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RESEARCH Open Access Barriers and facilitators to cardiopulmonary resuscitation within pre-hospital emergency medical services: a qualitative study Nahid Dehghan-Nayeri 1 , Hassan Nouri-Sari 2 , Fatemeh Bahramnezhad 1 , Fatemeh Hajibabaee 1 and Mojtaba Senmar 1* Abstract Background: Out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest is a common and fatal problem. Rescuing patients with this problem by pre-hospital emergency medical services is associated with various barriers and facilitators. Identifying these barriers as well as the facilitators in a qualitative and an information-rich way will help to improve the quality of performing the maneuver and to increase the patientssurvival. Therefore, the current study was qualitatively conducted with the aim of identifying the factors affecting the cardiopulmonary resuscitation within the pre- hospital emergency medical services. Methods: This qualitative study was conducted using a content analysis approach in Iran in 2021. The participants were 16 Iranian emergency medical technicians who were selected through a purposive sampling method. For data collection, in-depth and semi-structured interviews were conducted. For data analysis, the Elo and Kyngäs method was applied. Results: The mean participantsage was 33.06 ± 7.85 years, and their mean work experience was 10.62 ± 6.63 years. The collected information was categorized into one main category called complex context of the cardiopulmonary resuscitationand 5 general categories with 17 subcategories. These categories and subcategories include patient condition (patients underlying diseases, age, high weight, number of children, and place of living), dominant atmosphere in companions at home (companionsfeeling of agitation, companions doing harm, and companions helping), policy (educational policy, human resource policy, up-to-date equipment and technology, and do-not- resuscitate policy), performance of the out-of-organizational system (disorganization in the patient handover process, and cooperation of the support organizations), and conditions related to the treatment team (conscience, cultural dominance, and shift burden). © The Author(s). 2021 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. * Correspondence: [email protected] 1 Department of Critical Care and Nursing Management, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Nosrat St, Tehran 1419733171, Iran Full list of author information is available at the end of the article Dehghan-Nayeri et al. BMC Emergency Medicine (2021) 21:120 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12873-021-00514-3
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RESEARCH Open Access

Barriers and facilitators to cardiopulmonaryresuscitation within pre-hospital emergencymedical services: a qualitative studyNahid Dehghan-Nayeri1, Hassan Nouri-Sari2, Fatemeh Bahramnezhad1, Fatemeh Hajibabaee1 andMojtaba Senmar1*


Background: Out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest is a common and fatal problem. Rescuing patients with thisproblem by pre-hospital emergency medical services is associated with various barriers and facilitators. Identifyingthese barriers as well as the facilitators in a qualitative and an information-rich way will help to improve the qualityof performing the maneuver and to increase the patients’ survival. Therefore, the current study was qualitativelyconducted with the aim of identifying the factors affecting the cardiopulmonary resuscitation within the pre-hospital emergency medical services.

Methods: This qualitative study was conducted using a content analysis approach in Iran in 2021. The participantswere 16 Iranian emergency medical technicians who were selected through a purposive sampling method. Fordata collection, in-depth and semi-structured interviews were conducted. For data analysis, the Elo and Kyngäsmethod was applied.

Results: The mean participants’ age was 33.06 ± 7.85 years, and their mean work experience was 10.62 ± 6.63 years.The collected information was categorized into one main category called “complex context of the cardiopulmonaryresuscitation” and 5 general categories with 17 subcategories. These categories and subcategories include patientcondition (patient’s underlying diseases, age, high weight, number of children, and place of living), dominantatmosphere in companions at home (companions’ feeling of agitation, companions doing harm, and companionshelping), policy (educational policy, human resource policy, up-to-date equipment and technology, and do-not-resuscitate policy), performance of the out-of-organizational system (disorganization in the patient handoverprocess, and cooperation of the support organizations), and conditions related to the treatment team (conscience,cultural dominance, and shift burden).

© The Author(s). 2021 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you giveappropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate ifchanges were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commonslicence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commonslicence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtainpermission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to thedata made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.

* Correspondence: [email protected] of Critical Care and Nursing Management, School of Nursingand Midwifery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Nosrat St, Tehran1419733171, IranFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Dehghan-Nayeri et al. BMC Emergency Medicine (2021) 21:120 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12873-021-00514-3

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Conclusions: The results showed that the conditions related to the patient and his/her companions, as well as theorganizational factors such as the policies and the out-of-organizational factors act as the barriers and thefacilitators to the cardiopulmonary resuscitation within pre-hospital emergency medical services. Therefore, thebarriers can be modified and the facilitators can be enhanced by taking various measures such as educating,human resource policy-making, upgrading the equipment, and considering appropriate management policies.

