that he is truly

resurrected and desires to abide with us. Just like

David reminds us in

Psalms 22 and 23, when we

feel forsaken and our Lord

seemingly too distant, yet

he is the abiding shepherd

that walks with us through

our darkest valleys.

God’s love, Pastor Sam Sseba

So much in our world, in each of our lives day to day,

has changed dramatically in recent weeks. We are

nervous, frightened, confused, and angry, with some

of us having very understandably high levels of

anxiety. Many are physically ill, some dying. We are

told we must stay away from each other, the people

we care so much about and on whom we depend.

Where is God in all this? How can this happen to us?

The Coronavirus has taken over the focus of the

world. Nothing like this has ever been experienced

by almost any of us before. What do we do? Some


• Gratitude (not the right place to start? Maybe

not? Maybe it is.) - We are watching in this time

of crisis people by the thousands risking their

lives to save and care for others. Medical

personnel, first responders, ordinary neighbors,

going beyond! These are heroes! Somehow they

were created with the hearts and skills to do

incredible deeds. They are in every country and

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The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner April 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 3 Volume 29 Issue 4

every village in the world. And, wow, am I

grateful. Thanks, God, for you and your people.

• Common sense - be careful. Stay home. Physical

separation from other people. Wash hands and

everything you touch. Wash hands and every-

thing you touch. Wash hands and everything you

touch. Do all the right things we are taught to do

by the medical experts, the Governor, etc. This is

to protect you and to protect everyone else, all of

us, every one of us. This is no time to bellyache

"no one can tell me what to do." Grow up. This

is survival.

• Community. Take care of each other (as long as

you do it staying home and separated). Call her,

call him, call them. Text her, text him, text them.

Call the people you care about. Then call

someone you don't know that well. Encourage

them. They will value it right away, and 10

minutes later, and next week. Attend worship

(online, of course, live streaming), knowing others

of the people you care about are doing it also, at

the same time. You (we) are together in this.

Shed a tear that you are not alone. This is being

together in a most profound way.

• A Child of God. Remember who you are. You are

not a smudge, a germ, a bone, a coincidence, an

accident, a know-it-all. You are God's child, with

many gifts and talents, loved deeply, and sent a

savior. You are not alone, will not be abandoned,

and have purpose and a calling.

If you pay attention to being a child of God, then the

First three bullets above are automatically true, are

automatically happening in

your life. Go though all the

above thoughts, slowly,

carefully. See if it fits for


God's love and blessings to

you, be safe,

Pastor Tollefson



Our God, and God of all people:

God of the rich and God of the poor;

God of the healthy, and God of the afflicted;

God of those with healthcare, and God of the


God of the hoarder, and God of the helper;

God of those who have no God.

We are acutely aware of the gnawing unease that has

been inspired by a global pandemic. Everywhere we

look, we see apprehension and uncertainty unleashed

all around us. The impact of this illness is very real.

Its presence is felt every time we wash our hands,

clear our throats, or flinch in response to someone

coughing behind us.

A virus cannot be seen by the human eye—and yet it

makes its presence known in the empty classrooms

and canceled events that increasingly are becoming

the norm around our city, state, nation, and through-

out the world.

It inspires fear as we await news of its arrival in our

midst. We struggle to avoid contact with our faces

and abandon all gestures of human touch that, just

last month were expressions of friendship and


We have heard stories of how the virus has brought

out the worst in some of us. We have hoarded vital

supplies and taken advantage of shortages to gouge

our fellow citizens on the secondary market. We have

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taken solace in the fact that it is projected to most

severely impact the most vulnerable in our midst: the

aged and indisposed; the compromised and infirm;

We have watched in horror as racists have targeted

Asian and other ethnic communities, using our fears

to reinforce their hideous agendas.

