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Barbara•a feminine proper name

•from Latin feminine of barbarus, meaning "strange, foreign,


•from Greek barbaros (barbarian)

•"alien" could be felt as "exotic" to make an apealing name

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Ann• feminine proper name

• from Latin Anna

• an alternative form of Anna

• from Greek and Hebrew Hannah

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Hara• from Japanese meaning "plain" or


• meaning "stomach/belly"

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Manning• an English surname

• one of pre 7th century Norse Viking orgins

• derives from "maningi" meaning valiant or strong

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I was actually named after my grandma, my father's mother.

I couldn't find a Filipino orgin of the surname Hara. I have had my mother once tell me that we may have Japanese blood, and I did find this surname to be, in fact, Japanese.

From my mother's side I have Filipino and Japanese blood, and from my father's side I have American, Italian and English.

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My Family(Primary Group)

My Nephew, Atreyu

My Mom, Benita


My Sister, CarmelinaMy Brother In Law, Andrew

My Sister, Shiena

My Dad, Chad

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My MomBenita H. Manning

My mother is my biggest inspiration. She has literally started from the bottom. Her life when she was young, here in the Philippines, was so hard. She had no parents, was split up from her brothers and sister, had no place to call a home and never finished elementary.

She was able to reconnect with some of her siblings. She went abroad to many countries, including Japan, where she met my father.

She's taught me to appreciate my life and be thankful for all the things I have. She is such a hard worker and a great supporter. I'm so thankful for her, because I know she works so hard to give me a life better than hers. If it wasn't for her, I would not be the strong person I am today.

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My DadChad Eric Manning

My dad is a great man. I love him so much more than I could ever express to him. He's a quiet and shy man, but he is the nicest man.

He is such a hard worker. He works 15 hours everday. Even when he has a day off, he finds some more work to do at the house.

He ALWAYS gives me what I want. He spoils me. I remember when I used to ask him for something and he would say no, and then I would be mad and ignore him, and then he would say lets go get it.

He's a sensitive man on the inside and a big tough guy on the outside. I hope one day, I can live up to be a hard worker and a giver like him.

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My SisterCarmelina Hara

My older sister, Carmelina, has always been one of my big inspirations. She reminds everyone of my mom.

She has been my best friend since day 1. She is the person I can always tell anything to without her telling anyone. She has always had my back and been there for me when I needed her.

Nothing could ever tear us apart. Even when I got older, and she got older, she had her own family, we were still always together. When we get into a fight, a

few seconds later, it's like nothing ever happened.

My sister is a great mother, a great sister, a great friend and a great role model. I hope we can be together again soon.

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My SisterShiena Hara

I met my sister when I was 12 years old. Meeting her when I was already older never made a difference to me. I still love her and treat her like I've known her for all my life, and she does the same to me.

I'm inspired by her because she was seperated from my mom and sister since she was a baby. After her visa was finally prossesed when she was already 16, she went to America.

I'm inspired by her hard working. In America, once you're to the legal age, your parents don't support you like

they used to, and she definitely learned that fast and adjusted to everything.

My sister is a down-to-Earth, kind woman that I hope I can become too.

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My GrandmaBarbara Ann Manning

I don't know many people who call their grandmother their best friend, but my grandma has been one of my best friends since birth.

We share the same name, the same favorite color and I get most of my traits from her (even the ones I wish I didn't). When I was younger I spent everyday with her. When my grandpa had passed, she had moved to Florida so we weren't able to be together as much.

When she did come to visit, we would also go do

things we could enjoy together. Sometimes I would go back with her to Florida and we would spend more time together.

I miss my grandma so much and I hope I can see her again, so I can thank her for loving me so much.

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My GrandpaJerry Manning

My grandfather was always a hard working man. My father reminds me of him. My grandpa was always so nice.

He passed away when I was 12. That was a hard time for me to let him go. I feel like I did not get to spend enough time with him.

I would stay the night with my grandparents and I always remember waking up in the morning and him fixing up a bowl of Cheerios Cereal for him and I.

I didn't know my grandpa for so long, but I remember him being a great man like my father. Always working so hard and finding more work to get done.

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My AuntAdrienne Manning

My aunt Adrienne is a great woman. She is one of the nicest people I know. Everytime I get too talk with her I always feel so comfortable because she is so understanding with everything. She has always been a great person to share your problems or anything with.

She is a very helpful person. We never have lived near each other, but whenever I can see her or be with her it's so comfortable. Just look at her smile in the pictures... You can already see that she is a very sweet lady with a big heart.

I'm very inspired by her for always helping me and my family and always being there for us. I'm also inspired because she has many animals that she has adopted and is taking very good care of them and giving them a home.

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My UncleManuel Balbiran

I'm inspired by my uncle Manuel because he is a very hard working man. Just like my mother, his life was very hard when he was young. Now, he has 7 children and everyday he will work as a carpenter. That is a hard job and he is tired most of the time, but he does it because he wants to give his family a good life.

When I came here to the Philippines and decided to leave my first home, he took me into his small house, that had many people, where there wasnt really enough room for me and gave me a home. I thank him so much for always being there for me always and making sure that I'm okay.

