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Battle of Stalingrad

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Alexandra Kamburis Alexandra Kamburis Crowder Crowder 4 4 th th block block Battle of Stalingrad Stalingrad August 19, 1942- February 2, August 19, 1942- February 2, 1943 1943
Page 1: Battle of Stalingrad

Alexandra KamburisAlexandra Kamburis


44thth block block

Battle of Battle of StalingradStalingrad

  August 19, 1942- February 2, 1943  August 19, 1942- February 2, 1943

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Battle of Stalingrad in action

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Location of the Battle Location of the Battle of Stalingradof Stalingrad

The Battle of Stalingrad took place in and around the Russian city from August of 1942 to February of 1943.

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What is the Battle of What is the Battle of Stalingrad? Stalingrad?

The Battle of The Battle of Stalingrad was considered Stalingrad was considered the turning point in World the turning point in World War Two in Europe and is War Two in Europe and is considered one of the considered one of the bloodiest battles in human bloodiest battles in human history. It was a battle history. It was a battle between Germany and its between Germany and its allies and the Soviet Union allies and the Soviet Union for the Soviet city of for the Soviet city of Stalingrad that took place Stalingrad that took place between August 21, 1942 to between August 21, 1942 to February 2, 1943.  When February 2, 1943.  When the German advanced into the German advanced into the Soviet territory they the Soviet territory they were halted by the severe were halted by the severe resistance of the Red Army. resistance of the Red Army. 

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Why did Hitler choose Why did Hitler choose Stalingrad to attack?Stalingrad to attack?

The capture of Stalingrad was The capture of Stalingrad was important to Hitler for two primary reasons. important to Hitler for two primary reasons. Firstly, it was a major industrial city on the Firstly, it was a major industrial city on the Volga River— a vital transport route Volga River— a vital transport route between the Caspian Sea and Northern between the Caspian Sea and Northern Russia. Secondly, its capture would secure Russia. Secondly, its capture would secure the left flank of the German armies as they the left flank of the German armies as they advanced into the oil-rich Caucasus region advanced into the oil-rich Caucasus region — with a goal of cutting off fuel to Stalin's — with a goal of cutting off fuel to Stalin's war machine. war machine.

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What happened at the What happened at the Battle of Stalingrad and Battle of Stalingrad and

how did it start?how did it start? At the Battle Of Stalingrad on August 23, At the Battle Of Stalingrad on August 23,

1942 at around six P.M., one thousand airplanes 1942 at around six P.M., one thousand airplanes began to drop bombs on Stalingrad. Against the began to drop bombs on Stalingrad. Against the advice of his generals Hitler attacked Stalingrad.  advice of his generals Hitler attacked Stalingrad.  The German forces took much of the city.  German The German forces took much of the city.  German armies surrounded the city and so the Russians armies surrounded the city and so the Russians were trapped and would remain so for several were trapped and would remain so for several months.  When reinforcements arrived for the months.  When reinforcements arrived for the Soviets they surrounded the Germans and forced Soviets they surrounded the Germans and forced them to surrender. The Germans side lost around them to surrender. The Germans side lost around 300,000 and the Russian side lost around 500,000. 300,000 and the Russian side lost around 500,000. Russian soldiers were very proud of their victory.Russian soldiers were very proud of their victory.

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What happened at The What happened at The Battle of Stalingrad Battle of Stalingrad

continued..continued..The Luftwaffe went on nightly The Luftwaffe went on nightly

bombing raids that set much of the bombing raids that set much of the city ablaze and reduced the rest to city ablaze and reduced the rest to rubble. On November 19, Soviet rubble. On November 19, Soviet troops outside the city launched a troops outside the city launched a counterattack, trapping the Germans counterattack, trapping the Germans inside Stalingrad.inside Stalingrad.

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Soldiers fighting in the Battle of Stalingrad

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What happened at the end What happened at the end of The Battle of Stalingrad?of The Battle of Stalingrad?

At the end of the battle, the city of At the end of the battle, the city of Stalingrad was 99% destroyed. By the end Stalingrad was 99% destroyed. By the end of 1943, more than two-thirds of what the of 1943, more than two-thirds of what the Germans occupied was recovered by the Germans occupied was recovered by the advancing Red Army.  Eventually, the advancing Red Army.  Eventually, the Soviets succeeded in defeating the entire Soviets succeeded in defeating the entire German Army in the Eastern Front, which German Army in the Eastern Front, which would have failed if the Nazis had reached would have failed if the Nazis had reached the Caucasus and controlled the Caspian the Caucasus and controlled the Caspian oil wells. The Battle of Stalingrad was then oil wells. The Battle of Stalingrad was then known as one of the bloodiest battles.known as one of the bloodiest battles.

