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, .. , WAHREN BARRETT. Raa1:tor·Insurel' TRADES IN THE MAKING What 'do YOU have to otter? What would YOU like t() own? , E. G. '- A nice home In El Paso Valley Is open for trade, for Rui- doso residence. «n owner at a prllctlcally new Trllt1er House wishes to trnde equity In it tor a small Ruidoso property. ---- ......._-----_..... - ............ ---- ..... " " '" -." '- "'", " , •• \en, ",' <' •• " ,", , , '. .. ., .' The ,\ .... Ill'l UJ,g1.lnf 70, the TrtUute 1n!I. Tb.to)1gh the to Reach Ruidoso. World', . . . 't_ .. '. t iA.. .. .r , " - ., .. .. , ' ..• f, t' " . . . ' , BU,ldOllIt, New Mexico . Winter Studio 3Ul Richmond SL . EI 1'..0. TClX,U " " " \. , l -, '. .PAINTINGS OF 'tHE WEST HARRIS SHELTON , ' · : . ,- Printec:l and Pub1isbecl in. of the --"---------;;;;;;;; __ , __-:-::-:::-::--:::-- VOL1JME-ll, NtMniR f5 --.--. ----------R ... U--:'IOO ....... SO ...... ---------FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 19115 _ -Q-.,i S .. U_B_SC_R .. I_PT_I_O_N_$_2.50 •• , . . '. ,. '" j , " .. •• " .' .. .', . ': .;;: .. · , ' . S.?, . " r IJ , . . '. j 1 7 111 = AROUND TOWN .. -By Nosey Waters- New Building At NMMI, R08weU, I WHAT'S DOING Salk Vaccine T H Thr C · adets Drowned· New Mexico Dental Quota For 1955 To Be Given o onor ee. , Convention. May 22-23-24-25. \ The Red Cross Fund Drive goal A 120 R -d y th Am T ·T- New Mexico Press Association looks a little closer this week. with Here pn- UI 080 OU oog .ramc no Convention, JUll\! 2-3-4. Ihe Rotary Club of Ruidoso re- -e" Highway 70 Association Meet- porting $185 collected in the down- Bram Vanderstok. Ruidoso phy_ Plistors, singers lind evangelists The three youths drowned in a tacUlties for rest and recreation lng, June 8. town business district. and Carrl- sicIan. upon hearing the SlIlk vae- In ·the recent Simultaneous Bap- trllgedy during the last term ot for the NMMl Corps ot Cadets wlll O. E, S. Bake Sale, Legion Hall, zozo making a pllrtlal report of l'ine tests had-provl'd conclusively tist TCvlval campaign held thTCe Ne'" Mexlno Milltllry Institute in beadsu.nvelled then. The plaque April 16, . F $175 collected so far. The total Ihat Ihl' polio vanclnatlons ot IllS' fellowship meetings, with almost .. ... District 5 New Mexico edera- collected now adds up to $960,74, thl kI all ot the 13 ehurehes In the Lin- Roswell are to be memorlallzed TC. VMV HALL tlon of Garden Clubs meeting. with Ihe following communities yoadr wtheretsllllcc"""'lu 'I t S wee t s- coin Baptist Associlltion represent- with a plaque on a new VMV Hall Donald Wallace Roberts, Ruidoso, April 28. 10 a. m., Car- sue e a ow ng sa emen re- ed eaeli time. The group met twice just eoSmPdleted'Ainlllll;s7Pelclall preo l - 19U-195t rlzo Lodge. __ .. _ _$ 46.00 esePcoolnlod In Alamogordo and onee In Cloud- gl'llm un ay, pr oca r - Wood Mullinax Moore Bllly Oraham movie "Olltown. Alto 14.00" .... - ft atives ot one of the trio has been . ' U. S. A.... Ruidoso First Baptist dl'nts in the local elementary cro •..• Int d" Capitan .. . 278.50 school' * I ** orme. . PelT)" Geol'l'd VlahoPoulos, Church April 22. 7:30 p. m. .. .. . 50,00 . 'Huntlng and flshlng licenses tor Mrs. Ruth Moore, mOlher ot 11133-11111. Vacation Bible School Clinic tor goroi a 175.75 I. Tho Salk vaccine has been the 1955 sellson are now available Wood Mullinax Moore, who with "ThroUl'h the hand$ of sueh 13 Baptist churches of Lincoln As- .. 35,00 roleasl'd and Ihe stntlslleal report here In several stores, alon 5 /t with twO' 'OthersUwas II drowning victim as Utese G04 speaks, and from soclatlon. Tularosa, April 19. d . 30.86 by Dr. hFranC'lls dtllselosefdl0t5h4ath the P amphlets teUIn" of. the 19 5 reg- whlle ng In setting the stage behind the'- ev'" he __ n ... up- Sunday School officers an G T II 20 researc vacc na ons 0 avo q at I ..- ....... ".. B In reen ree. .. •• b n highI esstul ulatlons•.•• Umm, umm, now you tca a In the 1 n- 011 tho eartb,"-Glbron. s x:s 13 aptlst churehWi t Hollywood 20.00 ee y succ. .I can !cet charcoal brollM In s tute s In g l paolo ef6 1y d at Attending with tho mother wUl Ineo n C A Lincoln __ _. _ 102.43 2. There Is stili some Rul oso-at Vlllllge Restauran . .. yeaur, eta en . nV I ted Ie e- be a brother and sister of "Woody" Baptist hure. amogor 0, pr Ruidoso .. _ _.. 185.00 on the stlme Intervnl between the Notlsed li:ddy Wimberly working Ica on U.I s rt w th chape exer- as he WIIS atfectlonlltely known 26. irst San Patricio .. _.. 18.00 shots:.... ome authorities advised In the bank now. Good lob for a elses at 10 a. m. In Pearson Audl- amon/t friends here. They..are Joe Pueblo theatre presents t Hondo, Tlnn1e and Picacho have one week between the tlrst and good Illd • . • torlum, to be tollowed by liervices a..nd Linda. . Woody's wife, Mnl. ClnemaScope pro g ram tonight, not yet reported. second and perhaps seven months * ** at 10:45 a. m. at tho north en- WQod Moore, and baby daughter, Friday. "With the county's Iloal set at before the third shot will be giv- R.H. Hedsecoke hllll moved ono trance of VNIV Hall. Marlannll, who was born only a O. E. S. meets April 20, 7:30 p. $1625. we are "olng to have to do cn. Others. regarded 4 weeks he- of hltbuJldings back on lwfaln Road The bronze plaque, whIch dedi- tew hOllra before the father m., Wingfield hall. some hustling In order to wind up tween the second and third shot here In downtown Ruidoso. and Is cates the building for lis various, drowned, will also attend. Ruidoso high school visiting the drive by next week." Mra. ns Ihe most etfectlve way of Im- rebuilding the tronl on his other , .- program; parenIs invited, April 28, Boylan. Lincoln. County Roll ClIll munl7Jng. ., structure, gettine his shooting glll- G In· dA S ak 7 R' m. Chairman. said this wC(!k, 3. 'l'he date for the flrat 1nJee- ' leries ready 101' the 19511 summer overnor unm8 Vlte 8 pe er 'The Adorable Imp." "'-llct com. lions has been se& for Rul40110 aD b vlsliora•••• Mra. Violet Hart Is n edy. by Hondo Valley Plnyera. S. G $295 Wednesday, April 20. 1111111, in tho booster for the Hoxscy CIIncer F Ded· · Of S k P at Friday, Aprtl 22, '1:45 p. m., Hondo aDlors ross crade school, 11100 a. In. Clinic in DaUas. She recently ac- or Ication mo ey ort 8 gym. On Ann al Play 4. We want to get through In companied her moiher, who Is a . Bake sale April 16 Ruidoso Fvod U . one morning and the shols will bo resident at Rhode Island, to the' cn,. DOROTHY GUOK) Mart. benetlt Ruidoso Freshman Seniors of Ruidoso U11>'h School nlven by Dr. Horton and myselt. clinic. returning abaut ten days E t S at Sal Plans for the dedication of the Class.' grossed '$295 from their play, The pnrents do not have to be ago. At the clinJc she learned of as ar a . as Smoke v rn: rt -' s In Capitan on May Senior Class enchilada supper. .' "Oolls and Nuts," r>.resented two present but It parents aCl'ompany e t th ho ...... . W M I' Cafe 5t 9p m , .' I nights last weck in RuldoslT Gym. I many ell!es, som 0 em Ah d Of Last Y '1 are /(0 nit Inlo their final stages. argaTC 0 to." v- , ...... " the children p easc cooperate as Ie", which had been cured, and I oa ear IIfra. Jock Shaw, Woman's Club nlllht (AprIl ,15,. Directed by Ray Jonl's. the l'om- much ns pocslbll' 10 let the pro- hIlS brought back pamphlets and ChalnnaD Weldon Gamer of the presldebt, reporls that Invltatlorus Community Methodist Church (J. edy l'ast drew l'ompllments on l'edurl' 1(0 ffllll and smoolh other data on ihe clinic's good I RuldollO Easter Seal Salo to raise have been cent to llCVeral slate of- revlvdl from Easter through April cry hnnd for thl'lr fine prl'sl'nta- 5. The vlll.'l'lllDlIon material III works .... funds for Ihe New Mexico Society fJcers of Woman's Club and all 17. FAMED APACHE LEADER tloo or Ihl' laughnble story of fnm- ul"o availahl(' tor non-tlmt and *** for CrlpplM ChIldren, said thlJl county clubs. May 7-8-G-New Mexico Coun- ltv IIfl' In u nuthou'll' TlC'kllt nalr's seC'ond Ilruders. Thl' prlt't' 15 mUl'h Walt Wiggins. nationally known week the 1955 contributions are ty Oftlclals convention. Ruidoso. : for th(' play lotlllcd $215, and pro- Ihun I rl'portl'd bcfore. It wlll magazine pholol:rapher, who owru, II almost double the 1954 figure. and Four nJ)Cakerit have been Invlt- Ruldo50 Rotarians wives and SA DAKALUGIE 85 ril rrum II 11lIIll' nd In tht, Nl'WS probabh' he In Ih(' nt'lllhborhood Goteway Courls here. will be back III expected to double It before the ed to take part In the program to trlends. flUestS of Uolloman AFn A 'flUid h, Iht· advl'rllslnll Ihe of $ H 00 In RuldollO llbaut May 1. we hear. drive ends. In 1954 $149.05 Willi ba held In the hlr:h school gym- April 10. - ,,: plnv eorOl'1I $00 more wtll ' .. n Vllndl·(llioit. M. D Ills most recent magazine photo- rained. To date this )'C!ar, $264.08 na/llum. They InclUde Governor April 24, .3P C'alibre rifle. " h(' u.(',1 rnr Ihl' annu.11 Brlllur Irlpl .. __ .,-_.,. slory \I'as lIbout a ROllwell woman I hnll been roll;ed-Includlnlf $33.68 John SlmlTlll. 1I0ml'r Pickens. a matche.'l Ruldo!:O Rlfll' ranlle IS CALLED BY DEATH 'f' .1.lrl Ih" d.1\ "rh'r 111 ailllallun. V II PI who doCll decorative tl·.lnns wlth- from sole oj paper 1Il1!!s last wC(!k- R('llional noy Sl'out DIrector, and I 01 Smoke portOlll. I Mm 20. fUI 1.(lnl: Il('nrh. ("nUf,' a ey ayers of nil thlnllS-tumbleweedll. . .. I cmi and $411.45 In a drive with 0 WashlnlIton Forest Sl.'rvlee oW- Capitan. Ma 7. .. Pol" 1' .• 1 Ch"IoI'w'k ,I."" "1IOnSlII. * * * "bunny cardu" In Ihe local ole- clal. Dance at 3'1l'nco(' AprillG /lpon- (Editorll Note .. Intormatlon rc-, .,11,1 n'l1hl tllIA \I('t'k Ill(' T G- C d Mannie Badillo saiYQ the nows ml'ntnry a.llool. nelow are listed noy Seouln of the Conquilltador 1I0rcd by SI. Anne Eplfeopol Ilardlnll the noted. Allacht' It'ndl'r! 'I d IV S('n"no ,.ft' "1''''" ... IIlI: oIl' .'n,·h,l· 0 Ive orne Y about Alia Dnkalullie II death wall, additional Individual contrlbutlonll Counl'1l wllll;Ound toP!! and maTCh Church. Who dkd I"nl Thundoy II' GIl pro-, an ... 1.1 .tUIlIf' .• 1 (",lrr given over Lowell Thomas' na-; that have ('orne In since last wcdt's In lonnotlon at the unvellinll of Llona oupper evt'ry Tul'Eday vldrd Ihe Ruidoso Nl'wa I')' Mrs,", 2 r .. ,u, '., " I' 111. 1\ nh 111.,lr. 01 AH d A -122 tlonwldc radio prollram Friday IlJlt At that time Ihe totol for the the portols. SC!rvll'eg will be!!ln at nil1ht. C.lrrlzo l.odae. i Eve nail. lora I mnlIazln(' wrlll'r SI ",,, Ii ","f. ' ,> 10 .:0 un II,,' S,·n· . t on 0 prl night. and that nutrlono wa!l mon- I ,Wllll $131.50. Gornl'r 141Id. 2 p. m. at one of Ih(' porloln. with ltoia.cy lunchcon e\'('I"\' TUl'tdoy I {JIld laudtlhGr Pff'('N"·l'ral.m, nnur.l·rUlh ls , WIT WI SDO " ". t',':"1 " ... "1"'. N"I\ fl tloned.... Several local people Latcll Ibutlonll' :thl' mnln part of thl' pror:rom oc- noon. NllVajo Lodj;:l' , I' on n nnll 0 rw" l'Xlrt' e .• " T'" '0' ",.11,1 .. \. ",,, '" ,'. ' .• '. who hnve bdccn carrylltnhl:l on l'k or - I 0('0. . $2.50 I currin!I indoom Immediately. , ,; ,• I Th' FI Toro ,,'., II, ".or'. '.\ ('." .I "I r!I .. A , '0' TCl>pOn C!nee w n I:C Q(' ey' G J B 'k 200 I All Cnpitan orgnnlwllonn hove F' Cin maSc ..". C·llr· ... ?" N ..., "., '1" "ro , .• f< .. '''' "I'"' ro OVl'r Rndlo Station WOAI n San I ;:gh: . .. 2:00 I' heen linked to prcpar(' ('oMervn-1 11'Solo e Ope : I!t'ath hoill'. IllI' w'trk. Ill' had a I "1",1 O. 'In', oj III 'H.,kll." II·,. III" 011"" " (""'Ill'" . ,II' .. II Ih, I,,,,.. \\'lIh Antonio for f,evl'rol wceks. ne 1Jl, Reynold,l Jones . " 5,00 tlon cxhlbllJl whll'h will 1lC! In tho Program Set Tonight ! doto with hl'r logl Thunda)' mom- . l\fr Vito I .. I. 'llI,"'on IIn.,n.'I,;lh "",,'1,," t"I,,,,,,, 'h,' I" ot.· '. ,mI' hea") roach Snturda1v evening. and, Fay Bonnell _ ... : ....... 2.00 hlllh fehool Dnd Opt'll to the pub- , Ina ttl "'\'l' o'lrl,latlnol Infurm.llIon; nll"I .. .. N(',,". TIll' ,,1,10, IIH·<:,·rt'l'd ,h,l'," .• ulh", Th"\ \\,11 IIII'«'nl thl' hao becn gtvlnff Ru dQJ:o p,}MI.V of I C. B. Green., ._ 2.00 lIc at noon on Moy 7. The Wom-l At Pueblo Hero 'on hili l'orly IItl' whl'n II I" N M Ill'. Junl'''. Wllh ," ('n/ffaH,t lIul}' th .. ,. "I rI'" "Th' A" ,.Ihle Q!l a vocntlonland. tn tact. j Gro. S!onl'man. ... 11.00 an'o ClUb exhlbll wlll feature 0 Pueblo Theatre of pre-l ger broullht word to Mrn Uall hl' n'r(' VIC" "", ('1,'.111'1 huhlc" r"r h,· ...... Inl· In'l' b' 1',,1... .\ II", ,I" thl' I'm 1l0lHnl! to vOl'lIt1on thC!re In. Jnl'lt Hull . .. .• . _ 5.00 ehotoaroPhll' IIfl' hlstorv of Sma- lll'Tlt!l Ih flr'Ot ClnemoSeopl' motion l.hu.1 tllcd 01 a hrort lIltal'l< ) I I. ". 1 I' ,Ill"" f,I';' ',m(' Frllh\' \""1 wllh Au .... lIt hft oold I""t Saturday Tl PTA ,_ In . d ht . -0-- n \ort' pal" r I" ,t \H'f' t. . .. .' ._. f I I f 7'1 '0 I qo TI .. .. Mm. Corl Lonr,abllugh .. .. 1.00 I ey, Ie - '" Ilpol1llor 11 n pll'turC! to au letlCell here ton III I ') fh l' M . at I\"l .- 011.. ... 't [Jilt ..... II' nlllht .. , , EnDter holidays In the I EV)'lln . 100 pOIlfl' o«,-3r contc:l& omon{l and Sohll'\laVl'llall1 wm. 'lIe IlbllV/* M-:l Dnltn!ut;le. 85, plltrlnrch of 1°1 YOII '),\ from l r t I Ben Sanchez Named . I'll." ,. I:lnn fm 1""'("'1 •, Ih,' Ruidoso s:choo1ll. from IMt Thun::'" 't;fr: anll Mm::CM·"ii;ggott·IO.OO I the cc;unly It'ii;)q chlldrl'fl ond the In of 111(' 'ncw film "nell and tho Chlclrahurl Apachell. died .r\\ n. C' I (f road rna Ill'rr. a .ou ' '110.,01" If.o'i<1 11, .. day afternoon until Tut'tda)' mom- ,Lilly Moe Word .' _ ••••• 2.00 dlJltrlel wlnnCl'll w111 bave their 1I&h Water" ottlrrlng Rlchord Thul1lday mt,rlllnll In hili home In r.ll"t> m.lll 37. and n New Vice President I Jllr.f lIk(' I"", \ ..... II", 1" n'ND thlJl wC!clc. may have allovlated I Dill Uort " 3.00 work on dlGplllY. The wlnneTn will Wldmllrk ' Carrbo C'nnynn l1e died ofter out- clnn('t' Olll't In n w I I' w('('n! f S f C II ' \\ III ,,,"' Ihl' ""unll I"'-<"nltnll h e Ideml of mum- that bad 2 0 l._ rd ..... I t th -f.,· tt'rlna a heart otttlek Funeral,er- linea I 110t It tl!Hlf.'cm thel you old lOa ely ounc ,fll",r .,1" "1, ..\·.·,,,1 "Ill", 1.ln('IIln cut 1:0 all b:t :::::':".: .. ::. £&0 o:u pr Zl'll a e .. ay There III tlenty, of aellon and vlr"ll wen' hl'hl Monday In the ltc- bt,,". "v('r thert' on Ih(' Dn!lO nre Whl'n Iht' bonnl of IIlre('IIIrs of! ('IIl1nll "''''"n1l1llll,'n 111 11,., o.. x t wet'k In lower grodl'lI. At lellllt I Mrn. C. H. Gough , 1.00 Candy. POP. cottc!c. coke, and In t III chilling IIPy form Churl'l, In MC'I:l'alero. I <l1I1lI )o,e dum!lclIt to Ih('t rond the Llnl'oln ('ounty Hafl'lv ("'11111'11 'PW "' k" 1>"t.., "ff' It' It(' <('I ror there oren t '0 mnny olm!ht«!lJ Domey Gardner _.. 2.00 Gllndwlchell will ba r:crved lit the which III the adventurous /If '(' Dakalug!l' WlIJI a lad ot Ifl when "Iraillht throuUh 10 3 0 on Indian mN al 1I0ndo Tuegdoy nlehl fol· '10,'" IIH'c('nlnll"n ", (' ,,,,'.", f(11' this w('(!!t. OWCllllll t'C!port. Sale of lilies. . . .. 33.Gll a:hool Gtartlnll ot noon on May 'I. he WOI pocked llP with hls.pccplr· \r'lvlnu Ihl' l,rl'l:t'nlllltlln or p nall" l ' II", nand !loonlerQ I h(Of ('. ond lIt •.. Mll)'or Dan Swe:lrlngin \VQll ChlldfC!n's "Bunny Cord!l" ._4S.45 The firemen will have 0 pie aup- t t tot W Id W In th u ... on and shipped to Pl'Tlllarola. Fla .. 1l!I' wei p lit 1 tv prollram for Ih(' Hondo art'llt- ('mrl7010 back In circulation Illllt T tal $2M lSlI dd I t or hi broW be a prisoner of the Unlk'd Htotl's ,n"t('hera our I te Tr,,('luor A••"rlalton. nt'll Snnchrx i In Ih(' alll liN' l'auhnl' M('- otter Gpt'IliUng II few dIlYo In the °Stlll' tt;. be' -the drive per on once. 1:0 p$o It wall hill unl'Il'. Chlet Oeron.' ... O' "I"..t('o \'ke-prf'lIldent ancl I Krtll!hl all lIort('nlll' 1I".I.'tlf'r Mrl1. bOl\Jlltal in Roswell. • • . here ore the coin eontalnC!Tn ploc- LifeI R--Id _& ramlc theme In both thou(tbt and Jmo who terrorl7.t!d the cOllntry·" I . P I I II lld I"f'lll- rh,'lrman of Ihl' traffic l'ommltlee l,(lUIl:t' n"bel'll all Il('tly 1.011 001'- * * * 'ed In Gtorl'S all up and down the ong U1J.I ThefC! lire Gllent underwoter' I t h hit ut \\ U7 a ego one Il : (.f th.. rounC'11 CUl'(,l'l'clUlU C'hnrll's don, Mrs Mora Tlt"wol (h as Mn. An oddltlonal opproprtallon bOJl. ._.. hl b I Of S P-&-!cl ... v ... aldo ,In protC!llt!J lljZlll1ll b t elw dl e d"nl Ull on UUl ,('«'I'k wlll'n 011'1 FuIlN. who Prl'aldl'nt W Ahh" Slmpklnll. Wllhur M('Knlltht been promised the J'ort!:t Sc!rv1cc an cun 0 b:lttlC!'ll between enem)' Iluhmor- Invasion at Apoc I! n an I An'el Runnl'ls In"'l'ntC!d till' fish \ S ('lImplK'1I nnked thl' flnonl'e and rlJl Oardav; Mrn 1.0111&1.' Fer- to COMplete work on the ranter'. the 10M total. Gomer Illid. ne Died Last Week Int'S, AfC!lIc rolca ond on awcs:ome rr ory. I nnd WI' olll'm pulll'd toltethl'r on m('mhershlp leadero to loy out IlUlIon nn Malrlnn Ilardoy Mn. residence and oftice for the JU!W h atomic explcslcn. ' Thoullh bta tiut C!xperlcn« wllh things. Now lIC!nce all tht'm Texuns planA for a me'mbCTllhlp drlvll to Ho"" l.am all Poml'la Oordon: he4dquartUII bein, bunt bote at added be hoped othert who Mrt. Mor,nrllo SC!dlllen. Ufe- the United StlltCll wall nil a prill" I infiltrllted YOI'll Clfimp and thl'rell /olt'l thl' end of April and TitllWorth aD Clinl Purdy; the entrnnco to the Cedar CfC!ek overlookM malll n " In thC!1r chec f time resident of her Dative San CO- .... Officla1 oner. Dokll1ugle WlIJI never bltler. I0 bllt bunl'h ot you 011 nnd ll'st 0 to ('ontlnul' Ihroullh Mny. Attend- Mrll. MIl'kY nll Imoltl'ne wi t t rea Good to fof' the !:EaIs cent themothe flnrt 0 Patrickl died at ber home there "'yv.oliUo& Seven tlmC'll he enlisted In Uncle. tl'W at us toolhillel'll over "round Inu Ihl' mC!Ctlnll Wl'rf." Campbell. Van RYndim; Oeorltl' SlsnerO\l lIJI Ilround Ml1I'Ch win do co tblll wcclc-end. aflernoon. She wall the At Hondo P.TA Meet Sll.m'lIcervlce lIJI 0 crout. JtUldl' and. NOllnl yore goln to try ond beat Ull Fronk TltJwQrth. Tom nabel'll, Wlnllton Pickrel Clytie Tuml'r liS town dllughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray- New Mexico Stnte Corporation onl'«! lIJI official InterpretC!J' for out of hovln 1I road we kin trovel POIII Vnnce. Don Storm. Ralph Dilworth Plekrt'l and John Thom- · .. ,* * * 'Local Feed Store mond Olgi1. Commluloner Jim Lnmb wet nn Theodore Rool:ovC!lt In the former I calnt for the llte of me flCC why Bonnell. VII." 1.0mb and n. n. nll ns 11< .. ss Waldron. The s:clence room at Hondo High y:y __ 2 000 l'I'.. __ ._ The RClIlIry WllJl recited FrIday UllnJl(.'Cted and aurprlR v1Jltor at President'. contefC!ncetl with In- you lellers wontll It 1.'0 anywhere!! Hedgel'okf.'. TIl t I III II u on on School hu three eolortu1 muralJ 1.n.iUI. .I. U&&ep night In the tomn)' home In the Hondo PafC!nt-TC!ucher Asso- dJalU. elt:-l' but pean like you jellt wont ._._._ _ e l'ur a n w t p h at ot Junl10 W@' tt'oolcal btn:l1l and Already Sold Patrlclo. Dod)' Iny In mte at B - elotlon 'I'ul!lldny nl&hl In Hondo He WlIJI a Sp:1nlsh-Amerlcan War I to hl'r lItmh:ht through the FOllMER WltE8TLER d w:;.'m laull s fish, pil1nted In 1lJ50 by Thomu Inrd Chapel in Roswell Thursday. High School. The prog:ram wu.on voluntl!er. HI. read pllJture to 3110 leavln I1lI lluckln a TO OPERATE CAFE n _ l' __ ... WrlIbl. I Trnvls B Hicks at Llneoltl Coun- Funel'lll mllSll was said at 10 L m. Traffic Sotefy. S'J)I)MOid by the "'hoDt!st ond '"no unau- hind tdll; )l'St kind ot a no hOldll\ IJul'k O·Neal. one-time widely ROTARIANS IIEAR A. B. IJ to open • new, ty Feed cO.. on U. S. Hlgbway '10 !'iaturday In the San Putrlcio Llncoin County SlIfl!ty 06t.tneU. thorb:ed Rnd "bonemnn-, barred deal I Itot lIum Rood known wf('sUer of Arizona. la ex-I TAPE RECORDINO .. btlJInm in Ruidoso, a television In HoUywood, said thIs week he cburch. and burial WllJl In the San Othl!Tli hllvln, paN lmluded W. &bJp excellent. , amlltoes in vort' l'amp. I mean fel- \1f.'rtl'd hllre ooon to nperate the OF IIlOIJWAY BOOSTER - llel'vlce in the Palmer Gateway has 0 tmle nlready contracted for Patricio cemetery. S SedDI S Campbell. or the coun- Jbrdet1 in 'IS I lrrB as would sign mv note or all Iaround-the-f.'lock t"ll'ken l' n f e • A d f dd arta-more about this later wben for 2.000 early maturinR turkeys The ond 11If.o en ty couneu. and PaUl Vance, ellu- 1n UIGS. be married Ramolla. up with my rt'l'llth ains and u hll'h adjoins A l' e Wh«ler'a' by WgS O we ron him down and xet the fat' th1J faD. part of a t5.000-tur- were married t:l5 yt!tlrs ago in San eatlonal director tor the council. CblltunbUll. dou(tbter ot Chief Chi· yQud ast Ihtt'm l eYd h sa)'h" I W c"'d Grt'f'n Tree TruC'klnlt Centllr. 'As:;ocIOtiOn president WQll 10Yed facts, ma'am. ••• Some oDe't bit key order from a tlUKl! pocerY Patricio. Refreshments were IIlned aU hnahua Daknlugle nnd hill wife Quit trvln 0 lOll lew 0 l:' ron ..- ' P gle) long-halred pet tom ell\. has ' cholD. nil sa1d he IlIIlllaclnc poults They owned h and 11l:moged a attending nnd a motion pIcture on te1ebl'llied their 50th weddlnlt on- the way we want. It and lei It /10 wont a P:lVf'<i ro:lot thrrllllth NOllnl I for Rotarlonll In their noon lunch- bee:: runninC loose around Lor-' now among fanners and ranchers fruit orehttrd t en!. btnb:miL fi l!Ml'«!r w'nss SttEened to eooc1ude ftlyenrory In l04fl. They hoc! at- '''I down tOWtlrds Noltal: its pur- to C'arrlz07o. hut 1 want it to l'ome • !'On Tuesdo,Y this weck ot NovaJo ene Pu'Jmo'a hOta@,andlfhet.tintheareD"SOtheturkeys will 25 smlndetill e the full evenint. !.mded Carlisle 8<:hool togethcr. tler down thf.'l WIIV and look at all l:CC'ond-for It will coml' casler' l.odlZO. :. fci yean. you .... I."t want to know be waDable tor delivery on an sons. rme .... u .... r, -, '- leamed American Wl\Yll and both the kids shoky demOl'rnts It and qul ..ker If a mad Is ever pnv- ; FISllnl. AS eli LenAt- about -whee'he'S been roamlnl- early date come frost Ume. John dnTl and U giNt grl1llt'lcb s D4ren. h City T S d were lnfluentlal In making the wnultf help C!d 10 Capitan Call II Jealousy, mmll. nt ony. ov. . . * .. ... Bell hn. taken SOO of the turkeys; IS Mrn. SteIb nne e%, 0 pen M!9Ca1ero Reurvntlon one of the fer Llneoln County among a need I klns III. Cannon Phillips. Ruidoso, Ynr. Ben DonathlUt· "We want 'Tom SanclIez 2SO. he laid. nnd of Roswell; sons. l>D1\1el. 'EduardO,,' $20 000 More 1'ilO3t advanced In the nation.' Jonni!! COl'klf.'burr for both communlUC$-('nll II what nnd I.arr)' McDnnlt'l. another out- to thank the Ruidoso News far Its I nho dte'tare 1 Is tgI..2!, On 'Wat S ...... Daknlugie WM born at Fort' Oh. my ):!osh. Johnnie. yOIl will We'lI g('f TWO paved standlnll boY cnrolll'd In Ruidoso vel)' rme wOlk In IlUmtortlnt our the othet ,..vv 1lOU ... lD en"",. Cal ..... if. .. m , ......... u, " ...... er .I_em Doyd. Ariz.. on the reservation, "(l1J mls)udge me so You are just rO:lfb north out of this tourillt rlrh Ulllh Srhool cbtn'ehel and keeping-them before few dll)'lI.. New 8-ltlcb m:alnJr '"Ri1l be lald Jdven Cht(!f Cochite. His father. hkl' the roUt!! down around Tinnie l'ountry Into all nf I.lnl'oln Counl'" N£'XI Tut'srlav Rotarlnns nnd the people tn Its news and llle- d In tlte A ..:..our 2S weW th I y:y_'f1. __ .1 .,_ in two places In Ute Palmer Gate- ;Jub. WIllI chief of the Nednl ho thought I wall so eruell dldn't If the road 10 Capltlln I. P:Wl'rl th"lr wlvl'!l mf'1'1 at Bonnell Hllrd- tmu." ••• ny, ... u e. IAliU I .IU wny orell by the ViDqe of RuJ- Ap:lchCll and otter the death of ·lInt them 10 have a brld"e over FIRST I N-\I('VI' sln«rl'lv w("11 wnr(' h Hulldlnll SuppllCll t>ulld- .. .. * teed store w!D:. have placed more '6" :'I In ..... doso'. \\later department tbl. C<lehlse he llUcl'C!eded him Il!Ilcad· an arroyo 01' two so !:Cheat kidd(l('s never Ilet TWO pavfld rondll oul ntt Inll af 10 n m 10 drlvr to HoUo- Thb1een days out ot 31 in July 1ban 2.000 baby ehfcks in a free To Open Ear ... y /MAY . month and nnt, the eoullct1 wted er of the Chlrlenbulls. would ba lIllfe when hauled to herl' ir It III navett to Cnrrlzozo I m:ln AFIl tn holrl thl'ir llsual noon thIs ,.ear wUl see raeln/f at Rtlt- c:hlck t)rogratn started earty this Wind dll1ilage to the HollYWood recently. The new malns wm Tl!'" At the: .time of Geronimo's sur- school in thelr various bw;es. (Yea. fll'llt Fellow. 1 want YOU to havl' lun"heon Ilt Ihnt bll.lle all reg- doio'Do'rms •••• R. H. Anderson ,month. Drive-In 'Tlmltre on 11 •. 8.HI(tb." pl:lee old four-inCh ptpewhlcb bad 11!11der. Dnkolugie wng with Mnn- Ihnt tale WliS actually told about p:1vI11l1-1 wnntrd thl'lTl 10 hAVl' ulnr ml'flltnll Rotarians wlllhlnlt to L'urnber -Co. has some new hired .. , way 'lO, wblcb tncluded tile. blow- to be taken up when tbe Main guo and his band. Thcse surren- me two yeal'll ago III that neigh- Imprnvrrl roods nnd bridlll's In the r .. alster Ih"lr ntlendance. but un- lotrs. Dorothy Patterson lsi' Parents lnTUed Ing down of feet <It.. fence. Road widenln" and st1'lllgbtei1lng dered voluntarily at Ft. Apache borhood-and. now you want to Tinnle-Hondo-Arobcla ('nllntry. oblll to makl' Ihe trip to ltollomnn employed to assIst customers In .. 'rft h Sch 1 and the toppling or. th_. I project started In Man:b. A short and were taken to Florldo. start !luch a rumor about me In too. nut. I wRnt the most prl'ulnll sllfll their naml' on n register tnteriot decorating. in advls1nl( on TO., au .DIg 00 there. wID be tn-tIme fot' . length of new ml'lln wlil be tald Because ot Dakalug!c'lI youth. neC!ds tnken elITe of first Thanks' nt Navajo Lodge at noon that day. pa1ntlnr; ete.••• We bear lots ot Parents of bfRb school students the out·door theatre to open for neal' the hospttol to rtplliee old U. S, officers did not realize he Don't even know It It would pay very mUl'h for your letler-Illad to LION!! TO'NO'i'UNATE hear from yoU, . HardWare & Building Suppltl!ll evenIng of "thtkSda1. April 28, H. H. Dnnte1. ownet',loldtbe Rul-' Mayor Dan Sweating n said the the! CIIrllsle School. Geronimo en- out-but I'll try. I have ALWAVS * * * ! 7.ul'h (olll('T wa. noml'd l'hnlr- new front and enlargement. The wben demonstratIons ot work done deso News last week..end. replacement wool4, cost tbe clty cournged hJm to go. advocated a road trom hl're to A lip 01 the hot to n llUY who or 0 to rotore plans open house Saturday. lind model c1all!lell wnt be staged In '. ,. about $20.000. Though the fabled chlet had I Capitan flrllt, tor these rellJlons: i is dolnl.! his IItmollt 10 ('nMUrRlll' su m,l 1I s n l' 0 ('an r a esC! AprU 23, so tolks can see how nice lIll the various depattmertts-thll WEt.L KNOWN' , ,. .. , tbree lions. Geron1mo picked Doka- I. It will eosl leslI, It will ba done more divl'rsitlet'! rnrmlrll! In thlD !j!f"'('t .n .. It !S. ••• l-and. borne making. manual trnln-I BOOKED Fan DanCE INSTALLtHG WIDER SCREEN tU.le to llUccecd him. He ordered Qull'ker bf'CBUl:t' of the eallier ter- lIrC!O. Travis n. HlC'ks of 1.ln('oln av n ..... pr. . 0 * * .. lng, rnmmen:1nl. ete.. Jock Turk and hlg five-piece I Work Is ullderwoy bere on In· the bay to leom UII! white man's roln It will go over: 2. It will fun- County FC!ed a Itood job., voll'd on In May. durlOl! the ng- MlI)or Dan Swearingin thlll Paul Vance hos onnouneed. The band Is to play for a dance berc stallntlon of n wider screen fot' 'WaYtl so he could guide hl!l peoplll net some money Into Capitan nnd too. ot gettlne the 1Itt1t' farms ond ular Lions supper sesslnn Tucsday week tecetved word that Llneoln visllatlon Urne 1s set fot ., t\. on I Saturday nl'lht. Apt'il 23. at :Mnr- .Mt. Vue Sho.Dyn Drlve.. In 'I1Ie- wllely and with understanding. Ullcoln and Cartlzozo nnd the oth- rnncheR up and down Ihe three nolllhi Ihls wl'ek nt Carrlfzo La::;. Cou.n1Y's -'ldck back" from the -that day. tlll'S Bnr. Martin Grindstaff, own- ntte on Mechem DriVe!. Opening ;At the flchoot. Dokaluglc was 1'1' porta of the county Rooner by. valleys. and oVl'r In paris or Otero n thl' progrnm wRll rl'C I' staio on vehlcle license plate .• •• er, nnnOti'Tlced tbis week. 'I'urk Is date tor -the show. OwnM bJf the dIIllngulllhed for hili facIllty In the glvln$l a quJck route .Dut ot here County. til odd to thC!lr Income \llv"n hv the area would amount to approximatel)" APACIIE SERVES at p"l!Sent pbyinll at Carlllbad, EUands, bas not ·been announced English language. He won honors 10 othet tourist attraction_whIch wllh a sideline of l'hlckl'lll!. pillS. I tt ho S7,500---0nd thal. shllred on ON, F'EDERAL JURy . 1 ('pln"stilft saId, lin:! has a wide Yet. in academIc work. lin achievement some threl! qunrter ot A million turkeys. rabhlts. Ilk He hnq !lev- u, we ser. an rc m d 0y p Chi h bmlls ot taxable valuatlolU fu -the Eric TortilIn, Mestn1ero Apache ove" tho Southwest. , " . " , he prized more than his wllrIlke pcople a yeoI' mlght take advon- rrnl forml.'rg now goln/( the "l'oged on tho SI, LoriS ar :r n s. wh c _ County. RuidOso i$l;10!Ud Indian, recently returned froM 0, Turk II Bond features both Pi'P-. A.NSWER CALLS or athletic prowess. talte of If Ibey could go from Rul- laYf."rs" routt'. Ite said by produe- tht' bl'er faml y recen y pure as about $5.000. ell thIs" amount. « 3o-daV' servlee .ttS II {edetal jUrl'lT IIln" anti westl!rn music, Grind- Volunteer FlTli Departments of Dakalugle tllbared for hili peo- doso on 0 g(j(ld road to those Clreas; Ing the vel'\' best In ellJ!s nnd poul- C!d. 6-4%, fot' sttet!t use. ,-.- Dan ROVY{- at. Atbulluerquil. He is .the tJrst. staff added. RuIdoso, HollYWood anli Grl!en pie all hill life. 3. It would I1lve ntl of lis l'onCem- try ond Ml'Ols, our little vRlley LAMF.sA BAND iiERE nIl, Jr"v"'Son-in-ll1w .of the. cApathe to utve 011 a federal jury. .. " .. Ttee llnswered (WI) fitt! calts thb Formed Chutth cd ClOClll rellidents. that Ill) 0 can dl'mont1 0 J)rt'mlum (or lis La T' HI' Sh I n d Lambs,lt\as been "ted ttl' Eiicmade a significant remar\( at- ST. week, one before dnwn Tuesday tit He objected strenuously to feeble quicker, all-weolher route to our produl'e. He says th(lfc III a rendv "rd"J J:rt' lieutenant. lte's s... oned lit &.. lei' returning trom bill trip. He UP FRO!\-! Eo. P a ulanlng mill nt HollYWOOd where !!ltorts to educate them. lIe was coullt" llC!ot nnd to our stale tOp- markel ror n ltTl'at deal of these w .s re . Jlvad . I ' Oro. Callf., and expects said, 'Tot 'Olle month In my l1fp D:tSkelba1l nnd footb:'!I! wind had spread a sniall bIll%(!, IlIlltruml:ll1tl11 lil toundlng tbe ltil1. and would In turn give the \temll-provldlna they are of hlrlh in h r l 0h o 1IY- eharge In about a month and II I. have been addre!lsl!d as membecs from S!. Jnseph II Hlszh and another UI:J Etig!e CrC(!k wherl! Duteh Retonn Church among them tolkll comtng Into this nrC!a II <IUIlUty HI.' has nlreadv booked f ;r 1:'1' b O balt. ••• * Tortlltli lllso wu, _teeled as- j\.1ij' 8<:hObl, EI Pasl), about 50 In nll,' a small tmd ot grou and brush and for many yean llcted as In- quicker. casler trip to Rulcloso 2,000 turkeYIi with a big whole- .j('re \1 f.'re IlfJ a1n 0 * * !oremlin.· ,were here with their llponsors wall daMlIged in a Ilhlltt"lIved tor" terprcter for the preacher. from the north lind northwt!llt. sale jtl'OC'ery chnln lit a premIum I nme sponsors m T II b PIs this wcl'k '1n 0 recreational ut lir@,. '.. """,'" Tree lire to meet. 0fl:- '-F '-hE'it"im':s ' ..,. WAGON MOUND BAND ifigton. During the 1l:1fJt few monthJl coin on tt pretty grand circle tour poulia now. lind has nlrl'ndy pInl'- .olden ornn \) fielol! to hear p.ans au. nM 01' '. '& Au.· # SPENI)S NIGJIT !JERE. be bad been working on an outo- of the sfate If our link In the ed some of thcm on soma farms .• . 'J maklrilt iht<rregio'!l t\f\ evacuation TWO . :tuneral ser1tIt:l:'s wel'<Y held yes- Some 10 mcinlUitil' nnd t1ponsora blogtaph)' ••t«,salng aetivltlCll ot elrcte WIlS an oil-weather roule.) In tfle orcn. Jle hM 0 flWJ Ylit 10 J aren. for d the . Wlthoui a: 'lntflc bedti terda)' ... AbmJgt'fi'do Ofblr .rohn C. of tbe Wagon Mound"N. M., "WOOl his C(llebrated uncle t\f\d fathel'. 4. IF we get It paved road Into ploce. Wllh the cnged layer plunW E AJJI E R RtiidosO llren:ten$ Ull on ay Now l.el's Make n Ptltket', "". rcsluent of Cl't) coun- band spent one nliht h(!f'e. kist Hts name meant: "One who Capltiltl-lt would not be foo lon« I\lrcndy work In$!. thOllO r>l'oducJnlt -----------.---'-.-.- .- .. :ntght •••• * 1 0" '0" D' 1l "U'l'oty who died earty thts weclt,.e.ndo hC?lldqtlnrvmngat Clit'- tM«i$ hla W:lY throuj:h tbe thICk befote wo'd get Ii pAved road via Ih('O(\ fIne qunlily eegs Ilro tlnd· . :Dnte IJi Lo PreeJp. " . .... . . ...n.l. i:) week. ne was sutvJv<'d bY .Ave riw Ledge. L6dga Owner Herb 01 battle," Noltot Into ClltrltcltO-we nre thot fnll !bey Ilct More I)C!r dm.efl. tlnd 7 II!! 33 .00 Weather ¢®Utltllt. B:iker, It: .. Been It s:>M and {ndudtnlt Gregget'l(on 1111{d tM blmd· pliIM it' lIo never toid how he co1me b)' selt.lllh thot wo believe Rtlldol:o thc,:\' tlre hnvjilg no troUble tnlIr- • fl 62 1'1 .00 ltdlph. Br()Wn, :It. H. Heugeeoke;, 155 D' . A" y'Mrs, !'art Prorlon ill.Green TfC!e. l1lfutr1 trip to the rrtem" thta tlile. It would how llOunded dnd. Llneoln c:oum.y would get kt'flnlt the t!t!RIJ. I II 39 10 .00 at. wntbe .ftymg toqa.r1S,b:lClthls ". ". .n' ;, •• , .' •. b(its had .to much: 1UiJ, and hoPe Uke bOosting, ftc t:!:lved hlilend of. 0110. lfIekG and hill {('NI 10 64 14 .00 w«k.-end f() . E1tfliact/Jd thnl· w(1ekW lst 'V#;ff. l;j stay tit mtee -da-Y$rte1Ct. Two <hildtm tuh'l\'i! Dn'mlua!e.. We n<:tUil)1.Y 1:lelleve tliat 1l {hehnve given noway :.000 baby chicks 11 62 21 .00 tfou 01 a local we· $.fMe. .... to' tiwH Iiu DOt! and Y\U'tY lift! .ber"s el'. tiitle.·. nm Maude. Gilfbnimo lind tOtld bY Cort{t.1)%<). Iii thla MoliUI to enC'llUl'tlge More 12 50 30 (Cit!l ... •• ·emi1'ftt11n ,,11IdllW lofrs. JAlla Mlller.md het.son Au-. ". ". ".'0" un; LYdl1 Shant.. paved tif,it, we will NEVJ;IJ. gfj!t n chlekcfl (1Ild production {n thill' 13 65 15 .,10. - ..... ". . OWtr,e satdt U.. has just 'been .o! :tturdOllQ High . ". "'0"'.' "-. paved fO:ld to Cllpltiln. We're lioa" tcglcm:, 'Work dtsCMtCj It {llb-! tAo; by C. A. . ..J! .. Y..... ta' ... n;"S' 'i' ... 1·5'diStbal'gCld trom Jbl!' servlc\1. He's Scltool WlUl5P9it$ota ba1ce stUtj . The :Joe Manti,: atrived glllh efJoul.!h to Wat'lt lilt tM tdo and hijP'P,t to recogn'toIC(/oP..<!flluv(I wellthCr Oblltl1Vt!t tor· 'I. .. ... -AU", J.D. ' .. . . OVcrSeWh tlb "'pill 131 'a' ..... '" in Bali DJei'o ,ro:!"- 'Wet cart .... , ]W out'iCOuntt. t.lli'C!ttOrl$' Mth the "ubtlc:ltt we tM (1 S. De-par.ttrtllnt fit Com- . 2 oTimr6ffffilii4 .. - .. .. week, .. II: reQSOflmit.lti {hliJ. I no 'BIVd .lllm ilpW and . Mere-.)· . : ... I . . '" " , , ,. ." , .. tl q , , . t" , , . , ... - ,.,
Page 1: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · WAHREN BARRETT. Raa1:tor·Insurel' TRADES IN THE MAKING What 'do YOU have to otter?



