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Bayyinah Story of Nuh Class Notes_Manila Philippines

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Bayyinah Philippines: STORY of NUH


Bayyinah Philippines: STORY of NUH


﴾ Objectives of the Class ﴿

Appreciation of:

۞ The Qur’an

۞ The Surah

۞ Prophet Nuh (as)

“Whenever we learn one surah, we also learn how the Qur’an works.”

- Ustadh Adam Jamal

Story of Nuh


﴾ Class Outline ﴿

۞ Who was Nuh (as)?

۞ Differences of the Qur’an and the Bible in relation to the story of Nuh (as)

۞ Why is Surah Nuh special?

۞ Different sections of Surah Nuh

Bayyinah Philippines: STORY of NUH


﴾Prophets dignified by Allah (swt)﴿

۞ Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص

۞ ‘Isa (as)

۞ Musa (as)

۞ Ibrahim (as)

۞ Nuh (as)

﴾ All About Prophet Nuh (as) ﴿

۞ ‘Ulul Azzam. Islam did not start from Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص but from Adam (as). All the prophets

taught Islam. Although some rules are only applicable in certain contexts (both in terms

of place and time) — the belief in one God and His messengers were all taught by these

prophets. There are prophets collectively known as ’Ulul Azzam and are known for their

willpower in calling people to Islam. They are the ones mentioned above, Nuh (as) is one

of them.

۞ His people’s crime. The people of the different messengers are known for different

crimes. The people of Shu’ayb (as) are known for their economic corruption. The people

of Nuh (as) — their major crime is the association of partners with Allah (swt). Allah (swt)

wants us to go to Him directly — no in-betweens. However, the people of Nuh (as) put

idols in-between. Apart from this, they also committed many injustices in the society. The

powerful and strong bully the weak; the former oppress and do wrong to the latter.

Bayyinah Philippines: STORY of NUH


﴾ All About Prophet Nuh (as) [continuation] ﴿

۞ His people’s crime (cont.). Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص— in a hadith (Bukhari) — said that between

Adam (as) and Nuh (as), there were 10 generations of people. At first, everyone

worshipped Allah (swt) alone, however, there’s Shaytan whose goal is to make the

people move away from the worship of Allah (swt). So he made a plan and took his time;

he’s very sneaky and has been doing this for thousands of years. He has a lot of


Good people are great reminders of Allah (swt) to the people around them. When

these good people passed away, what do you think Shaytan did? He made pictures of

them – just pictures to help the people remember Allah (swt). The next generation came

and said these pictures are not enough, so they decided to make figurines and figure

heads. The next generation then thought they need more, thus statues were built. Then

the next generation wondered why these statues were present – they didn’t have

Wikipedia to refer to so, out of the lack of knowledge, they supplicated to these idols to

bring them closer to Allah (swt). That’s how some generations slowly worshipped the

idols. Eventually, the knowledge of the origin of these idols was lost and the people

started worshipping them besides Allah (swt). That’s their major crime against Allah


Personality worship. As Muslims, we may not worship idols but we

worship personalities (i.e. celebrities, shuyookh). Everything that

comes from them, we treat like wahi – we think they don’t make

mistakes. This is not true. Any person is fallible. He/she can be

corrected and be given advice.

On the other hand, those who follow American Idol – they don’t bow

down but they still worship their idols in other ways. When a celebrity

says, “I have this new clothing, buy this”, they tend to fall into the trap.

They try to make money out of the people. All these celebrities have

these clothes – and they often think they also need those. This builds

unnecessary competition and pressure when, in fact, our focus should

be worshipping Allah and doing good. It’s ok to like nice things but

when you chase it so much that you forget everything else, that’s

where the problem is.

Bayyinah Philippines: STORY of NUH


﴾ All About Prophet Nuh (as) [continuation] ﴿

۞ Surah Hud. The story of Nuh (as) was mentioned in two main surahs: Surah Hud and Surah

Nuh. In Hud, it mentions how the people of Nuh (as) disobeyed him, and what propaganda

and challenge they made against him. It is the time when Allah (swt) told Nuh (as), “No

one else is going to believe so build your ship.” He was made fun of but he still built the

ship. He was told by the people, “Why build the ship on the ground? There’s no ocean here!”

