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Baqri Etal 1975 - Dorylaimida Descritos Por Stekhoven y Teunissen 1938 II

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  • 7/26/2019 Baqri Etal 1975 - Dorylaimida Descritos Por Stekhoven y Teunissen 1938 II


    (Rev Zool. afr., 89, n 3)

    P.A LOF!urg. Prinsla 2


    (A paru le 30 sepembre 1975.

    A Taxonomic Revision of the Nematode Species

    described by S. Stekhove & Teunissen ( 19 3 8 )

    and S Stekhoven ( 44) from National Virunga Park,

    Za're Reublic

    II. ctinolaimidae


    (nstuu voor irke Rijksiversitet Get,Ledegackstrat 35 ent, Belgium)


    The reprsentatives of the mily Acioamide descrbed by S. ekhoe Teunissen (1938) ad S. Stekoven (944) re redsribed. e specimns availabe or study have been deted as elonig to 3 genera and to 3 speces.One new seces Paractinolaimus zairensis is desribed ad its variability, espe-cially wih reard to the cheilos'al armature is disussd. Comments aregiven on the eaon between Paractinolaimus, Neoacinolaimus and Afractino-aimus. Th ges Mactinolaimus s cosideed as a synonym of Neoactinolaimusand four new combinations are proposed.

    The grou of ctinoaims is considered here s a family under Dorylaimodeaand the present taxonomy o th group is criticized.


    This s he second pper deaing with a revson of the taxonomic

    work pbsed by S. Stekhoven Teunissen (1938) and S. Sekhoven

    (1944) For aterial and mehods and abbrvations n the aes the

    readr soud refer o the firs paper (aqr & Cooans, 193).

    The group of actinaims s ere considered a famy uder Dory

    aimodea. In he recen iteraure however this group is saly

    treaed as a superfamiy wt several families. The specimens des-

    cribed by S. Skhoven Teunissen (1938) d S. Sekhoven (1944)

    belong to he enera Neoactinolaimus Thorne, 1967, Metactinolaimus

    Mey, 1957 and Paractinolaimus Thorne,1967.

    Present dress : Zooogical Surve of India Calctta 6 Inda


  • 7/26/2019 Baqri Etal 1975 - Dorylaimida Descritos Por Stekhoven y Teunissen 1938 II



    We agree with Heyns & Argo (969) tat Thorne (1967) ade a

    lapsus hn he ncluded Metactinolaimus Meyl 1957 in the diagnosisad key of his family Paractiolaiie Anrssy (1970) appretly

    holds the same opiion since he wrtes Le p. 200) that the famy

    Neoactinolaimiae was erected by Thore (1967) for three genera,

    Neoactinolaimus, Metactinolaimus and Egtitus Thorne 967 ad(p. 205) that the family Paractinolaimidae was erected for two ge-

    nera, Paractinolaimus Meyl, 157 and Westindicus Thorne, 1967.

    Heyns & Argo (1 969) snonymized Egtitus with Neoactinolaimus

    We agree ith these autors that the so called postextnsion co-triction is not a useful character at the geeric level. Their argumen-

    tation bout the use of the arrangement of the ale spplements is

    less convincing though it can be accepted on ractical grouds

    Andrssy (1 970) on te other and proposed a nw genus, Macti-nolaimus for those species ithout seconary teeth in the uccalcavity. Sice these structures are differentations of the sides of the

    four arge oncha (= cheilostoal teeth) d since the latter sow a

    lot of interspecific varation in size and sape we re ather reluctant

    from differentiating genea on that character alone. Furthermore

    speces with scodary vetiular teeth also occur in Actinolaimus(e.g. A. straeleni Meyl 1957).

    At prsent t therefore seems prefrale to reet te genus Matinolaimus, till further information will allow a better evaluationof the different morphological chaacters.

    Wen Mactinolaimus is consiered a jnior synom of N oactinolaimus four new combinatons ave to be proposed : Neoactinoaimus birkei (Alterr 1960) cob., Neoactinolaimus omercooperi(Filipev, 1931) n. comb. Neoactnolaimus pooensis (Gadea 1950) n.cob. ad eoactinolaimus typicus (Andrssy 1970) n. com.

