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Basic Hypergeometric Functions and q-Calculus


Dr. Farooq Ahmad Sheikh P.G., B.Ed, M.Phil, Ph.D. (Mathematics)

Recipient of Young Scientist Award from M.P. Council of Science and Technology – India (2013)

Assistant Professor (Mathematics) Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

Islamic University of Science and Technology – Awantipora – Kashmir



Dr. D. K. Jain M.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D., NET(JFR) (Mathematics)

Department of Applied Mathematics Madhav Institute of Technology and Science, Gwalior (M.P.)

Published by

Corona Publication

Approved by : Gwalior, Jiwaji University, 2015

PhD. Thesis

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This book on Special Functions and Fractional Calculus has been specially written to

meet the requirements of the P.G. students and research scholar of all Indian

universities. The subject matter has been discussed in such a simple way that the

students will find no difficulty to understand it. The proofs of various theorems and

examples have been given with minute details. Each chapter of this book contains

complete theory and a fairly large number of solved examples.

During the preparation of the manuscript of this book, the author has incorporated the

fruitful academic suggestions provided by. Prof Renu Jain , Head SOMAAS, Jiwaji

University Gwalior (M.P.), Dr. D .K. Jain, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Applied

Mathematics Madhav Institute of Technology and Science, Gwalior (M.P.). Dr. M.

A. Khandy Asst. Professor in the Department of Mathematics at University of

Kashmir and Mr. Ehsan Ul Haq Sr.Lecture Zology J&k Education Department and

Mr. Sajad Saleem teacher J & k Education Department. It is expected to have a good

popularity due to its usefulness among its readers and users.

Words fail me in expressing my gratitude to my Respected brother Mr. A B.

Qayoom Sheikh & my beloved Wife for their consistent assistance and encouragement

through the years, which really helped me a lot. I find myself bereft of words when it

comes the turn of paying my deep sense of veneration to my parents and other

relatives. I express my deep sense of gratitude to my respected Teachers and dear

students of NCC and Pinacle Coaching centers for their consistent assistance and

encouragement through the years.

Last but not least; the authors are also very much thankful to the entire staff of

………corona publication Staff in particular Dr. B S Rathore ……. for taking keen

interest in publishing the book in its present shape.

Although, the authors have tried their best in the formulation of the subject matter

very nicely but that can be further improved based on the suggestions received from its

readers. Therefore, the constrictive and academic suggestions received from all sides

will always be welcomed and highly appreciated by the authors.


1.1 Introduction 1.2 Introduction to Hypergeometric Functions

1.3 Some important Generalized Hypergeometric Functions 1.4 Basic Hypergeometric Series (q-series) 1.5 Fractional Calculus and its Elements 1.6 q- Fractional Calculus and its Elements 1.7 Conclusion CHAPTER 2: CERTAIN RESULTS OF BASIC ANALOGUE OF I-FUNCTION BASED ON FRACTIONAL q-INTEGRAL OPERATORS 34-44

2.1 Certain results of Basic Analogue of I-function based on Fractional q-integral Operators

2.2 Fractional Integral Operator of Riemann-Liouville type 2.3 Fractional Integral Operator of Kober type 2.4 Fractional Integral Operator of Saigo’s type 2.5 Special Cases 2.6 Conclusion


3.1Double Integral representation and Certain Transformations for Basic Appell Functions 3.2 Integral representation for Basic Appell’s Hypergeometric Functions 3.3 Transformation Formulae for the q-Appell functions


4.1 Relationship between q-Weyl Operator and Basic Analogue of I-function with special reference to q- Laplace transform.

4.2q-Laplace Transform of Basic Analogue of I-function


5.1 Certain Quantum Calculus Operators associated with the Basic Analogue of Fox-Wright Hypergeometric Function 5.2 Riemann- Liouville Fractional Integral Operators with the Basic Analogue of Fox-Wright Hypergeometric Function 5.3 Riemann- Liouville Fractional Derivative Operators with the Basic Analogue of Fox-Wright Hypergeometric Function 5.4 Conclusion



6.1 Some Identities of the Generalized Function of Fractional Calculus Involving Generalized Fractional Operator 6.2.1 Left-sided Generalized Fractional Integration of the Generalized Function of Fractional Calculus 6.2.2 Right -sided Operator Generalized Fractional Integration of the Generalized Function of Fractional Calculus 6.3 Basic Analogue of R-function and Some of Its Identities

6.4Special Cases 6.5 Conclusion


7.1 Dirichlet Averages of Generalized Fox-Wright Function 7.2 Representation of 𝐑𝐤 and 𝐩𝐌𝐪 in terms of Reimann-Liouville Fractional Integrals

7.3 Representation of 𝐑𝐤 and 𝐩𝐌𝐪 in terms of q- Reimann-Liouville Fractional Integrals

7.4Special Cases 7.5 Conclusion



8.1 Generalized Functions for the Fractional Calculus and Dirichlet Averages 8.2 Representation of 𝐑𝐤 and 𝑴𝒒,𝒗 in terms of Reimann-Liouville Fractional Integrals

8.3 Representation of 𝐑𝐤 and 𝑴𝒒,𝒗 in terms of Quantum Fractional Integrals

8.4 Special Cases 8.5 Conclusion


1.1 Introduction

Our translation of real world problems to mathematical expressions relies on

calculus, which in turn relies on the differentiation and integration operations of

arbitrary order with a sort of misnomer fractional calculus which is also a

natural generalization of calculus and its mathematical history is equally long. It

plays a significant role in number of fields such as physics, rheology,

quantitative biology, electro-chemistry, scattering theory, diffusion, transport

theory, probability, elasticity, control theory, engineering mathematics and

many others. Fractional calculus like many other mathematical disciplines and

ideas has its origin in the quest of researchers for to expand its applicationsto

new fields. This freedom of order opens new dimensions and many problems of

applied sciences can be tackled in more efficient way by means of fractional


The purpose of this thesis is to increase the accessibility of different dimensions

of q-fractional calculus and generalization of basic hypergeometric functions to

the real world problems of engineering, science and economics. Present chapter

reveals a brief history, definition and applications of basic hypergeometric

functions and their generalizations in light of different mathematical disciplines


of calculus, like fractional calculus, q- fractional calculus and Dirichlets

averages etc.

1.2 Introduction to Hypergeometric Functions

The study of one-variable hypergeometric functions is more than 200 years old.

They appear in the works of Euler, Gauss, Riemann, and Kummer. Their

integral representations were studied by Barnes and Mellin, and then special

properties of them by Schwarz and Goursat.The famous Gauss hypergeometric

equation is ubiquitous in mathematical physics as many well-known partial

differential equations may be reduced to Gauss‟s equation via separation of

variables. There are three possible ways in which one can characterize

hypergeometric functions: as functions represented by series whose coefficients

satisfy certain recursion properties; as solutions to a system of differential

equations which is, in an appropriate sense, holonomic and has mild

singularities and finally as functions defined by integrals such as the Mellin-

Barnes integral. For one-variable hypergeometric functions this interplay has

been well understood for several decades. In the several variables case, on the

other hand, it is possible to extend each one of these approaches but one may

get slightly different results. Thus, there is no universally accepted definition of

a multivariate hypergeometric function. For example, there is a notion due to

horn of multivariate hypergeometric series in terms of the coefficients of the

series. The recursions they satisfy gives rise to a system of partial differential


equations. It turns out that for more than two variables this system need not be

holonomic, i.e. the space of local solutions may be infinite dimensional. On the

other hand, there is a natural way to enlarge this system of PDE‟s into a

holonomic system. The relation between these two systems is well understood

only in the two variable cases [25]. Even in the case of the classical Horn,

Appell, Pochhammer, and Lauricella , multivariate hypergeometric functions it

is only in 1970‟s and 80‟s that an attempt was made by W. Miller Jr. and his

collaborators to study the Lie algebra of differential equations satisfied by these

functions and their relationship with the differential equations arising in

mathematical physics.

There has been a great revival of interest in the study of hypergeometric

functions in the last two decades. Indeed, a search for the title word

hypergeometric in the Math Sci Net database yields 3181 articles of which 1530

have been published after 1990! This newfound interest comes from the

connections between hypergeometric functions and many areas of mathematics

such as representation theory, algebraic geometry and Hodge theory,

combinatorics, D-modules, number theory, mirror symmetry, theory of

fractional calculus, theory of q-fractional calculus and now a day‟stheory of

quantum calculus (q-calculus)etc. An important new development in the theory

of hypergeometric functions by extending the number of parameters in the

Gauss function seems to have occurred for the first time in the work of Clausen


[2]. He introduced a series with three numerator parameters and two

denominator parameters. This idea was further extended to four to five

parameters and so on. Over the next hundred years, the well-known set of

special summation theorems associated with names of Salschutz [4], Dixon [5]

and Doughall [6] were developed. These are all for the series in which argument

is taken as unity. It can be shown that, Doughall„s theorem, the summation of

7F6 .series, is the most general possible theorem of this kind. The generalized

hyper geometric series pFq is defined as


Here no denominator parameter (j= 1, 2, 3,. . .q) is allowed to be zero or

negative integer. If any numerator parameter ( i = 1,2,3,. . . p) is zero or

negative integer, then the above series terminates. Moreover the series

converges if

(a) If p series converges for all finite z.

(b) If p = q+1, series converges for |z|<1 and diverges for |z|>1.

(c) If p > q+1, series diverges for z

1. 3 Some important generalized hypergeometric functions

Before looking at different dimensions of q-fractional calculus and

generalization of basic hypergeometric functions, we will first discuss some


useful generalized hypergeometric functionswhich are inherently related to the

work of the present thesis and will commonly be encountered. These include the

Meijer‟s G-Function, Fox's H-Function, I-Function, Appell‟s function, Fox-

Wright function, the Mittag-Leffler function, the more generalized function of

fractional calculus named as R-function. Also the basic analoguethese well-

known functions.