Then the flood came. Nuh (as) takes the ship and takes a pair of each animal and sees his

son (one of them). But his son says, “No, I’ll stay here. The mountain will protect me.” As

the flood came, it took his son away. He lost his son because he disobeyed him. He asks

Allah’s (swt) forgiveness for his son. But, Allah (swt) told him not to do it in his son’s

behalf as he (his son) was one of those who did not worship Him (swt).

۞ Surah Nuh. This surah covers the part when Allah (swt) said, “Flooding will come” until its

actual coming. The story of Nuh (as) is not just in the Qur’an and the Bible, it is also in

Vedas, and mythology from ancient Mesopotamia and Greece.

Origin Narr ation

Mesopotamian and Greek mythology

Once upon a time there was a king. A Christian king – he came to many gods. One of the gods said, “The other god plans to destroy everyone with a flood. So take a ship and take each animal.” When everyone drowned, he took the animals and asked some of the survivors to slaughter them. *In relation to this story, it is good to reflect on the following: “Does Allah need us? Can I benefit Him?” We need to realize that when we don’t worship Allah (swt), we only harm ourselves.

Vedas In this Hindu scripture, there’s the story of Maanu. (Ma- in Arabic is water). A big fish comes to Maanu and said, “Hey a flood is coming so build a ship.”

“A movie about Noah. I remember growing up there were cartoons and shows about

Noah – all of them are incorrect; there’s some truth in them but a lot are incorrect. The

main purpose is lost. The flood was the first punishment to ever come to the people.

The reason why it came is very important. What’s the reason? What’s their crime? None

in the movie. They only say God was angry so he sent a flood.”

-Ustadh Adam Jamal

Bayyinah Philippines: STORY of NUH


﴾ Differences between the Qur’an and the Bible* ﴿

* in relation to the story of Nuh (as)

Bible Qur’an

Purpose of the flood

In the bible (the book of Genesis), it says that God regretted his decision to create mankind that’s why he sent this flood.

In the Qur’an, the reason was because the people didn’t want to leave their ways. They enjoyed oppressing the weak. They enjoyed keeping the weak ignorant, uneducated. That was their society. So, Allah (swt) sent Nuh (as) to turn the direction of the people and worship Him (swt) alone. They (the opposition leaders) didn’t want Nuh’s (as) leadership – they said, “if the people follow Nuh, they (the weak) will forget about us (the leaders), they will stop giving us money.”

Depiction of Nuh (as)

After Nuh survived the flood, he grew grapes, drank wine, shouted at and hit his children, etc.

We believe all prophets are dignified. They cannot commit sins. Nuh (as) is a role model. He cared for his people and he did not shout at them.

Survivors of the flood

Nuh and his family lived. Nuh (as) and the believers lived.

Location of the flood

It says that the flood was a global flood.

Qur’an stays silent. Allah (swt) left the discussion on this open.


۞ In the Qur’an, Allah (swt) does not regret his decisions. We regret because we don’t

have knowledge. So if you have complete knowledge, why regret?

۞ In the Bible, there’s a chosen family – they were the chosen ones. In the Qur’an, Nuh

(as) and the believers survived because they believed in Him (swt) alone, no idols. Our

parents cannot save us from the fire. Our good deeds are our keys to get to Jannah. In

Judgement Day, your mother or father will not share their deeds with you. They will say,

“I also need these to get to Jannah.” Everyone is responsible for themselves. If you do

good, you’ll be among those saved.

۞ The location of the flood was left open by Allah (swt) in the Qur’an. We find that in

multiple places in the Qur’an. In Surah Kahf, Allah (swt) talks about the people of the

cave. The Jews discussed the number of the people of the cave. Allah (swt) said it was

unnecessary – we must focus on what is beneficial. The beneficial knowledge if little is

not beneficial. That knowledge, we should not pursue. Chase a knowledge that is useful.

What matters is that they took a stand – they believe in Allah. “Whatever you do to us,

you cannot change our belief in Allah.”

