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NUREG/CR-686 1 ANL-04/26 Barrier Integrity Research Program I Final Report Argonne National Laboratory U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Washington, DC 20555-0001 "'JR REG&4
Page 1: Barrier Integrity Research Program - nrc.gov · report, experiments and models were reviewed to identify correlations between crack size, crack-tip-opening displacement (CTOD). and

NUREG/CR-686 1ANL-04/26

Barrier IntegrityResearch Program


Final Report

Argonne National Laboratory

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionOffice of Nuclear Regulatory ResearchWashington, DC 20555-0001 "'JR REG&4

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Barrier IntegrityResearch Program

Final ReportManuscript Completed: November 2004Date Published: December 2004

Prepared byD.S. Kupperman', S.H. Sheen', W.J. Shack', and D.R. Diercks'


P. Krishnaswamny, D. Rudland2 , and G.M. Wilkowski2

'ArgonneNational LaboratoryArgonne, IL 60439

2 Engineering Mechanics Corporation of ColumbusColumbus, OH 43221

M. Srinivasan, NRC Project Manager

Prepared forDivision of Engineering TechnologyOffice of Nuclear Regulatory ResearchU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington, DC 20555-0001Job Code Y6869

Page 4: Barrier Integrity Research Program - nrc.gov · report, experiments and models were reviewed to identify correlations between crack size, crack-tip-opening displacement (CTOD). and

Barrier Integrity Research Program: Final Report

D. S. Kupperman, S. H. Sheen, W. J. Shack, and D. R. Diercks


P. Krishnaswamy, D. Rudland, and G. M. Wilkowski


In response to the vessel head event at the Davis-Besse reactor, the NRC formed aLessons Learned Task Force (LLTF). Four action plans were formulated to respond to therecommendations of the LLTF. The action plans involve barrier integrity, stress corrosioncracking (SCC), operating experience, and inspection and program management. One part ofthe action plan on barrier integrity is an assessment to identify potential safety benefits fromchanges In requirements pertaining to leakage in the reactor coolant system (RCS). In thisreport, experiments and models were reviewed to identify correlations between crack size,crack-tip-opening displacement (CTOD). and leak rate In the RCS. Sensitivity studies usingSQUIRT (Seepage Quantification of Upsets In Reactor Tubes) were carried out to correlate crackparameters, such as crack size and CTOD, with leak rate for various types of crackconfigurations in RCS components. A database that Identifies the leak source, leak rate, andresulting actions from RCS leaks discovered In U.S. light water reactors was developed. Foreach leak event, the database provides information on what equipment detected the leakage,how it was determined that the leakage was through the pressure boundary, and what causedthe leakage. The sensitivity, reliability, response time and accuracy of each type of leakagedetection system were evaluated. Acoustic emission crack monitoring systems for the detectionof crack Initiation and growth before a leak occurs were also considered. New approaches tothe detection of a leak in the reactor head region by monitoring boric-acid aerosols were alsoconsidered. Infrared spectroscopy could be used for this purpose. The focus of the report Is onthe available technologies.


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Abstract .................................................................................................................................. H..........................................il

Figures ................................................................................................................................... ......................................... vil

Tables..................................................................................................................................... xi

Executive Summary .................................................................................. xiil

Foreword................................................................................................................................ xvi

Acknowledgments................................................................................................................... xvii

Acronyms and Abbreviations .................................................................................. xix

1. Introduction..................................................................................................................... 1

2. Determination of RCS Components Susceptible to Stress Corrosion Cracking ................ 2

3. Review of RCS Leakage Experiments and Leak-Rate Models ............ ............................... 4

Leak Rate Models .................................................................................. 4Sensitivity Studies .................................................................................. 7

Importance of Crack Morphology Parameters and Effect of COD ........ .................. 7Variation in Leak Rate due to Statistical Variation of Crack MorphologyParam eters............................................................................................................ 9Relative Leakage Crack Lengths due to Different Crack Morphology Parameters.. 10Leaks in CRDM Nozzle ................................................................................... 12

Determination of Leak Rates Expected from Typical SCC in RCS Components ....... ...... 14Review of Leak Rates from Non-SCC Type of Cracking and Other Variables .................. 17

4. Leakage Operating Experience .................................................................................. 24

Basis for RCS Leakage M onitoring Requirem ents .................. ........................................ 25Consequences of Lowering Leak Rate Limits .................................................................. 31Correlation between Crack Size and Leak Rate .............................................................. 32

5. Leak Monitoring Systems .................................................................................. 36

Acoustic Emission Leak Monitoring ............................................................................... 42M onitoring with Humidity Sensors ................................................................................ 43Airborne Particulate Radiation Monitor .......................................................................... 45Improved Radioactive Gas Monitors ............................................................................... 46Visual Observation of Leaks ................................................................................... 47Detection of Boric Acid from Leaks ................................................................................ 47

6. Crack Growth M onitoring System s .................................................................................. 49

7. Conclusions ................................................................................... 51

8. References....................................................................................................................... 53


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Appendex A ............................................................................... 56

Failure Scenarios for Reactor Coolant Systems .............................................................. 56

Appendix B ............................................................................... 65

Review of NRC-Sponsored ANL Study of Acoustic Leak Detection .................................. 65

Appendix C. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis of 2-Dimensional Duct Flowwith Turns ................................................................................. 68

Appendix D. Sensitivity Analysis Results for Leak Rate versus Crack Length ........ ................ 94

Appendix E. ASME Codes on Continuous Acoustic Emission (Article 13) ............................... Ill



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1. Comparison of two-phase flow leak rate tests used to validate the initial SQUIRTmodel. .......................................................... ....... S............................................................. 5

2. Comparison of PICEP- and SQUIRT-predicted leak rates with experimentallymeasured leak rates from Japanese leak-rate experiments . .......................................... 6

3. Comparison of SQUIRT-predicted leak rates versus experimentally measured leakrates for Ontario-Hydro experiments. .............................................................................. 6

4. Local and global surface roughness and number of turns ...................................... 85. Crack morphology variables versus normalized COD. 86. Fluid flow velocity field inside crack: (a) /ti, = 0.5, (b) 6/PiG 1.0, (c) 8/pr, = 3.0. and

(d) 6/lG= 5.0. Flow conditions: P = 2250 psi (15.5 MPa), T = 550'F (288'C), pipe

thickness = 25.4 mm. Single-phase all liquid water flow, and no local surfaceroughness...................................................................................................................... 9

7. Histogram of leak rate at 50% Service Level A for case BWR-1 In NUREG/CR-6004.... 118. Length of leaking corrosion cracks along with the length of air-fatigue cracks for

actual LBB submittal cases.............................................................................................. 129. Schematic showing long direction of dendritic grains in the buttered regions and main

butt weld fill beads. ................... . ...................................................... 1310. PWSCC growth across the long direction of the dendritic grains .................................... 1311. Percent of critical crack length versus diameter for BWR cases at 50% Service Level A

stresses.......................................................................................................................... 2312. Percent of critical crack length versus diameter for PWR cases at 50% Service Level A

stresses................................................2................................................................... ;...... 2313. An example of a database entry for a leak. Each field can be expanded for additional

information by clicking on the box containing the Initial Information ............................. 2514. Number of occurrences (percentage)'that a location was mentioned in a leak event

report. For example, almost 20% of the time the leak involved a weld. About 8% ofthe leak events reviewed involved CRDMs, usually detected through visual detection ofboric acid crystals. Cracks were involved with leaks about 40% of the time with awide range of leak rates j< 0.00063 to 6.3 kg/s ; 0.01 to >100 gpm].. ............................... 29

15a. The relative frequency of SCCs and fatigue cracks reported in the database for PWRsand BWRs. Many SCC involved a CRDM or pressurizer. The SCCs are tight and thusresult in lower leak rates compared to fatigue cracks for a given crack length. Forcracks with leak rates > 0.0063 kg/s (0.1 gpm) (excluding steam generators) fatiguecracks were noted to have about 50% more occurrences than SCCs ................................ 30

15b. Number of leakage events reported per year In database. A decrease in number, ofleakage events from 1985 Is evident.................. .............................................................. 31

16. The PWR-to-BWR ratio of leak events involving valves, seals, fatigue cracks, SCCs,and welds. The ratio of PWRs to BWRs in the U.S. is 2 and is represented in thefigure by the horizontal line ..................... ;34

17. Distribution of leak rates by magnitude recorded in the database beginning with1970. The number of leaks in a given leak rate range is indicated ............................... 34

18. Through-wall crack length vs. leak rate for variety of leaks in database. Most of theleaks were cracks in welds .............................. .............. 35

19. Trends in U.S. fuel failure rates (2004 results are incomplete ) . ...................................... 3620. Comparison of leak detection methods reported in the leak event reports. Small leaks

were detected visually. Test refers to hydrostatic pressure test. Vol refers to highmakeup rate to volume control tank .............................................................................. 40


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21. Time to recognize action is required after leak detected with sump monitor ................... 4122. Time to recognize action is required after leak detected with radiation monitor ............. 4223. Schematic representation of the ALUS system 1271 ........................................................ 4424. Schematic representation of the FLUS humidity sensor system. The sensitivity for the

FLUS system is reported to be 0.0003 kg/s (0.004 gpm) (221 ........................................ 4525. Schematic of AE sensor developed by PNNL for continuous monitoring of nuclear

reactor components 1181 ................................................................................ 50B 1. Predicted signal-to-noise ratios vs. distance along a 254-mm Schedule 80 pipe for

three leak rates and three levels of estimated acoustic background noise ..................... 66B2. Leak rate vs. acoustic signal amplitude in the 300-400 kHz bandwidth for SCC,

fatigue crack, valve, and flange leaks ............................................................................. 67C 1. Sketch of a 2D duct with turns................................................................................... 68C2. Rough pipe friction correlation and experiment data. Curve 1 for laminar flow: curve 2

for turbulent flow; curve 3 is the plot for the universal law of friction. Ks Is equivalentto the local roughness PL, and R to S. the duct opening . ............................................ 70

C3. Pressure contours for Re=10,000 and 50,000 for COD-to-global-roughness ratio = 0.1,0.5. 1. 5. and 10. For each case there are two pictures showing results for Re=10,000and 50,000, respectively............................................................................................. 74

C4. Velocity fields for flows of Re= 10,000 and 50.000 with COD-to-global-roughness ratio= 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, and 10 ......................................................................... 77

C5. Turbulence Intensity contours for flows of Re=10,000 and 50,000 with COD-to-global-roughness ratio = 0.1, 0.5. 1. 5, and 10 ...................................................................... 80

C6. Detailed velocity profiles for a tight duct at Re=50,000. Fully developed velocityprofiles are observed before and after the turn ........................................................... 80

C7. Friction coefficient vs. Reynolds number for different 8/p.g values ............................... 81C8. Friction coefficient as a function of the ratio of COD to global roughness ................... 82C9. Friction coefficient as a function of ratio of COD to global roughness for different local

roughnesses .............................................................................. 830 10. Comparison of calculated flow flux vs. measured data .. 870 11. Comparison of calculated flow flux and the measurements....................................... 88C12. Comparison of calculated leak rate and the measurements ................. ..................... 89C13. Measured versus predicted leak rate for COD = 0.02 mm . . 90C14. Measured versus predicted leak rate for COD = 0.04 mm . . 91015. Measured versus predicted leak rate for COD = 0.074 mm . . 91016. Measured versus predicted leak rate for COD = 0.108 mm . . 92C17. Measured versus predicted leak rate for COD = 0.2 mm . ........................ .92Dla. Predicted leak rate versus crack length for large-diameter PWR piping. . 96Dib. Predicted leak rate versus crack length for large-diameter PWR piping (log-log scale

showing power law correlation). ...................................................................................... 97D2. Predicted leak rate versus crack length for intermediate-diameter PWR piping.. ............ 98D3. Predicted leak rate versus crack length for small-diameter PWR piping ........................ 99D4. Predicted leak rate versus crack length for large-diameter BWR piping ......................... 100D5. Predicted leak rate versus crack length for intermediate-diameter BWR piping ............. 101D6. Predicted leak rate versus crack length for small-diameter BWR piping ........................ 102D7. Effect of surface crack depth on critical crack length as a function of diameter (PWR

SS piping) .............................................................................. 103D8. Effect of surface crack depth on critical crack length as a function of diameter (PWR

CS piping) .............................................................................. 104



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D9. Effect of surface crack depth on critical crack length as a function of diameter (BWRSS piping) ................................................................................. 105

D10. Effect of surface crack depth on critical crack length as a function of diameter (BWRCS piping)...................................................................................................................... 106

D1 1. Effect of residual stresses on critical crack length as a function of diameter (PWR SSpiping)............................................................................................................................ 107

DI 2. Effect of residual stresses on critical crack length as a function of diameter (PWR CSpiping)............................................................................................................................ 108

D13. Effect of residual stresses on critical crack length as a function of diameter (BWR SSpiping)............................................................................................................................ 109

D14. Effect of residual stresses on critical crack length as a function of diameter (BWR CSpiping)............................................................................................................................ 110


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1. Typical RCS piping used for sensitivity studies .............................................................. 3

2 Estimated mean and standard deviation of crack morphology parameters .................... 103. Matrix of variables for leak rate calculations using windows SQUIRT 1. 1 ........ .............. 1 54. PWR stainless steel piping cases with PWSCC degradation mechanism ........................ 165. BWR stainless steel piping cases with PWSCC degradation mechanism ........................ 176. PWR carbon steel piping cases with corrosion fatigue degradation mechanism ............. 187. BWR carbon steel piping cases with corrosion fatigue degradation mechanism ............ 198. Sensitivity runs for BWR and PWR cases - leak rate versus percent of critical crack

lengths .................................................................... 219. Leakage requirements for PWRs not in the standard technical specifications ................ 2810. Variability of throughwall crack lengths for a given leak rate In SS (PS cases) and

carbon steel (PC cases) piping in PWR RCSs .................................................................. 3311. Effectiveness of leak monitoring systems....................................................................... 3612. Average reported median leak rate range for sump pump. radiation monitors, and

other leak detection methods......................................................................................... 4013. Reported leak rates for valves, pumps and CRDM ..................... .................................... 4014. Reported leak rates for cracks and valves and pump seals ............................................ 4115. Estimated leakage sensitivity for the ALUS acoustic monitoring system as a function

of background noise level............................................................................................... 44A-1. BWR LOCA-Sensitive Piping Systems .57A-2. PWR LOCA-Sensitive Piping Systems .58A-3. BWR Reference Case Conditions .59A-4. PWR Reference Case Conditions .60A-5. Pressurizer Failure Scenarios .61A-6. Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Failure Scenarios .62A-7. Valve Failure Scenarios .63A-8. Pump Failure Scenarios .64


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Executive Summary

In response to the vessel head event at the Davis-Besse reactor, the NRC formed aLessons Learned Task Force (LLTF). The LLTF conducted an independent evaluation of theNRC's regulatory processes related to ensuring reactor vessel head integrity in order to identifyand recommend areas of improvement applicable to the NRC and the industry. Four actionplans were formulated to respond to the recommendations. The plans'involve barrier integrity,stress corrosion cracking (SCC), operating experience, and inspection and programmanagement.

This report is intended to provide a technical basis for determining the technicalfeasibility of implementing recommendation LLTF: 3.2.1(1) - 'Improve the requirementspertaining to leakage detection to ensure that RCS Ireactor coolant system] unldentPfied leakagecan be discriminated from RCPB (reactor coolant pressure boundary) leakage and providereasonable assurance that plants are not operated at power with RCPB leakage. It does notinclude safety or cost analyses. The structural calculations provide insights into the degree ofdefense in depth provided by leak detection systems. This provides a technical basis forassessing the potential benefit of improved leak detection and thus addresses LLTF: 3.1.5(1) -Determine whether PWR (pressurized water reactor) plants should install on-line enhancedleakage detection systems on critical plant components, which would be capable of detectingleakage rates significantly less than 0.063 kg (1 gpm).

A database that identifies the leak source, leak rate, and resulting actions from RCS leaksin U.S. LWRs was developed. For each' leak event, the database describes the (a) LicenseeEvent Record (LER) number if an LER is the source of information, (b) location of leak, (c) leak'rate [actual leak rate if known: however, for many cases the actual leak rates are small(<0.0006 kg/s; 0.01 gpm) and not known precisely, although some qualitative information("slowly dripping", etc.) are availableJ, (d) operation of reactor when leak was detected, (e) howthe leak was detected, (I the basis for the decision that a leak has occurred, (g) time requiredto recognize there was a unidentified leak, (h) action that was taken, (i) relevant nondestructiveand destructive evaluation reports, U) cause of leak, (k) leakage requirements, (I) crack type andsize if crack was cause of leak, and (m) any environmental impact. The database also includesinformation on the leak detection systems, Including (a) method of detection, (b) vendor forsystem, (c) sensitivity, (d) reliability, (e) response time, (f) accuracy, (g) estimated false alarmrate, (h) area of coverage, (i) maintenance requiredi U) training required for its implementation,(k) calibration procedures, (1) site validation procedure, (m) experience under field conditions,and (n) source of information.

The analysis of leak events show that -(a) many leaks reported are very small(<0.0006 kg/s; 0.01 gpm) are detected visually, and are reported as drips, weeping, seepage,-very small" boric acid deposits, etc., (b) large leaks have been detected primarily throughinventory balance, change in pressure, rise in sump level, or radiation alarms, (c) almost 20%of the leaks in the database involved a weld with about 8% of the leak events reviewed involvingthe control rod drive mechanism (CRDM), usually detected through visual detection of boricacid crystals, and (d) cracks were involved with leaks about 40% of the time with a wide rangeof leak rates (<0.0006 kg/s to >6.3 kg/s;'<0.01lgpm to >100 gpm).

The capabilities of each type of leakage detection system currently considered acceptablein Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.45 were evaluated to determine their sensitivity, reliability,


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response time, and accuracy. Although not currently included in RG 1.45, an acoustic'emission crack monitoring system capable of detecting crack initiation and growth before aleak occurs was also evaluated. In addition, technology that can monitor or detect other(noncracking) degradation modes such as boric acid corrosion or erosion/corrosion wasstudied.

These evaluations show that leak detection technology is available that can be used toprovide greater detection sensitivity and more accurate determination of leakage locations.Even some of the existing systems have sufficient sensitivity to detect unidentified leakage of0.032 kg/s (0.5 gpm) or even less.

Experiments and models for RCS leak rate were reviewed to identify correlations betweencrack size, crack-tip-opening displacement (CTOD). and leak rate. Sensitivity studies usingSQUIRT (Seepage Quantification of Upsets In Reactor Tubes) were carried out to correlate crackparameters such as crack size and CTOD and leak rate for various types of crackconfigurations in RCS components.

Results from validation of the SQUIRT code are presented. For leak rates greater than0.02 kg/s (0.32 gpm) most of the deviations between the data and the SQUIRT predictions arebounded by a factor of 2. Leak rates from tighter cracks are predicted less accurately. !Forleak rates less than 0.02 kg/s (0.32 gpm), the differences between the data and the SQUIRTpredictions are bounded by factors of +10 and -5. Factors describing the roughness andtortuosity of the crack are part of the input to SQUIRT. For very tight cracks, these parametersare dependent on the crack opening displacement (COD), but the relations between thesefactors and the crack opening displacement are not precisely known.

The results obtained for crack. lengths at various leak-rate values were compared to thecritical crack length for which the specified value of the bending moment represents themaximum load to obtain a 'margin of safety' against additional crack growth. Calculationsgiving the percent of critical crack length versus diameter for boiling water reactor (BWR) casesat 50% Service Level A stresses and leak rates versus percent of critical crack lengths werecarried out for this study. Such calculations give an estimate of the margins of safety fortypical piping joints under normal operating loads.

For most piping systems. the model calculations show that the current technicalspecification limits on unidentified leakage provide a significant margin against grossstructural failure. However, a bounding analysis of the leakage from a CRDM annulus forcircumferential cracks above the J-weld shows that the typical 0.063-kg/s (1 gpm) leakagespecification would not be exceeded even for cracks large enough for incipient CRDM tubefailure.

Although the current requirements provide margin against gross structural failure inmost cases, a 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) leak could correspond to a crack of length from 26 to 460mm (1.0 to 18.1 in.) for stainless steel piping and 51 to 310 mm (2.0-12.2 in.) for carbon steelpiping, depending on pipe diameter and the loading during normal operation. Because thethroughwall crack length corresponding to a given leak rate, Q, varies as Q- QO 2 4 , decreasingthe threshold leak rate by a factor of 2, decreases the possible crack lengths by only about20%.



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Localized leak detection systems such as acoustic emission and humidity monitors aswell as video systems would be required to obtain significant additional margin for thoseportions of the RPCB for which global leakage monitoring may give very little assurance againsta significant loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) and to provide a high degree of assurance thatleak rates are low enough to minimize high corrosion rates due to boric acid corrosion. Suchlocalized leak systems would also help discriminate between RCS and RCPB leaks.

Significant improvements in leak detection capability will require new systems which aresensitive and accurate, and which provide the location of leaks and thus help to minimizeunnecessary shutdowns. Newer, commercially available systems (with vendor reportedsensitivity) include acoustic emission (AE) monitoring [ALUS; 0.0002 to 0.016 kg/s (0.003 to0.25 gpm)1, humidity sensors IFLUS; 0.0003 to 0.032 kg/s (0.005 to 0.5 gpm)J. and airparticulate detectors [ARMS; <0.006 kg/s (0.1 gpm)]. Instrumentation of the pressure vesselhead with an acoustic emission (AE) system has a demonstrated capability to detect leaks assmall as 0.0003 kg/s (0.005 gpm). While additional technologies for leak detection, such asthe detection of boric acid leaks by using infrared (IR) spectroscopy to detect boric acid vapor inthe vessel head (VH) region, may be possible,' existing technologies, especially AE, already offerdemonstrated capability and great flexibility. There is little need for additional research onfundamentally different approaches to leak detection technology at this time.

In addition to early detection of leaks, AE sensors can be used on components of specialinterest to detect crack initiation and growth during plant operation. This use is alreadyincorporated in the ASME Pressure Vessel Code Section XI as a substitute for ultrasonicmonitoring of known non-throughwall cracks. AE systems have been installed in operatingreactors and have been shown to tolerate reactor, environments, including significant radiationfields. Broader demonstration of AE capability and implementation of AE monitoring of crackgrowth during plant operation could have significant advantages over current inspection andmonitoring approaches. Cracks in targeted areas could be detected prior to leakage. On-linemonitoring of cracks could replace periodic ultrasonic technique (UT) inspections, which couldresult in significant cost savings. Cracks could be detected at locations not normallyinspected, or In materials where UT inspection has not been appropriately demonstrated (i.e.,cast stainless steels). With greater assurance that no cracks of significant size exist, currentleak-before-break requirements could be relaxed.-

If RG 1.45 is revised, then inclusion of acoustic emission monitoring as an acceptablemethod for leak detection should be considered. Because of the reductions in coolant activitylevels, the value of monitoring gaseous radioactivity Is greatly diminished. Elimination ofgaseous radioactivity monitoring should be considered in any revision of RG 1.45, as it can nolonger be considered an adequate substitute for particulate monitoring.


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This report documents the results of barrier integrity research conducted by the Argonne NationalLaboratory (ANL). The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Office of Nuclear RegulatoryResearch, sponsored this research in response to recommendations from the Davis-Besse LessonsLearned Task Force (DBLLTF). Specifically, the DBLLTF recommended that the NRC should analyzeits current requirements for the integrity of the reactor coolant system (RCS) and the reactor coolantpressure boundary. The DBLLTF further recommended that the NRC should improve its requirements tobetter discriminate identified and unidentified leakage rates, and to ensure that the reactor is not operatedat power with pressure boundary leakage, In addition, the DBLLTF recommended that the NRC shoulddetermine whether online leakage monitoring systems should be installed on critical components inpressurized water reactors, to detect leakage rates which are significantly less than 3.8 liters (1 gallon)per minute,.

ANL conducted a comprehensive review of the NRC's existing RCS leakage rate requirements. ANLfirst reviewed the technical bases for existing leakage rate requirements and considered previous workrelated to the potential revision of the Regulatory Guide 1.45 on leakage detection systems. ANLevaluated the sensitivity, accuracy, reliability, and response time of each type of leakage detectionsystem. As a second task, ANL created a database of reported leakage at U.S. plants from 1974 throughJune 2004. For each instance, that database includes detailed information on the source and cause ofleakage, how the leakage was determined, the results of any destructive and nondestructive tests, andactions taken by the licensee upon identification of the leakage. As a third task, ANL reviewed newerleak detection and monitoring systems that detect significantly lower leakage rates than currentlyrequired. Further, ANL assessed each system's potential for use for continuous online monitoring.Finally, to establish the technical basis for realistic leakage rate requirements, ANL reviewed the currenttheoretical models that predict leakage rates through cracks of various configurations to evaluate howwell the model predictions correlate with plant data.

ANL identified a variety of monitoring systems, some of which are currently in use in the U.S. andEurope, that provide online and continuous leakage monitoring. However, some of the identifiedsystems need further field development to validate and confirm their reliability under reactor conditions.Further, the research described in this report did not consider the economic implications of theinstallation of newer monitoring systems. Consequently, cost-benefit analysis, backfit analysis, potentialincreases in rate of false alarms (as a results of lowering the existing leakage rate requirements), andother such issues are beyond the scope of this research.

Issues that warrant further consideration before the NRC revises its existing RCS leakage requirementsinclude the technical bases for those requirements, the sensitivity'and reliability of monitoring systems,the inability to relate predicted leakage rates to predicted and observed crack sizes, and the inability torelate the low leakage rates to potential corrosion rates. It would be very difficult to ensure adequatestructural integrity to mitigate the effects of corrosion solely by reducing the leakage rates specified inthe existing requirements. Although online monitoring can be of considerable benefit, inspections play asignificant the role in ensuring adequate structural integrity of the pressure boundary.

Carl J. Paperiello, DirectorOffice of Nuclear Regulatory Research



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The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions, suggestions, and guidance ofCayetano Santos, Makuteswara Srinivasan (program manager), and Dr. Joseph Muscara(Senior Technical Advisor). The authors also acknowledge the contributions of JonathanMeagher. This work was sponsored by the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U. S. NuclearRegulatory Commission, under Job Code Y6869.


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Acronyms and Abbreviations

ADAMS (U.S. NRC) Agency-wide documents access and management systemAE Acoustic emissionAEM Acoustic emission monitoringALUS Acoustic leak detection systemANL Argonne National LaboratoryARMS Airborne Particulate Radioactivity MonitoringASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code)BWR Boiling water reactorCFM Computational fluid mechanicsCOD Crack opening displacementCRDM Control rod drive mechanismCTOD Crack-tip-opening displacementDOP Dloctyl phthalateDPZP Dimensionless plastic zone parameterEdF Electricite de FranceEPRI Electric Power Research InstituteFLUS Humidity-leakage monitoring systemGDC General Design Criteriagpm Gallons per minuteIGSCC Intergranular stress corrosion crackingIR InfraredISA Instrument Society of AmericaLB Licensing basisLBB Leak before breakLER Licensee event reportLLTF Lessons Learned Task ForceLOCA Loss of coolant accidentLWR Light water reactorNRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionNRCPIPE Code for predicting crack-opening displacement for circumferential cracksPICEP Pipe Crack Evaluation ProgramPNNL Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryPWR Pressurized water reactorPWSCC Primary water stress corrosion crackingPZT Piezoelectric transducerRCPB Reactor coolant pressure boundaryRCS Reactor coolant systemRG Regulatory guideRPV Reactor pressure vesselRVH Reactor vessel headSCC Stress corrosion cracking; stress corrosion cracksSKI Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (Statens Karnkraftinspektion)SQUIRT Seepage Quantification of Upsets In Reactor TubesSS Stainless SteelT/H Thermal/hydraulicUT Ultrasonic (technique) inspection


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VHP Vessel head penetrationVICNIS Vessel Integrity Control using Nitrogen-13 Sensor


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1. Introduction

In light water reactors, the integrity of the reactor, coolant pressure boundary (RCPB) isimportant to safety because it forms one of the three defense-n-dcepth barriers to the release ofradioactivity. General Design Criteria (GDC) 14, 30, and 32 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50specify the following requirements for the RCPB:

GDC 14 states in part that; 'the reactor coolant pressure boundary shall be designed,fabricated, erected, and tested so as to have an extremely low probability of abnormalleakage."

GDC 30 states In part that; 'means shall be provided for detecting and, to the extentpractical, identifying the location of the source of reactor coolant leakage.7

GDC 32 states in part that; "components which are part of the reactor coolant pressureboundary shall be designed to permit periodic inspection and testing of important areasandfeatures to assess their structural and leak-tight integrity."

One of the primary challenges to the integrity of the RCPB is stress corrosion cracking(SCC). Primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) of Alloy 600 nozzles was firstobserved in pressurizer instrument nozzles in a number of U.S. reactors in 1986. In 1991,similar cracking was found in vessel head penetration (VHP) nozzles at a French plant ,(Bugey).At the time, it was thought that circumferential cracking of Alloy 600 nozzles was unlikely.However, in 2001, inspections at the Oconee Nuclear Station revealed significantcircumferential cracks in VHP nozzles. As a result of the Oconee event and some subsequentfindings at other reactors, the NRC issued Bulletin 2001-01 requesting Information to verifythat licensees were in compliance with existing regulations with respect to the integrity of theRCPB.

In March 2002, while inspections were underway in response to Bulletin 2001-01, threecontrol rod drive mechanism (CRDM) nozzles with indication of through-wall axial crackingthat resulted in RCPB leakage were identified at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station.During the nozzle repair activities, the licensee removed boric acid deposits from the reactorvessel head (RVH). conducted a visual examination of the area, and identified a cavity (178mm) by 102-127 mm)] at the widest part that extended down to the stainless steel cladding onthe downhill side of nozzle 3. The extent of the damage indicated that it had occurred over anextended period, and that the licensee's programs to inspect the reactor pressure vessel (RPV)head and to identify and correct boric acid leakage were ineffective.

In response to the Davis-Besse event, the NRC formed a Lessons Learned Task Force(LLTF). The LLTF conducted an independent evaluation of the NRC's regulatory processesrelated to ensuring RVH integrity in order to identify and recommend areas of improvementapplicable to the NRC and the industry. Four action plans were formulated to respond to therecommendations. The action plans involve barrier integrity, stress corrrosion cracking,operating experience, and inspection and program management. One part of the action planon barrier integrity. is an assessment of potential safety benefits of changes in requirementspertaining to leakage in the reactor coolant system (RCS).


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Leakage limits alone cannot be relied upon to ensure the RCPB integrity. Detectableleakage could indicate the pressure boundary has already been breached, although thepressure boundary may still be able to perform its intended safety functions. In addition, theleakage expected from stress corrosion cracks in susceptible RCPB components may result Inleak rates too small to be detected (in some cases, no leakage would occur under normaloperating conditions).

To prevent a breach (through-wall flaw) of the RCPB, we currently rely on periodicinspection of RCPB components. An additional approach would be to monitor continuously theRCPB (or critical locations or components) by methods capable of detecting materialdegradation before leakage occurs. The two approaches could be implemented in combinationto provide greater assurance of barrier integrity.

From a practical standpoint, the RCPB cannot be made completely leak-tight becausesome leakage will occur through pump and valve seals, etc. However, as part of a defense-in-depth philosophy for ensuring the integrity of the RCPB, improved leakage requirements (e.g.,establishment of action requirements based on Increases in unidentified leak rates, and moreaccurate identification, measurement, and collection of leakage from known sources tominimize interference with the detection of leakage from unknown sources) could betteridentify RCPB breaches. This knowledge would allow reactor operators to take action toprevent additional degradation of the pressure boundary. Such improvements could beachieved through additional requirements on the use of existing leak detection systems [e.g.,reductions in the global leakage limits to 0.032 kg/s (0.5 gpm). However, existing systems maynot be adequate to provide assurance that leakage is low enough to avoid boric-acid inducedcorrosion of carbon and low alloy steel components.

A distinction should be made between the objectives of this effort to study leakage eventsand the capabilities of leakage monitoring systems and the objectives of leak-before-break(LBB) evaluations for piping systems. The LBB evaluation is used in U.S. nuclear power plantsto allow the removal or noninstallation of pipe-whip-restraints and jet Impingement shieldsdesigned to mitigate the effects of postulated pipe ruptures. Before new requirements can beimplemented, the basis for all existing leakage requirements needs to be reevaluated. Thecurrent study entails a survey of plant experiences with RCS leakage, an evaluation of plantleakage detection system capabilities, a determination of the abilities of state-of-the-art leakdetection systems. and an evaluation of critical leak rates. The capabilities of various systemsthat can continuously monitor or inspect the integrity of fluid pressure boundaries have beenevaluated, as has been the feasibility of using correlations between leak rate and crack sizes toestablish leakage limits. The majority of this effort has involved reviews of operating experienceand earlier research studies. Areas where additional analytical or experimental efforts areneeded have been Identified.

2. Determination of RCS Components Susceptible to StressCorrosion Cracking

As part of the NRCs Elicitation Program on the re-definition of large-break loss-of-coolant accidents (LB-LOCA), a comprehensive table of failure scenarios of RCS componentswas developed. A compilation of these tables Is provided in Appendix A and was used as thebasis for selecting components for further sensitivity analysis.


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For the purpose of the sensitivity calculations, the RCS components selected wereclassified into large-, intermediate-, and small-diameter carb6n and stainless steel pipingtypically used in BWRs or PWRs. Table 1 shows the type of piping system represented by thevarious pipe sizes and materials chosen for the sensitivity analyses.

Table 1. Typical RCS piping used for sensitivity studies (SS = stainless steel, CS =.carbon steel,IGSSC =.intergranular stress corrosion cracking).

Case Piping System Material Material Outer Wall Weld Metal Cracking. . ._._. _ Spec Diameter Thickness Mechanism

No. ._._. ____.- . mm mm . .BWR-l Side Riser SS TP304 . 711 36 SS Flux IGSCCBWR-2 Main Steam CS A516Gr7O 711 36 CS Flux Corr FatigueBWR-3 Recirc Branch Line SS TP304 324 17 SS Flux IGSCCBWR-4 Feedwater CS A106B 324 17 CS Flux Corr FatigueBWR-5 Bypass Line SS TP304 114 8.6 SS Flux IGSCCBWR-6 Reactor Water Clean-up CS A106B 114 8.6 CS Flux Corr Fatigue

PWR-I Main Coolant SS CF8M 813 76 SS Flux Thermal FatiguePWR-2 Main Coolant CS A516Gr7O 813 76 CS Flux CorrFatiguePWR-3 Surge Line SS CF8M 356 914 SS Flux Thermal FatiguePWR-4 Feedwater CS A106B 356 914 CS Flux Corr FatiguePWR-5 Spray Line SS TP304 114 13 SS Flux IGSCCPWR-6 SG Blowdown Line CS A106B 114 13 CS Flux CorrFatigue

. I.


