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Bathford Bulletin Oct 2012

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The Bathford Bulletin

The Monthly Magazine For The Parish OfBathford

October 2012


We are always looking for interesting or unusual pictures of the vil lage; particularly anythat capture a distinct character of the vil lage or are from an unusual vantage point.

Please send your submissions to: [email protected]

Ladies From Bathford & Warleigh Making Tussie Mussies

A Tussie Mussie was a posy of flowers and herbs carried by people in Medieval andTudor times to hide bad smells. They were also thought to protect people fromdisease - particularly the plague. They had more recent significance in Victoriantimes. The lesson was one of last year’s Hope and Homes Auction of promisesoffers arranged by Wendy Chambers.

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8:1 5am Holy Communion

1 0:00am First Sunday - Family Service

2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday - Holy Communion

3rd Sunday - Morning Worship (No Communion)

6:30pm First Sunday - Holy Communion - Other Sundays - Evensong

Mondays - Thursdays

9:00 - 9:30am Prayer Time In Church


2:00pm 2nd Monday – Service In The Community Room


2:30pm Holy Communion each 1 st Weds of the month at Shockerwick


House Groups Details from the Churchwardens or Notices.

St. Swithun’s Church Bathford

Rev Jane Burgess - Telephone: 858325

email: [email protected]

Churchwardens: Alison Mil lar 851 095 Joy Craine 85861 3

Readers: Gerry Mil ler 858402 Michael Craine 85861 3

Gil l Gilbert 858927 Dennis Pearson 858293

Everyone Is Warmly Welcome!

We have the fol lowing groups for children during our Sunday Services:

Crèche (0-3); Children’s Church (3-1 0); Rock Solid Youth Group (11 +).

Our 1 4+ youth group, 'Rock on Saturday', meets three times each month. For detai ls

please ring Michael Craine.

Page 2 The Bathford Bulletin

From the Registers

Wedding September 1 4 Jamie Lucas and Jessica Barrett

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as envy, resentment or depression thatdestroy our optimal well being. We can’tbe envious and grateful at the sametime. The higher the gratitudecoefficient, the lower the negativeemotions. Grateful people are morealert, more energetic, more enthused,more attentive. They are more stressresilient because of the way theyinterpret life’s events.

When we live in gratitude, compassionbecomes the foremost emotion whendealing with others. Gratitude andselfless service go hand in hand.Gratitude has the power to heal, toenergize, to change lives. The practiceof gratitude also enhances healthybehavior and healthy sleep, and itreduces blood pressure. Researchdemonstrates that even school childrenget better grades at school when theypractice gratitude over the semester.

Gratitude is not always easy. There aremany obstacles to a grateful way ofthinking, such as pervasive negativity,complaint, dissatisfaction, a sense ofentitlement, focus on deprivation andsuffering.

Let us accept all of life as a Divine giftand have a deep abiding sense ofthankfulness to God for all that He hasdone for us. ’

Many of us, I know, feel grateful for theblessings we enjoy in our beautifulvi l lage and community, but as I readKiran’s letter, knowing that her teamlives and works amongst the destitutionof Delhi ’s slums, I felt both encouragedand challenged to continue cultivating anattitude of thankfulness.

We are celebrating harvest with aPloughmans supper and Ceil idh onSaturday 6 October in the school hal l , al lare very welcome. Tickets at the shop.

With warmest greetings,


The Bathford Bulletin Page 3

From the Vicarage. . . For some years StSwithun’s has supported ‘Asha’, a charitybased in India. "Asha" means "hope" inHindi and the charity’s aim is ‘to givepeople l iving in slum areas hope byallowing them to realise their potential ,regardless of their background, caste orrel igious beliefs. Around 400,000 peoplein more than 50 slum colonies of Delhibenefit from their work. Following therecent Passion Play, £750 was sent tosupport the work of Asha in theirhealthcare, education and communityprojects.

At harvest we give thanks for al l that Godhas given us and maybe it is relativelyeasy for us who have so much, to dothis. I was humbled therefore to receivethis letter (edited) from Dr Kiran Martinrecently, Asha’s founder, written from theslums of Delhi.

