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Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62

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  • 8/9/2019 Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62


    Role-Playing GameCopyright 2006-2007 Chris Gonnerman

    All Rights Reserved

    Distributed under the terms of the pen Game !i"ense version #$0a

    1stEdition(Release 62)

    Dedi"ated to Gary Gyga%& Dave Arneson& 'om (oldvay& David Coo)& and *teve (arsh

    and to my daughter 'aylor& my primary inspiration


    CreditsContributors+ Ray Allen& ,illiam D$ *mith& r$& .i") /ogan& van (oore& *tuart (arshall&

    miliano (ar"hetti& Antonio leuteri& !uigi Castellani& (i"hael 1ensley&.aim .$ 3ara"a& and Arthur Reyes

    4roofreading 'onya Allen& Daryl /urns& ames Roberts& *erge 4etit"ler"& and /enedi"t ,olf

    Art5or)+ ri) ,ilson& *teve ieser& (att in"h& Dan Dalton& !uigi Castellani& .i") /ogan&(i)e 1ill& and 3evin Coo)

    4laytesters+ 'aylor Gonnerman& Alan ett& *teve ieser& Allan ieser& onathon oster&Adam 8oung& (i"hael 8oung& ason *"hmidt& Doug ,ilson& essi"a Abramson&'onya Allen& /ryan Christian& Chu") *"hoonover& *avannah *"hoonover&and /rianna *"hoonover

  • 8/9/2019 Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62


  • 8/9/2019 Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62



    PART 1: INTRODUCTION........................................... 1,hat is this9$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ #,hat is a Role-4laying Game9$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ #,hat Do : .eed 'o 4lay9$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 2;sing the Di"e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2

    PART 2: PLAYER CHARACTER INOR!ATION...... "1o5 'o Create A 4layer Chara"ter$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (agi"-;ser and 'hief$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$6Chara"ter Ra"es$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$?D5arf and lf$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$?1alfling and 1uman$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$@Combination Classes$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$@Cost of ,eapons and uipment$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#0(oney$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ #0uipment$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ #0,eapon *ie$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ##(issile ,eapon Ranges$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$##%planation of uipment$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#2Behi"les$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ #0 2d=

    < 2&>00 &000 =d=

    > #0&000 >d=

    6 20&000 6d=

    7 =0&000 7d=

    ? 7>&000 ?d=

    @ #>0&000 @d=

    #0 22>&000 @d=M2

    ## 0&000 @d=M?

    #= >2>&000 @d=M#0#> 600&000 @d=M#2

    #6 67>&000 @d=M#=

    #7 7>0&000 @d=M#6

    #? ?2>&000 @d=M#?

    #@ @00&000 @d=M20

    20 @7>&000 @d=M22

    'hieves are those 5ho ta)e 5hat they 5ant or need bystealth& disarming traps and pi")ing lo")s to get to the goldthey "raveF or Eborro5ingE money from po")ets&beltpou"hes& et"$ right under the nose of the Emar)E5ithout the vi"tim ever )no5ing$

    'hieves fight better than (agi"-;sers but not as 5ell asighters$ Avoidan"e of honest 5or) leads 'hieves to beless hardy than the other "lasses& though they do pullahead of the (agi"-;sers at higher level$

    'he 4rime Reuisite for 'hieves is De%terityF a "hara"termust have a De%terity s"ore of @ or higher to be"ome a'hief$ 'hey may use any 5eapon& but may not 5earmetal armor as it interferes 5ith stealthy a"tivities& nor maythey use shields of any sort$ !eather armor is a""eptable&ho5ever$

    'hieves have a number of spe"ial abilities& des"ribedbelo5$ ne 'urn must generally be spent to use any ofthese abilities$ 'he G( may "hoose to ma)e any of theserolls on behalf of the player& at his or her option& to helpmaintain the proper state of un"ertainty$ Also note thatthe G( may apply situational adHustments plus or minusper"entage pointsI as he or she sees fitF for instan"e& itJsobviously harder to "limb a 5all sli") 5ith slime than onethat is dry& so the G( might apply a penalty of -20L forthe slimy 5all$

  • 8/9/2019 Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62



    Tie4 Le;el Oen Lo, >0

    7 >> >0 60 >> ?6 =0 >=

    ? 60 >> 6> 60 ?7 => >?

    @ 6> 60 70 6> ?? >0 62

    #0 6? 6< 7= 6? ?@ >< 6>

    ## 7# 66 7? 7# @0 >6 6?

    #2 7= 6@ ?2 7= @# >@ 7#

    #< 77 72 ?6 77 @2 62 7=

    #= ?0 7> @0 ?0 @< 6> 77

    #> ?< 7? @= ?< @= 6? ?0

    #6 ?= 7@ @> ?> @> 6@ ? ?0 @6 ?7 @6 70 ?6

    #? ?6 ?# @7 ?@ @7 7# ?@

    #@ ?7 ?2 @? @# @? 72 @2

    20 ?? ?< @@ @< @@ 7< @>

    Oen Lo,

  • 8/9/2019 Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62



    Cha*a%te* Ra%es


    Des,3ition: D5arves are a short& sto")y ra"eF both maleand female D5arves stand around four feet tall andtypi"ally 5eigh around #20 pounds$ 'heir long hair andthi") beards are dar) bro5n& gray or bla")$ 'hey ta)egreat pride in their beards& sometimes braiding or for)ingthem$ 'hey have a fair to ruddy "omple%ion$ D5arveshave stout frames and a strong& mus"ular build$ 'hey arerugged and resilient& 5ith the "apa"ity to endure great

    hardships$ D5arves are typi"ally pra"ti"al& stubborn and"ourageous$ 'hey "an also be introspe"tive& suspi"iousand possessive$ 'hey have a lifespan bet5een three andfour "enturies long$

    Rest3i,tions: D5arves may be"ome Cleri"s& ighters& or'hieves$ 'hey are reuired to have a minimumConstitution of @$ Due to their generally dour dispositions&they may not have a Charisma higher than #7$ 'hey maynot employ !arge 5eapons more than four feet in lengthspe"ifi"ally& t5o-handed s5ords& polearms& andlongbo5sI$

    #e,ial A8ilities: All D5arves have Dar)vision 5ith a 60J

    range& and are able to dete"t slanting passages& traps&shifting 5alls and ne5 "onstru"tion on a roll of #-2 on #d6Fa sear"h must be performed before this roll may be made$

    #a;in/ T3o=s: D5arves save at M= vs$ Death Ray or4oison& (agi" ,ands& 4aralysis or 4etrify& and *pells& andat M< vs$ Dragon /reath$


    Des,3ition: lves are a slender ra"e& 5ith both gendersstanding around five feet tall and 5eighing around #

  • 8/9/2019 Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62




    Des,3ition:1alflings are small& slightly sto")y fol) 5hostand around three feet tall and 5eigh about 60 pounds$'hey have "urly bro5n hair on their heads and feet& butgenerally have no fa"ial hair$ 'hey are usually fairs)inned& often 5ith ruddy "hee)s$ 1alflings areremar)ably rugged for their small sie$ 'hey are de%terousand nimble& "apable of moving uietly and remaining verystill$ 'hey usually go barefoot$ 1alflings are typi"allyoutgoing& unassuming and good-natured$ 'hey have alifespan of around a hundred years$

    Rest3i,tions: 1alflings may be"ome Cleri"s& ighters or

    'hieves$ 'hey are reuired to have a minimum De%terityof @$ Due to their small stature& they may not have a*trength higher than #7$ 1alflings never roll larger thansi%-sided di"e d6I for hit points regardless of "lass$1alflings may not use !arge 5eapons& and must 5ield(edium 5eapons 5ith both hands$

    #e,ial A8ilities: 1alflings are unusually a""urate 5ith allsorts of ranged 5eapons& gaining a M# atta") bonus 5henemploying them$ ,hen atta")ed in melee by "reatureslarger than man-sied& 1alflings gain a M2 bonus to theirArmor Class$ 1alflings are ui")-5itted& thus adding M# to:nitiative die rolls$ utdoors in their preferred forestterrain& they are able to hide very effe"tivelyF so long as

    they remain still there is only a #0L "han"e they 5ill bedete"ted$ ven indoors& in dungeons or in non-preferredterrain they are able to hide su"h that there is only a pounds$ (ost 1umans live around 7> years$

    Rest3i,tions: 1umans may be any "lass$ 'hey have no

    minimum or ma%imum ability s"ore reuirements$#e,ial A8ilities: 1umans learn unusually ui")ly&gaining a bonus of #0L to all e%perien"e points earned$

    #a;in/ T3o=s: 1umans are the Estandard&E and thushave no saving thro5 bonuses$

    Co#,iatio Classes

    'o be"ome a member of a "ombination "lass& a "hara"termust meet the reuirements of both "lasses$ Combination"lass "hara"ters use the best atta") bonus and the bestsaving thro5 values of their original t5o "lasses$ ne"ombination "lass is des"ribed above+

    El;en i/te39!a/i,Use3: 'hese "hara"ters may bothfight and "ast magi" spellsF further& they are allo5ed to "astmagi" spells 5hile 5earing armor$ A ighterO(agi"-;sermust gain e%perien"e eual to the "ombined reuirementsof both base "lasses$ lven ighterO(agi"-;sers roll si%-sided di"e d6I for hit points$


  • 8/9/2019 Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62



    Cost o0 Wea6os a$ E7i6#et


    (onetary values are usually e%pressed in gold pie"es$ :naddition to gold "oins& there are "oins made of platinum&silver& ele"trum an alloy of gold and silverI& and "opper$'hey are valued as follo5s+

    # platinum pie"e ppI P > gold pie"es gpI# gold pie"e gpI P #0 silver pie"es spI# ele"trum pie"e epI P > silver pie"es spI# silver pie"e spI P #0 "opper pie"es "pI

    or game purposes& assume that one gold pie"e 5eighs#O#0thof a pound& and that five "oins 5ill fit in a "ubi"in"h of storage spa"e this isnJt literally a""urate& but 5or)s5ell enough 5hen applied to a bo% or "hestI$

    irst level "hara"ters generally begin the game 5ith gp Q

    1oly ,ater& per vial #0 gp Q

    :ron *pi)es& #2 # gp #

    !adder& #0 ft$ # gp 20

    !antern& 1ooded ? gp 2

    (ap or s"roll "ase # gp

    (irror& small metal 7 gp Q

    il per flas)I # gp #

    4aper per sheetI # gp QQ

    4ole& #0J 5ooden # gp #0

    Suiver or /olt "ase # gp #

    Rations& Dry& one 5ee) #0 gp #=

    Rope& 1emp per >0 ft$I # gp >

    Rope& *il) per >0 ft$I #0 gp 2

    *a")& !arge # gp Q

    *a")& *mall > sp Q

    'ent& !arge ten menI 2> gp 20

    'ent& *mall one manI > gp #0

    'hievesJ pi")s and tools 2> gp #

    'inderbo%& flint and steel < gp #'or"hes& 6 # gp #

    ,hetstone # gp #

    ,ines)inO,aters)in # gp 2

    ,inter blan)et # gp e 5ei/t D0/.


    Great A%e #= gp ! #> #d#0

    /attle A%e 7 gp ( 7 #d?

    1and A%e = gp * > #d6


    *hortbo5 2> gp ( 2 #d6

    *hortbo5 Arro5 # sp 0$#

    *ilverQ *hortbo5 Arro5 2 gp 0$#

    !ongbo5 60 gp ! < #d?

