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Be Careful How You Build

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Are you making effort to build your faith on sound doctrine and accurate biblicalprinciples?Learn how to become wise like an expert builder, whose foundation cannot be shaken, because hisroot and foundation is firmly established in sound and accurate teachings of Christ– Luke 6:48
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    Table of Contents Chapter 1: Bethel or Babel? Michael Toyin-Emmanuel ........................................................................ 3

    Lets make Name for ourselves. .......................................................................................................... 4

    I will make your Name Great. ............................................................................................................. 5

    When God Scatters. ............................................................................................................................ 6

    Chapter 2: Evangelism and the Kingdom of God - R. Alan Streett ........................................................... 9

    Why the Gospel of the Kingdom? ....................................................................................................... 9

    The Nature of the Kingdom Message ................................................................................................ 11

    Chapter 3: Be Careful how you Build Michael Toyin-Emmanuel ........................................................ 13

    The Power of Choice ......................................................................................................................... 13

    Efforts dont Count, Quality Ultimately Does. ................................................................................... 14

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    Chapter 1: Bethel or Babel? Michael Toyin-Emmanuel

    Lets make Name for ourselves.

    Then they said, "Let's build a city for ourselves and a tower with its top in the sky.

    Let's make a name for ourselves so that we won't become scattered all over the

    face of the earth." (Genesis 11:4)

    In the account of the city of Babel we find the beginning of religion. That is, mans

    way of satisfying the urge to worship without actually obeying the one true God.

    The desire for men to settle down, build a town/city and make a name for

    themselves has never left the heart of corrupt man, ever today.

    The satanically driven desire to fashion for themselves their own ways of worship

    [with all the glory going to man] is painfully obvious today. Ever tragically in what

    passes for Church.

    Without the guidance of the spirit of God the builder labors in vain. God called the

    result of carnal mans religious efforts Babel [ Confusion ]. This is the reason for

    the many confusion we see in the church today.

    Men building religious camps and cities, yet no visible transformation evidence in

    the lives of man, nor any impact in the society, other than apparent chaotic

    situation world over. Yet church towers, prayer cities, Redemption camps, and

    glory tabernacles are multiplying daily.

    The Babylonians of course, like all good politician, put their own spin on the event

    and declared Babel as the gate of God politically driven religious leaders always

    seem to misread the obvious. God was not happy with the tower or the men who

    constructed it.

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    I will make your Name Great.

    I will make you a great nation, I will bless you. I will make your name great, and

    you will be a blessing. (Genesis 12:2)

    Abraham, moved out to obey God, so as to establish us a perfect pattern of

    worship, and become father of faith unto those to be latter called out of darkness

    and chosen as sons of the kingdom. A way of worship based on obedience,

    sustained by fellowship, and established by relationship. This pattern points

    attention to God and draw focus ways from men.

    A few chapters later, we find another account of an edifice constructed between

    heaven and earth. [ this is the account of Jacobs leader. ]. This time the

    construction was from heaven down, not earth up. This time an eternal picture was

    given of Gods way to meet with man on the basis of friendship and fellowship.

    On the contrast, the members of the city of Babel sort to make a name for

    themselves, while Abraham sort to obey God and give way for God to make his

    name great. Abraham had covenant with God to be scattered all over the earth but

    the people of Babel insisted on staying together so as not to be able to propagate

    the earth with the knowledge of God. Hence God confused them and scattered

    their language.

    In every generation, there are some, not many perhaps, but some, who accept

    Gods way and simply bow in humility and gratitude. In every generation, there will

    also be multitude who will reject Gods will, word, and ways, and seek to construct

    their own Towers of Babel.

    This will continue, we have it on Gods authority, until the time God will once and

    for all destroy Mystery Babylon Revelation 18 19. For it is indeed a mystery, this

    is why men and women will continue to pledge allegiance to doomed religion

    rather than genuinely seek the truth and hunger after righteousness.

    The greatest need in this hour is for the true church to intercede for herself that

    she shakes off Babels influence and rest in Bethel. We must acknowledge that we

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    have relied on the power of the flesh for too long and now its time to lean on the

    Lord and Him alone.

    It has been said of Abraham that one could trace his path by the altars he built. And

    another writer stated: it is often said of Abraham and the apostolic fathers that

    they built altars to the Lord, and established churches; it is never said they built

    houses of themselves

    When God Scatters.