‘Gratitude is a way of life, a fundamentalorientation. It is a conscious choice tofocus on life’s blessings rather than on itsshortcomings.

However, gratitude is the fruit of greatcultivation. We may not be born with ataste for good music, but it can beacquired. Similarly, when we cultivate agrateful attitude, we learn to live in astate of Divine grace. Every event in life,both good and bad, becomes anopportunity to learn, to grow and toexpand our capacity to love. How thencan we cultivate gratitude? We focus ourattention on grateful thinking. We countour blessings every day, keep a gratitudejournal, write a gratitude letter tosomeone who has meant a lot to us. Wecan become grateful to our families, ourchurches, our work places, ourinstitutions.

Gratitude allows us to celebrate thepresent, it is a magnification of thepresent emotion. It magnifies goodness,and therefore blocks toxic emotions such

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Capella Nova Play At St Swithun's

Sunday 4 November at St Swithun's - aconcert by local choir Cappella Nova ofthe very popular Requiem by Faure. Theprogramme also includes music forremembrance and reflection by Purcell ,Byrd and Tall is. I t is a programme veryrelevant for the time of year. The concertbegins at 6pm and is free though thereis a retiring collection for the Ministry ofSt Swithun's. Cappella Nova haveperformed at Bathford a couple of timesbefore - a Christmas concert in 2008and they sang at a Choral Evensong inApri l 201 2.

Keyboard Club

There has been keen interest shown bylocal residents and Keyboard Clubsessions are now well under way inBathford and at other local venues.Some learners are beginners whereasothers are discovering some of their longlost skil ls. I t's sti l l not too late toparticipate: keyboards are provided atthe weekly small group sessions for 3-4adults and the emphasis is firmly onlearning that is both social and fun. Tofind out more and to take advantage ofthe first two sessions at half price,please contact local resident NickBreeze by phone or text on 0776801 091 5, by email at [email protected] or visit http: //www.keyboard-club.co.uk

Nick Breeze

Bathford Society

Monday 29 October. We continue thenew season of talks with - 'Living on adangerous Planet - causes ofvolcanoes, earthquakes & tsunamis'.The speaker is the popular ElizabethDevon, chairman of the WiltshireGeological Group and a teacher of EarthSciences in Education at KeeleUniversity. As usual the talk starts at8:00pm with coffee from 7:30pm.

David Howells

Film Club

The next meeting of the Film Club wil l beon Monday 22 October at 2pm in StSwithun’s Church.

The fi lm wil l be MUSIC OF THE HEARTstarring Meryl Streep.

I t is the heartening true story of a viol inteacher who starts viol in classes in aschool in the tough New York area ofHarlem, they eventual ly find themselvesplaying in Carnegie Hall with IsaacStern.

Do come along and join us for anenjoyable afternoon’s entertainment,fol lowed by tea and cakes.

Transport available if required.

Contact Robert Wolsey Tel. 851 390.

Hope and Homes for Children

Hope and Homes for Children has thefol lowing two events in November:

Saturday 3 November - Bonfire Night atDick Wil lows. Starting at 5:30pm Cost:adults £2, chi ldren £1 . Food and drinkavailable unti l 8pm.

Saturday 24 November - FifteenthAnnual Auction of Promises in BathfordParish Hall . Viewing 7pm. Salecommences 7:30pm. Tickets £3 (toinclude canapés and a glass of wine).Catalogues can be e-mailed before theevent and bids taken if you are unable tocome.

Details of the above are available fromKeith Masdin (01 225 858042; e-mail :[email protected])

Keith Masdin

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Your Shop Needs You !

The shop and café is continuing to growand be a successful service for thevil lage. However we are increasingly inneed of new volunteers to support thisgrowth.

We require helpers for the café, theshop and if you are an early riser, fornewspaper collating.

Ful l training and support given.

I f you are able to spare a few hours aweek, either regularly or on an ad hocbasis, please contact Kevin at the shop(Tel: 8591 86)

Crumpets on Thursdays

Now we have reached the end of thesummer, we wil l discontinue the creamteas in the shop.

Instead we wil l meet on the 1 stThursday of each month for tea,crumpets or tea cakes and chat, so docome along and join us.