BUT, along with the ugliness, we have also seen

simple beauty:

• Outpourings of caring and concern;

• Communities coming together to ensure that the

frailest among us will be safe and secure;

• Doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers who have

labored in dangerous conditions in order to care

for their patients;

• Researchers and students who valiantly search for

cures and vaccines to stem the tide of infection.

The Psalmist wrote: “Who may ascend the mountain

of the Eternal? Who may stand in God’s holy place?

Those with clean hands and a pure heart.”

(Psalm 24:3-4)

We pray that, as we wash our hands (20 seconds—no

less…) we also might strive to find You, O God—in

our hearts, our hopes, and our homes.

Eternal One: Bless all who come to this sacred place.

Keep them healthy. Give them strength to find ways

to safeguard our State and protect the lives and

livelihoods of every one of its citizens.

We pray for healing of those who are affected. We

pray that those who are healthy will remain so. We

pray that this crisis will end and that lives and

livelihoods will be spared.

And let us say: Amen



With the continuation of social distancing and

health safety, we pray that you are continuing some

form of Bible study in your homes as we put together

a plan to “Zoom” Bible studies. This will be a virtual

Bible study, likely held at some of the same times

you’re used to.

Think about it! We can do this if we work together.

We will email out instructions on how to do this as

soon as it’s set up! Hang in there; we’ve got ideas



Update on PoP Youth activities:

Several events are in the air and others are canceled

due to mandatory social distancing and caution in

regards to COVID-19.

• Please note that the Quake event at the Great

Wolf Lodge has been canceled (originally

scheduled for May17-19).

• Youthworks has reached out to say that they are

monitoring the situation and will decide whether

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The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner April 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 5 Volume 29 Issue 4

to continue with the mission trips this summer

depending on what is safe and recommended when

the time comes.

• Easter events for Youth are canceled. We will

still be live streaming worship that day.

We miss all of you and can’t wait to reconnect when


Hoping you peace and health, Christy Tollefson-Hyler



The meal for April has been canceled. We hope that

we are back up and running for the May 5 meal and

then the first Tuesday of every month at 5:00 p.m. to

share a FREE community meal in a spirit (and

reality) of togetherness.

We’ll keep everyone updated on in-person activities

as we move forward. We invite all ideas. Contact the

church office if you have some innovations you want

to discuss with this free monthly meal.


As with SO many of our other activities, Ladies Book

Club for April has been canceled. You can still read

that book! The book for the month of April is A Man

Called Ove by Fredrik Backman. In this book Ove

(Rolf Lassgård) is the quintessential angry old man

next door. An isolated retiree with strict principles

and a short fuse, who spends his days enforcing block

association rules that only he cares about, and visiting

his wife’s grave, Ove has given up on life. After a

boisterous young family moves in next door and

accidentally flattens Ove’s mailbox, an unlikely friend-

ship forms. Juli Landskov let us know that there is a

film adaptation of this book and it is available from

YouTube. Follow the link below to either rent or buy

this movie if you’re interested in watching it in all of

your free time (yikes). The link for that movie is:



Spring is finally here as April comes along. Flowers

blooming bright and birds sing out their song. A

birthday wish for you for blue skies up above, and

may your days be filled with God, family, and love.

Happy birthday!

APRIL BIRTHDAYS 3 Diego Santiago

4 Olivia Golden

5 Quinn Bergin

Raiden Lynch

7 Ben Malmanger

8 Sam Sseba

10 Jillian Madsen

12 Scott Randall

Ethan Melius

13 Paul Schumacher

14 Sue McLaughlin

15 Diane Pierson

16 Gordon King

17 Stan Skjeie

Michael Luchau

Isabel Golden

19 Wren Bergin

Corban Sseba

22 Suzanne Ohrt

23 Ron Bort

24 Ed Fowler

Nova Boucher

28 Cyndie Young

Meaghan Baumgartner

30 Sophia Walls

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Reaching Out With Hope is happy to share that your

continued support to our sisters and brothers in

Uganda is having an enormous impact far beyond

our imaginations. Thanks to you, our hospital is

now offering FREE malaria treatment to all the

children of Bukuma Luwero, Uganda and free

malaria tests to all adults. We continue to offer a

safe place where moms give birth and are treated

with dignity.