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3. Review of RCS Leakage Experiments and Leak-Rate Models

Essentially three major sets of leak-rate experiments are available for comparison withpredictive models. The initial sets of data used to validate the SQUIRT code [11, includes theSozzi and Sutherland (1975) data, the Collier (1975) data on tight slits, the Yano (1987) data,the Amos and Shrock (1983) data, and the Collier (1984) IGSCC cracked pipe data. The tightslit and IGSCC cracked pipe data of Collier et al. were developed for the Electric PowerResearch Institute (EPRI) (21. More recent sets of data were developed in Japan by Hitachi 131and in Canada by Ontario-Hydro 141. All of these tests involved two-phase flow of subcooledwater through cracks or tight slits to simulate cracks with different roughnesses and crackopenings. All the available data have been used to benchmark leak-rate model predictions.

Figure 1 shows results from the original validation of the SQUIRT code. The mostpertinent data are from the Collier IGSCC cracked-pipe tests done at Battelle for EPRI, theother data are for slits or capillaries. Above 0.02 kg/s (0.32 gpm) there Is less scatter in thedata, i.e., most of the data are within a factor of 2 of the predicted values. Below0.02 kg/s (0.32 gpm) the scatter of the data is larger, and the data can differ from the predictedvalues by factors of +10 and -5. The IGSCC cracks with larger openings (Cases H and I in Fig.1) fell within the scatter of the rest of the data, but as expected, the prediction of the leak ratesfrom tighter cracks [crack opening displacement (COD) < 0.1 mmi are less accurate.

The Japanese experiments 131 were conducted primarily using plate test specimens withwell-defined COD, crack length, and surface roughness values. Tests were also done withwater or steam in pipes with fatigue cracks. These data are compared with the SQUIRT andPICEP (Plpe Crack Evaluation Program) codes in Fig. 2. These are the only data for the flow ofsaturated steam, which is important for the validation of leak-detection models for steam lines.SQUIRT and PICEP appeared to give reasonable predictions for leak rates of about 0.02-0.05 kg/s (0.3 to 0.8 gpm). At leak rates above = 0.13 kg/s (2 gpm), the analyses underpredictthe experimental leak rates for a given crack and crack-opening displacement. PICEP was alittle more conservative than SQUIRT at the lowest leak rates. Under-prediction of the leakrate is conservative for LBB analyses.

The Ontarlo-Hydro experiments [41 employed circumferential crack geometries that wereprecise, smooth-surfaced, straight-sided, and artificial. Some single-phase leak rate tests atlow temperatures were performed. The experimental results are compared with the SQUIRTpredictions in Fig. 3. Most of the test results were predicted well, within a factor of ± 20%, withmore scatter below a leak rate of 0. 15 kg/s (2.3 gpm).

Leak Rate Models

The most frequently used software packages for predicting leak rates in RCS pipingcomponents in the US are the PICEP and SQUIRT codes. Both use the same Henry-Fauskemodel for flow-though tubes to describe two-phase flow through the crack. The PICEP 151software code was developed for EPRI by Collier at Battelle. PICEP can be used to computetwo-phase flow rates through cracks in LWR piping systems given the material properties ofthe piping, thermo-hydraulic conditions under load, crack geometry, crack type, andorientation.



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DATA SOURCESA. Sozzi and Sutherland (1975)B. Collier (1984) - Tight SlitsC. Yano (1987)D. Amos and Shrock (1983)

i,- ' Collier(1984) ISCC./. 'i. COD-= 0.020 mm

C- 0.1--=,',:I : F. COD= 0.050 mm: . G. COD=0.070mm

t.H. COD=0.108mm

1I. COD= 0220 mm

o 0 .0 1 =. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

LL - :' . :' / # C,:',/

Fv 0.001. r

O_.. .Mafhued -0


1IE-5- I /M I. il ii I' I,,,^ I,,,, M,,il I Ili^ I ^01 IIII i""*IE 05 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10

Measured Flow Rate, kg/s

Figure 1. Comparison of two-phase flow leak rate tests used to validate the initial SQUIRT model.

The second software code for predicting leak rates, SQUIRT Version 2.2. was developed byBattelle for the USNRC [11. This software package Included improvements in the basicthermohydraulic model used in the earlier versions of the code and in the fracture mechanicsanalysis portion of the code, which was derived from the NRC PIPE code for predicting crack-opening displacement for circumferential cracks in piping [61.

As part of the ongoing LB-LOCA program for the NRC, additional improvements havebeen made in SQUIRT. These included the following [71:

• Upgrading of SQUIRT to operate in an MS Windows environment,

* Elimination of duplicate modules within SQUIRT, such as SQUIRTI and SQUIRT3,

* Incorporation of corrections for the effect of weld residual stresses on leak rate,

* Setting of default parameters for PWSCC crack morphologies,

* Incorporation of the NUREG/CR-6004 Crack Morphology Correction Module [81. and

* New Thermal/Hydraulic (T/H) Modules for all liquid and all steam cases.


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0.5 - 4 r' Ir bad ta^ Squirt Sat Steam

a) 04 A PICEP Sat Steam

0.3 -

a. 0.2 -

ZsL0.1 A

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

ExrDerimental leak rate. kalsec

Figure 2. Comparison of PICEP- and SQUIRT-predicted leak rates with experimentally measured leakrates from Japanese leak-rate experiments [3].













0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 z0

Experimental Leak Rate, kglsec

| 0 SS-Al * SS.A2 0 SS.A3 - :1 Correa00n |

Figure 3. Comparison of SQUIRT-predicted leak rates versus experimentally measured leak rates forOntario-Hydro experiments [4].


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Additional 'comparisons were also made between SQUIRT predictions and existingexperimental data on leak rates. Figures 2 and 3 show comparisons for the new version ofSQUIRT.

Sensitivity Studies

Importance of Crack Morphology Parameters and Effect of COD

Recent NRC studies have shown that the selection of the crack morphology parametersdescribing the crack flow path has a significant impact on predicted leak rates. The crackmorphology parameters are the surface roughness, the number of turns the crack takes, andthe ratio of the actual flow path length to the thickness of the pipe. Based on a study ofnumerous cracks removed from service, It was determined that the proper values for theseparameters were dependent on the crack-opening displacement [81. For a very tight IGSCC theappropriate roughness is that along the grain boundary, and as the crack goes from one grainto the next there could be a turn. In such a case the roughness is low, but the number ofturns is high, and the actual length of the flow path is much greater than the thickness of thepipe. On the other hand, if the crack opening is very large compared to the grain size, then theappropriate roughness would be that corresponding to about half of the grain size, there wouldbe very few turns, and the length of the flow path would be close to the thickness of the pipe.

Figure 4 illustrates the two situations. When the COD is comparable to the grain size,the local surface roughness is that along the grain boundary for an IGSCC, and the number ofturns is large. For the case when the COD Is large compared to the grain size, the roughness ison the order of the mean grain size, and the number of turns is much smaller.

Before the publication of NUREG/CR-6004 18]. the crack-morphology parameters wereconsidered to be independent of COD. In NUREG/CR-6004, it was recognized that theappropriate roughness should be large (global) or small (local) depending on whether the CODis large or small. In this report, the dependence of surface roughness, pi, and other crackmorphology parameters on COD was assumed to be piecewise linear. The roughness, Pl. isgiven by Equation 1. The dependence of jl. the number of turns, and flow path to thethickness ratio on COD is shown in Fig. 5. The key scale parameter Is the ratio of the crack-opening displacement (0) to the global surface roughness (jl), which is comparable to the grainsize. As given In Equation 1 and shown in Fig. 5. if the COD is larger than the globalroughness, then the global roughness should be used. If the COD Is much smaller than theglobal roughness, then the local roughness should be used. The use of COD-dependantrelationships like that in Equation 1 Is needed to get reasonable results from the leak-ratemodels for very tight cracks. -Figure 3 shows -that predictions using the COD-dependentrelationships are in agreement with experimental data even for leak rates<0.013 kg/s (0.2 gpm).

The piecewise linear models shown in Fig. 5 were developed by Dr. G. Wilkowski and Dr.D. Paul and are based on engineering Judgment. Predictions from these models agree with the

Equations similar to Equation 1 exist for the number of turns and actual flow path to pipethickness ratio. These are illustrated in Figure 5.


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limited data available for tight geometries. The models are thought to be conservative for LBBanalyses, i.e., they will underpredict the leakage through tight cracks.


Large COD

Small COD

Figure 4. Local and global surface roughness and number of turns.


=S PL 9 + [ O ].


* Pcaz" Ka.W

nL -

I 'Ka2 0.1 niq ,I

I.. B. "


0.1< a <10PG

- >10




Figure 5. Crack morphology variables versus normalized COD.


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However. the transition values of &IG could be better defined either by experiments orcomputational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis; Some initial CFD analyses were undertaken tosee if this could be done. Figure 6 shows some initial CFD results. The leak rate from the CFDmodels can be normalized and compared to the results of approximate equations like Equation1.. .

'$ ~ ________________________________t _ 2.292 4. 74 11.44 26.044 20.429

(a) (b)

0 12.51 25.15 31.12 bo.29.. 29 18.S6 31.43 44.01 56.58

4.17 S 12.525 24.675 , 1.S r 3 7.51C

(c? (d)

Figure 6. Fluid flow velocity field inside crack: (a) 8/9G = 0.5, (b) S/AG = 1.0, (c) S/PG 3.0. and (d) &G =

5.0. Flow conditions: P = 2250 psi (15.5 MPa), T = 5500F (288°C), pipe thickness = 1 in.(25.4 mm). Single-phase all liquid water flow, and no local surface roughness.

I. .

From the results for the large crack opening, it appears that a better normalizingparameter might be p0/(5-pa) rather than pG/8. The development of the CFD model and a 2-D analysis for an improved basis for modeling crack morphology parameters are described inAppendix C.

Variation In Leak Rate due to Statistical Variation of Crack Morphology Parameters

In order to understand what information a leak rate provides about the cracks that maybe present in the RCPB, it is important to understand how the crack morphology parameterscan affect the leak rate through a crack'of a given size. In NUREG/CR-6004 181, statisticaldistributions for the roughness (local and global), number of turns (local and 'global), andactual flow path to thickness ratios (local and global) were determined from studies of service-removed cracks. Such distributions were developed for several types of cracks, but the effort


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focused on IGSCC in BWR piping and corrosion fatigue cracks. More recently, distributions forthe morphology appropriate for PWSCC in Alloy 600 and 82/182 welds were developed[91. Ifthe crack grows through the main part of the Alloy 82/182 weld, then the crack morphologyparameters in Table 2 are applicable. Cracks in the weld butter regions can growperpendicular to the weld, and in the only service crack case available, the crack had a muchhigher global roughness and actual flow path to thickness ratio than indicated by the crackmorphology parameters in Table 2.

Table 2. Estimated Mean and standard deviation of crack morphology parameters.

Corrosion PWSCC - Alloy PWSCC -Fatigue IGSCC 600 Base Welda

CrackMorphology Standard Standard Standard Standard

Variable Dev. Dev. Dev. Dev.

FUL, Um 8.8 14 2.972 4.70 3.937 10.62 9.870 16.86 13.57

,Ur,, Pr 40.51 17.65 80.0 39.01 92.67 65.26 113.9 90.97

nL. mm- 1 6.730 8.070 28.2 18.90 8.043 2.043 5.940 4.540

KG 1.017 0.0163 1.07 0.100 1.060 0.095 1.009 0.011

KG+L 1.060 0.0300 1.33 0.170 1.327 0.249 1.243 0.079

aCrack growth parallel to long direction of dendritic grains, i.e., not in buttered region of pipegirth weld.

Figure 7 shows the variability in leak rate that can be observed when the crack length Isheld constant and the crack morphology parameters are independently varied based on thestatistical distributions in Table 2. The ratio between the mean value and the 2-percent upperfractile is typically a factor of -2. For the relatively large leak rate shown in Fig. 7, thevariability in leak rates due to the variability in the crack morphology parameters is consistentwith the scatter in the observed and predicted results shown in Fig. 1. The variability in theleakage rate due to variation in the morphology parameters is not sufficient to account for thescatter in the data at lower leak rates. For small cracks additional factors such as the effect ofthe difference between actual crack shape and the rectangular crack assumed in the modelmay have a significant effect.

Relative Leakage Crack Lengths due to Different Crack Morphology Parameters

In a study for the NRC on the effects of PWSCC cracks on LBB analyses [91. acomparison was made between the crack size used in actual LBB submittals (which assumedair-fatigue cracks with no turns so the crack length was quite short for the given leak rate) andthe crack sizes that would be determined for PWSCC using the parameters In Table 2. Figure 8compares the lengths of corrosion cracks with the lengths of air-fatigue cracks with the sameleak rate. The results show that for a given leak rate, corrosion fatigue cracks would have to be1.43 times longer than. air-fatigue cracks, IGSCC cracks would have to be 1.89 times longerthan air-fatigue cracks, and PWSCC cracks (growing parallel to the dendritic grains) wouldhave to be 1.69 times longer than air-fatigue cracks. Hence, PWSCC cracks growing parallel to



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the dendritic grains are bounded by IGSCC cracks. This is the direction that a PWSCC crackwould grow In the main part of the weldment of a bimetallic weld, as shown in Fig. 9.

As noted previously, cracks in the butter region can grow perpendicular to the longdendritic grains in the weld. The only service-crack case of this type of cracking that has been










1000 samplesp-1.21 gpmo-0.41 gpmHistogram

BWR-1 (50% of SL-A)

2-percent UpperFractile - 2.36 gpm

Residual Margin -12.112.36 - 5.12

0.00 1 2 3 4 5 10 11 12 13

Leak Rate, gpm

14 15.

Figure 7. Histogram of leak rate at 50% Service Level A for case BWR-1 in NUREG/CR-6004 (IGSCCcrack case).


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450PWSCC - weld ' ' '

400 (growth parallel to ,EE dendritic grain) ,X 350 - y .69x

c 300 _'_____*


§250-° 250~ .,y~ 1. 89X ;V<

tn 200

°1 50 /|Corrosion fatiguel

.s 50 -

5 0 i- ---.- -,,. , .. ,. . . I

50 -- , i i

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250Length of leakingair-fatigue crack, mm

Figure 8. Length of leaking corrosion cracks along with the length of air-fatigue cracks for actual LBBsubmittal cases.

analyzed is shown in Fig. 10. The flow path length is tortuous. The length of the PWSCC crackis 2.2 times greater than that of the air-fatigue crack, which is much worse than the IGSCCcrack. (However, the crack growth rate in this direction is probably slower than when thecrack is growing parallel to the dendritic grains.)

In the analyses discussed in Section 4, the COD-dependent crack-morphologyrelationships illustrated in Fig. 5 are used with the default values in the SQUIRT code, I.e., themean values in Table 2. The PWSCC values used were those for cracks growing in the mainpart of the weldment, not in the butter region. For the same leak rate, leaking PWSCC cracksIn the butter region would be approximately 30% longer (2.2/1.69 - 1) than the PWSCC cracksgrowing parallel to the weld.

Leaks In CRDM Nozzle

In Ref. 10, leakage from a CRDM annulus was calculated for circumferential cracks abovethe J-weld. This calculation requires a leakage analysis that accounts for the pressure dropsthrough both the circumferential crack and the annular region to the outside of the RPV head.The solution for the flow through the crack could not be obtained using the SQUIRT and PICEPleak-rate codes, because the leakage through the crack did not result in critical flow at the exitplane of the circumferential crack going into the annular region. The requirement of a criticalflow velocity at the exit plane is a basic assumption of the Henry-Fauske analysis. A boundingvalue for the leak rate was obtained by assuming that the pressure drop in the crack could beignored, and only the pressure drop though the annular region need be considered. Knownvalues for the average shrink fit and detailed 3D flnite-element analyses of the CRDM nozzle



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deformations were used to determine the annular gap at the operating temperature. For thesegap dimensions and typical surface roughness values for the ground tube and the reamed holein the RPV head, the leak rate was below 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm). Since this was a boundinganalysis that should overestimate the leak rate, the typical 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) leakagespecification would not appear to be exceeded even for cracks large enough to result in a limit-load failure of the CRDM tube.

Fill weld beads(dendrites in vertical direction)

Buttered weld beads(dendrites in horizontal direction)

Figure 9. Schematic showing long direction of dendritic grains in the buttered regions and main buttweld fill beads.

New acoustic, radiation, and humidity systems for leak detection can have leak ratesensitivities on the order of 0.0003 kg/s (0.005 gpm). However, based on the volumes of boricacid that have been associated with most CRDM nozzle leaks, through-wall cracks up to 1650in extent can have much lower leak rates than this. Thus, it is not clear whether even suchsystems would provide substantial defense-in-depth against CRDM nozzle failure.

Crack growth and shortest path leakage direction

Figure 10. PWSCC growth across the long direction of the dendritic grains.


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Determination of Leak Rates Expected from Typical SCC in RCS Components

Table 3 lists the various material, geometrical, and thermohydraulic parameters for BWRand PWR components that control leak rates and the range of values considered for theseparameters in leak-rate computations. Tables 4 and 5 show the crack geometries that wereinvestigated for BWR and PWR stainless steel piping with circumferential through-wallcracks (IGSCC for BWR and PWSCC for PWR). In all cases, the COD-dependent crack-morphology option In SQUIRT was used. As noted previously, using the COD-dependentparameters option gives better agreement with available data for low leak rates. In thesecalculations, the rotation of the crack faces due to residual stresses, which creates a divergingflow channel, was Ignored, because prior studies showed this was not a large effect.

In Tables 4 and 5, a leak rate (such as 0.006, 0.063, 0.63 or 6.3 kg/s; 0.1. 1, 10 or100 gpm) was specified for each run, and the total circumferential through-wall crack lengthwas obtained as an output from SQUIRT. For some of these cases involving large leak rates[usually 6.3 kg/s (100 gpm) and In some cases 0.63 kg/s (10 gpm), problems occurred withnumerical convergence for the algorithm within SQUIRT. For each pipe size the crack lengthswere determined for three loading conditions corresponding to 25%, 50%, and 100% of normaloperating stress at Service Level A (per ASME Section III). These should span the range ofexpected operating stresses, with the 50% Service Level A values representing the "typical'value.

The results obtained for crack lengths at various leak-rate values are compared to thecritical crack length for which the specified value of the bending moment represents maximumload. These values were computed using NRCPIPE Version 3.0 and the dimensionless-plastic-zone-parameter (DPZP) analysis [11!. This computer code [61 was developed at Battelle for theNRC to predict moment-rotation behavior of circumferential through-wall-cracked pipingunder combined pressure-and-bending loads. The value of this critical crack length is alsoshown in Tables 4 and 5. The ratio of the crack length for the given leak rate to the criticalcrack length for the specified moment represents a "margin of safety" against additional crackgrowth. Note, however, that only Service Level A loads are considered in these calculations.The margins could be substantially smaller for accident or earthquake loads.



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Table 3. Matrix of variables for leak rate calculations using windows SQUIRT. 1.1.

Material Type Variable Range for BWR's Variable Ran ie for PWR sMaterial (inconel may be used for some cases) Stainless Steel (TP304) Carbon Steel (A516 Grade 70) - Stainless Steel (TP304) Carbon Steel (A516 Grade 701Pipe Geometry *

Outer Diameter, In. 4.5, 12.75,28 4.5, 12.75, 28 4.5, 14,32 4.5, 14,32Wal thickness. In. 0.337. 0.687. 1.41 0.337.0.687. 1.41 0.53, 0.53

Mechanical Properties - -_-_._._rModulus, ksl 28,500 28.000 26,500 28.000Yield Strength, ksl * * * -- 22.5 * 42.8 22.5 42.8Ultimate Strength, ksl * * 64.3 70 64.3 * 70Sm (per ASME Section III App I). ksl 16.95 19.6 16.95 - 19.6Ramberq Osaood Parameter- Sq-O. ksl 22.5 42.8 22.5 42.8Ramberg Osgood Parameter- Eps-O, ksi * 0.000849 0.001528571 0.000849 0.001528571Ramberg Osgood Parameter . Alpha - 8.073 - 1.89 8.073 1.89Ramberg Osgood Parameter- Exponent - n 3.78 5.84 3.78 5.84Toughness - J-R Curve High J-R Curve (eq. JD-A8) . High J-R Curve (eq. JD-A8) High J-R Curve (eq. JD-A8) High J-R Curve (eq. JD-A8)

Loading * . _ .__Pressure, Psi 1050 - 1050 2250 2250Temperature. F - 550 550 600 600Load Combination Pressure + Bending . Pressure + Bending Pressure + Bending . Pressure + BendingBending Stress, % of 1.5Sm (Service Level A) 25, 50, 100 and special cases 25 50. 100 and special cases 25, 50, 100 and special cases 25, 50. 100 and special casesBending Moment value. ksi ASME Section Iill NB-3652 ASME Section III- *NB-3652 ASME Section Iill NB-3652 ASME Section hII - NB-3652Weld Residual Stresses Effects - both with and without both with and without - . both with and without both with and without

Crack Geometry * .Crack Shape Eliptical Elliptical Elliptical EllipticalType of Cracking Mechanism - IGSCC, and Air Fatigue Corrosion and Air Fatigue PWSCC, and Air Fatigue Corrosion and Air FatigueEffect of COD dependence both with and without both with and without both with and without both with and withoutComplex Crack Effects Include for specific cases include for specific cases include for specific cases Include for specific casesThrough wall Crack length - exterior OUTPUT FROM SQUIRT OUTPUT FROM SQUIRT OUTPUT FROM SQUIRT OUTPUT FROM SQUIRT

Fluid Flow Parameters - ._._.Leak rate-vol flowrate., pm 0.1.1,10,100 0.1 1.10.100 - 0.1 1 10.100,100Fluid State * Subcooled Liquid SubcooIed Liguid Subcooled LIquid Subcooled LiquidDischarge Coefficient 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6Extemal Pressure, ksl 14.7 - 14.7 14.7 14.7

Analysis Type - - ._.Estimation Scheme for Moment-Rotation CaIcs GE-EPRI . GE-EPRI GE-EPRI GE-EPRI


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Table 4. PWR stainless steel piping cases with PWSCC degradation mechanism.

E >E z 0

Z i; . U

0E ||0.

PS-53 0.8 762 51.-01 2% 7.1 28 06 2. 37

2 0) 7 5 .20 0 . 50 -1 4

o 0 WPS00-2 0 72 53 3 5la 7a 0- -I

I- 0

PSL-25-1C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30.1 25% 73.1 2.8 0.0063 314.2 27.6%PSL-25-2C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30.1 25% 73.1 2.8 0.063 460.5 40.5%PSL-25-3C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30.1 25% 73.1 2.8 0.63 724.4 63.7%PSL-25-4C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30.1 25% 73.1 2.8 6.3 969.0 85.2%PSL-50-1C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30.1 50% 1376.8 46 0.0063 51.8 6.2%PSL-50-2C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30.1 50% 1376.8 46 0.063 135.6 16.2%PSL-50-3C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30.1 50% 1376.8 46 0.63 331.0 39.6%PSL-50-4C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30.1 50% 1376.8 46 6.3 536.7 64.2%PSL-1O5-1C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30.1 100% 3984.4 134 0.0063 17.8 5.0%PSL-100-2C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30.1 100% 3984.4 134 0.063 47.8 13.4%PSL-100-3C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30.1 100% 3984.4 134 0.63 107.4 30.2%PSL-10-4C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30.1 100% 3984.4 134 6.3 240.0 67.5%

PSM-25-1C 0.36 35.8 982.6 27.3 25% 13.9 5.5 0.0063 158.8 29.2%PSM-25-2C 0.36 35.8 982.6 27.3 25% 13.9 5.5 0.063 242.6 44.6%PSM-25-3C 0.36 35.8 982.6 27.3 25% 13.9 5.5 0.63 361.4 66.4%PSM-25-4C 0.36 35.8 982.6 27.3 25% 13.9 5.5 6.3 0.0%PSM-50-1C 0.36 35.8 982.6 27.3 5Q0/, 128.7 49 0.0063 43.9 10.1%PSM-50-2C 0.36 35.8 98Z6 27.3 50% 128.7 49 0.063 106.7 24.6%PSM-50-3C 0.36 35.8 982.6 27.3 50% 128.7 49 0.63 225.3 51.9%PSM-10-4C 0.36 35.8 982.6 27.3 50% 128.7 49 6.3 0.0%PSM-100-1C 0.36 35.8 982.6 27.3 100% 358.4 137 0.0063 14.2 5.3%PSM-100-2C 0.36 35.8 9826 27.3 100% 358.4 137 0.063 37.6 14.1%PSM-100-3C 0.36 35.8 982.6 27.3 100% 358.4 137 0.63 83.8 31.2%PSM-100-4C 0.36 35.8 982.6 27.3 100% 358.4 137 6.3 0.0%

PSS-25-1C 0.11 13.5 93.0 21.8 25% 1.05 11 0.0063 75.4 40.7%PSS-25-2C 0.11 13.5 93.0 21.8 25% .1.05 11 0.063 1021 55.1%PSS-25-3C 0.11 13.5 93.0 21.8 25% 1.05 151 0.63 NCPSS-25-4C 0.11 13.5 93.0 21.8 25% 1.05 11 6.3 NCPSS-50-1C 0.11 13.5 93.0 21.8 50% 5.29 54 0.0063 33.0 21.4%PSS-50-2C 0.11 13.5 93.0 21.8 50% 5.29 54 0.063 65.0 42.1%PSS-50-3C 0.11 13.5 93.0 21.8 50% 5.29 54 0.63 NC ____

PSS-5D0-C 0.11 13.5 93.0 21.8 50% 5.29 54 6.3 NC 24.1%PSS-100-IC 0.11 13.5 93.0 21.8 100% 13.75 142 0.0063PSS-1 00-2C 0.1 1.5 93.0 21.8 1 00%D 13.75 .12 003 2. 41

PSS-100-4C 0.11 13.5 93.0 21.8 100% 13.75 142 6.3 NCNC Indicates that no convergence was achieved In the run and the crack length could not be determined.


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Table 5. BWR stainless steel piping cases with PWSCC degradation mechanism.

E*E UE E._ 1I I,

- C)


BSL-25-IC 0.71 35.8 2325.8 30.6 25% 96.4 7.9 0.0063 170.18 16.52%|BSL-25-2C 0.71 35.8 2325.8 30.6 25% -96.4 7.9 0.063 372.61 36.18%BSL-25-3C 0.71 35.8 2325.8 30.6 25% 96.4 7.9 0.63 593.09 57.58%BSL-25-4C 0.71 35.8 2325.8 30.6 25% 96.4 7.9 6.3 NC.-

BSL-5G-1C 0.71 35.8 2325.8 30.6 50% 631.9 51.7 0.0063 71.882 9.45%BSL-50-2C 0.71 35.8 2325.8 30.6 50% 631.9 51.7 0.063 191.26 -25.14%BSL-50-3C 0.71 35.8 2325.8 30.6 50% 631.9. 51.7 0.63 345.44 45.41%BSL-50-4C 0.71 35.8 2325.8 30.6 -50% 631.9 51.7 6.3 NC .

BSL-100-IC 0.71 357 .8 2325.8 _30.6 _00% 1703.2 139.3, t0.0063 24.257 _7.35%BSL-100-2C 0.71 35.8. 2325.8 30.6 tOO% 1703.2 139.3 0.063 58.166 17.62%BSL-100-3C 0.71 35.8 2325.8 30.6 tOO% '1703.2 1 33 9. 3 0.63 NC -BSL-1004C 0.71 35.8 2325.8 30.6 100% 1703.2 139.3 6.3 NC!

BSM-25-IC 0.32 17.4 474.71 28.3 25% 12.5 10.2 0.0063 119.88 23.53%BSM-25-2C 0.32 17.4 474.71 28.3 25% 12.5 10.2 0.063 239.77 47.06%BSM-25-3C 0.32 17.4 474.71 28.3 25% 12.5 10.2 0.63 337.82 66.30%BSM-25-4C 0.32 17.4 474.71 28.3 25% 92.5 10.2 6.3 NC,

BSM-50-IC 0.32 17.4 474.71 28.3 50% 66.0 54.1 0.0063 78.928 94.48%BSM-50-2C 0.32 37.4 474.71 28.3 50% - 66.0 54.7 0.063 139.95 34.39%BSM-50-3C 0.32 17.4 474.71 28.3 50% 366.0 54.1 0.63 223.52 54.93%BSM-50-4C 0.32 37.4 474.71 28.3 50% 66.0 54.1 6.3 -NC

BSM-100-1C 0.32 17.4 474.71 28.3 100% 173.2 143.7 0.0063 29.837 7.99%BSM-100-2C 0.32 17.4 474.71 28.3 -100% 173.1 141.7 0.063 47.345 19.06%BSM-100-3C 0.32 37.4 474.71 28.3 t100% 173.1 141.7 0.63 NC.BSM-100-4C 0.32 37.4 474.71 28.3 100% 173.1 143.7 6.3 89.662 36.09%

BSS-25-tC 0.13 1 8.56 53.69 8.9 25% 1.376 19.7 0.0063 70.358 36.84%BSS-25-2C 0.11 18.56 53.69 18.9 25% 1.376 19.7 0.063 121.66 63.70%BSS-25-3C 0.11 3 8.56 53.69 18.9 25% 1.376 19.7 0.63 NCBSS-25-4C 0.32 1 8.56 53.69 18.9 25% 1.376 19.7 6.3 NC _

BSS-50-1C 0.31 8.564 53.69 7 8.9 50% 664.445 63.5 0.0063 42.926 27.13%BSS-50-2C 0.31 8.56 53.69 7 8.9 50% 4.445 63.5 0.063 84.328 53.29%BSS-50-3C 0.31 8.56 53.69 18.9 50% 4.445 63.5 0.63 NC 5BSS-50-4C 0.31 8.56 53.69 7 8.9 50%, 4.445 63.5 6.3 N12.52 71.11%

BSS-100-1C 0.11 8.56 53.69 18.9 100% 10.58 151.7 0.0063 15.367 14.04%BSS-10-2C 0.11 8.56 53.69 18.9 100% 10.58 151.1 0.063 NC 63.70BSS-100-3C 0.11 8.56 53.69 18.9 100% 10.58 151.1 0.63 NCBSS-100-4C 0.11 8.56 53.69 18.9 1 100%- 10.58 151.1 06.03 564.008 58.47%

NC Indicates that no convergence was achieved In the run and the crack length could not be determined.

Review of Leak Rates from Non-SCC Type of Cracking and Other Variables :

The only non-SCC type of cracking studied so far has been corrosion fatigue of carbonsteel piping in both BWRs and PWRs. A matrix similar to that shown for stainless steel piping(Table 5) was developed for these cases, and SQUIRT runs combined with PIPE were performed.These results are shown in Tables 6 and 7 for PWRs and BWRs, respectively.


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Table 6. PWR carbon steel piping cases with corrosion fatigue degradation mechanism.

E , EEP z 70 2 9.

PC-54 -I17.f31. 0 2% 7. . 6.3 81. 6.4

0 7 3

PC-03 0.8 762 51."05% 18. 006 9. 15

PC-001 0.8 762 51. 0 10% 49. 6 00612 60

IA- 0 - 2 _ hJC .) M~' ~

P 0 . 5 0I- X,*0I


PCL-25-IC 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30 25% 276.9 9.7 0.0063 151.6 12.4%PCL-25-2C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30 25% 276.9 9.7 0.063 309.6 25.3%PCL-25-3C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30 25% 276.9 9.7 0.63 589.3 48.2%PCL-25-4C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30 25% 276.9 9.7 6.3 812.3 66.4%PCL-50-1C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30 50% 1784.5 60 0.0063 49.3 5.2%PCL-50-2C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30 50% 1784.5 60 0.063 133.9 14.2%PCL-50-3C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30 50% 1784.5 60 0.63 297.9 31.5%PCL-50-4C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30 50% 1784.5 60 6.3 594.4 62.9%PCL-100-1C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30 100% 4799.6 161 0.0063 31.2 6.0%PCL-100-2C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30 10% 4799.6 161 0.063 85.3 16.5%PCL-100-3C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30 4799.6 161 0.63 176.8 34.1%PCL-100-4C 0.81 76.2 5313.8 30 4799.6 161 6.3 438.2 84.6%

PCM-25-1C 0.36 35.8 982.6- 28 25% 31.9 162 0.0063 108.5 18.8%PCM-25-2C 0.36 35.8 982.6 28 25% 31.9 12 0.063 201.4 34.8%PCM-25-3C 0.36 35.8 98.6 28 25% 31.9 12 0.63 323.3 55.9%PCM-25-4C 0.36 35.8 982.6 28 25% 31.9 182 6.3 NC ______

PCM-50-1C 0.36 35.8 982.6 28 50% 164.6 63 0.0063 42.9 9.0%PCM-50-2C 0.36 35.8 982.6 28 50% 164.6 63 0.063 107.7 22.6%PCM-50-3C 0.36 35.8 982.6 28 50% 164.6 63 0.63 217.9 45.8%PCM-50-4C 0.36 35.8 982.6 28 50% 164.6 63 6.3 NCPCM-100-1C 0.36 35.8 982.6 28 100% 430.1 164 0.0063 26.7 8.2%PCM-100-2C 0.36 35.8 982.6 28 100% 430.1 164 0.063 71.6 22.0%PCM-100-3C 0.36 35.8 982.6 28 100% 430.1 164 0.63 158.8 48.8%PCM-100A4C 0.36 35.8 982.6 28- 100% 430.1 164 6.3 NC

PCS-25-1C 0.11 13.5 -93.0 22 25% 1.72 178 0.0063 62.5 32.0%PCS-25-2C 0.11 13.5 93.0 22 25% 1.72 178 0.063 98.3 50.3%PCS-25-3C 0.11 13.5 93.0 22 25% 1.72 178 0.63 158.8 81.3%PCS-25-4C 0.11 13.5 930 22. 25% 1.72 1 8 6.3 NC ____

PCS-50-1C 0.11 13.5 93.0 22 50% 6.61 68 0.0063 34.0 20.5%PCS-50-2C 0.11 13.5 93.0 22 50% 6.61 68 0.063 71.6 43.1%PCS-50-3C 0.11 13.5 93.0 22 50% 6.61 68 0.63 113.5 68.2%PCS-50-4C 0.11 - 13.5 93.0 22 50% 6.61 68 6.3 NC ____

PCS-100-1C 0.11 13.5 93.0 22 100% 16.39 170 0.0063 21.6 17.3%PCS-1 00-2C 0.11 13.5 93.0 22 100% 16.39 170 0.063 50.8 407PCS-100-3C 0.11 13.5 93.0 22 100% 16.39 170 0.63 83.8 67.1%PCS-100-4C 0.11 13.5 93.0 22 100% 16.39 170 6.3 NC ____

NC indicates that no convergence was achieved In the run and the crack length could not be determined.