WAHREN BARRETT. Raa1:tor·Insurel'

TRADES IN THE MAKINGWhat 'do YOU have to otter?What would YOU like t() own?

, E. G. '-A nice home In El Paso Valley Is open for trade, for Rui­

doso residence.«n owner at a prllctlcally new Trllt1er House wishes to

trnde equity In it tor a small Ruidoso property.

----......._-----_.....- ............----.....~


" '" -." '- "'"," ,•• \en, ",' <'••" ,", ~ ,




., .'



~....Ill'l .~ UJ,g1.lnf 70, the TrtUute 1n!I.Tb.to)1gh the~eSo~west.to Reach Ruidoso. World',. . . ~es1 't_..'R9~d M9~ PJatgl'o~4.

'. t

iA..~' ..


, "-

., . ...

, .!~itJ '..•f, t' ". . .

~ ' ,

S~arStudioBU,ldOllIt, New Mexico .

Winter Studio3Ul Richmond SL . EI 1'..0. TClX,U

" "" \.,

• l -,



, ' · : . ,-

Printec:l and Pub1isbecl in. ~e Playgr~tm,} of the SO~~-;.:.,w:.:Qd=-~ --"---------;;;;;;;;__,__-:-::-:::-::--:::--VOL1JME-ll, NtMniR f5 --.--.----------R...U--:'IOO.......SO......"·~~JN~C:"'O::-''''-:N''''-:C:-:O'''U::'rfrv:::'::':'''. -:N'::E-::W~M'::E-::)('::I'::c:O'::. ---------FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 19115 _ • -Q-.,i S..U_B_SC_R..I_PT_I_O_N_$_2.50 ~_!••,

. ,'~ .



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.' .. ~. .', .': .;;:..· , ' .S.?, .



,. .'.

j 1 7 • 111 =

AROUND TOWN..-By Nosey Waters-

New Building At NMMI, R08weU, I WHAT'S DOING ,\~~ t:ge;;a~~a Salk VaccineT H Thr C·adets Drowned· New Mexico DentalAssOClatlon,;~lQuota For 1955 To Be Giveno onor ee. , Convention. May 22-23-24-25. \ ~t The Red Cross Fund Drive goal A 120R -d y th Am T · T - New Mexico Press Association looks a little closer this week. with Here pn-UI 080 OU oog .ramc no Convention, JUll\! 2-3-4. Ihe Rotary Club of Ruidoso re-

-e" Highway 70 Association Meet- porting $185 collected in the down- Bram Vanderstok. Ruidoso phy_Plistors, singers lind evangelists The three youths drowned in a tacUlties for rest and recreation lng, June 8. town business district. and Carrl- sicIan. upon hearing the SlIlk vae-

In ·the recent Simultaneous Bap- trllgedy during the last term ot for the NMMl Corps ot Cadets wlll O. E, S. Bake Sale, Legion Hall, zozo making a pllrtlal report of l'ine tests had-provl'd conclusivelytist TCvlval campaign held thTCe Ne'" Mexlno Milltllry Institute in beadsu.nvelled then. The plaque April 16, . F $175 collected so far. The total Ihat Ihl' polio vanclnatlons ot IllS'fellowship meetings, with almost .. ... District 5 New Mexico edera- collected now adds up to $960,74, --~'I thl k Iall ot the 13 ehurehes In the Lin- Roswell are to be memorlallzed TC. VMV HALL tlon of Garden Clubs meeting. with Ihe following communities yoadr wtheretsllllcc"""'lu 'I t S weet s-coin Baptist Associlltion represent- with a plaque on a new VMV Hall Donald Wallace Roberts, Ruidoso, April 28. 10 a. m., Car- sue e a ow ng sa emen re-ed eaeli time. The group met twice just eoSmPdleted'Ainlllll;s7Pelclall preo

l- 19U-195t rlzo Lodge. repo~~~i:o __ .. _ _$ 46.00 ~laVrl'dnlnUtirtsltleafrend esePcoolnlod s~alsdetostbeu

In Alamogordo and onee In Cloud- gl'llm un ay, pr • oca r - Wood Mullinax Moore Bllly Oraham movie "Olltown. Alto 14.00" ....-ft atives ot one of the trio has been . 11135-195~ ' U. S. A.... Ruidoso First Baptist dl'nts in the local elementarycro • . . • Int d" Capitan .. . 278.50 school'*I * * orme. . PelT)" Geol'l'd VlahoPoulos, Church April 22. 7:30 p. m. . . .. . 50,00 .