1.3.1 Meijer’s G-Function

The G-function was introduced by Cornels Simon Meijer (1936) as a very

general function intended to include most of the known special functions as

particular cases. This was not the only attempt of its kind. The generalized

hyper geometric function and MacrobertE-function had the same aim, but

Meijer‟s G-function was able to include these as particular case as well. The

majority of the special functions can be represented in terms of the G-functions.

The first definition was made by Meijer using a series, but now a day the

accepted and more general definition is in terms of Mellin-Barnes type integral.

Meijer‟s G-functions provides an interpretation of the symbol pFq when p>q+1.

The Meijer‟s G-function is defined as [10]



where an empty product is interpreted as 1. In above equation , 0< m < q,0< n<

p, and the parameters are such, that no pole of Γ(bj– s), j = 1, 2, 3, … , m

coincides with any pole of Γ(1- k+s), k = 1, 2,3,… ,n. There are three different

paths L of integration:

(i) L runs from -i∞ to +i∞ so that all the poles of Γ ( j-s), j = 1, 2, 3, …, m

are to the right side and all the poles of Γ (1- k+s), k= 1, 2, 3, … , n to

the left of L. The integral converges if (p+q) < 2 (m+n) and |argz|<[m+n

– – ]π

(ii) L is a loop starting and ending at +∞ and encircling all poles of bj-s),

j = 1, 2, 3… m, once in negative direction but none of the poles

of k=1,2,3… n. The integral converges if q>1 and either

p<q or p=q, and |z|<1,

(iii) L is a loop starting and ending at -∞and encircling all poles of Γ (1- k

+s),k = 1, 2, 3, …n once in the +ve direction but none of the poles of (bj-

s),j=1, 2, 3 … m.

It is always assumed that the values of parameters and of the variable are such

that at least one of the three definitions makes sense. In cases, when more than


one of these definitions makes sense, they lead the same result. Thus no

ambiguity arises. The integral converges if (p+q) < 2 (m+n) and |arg z|< (m+n -

) π, = 1, 2… r

1.3.2 Fox's H – Function

Although G-functions are quite general in character yet a number of special

functions, like Wright‟s generalized hypergeometric functions do not form their

special cases. Therefore Charles Fox introduced and studied a more general

function, known as Fox‟s H-function. This function contains all the

aforementioned functions, including G-function, as its special cases. Fox has

defined H-function in terms of a general Mellin-Barnes type integral. He also

investigated the most general Fourier kernel associated with the H- function and

obtained the asymptotic expansions of the kernel for large values of the

argument. Fox has also derived theorems about the H- function as asymmetric

Fourier kernel and established certain operational properties for this function.

The H – function is defined by Fox [12] as follows





(i) z ≠ 0 , z is a complex variable.

(ii) m, n, p and q non-negative integers satisfying 1<n<p and 1<m<q, and

for αj, j = 1, 2, 3, … p and for βj, j = 1, 2, … q.

(iii) The contour L runs from -i∞ to i∞ such that the poles of Γ( k- βk


k = 1, 2, 3… m lies to the right of L and the poles ofΓ(1- + αj s), j =

1, 2, 3… n lies to the left of L.

1.3.3 I – Function

Fox‟s H-function was never a dead end of generalizations in the field of special

functions. The H-function was also generalized into a new type of function in

which the denominator parameters are in the summation form of Gamma

function products. This was named as the I-function.

TheI-function was introduced by Saxena [28] in connection with the solution of

a dual integral equations involving sum of H-functions as kernel. It is defined as




pi(i= 1, 2, 3, … , r), qi (i= 1, 2, 3, … , r), m and n are integers satisfying

0< n < pi and 0< m < qi, r is finite and αj, βj, αji, βji, are complex numbers.

For I – function, there are three different paths L of integration

(i) L is a contour which runs from σ-i∞ to σ+i∞ (σ is real), so that all poles

of Γ( -βj s), j=1, 2, 3 … , m are to the right and all poles of Γ(1- +αjs),

j = 1, 2, 3… nare to the left of L.

(ii) L is a loop starting and ending at σ+i∞ and encircling all the poles

ofΓ( -βj s), j=1, 2, 3 … ,m. Once in the negative direction but none of

the pole of Γ(1- +αjs),j = 1, 2, 3, … , n. The integral converges if q > 1

and either pi< qiorpi=qi and |z|<|, I = 1, 2, 3, …, r

(iii) L is a loop starting and ending at σ+i∞ and encircling all the poles of Γ(1-

+αjs),once in positive direction, but none of the poles of Γ( -βj s), j =

1, 2, 3, … , m.

On specializing the parameters in I-function we can arrive at G and H functions.

Thus G and H functions are particular cases of I-function.


1.3.4 Appell’s Hypergeometric Functions of Two Variables

The hypergeometric series can also be generalized by simply increasing the

number of parameters.Some other generalizations have been studied by Appell

and Kampe De Feriet [8] in which the number of variables is increased.

If we consider the two hypergeometric series

F( , and F( )

And form their product,we obtain a double series, depending on the two

variables and y, in which the general term is


Next we replace one, two or three of the products ,

by the corresponding expressions( )m+n , ( )m+n ,

I)m+nrespectively.There are five possibilities, one of which gives the series


This is simply the expansion of the function

The four remaining possibilities lead to the definition of Appellhypergeometric

functions of two variables, namely






The double series are absolutely convergent for

(i) | |<1, | |<1;

(ii) | |+|y|<1;

(1) | |<1, |y|<1;

(1) | |1/2

+ |y|1/2

<, respectively.

1.3.5 The Mittag-Leffler function

The Mittag-Leffler function arises naturally in the solution of fractional order

integral equations or fractional order differential equations, and especially in the

investigations of the fractional generalization of the kinetic equation, random

walks, Levy flights, super diffusive transport and in the study of complex

systems. The ordinary and generalized Mittag-Leffler functions interpolate

between a purely exponential law and power-law-like behavior of phenomena

governed by ordinary kinetic equations and their fractional counterparts. During


the various developments of fractional calculus in the last four decades this

function has gained importance and popularity on account of its vast

applications in the fields of science and engineering. The Mittag-Leffler

functions, that we denote by ), ) are so named in honour of Gösta

Mittag-Leffler, the eminent Swedish mathematician, who introduced and

investigated these functions in a series of notes starting from 1903 in the

framework of the theory of entire functions. The functions are defined by the

series representations, convergent in the whole complex plane C

) = ; Re(α) > 0(

) = ; Re(α) > 0 ; and β C.(

Originally Mittag-Leffler assumed only the parameter α and assumed it as

positive, but soon later the generalization with two complex parameters was

considered by Wiman. In both cases the Mittag-Leffler functions are entire

function of order 1/Re(α).

Generally, ) = )

In 1971, Prabhakar [17] introduced the more generalized function

Eγα,β(z) defined byE

γα,β(z) = ; Re(α) > 0, Re(β) > 0,


Re(γ) > 0; and α,β,γ C.

1.3.6Fox-Wright Generalized Hypergeometric Functions

Here we provide a survey of the higher transcendental functions related to the

Wright special functions. Like the functions of the Mittag-Leffler type, the

functions of the Wright type are known to play fundamental roles in various

applications of the fractional calculus. This is mainly due to the fact that they

are interrelated with the Mittag-Leffler functions through Laplace and Fourier


We start providing the definitions in the complex plane for the general Wright

function and for two special cases that we call auxiliary functions. Then we

devote particular attention to the auxiliary functions in the real field, because

they admit a probabilistic interpretation related to the fundamental solutions of

certain evolution equations of fractional order. These equations are fundamental

to understand phenomena of anomalous diffusion or intermediate between

diffusion and wave propagation.

In mathematics, the Fox–Wright function (also known as Fox–Wright Psi

function or just Wright function) is a generalization of the generalized

hypergeometric function pFq(z) based on an idea of E. Maitland wright



pᴪq =

Where >0, (j = 1, . . . , p) and > 0 (j = 1, . . . , q) ; 1+ – ,

for suitably bounded values of |z|. In particular, when

= 1, (j = 1, . . . , p) and =1 (j = 1, . . . , q)

Wehave the following obvious relationship

pFq =

= pᴪq

The Fox-Wright function is a special case of the Fox-H-function as follows

pᴪq =


1.3.7 Generalized Functions for the Fractional Calculus(R-function)

It is of significant usefulness to develop a generalized function which when

fractionally differ integrated (by any order) returns itself. Such a function would

greatly ease the analysis of fractional order differential equations. To end this

process the following was proposed by Hartley and Lorenzo, 1998 [22]. The R-

function is unique in that it contains all of the derivatives and integrals of the F-

function. The R-function has the Eigen property that is it returns itself on qth

order differ-integration.Special cases of the R-function also include the

exponential function, the sin, cosine, hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic cosine

functions. The value of the R-function is clearly demonstrated in the dynamic

thermocouple problem where it enables the analyst to directly inverse transform

the Laplace domain solution, to obtain the time domain solution, and is defined

as follows

[ , , t] = .1)

The more compact notation

[ , t-c] =

When c = 0, we get

[ , t-c] =


Put v = q-1, we get Mittag - Leffler function

[ , t] = = E ( )

Taking a = 1, v = q-β

[1, t] = ( ).

The Laplace transform of the R-function is

L{ Rq,υ } = L{ }

= L{ }

Taking c= 0, we get

L{ Rq,υ } = , Re )>0, Re(s)>0.

1.4Basic Hypergeometric Series (q-series)

A basic hyper geometric function is an extension of an ordinary hyper

geometric function, by addition of an extra parameter when q →1,the basic

hypergeometric function tends towards an ordinary hypergeometric function.