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Table 7. BWR carbon steel piping cases with corrosion fatigue'degradation mechanism.



03 - 06 23 2Ur-, E 0) -

VI 0

I- )

BCL-25-1C 0.71 35.8 2326.0 30 25% 180.1 14 0.0063 4125.5 11.3%BCL-25-2C 0.71 35.8 2326.0 .30 25% 180.1 14 0.063 273.8 24.6%BCL-25-3C 0.71 35.8 2326.0 30 25% 180.1 14 0.63 484.6 43.6%BCL-25-4C 0.71 35.8 2326.0 30 25% 180.1 14 6.3 NC 17.5%

BCL-50-1C 0.71 35.8 2326.0 30 50% 799.4 66 0.0063 55.9 6.5%BCL-50-2C 0.71 35.8 2326.0 30 50% 799.4 66 0.063 150.6 17.5%BCL-50-3C 0.71 _35.8 2326.0 30 150% 799.4 66 0.63 286.0 33.2%BCL-50-4C 0.71 35.8 2326.0 30 50% 799.4 66 6.3 NC ____

BCL-100-iC 0.71 35.8 2326.0 30 100% 2038.0 167 0.0063 36.1 7.6%BCL-100-2C 0.71 35.8 2326.0 30 100% 2038.0 167 0.063 95.8 20.0%BCL-100-3C 0.71 35.8 2326.0 30 100% 2038.0 167 0.63 200.7 41.9%BCL-100-4C 0.71 35.8 2326.0 30 100% 2038.0 167 .6.3 NC

BCM-25-1C 0.32 17.4 474.6 28 25% 20.9 17 0.0063 95.5 17.5%BCM-25-2C 0.32 17.4 474.6 28 25% 20.9 17 0.063 187.2 34.4%BCM-25-3C 0.32 17.4 474.6 28 25% . 20.9 17 0.63 287.5 52.8%BCM-25-4C 0.32 17.4 474.6 28 25% 20.9 17 6.3 NCBCM-50-IC 0.32 17.4 474.6 28 50% 82.8 68 0.0063 48.0 10.7%BCM-50-2C 0.32 17.4 474.6 28 50% 82.8 68 0.063 119.6 26.7%BCM-5D-3C 0.32 17.4 474.6 28 50% 82.8 68 0.63 210.8 47.0%BCM-50-4C 0.32 17.4 . 474.6 28 50% 82.8 68 6.3 NC 0.0%BCM-100-1C 0.32 17.4 474.6 28 100% 206.5 169 0.0063 30.7 10.1%BCM-100-2C 0.32 17.4 474.6 28 100% 206.5 169 0.063 79.8 26.3%BCM-100-3C 0.32 17.4 474.6' 28 100% 206.5 169 0.63 154.2 50.7%BCM-100-4C 0.32 17.4 474.6. _.28 100% 206.5 169 6.3 NC

BCS-25-1C 0.11 8.6 53.8 19 25% 1.85 26 0.0063 60.5 29.9%BCS-25-2C 0.11 8.6 53.8 19 25% 1.85 26 0.063 102.9 50.9%BCS-25-3C 0.11 8.6 53.8 19 '25% 1.85 26 0.63 NC ..BCS-25-4C 0.11 8.6 53.8 19. .25% 1.85 26 6.3 NCBCS-50-1C 0.11 8.6 53.8 19 50% 5.40 77 0.0063 39.6 23.1%BCS-50-2C 0.11 8.6 53.8 19 50% 5AO. 77 0.063 84.1 49.1%BCS-50-3C 0.11 8.6 53.8 19' 50%. 5.40 77 0.63 NCBCS-5D-4C 0.11 -8.6 :.53.8 19 50% 5.40 77 6.3 . NC -BCS-100-1C 0.11 8.6 53.8 19 100% 12.50 179 _0.0063 26.2 20.6%BCS-100-2C 0.11 8.6 53.8 19 100% 12.50 179 0.063 58.9 46.4%BCS-100-3C 0.11 8.6 53.8 19 100% 12.50 179 0.63 NCBCS-100-4C .0.11 8.6 53.8 19. 100% 12.50 179 6.3 NCNC indicates that no convergence was achieved In the run and the crack length could not be determined.

To help illustrate the results from Tables 4 to 7,' a summary table (Table 8) was createdfor the 50% Service Level A cases, which are'assumed to represent 'normal' loading. Thevalues in Table 8 were then used'to create Figs. 11 and 12, which show the ratio of the cracklength necessary to produce a given leak rate, the 'leakage crack length", to the critical cracklength as a function of pipe diameter for two leak rates. This ratio is a measure of the marginof safety provided by the limit on leakage. The two leak rates are the Tech. Spec. (TS) leak ratefor PWRs (0.063 kg/s;l gpm) and BWRs (0.32 kg/s; 5 gpm), as well as a lower leak rate of0.006 kg/s (0.1 gpm) for both types of plants.


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As expected. the ratio of the leakage crack length to the critical crack length increases asthe diameter decreases, i.e.. the margin for LBB gets smaller for smaller pipes. For BWRs,which have a higher TS leak rate than for PWRs, the leakage crack length is from =40 to =60percent of the critical crack length at normal operating loads for pipes from 711 to 102 mm(28 to 4 in), respectively.

For the PWRs, which have a lower TS leak rate, the leakage crack length at normaloperating loads is from -15 to -40 percent of the critical crack length for pipes from 813 to 102mm (32 to 4 in.), respectively.

At the 0.0063-kg/s (0.1 gpm) leak rate, the leakage crack length is about 5 to 20% of thecritical crack size at normal operating conditions. The leakage crack sizes are a smallerpercent of the critical crack size at a transient load, like N+SSE (normal plus safe shutdown.earthquake) loading or startup/shutdown transients for a surge line.

The calculations In Tables 4-8 are for idealized circumferential through-wall cracks. This,type of crack gives the smallest size for a given leak rate.' In reality, the crack will likely belonger on the inside surface. For some IGSCC cracks that have been observed in the field,part-throughwall cracks on the inner surface extend completely around the pipe in the samecircumferential plane as the through-wall portion of the crack. Such cracks have been calledcompound or complex.

Additional calculations on the relationship between crack length and leak rate arepresented in Appendix D. These include the effects of complex cracks as well as residualstresses.

The fracture mechanics solutions discussed thus far focus on the possibility of structuralfailure by crack growth. Another possibility is that boric acid leakage could cause substantialcorrosion such as occurred on the reactor vessel head at Davis-Besse. Dry boric acid results invery low corrosion rates [12,131. However, with moisture present, concentrated boric acids attemperatures of 90-160°C can produce very high corrosion rates (up to 15 cm/y).

At the extremely low leak rates (=10-7 to 10-6 kg/s; =10-6 to 10-5 gpm) such as have beenobserved in most leaking CRDM nozzles, the leaking flow completely vaporizes to steamimmediately downstream from the principal flashing location. This results in a dry conditionand no loss of material, although some dry boric acid may accumulate. At the other extreme isa situation where liquid boric acid solution is concentrated through boiling and enhanced byoxygen available directly from the ambient atmosphere.

Local cooling can create conditions for rapid corrosion by allowing aerated, concentratedboric acid solution to form on surfaces. The extent of cooling due to the leak Is primarily afunction of the leak rate since the rate of heat transfer required to completely vaporize theeffluent is directly proportional to the leak rate. In Ref. 14 a simple enthalpy balance was usedto estimate the potential loss of heat from the surface of the head as a function of the leak rate



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Table 8. Sensitivity runs for BWR and PWR cases - leak rate versus percent of critical crack lengths.

BWR - Stainless Steel * IGSCCLeak rate, gpm(Kgqs) 71111 324 114

% Critical Crack Length at 25% Service Level A0.1 (0.0063) 16.52% 23.53% 36.84%

1 (0.063) 36.18% 47.06% 63.70%5 (0.32) (interpolated) 52.00% 60.50% NC

10 (0.63) 57.58% 66.30% - NC -100 (6.3) .. ;NC J. 2.. NC .- NC.

Critical Crack Lengthm 1030 510 191. % Critical Crack Length at 50 % Service Level A

0.1 (0.0063) 9.45% 14.48% 1 27.13%1 (0.063) 25.14% 34.39% | 53.29%

5 (0.32) (interpolated) 40.00% 49.00% 59.00%10 (0.63 1 45.41% 54.93% '' -. NC -100 (6.3) NC NC 71.11%

Critical Crack Lengthmm 761 407 158. % Critical Crack Length at 100% Service Level A

0.1 (0.0063) 7.35% 7.99% 14.04%1 (0.063) 17.62% 19.06% |. ' ;.:-N -'

5 (0.32) (interpolated) 25.00% 22.00% 38.50%10 (0.63) r -eNC--.4 ..,.pNC At - .; ..sNC-.;100 (6.3) NC 36.09% 58.47%

Critical Crack Length,mni 330 248 109

._____ _ . | PWR - Stainless Steel - PWSCCLeak rate, gpm(KgIs) 711 324 [ 114 -

,____ _ % Critical Crac Length at 25% Service Level A0.1 (0.0063) 27.62% 29.16% 40.73%

1 (0.063) 40.48% 44.56% 55.07%10 (0.63) 63.69% 66.40% NC -:.-100 (6.3) 85.19% -, r NC . . NC-.

Critical Crack Length,mm 1137 544 185% of Critical Crack Length at 50% Service Level A

0.1 (0.0063) 6.20% 10.12% 21.43%1 (0.063) 16.24% 24.56% 42.11%10 (0.63) 39.60% 51.87% : I NC-'-100 (6.3) 64.22% . '.NC .' NC .. -.

Critical Crack Lengthmm 836 434 154% Critical Crack Length at 100% Service Level A

0.1 (0.0063) 4.97% 5.34% 9.74%1 (0.063) 13.41% 14.07% 24.07%10 (0.63) 30.24% 31.23% - - NC a -

100 (6.3) 67.50% ". . NC.;:. NC-.-Critical Crack Length,mm 356 268 109

________________ BWR - Carbon Steel - Corr FatiqueLeak rate, qpm (KgIs) 711 324 114

% Critical Crack Length at 25% Service Level A0.1 (0.0063) 11.28% 17.55% 29.94%

1 (0.063) 24.62% 34.39% 50.94%5 (0.32) (interpolated) 38.00% - 47.50% j NC -

10 (0.63) 43.58% 52.82% : . NC_100 (6.3) NCr - . NC - - NC -

Critical Crack Lengthmm 1112 54- 202, % Critical Crack Length at 50 % Service Level A

0.1 (0.0063) 6.46% 10.71% 23.13%. 1 (0.063) 17.46% 26.69% 49.13%

5 (0.32) (interpolated) 28.50% 41.00% j10 (0.63) 33.16% 47.03% NC,100 (6.3) t -NC l' NC- | _.,NC-

Critical Crack Length,mm 863 448 1695% Critical Crack Length at 100% Service Level A

0.1 (0.0063) 7.55% J 10.11% | 20.62%1 (0.063) 19.99% 1 26.26% 1 46.40%

5 (0.32) (interpolated) 35.50% | 43.50% | . NC10 (0.63) -41.89% 1 50.74% 1 NC.100 (6.3) , . .. .NC- |.1 NC

Critical Crack Length,mm 479 304 127

__________-__ PWR - Carbon Steel - Corr FatigueLeak rate, gpm(Kgls) 711 324 F 114

_________________% Critical Crack Length at 25% Service Level A0.1 (0.0063) 12.40% I 18.75% 31.99%

1 (0.063) 25.32% | 34.83% | 50.33% l10 (0.63) 48.18% - 55.91% | 81.27%100 (6.3) '.66.42% | NC -- ..| ;. NC,

Critical Crack Lengthmm 1223 578 195- % of Critical Crack Length at 50% Service Level A

0.1 (0.0063) | 5.22% [- 9.01% J 20.46%1 (0.063) . 14.17% 22.61% j 43.05%10 (0.63) 31.53% 45.76% - 68.24%100 (6.3) 62.90% 1 -. NC : NC

Critical Crack Lengthmm 945 476 166__________________% Critical Crack Length at 100% Service Level A0. (.06)6.03% 8.0 17.34%1 (0.63 16.47% 122.03% 40.65%10 (0.63) 34.12% 48.83% 67.07%

Critical Crack Length,mm' 518 j 325 125


NC indicates that no convergence was achieved In the run and the crack length could not be determined.

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and the steam quality or superheat of the escaping steam. It was assumed that the flow exitsto atmospheric pressure.

For leaking primary water at 316'C, 45% of the effluent will flash to steam without anyheat input. Heat transfer from the head to the effluent will increase the quality to saturatedconditions and then superheat the steam back to a temperature of 316'C. The amount of heatrequired to bring the exit flow to the superheated condition provides an estimate of the heatlost from the head due to the leak, and its effects on the surface temperature can be calculated1141.

For a leak rate of 0.00006 kg/s (0.001 gpm), the vaporization of the effluent will result ina heat loss of roughly 316 kJ/h. The extent of cooling of the head surface due to this heat lossis relatively small, on the order of 6°C. For a leak rate of 0.00063 kg/s (0.01 gpm), thecorresponding heat loss is 3160 kJ/h, and the resultant surface cooling is about 550C. still notenough to create conditions on the surface that would result in high corrosion rates. However,a leak rate of 0.0063 kg/s (0.1 gpm) was calculated to be sufficient to cool the local metalsurface to temperatures below the boiling point of water at atmospheric pressure 1141. Becausethis degree of cooling would conflict with the assumption complete vaporization occurs In thein the annulus region, It cannot actually occur. Instead, the steam quality exiting the annuluswould be less than 100%. indicating development of a liquid pool on the head surface [141.

Although the precise values of the leak rate needed to lower metal surface temperaturesto the 100-160°C range associated with high boric acid corrosion rates will depend on details ofthe actual geometries involved, the calculations in Ref. 1141 suggest that the critical leak ratesneeded to produce high corrosion rates, are of the order of 0.00063 to 0.0063 kg/s (0.01 to0.1 gpm), well below the current TS limit. Such rates are probably also at or below theresolution limit for unidentified leakage of sump flow monitors.




40% _


2~ 0%

0%0 5 10 15 20 25 30

OUiw Diaeftr. In

_0.1 gpm iGSCC- 5 gpn IGSCC--0.1 gpn CoI Fat- 5 gp Corr. Fat


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Figure 11. Percent of critical crack length versus diameter for BWR cases at 50% Service Level Astresses.




Z 35%

S 30%

I 25%

1 20%-I

" 15%U

9SX 10%



> -- - -._ -=.- = - -. ft

0 5 10 15 20 25 30Outer Diamnter. In


_ o.1 9pm PWSCC - 1 gpm PWSCC -- 0.1 9pm Cor Fat * 1 9pm Ocor. Fat :t

Figure 12. Percent of critical crack length versus diameter for PWR cases at 50% Service Level Astresses.

. . . ..


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4. Leakage Operating Experience

A leakage operating experience database has been developed for this research program.The database contains Information on LWR leak events and leak detection systems back to1970. The software chosen for the database is FileMaker Pro 6.

The fields for LWR leak events Include (a) LER number if an LER is the source ofinformation, (b) location of leak, (c) leak rate [actual leak rate if known, however, for manycases the actual leak rates are small (<0.0006 kg/s (0.01 gpm)) and not known precisely,although some qualitative information ("slowly dripping", etc.) may be available], (d) operationof reactor when leak was detected, (e) how the leak was detected, (f) the basis for the decisionthat a leak has occurred, (g) time required to recognize there was an unidentified leak, (h)action that was taken, (I) relevant nondestructive and destructive evaluation reports, (I) causeof leak, (k) leakage requirements, (I) crack type and size if crack was cause of leak, and (m) anyenvironmental impact. The fields for leak detection systems include (a) method of detection, (b)vendor for system, (c) sensitivity, (d) reliability, (e) response time, (f) accuracy, (g) estimatedfalse alarm rate, (h) area of coverage, (I) maintenance required, U) training required for itsimplementation, (k) calibration procedures, (I) site validation procedure, (m) experience underfield conditions. and (n) source of information. Note that under the field 'how the leak wasdetected," the first method to detect the leak is recorded. However, other leak detectionsystems that may have responded to the leak and subsequent visual inspections may bediscussed In the extended input to one or more fields of the leak event.

Sources used to provide input to the database include Licensee Event Reports and NRCInformation Notices through 2004 and NRCi reports covering prior work such as the'Assessment of PWR Primary System Leaks," NUREG/CR-6582, published in 1998 [151;-Assessment of Leak Detection Systems for LWRs," NUREG/CR-4813, 1988 [161: 'Research toAdvance the State-of-the-Art of Acoustic Leak Detection,' NUREG/CR-5134, 1988 1171; and'Validation of the Application of Acoustic Emission to Monitor Nuclear Reactor PressurizedComponents," NUREG/CR-5645, 1991 1181. Literature searches were carried out to identifyother relevant publications (e.g., articles from Nuclear Safety) and databases such as an EPRIreport co-sponsored by the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI) on reactor pipingfailures, 1998 [191. The Internet search engines Google and Yahoo were used to locate about15 leak events not found in other sources.

Internet access to ADAMS (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System)using a desktop computer permitted efficient review of LERs, NRC documents, and planttechnical specifications. The database currently contains over 400 events dating from 1970.In addition to RCS leaks, three leaks of interest on the secondary side are included in thedatabase, but not included In the statistics. Also, 13 steam generator leaks of interest areincluded in the database, but not included in the statistics. An example of a database entry isshown in Fig. 13. Each field can be expanded for additional information by clicking on the boxcontaining the initial information.

A discussion of leak detection requires differentiation of identified and unidentifiedleakage. Leakage to containment that has been located and quantified and is not from a crackor other flaw in the RCS Is classified as "identified." In such cases leakage from an Identifiedcomponent is directed to a collection system where it is measured (e.g., leakage from a pump


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seal, valve packing, gland seals, reactor-head pressure seals, equipment gaskets, and pressurerelief valves). Leakage that is not identified is defined as 'unidentified' leakage. Flow ratesfrom unidentified leakage are to be monitored separately.

Barrier Integrity Program

LWR Leak Events

Event Number [20021007

LER Number 1313/2002-003-00

Source of Information ILER 313/2002-003-00 and ILocation of Leak .ArkansaNuclearOnel; leakn crackin CROMnozzleS16 tat .

Leak Rate 1<0.284 gpmReactor Operation FPWR I

How Leak Detected Vesua oob t on of boric acid deposfts near aCRAO nozzle

Basis of Decision on Breach lProsence of crackonfirmed byUTand PT, and inflc~ons wereTime to Recognizing Problem.. WNA

Action Taken ICRDM nozzle *56 weld repaired using an Improwd technique that

NDE Report UT and PT inspwtions found Indcations hi nozzle 58 just outside

DE Report INo DE fsufts rend. .

Cause of Failure ISCC.Borlacidbuik-uptoundononoCRDMnozzis,PWSCC

Leakage Requirements gmn .- ICrack Type M MSCG ICrack Size Not sated I

Environmental Impact INone IReference rIhttp //scss.oml.gov/ScssScripts/ResuttsreaLERDetI.cm?lemmb|

Figure 13. An example of a database'entry for a leak., Each field can'be expanded for additionalinformation by clicking on the box containing the initial information.

Basis for RCS Leakage Monitoring Requirements

The NRC Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.45, issued in 1973, established capabilities for leakdetection systems acceptable to staff. It does not define limiting conditions of operation. RG1.45 does note, however, that technical specifications (TSs) that define the limiting conditionsfor operation for identified and unidentified leakage and address the availability of the leakdetection systems are generally implemented. RG 1.45' proposes that leaks should .bemonitored to a sensitivity of 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) or better with at least three detection methods.The leak detection system should be'able to detect a 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) leak in less than 1hour, and alarms for the leak detection systems should be located in the control room. Sumplevel and airborne particulate radioactivity monitors are required. The third method could beeither a condensate flow monitor or a radiation monitor. This capability has typically beenprovided through an airborne gaseous radioactivity monitor. Such monitors do not provideleakage rates but have the capability of indicating an increase of 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) within an


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hour. However, because failed fuel is much less likely to occur and primary systems havebecome less contaminated than was the case when RG 1.45 was issued, the value ofmonitoring gaseous radioactivity has been greatly diminished. In RG 1.45 monitoring of thebulk humidity, temperature, and pressure in the containment are considered as Indirectindications of leakage

The capabilities considered acceptable for leak detection systems were establishedwithout a strong technical basis, although the first draft of RG 1.45, based on some analyticalstudies and some experimental data, stated that cracks leaking at a rate of 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm)would be smaller than critical size by a factor of at least two. The assessment of thecapabilities of the different leak detection systems appears to have been based on an analysisof the sensitivities of the sump, particulate, and gaseous detectors as well as condensate flowrate and humidity monitors for PWRs. It appeared that for 1% and 0% failed fuel a particulatemonitor could detect a 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) leak within 1 minute for both failed fuelassumptions, and that the gaseous monitor could detect a 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) leak in about 2minutes for 1% failed fuel and 100 minutes for 0% failed fuel. This activity level Is very high bytoday's standards, and hence, actual sensitivities and response times are worse than earlierestimates would be. The sump pump was estimated to be capable of detecting0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) leaks within an hour. The condensate flow rate monitor could detect0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) leaks within 10 minutes, and a humidity monitor within 40 minutes (PWR).Air particulate monitors could (at that time) detect 0.0013 kg/s (0.02 gpm) within minuteswhen background radiation levels were low. Since particulate monitors were equally effectivefor BWRs and PWRs and they became required monitors. With the sump monitor beingeffective for detecting 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) within an hour under all conditions, it was alsoidentified as required. The water inventory method was introduced in 1972.

Seven years after NRC Regulatory Guide 1.45 was published, "Standard for Light WaterReactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Leak Detection,' ISA-S67.03-1982 1201, was issued by theInstrument Society of America (ISA). It is a detailed, comprehensive document that could be asupplement or replacement for RG 1.45. The ISA position for the detection of leakage changesis also based on known capabilities at the time, and specifies that a 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm)increase in a PWR leak rate, and a 0.13-kg/s (2 gpm) increase in a BWR leak rate be detectedwithin 1 hour. ISA-S67.03-1982 also provides general equations for measurement sensitivitiesand response times of sump level and leakage flow monitoring. Equations for sensitivity andresponse times of radiation, humidity, and temperature monitors are also presented. By 1991,acoustic monitors had already been used in the field to monitor valves (Peach Bottom, Dresden,and V.C. Summer). In Germany a reactor used 18 acoustic sensors to monitor the primary lineand pressure vessel. Although no leaks were detected or missed (that were detected by othermeans), no false alarms occurred over a two-year period. Also at that time, EPRI had reportedthat for 15 fossil plant boilers, acoustic systems detected 60% of all reported leaks. It waspossible at that time, for BWRs, to recommend that radiation monitors be made mandatory forPWRs rather than optional (though high background radiation and false alarm problemsdiminish the effectiveness of radiation alarms), and that acoustic leak detection be added as anoption to meet the requirement that three methods of leak detection be employed.

In 1991 a contractor for the NRC recommended that for PWRs, acoustic leak detectionand inventory balance be added as options to meet the NRC position that three methods beemployed for leak detection. In addition, monitoring the rate of change of leakage wassuggested. No action followed this recommendation.


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For a plant, the establishment of leak monitoring systems and protocols for action whenan anomaly is recognized is governed by TSs. With respect to leakage, TSs are generally thesame from plant to plant with some differences in the details (Table 9). One of the first TSlimits was for the Monticello BWR in 1969. An identified limit of 1.6 kg/s (25 gpm) andunidentified limit of 0.32 kg/s (5 gpm), based on inventory makeup, was established. The totalallowed limit (identified plus unidentified) 'appears to be based on the inventory makeupcapability and sump capacity rather than RCS integrity. No documentation has been found onthe technical basis used to establish these limits in 1969. Typical limits used today for PWRsare 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) unidentified leakage and 10 gpm (0.63-kg/s) total identified leakage.For BWRs, they are 0.32-kg/s (5 gpm) unidentified and 1.6-kg/s (25 gpm) total identified, witha capability to detect a 0.13-kg/s (2 gpm) increase within 24 h. Subsequent studies of thefailure behavior of reactor coolant systems showed that for many piping systems these limitsprovide significant margin against gross failure of reactor piping to sustained stress loads. Thecalculations summarized in Table 8 show that margins increase with increasing pipe diameterand increasing loads under normal operation up to the Service Level A limit. The margins arelarger for cracks due to corrosion fatigue, than for cracks due to SCC. Detection systems suchas the sump typically measure total leakage. To Identify a leak with such a system, one mustoften compare the amount of leakage from all known sources to the total measured leakage.The difference between these two quantities is then the unidentified leakage.

The current PWR standard technical specifications require that for any leak in the RCSpressure -boundary that cannot be isolated, if unidentified RCS leakage exceeds0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) or if identified leakage exceeds 0.63 kg/s (10 gpm) for a PWR, the plantmust be placed in hot standby (mode 3) within 6 hours and cold shutdown within the following30 h. The evaluation related to safety should begin within four hours of detecting the leak.Two leak detection systems based on different principles, one capable of detection radiation,must be functioning when the reactor is operating. However, a radiation monitor can beinoperative for two days if two other leak detection systems are operating.

In some cases, plant TSs provide additional requirements. For example the TSs for PeachBottom (2000) require that when in mode 1 (full power), if unidentified leakage increases morethan 0.13 kg/s (2 gpm) within 24 h, an evaluation of the source must be initiated. Note thatthe ISA recommendation suggests a response within one hour. Also for Peach Bottom,following the observation of an increase in leakage, four hours is allowed to reduce the leakagerate before the reactor is shut down.

Table 9, from, the Barrier Integrity Action Plan, Action Item I (ADAMS ML030660105),shows some leakage requirements for PWRs that are* not in the standard technicalspecifications.


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Table 9. Leakage requirements for PWRs not in the standard technical specifications.

Plant Name, Vendor, and Year Technical Specification Requirements for Plant-Specificof Operation Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary

Fort Calhoun TS Section 2.0 does not differentiate between RCPB leakageCombustion Engineering and other RCS leakage9/26/1973 If RCS leakage exceeds 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) and the source is

not identified within 12 hours, the unit is placed in hotshutdown. If leakage exceeds 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) and thesource is not identified within 24 hours, the unit is placed incold shutdown.

If leakage exceeds 0. 63 kg/s (10 gpm), the unit is placed inhot shutdown within 12 hours. If leakage exceeds 0.63 kg/s (10 gpm) for 24 hours, the unit is placed in coldshutdown.

Kewaunee If any coolant leakage exists through nonisolable fault in anWestinghouse RCS component (exterior wall of.the reactor vessel, piping6/16/1974 valve body, relief valve, pressurizer, steam generator head, or

pump seal leakoff), then the reactor shall be shut down; andcool down to the COLD SHUTDOWN condition shall beinitiated within 25 hours of detection.

Millstone Unit 2 With any PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE, be in COLDCombustion Engineering SHUTDOWN within 36 hours.12/26/1975

Review of Licensee Event Reports provides some insight into what action is taken whena leak is indicated. Frequently, the initial response from the control room operator is to initiatea surveillance test of an RCS water inventory balance. In one case, for a leak detected by asump level alarm after about 3 h, the inventory balance confirmed that the RCS hadunidentified leakage greater than 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm), and so the unit was shut down. The leakwas determined to be from a pump seal.

In another case, a leak was indicated by a radiation monitor and was accompanied bydecreasing pressuriier level. An RCS water inventory balance was performed for 15 minuteswith an estimated leakage of 0.6 kg/s (9.5 gpm). Since the leakage could not be locatedimmediately, it was defined as unidentified leakage greater than 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm), andshutdown from full power began. The leak was determined to be from valve packing.

In many cases, plant procedures take action before required by TS, based on trends inunidentified leakage. In one example, unidentified leakage increased over a period of four daysfrom 0.0063 to 0.019 kg/s (0.1 to 0.3 gpm), but was still well below the TS limit of0.063 kg/s (1 gpm). Nevertheless, the plant was shut down from full power in accordance withprocedures to confirm the source of the leak and make repairs. A fitting thought to be thesource of the increased leakage was found not to be the source. A crack in the above-head sealweld of the CRDM was determined to be the cause. This example indicates that leaks below


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0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) can be detected with current systems in some cases [sump pumps aretypically set to alarm at 0.032-0.063 kg/s (0.5-1.0 gpm).

The database for leak events has been analyzed to determine the relative frequency ofinvolvement of various components, and the incidence of leakage attributable to fatigue orSCC. Figure 14 shows the distribution' in the location of leaks for valves, seals, flanges,nozzles, welds, etc. -Seal' implies leaks from pump seals. -Pipe' leaks includes piping, lines,and small tubing but not leaks from steam generator tubes. "Valve" implies leaks fromvalves (packing or stem) that do not involve a leaking weld or valve body. "Weld" includes "pin-hole" leaks as well as cracks. "Nozzle" covers nozzles not associated with CRDM. "Sleeve"includes pressurizer heater sleeves. Cracks in CRDM nozzles tend to have very small leakrates and have been found primarily from visual detection of boric acid. Leaks from weldsrepresent nearly 20% of the leaks in the database. Valve leaks not involving a weld wereanother frequent source of leaks (18%). Leaks from piping account for 26% of the leaks.Though not categorized in Fig. 14, leaks from all types of cracks are involved in over 40% of allleak events in the database. In 19% of the PWR leak events boric acid was visually observed atthe site of the leak.

30 -.

° 0 Seeve Themo|

10X Slee Thierpiln -errn .

or | @ ~= Flangel- :

Figure 14. Number of occurrences (percentage) that a location was mentioned in a leak event report.For example, almost 20% of the time the leak Involved a weld. About 8% of the leak eventsreviewed Involved CRDMs, usually'detected through visual detection of boric acid crystals.Cracks were involved with leaks about 40% of the time with a wide range of leak rates[<0.00063 to 6.3 kgfs ; 0.01 to >100 gpm].

One result regarding welds and seals is similar to that reported in 1988 1161. The percentof the time leaks in welds and seals were reported (2.1:1) is virtually the same as that reportedin 1988 (2.0:1) 1161. Figure 15 shows the relative frequency of cracks when reported as fatiguecracks and SCC for PWRs and BWRs. 'Stress corrosion cracks iwere the source of a leak moreoften than fatigue cracks in PWRs. while fatigue cracks were reported more often in BWRs.When fatigue cracks were the cause of the' leak and the description noted more than just"fatigue" as the cause, "high-cycle fatigue' was mentioned much more often than "low-cyclefatigue," with "thermal-fatigue" noted'only occasionally.. For cracks with leak rates


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>0.0063 kg/s 10.1 gpm) (excluding steam generators) fatigue cracks were noted as the type ofcrack about 50% more of the time than were SCC. This finding Is consistent with theobservation that SCCs are tighter and thus result in lower leak rates compared to fatiguecracks for a given crack length.

I I" I I I A I II is I a i III aI i Ilo *I ' I II Ii I TI _ax 70

.. .. ... ... ... .. .... . .. :70

LSO 50 _ ~~~....... .... ... 1BR--a . 60 . ...... ... ... ...... ..

:=^e~n 40 _ + l... ......... ;| ........._.. CiU) 5 B .........

30 . ......... ...............

3- 0 _ . ... | .........1 .... ........... _10 _1*- 20

....... S.... .... ....~- 10

0 SCC Fatigue

Figure 15a. The relative frequency of SCCs and fatigue cracks reported in the database for PWRs andBWRs. Many SCC involved a CRDM or pressurizer.' The' SCCs are tight and thus result inlower leak rates compared to fatigue cracks for a given crack length. For cracks with leakrates > 0.0063 kg/s (0.1 gpm) (excluding steam generators) fatigue cracks were noted tohave about 50% more occurrences than SCCs.

For leak events in the current database, PWRs account for 70% of RCS leaks (PWRsaccount for about 66% of the nuclear power plants). In the 1988 report 'Assessment of LeakDetection Systems for LWRs" 1161. PWRs accounted for 73%'of the leak events. The relativerate of occurrence of leak events for PWRs and BWRs has not changed much since 1988.However, the total number of reported leaks has declined steadily from 48 in 1985 to 14 In2003, as shown in Figure 15b.

The RCS leaks in PWRs and BWRs are compared for both location and mechanism in Fig.16 to show the ratio of leak events in PWRs and BWRs involving valves, seals, fatigue cracks,SCCs, and welds. The ratio of PWRs to BWRs in the U.S is two and is represented by thehorizontal line. SCCs (excluding steam generator tubing) are found more often in PWRs thanwould be expected based on the relative number of PWRs and BWRs. The same is the case forvalves and seals. Weld failures are more consistent with the number of occurrences in PWRsand BWRs.

In Fig. 17. the distribution of leak rates by magnitude Is shown. The number of leaks ina given range of leak rates is given. Many leaks reported have very small leakrates (<0.001 kg/s). They are detected visually and are reported as drips, weeping, seepage,'very small." etc. Large leaks have been detected primarily through increases in sump level.radiation alarms. inventory balance. or change in pressure. The trend in reported leak ratesseen in Fig. 17 is comparable to that reported for PWRs (151.


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1 i I

. . .

-7- ITI I

a I.

. . . .



II 00cm'






30 1 tiiillitiI I1


40 ] l~lltji}_l~l MENI


Figure 15b. Number of leakage events reported per year in database. A decrease in number of leakageevents from 1985 is evident. Events for 2004 includes those recorded through June.

