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Basic of Advertising

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ADVERTISING V.Sundararaman Lecturer Department of Communication Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Tirunelveli
Page 1: Basic of Advertising




Department of Communication

Manonmaniam Sundaranar University


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Word Origin

The word advertising has its origin from a Latin word ‘advertire’ which means to turn to.

The dictionary meaning of the word is ‘to announce publicly or to give public notice.’

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What is Advertising?

"Advertising is the non personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media."

Six key elements.

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Non Personal

Advertising is a form of mass communication, So it is non-personal.

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Paid Communication

Advertising is a paid form of communication, although some forms of advertising, such as public service announcements

(PSAs), are donated space and time.

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Persuasive Communication

Advertising tries to persuade or influence theconsumer to do something, Although in some cases the point of the message is simply to make consumers aware of the product or company.

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The advertisement will be given by an identified sponsor. Eg.

Manufactuer Retailer Wholesaler Government NGO Corporate’s etc

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The message is conveyed through many different kinds of mass media reaching a large audience of potential consumers. Print Radio Television Film Internet Out door Media Transit Advertising Vehicle Advertising etc.

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Functions of Advertising

As a tool of marketing As a means of communication

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Marketing Tool

It is used as a tool for selling the products, ideas and services of the identified sponsor i.e. advertiser, through non-personal intermediaries or media.

It supplements the voice and personality of the individual salesman.

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It informs the prospective buyers and users about the product and the producer.

It, thus, serves as a communication link between the producer and the prospective buyers who are interested in seeking the information.

Surely, advertising may be taken as the most efficient means of reaching people with product information.

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Audiences for Advertising

• Household Consumers• Business Organizations• The Trade Channel• Professionals• Government

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Types of Advertising

The basis of classification can be diverse Geographical’ Spread Target Group By Type of Impact Public Relations Advertising Political Advertising Financial Advertising

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Geographical’ Spread

National Advertising: Some ‘manufacturers may’ think that their target is, the entire country. ‘They select media with’ a countryside base. Generally large, established firms belong to this category. Among them are Hindustan Lever, Brooke Bond, Larsen & Toubro, Escorts, Associated CementCompanies and the like.

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Local Advertising

Small firms may like to restrict their business to State or regional level. Some firms first localize their marketing efforts and once success has been achieved, they spread out to wider horizons.

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Global Advertising

Multinational firms treat the world as their market. Firms such as National IBM or Sony or Ford advertise globally, e.g., in periodicals like Times, Readers Digest etc.

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Target Group

Consumer Advertising: A very substantial portion of total advertising is directed to buyers of consumer products who purchase them either for their own use or for their household’s.

This type of ad is otherwise called as brand advertising

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Industrial Advertising

Industrial advertising on the other hand refers to those advertisements which are issued by the manufacturers/distributors to the buyers of industrial products.

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Trade Advertising

Advertisements, which are directed by the manufacturers to the distribution channel members, such as wholesalers or retailers, are called trade advertising.

The objective of such advertising is’ to promote sales by motivating the distribution channel members to stock more or to attract new retain outlets.

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Professional Advertising

There are certain products for which the consumers themselves are not responsible for the buying choice.

The classic examples are pharmaceuticals where the decision is made by doctors while the consumers are the patient.

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By Type of Impact

On the basis of impact, advertising can’ be primary advertising for generic products such as tea, coffee, paints etc. These are unbranded products.

At later stages, these commodities are branded and specific brands are promoted. ‘They are called selective advertising.

Direct action advertising expects immediate response from the buyers such as soliciting orders through direct mail.

Mostly advertising is indirect action advertising which makes the consumers favorably inclined towards the product so that they can later on buy these products ‘ in future.

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Public Relations Advertising (PRA)

Organizations these days are concerned with the type of image they project they have to communicate their objectives to the general public.

They also have to Intake the public understand what their activities are. Public relations, in short, try to build rapport with various constituents of public such as employees, customers, local authorities, pressure groups, vendors, customers, shareholders, government and public at large.

Public relations advertising helps to maintain this relationship.

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Political Advertising

As most of the political advertising is directed to public, itcomes under the category of public relations advertising.Political advertising is created either by political parties orcandidates.

Mostly we come across such advertising at the timeof elections. Election advertising either lists the achievementsof the party of candidate or propagates their ideological basis.

Sometimes, they are provocative too. Such advertising maybecome comparative, where the weaknesses of the oppositionare highlighted to show their party or candidate in favourablelight.

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Financial Advertising

When public limited companies’ invite the general public to subscribe to the share capital of the company, it is called financial advertising.

In a broader sense, it includes all advertising by financial industry such as banks, car loan companies, insurance companies, non-banking financial companies etc.

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Directory Advertising

The best known form of directory advertising is the Yellow Pages, although many different kinds of directories perform the same function.

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Direct-Response Advertising

Direct-response advertising can use any advertising medium, including direct mail, but the message is different from that of national and retail advertising in that it tries to stimulate a sale directly.

The consumer can respond by telephone or mail, and the product is delivered directly to the consumer by mail or some other carrier.

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Business-to-Business Advertising

Business-to-business advertising includes messages directed at retailers, wholesalers, and distributors, as well as industrial purchasers and professionals such as lawyers and physicians.

Advertisers-place most business advertising in business publications or professional journals.

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Institutional Advertising

Institutional advertising is also called corporate advertising.

These messages focus on establishing a corporate identity or winning the public to the organization’s point of view.

Designed to enhance a company’s image rather than promote a particular product

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Interactive Advertising

Interactive advertising is delivered to individual consumers who have access to a computer and the Internet. Advertisements are delivered via Web pages, banner ads, and so forth. In this instance, the consumer can respond to the ad, modify it, expand it, or ignore it.

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Product Advertising

Pioneering- Stimulates primary demand for new product or category

Competitive - Influence demand for brand in the growth phase. Often uses emotional appeal.

Comparative - Compares two or more competing brands’ product attributes. Used if growth is sluggish, or if competition is strong.

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Other Types

Informative Advertising Persuasive Advertising Reminder Advertising Celebrity Testimonial Co-operative Advertising Retail Advertising