These functions range from a simple series, analogous to the ordinary

exponential series, through basic Bessel and Whittaker functions, to generalized

basic hypergeometric functions in one or more variables.


The study of basic hypergeometric series (also called q-hypergeometric series or

q-series) essentially started in 1748, when Euler considered the infinite product

(q; q)∞ = , in connection with number of partition of a

positive integer. The subject remained dominated for a long time. It was about a

hundred years later that the subject acquired an independent status. When Heine

[3] converted a simple observation that = , into a systematic

theory of 2Ф1, basic hypergeometric series parallel to the theory of Gauss hyper

geometric series, 2F1.

This important discovery received impetus when Jackson [7] embarked on a

lifelong program of developing the theory of basic hypergeometric series in a

systematic manner.

The process of q-generalization of the hypergeometric series started in the1846

by Heine when he introduced the series.

1+ + +…

Whereit is assumed that c≠ 0, -1, -2, …, this series converges absolutely for |z|

<1 , when |q| <1 and it tends to Gauss‟s series as q →1.

The series defined above is usually called Heine‟s series.


1.4.1 Basic or q-analogues of H-functions

The q – analogues of H-function is terms of the Mellin –Barne's type basic

contour integral is given by Saxena [21] as


where G (qα) =

and 0< m < B, 0 < n < A; αj and βj are all +ve integers, and , are complex

numbers, where L is contour of integration running from - i∞ to i∞ in such a

manner so that all poles of G ( ) lie to right of the path and G ( )

are to the left of the path.The integral converges if Re [slog (z) – log sin πs} < 0,

for large values of |s| on the contour L, that is if where |q|<1.

The above definition can be used to define the q-analogues of Meijer's G-

function as follows:


Where 0< m< q, 0< n< p, and Re (s log z – log Sin πs) < 0

1.4.2 Basic analogue ofI – function

Saxena et al (1995) introduced the following basic analogue ofI–function in

terms of the Mellin–Barnes type basic contour integral as


where αj, βj, αji, βji, are real and +ve and j, j, ji, ji are complex numbers

Where L is contour of integration running from - i∞ to i∞ in such a manner so

that all poles of G lie to right of the path and though

G are to left of the path.The integral converges if Re [slog (z) – log

sin πs} < 0, for large values of |s| on the contour L, that is if

where |q|<1.


Taking r = 1, Ai = A, Bi = B, we get q – analogue ofH - function

1.4.3 Basic Analogue of Appell’s Hypergeometric

The basic analogue of Appell‟s hypergeometric functions of two variables were

defined and studied by Jackson [7]. Agarwal [16] also studied these functions

and gave some general identities involving these functions. Andrews [18] also

worked upon these functions and showed that the first of the Appell series can

be reduced to a 3Ф2 series.

Bhaskarand Shrivastava also defined bibasic Appell series and obtained

summation formulae, integral representation and continued fractions for these

functions Yadav and Purohit [27] employed the q-fractional calculus approach

to derive a number of summation formulae for the generalized basic

hypergeometric functions of one and more variables in terms of the q-gamma


Apart from Jackson‟s initial work, Agarwal developed some properties of basic

Appell series and Slater [14] applied contour integral techniques to such series

and observed that there was apparently no systematic attempt to find summation

theorems for basic Appell series.


Definition of basic analogue of Appell functions: These functions are defined as

1 (

2 (

3 (

4 (

where ( ;q)n =(1- )(1- q)(1- q2)…….(1- q


and ( )∞

1.5 Fractional Calculus and its Elements

The concept of fractional calculus is not new. It is believed to have stemmed

from a question raised by L‟Hospital on September 30th

, 1695, in a letter to

Leibniz, about , Leibniz‟s notation for the nth derivative of the linear

function = .L‟Hospital curiously asked what the result would be if n= ?

Leibniz responded prophetically that it would be an apparent paradox from

which one day useful consequences would be drawn.


Following this unprecedented discussion, the subject of fractional calculus

caught the attention of other great mathematicians, many of whom directly or

indirectly contributed to its development. This included Euler, Laplace, Fourier,

Lacroix, Abel, Riemann and Liouville. Over the years, many mathematicians,

using their own notation and approach, have found various definitions that fit

the idea of a non-integer order integral or derivative. One version that has been

popularized in the world of fractional calculus is the Riemann-Liouville

definition. It is interesting to note that the Riemann-Liouville definition of a

fractional derivative gives the same result as that obtained by Lacroix [1].

Definition and properties of Fractional Integral Operators and Derivatives:

In this section we present a brief sketch of various operators of fractional

integration and fractional differentiation of arbitrary order. Among the various

operators studied, it involves the Riemann-Liouville fractional operators, weyl

operators and Saigo‟s operators etc. There are more than one version of the

fractional integral operator exist. The fractional integral can be defined as


f( ) = ; ( >0), >0 (1.5.1)

It is called the Riemann version, where f( ) denote the fractional integration

of a function to an arbitrary order any nonnegative real number. In this

notation, and are the limits of integration operator. The other version of the


fractional integral is called the Liouville version. The case where negative

infinity in place of (1.5.2), namely,

f( ) = ; ( >0), >0. (1.5.2)

Thus, in general the Riemann-Liouville fractional integrals of arbitrary

order for a function f(t), is a natural consequence of the well-knownformula

(Cauchy-Dirichlets?) that reduces the calculation of the - fold primitive of a

function f ( ) to a single integral of convolution type

f( ) = ; ( >0) (1.5.3)

It is evident that the above integral is meaningful for any number provided its

real part is greater than zero. Further

f( ) = ; ( >0) , (1.5.4)

Is known as Riemann-Liouville right-sided fractional integral of order > 0


f( ) = ; ( >0) , (1.5.5)

is known as Riemann-Liouville left-sided fractional integral of order

> 0


Fractional Integral Operators according to Weyl

The weyl fractional integral of f(x) of order , is defined as

f( ) = f(t) dt , (1.5.6)

Where , Re ( )>0, is also denoted by f( ).

Fractional Integral Operators according to Kober

The Kober operators are the generalization of Riemann-Liouville and Weyl

operators which was given by Saxena in (1967). These operators have been used

by many authors in deriving the solution of single, dual and triple integral

equations involving different special functions as their kernels. The operator


Fractional Integral Operators according to Erdelyi-Kober Operators

Further generalization ofKober operator are introduced by Kalla and Saxena

(1969) given as follows



Fractional operators according to Saigo

Useful and interesting generalization of both the Riemann-Liouville and Erdlyi-

Kober fractional integration operators is introduced by Saigo [20], in terms of

Gauss‟s hypergeometric function as given below

Let and are complex numbers and let ( R+ the fractional

Re( )>0 and the fractional derivative Re( )<0 of the first kind of a function

= 2F1 f(t) dt,Re( )>0

= , 0<Re ( ) +η 1 (n N0) (1.5.9)

Fractional Derivative according to Riemann-Liouville

The notation that is used to denote the fractional derivative is f( ) for any

arbitrary number of order α.Fractional derivative can be defined in terms of the

fractional integral as follows

f(t) = [ f(t)]

Where0< u < 1, and n is the smallest integer greater than α such that u = n-α.

f(t) = f(t)

f(t) = (1.5.10)


Fractional Derivative Operators according to Weyl

The Weyl fractional derivative of order , denoted by , is defined by

f( ) =

f( ) = , (1.5.11)

Where , , m=0,1,2,3, ….

1.6 q- Fractional Calculus and its Elements

During the second half of the twentieth century, considerable amount of

research in fractional calculus was published in engineering literature. Indeed,

recent advances of fractional calculus are dominated by modern examples of

applications in differential and integral equations, physics, signal processing,

fluid mechanics, viscoelasticity, mathematical biology, and electrochemistry.

There is no doubt that fractional calculus has become an exciting new

mathematical method of solution of diverse problems in mathematics, science,

and engineering. Inspired by the great success of fractional calculus many

research workers, mathematician engaged their focus on another dimension of

calculus which sometimes called calculus without limits or popularly q-


calculus. The q-calculus was initiated in twenties of the last century. Kac and

Cheung‟s book [24] entitled “Quantum Calculus” provides the basics of such

type of calculus. The fractional q-calculus is the q-extension of the ordinary

fractional calculus. The present thesis deals with the investigations of q-

integrals and q-derivatives of arbitrary order, and has gained importance due to

its various applications in the areas like ordinary fractional calculus, solutions of

the q-difference (differential) and q-integral equations, q-transform analysis etc.

1.6 .1 Riemann-Liouville q-fractional operator

Agarwal [16], introduced the q-analogue of the Reimann-Liouville fractional

integral operator as follows.

f( ) = f(t) dq(t) (

Where α is an arbitrary order of integration such that Re (α)>0.

Jackson [7], Al.Salam [13] and Agarwal [16] defined basic integration as

= (1-q) f( )

From above two equations, we get

f ( ) = f( ) (


1.6.2 Kober Fractional q- Integral Operator

A basic analogue of the Kober fractional integral operator, as defined by

Agarwal [20] is given as

f( ) = (

Where 𝛍 is an arbitrary order of integration such that Re(𝛍) > 0 and 𝜂 being real

or complex.

Jackson [7], Al. Salam [13] and Agarwal [16] defined basic integration as

= (1-q) f( )

From above two equations, we get

f( ) = f( ) (

1.6.3 Weyl Fractional q- integral Operator

A basic analogue of Weyl fractional integral operator [13] is defined as

f( ) =

(1.6.3 .1)

1.6.4 Saigo’s q- Integral Operator

A basic analogue ofSaigo‟sfractional integral operator [29] is defined as



f(t) .




f (t ) .

