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23mDA16 Form Report Part 1 FORM. A for seeking prior approval of Centrat Govemment under section 2 of the Forest(Conservation) Act,1980 for Diversion of fresh forest area PART . I (To be fitted up by User Agency) A. General Detaits A- .- Project Detaits t. {i}. Proposal No. : FP/OR/RA|LI187ffi/2416 (ii). Name of ProJect for which Forest Land is required : Khurda Red Bol,angir New B.G. Raittink Project Phase-ll i.e. frorn km 36-112 (iii). Short narrative ofthe proposal and Project/scheme for which the forest tand is required : The Indian Railways have taken up a project of construction of a new B.G. tine having an approximate tength of 289 Ws. connecting Khurda Rmd Station sr Holvarh- Chenai main line to Botangir situated onTitatgarh- Sarnbatpur- Jharsuguda branch tine. (iY). State : Orissa {v). Category ofthe Project : Railway {vi}. Stnpe of forest land proposed to be diverted : Linear tvii). Estirnated cost of the Project(Rupees in tacs) : 35384 (viii). Total AreaofForest Land proposed for diversion(in ha,): 59.717 {ix}. Non-Forest Lad required for this project(in ha): 536.987 (x). Total period tor wfiich the forest land is proposed to be diverted{in years}: 99 A-: ; Detaits of user Agency z. '' I (i). Narne : EAST COAST RAILWAY (ii). Addressl : West Annx Buitding, Rai[ Vihar, Chandrasekharpur, BBSR {iii). Address2 : NIL {iv).State: Orissa {v}. District: Khsdha (vi). Pin :751023 f'rt$:/lforesbdeararce.nic.irVnAminruserfrrcyrqortcpxftiFFP0/"2OR%2R.AI LYoX187&5Yoffi16 &,?%,, *€*f'ffiffi] %.3l:efi, B['f******' 1n
  • 23mDA16


    Report Part 1

    FORM. A

    for seeking prior approval of Centrat Govemment under section 2 of the Forest(Conservation) Act,1980 forDiversion of fresh forest area

    PART . I(To be fitted up by User Agency)

    A. General Detaits

    A-.- Project Detaitst.

    {i}. Proposal No. : FP/OR/RA|LI187ffi/2416

    (ii). Name of ProJect for which Forest Land is required : Khurda Red Bol,angir New B.G. RaittinkProject Phase-ll i.e. frorn km 36-112

    (iii). Short narrative ofthe proposal and Project/scheme for which the forest tand is required :The Indian Railways have taken up a project of construction of a new B.G. tine having anapproximate tength of 289 Ws. connecting Khurda Rmd Station sr Holvarh- Chenai main line toBotangir situated onTitatgarh- Sarnbatpur- Jharsuguda branch tine.

    (iY). State : Orissa

    {v). Category ofthe Project : Railway

    {vi}. Stnpe of forest land proposed to be diverted : Linear

    tvii). Estirnated cost of the Project(Rupees in tacs) : 35384

    (viii). Total AreaofForest Land proposed for diversion(in ha,): 59.717

    {ix}. Non-Forest Lad required for this project(in ha): 536.987

    (x). Total period tor wfiich the forest land is proposed to be diverted{in years}: 99

    A-:; Detaits of user Agencyz.

    '' I

    (i). Narne : EAST COAST RAILWAY

    (ii). Addressl : West Annx Buitding, Rai[ Vihar, Chandrasekharpur, BBSR

    {iii). Address2 : NIL

    {iv).State: Orissa

    {v}. District: Khsdha

    (vi). Pin :751023

    f'rt$:/lforesbdeararce.nic.irVnAminruserfrrcyrqortcpxftiFFP0/"2OR%2R.AI LYoX187&5Yoffi16

    &,?%,,*€*f'ffiffi]%.3l:efi, B['f******'


  • HflM16(vrt). La',dr,,".l. : NtL

    ' RePort Part 1

    {viii}. Email address : [email protected],in

    {ix}. Lardline Telephone No. : 6742302680

    (x). Fax No. :674-

    Ei). lrroHb rlo. : &455885256

    {xii}. Webdte (if any} : NIL

    {xiii}. Legd status of lfser Agency : Central Government

    A.., Detaits of Person tvtaking Apptication5.