The empowerment projects continue to give many

mothers a path out of poverty and to educate their

children. And oh! Those old used laptops you

generously donated, they are actually changing the

educational gap and landscape, equipping children

with necessary computer skills that will come in

handy later in life. Please keep those old used

laptops coming, don’t throw them into the recycle,

they can still change lives.

Because of a generous donation from our brothers

and sisters at Grace Lutheran Church, the Chapel we

recently constructed was furnished with mahogany

pews. Please continue to pray for our brothers and

sisters as they battle through the pandemic

(COVID-19) even though Uganda has not registered

a single death from it.

They (in Uganda) are praying for us knowing that

we are the epicenter of this outbreak that God will

preserve us.

Pastor Sam Sseba

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Easter falls on April 12 this year. Holy week goes

as follows for 2020—mostly live stream unless other-

wise noted below:

Palm Sunday—April 5—10:00 a.m. Live Stream

Maundy Thursday—April 9—Canceled

Good Friday—April 10—7 pm Worship Live Stream

Easter Egg Hunt—April 11—Canceled

Easter—April 12—10 am Worship Live Stream

Easter Brunch—Canceled



Unfortunately, we won’t be able to order flowers for

Easter this year. With the COVID-19 virus still

circulating, it is so unlikely that we will receive orders

(we’ve only gotten one so far and with no on-site

church office happening, we don’t expect any more).

So, with sorrow, we will refund that one person’s

purchase and since we are live streaming, the Easter

flowers will be a luxury for next year. Thanks to

everyone for rolling along as we move ahead.



February 11, 2020 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Gilbert, President;

Pastor Conrad Tollefson; Pastor Sam Sseba; Secretary

Pam Randall; Treasurer Mark Bergin; and Members

at Large Teri Bottoms, Jude Gustafson, Nancy

Hadley, and WELCA President Melodie Schneider

WELCOME: President John Gilbert

DEVOTION & COMMUNION: Pastor Tollefson:

From Gather magazine. The current study in this

periodical is regarding the calling - the theological

calling that we are used to in the church, such as

when a new pastor is called. It is a special connection

with God, a relationship between two parties. Last

month went over a lot of calls of Old Testament

individuals, “Here I am, Lord, at your service, I’m all

in!” I am honored to be a part of this relationship,

honoring and knowing you are not alone. Martin

Luther wrote on vocation (the term used at this

point). His thought was that whatever any of us do, it

can be holy, we can take it to a holy level, developing

our vocation to be a culture that serves people…

everyone’s work is valuable.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Nancy moved, and

Melodie seconded, provisional approval of three sets

of minutes; council meetings December 11, 2019 and

January 21, 2020, and congregation meeting

February 9, 2020.

TREASURER REPORT: Mark Bergin; year to date,

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The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner April 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 8 Volume 29 Issue 4

January giving $18,800, on par with the normal New

Year downturn following the holidays. Expenses for

January were $32,000 (some of which are off the book

– money market, i.e., comes out of special fund. Mark

will prepare something to add to the minutes

regarding this difference. Jude noted that the Youth

Bake Sale on Sunday brought in $675!

PASTOR’S REPORT: Pastor Tollefson; reported

feeling very inspired that 57 voting members were

present [at the congregational meeting]. Neat things

happened at the meeting and he is very excited about

the direction being revealed, especially with the

unanimous vote of approval regarding calling

Pastor Sseba. Also exciting is the unanimous

approval of giving our Lenten offering in total to

agencies serving the Blackfeet Nation. The generator

project from PSE Foundation came up again at the

meeting as well and further work is being done to see

if it is feasible. Members of POP will be continuing to

research with an electrician to see how this might be

accomplished. We received a gift a few weeks ago for

$10,000 (from a anonymous parishioner), and this gift

will be used to improve our security system, a

proposal for which was due a year ago and was not



WELCA: Melodie Schneider; graduating seniors are

Wren Bergin and Karsten Kleitsch. We have received

donations following several memorial services.