'Huntlng and flshlng licenses tor Mrs. Ruth Moore, mOlher ot 11133-11111. Vacation Bible School Clinic tor goroia

175.75 I. Tho Salk vaccine has beenthe 1955 sellson are now available Wood Mullinax Moore, who with "ThroUl'h the hand$ of sueh 13 Baptist churches of Lincoln As- F~rS;ozo .. 35,00 roleasl'd and Ihe stntlslleal reporthere In several stores, alon

5/t with twO' 'OthersUwas II drowning victim as Utese G04 speaks, and from soclatlon. Tularosa, April 19. d •G1~nc~~t~~.:::: . 30.86 by Dr. hFranC'lls dtllselosefdl0t5h4ath the

Pamphlets teUIn" of. the 19 5 reg- whlle l/.~ ng In setting the stage behind the'- ev'" he __ n ... up- Sunday School officers an G T II 20 researc vacc na ons 0 avoq at I ..- J~" .......".. ~ B In reen ree. . . •• b n highI esstul

ulatlons•.•• Umm, umm, now you tca a fllecl~rOgram In the 1n- 011 tho eartb,"-Glbron. ~achl sx:s13 aptlst churehWi t Hollywood 20.00 ee y succ. .Ican!cet charcoal brollM stea~ In s tute s ~ Ing

lpaoloef61yd at Attending with tho mother wUl Ineo n C oc~a~~n, banq~etA r~l Lincoln __ • _. _ 102.43 2. There Is stili some dlscusslo~,

Rul oso-at Vlllllge Restauran . .. yeaur, ha.~ etaen . nVI

ted Ie e - be a brother and sister of "Woody" Baptist hure. amogor 0, pr Ruidoso .. _ _.. 185.00 on the stlme Intervnl between theNotlsed li:ddy Wimberly working Ica on U.I s rt w th chape exer- as he WIIS atfectlonlltely known 26. • irst San Patricio .._.. 18.00 shots:.... ome authorities advisedIn the bank now. Good lob for a elses at 10 a. m. In Pearson Audl- amon/t friends here. They..are Joe Pueblo theatre presents t Hondo, Tlnn1e and Picacho have one week between the tlrst andgood Illd • . • ~ • torlum, to be tollowed by liervices a..nd Linda. . Woody's wife, Mnl. ClnemaScope pro g ram tonight, not yet reported. second and perhaps seven months* * * at 10:45 a. m. at tho north en- WQod Moore, and baby daughter, Friday. "With the county's Iloal set at before the third shot will be giv-

R.H. Hedsecoke hllll moved ono trance of VNIV Hall. Marlannll, who was born only a O. E. S. meets April 20, 7:30 p. $1625. we are "olng to have to do cn. Others. regarded 4 weeks he-of hltbuJldings back on lwfaln Road The bronze plaque, whIch dedi- tew hOllra before the father m., Wingfield hall. some hustling In order to wind up tween the second and third shothere In downtown Ruidoso. and Is cates the building for lis various, drowned, will also attend. Ruidoso high school visiting the drive by next week." Mra. ns Ihe most etfectlve way of Im-rebuilding the tronl on his other , . - program; parenIs invited, April 28, Boylan. Lincoln. County Roll ClIll munl7Jng. .,structure, gettine his shooting glll- G S· In· dA S ak 7 R' m. Chairman. said this wC(!k, 3. 'l'he date for the flrat 1nJee- 'leries ready 101' the 19511 summer overnor unm8 Vlte 8 pe er 'The Adorable Imp." "'-llct com. lions has been se& for Rul40110 aD bvlsliora•••• Mra. Violet Hart Is n edy. by Hondo Valley Plnyera. S. G $295 Wednesday, April 20. 1111111, in thobooster for the Hoxscy CIIncer F Ded· · Of S k P at Friday, Aprtl 22, '1:45 p. m., Hondo aDlors ross crade school, 11100 a. In.Clinic in DaUas. She recently ac- or Ication mo ey ort 8 gym. On Ann al Play 4. We want to get through Incompanied her moiher, who Is a . Bake sale April 16 Ruidoso Fvod U . one morning and the shols will boresident at Rhode Island, to the' cn,. DOROTHY GUOK) Mart. benetlt Ruidoso Freshman Seniors of Ruidoso U11>'h School nlven by Dr. Horton and myselt.clinic. returning abaut ten days E t S at Sal Plans for the dedication of the Class.' \~ grossed '$295 from their play, The pnrents do not have to beago. At the clinJc she learned of as ar a . as Smokev rn:rt-'s In Capitan on May Senior Class enchilada supper. {~.. .' "Oolls and Nuts," r>.resented two present but It parents aCl'ompany

e t th ho...... . ~ W M I' Cafe 5 t 9 p m t~ , .' Inights last weck in RuldoslT Gym. Imany ell!es, som 0 em "'~', Ah d Of Last Y '1 are /(0 nit Inlo their final stages. argaTC 0 to." v- , ...... " the children p easc cooperate asIe", which had been cured, and I oa ear IIfra. Jock Shaw, Woman's Club nlllht (AprIl ,15,. • Directed by Ray Jonl's. the l'om- much ns pocslbll' 10 let the pro-hIlS brought back pamphlets and ChalnnaD Weldon Gamer of the presldebt, reporls that Invltatlorus Community Methodist Church (J. A~A_D~U.GI;- edy l'ast drew l'ompllments on l'V~ l'edurl' 1(0 ffllll and smoolhother data on ihe clinic's goodIRuldollO Easter Seal Salo to raise have been cent to llCVeral slate of- revlvdl from Easter through April cry hnnd for thl'lr fine prl'sl'nta- 5. The vlll.'l'lllDlIon material IIIworks. . . . funds for Ihe New Mexico Society fJcers of Woman's Club and all 17. FAMED APACHE LEADER tloo or Ihl' laughnble story of fnm- ul"o availahl(' tor non-tlmt and* * * for CrlpplM ChIldren, said thlJl county clubs. May 7-8-G-New Mexico Coun- ltv IIfl' In u nuthou'll' TlC'kllt nalr's seC'ond Ilruders. Thl' prlt't' 15 mUl'h

Walt Wiggins. nationally known week the 1955 contributions are ty Oftlclals convention. Ruidoso. : for th(' play lotlllcd $215, and pro- II.'!I~ Ihun I rl'portl'd bcfore. It wlllmagazine pholol:rapher, who owru, II almost double the 1954 figure. and Four nJ)Cakerit have been Invlt- Ruldo50 Rotarians wives and SA DAKALUGIE 85 ril rrum II 11lIIll' nd In tht, Nl'WS probabh' he In Ih(' nt'lllhborhoodGoteway Courls here. will be back III expected to double It before the ed to take part In the program to trlends. flUestS of Uolloman AFn A 'flUid h, Iht· ('IU~!1 advl'rllslnll Ihe of $ H 00In RuldollO llbaut May 1. we hear. drive ends. In 1954 $149.05 Willi ba held In the hlr:h school gym- April 10. - ,,:plnv eorOl'1I $00 more ~unclK wtll ' ..n Vllndl·(llioit. M. DIlls most recent magazine photo- rained. To date this )'C!ar, $264.08 na/llum. They InclUde Governor April 24, .3P C'alibre rifle. " h(' u.(',1 rnr Ihl' annu.11 Brlllur Irlpl .. __ .,-_.,.slory \I'as lIbout a ROllwell woman Ihnll been roll;ed-Includlnlf $33.68 John SlmlTlll. 1I0ml'r Pickens. a matche.'l Ruldo!:O Rlfll' ranlle IS CALLED BY DEATH 'f' .1.lrl Ih" d.1\ "rh'r 111 ailllallun. ~ V II PIwho doCll decorative tl·.lnns wlth- from sole oj paper 1Il1!!s last wC(!k- R('llional noy Sl'out DIrector, andI Dedle~tlon 01 Smoke~ portOlll. IMm 20. fUI 1.(lnl: Il('nrh. ("nUf,' a ey ayersof nil thlnllS-tumbleweedll. . .. Icmi and $411.45 In a drive with 0 WashlnlIton Forest Sl.'rvlee oW- Capitan. Ma 7. • .. Pol" 1'.•1 Ch"IoI'w'k ,I."" "1IOnSlII.* * * "bunny cardu" In Ihe local ole- clal. Dance at 3'1l'nco(' AprillG /lpon- (Editorll Note.. Intormatlon rc-, .,11,1 ~'r"',1\ n'l1hl tllIA \I('t'k Ill(' T G- C d

Mannie Badillo saiYQ the nows ml'ntnry a.llool. nelow are listed noy Seouln of the Conquilltador 1I0rcd by SI. Anne Eplfeopol Ilardlnll the noted. Allacht' It'ndl'r! 'I d IV S('n"no ,.ft' "1''''" ... IIlI: oIl' .'n,·h,l· 0 Ive orne Yabout Alia Dnkalullie II death wall, additional Individual contrlbutlonll Counl'1l wllll;Ound toP!! and maTCh Church. Who dkd I"nl Thundoy II'GIl pro-, an ...1.1 .tUIlIf' .•1 l\I.nJ~arl'l·" (",lrrgiven over Lowell Thomas' na-; that have ('orne In since last wcdt's In lonnotlon at the unvellinll of Llona oupper evt'ry Tul'Eday vldrd Ihe Ruidoso Nl'wa I')' Mrs,", 2 r.. ,u, ~, '., " I' 111. 1\ nh 111.,lr. 01 A H d A -122tlonwldc radio prollram Friday IlJlt At that time Ihe totol for the the portols. SC!rvll'eg will be!!ln at nil1ht. C.lrrlzo l.odae. i Eve nail. loraI mnlIazln(' wrlll'r SI ",,, Ii ","f. ' ,> 10 .:0 un II,,' S,·n· . t on 0 prlnight. and that nutrlono wa!l mon- I drl~'1' ,Wllll $131.50. Gornl'r 141Id. 2 p. m. at one of Ih(' porloln. with ltoia.cy lunchcon e\'('I"\' TUl'tdoy I {JIld laudtlhGr Pff'('N"·l'ral.m,nnur.l·rUlhls , WIT 8~ WISDO~ " ". t',':"1 (:I,rll·J'I:I·IoI"'''I~. '~J··I",,~.nl "..."1"'. N"I\ fl

tloned.... Several local people Latcll Ibutlonll' :thl' mnln part of thl' pror:rom oc- noon. NllVajo Lodj;:l' , I' on n nnll 0 rw" l'Xlrt' e .• " T'" '0' ",.11,1.. \. ",,, '" ,'. ' .• '. whohnve bdccn carrylltnhl:l on rdC!lcula~r l'kor- I0('0. M::t~~~ . $2.50 I currin!I indoom Immediately. , ,; , • J\~lIlll1lnbIPOr'~r~loCfr.!lh.~~.71(I~nurhtlll.l1ul~~I~"etl)~ I Th' FI Toro 'I'II"~ "~::"";,,'., :\lI;~:"'I'I;l\:I::'~::\~';':1 ~~:~ ~""'.,,' II, ".or'. '.\ ('." .I "I r!I..I·

A, '0'

TCl>pOn C!nee w n I:C Q(' ey' G J B 'k 200 I All Cnpitan orgnnlwllonn hove F' ~ Cin maSc ~,..,..". C·llr· ...?" N ..., "., '1" "ro , .• f< .. '''' "I'"' roOVl'r Rndlo Station WOAI n San I M~hire;1 ;:gh: . .. ~ 2:00 I' heen linked to prcpar(' ('oMervn-1 11'Solo e Ope : I!t'ath hoill'. IllI' w'trk. Ill' had a I "1",1 O. Ill~'l 'In', oj III 'H.,kll." II·,. III" 011"" " (""'Ill'" . ,II' .. II Ih, I,,,,.. \\'lIhAntonio for f,evl'rol wceks. ne 1Jl, Reynold,l Jones . " 5,00 tlon cxhlbllJl whll'h will 1lC! In tho Program Set Tonight ! doto with hl'r logl Thunda)' mom- . l\fr Vito I..~" I. r"II~'f 'llI,"'on IIn.,n.'I,;lh "",,'1,," t"I,,,,,,, 'h,' I" ot.· '. ,mI'hea") roach Snturda1v evening. and, Fay Bonnell _ ... : ....... 2.00 hlllh fehool Dnd Opt'll to the pub- , Ina ttl "'\'l' o'lrl,latlnol Infurm.llIon; nll"I..~.. N(',,". TIll' ,,1,10, IIH·<:,·rt'l'd Ih~' ,h,l'," .•ulh", Th"\ \\,11 IIII'«'nl thl'hao becn gtvlnff Ru dQJ:o p,}MI.V of I C. B. Green., . _ 2.00 lIc at noon on Moy 7. The Wom-l At Pueblo Hero 'on hili l'orly IItl' whl'n II m~ell- I" I,l,,~o N M Ill'. Junl'''. Wllh ," ('n/ffaH,t lIul}' th .. ,. "I 1.l\1I~" rI'" "Th' A " ,.Ihlep'lu~ Q!l a vocntlonland. tn tact. j Gro. S!onl'man. ... 11.00 an'o ClUb exhlbll wlll feature 0 Pueblo Theatre of Ruldo~ pre-l ger broullht word to Mrn Uall hl' n'r(' VIC" "", ('1,'.111'1 huhlc" r"r h,·......Inl· In'l' b' 1',,1... .\ II", ,I" thl'I'm 1l0lHnl! to vOl'lIt1on thC!re In. Jnl'lt Hull . .. .• . _ 5.00 ehotoaroPhll' IIfl' hlstorv of Sma- lll'Tlt!l Ih flr'Ot ClnemoSeopl' motion l.hu.1 tllcd 01 a hrort lIltal'l< ) I I. ". 1 I' ,Ill"" f,I';' ',m(' Frllh\' \""1 ~''! wllhAu....lIt hft oold I""t Saturday Tl PTA ,_ In . d ht . -0-- n \ort' pal" r I" ,t \H'f' t. ~\U7 . .. .' ._. f I I f 7'1 '0 I qo TI..~. ~ ..~ Mm. Corl Lonr,abllugh .. .. 1.00 I ey, Ie - '" Ilpol1llor 11 n pll'turC! to au letlCell here tonIII I ' )fh l' M . at I\"l .- 011.. ... 't [Jilt ..... II'nlllht.. , , EnDter holidays In theI~'Cl EV)'lln . 100 pOIlfl' ~nd- o«,-3r contc:l& omon{l and Sohll'\laVl'llall1 wm. 'lIe IlbllV/* M-:l Dnltn!ut;le. 85, plltrlnrch of E'''~lll 1°1 ,"IlC~ YOII '),\ froml rt I Ben Sanchez Named .I'll." ,. I:lnn fm 1""'("'1 • , Ih,'Ruidoso s:choo1ll. from IMt Thun::'" 't;fr: anll Mm::CM·"ii;ggott·IO.OO I the cc;unly It'ii;)q chlldrl'fl ond the In of 111(' 'ncw film "nell and tho Chlclrahurl Apachell. died .r\\ n. C' I (f road rna Ill'rr. a .ou ' '110.,01" If.o'i<1 11,..,~IN'day afternoon until Tut'tda)' mom- ,Lilly Moe Word .' _••••• 2.00 dlJltrlel wlnnCl'll w111 bave their 1I&h Water" ottlrrlng Rlchord Thul1lday mt,rlllnll In hili home In r.ll"t> m.lll 37. and l~rit 8::;'~lIn n New Vice President I Jllr.f lIk(' I"", \..... II", 1" n'ND

~Sl thlJl wC!clc. may have allovlatedIDill Uort " 3.00 work on dlGplllY. The wlnneTn will Wldmllrk ' Carrbo C'nnynn l1e died ofter out- clnn('t' Olll't In n w I I' w('('n! f S f C II ' \\ III ,,,"' Ihl' ""unll I"'-<"nltnllhe Ideml of mum- that bad 2 0 l._ rd..... I t th -f.,· tt'rlna a heart otttlek Funeral,er- linea I 110t It tl!Hlf.'cm thel you old lOa ely ounc ,fll",r .,1" "1,..\·.·,,,1 "Ill", 1.ln('IIln

cut ~tcnd~cc 1:0 d~Y all b:t g:~.TJ~zn~:: :::::':".: .. ::. £&0 ~o~~ o:u pr Zl'll a e .. ay There III tlenty, of aellon and vlr"ll wen' hl'hl Monday In the ltc- bt,,". "v('r thert' on Ih(' Dn!lO nre Whl'n Iht' bonnl of IIlre('IIIrs of! ('IIl1nll "''''"n1l1llll,'n 111 11,., o..x twet'k In th~ lower grodl'lI. At lellllt I Mrn. C. H. Gough , 1.00 Candy. POP. cottc!c. coke, and lI~sJH!ru:e In t III chilling IIPy~rarn:r form Churl'l, In MC'I:l'alero. I <l1I1lI )o,e dum!lclIt to ~ut Ih('t rond the Llnl'oln ('ounty Hafl'lv ("'11111'11 'PW "' k" 1>"t.., "ff' It' It(' <('I rorthere oren t '0 mnny olm!ht«!lJ Domey Gardner _.. 2.00 Gllndwlchell will ba r:crved lit the which III the adventurous /If '('d~ Dakalug!l' WlIJI a lad ot Ifl when "Iraillht throuUh 10 3 0 on Indian mN al 1I0ndo Tuegdoy nlehl fol· '10,'" IIH'c('nlnll"n ", (' ,,,,'.", f(11'this w('(!!t. ~hool OWCllllll t'C!port. Sale of lilies. . . ..33.Gll a:hool Gtartlnll ot noon on May 'I. ~1;:~;a:~~I~~I~w~~Peo~PI:'n~ he WOI pocked llP with hls.pccplr· D~'I~~~ ~~('aftlt:::r,J:r:.~I~nr;; \r'lvlnu Ihl' l,rl'l:t'nlllltlln orp nall"

l' II", nand !loonlerQ I h(Of ('. ond lIt

•.. Mll)'or Dan Swe:lrlngin \VQll ChlldfC!n's "Bunny Cord!l" ._4S.45 The firemen will have 0 pie aup- t t tot W Id W In th u... on and shipped to Pl'Tlllarola. Fla.. 1l!I' wei p lit 1 tv prollram for Ih(' Hondo art'llt- ('mrl7010back In circulation Illllt week~d T tal $2M lSlI d d ~~~. I o~d t or hi broW be a prisoner of the Unlk'd Htotl's ,n"t('hera ~ul't:f ~hrollnh our I t e Tr,,('luor A••"rlalton. nt'll Snnchrx i In Ih(' • alll liN' l'auhnl' M('-otter Gpt'IliUng II few dIlYo In the °Stlll'tt;.be' ~~~nied' i~' -the drive per on once. ~lomc~ o~cA~rl~~1J 1:0 p$o It wall hill unl'Il'. Chlet Oeron.' ~:~:IIr.~~~ 1I0a~ile":I~~~~~~ III~I~ ... O' "I"..t('o \'ke-prf'lIldent ancl IKrtll!hl all lIort('nlll' 1I".I.'tlf'r Mrl1.bOl\Jlltal in Roswell. • • . here ore the coin eontalnC!Tn ploc- LifeI R--Id _& ramlc theme In both thou(tbt and Jmo who terrorl7.t!d the cOllntry·" I . P I I II lld I"f'lll- rh,'lrman of Ihl' traffic l'ommltlee l,(lUIl:t' n"bel'll all Il('tly 1.011 001'-* * * 'ed In Gtorl'S all up and down the ong U1J.I eu~ ~""'_. ThefC! lire Gllent underwoter' I t h hit ut \\ U7 a ego one Il :(.f th.. rounC'11 CUl'(,l'l'clUlU C'hnrll's don, Mrs Mora Tlt"wol (h as Mn.

An oddltlonal opproprtallon bOJl. ._.. hl b I Of S P-&-!cl ...v ...~ aldo ,In protC!llt!J lljZlll1ll bt elwdl e d"nl Ull on UUl ,('«'I'k wlll'n 011'1 FuIlN. who r~llfIll'd. Prl'aldl'nt W Ahh" Slmpklnll. Wllhur M('Knllthtbeen promised the J'ort!:t Sc!rv1cc ft~:o-~~:.\;;;;:,:rk ~f :~8~lt an cun 0 b:lttlC!'ll between enem)' Iluhmor- ~a~: Invasion at Apoc I! n an I An'el Runnl'ls In"'l'ntC!d till' fish \ S('lImplK'1I nnked thl' flnonl'e and rlJl B~I"n Oardav; Mrn 1.0111&1.' Fer-to COMplete work on the ranter'. the 10M total. Gomer Illid. ne Died Last Week Int'S, AfC!lIc rolca ond on awcs:ome rr ory. I nnd WI' olll'm pulll'd toltethl'r on m('mhershlp leadero to loy out IlUlIon nn Malrlnn Ilardoy Mn.residence and oftice for the JU!W h atomic explcslcn. ' Thoullh bta tiut C!xperlcn« wllh things. Now lIC!nce all tht'm Texuns planA for a me'mbCTllhlp drlvll to Ho"" l.am all Poml'la Oordon:he4dquartUII bein, bunt bote at added be hoped othert who o~ Mrt. Mor,nrllo SC!dlllen. Ufe- the United StlltCll wall nil a prill" I infiltrllted YOI'll Clfimp and thl'rell /olt'l ~nrll'rway thl' end of April and Fr;~k TitllWorth aD Clinl Purdy;the entrnnco to the Cedar CfC!ek overlookM mallln" In thC!1r chec f time resident of her Dative San CO-....-~on Officla1 oner. Dokll1ugle WlIJI never bltler. I 0 bllt bunl'h ot you 011 nnd ll'st 0 to ('ontlnul' Ihroullh Mny. Attend- Mrll. MIl'kY Thoma~ nll Imoltl'newi t t rea Good to fof' the !:EaIs cent themothe flnrt 0 Patrickl died at ber home there "'yv.oliUo& Seven tlmC'll he enlisted In Uncle. tl'W at us toolhillel'll over "round Inu Ihl' mC!Ctlnll Wl'rf." Campbell. Van RYndim; Oeorltl' SlsnerO\l lIJI~L~th~t:a~um ~tirrln, Ilround Ml1I'Ch win do co tblll wcclc-end. Wedn~ay aflernoon. She wall the At Hondo P.TA Meet Sll.m'lIcervlce lIJI 0 crout. JtUldl' and. NOllnl yore goln to try ond beat Ull Fronk TltJwQrth. Tom nabel'll, Wlnllton Pickrel Clytie Tuml'r liStown dllughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray- New Mexico Stnte Corporation onl'«! lIJI official InterpretC!J' for out of hovln 1I road we kin trovel POIII Vnnce. Don Storm. Ralph Dilworth Plekrt'l and John Thom-· .. , * * * 'Local Feed Store mond Olgi1. Commluloner Jim Lnmb wet nn Theodore Rool:ovC!lt In the former I calnt for the llte of me flCC why Bonnell. VII." 1.0mb and n. n. nll ns 11<..ss Waldron.

The s:clence room at Hondo High y:y__ 2 000 l'I'..__._ The RClIlIry WllJl recited FrIday UllnJl(.'Cted and aurprlR v1Jltor at President'. contefC!ncetl with In- you lellers wontll It 1.'0 anywhere!! Hedgel'okf.'. TIl t I III II u on onSchool hu three eolortu1 muralJ 1.n.iUI. .I.U&&ep night In the tomn)' home In S~ the Hondo PafC!nt-TC!ucher Asso- dJalU. elt:-l' but pean like you jellt wont ._._._ _ e l'ur a n w t p h atot Junl10 W@' tt'oolcal btn:l1l and Already Sold Patrlclo. Dod)' Iny In mte at B - elotlon 'I'ul!lldny nl&hl In Hondo He WlIJI a Sp:1nlsh-Amerlcan WarIto ~Ilove hl'r lItmh:ht through the FOllMER WltE8TLER ~~4Tllnaltfacl~edd w:;.'m laull sfish, pil1nted In 1lJ50 by Thomu Inrd Chapel in Roswell Thursday. High School. The prog:ram wu.on voluntl!er. HI. dlsc~argetl read pllJture to 3110 leavln I1lI lluckln a TO OPERATE CAFE n _ l' ~~_~ __...WrlIbl. I Trnvls B Hicks at Llneoltl Coun- Funel'lll mllSll was said at 10 L m. Traffic Sotefy. S'J)I)MOid by the "'hoDt!st ond f.l~ '"no unau- hind tdll; )l'St kind ot a no hOldll\ IJul'k O·Neal. one-time widely ROTARIANS IIEAR

A. B.~ IJ to open • new, ty Feed cO.. on U. S. Hlgbway '10 !'iaturday In the San Putrlcio Llncoin County SlIfl!ty 06t.tneU. thorb:ed ablt!n~ Rnd "bonemnn-, barred deal I Itot lIum Rood known wf('sUer of Arizona. la ex-I TAPE RECORDINO ..btlJInm in Ruidoso, a television In HoUywood, said thIs week he cburch. and burial WllJl In the San Othl!Tli hllvln, paN lmluded W. &bJp excellent. , amlltoes in vort' l'amp. I mean fel- \1f.'rtl'd hllre ooon to nperate the OF IIlOIJWAY BOOSTER -llel'vlce in the Palmer Gateway has 0 tmle nlready contracted for Patricio cemetery. S SedDI S Campbell. ~tden\or the coun- Jbrdet1 in 'IS I lrrB as would sign mv note or all Iaround-the-f.'lock t"ll'ken l' n f e • A d f ddarta-more about this later wben for 2.000 early maturinR turkeys The~d ond 11If.o en ty couneu. and PaUl Vance, ellu- 1n UIGS. be married Ramolla. up with my rt'l'llthains and lAbetl~! u hll'h adjoins A l' e Wh«ler'a' by U::~ar.~:. WgSO lrl~~llYrt';gwe ron him down and xet the fat' th1J faD. part of a t5.000-tur- were married t:l5 yt!tlrs ago in San eatlonal director tor the council. CblltunbUll. dou(tbter ot Chief Chi· yQud ast Ihtt'm


hsa)'h" I W c"'d Grt'f'n Tree TruC'klnlt Centllr. 'As:;ocIOtiOn president WQll 10Yed

facts, ma'am. ••• Some oDe't bit key order from a tlUKl! pocerY Patricio. Refreshments were IIlned aU hnahua Daknlugle nnd hill wife Quit trvln 0 lOll lew 0 l:' ron ..- ' Pgle) long-halred pet tom ell\. has ' cholD. nil sa1d he IlIIlllaclnc poults They owned

hand 11l:moged a attending nnd a motion pIcture on te1ebl'llied their 50th weddlnlt on- the way we want. It and lei It /10 wont a P:lVf'<i ro:lot thrrllllth NOllnl I for Rotarlonll In their noon lunch­bee:: runninC loose around Lor-' now among fanners and ranchers fruit orehttrd t en!. btnb:miL fi l!Ml'«!r w'nss SttEened to eooc1ude ftlyenrory In l04fl. They hoc! at- '''I down tOWtlrds Noltal: its pur- to C'arrlz07o. hut 1 want it to l'ome •!'On Tuesdo,Y this weck ot NovaJo

ene Pu'Jmo'a hOta@,andlfhet.tintheareD"SOtheturkeys will Survhi0'J~:e 25 smlndetille the full evenint. !.mded Carlisle 8<:hool togethcr. tler down thf.'l WIIV and look at all l:CC'ond-for It will coml' casler' l.odlZO. ~lsl~rn InC'l~ded :. fciyean. you ....I."t want to know be waDable tor delivery on an sons. rme ....u.... r, ~ -, '- leamed American Wl\Yll and both the kids an~ shoky demOl'rnts It and qul..ker If a mad Is ever pnv- ; FISllnl. AS h,ru~sk eli LenAt-about -whee'he'S been roamlnl- early date come frost Ume. John dnTl and U giNt grl1llt'lcbsD4ren.h City T S d were lnfluentlal In making the wnultf help C!d 10 Capitan Call II Jealousy, mmll. nt ony. ov. . .* .. ... Bell hn. taken SOO of the turkeys; Daulb~ IS Mrn. SteIb nne e%, 0 pen M!9Ca1ero Reurvntlon one of the Vore~ fer Llneoln County among l'ommunltl~nlllta need Iklns III. Cannon Phillips. Ruidoso,