    The remaining genus under Neoactinolimide Metatinolaimusws erected by Meyl (1957) for to secies, M kreisi Meyl 1957 adM leloupi Meyl, 1957. The main diagnostic character for tat enusis a cuticularized pharngeal ramework consisting of the aal-

    aated four onchia, in pace of more or less foreward pointing, sap

    teeth ( onchia (Meyl, 1 957, p. 47). However this character as not

    been studied in much detail so far nd lthogh this genus may be

    valid it needs a better definition. It is nfortuate that M kreisiwas seected as type species instead of te better descried M leloupi

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    The mily Parctnoamidae now contans the gene Parac-tinolaimus, Westindicus and Afractinolaimus Adrssy 1970 The

    representtives of these genera are caracterzed by the presence of

    nuerous sall dentcles n the ucal cavty. As ponted out by

    Heyns & Argo (1 969) ths character consttutes te nly real dstinc

    ion eween Paractnolmiae ad Neoctolaimidae .

    Agan it should be strssed tt such a cacter is nsufficent to

    sepre groups t te famly level Athough t i eyond the scope

    of ths paper to discuss the taxonoy of the whole grop n deail

    an outle is necessry As explaied abe the group is consderedhere s a aily (Actinoimidae). The speces with longitial striae

    or ridges on te cuticle then consitute a taxon at the sbfamily level

    (Actinoaiminae) ). The genea grouped der Neoactnoamae and

    aractnoamdae in recent classifications constitute an other subfa

    mily (Neoactiolamnae). Tchyleuroae should be brought o

    sbfamily level (Tracyleuroinae) Crcarolamae and Mylodis-

    cide re ot regared as closely reated to the Actnolimidae (f.

    also Loof & Cooans, 1970 or a dscsson on the poston of Car-


    Gropngs of genea withn the three sUbamlies ca e easly

    estblised by the use o the trbe category.

    The specmens studied re deposited t the Museum voor Mdden

    fra ervuren elgium together h hese of the previus pper

    (Baqri & Coans 1973)/


    n the followg tble the species descrbed by S. tekhoven &

    Teuisen (138) and S. Stekhovn (1944) are lsted on the left side

    under the me mentioned in those publications. On the right side

    te prest status of the seces s given.

    I) In hs respct it should be noed that Heyns & Argo (1969 descrie a newspecies o Actinolaimus A. perplexus, with charcters of both inola-inae and " Bittonematna sensu Thorne, 1967).

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    Status of Actinolaimidaedescred by S Stekhoven & Teunssen, 1938 **

    and S Stkhoven, 1944 (*).


    * Actinolaimus africanus

    Filipjev, 929

    ** Actinolaimus ruwenzorii

    De Connck, 1935

    & ** Actinolaimus omercooperi

    Fiipjev, 1931


    Neoactinolaimus africans

    (Filpjev, 1929) Thorne, 1967

    1 Metactinolaimus sec

    2. esodorylaius ruwenzorii(De Coninck, 1935) Andrssy,


    Paractinolaimus zairensis sp n

    Subfamly Neoactinolaiminae (Thorne, 1967) n. rnk

    NEOACTINOLAIMUS Thorne, 1967

    Neoactinoaimus africanus (Filipev, 929) Thorne, 967 (Fig. )Measurements: : L 6.07 m; a= 61 ; b = 6.0; c 22; V = 24;

    G 6; G = 43; A 3.4; B = 9; odontostyle 40 ; odonto

    ore 42 m


    Female. Body sighty curved entral, taerig sigty tards

    both ends. Cuticle finey strated transersaly, about 9 m thick at

    mid-body becming thiner on tai atea chors about one qurter

    of the bodyidth near mddle. ateral body pores 218; 39 f these

    in the sopagea region, starting sa

    singe ro, ten in to ros(aong dorsa and veta side of late chord), 19 between adia

    ad prerectum, 2 in the regon f the prerectum ad rectum, 4 cu

    dal Posteriorly a number of pores are in lteroventra and atero

    dorsl posHion Ventra body pores 47; orsal boy pores 26.