By making use q- integral definition, the above operators can be written as


f( )

And =


) (


1.7 Conclusion

This chapter is of introductory in nature. Here we throws light on the origin and

historical developments of special functions like Gauss hypergeometric

functions and its Mellin–Barnes integral representation including E- function ,

Meijer‟s G-function, Fox‟s H- function, Saxena‟sI-function, Mittag-Leffler

function and generalized functions for the fractional calculus (R-

function).Generalized hypergeometric functions, basic hypergeometric series

(q-series), fractional calculus and its elements have been discussed extensively

in the different chapters of the present work. Moreoverthis chapter also gives

details of q- fractional calculus and its elements such as q- Reimann-Liouville

fractional integral and differential operator, q-weyl operators and q-Saigo‟s

operators etc. have been also discussed extensively in various chapters of this

thesis. The purpose of studying theories is to apply them to real world problems.

Over the last few years, mathematicians pulled the subject of q-fractional

calculus to several applied fields of engineering, science and economics etc. The

authors believe that the volume of research in the area of q- fractional calculus

will continue to grow in the forth coming years and that it will constitute an

important tool in the scientific progress of mankind.



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[5]. Dixon, A(1903), Summation of certain series, Proc. London Math Soc. (1), 35, 285-298.

[6]. Dougall, J. (1907), on vander mode‟s theorem and some more general expansions, Proc.

Edin. Math.Soc. 217-234.

[7]. Jackson, F. H (1910), On basic double Hypergeometric function, Quart, J. Pure and Appl.

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[8]. Appell, P. and Kampe de Feriet, J.(1926), Functions Hypergeometriqueset Hyperspheriques

Polynomes d'Hermite . Gauthier-Viliars, Paris.

[9]. Wright, E.M (1935), The asymptotic expansion of generalized hypergeometric function. J.

London Math. So, 10, 286-293.

[10]. Meijer, C. S. (1936), On the G-Function, Proc. Nat. Acad. Watensh, 49, 227-237, 344-356,


[11]. Baily, W. N (1961), Generalized hypergeometric series, Cambridge University, Press.

[12]. Fox, C (1965), The G and H-functions as symmetrical Fourier Kernels. Trans. Amer.

Math. Soc. 98, 395-429.

[13]. Al. Salam, W. A (1966), Some fractional q- integral and q- derivatives. Proc. Edin. Math.

Soc.17, 616-621.


[14]. Slater, L.J (1966), Generalized Hypergeometric function, Cambridge University, Press.

[15]. Saxena, R. K. (1967). On fractional integration operators. Math. Z. Vol. 96, pp. 288-291.

[16]. Agrawal, R. P (1969), Certain fraction q-integrals and q-derivatives. Proc. Edin. Math.

Soc., 66, 365-370.

[17]. Prabhakar, T.R (1971), A singular integral equation with a generalized Mittag-Leffler

function in the kernel, Yokohama Math. J. Vol.19, 7-15.

[18]. George E. Andrews. (1972), Basic Hypergeometric series, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 4 618.

[19]. Exton, H. (1978), Hand book of Hypergeometric integrals, Ellis Horwood Limited,

Publishers, Chechester.

[20]. Saigo, M. Saxena, R.K. (1992), and Ram, J. On the fractional calculus operator associated

with the H- function, Ganita Sandesh, 6(1), 36-47.

[21]. Saxena, R.K., Rajendra Kumar (1995), Abasic Analogue of the Generalized H-function Le

Mathematiche Vol.L- Fase II 263-271.

[22]. Hartley, T.T and Lorenzo, C.F (1998), A solution to the fundamental linear fractional

order differential equation, NASA\TP.

[23]. Eduardo Cattani (1999), Lecture notes on hypergeometric functions in Computer Science

1719 19- 28.

[24]. Kac,V. Chebing,P. (2002). Quantum Calculus, University, Springer –Verlog, NewYork.

[25]. Dickenstein,A, Matusevich, L. F. and Sadykov, T (2005), bivariate hypergeometric D-

modules. Adv. Math., 196(1):78–123,

[26]. Saxena, R. K, Yadav, R. K, Purohit, S. D and Kalla, S. L (2005), Kober fractional q-

integral operator of the basic analogue of the H-function,3-8.

[27]. Yadav, R.K., Purohit, S.D (2006), on fractions q-derivatives and transformation of the

generalized basic hypergeometric functions, Indian Acad. Math.2,321-326.

[28]. Saxena, V. P, (2008), The I-function, Anamaya Publishers Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.


[29]. Yadav, R. K. Purohit, S. D (2010), On generalized fractional q-integral operators involving

the q-Gauss hypergeometric functions, Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and

Applications. Vol(2),35-44.

[30]. Capelas de Oliveira. E, F. Mainardi and J. Vaz Jr (2011), Modelsbased on Mittag-Leffler

functions for anomalous relaxation in dielectrics European Journal of Physics, Special

Topics, Vol. 193.

[31]. Amera Almusharrf (2011), Development of fractional trigonometry and an applications of

fractional calculus to pharmacokinetic model , A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Western Kentucky University Bowling

Green, Kentucky.


Certain results of basic analogue of i-function based on fractional q-

integral operators

In this chapter q-analogue of the Saxena‟s I-functions has been mentioned in

connection with q-fractional integral operators. This function is a significant

generalization of Fox‟s H- function which was introduced by Saxena [4] and

later on modified by Jain etal,byintroduced an alternative definition of the basic

analogue of a generalization of well-known Fox's H – function in terms of I-

function using q-Gamma functiondefined as follows[10]. More over a number

of useful results of basic analogue of I-function have been derived by making

use of different techniques of fractional q-integral operators including Reimann-

Liouville, Kober fractional and Saigo‟s fractional q- integral operators. Some

special cases have also discussed.

Definitions and preliminaries used in this chapter based on the text by Gasper

and Rehman [5] are given as follows

Basic analogue of I-function is


Where 0 < m < , 0 < n < ; i= 1,2,3,…r; r is finite. Also aj, bj , aij and bij , are

complex numbers and αi , βi, αij, βij are real and +ve integers. Where L is


contour of integration running from - i∞ to i∞ in such a manner so that all poles

of ); 1 to right of the path and those of

); 1 The integral converges if Re [s log

(x) – log sin πs} < 0, for large values of |s| on the contour L.

In the theory of q-calculus, 0 |q|< 1 .The q-shifted factorial is defined as

= (2.1.2)


= 1,

Or equivalently


Further if αis any complex number,then the definition can be stated as follows


= (2.1.3)

Theq-analogue of power function is defined and denoted as

= ( ;q)= = (2.1.4)

The q- gamma function is defined by

( = ( ; 𝛂 R(0,-1,-2,…)


Where =

The q-derivatives of a function f(x) is given by [5]

, ≠0)and 0=0(2.1.5)

as q ⤏1

We have

( ) = , R(µ) + 1 > 0

The q-integral of a function is defined as [5]

f( ), (2.1.6)

f( ), (2.1.7)

f( ), (2.1.8)

The q- binomial theorem is as follows

1φ0[α;q; ] (2.1.9)

The q- analogues of Gauss summation theorem [5] is given by

2φ1[ ]=

Agarwal [1] introduced the q-analogue of the Reimann-Liouville fractional

integral operator as follows.

( )= (2.1.11)


Where µ is an arbitrary order of integration such that Re (μ) From equation

(2.1.6) and (2.1.11), we get

( )= ( (2.1.12)

Agarwal [1], introduced the basic analogue of Kober fractional operator as



Again from equation (2.1.11) and (2.1.12), we get

( ) = ( (2.1.13)

The q- gamma function is defined by

( =( ; 𝛂 R(0,-1,-2,…)

Where = .

Recently, Purohit and Yadav [9] defined q-analogue of Saigo‟s fractional

integral operator as follows

( ) =


( ) = (2.1.15)

Now from equations (2.1.13) and (2.1.14)


( ) = (


2.2 Fractional Integral Operator of Riemann-Liouville Type

In this section, we will evaluate the following fractional q-integral operator of

Riemann-Liouville involving basic analogue of I-function.

Theorem 2.2 .1

Proof: To prove theorem (2.2.1) when λ , we apply (2.1.12) and (2.1.1) to

the left side, and we get


On summing the inner 1φ0 series with help of (2.1.9) we get


Now using (2.1.3), we get

Also when λ 0 in theorem (2.2.1) we get a known result due to Yadav etal[7]

as follows

2.3 Fractional Integral Operator of Kober Type

In this section, we will evaluate the following fractional q-integral operator of

Kober type involving basic analogue of I-function.

Theorem(2.3.1) = (


Proof: To prove theorem (2.3.1) when λ , we apply (2.1.14) and (2.1.1) to

the left side, and we get

= (

This implies

= (

1φ0 [ ;q ; ]

On summing the iner1φ0 serieswith help of (2.1.9) we get


Now using (2.1.1) we get

= (


Also when λ 0 in theorem (2.3.1) we get a known result due to Yadav etal[6]

as follows

= (

2.4 Fractional Integral Operator of Saigo’s Type

In this section, we will evaluate the following fractional q-integral operator of

Saigo‟s type involving basic analogue of I-function.

Theorem (2.4.1) For 0 Re (α) η being complex


Proof: To prove theorem (2.4.1) when λ , we apply (2.1.14) and (2.1.1) to the

left side, and we get


This implies

Now taking β = 0, α = η and λ in the above theorem (2.4.1) we get

2.5 Special Cases

In this section, we discuss some of the important special cases of the main

results established discussed above, If we take r =1 in the theorems (2.2.1) and

(2.3.1), we get well known results reported in [6,7] of the basic analogue of H-

function involving Riemann- Liouville and Kober fractional q-integral

operators, namely, when λ , then




2.6 Conclusion

The results proved in this chapter give some contributions to the theory of the

basic hypergeometric functions and are believed to be a new contribution to the

theory of q-fractional calculus and are likely to find certain applications to the

solution of the fractional q-integral equations involving various q-

hypergeometric functions. In this connection one can refer to the work of Yadav

and Purohit [6].