    !ongbo5 Arro5 2 sp 0$#

    *ilverQ !ongbo5 Arro5 = gp 0$#

    !ight Crossbo5 gp 0$#

    1eavy Crossbo5 >0 gp ! #= #d?

    1eavy Suarrel = sp 0$#*ilverQ 1eavy Suarrel #0 gp 0$#


    Dagger 2 gp * # #d=

    *ilverQ Dagger 2> gp * # #d=


    *horts5ord 6 gp * < #d6

    !ongs5ordO*"imitar #0 gp ( = #d?

    '5o-1anded *5ord #? gp ! #0 #d#0

    Ha00e3s and !a,es

    ,arhammer = gp * 6 #d6

    (a"e 6 gp ( #0 #d?

    (aul #0 gp ! #6 #d#0

    Ote3 5eaons

    ClubOCudgelO,al)ing *taff 2 sp ( # #d=

    Suarterstaff 2 gp ! = #d6

    4ole Arm @ gp ! #> #d#0

    *ling # gp * 0$#

    /ullet # sp 0$# #d=

    *tone nOa 0$# #d gp ( >

    'hro5n one handedI #d6

    (elee one handedI #d6

    (elee t5o handedI #d?

    Q *ilver tip or blade& for use against ly"anthropes$

    Wea6o Si9e

    1umans and lves must 5ield !arge 5eapons 5ith bothhands& but may use *mall or (edium 5eapons in onehand$ 1alflings may not use !arge 5eapons at all& andmust use (edium 5eapons 5ith both hands$ D5arves&due to their sto")y& po5erful builds& are able to use

    (edium 5eapons one-handed and some !arge 5eaponsin t5o hands& but !arge 5eapons more than four feet inlength are prohibited spe"ifi"ally& t5o-handed s5ords&polearms& and longbo5sI$ *ome 5eapons must be used5ith both hands by design su"h as bo5s and "rossbo5sIbut the ma%imum sie limits still apply$

    'he G( should apply similar limitations to 5eapon-armedmonstersF for instan"e& )obolds and goblins are similar insie to 1alflings& and thus should have similar 5eaponlimits$

    Beasts o0 B*$e

    Ite0 Cost 5ei/t

    1orse& Draft #20 gp

    1orse& ,ar 200 gp

    1orse& Riding 7> gp

    4onyQ =0 gp

    4ony& ,arQ ?0 gp/it and bridle #> sp < lbs$

    1orseshoes T shoeing # gp #0 lbs$

    *addle& 4a") > gp #> lbs$

    *addle& Riding #0 gp lbs$

    *addlebags& pair = gp 7 lbs$

    Q Due to their small stature& D5arves and 1alflings must rideponies rather than horses$

    (issile Wea6o Ra!es




    !ongbo5 70 #=0 2#0*hortbo5 >0 #00 #>0

    1eavy Crossbo5 ?0 #60 2=0

    !ight Crossbo5 60 #20 #?0

    Dagger #0 20

  • 8/9/2019 Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62



    E6laatio o0 E7i6#et

    A *a,

  • 8/9/2019 Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62




    'he follo5ing tables give details of various land and sea vehi"les$ Game (asters should feel free to "reate their o5nvehi"les& in 5hi"h "ase the table "an be used for guidan"e$ *ome of the statisti"s given belo5 are e%plained in detaillater$

    La$ T*as6o*tatio

    &ei,le Len/t =idt 5ei/t Ca3/o !o;e0ent Ha3dness 9 HP Cost (/)

    Chariot #>J % 6J 0 lbs #20J /I #0 O #0 =00

    Coa"h 00

    ,agon J % ?J 2&000 lbs =&000 lbs =0J DI 6 O #6 >00

    Q:n"ludes hit"hed horses or mules$

    Wate* T*as6o*tatio

    &ei,le Len/t 5idt Ca3/o C3e= !o;e0ent !iles9Da- Ha3dness 9 HP Cost (/)

    Canoe #>J % =J #O2 ton # =0J AI 0

    Caravel >>J % #>J 7> tons #0 20J I => ? O 7> #0&000Carra") 60J % 20J # tons 20 0 #0 O #20 20&000

    Galley& *mall #00J % #>J 2#0 tons @0 20J DI =0 O 2> ? O 7> #>&000

    Galley& !arge #20J % 20J tons #60 O 2> #0 O #20 0J % 20J >0 tons #0 20J DI tons # =0J CI =0 7 O 20 2&000

    Notes Re!a*$i! ;ehi%les

    'he ,3e= figure given refle"ts the minimum number of

    sailors andOor ro5ers needed to operate the ship$ ffi"ersare not "ounted among these numbers& and of "ourse it isal5ays a good idea to hire e%tra sailors andOor ro5ers toensure that any "asualties 5ill not slo5 do5n the ship$

    Ca3/o for 5agons is given in pounds& 5hile for ships it isgiven in tons$ :f the ship sails night and day& ea"h"re5man& offi"er and passenger reuires living spa"eeuivalent to one ton of "argoF in addition& provisions forone man for one month o""upy #O#0 of a ton of spa"e$

    !o;e0ent is given separately here in feet yards& a"tuallyFsee Ti0e and #,ale in Pa3t %: Te Ad;ent3e for ane%planationI as 5ell as miles per day$ 'he en"ountermovement of ships is not dire"tly related to the long-

    distan"e travel rate& sin"e the "re5 must 5or) hard toma)e the ship move ui")ly in "ombat& and this level ofeffort "annot be maintained day and night$

    *ee Atta,

  • 8/9/2019 Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62



    Sie!e E!ies

    'hese are 5eapons used to atta") strongholds& or sometimes ships$ 'heir "ost may be up to t5i"e as high in a remotelo"ation$ A siege engine that thro5s missiles a ballista& onager or trebu"hetI must have a trained artillerist to fire itF this isthe "hara"ter 5ho ma)es the atta") rolls for the 5eapon$ (issile-thro5ing engines have atta") penalties& detailed belo5$

    5eaon CostRate

    o4 i3eAtta,0J #00J #>0J

    /attering Ram 200 gp #O< M0 2d? .OA .OA .OA


  • 8/9/2019 Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62




    'he number of spells of ea"h level 5hi"h a Cleri" or(agi"-;ser may "ast per day is sho5n on the appropriatetable in the Ca3a,te3sse"tion& above$ a"h day& usuallyin the morning& spell"asters prepare spells to repla"e thosethey have used$ Cleri"s do this through prayer& 5hile(agi"-;sers must study their spellboo)s$ *pells preparedbut not used persist from day to dayF only those a"tually"ast must be repla"ed$ A spell"aster may al5ays "hoose todismiss a prepared spell 5ithout "asting itI in order toprepare a different spell of that level$

    *pell"asters must have at least one hand free& and be ableto spea)& in order to "ast spellsF thus& binding and gagginga spell"aster is an effe"tive means of preventing him or herfrom "asting spells$ :n "ombat& "asting a spell usually ta)esthe same time as ma)ing an atta")$ :f a spell"aster isatta")ed on the :nitiative number on 5hi"h he or she is"asting a spell& the spell is spoiled and lost$

    *ome spells are reversibleF su"h spells are sho5n 5ith anasteris) after the name$

    Cle*i% S6ells

    Cleri"s re"eive their spells through faith and prayer$ a"hday& generally in the morning& a Cleri" must pray for atleast three turns in order to prepare spells$ f "ourse& theCleri" may be e%pe"ted to pray more than this in order toremain in his or her deityJs good gra"es$

    /e"ause they gain their spells through prayer& a Cleri" mayprepare any spell of any level he or she is able to "ast$1o5ever& in some "ases the Cleri"Js deity may limit theavailability of "ertain spellsF for instan"e& a deity devoted tohealing may refuse to grant reversed healing spells$

    Fi*st Le3el Cle*i%al S6ells

    # Cure !ight ,oundsQ

    2 Dete"t vil

    < Dete"t (agi"

    = !ightQ

    > 4rote"tion from vil

    6 4urify ood and ,ater

    7 Remove earQ

    ? Resist Cold

    Se%o$ Le3el Cle*i%al S6ells

    # /lessQ

    2 Charm Animal

    < ind 'raps= 1old 4ersonQ

    > Resist ire

    6 *ilen"e #>J radius

    7 *pea) 5ith Animals

    ? *piritual 1ammer

    Thi*$ Le3el Cle*i%al S6ells

    # Continual !ightQ

    2 Cure /lindness

    < Cure DiseaseQ

    = Gro5th of Animals

    > !o"ate bHe"t

    6 Remove CurseQ

    7 *pea) 5ith Dead

    ? *tri)ing

    Fo*th Le3el Cle*i%al S6ells

    # Animate Dead

    2 Create ,ater

    < Cure *erious ,oundsQ

    = Dispel (agi"

    > .eutralie 4oisonQ

    6 4rote"tion from vil #0J radius

    7 *pea) 5ith 4lants

    ? *ti")s to *na)es

    Fi0th Le3el Cle*i%al S6ells

    # Commune

    2 Create ood

    < Dispel vil

    = :nse"t 4lague

    > SuestQ

    6 Raise DeadQ

    7 'rue *eeing

    ? ,all of ire

    Sith Le3el Cle*i%al S6ells

    # Animate bHe"ts2 /lade /arrier

    < ind the 4ath

    = 1eal

    > Regenerate

    6 Restoration

    7 *pea) 5ith (onsters

    ? ,ord of Re"all


  • 8/9/2019 Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62



    (a!i%-Use* S6ells

    (agi"-;sers "ast spells through the e%er"ise of )no5ledgeand 5ill$ 'hey prepare spells by study of their spellboo)sFea"h (agi"-;ser has his or her o5n spellboo)& "ontainingthe magi"al formulae for ea"h spell the (agi"-;ser has

    learned& 5ritten in a magi"al s"ript that "an only be readby the (agi"-;ser 5ho 5rote it& or through the use of aspe"ial first-level spell+ 3ead 0a/i,$ All (agi"-;sers beginplay 5ith 3ead 0a/i, as their first spell& and it is soingrained that a (agi"-;ser "an prepare it 5ithout aspellboo)$ Read 0a/i, has a range of Etou"hE and ispermanent 5ith respe"t to any given magi"al 5or)spellboo) or s"rollI$

    (agi"-;sers may learn spells by being taught dire"tly byanother (agi"-;ser& or by studying another (agi"-;serJsspellboo)$ :f being taught& a spell "an be learned in asingle dayF resear"hing another (agi"-;serJs spellboo)ta)es one day per spell level$ ither 5ay& the spell learned

    must be trans"ribed into the (agi"-;serJs o5n spellboo)&at a "ost of >00 gp per spell level trans"ribed$ A beginning(agi"-;ser starts 5ith a spellboo) "ontaining 3ead 0a/i,and at least one other first-level spell& as determined by theG(& at no "ost$

    Fi*st Le3el (a!i%-Use* S6ells

    # Charm 4erson

    2 Dete"t (agi"

    < loating Dis"

    = 1old 4ortal

    > !ightQ

    6 (agi" (issile

    7 (agi" (outh? 4rote"tion from vil

    @ Read !anguages

    #0 *hield

    ## *leep

    #2 Bentrilouism

    Se%o$ Le3el (a!i%-Use* S6ells

    # Continual !ightQ

    2 Dete"t vil

    < Dete"t :nvisible

    = *4

    > :nvisibility

    6 3no")