Bayyinah Philippines: STORY of NUH


﴾ Why is the Surah Nuh unique/special? ﴿

۞ Interestingly, some surahs in the Qur’an have connections. It is human nature to criticize

things. Some try to critique the Qur’an and say, “Why does the Qur’an talk about

business in one place and then the Day of Judgment in the next. Why is it not like a

PhD paper? In Surahs Mu’minun and A’raf – 4 surahs of story of Nuh (as) (including

Surahs Hud and Nuh). Why is it not in one place? Why does the Qur’an change from

subject to subject? The answer is very simple but you have to reflect. In Surah Nuh,

Allah (swt) talks about the people of Nuh (as), he gave them da’wah (invitation) for

950 years. Very few of them believed. In Surah Jinn, the jinn were just walking by

Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص who’s reciting the Qur’an. They said as they heard the Qur’an, “We have

heard something amazing. And because of these words, we’ll never make partners with

Allah, we’ll only worship Allah.” The jinns said this.

What’s the connection between Surahs Nuh and Jinn? In Nuh, he has given all these

da’wah and very few believed. In Jinn, they only walked by and they believed right

away. What’s the lesson? That guidance is in the hands of Allah (swt). We might ask,

“What’s the point of giving him 950 da’wah years and only few people believed, why do

we have to do anything?” Remember that Allah (swt) doesn’t look at our results but

our effort. In this world, people look for results. You cannot write your whole life story

in your CV to prove your effort – they don’t care about your effort but your results.

Allah (swt), on the other hand, looks at your effort – He (swt) knows you can do this

but you only got this because you’re lazy – because of this, He (swt) will hold you

accountable. Effort matters – 950 years. If Allah (swt) told us to do da’wah, then you

should make an effort.

۞ Surah Nuh is Makki. Most surahs are Makki (revealed in Makkah) – most of them talks

about the time when Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص was tortured. It strengthened the resolve of the

Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص. Take Nuh’s (as) example as role model. He gave da’wah for 950 years. (The

surah after Surah Nuh is Surah Jinn.) The surah before Surah Nuh is Surah Ma’arij.

What’s the connection between the two? In Ma’arij, one man came to Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص

and said, “You keep telling us about the Day of Judgment, why don’t you just bring us

the punishment if you’re telling the truth.” In Ma’arij, one is asking for the punishment.

Thousands of years before the emergence of the Quraish are the people of Nuh (as) –

they asked for the punishment as well. Allah (swt) told Nuh (as), “No one’s going to

believe so build your ship.” In Ma’arij, they meant to challenge Allah (swt) and made

fun of the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص so they received the punishment.

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﴾ Sections of Surah Nuh ﴿

۞ 1st section {verses 1-4}: Allah (swt) to Nuh (as)

Allah’s (swt) command to Nuh (as) [“Nuh, give your people the message and

the warning.”].

۞ 2nd section {verses 5-12} Flashback

Nuh (as) recalled how he went to invite his people to the message of Allah


۞ 3rd section {verses 13-20} Reminder to the people

Don’t take Allah (swt) for granted and give Him the respect He deserves.

۞ 4th section {verses 21-25} Efforts of the opposition leaders

The leaders did not want to lose power so propaganda and lies were


۞ 5th section {verses 26-28} Nuh (as) to Allah (swt)

Du’aa of Nuh (as) to destroy his nation.

One of the amazing features of the Qur’an is that passages are mirrored.

In the first section, it’s Allah (swt) to Nuh (as) (command) while in the last

section, it’s Nuh (as) calling on to Allah (swt) (supplication). The second

section is about the efforts of Nuh (as), while the fourth is about the

efforts of the opposition leaders against Nuh (as). The middle is the core,

the center. It is the most important. It explains the reason for the

punishment – they didn’t realize they took advantage of Nuh (as) and they

were dealing with Allah (swt), the Creator of everything.

