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BASKARAN and MORLEY - Strength Assessment of Flat Slabs on Nonrectangular Column Grid

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  • 8/21/2019 BASKARAN and MORLEY - Strength Assessment of Flat Slabs on Nonrectangular Column Grid


    Strength assessment of flat slabs on non-

    rectangular column grid K. Baskaran* and C. T. Morley†

    University of Moratuwa; University of Cambridge

     Flat slab construction has proved efficient and large numbers have been built. Often the layout of columns is

    limited to rectangular grid owing to the scarcity of structural analysis tools validated by experimental evidence.

     Recently, to break through this barrier, two irregular flat slabs were tested at Nanyang Technological University,Singapore. However, they failed at almost twice the design ultimate load, showing the need for more work. Also,

    there are efforts to apply yield line analysis to flat slabs on irregular column grid. However, such efforts need 

    validation through comparison with experimental results. To fill this vacuum, nine flat slab panels supported on

    non-rectangular column grid were designed and tested at Cambridge University Engineering Department (CUED).

    The current paper presents experimental details and analytical results of five flat slab specimens tested at CUED:

    three interior panel specimens and one corner panel specimen of parallelogram column layout and an irregular 

     seven-column specimen. Failure loads are predicted using yield line analyses based on energy approach and 

    nonlinear finite element analyses using a commercially available finite element package (DIANA). Further 

    confirmation of predictions is made by comparisons with experimental observations.


    a, b, c, d   some dimensions of length used in

    calculating collapse load 

     f  t   tensile strength of concrete obtained from

    splitting cylinder tests

     f  cu   compressive strength of concrete obtained 

    from testing cubes

    m   total yield moment capacity across a yield 


     p   load per unit area

        shear retention factor 

      maximum deflection in the slab when a

    collapse mechanism has formed 

    Ł   relative rotation across a yield line


    With limited land resources, demand for optimum

    use of available floor area in urban areas is increasing.

    By avoiding downstand beams, flat slab construction is

    cheaper and permits one or more additional floors with-in the allowable height in multi-storey buildings. Also

    flat slabs are quite flexible in accommodating modifi-

    cation to partition locations in case of change in use.

    However, in contrast to two-way slabs on beams, in flat

    slabs the span that influences the behaviour is the long-

    est. Therefore it is better to reduce the distance between

    the columns. Architects, however, demand fewer col-

    umns or for them to be hidden inside walls. This

    inevitably leads to inefficient designs, if columns are

    restricted to a rectangular grid. To overcome this, flat

    slabs supported on non-rectangular column grid were

    suggested 1 and attempts have been made to study de-

    sign and assessment methods for flat slabs supported 

    on such column layouts.2

    Despite the long history of flat slab construction,

    experiments on flat slabs supported on irregular column

    grid are scarce. A seven-column and a fourteen-column

    specimen were designed and tested at Nanyang Techno-

    logical University, Singapore.3–5 However, the experi-

    mental failure loads in both slabs were almost twice the

    design ultimate loads. In addition, deflections reached 

    critical values almost at the design ultimate load, con-

    firming how conservative the adopted design approach

    was. Recently, suggestions were made6 to extend the

    application of yield line analysis to flat slabs on an

    *Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri


    †Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK 

    (MCR 61497) Paper received 3 January 2006; last revised 

    25 November 2006; accepted 4 January 2007

     Magazine of Concrete Research, 2007,   59, No. 4, May, 273–286

    doi:   10.1680/macr.2007.59.4.273


    www.concrete-research.com 1751-763X (Online) 0024-9831 (Print)# 2007 Thomas Telford Ltd 

  • 8/21/2019 BASKARAN and MORLEY - Strength Assessment of Flat Slabs on Nonrectangular Column Grid


    irregular column grid. However, they are not validated 

     by comparison with experimental evidence. To fill this

    vacuum of experimental results, a series of flat slabs

    supported on non-rectangular column grid were de-

    signed and tested at Cambridge University Engineering

    Department (CUED).2 Yield line and nonlinear finite

    element (FE) analysis have been used to assess those

    slabs. In the present paper, an attempt is made, toencourage the use of yield line and nonlinear FE meth-

    ods to analyse flat slabs on an irregular column grid by

     presenting predictions compared with experimental re-

    sults. Also, it is hoped that the experimental results will

    help to validate future approaches to assess flat slabs

    supported on a non-rectangular column grid.