The Little Gallery

The Little Gallery at BathfordCommunity Shop and Café wil l beopening a new exhibition on Monday 1October.

Anna Currey is an established artist andil lustrator known especial ly for herdelightful depiction of the animalcharacters in children’s story books.

She says of this aspect of her work: ‘Iam an il lustrator of children’s books,books fi l led with apron wearing rabbits,mice that walk on their hind legs andfairies. The basic drawing, though, foral l these books comes from life. '

Her interest also extends to explorationthrough drawing, painting and sculptureof the human face and figure.

Gillian Bebber

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01 225 [email protected]

New Parish Councillor - the Council is

pleased to announce that it now has a ful l

complement of 11 members. Peter Boyce

was co-opted to the Council at its meeting in

September to fi l l the vacant seat. A ful l l ist of

Council lors and their contact detai ls wil l be

displayed on the Parish Council notice boards

and on the website.

Sheep are back in Brown's Folly - Five

sheep returned to Brown's Folly on 1 2

September for the winter. Unfortunately one of

them has been attacked, possibly by a dog,

and has had to be destroyed by a vet as a

result of the injuries sustained. Now that the

sheep have come back to Brown's Folly,

visitors are asked to keep their dogs on a lead

in the grassland area to ensure the wellbeing

of the sheep.

Parking in Meadow Park – an ambulance

was forced to reverse from the lower part of

Meadow Park up to the mid section with an il l

patient on board to find a suitable place to

turn around because vehicles were parked in

the turning bays. Residents are asked to

keep the turning bays clear and park

considerately on the road to ensure that al l

traffic, but particularly emergency vehicles,

have room to manoeuvre.

Temporary Closure of Bath Recycling

Centre – the recycling centre wil l close for

approximately eight weeks during October and

November for essential improvement works.

The exact dates for the closure are not yet

known. During the closure residents are

advised to use the other two Recycling

Centres at Keynsham and Midsomer Norton,

use their kerbside green box, blue bag, food

waste, garden waste and rubbish collection

ful ly, use recycling banks at Morrisons

supermarket car park and store non urgent

items unti l the Bath Recycling Centre reopens.

Date of Next Meeting – The next meeting wil l

be held on Monday 1 5 October 201 2 at

7:30pm in the Parish Office. Parishioners are

reminded that al l Parish Council meetings are

open to the public and residents are welcome

to attend as observers or to bring matters of

concern to the attention of the Council in the

first 5 minutes of the meeting.

Ruth Holding


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Office Cleaner required

For local company

1 0 - 20 hours per week.

Please contact Jul ie Mouldar on01 249 71 2457.

The Bathford Bulletin Page 7

Bulletin Editors / Compilers Required

Increased work, home commitments and one

of the editors recently moving out of the

Vil lage has meant that the existing editors

would l ike to hand over the reigns for

compilation and editing of the Bulletin to new

hands in the new year. Ful l training wil l be

given and all you need is a computer, The

software is free and easy to use.

I t doesn't take long to put it together and all

the checking is done by a great group of proof


There is no age limit or l imit to how may

editors there are.

Please get in touch and contact us by email :

[email protected]

Bathford Flower Show Report

Despite fears beforehand that the Show

would be badly affected by this year's

atrocious weather, we were delighted with the

response to our SOS. The Parish Hall was

fi l led with nearly 600 entries which ensured a

splendid display. 94 Adults and Children took

part - many exhibiting for the first time.

The weather was good so visitors could enjoy

tea outside and our special thanks go to new

committee members Beth and Dan Meaden-

Bower, together with Dan's parents who did a

splendid job in organising the teas, which

proved extremely popular and an outstanding

success. A profit in excess of £1 20 was


I would l ike to thank Anne Haworth, Alison

Watts, Steve Marriott, Bathford Community

shop, Bathford Nurseries, Morrisons, Prior

Park Garden Centre, Homebase and all the

committee members who generously donated

raffle prizes, £11 5 was raised, which helps

towards the cost of staging the Show. This

year we are looking at expenditure well in

excess of £600.

