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Barta Way€¦ · consumer getting the shaft. The boats become cheaper, the quality down- graded,...

Date post: 06-Jul-2020
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Page 1: Barta Way€¦ · consumer getting the shaft. The boats become cheaper, the quality down- graded, especially hardware, with great extras cancelled. What I see is vanilla compromise.
Page 2: Barta Way€¦ · consumer getting the shaft. The boats become cheaper, the quality down- graded, especially hardware, with great extras cancelled. What I see is vanilla compromise.
Page 3: Barta Way€¦ · consumer getting the shaft. The boats become cheaper, the quality down- graded, especially hardware, with great extras cancelled. What I see is vanilla compromise.
Page 4: Barta Way€¦ · consumer getting the shaft. The boats become cheaper, the quality down- graded, especially hardware, with great extras cancelled. What I see is vanilla compromise.
Page 5: Barta Way€¦ · consumer getting the shaft. The boats become cheaper, the quality down- graded, especially hardware, with great extras cancelled. What I see is vanilla compromise.
Page 6: Barta Way€¦ · consumer getting the shaft. The boats become cheaper, the quality down- graded, especially hardware, with great extras cancelled. What I see is vanilla compromise.
Page 7: Barta Way€¦ · consumer getting the shaft. The boats become cheaper, the quality down- graded, especially hardware, with great extras cancelled. What I see is vanilla compromise.
Page 8: Barta Way€¦ · consumer getting the shaft. The boats become cheaper, the quality down- graded, especially hardware, with great extras cancelled. What I see is vanilla compromise.
