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BCIS 401 Information Systems for Management

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BCIS 401 Information Systems for Management. Electronic Commerce. BCIS 401 Information Systems for Management. Value Chain Models. Physical Value Chain Model. A series of value adding activities connecting a company’s supply side to its demand side - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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BCIS 401 Information Systems for Management Electronic Commerce
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BCIS 401 Information Systems for Management

Electronic Commerce

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BCIS 401Information Systems for Management

Value Chain Models

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Physical Value Chain Model

• A series of value adding activities connecting a company’s supply side to its demand side

• Analysis of the PVC has allowed managers to redesign internal & external Processes to improve efficiency and effectiveness

• VCM treats information as a supporting element of the value adding process, not as a source of value itself

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Virtual Value Chain Model

• VVC exists in the market space• Value-adding process unique to the information

world are required to turn raw information into new market space services and products

• Creating value in any stage of a VVC involves a sequence of five activities– Gathering, organizing, selecting, synthesizing and

distributing information

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Mixing the Physical & Virtual

• Companies that do business in both the market place and the market space exploit both the PVC and VVC

• To be successful these chains must be managed distinctly but in concert

• Companies that adopt value-adding information processes generally do so in three stages

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Stages of Adoption of Value-Adding Information Process

• Visibility

• Mirroring Capability

• Value matrix

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• Companies acquire an ability to “see”

physical operations more effectively

through information

• Large scale IS used by managers to coordinate activities in their PVC

• Foundation laid for a VVC

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Mirroring Capability

• Companies substitute virtual activities for

physical ones

• Companies begin to create a parallel value chain in the market space

• Establishing space-based relationships allows companies to extract value from the space

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Value Matrix

• Manager’s draw on information in their VVC to deliver value to customers in new ways

• This is accomplished by applying the generic value adding activities to their VVC and thereby exploit the value matrix

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Physical Value Chain

Virtual Value Chain






New markets



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Marshall Industries

Junction Box Model

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Level 1 Junction Box

Clean conduit for transactions

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Level 1

• Streamlining for cost, efficiency, and basic reliability

• Quality Order Booking, Resell App. (QOBRA)

• Automated Shipping and Receiving System (AS/RS)

• Aimed at supporting basic operational capabilities.

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Level 2 Junction Box

Internal Integration

Intelligently connecting the Insides to better connect the Outside.

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Level 2

• Marshall Net - The Intranet– Automates Routine Processing– Frees up employees to provide value to

customers– Supports approximately 400 field sales


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Level 3 Junction Box

Empowering the Outsides to more intelligently

connect to the Insides through multiple modes

of service.

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Level 3

• Redesigning Business Processes to provide 24x7 customer service

• Marshall on the Internet– Dynamic Web site– Order tracking via UPS, on Marshall’s site


• Connect to Marshall’s engineers on-line

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Level 4 Junction Box

Customizing the connections to the

Outside for added value.

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Level 4

• Establish Extranet– PartnerNet - Draws visits from ~1,300

customers & suppliers daily– Integrated with QOBRA, DRP, sales force

applications– Enables integration of complete purchasing


• Market Intelligence System– MAP - Marshall Account Profile Planner

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Level 5 Junction Box

Leveraging knowledge in the Insides and Outsides

for value innovation

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Level 5


• Electronic Design Centers– Provides design information & simulation

ability to customers

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Level 6 Junction Box

Prototyping future opportunities for value


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Level 6

• Be Proactive in planning its future in the face of the accelerating rate of new ITs

• Build IT platforms that serve to prototype the future. Marshall’s Strategic R&D– Net Seminar - Brings together Suppliers &

Customers to design new products– Education news and entertainment network