Keywords: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Emergency care, Prehospital, Cardiac arrest, Qualitative research

IntroductionOut-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest is a major publichealth problem with high mortality rate [1, 2]. The sur-vival of patients with this problem depends on a seriesof coordinated measures. This survival chain consists ofcommunity, hospital-based services, and rapid deploy-ment of an emergency physician and ambulances [3]. Al-though cardiopulmonary resuscitation is the first- andthe main- line treatment for the cardiopulmonary arrest[4], the survival rate of the out-of-hospital cardiopulmo-nary arrest varies between 5 and 38%, and this differenceis related to the way that the pre-hospital emergencymedical services are managed [5]. Improving the qualityas well as the effectiveness of care for the patients withthe out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest is addressedas one of the tasks of the emergency medical servicesthroughout the world; however, these systems differ sig-nificantly in terms of structure and organization [5].Pre-hospital emergencies play a vital role in providing

timely care to patients [6]. Although three decades haveonly passed since the establishment of the emergencymedical system in Iran, there is plenty of evidence thatin the short term, valuable services to the health system[7, 8]. Currently, more than 1000 students with Associ-ate and 500 students with Bachelor’s degree in medicalemergency graduate from Iranian universities of medicalsciences. Nearly 14,000 individuals provide pre-hospitalemergency services as technicians in Iran [9]. One of thegoals of this system is to provide appropriate treatmentin the right place and at the right time using availableresources. In this system, the care starts from the timethe patient calls and continues until the patient is deliv-ered to the hospital [10]. The pre-hospital emergencypersonnel, as the front-line forces of providing pre-hospital services [11], arrive on the scene earlier thanthe other healthcare groups [12].The pre-hospital emergency personnel should be able

to make the fastest decision about transferring the pa-tient to the medical centers and selecting the equipmentneeded for the transfer based on the judgment, the skilland the priority [13]. These personnel witness the crit-ical condition of the patients, and experience time con-straints as well as various stresses that will affect thequality of their work. It is vivid that this effect is, in fact,a threat to the health of the community and the lives of

the residents of the area covered by the relevant emer-gency bases [14]. Therefore, the faster, more accuratelyand more correctly the patients are cared for at thisstage, the lower the mortality and the higher the people’strust in these systems [10]. The cardiopulmonary resus-citation is no exception to this rule, and the personnelface various barriers and facilitators during thismaneuver.In order for a team to perform a successful cardiopul-

monary resuscitation, many factors such as the teammembers and the equipment must be properly aligned[15]. The fact is that the hidden aspects of the barriersand the facilitators to the cardiopulmonary resuscitationwithin the pre-hospital emergency medical services areunknown or little unknown, and have not been wellstudied. Since the method used in qualitative research isproposed as a suitable method for in-depth and compre-hensive study of social phenomena, and it helps to studythe phenomenon in a real and comprehensive way whenthe systematic information is not available, qualitativeresearch is the best approach to identify these barriersand facilitators [16]. Various studies on the cardiopul-monary resuscitation have been conducted within pre-hospital emergency medical services; yet, very few studyhas qualitatively explored the barriers and the facilitatorsto this maneuver. Considering the different communi-ties’ cultural, social and economic differences and thepre-hospital emergency services’ differences throughoutdifferent countries, the current study was conductedwith the aim of identifying the factors affecting the car-diopulmonary resuscitation within the pre-hospitalemergency medical services using a content analysisapproach.

MethodsThe aim, design and setting of the studyIn reporting this qualitative study, we have adhered tothe COREQ (Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Quali-tative research) guidelines. In qualitative research, thecontent analysis approach is widely used to interpret thecontext-based data [17]. Therefore, in the current study,the Elo and Kyngäs method was applied. This method isrecommended for phenomena about which limited in-formation is available [18].

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Study participantsSamples in qualitative studies tend to be small to in-crease the depth of analysis [19]. The concept of satur-ation is the most important factor in determining thesample size in qualitative studies. Data saturation refersto the time that the data collection process no longerprovides any new or relevant data [20]. In the currentstudy, data saturation was obtained by conducting 13 in-terviews. However, in order to increase the depth andrichness of information, 3 supplementary interviewswere conducted with three extra participants. Inaddition, three participants were interviewed twice. Onthe whole, 16 participants were selected from pre-hospital emergency personnel using a purposive sam-pling method. Maximum variation sampling was used toachieve information richness and extensive information.Participants’ work shift varies between 175 and 300 hper month. During each work shift, the participants ex-perience between 6 and 15 missions. The participantsmet the inclusion criteria if they had different profes-sional backgrounds, at least 1 year of work experience,and experience of caring for 4 cases with the cardiopul-monary resuscitation during the last 2 months. The timeand the place of the interviews were selected based onthe participants’ opinions and in a quiet place withoutany noises.

Data collection and analysis proceduresA total of 19 face-to-face and semi-structured interviewswere conducted with all the participants. Each interviewlasted between 45 and 90min. The main questions in-cluded: What has been your experience with the cardio-pulmonary resuscitation? What barriers and facilitatorshave you experienced during this maneuver? Please ex-plain more about the barriers and the facilitators to thismaneuver. During the interviews, in order to exploremore about the participants’ beliefs and experiences,some exploratory questions were asked. All the inter-views were recorded using a digital device. As soon aseach interview finished, the data was typed in MicrosoftWord. Data analysis was performed in the followingsteps: open coding, indexing, grouping, categorizing andabstracting. Accordingly, through the analysis process,the analysis units, which can be analyzed and coded,were selected from the interviews, and were categorizedinto smaller units including the meaning units, the codes(which include the title of coding for the meaning units),the categories (which include a group of content withmeaning and conceptual commonality), and the maincategory.

TrustworthinessThe quality criteria used in quantitative research, suchas internal validity, generalizability, reliability, and

objectivity, are not appropriate for judging the quality ofqualitative research. Qualitative researchers speak oftrustworthiness [21]. Several definitions and criteria oftrustworthiness or rigor exist [22]. In this regard, Gubaand Lincoln criteria including credibility, dependability,confirmability, transferability and authenticity were used[23, 24]. In this regard, the researcher devoted sufficientand appropriate time to each interview, and consideredprolonged engagement with the participants to gain theirtrust. The interviews and the findings were reviews withthe research team, and a summary of each participant’sfindings was reviewed with the participant. The analysisof the data was provided in a detailed and in-depth wayfor the readers. The data and the categories were con-tinuously reviewed and compared in terms of similaritiesand differences. For transferability, in-depth descriptionsof the data were provided.

