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Bear Facts - Apr-May 1971

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  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Apr-May 1971


    Bear Facts

    Post Office BOl< 692, Gole 0, California 93017 April-May 1970

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Apr-May 1971


    BEAR FACTSpri I - May 970 Pog!! I

    results of the 1969 National Commander's Evaluotion'" now 01 our perform ne does or(0 rot r, lac: a I) Is 9 Iy reJpO' le ,gille us cr ::IiI 01 aerfor", nee no repor ed.

    W now that 'lIing ou r ports is 0 reeded chor , but Ih y"r cessorv.On-lilt! reporting is rle l , or rn ny im we t no credit 01 a lonel for10Ie reports,

    You or all remind d to r . je\O\ "California ing Reporting Requirem nrsond In tructlons, " doted 25 Ocl 69, and our I Iter , "On Time, Aeeure , ProperlyPrepgireo Reports, " doled 7 Feb 70.

    Membership in Civil Air Patrol carries wi h It certoin obligalions andresponslbll! iOl. Since CAP is on auxiliary of m e U. S. Air Force, it s mem enare encovrog d, and ot times required, to r h modified uniForm of the USAF.With recent c enges in e in5ignia o r CAP uniforms, il is 0 len nol r adily apperentwh th r he uniiorm is thot of the USAF or C P. It is herefore imperative thoteach member wearing his or h r uniform exhlbl the ri nd bearing I I e mwith proper un;Form and personal O PP ranee. Correct insi nio must ee warn inthe prop r locatIons and th appropriate unif rm should w n f r the dutybem9 pe ormod (you shouldn" weor blues on a search mission any more than youwould wear a ligh 5ui to wing conFerence). 8101 r uniforrm re Fine forsocial occcslons but should nol reploce the basic unl orm f O l " CAP m ings andfunc ions. Th uniform represents the orgonlzatiOf) and wh n you ear It you aresaying, "10m proud 10 belons to Ihe Civll Air Patrol. "


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    90IIe "inspectThem.axhibill

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Apr-May 1971


    April - May 1970 BEAR FACTS Page 2

    When the comrronder of Sacramento Volley Group .4 recently pinned thesilver bars of First Lieutenant on ndrito Wescott, he didn't realize that on theback of those bars was m rked, "Mod in Seoul, Korea." The gold bars that hereplaced, hod they been so marked, would have soid, Fort Leonard Wood,Minouri." This is the second time that L Wescott has used the "hand-me-downs"Fromher son, Coploin Don Id C. Wesc.ott, US Army. Copt. WescoM is presentlyArtillery Control Officer and Aerial Artillery Spatter for the Headquarters Boltery,6th Bottolion, 11th Artillery, at Due Pho, Viet Nom.

    U. escott's only commen was thot it is a little disconcerting to alwaysbe outranked by someone whose diapers you hove changed so many times I

    Three members of the Wing steff received promotions lost month. A v rysurprised and pleased new Lt. Cot., Bob Thomas (White Bear 64 , was presentedwith his rank at the Communications Conference in Salinas. SHit smiling t Col.Thomas' surprised re ction, , e tobles turned on Bruce Gordon (Whi Bear 44),who was coiled forward to receive his First Lieutenon bars . At c ..remonies atWing H adquarters, Hug Taylor (Cadet Activities section) 1 .110 presen ed wl,hCaptain rank imignia. Congratulations to you 0 1 1 1

    C IHornio Wing is issuing codet officer identification cords for all cadetswith Ih ronk of Warrant Officer and above. Uni have been mailed opplicotioforms or these ID earth ... Over 60 codets in Col ifornio ave been selected toparticipate in 14 special summer activities.