    7 !evitate

    ? !o"ate bHe"t

    @ (irror :mage

    #0 4hantasmal or"e

    ## ,eb

    #2 ,iard !o")

    Thi*$ Le3el (a!i%-Use* S6ells

    # Clairvoyan"e

    2 Dar)vision

    < Dispel (agi"

    = ireball

    > ly6 1asteQ

    7 1old 4ersonQ

    ? :nvisibility #0W radius

    @ !ightning /olt

    #0 4rote"tion from vil #0U radius

    ## 4rote"tion from .ormal (issiles

    #2 ,ater /reathing

    Fo*th Le3el (a!i%-Use* S6ells

    # Charm (onster

    2 Confusion

    < Dimension Door

    = Gro5th of 4lantsQ> 1allu"inatory 'errain

    6 :"e *torm

    7 (assmorph

    ? 4olymorph ther

    @ 4olymorph *elf

    #0 Remove CurseQ

    ## ,all of ire

    #2 ,iard ye

    Fi0th Le3el (a!i%-Use* S6ells

    # Animate Dead

    2 Cloud)ill< ConHure lemental

    = eeblemind

    > 1old (onsterQ

    6 (agi" ar

    7 4ass5all

    ? 'ele)inesis

    @ 'eleport

    #0 ,all of *tone

    Sith Le3el (a!i%-Use* S6ells

    # Anti-(agi" *hell

    2 Death *pell

    < Disintegrate= lesh to *toneQ

    > GeasQ

    6 :nvisible *tal)er

    7 !o5er ,ater

    ? 4roHe"ted :mage

    @ Rein"arnate

    #0 ,all of :ron


  • 8/9/2019 Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62



    All S6ells< i Al6ha,eti%al O*$e*

    Ani0ate Dead Range+ tou"hCleri" =& (agi"-;ser > Duration+ spe"ial

    'his spell turns the bones or bodies of dead "reatures intoundead s)eletons or ombies that follo5 the "asterJsspo)en "ommands$ 'hey remain animated until they aredestroyed$ 'he "aster may animate a number of hit di"eof undead eual to t5i"e his or her "aster level& and nomore$ Animated s)eletons have hit di"e eual to thenumber the "reature had in lifeF for s)eletons of humans ordemi-humans& this means one hit die& regardless of the"hara"ter level of the de"eased$ ombies have one morehit die than the "reature had in life$ An animated s)eleton"an be "reated only from a mostly inta"t s)eletonF aombie "an be "reated only from a mostly inta"t "orpse$'he "aster must tou"h the remains to be animated$ .o"hara"ter may normally "ontrol more hit di"e of undead

    than = times his or her level& regardless of ho5 many timesthis spell is "ast$

    Ani0ate O8e,ts Range+ #00JM#0JOlevelCleri" 6 Duration+ # roundOlevel

    'his spell imbues inanimate obHe"ts 5ith mobility and asemblan"e of life$ 'he animated obHe"ts then atta")5homever or 5hatever the "aster designates$ 'his spell"annot animate obHe"ts "arried or 5orn by a "reature$ Ananimated obHe"t "an be of any non-magi"al material$ 'he"aster "an animate one obHe"t per level& up to a ma%imumof 2> lbs$ per "aster level i$e$ J per t5o levels$ ither form 5ill be up to20 ft$ high as allo5ed by available spa"eI$ Any "reaturepassing through the 5all ta)es #d6 points of damage per"aster level ma%imum #>d6I& 5ith a save vs$ Death Rayredu"ing damage to half$

    :f the "aster evo)es the barrier so that it appears 5here"reatures are& ea"h "reature ta)es damage as if passingthrough the 5all$ a"h su"h "reature "an avoid the 5allending up on the side of its "hoi"eI and thus ta)e nodamage by ma)ing a su""essful save vs$ Death Ray$

    A blade barrier provides "over M= bonus to Armor ClassI

    against atta")s made through it$

    *less Range+ >0J radiusCleri" 2 Duration+ # minuteOlevel

    'his spell gives the "aster and his or her allies 5ithin a >0Jradius of the "asterI a bonus of M# on atta") rolls& morale"he")s for monsters or .4Cs allied 5ith the "asterI& andsaving thro5s against magi"al 4ea3$

    'he reverse of 8less is "alled 8ane$ :t fills the "asterJsenemies 5ithin a >0J radiusI 5ith fear and doubt& "ausingea"h affe"ted "reature to suffer a V# penalty on atta")rolls& morale "he")s& and saving thro5s against magi"al4ea3$

    Ca30 Ani0al Range+ 60JCleri" 2 Duration+ levelM#d= rounds

    'his spell allo5s the "aster to "harm one or more animals&in mu"h the same fashion as ,a30 e3son& at a rate of #hit die per "aster level$ 'he "aster may de"ide 5hi"hindividual animals out of a mi%ed group are to be affe"tedfirstF e%"ess hit di"e of effe"t are ignored$ .o saving thro5is allo5ed& either for normal or giant-sied animals& but"reatures of more fantasti" nature as determined by theG(I are allo5ed a save vs$ *pells to resist$ ,hen the

    duration e%pires& the animals 5ill resume normal a"tivityimmediately$

    Ca30 !onste3 Range+

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    of "reatures of < or fe5er hit di"e& or one "reature of morethan < hit di"e$ *aving thro5s are made Hust as for ,a30e3son$

    Ca30 Pe3son Range+ #V70 lee a5ay from "aster at top possible speed$

    7#V#00 Atta") nearest "reature$

    A "onfused "hara"ter 5ho "anUt "arry out the indi"ateda"tion does nothing but babble in"oherently$ Atta")ers

    are not at any spe"ial advantage 5hen atta")ing a"onfused "hara"ter$ Any "onfused "hara"ter 5ho isatta")ed automati"ally retaliates on its ne%t turn& as long asit is still "onfused 5hen its turn "omes$

    Con3e Ele0ental Range+ 2=0J(agi"-;ser > Duration+ spe"ial

    A portal to one of the lemental 4lanes of Air& arth& ire&or ,ater is opened& allo5ing the (agi"-;ser to summonan elemental from that plane$ At most one elemental ofea"h type may be summoned by the "aster in a given day$n"e the elemental appears& it serves the "onHurerindefinitely& provided the "aster "on"entrates on nothing

    but "ontrolling the "reatureF spell "asting& "ombat& ormovement over half the normal rate results in loss of"on"entration$ 'he "onHurer& 5hile in "ontrol of anelemental& "an dismiss it to its native plane at 5ill doing soon his or her :nitiative if in "ombatI$ :f the (agi"-;serloses "on"entration& "ontrol of the summoned lemental islost and "annot be regained$ 'he "reature then see)s toatta") the "onHurer and all others in its path$ nly disel0a/i,or disel e;il5ill banish the elemental on"e "ontrol


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    has been lost$ An elemental may& of "ourse& "hoose toreturn to its home plane on its o5nF su"h "reatures 5ill not"hoose to remain on the material plane for long$

    Continal Li/t Range+

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    Dete,t E;il Range+ 60JCleri" #& (agi"-;ser 2 Duration+ # roundOlevel

    'his spell allo5s the "aster to dete"t evilF spe"ifi"ally& the"aster "an dete"t "reatures 5ith evil intentions& magi" items5ith evil en"hantments& and possibly e%traplanar "reatures

    of evil nature$ .ormal "hara"ters& even EbadE "hara"ters&"annot be dete"ted by this spell& as only over5helming evilis dete"table$ 'he "aster sees the EevilE "reatures orobHe"ts 5ith a definite glo5 around them& but the glo5"annot be seen by anyone else$

    'he e%a"t definition of evil is left for the G( to de"ide$.ote that items su"h as ordinary traps or poisons are notEevil&E and thus not dete"table by this spell$

    Dete,t In;isi8le Range+ 60J(agi"-;ser 2 Duration+ # turnOlevel

    /y means of this spell the "aster is able to see invisible

    "hara"ters& "reatures or obHe"ts 5ithin the given range&seeing them as translu"ent shapes$

    Dete,t !a/i, Range+ 60JCleri" #& (agi"-;ser # Duration+ 2 turns

    'he "aster of this spell is able to dete"t en"hanted orenspelled obHe"ts or "reatures 5ithin the given range bysight& seeing them surrounded by a pale glo5ing light$nly the "aster sees the glo5$ :nvisible "reatures orobHe"ts are not dete"ted by this spell& but the emanationsof the invisibility magi" 5ill be seen as an amorphousglo5ing fog& possibly allo5ing the "aster onlyI to atta")the invisible "reature at an atta") penalty of only -2$

    Di0ension Doo3 Range+ #0J(agi"-;ser = Duration+ instantaneous

    'he "aster of this spell instantly transfers himself or herself&or any single target "reature 5ithin range& to any spot5ithin 200J plus 20J per "aster level$ 'he "aster or target"reature al5ays arrives at e%a"tly the spot desired& 5hetherthe "aster visualies the area or states dire"tion anddistan"e$ An un5illing target may save vs$ *pells to avoidbeing transported$ Anything 5orn or "arried by the "asteror target "reature 5ill be transported also& in"ludinganother "hara"ter or "reature if the transportee "an lift it$

    :f the target area is 5ithin a solid obHe"t& the spell failsautomati"ally$

    Disinte/3ate Range+ 60J(agi"-;ser 6 Duration+ instantaneous

    'his spell "auses a thin& green ray to spring from the"asterJs pointing finger$ Any single "reature or obHe"t upto a #0%#0%#0 foot "ube of materialI is entirely

    disintegrated& leaving behind only a tra"e of fine dust$ Adisintegrated "reatureUs euipment is unaffe"ted$

    A "reature that ma)es a su""essful save vs$ *pells isunaffe"ted$ nly the first "reature or obHe"t stru") "an beaffe"tedF that is& the ray affe"ts only one target per "asting$

    Disel E;il Range+ tou"hCleri" > Duration+ # roundOlevel

    'his po5erful spell aids the "aster in dealing 5ith "reaturesfrom the nether planes& hereafter "alled Eevil "reatures$E

    irst& the "aster gains a M= bonus to Armor Class againstatta")s by evil "reatures$

    *e"ond& the "aster "an "hoose to drive an evil "reatureba") to its home plane by tou"h reuiring a su""essfulatta") rollI$ 'he "reature "an negate the effe"ts 5ith asu""essful save vs$ *pells$ 'his use dis"harges and endsthe spell$

    'hird& 5ith a tou"h the "aster "an automati"ally dispel anyone spell "ast by an evil "reature$ %"eption+ *pells that"anUt be dispelled by disel 0a/i, also "anUt be dispelledby dispel evil$ *aving thro5s do not apply to this effe"t$'his use dis"harges and ends the spell$

    'he e%a"t definition of evil is left for the G( to de"ideFho5ever& e%traplanar "reatures that oppose the "astershould almost al5ays ualify$

    Disel !a/i, Range+ #20JCleri" =& (agi"-;ser < Duration+ permanent

    'he "aster "an use dispel magi" to end ongoing spells thathave been "ast on a "reature or obHe"t& or to end ongoingspells or at least their effe"tsI 5ithin a "ubi" area 20J on aside$ 'he "aster must "hoose 5hether to dispel magi" ona "reature or obHe"t& or to affe"t an area$