Ynr. Ben DonathlUt· "We want 'Tom SanclIez 2SO. he laid. nnd of Roswell; sons. l>D1\1el. 'EduardO,,' $20 000 More 1'ilO3t advanced In the nation.' Jonni!! COl'klf.'burr for both communlUC$-('nll II what nnd I.arr)' McDnnlt'l. another out-to thank the Ruidoso News far Its I nho dte'tare

1~e Is hl~'tgthto pl~ ~1~ tgI..2!,Sarm~ P~~~~~ On 'Wat S...... Daknlugie WM born at Fort' Oh. my ):!osh. Johnnie. h~rould yOIl will We'lI g('f TWO paved standlnll boY cnrolll'd In Ruidoso

vel)' rme wOlk In IlUmtortlnt our the othet ,..vv 1lOU ... lD en"",. Cal..... if...m , ......... u, "...... er .I_em Doyd. Ariz.. on the reservation, "(l1J mls)udge me so You are just rO:lfb north out of this tourillt rlrh Ulllh Srhoolcbtn'ehel and keeping-them before few dll)'lI.. New 8-ltlcb m:alnJr '"Ri1l be lald Jdven Cht(!f Cochite. His father. hkl' the roUt!! down around Tinnie l'ountry Into all nf I.lnl'oln Counl'" N£'XI Tut'srlav Rotarlnns nndthe people tn Its news and llle- d In tlte



thet!:~~KPurlnTues-aIy:y_'f1. __ .1~ .,_ in two places In Ute Palmer Gate- ;Jub. WIllI chief of the Nednl ho thought I wall so eruell dldn't If the road 10 Capltlln I. P:Wl'rl th"lr wlvl'!l mf'1'1 at Bonnell Hllrd-

tmu." • • • ny, ... u • e. IAliU Inuu-~ u"''''~• .IU wny orell by the ViDqe of RuJ- Ap:lchCll and otter the death of ·lInt them 10 have a brld"e over FIRST I N-\I('VI' sln«rl'lv w("11 wnr(' h Hulldlnll SuppllCll t>ulld-.. .. * teed store w!D:. have placed more '6" :'I In..... doso'. \\later department tbl. C<lehlse he llUcl'C!eded him Il!Ilcad· an arroyo 01' two so !:Cheat kidd(l('s never Ilet TWO pavfld rondll oul ntt Inll af 10 n m 10 drlvr to HoUo-Thb1een days out ot 31 in July 1ban 2.000 baby ehfcks in a free To Open Ear...y /MAY .month and nnt, the eoullct1 wted er of the Chlrlenbulls. would ba lIllfe when hauled to herl' ir It III navett to Cnrrlzozo I m:ln AFIl tn holrl thl'ir llsual noon

thIs ,.ear wUl see raeln/f at Rtlt- c:hlck t)rogratn started earty this Wind dll1ilage to the HollYWood recently. The new malns wm Tl!'" At the: .time of Geronimo's sur- school in thelr various bw;es. (Yea. fll'llt Fellow. 1 want YOU to havl' lun"heon Ilt Ihnt bll.lle all t~elr reg-doio'Do'rms•••• R. H. Anderson ,month. Drive-In 'Tlmltre on 11•.8.HI(tb." pl:lee old four-inCh ptpewhlcb bad 11!11der. Dnkolugie wng with Mnn- Ihnt tale WliS actually told about p:1vI11l1-1 wnntrd thl'lTl 10 hAVl' ulnr ml'flltnll Rotarians wlllhlnlt toL'urnber -Co. has some new hired .. , way 'lO, wblcb tncluded tile. blow- to be taken up when tbe Main guo and his band. Thcse surren- me two yeal'll ago III that neigh- Imprnvrrl roods nnd bridlll's In the r..alster Ih"lr ntlendance. but un-~, lotrs. Dorothy Patterson lsi' Parents lnTUed Ing down of ~rnl feet <It..fence. Road widenln" and st1'lllgbtei1lng dered voluntarily at Ft. Apache borhood-and. now you want to Tinnle-Hondo-Arobcla ('nllntry. oblll to makl' Ihe trip to ltollomnnemployed to assIst customers In "IJ'r'~.. 'rft h Sch 1 and the toppling or. th_.~ I project started In Man:b. A short and were taken to Florldo. start !luch a rumor about me In too. nut. I wRnt the most prl'ulnll m~v sllfll their naml' on n registertnteriot decorating. in advls1nl( on TO.,au .DIg 00 there. wID be ~Ired tn-tIme fot' . length of new ml'lln wlil be tald Because ot Dakalug!c'lI youth. No~aJ.) neC!ds tnken elITe of first Thanks' nt Navajo Lodge at noon that day.pa1ntlnr; ete.••• We bear lots ot Parents of bfRb school students the out·door theatre to open for neal' the hospttol to rtplliee old U. S, officers did not realize he Don't even know It It would pay very mUl'h for your letler-Illad to LION!! TO'NO'i'UNATE

hear from yoU, .HardWare & Building Suppltl!ll evenIng of "thtkSda1. April 28, H. H. Dnnte1. ownet',loldtbe Rul-' Mayor Dan Sweating n said the the! CIIrllsle School. Geronimo en- out-but I'll try. I have ALWAVS * * * ! 7.ul'h (olll('T wa. noml'd l'hnlr-new front and enlargement. The wben demonstratIons ot work done deso News last week..end. replacement wool4, cost tbe clty cournged hJm to go. advocated a road trom hl're to A lip 01 the hot to n llUY who m~ or 0 Il(i~tout:nll l'0drr:~tteef torotore plans open house Saturday. lind model c1all!lell wnt be staged In ' .,. about $20.000. Though the fabled chlet hadICapitan flrllt, tor these rellJlons: i is dolnl.! his IItmollt 10 ('nMUrRlll' su m,l 1I s n l' 0 ('an r a esC! o~AprU 23, so tolks can see how nice lIll the various depattmertts-thll WEt.L KNOWN' u..~"Jl , ,. .. , tbree lions. Geron1mo picked Doka- I. It will eosl leslI, It will ba done more divl'rsitlet'! rnrmlrll! In thlD !j!f"'('t .n t:~..rll~losli ~~"~t ~It !S. • • • l-and. borne making. manual trnln-I BOOKED Fan DanCE INSTALLtHG WIDER SCREEN tU.le to llUccecd him. He ordered Qull'ker bf'CBUl:t' of the eallier ter- lIrC!O. Travis n. HlC'ks of 1.ln('oln Ul'~' av n..... pr. . 0* * .. lng, rnmmen:1nl. ete.. Prlneln~tll Jock Turk and hlg five-piece I Work Is ullderwoy bere on In· the bay to leom UII! white man's roln It will go over: 2. It will fun- County FC!ed I~ doln~ a Itood job., voll'd on In May. durlOl! the ng-

MlI)or Dan Swearingin thlll Paul Vance hos onnouneed. The band Is to play for a dance berc •stallntlon of n wider screen fot' 'WaYtl so he could guide hl!l peoplll net some money Into Capitan nnd too. ot gettlne the 1Itt1t' farms ond ular Lions supper sesslnn Tucsdayweek tecetved word that Llneoln visllatlon Urne 1s set fot ., t\. tl1~ onISaturday nl'lht. Apt'il 23. at :Mnr- . Mt. Vue Sho.Dyn Drlve..In 'I1Ie- wllely and with understanding. Ullcoln and Cartlzozo nnd the oth- rnncheR up and down Ihe three nolllhi Ihls wl'ek nt Carrlfzo La::;.Cou.n1Y's -'ldck back" from the -that day. tlll'S Bnr. Martin Grindstaff, own- ntte on Mechem DriVe!. Opening ;At the flchoot. Dokaluglc was 1'1' porta of the county Rooner by. valleys. and oVl'r In paris or Otero n thl' progrnm wRll rl'C I'staio on vehlcle license plate ~(!S .• •• er, nnnOti'Tlced tbis week. 'I'urk Is date tor -the show. OwnM bJf the dIIllngulllhed for hili facIllty In the glvln$l a quJck route .Dut ot here County. til odd to thC!lr Income \llv"n hv the area repr~senttttlvewould amount to approximatel)" APACIIE SERVES at p"l!Sent pbyinll at Carlllbad, EUands, bas not ·been announced English language. He won honors 10 othet tourist attraction_whIch wllh a sideline of l'hlckl'lll!. pillS. ~r I A~hl'Us('r-:usch. tt ho I~~~:S7,500---0nd thal. shllred on th~ ON, F'EDERAL JURy . 1('pln"stilft saId, lin:! has a wide Yet. in academIc work. lin achievement some threl! qunrter ot Amillion turkeys. rabhlts. Ilk He hnq !lev- u, we ser. an rc md 0y p Chi hbmlls ot taxable valuatlolU fu -the Eric TortilIn, Mestn1ero Apache ,follo~I~1l ove" tho Southwest. , " . " , he prized more than his wllrIlke pcople a yeoI' mlght take advon- rrnl forml.'rg now goln/( the "l'oged on tho SI, LoriS ar :rn s. wh c _County. RuidOso i$l;10!Ud eolle~t Indian, recently returned froM 0, Turk II Bond features both Pi'P-. A.NSWER Fm~ CALLS or athletic prowess. talte of If Ibey could go from Rul- laYf."rs" routt'. Ite said by produe- tht' bl'er faml y recen y pure asabout $5.000. ell thIs" amount. « 3o-daV' servlee .ttS II {edetal jUrl'lT IIln" anti westl!rn music, Grind- Volunteer FlTli Departments of Dakalugle tllbared for hili peo- doso on 0 g(j(ld road to those Clreas; Ing the vel'\' best In ellJ!s nnd poul- C!d.6-4%, fot' sttet!t use. ,-.- Dan ROVY{- at. Atbulluerquil. He is .the tJrst. staff added. • RuIdoso, HollYWood anli Grl!en pie all hill life. 3. It would I1lve ntl of lis l'onCem- try ond Ml'Ols, our little vRlley LAMF.sA BAND iiEREnIl, Jr"v"'Son-in-ll1w .of the. cApathe to utve 011 a federal jury. .. " '~' .. Ttee llnswered (WI) fitt! calts thb Formed Chutth cd ClOClll rellidents. that Ill) 0 can dl'mont1 0 J)rt'mlum (or lis La T' HI' S h I n dLambs,lt\as been p~mtJ"ted ttl' fi~ Eiicmade a significant remar\( at- ST. JOSE"".A·I'~~~orES week, one before dnwn Tuesday tit He objected strenuously to feeble quicker, all-weolher route to our produl'e. He says th(lfc III a rendv Ith"l~lIndl ~~~r t~\ "rd"J J:rt'lieutenant. lte's s ... oned lit &.. lei' returning trom bill trip. He UP FRO!\-! Eo. P a ulanlng mill nt HollYWOOd where !!ltorts to educate them. lIe was coullt" llC!ot nnd to our stale tOp- markel ror n ltTl'at deal of these w . s r e . Jlvad . I 'Oro. Callf., and expects htsdls~ said, 'Tot 'Olle month In my l1fp D:tSkelba1l nnd footb:'!I! te~m wind had spread a sniall bIll%(!, IlIlltruml:ll1tl11 lil toundlng t b e ltil1. and would In turn give the \temll-provldlna they are of hlrlh ~11l'nllnned. in hI~, rl 0ho II~ 1IY­eharge In about a month and II I. have been addre!lsl!d as ~r'." membecs from S!. Jnseph II Hlszh and another UI:J Etig!e CrC(!k wherl! Duteh Retonn Church among them tolkll comtng Into this nrC!a II <IUIlUty HI.' has nlreadv booked ~r'1 dU,rlnIl3~ f ;r 1:'1' bO ay~balt. • • • * Tortlltli lllso wu, _teeled as- j\.1ij' 8<:hObl, EI Pasl), about 50 In nll,' a small tmd ot grou and brush and for many yean llcted as In- quicker. casler trip to Rulcloso 2,000 turkeYIi with a big whole- .j('re \1 f.'re ~~Inm;~1' IlfJ a1n 0* * !oremlin.· ,were here with their llponsors wall daMlIged in a Ilhlltt"lIved tor" terprcter for the preacher. from the north lind northwt!llt. sale jtl'OC'ery chnln lit a premIum I nme sponsors m T II b PIs

RJ~~~:~o1~~pa::e~~e:!~t,;';~ this wcl'k '1n 0 recreational ut lir@,. '.. """,'" tf..po::,s~:dlhr;;cr;~;l~?:k~~:~~ ~~~.u=~l:;~o~r3~f~g~~r~~J:; fl~~;V~~Vtnw.afr~:)~~~I~~rl~~h;' ~~ 5ioel'~~a~~le(fth~heu~S~~I'~Tree lire to meet.wlthdetltlen~0fl:- Ha.J~orriple'IH" '-F '-hE'it"im':s ' ..,. WAGON MOUND BAND ifigton. During the 1l:1fJt few monthJl coin on tt pretty grand circle tour poulia now. lind has nlrl'ndy pInl'- t~~~ll1 :~~(f .olden ornn \)fielol! to hear p.ans au. nM 01' '. '& ¥'li~ Au.· # SPENI)S NIGJIT !JERE. be bad been working on an outo- of the sfate If our link In the ed some of thcm on soma farms .• . • 'Jmaklrilt iht<rregio'!l t\f\ evacuation TWOYE~ .:tuneral ser1tIt:l:'s wel'<Y held yes- Some 10 mcinlUitil' nnd t1ponsora blogtaph)'••t«,salng aetivltlCll ot elrcte WIlS an oil-weather roule.) In tfle orcn. Jle hM 0 flWJ Ylit 10 I::::~!:!:~:2:! J ~L:::laren. for ~oUom,anb.~r.nMJn dthe . Wlthoui a: 'lntflc bedti terda)' 1~...AbmJgt'fi'do Ofblr .rohn C. of tbe Wagon Mound"N. M., "WOOl his C(llebrated uncle t\f\d fathel'. 4. IF we get It paved road Into ploce. Wllh the cnged layer plunW E AJJI E RRtiidosO llren:ten$ Ull on ay Now l.el's Make n Ptltket', "". rcsluent of Cl't) coun- band spent one nliht h(!f'e. kist Hts name meant: "One who Capltiltl-lt would not be foo lon« I\lrcndy workIn$!. thOllO r>l'oducJnlt -----------.---'-.-.-.-..:ntght•••• * ~ 1 0"O·'0" D' 1l"U'l'oty 5fn¢~.1880. who died earty thts weclt,.e.ndo hC?lldqtlnrvmngat Clit'- tM«i$ hla W:lY throuj:h tbe thICk befote wo'd get Ii pAved road via Ih('O(\ fIne qunlily eegs Ilro tlnd· . :Dnte IJi Lo PreeJp.

" . .... . . ...n.l.i:) week. ne was sutvJv<'d bY .Ave riw Ledge. L6dga Owner Herb 01 battle," Noltot Into ClltrltcltO-we nre thot fnll !bey Ilct More I)C!r dm.efl. tlnd 7 II!! 33 .00Weather ¢®Utltllt. ~ot B:iker, It:.. Been It s:>M and sbi:dnuiIb~ers-, {ndudtnlt Gregget'l(on 1111{d tM blmd· pliIM it' lIo never toid how he co1me b)' selt.lllh thot wo believe Rtlldol:o thc,:\' tlre hnvjilg no troUble tnlIr- • fl 62 1'1 .00

ltdlph. Br()Wn, :It. H. Heugeeoke;, e~ 155 D'.A"y'S· Mrs, !'art Prorlon ill.Green TfC!e. l1lfutr1 trip to Rqldo~i the rrtem" thta tlile. It would how llOunded dnd. Llneoln c:oum.y would get kt'flnlt the t!t!RIJ. I II 39 10 .00at. wntbe .ftymg toqa.r1S,b:lClthls ". ". .n' ;, •• , .' •. b(its had .to much: 1UiJ, and hoPe Uke bOosting, ftc ~ld. ~VO t:!:lved rl'lltl~ hlilend of. 0110. lfIekG and hill {('NI l'om~nY 10 64 14 .00w«k.-end f() ~tJ,It! t!tlr.Ult2p~.. .E1tfliact/Jd h~ thnl· w(1ekW

lst'V#;ff. l;j stay ~W(l tit mtee -da-Y$rte1Ct. Two <hildtm tuh'l\'i! Dn'mlua!e.. We n<:tUil)1.Y 1:lelleve tliat 1l {hehnve given noway :.000 baby chicks 11 62 21 .00

tfou 01 a local wInlr(j~ we· C'~ $.fMe. ....to' tiwH Iiu DOt! and ~Sult Y\U'tY lift! .ber"s el'. tiitle.·. 'I'h~.1 nm Maude. Gilfbnimo lind tOtld bY ~ogallnto. Cort{t.1)%<). Iii thla MoliUI to enC'llUl'tlge More ~ 12 50 30 .~(Cit!l .Att:~.t~lr... • • ·emi1'ftt11n ,,11IdllW lofrs. JAlla Mlller.md het.son Au-. ". ~"' ". ".~" ".'0" un; LYdl1 Shant.. paved tif,it, we will NEVJ;IJ. gfj!t n chlekcfl (1Ild ~ga production {n thill' 13 65 15 .,10.

- .....". . OWtr,e satdt U.. b~S. Moo~,'Wbohas just 'been .Yru~rnen .o! :tturdOllQ High . ". "'0"'.' "-. paved fO:ld to Cllpltiln. We're lioa" tcglcm:, 1I1~ 'Work dtsCMtCj It {llb-! tAo; ~mpi1C!d by C. A. .CU!~•

...J!.. Y..... S·ta'...n;"S' 'i'... 1·5'5· diStbal'gCld trom Jbl!' servlc\1. He's Scltool WlUl5P9it$ota ba1ce stUtj . The :Joe Manti,: {~mlly atrived glllh efJoul.!h to Wat'lt lilt tM p:w~ tdo and w~r(J' hijP'P,t to recogn'toIC(/oP..<!flluv(I wellthCr Oblltl1Vt!t tor·'I. .. ... .~. -AU", J.D. '.. . . t~n OVcrSeWh tlb b~dtb!t·tlttlklS:'lttlrdnYt"'pill 131 'a' RUId~Let""J.romUtelt".....'" in Bali DJei'o ,ro:!"- 'Wet cart ...., ]W out'iCOuntt. t.lli'C!ttOrl$' Mth the "ubtlc:ltt we tM (1 S. De-par.ttrtllnt fit Com- . 2

,~~'W'~ oTimr6ffffilii4 ~.'- ~_.. -.. • .. ·-l'TOOd'Miln;nJiilHl~ttfafii1lfuw;Cld:; iilCt"~f'MI~les~W" week, .. II: t~:my reQSOflmit.lti {hliJ. I no 'BIVd .lllm ilpW and ~. . Mere-.)· . : o;:~-'-- ...I . . '"









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Page 2: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · WAHREN BARRETT. Raa1:tor·Insurel' TRADES IN THE MAKING What 'do YOU have to otter?





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• •.a, ; ....~. .. 'POSr"OFACE13LO(:K'RUIDOSO, NEwMEXIC~

"One ~ockWest of the PoaoffJceand Just as BeUab1e"

. , " '1"- < •

Eat Out More Often ..•For food ihat is pleasing-for food that

all the family wUl enJoy, we Inviteyou to try our specialties

Serving those FavorUe, FamousAmerican and Spanish Foods


* i\ llruc store In which yuu tee'l at home thelIlnit ~eYIl1l fO in.


* A place where yOU instinctlvel, know that yOU willr;et\vbat YOU want without ldvinc to retulC a sub.atitute.

• •* A ltore wbere you ien.se an alll1011phere of true ~.• •

dl&lUy and know wIth.... be~ told that the wbole,store' appreciate, 1~lJr·p~ttciilaie.

* A place wbJeb IIIIPifts yoUr eimlla~e, .... w:1'iuii.. "' .. -" ,"YOU know tbat what YOU 1Da1 bar will be ., potquauty iutil ~,rleecf comeUr.,

* A store U1at "wea:r. well" where 10U &'et the IIablt .,colDc f~ yoar dnI&' ne-


,. .Your Prescription Headqua#en in RUidoso

" .',;;.. , ",' . ,

.l p • ".................................................- -_.. . .-Mrs. R. B. Rylander of ~Ultln. Mrs. Katherino HoweUand two

Tex., nnd son, Pon, and Mrs. R. W. boya, Rusty and Marty, were hereVowell of Austin visited Mrs. Hy- from Texas during the Easter hol­lander's sister, Mrs. Eva Pertect, idllYs, visiting her parenti,' thehere during the holldays. . Cecil Jones. .


Downtown &11I4010Foo4 to TaIte 0.&

Amerfean A Bpulsb .....Phono taU........,. ~ -'

. -- -...••..,.•••...•.......•.•........•....••..••••••We Finance - 90 Days Free Service

" ,." . '

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"~ .... ",,, "",.'. ":

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'.'. '



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B kWlle.Propan'·····,'e'Distributol', . 'u~ ...'.. S," " ;' " . . ' " . , , . .' ," . ." . " . -' '

a1tJDQSo, , " "~ '" CAPrtAR' ",'" , '. o.~·, . , .,', ,':, '

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" .....

W1,0 cares? She has '-





Phone 3765"You. too, can ha\'C the smut, radr- . Installation -- Antennss - Acceuorias

ant,tiaturallylovt:11~~e.r1cNonDaD 'f.! , .

:~r;t~eo~~~ ~~;o='M~ IIS0 UPSET BY ICRANGE OF LIFE·

~~=:::nS:;:i::~ I SCREAMED AT MY HUSBAND!"Col Home Treatment, at our ex-pense. and take hom. with you .......... A. W., HewYodc, H. Y.)'OI.Ir~at tilaIe-up analysis. ...... ,... .....eu~,!Otl.trKnrthatL~Ptntham'a~ Is DO obligallon. Catltoday "-'!............... TOIl-~"~"l "~crOl'=:Cor an: appobitment. .. _.................. But do 70U knmnrhaHh11l dolor

mtRlE nORmRn SIUDI·O .. ~i-. t"~~hoJl~ rg:~:loYtW~~~t. .. o·f· ute" • , .• -~~~ th....'h.... tabUttJUIOOf.tel1b!Ulcl1.• atmch."_I~~~l:"';t.lS=': 1laahea:' nerV:;;;'Ia~DsIon: lrrl"= r.n~o~Mll=v~~ ~u:Willa Ad·A..N..... AlOlll WlUl tabllltr, wealtneu and other or new, tmJl'O~ Tilbleta 'trtUi ll4dedYtl1U' OUler aea_&7 8enlclea bue' -oftunctlonaU1-caulied ='''Cb::'~:t=-~'f'1Mdt1"

'b' . . dlitrelia of this dUJ]cUlt· ume? .rollilief' II>Omm .n4 ,.".", hfre&cGENA nOSE Wht D~ctltn" T~ Slla...1 '~~~~~l~~:J2

B£Aurt SALON . 'l'bf!I1, • , here'aliOJle'tOr 7OU1 Xli P!DJ:b_ID"Wondertbl1OO~a~orU~' 3M'5' f ~~'''OOWt'''Iti.m.''lllUliWI·aCllu1- t» ....,::;\·C;,;:c::I::gt:r1lj;.,AI_ pound and T.bls~ .....enUel tram . . . " .'. . . .

I c.me JI&bl.... -'leb dlltreaa • u tn 13.". &lid IG~ fhot. U:rioIdI.,=..11 ide

;==~~~r~~~~~==d~(=~pec~~tl~"~eeIYt:r~'I.,-ot~tb~e~.Cf~I..;~*Ud.~~O~-;~~~~~~.~.~n~..~.,~oI~_~.~...~r~L.~...AlIt II~ Drift • or Itl'tkt"" te1laf' . • &1 IS"''''''' •••101'1t' , rt; , 'I , _''-' ) , , • c.....


OUT OF. GAS?' .Need,' 'Hffle? Then blal,'.. our ... c ' ....' '........•.. THESE NfJMBmm.:-

ANYOF.. ." . ,

'3942-3205--·4190--2768- 3772~d."..'n blthel'e1D a huttyli

· .·PIOPDE.-BUT1NEGuAppBanc,es ,,'·fn$lalla6OU$.

'·'5····"1"1······"··1"········.···'·0········5··>1'40.,.,." "".. ..... ........:". I"

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~ "

" .,'"

. ',!i :, ;,.

Nnv STAINUSS In OO~ at ClIBelI'aRM .,_ ALSO of IIlmplo pllro-

AVA/LAIlLEI testtd by doctol'll~;;';':'==::':"..J- Bmllzll1lf PazoOlntment Iltopped bleeding, re­duero lIWel11JUi. 'he:llcd CJ'l1ck1llg...wrnfOOT SURaERYI PaIn Wl1lI.topped or materially reduced.PlU:O lifts to IJOOtho, reUove Itchlngtmtantlll. In tubeS. also modemSuppoaltorlca. Get~~ at drUg­i1atli lor wonderful teat rclIet.

, ", .'-'., '


" " .


We~ve a pneeonr.

no· , .....hiog... . ." .. Ck Butt S 'Ies. , .



ALAMOLBR: &:SUPPLY: 'CO. ,.. . "".'. . .


'. 0-

n am &Jl,"~ nAi18, '. . .' - . .' "', .

