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Basic Concepts of Acreage Acquisition and Legal Aspects

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  • 7/28/2019 Basic Concepts of Acreage Acquisition and Legal Aspects


    Introduction to Upstream Oil and Gas Training

    I4TH 16TH May 2013, Intercontinental Hotel, Nairobi

    Basic concepts of acreage acquisition and legal aspects

    Philip M. Tsar

    (Petroleum Engineer National Oil Corporation - Kenya) 1

  • 7/28/2019 Basic Concepts of Acreage Acquisition and Legal Aspects



    Basic concepts of acreage acquisitionand legal aspects:

    Constituting of exploration groups,

    Acquisition of exploration acreage

    (permits, gazettals, open acreage,

    bidding, work programs, farmins, joint



  • 7/28/2019 Basic Concepts of Acreage Acquisition and Legal Aspects


    Background & Introduction

    Kenya has been exploring for oil since 1937

    Current framework (Petroleum Act and Model

    Production Sharing Contract (PSC)) was developed

    prior to discoveries; Model PSC is oil-centric

    2012 discoveries in Turkana and gas-prone offshore

    highlighted need to modernize existing framework

    GoK and World Bank engaged Hunton & Williams andChallenge Energy (Consultant) to review and provideguidance for updating the existing framework

    Background of Legal and RegulatoryFramework


  • 7/28/2019 Basic Concepts of Acreage Acquisition and Legal Aspects


    1. Petroleum Sector StructureLicensing/Contract Award

    Minister publishes block availability

    Contractors submit applications First come, first served negotiations with Contractors

    Appropriate prior to significant discoveries due to relative lack of


    Current ApproachDirect Negotiation

    Recommended ApproachPublic Tendering

    Following discoveries, more Contractors have become interested More competitive environment makes public tendering viable

    Government likely able to secure more favorable terms throughcompetition

    Recommend direct negotiation still be available in limitedcircumstances (e.g., failed tender due to lack of bids)subject to

    safeguards against corruption or the appearance of corruption (e.g.,public notice prior to commencement of direct negotiation)

    Recommend bid parameters include cost petroleum cap and R-Factor sharing percentages.

    Recommend that bidders be required to pass a pre-qualificationstage prior to bidding


  • 7/28/2019 Basic Concepts of Acreage Acquisition and Legal Aspects


    2.How exploration groups are put together

    A JV- is a business agreement in which the partiesagree to develop, for a finite time, a new entity and

    new assets by contributing equity.

    They exercise control over the enterprise and

    consequently share revenues, expenses and assets.

    With individuals, when two or more persons come

    together to form a temporary partnership for thepurpose of carrying out a particular project, such

    partnership can also be called a joint venture where

    the parties are "co-venturers" .

    The venture can be for one specific project only -

    when the JV is referred to more correctly as a

    consortium(as the building of the Channel Tunnel) -or a continuing business relationship. The consortium

    JV (also known as a cooperative agreement) is

    formed where one party seeks technological

    expertise or technical service arrangements,

    franchise and brand use agreements, management

    contracts, rental agreements, for one-time contracts.The JV is dissolved when that goal is reached.

    joint ventures, floats, operators, non-operators

    Joint Ventures


  • 7/28/2019 Basic Concepts of Acreage Acquisition and Legal Aspects


    2.How exploration groups are put together

    There are other types of companies such as JV

    limited by guarantee, joint ventures limited by

    guarantee with partners holding sharesJV Cont.

    joint ventures, floats, operators, non-operators

    Some companies capitalize on lucrative

    market conditions for a share issue,"

    The money raised is used to fund the capital

    needs of its exploration and Appraisal arm



  • 7/28/2019 Basic Concepts of Acreage Acquisition and Legal Aspects


    2.How exploration groups are put together It i s common practice i n the oil and gas industry for

    joint owners of working interests to designate oneowner as the "operator" of their properties . For this

    purpose "operator" is considered to be the person who

    bears the most responsibility for the management and

    day to day activities of drilling, completing and

    operating the wells .