[1]. Agrawal. R.P (1966), Certain fractional q-integrals q-derivatives, Proc.Camb.Philos.Soc.66


[2]. SlaterL. J (1966), Generalized Hypergeometric Functions, Cambridge UniversityPress.

[3]. Exton. H (1978), q-Hypergeometric Functions and Applications, Ellis Horwood Limited,

Publishers, Chechester.

[4]. Saxena R.K, Modi G.C and Kalla S.L(1983), A basic analogue of Fox‟sH-function, Rev.

Technology Univ, Zulin, 6, pp. 139-143.

[5]. Gasper.G and Rahman.M (1990), Basic Hypergeometric series, CambridgeUniversityPress.

[6]. SaxenaR.K, YadavR.K, PurohitS.D (2005), and S.L Kalla, Kober fractional q-integral

operator of the basic analogue of the H-function, Rev. Technology Univ., Zulin, Vol.28,No.2.

pp. 154-158.


[7]. Kalla S.L, Yadav R.K and. PurohitS.D(2005), On the Riemann-Liouville fractional q-integral

operator of the basic analogue of Fox H-function, Fractional Calculus and Applied analysis.

Vol 8. Number 3.pp.313-322.

[8]. RajKovicP.M., MarinkovicS.D. andStankovicM.S(2007), Applicable Analysis and Discrete

Mathematics, Vol.1pp.1-13.

[9]. PurohitS.D. and YadavR.K(2010), On generalized fractional q-integral operator involving the

q-Gauss hypergeometric functions, Bull. Math.Anal.Appl. Vol.2, issue(4), pp.35-44.

[10]. Jain D. K, Jain. R and Farooq Ahmad (2012); Some Transformation Formula for Basic

Analogue of I-function; Asian Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 5(4), 158-162.


Double integral representation and certain transformations for basic appell


Apart from Jackson‟s initial work, Agarwal developed some properties of basic

Appell series and Slater [3] applied contour integral techniques to such series

and observed that there was apparently no systematic attempt to find summation

theorems for basic Appell series. Sharma and Jain [8] showed that q-Appell

functions can be brought within the preview of Lie-theory by deriving reduction

formulae for q-Appell functions namely using the dynamical

symmetry algebra of basic hypergeometric function 2Ф1.

The basic analogue of Appell‟s hypergeometric functions of two variables were

defined and studied by Jackson [1].Agarwal [4] also studied these functions and

gave some general identities involving these functions. Andrews [5] also

worked upon these functions and showed that the first of the Appell series can

be reduced to a 3Ф2 series.

Bhaskar and Shrivastava also defined bibasic Appell series and obtained

summation formulae, integral representation and continued fractions for these

functions Yadav and Purohit [7] employed the q-fractional calculus approach to

derive a number of summation formulae for the generalized basic


hypergeometric functions of one and more variables in terms of the q-gamma


In the present chapter we have studied basic analogue of Appell‟s

hypergeometric functions called q-Appell functions and express these

functions1 2

, 3

in terms of definite integrals. Also certain transformation

formulae have been obtained related these functions. Some special cases have

been also discussed.

3.1 Definitions and preliminaries used in this chapter based on the text by

Gasper and Rehman [5] are given as follows

We shall use the following usual basic hypergeometric notations for

|q| <1,

( ; q) n =(1- ) (1- q) (1- q2)… (1- q


And (

, and ( ; q)0 = 1 (3.1.1)

1 (3.1.2)

2 (3.1.3)

3 (3.1.4)


4 (3.1.5)

3.2 Integral Representation for Basic Appell’s Hypergeometric Functions

In this section, by using the definition of q-integral, we express the basic

Appell functions 1


3in terms of double integrals which takes the

form of ordinary Appell’s hypergeometric functions as a limiting case.

Theorem (3.2.1):2


taken over the the triangle, The parameters are of

course, supposed to be such that the double integrals are convergent. The

formulae are readily proved by expanding the integrand in the powers of and

y and integrating term by term. There appears so such integral representation for

the 4 function.


2 (3.2.1)

Since, =




= .


Now making use of q-beta function, we have




Using above result in (3 .2.1), we get


Using series manipulation in (3.2.3), we get



Thus, we get



This completes the proof of the theorem.

Similarly we can easily prove the following theorems.

Theorem (3.2.2):


Taken over the triangle u , u + v


Since u + v


Or v u




Put v = u) w


Thus, we have





= )




= 1

Theorem (3.2.3):3






Put v = u) w


Thus, we have




Finally, we get the result



Theorem (3.2.4):1



1 =



= B ( )

From above equation, we have

1 =

Thus, we have the result as follows


3.3 Transformation formulae for the q-Appell functions

In this section we have derived certain transformation formulae for the q-Appell



Theorem (3.3.1):

1 3





1 =


This completes the proof.


2 2






= 2ɸ1

= 2ɸ1




This completes the proof of the theorem.

Similarly we can easily prove the following theorems.

Theorem (3.3.3):2( ; b, ) =



2( ; b, )




2( ; b, )


= ɸ

= ɸ

= ɸ

= ɸ

= ɸ

= ɸ







Since, =


Letting , we have

2( ; b, ) =


Thus, finally we have

2( ; b, ) =


Theorem (3.3.4):1



Proof: To prove (3.3.4) from L.H.S, we have

1 =


L.H.S =

L.H.S =

Therefore, we have

1 =

1 =

1 =


3.4 Special Cases

In this section, we discuss some of the special cases of the main results

established in the previous section two. As q→1, the above results take the form

of well-known transformation formulae of classical Appell functions F1 2

, F3

in terms of definite integrals. The formulae given by [2] are as follows




= ×


). (3.4.2)

3 =

). (3.4.3)

3.5 Conclusion

In this chapter, we have explored the possibility for derivation of some integral

representation and transformation formulae for basic hypergeometric functions

of one and more variables in particular the q-Appell functions, using certain

fundamental tools of q-fractional calculus. The results thus derived are general

in character and likely to find certain applications in the theory of basic

hypergeometric functions. In this connection one can refer to the work of Baily

[2] and Sharma [8].


[1]. Jackson, F. H (1910), On basic double Hyper geometric function, Quart, J. Pure and Appl.

Math; 41, 193-203.

[2]. Baily. W.N (1935), Generalized hypergeomtric series, Cambridge Math. Cambridge Univ.


[3]. Slater, L.J. (1966), Generalized Hypergeometric function, Cambridge University, Press.

[4]. Agrawal, R. P (1969), certain fraction q-integrals and q-derivatives. Proc. Edin. Math. Soc., 66,


[5]. George E. Andrews (1972); Basic hypergeometric series, J. LondonMath. Soc. (2) 4 (1972),


[6]. Gasper .G and Rahman.M (1990), Basic hypergeometric series, Cambridge University Press.


[7]. Yadav R.K, Purohit S.D (2006), on fractions q-derivatives and transformationof the generalized

basic hypergeometric functions, Indian Acad. Math.2,321-326.

[8]. Sharma.K and Jain.R (2007), Lie-theory and q-Appell functions, Proceedings of the National

Academy of Science India, 77, 259-262.


Relationship between q-weyl operator and basic analogue of i-function with

special reference to q-laplace transform.

The fractional q- calculus is the q-extension of the ordinary fractional calculus.

The subject deals with the investigations of q-integrals and q- derivatives of

arbitrary order, and has gained importance due its various applications in the

areas like ordinary fractional calculus , solution of the q-differential and q-

integral equations , q-transform analysis [5,6and 8]. Motivated by these avenues

of applications, a numbers of workers have made use of these operators to

evaluate fractional q-calculus, basic analogue of H- function, basic analogue of

I-function, general class of q-polynomials etc.

The q-derivatives and q- integrals are part of so called quantum calculus [7]. In

this chapter, we investigate how such derivatives and integrals can be possibly

used in establishing a formula exhibiting relationship between basic analogue of

q-weyl operator and q-Laplace transform, which allows the straight forward

derivation ofsome useful results involving weyl operator and basic analogue of

I-functionin terms of q-gamma function [11]. Also some special cases have

been discussed.

Al-Salam[2, 4] introduced the q-analogue of weyl fractional integral operator in

the following manner.


= f (t ) ; Re (α) > 0 (4.1.1)

Also, Hahn [1] defined the q-analogues of the well-known classic Laplace transform

Φ(s) = . (4.1.2)

By means of the following q-integrals

{f (t)} = f(t) . (4.1.3)

{f (t)} = f (t) (4.1.4)

Where the q-exponential series is defined as

= (4.1.5)


R.Jain, etal [11] define the basic analogue of I-function in terms of q-gamma

function as follows



Where 0 < m < , 0 < n < ; i= 1,2,3,…r; r is finite. Also aj, bj , aij and bij , are

complex numbers and αi , βi, αij, βij are real and +ve integers. Where L is

contour of integration running from - i∞ to i∞ in such a manner so that all poles


of ); 1 to right of the path and those of

); 1 The integral converges if Re [s log

(x) – log sin πs} < 0, for large values of |s| on the contour L.

4.2 Main results

In this section, we will derive the q-Laplace transform of basic analogue ofI-

functionby making make use of equations (4.1.7) and (4.1.3).

Proposition:q-Laplace transform of basic analogue of I-function

{ }=



= , we have

{ }= = (z; p). (4.2.1)

In this section, we establish a theorem with the help of above preposition

involving q-Laplace transform of basic analogue of I-function and q-weyl



Theorem (4.2.2):Let μ >0, β >0, λ> 0 and a ϵ R, let be the q- weyl

integral operator, then


= (4.2.2)

Proof: To prove theorem (4.2.2) we apply equation (4.2.1) to the left side of

(4.2.2) we get,


Thus, making use of equation (4.1) and changing the order of integration which

is justified under the existence conditions of basic analogue of I-function, we




Hence, we get =


4.3 Special cases

Corollary 1:By setting r = 1 and q = 1 in equation (4.1.7) and abovetheorem,

then it takes the form of Fox‟s H-function [3]


Andin this cases result becomes


= .