Consequences of Lowering Leak Rate Limits

Consequence of lowering leak rate limits have been considered. It appears that lowering thelimit for a PWR would have no effect on safety system design or design basis other thanrequiring more-sensitive leak detection systems to minimize unnecessary shutdowns. Otherconsequences are (a) Lower limits would be supportive of leak-before-break analysis andevaluation (additional safety margin with respect to critical crack flow rate), (b) Limits may beexceeded more frequently, resulting in more shutdowns, inspections, and repairs and thusadditional personnel exposure, (c) If PWR limits were cut in half, reactor operations would mostlikely not be affected excessively, (d) Current leak monitors could still be used, (e) Cutting thelimit in half would not have resulted in detection of the leak that occurred at Davis-Besse (alocalized system would have been needed), (I) The inability of current systems to locate a leakwill lead to spurious shutdowns if leakage limits are reduced by more that a factor of two, (f)Because of the better fuel designs and better chemistry in current plants, neither theconventional airborne particulate or gaseous monitor is now capable of detecting a 0.063-kg/s (1 gpm) leak within an hour (response time could be on the order of 100 h) and (g)Lowering the leakage limits could make the air particulate monitor obsolete.


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Correlation between Crack Size and Leak Rate

The results in Table 10 for SS and CS piping in PWRs show that a given leak cancorrespond to a wide range of crack sizes. For a 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) leak, crack lengths canrange from 26 to 460 mm (1.0 to 18.1 in.) for stainless steel piping and 51 to 310 mm(2.0-12.2 in.) for carbon steel piping, depending on pipe diameter and the loading duringnormal operation. Because the throughwall crack length corresponding to a given leak rate, Q,varies as = Q0 24 for a given load level, decreasing the leak rate by a factor of 2, decreases thepossible crack sizes by about only 20%.

The results In Table 10 underestimate the actual variability since they were computed forfixed crack parameters and only include the variability due to differences In pipe size andapplied loading. The additional variability due to variations in path length, and crackroughness are fairly small compared to the variations due to the applied load. Deviations fromthe Idealized rectangular shape (e.g., remaining ligaments) could have very significant effects.

These analytical predictions are consistent with field experience. Many of the leakingcracks in the database (mostly cracks In welds) have very low leak rates (<0.01 kg/s) despitesignificant through-wall crack lengths. Figure 18 shows the lack of correlation between cracklength and leak rate for leak events in the database where both the through-wall crack lengthand the leak rate were reported. As expected, no correlation is evident and the crack lengthsfor leak rates 0.0063 kg/s (0.1 gpm) or less vary from 2.5 to 76.0 mm (0.1 to 3 In.) long.


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Table 10. Variability of throughwall crack lengths for a given leak rate in SS (PS cases) and CS (PC cases) piping in PWR RCSs.


, ..E C 1 0 6 2 .

a) Eu(

PS-0-6 5 0% 006 1E 5.3% PM10- 35 100 0.06 E7 82

PS-5- C 35 - 5%_006 4 1. / M5- 5 0 .03 4 .0%

c;E U)L XE) E flin

PSL-25-1 0 813 25 0 0 I-U, 0.

PSS-100-2C 114 100% 0.0063 11 9.7% PCS-100-1C 114 100% 0.0063 22 17.3%PSM-100-1C 356 100% 0.0063 14 5.3% PCM-100-2 356 100% 0.0063 27 8.2%PSL-100-IC 813 100% 0.0063 18 5.0% PCL-100-2C 813 500% 0.0063 31 6.0%PSS-50-lC 114 50% 0.0063 33 21.4% PCS-50-1C 114 50% 0.0063 34 20.5%PSM-50-1C 356 50% 0.0063 44 10.1% PCM-50-1C 356 50% 0.0063 43 9.0%PSL-50-lC 813 50% 0.0063 52 6.2% PCL-50-1C 813 50% 0.0063 49 5.2%PSS-25-1IC 114 25% 0.0063 76 40.7% PCS-25-1 C 114 25% 0.0063 62 32.0%,PSM-25-1C 356 25% 0.0063 159 29.2% PCM-25-2C 356 25% 0.0063 108 18.8%PSL-25-2C 813 25% 0.0063 314 27.6% PCL-25-lC 813 25% 0.0063 152 12.4%

PSS-1 00-2C 114 -100% 0.063 26 24.1% PCS-100-2C 114 100% 0.063' 51 40.7%PSM-100-2C 356 100%: 0.063 38 14.1% PCM-100-2C 356 - .100% 0.063 72 22.0%PSL-1 00-2C 813 100% 0.063 48 13.4% PCS-50-2C 114' 50% 0.063 72 43.1%PSS-50-2C 114, 50% 0.063 65 42.1% PCL-100-2C 813 100%~ 0.063 85 16.5%PSS-25-2C 114 25% 0.063 102 55.1% PCS-25-2C 114 25% 0.063 98 50.3%PSM-50-2C 356 50% 0.063 107 24.6% PCM-50-2C 356 50% 0.063 108 22.6%PSL-50-2C 813 50% 0.063 136 16.2% PCL-50-2C 813 50% I0.063 134 14.2%PSM-25-2C 356 25% 0.063 24 44.6% PCM-25-2C 356 25% 0.063 201 34.8%PSL-25-2C I813 25% 0.063 460 40.5% PCL-25-2C 83 25% 10.063 310 25.3%

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Valves AllCracks

AZ ICracks ~ eds

2 ~ I..?T-

* B)-iW' EDaw-. ,P

Figure 16. The PWR-to-BWR ratio of leak events involving valves, seals, fatigue cracks, SOCs, andwelds. The ratio of PWRs to BWRs in the U.S. is 2 and is represented in the figure by thehorizontal line.










0 c0.001 0.001-0.1 0.1-0.3 0.3-1' 1-10 >10Leak Rate (Kgls)

Figure 17. Distribution of leak rates by magnitude recorded in the database beginning with 1970. Thenumber of leaks in a given leak rate range is indicated.