.lfll·HilifiFIIC CHur' iTj"IJWrjIii iIi'WIVU" i llfliWl'r 'fn-:"] .... .... : '. . .,., ih•.. , ,.... .. til:: ... Pi!. ' ".,' , .",.' , ".', >- ".;'" " , "r

, , :""" .~ .'. . --"" ,,>

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FOil BALE­3-~droofl'l home. meclern wl&btub an. ahower, IS mlltll ll.rUt011 Alto ro". on IlKA .... Ids...bUll routt!. 11&1 ••rl... Wlter, Ia,1"t'1l ., land.

Chas. R. MartinCa1l27~

••••••••••••••••••-~~"'--""",""'. = -" ...,.",..c:._...._.""""__"ot-~.

••••••••••••••••••••••••Llfenm. Safety





,-' , ,I, ,

SALE ON TIRESUp to 33 1/3 DI.couni on


'Jub."rlplio.. '2.&0 p.r , ••r I••d ...

M••b.r. N.w M••leo Pr... A.I I.II••


llrmrmbrr lhow IlIo,ou.h.•omplrl4o wuh and lubr1caUI1IJ..b. rou 101 fo, ,our r.r durtn. the rotd "'I'aUler-_U. &be.. r.. lhrr tlAA ".nnrd up now. bu. ,0u'U nn' we aUII aredol"l Ihr umr rood Job IIrtn. that bu." bark tor Ita



4 ; ',~ I ,

Mr. and Mn. Vic lamb EcfitQl" & Publi.br.rlJim Lamb Anociate.r "'H.,.!..d MIiY 16. 1946 by L1o)'d and Ida Bloodworth)

~·nf .. r .." .... ~....ond ('lua llattur at the POlt Of"ee. RuldolO NewM""ICO, under Act pf March 30. IR79

_ r_ .. ..;.... _

We'll buy all the top-quality eggs you produce 00'

the Purina caged-hen plan. With aU PURINA'S

know.how and help h'. easy to raise eggs this mod.

ern, scientific way, You'll enjoy running a PURINA

"egg factory" a' a good Income,

Shovin ' .. " ,B/ado Ch "


LINCOLN COUNTY FEEDHlwa, 70 - HoUrwood - Dial 2asS...... II·...MIll Qt01In....1I1'.....

_ .... w -

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.. IVI e .n .. wo . . sea ..'... ' .. 'eartngblighl Ffe.sfa '8.' "'.'". . ,,·"-cf'b"",. yES..·... .: ., \':;: ·······.··;1.:lr~~r:~~~;.:01:1::=n 'A"·'~_~'Ji'·" "b(l~~, ~tc~8~~in~dY~w~~i~~~:~ .ogeYQlOQu:, U .... c .tjCommittee, N. M. Wool·groweR ,PP .... .. ,'. naYpersQMUtles. rodeo b(l<luty queens, fr.ilnd;t4tll• .J~r7J,t.. ,GrQver, I ,. . .. J

Y TIle ltnWlrh ~nn~~l ':~a~~ :It Se.t April 1$ . ':lfr::~~pJl~~:ta~ttlf:ibi; ~:~e ~3h 7B~>,Jqr,·d~Xt'i112flJ~bQ~lt, .. ,1'.h,ere's' O'.·..U·.e I,.n··... ~ IIoune . (rQ. ·!:cm""'t ()p. 'r'ior Ho d"'" h y. FI.esta· t" "''''Ith "r Cons:' w d·Q Wer\!Wellr. nC/lr s. i • tl.en tor all glrla and young wom!!n c' n 0 ...eac ers .,... A..... >' .- ba ,boneymoonedlll Ruidoso ~p_ i I'

14 tbrous,:h 22 yeata ot age. This Monday. April JlI, has been, set quencet; April 15-:17. ril3 and 'lat Alpine Courts. The I., . i ,IC(l~te8t In liponsored by thl! Wom", IIsldll at llondo as a dlly tllhonor llalpp :Edwards henc!s .th,econ.. bride 1$ ilie former Ch.arlotte Mirj., , . ~len II Au"lUary of the National tbe teachers of the Hondo SchoQl tlngent tram Hollywood btlnglng i dletqn, CarJsblid. They said they E T" '4'Wool Growers Association and the system. A very Inspiring program with hl.m the prelientmaster ot hoped to return to Buirjoso soon. . ~'ery own'"' /..; "Wool Durcau., New MeXico .Wooll bas been planned. bcginnw/J at ceremoni~s On "Truth or Conse- Mr, and Mrs. JIlTIles Norwood, .. I\' ,. ,Growers, Inc. and the State Fall' 8:00 p. m. at tlw Hondo Gymnas" qqU\lnces radio and TV, Jaclt recent newlyweds.honeymoQned 4

Board. ium, Mrs. Georgia Lusk, State Su- Bailey. Guest stars coming with herl! April 7, staying at AlpineL=====:::::::~~~==::::~====::::=====-:::='::'~ Girls 14 through 17 wUl com" pcrlntendent of PUblic Jnatructlon, lkwards are J.ack Smith. the, man Courts. Their !lddress Is 205 'E•.. - - .- ", _.- - - pete In tbe Junior eli,ltlD, those 18 wlll be the guest speaker tor the who sings with a ~lle 'In his voice, 21st St., Big Spring, Tex. They re-~--_.- their bomo at MellCalero, through 22 In the lenlor class. evening. The llublle Is cordially In- and welt·known motion picture porteq fuey enjo)"e,d sk~tlng, tour-

MESCAlERO Employee, 01 tbe Agency atoft Equal awards are altered tor both vited. actor. Milburn Stone. Ing the scenic drives here. includ..bonored MillS Katbryn DJ1I at a age groups. In the past this can. ' . . The hltch-tllJdng horlle started lng, to the Monjea\J LOQkout, andtan'well oUlce party on April 1 at tost has attracted more entdell In PVT. OREQaEKSON tram HollYwood on April II with other POlnt!! of.Wterest.the agency oWec, Miss Dill was the 'unlor c:lasa. but It Is hoped l8 IN flAWAJI Truth or Consequ~cescontestant' '. ,

8, M...., F.. ~', ~rt;UDln~!r _ _ "lven II genuine buckskin beaded tho senior clan wlll have eqllatIWlTII MARINE COKPS George A!!hworth tri/4rlg to thumb ~S., PAV,f; PARJI;S I- ~:'~n(!;i:l-;:r~~;;;;;' wero h~id' ~t handbag III a remembrance at her representation this year. Pvt. lf~rbert E. Gr~ggerson, son enough rides tor the horse and 'tO~Y IN BMI/l) I'1 ... ""fnrmed Church ot MelColero I~r;::d:"o~~ ~~e~hll~~te.:~: The entry may bea drelll, eOllt, ot Mr. and Mra. R, F. Greggerson Ihlmaelt to reach Truth ot' Conse- ON T. V. PROORAM Itnr A... Dokillugle who died on the Rl:d Elk for the' very dellelo~ suit, or en"mble ot lOj)o/p vlr.l1fl at Ruldll,O, N. Mex.t... is .ervlng qstuencThos, N. M

t·• Intaume Itor the-FI- SUver Clty.l"Jol. M. lSpl.>-Mrs./,

r<!l>f'IVallOn on April 7.11155. Burial cllke, IwQQ1. It mUit be a garment made Wllh the 4th Mllrlne «eglment at e a. e con ea. nt w ns an ex· LlUah Jane .t"arb of .Rul!lQ3o. N.w:". 01 thl" WhltelaJl Cemetor)' on by the e;tlnte.tant. Garment. wlll the ~rlne Co!p, "Ir Station In tra five-hundred d\lllars It he can :M.,wij! ~ among players in .the ,.fhll ,e.rIVallon SurvlvOf. tnclude UlI1 Breunln,er and )'oura t,,"ly ,1xt judged onattrac:tlv;ne.. worle;- Kaneore Bp)" HAwaII find lind Ideotlty the stranR'e lady 23-l'1ece Itudlo band atN~ M~. ,Iwu rJaullhtllr,!lL Mrs Maude Oer- attended a luncheon of tho Fed- mwhlp,'JlJd /.nflet)llItwn. The Theredll'lenf"Jl'4Und etement ot in town who ...appeared heavily ico W~tem college to appear over .,,,In,,. and Mrs, l.ydlJa Shanll: enl Bu.lnes. A,.oclatlon held at , ..rment elJterI:, may be tile ~me the 1It "!»rOV1.ionJl Marjne Alr- velled lln the April II .show with an .hour,.long televisIon pro&rall1,

••..(ht /(rondchildrcn. and eighteen La Tuno. Tex., on April 12. A toUl'pnnent u~d tor a ••R prbJI!cl or GroUnd TIIIJc: Force .trlved there him. She wlll be In Tr.uth or Con. in El PasQ, .,(' ..... 1 g,oodchlldren The Utsco- walt ItIIO mode of the Correctional "O\')le «onomlc. I¢llqol project, 01' In FebJ'\l'ry from Japan. . lequenClll lor the entire rlelta. The program ,polUloted I?y t(te"'r,, Am"rlcon (.e,loo Post 48 took Center, • garment )'ou ehOOfe to make. For the apt .Ix montha, tho The beauty contelt features en.. SUver City.GfIlIlt County Cham.1"" t In to.,th the tunerol and burla! Manhall Woodward returnecl Cuee.t COYetI U S~ 4tb Marines will partIcipate with trants trorn 'allover the .tate, with ~ of CoTl!tnerce, \\I'lIl include ali"d"rVIC'" tor th" decelUed who w-. Friday. April 8. after II week'••tay Contelts will bel held in ArIzona, Marine AIr Group 13 In coonlin- the winner'. Prlu: a trip to 1101- cUtlonal novelty acts fromeamp~I' vill ...ran ot the 8panllh-AQ'\I!rlcan In California where he .ttended Calitornla, Colorado Idaho. Mil. ated al....lttound maheuven on the lywood tor hllrselfand ~lleort, as ~d 'C:0InWUPity in a specla1 aalu~, :,Wor The decellltd wa. ODe of the his older brother'•. Lelllnd. t~- IOtIrl, 'Montana Nebraska, Nevada, b~ndl ot HawaII, Maui and well". a screen t~~t or II part 19 ~ the~Qu.t1\west. Later In tho day'fon Bill (C'hirlchU8) ApachGJ who er.1 In Rodlandll. Woodward. New Mexico North Dakoll Ore.. Kaua!. a motion picture. MI., Ruidoso .the,JrQppvJslt.s Fort BUss, Texu, 'w"r" 1'lInlltcrred to Mete.tero In brother died .uddenly following an ,on Sollfu Dikot. Utah WashIn,. ." In ~,__contelt Is Betty Jones, tor an llV~, perfonnance. .,I 913 uru1e.r the Wllr Departmenl operation. Woodwaro olio ,visited ton'and Wyomw'i' Chane,."., Na''-l:..J·OI dau....= at Mr. and Mrs. Ceelt l4rs. ,farlCll, wite of Dave Parks,