Ethical considerationsThe current study was approved by the Ethics Commit-tee (code of ethics: IR.TUMS.FNM.REC.1398.125). Allthe participants were informed about the objectives andthe methods of the study, their rights and the re-searchers’ duties. The confidentiality and the partici-pants’ rights to continue or withdraw from the studywere mentioned. The permission to record the inter-views was obtained from the participants. After collect-ing the necessary data, the participants signed theinformed consent form. The interviews were conducteduntil data saturation was reached.

ResultsSixteen participants with the age range of 24–50 yearsparticipated in the current study. The minimum workexperience was 2 years and the maximum was 29 years.The data analysis revealed 1 main category, 5 generalcategories and 17 subcategories (Table 1).

The main category: complex context of thecardiopulmonary resuscitationThe cardiopulmonary resuscitation in pre-hospital emer-gency medical services is associated with various barriersand facilitators, so that these factors have led to the de-velopment of a complex context for this maneuver. Forour participants, the barriers and the facilitators had sev-eral meanings which affected their performance andreaction.

General category 1: patient conditionPatient condition is an immediate condition which it isrelated to the patient. In this general category, the sub-categories play both the facilitating and the inhibitingroles in the cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

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Patient’s underlying diseasesAccording to our findings, more than two-thirds of theparticipants believed that the presence of an underlyingdisease acts as a facilitator to the cardiopulmonary resus-citation. In their perspective, the presence of an under-lying disease leads to a stress-free performance of theresuscitation. Regarding the presence of an underlyingdisease, the personnel, in addition to maintaining theirtrue performance, do not get involved with the patient’scompanions.

Participant No. 14 stated: “I had a patient who hadcancer and was taking medicine every day, and herdeath was near. During the time of the cardiopulmo-nary resuscitation, I was performing the task easily,and without any pressure and stress. I didn’t also getinvolved with the companions, because they hadalready known what was going on.”

Based on the participants’ experiences, the patient’sunderlying disease had a psychological impact on the pa-tient’s family so that they can accept the patient’s deatheasier. In addition, the patient’s underlying disease alongwith calmer companions reduces stress in personnel.

Patient’s ageOn the one hand, the participants expressed that the pa-tient’s increasing age is a facilitator to the cardiopulmo-nary resuscitation. On the other hand, the patient’sdecreasing age causes them to make more efforts. Fifteen

out of the sixteen participants stated that this maneuvercan change from the beginning to the end as the pa-tient’s age changes.

Participant No. 12 stated: “The first patient I hadwas under 50 years old, and we tried and performedthe cardiopulmonary resuscitation for 45 minuteswithout any interruption. If the patient is younger, Ifeel that I should try harder. The second patient Ihad was over 80 years old. We tried, but you know,the patient had lived enough. We did our job calmlyand without any stress.”

It is clear that the personnel’s effort is never reduced de-pending on the patient’s age. However, patient’s increas-ing age is a facilitator by reducing their stress and thestrain of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

High weight of the patientParticipants expressed that they were unable to movethose patients who were obese. Although the highweight of the patient leads to uninterrupted interven-tions, from the perspective of almost 66% of them, itplays as a barrier since it causes them from not beingable to transfer the patient to a medical center withmore equipment and staff.

Participant No. 13 stated: “I think the patientweighed twice as much as me and three times asmuch as my colleague. My colleague came to me

Table 1 the main, general and sub-categories of complex context of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Main category General categories Sub-categories

complex context of the cardiopulmonaryresuscitation

patient condition patient’s underlying disease

patient’s age

high weight of the patient

having a child

place of living

dominant atmosphere in companions at home companions’ feeling of agitation

companions doing harm

companions helping

policy education policy

human resource policy

up-to-date equipment and technology

do-not-resuscitate policy

performance of the out-of-organizational system disorganization in the patient handoverprocess

cooperation of the support organizations

conditions related to the treatment team conscience

cultural dominance

shift burden

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and said: “Let’s transfer him.” I said: “Who can doit? You or me?” We then performed all the interven-tions there. It is true that we did everything for him,but he was heavy and we couldn’t transfer him to abetter place with more equipment and staff.”

Based on the participants’ experiences, the high weightof the patient causes the personnel from not being ableto transfer the patient to specialized centers with morestaff. In addition, the high weight of the patient mayeven cause a waste of time in moving and transferringthe patient.

Having a childThe participants expressed that they try harder if the pa-tient with the cardiopulmonary arrest has a child. Thiseffort even increases when the patient’s child is young.This can lead to more effort and motivation during themaneuver through having a positive effect on the per-sonnel’s energy and emotions. It is worth saying thathaving no child does not reduce their effort. From theperspective of 10 participants, having a child is a facilita-tor to this maneuver.

Participant No. 9 stated: “I saw that the patient hadtwo young children. All I could see was the children.They gave me energy, and I told myself to try hardermaybe the pulse returned.”

Having a child seems to increase the feeling of empathyin the personnel and this can be considered as afacilitator.

