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Basic helping skill

Date post: 08-Jul-2015
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Group members: Dianna ak Tingkau 26177 Selina ak sinie 28113 Geoffery Laeng 34231 Nurazdimma Azmi 27727
Page 1: Basic helping skill

Group members:

Dianna ak Tingkau 26177

Selina ak sinie 28113

Geoffery Laeng 34231

Nurazdimma Azmi 27727

Page 2: Basic helping skill

Introduction This is first time when helpee meet the helper in the

live session

2 of 5 stages DAISE are used:

develop the relationship, identify and clarify problem

assess problem and redefine in skills terms

Helping skills

-such as minimal response, restate, paraphrase, clarifying, reflecting feeling, summary, and termination.

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This was a session between a supervisor and a student. It the first session, they only discussing some issues regarding her PTA (Final Year Project) and this second meeting were to follow-up the progress of the client’s project. In this session, the client shares the progress of her PTA and her problems to the supervisor where her problem have affect his progress of PTA. Helpee faces difficulties in her studies because of this and states that the reason was not enough time for all her study business because she have taken 25 hours credit in this semester and have to focus on all that in a time. Meanwhile, other assignments and mid-term also makes her more tension.

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Helpee’s Background Name : Selina

Eduacation level: 3rd year student in FSKPM

Town: Kuching.

Hobbies: Shopaholic and spend time with friends

Main Problem: did not meet supervisor and always did not have time to meet her Final Year Project.

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Helping Skills and Techniques

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Stage 1: Develop the relationship, identify and clarify problem Build the relationship with the client

Ask the client whether she is comfortable through the environment

The introduction of client’s background

Will builds the trust with the client


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Stage 2: Assess problem and refine in skills terms

Helper will use an open questioning just to explore more details and tried get the actual problem

Helper need to use some skills such as restate ,paraphrase, minimal response, checking and clarify skills just to make sure zero misunderstood clients meaning or out of topic.

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Stage 3: Checking

Helper also used it to check either the client is understands the messages that try to delivered. This checking skill helps helper and client clears and understands about the messages or information that tries to share


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Example: Checking

Helper: Sebenarnya, berdasarkan buku log yang saya simpan Sally hanya pernah bertemu sekalisahaja untuk bertanyakan mengenaiperkembangan PTA Sally. Seperti yang Sally sediamaklum, untuk layak bergraduat Sally hendaklahlulus dalam kursus Projek Tahun Akhir.

Helpee: Urm.. Saya tahu puan. Masalahnya…

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Stage 4: Restate

Repeating or rephrasing the content or meaning of the client

This usually is more specific and clear than the client’s statement.

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Example: Restate Helpee: Bukan saya tak nak ambil antara sesi puan.

Saya perlu bekerja untuk menampung perbelanjaansaya setiap kali semester baru bermula. Saya sedihbila mengenangkan masalah ni.

Helper: Jadi, Sally sedih dengan segalapermasalahan yang Sally hadapi sekarang.

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Stage 5: Paraphrase

Verbal statement that helper using own words to restate the client’s content or feeling into simple sentences without changing the original meaning


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Example: Paraphrase Helper: oh begitu. Jadi, biar saya nyatakan sama ada

saya faham dengan apa yang Sally telah kongsikanbersama saya sebentar tadi. Sally sebenarnya hanyaberjumpa sekali sahaja untuk PTA dan mempunyaimasalah dari segi meluangkan masa untuk kerja danjuga bersama rakan-rakan. Di samping itu, Sally mempunyai masalah kerana jadual kuliah yang begitupadat. Adakah saya bercakap mengenai sebab yang betul di mana kekangan tersebut yang menyebabkanSally jarang bertemu dengan saya?

Helpee: Erm.. Ya puan.

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Stage 6 : Feedback

Feedback could be in verbal conversation between two people in helping or in some time before the response is given to allow the client to think and take his time to consider it


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Example of feedback

Helper: Urm.. Jadi, kenapa Sally tak mencuba inisiatifyang baru seperti pada hujung minggu sahaja untukkeluar bersama rakan-rakan dan pada hari biasa pula Sally tumpukan pada pelajaran. Saya percaya denganperancangan yang lebih teliti Sally akan dapatmenyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Okay?

Helpee: Baiklah, saya akan cuba yang terbaik.

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Stage 7: Minimal responses

In helping session are to encourage client to talk about the issue he/she faces

Aim to convey understanding of helper

Encourage helpee talk more about his issue


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Example:Minimal response

Helper: Teruskan sahaja apa yang Sally inginkongsikan.

Helpee: Sebenarnya, pada sem ni saya mengambilprogram luar julat iaitu dengan jumlah 25 jam kredit. Ini disebabkan saya mengambil 2 kursus pelengkap danpada masa yang sama saya pun terikat dengan kursus-kursus teras. Oleh sebab jadual yang begitu padat sayamempunyai kekangan untuk berjumpa dengan puan. Tambahan pula saya tinggal di luar.