    A newstock of Strata Blue '150.45 paint for vehicles is ovcilable for $3.00per gallon, FOB Burbonk or Fullerton. A standard purchase is four gallons, sounits ore encouraged to pool their orders.There is on eight-week Infonnotion Officer's conference being held 01

    Wing Headquarters on Wednesday evenings, continuing until 20 May.CWO Dick Thompson, California Wing Operations stoFf, possed owayrecently after heart surgery. Mr. Thompson was oclive in all phases of CAP,Flying many search mlsstons .Squodron 93, Group 7, won two trophies In 0 drill competition held at

    Long Beach lost month. Five ccdet squodrons, with 62 cadets, par icipated.Coptoi j ck Hade of Squodron 65, Group 7, wos presented with theroup's perpetuol trophy for his service.A joint meeting of Group 150nd the Air Force Association wos held recentlyot Group 5 headquarters in Alhambra to amiliorize AFA members with CAP. Apon I of CAP ofFicers outlined c search and rescue operalion and the cadet 'Ioffgave e highlights of lost yeer's cod t ctivilies. Th Group 15 drill t am was

    inspected by AFA elfle and then gave a demon !rotion of t eir preclsi n rill.The meeting was concluded with 0 tour of the Group 15 fa iii ies, incl dingexhibits 0 SA equipment.

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Apr-May 1971


    y 1970 BEAR FACTS Page J

    NOTESCommand - Unit commanders should assure Ih I members being promoted

    hove hod odequale service 'im and ining nece~sory to wear the proposed rank.I I 1 & essential that personnel in commiuianed r nks knc;l\Y th e proper militarycuslorr6 and uniform requiremen s to be a cr it to CAP and to obi a handlethemselves p rlv und r any mlillary siluation

    Co t Acth"'!i~ - Spaces re still available for lile Aerospace Career&plo tory Sinor. This three-wee coo gins at am' I n AFB on 26 Julyand participon ravel throughout Ih United Sitl s. Crit rio ore. Milchellword, 15-19 years 0 d, mole. and attendonc at m e 1970 sel ction board.In co ets should write or radio CWCA immedi 'Iy Two sle !Ire alsova'lable for be Spiritual Ufe Ceef rence , A Type A Ceder Encampment forcbou 1 50 cadets will be Id 01 Vandenberg AFB beginning I h cond week In

    Au sr , Crl eric outlined in CAP 50-10 will ro llo w..,d . w ith priority givento code who need on encampment for their Mitc:hell Aw rd. Several 0 herloco ions or be'ng investigaled 10 II O N acldl ional to on opportuni toa lend a Type encampm nt , The dates and locations or rhe 1970 Cadet Specio]Ac i'iti s ore as follows: ACES, amill'on AFB, 26 July - 14Aug; AFASC. AFACDd m ,6-10 July; ATCFC, Williom1 AFB, Ariz.., 3-7 Aug; CfC, Kessl r AFB,Mi 27 July -7 Aug; COS, Maxwell AFB. Alo . 17-28 Aug; FAACOP,Oklahoma Cily, 0 10'1 6-10 July; lACE. 20 July - 1 Aug.

    A minislro Ion - Adminlstralion sem nors have b.!en eeedueted ror Group~7 d 1., . .(IP5 ty - A recent survet of CAP a rer f on v"hicle accidents OWJ hoI

    a maj rHya ere ccurring during u at r h n on rches , This is I, ved10 DeCOUIe aircroh 000 vehicles or operated unde dose supervhion d r ngSAR ctivities. Commanders are asked to mak sure pilols and drivers are qu lIfiedand are orooerly authorizea he use 0 Ii aircroft ar vehicle.

    Oeeretlero - The Ooeretlc sec Ion reports Ihal the on-time rtp orting ofqu rterty and annual reports has been poor. B e sure ~ has been submi ed.

    Financ - I f you carry any CAP" rd s in your car, you or running heril or t efl or de lruclion of t ~ valuable, and orten trreelececble , records.A lip g.ve 10 this secnen by the locol fire chieF uQgesl th r cords be storedin a plestic bog lnsid t e refTigero unif ready 10 I n;part Ihem ogain. Thisis the mosl n -ereef and safe $ection OT a person's home - just don bo i I them for dinner!

    s01CIcIB E9B e

    N .