Place of livingSome participants described that the patient’s place ofliving can play as a facilitating role in the cardiopul-monary resuscitation, because it has an absolute rolein the amount of pressure and stress on thepersonnel. Fifteen participants expressed that in thelower areas of the city, they experience less pressureand stress and in the upper areas (areas often pros-perous and have a new urban texture) of the city,they experience more psychological burden due tosome conditions.

Participant No. 5 stated: “The patient lived in thelower areas of the city, so I did my job easier. Therewas no stress that wanted to be relieved, so I did myjob perfectly.”

It seems that the cardiopulmonary arrest in the lowerareas of the city, similar to the presence of an under-lying disease, acts as a facilitator by reducing staffstress.

General category 2: dominant atmosphere in companionsat homeAll of the participants explained that the dominant at-mosphere in companions at home has a significant im-pact on their performance. Based on the participants’experiences, this has both the visible and the hidden ef-fects on the cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The atmos-phere created by the companions during thecardiopulmonary resuscitation plays an important role inmanaging the situation, and the personnel’ set of actionsand reactions. For instance, when the companions be-come agitated and want to attack the personnel, this at-mosphere becomes unsuitable and it causes aninterference in the cardiopulmonary resuscitation. If thecompanions help, this atmosphere will play as a facilitat-ing role. This general category consists of three subcat-egories: the companions’ feeling of agitation,companions doing harm, and companions helping.

Companions’ feeling of agitationAll 16 participants stated that the presence of agitatedcompanions disrupts the cardiopulmonary resuscitation.Based on their experiences, this, in addition to disrupt-ing the maneuver, results in more complexity of the con-text of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation and acts as abarrier.

Participant No. 10 stated: “At first, when the patientdied, his daughters started crying and shouting a lot.We didn’t know whether to resuscitate the patient orto calm them down. I couldn’t do anything at thattime. I couldn’t perform the cardiopulmonary resus-citation with all those shouting and offending. Noone would go out so that I could do my job. At theend, when the atmosphere calmed down, we did ourjob.”

Not only does the presence of agitated companions in-crease the tension on the personnel, but also calmingthem down doubles the work burden and prevents thecorrect cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Companions doing harmAll of the participants believed that one of the barriersto the cardiopulmonary resuscitation is the companionsdoing harm since the personnel had to get involved withit. Companions doing harm in the form of disrespect, in-appropriate reactions and beatings can be addressed asone of the significant barriers to this complex context.

Participant No. 6 stated: “He followed us with a knifeor dirk. I had completely forgotten everything. Ididn’t know what to do now, and at that moment, Ididn’t even know what the cardiopulmonary

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resuscitation was. We referred to a patient to do hisworks, but I was waiting for someone to come andsay something to us. Whenever his companionscame, they offended us. Come on … let me do myjob. And at the end, they followed us with a knife.”

It is clear that companions doing harm prevents propercardiopulmonary resuscitation. The significant point isthat the personnel in this situation not only lose theirproper function, but also the cardiopulmonary resuscita-tion is interrupted and will not be practically useful.

Companions helpingThe participants said that they had experienced a varietyof contributions through the cardiopulmonary resuscita-tion. Based on the experience of 100% of the partici-pants, this, in addition to being a facilitator to thismaneuver, can also lead to improved services in thisoperation.

Participant No. 1 stated: “I rode with two of the pa-tient’s companions and I told one of them to do thebag-valve-mask ventilation and the other one to holdmy knees so that I could give the massage. That washow I could continue the massage, and no distur-bances occurred in the blood circulation.”

It is clear that any help from the companions at anystage of cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a facilitator tothis maneuver. It should be noted that this can lead tocontinued cardiopulmonary resuscitation and increasethe likelihood of patient survival.

General category 3: policyThis category indicates that the design and the imple-mentation of a set of policies regarding education, hu-man resource, up-to-date equipment and technology,and do-not-resuscitate can play a prominent role in thecardiopulmonary resuscitation. All of the 16 participantsexpressed that the appropriate consideration of thesepolicies plays as a facilitating role, and non-consideration or a disturbance in the consideration ofthese appropriate policies has an inhibiting role in thecardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Educational policyThe current policy is that the personnel must attend in-service and continuing education classes in 1 year andcomplete at least 70 h of related education per year.Based on our findings, 100% of the participants believedthat the implementation of appropriate educational pol-icy will improve the quality of the cardiopulmonary re-suscitation. In the participants’ perspective, theimplementation of this policy by the pre-hospital

emergency medical services has led to adequate educa-tion of the personnel, and the people and the personnel’sreactions have changed from the time when these pol-icies did not exist. This subcategory expresses the appro-priate policy in a category that affects the wholeresuscitation maneuver and acts as a facilitator to themaneuver. The appropriate effect of the education onthe preparation to resuscitate as well as the improve-ment of the education were the relevant policies.

Participant No. 7 stated: “Anyway, before going tothe class, there were a series of questions that Ididn’t know the answers for them and they were allin my mind. When I went to the class and saw thescenes, I found the answers to these questions and Ididn’t have those questions anymore. I knew the an-swers to my questions, and my mind was ready forany situation. In that cardiopulmonary resuscitationscene, I was no longer involved in what I should donow. I had learned everything in the class and I hadimplemented them. In the beginning, it wasn't likethis, and I was getting really confused in the scenes.Our continuous education wasn’t enough. Withinthe last few years, some changes have taken placeand I think they pay a great attention to theeducation.”