    Details of five model specimens relevant to this

     paper and some observations made on them during the

    tests are described in the next section. This is followed 

     by application of yield line analysis to assess flexural

    capacity   of   these slabs and the NTU seven-column

    specimen.5 Some yield line patterns and corresponding

     predictions are illustrated to encourage the use of yield 

    line analysis in the industry. In the next section, details

    of FE models and their predictions are presented. Com-

     parisons between experimental observations and analy-

    tical predictions are made prior to conclusions.

    Experimental study

    Specimen detailsSlabs 1, 4 and 5 were interior panels and slab 7 was

    a corner panel of flat slabs supported on 308   skew

    column layout with 1200 mm column centre-to-centre

    spacing. The difference between slabs 1 and 4 was the

    reinforcement direction (see Fig.   1). Details of the

    specimen are given in Table 1.   Slab 9 was a flat slab,

    with 50 mm thickness and supported on seven columns

    in an irregular grid. Reinforcement layouts of parallelo-

    gram slab specimens and CUED seven-column speci-

    men are shown in Figs 1 and  2 respectively. Mild steel

     bars of 4 mm diameter having yield strength 395 MPa

    were used as reinforcement. To improve the bond 

    characteristics, prior to use, bars were allowed to form

    rust on their surface. Concrete mix used in all speci-

    mens had ingredients in the following ratios

    Slab 1 Slab 4

    Slab 5 Slab 7

    Bottom Top Bottom Top

     Fig. 1. Reinforcement layouts for parallelogram slab specimens

    Table 1. Details of experimental slabs

    Specimen Description Thickness:




     f  t: MPa   f  cu: MPa Experimental

    failure load: kPa

    Yield line

     prediction: kPa

    Finite element

     prediction: kPa

    Slab 1 Interior panel of a

     parallelogram column


    50 Parallel to column


    2.84 34 19.64 20.96 19.7

    Slab 4 Interior panel of a

     parallelogram column


    50 Parallel to


    3.22 51.3 18.92 19.41 19.51

    Slab 5 Interior panel of a

     parallelogram column


    60 Parallel to column


    3.18 51.5 25.31 24.84 23.02

    Slab 7 Corner panel of a

     parallelogram column


    60 Parallel to column


    3.4 48.1 23.81 26.34 23.96

    Slab 9 Irregular 50 Orthogonal 3.47 45.2 25.86 25.34 30.1

     Baskaran and Morley

    274   Magazine of Concrete Research, 2007,   59, No. 4

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    water : cement : fine aggregate : 6 mm

    aggregate ¼ 0:5:1:2:35:2:87

    To measure compressive and tensile strengths,

    100 mm cubes and cylinders measuring 100 mm in dia-

    meter and 200 mm in height were cast from the same

     batch of concrete as control specimens and tested on

    the same day as the experimental specimens. Obtained 

    strength values are averaged and given in Table 1.

    After casting, specimens were allowed to cure for a

    fortnight under the cover of polythene before being

    tested in the vacuum rig. The vacuum rig is a closed 

    chamber, having steel sheets as bottom surface, alumi-

    nium ring beam as edges and clear polythene as a top

    cover. Fig.   3   shows a view of vacuum rig. Details of 

    the vacuum rig are discussed elsewhere.7 Positions of 

    the deflection gauges for parallelogram slabs and the

    seven-column specimen are shown in Fig. 4.

    Observations during tests (refer to Fig. 4  to identifylocations)

    In slab 1, cracks were first observed on the top

    surface above acute corner columns A, C at 10 kPa. At

    13.1 kPa bottom surface cracks along middle strips

    formed. This was followed by top surface cracks along

    column lines between 14.2 and 15.4 kPa. With further 

    increase in load, slab 1 failed by punching of column D

    after reaching 19.64 kPa load with central deflection

    36.6 mm (0.73 times slab thickness). The observed top

    surface crack pattern in slab 1 is shown in Fig. 5.

    As the experimental specimens are fairly small (de-

    signed for flexure considering one fourth of common

    span, say 5 m) punching shear failure is prominent. To

    reduce the scale effects bar diameter (4 mm) and maxi-

    mum size of aggregates (6 mm) were selected small.