    E m ncy Servic - To do 1 AIwooffIIICa

    etiv w Sig

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Apr-May 1971


    April - May 1970 BEAR FACTS Page 4ATS Off TO "POP" MaYA

    A solute this month to 0 man who is probably the oldes member in the Wing,i not in CAP nationally. WO Marion L. "Pop" Mayo, Squadron 15, Group 15,Is 92 and still octive In CAP communicotions os W!,ite Bear 639, Chonn 17.

    Mr. Mayo has hod a long and colorful life, trying his hand as 0 blacksmith,forest lOnger, pnvat detec iv ,!nJc driver, and fisherman. Before h turn ofthe centvry, he soiled around the to liverpool, England, on 0cargo ship.Durin th 19205 , Mr. Maya opened a blacksmith shop in bock of his home inAzusa, where. he worked until abou 1960.

    He ha s been ember of Squa ran 1 5 lor about 1 5 y eo ,serving as trans-portation officer and supply officer. He loves 10 monilor the CAP radio and keepsup to dote n the ne s in this way, as it is difficull for him to at nd m tingsnow. His activities in CAP have also n diverse r including com uoicati ,."ond ground seorch and he has even flown os a cbserv r , Lt. Col. eiser, I 9time friend, keeps him infonned of h 1 0 t.

    T e Bear Fac is offering odv rtising, both clossifictd and display. CI ,sifiedadvertising rotes are 10 cents per word, with a minimum char of S 1.00. Yourno e nd address, or your name and phone umber (or radio call si n will beInduded free of charg.

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Apr-May 1971


    April - May 1970 BEAR FACTS

    S G~019veor

    J J E A J } ~ [ A \ _ J ( J LCaptain A. O. Smi h,I have r iew d 1 fir11 'SSUI! of your wi 9 pu I ica ;on and v found t 10 becellenl.

    The prinling. cent nl cnJ I T 1 C eop of the ,.ewsl II r ere a ch quality hoI IIm mben should lake pri in rcoding i each month.

    Keep up the good WOI nd let us know if w~ can be of on ouistoncc to you.William S. Whipple. l!Lt.,USAFNo ionol e dquorlerJ d

    Editor:I receiv d your firsl edition of OUI newsletter several days ago. I would I i e 0

    extend my congro ru 10 lions to you and our stoff for a i b w II one. Hoving been thedilar For th Squadron 31 p p r, CAPSULES, whil c civ;Jian me ber f lhol unit, I knowv ry well Ihe pmblcmi y04.Jface and Ih chore it is to aublish such 0 po er. 1 am sure lhotwith the close cooper lion of all m mbers of Colifoml Wng . there ii a reason why tlli~publication cennor be a definite success. The Coli ornia Wing. beln as largo on spreedout 5 It is, certainly necd~ this I Y I l of in 0 I "'nforma jon posser."

    PFC elrh J. WeberSvc Blry. 71h Bn, 16th Arty

    CAP \'/0 Weber. Formerly il orton Coder Squadron 31 . Group 1 8. 5 presentlyserving with the Uniled Stoles Army in Europ . - Ed.


    Editor:I would lilee to attend the upcoming PociFic Region Conference. What is th e proper

    unifann for meellngs and conferences?



    A Senior Member T blue uniform Is proper weer for both mole and female memben whe ottndingconferences. Afte, 1700 ours. or after the fonnol mee in9. the unlfcrm will not bewom u"less soeciOcally required. The blazel unlfonn may e "liar after 1700ours.- Ed.



    EditorThe FebNOry new11eller sloled Ih t "Effective I March 1970, 011 personnel must have

    n emerg c)' services standard o r trainee card to participate on missiom" and "all aircraftmust corry on observer in oddition to the pilot." It is my opinio t Ithese requirementsre grossly impractical.