    Normally, the operator performs his/her tasks andduties in accordance with an operating agreement that

    all joint owners have endorsed.

    The operator manages the drilling, completing, and

    operating efforts on the property; pays all expenses ;

    and bills each joint owner for his/her share of the

    expenses .

    The operator is usually from one to six months behind

    in billing to the several joint owners .

    joint ventures, floats, operators, non-operators



  • 7/28/2019 Basic Concepts of Acreage Acquisition and Legal Aspects


    2.How exploration groups are put together

    An agency relationship exists between the

    operator and the non operator, and the

    timing of the deduction to the non operator

    is an important item.

    joint ventures, floats, operators, non-operators

    Non Operators


  • 7/28/2019 Basic Concepts of Acreage Acquisition and Legal Aspects


    How companies acquire exploration acreage

    (law) a document that states some

    contractual relationship or grants someright; licence to exploration block.

    permits, gazettals, open acreage, bidding, work programs, farm ins, joint ventures


    Under this policy, companies can choose

    any block for offer at any time withoutwaiting for the regular bids rounds and

    blocks can be awarded based on the best

    bid at any time of the year.

    Open Acreage

    Bidding is an offer (often competitive) of

    setting a price one is willing to pay for


    A price offer is called a bid. The term may be

    used in context ofauctions, stock exchange,

    card games, or real estate.



  • 7/28/2019 Basic Concepts of Acreage Acquisition and Legal Aspects


    How companies acquire exploration acreage

    Encouraging petroleum exploration is a high

    priority for the GoK.

    The annual release of onshore/offshore

    petroleum exploration acreage should be

    key part of the GoKs strategy to further

    petroleum exploration in Kenyas blocks.

    The release enables industry to undertake

    longer term planning, provides certainty in

    the release process, ensures access to

    comprehensive pre-competitive geological

    and geophysical data, and ensures the

    provision of quality information about issues

    that may impact on successful applicants.

    permits, gazettals, open acreage, bidding, work programs, farm ins, joint ventures



  • 7/28/2019 Basic Concepts of Acreage Acquisition and Legal Aspects


    How companies acquire exploration acreagepermits, gazettals, open acreage, bidding, work programs, farm ins, joint ventures

    The oil industry term for deals where a

    company, not at present a licensee on a

    particular licensed area, can acquire an interest

    from one of the existing licensees.

    The transfers of interest are generally made in

    return for exploration or other commitments, for

    exchanges of licence interests, or for cash".

    Farming-in is a way of acquiring a licence

    interest and, conversely, farming-out is a way of

    disposing of a licence interest

    Farm ins


  • 7/28/2019 Basic Concepts of Acreage Acquisition and Legal Aspects


    How companies acquire exploration acreagepermits, gazettals, open acreage, bidding, work programs, farm ins, joint ventures

    A JV is a cooperative enterprise entered into by

    two or more business entities. Sometimes the JV

    creates a separate corporation, ltd liability Co, or


    In other cases the individual entities retain their

    individuality and they operate under a JV

    agreement. In any case the parties in the JV

    share in the management, profits and losses, as

    per the contract.

    JV ventures are often entered into for a single

    purpose - a production or research activity but

    may also be formed for a continuing purpose.



  • 7/28/2019 Basic Concepts of Acreage Acquisition and Legal Aspects


    How companies acquire exploration acreagepermits, gazettals, open acreage, bidding, work programs, farm ins, joint ventures

    If the application is for additional acreage for a

    production licence in the initial phase, theremaining work programme and duration must begiven and it must give a short description ofcompleted, ongoing and planned work in theexisting production licence, and how the plannedwork will include the additional acreage.

    In those cases where there are no remainingwork commitments in the existing license whichwill involve exploration/drilling for resources in theadditional area, a work programme must beproposed for the additional acreage which

    includes a plan for exploration and/or exploitationof the resource.




  • 7/28/2019 Basic Concepts of Acreage Acquisition and Legal Aspects


    Thank you !!