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Stage 8: Reflection

Help clients idea or feeling into simple sentence without changing meaning


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Example:Reflecting feeling

Helper: Urm.. Sally, mari kita imbas kembali apa yang telah kita perkatakan pada hari ini. Berdasarkan padapenceritaan Sally di permulaan tadi, Sally sukar untukmembahagikan antara masa antara kerja dan rakan-rakan. Selain itu, jadual yang padat menyebabkan Sally jarang bertemu untuk mengutarakan pendapat ataumasalah berkaitan dengan projek tahun akhir.

Helpee: Ya puan. Tepat sekali.

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Stage 9: Self-disclosure

Reference must briefly and have purpose of reference and motivation. It will not become necessary tell the client at that time.

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Stage 10: Summarize

Help client more understand to situation or issue

Helper need to highlight the major issues of the client


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Example of summarize Helper: Sally, saya tahu untuk menyiapkan sesuatu tugasan

yang penting memerlukan ketabahan dan kecekalan yang tinggi. Jadi, Sally perlu menggunakan masa yang sedia adauntuk menyiapkan tugasan PTA. Sekiranya Sally memberikan sedikit usaha dalam menyiapkan tugasan PTA ni pasti akan membuahkan hasil yang baik. Saya akanmenolong Sally setakat yang saya mampu. Sally usah risaudan tanam dalam diri bahawa di mana ada jalan, di situ adakemahuan.Jadi, untuk kebaikan di masa akan datang sayaakan sediakan kontrak untuk Sally tandatangani di manaada kata persetujuan di antara saya dan Sally. Terima kasihsebab Sally sudi untuk berjumpa dengan saya.

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Stage 11: Termination

Termination need to do to put a limit on time given per counseling session

To assist the clients to consolidate what they have learned and let the clients to help themselves afterwards

To make sure that the clients terminates without any unfinished business

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Model And Theories

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CBT has been shown to help with many different types

of problems.

CBT is chosen because it can be use to solve client

problem rationally and positively.

can help client to make sense overwhelming problems

by breaking it down into smaller parts.

Meaning to say, client can look through his or her

problem more specific and clearly. This also can be

showing how group member could affect client indirectly.

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Unhelpful Helpful

Thought She thinking the Final

Year Project given by a

lecturer as a burden.

She think that Final Year

Project given by her

lecturer will become a

guidance for her after

enter the workplace.

Emotional She feel very stress with

work given by a


She think that work given

by a lecturer is important

as a process of learning.

Physical Feel low energy(no


Feel comfortable with the


Action Just leave the FYP and

assignment given by


Try to finish work given

on a specific time.

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Learning ExperiencesDimma

I have learned on how using basic helping skill and how to apply it. These techniques is not easy to do it at first, however we tried to do it for assignment as best as we can. Besides, our session used the SOLER model as our guideline to develop the relationship between helper and client and assess problem and redefine in skill term.

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Learn on how to using basic helping skill with anormal dialogue to writing a script. Way to write ascript harder because it is more on theoretical work.

The way we talked should be relate with thenecessary skills that have been study during the classsession. This is because as a helper I have used anappropriate skill to give a response to what haveclients talked during the sessions.Furthermore, roleplay session also has increased my communicationskill better than before.

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I have learnt a lot in this assignment mostly regarding in helping someone in a professional ways. I have identified some techniques like minimal response, restate, paraphrasing, clarifying and summary. It is actually not easy as what we seen to be a helper and have to practise continuously to avoid false in the helping session. It was a good learning experience for me because we can practise it ourselves. Beside that, all of us have gave a good commitment on this assignment in report and video recording even though each of us have others assignment that need to be done. I am very proud and thank to all my group members in what they have contributed in this assignment.

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From this learning process, I have learned to finish this project from team work. The technique that we use is minimal response, restate, paraphrasing, reflecting feeling, summary, clarifying and termination. We also had learned how to use the theory in helper and helpee situation. This theory have used in our project and give our guidelines to develop the relationship between helper and helpee and assess problem and refine in the skill term. Then, we in a group member have a good interaction skill and helping together to finish our video recording and this project.

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1. HELPERgood listening and need to give positive reaction .

build the relationship between helpee in a short time.

helper needs to give an opinion and a positive outlook to the helpee to help feel happy.

2. HELPEE difficult to obtain compatibility in the process of forming relationships

with helper.

not easy to answer all questions from helper because helpees need to think careful to explain .

New experiences for helpee ( don’t have any counselling session).

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It is very difficult because I need to identify what the skills and technique has be used in helping skills.

Observer need to do more recording and repeat the conversation in recording.

Need to avoid from any sound from outside.