!i,"" ..nd OUlds MlIler made s other relative. In Oakland. Ten elimination Ityle revue. will -...., ya Jones., " ~ II sophomore at New Meldco .rUAI, 'liP 10 Santa Fe laal w~k on Arthur Luoher WIl. on buslnoss be hel! In New Mexlco-beforo the TIed For Sec:oIlCl Three dayes o! rodeo, a radio . _stern. , .

~~~I~r~, ~~~~~IC~~ t~ ~~~I~~ In:;:III~~I~~~~7.::adar~0 on bUI. :a~lli~a:~I~Ce~~rorru~C~t~~~ In Bowlhtg League ~~~ri~;.~t o:r*a~ru~dor t!~&n:e~ ··~KiiI;ic'.:':~·di'~';:"·K·'-·-tral·':'·_·_·&·h".,1 411<1 brnUllhl him home tor InellS In Santll Fe and Gallup on You t h Butldw" Stato F a I r BIU Chancey'. Bowlenr. and tho contest. a parade, barbeclle and '····e " O· .1':".11'1 v..rotlall Th.·y olllO "hopped April" throulh the 6. Ground., Albuquerque, September Navajo L4d,e Keltletl are tJed tor denelng aU contribute to makingIn All'WIUl"nIUe Many pI the uehool ehUdren 21, III:!:!. Winner. In eaeh dl.trlct, second placo in the klcalMlxed thi~ht~r~;j1ay Fiesta jam-paclted Ph .' ""4'1

Th,· Arv"vl WaliA, Paul lIIozor. trom the Santa Fe and Albwluer- together with the two next hllh Bowlin, League. wIlh BruneU'. wUotl~Y".a~n ticket books are, one ..~Jr r.,ully, ..n" Art l1ln~ tamll)' que Indian Schoolll returned home .corlnn garment., whether junior .UJI ensconced on top. Standinr. available at Elb lodge" all over Of ,Ope» AU Yllqter .fWII'~,""r"U:;', lA, .."I' .Mrl rE, .o.ntedr dlrnon'oPrauolt t"rl,~he E4Dte~. vtaeaU°lnn. K'" n. °srtallteen oor't!!tI1lMbeanell~albrmleetnol.r ~hroe :~~~~ gamel on April 7 ;"r:nIII~'ith .. 11a*e wlth_protitt going to th~ «IIO~"'!""~"" ..~,_ ! !. I! " ....

• .. ~ - _u .., Dure anu une on n.LAIT c n ". • y .. .,. New Mexico Elks' Cerebral PalsY II; '~i "', •• ,•... f i ' r.r ~ ~t,.,;01 930 • m Saturday. April UI. entered or prizes won, In the db· DruneU', 411 28 Pro&ram .wh"n you will beal' a very Inter- trlcl contestl. each wInner can Co'- Chllncey ••: ••••••.•• _._ .41 31 ' ~N ,. ~ . _l'llllnlC ,"oafam on relocation. tor only one lIorment In tho lItate NavaJQlI •••••••.•••.•.•• 41 31 ,~umoso SENJORS SPONSOK DeUvertkl FtiMih. '. I (Jld you khuw Ihat Mra Gupplo ahClW, Girls living In Lincoln. Alamo ----_......._.••- 30 42 BENf:FIT SHOW AT PVEBLO . '

• '. .... hod leXlupletu lome time lalt Otero, and Eddy countlCJ ore In Bucknor'••••_•.•• , ••.• 30 42 Th t f th S I CI D A I L Y• •• I ".. I Iw...·k· Mra OUIJPjll III about S/8 Olotrlct O. PIiUt DougJau 21 44' R 0 reasury 0 0 en llrbe lUl!! . .'

IIIf'h In '1'1" "od live- In a tloh Tho national contest. tor .com- Brunell'. and"PaUi'DougllUlS had.ot uldo80 High School wUl ne- B0LSUMGell ~ U .. tl . tit from tho movie "PrInce atI.1'" lett'e I' ho....1 III III\' I.UJlhcr rt'lIldonrc The potltlon among D.tote champions. ono 0 whl!!h wllJ be played otf Players," showing Thursday night ' .

Ill-' 11111.. OUPPIl'1 art· ohuul 1/0 Inrh will btl hold tn conjunction wltb next '1hurada)' evenIng, only next week nt thc Pueblo '

U I • LA D • 111 alit' the Dial annual convention ot tho High lady. one game. Elslo Ev- Theatre. Edwin Dooth. the mostII L I . '. .. National Wool Growora A.socla- Jen, 201. Three gnmc.. Elale Ev- eceentric ot tho tamed theatrical Bread Be PastriesIN HANDY DIS",NSfI I 'fIll' Hili 1>1,'.11", f,"',lly 0' Ta- lion In Ft. Worth. Texas, the third Jen.602. tllmily ot the 19th century. ia par· BAR'OLD BEARD.11. I"", wh" .H" lI,h'r"ll..d with J. O. week In January. 10:!0, HIgh man. oner game, Jack 01- trayed by R1chnrd Burton In

• I.~"'d. '0 •• , III " r"l\ch n"nll of lIulllooo. National lIwardll Include a two- PllOlo, 181. Three games. Gerald Twentieth Century.Fox·s Clnema- Ruidoso Salesman.",,'ff..., "",INt h.,,,· I..al w.·..k·cnd Ar:- wllt'k trip to tho taohlon copllnls Tully, 407. Scope production. Charles Blck-• ""'loaliyI/lR illl'm Ill'r.. fIJr 1I vlIllI 0' thl' world nomei Parts. and ford Is co-otarred as nre Maggie I)1a1 Ruidoso 2561""'II r",·/I·t. wr.. "aul MatlhrwD. Nl'w York. A apocla ceholarahlp IIONDO COUNCIL MEMDERS McNamara, John Derek. Raymond I.J<.. "r Tulu",. "UI1 "' Ih.. f.,nnor will bel IllVen by Cotorodo Wom· ATTEND CONVENTION Mno.h Ell b th S II d E ~ I> ~" ..1'", I""" 1111'1110'1101 ""l1lal«'l, Uev nn's Cotlcl!e tn tho particIpant In Five mcmberq ot the Hondo Lo-G~YII'I za e h Co arLs an Iva " ,_~ , "'k M"lIhowI th.. Nallonal Fallhlon Show whoDe High School Student Council at· tIIm. a enne In toe uxo co or. for QUICK RELIEF of

.. - hnmo aowln" Dkm and Ilendemlc lendcd tho Student Council Con-a --------------.---__• otllndlnlI oro oUllllllndl"" Olher ventlon In Hobbs the lottcr pnrt ot SORORITY PLANS HEADACHE

IJrtwa In Iho $36,000 prllc conlcst March, Tho!le nltendlnll wero: DI· INSTALLATION .I "Iv"n I y "orporllliono Inler nnll Montes. Student Council prcs-l

I~~rcd" I,;' th~ w~ol Indugtry. • Ident; Della Joiner. llcnlto Mon· Plano tor InstnUntion ot new ot· NEURALGIANl'W Mexleo rrfua Listed tOYll, Ucbccco Rlchardl:on anti flrel'll lind the Ritual of Jewels to

Some or tho NClW Moxlt'o State LauralclI Petei'll. Each Iltudent re- be hr:ld IIdt Nob IIIIl Restaurant Ease PaIns f Heaclach.

,rllt'O arc: Tho F, W. Woolwortb portod to thc atudent body on dlt.1 wero tnlko when Phi ehapter ot 0

f·II,. trllnDportation tor ench Junior ferent phallea ot the trip, It Willi ~in~·~~11 ~~\cml~ ~h:d¥lul~~~~ ::rC:~~tb;/~e;t~~and lenlor otote champion 10 tho Clvldent that tho atudentn had nIWoman's Club building be eNlIlJonal FlIDhlon Show jn Ft. llood tlmo ond had como bock with Plans alJ:o were talked tor the o~~ Test STANBACK apbtWorth. Toxno: Tho Binger Sewln" many wondertul IdeM. nual Senior dinner to be beld tbls any preparation you'..Mac'hlflO Co.. two tenthctwrlllht - --- ye t Co rJ LOd h cd See howorwlna marhlnl'll; Botany MUllI A dlllCulIDlon of the OOr.'. PllrltyIdu~~e~ ot riUI~oo!lQ Ift:hwSce~ r~~ ever us " •Inl', oot' Anolttny" hrand tnbrlc oupporlll. tilllui on wool marketing, this )'onr'lI clau will be bono~ed quick reUd comes.Irnuth S Slroock nnd ('0. one I nomlnlltlons for new otlleera nnd F th E I Es' ~Stroot'k labrlc' lenllth, I A Wyner! dlllCuaslon of ruloll tor picking an, rovl':wede f~gg~ ~~~r tesllfld ('II. (llle Wyner "Soll·nn-mor" 'entry In the NClW Mexleo Dalr;' Btrnnger" • 81 a Wwllr~ted wool Jen"" nklrl lenltth; QuC'Cn contelltln May were ronon« UOgtwc Wer Jo Leland d ..ItIIan.j·wrlJ\'N lind ('rntlllman Mog- lople. on the ollenda tor lho Hondo LlUlnn Ba:OcU ~e d a~Ul!lnr $'1000 l' S Ravlol!ll 1I0nda I()('nl at Iho Llnroln County Farm f...... d I' h Y Isertve bCO-t

. II LlvClltoc:k Durc u ....tln.. held ..~. ,ea an (OUll nu s a a ouIn II JunIor lIlId Q tcnlor. lin n m~".. 30 members and one Ul!S1 MrsOn Hlway 70 ·-Phono 4035 In 1'0nJunC/lon with r:ompcUllon In Hondo Wct!.nellday night thlJl Suddeth. g • 'In ct'wlng. cnnll.'lltanla may cnter wC'Ck. , I_.::::=:::. ~~=__

GATES TIRES Be TUBES .It.. ::'Vhv I 1.lko to ,Sew with leooo ~';nt.;tMrs, J, R. Skeen. BEAD TUO~ WANT·ADS! I...----------------------__ ~:~;o'prl~;:Ll~ncl~d~('Di,o~~JJ:Io.f::d r.lellrbo. Clrl, In Eddy llnd Lin- CJJEVROLETS _ tiLDsMonn."Es HOW OLD IS SHE 7

$25 U 9 Sovlnr,D Hond. rain countlro. plellJ:c ronlDet your New and Vaed Cal'll & 'trucksA" drlollo or the I.'onl~l. In. county chllirmlln or Mrll. Skf!eo. Trade wllb a flome Town

,hllllml ortl('lol rflntt'lll brochure. Extclllllon DcpatlmcntJI ond 'tOmo SaJetllnan Who Standi Behindt d • tAhric alOrt'll oro aillo cal1')'lng th

malNlll 9 dl'lllrtnl'd 10 Q!Illllll c II· AMake It Voutlelt With Wool" en- e ~al'rolOIl In mdudlng Ihe rontl.'llt In try blanks.. CLAYTON DENNEn The TraderIhC'lr murr:t>o and pontei'll llnd .". _ IIIKhwa, '70 Dial 3391malllOg pll'f''-' fnr lII:r by retaIl ••CORI 25 erET - - _.•t"r.-a III hUlhhnr, Inll'rl'9t In tho F5 I. uriu .fDOCTORS' TESTS,""11:'11. /1ft' o\'(IUnhlc from the ° . T.tllic .lIr«,("I",o or from tbe Wool FSTOMACH ISES '90%Jfu OF PILES'IlUl"t'lIU. Inc. 10 W 40th St., Now I h·" _ '--~··b I: ~~N REU"0'" 30 N-.. York H" _ !'. --.... '1,1I:en tlomaeb EYED!• ... . 'w • 10'''01 '7 flOo.llp_lIon, nl~Ck-Untoln ('oant, l.eadp" Naml'd r1l1:'b" 'rlilll WOtltSOrtul n:ltf .1Im

Nl'W M"lliCtl wool I,remotlon I '011 rHI torr• ."If."!",, dlpoU", llll"• H\ tt= (uD.tllpal",n. UG'r ....Ift),h:lInnuII Iq M... I.owry IInger-, 'Our atcmaeb &\ __ lillie

Itl,Jn, Salll . F(' 0191rll't lJ rMlrman laattt·SI.la 1wrtt• .,W"U II't!IIIkl(I~ Mn J ~ S~n. rlra..c]t0' :::c:::..an..r~~~~! r;t'.:~~~~

hnlnn(ln of ('41'h' 'Oll~)' III •••ra. OlJIIlfonlqnrt,Urolll CCllMUPltlocllhll.('l't'11 1I01t'mno. r.fnIJamar; Llncotn r: alffl\..KIlPl ....mt ~ur .lO:nadl(' I I I .- "" Ch rt.... o.t "':au.Dra..bt *",.oun y ~ 13 rm:lO... .n. a.", .,. roW#r or o",..um 1t1MA ......Jtln('l1. l opttan A l'halnnl1n tor _ f. """ ."tr-tH... rllb:lll. laolOlnlJ ('ounlv hilA (~ot bC'Cn l'hh~Ct'I, :=~~~~~~,,, Ih'UC' 'n (llero ount,. w a ore. . ~.r' bol>q_Inll'r~tl'd tn C'ntC'rlng the "Make ....... a,r., eI mu.II VounelJ With Wool" contest,

-- -... ~ -.0......, I~, ,~~"'::!.~. =.~ ...~,","". _,_""~._ ._- -~.__. _

f•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••, IS I : i

: ·If You're Hungry • • • :: For 10m. mighty fine home-cooking :• Com. on Down r.5 Wl'RE BACK ON THE JOB !E,ECKERT'S PIT BAB-B·O !: roaDWAY 'It " HOLLYWOOD :

• •; •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1) . .•• • 4 • t _ ' $ '.. $ __*_



,'., ",, , '


Page 3: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · WAHREN BARRETT. Raa1:tor·Insurel' TRADES IN THE MAKING What 'do YOU have to otter?

, :" - '

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... ". "

-'I''Ii" , '.. .'

I, ., •

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. ,







is insurance lold in yourcommunity by a local agentwho is quallfled bytraining and experience.He Is advisor withoutprejudice in B field requiringspecialized knowledge. -

" Ii :iJ c.• ".n ,n



Your best buy in


• 4



Milk, Cream, Cheese, Buuermilk,IEggs, Green Spot Orange Drinkand Out Chocolate Drink.

. . Frozen Foods

•to hear )'our ear'a eqtne JlUl'I' -.Iter eIIe 01 .... 8teo1a1 -8-11»Jobl, 1&'. mule lor )'011, teo, l!eqaUle Ir. a~ -'P Uaa.....are .1Ie.1 ~, .mJee, III tate. eare-tree 41rlvlq aII~"

. l1'Cl,a 1!Ilt', WC'I'D no~ ~tWlet1 wln..M k~""" _'"'f ear ..,.pll~ with I'UOline aDd oU. We oller )'ft reM .........1rJn4 CIl aenolee &ha& aetwb a.da Ulowaada ef au. til~e&r'8 Itte.

TIIJe II how we oompe~ lor )'............ 19., ........fillet JOQ the ttnN& motor faeJa anUa~we ....,...... 7Wthe beet aervlClell pOIIIllIle .. well. So pa& )'01l!' oar la ..........-br'f,q It.. .. Waxl ,


Home of Gulf Motor Fuels -- Dial 3535' ~

_ _ _~ =-0.... ... I


We would be very happy togive you a demonstration on the new


Won't you come in and let us show you its.. many advantages and new features?

Sold AU OYet lJnc:olD CoWdr 1D Yo_,

F....ortieFGOa Storti



, .

' .••••••.•.••..•..••...•.•.•.••.•.•.••....••••••.

Frigidaire - Maytag AppliancesPOltofflce Block Ruidolo

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••?" =-_~"_ ..... _,_'" '.,.._ --=-' natl._' _"••••••••••••••••..•...••••••...••.•

., "(" .,." •. • •. , . t - ~'"\, ,,' 'i -~. ·t,l.-""r ,>.,*;'" \\ ."""". , 'f!_'~ ~' t~

•. ~!:;thtl'W;:'~/;~\fs PfSam:'.M.elc:l '. Rr~'(;~~N.~,.;oot --, ~tr.!vftn.-sJ.~eeK,-~n4 tc:l~d the Uldc .; ~~iri~h~~er ir} tMir $~- 'hJ«lllY,~ i5, '1955

.Horace and ~arl C~t~r'were _' .. expected in this week'trom Ph<>e- - The Bbb,-ao$llllitij' 'family has. niX'. . .... ' , made a c;c:ltJJll~ ot .u-1Jill tc:l Cali-

Nlss Jill. BonneU~.1edIt is vls- tornla a!1d back n:eenU,y. ' ..iUng her ~andparents, Mr. and Or. and !drs: D. E.' Snyder andMl"li, KeU BOMeD. She is. the 1c:lJlS, Dc:ll1nie and DaVId, touredda.li~h(er,· ofMr; atld Mrs. Ted Carlsbad Caverns during the Eas-ac:lilnelJ, AlaJ:tlc:lgordp. ' ter holidays.

EZELL ItAY 1m"!.

PM•• uu ......•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~:==;==.::::.==.::.::==:=..:::=..:::.=.:::=.::.::;:.:;:::.::.:~~~~, -

····································1BE.ST FOB YOUR




New Line Of

Baby GoodsJUltRlght

For Gifts


You won't need a•serger counter


Com.'n'andwe wllt glv. youfull Inlormatlon.

A New StockOf






.C;GIUa". e...

• •


'" •.... j~ •.,' ,,-' ,,7""~"" ... ,

'~a<l.\lQl:J qim."t.jt.-r.4i",,«..;~;\ " . .....

I as..="" = -='" ",,-




Garden SeedJOnIon Setl

And Grul SeedsHardware NMdI

for Home or ShopSporting Goods1955HunHng

& FlIh1ng IJceD181


"Yo.r Wa, II OW' w.)'"We build tho way YOU wuntIt built-

Uome.BDIlIn_ BalldlnpCabtMIlflrlodellllCAd4lUoIIJI

Otnee AI

Be H. AnderaonLumber Co.

Dial 3875






. ~- ....~)r, . \,r,;'~'"

., l(f...,-., "'j ".;>

GALLERY SCENE-Loula Jc:lar_/ Colna IJl the Fountain," ClJlema.dan la the onlooker. &I MqrJe Seope hU IJl eolor by DeLuxoa.McNamara aWPli ClUton Webb the Pueblo Theatre Sunday andin mld·an pUel')' In ''T1Uoo Monda)'.

-...----..,;;;......-;.,.---..;..-..;..---..,;:..-_------tlons, which were easy tc:l fill out CREATURE OF LAGOONbut lifter viewing the last c:lne It RETURNS TO PUEBLO:~~~~ best not to cc:lnslder the Remember tho savage monster

38. Ple~ forward $100 all first which made Ita screen debut Ini t U I "Creature From the Blaclc 14-111 A me.nt on t\1 Uc:ln. lC)C)n7" It'll c:ln tl)e loose again, thisMr Iltld Mrs Terry ~termade time wreaklnB havoo and panic tn

a hum..up vtiu to Lublx>ck lut a bl" city. in UJ11versal.Int~?JI1­week-end when thev were Infc:lnn- tiona. s new shock thriller Re-ed th •• " 1 t .. ill ven,e c:ll tile Creature." cominS

e...· grlltl c:ln wal ,sor c:lua... • Tuesday and Wednesday tc:l theOi<len C.tlTOU's Ruldc:lSO J\1nc~ Pueblo theater. Slarrlna John

non "'rvlcc !ItaUon and bUll I'top ~ar. Lori NtlSc:ln !lnd J~hn Brc:lm­were ,ettln.c a 1'P1'IDJ paint-up and lleld. and tc:l ~ Iiure, the crcn­clean-up this week, with IIllme lUre," the picture show.. the truemlnor chanael belna made. chaO$. thnt Ill' posalble when wild

" ., , ..' , fc:ll'\:« nnll uncc:lnlrollable brutel at~h Cc:lme intc:l play In aACHINO MaSCLES crow,Cled m~tJoffl~" 0


s MUea~ 01 Grees Tree, N. M.U. S. RtrbWl)" 71

Pre,_NfI. A. 'W, A.WonolIOpen5 .. m.&oUp.1L

Stealta. Chops, Shen Orlen,DlAnen....,....,...--,........,..,.------...................

, .


Yeur 8t.elebAker ~'rIHat InZ IttJm08() 01-23 N.i1b JIaba

..........•••• Pheae "' - __"e.*-),. -£- .. I . (-II ,,, '\" , , •• •







. I

: •. =.

j _ ,

! , ,,,


Cleonest cboking method known'_. That's electric cooking with a mod·

lett' electric range. Electric heat isas clean as electric light, Utensilsstay bright as new without scouring.Kitchen' walls, curtains arid wood·work staycolor~fresh wltb fess wash­ing and care. Make yout next rangean ELECTRIC and enjoy cookingthat's really CLEAN!


•__ .• t ..

F.r ,.. Be~ter Tra40 8~ Oar _aiel... 8a!eau......llerb 8m1lb


; _. ,,; Q44I: "',, __ ~ , ,," ,," -.,"" ".__ . _




, For Depe¢abl. Body Be Fender RtpalnCLAYTON BENNETT, BuldOIO nep.

i nne UII-West .t Jacu. .. IUa1nra7 '1'I Phon. 461 TuluoA, N. Mex.

Uf••••,..,•• , •••, ~••••••• ~••~,••~.!!! ~!



*. -


Installed for your

Greater Protectton


VaUlt Door

You are inVIted to come In and

fnJpect our new


()pea ... IlL. - ctlN 2 ....

.'.' _ " ,~7 L ~

...... ,•.MW"lfttrtc ,..cittIe- jIOW Oft 'dis­., pIg..•f,.oppll6_~,cattJf OW'"

...,~ ·~a.rM~Y'· .. ...,... ' ·.,e..· •. ,,/....q~-------~... .' ..' .' ~ . • " •1'(11 nzr "'51T'Te . '{""ali: I i'r .. , I I' - . 'I.' ) -'TI'''' r f. (.·.rUill.!'I. '1'1 i.·"s 2", '1··.I'.l> ,-. ...•, ', , '1 '1"11'.''" .• '0' II".'" f"" ,>, .>, ,. '....". , " '.1"1 '0"'1"1"1' .# " , . . ., II •.. 1 . 1 . I . , . . . ". I. , .. _ ":0 " • "., :0. .. on,

"-'-~ .

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Page 4: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · WAHREN BARRETT. Raa1:tor·Insurel' TRADES IN THE MAKING What 'do YOU have to otter?
















, .

,,; .

. '",'


IJl'Theto . • '



;:0 ,

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,', , '


. j '(':\~,,~. -J.-==. 1:"~ '~~

'£'4i!"'~.~.That aU our customershaven't rain off yet­Snow use ...

D.ust can't thinkWe dry and dry-

But all our rhymes stinkBe it heat wave or cold wave

A mu.ddy or a dry spell,Things we try to poet on paper,

JUST WON'T JELL!After two yeut'of th_ grocery jinglesWe've found nothing to I'l1ynle with


, ,

" "

... . ' I• .' I


, • <':, .- :-

, " .".-, -;;: "-, , .'" ' ,',

, '

, "", : "I ,




, .'.' ",,' '

-- ,,"

We Won't Let YouRn OUT OF GAS!


Stora«1S on BJahwllJ Completed l0li4Can Now Service Your Tank b,. Truek.

PboDe 2135

New Truck wltb Lates~ Meter That Stampll Your Ticket.JOSEI'll 8. IlAWKINS


, ",'-, ,;


"it' ,

Fox M'ercantile!I We Give S 6' "H Green Stamps

a:. ,..... . ._...... au IU.... , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.. " . - _. -- ><---- ,..•.•...••.•.•..••.....•.....~••.•......••..........•............•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••......'\"'\\\\\\'\' \ '.\l,\

, ;,' ,

. .,

• M..,.• Notion.

• Dry Good.

, , ",

N~w Mexleo', Mo.t Vnlquo Cur'o & Gift 8hop

Nine MUes East of Ruidoso


.'.-'Iiii"'iii'lits'-iiiliiiliiiililliii_iiilsiiillliiiil_iiilIiIi'.''iiIi·.•' 'ilI·oiI/IIi·...'·'IIIli·'1IIli·..· ..• ·iii"iiil''•. &Iii........'"...'.'_',''iii".;''.....00iW0....................""·"";:.'"".........-.:""""''''"''''''''''"~~~• " -"'~ -.,_-el" ' '''" _ :.".~~~, • ;'~;':.""''''''''''"'_' 0<',<,..... ,.'

Introducing . . .

ANDY SAYS-It Finally Arrived!

Just In time for fOUl' Spring Pt.InthibDuPONT CUSTOM COLORS


• Hudware• P&iat

New Instant Whole Wheat Hot CerftlIt's Called "ZooM" • • • • •

PRIM TISSUE4 Rolls In Package • • • • •

FROZEN JUICESMinute Maid • • • • 5 for $1.00

Flovora Assorted with 'h Gal.Graduated Refrigerator Jar FREE

PURE PRESE;RVESIn Jumbo Sized Iced Tea Glau

FROZEN FOODS-Vegetables - TV Dinnen - Simple Simon PI..

, ,-.,'-"

': -->

'. - *- "

• • •

B}, Ma i I


"' .. ' "'

t",,~ .,. ".n .. I

\oil .. Irturr, tt...


(001) IliCIi nEBIl RAW MD.II:I'mm II Ii TClllcd and Approved Cow,

"rl...rn>4 Ie Your lI.rae .r F.....rt.. 8&ere Da117

nUALITY ALWAYSDrlvo Out More OftenI


Butane or Propane

GAS heats plenty of water3Times Faster


For Heating ... For Cookingflexible Economical

Butane or Propane





Opon 11 B. m. to 9 p. m. - Closed Mondayl



r s•• hllsh.... I ti'IO "A t f"me In_tnultnn'

Mem~r Frd....1 O.posil Inswand Ccwpor.t1on

, -~--.'

For Convenience

Be Sure Your Water Heatlr Is the Right Slu

..', '



" • -', .<.~.,.,"",'...H;f\>'i"~1>~~tl:~ ..... " ........... ,--. "~ .h .._", ". ;.. .0'-: :;-:::-r.-_:.:;;".:;c;:;,-;::..",••7';V'''''·p''":7j'r:'"~T':'"7':' ..."~'''J''7"'''":~!l':'''!~~~~~~''!!'''''"c''''!~~!',!!!"!!!!'!~.!!!!!.!!!!!,!!!Ji. IIII\II!.......... .""'••••III!I!I!I!!!!!III!IfII!""'.",.!i'III''''''lI,lJ!!!ll!l!!!!.''!'!!!!''''''.!!lIft!II" .~, '''''~'''''''''''''-'"''~'''' ~','.~ ..~-.~ '<~""~""';I~""-" "·",,·~·,,,,;,"""""i~";''''~~r'~_ " '''"' ' ~ ~ • ' ...",' , ,'. " "'., .:, ,,', ~:''', ,-~. ,": :"" . ::_ ~.... : ..r..,-",,,:,,,,', ':-:'."'-'c.- ',: ''": '~':','."~ :-, .,,':" "'''''.i',:;~~~_~~:.~:::'''.. ,'..:' .~ -7'," '>', "'-';:' \:, ,': 'c' .. ",.' ." .', -; -- , _.--' '~' •• ,' ','1." '.' ">'. ~',: •• '.', ' " '. '-'" ': ,., ..', ";. - •• :,," <' "'" •• :'" , •., "-',,', ':' " 0: .> ',"', ,r,'-" ••:'\ '" ;:"';;'" ':, ..~:,' ''-', ,( .' ,':" -'" " 'f ;i".C,,',' ",', ' ,-'"',,, ';',' " " ,,' ,;',-., ",,;-,',:"" :,;".;""", ':"'" ",' ,.', "'.' ••• ,." '".".1 ,.·.:4.',-.,.,.·,..').',',,.. '"

" ,,~, • " ••• ".' ''', ,', ,,> 'c" ' •...• '" .,:,'•.':.,'...." •.. ,"'".', '." ...•....•. '.'.'.., ... " C •.•.• '." .... :".-,,'••.• '.,:·.'_••••. ".:...'."': , • "'" ':,'j "" ,,;1"'-' "'1,,",''-, ','>'.' ':,; ''''''".' ;~':"', "." ~;. '" ',,"':,,' ':-,' ';,','1 "'.-., ",' , . ,.' , '"'.; '. , • "

'.', ';'.:,:.-.. :: "~ '",;,' '," ':""":,.:",,,,--,.,,~>.;';'\"",, """',.'>,

...• ," ". ~. .... "..,'>....: .' ,';";1;':?~t\,.f·~;:t~

, " . ".............'. .. , ;t-'- :,' ",",i" """, " ,': ",':i..~f!"!'''''' ~ .' . • ," , '.' 1 . , ,,~,------III!II.---~ Lloyd Coll, Mrs. Odell Spear, Mrs. Ealtel' Dance, 1Font. Martin's, Lincoln. w t t h .R.llV... .P4GE -'Ova . Tinnie: M~~ .o~l)can, Fol1 Stan· ' ~ev. Charl~ L. COq1l~~~.A.lt~~~~~".'Elementary ~.teb Hl~D8, Mrs. White, and Eg H .". Following the eeremoniea,':EaJ- Charles Davies of RO$Wel1 as~ Ruidoso Nem I ton: 8Qtm!~ l'~, Stl\:son Park: Woman's 'AuxU,ta~ .delelaie· w,:"",:·t

n, ree. . gunt &et\tUl'8 ter eill Were hun~ In .oevU', ,peaker for,the Fort Stanton CPa~ "'rlday. A'p.... 15, 19'"'" ICongregahontll d.. ele~te~ ar~th,,e, be MrlI,' J!lm.ea.~ .•~!a~~.,,'" ' .

5th IN Many ot the children reported E iIco a1 • -&1....1__ Canyon, Johnnie Brookll !\l1d Mar~ "'. 'It M" - "" d 1 C !tilt ' ..' ..,00 ews that they wore at White Sand, tor .. p '.. P .. ~~,,~ }thaSI!U,!erlapcJ ~ceivilllfpr~. pel of Our Rt:deemer A.~l1lary,' . '., , .' . ,... ;.,. ,. dWar epns'lClhllSrtll11 ul~Jl~;.,Qt 'n -, Bi'U Si' 'n' c.'' II 'Iio ........•... t ''''....

PIIlY Day. Thw wore: Barbara . Au... a wiener roaat races were Tbu/'JIdav IQ;OO a. m. the Ruidoso 'resented :Ann! 19.20, 21 at Dio- 050: pn e arm an.. "''{.Y ,,,,,er,,,' ,:Y mpllQ, WP;!! '1"~",,.Qlo+'c'" ' ..Creel, Vanlt. White. Montie Coc, (IJ, Cllua~JJ .£POIl-TO) e~i~;'ed bieblldi'el{ I!ild aquJl$ Clturch ;rot the Holy Mount AUlC- rcesan COflo'v'ention'meeUpgS in St. r'l ot..G!encoe; Edw!lr!l Penfield .oi .Ealiter"QlI~aY::l ;:trn~;O~9ffiATerry Coc, Fred Riley. Carl Kel- An Ea.wr Dltgee will be held Ialike. Familles J1Ip~ented were lUary met with MrIl, H. H. Shier. IMark'll' on tho. ~ Millin J!:~Js:collal, ~~cOln, Cleri~al delegat~ ~~~.~ be Unlversf~, ".. . ~.;,.

;;:;'::r:::::=::, KlIcore ~~daK~~~e!J~f:h.Duran and Rey. rronS~t ~n~O~~:u;¥t:~h"~::~~.~w~n::~·ltt.~~~~~i~~ior~~~~~a~gB::~~~h~f~~;i~ll~ry~~~:ia~lJ~iiib':~ !~ ~.IIilI••~~•••JI••;........ 1Ou, (I"." I:"V" $8.02 to Ull! Crlp- Robert Jarvis went to Bonito day, Apru 16. Capitan, Jonathan Amlllltae of Prayer": St. Anne's, . Glencoe, Carl Longabaugh, 'Ruidl)llC:J; Mrii. . ,

,.I ..d Child","'. fund Lake Sunday. Sun4ay· servlcea at St. Anne Lincoln, Char~ PQnder. and. Ed- Auxlllary met the same afternoon Edgar Duncan.F,ort,St~t(mlMr,S.~ rHI, k, SIIn/.Hon ,. out with CarJ Kelley vlslled In Duncan, ChurCh, Glencoe, wlll be at 0:00 ward Duncan. of Fort Stanton, at :1:00 p, m, at the home ot Mrs. Jane Turner, Carrizozl>; :1'4111,'

Inllm/" I .... wf.>..k ThiS 's the flral Arizona, Sunday, . a. m, until turther notice, com- John Tllomllll and Robert Boyce of B. Pavey at 't'innle. with Rev. Jilmes Howard, Capitan, l,lJ)d Mrs, .'un" I... h•• t....·n ah."nt and we Sharon Potley III back In school menclng April 24, It was decided San Patricio, Sydne)' Bonnell, Charles L. Conder IIIl speaker. El:i(y Perry, Glencoe. Youtk d~I~"J'Ir" '0 ",") w,· Will write hIm a allllfn after havlnll the mumps. at the congregation's recent meet.. Kenneth Nosker and Dan Storm JUI three churches will be rep.. gates will be Amy Lou, Pavor, .'1"11,,, Marta Shier Is now ill with the Ing. ot GlellCOC, Elzy Perry of Stetson 7' _. _ •..;:. . '. ~~7 - ) s I'

M"" Allud", .. out wHh mumps mumps, Families tram three EplBoopal Park, Geo~ge Brooks and Carl"I." Sha,r'", 1..-,(' /)nll"ers IS ab- Carl Kelley was seven on April Churchell met at St. Anne Satur- Longabaugh. ot RuidoS(l, I r..-~····" ..·.,",'~ ..~""" ..",..,··_·_..'~7...•.' .."'''.~'''''., ...Z·.,F.'__ •. · • ,,. >" , ","-.""'" •

"'H' I""au",' of " cn"..ked nb, her 0, da)', April 0, to pre.ent Lenten Easter mornlnll services at Glen- "',' . ','""til .,1I", , "'11".1",1 lu till' leocher, Sharon Lee AJvlll, Jesus Galle- Self-denial otlerlngs tor MlssloDi. coc' 6:00 a. m,. Ruidoso '1:30 a. m. ' '.' ,...., ....:. ; I

/l"I""1 V,.",h".tok went wllh gos. Guadalupe Gallegos, Michael At thll .ervlce the Rev. Charles and Fort Stanton 10:00 a. m.were:"h" '"rnd> ,,' Carrizozo Easter Lee Alvis, Rickie 11011111, Reynalda L. ConderJ vicar, baptized John all wellJlttendt:d." ,;";Sur"fllY /lOHna SUI' Nash and her Handolph, Fred Riley, Arllnd. Thomll.l, Jr., and Stanley Good '. , '.'a,,,d)' h•• <1 ,. pl('nlc UIJ on the In- Torres and RQben Jarvis won a Thomll.l, 1000 ot Mr. and Mra. Eallter Week meetings of the:(·:?,."'c.. ,.';.-'" " ",.;'_ " "., ",I,.,n ll,·...rvatlun I>rlze last week In our lunch pro- John ThomwJ ot San Patricio wh!) Womlln', Auxiliary were held ", .. '. -, . .. ,,:.'

M,k,· lIalf h.. ,j " blrthrlllY Mon- "mOl, were present with lhem at the Tueaday 2:30 p. m. at Mrs. Ruth """'" I.!'dil) 11,. h,,,1 " party In hI. horne Hhrth Grade-Mr, Kaufmann ,

"1:rh~,.::-V,~~Jr~'·~~'~~:~ n~~;llm.o In Ito;I~~ ~~p:rt5 ct;:ch ~i{".:~~~ J RUIDOSO GRAVEL SERVICEuur rHurn thlls w'O(Ok urp Suzanne JU)()n. ,N"ws",n, II /) SW"aron"ln, and Jeanie Harrill finally had to mil.MJI,lr"d ~t"'lI'rnan W" had len a day of IIChoor. She hall the melill- P I Gat"uIHI. ab~"nl on T,....day "fl,or the Il'S and It would take IOmcthlng a mel' ewayho Hlay. ilkI' thai to keep her out. DOZU WOIl& ALL KINDS OP"Int Ondr>-Mn. Thomu Our la8t current event was about EXOAVATING CIlUllam ouvn

fih,·, 1 /llto-h"n. '"un,1 the mosl the South Amerlcan countrle. and aOAD G&AVEL SCR~ 8,.\ND"v,w, .11 O'l< Ea.t..., ellil hunt We the comlnll Pan American Day. TOP -lOlL .ftULnDSwl.h I., thunk th,' mollw•• who We had an Easter party IllIt ...., uvmad.. <JUt Ea.ter ellil hunt such Thurllday and had a good time. .FREE ESTIMATE ON JOBS/tli enJoy"ble 11m,' Tho..' mothen 7' -,-----

pres,·nt WI"" Mr. Joe C"e, Mn ·THE····B·m··LE··.S·P·EAKS·····j P. O. Box 235, Hollywood, N. M.Kummer's Nr.r-Tlme to Tnvel Phone 4045 J. B. CLOSE

Orl !h.. bra& In l.......per\allon from "aHT BAPTIST CIiURCn I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(}li·A rrON BY.NNElT The Tnder GREEN TREE. N, M. & $

IIchws, ,. DW U.I II CIIRONICLE8 7:1t.Jt -- i f3 If I .hut up heavl!n that

then' be nu rUIn, or If I commandINGROWN HAIL 11,.. locUJIb to devour the land, orHUJrTlNG YOU? II' I n'nd /wUtlle,ll'l' amana my peo­

I pie.'••H",. I 14 I' 01) people, which are call- I'el'", I o:d by my natn<·. shull humble'" 0 llll>~ = .th"rTUl"lvea. and pray, and seek my

:..t:~~,... ioI~_. Iface, und tum f",m their wicked~Im.l ..:,,~,~::::::;'l"o&It .ways, then will I hear Cram heav-t-'" .,... ' ,<1_ o"ir~ Ien, and will torlIlvn their s,n. and.. •• ., 11M "" i I

Will heal Iltelr and, I .'•••••••••••••••••••.7 -- , _... ...._-",,- 1_


. - -

FIllST CHRISTIAN CJW1t("II&11114010, N. H.

MomJng ScrvJc:ea nnd CoDlnU&llI..Each Sunday-II a. In.

RIver Room, Navajo LodreFIRST BAPTIST cmrxm-Oreea Tree. New HexINae". JeIIO F. JWea, Put"

Sunday School 9:45 a. IU,Eugeno Gay. Supt.Preathlng &rvlce, 1l:0It ...Tralnln, Union 8:30 p. DlMrs, J. B. Gazaway, DII'ftItlPreaching Scrvlce, '1:30 Po ..Wednezday nl,ht .lrvJee. ',:OlI.The church wbere eveJ')'bot'l)' 11

IOmeOOdy. and nobody a 1tru.Ier,Phone 2241.

cnURCD OF CllRlSTEo 8. Wa41eu, H1aIritr •

PI:&ee 1711Dible Study at V:45 .. m.Worship Service at 10:45 a. mCommunion at 11:40 a. .m.EVenlng Servic:o at 7:30 ". IL

WednClda,. EvenJn, SerYlct'l 7:3.p. m.


Ru. lL L. AtJdns. Dr. Puter, Sunday School-9:.5. '

MOrn1l:l1 Worshlp-ll1:55. '\\ Methodist Youth Fellowahl, 1:31.,\ Naturally. they're pleased ,bcut it-Ws ~ EvenJne Servlcc-'1:00.\. their first bankbook. This is something ~. (,mUSTIAN SCIENCE S£&YJOU• h • h ..... ,Ever,y Sunday. 11:01 ...... ill


' t ey ve managed toget ere They've saved one. CHl1IClt rOI AU... \\ RuJdoSo Woman'. Club. T........,.\ ~ for the things they want. and also for that AU. FOil THE CHUBCH \\ meeting following teIUW fttYke

.. i d .. 1M Churdl ,. \ each third Sunday. A eoMtal ...•

~\ra ny ay. kit .. -=rtb i; ':.~.l It=. \\' come lJ 4!Xtend!d to aU 'Wk••a,.

\ \ • chdt=1tr Cll<f \l'OOcIC1~g c1 \, wlah to attend.

\\. It's wise to save for a rainy day. But: it·s ,. Q .lOt.howe cf 1Jlltl!UOi p. It \'\

~l' b V(llbot;t b .lrooojr Cb: -...... \ ,FUtL GOSPEL HoLiHaa

\\ \' • 110 Wise to remem er that drought can be ~~~ec7 cOr ~Yl!~"a..tIO!!~ ,\ CHORea OP GREEN 'Dn

\'\' justa. devasta'ing asrain ... particularly ;, .....""TUtti _ Ielit'~ \~ Jleot.cecn Salu.. Paaw

\\ \ \ spiritual drought. eU::r.-~",::J:';"::d~! \\ Sunday School-V:45 L ..BUollu1\' I f:t~ Cb:itdt. TM1 -.: eil \'\ Prucliln2-11 a. m. SI1J!'lh7.

\~\'I\:\ Faith t, the balance 70u'lI find 1n 70ur C"fl:1t"".~'~C3JJE.r~ !Ito \\ E"'~ Servle:e-'1:31 »- III.

. \ ," spiritual bankbook. It is something that ;!c.~ COlaal".!'I!1 CIll';:~i~j,~ Pra~e.:~ ~='n~'.:t: .\ ~X \1 7 0U can renew, something that you can "'Illc~.:;;~~Ute" IIMII. ~ nu.rMa,. E:~.. _, ~ add to, and something that will pav ....u ~ au_ PIa:> btte<J -- . <. c' " .

" .I - ""twclt "01I!artr ...... v- ,,. . . ..immeasurable divIdend.. Where elae can -Ill'....,. t_ JWt ASStMUrop GO~~

. Greea Tree. New .!'aIt1f'. Ge....e i

\ \in the House of tbe Lord-your Church? It'':.:I;::.:::::: 2S t." \1~. s~ 8cbooJ-l. II, ..

\ \

......, ._~ H JZ.,,' MorniJ:l.l W(lrthfp--ll It. •. . . . ~.:r;'iM: : 1:::1 ~ aoost.t .. B&ild-7 p...

Enn&elJaUc Servi.-·'1:U. •

\' \, ~ IIOLY MOtINT

Od~:~:;.:::.Boa ~~\\~\~~~~\'~~\~S~\\~\\W\h\\\~~~;:t~~::f.:;i-~::~6~:,\I~~ ~=~~=• .204 and ,4th Si.ll)c1at... h ·iI ..

Extremelf Wuhable -A ~lnch to Applf 'rhllrSpecW Church Feature It SpOnsored bythe Merchants I.~~b.~bool"ut Sua t

(If you ~nn't do it yourselfl we can put you in Wh Adtouch with some mighty good painters, in lact, OR Yert1sements Appear Below OII::w,:FDW~1ITtwo of the ~est in the cnnyon!) Alamo Lumber LaP I Sunda,.·a:e~~~.....t,

For Your Con.enlence - For Pleasing Choice &. S'Upp)'y.. Co. Fox Mereantile ~~~~ •''':'''~11 n'N

D ' n d d 1 t h 1· d t th G~h Stam" - Greea HeI, M....eiWlto - CIIiII ... cuoaCii .....rIve 0 own an e us e p you-an a .e n... tit x Palilllte Green Vecetabtea q er'. O.ten"............ .ltaw...h;~ ~~,~~~l&I~t~~~:~~wl:~~va~~~·· -_..._,....,--~~...,:':_.'-,~,"_.._._~ .,.........,....._,,__,_?rft_......~_Ttee_,-"-,,......__....- ,' _ ....., -"-,. , ".. ,,:.:~~a;~~t::

you in your choice of c.'Olor8. She is good at this, B''run·. e··U's Ruidoso.Mt. Vue Sho-Dyn Chute:h ~h<iOl10:lt'i 'iii'.I. 't i h...' d ... MO:~lpU ...~noWingqUite a ew t ps on UlterIor ecorating n......utm.tat Store Osteop·,a·thj'·C·. CIL~L.. . Drt~.~.!!t..eatr8 y~;: p.... '. '.••t< · ...at:nnd painting. . -I" . UIIIC "II &>U_ ~ WlIlorabl,P aDd Sible 811';' 'i.e.~

We Gift. S. u. It. Greea S...... '.'DIAL 3875 '" '"" ,:.",,!, -'" , ,,- la hla:~tr.:atewa, -, "B ',,' '". A~Wetem..,. Aal,

Ben Donathan~' ... ," "",i" .. ,~ .. , WLiteMountain ~~Sa':':~Remembu. That'. ih. ''tumbet Nwnberl" &t!.... Sacra 'Bro's Co .' 'YIiU: CIiiImi .

Call67·04 Collid For Senlce ··'.ooOS Of LIncoln CO:.M.... • Gro. &~t. .~~~~=~IlL .

.u:~eoUNTY. ~1ftg~ :t~~-.=. ;;J:=:·.t~~sl::~r"ff."=.KEETH G·,A'.S, C'0'• "":'0"'" :'",•.. ' 'd,' '"' ."" ........, 'H,"" """......'.,.•' '.....'.., .........', .....'., ..........' ........' '....'_·,.'....,''''''...1'.....,: ....''.....,.' >0,,..,, d' HI',' ,"."'" '" .. ' .•; B,O".. ~,.&frJ:"""·'·

. ,. ·1:lSn.2~.·~I:t~n~ .. ·,~.'.The 'D' -,.-, Que". .B.wd()tOAUiO~2~trl.rt.~p'ir......'" '"",",,':L.o.'':,·o'f"." , . .<1 '" ....~. '

. p,'DO'ft.~~ ..... '·I'fi","",Il'idi.'W· . 'IIPV Aft·.·A.~." ,,I: ~ UIUWWJl .... 0 ~~O&.'•..(:BtI.t. '

Ph-. ~02S" 'rAlo."'",~ .QU &AIoJ~ b ....iJl....~, ··fiCU.(.V\ilQQ9_ MlWMllttl;1Q ' , '. cH..;;;..~I.t.u" ,"u.~~!~·~·•..~~~ . _. ,A·.,...:'.....lItW~..,;,;~~:.~ ..Jl,.:r ...