    Li region sghtly demarcated by a depresion; with aagte

    lips Aphids 2 m wide, stirrupsped, occupying more than 1/3rd

    of the correspnding odywidth Cheiostoal aU moeratey scle

    rotized, armd with four oncha Fait secondary teeth ear o

    be present Dentices sent Odontostyle 1 6 ip regon widths long,

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    - 571









    f A B







    Fg. 1.-Neoactinolaimus africanus (ilipjev, 1929) Thorne, 1967

    A Anteo rgon; - B Sufae viewo anteri region; - C: Tal egio

    D: Vulval rgion; - E Ator branch o ma reproducti system.

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    - 57 -

    aperture bout half the ootstye ength. Guiding ring about 12ip regin wdths or 30 m from anterior bdy ed De to dstor

    ton te protctor musces of the spear are isconnected in the

    ootoste region and retractors re not visibe.

    Anterior sender part of spaus and elipsoidal selin of

    odotohore region offset by a costriction at teir junction. Poste

    rior to th constriction te sopageal region is distorted an a

    numer of etais are obscured, e.g. erve rng, spageaI gan

    nucei and outets, arda. Prerectu 373 m or about 8 nal body

    width long; cels with microvili Rectum 70 u, bout 1.5 anal body

    widths log.Vua a transverse oa approxiativey 32 X 16 m. Vagia 45 m

    ong or sighty more than alf of te corresponding bod-width

    with modeaely sclerotized distal part. Fee reprodtive system

    amphielphic; nterior branch very al in copariso with the

    posterior one, but consisting of al typica ars; uterus contining

    a single egg (Fig. 1 E) Posterior brnch distorted; ith thirt eggs

    i the uterus, irregular in shpe and arrangement 82-101 (X = 92) X33.545 (X = 38 m

    ai elongate, tapering grdually to a arrw tip; 271 m or 6 ana

    bodywidths ong; with 4 cual pores on each side.

    Locality and habitat: Freshater, Natia Viruna Pak, Zare, oca

    'ity and abtat not further defined.

    Remark Filipjev (929) describes the vuva as slitike.


    The diagsis given by Meyl (1957) is rather poor and tat given

    by Thorne (1 967) is ainly bsed on M. kreisi Meyl, 1957 terefore

    an amended diaosis is given:

    Actinlamide, Neoctinolaminae. Buca avity with fused ochia

    forming a ore or ess strongy develped secdary speargude.

    Odontostye ength 06 to 15 times the lip region width, its aperture

    occupying 40 to 65 % of its length. Ovaries wo. Female tai elonated,male tai buntly rounded. Suppements in 2 r 3 ascicles.

    Metactinolaimus spec. (Fig. 2)

    syn. Actinolaimus ruwenzori aud S. Stekhven & Teuisse, 1938(parti)

    ne Paractinolaimus ruwenzorii (e Coninck, 1935) Andrssy, 1964

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    - 573 -

    Fig. 2 - Metacinolamus pec.

    A Anterior regon; - B Sufae viw of aerir region; - C: Tail regio;

    - D Baa exade portio of sohagus - E Etire mae - F Pstrir regin

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    - 574-

    S. Stkven & Teunssn (1938) repted Actinolaimus ruwenzoriiDe Cninck, 1935 1) frm Viske vlcan, m Rutshuru, fro sam

    ple G and fr Seser. Alhugh te authrs dd nt etin the

    Sserppulatin uder the descriptin f te species, 8 , 6 t t

    and 7 juvnies re reprted uder sample n. 515 frm that lcaliy.