    :f dispel magi" is targeted at a "reature& all spell effe"tsin"luding ongoing potion effe"tsI may be "an"eled$ :f "astupon an area& all su"h effe"ts 5ithin the area may be"an"eled$ Any spell or effe"t having a "aster level eual toor less than the disel 0a/i, "asterJs level is endedautomati"ally$ 'hose "reated by higher level "asters maynot be "an"eledF there is a >L "han"e the dispel magi" 5illfail for ea"h level the spell effe"t e%"eeds the "aster level$

    or e%ample& a #0th

    level "aster dispelling magi" "reated bya #=thlevel "aster has a 20L "han"e of failure$

    *ome spells "annot be ended by dispel magi"F in parti"ularthis in"ludes any "urse& in"luding those "reated by 8esto=,3se the reverse of 3e0o;e ,3seI as 5ell as "urseditems$


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    E#P Range+ 60J(agi"-;ser 2 Duration+ # turnOlevel

    'his spell permits the "aster to dete"t the surfa"e thoughtsof one or more targets 5ithin range$ 'he "aster mustdesignate a dire"tion& and then "on"entrate for a turn in

    order to EhearE the thoughts$ a"h turn the "aster may"hoose to ElistenE in a different dire"tion$ 'he "aster maystop listening& then resume again later& so long as theduration has not e%pired$ 'he target "reature is notnormally a5are of being spied upon in this 5ay$

    Ro") more than 2 in"hes thi") or a thin "oating of lead orgold 5ill blo") the spell$ All undead "reatures are immuneto this effe"t& as are mindless "reatures su"h as golems$

    ee8le0ind Range+ #?0J(agi"-;ser > Duration+ permanent

    :f the target "reature fails a saving thro5 vs$ *pells& its

    :ntelligen"e and Charisma s"ores ea"h drop to #$ 'heaffe"ted "reature is unable to "ast spells& understandlanguage& or "ommuni"ate "oherently$ 'he vi"tim doesremember 5ho its friends are and "an follo5 and prote"tthem from harm$ 'he subHe"t remains in this state until aeal spell is used to "an"el the effe"t$ A target "reaturethat "an "ast (agi"-;ser spells suffers a penalty of -= on itssaving thro5 against this spell$

    ind T3as Range+

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    dis" must be loaded so that the items pla"ed upon it areproperly supported& or they 5ill of "ourseI fall off$ ore%ample& the dis" "an support Hust over 62 gallons of5ater& but the 5ater must be in a barrel or otherreasonable "ontainer that "an be pla"ed upon the dis"$*imilarly& a pile of loose "oins 5ill tend to slip and slide

    about& and some 5ill fall off 5ith every step the "asterta)esF but a large sa") full of "oins& properly tied& 5illremain stable$

    'he dis" floats level to the ground& at about 5aist high forthe "aster$ :t remains still 5hen 5ithin #0J of the "aster&and follo5s at the "asterJs movement rate if he or shemoves a5ay from it$ 'he floating dis" "an be pushed asneeded to position it but 5ill be dispelled if someho5moved more than #0J from the "aster$ ,hen the spellduration e%pires& the dis" disappears from e%isten"e anddrops 5hatever 5as supported to the surfa"e beneath$

    l- Range+ tou"h(agi"-;ser < Duration+ # turnOlevel

    'he subHe"t of this spell "an fly at a speed eual to his orher normal ground movement rate as adHusted byen"umbran"eI$ 'he subHe"t "an as"end at half speed anddes"end at double speed& 5ith the same maneuverabilityas the subHe"t has 5hen moving on the ground$ lyingunder the effe"t of this spell reuires only as mu"h"on"entration as 5al)ing& so the subHe"t "an atta") or "astspells normally$ 'he subHe"t of a fly spell "an neither"harge nor run& nor "arry aloft more 5eight than his or herma%imum load$

    *hould the spell duration e%pire 5hile the subHe"t is still

    aloft& the magi" fails slo5ly$ 'he subHe"t floats do5n5ard#20J per round for #d#0 rounds$ :f the subHe"t rea"hes theground in that amount of time& he or she lands safely$ :fnot& the subHe"t falls the rest of the distan"e& ta)ing normalfalling damage$ *in"e dispelling a spell effe"tively ends it&the subHe"t also des"ends in this 5ay if the fly spell isdispelled$

    eas Range+ >J per level(agi"-;ser 6 Duration+ spe"ial

    Geas pla"es a magi"al "ommand on a "reature to "arry outsome servi"e or to refrain from some a"tion or "ourse ofa"tivity& as desired by the "aster$ 'he target "reature must

    be able to understand the "aster for this spell to ta)e effe"t$,hile a geas "annot "ompel a "reature to )ill itself orperform a"ts that 5ould result in "ertain death& it "an "ausealmost any other "ourse of a"tivity$

    A saving thro5 vs$ *pells 5ill allo5 an un5illing target toresist a geas 5hen it is first "ast$ 1o5ever& the target may"hoose to a""ept the geas& typi"ally as part of a bargain5ith the "aster to perform some servi"e$

    'he geased "reature must follo5 the given instru"tionsuntil the geas is "ompleted& no matter ho5 long it ta)es$

    :f the instru"tions involve some open-ended tas) that there"ipient "annot "omplete through his or her o5n a"tions&the spell remains in effe"t for a ma%imum of one day per

    "aster level$ A "lever re"ipient "an subvert someinstru"tions$

    :f the subHe"t "hooses not to obey the geas or is preventedfrom obeying itI for 2= hours& it ta)es a V2 penalty to ea"hof its ability s"ores$ a"h day& another V2 penaltya""umulates& up to a total of V?$ .o ability s"ore "an beredu"ed to less than < by this effe"t$ 'he ability s"orepenalties are removed 2= hours after the subHe"t resumesobeying the geas$

    A geas and all effe"ts thereofI "an be ended by a 3e0o;e,3sespell& or by a =is& or by the reverse of this spell$Disel 0a/i,does not affe"t a geas$

    3o=t o4 Ani0als Range+ 60JM#0JOlevelCleri" < Duration+ # turnOlevel

    'his spell "auses an animal to gro5 to t5i"e its normal sieand eight times its normal 5eight$ 'he affe"ted "reature5ill do double normal damage 5ith all physi"al atta")s&and its e%isting natural Armor Class in"reases by 2$ 'heanimalJs "arrying "apa"ity is also doubled$ ;nfriendlyanimals may save vs$ *pells to resist this spellF normally&domesti"ated animals 5ill not attempt to resist it& thoughthey may be"ome "onfused or pani")y after5ard at theG(Js dis"retionI$

    All euipment 5orn or "arried by an animal is similarly

    enlarged by the spell& though this "hange has no effe"t onthe magi"al properties of any su"h euipment$ Anyenlarged item that leaves the enlarged "reatureUspossession instantly returns to its normal sie$

    'he spell gives no means of "ommand or influen"e overthe enlarged animals$

    3o=t o4 Plants Range+ #20J(agi"-;ser = Duration+ permanent

    'his spell "auses normal vegetation grasses& briars&bushes& "reepers& thistles& trees& vines& et"$I 5ithin range tobe"ome thi") and overgro5n$ 'he dimensions of the

    gro5th are determined by the "aster& but "annot e%"eed#000 s$ feet a #0J%#00J area or euivalentI per > "asterlevels$ 'he plants ent5ine to form a thi")et or Hungle that"reatures must ha") or for"e a 5ay through$ Allmovement 5ithin the affe"ted area is redu"ed to no morethan >U per round for less than giant sied "reaturesF giantsied "reatures are redu"ed to half normal movement rate$'he area must have brush andOor trees in it for this spell tota)e effe"t$


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    'he reverse form& s3in< lants& may be used to renderovergro5n areas passable$ 'he area of effe"t is identi"alto the normal version$

    Gro5th of plants and its reverse are permanent until"ountered& either by the opposite form or by disel

    0a/i,$ 'his spell has no effe"t on animated plant"reatures of any sort$

    Hall,inato3- Te33ain Range+ =00JM=0JOlevel(agi"-;ser = Duration+ #2 turnsOlevel

    'his spell ma)es one #0 yard "ube per level of outdoorterrain appear li)e a different type i$e$ field into forest&grassland into desert& or the li)eI$ 'his spell reuires a fullturn to "ast$

    'he affe"ted terrain loo)s& sounds& and smells li)e anothersort of natural terrain$ *tru"tures& euipment& and"reatures 5ithin the area are not hidden or "hanged in

    appearan"e$ A save vs$ *pells is allo5ed to see throughthe illusion& but only if the "reatures or "hara"ters affe"teda"tively attempt to do so$

    Haste Range+ Duration+ 2d? turns

    'his spell fun"tions li)e old e3son& e%"ept that it affe"tsany living "reature that fails its save vs$ *pells$

    Hold Pe3son Range+ #?0JCleri" 2& (agi"-;ser < Duration+ 2d? turns

    'his spell 5ill render any living not undeadI human&demi-human or humanoid "reature paralyed$ Creatures

    larger than ogres 5ill not be affe"ted by this spell$ 'argetsof the spell are a5are& and breathe normally& but "annotta)e any a"tions& in"luding spee"h$ A su""essful save vs$*pells 5ill negate the effe"t$ 'he spell may be "ast at asingle person& 5ho ma)es his or her save at -2& or at agroup& in 5hi"h "ase #d= of the "reatures in the groupmay be affe"ted$

    A 5inged "reature 5ho is paralyed "annot flap its 5ingsand falls$ A paralyed s5immer "anUt s5im and maydro5n$

    Hold Po3tal Range+ #00JM#0JOlevel(agi"-;ser # Duration+ # roundOlevel

    'his spell magi"ally holds shut a door& gate& 5indo5& orshutter of 5ood& metal& or stone$ 'he magi" affe"ts theportal Hust as if it 5ere se"urely "losed and normallylo")ed$ A

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    Inse,t Pla/e Range+

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    Reversed& li/t be"omes da3

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    :f the "asterJs spirit is in the magi" Har& and the Har is bro)en5hether by disel 0a/i, or physi"al damageI+ :f the Haris in range of the "asterJs body& the "asterJs spirit returns toits body$ ther5ise& the "asterJs spirit departs the "asterdiesI$ :n either "ase& the spell ends$

    :f the "asterJs spirit is driven from the host body by disele;il+ :f the magi" Har is in range of the host body& the"asterJs spirit returns to the Har& and the hostJs spirit returnsto its body$ 'he "aster 5ill not be able to possess thesame host again for the remaining duration of the spell$ :fthe magi" Har is not in range of the host body& the "asterJsspirit departs& the hostJs spirit is freed from the Har anddepartsI& and the hostJs body dies$

    :f the hostJs spirit is in the magi" Har& and the Har is bro)en+:f the Har is in range of the hostJs body& the "asterJs spiritdeparts& the hostJs spirit returns to its body& and the spellends$ ther5ise& the hostJs spirit departs& and the "asterJsspirit is stranded in the host body$ .ote here that the spell

    has not ended$ Disel e;il"an still be used to drive the"asterJs spirit from the body& 5hi"h departs as noted&ending the spell$

    :n any "ase 5here the spell ends 5ith the "asterJs bodyuno""upied by a spirit& that body does truly die$