It seems that the implementation of appropriate educa-tional policy can be a facilitator to cardiopulmonary re-suscitation through facilitating the personnel’s abilityand updating their information. In addition, some expe-riences indicated that this subcategory also increasespersonnel’s confidence.

Human resource policyHuman resource is one of the most significant factors af-fecting the cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The currentpolicy is that only two forces are deployed for all the car-diopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers, and these twoshould perform all the relevant maneuvers and mea-sures. Considering a policy of increasing the number offorces by sending motor lances and ambulances at thesame time directly affects the maneuver and the person-nel’s reactions and the measures, and facilitates thismaneuver. On the contrary, all of the 16 participantsexpressed that the lack of human resource or sendingonly two forces for performing the cardiopulmonary re-suscitation is considered as a barrier to the cardiopulmo-nary resuscitation.

Participant No. 3 stated: “During that operation, wewere really few in number. We had a shortage of hu-man resource. How can two people resuscitate a pa-tient for 45 minutes? It isn’t at all reasonable to do

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a complete and correct maneuver by two forces.Eventually, you either have to get tired or try less.But, if we were 3 or 4, we could do better. Like thetime that they sent a motor lance with us at thesame time to help that boy. There was no extra pres-sure and the maneuver was performed moreaccurately.”

The interview revealed that if the policy of increasingthe personnel in cardiopulmonary resuscitation isadopted, fatigue will be reduced and cardiopulmonaryresuscitation will be associated with better results.

Up-to-date equipment and technologyBased on the experiences of all of the 16 participants,the use of compatible and appropriate technologies bythe system has a significant role in reducing their work-load. The participants believed that apart from the ap-propriate and up-to-date technology, the use of analternative and faster transportation system is one of themost significant policies that can have positive effects onthe cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Considering ap-proaches such as improving the equipment in recentyears and introducing the Asayar automation system toaccelerate the cardiopulmonary resuscitation durationshave been among the appropriate policies of the systemthat act as facilitators to this maneuver.

Participant No. 3 stated: “In terms of equipment,after the arrival of the physician, because of the pol-itical relations and policies which have been made,the situation has improved a lot. Almost 70% ofemergency bases across the country have electroshockdevices. During the last few years, the Asayar (Elec-tronic registration system) automation system hasbeen launched that has saved a lot of time and re-sources for pre-hospital emergency medical services.”

Based on the findings, it can be said that the provisionof up-to-date equipment and technology reduces thepersonnel’ workload in this maneuver. In addition, con-sidering that there are two people for this maneuver, itmakes it easier for them.

Do-not-resuscitate policyIn Iran, the do-not-resuscitate order has not been legallyapproved, and besides, because of the religious beliefs,several problems are associated with it. From the per-spective of 66% of the participants, the lack of the do-not-resuscitate order is a barrier to this maneuver. Theyattribute the lack of this order to some patients’ ineffect-ive and unreasonable efforts and performance.

Participant No. 12 stated: “I think there should be ado-not-resuscitate order so that it can protect me,the technician. Now the blood money (If a patientdies due to intentional or unintentional staff mis-conduct, personnel are required to be financiallyand non-financially responsible by the law) for aperson is 2000 to 3000 million Rials (Approximately$8,000 to $12,000), his/her companion can easily re-port and put me in a trouble. So, it is good. It de-creases our tiredness, saves equipment and facilities,and will provide us with a legal protection. For this,there was a patient that we went by to perform thecardiopulmonary resuscitation. All the companionstold us not to resuscitate their patient, but we didn’thave a legal thing called the do-not-resuscitateorder. So, we had to ineffectively resuscitate the pa-tient for 45 minutes.”

Based on the experience of the participants, the do-not-resuscitate order can facilitate this maneuver by redu-cing workload, fatigue and providing legal protection. Inaddition, this order can reduce the cost and resourceloss in some patients.

General category 4: performance of the out-of-organizational systemWithin the cardiopulmonary resuscitation operations,after sending an ambulance to the scene, if necessary,the police and fire brigade will also be sent especially incases such as suspected cardiopulmonary arrest andhanging. The last stage for this operation is the deliveryof the patient with cardiac massage and artificial respir-ation to the hospital. Thus, the cardiopulmonary resusci-tation can be influenced by a concept called theperformance of the out-of-organizational system. Sincethis maneuver requires the cooperation and coordinationof a set of factors, the most significant of which is theout-of-organizational system. These systems can act asboth a facilitator and a barrier. Based on our findings, allof the participants believed that the coordination andcooperation of the out-of-organizational system has a fa-cilitating role in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and thelack of this coordination and cooperation acts as a bar-rier to it. A disorganization in the patient handoverprocess, and the cooperation of the support organiza-tions are subcategories of this category.

Disorganization in the patient handover processIn some missions, the patient, due to his/her conditionand vital signs, needs to be taken to the hospital alongwith advanced life support. The participants expressedthat they witness and experience some disorganizationsin this process, which they had a negative impact on thequality of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation and staff

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interaction. Therefore, from the perspective of all of the16 participants, this disorganization acts as a barrier tothe cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Participant No. 8 stated: “The hospital servantsdidn’t help us transfer the patient from theemergency bed to the hospital bed. This isn’t ourduty. We transferred the patient ourselves, andwe ourselves moved him. During the transfer, wecouldn’t resuscitate the patient and the maneu-ver was interrupted. We shouted for help so thatthey can help us move the patient, but nothinghappened. We no longer had energy. We weretired, and we got tired even more. We no longerhad energy for the next cardiopulmonary resusci-tation. We even had no energy to go.”