Bayyinah Philippines: STORY of NUH


﴾ 1st Section: Allah (swt) to Nuh (as) ﴿

“Indeed, we sent Noah to his people, [saying], ‘Warn your people before there comes to

them a painful punishment’.”

qawmihi – nation/people

۞ Allah (swt) could’ve used other words – disbelievers, or made partners with Allah,

infidels, enemies of Islam. But, He (swt) said, “We sent Nuh (as) to his people.” How does

the Qur’an work? One of the features of the Qur’an is that certain surahs have themes.

In Surah Kahf, we find one word over and over: ‘Ilm – knowledge; ‘alim – scholar. It is all

about knowledge. In Surah Kahf, the people wanted to challenge Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص. The

Quraish went to the rabbis and asked them for 3 questions to be given to the Prophet

could not answer them then he is not a real prophet. The rabbis ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص They said if he .ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص

said, “Ask him about the (1) people of the cave (2) ruh/spirit and (3) Dhul Qarnain.” The

Quraish asked him ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص these three. Allah (swt) revealed Surahs Kahf and ‘Isra about all

these three. He (swt) also added another story in Surah Kahf – Khidr and Musa (as). They

didn’t ask about them but Allah (swt) gave us this story. Musa (as) asked Khidr for

questions to seek knowledge. It shows that prophets also ask questions, and it doesn’t

make them less of a prophet.

Sample Story: The Muslims in the Caribbean are always by themselves. They don’t mingle

with other people. The Muslims own the gas stations and employ the black Caribbean

people but they do not trust them. There’s mistrust between the Muslims and non-

Muslims. They don’t do anything to resolve this mistrust. They forget they have this

obligation – Nuh (as) never forgot, hence, we should take him as our role model.

In the Qur’an people were given names. Musa = Bani isra’il. Hud = people of ‘Ad. Saleh =

people of Thamud. All had names. People of Nuh had no name but Qawm Al-Nuh –

People of Nuh. As if Allah (swt) is reminding Nuh (as) that no one else is coming to

convey the message. They are your people so you are their only hope. On the other hand,

Ibrahim (as) was born somewhere and moved to Palestine, Egypt, Makkah. Did he stop

giving da’wah when he moved? No. He even learned the local language and used it. The

people around them were their people, so as someone not from their place. Where you

live is your obligation. That’s what Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص entrusted us with --- concept of


Bayyinah Philippines: STORY of NUH


﴾ 1st Section: Allah (swt) to Nuh (as) ﴿

۞ Qawm is repeated in this surah numerous times to emphasize. In the Qur’an, words

are repeated for emphasis. Warn your people. A warning comes at the end. When

there’s nothing left, you give warning. Allah (swt) sent Nuh (as) to these people before

a ‘painful punishment’ comes to them. Allah (swt) did not say ‘great punishment’. Most

of the time, when you hear about a flood, they call it a great flood not a painful flood.

In this instance, Allah (swt) describes it as a painful punishment because He (swt)

knows it is not easy.

Nuh says, “Oh my people, I am to you a clear warner.”

“[Saying], ‘Worship Allah, fear Him and obey me.”

۞ This meant Nuh (as) did not water anything down – not hiding anything. And then Nuh

(as) told them 3 things: (1) enslave yourselves to Allah (swt), (2) protect yourselves from

His anger, and (3) obey me (Nuh). Every ayah has some Arabic riddle.

In the third ayah, Nuh (as) used shortened -ni in the word ati’uni (instead of -nii – sign

of ownership) because he meant it for Allah (swt) not for himself. Only Allah (swt) can

help his people. (The prophets never asked for anything in return.)

۞ ‘Ibada – ‘You alone we worship; we enslave ourselves to You alone’

۞ Whenever we see the word ‘abd, we should remind ourselves of our relationship with

Allah (swt): master and slaves – the master has no obligation and has all of the rights;

the slave has no rights but has all obligations. We should not enslave ourselves to any

–isms (capitalism, communism), music, poetry, human being, rather we should only

serve Allah (swt), the One who created us; the One who knows what is best for us. If

we enslave ourselves only to Allah (swt), preserve His rights, then He will surely

protect us.