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My Great-GrandmaElaine Wallace

My grammie is a great women. Always taking care of her family. She is already old and still so strong. Nothing will stop her from anything.

My grammie is strict, but she has taught me a lot about manners and how to be polite. I remember a few years ago, when I was on vacation, in Florida, visiting my grandma, and I would burp or put my elbow on the table and Grammie would get mad at me. I thought it was not a big deal because I was never told by my parents not to burp so loud or put my elbows on the table, but to Grammie it was a big deal. I learned that... She definitely has taught me how to be a proper young lady. (Only when it's needed!)

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My NephewAtreyu Kleczek

Atreyu is one of my most favorite people ever. He can put a smile on my face so easily. I love him to death.

Whenever my sister and Andrew would be working, I would be the one to take care of him. Since he was a baby, I would always be with him. He became my best friend.

It was so nice to watch him grow up and learn new things. Having to put him on the bus for his first day of school was the most saddest and happiest things to see.

I'm so far away from him now. It's sad to see him getting so big without me. I can already see that he is becoming a great boy. I'd thank him for making me realize that life moves too fast and never to waste the time you have.

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My Friends(Secondary Group)

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My BoyfriendJoseph Fausto

Joseph is my bestest friend and the bestest boyfriend ever. We have been together for 1 year and almost 10 months. When I had no one and was not at the best place, he came into my life and changed me for the better. I can never thank him so much for all that he has done and does.

He is such a hard working man with a big heart. He's always caring for others and he is never selfish. I could never ask for anyone better to spend my life with. I love him with all my heart.

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My soon to be AuntMaricel Alcovendas

Ate Mars is a great person. She has been taking care of me for over a year now. She stays with me at my house and is my nanny. She is also like a second mother or sister to me. She will also be my aunt since she is Joseph's aunt. I thank her for treating me so good and taking really good care of me.

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My CousinRomel Hara

Bhuknoy is my cousin, but he is also one of my very great friends. We always have a good time together, even when we're just hanging out and watching movies, playing games or listening to music.

I'm inspired by him because he is 23 and has two kids (and I'm the God mother of one) and he works so hard to support him and his family. I thank him for always bringing me laing!! (My favorite!)

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My BrotherAndrew Kleczek

Andrew is my brother in law. He is also a great friend. He always treats me as if I was his real sister. He is a really funny and nice guy, who is really easy to get along with. He's talkative for sure.

I remember when my sister would work, and it would just be me and him, or sometimes with Trey, and we would go out and find something to do. Anything. We'd never like to stay in the house, so he would take me on a hike, or for a drive to some place cool. We would always go explore. He showed me and taught me many things.

He's a great father to my nephew, and a great brother to me.

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My soon to be BrotherJayson Fausto

Jayson is a great friend and a great brother! He is a very nice guy who's always there for his friends, family and even strangers. He's fast to make friends with because he's a friendly and trustworthy person. We always have fun when we're together.

Jayson is a great guy because he works a hard job and helps and supports his family. He also never forgets about his friends.

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My wise FriendLisa Gilbert

Lisa was always there for me and my sister Carmelina. She is a very smart and nice woman. She's a great friend who gives great advice too, and I thank her for all the advice that she has given to me. She still tells me that if I ever need to go back and need a place to stay, they have a room for me.

Lisa is a veteran and a mother to an autistic child. Her son is a very smart and cute boy that I love very much. She is a great mother and friend and I am so inspired by her strength.

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My far away FriendJunyoung Shin

I remember my first time meeting Jun, in the 4th grade, when she just came to America. She still couldn't speak English but I really tried to be nice to her because I wanted to be her friend. Since that day we became the best of friends. We were inseparable when we were young. We always slept over each others houses on the weekends and even on school days. We were great friends, that grew apart, but always found the time to keep in touch. She is a great friend and person, and she is going to a great college now in America, and I know she will become something great in the future.

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My Far away FriendRebecca Anne Hilton

Becky/Beckka is a great friend. She was always there for me when I needed her and I was always there when she needed me. She's an understanding person who is down to earth and so kind. She has a great heart and never forgets about her friends.

I thank becky for always listening to me and being there for me. She really is a very good friend. Even though I'm so far away, we still keep in touch and share what's happening in our lives.

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My far away FriendEmily O'brien

Emily and I always had fun when we were together. We did some crazy things that I will never forget. She was always there for me, through the good and through the bad. We could always count on each other to keep our secrets.

Emily has shown me loyalty and great friendship. She is a great person and I can see that her life is turning around and going into a great direction. I miss her so much and I hope we can go wild together again soon!

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My far away FriendNaomi Lewis

Naomi and I met when we were 4, on the first day of Kindergarten, and since then we were great friends. We would be together every single day. Her family, was my family. She was more like a sister.

I would thank her and her family for always welcoming me into their home. Her and her family are such great people. They taught me a lot, since I was practically living with them. Naomi is a great friend, and I wish we weren't so far away from each other. She will always be family.

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In America I had so many good friends. The secondary part was harder for me to do because I don't have many good friends here...

It's okay though because I rather have less true friends than more fake friends. :)