Based on the findings, disorganization in the patienthandover process causes a waste of time, interruptionof continuous cardiopulmonary resuscitation and in-creased fatigue in personnel. These cases lead to thissubcategory being considered as a barrier to thismaneuver.

Cooperation of the support organizationsThe cardiopulmonary resuscitation scene is a specialscene full of complexity. In this scene, due to thecreated conditions, the presence of support organiza-tions is sometimes needed in order to improve themaneuver. It can be said that this maneuver is notonly affected by the healthcare organizations, butalso by other cooperating and relief organizations.All of the participants believed that the cooperationof support organizations such as the fire departmentand the police station plays a significant facilitatingrole in the cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Participant No. 5 stated: “I remember the timethat we went by to help a patient with the car-diopulmonary arrest. When the patient died, ifthere were no police there, we were done (Thismeans that we could be harmed). In my opinion,the police should be present in all the cardiopul-monary resuscitation scenes. They help a lot sothat we can manage the scene. They control thecompanions and don’t allow them to approachthe patient, so we can at least examine thepatient.”

It can be said that the cooperation of the support orga-nizations not only creates psychological peace in thepersonnel, but also help them manage the cardiopulmo-nary resuscitation scene.

General category 5: conditions related to the treatmentteamWithin the cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the team sentto the scene has a number of features and conditionsthat can affect the entire operation. Based on data ana-lysis, all of the 16 participants stated that conditionssuch as conscience, cultural dominance and shift burdencan play as a facilitating and an inhibiting role in thecardiopulmonary resuscitation.

ConscienceThe participants’ experiences revealed that the maneuvercan be better performed if something called ‘conscience’exists. The conscience had a facilitating role for them.The participants stated that from the beginning to theend of the maneuver, the conscience acts as a calmingforce and as an accelerating factor in the operation, andit leads to more effort. In other words, it can be said thatfor all of the 16 participants, the presence of conscienceplays an important role during this maneuver.

Participant No. 7 stated: “I tried to resuscitate thepatient, at least because of my conscience. I went ona mission at every level and environment, but I con-scientiously tried to work in such a way that not onlythis patient but also any other patient wouldn’t bedifferent for me. These discriminations and injusticeshad no impact on my performance, and I conscien-tiously worked for the patient. If I came out of thebase late and moved slowly, my conscience wouldhurt. My conscience doesn’t accept that I shouldleave the base late or move slowly because of ... Ithink the conscience always comes first.”

What the experience shows is that the conscience is anesoteric understanding by the personnel since they haveachieved it without any training. This factor can act as afacilitator to this maneuver by increasing the personnel’senergy and communication with God.

Cultural dominanceBased on the experience of all of the 16 participants, cul-ture is an important factor in cardiopulmonary resuscita-tion. Culture refers to the customs that are commonamong the personnel, and they act in accordance with it.Some of these customs, although not formally and le-gally dictated, have been passed on informally betweendifferent generations of the personnel and have a signifi-cant effect on their function. The participants stated thatsome priorities were common among them and theyacted in accordance with them. These priorities can playas a barrier or a facilitator in this maneuver. Another di-mension of this concept is related to the position thatthe patient has for the personnel. In other words, if the

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patient’s position is good and the concept of being hu-man is understood, this culture plays as a facilitating rolein the maneuver. The participants said that some of theircolleagues behave outside the rules and regulations,which leads to a disruption in the process and plays asan inhibiting role.

Participant No. 9 stated: “In the emergency med-ical services, we have a priority that follows as:me, my colleague, the ambulance, and the patient.It has always been like this. During one mission, Iobserved these priorities. Because if I hurt myself,I couldn’t do the maneuver. If the ambulance hada problem, so be it. All of these made me followthe priorities, and then, get to the patient andperform the cardiopulmonary resuscitation.”

Participant No. 4 stated: “During one mission, one ofmy colleague did the maneuver in such a way thatas if he/she was his own parents, and this itselfcaused him not to give up and work hard. However,during that mission of the young lady, who had acardiac arrest, my colleague didn’t seem to careabout these things, and he didn’t try much to bringthe patient back to life.”

Cultural domination seems to have two dimensions.In case of mastering a correct culture, we will see anincrease in accuracy and quality, and in case of mas-tering an incorrect culture, we will sometimes see awaste of time and a decrease in the quality of thismaneuver.

Shift burdenThe average hours worked by a force is a minimum of175 h and a maximum of 350 h per month. The partici-pants explained that the multiple shifts as well as theconsecutive shifts act as the barriers to the cardiopulmo-nary resuscitation. Besides, all of them stated that an in-crease in the work burden leads to a decrease in thequality of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation and playsas a barrier.

Participant No. 16 stated: “I work 300 hours amonth. It is obvious that there are a lot of pres-sure on me, and this can affect my performance.When I get to a patient, I am really tired. I workin the hospital for 12 hours and now I have to bein the pre-hospital emergency medical services for24 hours. I don’t have the enough energy to per-form the cardiopulmonary resuscitation at all.The truth is, since I don’t have the enough energy,I don’t try hard.”