    {i}. Ftrst Nilne: Sitansu

    (ii). itidde Nane: Kumar

    (iii). L6t llane: Acharfa

    (iv). Genden Mate

    (y). ttesign*ion: ry. Chief Engineer/Con/ll/BBS

    (vi). Address 1: West Annx Buitding, Rai[ Vihar, Chandrasekharpur, BBSR

    (vii). Address 2: NIL

    (viil). Stde: Orissa

    (ix). District: Khordha

    (x). Tefisil: fftand4iri

    {xi). Pin:7fim3,.4,:

    (xii). Landmadr: N[-

    triii). Enail Addrcss: [email protected]

    {xiv). Ladline Telephone No.: 674-2302680

    {xv), Far l{o,:2303942

    {xvi). ltobfle No.: &455885256

    xir-"Tr\f ,



    ::. {xvii}. €opy of docurnents in sumrt of the corpetence/authority of the person rnaking thisEF-

    applicdion to nrake appticdion on behalf of the User Agency: &\

    hfip://hrestsdaane.rdc.ir/A*nidt seragprmyrepctaffti&F%ffis6ffiAlf-;a 2fiW6o/am016 217

  • 23t11t2016 Report Part 1

    B. Detaits of tand reauired for the Project

    B- Detaits of proposal seeking prior approvat of Centrat Govemment under the Act for:t . diversion of forest tand far the Project already submitted in the past

    R-I Oetaits of forest tand proposed to be di\€rtedt.

    B-2.1 Oetaits of Divisions inrrotved

    B-7.7 Detaits of Districts involved

    B-2.3 Vittage wise breakup


    'u 3::$,,11'HT,,;;;

    list of proposal subnftted in hstDate of


    Details of t$visions inrclved

    S.no Divirion Harne Forest Land(haJ Ilon-ForestIand(ha.)

    I. Khurda 0 86.534

    7. Nayagarh 59.717 450.453

    District wise breakup

    SJ|o Eristrict l{ame Forest Land(ha.) l{on-Foresttand(ha.)

    a. Khordha 0 85.534

    1 Nayagarfr 59.7L7 450.453

    Wlages wise breakup

    SJro Wlage Forest land(ha.) l{on'Forestland(ha.)

    1 Maidtili{RF) 8.796

    2 Hatimunda {RF) 10.961 0

    3 Sanapadar 0 4.792

    4 Rasola n 5.242

    5 Narendra6rur 0 t8.122

    6 NrusinghapurTangisahi 0 5.115

    7 Anlarapalli 0 10.983

    8 Raiasunakhala 0 9.725

    9 Poi

  • 23m12416

    tttg:/ftrestsdwace.nic.in/Adrnin/user4encyrryrt apx?$#FPolo2fARo/sffiNLo/a2t187O5o/oX2O16