    However, the observations made on slab 1 showed theneed to postpone punching shear failure further, with-

    out affecting flexural capacity. Therefore from slab 2

    onwards shear reinforcement in the form of spirals was

    added above the columns.

    In slab 4, the first cracks appeared above the acute

    corner columns on the top surface at 9.7 kPa. Bottom

    surface cracks were first seen at 12.3 kPa along diag-

    onal AC. With the formation of diagonal cracks, deflec-

    tion gauges TR 7, TR 8 and TR 9 measured almost

    equal readings. At 12.5 kPa load, a diagonal crack 

    along column line BD was observed on the top surface.

    With more load, cracks along other column lines also

    formed before column B failed by punching at

    18.92 kPa with maximum deflection equal to 67% of 

    the slab thickness.

    In slab 5, bottom surface cracks along diagonal AC

    were observed at 13.4 kPa. Cracks along column lines

    on the top surface formed around 23.6 kPa. Finally slab

    5 failed by fracture of bottom reinforcement at

    25.31 kPa. The central deflection at that load was

    43 mm (0.72 times the slab thickness). In the corner 

     panel specimen, first cracks were seen above column B

    at 18.9 kPa. With further increase in load, top surface

    cracks in acute corners and cracks along column lines

    AB and BC formed at 21.3 kPa and 22 kPa respectively.At 23.8 kPa, the interior column B failed by punching.

    In the seven-column specimen, first cracks were ob-

    served above column G on the top surface around 

    14.8 kPa. With increasing load, hogging cracks appeared 

    above column F and along column line BG at 16.5 kPa.

    Top surface cracks along column lines EG and FG

    formed between 18 and 19 kPa load. Close to failure,

    deflection gauge TR 17 showed decreasing deflection

    owing to rotation of column C about its inner edge.

    Finally, bottom reinforcement bars in panel BCDG frac-

    tured at 25.86 kPa in flexure. Crack patterns observed in

    seven-column specimen are shown in Fig. 6.

    Assessment based on yield line analysis

    To assess the strength of slabs, Ingerslev8  proposed 

    the yield line analysis in 1923. Johansen9 extended the

    application by tests, confirming the reality of yield 

    lines and validity of the theory. Later, several research-

    ers considered yield line analysis to assess the strength

    of slabs having rectangular layout and reported its

    advantages in assessing slabs with low steel ratios.

    Recently Kennedy and Goodchild 6  proposed inserting

    the largest possible rectangle through columns and ap-

    (a) (b)

     A B













     Fig. 2. Reinforcement layouts for CUED seven-column

     specimen (slab 9): (a) bottom reinforcement; (b) top


     Fig. 3. A view of the vacuum rig after testing slab 5

    Strength assessment of flat slabs on non-rectangular column grid 

     Magazine of Concrete Research, 2007,   59, No. 4   275

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     A B













    1135 333633





    TR 2

    TR 5

    TR 4

    TR 7

    TR 6

    TR 3

    TR 1

    R 1

    R 3

    R 5

    R 2

    R 8

    TR 20 TR 21

    TR 22

    TR 9

    TR 10

    TR 8

    TR 17

    TR 10

    TR 6 TR 7

    TR 9

    TR 8

    TR 5

    TR 2

     A B



    6    0    °     


     Fig. 4. Position of deflection gauges in experimental specimens: (a) deflection gauge locations in parallelogram slabs;

    (b) deflection gauge locations in seven-column specimen. Note: All dimensions are in millimetres

     Baskaran and Morley

    276   Magazine of Concrete Research, 2007,   59, No. 4

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     plying yield line patterns for rectangular slabs sup-

     ported on simple or continuous supports to assess flat

    slabs on irregular column grid. In the current paper,

    instead of following such tactics, the actual probable

    yield line patterns (without worrying about optimisa-

    tion) are considered to analyse the experimental slabs.