    !a/i, !issile Range+ #00JM#0JOlevel(agi"-;ser # Duration+ instantaneous

    'his spell "auses a missile of magi"al energy to dart forthfrom the "asterJs fingertip and stri)e its target& dealing#d6M# points of damage$ 'he missile stri)es unerringly&even if the target is in melee "ombat or has less than total

    "over or total "on"ealment$ *pe"ifi" parts of a "reature"anUt be singled out$ :nanimate obHe"ts are not damagedby the spell$

    or every three "aster levels beyond #st& an additionalmissile is fired -- t5o at =th level& three at 7th& four at #0th&and the ma%imum of five missiles at #

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    from the "aster and remain in a "luster around him or her$'he figments mimi" the "asterJs a"tions& pretending to "astspells& drin) potions& levitate& and so on& Hust as the "asterdoes$

    nemies attempting to atta") or "ast spells upon the "aster

    5ill al5ays hit a figment instead$ Any atta") against animage destroys it& 5hether the atta") roll is su""essful ornotF li)e5ise& atta") spells "ast dire"tly upon a figment 5illdestroy it& 5ith no saving thro5 allo5ed$ igments al5aysloo) e%a"tly li)e the "asterF for instan"e& if the "aster issubHe"ted to a 4i3e8all& all figments 5ill appear to beinHured Hust as the "aster 5as$

    Net3ali>e Poison Range+ tou"hCleri" = Duration+ permanent

    'his spell deto%ifies any sort of venom in the "reature orobHe"t tou"hed$ A poisoned "reature suffers no additionaleffe"ts from the poisonF if "ast upon a "reature slain by

    poison in the last #0 rounds& the "reature is revived 5ith #hit point$ :f "ast upon a poisonous obHe"t 5eapon& trap&et"$I the poison is rendered permanently ineffe"tive$

    Reversed& this spell be"omes oison$ 'he "aster mustma)e a su""essful atta") rollF if the atta") is a su""ess& thetarget must save vs$ 4oison or die$ 'he "asterJs tou"hremains poisonous for # round per level of ability& or untildis"harged i$e$ only one "reature "an be affe"ted by thereversed spellI$

    Pass=all Range+

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    P3oe,ted I0a/e Range+ 2=0J(agi"-;ser 6 Duration+ 6 turns

    'his spell "reates a uasi-real& illusory version of the "aster$'he intangible proHe"ted image loo)s& sounds& and smellsli)e the "aster& in addition to mimi")ing gestures and

    a"tions in"luding spee"hI$ Any further spells "ast seem tooriginate from the illusion& not the a"tual "aster$ A line ofsight bet5een the "aster and his or her illusory self must bemaintained or the spell ends$ Di0ension doo3&teleo3t&or any similar spell that brea)s the line of sight dispels theimage& as does the illusionary "aster being stru") in"ombat$

    P3ote,tion 43o0 E;il Range+ tou"hCleri" #& (agi"-;ser # Duration+ # turnOlevel

    'his spell 5ards a "reature from atta")s by evil "reatures&from mental "ontrol& and from summoned "reatures$ :t"reates a magi"al barrier around the subHe"t at a distan"eof # foot$ 'he barrier moves 5ith the subHe"t and hasthree maHor effe"ts$

    irst& the subHe"t gains a M2 bonus to AC and a M2 bonuson saves$ /oth these bonuses apply against atta")s madeor effe"ts "reated by evil "reatures$ .ote that thedefinition of evil is left to the individual G( to de"ide$

    *e"ond& the barrier blo")s any attempt to possess the5arded "reature by a magi" Har atta")& for e%ampleI or toe%er"ise mental "ontrol over the "reature in"luding "harmspells or effe"tsI$ 'he prote"tion does not prevent su"heffe"ts from targeting the prote"ted "reature& but itsuppresses the effe"t for the duration of the prote"tion

    from evil effe"t$ :f the prote"tion from evil effe"t endsbefore the effe"t granting "ontrol does& the 5ould-be"ontroller 5ould then be able to "ommand the "ontrolled"reature$ !i)e5ise& the barrier )eeps out a possessing lifefor"e but does not e%pel one if it is in pla"e before the spellis "ast$

    'hird& the spell prevents bodily "onta"t by summoned"reatures regardless of 5hether they are evil or notI$'his "auses the natural 5eapon atta")s of su"h "reaturesto fail and the "reatures to re"oil if su"h atta")s reuiretou"hing the 5arded "reature$ 'he prote"tion against"onta"t by summoned "reatures ends if the 5arded"reature ma)es an atta") against or tries to for"e thebarrier against the blo")ed "reature$

    Reversed& this spell be"omes 3ote,tion 43o0 /ood$ :tfun"tions in all 5ays as des"ribed above& save that good"reatures are )ept a5ay& rather than evil "reatures$

    P3ote,tion 43o0 E;il 1@B RadisCleri" =& (agi"-;ser < Range+ tou"h

    Duration+ # turnOlevel

    'his spell fun"tions e%a"tly as 3ote,tion 43o0 e;il& but5ith a #0J radius rather than a #J radius$ All 5ithin the

    radius re"eive the prote"tionF those 5ho leave and then re-enter& or 5ho enter after the spell is "ast& re"eive theprote"tion as 5ell$

    Reversed& this spell be"omes 3ote,tion 43o0 /ood 1@B3adis& and fun"tions e%a"tly as the reversed form of3ote,tion 43o0 e;il& e%"ept that it "overs a #0J radiusaround the target rather than the normal #J radius$

    P3ote,tion 43o0 No30al !issiles(agi"-;ser < Range+ self

    Duration+ # turnOlevel

    'he "aster is "ompletely prote"ted from small sied& non-

    magi"al missile atta")s$ 'herefore& magi" arro5s& hurledboulders& or other su"h are not blo")ed& but any numberof normal arro5s& sling bullets& "rossbo5 bolts& thro5ndaggers& et"$ 5ill be fended off$ .ote that normal missilesproHe"ted by magi" bo5s "ount as magi"al missiles for thepurposes of this spell$

    P3i4- ood and 5ate3Cleri" # Range+ #0J

    Duration+ instantaneous

    'his spell ma)es spoiled& rotten& poisonous& or other5ise"ontaminated food and 5ater pure and suitable for eating

    and drin)ing$ 'his spell does not prevent subseuentnatural de"ay or spoilage$ ;nholy 5ater and similar foodand drin) of signifi"an"e is spoiled by purify food anddrin)& but the spell has no effe"t on "reatures of any typenor upon magi" potions$

    est Range+ >JOlevelCleri" > Duration+ spe"ial

    Suest pla"es a magi"al "ommand on a "reature to "arryout some servi"e or to refrain from some a"tion or "ourseof a"tivity& as desired by the "aster$ 'he target "reaturemust be able to understand the "aster for this spell to ta)eeffe"t$ ,hile a uest "annot "ompel a "reature to )ill itself

    or perform a"ts that 5ould result in "ertain death& it "an"ause almost any other "ourse of a"tivity$

    A saving thro5 vs$ *pells 5ill allo5 an un5illing target toresist a uest 5hen it is first "ast$ 1o5ever& the target may"hoose to a""ept the uest& typi"ally as part of a bargain5ith the "aster to perform some servi"e$

    'he affe"ted "reature must follo5 the given instru"tionsuntil the uest is "ompleted& no matter ho5 long it ta)es$


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    :f the instru"tions involve some open-ended tas) that there"ipient "annot "omplete through his o5n a"tions thespell remains in effe"t for a ma%imum of one day per"aster level$ A "lever re"ipient "an subvert someinstru"tions$

    :f the subHe"t is prevented from obeying the uest for 2=hours& it ta)es Duration+ permanent

    'his spell restores life to a de"eased human& demi-humanor humanoid$ 'he "aster "an raise a "reature that has

    been dead for no longer than one day per "aster level$ :naddition& the subHe"tUs soul must be free and 5illing toreturn$ :f the subHe"tUs soul is not 5illing to return& the spelldoes not 5or)$

    Coming ba") from the dead is an ordeal$ 'he subHe"t ofthe spell loses one level or # hit dieI 5hen it is raised&permanently i$e$ it does not a""rue a negative level& butrather loses an a"tual level& being redu"ed to the minimumnumber of e%perien"e points reuired for the previouslevelI$ :f the subHe"t is #st level& it loses # point ofConstitution instead if this 5ould redu"e its Constitutionto 0 or less& it "anUt be raisedI$ 'his level& hit di"e& orConstitution loss "annot be repaired by any means$

    Also note& a "hara"ter 5ho died 5ith spells prepared hasnone prepared upon being raised$

    A raised "reature has a number of hit points eual to its"urrent hit di"e$ .ormal poison and normal disease are"ured in the pro"ess of raising the subHe"t& but magi"aldiseases and "urses are not undone$ ,hile the spell "losesmortal 5ounds and repairs lethal damage of most )inds&the body of the "reature to be raised must be 5hole$ther5ise& missing parts are still missing 5hen the "reatureis brought ba") to life$ .one of the dead "reatureUseuipment or possessions are affe"ted in any 5ay by thisspell$

    A "reature 5hi"h has be"ome undead "anUt be raised bythis spell$ Constru"ts and elementals "annot be raised$'he spell "annot bring ba") a "reature that has died of oldage$

    'he reverse of this spell& sla- li;in/& 5ill )ill instantly the"reature tou"hed 5hi"h may be of any sort& not Hust ahuman& demi-human or humanoidI unless a save vs$

    *pells is made$ :f the saving thro5 is su""essful& 2d6damage is dealt to the vi"tim instead$ An atta") roll isreuired to apply this spell in "ombat$

    Read Lan/a/es Range+ 0

    (agi"-;ser # Duration+ spe"ial'his spell grants the "aster the ability to read almost any5ritten language$ :t may be "ast in one of three modes+

    :n the first mode& the spell allo5s the "aster to read anynumber of 5ritten 5or)s in a variety of languages$ 'hismode lasts for # turn per "aster level$

    :n the se"ond mode& the spell allo5s the "aster to read anyone boo) or tomeF this mode lasts < hours per "aster level$

    :n the third mode& the spell allo5s the "aster to read anyone s"roll other than a spell s"rollF for instan"e& aprote"tion s"roll or a treasure mapIF this mode ispermanent$

    'he spell grants the ability to read the te%ts& but does notin any 5ay hasten the reading nor grant understanding of"on"epts the "aster doesnJt other5ise have the ability tounderstand$ Also& for this spell to fun"tion& there must beat least one living "reature that "an read the givenlanguage some5here on the same plane$

    Re/ene3ate Range+ tou"hCleri" 6 Duration+ permanent

    'his spell "auses the subHe"tUs severed body membersfingers& toes& hands& feet& arms& legs& tails& or even headsof multiheaded "reaturesI& bro)en bones& and ruinedorgans to gro5 ba")$ After the spell is "ast& the physi"alregeneration is "omplete in # round if the severedmembers are present and tou"hing the "reature$ther5ise& a full turn is reuired for the regeneration to"omplete$

    'his spell also heals

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    Roll on the follo5ing table to determine 5hat sort of"reature the "hara"ter be"omes+

    d In,a3nation

    0#V02 /ugbear


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    'he reverse of this spell& ,ase 4ea3& "auses one target"reature 5ithin #20J to be"ome frightenedF if the target failsto save vs$ *pells& it flees for 2 turns$ Creatures 5ith 6 ormore hit di"e are immune to this effe"t$