By setting q = 1 in the above preposition, we get well-known results

established by Singh [10]

{ } = = (z;p).

By setting q = 1 in the above preposition, we get well-known results

established by Singh [10]



= .

4.4 Conclusion

The results proved in this chapter gives the evaluation of the q-Laplace

transforms of basic analogues of the I-function functions in relation with the q-

weyl fractional operator. It has many applications in sciences and engineering

for its special fundamental properties. In this connection one can refer to the

work ofPurohit and Kalla [9], where they studied q-analogues of the Sumudu

transform and derived some fundamental properties. Alsoevaluated the q-

Sumudutransform of basic analogue of Fox‟s H-function.


[1]. Hahn. W (1949), Uber die höheren Heineschen Reihen und eine einheitliche Theorie

dersogenannten speziellen Functionen, Math Nachr, 2, 257-294. MR. 12, 711.

[2]. Al. Salam. W. A (1952-1953), q-analogues of Cauchy‟s formula, Proc. Am. Math. Soc17, 182-


[3]. Fox. C. (1965), A formal solution of certain dual integral equations, Amer, Math; Soc.119.

[4]. Al. Salam W.A(1969), Some fractional q-integrals and q-derivatives, Proc. Edinb. Math.Soc, 15,


[5]. Samko.G, Kilbas.A.Marichev (1993), Fractional integrals and Derivatives; theory and

applications, Gordon and Breach, Yverdon.

[6]. Podlubny.I (1999), Fractional Differential Equations, Academic Press.

[7]. Kac.V. and Cheung.P (2002), Quantum Calculus, University, Springer-Verlag, New York.


[8]. Kilbas.A, Srivastava .M.H and Trujillo.J.J (2006.), Theory and Applications offractional

differential, North Holland Mathematics studies 204.

[9]. Kalla S.L and Purohit S.D (2007), ON q-Laplace transform of the q- Bessel functions, Fractional

Calculus and Applied analysis. Vol 10. Number 3.pp.190-196.

[10]. Singh. Dinesh (2011), A study of fractional calculus operators with special reference to integro-

differential equations;A Ph.D. thesis, Jiwaji University, Gwalior.

[11]. Jain D. K, Jain.R and Farooq Ahmad (2012); Some Transformation Formula for Basic Analogue

of I-function; Asian Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 5(4), 158-162.


Certain Quantum Calculus Operators Associated with the Basic Analogue

of Fox-Wright Hypergeometric Function

The objective of this chapter is to derive the relationship that exists between the

basic analogue of Fox-Wright hypergeometric function (z;q) and the

quantum calculus operators, in particular Riemann-Liouville q-integral and q-

differential operators. Some special cases have been also discussed.

Kac and Cheung‟s book [6] entitled “Quantum Calculus” provides for the basics

of so called q-calculus. More details on this type of calculus can also be found

in Andrews [5,2].

Let us consider the following expression

Now letting → , we get the well-known definition of the derivative of a

function at . However ever , if we take or + h

,where q is a fixed number different from 1, and h a fixed number different from

0, and don‟t take the limit , we enter the fascinating world of quantum calculus.

The corresponding expressions are the definitions of the q-derivative and h-

derivative of as defined in [6 & 3]. The same was latter on introduced by F.


H. Jackson in the beginning of the twentieth century. He was the first to develop

q- calculus in a systematic way.

The basic analogue of Fox-Wright hypergeometric function denoted P Q(z;q)

for z ϵ C is defined in series form as [6]

(z;q)= ,where |q|<1. (5.1.1)

Where ϵ C >0; ; 1+ ≥ 0; ϵR , for

suitably bounded value of |z|. Moreover in view of the relation

(z;q) = =

the function PᴪQ (z; q) converges under the convergence conditions of the well-

known Fox‟s H-function which are as follows, the

integralconverges , on the contour C, where

0<|q|< 1 verified by Saxena, et al [3] .

Agrawal [1] introduced the basic analogue of the Reimann-Liouville fractional

operator as follows.

= f(t) ; Re(α) > 0. (5.1.2)

In particular, for f(x) = , we have


= ; Re(α) > 0 (5.1.3)

Also q-analogue of the Reimann-Liouville fractional derivative defined as [1]

( ) ; Re (α) < 0, and |q|<1 (5.1.4)

In particular, for f(x) = , we have

= ; Re(α) < 0,|q|<1. (5.1.5)

Theorem (5.2): Let α >0,β>0,γ > 0 and a ϵ R, let be the Riemann-

Liouville fractional integral operator, then


Proof: To prove theorem (5.2) we apply equations (5.1.1) and (5.1.2) to the left

side of theorem (5.2) we get

)= )


) = )

Making the use of equation (5.1.3) we get

This completes proof of the theorem.

Corollary (5.2.1): For α >0, β> 0,γ,λ> 0 , then

( ) (5.2.1)

Corollary (5.2.2): By setting δ = 1 in equation (5.2.1)we get

( ) (5.2.2)


Theorem (5.3): Let Re (α) <0 , β> 0, γ > 0 and ϵ R, let be the Riemann-

Liouville fractional derivative operator, then there holds following results


Proof: To prove theorem (5.3) we apply equations (5.1.1) and (5.1.4) to the left

side of theorem (5.3) we get,


) )

Making the use of equation (5.1.5) we get


Corollary (5.3.1): For Re (α)<0,β> 0, and γ >0, then


( )(5.3.1)Corollary

(5.3.2):By setting δ = 1 in equation (5.3.1) we get

( ) (5.3.2)

By setting q = 1 in the equations (5.2.1),(5.2.2),(5.3.1) and (5.3.2) we get well-

known results established by Saxena and Saigo [2] and [10]

( ) (5.4.3)

By setting δ = 1 in equation (5.4.3) we get

( ) (5.4.4)

( )(5.4.5)By setting

δ = 1 in equation (5.4.5)we get

( ). (5.4.6)

5.4 Conclusion

Finally,in mathematics, specifically in the areas of combinatorics and special

functions, a q-analog of a theorem, identity or expression is a generalization

involving a new parameter q that returns the original theorem, identity or


expression in the limit as q → 1. Typically, mathematicians are interested in q-

analogues that arise naturally, rather than in arbitrarily contriving q-analogues

of known results.


[1]. Jackson, F. H (1910); On basic double Hyper geometric function, Quart, Math.

[2]. Andrews, G.E, (1986), q-seriestheir development and application in analysis, number theory,

combinatorics, physics and computer algebra. In CBMS Regional Conference Lecture. Series in

Mathematics, Vol. 66. Amer. Math. Soc, Providence.

[3]. Gasper.G; Rahman.M, (1990). Basic hypergeometric series and its application, Vol. 35

[4]. Saxena. R.K; Rajendra kumar, (1995). A Basic analogue of the Generalized H- function, Le

Mathematiche, pp. 263-271.

[5]. Andrews.G.E,Askey,R.Roy,R.(1999).Special Functions, Cambridge University Press.

[6]. Kac, V, Chebing, P (2002), Quantum Calculus, University, Springer –Verlog, New York.

[7]. Saxena. R.K; Saigo.M (2005); Certain properties of fractional operators associated with

generalized Mittag-Leffler function, Fractional calculus and Applied analysis. 8. pp. 141-154.

[8]. Srivastava. H.M (2007), Some Fox-Wright Generalized Hypergeometric Function and

Associated Families of Convolution Operators; Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics,

Vol.1 pp.56-71.

[9]. Jain. R; Singh.D, (2011). Certain Fractional Calculus Operators associated with Fox-Wright

Generalized Hypergeometric function, Jnanabha, Vol.41, pp.1-8.

[10]. Jain. D.K; Jain.R;Farooq ahmad(2013), Some Remarks on Generalized q-Mittag-Leffler

Function in Relation with Quantum Calculus Published International Journal of Advanced

Research Volume 1, Issue 4, 463-467.


Some identities of the generalized function of fractional calculus involving

generalized fractional operators and their q-extension

This chapter is divided into two sections, in first section we made attempt to

establish some identities of the ordinary functions of classical fractional

calculus. In the second section we deal the basic analogue of the generalized

function of fractional calculus and its identities.

During last few decades, scientists and applied mathematicians, found the

fractional calculus to be immensely useful in diverse number of fields, such as

rheology, quantitative biology, electro- chemistry, scattering theory, diffusion,

transport theory, probability, elasticity, control theory and many others. The

properties of well-known fractional operators and their generalizations have

been used to solve various fractional differential and integral equations

representing these phenomena.

In this chapter, we study certain inherent properties of the family of the

generalized fractional operators, which were introduced and investigated in

several works by different researchers including Kalla, Saxena, Srivastava, et al.

The purpose of this paper is to study the generalized fractional integral

operators and in relationship with the generalized function of


fractional calculus (R-function introduced by Lorenzo and Hartley) which is an

entire function of the form,

= , where µ>0 .

A more compact notation is given as

= ,

which is particularly useful when c=0.

6.1 Definitions and preliminaries used in this chapter

The fractional calculus, like many other mathematical disciplines and ideas has

its origin in the quest of researchers for extension of meaning. It extends the

derivative of an integer order to an arbitrary order. This freedom of order opens

a new dimension and many problems of applied sciences can be tackled more

effectively by recourse to fractional calculus. Applications of fractional calculus

require fractional derivatives and integrals of different kinds [15, 12].

Differentiation and integration of fractional order are traditionally defined by

right and left sided Riemann-Liouville fractional integral operators and

and corresponding Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives and ,


= dt;( >0).