    The speciens frm Rtshuru ad sape G re aarently lst,

    thse frm Viske vlcan (sample 1 122) belng t Mesodorylaimus

    ruwenzorii (e Cninck, 1935) Andrssy, 1959 ! S. Skhen and Teu

    nisse (1938) thus identified a ale r tt saple as Dorylaimus

    ruwenzorii (cf. Baqri & Cmns, 1973), but misidentified the ther

    speciens (1 t, 5 < nd 2 juv) as Actinolaimus ruwenzorii (err

    eusly rprted s A omercooperi . 132 in ther pbiatn). Frm

    Seser, n e ale and ne uvenile are preserved The male des

    agree neither ith the descriptin of De Cnick (:1935) r with

    tat f S Stekhven & Teunisen (1938). Arngemet of ventr

    median supleents and shpe f spicules f the Sesermale ae

    different rm thse depicted by S Stekhven d eunissen (1938,

    Fig. 74 B. Ths mle acs denticles in the bucal avity ad is des

    cribed ere as Metactinolaimus spec. ecase t fits best the di

    gnsis f that enus It s dfferent frm e tw Metactinolaimusspecies s far described, but since we ave ly ne specimen we

    prefer t t ne it.

    Mesurements: L = 164 m; a 26; b 42; c = 5; T = 66;

    A 3.8; B = 17; dntsyle 1 3 ; dntphre 20 p; spi-

    cules = 6 m; lateral giding pieces = 12 m.


    ale. Bdy irregularly curved (Fig. 2 E) tapering anterirl. Cuticle

    3 m thick, withut visible stritin. atel chrds 1/5th f the

    bdywidth near midbdy. Lateral bdy pres very fait nd scureecpt n spagal regin (24 pres) ad in he regin f the pre

    rectum (21 pres, 13 f hich are later"ventl and 8 laterdrsl)

    Six dsal pres ccur in the anterir regin, p t the level

    f the nerve ring.

    Lip regin ffset by slight cnstrictin; with aalamted lip.

    Amphids 8 m wide ccuying slightly less tn 1/3rd f the cr

    resnding bdyidth; sensiae 15 behind the apertre Vesti

    Ts species was tanserred o Paracinolaimus by Adrssy (1964 and toMetacinolaimus by Andrssy (1970). In view of t presence of denticls ine buccal caty (cf De Conick, 1935 the speces belongs to Paracinolaimu.

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    - 575

    ue aed with four fattened ochi appearing to form a ringlikestructure around the odontostyle. Seconary ceilostom teeth a

    dnticles absent. Odontoste ength 0.9 times the lip rgion width;

    apertue bout 2/3rd of the odontostye ength Odontophore bout

    1.5 times s long s the odontostyle. Guiding ring double , fixd

    ring situatd t 4 m or about one lip region width fr anteior

    body ed.

    Anerior snder art of sopagus and ellipsoidal swelling of

    odotopore region offset by a constriction t thei jnction. Basa

    exnded portion of sophaus occpying 46 % of ek region. First

    pair of ateroventral sophageal gad nuclei ad orfices not visble.Locatios of other nuclei and orifices :

    O = 55.5


    D 2.8

    Carda sall nterior portion disc-like posterior porton conoid.

    Prerectm 277 m or about 9 nl bodywidths long. Neve ring 1 12

    m from anteror end.

    Mae gital system ypical Spermtozoa ellitia 9 - 12 m ong.

    Spicules bout 19 ana bodywidths long. Latral guiding ieces more

    or less rodsaped. Suppements consisting of an aaa pr nd 22

    ventromedias te ltter arranged in to groups an nterior one of

    13 ad a osterior one of 9. Sbvnta papilae 23 racg ti ante

    rior to the intestineprerectum juntion. Copuatory musc!es n 57


    Tail buty conoid; 3 m ong i.e. 3/4th of aal bodyth; wih

    9 caua pores on each side

    Juvenile Beonging to the fourth stage; greeing with the mle in

    genel bod fatures except for ong filiform tail. L 1.1 mm; a

    40; b = 4.4; c 9; odontostye 12 m; repcement odontostyle

    = 15 m.Locality and habitat Sesero Mountain north of the Miceno volano

    ambo forest and mixed woodand Alt. 2,000 m.