WELCA has been trying to do something every

month; $50 donation every month to another

organization. February the recipient was Highline

School District, directed to the Nutrition on Wheels

program from Highline Food Bank which provides

meals for students in need. WELCA would like to

give a donation to Reaching Out With Hope before

the next trip to Uganda and a gift to POP Youth

Group. Quilters are still hard at work.

YOUTH: Pastor Sam Sseba; It is an exciting time for

young people. Over $600 was raised at the bake sale

on Sunday and this will go a long, long way to help

send youth on the trip to the Blackfeet Nation. These

youth are changed on the trip and by being here at

the meetings. Our children and youth are of key

importance. By the end of the year it is hoped we will

be able to reach out to the community and grow the

youth group, invite their parents to visit, and energize

our congregation. The dates of the mission trip will

be July 25-31, possibly to August 1 or 2.

OTHER: None.

NEW BUSINESS: President John Gilbert talked

before the meeting regarding putting together a task

force to oversee the progress as it develops regarding

the three-legged approach: Emerging/Developing

Ministries, Stewardship, Utilization of Assets. Sam

Sseba, Mark Bergin and Dave Hill have volunteered

to be a part of this process. A few members of the

Personnel Committee have also volunteered.

Discussion ensued about time and talents with an

emphasis on asking people what they are well versed

in so they can give advice when it comes to some of

the projects that will be taking place.

Meeting adjourned at 7:32pm.

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Follow the link to participate in Hospitality House’s

“Four Days of Virtual Giving Auction.” While we

can’t gather physically, we thank God for technology

that still brings us together for a great cause—the

work of Hospitality House. Browse their online

catalogue to get ready for bidding that begins on

April 2 and goes through until April 5.

You won’t want to miss out!




Today I am pondering Jesus’

encounter with the woman at the

well (John 4:5-42) and (because I

can’t seem to not think about it)

coronavirus (COVID-19).

As I reflect on the story of this woman coming to get

water in the middle of the day – a time when no one

else but her was at the well, in a space that did not feel

like community to her but rather a place of

dis-community, living in a place of discomfort and, I

imagine, loneliness – I also think of the circumstances

we are in today. What does it mean to have baptismal

fonts empty of water and no community gatherings?

What does it mean that so many are feeling alone,

fearful and anxious? What does it mean to have your

life disrupted, your schedule changed, your future


In all my years as pastor, I have never canceled

Sunday worship. When I was elected a few months

ago, it never occurred to me that I would need to

wrestle with questions regarding a pandemic. I never

thought that I would recommend closing down

buildings and worshipping by electronic means. This

is a strange time.

And, sadly, because of anxiousness and fear, people

can succumb to their own concerns and forget all

about loving God and loving neighbor. When I went

into Costco a few days ago and saw the hordes of

people cramming their carts full of food, toilet paper

and bottled water (why bottled water? Isn’t our

water fine?), fighting over the last hand sanitizer, I

worry for us as a people. When companies choose to

gouge prices for soap or other needed items, I am

concerned. When people snatch up masks and gloves

while the medical community – who are on the front

lines – have to go without because these items are

unavailable, I am appalled. When one group of people

start pointing at other groups of people and shouting,

“You are to blame! You brought this plague to us!” I

am horrified.

It would seem that in this time we have a choice.

We could retreat into our safety zones and sever

connections. We could only think of ourselves and

not worry about another. We could ostracize one or

more people and cling only to those closest to us. We

could hoard and stockpile.

Or…we could be the church.

