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Be Everywhere - Edge Brochure

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Giving Yourself The Edge With Social Media Harnessing the incredible power of online viral communicaon to create and strengthen relaonships with customers be

clout creative | Business Plan Summary & Financials | 2014

Giving Yourself The Edge With Social MediaHarnessing the incredible power of online viral communication to create and strengthen relationships with customers



More than 30 million people use at least one form of Social Media in the UK.

50% of those shop online or make purchasing decisions based upon online research

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Ask yourself a few questions

Do I use Social Media to its full capacity?

If at all?

Do I engage with my customers on


Do I read what our customers

say about us on Facebook




Do I showcase my products or

services anywhere but my website?


be everywhere | Giving Yourself The Edge With Social Media | 2014

Social Media is using the internet to share and communicate information using virtual networks.

In more relevant terms it’s a blanket term for platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Google+ etc, that are used to connect and engage with other people.

It has become clear to even the most old-fashioned business that Social Media is absolutely essential in the modern marketplace.

The rise of smartphone popularity has increased the use of mobile and on-the-go purchasing meaning that the time from clicking the link on your screen to entering PayPal details has dramatically decreased.

The beauty of Social Media is its viral nature.

People interact daily with hundreds of others. A positive mention of your brand is seen by hundreds of others and if shared again by hundreds more.

The cumulative effect of this is that a single advertisement can be seen million of times in a single day.

The advertising power of that alone is remarkable and unheard of in previous mediums.

The benefit of this type of exposure is self-evident.

Over the next couple of pages we’re going to talk about the what, why and most importantly, the how of Social Media

What is Social Media?


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I’m guessing that you don’t know many

people who don’t use Facebook. 30 million

people in the UK use it regularly.

20% of online time is on Social Media

12 million UK users connect with brands

on Twitter

LinkedIn 60 million views per month

Pinterest has grown 10 fold in 2 years. 2

million users in the UK.

700 Million Facebook Users


Is It Really That Popular?

be everywhere | Giving Yourself The Edge With Social Media | 2014


Facebook. The biggest website in the world. 700 million accounts. Facilitates having a page dedicated to your business which people can like. You can then send group communications, showcase your products, run competitions, share information – the list is endless.

Twitter. Micro blogging site where you update with 140 characters as often as you like. Gathers all your customers in one place (if you can get them to follow you) for mass comms as often as you like. A driving force behind viral campaigns and used by many brands to great effect.

Pinterest. What started out as a hobbyist’s niche platform, used mainly by women, has turned into a major concern used by everyone. Very visual and pleasing to the eye.

LinkedIn. A more business like page. Essential for staff engagement, recruitment and showcasing your company as a whole. The serious side of Social Media. Enables you to connect with possible employees, recruiters, focus groups and shows your professional side.

Google+. Of course Google virtually owns the internet. Their platform is tipped to be very big. Time will tell, but it’s worth using if only for the SEO benefits, unconfirmed by Google of course. Has the potential to be very useful to any business.

Instagram. Becoming more and more popular, this is an extremely helpful platform if you offer a product that can be promoted visually. Works very well in conjunction with Twitter and is responsible for an even greater use of hashtags.

The Main Players

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How Involved Are The Big Brands?

Coke used Facebook and Twitter recently to engage their public with “Bottle Cap Hockey” offering prizes for the best video to celebrate the Winter Olympics. Even the biggest brands apply themselves and use marketing budgets on Social Media.

Disney have 45 million Facebook followers. It doesn’t even seem possible. And they don’t just rest on their laurels. Constantly engaging and promoting and never miss a chance to use a hashtag. It just goes to show that you’re never too big to keep trying!

Monster Energy constantly shares and posts items that their followers will not only enjoy, but come to associate with Monster. The grows the Monster brand like nothing else could. Smart marketing indeed. Other companies could learn from this.

be everywhere | Giving Yourself The Edge With Social Media | 2014

Unlike traditional channels of communication Social Media is a two-way exchange. Companies share their services and products and customers give feedback, offer opinions and ideas. Engagement is paramount.