    In the early church, the spirit of Babel came upon them, if not that the apostles

    were sensitive early enough to the Holy Spirit, they would have been led astray in

    rebellion too. The Apostles were initially engaged in a system of structure

    management and organization maintenance ministry, until confusion sets in. they

    were gathering the disciples together in one place rather than scattering them in

    spreading the Gospel to the ends of the world. But for their sincerity and genuine

    intentions to always glorify Christ and not after making name for themselves, they

    were able to expel the spirit of Babel and to a large extent and weakened his


    And in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a

    murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were

    neglected in the daily ministration. Then the twelve called the multitude of the

    disciples unto them, and said, It is not reason that we should leave the word of

    God, and serve tables. Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of

    honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this

    business. But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of

    the word. Acts 6: 1-4

    Babel consumes and dehydrates spiritual energy and ultimately kill vision and

    diffuse mission. Every earthly based structure of men, especially in the religious

    field brings confusion and judgment, while Heavenly engendered intervention

    brings reconciliation and peace. God ways are beyond ours, and he uses all things

    to realize his ultimate purpose and fulfill his grand agenda amongst men.

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    God will always devastate every congregation of Babel, and scatter the people.

    Having seen sincerity in the heart of the apostles, He providentially scattered them

    so that the gospel may spread throughout the earth.

    And Saul was consenting unto his death. And at that time there was a great

    persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all

    scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judaea and Samaria, except the


    Therefore they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word.

    Acts 8: 1, 4

    Scatter the Church, O Lord!

    My prayer is that God should do to Us the Church today what he did to the early

    church. The Gospel wouldnt have spread home and abroad if God did not

    intervene with persecution and many scattering. May the divine will orchestrate a

    scattering of todays religious camps and cities, so that the end time harvest of

    souls can be realized.

    The church will not realize its full potential until some scattering take place. Many

    church folks will never know how much unction and power they possess until their

    bed of comfort is taken away. Many will remain in Air-conditioned auditoriums with

    bogus titles of Deacons, Reverends, Bishop, and Arch, such as Philip, without

    knowing that many souls would have been saved and delivered from the gate of

    hell, if they had stepped out into the world and stopped serving tables.

    Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them.

    And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake,

    hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. For unclean spirits, crying with loud

    voice, came out of many that were possessed with them: and many taken with

    palsies, and that were lame, were healed.

    And there was great joy in that city. (Acts 8:5-8)

    May God scatter His people again. I pray that God will destroy every city and camps

    that have held Gods people bound and brought upon them paralysis of divine

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    assignments. Who knows, perhaps, God may use the global upsurge of terrorism to

    awaken the church again.

    Dear friend, hear the voice of the Lord saying:

    "You have stayed at this mountain long enough.

    Break camp, and get ready! Go to the mountain region of the Amorites, and go to

    everyone living on the plains, in the mountains, in the foothills, in the Negev, on

    the whole Mediterranean coast (the land of the Canaanites), and into Lebanon as

    far as the Euphrates River.

    I'm giving you this land. Enter, and take possession of the land the LORD swore to

    give to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and to you, their descendants."

    Deuteronomy 1:6-8 GW

    I perceive God is saying to you, break away from every religious gathering that has

    held you down for this long. Destroy every hold and grasp of Babel, obey God and

    advance with great grace and unction to conquer the world with the Gospel. Take

    the gospel of the kingdom [ the gospel of the Saviour and Lord; Christ Jesus ] to the

    domain of your influence; your office, campus, clubs, school, association etc.

    May God be with you. Amen.

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    Chapter 2: Evangelism and the Kingdom of God - R. Alan Streett

    While the Kingdom of God was the central theme of all preaching in the New

    Testament, it has been virtually ignored by modern-day evangelists, teachers, and

    pastors. This absence of Kingdom-centered evangelism and preaching has had

    devastating effects on the church and has now reached critical mass. A self-centric

    gospel has replaced the God-centered gospel of the kingdom. The deficiency is

    so great that most evangelists, pastors and teachers of the word would be hard-

    pressed even to define the gospel of the kingdom (Matthew 24:14; Mark 1:14).

    The result has been a watered-down message that has no power to change lives.

    Why the Gospel of the Kingdom?

    When John the Baptist came preaching, Repent, for the kingdom of God is at

    hand! (Matthew 3:2), his audience understood he was referring to the

    eschatological age foretold by Old Testament prophets, a time when God would

    send a promised messianic king to defeat Israels enemies and usher in a new age

    of universal peace.