Once again we would l ike to thank De La Rue

(Bathford Paper Mil l) for their very generous

donation towards our expenses and to

Whitehall Garden Centre, Bathford Nurseries,

Prior Park Garden Centre and Top Logs for

advertising in our Schedule and to Bathford

shop for distributing the Schedules.

Phil ip Harris kindly acted as Auctioneer and

raised well over £1 00 from the produce kindly

left by exhibitors. Thank you Phil ip for al l your

hard work which we greatly appreciate.

We were pleased to welcome Matt Stone,

recently appointed Headmaster at Bathford

School, who presented the cups to the prize

winners. Afterwards he was presented with a

copy of David Howell 's updated version of

Bathford Past and Present, Bathford History


Rosemary Drewett


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Bathford Players Next Production

Bathford Players are pleased toannounce their next production – ‘Tombwith a View’ by Norman Robbins.

Directed by Jeremy Bowman (who haspreviously directed productions including‘Treasure Island‘ and ‘I t Runs In TheFamily'), the play is set in the sinister-looking old l ibrary of Monument House,home of the Tomb family just outsideLondon. This comedy-thri l ler is presidedover by the portrait of a grim-faced, mad-eyed old man as a dusty old lawyer whoreads a wil l to an equally sinister family.Made up of family members who includea mad scientist, a werewolf, Jul iusCaesar, a sex mad vamp, and a sweetold lady with interesting home brewingtendencies and other interested partiesincluding a sympathetic nurse and aromantic novelist. The wil l reading soonresults in more dead bodies in the housethan live ones! Why are there no bookson the empty l ibrary shelves? Where arethe Tomb mil l ions, and are they all morethan they seem to be? All is revealed asthe plot twists and turns towards asurprising conclusion.

The play is scheduled for 24 to 27October 201 2. For tickets, please visitthe Bathford Vil lage Shop, or visit theBuy Ticket page from 1 0 September201 2 to purchase online. All tickets are£7 for this production. I f you’d l ike to beinvolved in this or any future plays,please contact us – we are alwayslooking for new cast members andpeople to help in al l areas of ourproductions. For more info visit:www.bathfordplayers.co.uk

Parish Hall ManagementCommittee

A vacancy wil l exist in January for anew Booking Secretary. The duties takebetween 1 - 2 hours per week andinclude, receiving payments from users,passing monies to the Treasurer,issuing receipts and arranging collectionof hal l key for non-regular users. Adedicated mobile phone is held by thesecretary to take bookings and makecalls as required.

Please contact Monica Stockwell(859663) or Martin Wright (858047).Thank you.

Martin Wright

Bathford and Kingsdown TwinningAssociation

Cookery Weekend in Artannes, France26-30 Oct, 201 2.

Our French friends in Artannes areoffering us an informal and delicious few

days when they wil l demonstrate andinvolve us in aspects of French cuisine.

This is a wonderful opportunity foranyone in the Bathford and Kingsdownarea to take part in a Twinning visit witha true flavour of France.

Even if you’ve never been on a Twinningvisit before, this would be a greatintroduction. All you have to do is let usknow you want to take part (as soon aspossible please and no later than 1 0Oct, phone number below).

Accommodation is free – you wil l behosted by a family in Artannes – andthere wil l be a charge for events, foodetc. This is usually between £60-80.

Transport is up to you, some wil l bedriving to Artannes, some using train.There may be chances to share thejourney with others.

And you don’t have to speak French!

The weekend starts on Friday morning,26 Oct and finishes on Tuesdaymorning, 30 Oct.

Contact detai ls for booking or if youhave any questions:

Peter Rideal 01 225 858322 or

Jenny Matthews 01 225 7421 33

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Coffee Plus Café

Mondays 8 and 22 October anytimefrom 11 .45 am unti l 2pm

Bathford Community Shop Café

We are serving coffee, tea, hotchocolate and cake and paninis andsoup. Also sandwiches, smoothies and

cake for children.

A relaxed space to come and enjoydelicious food and good company.Toys and activities available for

children to enjoy and help make themfeel at home.

Come and enjoy the buzz, al l welcome.