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Adolf HitlerAdolf Hitler

•Many historians believe that Hitler ordered the taking of Stalingrad simply because of his hatred toward Joseph Stalin.

•The tables were turned when Hitler set in motion one of the bitterest conflicts of the 20th century - the Battle of Stalingrad.

•Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany. He was born April 20, 1889.

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Joseph StalinJoseph Stalin

•He adopted the name Stalin which translated as “Man of Steel.” His surname was Djugashvili.

•Joseph Stalin was the leader of Russia when Hitler was in power. The city of Stalingrad was named after Joseph Stalin. Some believe that Adolf Hitler chose Stalingrad to attack just because of his hatred toward Joseph Stalin.

•He lead Russia throughout World War Two and up to his death in 1953.

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Georgy ZhukovGeorgy Zhukov

Georgy Zhukov was the most successful Russian general in World War Two. He was born 1896 and served as an officer in the Russian Imperial Army during World War One.

In 1940, he was appointed chief of staff by Joseph Stalin. He accomplished many victories assigned for him to do including the Battle of Stalingrad.

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Message from Hitler to Message from Hitler to generals in meeting on generals in meeting on

February 1, 1943February 1, 1943He'll be brought to Moscow - and imagine that rat-trap there. There He'll be brought to Moscow - and imagine that rat-trap there. There

he will sign anything. He'll make confessions, make he will sign anything. He'll make confessions, make proclamations - you'll see. They will now walk down the slope of proclamations - you'll see. They will now walk down the slope of spiritual bankruptcy to its lowest depths. You'll see - it won't be a spiritual bankruptcy to its lowest depths. You'll see - it won't be a week before Seydlitz and Schmidt and even Paulus are talking week before Seydlitz and Schmidt and even Paulus are talking over the radio.over the radio.

They are going to be put into the Liublanka, and there the rats will They are going to be put into the Liublanka, and there the rats will eat them. How can they be so cowardly? I don't understand it. eat them. How can they be so cowardly? I don't understand it. What is life? Life is the Nation. The individual must die anyway. What is life? Life is the Nation. The individual must die anyway. Beyond the life of the individual is the Nation. But how can Beyond the life of the individual is the Nation. But how can anyone be afraid of this moment of death, with which he can free anyone be afraid of this moment of death, with which he can free himself from this misery, if his duty doesn't chain him to this himself from this misery, if his duty doesn't chain him to this Vale of Tears. Vale of Tears.

So many people have to die, and then a man like that besmirches So many people have to die, and then a man like that besmirches the heroism of so many others at the last minute. He could have the heroism of so many others at the last minute. He could have freed himself from all sorrow and ascended into eternity and freed himself from all sorrow and ascended into eternity and national immortality, but he prefers to go to Moscow!national immortality, but he prefers to go to Moscow!

What hurts me most, personally, is that I still promoted him to field-What hurts me most, personally, is that I still promoted him to field-marshal. I wanted to give him this final satisfaction. That's the marshal. I wanted to give him this final satisfaction. That's the last field-marshal I shall appoint in this war.last field-marshal I shall appoint in this war.

Primary Source

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TimelineTimelineAugust 25, 1942- The Battle of Stalingrad begins

November 19, 1942- Russian forces hold Stalingrad

February 2, 1943- German troops at Stalingrad surrender after three months of extremely intense fighting

September 23, 1942- The German advance in Stalingrad is stopped.

December 19, 1942- The Germans fail to break the encirclement of their army in Stalingrad

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CitesCites"World War Two Timeline." Aviation During World War Two. 9 May 2008 <http://www.centuryflight.freeola.com/Aviation%20history/WW2/world_war_2_timeline.htm>.

"Letters of Melvin Johnson." Battle of Stalingrad. 2006. 9 May 2008 <http://www.privateletters.net/stalingrad.html>.

"Battle of Stalingrad." BBC News. 2 Feb. 1998. 12 May 2008 <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/background/52495.stm>.

"Battle of Stalingrad." Wikipedia. 13 May 2008 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Stalingrad>.

"Battle of Stalingrad WW2." 13 May 2008 <http://www.battle-fleet.com/pw/his/stalingrad.htm>.