    Differential diagnosis: Metactinolaimus spec. coes close to M.

    leloupi Meyl 1957 but differs from it in aving 22 ventromedi

    supplements (15 in M leloupi); onger and better developed atral

    guiding pieces (oscure and very short in M. leloupi) an higher

    number of cudal pores (5 in M. leloupi)

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    Actinolaimus omercooperi s reported n both pblcatons

    from arous localtes of Natoal Albert Park. The secimens stu

    ded by S. Stkhoven & Teunsen (1938 are appareny ost so tat

    their dentty cnnot be cheked In 1957 Meyl escred a ne

    Actinolaimus speces, A. schuurmansstekhoveni on the ass o a

    single female from a sal pond at Edith-Bay and synonmzed A

    omercooperi apd S Stekhoven & Tenissen 138 wth t. Com

    rsn of descrpos and drawngs of the 1938 and 1944 apers show

    a number of dfereces so tat dfferent speces mght ae ben


    For the present stuy mot of the pecens used for te 1944 paper

    were avaiable None of these specmes belong to A schuurmans-


    Paractinolaimus zairensis sp. n. (Fig. 3 6

    syn.: Actinolaimus omercooperi apud S Stekhoven, 1944

    Type population (Kmboho (Fg. 3 B-Q

    Measurements : see Tabe 1.


    Female Body nearly straght or C -saped pn fixaton, taperng

    sghtly towards both ends Cutce fney strtd tnsvesy La

    teral chords about 1/5 - 14 of bodywdth near ddle Latel body

    pores visble but fant n one feae ; first in a single ro, the

    arranged n t'W ros (along dorsal nd vntr sde of tel chords)

    Lp rgion 18 21 m wde dearcated by slght dpresson Lips

    aalgaated, wth the usua umer of pape in o cirets, but

    wth forard poston of the submedan ones Aphds gblet-shaped

    apetures occuping slght less than one thrd of the orrespodigbodywdth To rather opaque, elongate bodes of unqal sze

    ong bth sdes of the mphdal canals (Fg 3 N Chelosome red

    th four ncha. A sngl or a doube, somewht rreguar crcle(s)

    of dentces is resent at te level of the tps of te ocha; the den

    tics re so in ateral vw ceary vsble (Fg 3 D L, M). Odotstyle

    about 1 2 1 3 lip regon wdths ong; ts erture about half the

    odontostye ength. Odontophore 12 1 4 tmes te odontostyle length.

    Guidg rng doble , fxed ring about one p regon wth from

    anteror extrmity.

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    - 577 -


    D EB


    G H


    J K








    Fig. 3. - Paactinolaimus zairensis sp. n.

    All rwings, except A are from e type popion (Kmboho)A Hbus female of Gndo poplaton; B Habitus emale of type poplation

    C-K Coss scos though th aerior ed of a male; - D Cross ecton atte level of the circets of denticles;

    L: Anterior regon

    M : Atero end -N Srface v of anterior end; - 0 Posterior regon f mal P Poerior

    egion of femal Q: Anterior branch of female reproductve system

  • 7/26/2019 Baqri Etal 1975 - Dorylaimida Descritos Por Stekhoven y Teunissen 1938 II



    Anterior sender r of sopags and elipsoidal selling of odonophore region distincly offse by a consricion a eir juncion.

    asal expanded porion of sphagus occupying 51 - 53 % of neck

    region. Locaions f sophageal gland nuclei and orifices :

    DO 494 - 51.0 S and SN 66 - 67



    506 - 524

    1 2 1 .4

    S and SN

    SN = 83 84

    S = 84 - 85

    71 - 72

    K = 73 75

    K 75 - 77

    Cardi ongue-shaped abou 1/3rd of he correspoding body"widh

    long; consising of wo pars the poserior oe surrounded by intes

    tinal isse, the anerior part formng a well evelped soagoiesinl disc Prerecm 4 - 5 anal body dhs long. Microvilli are

    wll developed in the prerecum. Recum 1.5 anal body widths ong.