    Yield line method 

    The ultimate load in a yield line analysis is calcu-

    lated by postulating a failure mechanism, involving

    rigid slab portions rotating about axes of rotation with

     plastic deformation along their boundaries (yield lines),

    compatible with the boundary conditions. This is based 

    on the assumptions that final failure is attributable to

     flexure   and the structure has enough  ductility. As thestructure has turned into a mechanism, the predicted 

    load by each mechanism is an upper bound value and 

    unsafe. Therefore an engineer needs to find the lowest

     prediction, from several possible collapse mechanisms

    for the structure being analysed. However in slabs,

    membrane action owing to restraints and strain hard-

    ening of steel have often made predictions based on the

    yield line theory safe.10,11

    Yield line mechanisms for flat slabs can be classified 

    into two categories: local and global failure mechan-

    isms. Local failure mechanisms involving fans are com-

    mon with uniform steel layouts and point loads.12

    However, flat slab design in general considers uniform

    load and concentrates steel in the column region lead-

    ing to global (fold type) failure mechanisms. The slabs

    analysed in the present paper fall into this second category and only global failure mechanisms are con-

    sidered in their analysis.

    A yield line mechanism must be compatible for its

    existence. In the current paper hodographs (rotations

    drawn as a vector plot) are used to ensure compatibility.

    Calculations are performed using a work equation, that

    is, equating the work done by the external forces to the

    internal energy dissipated for the mechanism consid-

    ered. From this work equation the load capacity, the

    only unknown in the equation, can be found. To calcu-

    late the work done by the uniform load the following

     procedure can be used.

    (a) Divide the rigid slab bodies into triangles.

    (b) Find the deflections at the corners of the rigid slab


    (c) Calculate the centroidal deflection of each triangu-

    lar slab portion and multiply by the force acting on

    them to find the work done. Better use a computer 

    aided design (CAD) program to calculate the area

    in a multipanel slab.

    (d ) Sum up work done in all triangles to find the total

    work done by the uniform external forces.

    In the case of point or line loads, the equivalent load 

    multiplied by the displacement along the force direc-

    tion gives the work done by these forces. To calculate

    the energy dissipated across yield lines, moment capa-

    city across each yield line should be multiplied by the

    corresponding relative rotation and summed. This pro-

    cedure is applied to the experimental slabs in the fol-

    lowing section.

     Fig. 5. Crack pattern observed on top surface of slab 1

     Fig. 6. Crack patterns observed in CUED seven-column specimen: (a) bottom surface; (b) top surface

    Strength assessment of flat slabs on non-rectangular column grid 

     Magazine of Concrete Research, 2007,   59, No. 4   277

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    Four yield line mechanisms, as shown in Fig. 7 were

    considered to assess interior panels of parallelogram

    slabs.13. To calculate the relative rotations across yield 

    lines and deflections at corners of rigid slab bodies,

    hodographs (diagrams of rotations regarded as vectors)

    given in the same figure were used. For each slab two

    calculations were made: one considering only the inter-

    ior panel alone as a typical panel in a continuous floor,












    Sagging yield line

    Hogging yield line

    Continuous edge



    5 6



    9 10

    13 14


    15 16









    Yield line pattern



    31 526


















    Yield line pattern


    0 1,32,4

    Yield line pattern


    Yield line pattern










    6 7


    1 32 4











    ZPQ S

     Fig. 7. Yield line patterns considered for interior panel of parallelogram column layout: (a) mechanism one; (b) mechanism two;

    (c) mechansim three; (d) mechanism four 

     Baskaran and Morley

    278   Magazine of Concrete Research, 2007,   59, No. 4

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    and the other including the overhang slab portions with

    edge shear also contributing to the work done by ex-

    ternal forces. Predicted failure loads for slabs 1, 4 and 

    5 are tabulated in Table 2. Detailed calculation for slab

    1 considering mechanism one that includes edge shear 

    forces is given in the   Appendix. Similar yield line

     patterns, but slightly modified to include two free

    edges, were used to assess the corner panel specimen,with no effort made to find the critical location of yield 

    lines. The yield line patterns considered are shown in

    Fig 8  and predictions are given in Table 2.

    Part of slab 9 (shown in Fig. 9(a)) was analysed for a

    valley type mechanism (mechanism PI) prior to the

    experiment. Hogging yield line along column line BGE

    and sagging yield line along MN are the only yield 

    lines considered. This mechanism predicted 26.4 kPa as

    the failure load. However, in the experiment the ob-

    served crack pattern (shown in Fig. 6)  suggested a dif-

    ferent failure mechanism. Based on this, a more

    complicated failure mechanism (mechanism W), shown

    in Fig. 9(c), was considered in which rigid slab bodies

    a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k and l rotate about axes of 

    rotations along column line GE, column D, column D,

    column G, column C, column B, column B, column A,

    column G, column F, column line EG and column F

    respectively. This mechanism predicted the collapse

    load as 25.34 kPa.