Bayyinah Philippines: STORY of NUH


﴾ 1st Section: Allah (swt) to Nuh (as) ﴿

“Allah will forgive you of your sins and delay you for a specified term. Indeed, the time

[set by] Allah, when it comes, will not be delayed, if you only knew.”

۞ When you embrace Islam, all your past sins will be forgiven. Allah (swt) will delay you to

your appointed time.

۞ Ajal – means a lot of things such as, deadline; death; appointed time. In this ayah, it’s

death because it’s an appointment with the angel of death. That time has been brought

forward because of your disbelief. If you believe, you’ll regain that time. But when that

time comes, then it cannot be delayed.

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﴾ 2nd Section: Flashback ﴿

“He said, “My Lord, indeed I invited my people [to truth] night and day.”

“But my invitation increased them not except in flight.”

“And indeed, every time I invited them that You may forgive them, they put their

fingers in their ears, covered themselves with their garments, persisted, and were arrogant

with [great] arrogance.”

“Then I invited them publicly.”

“Then I announced to them and [also] confided to them secretly.”

“And said, ‘Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual Forgiver’.”

“He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in [continuing] showers.”

“And give you increase in wealth and children and provide for you gardens and provide

for you rivers.”

Bayyinah Philippines: STORY of NUH


﴾ 2nd Section: Flashback ﴿

“He said, “My Lord, indeed I invited my people [to truth] night and day.”

۞ Why did Nuh (as) say night first – that’s for emphasis. That he invited the people not only

in day time. He didn’t stick to the usual 8-5 work routine most of us have. He invited

people night and day, even though the result was very little, because it was his obligation

given by Allah (swt).

۞ The people who do not want to believe would try to block out the voice of Nuh (as) and

they would cover themselves (hide from him). They were stubborn/astakbar.

۞ Astakbar tells us a story of seed. The farmer gives it the right amount of (1) water (2)

sunlight, and (3) soil but the seed refuses to grow. The analogy is that Nuh (as) is like a

farmer – giving his people whatever they need. He was sincere, he spoke good words, he

does not insult. The prophets did not have to study how to give da’wah – they were

natural and were taught by Allah (swt) directly. Nuh (as) did everything correctly but the

astakbar/stubborn still refuses to listen.

۞ What was the reason for all this? Nuh (as) was not offensive but they were stubborn

because they’re so arrogant. What is arrogance? “I know the truth but I refuse to believe

in it. Someone comes to me and gives me advice, I refuse it.”

“Don’t look at the messenger but the message.”

۞ Some were not stubborn, they were afraid – “what will the people say?”. Even if they know

it is the right way, they still refuse it because they care about what people will say.

Bayyinah Philippines: STORY of NUH


﴾ 2nd Section: Flashback ﴿

۞ Nuh (as) gave them (those who think of what other people will say) his khutba/sermon –

o “Seek His forgiveness; He continuously forgives”

Ghafara has three levels: 1. To ask 2. To want forgiveness 3. To try to obtain


When you seek forgiveness, ask, want, and try.

There are people who ask but never understand – Allah (swt) does not

respond to you if you’re making du’a but your mind is elsewhere.

Try – “I have to make some actions or changes”.

As long as you continue to ask want, and try, Allah will help you

o No sin is bigger than Allah (swt); He is unlimited and your sin is limited. Just ask Him in

the right way, and want, and try. He forgives all the time.

o What happens when one seeks His forgiveness? He (swt) sends the sky upon the one

asking; the people of Nuh (as) suffered drought for a long time in order to be

reminded of Allah (swt). He (swt) wanted these people to seek His Forgiveness so that

He (swt) would send down the rain again.

o Musa (as) used to talk to Allah (swt) and no rain fell. Musa asked, “why is there no

rain?” He was told by Allah (swt) that it was because someone from Bani Isra’il

committed a sin, hence, rain was held. Musa (as) then gathered them to convey the

message. All of a sudden, rain started pouring again. Musa (as) asked Allah (swt),

“why the sudden rain fall?” Allah (swt) replied, “The man already sought My

forgiveness”. Musa (as) asked again, “Who’s that?”. He (swt) said, “For so many years

he committed the sin, he asked forgiveness, We will not expose him.”

o We should seek Allah’s (swt) forgiveness before asking for rain. That’s how we should

see calamity – we cannot say “oh Allah, why did you do such and such?”, we have to

ponder upon a few things:

Maybe we’re not seeking forgiveness enough. Maybe we’re doing bad things so

we have to ask for forgiveness and start again.