    Vulva a ransverse oval Vaia 20 21 'm long or about 1/3rd of

    he correspondng bodywih wih scleroized disal par Genial

    trct phdelphic; posterior ranch longer han anerior oe Ute

    rus wih a wie proximal and a narrow convoled disal ar

    Sphincer been uterus and oviduc wll developed. Oocytes a

    ranged in a single row excep in he regon of muliliation. eri

    filled wih sperms Anerior uerus containing one egg (70 X 34 ,

    in holotype, 63 X 38 m i parape, poserior uerus contaiingwo to four disorted eggs.

    Til elongate apering gradally; in he holoype, he tail ip is

    rken off, so ta exac alue of c us be slighl smaller hn

    meioned in Tble 1 Three caudal pores prese on ech sde

    Male. Siilar o fee in general body shape nd morphology ex

    cpt i tail shape. ale genial sysem picl. Spetozoa spindle

    saped or ellipical Spicules wih simle mdian iece 1 9 21 aal

    bodywidhs long Laeal guiding pieces well deeloped In addi

    ion o te dal pair 14 - 16 vetromedn supplements are present,h lter rraned in wo groups (fascicles) of 6 8 (atrior gro)

    and 6 7 suppemes with in beween 1 2 single ones. ubveral

    paillae acd irregularly reachig beyod e region of sule

    mens. Prereum 8 9 anal body-wihs long Tail convex-conod wih

    blunly rounded erminus slighly less han 2/3rd of anal body-widh

    long with 7 8 caudal ores on each side.

    Type specimens : Holoype ( < ) slide no MT. 36.127.

    Paratypes 1 < and 2 t r on slides nos M.T. 36.28; M.T 36.129;

    M.T 36130A respecively (spcien in slide o M.T 36.130A deca

    piled, head mouned en face in side no M.T 36.130B

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    - 579










    Fig 4. - Paactinolaimus zairensis sp n


    5 )



    Gd populaion : B-J Cross sections through te anteror end; - D Cross sctonat t lev o the crcl of detices; : Suface view o anteior region;

    M : Anteror end; - N: sophagonstinal nctinLe Ndaa, M okoto popution A Ente emae - K: Anterior regio;

    Q Anteror endKamn popaon: sophag-nttina juncton - P asal expande

    portion o sophagus

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    Type locality and habitat: collected from the argin of the lake Kimboho on 29.XI 1935 by H Dmas (sample no. 455)

    Gando population (Figs. 4 BJ, LN; SA, D, E, G, I)

    Areeing with the tpe opuation in general morphology excpt for

    morphoetric charcters (see ble 1) and the foowing features

    chelosome ith four onchia, each flnked in its bal portion by

    wo oblique longitudina rws of denticles, giving the ochia a ser

    rated ppeance At the level of te tips of the onchia occurs a snge

    cirlet of very minute dentiles hch ae on faintly isb in en

    face iw (Fig. 4 D).

    Prerectm 5 - 8 nl bodyidths in femaes ad 1 0 14 in ales.

    In soe feales te ovries re very long ad refexed two or even

    three times Ony one femle with eggs, one in each utes.

    Habitat and location

    Materia colected by H Damas on 12.III.193 in sal pools t

    Iega (Gando): 5 < < and 2 (smpe no. S).

    Other populations (Figs. 4 A, K, 0, Q S, C, F, H)

    Ageeing wth the tpe population in genera morphooy except

    for ophometric characters (see Table 2) and the fowig fa

    tres : chilostome with four ocia flanked by irregar, olique

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    - 581













    _ O

    f DE.HI



    Fig. 5. - Paractinolaimus zairensis sp n

    Gano populaton : A: Posterior reio of ae D Lateral gdg piece

    E: Spcl; G: terior branch o emae reprductiv sstm

    I Vulval eoPoplatons, her than ype- ad Gando ppulation : B Posterr regin o maeshowig supplmnts d subental papile C: Ejacutory s o mae

    F Posteror region me H Vva! rgion

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    - 582 -

    Diferential diagnosis

    The aller specmens of Paractinolaimus zairensis sp. n resem

    ble P capensis Heyns & Aro 1969 The latter as also suplments

    aranged fasccles and a chelostoal rature that comes close

    to the one of P. zairensis The anteror thckenn of the spear re

    mans stnctve for P capensis

    The comparsn of morpometrc cracteriscs s not relevan

    here since P. zairnsis has shown to be a very varibe spees

    The larger specmens of P zairensis are clearly stnushed from

    all the other species of Paractinolaimus by ther chelstoal structure.