Websites, print adverts, television, virtually every channel of communication is now inter-connected through Social media. And customers take it everywhere they go with smartphones and tablets becoming increasingly more popular ways to research products and purchase on the move.

What makes Social Media So Powerful?


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Why Should You Get Involved?Your customers are. 15 million Brits check their Facebook feed at least once daily. Social Media gives you unparalleled access to new and repeat business.

It gives you an opportunity to join in the conversation. People will talk about you whether or not you listen. If you join in you can receive invaluable customer feedback and grow customer loyalty by quickly addressing any issues.

You can market repeatedly. Having loyal followers mean that you can introduce new products quickly and remind them about existing products. Be careful though, it’s not just about mercilessly promoting yourself.

The most successful brands communicate up to 10 time a day with their followers. With a mixture of self-promotion, relevant information and entertaining shares.

Your competitors are. As in any competitive situation, if you aren’t taking advantage of every possible avenue, someone else will take advantage of it for you.

Every forward thinking company will have Social Media high on their priority list and the ones that don’t are going to find it more difficult to compete.

You can get ahead of the game. Forget about traditional market research when it comes to Social Media. People love giving their opinions on Facebook and Twitter et al. Not only will it grow customer loyalty but you’ll gain priceless insight into what people are looking for and the newest trends that drive purchasing decisions.

be everywhere | Giving Yourself The Edge With Social Media | 2014

Get your brand out there. We’ve already spoken about how pervasive Social Media is and you’ll need to exploit every avenue. Create accounts on all the relevant platforms, ensuring you make a consistent brand across them all.

You don’t need to conquer Facebook and Twitter all in one day. Slow and steady wins the race, but at least make sure that you’ve entered the race.

Engage. This is so important. When people talk about your brand, talk back. Ask questions. Social Media is a reciprocal sort of business. To drive brand loyalty it’s incredibly important to listen and respond in a timely fashion. Remember to keep your interactions as professional as possible. Once it’s out there you can’t take it back.

Enter Partnerships. Often in the day-to-day-to-week running of a business there’s no time to be spending hours figuring out how to use hashtags and how to embed tweets.

With Social Media being an intensive undertaking it makes sense to join forces with industry experts. You’re not alone in this endeavour.

Share often. It won’t be enough to nip on to Twitter for half an hour on a Thursday and expect to create a loyal army of followers. You need to remind your customers where you are, who you are and what you offer on a daily basis.

Social Media is an enormous space and unless you make your presence felt you can easily be overlooked. Many of your followers will follow thousands of people and companies and simply won’t see you unless you present a strong and ever-present face.

Add Value. My final piece of advice is not to use Social Media merely as an online catalogue of your products and services. Make it worth people’s while to pay attention. It doesn’t have to be business freebies either. Sharing relevant, entertaining and amusing content can increase the chances that you’ll be remembered and sought after.

How To Get Involved


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beBe-Everywhere offers a solution to all your marketing needs. Our core business is spreading the good news about your business.

Through Press Release Aggregation, Online Reputation Management, Social Media and Search Engine Marketing we supply an unrivalled service to businesses across the UK and have a proven track record in the business to business sector having worked with a broad range of clients.

Our exceptional team creates marketing strategies and campaigns that give a huge

impact and show tangible results, excelling in delivering innovative, memorable campaigns, using creative design that makes an impression.

The combination of efficient account management with dynamic creativity creates powerful positive marketing that really impresses.

Whatever your needs, get in touch for an informal and informative chat



be everywhere | Giving Yourself The Edge With Social Media | 2014

Unit 6b, Floor B, Milburn House, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1LE

Tel: Nick on 0845 884 2337 or Iain on 0845 884 2334

Email: [email protected]

Get in touch




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