“If you seek His forgiveness, He’ll give you satisfaction and contentment. We fall into

competition because we forget about our purpose.”

It’s alright to aspire for worldly gains, but do not chase them so much and

do not use them to show off. Remember, intention changes everything.

Bayyinah Philippines: STORY of NUH


﴾ 3rd Section: Reminder to the People ﴿

“What is [the matter] with you that you do not attribute to Allah [due] grandeur.”

“While He has created you in stages?”

“Do you not consider how Allah has created seven heavens in layers”

“And made the moon therein a [reflected] light and made the sun a burning lamp.”

“And Allah has caused you to grow from the earth a [progressive] growth.”

“Then He will return you into it and extract you [another] extraction.”

“And Allah has made for you the earth an expanse.”

“That you may follow therein roads of passage.”

Bayyinah Philippines: STORY of NUH


﴾ 3rd Section: Reminder to the People ﴿

“What is [the matter] with you that you do not attribute to Allah [due] grandeur.”

۞ Reminder for us not to take Allah (swt) for granted.

۞ How much do we consider Allah (swt) and how much do we respect Him? For some

people they go to hajj every year or umrah. And then as soon as it’s over, they go back to

their old ways. They do whatever they want.

۞ Make sure that we give Allah (swt) the respect, worship and everything that He deserves.

He (swt) does not need our salah and zakat, we need it. We should give Him due respect.

We are His slaves and we have to act like it. He reminds us of who He is and the favor He

gives us. We are insaan so we forget, we forget about Him. In this passage, He reminds us

who He is.

“While He has created you in stages?”

۞ Don’t you know that Allah (swt) put you thru the stages of life? That is a blessing from

Him that He gave you this life. Have you not seen the heavens – how they were created?

They seem unlimited. Every time they find a new planet, new star, they find five others or

hundred others behind it.

“And made the moon therein a [reflected] light and made the sun a burning lamp.”

۞ Allah (swt) has made the moon a light and the sun a lamp. Sun is the lamp because it’s the

source. Light for the moon because it’s a reflection of the sun

۞ The position of the earth is so precise -- not too close nor too far from the sun and moon.

Bayyinah Philippines: STORY of NUH


﴾ 3rd Section: Reminder to the People ﴿

“And Allah has caused you to grow from the earth a [progressive] growth.”

۞ He compares us to plants. Every plant grows differently; similarly, we are all different.

“Then He will return you into it and extract you [another] extraction.”

۞ Because we are all from the earth, He will return us to it one day. We’ll all be in grave. The

king next to the pauper and the rich – all will be returned to the earth.

۞ How will Allah (swt) bring us back to life? Once you’re in the ground, the flies eat you,

bones turn to dust, how can he bring you back? Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص said, “There’s an old man

who regretted his life. ‘I do not have enough deeds.’ Before he died, he called his children:

‘I want you to burn my body/cremate and take the ashes of my body as soon as there’s storm,

let the wind throw me away’. On the Day of Judgment, this man will be raised and asked,

‘why did you do this?’, ‘O Allah, because I feared meeting you; I feared your wrath I feared

that I will be held accountable.’ Allah will forgive this man for his misunderstanding. He

feared Allah (swt) so He’ll forgive this man and send him to Jannah.”

Lesson: Allah (swt) can bring us back no matter what condition we are in.

Points from Ustadh Adam Jamal:

“We have so many things that Allah (swt) created. He made it easy for us to live – but why are

there people starving? That’s not because of what Allah (swt) has put, but because of other

people – if people are not greedy, there will be no poverty.”

“In a world where Allah has put enough, it’s not enough because of us. When we eat, we

should not waste.”

Bayyinah Philippines: STORY of NUH


﴾ 4th Section: Efforts of the Opposition Leaders ﴿

“Noah said, ‘My Lord, indeed they have disobeyed me and followed him whose wealth and

children will not increase him except in loss.”