I am drawn to the words of Martin Luther regarding

actions in the midst of a pandemic. In 1527, ten years

after Luther published his 95 theses, the plague raged

in his home of Wittenberg. Many students and

professors at the University of Wittenberg left. And

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Luther did not condemn those who left. He

understood their leaving.

But Luther and his wife Katharina (who was

pregnant) stayed. And, in fact, they took in the sick

into their home. This is what Luther wrote regarding

his staying:

Yes, no one should dare leave his neighbor unless there

are others who will take care of the sick in their stead

and nurse them. In such cases we must respect the word

of Christ, “I was sick and you did not visit

me…” [Matt. 25:41–46].  According to this passage

we are bound to each other in such a way that no one

may forsake the other

in his distress but is

obliged to assist and

help him as he him-

self would like to be

helped. [Whether

One May Flee

from a Deadly Plague]

Elsewhere in this tract Luther says to not be

foolhardy, so keep that in mind, too. But even with

that, I am in awe of Martin and Katharina Luther on

their actions.

In this time, when society is telling us to hoard and

blame, Jesus calls us to another way. Jesus calls us to

form Holy Community always – even when it looks

different than it has from the past. Jesus calls us to

open our arms to the other. Jesus calls us to consider

those who need food or shelter or companionship

during this time. I believe Jesus is even calling us to

not gather because of the most vulnerable among us.

If you would like some concrete suggestions, please

go to the page devoted to COVID-19 information:


To go back to Jesus and the woman at the well: We

don’t know much about this woman. We don’t know

why she was ostracized. Maybe the five husbands?

Maybe living with one who was not her husband? I

don’t know. But this is what I do know. Jesus did not

continue her self-isolation, her loneliness, her

exclusion. For you see, what started as a simple

request for water, ended with this woman gathering

the community around her as they all rush toward the

living water of Jesus.

I am envisioning a great rush to the waters and the

table when this quarantine is done. I am anticipating

hugs and handshakes and peace exchanged when we

can be together as community again. But for now…

we are the church. And this means doing what we are

always called to do – loving God and loving our

neighbor in all of the different ways that we can in

this world.

And be of good cheer and peace. For we are a faithful

people. We are a resurrection people. And we know

that God is here with us and holding us. All will be

well, faithful beloveds.

In the Hope of the Risen Christ,

Bishop Shelley Bryan Wee


April 5—Palm/Passion Sunday

Live Stream

10AM Worship

April 12—Easter Sunday

Live Stream

10AM Worship

Everything following Holy Week is still being

decided by pastoral staff and elected officials.

Stay tuned for updated information as we have

that available.

April 19—First Sunday in Easter

10AM Worship with Communion & Rite of Healing

April 26—Second Sunday in Easter

10AM Worship with Communion

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Greetings dear women of Prince of Peace. We are

hunkered down, aren’t we? We won’t be meeting to

study or worship at all in April.

That is hard to swallow during the Lenten season,

Holy Week, and Easter. What we do have is God’s

love and grace and strength surrounding us in these

crazy, topsy turvy, and unsettling days. God is not

absent. It feels dark, but there is light in that

darkness. The Gospel of John states this loudly and

clearly. We claim it with thanks to God.

Encouraging words abound these days. Spend some

time in Gather, devotional books, the websites of

Women of the ELCA; ELCA; Lutheran World

Federation; Café, and people sharing on Facebook.

There are many words to feed our spirits in these



We received the following email from Rich Mathes,

Seattle LWR Ingathering Key Leader:

“We will not have a May 1st and 2nd ingathering in

Seattle. I am sure that some of you have quilts and

kits completed to bring to Seattle in May. I apologize

for this change in plans. About two weeks ago, I sent

an email about our expected May 1st and 2nd


Your quilting group probably is not meeting. Your

church may be shut down. LWR is monitoring

Coronavirus developments, and made the decision to

postpone collections for the following reasons:

1. We (LWR) care about the health and safety of our

community members.