    To assess the flexural capacity of part of the full-

    scale NTU seven-column specimen3,5 two yield line

    mechanisms were considered: valley type mechanism

    PI and one similar to that observed in the experiments

    PII (see Fig. 9). Few details of the NTU seven-column

    specimen are shown in Fig.   10.   The predicted failureload 20.34 kPa, agreed well with the experimental fail-

    ure load 20 kPa. Yield line predictions and experimen-

    tal results will be compared later, after the FE analysis

    has been described.

    Assessment based on nonlinear FE


    In the FE analysis, a continuum is replaced by a

    finite number of elements connected at their nodes.

    Material and geometrical properties are attached to the

    elements before the assembly is analysed using stan-

    dard structural theories. Ngo and Scordelis14  pioneered 

    the application of FEs to analyse reinforced concrete

     beams. FE analysis provides more information than

    yield line analysis. However, a nonlinear analysis must

     be performed to exploit the benefits of ductility and 

     predict the deflections in the post-cracking region. Un-fortunately what makes the FE analysis of reinforced 

    concrete difficult is the modelling of cracks and the

    deterioration of bond between steel and concrete.


    In slab analysis, to include the post-cracking changes

    in stiffness, two approaches have been followed. In the

    first approach the stiffness is modified 15  based on the

    state of the section, that is, cracked or uncracked. How-

    ever deformation of a two-way slab is attributable to

    stretching, bending and shear. Also the material proper-

    ties vary through the thickness. These are not repre-sented in the modified stiffness approach. Therefore

    another approach based on multiple layers was intro-

    duced to analyse reinforced concrete slabs16–18 and is

    adopted here.

    To model the slabs, eight-noded, curved, layered 

    shell elements based on Mindlin formulations divided 

    into three layers were used. To avoid locking, the only

    available integration scheme over the area is 2 3  2

    instead of 3 3  3. Each node had three translational and 

    two rotational degrees of freedom. Columns were mod-

    elled as point supports with no vertical translation.

    Horizontal translations of few columns were restricted as in the experiment to avoid the whole specimen mov-

    ing together as a rigid body. Reinforcement was em-

     bedded inside the layers using bar elements. To obtain

    the stress versus strain characteristics in compression

    for concrete, the relationships given by Shah   et al .19

    were used. The peak strength was assumed at a strain

    of 0.003.

    To model cracking, the smeared crack approach20

    was used. The initiation of the first crack at an integra-

    tion point was based on the principal stress exceeding

    the tensile strength of concrete. If multiple cracks are

    allowed to form with strength criterion alone then with

    Table 2. Predicted failure load from different yield line mechanisms

    Specimen Yield line mechanism

    Mechanism one Mechanism two Mechanism three Mechanism four Mechanism PI Mechanism W Mechanism PII

    Slab 1 20.96 21.04 21.06 21.59 — — —  

    Slab 4 19.98 21.07 20.65 19.41 — — —  

    Slab 5 25.04 26.36 24.84 25.58 — — —  

    Slab 7 26.84 27.24 26.34 26.62 — — —  

    Slab 9 — — — — 26.4 25.34 — 

     NTU 7-column — — — — 21.31 — 20.34

    Strength assessment of flat slabs on non-rectangular column grid 

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    small rotations in principal tensile stress, new cracks

    will form and close the existing cracks. To avoid this,

    the program allowed successive cracks to form only

    when the tensile stress exceeded the tensile strength

    and the angle between the two cracks is above a thresh-

    old angle (default value 608). In the post-cracking state,

    concrete between cracks contributes to carry tensile

    forces. This tension stiffening effect was included in

    the model by having a descending branch in the stress– 

    strain curve for concrete in tension. Massicotte  et al .21

    reported similarities between tension stiffening and ten-

    sion softening curves. For the crack to propagate

    further and to transform into a macro crack, energy is

    required. This fracture energy, which was included in


    (a) (b)