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,...... ...... ........... ... ..... . . ........I.... .......... .... . .........

~~~~~~..... .... "..... ....... ............. .. ......... . ... .. .... .. .... .. .......

. ... ,. I.-..

.... ... . ...... ................ ............ .... ..................

-' i ' ..-*--*-U ------- *---*--v---*----*-- ------ *---------- --- *-

_ '. , '

- a _ i.s. T. .. I . A00 2 4 6 8

Crack Length Reported (cm)10

Figure 18. Through-wall crack lengthwere cracks in welds.

vs. leak rate for variety of leaks in database. Most of the leaks


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5. Leak Monitoring Systems

The effectiveness of various conventional leak detection systems is summarized in Table1 1. The sensitivity, accuracy, and location In Table 1 1 are based on the value reported In theInstrument Society of America Report, "Standard for Light Water Reactor Coolant PressureBoundary Leak Detection" (ISA-S67.03-1982). The letter G" implies the method can meet theIntent of ISA-S67.03-1982, where AF" implies it may be acceptable or unacceptable dependingon conditions, while "P" indicates the method is not recommended except possibly formonitoring specific locations. No single technique in this list is rated good in all categories,indicating that more than one monitoring system is needed to have an effective capability forleak detection.

Table 11. Effectiveness of leak monitoring systems

Type of Mo__tor SensiUvity Accuracy LocationSump monitorG G PRadlogas monitor (Xe-133. Iodine) F F FRadioparticulate (Rb-88. Kr-88. spectrum) F F FCondensaeG F PCoolant Inventory G G PMoisture sensors _ P GTemperature F P FPressure F P PVisual F P G

Sensitivity. accuracy, and location rated as good (G), fair (F). and poor (P). Note that the primarysystems are becoming less contaminated and failed fuel is much less likely to occur now than in the1980s, though the trend has reversed somewhat in the past two years (Fig. 19). As a result thegaseous radioactivity monitor is no longer equivalent to particulate monitors and the sensitivity ofgaseous radioactivity could now be rated 'P.'






_n 1IfV 1

I n M M1

II11u - . - r r v .w ' . . . . . . ...

0 82 84 50 as.- I . e } , F I . .--

0 92 94 go B8 00

Year02 04,

Figure 19. Trends in U.S. fuel failure rates (2004 results are incomplete).


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The most flexible of the methods for detecting leaks is visual observation. However, thesensitivity and ability to quantify a leak by observation are poor. The adequacy depends on thefrequency of inspection and the accessibility of areas of interest. The ASME Boiler andPressure Vessel Code, Section XI (INVA-2211 VT-2 Examination), covers periodic mandatoryinspection requirements of the RCPB. For example. IWA-5241(e) states that 'Discoloration orresidue on surfaces shall be examined for evidence of boric acid accumulations from boratedreactor coolant leakage." Remote visual equipment, temperature-sensitive tapes, and paint canaid in locating leaks. While not a principal method for leak detection, the visual method isvaluable In locating leaks. Over half of the leaks in the database had been detected visuallyand had very low leak rates.

The visual method, based on field experience, is capable of detecting leak rates as low as0.0006 kg/s (0.01 gpm). but the reliability of the method depends on human factors. FromLange's Handbook of Chemistry (15kh edition) we can estimate that an aspirin-size deposit ofboric acid (approximately 400 mg) could deposit from about 0.95 L (0.25 gal) of water andwould be detectable during a visual examination of reactor components. From a leak as smallas 6.3 x 1i7 kg/s (10-'5 gpm) that amount of boric acid could accumulate in about a week.

Humidity monitoring can detect an increase in vapor content of air resulting from a leakbut suffers from a lack of quantitative Information. The sensitivity could be on the order ofgallons per minute when used in large volume containment areas 1201. Moisture sensitive tapeis a continuous monitoring system in which the sensor is placed next to insulation. Anelectrical signal is activated when the tape becomes wet. Detection of an increase in leak rateof 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) within an hour is possible.- Such tapes monitor a small area and havebeen installed at a few plants. Field experience confirms that local humidity monitors, such asthe FLUS system described later, can detect leakage less than 0.1 L (0.03 gal) 126).

The sensitivity of temperature monitoring to detect leaks depends on volume of space.distance between sensor and leak, heat losses, normal temperature fluctuations, and presenceof abnormal heat sources. Temperature monitoring probably will not detect a 0.063-kg/s (1 gpm) leak within one hour. Nevertheless, temperature sensors were installed on therelief lines in French PWRs [151.

A leak from the RCPB will increase the containment pressure. -The consequence of havinga large volume containment structure is that a leak would have to be very large to be detectedby an increase in pressure. Small leaks could result in pressure variations that are in thenormal range of fluctuations. No source information is provided for the leak.

Reactor coolant inventory is monitored In PWR plants but not in BWRs. This method isnot particularly useful for BWRs because of the poor accuracy in detecting small RCPB leakageAbout 10% of all the leaks in the database were detected from inventory balance. Use ofinventory balance for detecting a leak of 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) within one hour is difficult.'However, under steady-state conditions, detection of 0.044 kg/s (0.7 gpm) in 2 hours and0.021 kg/s (0.33 gpm) in 4 hours has been demonstrated under field conditions 1151.Containment leakage, other than identifled leakage which is delivered to the equipment drainsump, is drained to the containment sump as unidentified leakage.

The sump level is measured continuously by a level measuring device. One alarmmonitors the Increase in the rate of unidentified leakage and provides an alarm when the


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Increase in leak rate exceeds 0.032-0.063 kg/s (0.5-1.0 gpm). A sump level and flow ratemonitor can detect a 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) leak in less than 1 hour. In some plants a0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) leak can be detected in 10 minutes [151. Another alarm monitors the totalof identified and unidentified leakage 1201. Open containment sumps collect unidentifiedcontainment leakage. including containment cooler condensate. Sump level and sumpdischarge flow can be monitored. Leak location is not provided. Sump pump monitors candetect a 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) Increase in leakage within one hour. Under field conditions,increases as low as a few tenths of a gpm have been detected (e.g., LER 354/1989-026-00). AtOconee, an increase in the volume of leakage on the order of 28.5 L (7.5 gal) can be detected bythe sump pump [151, and thus a 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) leak could, in principle, be detected Inabout 10 minutes. Historically, the reliability of the sump pump monitor has been good.About 10% of all the leaks in the database were reported as detected by the sump pumpmonitor.

Containment air cooler condensate flow runoff from the drain pans under eachcontainment air cooler unit can be measured. A 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) Increase within one hourcan be detected under normal operating conditions. This estimate Is based on a calculationthat shows condensate from 0.063 kg/s (I gpm) leaks can reach steady state in about 30minutes [151.

Assuming no fuel failure, for a containment-vessel free volume of 73,700 cubic metersand a particulate activity concentration in the reactor coolant of 1.5 x 103 Bq/cm3 , airborneparticulate monitors are capable of detecting, In principle, a 0.0063-kg/s (0.1 gpm) leak in 10minutes 1151. However, this type of monitor Is not capable of detecting a 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm)leak within one hour under all conditions. An event occurred at Oconee 3 [15] where it tookabout 100 minutes to detect a 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) leak.

A clear understanding of the principles involved in detecting leaks from radiationmonitors is necessary to avoid false alarms. For example, a decrease in reactor power levelmay cause an increase in the primary coolant radioactivity, and thus an apparent increase inleakage could be incorrectly surmised.

The airborne gaseous radioactivity monitor is Inherently less sensitive than theparticulate monitor. A leak rate of 0.13 kg/s (2 gpm) Is estimated to be detectable in fourhours with a gaseous monitor, assuming a coolant activity of 4 x 104 Bq/cm3 of Xe-133 1151.With a detector sensitivity of 10-6 ,uCI/cm3 and reactor coolant gaseous activity of 0.5,uCI/cm 3 ,corresponding to 0.1% fuel defects (per Southern California Edison, Ref. 12. p. 172),0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) leak can be detected within one hour [151. The difficulty with the use of agaseous radioactivity monitor arises as failed fuel Is much less likely to occur (see Fig. 19), andthe primary systems become less contaminated. Thus, the gaseous radioactivity monitor mayno longer be equivalent to a particulate monitor as it is in RG 1.45 and could be dropped fromRG 1.45.

The fraction of leaks detected by the various methods is shown in Fig. 20. Most leaksrecorded were detected visually and were quite small. They were reported as drips, weeping,seepage, 'very small," boric acid deposits, etc. Large leaks have been detected primarilythrough inventory balance, change in containment pressure, rise in sump level, or radiationalarms. The median leak rate of the leaks detected by the sump pump Is 0.095 kg/s (1.5 gpm)for a range of 0.006 to 2.2 kg/s (0.1 to 35 gpm). The median for radiation monitors (includes


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particulate and gas monitors) is 0.032 kg/s (0.5 gpm) (Table 12). Based on the reported leakrates, detecting small leaks with either the radiation monitor or sump pump is possible. Leakrates detected for valves, pumps, and CDRM are summarized in Table 13. Leaks detected fromvalves, for example, are relatively large while those from CRDM are relatively small (on average,well below the allowed limit). Table 14 shows the median leak rate and range for all leak eventsthat involve a crack, all leak events that do not involve a crack, leaks from cracks in welds,leaks from a crack not involving a welds, cracks when reported as an SCC, and cracks reportedas a fatigue crack. Note that not all leaks have a leak rate reported. Also, some leaks from acrack are not associated with either fatigue or.SCC, and thus the rate for all cracks differs fromSCC. Leaks reported as seepage, weeping, or drips are excluded. A few leaks are reported asvery large (or equivalent) but without a leak rate. For those cases the event is included in Table14 using a leak rate of 6.3 kg/s (100 gpm). The table shows that the median leak rate reportedfor a crack is significantly less than that reported when not a crack. Note that the leak ratesreported for SCC are very low, and while well below the 0.063-kg/s (1 gpm) limit, non-criticalflaws can be expected to leak at below the limit.

In addition to the leak rate detected, the time to recognize that action Is needed isimportant. The time to recognize that a leak requires action (that is, it must be identified ortreated as unclassified) Is shown for the sump pump and radiation monitor in Figs. 21 and 22.The range of time covers five orders of magnitude for leaks less than 0.063-kg/s (1 gpm), whilefor larger leaks, the time to recognize a problem is on the order of 100 min. Since the smallerleaks do not (at least initially) exceed the allowed limit for unidentified leakage, a considerableamount of time can be taken to monitor the leak and try to reduce the leak rate withoutshutting the plant down. Larger leaks, which exceed the allowed limit, require more rapidaction. The events in 'Figs. 21 and 22, in which the time 'required to' recognize that a leakrequires action was greater than one day, all occurred'before 1999. This is also the case forleaks in the database detected by means' other than a radiation'detector or sump pumpmonitor. Leaks that were detected by means other than radiation detectors or sump pumpmonitors and that required action and took longer than one day to recognize also all occurredbefore 1999. Sump pump and radiation monitors are required in RG 1.45, but theireffectiveness in PWRs and BWRs differs. For PWRs, sump pump and radiation detectors werereported as the method of detection about equally often, whereas for BWRs the sump pumpwas the reported detection method about three times more often than a radiation' monitor. Aproblem with radiation detectors is that high background levels could require alarm trip pointsto be set so high that the monitors are potentially insensitive to rises in radiation level due toleaks. In one case, a radiation alarm was not activated by a 1.6-kg/s (25 gpm) leak 1161.Conversely, if the set point is too low, the radlation monitor can raise false alarms 1161.


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0 E WF


Figure 20. Comparison of leak detection methods reported in the leak event reports. Small leaks weredetected visually. Test refers to hydrostatic pressure test. Vol refers to high makeup rate tovolume control tank.

Table 12. Average reported median leak rate and range for sump pump, radiationmonitors (includes particulate and gas monitors), and other leak detectionmethods (mainly visual and calculated).

Median LeakRate Reported

Leak Detection System (kg/s) Range (kg/s)

Sump pump 0.1 0.006- 2.2Radiation detector (particulate 0.03 0.006- 0.44and gas)

Other (primarily visual and 0.1 0.006 - 5calculation) I_ I

Table 13. Reported leak rates forvalves, pumps, and CRDM.

Median LeakRate Reported Range

Component (kg/s) (kg/s)

Valve 0.06 0.13 - 1.3

Pump 0.11 0.0006 -0.4

CRDM 0.0006 0.0006 -



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Table 14. Reported leak rates for cracks (SCC and fatigue) and valves and pump seals.

Information from leak events Median Leak Rangedatabase Rate (kg/s)


All leak events with cracks 0.06 0.006 to > 6.3involved

Leaks not involving 0.3 0.006 to > 6.3cracks (valves, pumps, etc.)

Leaks from cracks in welds 0.06 0.006 to 5.5

Cracks not involving welds 0.02 0.006 to > 6.3

Cracks when reported as SCC 0.013 0.006 to 0.06

Cracks when reported as fatigue 0.06 0.02 to 5.5crack











1( ,





- _. . ..i LeakiDetected withSump Manitor

.......... ......... .... . .. . .. .... . ..... ... . . ......

____,...... ......-.... ... . ............ _..._9_

He~~~~~~~ . ........ .1............

_-. ... A. . .. ......

- E- li:-;--i;

. . . . . , , , .L..L.L. L

D 0.2 0.4,1. 0.6 !, 0.8 1

Reported Leak Rate (Kg/s).1.2 1.4

Figure 21. Time to recognize action is required after leak detected with sump monitor.I I . I ..

In the database,-occasionally a leak was;reported to be detected by more than one leakmonitoring system. In those cases, in the tables and figures of this report, detection Isassigned to the method that first detected the leak.


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03 104


Co 100



a) 100


C0)AdX 1003


_, I l, l, , | I p I | I '

Leak Detected WithI *Radiation Monitor

_........ ........... :............ ....... ........ .......... ........ ....... ...... . ............................ ................. ....._

. ............-...... . ...... . - 4 ..- ................... _

.. i . ..

E 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

I- Reported Leak Rate (Kg/s)

Figure 22. Time to recognize action is required after leak detected with radiation monitor.

Acoustic Emission Leak Monitoring

Acoustic emission (AE) technology has the potential to provide significant improvementsin leak detection capability. AE systems can provide rapid response to even small leaks, locateleaks, and monitor an entire plant. A major advantage of AE is that crack growth can bedetected before the crack is through-wall due to the release of elastic energy by the growingcrack. No other technique can provide this information. Furthermore, AE can be used duringheat-up and pressurization when airborne monitors would not be effective. Acoustic leakdetection systems can be used to monitor the entire RCS or dedicated to the monitoring ofcomponents of particular interest, such as valves.

Currently. acoustic monitoring for leakage can be carried out with a commerciallyavailable system, the Framatome-ANP "ALUS" [21,261. In-service monitoring involves an arrayof acoustic transducers attached to the reactor coolant system or pressurizer throughwaveguides. Signals in the 100 to 400 kHz range are processed and the root-mean-square(RMS) values of the signal amplitude are compared with individually adjustable fixed andsliding thresholds. Typically, leakage will be detectable if the total signal is 3 dB (41%) abovethe background noise 121]. For a near field sensor <3 m (10 ft) from the source, the detectableleak rate can be calculated. The estimated sensitivity varies from 0.0002 to 0.063 kg/s(0.003 to 1.0 gpm) depending on the background noise (21,261. This range is similar to thatreported in Ref. [161 (NUREG/CR-4813). The AE sensitivity in that report was estimated to be0.0001 to 0.063 kg/s (0.002 to 1 gpm). A summary of that study is provided in Appendix B.

Table 15 provides detailed information on leakage sensitivity variations with backgroundnoise level (in a 100-400 kHz frequency window) 121, 261. The lowest noise levels are in the


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pressurizer where the leak rate sensitivity is estimated to be as low as 0.0002 kg/s(0.003 gpm). For coolant pumps, where the noise is highest. the best observed sensitivityaccording to the vendor is 0.0063 kg/s (0.1 gpm). The response time is determined by the dataprocessing time, and thus can be very short. Signal processing and decision making can beautomated and controlled by computers. To calibrate the system, ultrasonic transmittersattached to the plant structure can be automatically activated during plant outages. Theyproduce a signal with a defined intensity that simulates a leak, and attenuation measurementscan then be made. The ALUS system has been installed in several VVER reactors in EasternEurope [26,27]. Ten years of field experience with operating reactors outside the U.S. has beenaccumulated with such systems monitoring reactor pressure vessels, reactor coolant lines,pressurizer systems, and safety valves [27]. Flange leaks were detected at the main flanges ofthe reactor pressure vessel and at the reactor coolant pumps in several VVER plants. Theseleaks occurred during start-up pressurization. A head penetration leak during hydrostatictesting was detected at leak , rates consistent with the estimated sensitivity of0.0002 kg/s (0.003 gpm). Training in mounting sensors to the reactor structure may berequired. Figure 23 shows a flow chart for the ALUS system and a photograph of thewaveguide. Note that since the more recent development of FLUS (humidity monitor describedin the following section), ALUS systems are only installed along with a FLUS system.

Some valves in the RCS are monitored with an acoustic sensor. Two valve leaks in thedatabase were detected by acoustic sensors dedicated to the monitoring of the valves.

Monitoring with Humidity Sensors

The Framatome-ANP FLUS system measures local humidity 1221 by using a temperature-and radiation-resistant sensor tube, fabricated from a flexible metal hose with porous sinteredmetal elements placed at intervals of around 0.5 m (Fig. 24). The contents of the sensor tubeare pumped at fixed time intervals through a central moisture sensor that measures theabsolute humidity level (the dew point) as a function of time. The location of the leak can bededuced from the time difference between the start of the pumping and the peak humidity vs.time history by using the known air velocity in the tube. The leak rate can be determined fromthe profile of the humidity vs. time history. The sensitivity for the FLUS system is reported tobe 0.0003 kg/s (0.004 gpm) or less, 126). Up to eight monitoring loops, each up to 150-m longwith a spacing of about 0.5 m between sensors, can be connected to a FLUS monitoringstation, which implies that up to 1.2-km piping length can be monitored by the station. TheFLUS systems have been installed at plants in Europe and Canada. - The first FLUS system inthe United States was installed at Davis-Besse by Framatome ANP in 2003. FLUS has beenqualified to detect potential leaks from a RPV closure head for a German PWR at Obrigheim1261. In this instance, two sensor tubes were used; -one was placed inside the insulation andthe other outside It. Calibration tests confirmed that a leakage rate of gpm0.00001 kg/s (0.0002 gpm) could be reliably detected. Clear correlation between leakage rateand dew point was confirmed. The response time was as little as 15 min. The manufacturer's

Personal communication from T. Richards/W Knoblach, Framatome ANP to D. Kupperman,Argonne National-Laboratory, July'5, 2004.


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specification gives a typical response time in one to two cycles; each cycle time is 15 min to 1h. One 0.003 kg/s (0.05 gpm) leak in the flange of a control rod was detected during operation.

ALARMRelative Threshold

RMS AlarmIndicator

I I I I I I I l -I7

-AcousticSensor Pickup, Pre-amp- -..

SignalStation Main Computer

Signal ProcessingCommunication



Figure 23. Schematic representation of the ALUS system [27].

Table 15. Estimated leakage sensitivity for the ALUS acoustic monitoring system as a function ofbackground noise level (in 100-400 kHz frequency range) [21,27].

Component Average Background Estimated LeakagePosition Noise Level (dB) Sensitivity Range with

Lowest Limit (kg/s)

Main Isolation Valve (hot) 41.2 0.003 to 0.006

Reactor Coolant Pump 48.0 0.006-0.06

Reactor Pressure Vessel 41.7 0.03 to 0.006

Pressurizer 17.3 0.0002-0.006

Pressurizer Safety Valve 45.0 0.004 to 0.013

The calibration procedure involves injecting a fixed amount of vapor (test gas) into thesensor tube for each measuring cycle. The gas moves through the sensor tube to themonitoring system. which automatically records the arrival time of the gas.. The amplitude andthe time of arrival of the first peak are checked to be within proper ranges. Any deviation


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triggers an alarm. The system will then perform a calibration procedure to correct the systemfunctioning.

Field tests with FLUS have confirmed that leak rates less than 0.0003 kg/s (0.004 gpm)can be detected without false alarms 1261. No leaks have been missed in leak simulation tests,and one actual leak was detected [261. Leaks can be located within distances less than 2% ofthe total length of the line monitored. In one example a 0.013-0.026 kg/s (0.02-0.04 gpm)flange leak at a VVER reactor was detected one month after installation of FLUS (261. Since thedevelopment of FLUS, ALUS systems are Installed along with a FLUS system.

FLUS monitors an area by installing sensors in a measurement loop.

Humidity Calibra S'nDrer

Sensor Module Compressor




Figure 24. Schematic representation of the FLUS humidity sensor system. The sensitivity for the FLUSsystem is reported to be 0.0003 kg/s (0.004 gpm) 122].

Airborne Particulate Radiation Monitor

Westinghouse has developed -an airborne' particulate radioactivity monitoring system(ARMS). The first ARMS was installed and demonstrated at Turkey Point Unit 3 in 1988. In1989 a similar system was installed at Turkey Point Unit 4. which operated for 10 years

Personal communication from T. Rlchards/W Knoblach, Framatome ANP to D. Kupperman,Argonne National Laboratory. July 5, 2004.


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- U_

without a false alarm. Another ARMS was installed with a site validation test at Electricite deFrance (EdF) Bugey Unit 2 Nuclear Power Plant In 1992 for detection of head penetrationleakage [23]. False alarms at Bugey led to the removal of that unit.

The Westinghouse ARMS is used primarily to detect leaks in the head area of a PWR,such as CRDM canopy seals and nozzles and associated welds. Leakage in this head areareleases radioactive particles, mainly Rb-88 and Cs-137, into the air volume surrounding thehead. ARMS draws air from the volume through a filter to concentrate the particulates.Radiation from the collected particulates is detected by a detector consisting of a beta-sensitiveplastic scintillator disk and a photomultiplier tube. The typical operation of ARMS involvescollecting samples from two sources. One sample comes from the ambient atmosphere of thecontainment, while the other is from the reactor head. The difference of the radioactivity levelsIn the two samples provides a measure of leak rate. Each sampling time takes several hours.Therefore, the estimated response time is several hours to a day.

ARMS provides a measure of reactor vessel leakage, but it is difficult to accurately relatethe amount of rubidium and cesium particulates collected by the sensor filter to the total massof leakage. and thus the system may not be able to determine the leakage rate reliably.However the general location of a leak can be determined with ARMS. Westinghouse reports asensitivity of 0.0001 kg/s (0.002 gpm).

Note that the ARMS, FLUS, and ALUS systems are not adequate for detection of verysmall leaks from the RPV head, such as those revealed by minor amount of boric acid crystalsat Oconee and ANO-1. However, for larger leaks they may be more likely to detect a significantleak prior to rupture compared to other conventional existing systems for plant monitoring.

Improved Radioactive Gas Monitors

An N13-F18 gas monitor (Model SPLR201 1E) has been available through MGPInstruments, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia. and the VICNIS (Vessel Integrity Control using Nitrogen-13Sensor) through Merlin Gein Provence, France 1241. The N13-F18 monitors from MGP wereinstalled at two EdF sites (Paluel and Dampierre). Since 1992, more than 50 VICNIS unitshave been installed at EdF plants. The main areas of coverage are the reactor head and thebottom of the reactor vessel [15, 341.

Both the N13-F18 monitor and the VICNIS sensor detect leaks by monitoring thepresence of nitrogen-13 and the evolution of its released volumetric activity. The N-13 arisesin the reactor core from the reaction 'Proton + 0-16 -* N-13 + He-4". The N-13 radioactivity(beta decay) is measured using a NaI (TI) scintillator coupled with a photomultiplier. The basicconfiguration of both monitors consists of two detection systems. One monitors the reactorhead atmosphere, while the second measures the containment background.

A leak rate in the range of 0.0003 kg/s (0.004 gpm) Is claimed to be detectable within onehour, provided the radiation background is reasonably low. Detection reliability and sensitivitydepend on background levels and counting time. With the detection threshold criteria set toachieve a faulty alarm probability (FAP) not exceeding 1 error per year and a alarm ignoredprobability (AIP) not exceeding 0.01, a detection sensitivity of 0.0003 kg/s (0.004 gpm) withinone hour is claimed. Nevertheless, high false alarm rates have led to discontinued use of


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nitrogen gas sensors by EdF (to the best of the knowledge of the authors, such devices are notused worldwide).

Visual Observation of Leaks

While not an on-line technique, a useful method for detecting and locating leaks is visualobservation. However, the sensitivity and ability to quantify a leak by observation are poorexcept for boric acid leaks. The adequacy depends on the frequency of inspection and theaccessibility of areas of interest. The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI (IWA-2211 VT-2 Examiriation), covers periodic mandatory inspection requirements of the RCPB. Forexample, IWA-5241(e) states that 'Discoloration or residue on surfaces shall be examined forevidence of boric acid accumulations from borated reactor coolant leakage." Remote visualequipment, temperature sensitive tapes, and paint can aid In locating leaks. While not aprincipal method for on-line leak detection (despite the numerous leaks in the databasedetected visually) visual detection of leaks is valuable in locating leaks.

Detection of Boric Acid from Leaks

.Boric acid or orthoboric acid, B(OH)3, is used as a neutron absorber in the coolant ofpressurized water reactors. Lessons learned from the Davis-Besse incident call for re-evaluation of the boric acid corrosion control program, including the ability to detect boric acidfrom a leak. At present, the method of detecting boric acid leaks is basically visual Inspection(tens of gallons of.leakage would produce about a pound of crystals). Periodic walk-downs todetect boric acid leaks are recognized in Generic Letter 88-05 as an effective method to detectleakage of boric acid solutions. Visual detection of boric acid crystal deposits can reveal a leakwell before any other method. However, In the case of very small leaks insulation must beremoved to detect the deposits.

In this research effort we explored the technologies to detect the accumulation of boricacid from a leak without removing Insulation.

Boric acid is white and needle-like, and is moderately soluble in water with a largenegative heat of solution. The solubility increases markedly with temperature. The amount ofboric acid that can be dissolved in 100 grams of water increases from 2.67 g at 00C to 40.25 gat 1000C according to Lange's Handbook of Chemistry 1331. Boric acid is a very weak andexclusively monobasic acid which acts, not as a proton donor, but as a Lewis acid, acceptingOH-:

B(OH) 3 + H2 0 = [B(OH)41- .+ Hi pH = 9.0

Boric acid melts at 171CC and decomposes at about 300'C. Its vapor pressure at roomtemperature Is approximately,2.6 mm Hg. In general, orthoboric acid at room temperature is acrystalline solid with structure based on hydrogen-bonded planar units. When heated-above100 CC at atmospheric pressure, it converts into metaboric acid, .HB0 2. Evidence for theexistence of a vapor-phase, boric acid molecule is remarkably sparse. Ogden, Young, andBowsher, in 1987, [251 applied mass spectrometry and matrix-isolated infrared (IR)spectroscopy to the characterization of the molecular boric acid. Their results showed thatboric acid not only had a finite vapor pressure at room temperature but that Its volatility was


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greatly enhanced in the presence of steam. Their work suggests the possibility of detectingboric acid leakage by techniques, such as infrared (IR) spectroscopy, that can characterize thevapor phase. IR spectroscopy identifies substances by their rotational and vibrational spectra.When light of a particular frequency. and therefore a particular energy, strikes a molecule, themolecule can absorb the energy, and the rotations and vibrations that the molecule isexperiencing at that time can change to a higher energy rotation or vibration state. Theenergies needed to change the rotational and vibrational states of the molecules lie in the IRregion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Because these changes occur at discrete energy levelsand depend on the structure and composition of the molecule, each molecule has a differentresponse to IR energy. Other than the frequencies absorbed by the substance, all others aretransmitted through 1281.

A typical mass spectrum obtained by heating boric acid to about 40'C contains ion peaksat 44/45 and 61/62 amu (atomic mass units) corresponding to B(OH)2' and B(OH)3',

respectively. Typical absorption bands appear in the region of 513.8 to 3668.5 cm', whichconfirmed some of the reported spectra for vapor phase boric acid, particularly the in-plane B-O stretch band at 1430 cm'l.

The low vapor pressure of boric acid at room temperature makes it difficult to identify thevapor phase by IR spectroscopy. However, as noted previously, the volatility of boric acid isenhanced in the presence of steam. While the presence of steam increases the vapor pressureof boric acid, to detecting boric acid with IR spectroscopy requires a distinguishableabsorbance peak that Is different from the absorbance peak of water. In the vapor phase, boricacid has absorbance peaks at 1017 cm7', 1429 cmn', and 3706 cm- 1251 (1 cm-' = 104 /A, whereX is in glm). When examining the IR spectrum of water in the vapor phase, the peaks of boricacid at 1429 cmn1 and 3706 cm' must be ignored, because water absorbance peaks near or atthe values for boric acid would overlap them 129!.

Detection limits of trace element gases in a mixture are very low for IR spectroscopy.With a conventional dispersive IR spectrometer, detection limits are in the 1-20% range, withthe limiting factor being the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio. The detection limits can be furtherreduced by using a Fourier Transform IR (FT-IR) spectrometer. While using an FT-IRspectrometer, a longer cell can be used, increasing the absorption percentage, and a wide-bandmercury-cadmium-tellurlde (MCT) detector lowers the limits even further. Together, thesemodifications can lower the detection limits to 10-100 ppb [301. Stalard et aL have reportedthat a next generation FT-IR spectrometer can have detection limits for water In corrosive gasesof 1 ppb 1301, and Gurka et al. have detected environmental gases with gaschromatography/FT-IR (GC/FT-IR) in the 20-120 ng (nanogram) range 131]. Also usingGC/FT-IR and deposition methods, detection limits have been lowered to below the nanogramlevel 1321. Detection limits can also be lowered by increasing the length of the gas cell or byraising the pressure inside the cell with a dry, non-IR-absorbing gas, like nitrogen 1291.

For detection of boric acid, an FT-IR spectrometer with a liquid-nitrogen-cooled wide-band MCT detector could be used. An FT-IR spectrometer could be used over a double-beamspectrometer because it is faster, and multiple runs of the machine can be averaged to createbetter printouts. An MCT detector could be used over a deuterated triglycine sulfate (DTGS)detector because the MCT has a lower detection limit. By cooling the MCT detector with liquidnitrogen, the detection limits are lowered even further.


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6. Crack Growth Monitoring Systems

Improvements in acoustic emission (AE) monitoring technology have led to test systemsthat provide a rapid response to crack initiation and growth. The release of elastic energyduring crack growth can be detected before a crack grows through the wall. No othertechnique has the potential to provide this information during plant operation. Monitoring anentire plant is feasible.

The technology for AE crack monitoring is described in NUREG/CR-5645 [181. High-temperature sensors and stainless steel waveguides are used. The AE from crack growth andleaks was separated from noise by monitoring at a high enough transducer frequency andapplying pattern recognition techniques to the received acoustic signals (the signals from crackpropagation have a distinct pattern easily distinguished from background noise [181). Crackgrowth rates can be estimated. The same instrumentation and equipment are used for crackmonitoring and leak detection. The technology has been validated in laboratory tests and fieldtrials 1181. and is now included in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section V as atechnique for leak detection and crack monitoring. Article 13 of the Code describesContinuous Acoustic Emission Monitoring' for leaks and crack monitoring. Article 29describes the Standard Practice for Leak Detection and Location Using Surface Mounted AESensors." Acoustic emission monitoring also discussed in Section Xl as substitution forultrasonic monitoring of known non-throughwall cracks. Relevant sections of the ASME Codeare presented in Appendix E.

Figure 25 shows the schematic of the sensor developed by Pacific Northwest NationalLaboratory (PNNL) for continuous monitoring of reactor components. The sensor consists of atransducer and built-in tunable pre-amplifier, and uses a 304SS waveguide with 3.18-mmdiameter with a 1.3-mm-diameter tip. A minimum of three sensors is needed for themonitoring of a pressure vessel head.

Proper coupling of waveguides to structures has to be assured. Periodic testing to verifythat the sensors are operating properly is necessary. Calibration can be carried out with anelectronic pulser or breaking of standard pencil leads. Detectable crack growth rates in thelaboratory range from 1 x 10-7 to 1.5 x 104 cm/s. Stress corrosion cracks have been detectedsuccessfully under laboratory conditions. A sensor exposed to gamma radiation in the 1 to 1.3MeV range at 5x104 R/h with a cumulative dose of 14 x 107 R showed no degradation. Patternrecognition of the received acoustic signal in the time domain is used to correctly classify theorigin of AE signals.

Field trials include monitoring of selected locations at Watts Bar and Limerick and theZB-1 test vessel at the Materialpruefungsanstalt (MPA) laboratory in Germany. A fatigue crackwas detected by AE in the ZB-1 test vessel. There were no false calls with the AE systemduring any of the trials. The AE could be detected at a distance of 3 mn (10 ft) from the sourceof acoustic signal with coolant flow noise present using high-frequency tuned waveguidesensors [181.


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ONC Connector

___Stainless Sleet Mousing2 | 2 in Ing X I 1 2 in Wd X I 4.,n Dp

20 dB Gain D.fertnt,.aPrearnmpIlier

Tuning Inductor (Variablewth Freq Requirementsl

Isolation DiskAfo0,-0 010 .___ r__ _1- PZT Cirvstal /Chamferedlin thk Hi i- vsol Adhesive EA934L iAppros 002.n thi

Isolatain Plate IDelrin)

* Stainless Steel PlateIWorld-

Nvllite IsolationBushing jTVP 4 Placesi

|| S 10.24 Machine ScrewIType 4 PlacesI

Stainless Steel Tvpe 304 LWaveguide. 0 1 25 Diameter

Tip 0 050 Diameter

Figure 25. Schematic of AE sensor developed by PNNL for continuous monitoring of nuclear reactorcomponents [18].


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7. Conclusions

New leak detection technology can be used to provide greater detection sensitivity andmore accurate determination of leakage locations. Even existing systems have sufficientsensitivity to detect unidentified leakage of 0.032 kg/s (0.5 gpm), which Is below the current0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) limit. The analyses presented in this report confirm that the currenttechnical specification limits on unidentified leakage can be expected to provide significantmargin against structural failure of piping systems. However, leak rates well below the currentlimits are sufficient to result in corrosion of carbon and low alloy steel components in systemscontaining boric acid. In some structural components like CRDM nozzles, current leakdetection requirements do not appear to provide sufficient margin against gross structuralfailure.

As part of a defense-in-depth philosophy for ensuring the Integrity of the RCPB, improvedleakage requirements (e.g., establishment of action requirements based on increases inunidentified leak rates, and more accurate identification, measurement, and collection ofleakage from known sources to minimize interference with the detection of leakage fromunknown sources) could better identify RCPB breaches and prevent additional degradation ofthe pressure boundary. However, existing systems may not be adequate to provide assurancethat leakage is low enough to avoid boric-acid induced corrosion of carbon and low alloy steelcomponents.. The potential consequences to reducing leak rate limits include additionalshutdowns, inspections. and personnel exposures. Global leakage monitoring and leakagelimits by themselves may not always ensure that degradation of and leakage frorn the RCPBdoes not occur. As noted previously, there are portions of the RPCB for which global leakagemonitoring may give very little assurance against potential loss of structural integrity. In suchcases, localized leak detection systems could provide the needed margin. Localized leakdetection can also be sensitive enough to provide a high degree of assurance that leak rates arelow enough to avoid boric acid corrosion.

Current systems have advantages and disadvantages. The most flexible method fordetecting leaks is visual observation. However, the sensitivity and ability to quantify a leak byobservation are poor. The adequacy depends on the frequency of Inspection and theaccessibility of areas of interest. The visual method, based on field experience, Is capable 'ofdetecting leak rates as low as 0.0006 kg/s (0.01 gpm), but the reliability of the method dependson human factors. Humidity monitoring can detect an Increase in vapor content of airresulting from a leak but suffers from a lack of quantitative information. The sensitivity couldbe on the order of gallons per minute when used in large volume containment areas. A leakfrom the RCPB will result in an increase In containment pressure. The consequence of havinga large volume containment structure is that a leak would have to be very' large to be detectedby an increase in pressure. Reactor coolant inventory is monitored in PWR plants but not inBWRs. This method Is not particularly useful' for BWRs because of the poor accuracy indetecting small RCPB leakage. Detection of a leak of 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) within one hour isdifficult using inventory balance. A sump level and flow rate monitor can detect a0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) leak in less than 1 hour. A 0.063 kg/s (1 gpm) leak could, in principle, bedetected in about 10 minutes by a sump pump. Historically, the reliability of the sump pumpmonitor has been good. However, leak location is not provided.


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Significant improvements in leak requirements will require new systems that are not onlysensitive and accurate but provide the location of leaks and thus help to minimize unnecessaryshutdowns. Newer commercially available systems include (with vendor reported sensitivity)acoustic emission monitoring (ALUS; 0.0002 to 0.016 kg/s: 0.003 to 0.25 gpm), humiditysensors (FLUS; 0.0003 to 0.032 kg/s; 0.005 to 0.5 gpm), and air particulate detectors (ARMS;<0.006 kg/s; 0.1 gpm;). Instrumentation of the pressure vessel head with an AE system hasthe potential to detect leaks as small as 0.0003 kg/s (0.005 gpm). While additionaltechnologies for leak detection, such as the use of IR spectroscopy to detect boric acid vapor inthe vessel head region, may be possible, existing technologies (especially AEI already offerdemonstrated capability and flexibility. Additional research is needed on fundamentallydifferent approaches to leak detection technology at this time.

AE sensors can be used on components of special Interest to detect crack initiation andgrowth during plant operation as well as for early detection and quantification of leak rates.For new plants, the entire plant could be instrumented with AE monitors.'

There may be significant advantages if the AE monitoring of crack growth during plantoperation can be fully demonstrated and implemented. A performance demonstration wouldrequire Intentional Introduction of degradation in an operating reactor leading to leaks in theRCPB. This type of demonstration is not feasible. Nevertheless, documented testing Indicatedthat cracks could be detected prior to leakage. On-line monitoring of cracks could replaceperiodic UT inspections, which could result in significant cost savings. Cracks could bedetected at locations not normally inspected, or in materials where UT inspection has not beenappropriately demonstrated (i.e., cast stainless steels). With greater assurance that no cracksof significant size exist, current leak-before-break requirements could'perhaps be relaxed.

If RG 1.45 is revised, it could include the addition of acoustic emission monitoring as anacceptable method for leak detection. AE Is a validated technique that is sensitive and canprovide location information rapidly. AE Is described in ASME Boller and Pressure Vessel CodeSections V and XI.

Because of the reductions in coolant activity levels, the value of monitoring gaseousradioactivity has been greatly diminished. Thus, gaseous radioactivity monitoring could bedropped from RG-1.45, if it Is revised, as It can no longer be considered an adequate substitutefor particulate monitoring.

Since other methods besides leak monitoring can ensure Integrity, the question ariseswhether localized highly sensitive leak detection systems alone would be needed to ensureagainst a significant loss-of-coolant accident. Whether such localized systems are needed is anassessment beyond the scope of this report.

Personal communication from T. Richards/W Knoblach, Framatome ANP, to D. Kupperman,Argonne National Laboratory, July 5, 2004.


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8. References