~~~~~••~~~'.,.•.~~~~.,~' •.~~.,~-~~.~~-,~_'•.•,.•-.'•..~~~,J '~~...~-~.~.~..•'..~.,.~"~..~.~:~',~:~'~••.._'~t.•.,..~~••_.'~;.".•.•,.,•.•.~.'•.,•.,.•-'.:.,.~R~.~~~ ... .J~,._..~~~~••: ••~ '. , I, , , ' ,

: '::~~':%'Ji.",

" "'1-"" "',.. 'j"', -:


Page 5: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · WAHREN BARRETT. Raa1:tor·Insurel' TRADES IN THE MAKING What 'do YOU have to otter?

, "~"

• 'I '

Dial 2375







"TJlE f>(.UMf1EH"




..= ",.~ =-...KF.AD TilE WANT ADS

Whl'n in Doubt '.



When You Need To

Mak(' A Hurric>d Trip

. Contnct-


Delivery to Ruldo!o and aur­rounding area will be made tor$5.00 per klad or portion there­of on cord-wood. l..<md avera.et12% 10 3 cords.





JuniJ:cr and Oak

A home on banks of the Rio

Ruidoso designed for gracious liv­

Ing'in the tradition of early New

Mexico days. Patio. servants'

quarters. guest house and all mod­

ern as today In convenience. Short

distance tram RuidQSo with enoUib

acreage that you wUl not feel


Located in Ruidoao. and hubeen a conaistent money maker.This wUl bear InspectJon.


RIVER LOTIllS-Feet Oft River west ot POIt­


FOIl SALE or Tradl",-Exceptlon­ally nice large house wllh IN.COME properly on thwuy No, 80.COlIstdtlr trade Cor good propertyIn HuldolW 01 Approx. $50,000volue, Write or ellll Wm. Hozman,Pt'"os. Texas ~Ic

" " ._,-. q .':J:"_,

FINISH HIGn 'SCHOOl. or Grade~~oOI at bome sPue timo. Booa.""nlahed. Diploma awarded. Startwhore you lett school. Wrlto Col­umbia School, Box US3, Albu­qUl'rque, N. M. 2-11-1lt

FOR SALE-Cafo tlxtures, In­cludes refrigerator, stove. pal1l"dIshes, elc. Ml1l. Edith Johnson.

1 ... "'- ~'"'=--~.....- ---. -. ""--'-"- ... ........_

FOR SALE-Nlco modern tralluhouse. See Clayton Dcnnett or O.M. Stidham, dial 43711. 31c

.'OIl SAl.E ~'\Il1y lIulOlnnlle 36"brand new I.. P ItIIU I'3nge. elec­Irlr"Uy IU:hll'd. too largl' tor IlpDCCl

I(111011.'11. 1'091 $25950, wl1l lIeU torSIl1!l30 cllsh Gall'Way Knit & oln

: ShOI" I'ahnur Gattlwny Addition.


.' .• J'C'.' "." " .• ,_~r:-:-·,'·, ,-,.".",--.'.C-,""'''·


W ANT TO SEIJL •• ?List Your Property With Us

It you Are Interested In rl'al es­tate In this area, cheek our IIst­1111:5 on



"c -. ,.',~,



"•...' ..',',."y. ,.,_._._,~<j,''''-.:,'', ,,0' , .... "~'''_'' -', '.,.,.t.,,,

.. ',,, ...




Let Us Show You-

":.t'l< .'.,' ,

. <.




" ' ." /;


. ,.- , ,

.' " ,."', ~, > •

~ .,,' :



.. .

•, 1-.

. ,

:. ~ ,

. "


Assureth•.l1Om(Jo~er ~f firsnl'wity Inthe PLUMBING tine. Models fo meeteve"' need6r"'-' .-at INSTALLA"""ON"'riot ~~ speci. . ,,1..1.t'toblems.· ,

r i.if Pi i i iiiDates AHouse

Eljer Crane•




Terms $<' Fit An,. Budget


,'. :.

Open Year 'RbUtld.."Live The Lite ot Riley

In It. Cabin in the Pines"

. " .' ,

24 Modern Cabins

Atn(mg Tlie Pines

On'The Noisy J.:tiver

VAllC"-, . , .


..-J<'_........................"............... .,...:rti.", .. :',' .. ···L .• '. . ;1 '.' . .,. U .... '''P'''' '" "'., . ' .• ' HONDO CORrOR.I\L,, In •....•.. "'A"" .' 'ocl"" 'j.... .., ....., .. ' 1'081; IN MANEUVERS,'... e$e .~ ,CC:OPlJn .,~ti.Qns~~"OPENfMR ROUND 1BliJ~~~~h~:gri~~l~~~~)tif;.,'In The Pia. to '. "'the.S th.·st .1~~d:~kG.!\~~~~hi~~n,s~?;l:~

.. .....•.•.. '" .;, .yg ,~~,C)" i, OU, ~~ MOTEL ,,' ~r:!.1\f.4tr!~:~.r.:ft:5! II

, \Jo.··in Carrizo SUFi."',.....n,.·."... ·.,·.··.n... g"C,.. I.tib R;~~~~o'~~e'i':::t~tsr~~~m }..eAJ~leWj~k wlll test the efti. Market Place of Conynn' & Valley-BUSINESS DIRECTORY-Where to Find It In Ruidoso,,~ c tl I . .' e,.., .ciency of intantry and support AM. CJ..~IfI\l<1 ..~~ mil.' .,., wId I" ... !-".;':..-----------

"., . '.;' arpe ng:- Pnel'!lJlfJp(' M••trcsaetJ units in' mountainous and desert val''''' ..lib III. eX""I"loo ot til"". rlln b, ' . , .. . . . '

You can swim all season ,fo~ $~O per famUy. .1''''()ri3~~:a~II'l3 terrain. The simulated use of ~::,:~,~..;lI·~~r:..:'~~:':lI·I:"'t~~b ...":1!1I~':: HOME OF SOUND INVESTMENT IMEl\IBEDRUlDOSO O· OF 0 atomic weapons will be one at the cou~I,", Ih', ernnl' '0 tb, line, ..lIb, ..

Jo,.. ;n.. "'OW and' s,ave.' $25 initi.· :·,o.n fee which .. ,'0 ........• • , conditions of the exercise . 0>1. ,"'".mum .b 1'111. ral. boM. Ir""It ~ ~ . _ - ,I; t. &! , . $ • \ CR' tor one wt1flk·. In.~rtlon and t._n ~ IDul· S II d ' I h d Ne d t b d, ~••""~•••$." orporal Ichardson entered the t1pllod' br Ib, numbor 01 .....k. Ille ad I. rna. mo ern, .urnsew mo ern, wo e roomwill.• be cb~~ after ~,~" deadline on mem- .. Patti~Gayle Co.....ts A

bI'mI y tin IMlay 1953

Cand cORmPbleted ~~ rl'DlI"~~B~~~~~ ~~:~~ clbln. deeded lot. only $1,- house, tully Insulated. with

be hi...... c1 • N" .'h'.: ld" ....., . as c ra n ng at amp 0 ertli, OR J,lOl'l"'T OIlOER OR II" YOU L1V1!l IN. 950.00. fireplace, Two deeded lots.

.. 1'11. 'pS in l,.uls 00. . . ear teo' water wheel Calit. RUIDOSO IiRlNO TIlIIlf,f BY THE OF· N' In the beautiful pines, LargeDr! ' . ., ., MocIemAPatt . 11 FlOE PEl"OlIlll Tl'EIlOAY It. I"TII:RNOQN Ice. modern, Curnlshed cab· sleeping porch. Only $6,000.. !:u~'::fnd YisU QAtIlUZ,O :tO~E OPen Year ..r:::cJ NOTl(lE OF PUBUC AUCTION mACH WlIlEX" - - ~~lySI~r50~88:r. deeded lot. Xt~~ hd~~:.ppreciate living In

. . c: . DOt fn an Ellehantlq State. . ,rh~e 3511-RuidOso OF STATE TIMBER

~~;;;~~;;;;;~;;;;;;;::~;~7i~iii~~:::=:'M~lIlberChanlber of Commerce LINCOLN COUNTY Court & Cafe $29.000.00 money making ~ Large 3 bedroom. modern,\"'..:..,;.*' Offloe of CommIsSioner of b.lIslness tor sale, wlll take b' turnished home, fireplace.

. .' . ~'" ~,: R~~~1rV;WiI' 'AP~~~GE NO::~~;~~:~: pur- One~I~e~a;:i~O~ prop-, ~~a; F~~~~,~~~. in or ; ~~~SSI~o;.at;~r:5001.00~edlateFrid "rlt 15 1955 MODUN CAlIINS suant to the provisiOns of law and erUes In Ruidoso. Owner over PI!- Wonde",~l op~tlunitr- to :u It you have proR,erty In or

ay....p ',,,_ .~Ye.r 'JlQUlfd the rules and regulations ot the rJl>d of yeara has enjoyed sqtt,i- get in the PACKAGE LIQ- near Monahan. Te~a~, and, '. L. ,,II.~1l8~ St~~ J,:,and Oftice, the Commls. clent patrona~ lo l'll1ax and lalte UOR BUSINESS. wan.t to trade tor Ruidoso

thought I mrttht 'find relict trom MlmIBBKBvmoSO 'c; or o.slOl!ti~ of ~bUc Lands wlll otter ~ftre.,ert:~·::tWu~°8:t~=: Vl!ry popular l~al Cafe f1lr property, see me' allout thishay t,ver and, ...thma, We were ."'." .... ; L; 1> ;, ;",", Jot'~ate and sell at public auction ...... ftaft be dupUcated In Ruit"oao. tale only $75000 ,14,000.00 property which IslIvlnlt.1o 'Big' Sprlnk, Texas. and apd tpe Cpaml1er ot Commerce a~ 'to the hlJh~t and best bidder at c';;; make "ood terms to .......:i.ns• ' . . good, and wll1 make money.had 11. beauty shop, In the Doug- good men) but wb,at we'need,wh,t 10:00 Q'~JPl:1I: A. M.•• MIU' 31th. • .-..~ ~O IIcre ValIey fArm, 'highly ))lass Hotel Mr.. J. C. Douglziss, anY villple p~~peoplewho are J955, at the Iront door ot the Coun- Ible party. Improved, Immediate poasea- LoTS: both for your futurewhose daughter owns and operates ~t afl1l\d tQ. plan ahead, 10ljg :tY 'COUrt House in the city ot Car- Liberal Terms sion, !!xceptionally lQ~ terms 0 home or Cor Y'O\4' buslnlU,the DOl,lllQe pa!?lns now' In !Jui- range 1l1Jl~l1Ig, JUld I ito trieq~ rI~, :New Mexico, County seat with low rate of JlUete-t. ~ In most any location you de·doso. lila <:qme"(Q RUidoso !1ndshe .loQ.l range,P!anning. Stllrting no}\' W'Uneoln County, au of the mer- t~have a choice sel-tl;;';' of n sire. Now I~ the time to buy.also ha~ )tad,luIy tever. as bad as g0In:g ~u~ t~e winter and on chanta1:l1e dead timber standing -COURT ~.. - • \we did_lind she lIa!d that she had through the rears. Y~, they ,",ould_ an!! down, and an of the live tlm- - TOUlUST COURTS' avall- Highway 70 business prop-'AA4_ome- rellef,wh~le she Was put us In d~llt, but haw far would ber marke(C9r dl!ll!Jnated"tor ~iJt- 24 units plus large living able. select yours now. Prlc- erty. 112 feot on Idpwll)',hl5re. We had been all over .thll>'PU be l,t y()u ,~d never lone in tlng on full .~~nQwJ,ng descdbed 500 f . e,j trom $14,OQQ.00 to $851,: new fireproot buildin'I, en-I;Olm1ti" 1ryiti.'to find xellet trQm debtt Uqo/ lMIlY otyOu~Jlald <:a~ State InstlfutlOQaUands. to';wlt: quarters, over eetooo.OO. SEE THESE TOt>Ay loys nlceo6Qear round busl-thl$. d~pd ffl.!Ilacly.l hali had' J1a'l ~ot W~i1tlou'n!lW oV{n! flow many W%SW%. SEJ,4SE~ ,ot Section on paved hl'ghway, room ness. $30, .oo-termst(e.Jer fol' abOut thirty years. a~ of you a~ out 01 d~\)t now? $9me I 2, SW% NW %. W%SW%, SE % d P A U L H. D 0 U G.LAS Sevepr leU·it ~~med to .get a Uttle J!QW, you. wlU get out. So do~ a,of Section 3. W %W%. N %NE% for expansion, largestworse, nnd Ettim3a~ rbad spent village wliel'l they aro planning. for of Sec~IQnJj). W%SJ!:t,(; NE'A-nl:oupleot small tottunes,(she had something that is going to be for SEt,(. &%NE% ot Section II, I c,ourt in Ruidoso. Liberal REAL ESTATE

l!lad It abqgt ~en years) going the ~ of tblll vlUage. That's W%NE% ot -Section 14, W%- tI places and liikIhg medicines and wha~ ~~d()~ n~lIlpromoter SE%. SW%NE%. W% Except erms. . In Postoffice Block

Kitdi aatha ItreAtmenbJ trom ddctors every- attJief\ea4l>t Ut!np, aJ1d coopera- the NW%NW'4NW% ot Sec-.~l1ettes \'{her:e. !'1nalJ¥ il} 1934 we made up Uon trPmtlJe P\!ODl~, anp until we tllln 23. NE'4. NEI4NW'4 ot Bus. Pho. 3005 Res. 2365

0/,11;' mind tha~ we would try Rul-I.can~ave lluch a man we are gOo section 26. TQWNSIDP 11 10-pere ~ct in Country ClubI:":-:::::::====================='Oomp1etd,y Furnished Idoso. so In september we-came up~ ing on being stymied. Always m.ud SOUTH RANGE- is EAST. N. Helghtl.leveJ, on all-weather road.and as we came Into the 'canyon' In winter, not enough water, not M. P. M., containing 1.519,89 no bet!eor view In Ruidoso.

PLAmROUND roR CmLDREN our hay lever left and as long as enough anything. only time on our acres. more or less, according to II

we were here, we were tree of It, hands. So my beliet Is that, It we the government survey thereot.so we went back to Big Spring aD4 can have the promoter, and the . The estimated amol1nt of Pon- HOM E S

-. sold our business and In the spring lOng range planning. SlO we can derosa timber available tor cutting I Tw bedroo ho 1 ki___uuu u__u=__u__ 011935 came back and just os be- take care of the people when they Is 500,000 feet board measure. G If ~l b m me over 00 ng----;-~~~~~... fore we do not have It as !<mg as get here. we wll1 have the peoplel more or less; 0 u . It has everythln" you

This Is we are here. so bere we are going. Others have. The above described lands are ~tlookinR Cor. loc:ntlon can t "be On Pavementto stay. I HOPE, I saw the passl- located approximately 3 miles • N & M d

Y TbUitles and the need W4S great at BOOK MATCD PRICES UP North of RUidoso. New Mexico. ew 0 ern

our own that time tor places to stny so we The Ruidoso News has been ad- Said timber on above described C 0 U R ,. Vleased some lots trom Mr. Chase vised by Solperior Match Co.• for lands hns been appraised at Eight T ery Attractive

... (The RUidoso Realty Co.) and which It is local sales dealer. that and Nolloo ($8.00) Dollnrs per Wel1loc:ated Court, seven rental W rth th M

-;;;;;;~~ i:~~~~: fit~ei~~tn~a:~cm~ $~~2~ ~:i 2~5Jh s~f~ttfcr~~e :l::.l ~'::'~~~~dt:;e~ ~~r~r:c:~~~u~il1a~ ~~t~~~~n~~~~ . .;:,~: ~Ii~~t~ooo~ 0 Ask:d oneyhappen to settle here? How did now the White Mountain Cabins considered. river. Also on. pavement. $10.000.00yOU? We have people hcre tn-m operated by Mr, nnd Mrs. Carl The John Christophers have No one wl1l be permitted to bit! Furnished or

Eaalmhost e.vkel')· stnCte

hInL~he UCnlon. Longabnugh). Then I went In the s"us~escdripUSti'oton 'rtormaosAtebriletnhee.lrTeNx.e.wtos who has not deposited. prior to unfurn~'shd.

c wec your nmucr oC am- real l'Jltate buslnl'!s In 1942. be-' the hour set tor sale. the sum ot C t tmen!e wll1 have a story ahout the cause I lovc<t every Inch of this HollyWOod for the summer. $155.00 to cover the cost ot ap. on ac Showowners of dlCCerl'nt buslnellSes I hl'autltul country. river and moun- - -- . ,-_..... - - - pralsement ndvertlslnl: tiling tee W A LTC R 0 S BY·her' how they dlscovcred Rul- tnins. and have never regn!tted and other Incldentnl expenses con- appointment.to~o. ~w we can Improve our the movcs I made nnd the busl- bected with such sale. Deposits, REALTOR 1th0~' eh need your Idens: SO on I nl'Sll I have chosen. I could write FOR shall be 'In cosh or In the form ot OFFICE LELAND

.. slxt Interview. we d l1ke a book about the lovely trees and a ccrtlfied check drawn 10 the or-I Thunderbirdtor ,you to drop.,us a cnrd. Do you river and mountains and the loyc.. der ot the Commissioner ot Pub- LotiWee thw artlclo. Your suggestions lIest ot pcopll' In the world are to lie Lands. Deposits ot unsuccess- Dlal/;'25 REALTY CO. HUI I 'Sthare always appreciated too, put be found here. SALE Iful bidders will be rcCunded. but • ~ "-

em in. What RUidoso Needs the deposit ot the successCul bid- Dinl 3805 REAl ESTA'I'I'~~::ImEmma MUleI' I don't think that we ncceDnrlly ~ Ider will bl' applied In payment of .. • '.. "

w: Rneed to worry about more people 3-Unlt Mod C rt I I the salcs expenlle and tillna Cee. Ruidoso, New Mexico j I

_ ~~!,'1~to_ ..,u~~o~. ~a.W:~I coming In to our village. We will Very Good, e~urnls'hed.c o~ sn, I and any balanee will be credltl'd _...::::::=~=- .__ 'In thl' POllt Ofhrl'-llIork ·1)laI3015STATE OF NEW MEXICO "tctththem IF

h... We can tnke caro Terms. y Ias part oC the Clrst payml'nl on 22 Vearn R""I,lel\('e In Iluldrum I~1f~"o-I-lr-d-r-Jn-k-1J-a-ft-Il'-'u--

COUNTY OF LINCOLN 0 em w l'n they get here. the timber sale allrl'ement to be • .... K. ..