    0 1,32

    4 5


    1 2 3



    Yield line pattern


    Yield line pattern


    Yield line pattern


    Yield line pattern

    Symbol additional to those in Fig. 7





    31 5264
















    Free edge







     Fig. 8. Yield line patterns considered for corner panel of parallelogram column layout: (a) mechanism one; (b) mechanism two;

    (c) mechansim three; (d) mechanism four 

     Baskaran and Morley

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    the model via tension stiffening, was found from em-

     pirical equations22  based on direct tension tests. In the

     post-cracking region, contributions to shear resistance

     by various sources such as aggregate interlock, dowel

    action, etc. were represented by a constant shear reten-

    tion factor (  ¼ 0:2).From a parametric study on various tension stiffen-

    ing models, a linear tension softening model was se-

    lected for the present analysis.2 In compression, a

    loading surface based on von Mises yield criterion

    was used. Steel was modelled as elastic, strain hard-

    ening plastic with similar behaviour in tension and 

    compression. A perfect bond between steel and con-

    crete was assumed to avoid complexity in modelling.

    For the analysis, the Newton Raphson method was

    used with force norm as convergence criteria. To re-

    duce the storage requirements, an incremental iterative

    approach was implemented with maximum iterations

    within a load increment limited to 750. Also to cali-

     brate the non-linear finite element (NLFE) tool, slab 1

    was used as a calibration model. For the parallelogram

    specimens, edge shear was applied as distributed load 

    on the elements along the edge.

    The mesh used to analyse slabs 1 and 4 is shown in

    Fig.   11(a). Similar but slightly modified meshes were

    used in slabs 5 and 7. The mesh used for the CUED

    seven-column specimen is shown in Fig.  11( b). In the

    same figure, the division of layers along the thickness

    direction for all slabs is also shown. For the specimens

    with parallelogram layout the bottom reinforcement in

    (a) (b)















    d e















     A B







    2 0



    Hogging yield lines

    Sagging yield lines

    Free edge

     Axes of rotations










     A B






     Fig. 9. Yield line patterns considered to analyse CUED seven-column specimen: (a) valley-type mechanism (PI); (b) yield line

    mechanism (PII); (c) yield line pattern (W) and corresponding hodograph

    Strength assessment of flat slabs on non-rectangular column grid 

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    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)

    200 200 mm wire meshT 10 mm diameter 

    bars at 170 mm c/c

    T 10 mm diameter bars at 200 mm c/c

    200 200 mm wire mesh

    R- ar 10 mm diameter 400 c/c along strong bandb

     A  AB B

    C C

    G G

    D D

    E E

    F F

    T 10 mm diameter 

    bars at 140 mm c/c

     Fig. 10. Details of NTU seven-column specimen: (a) top surface cracks observed; (b) bottom surface cracks observed; (c) top

    reinforcement layout; (d) bottom reinforcement layout 

    (a) (b)

    461 462 463 464

    465 466 467 468









    485 486 487 488

    489 490 491 492




















     Fig. 11. Mesh used in the analyses of experimental slabs: (a) for parallelogram slabs; (b) for CUED seven-column specimen

     Baskaran and Morley

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    the central panel was notably low. Therefore no tension

    stiffening was provided for concrete in central ele-

    ments. Also, concrete in the middle layer in all speci-

    mens was modelled as brittle.

     Finite element predictions

    In slab 1, the first predicted cracks appeared above

    acute corner columns on the top surface between 9 and 

    10 kPa. With further loading, bottom surface cracks

    formed around 13.25 kPa. Bottom surface cracks ex-

    tended along the middle strips and top surface cracks

     penetrated in the thickness direction. Finally the pro-

    gram stopped with a zero stiffness message for an

    integration point close to a column. Subsequent checks

    on the previous converged step showed that hogging

    cracks had penetrated the layers except for the extreme

     bottom layer integration point. Similar behaviour was

    observed in slab 4. In slab 5, the ‘no stiffness message’

    was for an element in the central panel. In the previous

    converged step, bottom surface cracks had progressed up to the top layer except for two integration points in

    that element.