1. D. D.Paul, et al.. "Evaluation and Refinement of Leak-Rate Estimation Models,"NUREG/CR-5128; Rev. 1, June 1994.

2. R. P. Collier, F. B. Stulen, M. E. Mayfield, D. B. Pape, and P. M. Scott, 'Two-Phase FlowThrough lntergranular Stress Corrosion.Cracks and Resulting Acoustic Emission," EPRIReport No. NP-3540-LD, 1984.

3. K. Matsumoto, S., Nakamura, N. Gotoh, T. Narabayashi, Y. Tanaka, and Y. Horimnizu,"Study of Coolant Leak Rates Through Pipe Cracks," ASME PVP, Vol. 165, pp. 121-127,1989.

4. J. M. Boag, et al., 'Leak Rate Experiments for Through-Wall Artificial Cracks," In. J. Pres.Ves. and Piping, Vol. 43, pp. 413-424, 1990.

5. D. Norris, et al. 'PICEP: Pipe Crack Evaluation Program." EPRI Report NP 3596-SR,1984.

6. G. M. Wilkowski, R. J. Olson, and P. M. Scott. "State-of-the-Art Report on PipingFracture Mechanics," NUREG/CR-6540, BMI-2196, February 1998.

7. P. Scott, et al., 'Report for Subtask la for Technical Development of Loss of CoolantAccident Frequency Distribution Program, Finalize and QA SgUIRT Code." Battelle LetterReport to USNRC under Contract RES-02-074, 2003.

8. S. Rahman, N. Ghadiall, D. Paul, and G. Wilkowski, "Probabilistic Pipe FractureEvaluations for Leak-Rate Detection Applications," NUREG/CR-6004, April 1995.

9. D. Rudland, R. Wolterman, and G. Wilkowski, "Impact of PWSCC and Current LeakDetection on Leak-Before-Break," Final Report by Engineering Mechanics Corporation ofColumbus to USNRC, January 31, 2003.

10. D. Rudland, R. Wolterman, and G. Wilkowski, "Leakage through CRDM Nozzles withPWSCC Cracks," Letter report to USNRC (non-proprietary version). December 31, 2002.

11. F. W. Brust, P. Scott, S. Rahman, N. Ghadiali, T. Kilinski, B. Francini. C. W. Marschall,N. Miura, P. Krishnaswamy. and G. M. Wilkowski, "Assessment of Short Through-WallCircumferential Cracks in Pipes-Experiments and Analysis." NUREG/CR-6235, BMI-2179. April 1995. ,

12. E. S. Hunt, "Boric Acid Corrosion Guidebook. Revision 1: Managing Boric Acid CorrosionIssues at PWR Power Stations," EPRI Final Report 1000975, November 2001.

13. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S.) (NRC). ADAMS Accession Number ML033010208,"Degradation of RPV Boundary Components in Concentrated Boric Acid Solutions: Task3: Corrosion of Reactor Steels in Concentrated Boric Acid Solutions." NRC: Washington,D. C. (24 October 2003):-


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14. Materials Reliability Program Reactor Vessel Closure Head Penetration Safety Assessmentfor U.S. PWR Plants (MRP-1 IONP), EPRI TR-1009807-NP, 2004.

15. V. N. Shah, M. B. Sattison. C. L. Atwood, A. G. Ware, G. M. Grant, and R. S. Hartley,'Assessment of Pressurized Water Reactor Primary System Leaks,' NUREG/CR-6582,1998.

16. D. S. Kupperman, Assessment of Leak Detection Systems, for LWRs," NUREG/CR-4813,October 1988.

17. D. S. Kupperman. D. Prine, and T. Mathieson, "Application of Acoustic Leak DetectionTechnology for the Detection and Location of Leaks In Light Water Reactors,"NUREG/CR-5134. October 1988.

18. P. H. Hutton, R. J. Kurtz, M. A. Friesel, J. R. Skorpik, and J. F. Dawson, 'AcousticEmission/Flaw Relationships for Inservice Monitoring of LWRs," NUREG/ CR-5645, 1991.

19. S. Bush, A. Chockie, W. Nicholson, and A. Slavich, 'Nuclear Reactor Piping Failures atU.S. Commercial LWRs," Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) TR-110102 andSwedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI) S-106 58, 1998.

20. Instrument Society of America, "Standard for Light Water Reactor Coolant PressureBoundary Leak Detection," ISA-67.03, 1982.

21. U. Kunze and B. Bechtold, 'New Generation of Monitoring Systems with On-lineDiagnostics," Progress in Nuclear Energy, Vol. 29, No. 3/4, pp. 215-227, 1995.

22. P. Jax, 'Detecting and Locating the Smallest Leaks Early,. Nuclear EngineeringInternational. (39) R22, 1994.

23. G. Champion and L. Chauvel, "EdF Installs N-13 Leak Monitoring," Nuclear EngineeringInternational, pp. 44-45, October 1993.

24. G. Champion, A. Dubail and J. M. Houln, 'Tracklng Low SG Leak Rates with VAMCIS,"Engineering International, pp. 39-40, February 1991.

25. J. S. Ogden, N. A. Young, and B. R. Bowsher, 'The Characterization of Molecular BoricAcid by Mass Spectrometry and Matrix Isolation Infrared Spectroscopy," United KingdomAtomic Energy Authority AEEW-R 2305, October 1987.

26. P. Jax. 'Redefining the Large Break LOCA: Technical Basis and Its Implication.' JointCommittee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations/Committee on Nuclear RegulatoryActivities (CSNI/CNRA) Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, June 23-24. 2003.

27. U. Kunse, "Acoustic Leak Monitoring Systems in VVER Plants: Ten Years of Experience,'Nuclear Europe Worldscope, p. 114, 1999.

28. Trevor R. Gilson, "Characterization of Ortho- and Meta-boric Acids in the Vapour Phase,"Journal of the Chemical Society: Dalton Transactions, pp. 2463-2466. 1991.


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29. Takehiko Shimanouchi, "Tables of Molecular Vibrational Frequencies," NSRDS, 1968.

30. B. R. Stallard, R. K. Rowe, M. J. Garcia, D. M. Haaland, L.H. Espinoza, and T. M.Niemczyk, 'Trace Water Vapor Determination in Corrosive Gases. by InfraredSpectroscopy," SAND-93-4026, 1993.

31. D. F. Gurka, R. Titus, P. R.' Griffiths, D. Henry, and A. Giorgetti. Evaluation of anImproved Single-Beam Gas Chromatography/Fourier Transform Infrared Interface forEnvironmental Analysis," Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 59, pp. 2362-2369, 1987.

32. Patricia B. Coleman, Practical Sampling Techniques for Infrared Analysis, CRC Press,Boca Raton, pp. 19-21. 168-169, (1993).

33. J. A. Dean, Lange's Handbook of Chemistry, 14^' Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 1992.

34. G. Champion and L. Chavel, "EdF Installs N-13 Leak Monitoring." Nuclear EngineeringInternational, 1993.


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Appendix A

Failure Scenarios for Reactor Coolant Systems

Tables of failure scenarios for reactor coolant systems (RCS) from NRC's Elicitation onLB-LOCA redefinition in 2003 are given in this appendix.


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Table A-1. BWR LOCA-Sensitive Piping Systems

Piping SignificantPiping Size Safe End Degradation Significant Mitigation/

System Materials (in.) Materials Welds Mechanisms Loads. Maint.

Recirc 304 SS, 4. 10, 304 SS, SS. UA. FDR. SCC, RS. P. S. T, ISI w TSL.316 SS. 12, 20, 316 SS. NB LC. MA DW. SUP, SRV. REM347 SS 22, 28 A600 0O

Feed CS 10. 12 304 SS, CS. NB UA, FDR. MF, T. TFL. WH, P. ISI w TSL,Water (typ), 12 316 SS- TF. FS, LC. S. SRV, RS. REM

-24 GC, MA DW. O

Steam CS - SW 18. 24, CS CS UA, FDR. FS, WH. P. S. T. ISI w TSL.Line 28 GC, LC, MA RS, DW, SRV, REM

HPCS, CS (bulk), 10, 12 304 SS. CS, SS,. UA. FDR. SCC, RS. T. P. S. ISI w TSL.LPCI 304 SS. 316 SS, NB TF, LC, GC, DW. TS, WH. REM

316 SS A600* MA SUP. SRV. O _

RHR CS, 304 8-24 CS, 304 CS. SS. UA, FDR, SCC, RS. T. P. S. ISI w TSL.SS, 316 SS, 316 NB TF. FS, LC. DW. TS, 0 REMSS SS GC, MA SUP, SRV

RWCU 304 SS. 8-24 CS. 304 CS. SS. UA. FDR, SCC, RS, TS, T. P. S. ISI w TSL,316 SS, SS, 316 NB TF. FS, LC. DW, SUP, SRV. REMCS SS GC, MA 0

CRD 304 SS, < 4 Stub Crevice UA, FDR, MF, RS, T. P. S. ISI w TSL,piping 316 SS tubes - Al 82 to SCC DW, V. 0. SRV REM

(low temp) A600 and headSS'

SLC 304 SS, < 4 304 SS. SS, UA, FDR, MF, RS, T. P. S. ISI w TSL.316 SS 316 SS NB SCC DW. V.,O. SRV REM

INST 304 SS, < 4 304 SS. SS, NB UA. FDR. MF, RS, T. P. S. ISI w TSL,316 SS 316 SS SCC, MA DW. V. O. SRV REM

Drain 304 SS. < 4 304 SS, SS, NB UA. FDR, MF. RS. T. P. S. lSI w TSL,lines 316 SS, 316 SS, SCC, LC, GC DW. V. 0. SRV REM

CS CS . ._'Head 304 SS, < 4 304 SS. SS. NB UA. FDR, SCC. RS. P. S. T. ISI w TSL.spray 316 SS, 316 SS, TF, LC, GC DW, SRV, 0 REM

CS CSSRV CS 6. 8, CS CS UA. FDR, MF, RS, P. S. T. ISI w TSL,lines 10.28 FS, GC. LC. DW. SRV. 0 REM

I . . MA . ._ ,RCIC 304 SS,316 6. 8 304 SS, SS NB UA, FDR, SCC. RS. P. S. T. ISI w TSL.


'See note In text.304 SS = Type 304 stainless steel (Table 2)316 SS Type 316 stainless steel (Table 2)A600 = Alloy 600HPCS = high pressure coolant sprayLPCI = low pressure coolant InjectionRHR = residual heat removalRWCU =reactor water cleanup systemCRD = control rod driveSLC = standby liquid controlINST = instrument linesSRV = safety relief valveRCIC = reactor core Isolation coolingCS = carbon steel'CS - SW = carbon steel seam weldedDW = dead weightFDR = fabrication defect and repairFS = flow sensitive (Inc. flow assisted corrosion anderosion/cavitation)GC = general corrosion

ISI w TSL = Current inservice Inspection (ISI) procedureswith technical specification leakage (TSL) detectionrequirements considered.LC = local corrosionMA = material agingMF = mechanical fatigueNB = nickel-based weld (Alloy 82/182)0 = overloadP = pressureREM = all remaining mitigation strategies possible (e.g..not unique to piping system)RS = residual stressS = seismicSCC = stress corrosion crackingSUP = support loadingTF = thermal fatigueT = thermalTFL = thermal fatigue loading from stripingTS - thermal stratificationUA = unanticipated mechanismsV = vibrationWH = water (and steam) hammer


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Table A-2. PWR LOCA-Sensitive Piping Systems

Piping Sig. Degrad.Piping Size Safe End Welds Mechanisms Significant Mitlgation/

System Materials (in.) Materials Loads. Maint.

RCP: 304 SS, 30 - 44 A600 304 NB. SS. TF. SCC, MA. P. S. T. RS. ISI w TSL.Hot Leg 316 SS. SS. 316 CS FDR. UA DW. 0. SUP REM


RCP: 304 SS. 27 - 34 A600 304 NB. SS. TF. SCC. MA, P. S. T. RS. ISI w TSL,Cold 316 SS SS. 316 CS FDR. UA DW 0. SUP REMLeg/Cro C- SS, SS, CSssover SSC-CS.Leg CS-SWSurge 304 SS. 10- 14 A600 304 NB. SS TF. SCC. MA. P, S. T, RS, TSMIT. ISIline 316 SS, SS, 316 FDR, UA DW. 0. TFL. w TSL,

C-SS SS. TS REMSIS: 304 SS, 2 - 12 A600. 304 NB, SS TF. SCC, MA. P. S, T. RS, ISI w TSL.ACCUM 316 SS, SS. 316 FS, FDR. UA DW. 0 REM

C-SS SS. _SIS: DVI 304 SS. 2-6 A600, 304 NB, SS TF. SCC. MA. P. S, T. RS, ISI w TSL.


Drain 304 SS, < 2" MF. TF. GC. P. S. T. RS. IST w TSLline 316 SS, LC. FDR. UA DW. 0. V. TFL REM

CSCVCS 304 SS, 2-8 A600 NB SCC. TF. MF. P. S. T. RS, 1SI w TSL.

316 SS (B&W and FDR UA DW O. V REM_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _C E ) _ _ _ _ _

RHR 304 SS. 6-12 SCC. TF. MA. P. S. T. RS. ISI w TSL.316 SS FDR. UA DW. 0. TFL. REM

TSSRV 304 SS. 1 - 6 TF. SCC. MF. P. S. T. RS. ISI w TSL.lines 316 SS FDR. UA DW. 0. SRV REMPSL 304 SS, 3-6 NB TF. SCC, MA, P. S. T. RS. ISl w TSL.


RH 304 SS, < 2 A600 MF. SCC. TF. P. S. T. RS. ISI w TSL,316 SS FDR. UA DW. 0. V. TS REM

INST 304 SS, < 2 A600 MF. SCC. TF. P. S. T. RS, ISI w TSL.316 SS FDR. UA DW. 0. V REM

* See note in text.RCP = reactor coolant pumpSIS = safety injection systemCVCS = chemical volume control systemACCUM = accumulatorsDVI = direct vessel injectionRHR = residual heat removalSRV = safety relief valvePSL pressurizer spray lineRH reactor head linesINST instrument lines304 SS = Type 304 stainless steel (Table 2)316 SS = Type 316 stainless steel (Table 2)A600 = Alloy 600CS = carbon steelCS - SW = carbon steel seam weldedC-SS = cast stainless steelDW = dead weightFDR = fabrication defect and repairFS = flow sensitive (inc. flow assisted corrosion anderosion/cavitation)FW = fretting wearGC = general corrosionHREPL = vessel head replacement

ISI w TSL = Current inservice inspection (S1[l procedureswith technical specification leakage (TSL) detectionrequirements considered.

LC - local corrosionMA = material agingMF mechanical fatigueNB nickel-based weld (Alloy 82/182)0 = overloadUA = unanticipated mechanismsP = pressureREM = all remaining mitigation strategies possible (eg. notunique to piping system)RS = residual stressS = seismicSCC = stress corrosion crackingSSC-CS = stainless steel clad carbon steelSUP - support loadingT = thermalTF thermal fatigueTFL = thermal faugue loading from stripingTS - thermal stratificationTSMIT - thermal stratification mitigationV = vibrationWH = water (and steam) hammer


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Table A-3.BWR Reference Case Conditionsa o

PipingPiping Sizes (in Safe Degradation Mitigation

System Material End Welds Mechanisms Loading /Maint.

Recirc 304 SS 10, 12, 304 SS SS SCC. FDR P. T. RS, NWC, ISI20, 22, DW. SRV w. TSL,28 88-01

(Al), 182

Feed CS 10,12, 304 SS CS FAC, FDR P. T, RS, NWC, ISIWater 12 - 24 DW. WH, w. TSL. 88


Steam CS - 18.24. CS CS FAC, FDR P. T. RS, NWC, ISILine SW 28 DW, SRV w. TSL, 88

HPCS. CS 10. 12 304 SS CS TF. FDR P. T, RS, NWC, ISILPCS DW, TS, SRV w. TSL, 88

RHR 304 SS 8 - 24 304 SS SS SCC, FDR P. T. RS, NWC. ISIDW, TS, SRV w. TSL, 88

RWCU 304 SS 8 - 12 304 SS SS SCC, FDR P. T, RS, NWC, ISIDW, TS, SRV w. TSL. 88

CRD 304 SS < 4 A600 Crevic SCC, FDR P. T. RS, NWC, ISIpiping and SS ed NB DW. 0 w. TSL, 88


SLC 304 SS < 4 304 SS SS SCC, FDR P. T. RS, NWC, ISIDW, SRV - w. TSL, 88

INST 304 SS, < 4 304 SS SS MF, FDR P. T. RS, NWC, ISIDW. V. SRV w. TSL, 88

Drain 304 SS < 4 304 SS SS SCC. FDR P. T. RS, NWC. ISIlines DW, SRV w. TSL, 88

Head 304 SS, < 4 304 SS SS TF, FDR P. T, RS, NWC, ISIspray DW, SRV w. TSL, 88

SRV CS 6. 8, 10, CS MF. FDR P. T. RS, NWC. ISIlines 28 DW, SRV w. TSL, 88

RCIC 304 SS 6, 8 304 SS SS SCC, FDR P. T. RS, NWC, ISIDW, SRV w. TSL, 88

aFor explanation of abbreviations, see note at bottom of Table A-2.


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Table A-4. PWR Reference Case Conditionsa

DegradatioPiping Piping n Mitigation/

Material Sizes (I Safe Mechanis Maint.System n.) End Welds ms Loading

RCP: Hot Leg 304 SS 30-44 A600 NB TF, P. T. RS. ISI w TSLSCC,FDR DW

RCP: Cold/ 304 SS 22-34 A600 NB TF, FDR P. T. RS. ISI w TSLCrossover DWLegs

Surge line 304 SS 10- 14 A600 NB TF, FDR P. T. RS, ISI w TSLDW, TFL,TS

SIS: ACCUM 304 SS 10 - 12 304 SS TF, FDR P. T. RS, ISI w TSLSS DW

SIS: DVI 304 SS 2-6 304 SS TF, FDR P. T. RS. ISI w TSLSS DW

Drain line 304 SS < 2" SS MF, TF, P. T, RS, ISI w TSLFDR DW, V


RHR 304 SS 6-12 TF. FDR P. T, RS, ISI w TSLDW_ TS

SRV lines 304SS 1 -6 TF. FDR P. T. RS, ISI w TSLDW, SRV


RH 304 SS < 2 A600 TF, FDR P. T. RS, ISI w TSLDW, TS

INST 304 SS < 2 MF, TF, P. T. RS, ISI w TSLFDR DW, V

aFor explanation of abbreviations, see note at bottom of Table A-2.


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Table A-5. Pressurizer Failure Scenariosa

Component Geometry Degradation Mitigation/Material Mechanisms Loading Maint. Comments

Shell A600C- GC, SCC, Boric acidLAS, MF, FDR, wastage fromSSC-LAS UA OD

Manway NB-LAS, GC, SCC, Bolt failuresSSC-LAS, MF, SR,LAS, FDR, UAHS.-LAS (Bolts)

Heater Small A600, SS TF, MF, Req. multipleSleeves diam. SCC, FDR, failures

(3/4 to 1 UAin.)

Bolted C-SS MA, FDR,relief valves UA

Nozzles SSC-LAS CD, TF, Same as surgeC-SS SCC. MA, line


aNBLAS = nickel-base clad low alloy steel and SR stress relaxation and loss of preload. Forexplanation of other abbreviations, see note at bottom of Table A-2.


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Table A-6. Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Failure Scenarios3

Component Geometry Degradation MitigationMaterial Mechanisms Loading /Maint. Comments

Vessel High- GC, FDR, Human Removal leading toHead Bolts strength UA error human error

steel (common-causefailure) duringrefueling

RPV SSC-LAS GC, FDR, LAS = some BWRwastage LAS UA, MA upper head,

Boric acid wastage(upper & lowerhead, shell)

CRDM SS FDR, UA Welded, bolted,connection threaded + seals weld

CRDM 4-6 A600 base SCC, TF. P. S. T. HREPL, Nozzles and pipingnozzle, SS MF, LC, RS, DW, ISI w TSL, up to connectionC-SS, and GC, FDR, 0 REMNB-LAS UAhousingwith NBweld

Nozzles LAS, TF, MF, LC, LAS = BWR onlySSC- GC, SCC,LAS, FDR, UA

ICI < 2 304 SS, MF, SCC, P. S. T. ISI w TSL,316 SS TF, FW, RS, DW, REM


RPV SSC- LC, MF. MA LAS = some BWRCorrosion LAS. FDR, UA upper head; InitiateFatigue LAS at cladding

cracks (upper &lower head, shell)

BWR SS SCC, LC, Stub tubes, drainpenetration FDR, UA line, SLC,s instrumentation,


PWR SS, SCC, FDR,penetration A600 UA, LC,


aNB-LAS = nickel-base clad low alloy steel: SR = stress relaxation and loss of preload. For explanation ofother abbreviations, see note at bottom of Table A-2.


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Table A-7. Valve Failure Scenariosa

Component Geometry Degradation Mltlgation/Material Mechanisms Loading Maint. Comments

Valve Body CS, SS FAC, CAV, CS, SS =BWRLC, TF, MA, only


Valve CS, SS FAC, LC, CS, SS =BWRBonnet GC, SCC, only


Bonnet HS-LAS GC. SCC,Bolts FDR, UA


Hot FDR, UALeg/Coldleg loopisolationvalves


aHS-LAS = high-strength low-alloy steel (SA-540, Gr. B23. SA-193, Gr. B7), CAV = cavitation damage.and SR = stress relaxation and loss of preload. For explanation of other abbreviations, see note atbottom of Table A-2.


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- lL

Table A-8. Pump Failure Scenariosa

Component Geometry Material Degradation Loading Mitigation/ CommentMechanisms Maintenance

Pump Body C-SS, CAV., TF,SSC-CS CD, MA,

SCC, fatigue


RCP nozzle

Flywheel Initiatingfailure collateral

damage -secondary pipefailure

aHIS-LAS = high-strength low-alloy steel (SA-540, Gr. B23, SA-193. Gr. B7); SR = stress relaxation andloss of preload. For explanation of other abbreviations, see note at bottom of Table A-2.


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Appendix B

Review of NRC-Sponsored Argonne National Laboratory Study of Acoustic LeakDetection

Research at Argonne National Laboratory 116,171 has demonstrated that improvements Inleak detection, location, and sizing are possible with advanced acoustic leak detectiontechnology. Detection sensitivity has been established, and it has been demonstrated thatcross-correlation analysis can be used to improve location capability, and spectral analysis canbe employed to help identify the cause of a leak. Some results of the ANL program arediscussed below.

Detection of a leak by AE requires that S. = S, - T - N + PG > 0, where S. = signal excessat detector output. S, = source level (affected by wavegulde geometry, insulation, andcircumferential position). T = transmission loss down pipe, N = background noise level, and PG= system gain (all in dB). The acquisition of acoustic leak data, background noise estimates,and attenuation data at ANL allows a rough estimation of the sensitivity of an AE system underfield conditions. Figure Al shows predicted signal-to-noise ratios (in dB) vs. distance along a25-cm (10-in.) Schedule 80 pipe for three leak rates and three levels of estimated acousticbackground noise. The highest level is estimated from the maximum acoustic level observedduring the Watts Bar (PWR) hot functional test when the reactor was at operating temperatureand pressure. The lowest level is obtained from an indirect estimate of background noise fromHatch (BWR), and the assumptions that the reactor acoustic -background level will vary by afactor of 10 in the plant and that the measurement at Watts Bar was an upper-limit value.The striped area suggests possible enhancement of the acoustic signal for a 379-cm 3 /min (0.1gal/min; 0.0063 kg/s) leak rate in a situation where the leak* plume strikes the reflectiveinsulation. Results of laboratory experiments suggest that for leak rates greater than 75.7cm3 /min (0.02 gal/min; 0.0013 kg/s) but less than 757 cm 3/min (0.2 gal/min; 0.013 kg/s),signals could be enhanced significantly, given the correct circumstances.

Consider a BWR with 100 m of monitored piping (the approximate length of the primarypressure boundary), divided into low-. moderate-, and high-background-noise zones withlengths of 40, 40, and 20 m, respectively. For 'a detection sensitivity of 1 gal/min (0.063 kg/s),a signal in the 300-400 kHz range, and'a 3-dB S/N ratio, the required sensor spacing areapproximately 10, 2, and I m, respectively. Therefore, 4 sensor sites are required in the 40-mlow-noise zone, 20 sites in the 40-m moderate-noise zone, and 20 sites in the 20-m high-noisezone. For location analysis, three sensors are required at each site to carry out the correlationaveraging routine, so altogether, 132 sensors are needed to adequately cover the reactorprimary pressure boundary under thetconditions proposed. For-a PWR, assume 150 m ofpiping, divided Into low-, moderate-, and high-nolse zones with lengths of 60, 60. and 30 m.respectively. With an increase of 6 dB In signal intensity for a PWR compared to a BWR, Fig.Al indicates sensor spacing of 12, 4. and 2 m, respectively, for a 3-dB S/N ratio.Approximately 105 sensors will be required to completely monitor the plant under the scenariopresented. Obviously, the number of sensors can be significantly reduced if only isolatedsections of the plant are monitored.

The relationship of signal amplitude in the 300-400 kHz frequency range to flow rate for avariety of leak morphologies is show in Fig. A2. The signal was acquired from a transducer on


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a waveguide 1 m (3 ft) from the leak. Fluid temperature was 2740C (5250F) with pressure at7.4 MPa (1070 psi). Flow rates varied from 0.0003 to 0.54 kg/s (0.004 to 8.5 gpm). Leaks werefrom SCC. fatigue cracks. valves, and flanges. The general size of a leak can be estimated fromthe signal amplitude if the distance to the leak is known.


12 .0 gat/inm

a ED


4 0.0 6 B10I 1 6 82



o -20-a 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


12 40V{IH

-J 0b 2 4 8 tO 41 8 20_


o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


Figure Bi. Predicted signal-to--noise ratios (in dB) vs. distance along a 254-mm Schedule 80 pipe forthree leak rates and three levels of estimated acoustic background noise [17J.


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- 1 SC

ZE _ / .




0.1 - IIill Il.0.001 . 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0

FLOW RATE (gal/min.)

Figure B2. Leak rate vs. acoustic signal amplitude in the 300-400 kHz bandwidth for SCC, fatigue crack,valve, and flange leaks 117].


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Appendix C

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis of2-Dimensional Duct Flow with Turns

I Background

This document summarizes the computational-fluld-dynamics (CFD) analyses conductedunder the Barrier Integrity Research Program.

One of the fundamental aspects of the thermal-hydraulics model for two-phase criticalflow inside a crack is to estimate the pressure losses due to various factors. In SQUIRT, thefactors considered include crack surface friction, path turns, phase-change acceleration,change in crack cross-section area, and entrance effect. For typical crack geometries, It hasbeen found that, by running SQUIRT, the first two factors, i.e., the pressure losses due tofriction and path turns, are often dominant. Unfortunately, as shown in NUREG/CR-5128 1 ,these two also Introduce significant uncertainties in the analyses. The uncertainties stem fromthe complicated morphologies for different types of cracks on roughness, path length, and pathturns.

Emc2 (Engineering Mechanics Corporation of Columbus) has conducted detailedmeasurements and analyses to determine the morphologies of these different types of cracks.One methodology was established for the evaluation of effective roughness of the crack surface,the effective length, and number of turns of the crack, as these three parameters are needed forthe thermal-hydraulic model to evaluate the pressure losses due to friction and flow pathturns2 . In the evaluation of effective roughness on the crack surface, It was assumed that forvery tight crack, the effective roughness is equal to the local roughness of the crack surface,while for a very wide crack, the effective roughness Is equal to the global roughness of thecrack. There is a transition region between these two extreme situations, and the effectiveroughness is then interpolated between the global roughness and the local roughness. Thequestion for this approximation Is then, what are the lower and upper bounds to define tightand wide cracks for the interpolation? In other words, under what conditions does the effectiveroughness switch among the local roughness, the global roughness, and the transition region.The present work will try to answer the question by conducting a set of CFD numericalexperiments.

The problem considered here is 2D duct with multiple turns, as shown in Fig. Cl.


Figure C1. Sketch of a 2D duct with turns.


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Figure C1. Sketch of a 2D duct with turns.

where 8 is the duct opening (also called crack opening displacement or COD), gg is the height ofthe path waving, or global roughness of the crack. In addition, the crack surface can have alocal roughness. IL.

For a fluid that flows through the duct shown in the above figure with a density of p andan averaged velocity of u, the friction coefficient X is defined by the following relation,

AP X 1 2

numberL 8 2Pwhere AP Is the pressure drop over the duct length L. In theory, X is related to the Reynoldsnumber of the flow, Re= (uS)/v, with v being the fluid kinematic viscosity, and two ratios of thegeometry's characteristic sizes: S/pg and jILi-g (here we assume the turning angle is always900), or X=X(Re, 8/pg,. AL/Lg). To the authors' knowledge, there is no publication dedicated tothis type of flow's resistance correlation as contrast to the straight duct or pipe flow, whereample experimental data are available in the public domain. So we start our investigation byexamining the friction correlation for a straight duct flow.

1.1. Correlation for Straight Duct FlowFor a straight, smooth (no roughness) pipe or duct flow, a universal law of friction has

been proposed by Prandtl and has been proved to be quite accurate:

2 2log(R J4) -0.8

For pipe or duct with roughness, the above relation is modified as1 18.7

* >fi = 1.74 - 2 lg(I + 1-

This new relation will recover the correlation for smooth duct flow as 1L approaches tozero, and it will also approach the so-called completely rough limit:

(2 log- +1.74)AL

as Reynolds number approaches Infinity.

Figure C2 shows the plot of the above correlation and experimental data.


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'. 6 81) 2 Z 6 8 n S a 5V *1*

-; . .'.<.'

Figure C2. Rough pipe friction correlation and experiment data. Curve 1 for laminar flow; curve 2 forturbulent flow; curve 3 is the plot for the universal law of friction. Ks is equivalent to the localroughness AL, and R to 8, the duct opening.

An interesting observation of this plot is that for a given roughness, there are threeregimes of flow: the hydraulic smooth regime, the transition regime, and the completely roughregime. The division into three regimes are predicated on the relative protrusion height withrespect to the thickness of the so-called laminar sub-layer near the wall, i.e., the thin layeroutside the turbulent core in which flow is still laminar due to the zero velocity at the wall. Thehydraulic smooth regime occurs when the height of the roughness is lower than the laminarsub-layer, so the effect of the roughness is totally buried under the laminar layer; thecompletely rough regime Is the opposite of the hydraulic smooth regime, i.e., the roughnessprotrusion reaches outside the laminar sub-layer, and the largest part of resistance to the flowIs due to the form drag which acts on them; between the hydraulic smooth regime and thecompletely rough regime Is the transition regime where protrusion extends partly outside thelaminar sub-layer. All these correlation equations and experimental data can be found inSchlichtlng3 . John et al. proposed a different correlation for tight crack:

A= 1(3.391og - -0.866)2


1.2 Correlation for Duct Flow with Multiple Turns

All the above correlations are for straight pipe or duct flows with or without roughness.For a duct flow with many turns such as the flows in cracks, these correlations are obviouslynot applicable. If we examine two limit situations of the duct flow we consider here, however,


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! I

these correlations for straight pipe/duct flows can be utilized to formulate the correlations weneed. The first limit situation is when the crack is very tight, i.e., very small 6 /lgg. In this case,the waving duct can be divided into many straight segments. Each of these segment's frictioncoefficients follows the above correlation with Its local roughness. The pressure lossesassociated with each of these segments are combined with the pressure losses by the bends orturns between two straight segments. The other limit situation is when the value of 8/pg ishigh, i.e., wide crack opening. In this case, the waving duct can be treated as a straight duct asthe global roughness acts as local roughness since the original local roughness is buried underthe height of the global roughness.

The issues we need to address here for duct flow with multiple turns are:

1. Under what condition, in particular for the value of 8 /pg, the crack can be consideredtight, so local roughness can be used directly. Under this situation, how do weformulate the pressure losses caused by the multiple turns?

2. Under what conditions can we treat a wavering crack as a wide crack (i.e., it is astraight duct with its global roughness acts as local roughness)?

2 Numerical Results

Standard CFD analyses were conducted on the geometries shown above for differentReynolds numbers and different values of 5/pg. The flow fields were calculated, and pressuredrop is retrieved for the calculation of friction coefficients.

The Reynolds numbers considered are 1, 100, 1000, 3000, 10000, and 50000. The threelower values are for laminar flows, and the three high values are for turbulent flows. For eachReynolds number, six values of 6/1pg are considered: 0.1, 0.5, 1, 3. 5, and 10. Additionally,three roughness levels are considered for each combination of Reynolds number and 8/Agvalue. The first roughness level is smooth (i.e., no roughness on the duct wall): the second is0.01, and the third one is 0.02. These roughness values are chosen with respect to the globalroughness pg so that their ratio Is close to the ones typical of the real application (the ratio oflocal roughness to global roughness for cracks ranges from 0 to 0.2).

Those cases for laminar flows are of little significance In real application since almost allcrack flows are in the turbulent mode, unless it is an extremely tight crack. Since a laminarflow calculation requires minimum computational time, we conduct the analyses anyway forcomparison reason.

2.1 Velocity, Pressure, and Turbulence ContoursHere we plot the velocity, pressure, and turbulent kinetic energy contours for the two

turbulent conditions: Re= 10,000 and 50,000, and S/Ag=0 .1, 0.5, 1, 5, and 10.


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u .201E+12 .402E+12 .603E+12 .804E+12.OOE+12 .301E+12 .502ET12 .703E+12 .904E+12


0E am : .. ,: :,J .. or. . ....... ....... .... i-- . ;-,. , .- .... I

.301E+13 .602z+13 .9031+13.451E+13 .752E+13 .1051+14


, ,47 -. ~,",- -~-

-. 389E+12 .223E+12 .835E+12- .930z+11 .530E+12 .114E+13

-, .. ,- ,;-- Te OW W"

.145E+13 .2a6E+13.176E+13 .237E+13

- . .

7 , , " -;. . z"" . - . I I + :�- ��1-7 �-_ � A- llll� �

-. 271E+13-. 770E+12


.505E+13 .093E+13.699E+13 .109E+14



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I, V %O

-. 120E+12 - .336E+12 .752E+12 .125E+13.108E+12 .564E+12 .102E+13





I - . I 4I �, I A LV -, .,

N/ %C/

- - -1-,-~~-Ml 7 1 I - ~. J. % 1-1""6ummo

- .Z6ZE+13.372E+13


.227E+14 .354E+14 .480E+14.290E+14 .417E+14 .544E+14


-. 876E+09 - .509E+09 .le9E+10 .328E+10-. 103E+09 .120E+10 .259E+10 .3pr+1C



* 128l+12



/\ A)-- y .- 7or As - ~- v - v -

.. , .; ' , - . . .1 . .P _ .

I .967E+10 I . . 436E+ll -,,E-- ;1i.41 - .729E+10 - .266Er+ll - .606SE~il .945E+11


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-- f=_ . � q "_ - I Jr M-7 F 4'. 1 vioNinneym- - - - - ---- -- ---- --

- .300E+09-. 105Z+09


.4u3E+09 .B175E+09.679E+09 .107E+10


-- . , , - I '. z I I � MT 4 -1. � , 1, v 'W q � I .1 , . . - I � ' � !�'v - - . q�MV W$#W"S - SOMMEMI

- .715E+1O- .214E+1O

.286E+10 - .129E+11.70 6E+10


.329C+11-.279E+11 .379E+11

Figure C3. Pressure contours for Re=10,000 and 50,000 for COD-to-global-roughness ratio = 0.1, 0.5, 1,5, and 10. For each case there are two pictures showing results for Re=10,000 and 50,000,respectively.

For the pressure distribution in the duct, it is found that for a tight or narrow duct flow,the pressure distributes itself In a one-dimensional way along the duct path. For wide duct, alarge portion of the pressure drop takes place at the inlet, and thereafter, the pressure dropfollows the same pattern for a straight duct.

mw�- '_W'S4� " �7;7-; � - -. :. -4 t , - %r " , ." 1. . ir777777

0 2971 5943 _ 89141486 4457 7428

1188510400 13371


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. Z,., - . ), ., '1,. .1

0 10140 20281 30421 405625070 15211 25351 35492 45632

77, -- 1-7 -... , F,t�,,7' 31*713Z0 8566 17133

4283 1285025699


29982 38549

1- i4l� 77WL --11 �q : e r '. * % - ran I -� ,- Im0 23042 46084 69126


11521 34563 80647 103689

t� 00 �� *��k.

0 5364 10728 16091 214552682 8046 13409 18773 24137


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.A ".

9- Fj-M --- .- ,, Mlm a777.7773. _nVm_.0 27020 b4u41 01U l~ .LVOVO 1

13510 40530 67551 94571 121591

I.&- .A. A,& A, A, A, .AL A.A. A. A AL

. 4.. '-t-7

9 711.958 11424 2136 2848355, 979 1068 1780 2492

03454 6909 10363 1 n %13817

"- V


554 41727 5181J 0 b-1b ,1fUVV

A. A� A, A� A, AL AL A, A� A, -AL



urn. UMTTTFL ~IL .L I0 354. U06

531.009I708. Ulz .LUtz | L, . x,

177. 003 885.015 1239 1593


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AL A, "AL':ML AL A� Ak AL A,

0 3506'7'6777 7Z M0 1753 3506

876.564 2630 4383525 9



Figure C4. Velocity fields for flows of Re=10,000 and 50,000 with COD-to-global-roughness ratio = 0.1,0.5, 1, 5, and 10.

In Figure C4. the velocity distributions for the moderate COD-to-global-roughness ratiopresent a rather Interesting picture. Though they show a cyclic behavior along the path, thereis never appearance of a fully developed profile as in a straight duct: rather, there are flowseparations at the turns or corners. For a wide duct, velocity fields clearly show it isapproaching the fully developed profiles. Figure C5 gives the turbulence Intensity contours forthe flow conditions in Figure C4. Figure C6, a closer look at the velocity field at a turn in a verytight duct, shows that before and after the turn, the flow is at the fully-developed state.

1- ___-___1" �-"1-';1...'- I


.135E+07 .269E+07 .404E+07 .539E+07.202E+07 .337E+07 .471E+07 .606E+07

eq ". M" IMMYAMW - - , , , I., -M "

.200E-14 235E+08 .470E+08 .705E+08 .940E+08.588E+08 .823E+08.118E+08 .353E+08 .106E+09


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- -. 200E 14

ORNMEMIL.g, � --- 1. - --- _

.274E+08 .548E+08 .822E+08-

. 110E+09.137E+08 .411E+08 .685E+08 .960E+08 .123E+09

72'0OE-14 .203E+09 .405E+09 .608E+09 .810E+09.101E+09 .304E+09 .506E+09 .709E+09 .912E+09

.200E-14 .153E+08 .305E+08 .458E+08 .611E+08.763E+07 .229E+08 .382E+08 .534E+08 .687E+08


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4O ,l /~NX I 5/


.359E+09 .716E+09 .108E+10 .144E+10.536E+09 .897X+09 .126Eq-10 .162E+10

so ; - _-* - -- .

41.799 129870 259698 38952664956 194784 324612 454440

t :_519354



* 200E-14385069

770139 *14+0 231E+07.116E+07 .193E+07 .270E+07 .347E+07

- 79

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P t 3 : - * .:. . , F. ; .' - -C -' - . .- 3-' -I I

30237 60474 90711 12094845355 75592 105829 136066

Figure C5. Turbulence intensity contours for flow'sroughness ratio = 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, and 10.

of Re=10,000 and 50,000 with COD-to-global-

- P , ; , ;- : .-- . ;

0 101405070 15211

.. ,. .I , I - S . . , .

20281 3042125351

t 6' 6

4056235492 45632

Figure C6. Detailed velocity profiles for a tight duct at Re=50,000. Fully developed velocity profiles areobserved before and after the turn.


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100 K- I

0.011 10 100 1000 10000 100000

Renolds Number

Figure C7. Friction coefficient vs. Reynolds number for different /lPg values.

Figure C7 is a plot of friction coefficient as a function of Reynolds number under different8/lg values. For tight crack flow, such as 8 /4 g=O.I or below, the curve shows a steady decreaseas the Reynolds number increases, with the exception when transition from laminar flow toturbulent flow at Re=3000 occurs. Still the curve's shape Is very different from that in FigureC2. The reason is that in addition to the friction contributed from those straight segments ofthe duct, a significant portion of the friction is also introduced-by the turns along the duct.Since the duct is narrow and long between two successive turns, the friction caused by thestraight segments Is larger than that caused by the turns. In this region, the overall frictioncan be separated into two Independent portions: one by the turns, and the other by thestraight duct segments. We make this division of the friction so both can be evaluatedindependently.

At 0.1<8 /tLg< 5 . the curves show ups and downs as the Reynolds number increases. Thisregion Is where the friction caused by the turns and those by the straight segments of the ductare comparable. Because the size of the turns and the length of the straight duct between twosuccessive turns are close, the, flow never reaches a fully developed pattern in a straightsegment of the duct, in contrast to the situation for a tight crack. Consequently, the frictioncan't be separated and evaluated easily.

When 8/M1g >5, the curves return to a smooth shape. If we compare the curves of 8 /jtg =5and 8/Iug =10 to Figure C2, these two curves demonstrate the same pattern as those in Figure


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C2 with large roughness. This is a clear indication that when the crack is wide, and the turnsact as wall roughness. As shown later, In this region, the local roughness Is totally eclipsed bythe global roughness. Therefore, for /gLg >5, the friction caused by the turns can be ignored;instead, the turns can be treated as roughness in the evaluation of friction coefficient.

Going back to the transition region for 0.I<8/I.g<5, the friction can be interpolatedbetween the tight-crack situation and the wide-crack situation.

To further verilr the above inference, Figure C8 plots the friction coefficient as a functionof the COD-to-global roughness ratio for different Re numbers under turbulent flows. This plotshows that friction coefficient remains the same for different Re values except at relatively tightcracks. This is another indication that for wide cracks S/ALg >5, the flow friction behaves like astraight duct with global roughness acting as roughness. When the crack becomes verynarrow, the local roughness of the duct wall emerges from the shadow of the global roughness.

The above conclusion Is further supported by Figure C9, where friction coefficient isplotted against the ratio of COD to global roughness under different local roughness levels anda high Reynolds number (50,000). Beyond 5/l'g =5, the friction coefficient hardly shows anydifference for different local roughness. Only at the very tight limit of crack COD, does thefriction coefficient differ as the local roughness changes. This is correct because as the crackbecomes narrow and slender under high Reynolds number, the laminar sub-layer is so thinthat the local roughness protrusions reach outside of this sub-layer and, consequently, causeadditional resistance to the flow, whereas for a wide crack, the laminar sub-layer is so thickthat only the global roughness can reach outside.



0.010 2 4 6 8 10 12

Ratio of COD to Global Roughness

Figure C8. Friction coefficient as a function of the ratio of COD to global roughness.


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Roughness/COD = 0.01RO = 0.1

° °1 PI.NRuhesCD=0.2

0.0010 2 4 6 . 10 12

Rat-o of COD to Global Roughness

Figure C9. Friction coefficient as a function of ratio of COD to global roughness for different localroughnesses.

2.2 Conclusions from Numerical ResultsWe will limit our conclusions to the high Reynolds number situations.

1. When the crack is tight. I.e., 8/pg <0.1. the friction to the flow Inside the duct can beseparated Into two parts: the first being the friction caused by the local roughnesson the straight portions of the duct, the second -being the friction caused by theturns of the flow.

2. When the crack is wide, i.e., 6/I'g >5, the duct with turns behaves like a straightduct with the global roughness (the turns) acting as wall roughness. In this case,the friction caused by the turns Is ignored. Instead, the friction should be-calculatedby using a correlation for straight duct with the global roughness as wall roughness.

3. In the transition region where O.l<8/pg <5. the friction coefficient should beinterpolated between the above two extreme situations.

4. Notice that our numerical analyses are for Incompressible flow, which Is quitedifferent from the two-phase, choked flow in cracks. But as stated in fluidmechanics books, friction correlations are often carried out on Incompressible flowand then extended to compressible flow with some or, frequently, with littlemodification. In fact, all the correlations used In the SQUIRT or other early modelsfor the same application were obtained from experiment on incompressible flow


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(water). Here we follow the same practice by assuming our results fromincompressible analyses can be applied to the two-phase flow.

3. Formulation for Pressure Losses due to Wall Friction and Turns

In the thermal-hydraulic model of crack flow, several pressure losses need to be evaluatedalong the flow path. Two of them, the pressure drop due to wall friction. and that due to theturns (termed as path loss In SQUIRT), are the sources of high uncertainties. Theseuncertainties can cause significant errors in the flow-rate calculation, especially for a tightcrack.

To apply the above conclusions to the thermal-hydraulic model for the two-phase chokedflow in cracks, we need to evaluate the effective length, the effective wall roughness, and theeffective number of turns of the crack. These three parameters are used in the model toevaluate the pressure losses due to wall friction and path turns.

We follow the proposed formulation in Ref. 2, as further supported by this study, thethree parameters are set according to the ratio of crack COD to its global roughness.

Overall pressure drop due to wall friction and turns consisted of two independent parts:

P = Pwall + Pturn

where PwaI represents the pressure drop due to the wall friction, and Ptutlm represents thepressure drop due to the turns of the flow path. In the case of 8/ltg <0.1, these two parts can beevaluated separately because the flow path Is relatively narrow and slim, so a fully developedvelocity profile exists for the segments of the straight duct. When 8/ljg >5.0. Pturn approacheszero as the global roughness behaves like wall roughness.

3.1 Calculation of Pressure Drop due to Wall FrictionTo calculate the pressure drop due to wall friction, the friction coefficient fwan Is evaluated

according to the duct's local roughness and the flow Reynolds number (i.e., second correlationequation in Section 1.1 of this Appendix). Notice that the effective roughness is needed here,and it Is evaluated according to the following:

p1.when- < 0.1

9 = 1+ W - li)(j~-- 0.1)/4.9,whenO.1<- < 5.0

gg, when 8 > 5.0

Then Pwan Is evaluated according to the effective length of the crack. This approach is welldocumented in the development of SQUIRT. At this point, we need the effective length of thecrack, and it is evaluated according to the following:


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LC, when-< 0.1

L= Lc + (Ld -Lc)( -0.l)/4.9.whenO.1< < 5.0

Ld, when-> 5.0PI

where Lc is the actual length of the curved crack along its turns, and LW is the measured lengthfrom crack inlet to its exit along a straight line.

Another measurement of the crack path's morphology is the number of turns per unitlength. We employ the same interpolation scheme as the above for effective roughness andeffective length of the crack. This parameter Is used to evaluate the pressure loss due to thepath turns along a crack length:

8nIwhen- <0.1

n = Lc - -I -- 0.1) /4.9,whenO.1 < < 5.0

O, when > 5.0

Notice, as the crack becomes wide -> 5.0, the number of turns becomes zero, as the

turns actually are counted as roughness, and the pressure drop due to turn is ignored.

3.2 Calculation of Pressure Drop due to Path Turns

With the effective number of turns'available described in the above formulation, for each'turn, we can evaluate the corresponding pressure loss.

At present, few experimental works have been completed on 'pressure loss with turn. Thecorrelation by Ito5 was done on pipes with a single bend and water inside. While this is far fromthe situation of the compressible flow inside a tight crack, this is also the only related work inpublication that the authors are aware of.

Ito's work concluded that for Reynolds number 2 x 104 <Re< 4 x 105.

0.000873lO R. R(r / R)2 < 91

{O.6624 la-0B-°I7(Ra)-c4,R(r /R)2 > 9r

where 0 is the turning angle, Re is the Reynolds number, and a is a numerical coefficient.Approximate expressions for a are the following:


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for 0=450,

a=l+14.2(R/r)f1 4 7 .

for 0=90,

a 0.95 + 17.2(R / r) 1 .96, R/r < 19.7IR/r> 19.7

With the above equations, we can evaluate the pressure loss by each turn if we can determinethe value of R/r. Because no characteristic dimension is available for the approximation of thebend radius, we simply assume R/r= 1 here. For virtually all the cases in practice for crackflows, R/r=l, and R(r/R)2 >91, a=15.2 for 0=450, and a=18.15 for 0=900, and the frictioncoefficient Is.

X = 0.00241a0Re '17

with a being interpolated between 0=450 and 0=900.

Finally, the total pressure loss by the turns will be nl~t, where n Is the effective numberof turns per unit length, L Is the effective length of the crack, and Xt is the friction coefficient byturns.

So far, we have presented numerical results for 2D duct flow with multiple turns andproposed ways to evaluate the pressure losses due to wall friction and path turns. We alsodetermined the upper and lower bounds of p1g/8, so proper effective surface roughness, effectivecrack length, and effective number of turns can be determined. In addition, we also presentedcorrelation equations for the calculation of pressure loss due to duct turns.

4. Thermal-hydraulic Model

To verify the above formulations proposed for the calculation of pressure losses due towall friction and flow path turns, we developed a thermal-hydraulic model for the two-phasechoke flow in cracks. The model follows closely the approach adopted by the SQUIRT code, andincorporates the Ideas proposed above in the calculations of pressure losses by wall frictionand turns. The fundamental components of such a model are documented in the details on theSQUIRT code.

For the first step validation of the present model, we compare our results to theexperimental data by Sozzi and Sutherland6 , Amos and Shrock7 , and Collier8 for two-phaseflows in rectangular slits. Then, we compare calculations with our model to the experimentalresults by Collier for corrosion fatigue cracks.

Some of the model's features are:


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1. The condition Inside the pipe (stagnation condition) can be either sub-cooled water orsaturated water. The thermal properties of the fluid are modeled through a softwarepackage for Steam Table 1967.

2. The crack shape can be elliptic, rectangular, or diamond.

3. The crack can have different areas at its inlet and exit.

4. There are built-in approaches to evaluate the crack morphology for corrosion fatigue,IGCCS, or PWCCS types of cracks.

4.1 Two-Phase Critical Flow in Straight Channels

To benchmark the thermal-hydraulic model, we compare the predictions by the model tothe experimental data by Sozzi on smooth pipe flow, and the results are shown in Figure CIO.




X 34000

3 320000

z 300000

0 28000C.)0 26000



20000 0 -20000 22000 24000 26000 28000 30000 32000 34000 36000 38000 40000

Measured flow flux kgl(s.m.m)

Figure C10. Comparison of calculated flow flux vs. measured data by Sozzi and Sutherland6.

Figure CI1 plots the calculated and measured flow flux by Amos and Shrock for two-phase critical flow In slits. These comparisons demonstrate that the thermal-hydraulic modelgives reasonable prediction for critical two-phase flows in regularly shaped channels. It can beseen that the predictions given by the software agree reasonably well with the measurements.

I 87

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x 5







00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Measured flow flux (kgl(mA2.s)

Comparison of calculated flow flux and the measurements by Amos and Shrock7.Figure C1 1.


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.T 3-

E 2.5




00 1 2 3 4 5

Measured Leak Rate (kgls)

Figure C12. Comparison of calculated leak rate and the measurements by Collier et al.8

4.2 Critical Flows in Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracks

To calculate the flow rate In Intergranular stress corrosion cracks (IGSCC), weimplemented the formulation outlined in the above sections for the evaluation of pressuredrops due to surface friction and path turns. For the particular IGSCC cracks, we use themorphology parameters proposed in reference 2. Notice that these parameters were given in astatistical format of means and standard deviation: -

* Local roughness, mean: gji= 4 .7 gm, standard deviation: 3.937

* Global roughness, mean: pG=80 .0 tum, standard deviation: 39.01

* Number of turns, mean: nL=2 8 .2 mm -, standard deviation: 18.9

* Global path deviation, mean: 1.07, standard deviation: 0.1

Instead of using a statistical approach for these parameters, we simply take the meanvalues of the three morphology parameters and run the analysis. It was found that themeasured and predicted leak rates are far off each other. This finding might be due to the factthat the morphology of the crack(s) used was totally different from the one we used in themodel. Consequently, we simply ran the analysis by assuming a local roughness of


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0.00178 mm without any global roughness. The following plots (Fig. C13-C17) present thecomparisons between the measured leak rates and those predicted by the present thermal-hydraulic model. For the tightest crack COD = 0.02mm, the agreement between themeasurements and predictions is fairly good. For a crack that has a COD of 0.108 mm, theagreement Is even better. But for other cracks, significant differences are observed. Again, theuncertainties In the crack's morphology are a primary reason for the disagreement. Otheruncertainties were discussed in detail in reference 1.

The current thermal-hydraulic model needs to be further tuned or refined in theImplementation of the effective roughness/crack length/number of turns and that of thepressure loss due to path turns. To validate the current model, more experiment data areneeded along with detailed crack morphology information.


1.OOE-04 -Q * COD=0.02mm/

8.OOE-05 Ideal Line

X 6.OOE-05

. 4.OOE-05-

2.00E-05 -

0.00E+000 0.00002 0.00004 0.00006 0.00008 0.0001 0.00012

Measured Leak Rate (kgls)

Figure C13. Measured versus predicted leak rate for COD = 0.02 mm.


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0.004 -

a 0.0035

co 0.003

W 0.0025

V 0.002

r 0.0015

c 0.001



Figure C14.

0.012 -_

0.01 -

a 0.008 -e

S 0.006-9

* 0.004-

0.002 -


Figure 015. ?v

I 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004Measured Leak Rate (kgIs)

Measured versus predicted leak rate for. COD = 0.04 mm.


0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0Measured Leak Rate (kgls)

leasured versus predicted leak rate for COD = 0.074 mm.

.01 0.012


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0.06 * COD=0.108 mm-0Ideal Line

-4 0.05


a 0.04


a- 0.02 3IL


0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07Measured Leak Rate (kgls)

Figure C16. Measured versus predicted leak rate for COD = 0.108 mm.

0.4 * *

0.35 -


X 0.25-


.~0.15 -mU 9 COD=0.2m

- Ideal Line0.10..

0.05 -

00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

Measured Leak Rate (kgls)

Figure C17. Measured versus predicted leak rate for COD = 0.2 mm.


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'D. D. Paul, J. Ahmad, P. M. Scott, L. F. Flanigan, and G. M. Wilkowski, 'Evaluation and

Refinement of Leak-Rate Estimation Models," NUREG/CR-5128, June 1994.

2 D. Rudland, R. Wolterman, and G. Wilkowski. "Leakage through CRMD Nozzles with

PWSCC Cracks," Final report to U.S. NRC, Office of Regulatory Research, December 2002.

3 Hermann Schllchting, Bound ary-Layer T7heory. McGraw-Hill. New York, 1979.

4 H. John, J. Reimann, F. Westphal, and L. Friedel, 'Critical Two-Phase Flow through

Rough Slits," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 155-174, 1988.

5 H. Ito, "Pressure Losses in Smooth Pipe Bends," Journal of Basic Engineering, ASME

Transactions, pp.1 3 1 -1 4 3 , March 1960. i

6 G. L. Sozzi and W. A. Sutherland, 'Ciltical Flow of Saturated and Sub-cooled Water at

High Pressure," NEDO-13418, 1975.

7 C. Amos and V. Shrock, 'Critical Discharge of Initially Sub-cooled Water through Slits,"

NUREG/CR-3475, 1983.8 R. P. Collier, F. B. Stulen, M. E. Mayfield, D. B. Pape, and P. M. Scott, "Two-Phase Flow

through Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracks and Resulting Acoustic Emission," EPRI

Report No. NP-3540-LD, 1984.


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Appendix D

Sensitivity Analysis Results for Leak Rate versus Crack Length

Leak Rate versus Crack LengthThe results of the predicted leak rates as a function of circumferential crack length are

presented next in order to estimate the range of crack sizes that could result in a given value ofleak rate. Figure D la shows the leak rate as a function of crack length for the case of large-diameter PWR piping (32 Inches). Figure Dib shows the same results on a log-log scale. Thealmost linear correlation indicates that the relation between leak rates and crack length can bedescribed by a power-law function.

The more Important observation from Figures Dla and Dlb is that for any given leak ratethe range of crack sizes varies significantly. For example, for a leak rate of 1 gpm, the cracklength predicted would vary from 1.8 inches to 18 inches, depending on the normal operatingstress or the type of degradation mechanism. This further confirms the fact that measuringthe leak rate alone is not an indicator of the circumferential crack length and hence theintegrity of the piping system. Figures D2 and D3 show similar results for intermediate- andsmall-diameter PWR piping. Again, depending on the range of crack length, the effect on leakrate can be significant. Alternatively, for a given leak rate the crack length may haveconsiderable variations. For large-, intermediate-, and small-diameter BWR piping, the resultsare shown in Figures D4 through D6. Due to convergence problems associated with theSQUIRT code, the complete curves for the leak rate versus crack length for small-diameterBWR could not be obtained (Figure D6).

Effect of Complex Cracks (Duane-Arnold Type Cracks)The next set of results presented Includes the effect of complex cracks on the critical

crack lengths, similar to those presented in Figures 11 and 12 for the PWR and BWR casesstudied. A complex-crack Involves a 360-degree surface flaw, where a part of the length of thesurface flaw has broken through to create a circumferential through-wall flaw. The first step inthe analysis of complex cracks was to verify the predictions of the dimensional plastic zoneparameter (DPZP) methodology In predicting the maximum load-carrying capacity of the pipe.Experimental data on the maximum load capacity for complex-cracked piping are availablefrom the NRC's Degraded Piping Program conducted at Battelle (NUREG 4687). The values forthe moment ratio (complex crack to through-wall crack) predicted by DPZP for theseexperiments were 0.79 and 0.48 for a 28% and 61% surface flaw, respectively. Theexperimental values were 0.75 and 0.49, respectively, for the two cases, indicating very goodagreement.

Once the DPZP methodology was verified with experimental predictions, the next stepinvolved predicting the percent of the critical crack length for failure for 25% and 50% deepsurface flaws assuming a 50% Service Level A loading. While the presence of the surface flawdoes not affect the leak rate detected, the maximum load-carrying capacity of the pipe would bereduced. Alternatively, the percent of critical through-wall-crack length for failure would be


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higher for the cases of complex cracks. Figure D7 shows the effect of 25% and 50% deep 360-degree surface flaws on the percent of critical crack length. As can be seen, for a leak rate of1 gpm the percent of critical crack length increases from 42% to 61% for the smallest diametercase for PWR stainless (SS) piping. Figure D8 shows similar results for PWR carbon (CS)piping. The results from the BWR SS and CS piping are shown in Figures D9 and DIO. Theonly anomaly observed was in the 50% deep flaw for a BWR SS pipe at a leak rate of I gpm (seeFigure D9). The calculations for all three diameters were checked to confirm that the predictedvalues were not as a result of any obvious errors in input data.

Effect of Residual Stresses

The next variable investigated was the effect or residual stresses in welds on the predictedcrack length for a given leak rate. SQUIRT does have the option of either including or notincluding the effect of residual stresses in circumferential welds. Figures D11 through D14show the results for PWR SS. PWR CS, BWR SS, and BWR CS. Again, the calculationsassumed a normal operating stress equal to 50% Service Level A loading.

In every case shown In the four figures, the presence of residual stresses increases thepercent of critical crack length. As seen in Figures DII and D12 for the PWR cases, the effectof residual stresses seems to be more pronounced at the smaller diameter and more specificallyat the lower leak rates (<O.1 gpm). The residual stress effect on the leak rate for smallerdiameters pipes is not as pronounced for the BWR SS piping. The limitation of the currentversion of SQUIRT was encountered again for the case of BWR CS piping (see Figure D14).


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. 600

j 40


co 00)


"I/I ad#=

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Crack Length (in)

| PWR25%,SSPWSCC - PWR50%,SS,PWSCC -zPWR100%,SS,PWSCC |- PWR 25%, CS, CorrFalgue -- X PWR 50%, CS, Corr Fafgue - PWR 100%. CS, Corr Fafgue

Figure DI a. Predicted leak rate versus crack length for large-diameter PWR piping.

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Leak Rate v Crack Length for Large Diameter(32" OD x3" Wall) PWR Pipe



: PWR25%, CS,CorrFafgue

Crack Length (in)

- PWR 50%, SS, PWSCCA PWR 50%, CS, Corr Faigue

PWR100%, SS, PWSCC--t- PWR I100%, CS, Corr Faigue

Figure DI b. Predicted leak rate versus crack length for large-diameter PWR piping ( log-log scale showing power law correlation).

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Leak Rate v Crack Length for Intermediate Diameter(12.75" OD x 3" Wall) PWR Pipe







-J 8





00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Crack Length (in)

| PWR 25%, SS, PWSCC ~= PWR 50%, SS, PWSCC k PWR 100%. SS, PWSCC

|--' PWR 25%, CS, Corr Fatigue X PWR 50%, CS, Corr Fatigue -9 PWR 100%, CS, Corr Fatigue

Figure D2. Predicted leak rate versus crack length for intermediate-diameter PWR piping.


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Leak Rate v Crack Length for Small Diameter- - (4.5" OD x 0.53" Wall) PWR Pipe





o 12

I 100

-J .-



00 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Crack Length (in)

-_ PWR 25%, SS, PWSCC - PWR 50%, SS, PWSCC|- PWR 25%, CS, Corr Fatigue XK PWR 50%, CS, Corr Fatigue

5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8

* PWR 100%, SS, PWSCCPWR 100%, CS, Corr Fatigue

Figure D3. Predicted leak rate versus crack length for small-diameter PWR piping.

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Leak Rate v Crack Length for Large Diameter(28" OD x 1.41" Wall) BWR Pipe





X 12

C).~0'I'm, 1 0

Ix 8


. / _I/ X /g 2 =/IA====



00 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Crack Length (in)

- BWR; 25%; SS; IGSCC - BWR; 50%; SS; IGSCC I BWR; 100%; SS; IGSCCI- BWR 25%, CS, Corr FaUgue ** BWR 100%, CS, Corr Fatigue BWR 100%, CS, Corr Fatigue

Figure D4. Predicted leak rate versus crack length for large-diameter BWR piping.

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Leak Rate v Crack Length for Intermediate Diameter(12.75" OD x 0.687" Wall) BWR Pipe




20 - l -…




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Crack Length (in)


- BWR; 25%; SS; IGSCC BWR; 50%; SS; IGSCC BWR; 100%; SS; IGSCC

gBWR 25%, CS, Corr Fatigue r sBWR ca00%, CS, Corr Fatigue - r BWR 00%, CS, Corr Fatiguep

Figure 135. Predicted leak rate versus crack length for intermnediate-diameter BWR piping.

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Leak Rate v Crack Length for Small Diameter(4.5" OD x 0.337" Wall) BWR Pipe





E0. 1.20

x', 0.8-0


/ // //



00 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

Crack Length (in)

5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8

_ BWR; 25%; SS; IGSCC BWR; 50%; SS; IGSCC 1 BWR; 100%; SS; IGSCC-~- BWR 25%, CS, Corr Fatigue i; BWR 100%, CS, Corr Fatigue - BWR 100%, CS, Corr Fatigue

Figure D6. Predicted leak rate versus crack length for small-diameter BWR piping.


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PWR - PWSCC Cases at 50% Service Level A - Complex Crack (CC) Analysis Results

70%- --

65%-- ----

60% =…__ _=


~30% -

0.20% CC -g- 5% - -1 5



5%- -


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 1'4 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32

Outer Diameter. In

0.1 gm0% CC - I gm0% CC -*--0.1 gm 25%CC - 0.1 gm 50%CC 1, pm 25% CC I pm 50%, CC

Figure D7. Effect of surface crack depth on critical crack length as a function of diameter (PWR SS piping).


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PWR - Corrosion Fatigue Cases at 50% Service Level A - Complex Crack (CC) AnalysisResults







.A 40%

0 35%3S%


' 25%

a. 20%






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32

Outer Diameter, In

0.1 gmO%CC 1pm0%CC -- 0.1 gpm25%CC 0.1 gpm50%CC - 1 gpm25%CC I gpm50%CC

Figure D8. Effect of surface crack depth on critical crack length as a function of diameter (PWR CS piping).


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BWR - IGSCC Cases at 50% Service Level A - Complex Crack (CC) Analysis Results







' 55%

z 50%J9

2 45%U

" 40%

Q 35%a

= 30%Ii

a.i 25%







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28

Outer Diameter, In

0.1 9pm 0% CC - .5 gpm 0% CC -*-0.1 gpm 25% CC 4 0.1 gpm 50% CC - 5 gpm 25% CC '5 gpm 50% CC I

Figure D9. Effect of surface crack depth on critical crack length as a function of diameter (BWR SS piping).


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BWR -Corrosion Fatigue Cases at 50% Service Level A - Complex Crack (CC) AnalysisResults







0. 40%

20 35%U1

= 30%

0V 25%e

. 20%







0 2 4 6 5 10 12 14 16

Outer Diameter, In

18 20 22 24 26 28 30

F-- 0.1 gpm 0 CC -*5 gpm 0% CC -- 0.1 pm 25% CC -- 0.1 gpm 50° CC - 5 gpm 25% CC - 5 m50%CC

Figure D10. Effect of surface crack depth on critical crack length as a function of diameter (BWR CS piping).


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PWR - PWSCC Cases at 50% Service Level A - Residual Stress Analysis Results


65% -

60% -



#C 45%Cci .

J9 40%U:! -I2 35%U

it 30% .

c 25% -

1 .

0. 20% -

:15% _


5% _



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1s 20 22 24 26 28 30

Outer Diameter, In

| 0.1 gpm w/o Res Str 1 gpm wlo Res Str 0.1 apm w/ Res Str -4 1 pm wl Res Str

Figure D11. Effect of residual stresses on critical crack length as a function of diameter (PWR SS piping).

32 34

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PWR - Corrosion Fatigue Cases at 50% Service Level A - Residual Stress Analysis Results






ff 45%

z 40%

22 35%


er 25%SaS -

0. ifl@L.


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

Outer DIameter, In

|-0.1 gpmw/oResStr i*Q1 gpmw/o ResStr - .1 gpmw/ResStr - gpm wlResStr

Figure D12. Effect of residual stresses on critical crack length as a function of diameter (PWR CS piping).

32 34

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BWR - IGSCC Cases at 50% Service Level A - Residual Stress Analysis Results





, 45%

c 40%I-a

I! 35%

'u 30%

o 25%

I 20%a.1






0 2 4 6 8 - 10 12 14 16Outer Diameter, In

18 20 22 24 26 28 30

I-- 0.1gpm wfResStress -" 559pmw/oResStr r 0.1gpmwiResStr e 55gpmrw1ResSirj

Figure Di 3. Effect of residual stresses on critical crack length as a function of diameter (BWR SS piping).

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BWR - Corrosion Fatigue Cases at 50% Service Level A -Residual Stress Analysis Results






, 45%


2 35%

Ad 30%0

- 25%SU1

X. 20%







0 2 41 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26

Outer Diameter, In

0 0.1 gpmw/o ResStr 5 gpmw/oResStr -- 0.1 gpmwResSir - 5 gpmw/ResStr|

28 30

Figure D14. Effect of residual stresses on critical crack length as a function of diameter (BWR CS piping).

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Appendix E

ASME Codes on Continuous Acoustic Emission (Article 13)

Reprintedffrom ASME 2001 BPVC, Section V, by permission of the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. All rights reserved


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T-1310 SCOPE

This Article describes requirements to be used duringcontinuous acoustic emission (AE) montioring of metalor non-metal pressure boundary components used foreither nuclear or non-nuclear service. Monitoring may beperformed as a function of load, pressure, temperature,and/or time.

When AE monitoring in accordance with this Articleis required, the referencing Code Section should specifythe following:

(a) personnel qualification/certification requirements(b) extent of examination and/or area(s)/volume(s)

to be monitored(c) duration of monitoring period(d) acceptance/evaluation criteria(e) reports and records requirementsWhen this Article is specified by a referencing Code

section, the technical requirements described herein shallbe used together with Article 1, General Requirements.Definitions of terms used in this Article are in MandatoryAppendix VII of this Article.

Generic requirements for continuous acoustic emis-sion monitoring of pressure boundary components dur-ing operation are addressed within this Article. Supple-mental requirements for specific applications such asnuclear components, non-metallic components, monitor-ing at elevated temperatures, limited zone monitoring.lead detection, etc., are provided in the MandatoryAppendices to this Article.

T-1311 References

SE-650, Standard Guide for Mounting PiezoelectricAcoustic Emission Sensors

SE-976, Standard Guide for Deternining the Reproduc-ibility of Acoustic Emission Sensor Response

SE-121 1, Standard Practice forLeak Detection and Loca-tion using Surface-Mounted Acoustic EmissionSensors

SE-1316, Standard Terminology for Nondestructive Ex-aminations

SE-1419, Standard Test Method for Examination ofSeamless, Gas-Filled Pressure Vessels Using AcousticEmission

ASTM E 750-88 (1993), Standard Practice for Character-izing Acoustic Emission Instrumentation

ASTM E 1067-89 (1991), Standard Practice for AcousticEmission Examination of Fiberglass Reinforced PlasticResin (FRP) Tanks/Vessels

ASTM E 1118-89, Standard Practice for Acoustic Emis-sion Examination of Reinforced Thermosetting ResinPipe (RTRP)

ASTM E 1139-92, Standard Practice for ContinuousMonitoring of Acoustic Emission from Metal PressureBoundaries


T-1321 Monitoring Objectives

The objectives of AE examination are to detect,locate, and characterize AE sources, and interpret theAE response signals to evaluate significance relativeto pressure boundary integrity. These AE sources arelimited to those activated during normal plant systemoperation, i.e., no special stimulus is applied exclusivelyto produce AB. In the context of this Article, normalsystem operation may include routine pressure testsperformed during plant system shutdown.

T-1322 Relevant Indications

All relevant indications detected during AE monitor-ing should be evaluated by other methods of nondestruc-tive examination.

T-1323 Personnel Qualification

T-1323.1 Procedures and Equipment Installation.All procedures used for qualifying, calibrating, install-ing, and operating the AE equipment, and for dataanalysis activities, shall be approved by a certified AELevel m.

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Scope.....................................................................General Requirements .......................................................Requirements .........

Metal Waveguide AE Sensor Costruction.....................................Mounting Fixture for Steel Waveguide AE Sensor .............................

An Example of Evaluation Criteria for Zone Location.........................An Example of Evaluation Criteria for Multisource Location....................

* 260260260



-I :.

I 1,

:, 2

. I



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Installation, calibration, and checkout of the AEequipment shall be performed under the direction ofa certified AE Level m.

T-1323.2 AE System Operation. Routing operationof the AE system for collection and interpretation ofdata may be performed by competent personnel thatare not necessarily AE specialists. However, AE systemoperation and data interpretation shall be verified bya certified AE Level M on approximately monthlyintervals or more often if the system appears to bemalfunctioning, relevant signals are detected, or anabrupt change in the rate of AE signals is observed.

T.1324 Component Stressing

Several means of stressing are applicable to AEexamination including startup, continuous and cyclicoperation, and shut-down of operating plant systemsand components, as well as pressure tests of non-operating plant systems. Stress may be induced byeither pressure or thermal gradients or a combinationof both. It is the intent of this Article to describeexamination techniques that are applicable during nor-mal operation of pressurized plant system or component.During startup, the pressurizing rate should be sufficientto facilitate the examination with minimum extraneousnoise. If appropriate, provisions should be made formaintaining the pressure at designated hold points.Advice on the use of compressed gas as a pressurizingmedium is contained in SE-1419.

T-1325 Noise Interference

Noise sources that interfere with AE signal detectionshould be controlled to the extent possible. For continu-ous monitoring, it may be necessary to accommodatebackground noise by monitoring at high frequencies,shielding open AE system leads, using differentialsensors, and using special data filtering techniques toreduce noise interference.

T-1326 Coordination With Plant SystemOwner/Operator

Due to operational considerations unique to the AEmethod, close coordination between the AE monitoroperator and the owner/operator of the plant shouldbe established and maintained. Provisions for this coor-dination function should be described in the writtenprocedures submited for approval prior to initiation ofAE monitoring activities.

T-1327 Source Location- and Sensor Mounting

Sources shall be located with the specified accuracyby multichannel sensor array, zone location, or both.As required by the referencing Code section, require-ments for sensor mounting, placement, and spacing arefurther defined in the applicable Appendix.


T-1331 General

The AE system will consist of sensors, preamplifiers,amplifiers, filters, signal processors, and a data storagedevice together with interconnecting cables. SimulatedAE source(s) and auxiliary equipment such as pressureand temperature inputs are also required. The AEmonitoring system shall provide the functional capabili-ties shown in Fig. T-1331.

T-1332 Sensors

Sensors shall be one of two general types - thosemounted directly on the surface of the component beingmonitored and those that are separated from the surfaceof the component by a connecting waveguide. Sensorsshall be acoustically coupled to the surface of thecomponent being monitored and be arranged in arrayscapable of providing AE signal detection and sourcelocation to the required accuracy. Selection of sensortype shall be based on the application; i.e., low orhigh temperature, nuclear or non-nuclear, etc. The sensorselected for a specific application shall be identified inthe procedure prepared for that application. The sensorsystem (i.e., sensors, preamplifiers, and connecting ca-bles) used to detect AE shall limit electromagneticinterference to a level not exceeding 0.7 V peak after90 dB amplification.

T-1332.1 Sensor Response Frequency. For eachapplication, selection of the sensor response frequencyshall be based on a characterization of backgroundnoise in terms of amplitude vs. frequency. The lowestfrequency compatible with avoiding interference frombackground noise should be used to maximize sensitivityof AE signals and minimize signal attenuation.

T-1332.2 Differential and Tuned Sensors. Twosensor designs have been effective in overcoming noiseinterference problems. One is a differential sensor thatoperates to cancel out electrical transients entering thesystem through the sensor. The other is an inductivelytuned sensor that operates to shape the sensor responsearound a selected frequency; i.e., inductive tuning allows

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Fig. T-1331 2001 SECTION V

. tSignal -Detection


Fig. T.1332.2

SignalAmplification I

. .

Plant Parameters(Temperature,Pressure, etc.) I Signal

Processing I

.. ,. . II


InterimL- StorageProcessedData



Long TermStorage

Processed Data


0 , *


J I 30 . _ I .

I E4 0 : ' -

o60 s_

ci ,,,, t0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0



I 244(115)

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discrimination against frequencies on either side of aselected response frequency as shown in Fig. T-1332.2.These sensor designs may be used separately or together.

T-1332.3 Sensor Mounting. Sensors shall bemounted to the component surface using two basicmethods. One is to bond the sensor directly to thesurface with an adhesive. Temperature and vibrationcan adversely affect the bond between the sensor andthe surface being monitored. Also, the chemical contentof the adhesive shall be checked to assure that it isnot deleterious to the surface of the component.

The second method for mounting a sensor employspressure coupling using either a strap or a magneticmount. A thin, soft metal interface layer between thesensor and the surface is often effective for achievingacoustic coupling with minimal pressure. In the caseof waveguide sensors, the tip of the waveguide maybe shaped to reduce the required force to maintainacoustic coupling.

T-1333 Signal Cables

Coaxial cables shall be used to conduct the ABsignals from the sensors to the monitoring instrument(monitor). Whenever a protective barrier or containmentstructure must be penetrated using-a bulkhead fittingor penetration plug to transmit signals from the sensorto the monitor, extreme care must be taken to avoidincurring excessive signal loss or noise. When thecoaxial (signal) cables are used to supply DC power tothe preamplifierstline drivers, they should be terminatedwith the appropriate characteristic impedance.

T.1334 Amplifiers

At least one preamplifier shall be used with eachsensor to amplify the AS signals for transmission tothe monitor. Where long signal cables are required, apreamplifier and line driver between the sensor andthe monitor may be needed.

With the high signal amplification required to detectAS signals, the internal noise of the preamplifiers mustbe minimized to avoid interference with AB signaldetection. The frequency response band of the amplifiersshall be matched to the response profile determinedfor the AS sensors.

T-1335 AE Monitor

The AE monitor shall include a post amplifier, asignal identification function, and a signal processingmodule for each signal channel. The monitor shall also

include a video display function that can be used at- the operator's discretion to display AE data as well as

a data storage capability suitable for long term, nonvola-tile data storage. A data analysis function may beintegral with the AS monitor or be a separate functionthat draws from the stored AB data.

The post amplifier shall meet the requirements ofT-1334. The AB monitor shall be capable of processingand recording incoming data at a rate of at least 50hits/see for all channels simultaneously for an indefinitetime period and at a rate of at least 100 hits/sec forall channels simultaneously for any 15 see period.

T-1335.1 AE Signal Identification. A real-timesignal discrimination function to process incoming sig-nals and identify relevant AS signals shall be included.The discrimination function may either exclude allsignals not identified as AS from crack growth, or flagthose signals identified as crack growth AB whileaccepting all signals above the voltage threshold.

T-1335.2 Signal Processing. The dynamic rangeof the signal processor shall be at least 36 dB for eachparameter being measured. The signal processor shallbe controlled by voltage threshold circuits that limitaccepted data to signals that exceed the voltage amnpli-tude threshold. The voltage threshold shall be deter-mined on the basis of the background noise.

Signal parameters to be measured shall include AEhit count, total number of signal hits at each sensor,signal peak amplitude, time for threshold crossing tosignal peak, measured area under the rectified signalenvelope (MARSE) in V-secs, and difference in timeof signal arrival (&t) at all sensors in a sensor arrayused for AE source location. In addition to the ASsignal features above, clock time, date, and the valueof plant parameters (internal pressure, temperature, etc.,that can be identified as significant to crack growth)associated with the time of signal detection shall berecorded for each signal. The signal processor sectionshall also measure the overall RMS background signallevel for each sensing channel for leak detection pur-poses.

T-1335.3 Data Storage. Data storage shall benonvolatile and capable of storing the data describedin T-1335.2 continuously over time periods of severalweeks to several months depending on the application.One recording method that has proven satisfactory forcontinuous monitoring is a digital tape recorder using1/4 in. (6 mm), 16 track digital tape cartridges.

T-1335.4 Data Analysis and Display. The dataanalysis function of the AE monitor shall determinethe location of AB sources as specified in the procedure

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T-1335A 2001 SECTION V T-L344

(T-1350). Location accuracies within one wall thicknessof the pressure boundary or 5% of the minimum sensorspacing, whichever is greater, are typical for metalcomponents.

The data anaylsis function shall be capable of provid-ing a display and plot of selected AE information (e.g.,AE events, crack growth AE from a given source area,AE energy) vs. plant system parameters and vs. timefor correlation evaluations. Data analysis shall alsoprovide continuous assessment of RMS signal levelinformation derived from the signal measurementsection.

The AE monitor system shall provide a means ofpresenting analyzed data; either a computer printout ora printout in conjunction with a video display. Whenthe AB rate from an array exceeds the rate specifiedin the written procedure, the system shall activate anoperator alert and identify the sensor array producingthe high AB rate.


T-1341 Equipment Qualification

Acceptable performance, including dynamic range,of the complete AE monitor (without sensors) shall beverified using an electronic waveform generator prior toinstallation. Sinusoidal burst signals from the waveformgenerator shall be input of each preamplifier to verifythat the signal amplification, data processing functions,data processing rate, and data analysis, display, andstorage meet the requirements of this Article. (NOTE:AE signal source location performance is tested underT-1362.1.) With the AE monitor gain set at operatinglevel, the system shall be evaluated using input signalsthat will test both the low and high ends of the dynamicrange of the AE monitor system. Signal frequenciesshall include samples within the range of intended use.

T-1342 Sensor QualificationT-1342.1 Sensor Sensitivity and Frequency Re-

sponse. Each sensor shall produce a minimum signalof 0.1 mVp,.k referred to the sensor output at theselected monitoring frequency when mounted on acalibration block and excited with a helium gas jet asdescribed in SE-976. Appropriate calibration blocks areidentified in the Appendices as a function of specificapplications. Helium gas excitation shall be performedusing a 30 psi (207 KPa) helium source directed ontothe surface of the calibration block through a #18hypodermic needle held perpendicular to the calibrationblock surface. The needle tip shall be '/s in. (3.2 mm)

above the surface of the block and 11/2 in. (38 mmn)from the mounted sensor. The process may also beused to verify the sensor response profile in terms offrequency to assure that the response roll-off on eitherside of the selected monitoring frequency is acceptable.

An optional technique for determining the reproduc-ibility of AE sensor response is referred to as the"Pencil Lead Bream" technique, which is described inSE-976.

T-1342.2 Uniformity of Sensor Sensitivity. Thesensitivity of each sensor shall be evaluated by mountingit on a calibration block as it will be mounted on theplant component and measuring its response to theenergy produced by fracturing a 0.3-mm, 2H pencillead against the surface of the block in accordancewith SE-976 at a point 4 in. (102 mm) from the centerof the sensor. When performing this evaluation, it isuseful to use a 40 dB preamplifier with the sensorto produce and adequate output signal for accuratemeasurement. The peak response of each sensor to thesimulated AE signal shall not vary more than 3 dB fromthe average for all sensors at the selected monitoringfrequency.

T-1343 Signal Pattern Recognition

If AE signal pattern recognition is used, this functionshall be demonstrated and qualified as follows:

(a) Assemble the AE monitor including two represen-tative sensors mounted on a calibration block with thesame acoustic coupling process to be used for monitor-ing. The sensors shall be excited ten times by eachof the following three methods:

(I) Fracture a 0.3 mm, 2H pencil lead against thesurface of the block in accordance with SE-976. '

(2) Strike the surface of the block with 0.25 in.(6 mm) diameter steel ball dropped from a uniformheight sufficient to produce a response from the sensorsthat does not saturate the AE monitor.

(3) Inject 'a multi-cycle (five cycles minimum)burst signal into the 'block with a transducer andwaveform generator.

(b) The pattern recognition function shall identify atleast 8 out of 10 lead fracture signals as AE 'crackgrowth signals and at least B out 10 of each othertype signals as signals not associated with crack growth.

T-1344 Material Attenuation/Characterization

Prior.to installation of AB system for monitoringplant components, the acoustic signal attenuation in thematerial shall be characterized. This is necessary for


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determining the sensor spacing for effective AE detec-tion. Attenuation measurements shall be made at thefrequency selected for AE monitoring and shall includeboth surface and bulk wave propagation. The attenuationmeasurements should be performed with the materialtemperature within t 200@F (±111'C) of the expectedtemperature during actual component monitoring.

T-1345 Background Noise

The AE system response to background noise shallbe characterized. With 90 dB amplification, the AEsystem signal level response to continuous processbackground noise shall not exceed 1.5 Vp,,k output.This shall be achieved by restricting the frequencyresponse of the sensor system. Reducing sensitivity isnot acceptable.

T-1346 Qualification Records

Documentation of the equipment qualification processshall include the following:

(a) a copy of the equipment qualification procedure(b) personnel certificate records(c) description of the AE equipment and qualification

equipment used(d) quantitative results of the qualification(e) signature of the AE Level III responsible for the

qualification() date of the qualificationEquipment qualification records shall be retained as

part of the monitoring application records.

T-1347 Sensor InstallationT-1347.1 Coupling. Adequate acoustic coupling

between the sensor and the component surface shallbe verified as the sensors are mounted. This can bedone by lightly tapping the surface or by breaking apencil lead against the component surface while observ-ing the sensor output Guidance for sensor mountingis provided in SE-650 and in T-13323. The use ofdrilled and tapped holes in the component is generallynot acceptable.

T-1347.2 Array Spacing. A sufficient number ofsensors shall be located on the component in a multi-source aay(s) to provide for AB signal detection andsource location. Each sensor shall produce an outputof at least 0.3 mVp,, when a 0.3 num, 2H pencil leadis broken against the bare surface of the componentat the most remote location that the sensor is expectedto monitor. When a location algorithm is used, the

location of each lead break shall be surrounded witha material (mastic or putty) to absorb surface waves.A 0.1 in. (2.5 mm) lead extension shall be broken atan angle of approximately 30 deg. to the componentsurface.

T-L347.3 Functional Verification. One or moreacoustic signal sources, with an output frequency rangeof 100 to 700 kHz shall be installed within the monitor-ing zone of each sensor array for the purpose ofperiodically testing the functional integrity of the sensorsduring monitoring. This is not intended to provide aprecise sensor calibration but rather a qualitative sensi-tivity check. It shall be possible to activate the acousticsignal source(s) from the AU monitor location.

T-1348 Signal Lead Installation

The coaxial cable and other leads used to connectthe sensors to the AE monitor shall be demonstratedto be capable of withstanding extended exposure tohostile environments as required to perform the monitor-ing activities.

T-1349 AE Monitor Installation

The AE monitor shall be located in a clean, controlledenvironment suitable for long-term operation of a com-puter system. The electronic instrumentation (preampli-fiers and AE monitor components) shall be located inan area that is maintained at temperatures not exceeding1250F.


AE monitoring activities shall be performed in accord-ance with a written procedure. Each procedure shallinclude at least the following information, as applicable:

(a) Components to be monitored include dimension,materials of construction, operating environment, andduration of monitoring

(b) a description of the AE system to be used andits capabilities in terms of the functional requirementsfor the intended application

(c) AB system calibration and qualification require-ments

(d) number, location, and mounting requirements forAU sensors

(e) interval and acceptable performance during theAE system functional check (T-1373.2)

(/) data recording processes and data to be recorded


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T-1350 2001 SECTION V T.1364

(g) data analysis, interpretation, and evaluation cri-teria

(h) supplemental NDE requirements(I) personnel qualification/certification requirementsU) reporting and record retention requirements

The procedure described below need not be largedocuments, and preprinted blank forms (techniquesheets) may be utilized provided they contain the re-quired information.

T-1351 AE System Operation

A written precedure describing operation of the AEsystem shall be prepared, approved by the cognizantAE Level m. and made available to the personnelresponsible for operating the AE system. Each procedureshall be tailored to recognize and accommodate uniquerequirements associated with the plant system or'compo-nent being monitored.

T-1352 Data Processing, Interpretation, andEvaluation

A written procedure for processing, interpreting, andevaluating the AE data shall be prepared and approvedby the cognizant AE Level m. This procedure shallbe made available to the personnel responsible foroperating the AE system, the personnel responsible'for'AE data interpretation and evaluation, and a representa-tive of the owner of the plant system being monitored.This procedure shall be tailored to recognize and accom-modate unique requirements associated with the plantsystem or component being monitored.

T-1353 Data Recording and Storage

Specific requirements for recording, retention, andstorage of the AE and other pertinent data shall beprepared for approval by representatives of the plantsystem owner or operator. These requirements shall bemade available to the personnel responsible for datarecording and storage.


T-1361 Sensors

The frequency response for each AE .channel shallbe measured with the sensors installed -on a plantpressure boundary component. Sensor response shallbe measured at the output of. the preamplifier using aspectrum analyzer. The excitation source sball be a

helium gas jet directed onto the component surfacefrom a nominal 30 psi (207. kPa) source througha #18 hypodermic needle held perpendicular to thecomponent surface at a stand-off distance of '4g in.(3.2 mm) located 11/2 in. (38 mm) from the mountedsensor. The gas shall not impinge on the sensor or thewaveguide. AE sensor'peak response to the gas jetexcitation at the monitoring frequency shall be at least0.1 mVpk referred to the output of the sensor. AnyAE sensor showing less than 0.1 mVp,. output shallbe reinstalled or replaced, as necessary, to achieve therequired sensitivity.

An optional technique for determining the reproduc-ibility of AE sensor response is referred to as the'pencil Lead Break" technique which is described inSE-976.