    John called people to break with the past as a requirement to enter the Kingdom

    and escape the coming judgment. After Johns arrest, Jesus came preaching the

    gospel of the kingdom, and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is

    at hand (Mark 1:14-15). Luke tells us that when Jesus stood in the synagogue and

    read a messianic passage from the prophet Isaiah, he concluded by saying, Today

    this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing (Luke 4:21). Later, when asked if he were

    the promised messiah, Jesus replied, I am (Mark 14:62). The waiting period was

    over. The Kingdom had arrived in Jesus. It was no longer a distant hope, but it now

    had a name and a face connected with it.

    Soon after his synagogue discourse, Jesus told the crowds, I must preach the

    kingdom of God to other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent

    (Luke 4:43).

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    Everywhere He went He proclaimed the glad tidings of the kingdom of God (Luke

    8:1). The 12 apostles traveled with Him. Is it any wonder as He sent them out, He

    commissioned them to preach the kingdom (Luke 9:1-2)? Marks parallel account

    of the event says, So they went out and preached that people should repent

    (Mark 6:12), showing the link between the Kingdom and the call to repentance.

    Jesus then appointed 70 others to heal the sick there, and say to them, The

    kingdom of God has come near you (Luke 10:1, 9).

    Prior to His ascension, the resurrected Lord spent 40 days with the apostles

    speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3). Thus, He

    ended His earthly ministry the way He began it -- declaring the Gospel of the


    On the mount, after assuring His followers that there would be a future dimension

    to the Kingdom, He told them that in the interim they were to be His witnesses

    (Acts 1:8). Therefore, it is not surprising to find them preaching the things

    concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus (Acts 8:12). The Apostle

    Paul, likewise, taught concerning the things of the kingdom of God (Acts 19:8). He

    reminded the elders at Ephesus that he spent three years preaching the kingdom

    of God (Acts 20:25, 31).

    While under house arrest in Rome, Many came to him at his lodging, to whom he

    explained and solemnly testified of the kingdom of God (Acts 28:23). The Book of

    Acts closes, significantly, with these words, Then Paul dwelt two whole years in his

    own rented house and received all who came to him, preaching the kingdom of

    God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all

    confidence, no one forbidding him (Acts 28:30-31).

    There can be little doubt that the Good News of the Kingdom was the central theme

    of first-century evangelistic preaching. Consequently, it should be our focus as well.

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    The Nature of the Kingdom Message

    The Gospel is not an invitation to invite Christ into your heart, although His Spirit

    indwells every believer. Neither does the Gospel center on the eternal bliss that

    awaits believers at death, although every follower of Christ will depart to be with

    the Lord. Few, if any, New Testament sermons deal with heaven. Rather they focus

    on the Kingdom and what it means to be part of it, now and in the future.

    The New Testament kerygma announces what God has ultimately done in and

    through Jesus and invites the hearers to become part of Gods great plan for

    history. It is primarily about God, not us.

    Additionally, the authentic Gospel is an historical, not an existential message.

    Through the Old Testament prophets, God foretold a time when He would send a

    mighty deliverer to establish a new covenant with Israel and bring all things in

    subjection to Himself. All independent kingdoms to which people give their

    allegiance, both spiritual and material, will be destroyed. The incarnate Jesus

    announced that Gods Kingdom had arrived, and then He called people to submit

    to His rule. On the cross He defeated Satan, offered His life as an atonement for

    sin, and regained dominion over Gods creation which Adam had relinquished at

    the fall.

    Calvary was Gods death blow to Satans rule, sins power and deaths victory and,

    hence, it became the hinge of history. At His resurrection, Christ emerged from

    the cosmic battle victorious, proving that God, not the rebels, was in charge. After

    all, if Jesus could enter the heart of enemy territory and not be defeated, then their

    days are numbered!

    From His exalted position at Gods right hand, Christ now rules from His throne until

    His enemies become his footstool (Acts 2:35; 1 Corinthians 15:23-24). The powers

    of evil may still function, but only under the authority of Christ (Colossians 2:15;

    1:15-16; 1 Corinthians 2:6-8). As one theologian remarks, All kingdoms are

    confronted with their rightful overlord.

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    As sovereign Lord, Christ now directs the course of history toward its victorious

    completion, i.e. the future establishment of His Kingdom on earth and the

    judgment of all nations, which will take place at His coming.