    In the corner panel specimen, initial cracks on the

    top surface were predicted to form between 13 and 

    14 kPa. With further increase in loading, bottom sur-

    face cracks formed between 14 and 15 kPa. With the

    opening of bottom surface cracks the deflection con-

    tours suggested a valley-type failure mechanism. Pre-

    dicted crack patterns for slabs 1 ,4, 5 and 7 are shown

    in Fig.   12.   In the analysis of CUED seven-column

    specimen, cracks formed at different locations with in-

    creasing loads. These are shown in Fig.   13.   The pre-

    dicted failure was a result of the bottom surface cracks

     penetrating across the thickness in panel BCDG, as

    seen in the experiment. Predicted failure loads for all

    specimens are given in Table1.

    Comparison between experiment and yield

    line predictions

    The predicted failure loads based on yield line analy-

    sis (lowest value out of several values from different

    mechanisms) for the experimental slabs are tabulated 

    along with the measured experimental values in Table

    Slab 4 at 19·5 kPa

    Slab 7 at 24 kPa

    Slab 1 at 19·7 kPa

    Slab 5 at 23 kPa

     Fig. 12. Predicted crack pattern for parallelogram slabs.

     Note: both top and bottom surface cracks are shown together 

    at 16·5 kPaat 15·5 kPa

    at 18·9 kPaat 18·6 kPa at 18·8 kPa

    at 30·1 kPaat 26·2kPaat 21·6 kPaat 20·1 kPa

    at 15 kPa at 16·8 kPa

    at 17·5 kPa

     Fig. 13. Predicted crack pattern for slab 9 at various stages in the NLFE analysis. Note: both top and bottom surface cracks are

     shown together 

    Strength assessment of flat slabs on non-rectangular column grid 

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    1.   Only the prediction for the corner panel differs by

    more than 10 % (10.6% to be exact). This may be a

    result of either punching shear intervening in the ex-

     periment prior to reaching full flexural capacity (the

    strength of the spirals used as shear reinforcement in

    slab 7 and CUED seven-column specimen were low

    compared with other slabs; 400 MPa compared with

    700 MPa) or the location of yield lines may need somemodifications to improve the predictions.

    With increasing load, tensile stresses at highly

    stressed regions exceed the tensile strength of concrete

    and form cracks. Reinforcement bars crossing these

    cracks carry the tensile forces previously carried by

    concrete. With further increase in load, steel stresses

    reach yield strength. If the steel is ductile enough then

    the heavily stressed steel bars deform while carrying

    the same stresses, to bring lesser-stressed neighbouring

     bars into the resisting pattern. This will result in more

    cracks and more steel yielding at more locations until

    the structure converts itself into a mechanism. There-fore, the crack pattern at failure on the top and bottom

    surfaces is a good indicator of yield line locations.

    According to mechanism one in Fig.   7,   top surface

    cracks caused by hogging moments along column lines,

    Table 3. Expected and observed crack pattern

    Specimen Expected crack pattern according to yield 


    Observed crack pattern

     predictions Top surface Bottom surface

    Slab 1

    Slab 4

    Slab 7

    Slab 9



    f B





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    and bottom surface cracks along panel centre lines

    owing to sagging moments, are expected. Observed 

    crack patterns for slab 1 agree with that expected for 

    mechanism one and confirm the prediction. Expected 

    and observed crack patterns for the slabs 1, 4, 7 and 9

    are tabulated in Table 3.

    In a yield line mechanism, slab portions separated by

    yield lines rotate as rigid bodies about their axes of rotation. By considering this fact and requirements for 

    compatibility, change in deflection readings at final

    stages of tests can be effectively used to identify the

    yield line mechanism. To support this claim, by taking

    deflections at 90% of the total experimental failure load 

    as reference, changes in deflections were calculated for 

    the CUED seven-column specimen at various linear 

    variable differential transducer (LVDT) locations. The

    average values of these changes in deflection were

    divided by that at LVDT location TR 10 to find the

    normalised change in deflections. Based on the collapse

    mechanism (W) predicted changes in deflections were

    calculated. Expected and predicted changes in deflec-

    tions are compared in Table 4,  and agree quite well.

    Comparison between experiment and

    finite element predictions

    Except for the seven-column specimen (slab 9) the

    FE-predicted failure loads for the specimens are within

    10% of the experimental values. The observed crack 

     pattern in the seven-column specimen suggests tensile

    membrane action may be the cause for the increased 

    strength prediction. One drawback observed in the pre-

    sent analyses was that the slopes of the load against

    deflection diagram did not change with crack initiation

     but changed only after the cracks were fully opened.