    Resist Cold Range+ tou"hCleri" # Duration+ # roundOlevel

    'his abHuration grants a "reature temporary immunity to"old$ (inor "old su"h as e%posure to 5inter 5eather ininadeuate "lothingI is ignored by the affe"ted "reature$Against more signifi"ant "old su"h as the breath of a,hite DragonI& the affe"ted "reature gains a bonus of M roundsOlevel

    'his spell puts several "reatures of < or fe5er hit di"e intoa magi"al slumber$ Creatures of = or more hit di"e are notaffe"ted$ 'he "aster "hooses a point of origin for the spell5ithin the given range& of "ourseI& and those "reatures5ithin

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    to understand the language spo)en by the target monsterif anyI 5ill be able to understand the "aster$ 'he spelldoesnUt alter the monsterUs rea"tion or attitude to5ards the"aster$ urthermore& more intelligent monsters are li)ely tobe terse and evasive& 5hile less intelligent ones ma)e inane"omments$ :f a monster is friendly to5ard the "aster& it

    may de"ide to do some favor or servi"e for him or her$(indless monsters& plant "reatures and undead areunaffe"ted by this spell$

    #ea< =it Plants Range+ 20JCleri" = Duration+ # turn

    'he "aster "an "omprehend and "ommuni"ate 5ith bothnormal plants and plant "reatures$ A normal plantUs senseof its surroundings is limited& so it 5onUt be able to give orre"ognieI detailed des"riptions of "reatures or ans5eruestions about events outside its immediate vi"inity$ 'hespell doesnUt alter the plantUs rea"tion or attitude to5ardsthe "asterF ho5ever& normal plants 5ill generally"ommuni"ate freely 5ith the "aster& as they have nothingelse of importan"e to do$ :ntelligent plant "reatures aremore li)ely to be terse and evasive& behaving in mu"h thesame fashion as any other monster$ :f a plant "reature isfriendly to5ard the "aster& it may de"ide to do some favoror servi"e for him or her$ .ormal plants are usually notanimate& and thus "annot generally perform servi"esother than to ans5er uestions$

    #ea< =it Dead Range+ #0JCleri" < Duration+ < roundsOlevel

    'his spell grants the semblan"e of life and intelle"t to a

    "orpse& allo5ing it to ans5er several uestions that the"aster puts to it$ 'he "aster may as) one uestion per t5o"aster levels$ ;nas)ed uestions are 5asted if the duratione%pires$ 'he "orpseUs )no5ledge is limited to 5hat the"reature )ne5 during life& in"luding the languages it spo)eif anyI$ Ans5ers are often brief& "rypti"& or repetitive$

    :f the "orpse has been subHe"t to sea< =it dead5ithinthe past 5ee)& the ne5 spell fails$ 'he "aster "an "ast thisspell on a "orpse that has been de"eased for any amountof time& but the body must be mostly inta"t to be able torespond$ A damaged "orpse may be able to give partialans5ers or partially "orre"t ans5ers& but it must at leasthave a mouth in order to spea) at all$

    'his spell does not let the "aster a"tually spea) to theperson 5hose soul has departedI$ :t instead dra5s on theimprinted )no5ledge stored in the "orpse$ 'he partiallyanimated body retains the imprint of the soul that on"einhabited it& and thus it "an spea) 5ith all the )no5ledgethat the "reature had 5hile alive$ 'he "orpse& ho5ever&"annot learn ne5 information$ :ndeed& it "anUt evenremember being uestioned$

    'his spell does not affe"t a "orpse that has been turnedinto an undead "reature$

    #i3ital Ha00e3 Range+ 0 pounds per "aster level "an be moved up to 20 feet perround$ A "reature "an negate the effe"t on itself or anobHe"t it holds or has on its body 5ith a su""essful save vs$Death Ray$ :n order to use this po5er& the "aster mustmaintain "on"entration& moving no more than normalmovement no runningI& ma)ing no atta")s and "asting nospells$ :f "on"entration is lost 5hether intentional or notI&the po5er may be used again on the ne%t round& but thesubHe"t of the effe"t is allo5ed a ne5 saving thro5$


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    Teleo3t Range+ self(agi"-;ser > Duration+ instantaneous

    'his spell instantly transports the "aster to a designateddestination& 5hi"h may be as distant as #00 miles per"aster level$ :nterplanar travel is not possible$ 'he "aster

    "an bring along obHe"ts or "reatures& not to e%"eed V@? @@V#00Bie5ed on"e 0#V76 77V?? ?@V@6 @7V#00alse destination X X ?#V@2 @

  • 8/9/2019 Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62



    'he "aster may "hoose to ma)e the 5all smaller if desired$'he 5all may be up to 20J tall as desired by the "asterandOor "onstrained by the "eilingI$

    :f the "aster evo)es the 5all so that it appears 5here"reatures are& ea"h "reature ta)es damage as if passing

    through the 5allF a save vs$ *pells is allo5ed& 5ith su""essindi"ating that damage is rolled as if the "reature is 5ithin#0J of the 5all$

    'he "aster may "hoose to maintain the spell indefinitely5ithin reasonable limits of enduran"eI by "on"entration&or may "ast it 5ith the standard duration of # round perlevel& at his or her option$

    5all o4 I3on Range+ @0J(agi"-;ser 6 Duration+ permanent

    'his spell "auses a flat& verti"al iron 5all to spring intobeing$ 'he 5all is "omposed of up to one #0J%#0J suare

    se"tion& one in"h thi")& per "aster level$ :f the "aster sodesires& the 5all "an bond itself into any surroundingnonliving material if its area is suffi"ient to do so$ 'he 5all"annot be "onHured so that it o""upies the same spa"e as a"reature or another obHe"t$ 'he 5all must al5ays be a flatplane& though the edges "an be shaped to fit the availablespa"e& and it must al5ays be "onHured in "onta"t 5ith theground$

    'he "aster "an in"rease the thi")ness of the 5all 5ith aproportionate redu"tion in the areaF for e%ample& doublingthe thi")ness halved the area$ 'he 5all may not be madeless than one in"h thi")$ 'he "aster "an "reate the 5allverti"ally resting on a flat surfa"e but not atta"hed to the

    surfa"e& so that it "an be tipped over to fall on and "rush"reatures beneath it$ 'he 5all is >0L li)ely to tip in eitherdire"tion if left un-pushed$ Creatures "an push the 5all inone dire"tion rather than letting it fall randomly$ A"reature 5ith #< *trength or = or more 1it Di"eI "anpush the 5all overF or several "reatures "an 5or) togetherto do so$ :f the optional Ability Roll rule is being used& a*trength roll at -< is suffi"ient to topple the 5all$ICreatures 5ith room to flee the falling 5all may do so byma)ing su""essful saves vs$ Death Ray 5ith De%teritybonus addedI$ Any "reature of gre-sie or smaller thatfails the save ta)es #0d6 points of damage$ 'he 5all"annot "rush larger "reatures$

    !i)e any iron 5all& this 5all is subHe"t to rust& perforation&

    and other natural phenomena$

    5all o4 #tone Range+ #>J per level(agi"-;ser > Duration+ permanent

    'his spell "reates a 5all of ro") that merges into adHoiningro") surfa"es$ 'he 5all is "omposed of up to one #0J%#0Jsuare se"tion& #J thi")& per "aster level$ 'he "aster "an

    double the 5allUs area by halving its thi")ness$ 'he 5all"annot be "onHured so that it o""upies the same spa"e as a"reature or another obHe"t$

    'he "aster "an "reate a 5all of stone in almost any shapehe or she desires$ 'he 5all "reated need not be verti"al&nor rest upon any firm foundationF ho5ever& it must merge5ith and be solidly supported by e%isting stone$ :t "an beused to bridge a "hasm& for instan"e& or as a ramp$ orthis use& if the span is more than 20 feet& the 5all must bear"hed and buttressed$ 'his reuirement redu"es thespellUs area by half$ 'he 5all "an be "rudely shaped toallo5 "renellations& battlements& and so forth by li)e5iseredu"ing the area$

    !i)e any other stone 5all& this one "an be destroyed by adisinte/3atespell or by normal means su"h as brea)ingand "hipping$

    :t is possible& but diffi"ult& to trap mobile opponents 5ithinor under a 5all of stone& provided the 5all is shaped so it"an hold the "reatures$ Creatures "an avoid entrapment5ith su""essful saves vs$ Death Ray$

    5ate3 *3eatin/ Range+ tou"h(agi"-;ser < Duration+ 2 hoursOlevel

    'he affe"ted "reatures "an breathe 5ater freely$ Divide theduration evenly among all the "reatures you tou"h$ 'hespell does not ma)e "reatures unable to breathe air$

    5e8 Range+ #0J per level(agi"-;ser 2 Duration+ 2 turnsOlevel

    ,eb "reates a many-layered mass of strong& sti")y strands&filling a volume of ?&000 "ubi" feet euivalent to eight#0J%#0J "ubesI$ 'he strands are similar to spider 5ebs butfar larger and tougher$ 'hese masses must be an"hored tot5o or more solid and diametri"ally opposed points or elsethe 5eb "ollapses upon itself and disappearsF 5ithin thislimitation& the "aster may "hoose any arrangement of 5ebshe or she 5ishes& up to the limit of range and the given

    ?&000 "ubi" foot volume$ 'he "aster may "hoose to "reatea smaller volume if he or she 5ishes$ Creatures "aught5ithin a 5eb be"ome entangled among the gluey fibers$Atta")ing a "reature in a 5eb 5onUt "ause the atta")er tobe"ome entangled& but moving through the affe"ted area5ill$

    Anyone in the area of effe"t 5hen the spell is "ast mustma)e a save vs$ Death Ray$ :f this save su""eeds& the


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    "reature is entangled& but not prevented from moving&though moving is redu"ed to one-half normal movementrate$ *u"h entangled "reatures may not "ast spells orperform normal atta")sF 5hether other a"tions are possibleis left to the G( to de"ide$ n"e an entangled "reatureleaves the area of effe"t of the 5eb& it 5ill be able to a"t

    normally again$

    :f the save fails& the "reature is entangled and "anUt moveor perform any other physi"al a"tion even spee"h isimpossibleI$ Creatures 5ith *trength of #< or higher or =or more hit di"eI may be able to brea) loose& ho5everFea"h round& su"h "reatures are allo5ed another save vs$Death Ray 5ith results as given above$ Creatures failingthe initial save and having *trength of #2 or less or fe5erthan = hit di"eI are trapped until the duration e%pires orthe 5ebs are other5ise removed$

    'he strands of a 5eb spell are flammable$ Any fire "an setthe 5ebs alight and burn a5ay a #0J "ube in # roundF thefire 5ill spread to adHa"ent #0J "ubes ea"h round until allthe 5ebbing is "onsumed or the fire is put out by somemeansI$ All "reatures 5ithin flaming 5ebs ta)e 2d= pointsof fire damage from the flames& but if they survive they are"ompletely free after5ards$

    5i>a3d E-e Range+ 2=0J(agi"-;ser = Duration+ 6 turns

    ,ith this spell the "aster "reates an invisible magi"al EeyeEthrough 5hi"h he or she "an see$ 'he eye has Dar)vision&but other5ise sees e%a"tly as the "aster 5ould$ :t "an be