= dt;( >0).


( ) = , Re (α)≥ 0;

An interesting and useful generalization of the Riemann-Liouville and Erdlyi-

Kober fractional integral operators has been introduced by Saigo [1] in terms of

Gauss- hypergeometric function as follows.



Now we summarize various functions that have been found useful in several

boundary value problems of fractional calculus.

(i) Mittag-Leffler Function: The function (z) defined by the series


(t) = , >0, t C.

Mittag-Leffler [3], Wiman [7] and Agarwal [2] investigated the generalization

of the above function (z) in the following manner [7].

(t) = , υ>0,ρ>0, t C.


Where C is the set of complex numbers.

A more generalized form of Mittag-Leffler function is introduced by Prabhaker

[3] as

(z) = .

The generalized Fox-Wright function pѱq(z) defined for z C, , C and

R ( is given by the series

pѱq(t) = pѱq =

(ii) Robotnov and Hartley’s function: To affect the direct solution of the

fundamental linear fractional order differential equation, the following was

introduced by Hartley and Lorenzo as below

= , >0.

(iii) Generalized function of fractional calculus:

This function was defined by Hartley and Lorenzo, 1998 [8] as a generalization

of all the above mentioned functions. This function has a remarkable and useful

property that it returns itself when differ- integrated fractionally.

υ = , >0.


The Laplace transform of the R-function is

L { } = L{ }

= L{ }

Taking c= 0, we get

L { } = , Re )>0, Re(s)>0.

Agrawal [1] introduced the basic analogue of the Reimann-Liouville fractional

operator as follows.

= f(t) ; Re(α) > 0.

In particular, for f(x) = , we have

= ; Re(α) > 0

Also q-analogue of the Reimann-Liouville fractional derivative defined as

( ) ; Re (α) < 0, and |q|<1

in particular, for f(x) = , we have

= ; Re(α) < 0,|q|<1.


6.2 Left-sided generalized fractional integration of the generalized function

of fractional calculus

In this section, we consider the left-sided generalized fractional integration of

the generalized function of fractional calculus and making use of the given

lemma to derive following useful results.

Lemma: Let α, β, γ >0, and ρ C.

(a) If Re (ρ) >max [0, Re (β-γ)], then as reported in [5] , we have


(b) If Re (ρ) >max [Re(-β), Re(-γ)],

) .

Theorem (6.2.1):Let α, β, γ, ρ δ C, be complex numbers such that Re(α) >0

, Re( )>0, υ>0 and and ) be the left-sided operator of the

generalized fractional integration associated with Gauss-hypergeometric

function . Then there holds the following relationship



Provided each member of the equation exists.


Proof:By using the definition of the generalized function of fractional calculus

and the fractional integral operator, we get


By the use of Gaussian hypergeometric series [6] , series form of the

generalized function of fractional calculus, interchanging the order of

integration and summation and evaluating the inner integral , by the known

formula of Beta integral , and making use of above lemma , we get








Interchanging the order of integration and summations, which is permissible

under the conditions, stated with the theorem due to convergence of the integral

involved in the process? This completes the proof of the theorem.

Corollary1: ForRe (α >0),Re ( )>0, υ>0 and putting c = 0 , = - ,

then there holds the formula



Theorem (6.2.2) : Let α,β,γ, ρ δ C, be complex numbers such that Re(α) >0

, Re(α+ )> max[-Re(β),-Re(γ)] with υ>0 and and ) be the right -

sided operator of the generalized fractional integration associated with Gauss-

hypergeometric function . Then there holds the following relationship



Provided each member of the equation exists.

Proof:By using the definition of the generalized function of fractional calculus

and the fractional integral operator, we get



By the use of Gaussians hypergeometric series [6] , series form of the

generalized function of fractional calculus , interchanging the order of

integration and summation and evaluating the inner integral , by the known

formula of beta integral , and making use of above lemma , we get






6.3 Basic Analogue of R-function and Some of Its Identities

In this section, we have introduced the q- analogue of generalized function of

fractional calculus named as R- function , which was first time coined by

Lorenzo [8] defined as follows

[ , , t] = , t

It is a direct généralisation of exponentiel séries which can be obtained as

special case when μ= 1 and υ =0.

Further, for c= 0, we have

[ , t] = , t

Also when υ= μ-1,it reduces to Mittag-Leffler

[ , t] = = (- )

[ , t] =

In the sequel to this study, we introduced the basic analogue of R- function as



q [ , t] = , t and |q| ,

yields [ , t], when q = 1.

The function q [ , t] converges under the convergence conditions of basic

analogue of H- function which are as follows. The integral converges if

, on the contour C, where 0<|q|< 1 verified by

Saxena, et al [3].

Theorem (6.3.1): Let α >0, t and |q| ,

α, let be the Riemann- Liouville fractional integral operator, then

there holds following relations


= )

= )

Making the use of definition of fractional integral





Theorem (6.3.2): Let α >0, t and |q| ,

α, let be the Riemann- Liouville fractional derivative operator,

then there holds following relations



= )

Making the use of definition of fractional derivatives



Finally, by making use of Fox-Wright function, we have


Corollary: for α >0, t and |q| and for υ = μ-1



6.4 Special cases

Setting c= 0 and υ = q-1 in Theorem (6.2.1) , we get well-known results of

Mittag-Leffler function introduced by Wiman [3].This result has been reported

in [13 & 5]

= 3ѱ3

Further on setting υ = q-β, = 1 in Theorem (6.2.2), we get the well-known

results of a more generalized Mittag - Leffler function introduced by

Prabhaker[3] as reported [13& 5]

= 3ѱ3 .

6.5 Conclusion

The F- function and its generalization the R-function are of fundamental

importance in the fractional calculus. It has been shown that the solution of

certain fundamental linear differential equations may be expressed in terms of

these functions. These functions serve as generalization of the exponential

function in the solution of fractional differential equation. Hence these functions

play a central role in the fractional calculus. This paper explores various intra

relationships of the R-function with Saigo fractional operator, which will be

useful in further analysis.



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differential equations with the generalized Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives, Fract. Cal.

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[13]. Srivastava.H.M. and Tomovski.Ž, (2009), Fractional calculus with an integral operator

containing a generalized Mittag-Leffler function in the kernel, Appl. Math. Comput. 211, pp.


[14]. Sandev.T and Tomovski. Ž.(2010), General time fractional wave equation for a vibrating

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[15]. Živorad Tomovski, Rudolf Hilfer and Srivastava.H.M, (2010), Fractional and operational

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[16]. Chaurasia.V.B.L andPandey .S.C(2010), On the fractional calculus of generalization Mittag-

Leffler function, Mathematical Sciences, Vol.20, 113-122.


Dirichlets averages of generalized fox-wright function and their q-extension

This chapter is divided into two sections, in first section we made attempt to

investigate the Dirichlets averages of the generalized Fox-wright

hypergeometric function. In the second section we obtain a simple conceptual q-

extension of these results by introducing q- integral of multivariate type.

The Dirichlets averages of a function are a certain kind integral average with

respect to Dirichlets measure. The concept of Dirichlets average was introduced

by Carlson in 1977. It is studied among others by Carlson [3,4,7], Zu Castell

[11], Massopust and Forster[13], Neuman and Van fleet[9] and others . A

detailed and comprehensive account of various types of Dirichlets averages

has been given by Carlson in his monograph [5].

The objective of the present chapter is to investigate the Dirichlets averages of

the generalized Fox-wright hypergeometric function introduced by Wright in

(1935)[1,2],Like the functions of the Mittag-Leffler type, the functions of the

Wright type are known to play fundamental roles in various applications of the

fractional calculus. This is mainly due to the fact that they are interrelated with

the Mittag-Leffler functions through Laplace and Fourier transformations.

In the present chapter we make the use of Riemann-Liouville integrals

and Dirichlets integrals which is a multivariate integral and the generalization of


a beta integral. Finally,we deduce representations for the Dirichlets averages

( ;x,y) of the generalized Fox-Wright function with the fractional

integrals in particular .Special cases of the

established results associated with generalized Fox-wright functions have been


The generalized Fox- wright functions (also known as Fox-wright psi function

or just wright function) is a generalization of the generalized hypergeometric

function pFq(z) based on an idea of E. Maitland wright (1935) as follows

pψq =


Where 1+ - ≥ 0 (equality only holds for appropriately bounded z.

The Fox-wright function is a special case of the Fox- H-function (Srivastava

1984) [6].

pψq =



It follows from (7.1.2)that generalized Mittag - Leffler function can be

represented in terms of the wright function as

= 1ψ1


= 1ψ1 =


Standard simplex in denote the standard simplex in

by E = = ( ); … , 0 and

+ }.

Dirichlets Measures:Let b ϵ >; K and let E = be the standard

simplex in complex measure defined by [3]

(u) = …

… .

Here B(b) = B( ) =


C> = {zϵc : z≠0 }

Dirichlets average:Let be a convexset in C and let z= ( ) ϵ ,

n≥2, and let f be a measurable function on Ώ .Define

F (b; z) = (u).where (u) is a Dirichlet Measure.

B (b) = B( ) = , R( ) > 0, j = 1,2,3…,n

And = +

For n= 1, =f(z) ,

forn = 2 , we have

(u) = d(u).

Carlson [5] investigated the average for

, kϵR,

(b;z) = (u), (kϵR)

Andfor n= 2 , Carlson proved that

( ; ,y) = d(u),

Where ϵC, min [R ( ), R( )] > 0 , .


This chapter is devoted to the study of the Dirichlets averages of the generalized

Fox- wright function (7.1.1) in the form


(u) (7.1.3)

Where R( ) > 0, R( ) > 0 and ϵ C.