    A B c

    Fg. 6. - Shme f th anteio end of Paractinolaimus zairensis s n. howingthe chelosomal amatue in the diffeent ppulatins stdied.

    : Type opulat]n (Kimboho); B: Intermediae ppulaions;C: Gno ppultion.


    Comparson of the Kmboho (= type) popuaton and the Gando

    popuaton shows rather clearcut dfferences tween both, e.. th

    respect to a umber of morpometrc charcters especally body

    legth (L = 159 187 mm for Kboho secmes ad L = 362 509

    mm for those from ando) nd odontostyle lenth (22-23 m aganst

    30 33 m) and wth respect to the develpmnt of dentcles n the

    buccal avty see above).

    If howevr the other puatons are akn nto account these

    extremes are lnJked by a seres of transtons e.g. n bdy length L =

    194 - 365 mm) odontosyl length (25 - 28 m) and evelopment ofdetcles n the buccal cavt Fg 6)

  • 7/26/2019 Baqri Etal 1975 - Dorylaimida Descritos Por Stekhoven y Teunissen 1938 II


    - 583 -

    Consderig the fact that all the specimens studied are ery simiar

    in overal appearance and that te differences between the extremes

    are covered by interedate forms, they are al considered to belong

    o one and the se species. The cheiostomal denticles show a dif

    ferent deelopment : those forming crclet are most prominent in

    he smalst specimens and those foming obiqe ongitudina rws

    alongside the onchia are est developed in te argest specimens.

    Hence te differeces are more of qantitatie than of qualittive

    order. Different environmel coditions coud account for these

    differences, but eailed information on the sampling site is unfor

    tunatey not availabe.



  • 7/26/2019 Baqri Etal 1975 - Dorylaimida Descritos Por Stekhoven y Teunissen 1938 II



    RESUMELes esces partenant a la famille ds Actinoaimidae, pblies ar S.

    Stekhoven & Teunissen (1938) et S. Stekhoven (194) sont dcrites a nouvea espcimens tudis reprsentent trois genres et appartiennent a trois espces.ne novelle espce, Paracinolaimus zairensis est dcrite n dtail dont lesdonnes orhotriqes trs divergentes et a variabili de l'armature chei-lostomale ont t analyss. a relation entre Paracinolaimus, Neoacinolaimuset Afractinolaimus est discute. !acinolaimus est synonymis avec Neoacino-laimus et quatre combinations nvlles sont roposes.

    A notre vis es matodes actinolaimides foment un mille dans a sper-fmille Dorylaioidea et la taxonome actuele des ctinoaimides est critiqe.


    NDRASSY, I, 1970. - Neatoden aus enigen FlussSystemen Sd

    aias. Opusc Zool. Budapest 10: 179 29.

    BORI, Q.H. & MS, A. 1973. A taxonomc evision of the ea

    tode pecies descibed by S Stekoven Teunisse (1938)

    and S Stekhoen (1944) om Ntioal Vunga Pak (Ze

    Rblic). I Doyaidae Apoelaimide and Longidodae

    - Fondation pour favoriser les reherhes scientifiques en

    Afrique Buxeles 102: - 57.

    FPJEV, .N, 1929. - Two n species o Actinolaimus fom Soth

    Afca. - Ann Mag. Nat Hist, 0 (4): 433 439.

    EYS, J & RG, A.D 1 969. ctiolaimoa outh Afia Ne

    mata Doyaimida) - Phytophylactia, 1 : 27 228

    L PAA & oMS, A. 1 970. - On te evelopment and ction

    o the soageal nuclei in the Dorylaia - Proc IX Int/

    Ne Symp (Warsaw 1967) Zesz Probl Prostep Nauk

    Rolniczych 92: 79 61.