    "reated in any pla"e the "aster "an see& up to a range of2=0J a5ay& and thereafter "an move at a rate of =0J perround as dire"ted by the "aster$ 'he eye 5ill not movemore than 2=0J feet a5ay from the "aster under any"ir"umstan"es$ 'he eye "annot pass through solid obHe"ts&but as it is e%a"tly the sie of a normal humanJs eye& it "anpass through holes as small as # in"h in diameter$ 'he"aster must "on"entrate to use the eye$

    5i>a3d Lo,< Range+ 20J(agi"-;ser 2 Duration+ 4ermanent

    A =i>a3d lo,< spell "ast upon a door& "hest& or portalmagi"ally lo")s it$ 'he "aster "an freely pass his or hero5n =i>a3d lo,< 5ithout affe"ting it& as "an any (agi"-;ser < or more levels higher than the "aster of the =i>a3dlo,

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    Ti#e a$ S%ale

    'ime in the dungeon is measured in /a0e t3ns& 5hi"h are appro%imatelyI #0 minutes long$ ,hen "ombat begins& thetime s"ale "hanges to ,o08at 3onds& 5hi"h are appro%imatelyI #0 se"onds long$ 'hus& there are 60 "ombat rounds

    per game turn$

    Distan"es in the dungeon are measured in feet$ utdoors& "hange all distan"e measurements movement& range& et"$I toyards so #00J be"omes #00 yardsI but area of effe"t measurements for spells& for instan"eI normally remain in feet$

    D!eo A$3et*es

    Ca**yi! Ca6a%ity

    .ormal 1uman& lven and D5arvish player "hara"ters areable to "arry up to 60 pounds and still be "onsideredlightly loaded& or up to #>0 pounds and be "onsideredheavily loaded$ 1alflings may "arry up to >0 pounds andbe "onsidered lightly loaded& or up to #00 pounds and beheavily loaded$ .ote that armor for 1alfling "hara"ters isabout one-uarter as heavy as armor for the other ra"es$

    'hese figures are affe"ted by *trengthF ea"h M# value adds#0L to the "apa"ity of the "hara"ter& 5hile ea"h -#dedu"ts 20L$ 'hus& "arrying "apa"ities for normal"hara"ters are as sho5n belo5 rounded to the nearest >pounds for "onvenien"eI+

    D=a34F El4F H0an Hal4lin/

    #t3en/t Li/t Load Hea;-Load

    Li/t Load Hea;-Load

    " 2> 60 20 =0

    %$ @0 0 #20 =0 ?0

    12 60 #>0 >0 #00

    1"1$ 6> #6> >> ##0

    161' 70 #?0 60 #20

    1 ?0 #@> 6> #

  • 8/9/2019 Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62




    *ome "hara"ter ra"es& and almost all monsters& haveDar)vision$ 'his gives them the ability to see even in totaldar)ness$ Dar)vision is bla") and 5hite only butother5ise li)e normal sight$ Dar)vision does not grant one

    the ability to see in magi"al dar)ness$ 'he range ofDar)vision is typi"ally either orhigher :ntelligen"e su""eed on a roll of #-2$ Also& as noted

    previously& lves add # to the range automati"ally$ 'heG( may "reate se"ret doors that are more diffi"ult oreasierI to dete"t at his or her option$

    (ultiple "hara"ters sear"hing for se"ret doors ensures thatany su"h 5ill eventually be foundF ho5ever& if the first andse"ond sear"hers fail& the ne%t sear"her must ta)e t5oturns to sear"h& and all subseuent sear"hes of the areareuire an hour$

    .ote that finding a se"ret door does not grantunderstanding of ho5 it 5or)s$ 'he G( may reuireadditional rolls or other a"tions to be ta)en before thedoor "an be opened$

    D!eo S*3i3al

    As des"ribed in the E7i0ent se"tion& above& normal"hara"ters must "onsume one dayJs 5orth of rations oreuivalent foodI and a minimum of one uart of 5ater perday$

    ailure to "onsume enough food does not signifi"antlyaffe"t a "hara"ter for the first t5o days& after 5hi"h he orshe loses # hit point per day$ urthermore& at that pointthe "hara"ter loses the ability to heal 5ounds normally&though magi" 5ill still 5or)$ ating enough food for a dayover the "ourse of about a day& not all at on"eI restoresthe ability to heal& and the "hara"ter 5ill re"over lost hit

    points at the normal rate$

    :nadeuate 5ater affe"ts "hara"ters more s5iftlyF after asingle day 5ithout 5ater& the "hara"ter loses #d= hitpoints& and 5ill lose an additional #d= hit points per daythereafterF healing ability is lost 5hen the first die ofdamage is rolled$


  • 8/9/2019 Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62



    Wil$e*ess A$3et*es

    Wil$e*ess (o3e#et Rates

    (ovement rates 5hen traveling in the 5ilderness arerelated dire"tly to en"ounter movement rates& as sho5n on

    the table belo5+

    n"ounter (ovementeet per RoundI

    ,ilderness (ovement(iles per DayI

    #0J 6

    20J #2

    0J !ight /reee %#O2

    26-=0 (oderate /reee %2O *trong ,inds %# #O animals at a time& though in most"ases on"e an animal is fully trained& if it is put into servi"e

    right a5ay the animal trainer 5onJt be needed to handle itany longer$

    A30o3e3 (o3 5eaons0it): - to 0 gp per month.Chara"ters hiring mer"enaries& or having armed andarmored follo5ers to ta)e "are of& 5ill need the servi"es ofan armorer$ :n general& for every >0 ighters employed&one armorer is reuired to "are for their gear$ 'hearmorerJs euipment is not in"luded in the "osts givenabove& but the "ost to maintain his apprenti"es is in"ludedFmost su"h "hara"ters 5ill have #d= apprenti"es assisting$

    1igher pri"ed armorers or 5eaponsmiths may be hired toassist in ma)ing magi" 5eapons or armorF in this "ase& the"hara"ter hired 5ill be a spe"ialist& an e%pert in ma)ing oneparti"ular type of armor or 5eapon& and 5ill "ommand ahigher pri"e as sho5n aboveI$ *u"h "hara"ters 5ill rarelyagree to do the mundane 5or) of maintaining 5eaponsand armor for a military unit$

    En/inee3: 10 gp per month. Any player "hara"ter5ishing to build a fortress& a ship& or any other mundane"onstru"tion 5ill need an engineer$ !arge proHe"ts mayreuire several engineers& at the G(Js option$

    #a;ant: -,0 gp per month. *avants are e%perts inan"ient and obs"ure )no5ledge$ (any savants haveparti"ular interests in very limited or fo"used areas i$e$lven migrations of the 2nd ageI& but even these 5ill

    )no5 or have a""ess to a lot of fa"ts$ 'he listed "ost is theminimum reuired to maintain a savant 5ith his library&"olle"tions& et"$ :f the savantJs patron as)s a diffi"ultuestion& there may be additional "osts for materials orresear"h to ans5er it$

    #iBs C3e=: (pecial. A "re5 for a 5aterborne vesselinvolves several types of "hara"ters$ At the very least& a"omplement of sailors and a Captain are neededF ro5ers5ill be needed aboard galleys& and a .avigator is reuiredaboard ships going out of sight of land$

    Costs per month for ea"h sort of "hara"ter are givenbelo5+

    #ea0an T-e CostCaptain

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    :n general& all su"h "hara"ters are normal men& and are notarmoredF they 5ill usually be armed 5ith "lubs& daggers& orshorts5ords$ 4layer "hara"ters 5ith appropriateba")grounds may a"t as Captain& but unless e%perien"edas a shipJs "aptain& they 5ill have diffi"ulty "ommandingrespe"t from the regular sailors lo5er the (orale of su"h

    regular sailors by -2 if led by an ine%perien"ed CaptainI$


    (er"enaries are hired 5arriors$ 'hey are generally hiredin units as small as platoons+ 0L of sergeants are 2nd level$ A mer"enarylieutenant 5ill generally be 2ndlevel& 5hile a "aptain 5ill be2ndto =thlevel and his first sergeant 5ill be 2ndor Chainmail& *hortbo5 and *horts5ord ?

    Ar"her& r" < !eather Armor& *hortbo5 and *horts5ord ?

    Crossbo5man& 1uman > Chainmail& Crossbo5 and *horts5ord ?

    Crossbo5man& D5arf #2 4latemail& Crossbo5 and *horts5ord @

    !ongbo5man& 1uman @ Chainmail& !ongbo5 and *horts5ord ?!ongbo5man& lf 20 Chainmail& !ongbo5 and !ongs5ord ?

    !ight 1orseman& 1uman #0 !eather Armor& *hield& !an"e and !ongs5ord ?

    !ight 1orseman& lf 22 !eather Armor& !an"e& *hortbo5 and !ongs5ord ?

    (edium 1orseman& 1uman #> Chainmail& *hield& !an"e and !ongs5ord ?

    (edium 1orseman& lf

  • 8/9/2019 Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62



    Cha*a%te* A$3a%e#et

    E6e*ie%e Poits

    %perien"e points are given for monsters defeated& andfor other "hallenges as the G( sees fit$ 'he follo5ingtable provides N4 values for monsters$ ,here amonster has both a "hara"ter level and hit di"e given&use the larger value as the monsterJs level$ .on-"ombat"hallenges may be assigned a level& or a flat N4 valueassigned& as the G( 5ishes$

    :f asteris)s appear after the hit di"e listing for a monster&ea"h asteris) adds the spe"ial ability bonus on"eF fore%ample& a "reature 5ith a hit di"e figure of 2QQ is5orth #2> N4$

    or monsters 5ith more than #@ hit di"e& add 7>0 N4to the N4 Balue and 2> N4 to the *pe"ial Ability /onusper additional hit die$

    After tallying the N4 earned in a given adventure& theamount should be divided by the number ofadventurers$ As des"ribed above& ea"h retainer shouldre"eive a one-half shareF so a group 5ith four player"hara"ters and a retainer is "ounted as having =members$ :f 2&000 N4 are earned by this group& oneshare is === N4& and the retainer re"eives 222 N4$

    .o "hara"ter may advan"e more than one level due tothe e%perien"e points from a single adventure$ ore%ample& /arthal the 'hief is #stlevel and has #&000 N4before going on an adventureF during the adventure& heearns 2&000 more N4 an amaing featI$ 'his 5ould

    ma)e his total

  • 8/9/2019 Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62




    I raised my shield to fend off one of the monsters, and hewed at another with my sword, but I missed my firstswing. Morningstar swung at one of the monsters and struck it, but her sword did the bony thing little harm. Isaw that Apoulis still stood by the door* of #arthal there was no sign. 2ortunately, Apoulis also had a torch.

    Apoulis raised his holy symbol and called in a loud voice, %In the name of "ah, begone% "o my surprise,several of the monsters turned as if afraid and ran out the door, disappearing into the gloom. 3nfortunately thisleft uite a few of them still in the room.

    &ven as I saw all this I continued to hack at the monsters. It took two good blows to down the first one* itappeared that Morningstar was having similar trouble with the monsters. "hen one of the skeletons hit her, ust aminor wound, but still I felt good that I had invested my part of the proceeds of our last e)cursion in a suit of platemail armor* I was shrugging off blows that would have harmed me were I still wearing chain mail.