“And they conspired an immense conspiracy.”

“And said, ‘Never leave your gods and never leave Wadd and Suwa’ or Yaghuth and Ya’uq

and Nasr.”

“And already they have misled many. And, [my Lord], do not increase the wrongdoers

except in error.”

“Because of their sins they were drowned and put into the Fire, and they found not for

themselves besides Allah [any helpers.”

Bayyinah Philippines: STORY of NUH


﴾ 4th Section: Efforts of the Opposition Leaders ﴿

“Noah said, ‘My Lord, indeed they have disobeyed me and followed him whose wealth and

children will not increase him except in loss.”

۞ This section talks about the efforts against Nuh (as) and Islam

۞ The detractors of Islam say, “If he was really a prophet, he would have come from the sky.”

The people who followed Nuh (as) and Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص were the weak in the society but

they only followed the prophets. Meanwhile, those who were afraid followed the chiefs.

They created the propaganda against the prophets. Nuh (as) was accused of being crazy,

doing magic -- they insulted the prophets and created the propaganda. They started to

make threats after the propaganda. They threaten and tortured the people from the time

of Nuh (as) to Muhammad’s ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص. Some of those who were threatened left Islam. These

chiefs misguided the people.

۞ “My master, don’t leave a single one of them even in their homes.” Why did he make this

du’a? Because they will misguide the rest of Allah’s slaves. By leaving these people in the

earth, they are causing harm to the believers. Those children will cause corruption in the

land and they will disbelieve.

۞ We often give da’wah only for 5 minutes and then make du’a against the people who

refuse to listen and believe. Nuh (as) reached his concluding du’a after calling on people

for 950 years. He made the du’a after seeing generations of people and when Allah (swt)

told him that they will not believe.

۞ Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص, despite Ta’if, made a du’a without mentioning what the

people did to him. Instead, he (saw) asked Allah (swt) for His Pleasure. Thereafter, the

angel of mountain told him to give him the go signal to destroy the people of Ta’if but

he ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص refused and said, “If they didn’t believe, then maybe from their children there will

be those who will believe.” After Makkah, a group of the believing people from Ta’if

came. The prophets look at the situation from a long-term perspective. Nuh (as) saw

that even the children of his nation will cause corruption thus the du’a.

Bayyinah Philippines: STORY of NUH


﴾ 5h Section: Nuh (as) to Allah (swt) ﴿

“And Noah said, ‘My Lord, do not leave upon the earth from among the disbelievers an


“Indeed, if You leave them, they will mislead Your servants and not beget except [every]

wicked one and [confirmed] disbeliever.”

“My Lord, forgive me and my parents and whoever enters my house a believer and the

believing men and believing women. And do not increase the wrongdoers except in


۞ And then he asked for the forgiveness of his family and all believing women and men; he

also asked for the increase in the destruction of the disbelievers.

o The prophets do not use their du’a just for any other occasions –they use it for special

reasons. At the closing of the surah, the flood is not mentioned because the curtains

have closed. It signals that the punishment has been done and causes the readers to

see the power of the prophet’s du’a.

One hadith about Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص

۞ On the Day of Judgment, all the people will be in the court of Allah (swt) and He will judge

each one for his/her deeds (good/bad). Including the prophets.

۞ Nuh (as) will be with his people and in the court of Allah (swt), his people will be asked,

“Did Nuh convey the message?” And the people will lie in front of Allah (swt).

۞ On that day, the ummah of Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص will be there as well. They will come on to the

side of Nuh (as), so that all of them will help Nuh (as) and bear witness that he did

whatever he could to convey the message and the chiefs still misguided each other and

spread propaganda about Islam and the prophet. The ummah will testify.

Bayyinah Philippines: STORY of NUH


﴾ End ﴿

O, Allah (swt) make us among those who repent and purify

themselves. Allahumma Ameen!

“Whatever is good is from Allah (swt), mistakes are ours alone.”

JazaakumAllahu khayran!

-Bayyinah Philippines