    Report Part 1

    L7 Shpms:ndarpur 0 0.308

    18 Brahnuapura 0 4.303

    19 Rampur 0 4.653

    2A Dauniapalli 2.629

    2t fasioda 0 4.78

    22 Dbpsingh pur 0 lt.724

    23 lahanabad 11-385

    24 Razulpur 0 4.732

    26 Eljpur 0 9.462

    26 Baurshiapada 11.93

    27 Banamalipur 0 1-178

    z8 Mruty,unjay pur 0 5.864

    29 Badapardusar 0 8.163

    30 Natugaon 1.558

    31 Chanpatipur 3.46

    32 Dengaragadi 0 3.95

    33 SukalaEaria 0.389 2.7&

    34 Ealikudia B.626

    35 Gttadual U 152P4

    36 Sundaria U L7.252

    37 ln)cniprdsad 0 11.356

    38 Mahindrapur 0.00B 2.412

    39 Nayagarh r.525 1.101

    40 Rautarapur 0 0.421

    4L Pathuriapara 0.061 1.615

    42 ffamanie kundaban pur 0 1.534

    43 Khandugaon 0 5.629

    44 Golgola 0.016 4.253

    45 Heridaip:r 0 4.367

    46 l,liadhuban 0 1-906

    47 Dhenkana 0 4.168

    48 Raipur 0 7.4W

    49 Jagannathpur 0 1.048

    50 Chahali 0 8.401

    51 Khuntbandha 0.477 10.097

    52 *rirura 0_073 12.121

    53 Sri lcr.lshnachandrapur 2319 3.671

    54 Maichili 0 2.189

    55 ltlasalqbaril r303 2.78

    55 Sompada 0 16.864

    57 Kadrpali 1396 4.367

    58 Affbajhari 0 3.513

    59 Nuagaon U 4.2t7

    6t) Mudaranga 0 3.909

    61 lGrada 0 44-326

    62 Lunisara 0 15.872

    n63 lGkfiarumada 0 L01264 Sorada 0 7.252

    65 Arasahi 0.263 10.32

    66 Furana DasDalla 0 14.162

  • 2911t20't6 Report Part 1

    67 Erdabhuin .667

    68 tlihagaon 0 9.45

    69 lanisahi 0 18.499

    70 Sunaganja 0 0.004

    71 Pathuria 0 14.201

    72 Barpurikia 0 1.113

    73 Andharikot 22.473

    74 Barapali Sasan 0 0,563

    75 Kunjahngarh 14.949 20.854

    76 Nijandharikota 4.318 3.84L

    T] I'langalpur 0 0.41

    78 Chades RF t3.262 0

    B-7.4 Component wise breakup

    Coltponent whe breakup

    5*o Comporent brest l-and(ha.) flon-Forestland(ha.)t For Station Yard 0 32

    2 For Condruction of Road 0 10

    3 For Construction of Rail Lire 0 494.98

    C" A4aps of forest tand oroposed to be diverted

    Division 1. : Nayagarh

    {i}. Area offorest land proposed to be diverted(in ha.}: 59.717

    (ii). : Linear

    {b). Ho. of Segnents : One

    Segnrentwbe details

    Segments Segment Area(in haJ Knd File of Segrnents

    L 59.7L7 A vrew Fih*. {iii}. Copy of Survey of Indip$posheet indicating boundary of forest land

    proposed to be divertea: Hl

    {iv}. Scanned copy of the Geo-reftrenced rnap of the fore;it land proposed to

    be diverted prepared by usirE GP5 or Total Stationt Hl

    Justification for tocating the Proiect in forgst land and detaits of alternatives Kn-, --"'L/R JqJLlllLqLrVlr rVt lVWLrtl< LIIL I IVILLL rrI rVrgJL lgtrV qlrU VLLqIE Vt qllgrIlqllYLJs= "'***-ttl

    *€*ffi:Sfrll(i). Copy of note containing justification for locating the Project in forest land: % SV"*ifi i"i?'';'"""a1t:';

    _ 0.,f . y._ 0:;.,1, ,,r,"$o".",,

    (ti). Whether a copy of mry indicating location of alternative examine is required to be ""provided: Yes

    4trt$:lfforesbdeerance.nic.inlAdmir/useragencyrqortasprfti#FPolo2OR%2R.AlLo/o2118706o/aX?E16 5n

  • 23tfinu6 Report Part 1

    {a), Copy of map indicatirg location of alternative examined: A

    E, Emptoyment likety to be generated

    (i). Whether ths Project i: likely to generate enploynrent ?: Yes

    (ii ). Permanent/Regular Employrnent(Nurnber of persons): 53fi)

    {iii }. Terqporary Enployment{Nurnber of per:on-days}: 37061 (X}

    F. Disptacement of Peopte due to the Project, if anv

    {i}. Whether Project involves displacement?: No

    G. Detaits of Cost-Benefit analysis for the Project

    (i). Whether the Project requires Cost-Benefit anallris?: Yes

    {a), Copyof Cost-Eenefit analysis: TL

    H. Status of Environmental Ctearance

    (i). Whether the Project requires Clearance under the Environnent {Protection) Act 1986 ? : No

    l. Status of Wildelife Clearance

    {i). Whether the Project or a part thereofis located in any Protected Area or their Eco sensitivezone?: No

    J" Appticabitity of special provisiens governing Scheduted Areas

    (il.Whether the Project or a part thereof is located in a Scheduled Area? : No

    n Status of setttement of riehts under the Forest Rights Act.2006 on the forest* land orooosed to be diverted

    {i}" Wheflfer the process for settler}ent of Rights under the Forest Rights Acts 2OO6 on the forestland proposed to be diverted has been completed? : Yes

    {a}. Copy ofdocumentry evidence in support ofsettlement ofrights under the Forest Rights

    Act,2OO6 on the forest land proposed to be diverted: A

    Ib Ddtails of tand identified for Compensatory Afforestation

    {i}. Whether non-forest or Revenue forest land is required to be provided by User Ag*n&LAppticabte

    '-.i:'"i;; " :{ii}. Whether the area of non-forest land or Revenue forest land required to be provided by UserAgency for raising Compensatory Afforestation is less than area of forest land proposed to bediverted ?: Not Appticabte

    htF:lfiorestsdsance.nic.irlAdnirdlJser4encyrepotmp:dpi#FP/o2ffrRo/offi,NLalo2t187ffi%m1$ 6n

  • 2911t2016 Report Part 1

    {iii) . Reason for not providing Non-Forest Land: Not Appticable

    Additionat information Detaits


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    s,lto IlocumentsRemarks

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    htp://forestsclearance.nic.in/AdmidUserageneyreport.aspx?pid=FPo/o2fORo/offi.AlL%X18705%X2O16 7n