    Finally the Gospel is corporate in scope as well as individualistic. The Kingdom now

    finds root in the church. Becoming a citizen of the Kingdom cannot be done in a

    vacuum, any more than a foreigner can become a citizen of the United States

    without rubbing shoulders with other Americans. There is a corporate or

    community aspect to citizenship. It includes responsibility and privileges that

    cannot be found by living in isolation. Likewise, it is incoherent to say one can enter

    that reign of Christ and remain outside the church.

    The church in turn, spreads the Gospel of the Kingdom to the entire world and

    summons humanity to submit to Gods rule in Christ and align themselves with

    other believers in His Kingdom. Whenever and wherever the victory of Christ is

    proclaimed and obeyed, Satan must retreat. As Gods rule expands, Satans


    When asked what would be the sign of His coming and the end of the age, Jesus

    replied, And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a

    witness to all nations, and then the end will come (Matthew 24:14).

    As we preach and take the gospel to the ends of the earth, it is essential that we

    re-examine the message we proclaim. Is it the same gospel of the kingdom

    preached by Jesus and the apostles?

    R. Alan Streett is chairman and professor of evangelism at Criswell College in Dallas.

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    Chapter 3: Be Careful how you Build Michael Toyin-Emmanuel

    For no one can lay any foundation other than the one we already have Jesus


    But whoever is building on the foundation must be VERY CAREFUL.

    God will destroy anyone who destroys this temple. For Gods temple is holy, and

    you are that temple.

    1 Corinthians 3: 11, 10, 17

    It is important to sound this solemn warning Be careful how you build the Lords

    temple, which you are. You have received by grace through faith the mercy of God

    Jesus Christ. Having believed, you are saved from Gods wrath upon this present

    world and the disobedient. You are sealed by his Holy Spirit, so that you may realize

    the glorious and imperishable hope of salvation.

    However, it is vital you pay attention to how you develop yourselves in Christ. It is

    important you give care to how you are growing in the grace of God. What manner

    of spiritual food or doctrine to which you expose yourself really matter. This is

    critical to your ultimate reality in God.

    The Power of Choice

    There are variety of materials you can use in building up your faith in Christ, and

    they all vary in quality and serve different purposes. We are all builders and we all

    have the choice and privilege to determine how and what sort of materials we

    desire to use in structuring our growth in Christ. But to every builder is this solemn

    warning Be careful how you build, make your choices carefully

    An expert and wise builder with a long term perspective will choose materials that

    will be long-lasting. A foolish builder will go the easy and fastest way. But to every

    builder God has provided varieties of materials with the power of freedom to

    choose. Be careful how you build, he says.

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    People may build on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay,

    or straw. 1Corithians 3:12

    A close evaluation and analysis of these materials reveals that they may require

    different kind of efforts in fetching and obtaining them, and different amount of

    work to get them into shapes and modes suitable for the construction work. For

    instance, to get gold, you will have to dig the ground deep, and to refine it, you

    have to pass it through the fire. The same foe Silver and other precious stones. On

    the other hand, Wood, Hay, and Straw, could be near etched, and faster than Gold,

    Siler and Jewel.

    Nevertheless, the choice of what is used is left to the builder. Ultimately, something

    must be built.

    Efforts dont Count, Quality Ultimately Does.

    Paul use this illustration to stress the truth that, the building is not what really

    matters but the quality of what is built is the most essential. Every work will be

    tested and revealed for what kind it is. The fire of judgment will show if a persons

    work has any value.

    Therefore, do not be lazy, go for gold, dig deep for long lasting treasures, and make

    every effort to build what will withstand the storms, the fire, and the torrents of


    Are you making effort to build your faith on sound doctrine and accurate biblical

    principles? Or you prefer the shallow and the diluted the bread and butter gospel,

    name it and claim it materials?

    Be wise like an expert builder, whose foundation cannot be shaken, because his

    root and foundation is firmly established in sound and accurate teachings of Christ

    Luke 6:48

    Just as it take hard work to get Gold, so also you must labour in sound doctrine. It

    is much more valuable than Gold. It never fades and it provides security for you in

    this life and the life to come. No man will part easily with Gold, you have to pay its

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    price to get it. So also with sound doctrine, you will have to pray and study the

    scriptures for yourself. Thats the only way it comes. No man will give it to you.

    Bread is cheap, wood, hay, and straw are everywhere and can easily be gathered.

    But how enduring and durable are they? Milk understanding of the word of God,

    how sustaining can it really be?

    Do not forget this, God will destroy anyone who destroys this temple, the temple

    which you are.

    Will that person be you?

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