    Also the type of element used is not capable of predict-

    ing punching shear failures.


    Results of experiments on flat slabs supported on a

    non-rectangular column layout were presented. Ulti-mate failure loads were predicted based on yield line

    theory and nonlinear FE analyses. These values are

    compared in Fig.   14.   Agreement between prediction

    and experimental results is good. However, the non-

    linear FE analysis needs a good calibration model.

    Considering the accuracy of the predictions and the

    resources used, the yield line theory is better compared 

    with NLFE to assess flat slabs (with low steel ratios)

    on non-rectangular column grid.


    Example: Consider calculating failure load ( p kPa)

    for slab 1 according to mechanism one including the

    edge shear forces. The yield line pattern consists of 16

    rigid bodies as shown in Fig. 7.  If the deflection at X is

      then those at P, Q, S, Y and Z will be 0:25, 0:5,0.5, 0.5 and 0.75   respectively

    AB ¼ BC ¼ CD ¼ DA ¼ 2a ¼ 1:2m and 

    YZ ¼ PQ ¼  b ¼ 0:3m, DÂB ¼ 608

    Table 4. Comparison between observed and predicted nor-

    malised deflection ratios in CUED seven-column specimen

    LVDT location Observed normalised 


    Predicted normalised 


    TR 2 1.0 0.99

    TR 4 1.08 0.90

    TR 5 0.82 0.96

    TR 6 0.93 0.95

    TR 7 0.78 0.82TR 8 0.26 0.28

    R 1 0.28 0.49

    TR 9 0.69 0.67

    TR 10 1.0 1.0

    TR 17 -0.24 -0.24

    TR 20 0.83 0.68

    TR 21 0.98 1.0

    TR 22 0.83 0.73

    R 2 0.29 0.28

    R 3 0.06 0.01

    R 5 0.23 0.19

    R 8 0.4 0.29

    TR 1 0.15 0.33

    TR 3 0.05 0.5

    Experimental failure


    Yield line


    Finite element


    Seven-columnSlab 7Slab 5Slab 40









    Slab 1

     Fig. 14. Comparison between experimental and analytical 

     failure loads

    Strength assessment of flat slabs on non-rectangular column grid 

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    Work done by the uniform load 

    ¼ 4 p(volume swept by rigid bodies 1, 2, 5, and 6)

    ¼ ffiffiffi 


    4  p   4a2 þ 6ab þ 2b2ð Þ

    Lengths of the simply supported edge shear steel plates

    along column and middle strips are 2c ¼   0.9 m, 2d  ¼0.3 m respectively.

    Work done by the edge shear forces

    ¼ 8 p(ca sin 60 3 0:375 ¼  db sin 60 3 0:625)


    Total work done by the external forces ¼ 2:065 pThis is equal to the energy dissipated across the yield 

    lines. If the total hogging moment resistances across

    rigid bodies 1, 2 and 2, 6 are   m3, and   m1  respectively

    and total sagging moment resistances across rigid  bodies 2, 3 and 6,7 are m4  and  m2  respectively


    Energy dissipated across yield lines ¼(8m1 þ 4m2 þ 8m3 þ 4m4)  3 Ł

    where   Ł ¼ 2=  ffiffiffi 3p   a   is the relative rotation betweenrigid bodies obtained from the hodograph.

    From calculations considering the number of bars

    crossing the yield line, width, effective depth  ¼40 mm, and strength values for concrete and steel

    m1 ¼1:15kNm,   m2 ¼ 0:75kNm,m3 ¼1:03kN and   m4 ¼ 0:5kNm

    Substitution of these values gives the total energy dis-

    sipated across yield lines ¼ 22:44 3 2=  ffiffiffi 3p   a ¼ 43:19From the work equation

    Work done by the external forces

    ¼ Energy dissipated across the yield lines

    suggesting 20.9 kPa as the failure load.

     Note:   The values given in Tables   1   and   2   were

    calculated using an Excel spreadsheet in which exacteffective depths were used instead of the average

    40 mm in this example.


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    Discussion contributions on this paper should reach the editor by

    1 November 2007

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    286   Magazine of Concrete Research, 2007,   59, No. 4