2. We (LWR) want to abide by the guidelines of the

CDC and elected officials to limit gatherings to no

more than 10 people.

3. Churches are closed, so many quilters and kit

makers can’t meet to facilitate an ingathering.

LWR now has a Coronavirus website section that will

be updated as circumstances change. It is: https://



You should use that link to keep current on LWR

quilts and kit updates.

Please hold quilts or kits for shipping until the

October Ingathering (or whenever we hold the next

ingathering). LWR will need our goods even more

later on, given the state of the world and the effect

that Coronavirus is having on many places. They

anticipate a larger need for kits and quilts—that

warehouses will be empty sooner than normal.

If you can work at home, please do so, but stay well.

We are seeing on the LWR Quilts and Kits Facebook

page the ways that people are continuing in the

mission of making quilts and kits—some continue

making quilt tops, some are putting together “quilt

kits” for others to sew, some are sewing items for

baby kits. And all are reaching out to others as they

suddenly find themselves at home alone.”

Links below to mentioned resources:

WELCA: https://www.womenoftheelca.org/

ELCA: https://elca.org/

LWR Quilts & Kits Facebook: https://


The Facebook group is a closed group and you must

ask to join, but they will accept your request pretty



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April 5—Matthew 26:14-27:66

In fulfillment of scripture and obedience to God’s will, Jesus goes

to the cross so that a new covenant in his blood may bring

forgiveness of sins.

April 12—Matthew 28:1-10

Sorrow gives way to “fear and great joy” when two women are

sent by an angel to proclaim the good news: Jesus is risen!

April 19—John 20:19-31

The risen Jesus appears to his disciples, offering them a

benediction, a commission, and the gift of the Holy Spirit

April 26—Luke 24:13-35

The colorful story of Jesus’ appearance to two disciples on the

road to Emmaus answers the question of how Jesus is to be

recognized among us.

PASTORAL STAFF Conrad Tollefson [email protected]

Sam Nick Sseba [email protected]

OFFICE STAFF & LAY STAFF Parish Nurse Ministry Karen Richter

& Teri Bottoms

Blood Pressure Checks Samalie Sseba

Director of Music Ministries Joseph To

Youth Leader Christy Hyler

Organist Dr. David Barela

Office Administrator/Editor Deborah Santiago

Bookkeeper Denise Beebe

Custodian Gordon King

Congregational President 2020 John Gilbert



(206) 243-0987 [email protected]

Prince of Peace’s Banner is published every month.

Deadline is Wednesday, 10:00 a.m., for publication

during the last week of the month. Stay current

with Prince of Peace by checking our website at

www.princeofpeaceseatac.com. Join us on Face-

book (@POPSeaTac) and Twitter (@popseatac)


In a Care Center

• Braxton Dunn • Phyllis Bowman

Health Concerns

• Bonalynn Henderson • Miles Kelly

• Rhyson Houser • Sharman Thoma

• Janet Schneider • Claude Wesson

• June Brady • Brady Switzer

• Betsy Poehlman • Sheri Zeh Giles

• Barbara Atkinson • Denis Short

• Robin Schultz •

Other Prayer Concerns

• Carolyn Wesson • Suzan McDonnell


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The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner April 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 13 Volume 29 Issue 4

Due to the dynamic nature of our current situation, a printed

calendar can’t be provided.

See our online calendar at


April 2020

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The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner April 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 14 Volume 29 Issue 4

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

19030 8th Ave S

SeaTac WA 98148





Jesus, during Your ministry on Earth You showed Your power and caring by healing people of all ages and stations of life from physical, mental, and spiritual ailments. Be present now to people who need Your loving touch because of COVID-19. May they feel Your power of healing through the care of doctors and nurses.

Take away the fear, anxiety, and feelings of

isolation from people receiving treatment or

under quarantine. Give them a sense of purpose

in pursuing health and protecting others from

exposure to the disease. Protect their families

and friends and bring peace to all who love