IN mE DISTRICT COUltT Whnt we need more than AnY- 6-Unlt Court, Closo In, Modem. enterl'd Into by thepurchnser with FOR RENT-Apartments, 2. 3 and IhAt·. your bUJlnr"JASPER J. DI PAOLO .AND thing e1&e

tI can thInk of Is to have Furnwhed. 75-toot on Main Road, the State oC New Mexico. 4 rooms. private baths. renDon- • I( your dnnkllll: 10 " prohll'm

VIOLA L. DI PAOLO hwsb:1nd a promo cr nt the head ot our or- room tor more units. Oood lAca- The purchaser will be required able ratcs, Dial 3905. Uc FOR SALE-5-toot l'lt'('lrk rcCrll:- .'on SAI.&-Nnrll'· wnJhlnll mn· ·~·lhat'D our busillr"lind wUe. PIlllntttcs vs' GABRI-. ganlzotlon ahnd city gO\1lrnment. tlon. Tel1ntl. 0 • to pay in advance tor 50.000 feet " .... -- -- _. erator. See al Whlll' Mountain ("hlOl', 525. ('1<orlrk hot wnt('r h('ol. For a ronfidentllli talk wllh •ElLE n. PURCELL,' a SInIl.1 Some one w 0 Is not only Q good board me4Sure at the bid price pl'r >0'0 TEL A'N D APARTMENT CablnlJ, dIal 2775. lip ('r. 30'1101. two lin. henlNo Dial m..mbcr "all 31l3~, or wnlewomaJl. lJrfllndzmt agowt whom man (our brodll ot city govcrnmrnt 'DIg home on Main Road, Can Be thoU!lDlld feet the date ot the sale. 1nOUSE MANAGEMENT: Men and .4401 2tp, Box ~. 1I01l)woodconstruc:':vo cervices &Ought to be' Used for Business and Home. One The purchaser wl1l also be requlr-I Women to lraln al home. Good FOn SALE-ShadCltn!es. Clower- f IWIt>OSO·HOl.l.YWOOD.obtnlned Dt'Cl'ndbnt No 0330 i Third down, Modem, Good Loen- cd to execute a corporate suretlloPPorlunllles for those who qunll· Inll ahrub:l. rost's. pl'onlVll. phlox, FOR SAI.E·AI a Wrv low prlef', , c;nF..~N TnEE nnotTJ' OF

NOTICE OF sUrr . tlon. bond. with a New Mexico agen. Cy. Home inlervlew, Write Box N. ~ Jumbo nlze gladloln bulbo 75(. doz- ' mon'n almost III'W bllu'k lI.ull. ~moll : AI ITo the Above Named Dclendant. . FOR SALE OR TRADE In 1M sum ot One Thousnnd and T. S.• RUldo<o Nl'Ws, 2tp: en, Iluldoso Nursery. dlnl 2945. 31c 1Ille. In Qood ron,lIlIolI St'(' F,vnr· ('0 lOli('S

You are hereby noUfll'd that the L n r g e 3-bcdroom. Flrl'plaec. No/laO 1$1000,00) Dollars to cnlT)' NEW 1I0ME.c; --For MIl' nmnd-! F I I: E . CLERKS. G ENE H A I, Isto Morales or dIal 331f. It II , Anon vrnous~tnn~~ed:lalntlUfm'l11JeCotil~ Modern Home. Want SmaUer f~tlst~~rlt~~unoJl';~~o~Il~'r~h~ ne'...· 3·twdroom. 2 tiled b~tlu. tire- BOOKKEEPEHS Lcmrn how you, .:'II'IPI'l-:1> Til I,ull anol ~I't pll'p, MI't'1l1t1l every Sund1l1 "'omln•

• e nOve c ,'u U ' Place. Lovely V~'CW. Cnn Ulle Rui- st e plllrl'. rl'ntrnl hl'ntlnll. Incinerator, run make more mone)', "ome In- .url' pumpn Aulhllrlzl',j nalrs nnd .11 10311 Orandvll'W I'hnrmnt')'an1 e~Jel~ag~lnS~1 Yhu. The gen- PO'M'ED PLANTs - CORSACES doso or EI PasO' Property, ~ bg:n:ur; ~j,~t ~~~~eV' Is to pallO. lovely view, tl'rms. Agua Mrurllon, Wrtte Ilox N. T S, Hut- <.('rvIt(' on 111',1 .• SlIhml'l.ihl(' nnd I 1'1'1'1.1(' INVITED~0 a ~f';,~ga~e b~~e ~~lor:; FlowersCt?::B~~~~nnlver- Have Some Other Good Detnllcd Intorm~t1on eon~rnlna I Frln F..sllltett. east of Orl'en Tree d050 Ne~1I __ .__ _ _ .' ~tp,' nNkl':('~ Jel l'UI1l11~ Ilud:n,'r's I -_"':''::'':'~';''';':~:'':'::'::'::':''''-.-..-appointment of a Receiver upon Gllrlcs Buyo-Contact Me this olter ot sale ot state timber, i ~hone. (0)-234_~ _.. . .. tte IlEItE'S A BARGAIN ·[)('Iuxl'. Pt'tu ISIIF.1l WANTF.fl For It_

property described In the Com- lloUdeys or Any OCCBJIlon IVA COLEMAN and other matters related ther('lo LF.ASE & FUItNITURE For Sale' model SPl't'd-O-MoUe rnlmCOltTaph I·"fl~. wllh n,." olnlli. IrlM nil.' Iplnlnt as: . Phones 3235 or 2135 may be obtnlned by writing to the: or Trade in nil modem apartment marhlne. never been u&«1 Srlerl-: provell pflPUlllf. Iwfor.. Otllllrll' ...·

Lolli twenty-eight (28) And HOLLYWOOD, NEW MEXICO Realtor Downtown Ruidoso I~?rrml:lonoc oC ~UbllcF lolI~ds. holel and buth housl', I:ood resort rice price. below "ODt Inquire 011 ..,.It kill" F"I r"tI,.I" 'lI'Iilll·twentY-lline (29). Bloc:kThree. Ma ~ nd rice. anta e, l'W town. Write Mnrla O'Dl'lI, Truth News oClJee. He I Wlllf' n,," M. r·.. Jluldo~o I'll'''''. j

(3). Palmer OatcwAy Subdi- cX co. lor I·onsl'qu('ncell. N. Mex.. Box J ~ !vision. Ruidoso, Uncoln Coun- The right to reJC<'t any and all 471. ltp HOSTEg.<;ES. RECEPTIONISTS. I LAY CANASTA YoUlltf' mvllM,ty, New Mexico, "d • bids Is exprellSl.v rl'served. nnd no' -. - . _. -_.-~-_.~. -- SOCIAL DlIlECTOnS lIe('del1" t.. hnnn your own I ..ur"-.<lml'...r j

located In Ruidoso N M I I HENRY T. WICKER-REALTOR . sale shall be l'fCet'tlve unll'ss and FOn RENT-Two bedroom "ot- R(·stllllrant~. Travel Bureau". H('- r",nco tty Hlurr...tr. tf' 1.1", (';1n-,«I.I

and that unl ,~ex co Iuntil opproved In writing by the talle~. modern. reasonable. Dial sorls. Hotels. Cnrt'l'rg provl,l(' lIe- M.'ntlnY "rtrrlllKIIlQ .•1 Ihco Wnrn·:anee In s.aldellS ~rlu ender appear- ,Commissioner of Publl.. Lands. ! 2342 2tc t'urll)'. prestige alld trnv('! Prl'.: on's rlul, how;e If;

bef .L ~4 h an ca~.on DATED at Sanla Fe. New Mt>x-' ._--~-- - .' -- pare al home (or thest' Inl('rl'stlnll' • • 'or are Ule t day of may. Day and night Phone 3652, if no answer c 'leo, this lOth do' of Marrh. 1955. FOR SALE03 pll't'e blodroom position. on ens\' paymNlt plall TItAINhlJ gAl .F-'iMf.N ,Iff' n('..<lf'd .IP

W55, Judatt\cnt and foreelosure (Seal) 'E, S. WALKER sulle $65; stlldlo rourh SIS; l:a9 Wri!(' Box N. T. S. HUlda!!" News nnw. nil hnl's or 111"10"119 SlOOO

!_I~~ .tend(!red In said cause Commlsslvner of Public Land:l. reCrlgerator S65; ehest oC drnwel1l --.---- - • ---. _. po'r lIl~nlh nftt unll.U.11 rm trahw.I,-G"'-rot you ~..tlclnult. Leave Word at Desk of NavaJ'o Lodge. (Thru Mav 27) 87.50 to 825. mirror1l 8310 $5; lots BOOK MATUJFoS-Fmt'r.t line of mIll I repare nl h"'tlf' r", Ih('sf' "l" i

. ,L. Zll\u>mRMAN. Box 85, . . ot nl'W Curnlture. come In and boole m:llrhell in Amerlrll. with 11Orlllnllll'Q Wrlll' Box N T S. ::::::::::======::::::=Carrizozo, New Mexico is. the at- I . llook around Ap3rhe Furniture. Qlandanl dl'!llgns. SInUll' or douhll" tUldoso News 2111tomey tor the PlnintUts. Offers: ' QualUled by 19 Years dial 2835. ltc sIze. rome With lIrt work. or wrile ._. - .. - ,

WltnCS.9 the Honorabie W. T. Residence on the I - -' - -- - -. )'our own I"OP)' ("all Huldooo News. HOVAr. TYPEWniTEnS ;~, District Judge of the SIRId • I nnd salt'smoo WIll "all with sam' SAI,ES AND SEIlVICF All IYPCllThird JUdicial DistrIct Court of, . a es and exchanges on Real Estate, Busi- u oso A C KELLEY pIes tte lyPt!wrll('rll and ad11na mnrhinl'A,the State of Ncw Mexico and the ness In .. tIn ts d A IS' f I va Coleman . . -- IIpw or u~('d AlIII'd 11,llllnCSll Ma-~ ot the District Court of Un- ves en an mp e ecunties or Real I LICENSED CONmACTOR . PENCIL SIfARPENEHS Carhon chlnell Cn. I I I E Third. RlllJWelleoln County. New Mexico, this Estate Loans in Lincoln, Chaves and Roosevelt Realtor I ROCK & CEMENT WORK papt'r. "ddinu marlnnco pap('r. rub- Phone 3m4 or rail RUldftll() New.220d day oC March, 1955. Countl'eS. Sall'S - Rentnls Ruidoso. Nl'w Mexico l('r ~Iomps. paper dip!!. file told. ; ------------

INICE lIUST P. O. Box 2 Dial 4155 en:. l"pcwrtt('r ribbons. ('I". at I NF'~W MACHINEClerk of the District Court _ ItUIDOSO N.;WS. ~-By Tillie Mirabal, Deputy. P 0 B 832 R 'd ' ~- - ,_.-! Por UIJtltlllg n.v ('HARTERED PLANE

<D. C. Seal) I -. • ox ,Ul OSO- C D W PRACTICAL NUHSES urltPlltly' Ditches. Found"tl'()ns3-JS: Lol-s.15 ERNEST WOOD ontract itch ork nt't'f!l'd Preparf' al home now. u I AIIU'OJlT_.' ',' PLUMBING MACHINE DIGGING I good snlorll'S Iligh Scbllol l'dura- 1 LEO GREENWOOD DIALbYftNG".UP'NI&HI".S; By Foot, By Hour or By Yard Itlon 1I0t requlr('d Wrltt' Hox NT' Ph"n(' 3502 RuillfKO I 4331VEl II . I Additional Time and Effort CON T R ACT 0 R FOUNDATIONS DUO S. Itllidoso Nl'WS 21p 1-----------_~,~I • Given to Exclusive Listings ~~6BERW~J~:d~:;~~'1 J~~1 ~:}~~~~S Dial 2495' ~ ~:;~~so : FOR SAL E ,--------.--.-"-----

=~~;r«tg~= I and Property Exchanges .•. _ ~ I I MESCALERO~~or• ..t.lt lUI4 I . 1951 Old 98

. "'l..=~~~~O~lmtW I _ .. BEN ROY FIREPLACE WOOD Hart Electric l.oarll'r1, l.ow ~lI('ng(' INDIAN AGENCY',,), .,.,...., , .' • , " INSURANCE Any Kind Very Cleall ·..AT·

........................................................................... TAX SERVICE Refrigeration Sales & Servlct' $132500Bo R Any Amount ' ,.x 15S uldoso, N. M. Sillte l.lcense 143

I.. ~Ial 4245 .• _ AYf{¥e ~~~~r~~Oy ~::!:.:~~~~;rJt~1.;;~~ 195~;Jfl~;~oodWe Give S. & H. Green Tree, New Mexl'co Dlrt'ct Jlepresenilltive Londl'dRl'da Submersltle Pumps

GREEN STAMPS . ----- . $2100.00me ..... _'..... . _

ROY PIOR'S MET A L W 0 R K 1954 Pontiac 4-DoorTEXACO STATION Gutters, Chlmnev To"'!, Tanks RUIDOSO REALTY 2.000 Mill'S

~ .. 'COMPAN l.oaded with ExlrasPayne Centrad Hellt & Cooling Y , Inc. $2600.00

All Sheet Metal WOrkLAC E Y Lots for Lease or Sale 1954 Ford Customlinc

SHEET METAL SHOP Cabins for Sale I LoadedContact Joe Hawkins ot TOM & EMIDAIR CHASE JONES I $1850.00

Seven room modem home, 4% Ruidoso Gas CO. LOCAL AOENTS LOWELL B. MORGANacres land on Hiway 7Q-Ideal Cor DIAL 4303 I Ruidoso and Upper Local Ford Solcsman tor~~n~e;~lf~:~~r~.llmaU down pay- Or 413 E, 2nd St., Roswell LINCOLN COUNTY MOTORS

Phone 255S-W tor Free Estimates j Cedar Creek Dial 2215

.' Courts! Y: :c hll:e 'ern 11'0111 ~_:'======'~.. :'=~~~=====:·,-:·:··:-=·~-:::·_~:t!=::-:-=:, ;,===:·::=.::=::::::,tl;:::·:·====='='==-=======fIve unit. on up-Also OM ot tbe ~tlnest rCllOrt hotels In the Soutb-lWest. A LAM 0 MOT 0 ReO. Sec Our Ruidoso Salesman, Lowell Morgan

* * * DODGE PLYMOUTH I For Ford Passenger Cars, Pick-Ups, TrucksAcreage on Hiway 70. Used Cars, Pick-Ups and Trucks

* * * Sales and Service.. List ynur CabIns NOW, lor

ltehtal and :ale,* * Box 668 I . Phon~' 56

}UoDonl?ftriAM ._1"'ll!"". "'... ·.O"'·~...>. 1···..&o,n"'.·' VA." 1"'0' ft•." 'McCarty Real Estate Alamogordo; New Mexico LIN COL NCO" U' N' T Y M" O·T 0 RS'l""" ." .. .... a........... ~.uu. 4 av- .I \JD "'.-. r. " LucW~ MCCarty-ntaflor' .. t. ",,' . '. ,UtaI 242' Lam ORAWFORD, Salesme,n. Green Tree .Fha. 145 Marvin Roberts CartizQZol N. M.·· .

"''fl~.. ~.~.~,~,.. ~.~.~~,~~.~","_ tt +~~·~·~·,·~·fj·~-_ '."' " ' -t'.~~'~'~"M'~'~'H''-'~''''~'~'u.'"IJ.'j'1'f~'!·"'".i'::!->"'"'." D..,_':i'ilhioj,:~,..'..," -I}· · "'}..H 'j) ' ,"", 1:2

5- •• 511 ·~/'+·?rf'+_·l"'U( "~"'-',' i{..··"'·,:·: '("".:"'q"" ·..i· I':..· (:_:~.,. ~ " , ? , , , , -+~.~t ? , • ·(""·.· i'u..:·~'.. :....." i· •.." ,. · · ·i;..,;.i • · 1 ' • ' ·· ; -- _-- .

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• I

Page 6: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · WAHREN BARRETT. Raa1:tor·Insurel' TRADES IN THE MAKING What 'do YOU have to otter?

















• •


.-e_._" ...... ',_ , ._

,, ,

-., '" ,. .'"'.

. ". ,

",~. _. ,." -'. -" ' ..' "

Also GlIaml~d (llock Be.,.J.eave fO\1\' watc:h~l'·clock a~

, ,

'.-, ',.' . ,.' ,- ,-';,-


• f\ 5ge (8 Adi Ban in P1utIc Bag

WIth Wash Rag Fne; ; ; $2



Maryland Club all grinds Per Lb. !

COFFEE • • Only 9Se; ; \•

Wlbon & Peyton !.g. 8 Lb. pan

§~~~~--- J~ ~:na 1.1: :JELLO 1·5C ,Atlll'byen 2 Boxes PM'

I' _;' " __

~2n~ ..__~~_~5~~:~ caa 15C-! ;; !! ' ......

CUT BEANS ... , l2CK~bell Dlam0r:t4 ••• • 3U 8be

: '; 'J . ;

. ,•

.... Ii *',

. I



-',.- ~

,,'.' ..." -',


HUla .. All GrInds


I ql-=; I 1\ I Ii 11\ .. \ lIE •• 1IIi II :a:l1l11I1EII1I1US: ill 1;::tillt:::W£lH5,•• ~~;it:'" ...,lhae to elrtuwtanees be7.l:l' .v eoIItni ... were lUIable 10 1lrtll6 ,... the IPOeW ac1 'Wo ...»lamtt4 tbJig week--hi 'ftJda fit' Ii 11m wtlekl

Right On The Corner Right On Tho P,ieo

L F DM ETPhone :DIal :J825 Ru.Icbo, N. M.


Laned Stock ofaUlDOso SOUVENIRSAnTWhere tu the Worl41

OLAYTON BENNETI'JIIwar '1' Weat of .JancUon

CongoIeum Homestead 9xI2fI 54.95

Congoleum Good Housekeeping '9xI257.95

FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY12 Ft. Gold Seal Congoleum

Beautiful Pattem~, 51.50 Per Running Foot


Bonnell Hdwe. & Building Supplies~ Box 1640 Phone 3835 RuIdoso, New MexicotC"' II:~ I I n I •• I II • II sll1.flllI ::::11 m:.11I =:: Uz~:. 11 :,:'I.&e&C I II '0: '


Mrs. Roy Thomas Is In Dallllllwith her husbapd's mother, who Isreceiving- medIcal IItentlon In a Ihospital there. Happy Roy sayaJackie will be back here the endot thl!t month.


I ) I. .

:J• I

lSoxofllte OPt'1lI 6 p. In.• • r

•: :




FRIDAY. SATURDAYOur First Program In

CinemaScopeAdmlulon Uc " 250







..~ .... . ", ,

~. , ~"'", I, i"·~ ,...... ._ " . , " ,''t _.. r,:

III mUl)iclp~1 lIuditoriulU$ acro~ , • "~ ,""FRIDAY-SATURDAY .~~I%,~~~s,$::~~eo~tr~, ~ TO ~ ;'~1.~.~',.~7' 41 t ". 'I ?'~" werlrJgEv3tlg~!!itOi1lhl!m'llinvi- "" " '" ," ..

4 ponn.J,-, tauonto live t1t~ ChrI~i!m life ;It <4,-~ least 1~~.0P0 Pef$on/l ,~corlJed 0 '· . 25'. ~~~[ved~~~f~ o~\1Il~~tJ~:. !.~~ JACK TURK'S .".' ~

.. TexliIs" Is currently WJn~ ~QWl1 in

4 Lb.' p'aUZI sevl!roJ foreign countrll!ll. with od-

59~~:~leJ. an g u a g etranslatiorJll BAND

• • ",II, "011town, u. S. A." will shpw jrJ.. : Ruidoso at the First Baptist

.. or t Church the night of Friday. AprilPound 22. There will ~ no admission S turd "A ril23

. . 39e: charge, bIlt a f~e will ofIering wlJl a ,ay;, p .be taken;

Coopel"atlon al)d assistance ini rqr -.. filming the location scenes was ex-

2 Pounds tepded' by ,Mayor Oscar Holcombe MAR"TIN'S, BAR2

of the City of Houston, and the

5~HoustorJ Pollee Pepartment; the.

• • ' Texas 011 Company; Earl C. Han-• ~nmer of the Prudential 011 Com-

P d pany and the ShamrQck Hotel COl"- -Ruidoso-- OLD 1\ftT T

100~' poratlon. Costumes.were provided . . ....~

by So~owlt:t& Compllny of lious- . $1.50 Couple . TRADING POST... ; < ~~~:eJtr::~p~t:~;~E1::~~; ~ AU lVt~QuaranteedP d ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;2-;;~;;·;Wi;U;:;;!;..;yr;;~t;r;:;.;:..~,.,;",;;.;;,',;c;a;21;1. '~oun able b)' newsreel photographer , , . .

59Bob Bailey -of Hou)ton. ;, . : •· · . « rec~d ~;~ICklli{o~~i~~ :~~ ~t: FILMS DEY.E.LO.PE..D

I I rccted "Mr. TexlllI."Big beautifu11Png Siz& Prints mounted inattractive albums and dated SO you canremember whop you took them ••• all atno extra charge. L.

CARMON OLD MILL'TRADINGPHILLIPS '. . POSTPbotocraph;y • Plchll't!~ • Watc:b ItQ>ldrliq

ITape Itecorden • Gift. • (lame,... • PlIa • JCocoaIIDa






J J,








OLEO r ••



Billy GrahamMovie BookedHere April 22








2 for



° 5c




. -i


.tsaR ail




WhUe Swan No. 300 Can

Blackeyed PEAS Z

WithB8con2 I







RUIDOSO'FOOD MARTYour $ $ Buy More At Our Store

And Othor Morchandiso Bolow CostIHavo You Boon in tho



Pic-Hie Shoulders, lb. 43c: ......., .IE Pi J as. Ii N$i SA

JUICE ORANGES · geAlso, A Good Eating Orange

Cello Bag

CAAAOTS · • · 10c•

't-!"+··:#!, " ,oM


Glovers Pound

WIENERS, all meat 39cShoulder • Pound

ROAST · . · · 39cFresh 3 Pounda

GROUND BEEF 51.00'Ouart - 2 For

BLEACH . · · 29cPound

· · 15c·.rr iW·W '%2•• c::s:r,; - - t-t

Package Coffee, lb.c ; :, e:::: =::z:::::t A ......' *'

Kim Dog Food, 12 for $1~ ----- ..._~ -- . - -- _.--._------_.~._--

'1, ,I, 1M" JllIol'" AlII."" lIi"l. HIl' Y-d Winona tUIJJIly durlllll the Hosp.°tal NewsOf II. ,.' '" ~UIIfIU Klint'! vanlter] hl,lHtuya

_. . ~"_'''''''' ' L_. .._



-------------------------- ....-

J'n!Jt'lIlB r«elvlllg ',("/lIIJJl.'nt tholanl novllrul dnyu In lIuldo:.o-Hon.

1'I ,In Vlllloy Clt'nl1rnl 1I05pltlil hove-' />('('/1

~ H',wlJrd, Georgo rand GlJlr C~op. !oJ'! I f'r. Mfa Wcmdll Joncll. Mrs (l111l0 i

" ("/urko. Mark OWl'n.. HUldow.~ /If ro C'urollno POIUlO. W Y Cha.':: ""1, RIO Plllrll'lo. Wm C Slr~w •... , 1":·!llt'. 'ruIClrollCl; [Ji\n 6...1111". Lat:l T'"l. M'5 JUliO CnllhL EI Pun" '? i lIu ln, 10 Mr ilnd nttl! J P, ,lfIki:J 'I r "Jlllo_ flUldOllll. II lion. Allul 0.l;I ," • iii"&l 1""11, I.. Mr Cllld M,n 1\ If,!.. .J, .Itt':', Alumoilordo. II CIIII Allld fo I I wi fl Ib::, 11 01. .

J{n TrcwlD !\IrMlnn, uS-"lcla- I1".",,1 IfIIC'1ll1l1lJry lTIuw1r, hu~

luci • lI/1dude.1 a 1\\ "'\H f k tf ,',v. ,"I ill W.Cf.I. N /11 , 21"1"10' 1'1""dl I

J Ill, (<lImb waD tWill" tI'l thl1 i

> 1...II.\" '0 tn,m Pl)rt"h·~ wI""" lIl' I nll.LV OnAJl~1

S11 IIHt'lltdl/lll ....aotl'llI Nl"W !\tl"lClco 1 'I hit"... 21. {;, SA." l\«'Und mn­I 'nIVl"ulty, . lor (11m effort of nUly Ol'llhom,

!::: .~ , Como in and Soo The New Decca

Latoly, Woll- "II 3·Speod Phonograph & RadIoa NE\V-8parlmrn'. lilt.. - Spol'Umtft'. ea,._~omo In and look and spond ~ ; .....wn Furniture - New ftedlnJIlJ' ChAIr

eI EYf'l"I'ad, F1uhJllh.. With New TJ'#f' S"lleh

And you wUl come back againI EYClutb IItn,. Ihat,. Baume-

I Car Itoe Bexrs ••d T'JIenMe I.,.Tho Bond'. Frlondly Service 8 ~


~ THE BOND'S FAMILY ~1; Hollywood. N. M. On Highway 10 ~ I I ~~

I 1\1: .lIke t,oUW_ .. : d. ..!!!!!!!!!!.!••! ! ..~.~ I!CW.RDMlIWIt.IEUADM'r1


5 ••••••••••••,111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111I11I1I 55 "Three Coins In Payton Pun .. Lb. Box, ODly

=Special Prices for Fri.-Sal.-We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities 5 The Fountain" ~ ~ ~ • • 7J15•••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• = :0~:~ ~~~~~iUU ~ Lb;,.Tbl.~

•="SwUu Fresh" Pound "WlllOl1a Golden Brand" Pound = -roEs. ~ WEn. ~~.~~ SIS Caa Ilfi FRYERS · · • • • • · 55e OLEO • • • • • • • 19« 5 ~!P........, 55<:_ 1 :... . j ... , ; . , ..

5 "Snow Girl Frozen" 10 oz. Pkg. ~ch Pound = , ~2.~:c:::. .. Lc. s;, CaB 14C

:: STRAWBERRIES · · · 1ge CHUCK ROAST .'•.• 39 !i I ~~f~.~~lcan2ge- \ rt .. ' i··· , i ,'_

~ 13 Pounds Snowdrlft Each u~onarc:h Brand'~ ; Po~~ 5 ..... .ACAa ~.:~~__• .u PtrCart 7C.. ..' ~~eto ..

5 SHORTENING · · · · · 75e COFFEE • • • • • • • 95rt = PIU/:=U:=~~bhc&a t ••~;!:~~.~~~~=.~~~~5 I E ,51 i 1\ "18 Extra CUPI" Per Pound 5 nrtn=tSDAY*ONLY e~£t~AU)feat uu__ "' agoi! "300" Box • E 5 B.~ tuIdC: ~~~~_.!~~~!!_. __ Per Lb. ago ,5 KLEENEX ° 0 0 0 • • 1ge Sbuta2 ~. Peach or Apricot JUS I &nlOl' Class PICNtC HAMS .. , 36t:: ' PRESERVES • • • • • 45« :: ~......._'_.~----' ~..QC.',1-.- Box : ,. : f i I ; . I ; 7;. • -.1II • W1lHns, Ce:llol'U. Lbo '" .

5 GIANT FAD. · 0 • • Pound =-~~ ·W~~~~~~~~ __ 5~_'•• U Lb. 4go,:5 • • • • 5 ..~ t~a9e., ...-,.--_... Lbo2.Ii 1111I111I11I11I 11I111 111 '." =...... = ..':l ~..!'!~~ _.._ 45t:l,:.= B. A. BENNETT , V11)A~' ". ',...=,. ~"'_"J(ilj"",~ " ~'~'jifl' eotm1'BY£CGS 4''p'.<:_....et:'."'. 7...... t;.", ;:., ' ............ 11,"...... 'J'J"""A~, Jj" ~ . '.... • '. *,';',1 H' ItI,:tI~'1'~.\," r, :~,~~J(,~• .,.-~4.-cf'Al:~~ ...~"" ...40..,~·~ ,

"J;.i~==IIIIIII••II••••IIII•••I •••I••••••••I.I.IIII.1•••••••••••••••••••ii ·.!t'l~·r8tl~(Hf8lifttii~·;tt1::tliy.".\:i}ir;Wj1O~~'~~'2f.C';"·:" .."" .,.. ' .,....... " ,


1·"1, 11'

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