Based on the findings, it is clear that shift burden acts asa significant barrier to this maneuver through reducingenergy, increasing workload and fatigue.In general, we must state that facilitation and obstruc-

tion each have different dimensions that are affected byseveral factors. This facilitation or obstruction is greatlyinfluenced by the judgment of the personnel, and eachparticipant looks at these issues from his/her ownperspective.

DiscussionIn this study, the experiences of the pre-hospital emer-gency personnel in relation to the barriers and the facili-tators to the cardiopulmonary resuscitation wereanalyzed. The results indicated that there are severalbarriers and facilitators including the patient condition,the dominant atmosphere in companions at home, thepolicy, the performance of the out-of-organizational sys-tem, and the conditions related to the treatment teamwhich have resulted in the development of one categorycalled ‘the complex context for the cardiopulmonary re-suscitation’. It is worth saying that no study has exam-ined the barriers as well as the facilitators to thecardiopulmonary resuscitation within the pre-hospitalemergency medical services.The results of the current study showed that the pres-

ence of an underlying disease, increasing age, having achild, and the patient’s place of living are among the fa-cilitators to the cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Inaddition, the high weight of the patient was a barrier tothis maneuver by causing the personnel from not beingable to transfer the patient to the hospital. The results ofsome studies showed that the presence of an underlyingdisease is one of the main barriers to a successful cardio-pulmonary resuscitation [25, 26]. These studies indicatedthat the performing a successful cardiopulmonary resus-citation is lower in patients with an underlying diseaseand this condition is considered as a barrier. However,in the current study, the existence of an underlying dis-ease from the perspective of personnel with reducingstress and creating peace of a facilitator was raised. Theresults of one study showed that the presence of anunderlying disease has no effect on the success rate ofthe cardiopulmonary resuscitation [27]. This quantitativestudy investigated the effect of the presence of an under-lying disease on the success rate of the cardiopulmonaryresuscitation, while in the current study, only the imple-mentation of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation wasconsidered. Some studies showed that there is no rela-tionship between the success rate of the cardiopulmo-nary resuscitation and age [27, 28]. These studies havequantitatively examined the survival of patients undergo-ing the cardiopulmonary resuscitation. However, in thecurrent study, the survival of patients undergoing the

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cardiopulmonary resuscitation was not considered andwe were only looking for the barriers and the facilitatorsto the cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The results of onestudy also showed that the rate of bystander’s cardiopul-monary resuscitation increases as the patient’s age de-creases [29]. It can be said that on the one hand,reducing the patient’s age is a facilitator for thepersonnel, and on the other hand, increasing the pa-tient’s age can be a barrier for the personnel so as to tryharder. This finding is largely in line with the results ofthe current study. One study showed that nurses in ruralareas face several challenges [30]. Although this studywas not about the cardiopulmonary resuscitation, itseems that living in rural areas, given the conditions,plays as an inhibiting factor for care, which in terms ofinhibition, it is somewhat in line with the results of thecurrent study. However, no study was found to investi-gate the effect of the patient’s place of living on the car-diopulmonary resuscitation. Another study showed thatthe body mass index is not independently associatedwith the patient’s survival rate [31]. This quantitativestudy investigated the output of the cardiopulmonary re-suscitation, and its setting and research method are dif-ferent from the current study. However, the patient’sweight does not seem to be a barrier or a facilitator, andtherefore, it is not in line with the current study. In an-other study, morbid obesity was an independent pre-dictor for increased in-hospital cardiopulmonaryresuscitation mortality [32]. In this quantitative study,mortality in obese patients was worse than that for non-obese patients. It can be said that the obesity is a barrierto the successful cardiopulmoary resuscitation. Althoughthe above study did not study the facilitating or inhibit-ing role of obesity, but to some extent, it can be said thatthe obesity can be a barrier to the cardiopulmonary re-suscitation. In one study, the rate of survival until dis-charge of the patients in different groups of body massindex, except for low weight people, was expressed simi-larly [33]. It can be said that in the above study, lowweight facilitates the survival until discharge of patients.This finding is somewhat in line with the findings of thecurrent study. No study was found to investigate the ef-fect of the patient’s number of children on the perform-ance of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation.The results of the current study showed that the com-

panions’ feeling of agitation and companions doing harmwere among the barriers to the cardiopulmonary resusci-tation, while the companions help was among the facili-tators of the performance of this maneuver. The resultsof one study showed that loud talking, arguing, and ag-gression are some examples of disrespectful behaviorsthat nurses would experience [34]. The results of an-other study indicated the discussion with the cardiopul-monary resuscitation team as one of the subcategories of

the destructive presence of the companions during thecardiopulmonary resuscitation [35], which it is some-what in line with the findings of the current study. Com-panions doing harm can be presented in the form ofphysical and verbal violence. In this regard, some studieshave reported the annual rate of experiencing varioustypes of violence by the emergency medical techniciansto be over 65% [24, 36], and the most common types ofviolence are verbal and physical violence [37–39]. Theseresults indicate the existence of this kind of violencewhich it is somewhat in line with the findings of thecurrent study. In terms of the companion helping, moststudies examined the effects of the presence of the com-panions during the cardiopulmonary resuscitation andexpressed the positive effects of this presence for thefamily. For instance, in one review study, one of the ef-fects of this presence was to reduce the stress in familymembers [40], while the current study showed that thepresence of the companions, at the end of the attend-ance spectrum, can help the personnel do their jobs.In the current study, educational policy as well as the