T-1362 Complete AE Monitor SystemT-1362.1 Detection and Source Location. The

signal detection and source location accuracy for eachsensor array shall be measured using simulated AEsignals injected on the component surface at not lessthan 10 preselected points within the array monitoringfield. These simulated AE signals shall be generatedby breaking 2H pencil leads (0.3 or 0.5 mm diameter)against the component surface at the prescribed points.The pencil leads shall be broken at an angle of approxi-mately 30 deg. to the surface using a 0.1 in. (2.5 mm)pencil lead extension (see SE-976). The location ofeach pencil lead break shall be surrounded with amaterial (mastic or putty) to absorb surface waves.Location accuracies within one wall thickness at theAE source location or 5% of the minimum sensor arrayspacing distance, whichever is greater, are typical.

T-1362.2 Function Verification. Responseof theAE system to the acoustic signal source described inT-1347.3 shall be measured and recorded for referenceduring later checks of the AE system.

T-1363 Calibration Intervals

The installed AE monitor system shall be recalibratedini accordance' with T-1360 at the end of each plantoperating cycle. This is defined more 'explicitly inthe Appendices describing requirements for each AE'monitoring application.

T-1364 Calibration Records

Documentation of the installed system calibrationshall include the following:


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(a) a copy of the calibration procedure(s)(b) personnel certification records(c) description of the AE equipment and the calibra-

tion equipment used(d) quantitative results of the calibration(e) signature of the individual responsible for the

calibration() date(s) of the calibration(s).

Retention of the calibration records shall be in accord-ance with T-1393.


The AE monitor system shall comply with the require-ments of approved procedures (T-1350) that have beenaccepted by the plant ownerloperator.

T-1371 Personnel

Operation of the AE system for* routine collectionand interpretation of data may be performed by acompetent individual not necessarily specialized in AEwho has received training and has at least limited AELevel 1l certification. However, AE system operationand data interpretation shall be verified by a certifiedAB Level m on a monthly interval or sooner if thesystem appears to be malfunctioning or there is anabrupt change in the rate of AE data accumulation.

T-1372 Plant Startup

During plant startup, AB rate and source locationinformation shall be evaluated at least once per shiftfor indications of flaw growth. The RMS signal levelshall also be evaluated for indications of pressureboundary leaks.

T-1373 Plant Steady-State OperationT-1373.1 Data Evaluation Interval

AE data shall be evaluated at least weekly duringnormal plant operation. When a sustained AE activityrate from one or more sensors occurs or when aconsistent clustering of AE signals accepted by thesignal identification analyzer and which cluster in onesource location of AE signals is concentrated withina diameter of three times the wall thickness of thecomponent or 10% of the minimum sensor spacingdistance in the array, whichever is greater. Also referto Appendices II and m.

T-1373.2 AE System Functional Check. AEsystem response to the installed acoustic signal sourceshall be evaluated periodically as specified in the proce-dure. Deterioration of sensitivity exceeding 4 dB forany channel shall be recorded and the affected compo-nent shall be replaced at the earliest opportunity.

T-1374 Nuclear Components

Specific and supplemental examination requirementsfor nuclear components are specified in Appendix I.

T-1375 Non-Nuclear Metal Components

Specific and supplemental examination requirementsfor non-nuclear metal components are specified in Ap-pendix 11.

T-1376 Non-Metalllc Components

Specific and supplemental examination for non-metal-lic components are specified in Appendix m.

T-1377 Limited Zone Monitoring

Specific and supplemental examination requirementsfor limited zone monitoring are specified in Appen-dix IV.

T-1378 Hostile Environment Applications

Specific and supplemental examination requirementsfor hostile environment applications are specified inAppendix V.

T-1379 Leak Detection Applications

Specific and supplemental examination requirementsfor leak detection applications are specified in Appen-dix VL


T-1381 Data Processing, Interpretation, andEvaluation

Data processing, interpretation, and evaluation shallbe in accordance with the written procedure (T-1350) forthat specific application and the applicable Mandatory.Appendices. The methodology and criteria will varysubstantially with different applications.

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T.1382 2001 SECTION V T-1393

T-1382 Data Requirements

The following data shall be acquired and recorded:(a) AE event count versus time for each monitor-

ing array.(b) AE source and/or zone location for all acoustic

signals accepted.(c) AE hit rate for each AE source location cluster.(d) Relevant AE signal parameter(s) versus time for

each data channel.(e) Location monitored, date, and time period of

monitoring.(0 Identification of personnel performing the

analysis.In addition, the data records shall include any other

information required in the applicable procedure (T-1350).


T-1391 Reports to Plant SystemOwner/Operator

T-1391.1 A summary of AE monitoring resultsshall be prepared monthly. This should be a brief,concise report for.management use.

T-1391.2 Reporting requirements in the event ofunusual AE indications shall be specified by the plantsystem owner/operator and identified in the procedure(T-1350).

T-1391.3 A summary report on the correlationof monitoring data with the evaluation criteria shall beprovided to the plant system owner/operator.

T-1391A Upon completion of each major phaseof the monitoring effort, a comprehensive report shallbe prepared. This report shall include the following:

(a) complete identification of the plantsystem/component being monitored including materialtype(s), method(s) of fabrication, manufacturer'sname(s), and certificate number(s)

(b) sketch or manufacturer's drawing with componentdimensions and sensor locations

(c) plant system operating conditions including pres-surizing fluid, temperature, pressure level, etc.

(d) AE monitoring environment including tempera-ture, radiation and corrosive fumes if appropriate, sensoraccessibility, background noise level, and protectivebarrier penetrations utilized, if any

(e) a sketch or manufacturer's drawing showing thelocation of any zone in which the AE response exceededthe evaluation criteria

(f) any unusual events or observations during moni-toring

(g) monitoring schedule including identification ofany AE system downtime during 'this time period

(h) names and qualifications of the AE equipmentoperators

(i) complete description of the AE instrumentationincluding manufacturer's name, model number, sensortypes, instrument settings, calibration data, etc.

T-1392 RecordsT-1392.1 Administrative Records. The adminis-

trative records for each AE monitoring applicationshall include the applicable test plan(s), procedure(s),operating instructions, evaluation criteria, and otherrelevant information, as applicable.

T-1392.2 Equipment Qualification and Callbra-tion Data. The pre-installation and post-installation AEsystem qualification and calibration records includingsignal attenuation data and AE system performanceverification checks shall be retained. Disposition ofthese records following AE system recalibratiori shallbe specified by the plant system owner/operator.

T-1392.3 Raw and Processed AE Data. The rawdata records shall be retained at least until the AEindications have been independently verified. The reten-tion period for the processed data records shall be asspecified in the procedure (T-1350).

T-1393 Record Retention Requirements

All AE records shall be maintained as required bythe referencing Code section and the procedure (T-1350).

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1-1310 SCOPE

This Appendix specifies supplemental requirementsfor continuous AB monitoring of metallic componentsin nuclear plant systems. The requirements of AppendixV - Hostile Environment Applications shall also applyto continuous AB monitoring of nuclear plant systems.


See Appendix VII for definitions of terms specificto this Appendix.


1-1331 Preamplifiers

The internal electronic noise of the preamplifiersshall not exceed 7 microvolts rms referred to theinput with a 50-ohm input termination. The frequencyresponse band of the amplitude shall be matched tothe response profile determined for the AB sensors.

1-1332 Monitor System

Acceptable performance, including dynamic range,of the complete AE monitor (without sensors) shall beverified using an electronic waveform generator prior toinstallation. Sinusoidal burst signals from the waveformgenerator shall be input to each preamplifier to verifythat the signal amplification; data processing functions;data processing rate; and data analysis, display, andstorage meet the requirements of this Article. (NOTE:AB signal source location performance is tested underT-1362.1.) The system shall be evaluated using inputsignals of 0.5 and 10.0 mV peak-to-peak amplitude;0.5 and 3.0 millisecond duration; and 100 klHz and1.0 MHz frequency from the waveform generator.

1.1340 SENSORS

1-1341 Sensor Type

The AB sensors shall be capable of withstanding theambient service environment (i.e., temperature, mois-ture, vibration, and nuclear radiation) for a period oftwo years. Refer to T-1332 and Appendix V, pam. V-1320, for additional sensor requirements. In monitoringnuclear components, in addition to high temperature(-600'F (316'C) in most locationsl, the environmentat the surface of the component may also includegamma and neutron radiation. In view of the neutronradiation, a waveguide high temperature AB sensorsuch as the type described in Appendix V should beused to isolate the critical elements of the sensor(piezoelectric crystal and associated preamplifier) fromthe neutron radiation field.

1.1342 Frequency Response

The frequency response band of the sensor/amplifiercombination shall be limited to avoid interference frombackground noise such as is caused by coolant flow.Background noise at the locations to be monitored shallbe characterized in terms of intensity versus frequencyprior to selection of the AE sensors to be used. Thisinformation shall be used to select the appropriatefrequency bandwidth for AE monitoring. The sensorresponse roll off below the selected monitoring fre-quency shall be at a minimum rate of I5 dB per 100kHz, and may be achieved by inductive tuning of thesensor/preamplifier combination. The high end of thefrequency response band should roll off above I MHzat a minimum rate of 15 dB per octave to help reduceamplifier noise. These measurements shall be madeusing the helium gas jet technique described in T-1342.1 and T-1361.

1-1343 Signal Processing

The threshold for all sensor channels shall be set at0.5 to 1.0 Vp,.k above the sensor channel backgroundnoise level and all channels shall be set the same.

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1-1350 2001 SECTION V 11-1326


1-1351 Calibration Block

The calibration block used to qualify AE sensorsshall be a steel block with minimum dimensions of 4x 12 x 12 in. (101.6 x 304.8 x 304.8 mm) with thesensor mounted in the center of a major.face usingthe acoustic coupling technique to be applied duringin-service monitoring.

1-1352 Calibration Interval

The installed AE monitor system shall be recalibratedin accordance with T-1360 during each refueling ormaintenance outage, but no oftener than once evesy24 months.


(a) The monitoring procedure (T-1350) shall specifythe acceptance criteria for crack growth rate.

(b) The AE data shall be evaluated based on AE ratederived from signals accepted by the signal identificationfunction and identified with a 'specific area of thepressure boundary.

(c) The data shall be analyzed to identify an increas-,ing AE rate that is indicative of accelerating crack'growth.

(d) The quantitative crack growth rate shall be esti-mated using the relationship:

da __05,=290 1!L

whereda/m =crack growth rate in microinches/seconddV/dt =the AE rate [AE as defined in (b) above]

in events/second(e) If the estimated crack growth rate exceeds the

acceptance criteria, the flaw area shall be examinedwith other NDE methods at the' earliest opportunity.'


11-1310 SCOPE

This Appendix specifies supplemental requirementsfor continuous AE monitoring of, non-nuclear metalcomponents. The principal objective is to monitor/detectacoustic emission (AE) sources caused by surface and

internal discontinuities in a vessel wall, welds, andfabricated parts and components.


11-1321 Sensor Response

Acoustic emission sensors shall have a resonantresponse between 100 kHz to 400 kHz. Minimumsensitivity shall be -85 dB referred to 1 volt/microbardetermined by a face-to-face ultrasonic test. Sensorsshall have a frequency response with variations notexceeding 4 dB from the peak response. Acousticemission sensors in a face-to-face'ultrasonic test (orequivalent) shall not vary in peak sensitivity by morethan 3 dB from when they were new.

11.1322 Couplant

Couplant shall provide consistent coupling efficiencyfor the duration of the test.

11-1323 Preamplifler

The preamplifier shall be located within 6 ft (1.8 ma)from the sensor, and differential' preamplifiers shallhave 40 dB of common-mode noise rejection. Frequencyresponse shall not vary more than 3 dB over theoperating frequency range of the sensors when attached.Filters shall be of the band pass or high pass type andshall provide a minimum of 24 dB of common-moderejection.

11-1324 Signal Cable

Power signal cable shall be shielded against electro-magnetic noise. Signal loss shall be less than 1 dBper foot of cable length. Recommnended maximum cablelength is 500 ft (152 in).

11-1325 Power Supply

A, stable, grounded electrical power supply shouldbe used.

11-1326 Main Amplifier

The main amplifier gain shall be within 3 dB overthe range of 40°F to 125oF (49C to 526C).

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II-1327 Main Processor

'The main processor(s) shall have circuits for pro-cessing sensor data. The main processor circuits shallbe capable of processing hits, counts, peak amplitudes,and MARSE on each channel, and measure the fol-lowing:

(a) Threshold The AE instrument shall have athreshold control accurate to within *1 dB over itsuseful range.

(b) Counts. The AE counter circuit shall detectcounts over a set threshold with an accuracy of *5%.

(c) Hits. The AE instrument shall be capable ofmeasuring, recording, and displaying a minimum of 20hitslsee total for all channels.

(d) Peak Amplitude. The AE circuit shall measurepeak amplitude with an accuracy of *2 dB. Useabledynamic range shall be a minimum of 60 dB with IdB resolution over the frequency bandwidth used. Notmore than 2 dB variation in peak detection accuracyshall be allowed over the stated temperature range.Amplitude values shall be specified in dB and mustbe referenced to a fixed gain output of the system(sensor or preamplifier).

(e) Energy. The AE circuit shall measure MARSEwith an accuracy of *s%. The useable dynamic rangefor energy shall be a minimum of 40 dB.

U) Parametric Voltage. If parametric voltage ismeasured, it shall be measured to an accuracy of t2%of full scale.

Il-1333 Sensor Spacing for Zone Location

When zone location is used, sensors shall be locatedsuch -that a lead break at any location within theexamination area is detectable by 'at least one sensorwith a measured amplitude not less than specified bythe referencing Code Section. The maximum sensorspacing shall be no greater than one-half the thresholddistance. The threshold distance is defined as the dis-tance from a sensor at which a pencil-lead break onthe vessel produces a measured amplitude equal to theevaluation threshold.


11-1341 Manufacturer's Calibration

Purchased AE system components shall be accompa-nied by manufacturer's certification of performancespecifications and tolerances.

11-1342 Annual Calibration

The instrumentation shall have an annual, comprehen-sive calibration following the guideline provided bythe manufacturer using calibration instrumentation meet-ing the requirements of a recognized national standard.

11-1343 System Performance Check

Prior to beginning the monitoring period, the AEinstrument shall be checked by inserting a simulatedAE signal at each main amplifier input. The devicegenerating the simulated signal shall input a sinusoidalburst-type signal of measurable amplitude, duration,and carrier frequency. On-site system calibration shallverify system operation for threshold, counts, MARSE,and peak amplitude. Calibration values shall be withinthe range of values specified in I1U1327.


11-1331 Sensor Mounting/Spacing

Sensor location and spacing shall be based on attenua-tion characterization, with the test fluid in the vessel,and a simulated source of AE.'Section V, Article 12,Nonmandatory Appendices should be referenced forvessel sensor placement Consideration should be givento the possible attenuation effects of welds.

11-1332 Sensor Spacing for MultichannelSource Location

Sensors shall be located such that a lead break atany location within the examination area is detectableby at least the minimum number of sensors requiredfor the multichannel source location algorithm, withthe measured amplitude specified by the referencingCode Section. Location accuracy shall be within amiximum of 2 wall thicknesses or 5% of the sensorspacing distance, whichever is greater.

11-1344 System Performance CheckVerification

Verification of sensor coupling and circuit continuityshall be performed following sensor mounting andsystem hookup and again following the test. The peakamplitude response of each sensor to a repeatablesimulated AE source at a specific distance from thesensor should be taken prior to and following themonitoring period. The measured peak amplitude shouldnot vary more than :t4 dB from the average of all thesensors. Any channel failing this check should be

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ns-1344 2001 SECTION V 111 1332.2



Emissions during hold

Count rate

Number of hits

Pressure Vessels (Other Than FirstHydrostatic Test) Using Zone Location

Not more than Ehits beyond time T,

Less than N counts per sensor for a'specified load Increase

Not more than Ehits above aspecified amplitude


11-1.310 SCOPE

This Appendix specifies supplemental requirementsfor continuous monitoring of non-metallic (fiber rein-forced plastic) components.


Non-metallic (FRP) components such as pressurevessels, storage tanks, and piping, are typically usedat relatively low temperature. Due to high attenuationand anisotropy of the material, AE methodology hasproven to be more effective than other NDE methods.

Large amplitude Not more than E hits above aspecified amplitude

MARSE or aptitude MARSE or amplitudes do not Increasewith increasing load

Activity Activity does not Increase withincreasing load

Evaluation threshold, dB 50 dB

repaired or replaced, as necessary. The procedure willindicate the frequency of system performance checks.


II-1351 Evaluation Criteria -Zone Location

All data from all sensors shall be used for evaluatingindications. The AE criteria shown in Table 11-1351provide one basis for assessing the significance of AEindications. These criteria are based on a specific setof AE monitoring conditions. The criteria used for eachapplication shall be as specified in the referencing CodeSection and the AE procedure (see T-1350).

11-1352 Evaluation Criteria -Multsource

Location . . .

All data from all sensors shall be used for evaluatingindications. 'The AE criteria shown in Table 11-1352provide one basis for assessing the significance of AEindications. These criteria are based on a specific'setof AE monitoring conditions. The criteria used for eachapplication shall be as specified in the referencing CodeSection and the AE procedure (see T-1350).

III-1321 References

(a) Pressure Vessels. Section V, Article 11- Acous-tic Emission Examination'of Fiberglass Tanks/Vessels

(b) Atmospheric Tanks. Section V, Article II -

Acoustic Emission Examination of Fiberglass Vessels,ASNT/CARP Recommended Practice ASTM E 1067:Acoustic Emission Examination of Fiberglass Rein-'forced Plastic Resin Tanks/Vessels

(c) Piping. ASTM E 1118 - Standard Practice forAcoustic Emission Examination of Reinforced Thermo-setting Resin Pipe (RTRP)


High attenuation and anisotropy of the material arecontrolling factors in sensor frequency, source locationaccuracy, and sensor spacing.

m-1331 Sensor Frequency

Sensors used for monitoring FRP equipment shallbe resonant in the 20-200 kHz frequency range.

1111332 Source Location Accuracy

M-1332.1 Exact solution source location techniquesshall be used in monitoring FRP where high accuracyis required. For these applications special precautionswill be taken to account -for 'unpredictable acousticvelocity variations in the material. Sensor spacing shallbe no greater than 20 in. (508 mm). .

III-1332.2 Zoine location techniques require the AEsignal to hit only one sensor to provide useful location

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data. Sensor spacing of 5 ft-20 ft (1.5 rn-6.0 mn) maybe used to cover large areas or the entire vessel.



A manufacturer's calibration of the instrumentationshould be conducted on an annual basis. Instrumentationused for calibration shall be referenced to NIST.


Periodic field calibration shall be performed with anAE waveform generator to verify performance of thesignal processor.


111.1351 Evaluation Criteria

The monitoring procedure (T-1350) shall specify theacceptance criteria.

111-1351.1 AE activity above defined levels indicatesthat damage is occurring.

M-1351.2 Felicity ratio from subsequent loadingsto a defined level can indicate the amount of previousdamage.

m-13513 Emission activity during periods of contactload indicates that damage is occurring at an accelerat-ing rate.


Hsu-Nlelsen lead break and/or gas jet performanceverification techniques (T-1362.2) shall be performedperiodically to check all components including couplant,sensor, signal processor, and display.


Low amplitude threshold (LAT) shall be determinedusing the 4 ft by 6 ft by 1/2 in. (1.2 m x 1.8 m x 13mm) 99% pure lead sheet. The sheet shall be suspendedclear of the floor. The LAT threshold is defined asthe average measured amplitude of ten events generatedby a 0.3 mm pencil (2H) lead break at a distance of4 ft. 3 in. (1.3 m) from the sensor. All lead breaksshall be done at an angle of approximately 30 deg. tothe surface with a 0.1 in. (2.5 mm) lead extension.The sensor shall be mounted 6 in. (152 mm) from the4 ft (1.2 m) side and mid-distance between 6 ft (1.8m) sides.

I1-1352 Source Mechanism

n1-1352.1 Matrix cracking, fiber debonding. andmatrix crazing are characterized by numerous low ampli-tude acoustic emission signals. Matrix cracking andfiber debonding are generally the first indications offailure. Matrix crazing is normally an indication ofcorrosion or excessive thermal stress.

m1-1352.2 Delamination is characterized by highsignal strength, medium amplitude AE activity. Thistype of failure is typically found at joints with secondarybonds.

III-1352.4 High amplitude AE activity (over HighAmplitude Threshold) is associated with fiber breakageand is an indication of significant structural damage.



This Appendix specifies supplemental requirementsfor applications involving limited zone monitoring,where one of the objectives is to consciously limit thearea or volume of the component or pressure boundarythat is monitored by AE. Typical reasons for limitingthe monitored area include- (a) observe the behaviorof a known flaw at a specific location; (b) restrict theAE response to signals emanating from specific areasor volumes of the pressure boundary (e-g., restrict thearea monitored by AE to one or more nozzle-to-vesselwelds, monitor specific structural welds, etc.); (c)' restrictthe AB examination to areas of known susceptibilityto failure due to fatigue, corrosion, etc.; or (d) improvethe signal-to-noise ratio.


High amplitude threshold (HAT) shall be determinedusing a 10 ft by 2 in. by 12 in. (3.0 m x 51 mm x305 mm) clean, mild steel bar. The bar shall besupported at each end on elastomeric or similar isolatingpads. The HAT' threshold is defined 'as the averagemeasured amplitude of ten events generated by a 0.3mm pencil (2H) lead break at a distance of 7 ft (2.1mn) from the sensor. All lead breaks shall be done atan'angle of approximately 30 de& to the surface witha 0.1 in. (2.5 mm) extension. The sensor shall bemounted 12 in. (305 mm) from the end of the bar onthe 2 in. (51 mm) wide surface.

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nV-1320 2001 SECTION V IV-1350



Pressure Vessels (Other Than FirstHydrostatic Test) Using

Multisource Location

Emissions during hold Not more than Ehlits from a clusterbeyond time T

Count rate Less than N counts from a cluster fora specified load Increase

Number of hits Not more than E hits from a clusterabove a specified amplitude

Large amplitude Not more than Ehits from a clusterabove a specified amplitude

Marse or aplitude MARSE or amplitudes from a clusterdo not Increase with Increasing load

Activity Activity from a cluster does notincrease with increasing load

Evaluation threshold, dB 50 dB or specified In procedure


See Appendix VII for definitions of terms specificto this Appendix.


IV.1331 Techniques

Limited zone monitoring is accomplished by installingsensors in or around the area of interest. Signals originat-ing from outside the area of interest are excluded fromthe analysis, using techniques such as triangulation,amplitude discrimination, coincidence detection, or sig-nal arrival sequence.

IV.1332 Guard Sensor Technique

One common signal arrival sequence technique usesguard sensors to limit the area of interest. The guardsensor technique involves placing additional sensorsfurther outside the area of interest than the detectionsensors. Signals arriving at a guard sensor before anyof the detection sensors are rejected. Signals originatingfrom within the area of interest arrive at a detectionsensor before any of the guard sensors and are acceptedby the data acquisition and analysis process.

IV-1333 Other Techniques

The preceding descriptions of typical limited zonemonitoring techniques shall not preclude the use ofother techniques to provide this function.


IV-1341 Procedure

When limited zone monitoring is intended, the tech-nique used to accomplish this function shall be describedin the procedure (T-1350). Any technique, or combina-tion of techniques, may be utilized to accomplish limitedzone monitoring provided the technique(s) is describedin the applicable procedure.

IV-1342 Redundant Sensors

Where appropriate, redundant sensors should be usedto provide additional assurance that the failure of asingle sensor will not preclude continued operation ofthe AE system throughout the specified monitoringperiod.

IV-1343 System Calibration

During the system calibration performed in accord-ance with T-1362, the effectiveness of the limitedzone monitoring technique(s) shall be demonstrated byintroducing artificial AE signals both inside and outsidethe area of interest. The AE system shall accept atleast 90% of the signals that originate inside the areaof interest, and reject at least 90% of the signalsthat originate outside the area of interest. Such signaldiscrimination may be accomplished using any of thetechniques listed above as specified in the procedure(T-1350).


Data processing and interpretation shall be performedconsistent with the objectives of limited zone monitor-ing. Precautions shall be taken to confirm that signalsoriginating from inside the area of interest are notconfused with signals originating from outside the areaof interest Care shall also be taken to check that thesystem's ability to monitor the area of interest was notcompromised by excessive noise from outside the areaof interest.

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All reports of data acquired using the limited zonemonitoring approach shall clearly and accurately identifythe effective area of interest.


V-1310 SCOPE

This Appendix specifies supplemental requirementsfor continuous AE monitoring of pressure containingcomponents during operation at high temperatures andin other hostile environments. As used herein, hightemperature means as any application where the surfaceto be monitored will exceed 300*F (149C), which isthe nominal upper temperature limit for most generalpurpose AE sensors. Other hostile environments includecorrosive environments, high vapor atmospheres, nu-clear radiation, etc.


For high temperature applications, special high tem-perature sensors shall be used. There are two basictypes of sensors for such applications. Surface mountedsensors constructed to withstand high temperatures andwaveguide sensors which remove the sensor's piezoelec-tric sensor from the high temperature environmentthrough the use of a connecting waveguide. A thin,soft metal, interface layer between the sensor and thecomponent surface has proven effective for reducingthe interface pressure required to achieve adequateacoustic coupling.

V-1321 Surface Mounted Sensors

Sensors to be mounted directly on the surface shallbe evaluated for their capability to withstand the envi-ronment for the duration of the planned monitoringperiod. Some sensors rated for high temperature serviceare limited in the time for which they can survivecontinuous exposure at their rated temperature.

V-1322 Wavegulde Sensors

The waveguide sensors described below are suitablefor hostile environment applications where the sensorunit (piezoelectric crystal and 20 dB preamplifier) canbe placed in a less hostile environment [e.g., lowertemperature of about 200'F (93C)] through the use

of a waveguide no more than 20 ft (6.1 m) long. Thelength of the waveguide is not an absolute; however,as the waveguide length increases, the signal attenuationin the waveguide also increases.

Waveguide sensors are a special type of sensor usedfor hostile environments. A type of waveguide sensorthat has been used effectively to monitor componentswith surface temperatures to 1800'F (982C) is shownin Fig. V-1322. A waveguide 20 ft (6.1 m) long wasused to move the sensor unit (piezoelectric crystal and20 dB preamplifier) away from the high temperatureto an environment of about 200'F (93C). The sensorwas still exposed to a nuclear radiation environmentof about 45,000 Rad/hr gross gamma. When monitoringwas completed after 120 days, the sensors were stilloperating with no evidence of deterioration. Thesesensor types have been used in various applicationswith waveguide lengths ranging from 2 to 20 ft (0.6 mto 6.1 m) for periods up to 2'/2 years, and the attenuationin a 0.130 in. (3.30 mm) diameter Type 308 stainlesssteel waveguide has been measured to be 0.45 dB/ft.

V-1323 Sensor Monitoring

Refer to T-1332.3 for a discussion of sensor mounting.Most extreme temperature applications require mechani-cal mounting with pressure coupling of the sensors dueto the temperature limitations of glues or epoxies. Asensor mounting fixture held in place by stainless steelbands or magnets has proven to be effective; however,if magnets are used, the ability of the magnet to retainits magnetic properties in the temperature environmentmust be evaluated. The fixture shown in Fig. V-1323has been successfully used in a variety of waveguidesensor applications.

This fixture design provides a constant load on thewaveguide tip against the component surface throughthe use of a spring. It has been found through practicethat an interface pressure of about 16,000 psi (I 10 MPa)is required for good acoustic coupling. For the wave-guide sensor shown in Fig. V-1322 with a waveguidetip diameter of 0.05 in. (1.27 mm), 30 pounds (0.13kN) force for the mounting fixture provides the requiredinterface pressure.

V-1324 SIgnal Cables

Special coaxial cables rated for the expected tempera-ture shall be used to conduct AE signal informationfrom the AB sensor to a location outside of the environ-ment. Refer also to T-1333 and T-1348.

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Vn-1310 2001 SECTION V V~i-1331

* BNC ConnectorStainless Steel housing

2112 In. (64 mm) Ing. x 1112 in. (38 mm)Wd. x 1114 In. (32 mm) Dp.

20 dB Gain DifferentialPreamplifier

Tuning Inductor (Variableon Disk with Freq. Requirements)

3.mm1 thk.- PZT Crystal (Chamfered)Hysol Adhesive EAs34Approx. 0.02 In. (0.5 mm) thk.Isolation Plate (Delrin)Stainless Steel Plate

Weld Nyhtite Isolation| i Bushing (Typ. 4 Places)I110-24 machine Screw

(Type 4 Places)

Stainless Steel Type 304-LWavegulde, 0.125 In. (3.2 mm) diameter

Tip 0.050 In. (1.27 mm) diameter




This Appendix specifies supplemental requirementsfor continuous AE monitoring of metallic and non-metallic components to detect leaks from the pressureboundary. The objective in examining the pressureboundary of systems and components is to assessthe leak integrity and identify the leakage area. Therequirements of Appendix I - Nuclear Componentsand Appendix V - Hostile Environment Applicationsmay also be applicable. SE-1211 should be consultedas a general reference.

technology including technology that is applicable tothe pressure boundary of nuclear reactors. Several meth-ods are available for detecting leaks in pressure bound-ary components including monitoring acoustic noisedue to fluid flow at a leakage site. The advantages ofacoustic monitoring are rapid response to the presenceof a leak and the capability to acquire quantitativeinformation about a leak. Acoustic leak detection meth-ods may be used to detect gas, steam, water, andchemical leaks for both nuclear and non-nuclear applica-tions.


VI-1331 Sensor TypeVI-1320 GENERAL

The desire to enhance leak detection capabilities hasled to research to improve acoustic leak detection'

AE sensors with known sensitivity in the frequencyrange 200 kHz to 500 kHz shall be used in the presenceof high background noise. For components in the

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I 'so soWwoe lno To Cartwoso-s -s


presence of low background noise, monitoring shall becarried out at lower frequencies. Leak detection atfrequencies below 100 kHz and as low as I kHzmay be necessary for leak detection with non-metalliccomponents.

VI-1331.1 Sensor selection shall be based on consid-eration of the following:

(a) center frequency(b) bandwidth(c) ruggedness(d) response to temperature(e) humidity(I) ability of cables and preamplifiers to withstand

the specific environment.Using a simulation, sensor response characteristics

and curves of leak rate vs. acoustic signal intensityshall be determined before installation to maximize theutility of the information in the acoustic signal.

VI-13312 Sensors not specified in this Appendixmay be used if they have been shown to be appropriatefor the application and meet the requirements of thisArticle. Alternate sensors, such as accelerometers, mi-crophones, and hydrophones shall be included.

VI-1332 Waveguide

Waveguides may be used to isolate the sensor fromhostile environments such as high temperatures or nu-clear radiation for nuclear reactor applications.

VI-1332.1 Waveguide installations shall consider thefollowing waveguide parameters:

(a) length(b) diameter(c) surface finish(d) material of construction (i.e., ferritic steel, stain-

got less steel, aluminum, and ceramic materials)Waveguides having 3 mm to 13 mm in diameter

and up to 250 mm in length have been shown to beeffective and shall be used.

VI-1332.2 Coupling. Appendix V, para. V-1323describes one method for mounting the waveguide.Others that have been shown effective are:

(a) weld the waveguide to the pressure boundary(b) screw the waveguide into a plate attached to the

order to mechanically press the waveguide against themetal component

(c) screw the waveguide directly into the pressureboundary component

(d) attach the sensor directly to the componenLEither gold foil or rounded waveguide tips have been

shown to be effective when mechanically couplingthe waveguide to the pressure boundary componentOccassionally, sensors are mounted and passed throughthe pressure boundary of a component in order to havethe sensor in the process fluid. The sensor(s) shallthen be capable of withstanding the ambient serviceenvironment of the process fluid. In addition, a safetyanalysis for installation and monitoring of the systemshall be performed.

VI-1333 Electronic Filters

The response of the electronic filter(s) shall be adjust-able to achieve the selected monitoring frequency rangeof operation as needed (see Appendix 1). Frequencybandwidths in the range of 200-250 kHz should beavailable for high background noise environments and1-200 kHz for low background noise environments.


VI-1341 Procedure

A calibration procedure shall be established and shallincorporate either the pencil-lead break and/or gas jettechniques decribed in T-1360 and Appendix 1.

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V1 1342 2001 SECTION V VI1 1330

VI-1342 Calibration Checks

Sensor calibration checks may be conducted by elec-tronically pulsing one of the sensors while detectingthe associated acoustic wave with the other sensors.


VI-1351 Implementation of SystemRequirements

In order to implement an acoustic leak detection andlocation system, the following preliminary steps shallbe accomplished.-

(a) identify the acoustic receiver sites '(b) determine the spacing between waveguides or

sensors(c) meet the sensitivity needs for the system require-

ments(d) establish the level of background noise(e) estimate signal-to-noise ratios as a function of

distance and level of background noise for acousticsignals in the frequency range selected.

V1-1352 Calibration Procedure

A calibration procedure shall be established. Duringthe monitoring period, a self-checking system shall beperformed to assure the system is functioning properly.

VM-1353 Equipment Qualification andCalibration Data

The acoustic equipment qualification and calibrationdata requirements shall be in accordance with T-1392.


VI-1361 Leak Indications

Detection of a leak or leakage indication near or ata sensor site will be indicated by an increase in theRMS signal over background noise. The signal increaseshall be at least 3 dB or greater above background fora period of at least 30 min.

V1-1362 Leak Location

The general location of a leak can be establishedby the analysis of the relative amplitude of the RMSsignals received by the sensor(s). Leak location may

also be determined by cross-correlation analysis ofsignals received at sensors, to either side of the leaksite. When leakage location accuracy is desired, it maybe necessary to spatially average the correlograms ofthe'acoustic signals at each sensor site by installingan array of sensors. A minimum 'of three waveguides,separated by a minimum of 10 cm, is required foraveraging of correlograms. This allows nine correlo-grarins to be generated and averaged for each pair ofsensor locations. Self checking and calibration for thesystem shall be in accordance with VI-1340. If acousticbackground levels are relatively constant, they 'mayalso be used to determine whether a probe is failing.



V'11-1310 SCOPE

This Mandatory Appendix is used for the purposeof establishing standard terms and definitions of termsthat appear in Article 13, Continuous Acoustic EmissionMonitoring.


(a) The Standard Terminology for NondestructiveExaminations (ASTM E 1316) has been adopted bythe Committee as SE-1316.

(b) SE-1316 provides the definitions of terms listedin VII-1330(a).

(c) For general terms, such as Interpretation, Flaw,Discontinuity, Evaluation, etc., refer to Article 1, Man-datory Appendix 1.

(d) Paragraph VlI-1330(b) provides a list of termsand definitions that are in addition to SE-1316 and areCode specific.


(a) All of the terms listed in SE-1316 are used inconjunction with this Article.

(b) The following Code terms are used in conjunctionwith this Article:

AE Monitor - all of the electronic instrumentationand equipment (except sensors and cables) used todetect, analyze, display, and record AE signals

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Continuous Monitoring - the process of monitoringa pressure boundary continuously to detect acousticemission during plant startup, operation, and shutdown

dBAE - the peak voltage amplitude of the acousticemission signal waveform expressed by the equationdBAE = 20 log V/VRtf, where Vpd is I jgV out ofthe AE sensor crystal

Limited Zone Monitoring -the process of monitoringonly a specifically defined portion of the pressureboundary by using either the sensor array configuration,controllable instrumentation parameters, or both to limitthe area being monitored.

Penetrations - In nuclear applications, the termpenetrations refers to step-plugs containing electronicinstrumentation cable sections installed through

shielding or containment walls to permit passing instru-mentation power and information signals through theseprotective walls without compromising the protectiveintegrity of the wall

Plant/Plant System - the complete pressure bound-ary system including appurtenances, accessories, andcontrols that constitute an operational entity

Plant Operation - nonral operation including plantwarmup, startup, shutdown, and any pressure or otherstimuli induced to test the pressure boundary for pur-poses other than the stimulation of AE sources

Sensor Array - mulitple AE sensors arranged in ageometrical configuration that is designed to provide AEsource detection/location for a given plant component orpressure boundary area to be monitored

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NRC FORM 335 U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION l. REPORT NUMBER(9-2004) (Assigned by NRC. Add Vol.. Supp.. Rev.,NRCMD 3.7 and Addendum Numbers, iany.)

BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET NUREGICR- 6861(See instructons on the reverse) ANL-04/26


December 12 0Barrier Integrity Research Program: Final Report D




D. S. Kupperman, S. H. Sheen, W. J. Shack, and D. R. Diercks; Argonne National Technical; Semiannual, etc.Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439P. Krishnaswamny, D. Rudland, and G. M. Wilkowski; Engineering Mechanics 7. PERIOD COVERED (Inclusive Dales)Corporation of Columbus,Columbus, OH 43221

8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION - NAME AND ADDRESS (0NRC. provide Dhsbon, Offie orRegidn, U.S. NdearReg9daory ConwrissiM and manTng address ffcontcbr,provide name and nmaling addrssj

Argonne National Laboratory9700 South Cass AvenueArgonne, IL 60439

9. SPONSORING ORGANIZATION -NAME AND ADDRESS (if NRC. pe Same as abveifconbactor.povd NRCDhs on c ffca orRagkn U.S. NudearRaguatoyCornnissionand inalring addr)

Division of Engineering TechnologyOffice of Nuclear Regulatory ResearchU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CornmissionWashington, DC 20555-0001


M. Srinivasan, NRC Project Manager11. ABSTRACT (200 words or less)

In response to the vessel head event at the Davis-Besse reactor, the NRC formed a Lessons Learned Task Force (LLTF).Four action plans were formulated to respond to the recommendations of the LLTF. The action plans involve barrierintegrity, stress corrosion cracking (SCC), operating experience, and inspection and program management. One part of theaction plan on barrier integrity is an assessment to identify potential safety benefits from changes in requirements pertainingto leakage in the reactor coolant system (RCS). In this report, experiments and models were reviewed to identifycorrelations between crack size, crack-tip-opening displacement (CTOD), and leak rate in the RCS. Sensitivity studiesusing SQUIRT (Seepage Quantification of Upsets In Reactor Tubes) were carried out to correlate crack parameters, such ascrack size and CTOD, with leak rate for various types of crack configurations in RCS components. A database thatidentifies the leak source, leak rate, and resulting actions from RCS leaks discovered in U.S. light water reactors wasdeveloped. For each leak event, the database provides information on what equipment detected the leakage, how it wasdetermined that the leakage was through the pressure boundary, and what caused the leakage. The sensitivity, reliability,response time and accuracy of each type of leakage detection system were evaluated. Acoustic emission crack monitoringsystems for the detection of crack initiation and growth before a leak occurs were also considered. New approaches to thedetection of a leak in the reactor head region by monitoring boric-acid aerosols were also considered. Infrared spectroscopycould be used for this purpose. The focus of the report is on the available technologies.

12. KEY WORDS/DESCRIPTORS (List words or phrases that wi7 assist researchers locatling this report) 13. AVAILABILITY STATEMENTunlimited



barrier integrity, reactor coolant system, leak rate models, leakage database, leak monitors ucfs Report d




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