Jake’s Guitar Tuition

•All ages and abil ities catered for, fromcomplete beginner to refresher

•FREE initial consultation

•Bespoke lessons, designed aroundyour preferences and abil ities

•Special ist in Rock Guitar

•£20 per hour (half-hour lessons alsoavailable)



For detai ls and availabi l ity, pleaseemail Jake at

[email protected]

The Bathford Bulletin Page 9

Pantomime Auditions

Babes in the Wood (adapted by LukeJohn Emmett and co-directed by LukeJohn Emmett and Lisa Croker).

Auditions wil l be Monday 1 October201 2 at Pepperpot Pre-School at7:30pm. Please come along and seewhat it’s al l about. I f you would l ike to beinvolved but are unable to attend couldyou please let either Luke or Lisa know(lukejohnemmett@hotmail .com orl isamcroker@hotmail .com).

This wil l be a fun fi l led, joke andslapstick based traditional panto for al lthe family with lots of parts of differentsizes so come along and have atry. . .You may enjoy it. . . Oh no I won’t. . .Oh yes you wil l . . . ALL WELCOME.

For more info: 07939 4031 59.

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Avonvale RFC Seeks New Players

With so much interest in team sportgenerated by the recent Olympics andParalympics, the club is hoping toincrease its membership and is lookingto recruit new players throughout theage groups. With rugby available for theUnder 6’s right through to Under 1 5’sand ful ly qualified coaches at al l levels,the youth section just keeps gettingbetter. This season the 1 st XV wil l playin the Dorset & Wilts League and startedthe season with a home victory againsttheir neighbours from Trowbridge.

With senior rugby starting at age 1 7, ifyou are interested in taking up thegame, returning to the game or evenjust want to watch – come along toAvonvale and say hello. Even if you’renot local – everyone is made welcomeat Avonvale!

Avonvale RFC Fund-raising Trek For Cancer

I am fund-raising for BreakthroughBreast cancer and am trekking to Peruin may next year. My aim is to raise£5,000 through various events.

I am holding a sale with teas, home-made cakes, lots of beautiful handmadeitems including soaps, dol ls clothes,cards and knitted items as well as abook and DVD stal l and a pink elephanttable. All monies wil l be going tobreakthrough breast cancer.

The sale is in Bathford Parish HallChurch Street on Sat 3 Nov 2pm til 5pm.

Frances Rose

Josh completes 7 marathon run toParis in memory of father

A young 21 year old student fromBathford has completed a charity runfrom Trafalgar Square London to the Arcde Triomphe Paris in 7 days. The route,much of which was run in 30 degreetemperatures and on busy main roads,final ly brought him to Paris on Saturday 8September. Josh Bone, an ex pupil ofKingswood School, is raising money forCancer Research UK and DorothyHouse Hospice, in memory of his fatherRon, who died of cancer last year. So farhe has raised over £6,000 for these twocharities. I f you would l ike to sponsorJosh please visithttp: //uk.virginmoneygiving.com/JoshBone1 or text LTOP90 and amount to 70070,and help him to achieve his target of£1 0,000.

Despite the cancellation of the early ferry

to Dieppe on Tuesday 4 September andan enforced delay at Newhaven of 1 2hours, Josh managed to make up themiles on the other side of the channel,with only a few hours sleep on theovernight ferry.

Josh said: “A big thank you to everyonewho has supported me so far and toJohn Moore Sports for sponsoring myrunning kit. I understood that when I tookon this challenge it would be hard, butwithout the support of the public, friendsand family I could never have achievedit. The auction of promises held at theCrown in August, boosted my fund-raising by £2,000, so thank you toVanessa and all who came.”

You can read more about Josh and hisrun at http: //bone90.tumblr.com

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Saturday JUDO, 9-1 0 am

(Following National Curriculum Guidelines)

FREE ‘TASTERS’ ages 5-1 3.

The Parish Hall, Church Street, Bathford

Check our website gleesonjudo.com

for dates and information.

Or call Finn on 0781 0790039

Look forward to seeing you there!

Diary Of Events - October 201 2

The deadline for receiving copy for the November 201 2 Bulletin is 1 5 October 201 2Please put your items into the Bulletin Box in the Bathford Village Shop,

email to: [email protected]