Reimann-Liouville fractional integral of order αϵ C, R( ) > 0 as defined in [14].

f) = (t) dt, ( ) (7.1.4)

7.2 Representation of and in terms of Reimann-Liouville

Fractional Integrals.

In this section we deduced representations for the Dirichlets averages

and with fractional integral operators.

Theorem (7.2.1 ):Let ϵ Complex numbers , R( ) > 0, R( ) > 0 , and ,y

be real numbers such that and 1+ - ≥ 0,and and

be given by (7.1.3)and (7.1.4)respectively. Then the Dirichlets average of

the generalized Fox- wright functions is given by



Where ϵC , R( ) > 0, R( ) > 0 , ,y ϵ R and 1+ - ≥ 0

(equality only holds for appropriately bounded z).

Proof:According to equation (7.1.1) and (7.1.2) we have,



= d(u).

in above equation, we get


= .

= .

= .

= .


This proves the theorem.

7.3 Section B: q-EXTENSION

Recently, q-calculus has served as a bridge between mathematics and

physics.Therefore, there is a significant increase of activity in the area of the q-

calculus due to applications of the q-calculus in mathematics, statistics and

physics. The majority of scientists in the world who use q-calculus today are

physicists.q-calculusis a generalization of many subjects, like hypergeometric

series, generating functions, complex analysis, and particle physics. In short, q-

calculus is quite a popular subject today. One of important branch of q-calculus

in number theory is q-type of special generating functions, for instance q-

Bernoulli numbers, q-Euler numbers, and q- Genocchi numbers. Here we define


a new class of q-type of multivariateintegrals (generalization of the beta

integrals) calledDirichlets integrals.

The Dirichlets measures and Dirichlets integrals have been typical combination

of gamma functions and the generalization of the beta integrals respectively. In

the sequel we obtain a simple conceptual q-extension of the results derived in

the first section of the chapter, by making use of multiple q- gamma functions

defined by Nishizaw [10] and Jackon‟s representation of q- gamma functions.

q- Dirichlets Measures:

Let b ϵ >; K and let E = be the standard simplex in

measure defined

(u ; q) = …

… .

Here = ( ) =

C> = {z ϵ c: z ≠ 0}

q- Dirichlets average: Let be a convex set in C and let z = ( )

ϵ , n≥2, and let f be a measurable function on Ώ,thenfor n = 2 , we define

the q-Dirichlets measures and average as follows


(u ; q) = (u).

( ; ,y)= (u).

Where ϵC, min [R ( ), R( )] > 0 , .

This section is devoted to the study of the q-Dirichlets averages of the q-

generalized Fox- wright function in the form


(u ;q) (7.3.1)

Representation of ( ; , y) and in terms of q- Reimann-

Liouville Fractional Integrals.

In this section we deduced representations for the Dirichlets averages

( ; ,y) and with q-fractional integral operators.

Theorem (7.3.1 ):Let ϵ Complex numbers , R( ) > 0, R( ) > 0 , and ,y

be real numbers such that and 1+ - ≥ 0,and and q-

Reimann-Liouville fractional integrals respectively. Then the Dirichlets average

of the q-Fox- wright functions is given by



Proof: According to equation (7.3.1) and basic analogue of Fox-Wright

function we have,


= (u)

in above equation, we get

= .




= .

= .


This proves the theorem.

7.4 Special Cases

In this section, we consider some particular cases of the above theorem by

setting p=q=1 and , A = 1, b= β and B= α, we get well known result

reported in [14] as follows

( ) = .

( ) = .

Further, by setting y= 0 in above equations, we get well- known result reported

in [12] which is as follows

( ) =

In particular, when = γ,


( ) =

7.5 Conclusion

Here we concluded with that that Dirichlets average of a function denotes

certain kind of integral average with respect to a Dirichlets measure. Most of

the important special functions can be represented as Dirichlets averages of the

functions and , and there are significant advantages in defining them this

way instead of by hypergeometric power series. The theory of Dirichlets

averages is not restricted to functions of hypergeometric type, because any

function that is analytic or even integrable can be averaged with respect to a

Dirichlets measure. If the function is twice continuously differentiable, its

Dirichlets average satisfies one or more linear second order partial differential

equations that are characteristic of the average process, and are related to some

of principal differential equations of mathematical physics. In this connection

one can refer to the works of Saxena, Kilbas and Sharma etc. Moreover for the

detailed account on Dirichlets average of a functionone should go through

lectures of Professor P. K. Banerji.


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[8]. Samko.S.G, Kilbas.A.A, Marichev.O.I. (1993), Fractional integrals and derivatives, theory

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[15]. Banerji.P.K, lecture notes on generalized integration and differentiation and Dirichlets



Representations of dirichlet averages of generalized r-function

withclassicalas well quantumfractional integrals

The Chapter is organized as follows. In section Ist we give representation of

(8.1.2) and (8.1.3) in terms of the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral (8.1.4).

The section 2nd

is devoted towards Classical extension of Ist section and the

special casesinvolving Mittag- Leffler function.

Extension of concept has been a good motivating factor for research and

development in mathematical sciences. Examples are the extension of real

number system to complex numbers, factorial of integers to gamma functions

etc. Extension of integer order derivatives and integrals to arbitrary order. In

literature, number of papers have used two important functions for the solution

of fractional order differential equations, the well-known Mittag-Leffler

function ( ) called “Queen Function of fractional calculus and the F-

function )of Hartley and Lorenzo (1998). As these functions provided

direct solutions and important understanding for the fundamental liner fractional

order differential equations and for the related initial value problem. But in this

chapter we are taken the generalized function for the fractional calculus called

R-function, it is of significant usefulness to develop a generalized function

when fractionally differ integrated (by any order) returns itself. Such a function


would greatly ease the analysis of fractional order differential equation.To

overcome this, the following function was proposed by Hartley and Lorenzo,

called R-function defined as follows [7&6].

The objective of this chapter is to investigate the Dirichlets averages of the more

generalized function for the fractional calculus.(In particular R-function

introduced by Hartley and Lorenzo).Representations ofsuch relationsis obtained

in terms of fractional integral operators in particular Reimann-Liouville

integrals. Some interesting special cases of the established results associated

with generalized Mittag-Leffler functions due to Saxena, etal, Srivastava and

Tomovski, are deduced.

8.1 Definitions and Preliminaries used

[ , , t] = (8.1.1)

The more compact notation

[ , t-c] =

When c =0, we get

[ , t-c] =

Put = -1, we get Mittag - Leffler function


[ , t] = = E ( )

Taking = 1, v = -β

[1, t] = ( ).

Dirichlets Measures: Let b ϵ >; K and let E = be the standard

simplex in complex measure defined by [3]

(u) = …

… .

Here B(b) = B( ) =

C> = {z ϵ c: z ≠ 0 }

Dirichlets average: Let be a convex set in C and let z = ( )

ϵ , n≥2, and let f be a measurable function on Ώ.Define

F (b; z) = (u).Where (u) is a Dirichlet Measure.

B (b) = B ( ) = , R( ) > 0, j = 1,2,3…,n

And = +

For n = 1, = f(z) ,


for n = 2 , we have

(u) = d(u).

Carlson [3] investigated the average for

, kϵR,

(b;z) = (u), (kϵR)

And for n = 2, Carlson proved that

( ; ,y) = d(u), (8.1.2)

Where ϵC, min [R ( ), R( )] > 0 , .

This chapter is devoted to the study of the Dirichlets averages of the R- function

definedby the equation (8.1.1) in the form

= (u). (8.1.3)

Where R( ) > 0, R( ) > 0 and ϵ C.

Reimann-Liouville fractional integral of order α ϵ C, R( ) > 0 as defined in [9].

f) = (t) dt, ( (8.1.4)


8.2 Representation of and in terms of Reimann-Liouville Fractional


In this section we deduced representations for the Dirichlets averages

and with fractional integral operators.

Theorem(8.2.1): Let (t-c) , , , β, ϵ C, R( ) > 0, R( ) > 0 , finally , let ,

y be such that >y>0 . Then Dirichlets averages of R-function (8.1.1) is given


= [ ( -y),

t >c ≥0, ≥0.

Proof: =


, then we have


Thus, we have





[ ( -y), t>c ,≥0, ≥0.

This proves the theorem.

Section 2nd

This section is devoted to the study of the q-Dirichlets averages of the basic

analogue of R- function function in the form

q = (u ;q)

8.3 Representation of ( ; , y) and q in terms of q- Reimann-

Liouville Fractional Integrals.

In this section we deduced representations for the Dirichlets averages

( ; , y) and q with q-fractional integral operators.

Theorem(8.3.1): Let (t-c) , , , β, ϵ C, R( ) > 0, R( ) > 0 , finally , let ,

y be such that > y >0 . Then q- Dirichlets averages of R-function (8.1.1) is

given by


q =

[ ( -y),t >c ≥ 0, ≥0.

Proof: =


, then we have

q =

Thus, we have

q =


q =

[ ( -y), t>c ,≥ 0, ≥0.

This proves the theorem.


8.4 Special Cases

Here we consider some particular cases of the above theorem by setting

= -1, c= 0, we get Dirichlets averages of Mittag- Leffler function reported


( )= .

( ) = .

Further, by setting y= 0 in above equations, we get well- known result reported


[8&5] which is as follows

( ) = .

In particular, when = γ, so that

( ) = .

8.5 Conclusion

This chapter has presented a new function for the fractional calculus; it is called

the R-function. The R-function is unique in that it contains all of the derivatives

and integrals of the F-function. The R-function has the Eigen–property that is it


returns itself on qth

order differ-integration. Special cases of the R-function also

include the exponential function, the sin, cosine, hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic

cosine functions.

The value of the R-function is clearly demonstrated in the dynamic

thermocouple problem where it enables the analyst to directly inverse transform

the Laplace domain solution, to obtain the time domain solution.


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