up-to-date equipment and technology were addressed asthe facilitators. The results of one study showed that thepersonnel do not receive adequate education on the car-diopulmonary resuscitation in hemodialysis wards. Thisstudy demonstrated that the education acts as a facilita-tor to the cardiopulmonary resuscitation [41]. The re-sults of other studies also showed the education as afacilitator [42, 43]. The results of these studies are in linewith the findings of the current study. One studyshowed that the lack of equipment is one of the chal-lenges of the pre-hospital emergency medical services[14], which it expresses the role of this matter as a facili-tator. In other words, up-to-date equipment and tech-nology can be considered as one of the facilitators to thecardiopulmonary resuscitation, which it is somewhat inline with the current study. The current study showedthat providing enough human resource is one of the fa-cilitators to the cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The re-sults of one study showed that the lack of humanresource as a challenge increases the workload and thestress within the cardiopulmonary resuscitation [44].The results of one study showed that the shortage of hu-man resource is one of the problems in the pre-hospitalemergency medical services [14]. In other words, it indi-cated that considering an appropriate human resourcepolicy plays as a facilitator. The current study showedthat the lack of do-not-resuscitate order is one of thebarriers to cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The results ofone study stated that the lack of the do-not-resuscitateorder is an ethical challenge in the cardiopulmonary re-suscitation [44]. The results of one study showed thatnurses have a positive perspective on the do-not-resuscitate order when the measures taken do not save

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the patients’ lives [45]. This finding is somewhat in linewith the findings of the current study. In another study,doubts about the do-not-resuscitate order were notexpressed as a barrier to the cardiopulmonary resuscita-tion [41], which it is not in line with the findings of thecurrent study.The results of another study showed that the lack of

coordination and collaboration between the organiza-tions is one of the major barriers in providing the ser-vices to patients [46]. The results of one study showedthat more than 90% of the participants have difficulty inreceiving the patients from the pre-hospital emergencymedical services and delivering the patients to the hos-pital wards [47]. This finding is in line with the findingsof the current study, and it suggests the disorganizationin the patient handover process. The results of otherstudies are demonstrating this problem as well [48, 49].Another study found that hospital staff do not cooperatewell [50]. This finding is in line with the findings of thecurrent study. Contrary to the findings of the currentstudy, one study showed that the personnel face a lackof proper cooperation and coordination from differentorganizations such as the police in traffic accidents [50].It is true that this finding is not in line with the experi-ences of the participants of the current study, yet the fa-cilitating role of these organizations is discussed. Hence,it can be said that this finding is somewhat in line withthe findings of the current study.In line with the findings of the current study, the re-

sults of one study indicated the roles of caring, blamingand ethics for the conscience [51]. The results of anotherstudy stated that the conscience is the cause of doingthe right thing without the presence of an externalsupervision [52]. The results of another study showedthat the work ethic is one of the factors in improvingthe quality of nursing care [53]. All of these findings em-phasized the facilitating role of the conscience, which itis in line with the current study. The results of one studyidentified the cultural barriers as one of the barriers tothe implementation of evidence-based practice [54]. An-other study showed that habits mediate the planningand the professional behavior of the healthcare providers[55], which it is somewhat in line with the findings ofthe current study. The results of one study indicated thatone of the challenges of providing emergency servicesduring the early stages is the high workload [56], whichit is in line with the results of the current study.

ConclusionsThe findings of this study showed that the complex con-text of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation within thepre-hospital emergency medical services is associatedwith several barriers and facilitators. Therefore, in orderto provide patient-centered services, the necessary

opportunities should be provided to acquire clinicalknowledge and skills to improve the situation. The pol-icymakers are expected to implement programs such asincreasing personnel, providing more equipment, usingup-to-date technology, educating people, increasing co-ordination with other organizations, and providing fi-nancial and psychological support to personnel in orderto provide the appropriate conditions for better andmore appropriate implementation of the cardiopulmo-nary resuscitation. It is suggested that in future studies,the barriers and the facilitators to the cardiopulmonaryresuscitation be examined particularly in different areas.The results are not generalizable, but they can be trans-mitted. These results can be applied by the researchersfor those participants which their context is similar tothe current study.

AbbreviationsEMS: Emergency Medical Service; CPR: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation;TUMS: Tehran University of Medical Sciences; OHCA: Out of Hospital CardiacArrest

Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.org/10.1186/s12873-021-00514-3.

Additional file 1: Table S1. The participants’ demographiccharacteristics.

AcknowledgementsThis study is approved by Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Theresearch team would like to thank and appreciate all the participants forsharing their valuable experiences and all the people who somehow helpedus in this study.

Authors’ contributionsAll authors made the design of the study, NDN, HSN and MS participated indata collection, and data analyzed by NDN, MS and FBN. The final report andarticle were written by NDN, MS, HSN and FHB, and were read and approvedby NDN and MS. The author(s) read and approved the final manuscript.

FundingThe study was not funded and supported.

Availability of data and materialsData are available by contacting the corresponding author.


Ethics approval and consent to participateThis study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Research Councilof Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), with the IR code:IR.TUMS.FNM.REC.1398.125. To participate in the study informed writtenconsent was obtained from the participants.

Consent for publicationNot applicable.

Competing interestsThe authors declare there is no financial conflict of interests.

Author details1Department of Critical Care and Nursing Management, School of Nursingand Midwifery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Nosrat St, Tehran

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1419733171, Iran. 2Disaster and Emergency Medical Management Center,Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran.

Received: 19 April 2021 Accepted: 4 October 2021

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