    "o my surprise, I saw Apoulis down one of the monsters in a single blow, then do the same to another in hisvery ne)t strike. $is mace seemed to be much more effective against the monsters than our swords. As I finallymanaged to down a second skeleton, I heard a high4pitched yell... it was #arthal, a little ways down the hallway,and he was throwing something.

    "here was a sound of glass breaking, and I felt a splash of water on my face. (everal of the skeletons began tosmoke, and then one of them fell in a heap. $oly water, I decided, but I didn't have time to think about it. I ustkept hacking at the skeletons.

    #y the time they were all gone, I had taken a wound, and Morningstar had taken a second. We had one potionof healing left of those that Apoulis' temple had given us* Morningstar told me to drink it, but I could tell she wasin worse shape than I, so I insisted she take it.

    "hen we turned back to the sarcophagus...

    O*$e* o0 Play

    ,hen the party of adventurers "omes in "onta"t 5ithpotential enemies& time shifts to "ombat rounds #0

    se"onds long& as des"ribed previouslyI$ /efore beginning"ombat& surprise is "he")ed see belo5I$ 'henunsurprised "hara"ters roll for :nitiative& and a"t in order ofthe rolls again& as des"ribed belo5I$


    ,hen surprise is possible& roll #d6 for ea"h side 5hi"hmight be surprisedF most normal "hara"ters are surprisedon a roll of #-2$ *urprised "hara"ters are unable to a"t forone round$ Chara"ters or "reatures 5hi"h are 5ell hiddenand prepared to perform an ambush surprise on a roll of#-= on #d6$ *ome "hara"ters or "reatures su"h as lvesIare des"ribed as being less li)ely to be surprisedF redu"e

    the range by # for su"h "reatures$

    or e%ample+ Darion the 1uman ighter and (orningstarthe lven ighterO(agi"-;ser open a door and "ome fa"e-to-fa"e 5ith a party of goblins$ 'he G( rolls #d6 for thegoblinsF on a #-2 they are all surprised$ 'hen the G( rolls#d6 for Darion and (orningstar$ :f the roll is a #& both of

    them are surprisedF if the roll is a 2& only Darion issurprised$ :f the roll is < or more& neither of them aresurprised$

    *urprised "hara"ters or "reatures stand flat-footed for oneround$ 'hey still defend themselves& so there is no penaltyto Armor Class& but they "annot move nor atta") duringthe round of surprise$

    (oste* Rea%tios

    ,hen a group of player "hara"ters meet one or moremonsters& itJs important to )no5 ho5 the monsters 5illrea"t to the party$ :n many "ases& the rea"tion of themonster or monsters is obvious$$$ ombies guarding atomb 5ill virtually al5ays atta") intruders& for e%ample$

    :n "ases 5here the rea"tion of the monsters to the party is

    not obvious& a 3ea,tion 3oll may be made$ 'he Game(aster rolls 2d6& adding the Charisma bonus of the EleadE"hara"ter or applying his or her Charisma penaltyI along5ith any other adHustments he or she feels are reasonable&and "onsults the table belo5+


  • 8/9/2019 Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62



    Rea,tion Roll Ta8le

    Adsted Die Roll Reslt

    2 or less :mmediate Atta")

    J of ea"h other& they areEengagedE and must abide by the rules under Defensive(ovement& belo5$


    Chara"ters may "hoose to runF a running "hara"ter is notnormally allo5ed to atta") but see Charging& belo5I$Running "hara"ters "an move at double their normalen"ounter movement rate$ Chara"ters are allo5ed to runa number of rounds eual to 2 times the "hara"terJsConstitution& after 5hi"h they are e%hausted and may only5al) at the normal en"ounter rateI$ or monsters nothaving a given Constitution& allo5 the monster to run for2= rounds$ %hausted "hara"ters or "reatures must restfor at least a turn before running again$


    "he following rules may be considered optional. "heyare hardly needed for most dungeon adventures, but willadd measurably to combat situations in the wilderness,especially in waterborne combat situations or when someor all combatants are flying.

    Chara"ters& "reatures& and vehi"les of various sorts have a0ane;e3a8ilit- ,lass$ 'his is given as a letter& from A to& referring to the table belo5$ Ro5s G and 1 are usedonly in "ases 5here the maneuverability of a "reature orvehi"le has been redu"ed$I

    All normal player "hara"ters& and in fa"t most moderatelysied "reatures 5hi"h 5al) on the ground& aremaneuverability "lass A$ 'he "lass letter is given after the

    movement rate or ratesI for a "reatureF if nomaneuverability "lass is given& assume that the "reature is"lass A$

    'he maneuverability "lass determines ho5 far a "reaturemust move bet5een 4a,in/ ,an/es5hen moving aboutin "ombat$ Class A allo5s one fa"ing "hange per >Jmoved& "lass / allo5s one fa"ing "hange per #0J moved&and ea"h su""essive "lass adds #0J to that figure$ :n


  • 8/9/2019 Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r62



    general& a fa"ing "hange is any turn of up to @0Y a right-angle turnIF on a suare-gridded map& this means turningto fa"e dire"tly to the right or left of the figureJs "urrentfa"ing$ A half-turn =>YI still "ounts as a full fa"ing "hange$:f using he%es& diagonal movement is generally notavailable& so a fa"ing "hange is the 60Y turn to fa"e to5ard

    the he%-side to the right or left of the "urrent fa"ing$

    'here are a fe5 e%"eptions to this rule+

    irst& any "reature that does not move a5ay from itsstarting position during the "ombat round may ma)e asmany fa"ing "hanges as desired though "ir"umstan"es&su"h as trying to turn a horse around in a narro5 "orridor&may prevent thisI$

    :n"orporeal flying "reatures su"h as spe"tresI are betterthan "lass A& being able to turn freely at any point 5hilemoving$

    Creatures 5hi"h are running moving at double speedI

    may not ma)e fa"ing "hanges of more than 60Y& and suffera redu"tion of maneuverability by one ro5 from A to /& /to C& and so onI$

    Also& most "reatures "an shift one spa"e laterally 5hilepreserving their fa"ing this is "alled sidesteppingI& butthis may only be done 5hen moving at normal 5al)ingIspeed& not at fast runningI speed$

    Class a,in/ Can/es Allo=ed

    A # per >J

    / # per #0J

    C # per 20J

    D # per 0J

    Cli#,i! a$ Di3i!

    or battles involving three dimensions& ea"h "reature orvehi"le has an alt itude 5hen flyingI or depthunder5aterI$ or air or sea battles& at least one of the"reatures or vehi"les should start at an altitudeOdepth of 0&and a ne5 0 level "an be established at any time& tosimplify play& by adHusting the altitudes of ea"h "reature orvehi"le$

    A 5inged flier "an gain up to #0J of altitude after moving

    for5ard by the distan"e sho5n for its maneuverability"lass& and "an dive lose altitude in a "ontrolled fashionI atup to t5i"e the normal movement rateF if the "reature doesnot move horiontally by at least half its normal speed& it5ill stall& being for"ed to dive at ma%imum rate for oneround$ loating "reatures or vehi"les balloons& fly spell&flying "arpets& et"$I "an "limb verti"ally 5ithout horiontal

    motion up to half the normal movement rate& but su"hfloaters "an only des"end at the normal movement rate&unless they have lost the ability to float entirely$


    ;nder some "ir"umstan"es& "hara"ters or "reatures may beallo5ed to atta") after a running move$ 'his is "alled a,a3/e& and some spe"ifi" limitations apply$ irst& the"harging "hara"ter or "reature must move at least #0 feet&and may move up to double his or her normal movementrate& as given above$ 'he movement must be in a more orless straight line to5ard the intended target& and the pathto the target must be reasonably "lear$ inally& theatta")er must be using a 5eapon su"h as a spear& lan"e& orpole arm 5hi"h is suitable for use 5hile "harging$ Certainmonsters& espe"ially in"luding those 5ith horns& are able touse natural atta")s 5hen "harging$ :f the atta")er does nothave line of sight to the opponent at the start of the"harge& that opponent "anUt be "harged$

    'he atta") made after the "harge is made at M2 on theatta") roll$ 'he "harging "hara"ter or "reature ta)es a -2penalty to Armor Class for the remainder of the round$ :fthe atta") hits& it does double damage$

    #et 5eaon A/ainst Ca3/e+ *pears& pole arms& and"ertain other pier"ing 5eapons deal double damage 5henset bra"ed against the ground or floorI and used againsta "harging "reature$ or this to be done& the "hara"ter or"reature being "harged must have eual or better :nitiativeFthis "ounts as holding an a"tion+ both atta")er anddefender a"t on the atta")erJs :nitiative number and aretherefore simultaneous$

    E3asio a$ P*sit

    *ometimes a party of adventurers 5ill 5ant nothing morethan to avoid a group of monsters or sometimes& itJs themonsters avoiding the adventurersI$ :f one group issurprised& and the other is not& the unsurprised group maybe able to es"ape automati"ally unless somethingprevents them from ma)ing an e%itI$

    ther5ise& the "hara"ters 5anting to flee begin doing soon their :nitiative numbers$ 'he G( may easily play outthe pursuit& follo5ing along on his or her map note thatthe players "anJt dra5 maps 5hile they run headlong

    through the dungeon or 5ilderness areaI$ Any time a"hara"ter must pass through a door5ay& ma)e a hard turn&et"$& the G( may reuire a saving thro5 vs$ Death Ray5ith De%terity bonus addedIF if the save is failed& the"hara"ter has fallen at that point and moves no further thatroundF he or she may stand up and ma)e a full move onhis or her :nitiative number in the ne%t round$


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    :f at any point the pursuers are 5ithin >J melee rangeI atthe start of a round& they may begin melee "ombatF thefleeing "hara"ters 5ill be subHe"t to parting shots asdes"ribed under Defensive (ovement if they "ontinue toflee after the pursuers "lose to melee range$

    :f the fleeing "hara"ters or "reatures are ever able to getbeyond the pursuerJs sight for a full round& they haveevaded pursuit$$$ the pursuers have lost them$

    De0esi3e (o3e#et

    Any time a "hara"ter turns his or her ba") on an adHa"entopponent 5ho has a ready 5eaponI and beginsmovement& that opponent is allo5ed a parting shot 5itha M2 bonus to atta")& even if that opponent has alreadymade all atta")s for the round$ pponents 5ith atta")routines must "hoose one atta") modeF for instan"e& atiger 5ith a "la5O"la5Obite routine "ould only "la5 on"e orbite on"e$

    Alternately& the "hara"ter may begin ba")ing a5ay at upto half normal 5al)ing movementI 5hile "ontinuing tofight if the opponent remains 5ithin rea"h& i$e$ follo5s theretreating "hara"terI$ 'his is termed a 4i/tin/=itd3a=al$

    'o) to Atta%=

    'o roll Eto hit&E the atta")er rolls #d20 and adds his or heratta") bonus A/I& as sho5n on the table on page =7& as5ell as *trength bonus if performing a melee atta")I orDe%terity bonus if performing a missile atta")I and anyother adHustments reuired by the situation$ :f the total is

    eual to or greater than the opponentJs Armor Class& theatta") hits and damage is rolled$ A natural E#E on the dieroll is al5ays a failure$ A natural E20E is al5ays a hit& if theopponent "an be hit at all i$e$ monsters that "an only behit by silver or magi" 5eapons "annot b