    EYL, AH 1957. Feelivng nematoes. Mm Inst. r Sci Nat

    Belg Explor hydrobiol Lac Tanganika (1 946 1947) 3 (7}:

    7 -1.

    CUUMS EKVE, J.. j.) 944. Natodes libes d'eau

    douce. Explor Par natn Albert Miss H Damas, (1 935 -

    936) Fsc 9: 1 -31 ).

    cUURMs SrnKHE JH ) & TEu1E, RJ.H. 1938. - Na

    tdes libes teeses Explor Par natn Albert Miss GF

    de Witte (933 - 1 935) Fasc. 22: 1 -229.

  • 7/26/2019 Baqri Etal 1975 - Dorylaimida Descritos Por Stekhoven y Teunissen 1938 II


    585 -

    TABLE 1Measrements and diagnstc features

    of Paractinolaimus zairensis sp n.

    Localiy Kimboho Gan do

    Specimens (No) I Hootype ' ) I Paratype ( < ) Para tpes 4 ) 2 ( t t ) (2 t t )

    L mm) 87 1.83 159 - 1.69 3.62 - 5.09 3.65 - 4.40

    a 32 31 26 - 27 6886 7073

    b 4.4 42 39 - 41 4.7 - 6.0 4. - 4.7

    c 14 14 76 - 00 1423 152191

    V/T 42.5 42 6770 43 - 50 53

    G 18 17.5 1416

    Gz 31.5 33.5 14 - 17

    cut m m) 2 2 2 233

    cut t Cm) 3 3 3 2 - 3 4

    Lt b p. 84 118 n = 1)

    s 29 30

    a prr. 44 55

    pre. ' r 8 25

    c p. 3 3 83 - 9

    vent b p 45 35 ?dors b. p. 4 4 3 4-5 45

    A 3.0 30 3.0 - 3. 2.8 - 30 23 - 2. 9

    B 2.7 2.5 2.32.5 2.3 2.6

    amph. w. m) 9 8 8 - 9 89 / 8 - 9

    sens ,m 15 16 156 18- 20 18 - 19

    od st. m) 23 22 - 23 30 - 32 31 - 33

    od s. ap. ,m) 12 12 - 13 14 - 15 156

    od ph m) 32 28 28 - 30 32 - 35 33 - 35

    g r m) 20 20 1920 22 - 23 23

    prer. m) 128 116 253 - 300 153 218 363 50

    r. m) 47 4 8 10 4852an diam. ,m 26 27 3032 28 - 30 36

    t. m) { 13 132 17 - 21 226 300 2324

    nrv. r. :mJ 137 133 134 n = 1 75 - 204 205 - 209

    egg m) 62 70 x 33 - 37 63 X 38 n = 77 - 82 x 39 - 40spic m) 63 65 75 76

    I. g. p ,m 13 - 14 17 - 19

    spp 14 - 16 1314

    s v p 14 16 - 18

    cop ms. 41 - 50 352

    sprm. Cm) 7 - 9 7 - 9 7-9 8 - 1 8

  • 7/26/2019 Baqri Etal 1975 - Dorylaimida Descritos Por Stekhoven y Teunissen 1938 II



    Spcimens (No) I

    L (mm)





    Gzcu m (m)

    cut t (,m)

    La. b p


    a - prr.

    pe & rc p.

    ven b p

    dors b. p.



    amph w. (m)

    sens (m)

    od. s. (m;

    od s. ap (m)

    od. ph Cm)

    g. r (m)

    prer _m)r (,m)

    n dam. (m)

    t. (m)

    nrv (,m)

    egg (m)

    spic. m)

    I. g p (,m)


    s v p.

    cp mus.

    perm (,m)

    - 586

    TABLE 2

    Measurements and diagnostic fetures

    of Paractinolaimu zairensis sp. n.

    N daaga Lke Kaman de

    4 \ ) 3 (