    The requiremen ro rec ive on ES card re to pass certain "phose' rests nd 10 possessa fir,t aid c rd. These tests are dIfficult 0 adminiller, hav obsoilltely nothing to do itht h em r ncy servic we are supposed to be rendering, de not improve tho quality of ourservices and are extrem Iy dlfficul 0 process for grading A first old cord Is cerrolnl)'desired but hardly a necesiOT}' item or on ES cordhold r ,

    Th em rgency services cord Itself is dimcult to obtain, proves nolhlng, which ctuolldiscouroges good members to the point wh re they leave the program ... (th yllire 01 "bucki"the system' nd rial quit. This leaves us wllh the i"fedor members who stick II out becouseh y wont 10 "belong."

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Apr-May 1971


    April - May 1970 BEAR FACTS Poge 6. The observer requirement further hinders our operational effectivenen. Using my

    squcdro 05 an example: au of 87 members only 20 pi lob and raur observers hove the prizedES cord~. eorly 0 1 1 20 pllors have their own e lrerefr , This meeos t at even with 100%observer turnout 16 pilots rem In grounded or must splil and fly two pilots in one plane thusgrounding ighl aircraft per missioo 1 believe CAP has losl sigh of Ihe fucl tho we r avolunteer organizalion. I bell v .. CAP needs to recNiI and keep quality personnel inorder ta be an e'fec'live e er


    2/lt. Patrick G. QuinnSon Femondo Airport Sr. Sq. 35, Group I

    All tests required for efTlergenc servic cards. except the observer exa ,are locellyadminls ered a d red d and hove if cl ppliccbilrty to merger>cy services, The Phose I I

    51 'Nhich you menrion is no requlred fer ES retings. A firs1 aid cord is presenlly requiredonly for 'Peclollies where knowled of Ihe subject is ben Ilelol or essential (ground rescuepersonnel. for example). The ES trainee cord ees prove ttl I Ihe member i lnteresred inoeveloping his skills Ild has h d a leas on lementory IOtroauctian 10 the 10 he Is 10 beperforming. T s ndord cord indicates he m moor Is proficient i the special~. e degreeof skill depending on mem r hi el.

    California is one of Ihe few 51 res where Civil Air Patrol is slill the primary searchor9Oni20 ion. If we Ish to keep this s rus, w must demonstrate thor we re m effieie,,1han group of untro ine d , undiscipline.! private pilo s , I f w don't exhi it skilled, disci-plined, professional. ond efFie!enl tea work. we'r gain '0 find ourselves wimoul a job.Rules, especially those re i 9 S R, are mode for rhe bencOI nd sofety of all porticipllnIndividuals who isregord Ihem are ndan ring oth r personnel, com romising the mission,and damaging CAP's tepu rion. A pilot's prim ry r sponsibility is flying his elrcref - nor100 ing out a window. One airplane wi h two plio s on board is rwice as efficient os twooirct'Oft wit ani th e pilot. A case of "torget fascination" by the pilol can put an a!rcrofinto a mountain in nosh.

    It is unfortunate thol members feel they have to "buck the syslem" 10 get heir EScords. Since I January 1970, 227 new cords (including five to your unit) have been issuedto personnel who hove cooperated with the system. A number of members have gone romstorl to standard stalvs in this time.

    Your squadron has on enviable reserve of 63 potential alrerew members; no airplaneshould be grounded for lock of personnel! _ Ed.


    LEtTERS - w. Uk..: lit . . . . and '""'t ,. ~,_, .10, t OItOi'''' ,t ~""O-'" mu.-'. la w COfl', be d,u~l. In Int .... , 01 101.!Xl i~.,...o.H.owtng ' . q < . I ' 1. ore ,.t: 1 1 . - .1 1 I.H.,. "" . . t lyp"."U Ot p t ' " ' ' ' ' ' tHldtl t nm ~ 0 1 1 . pag_I~. 1) ... I 1 . " _ -U~I b. , .,..J sn4 "" , d..IQrlGIIDn f'Vt!I'I I ' \ a . . . . . . . - _ t th e Ynd lIh .. hl-s ,_ w,rhheld ~,~., IQ f 1 .fr.r- ....li .. ~~. 3) l .." ..." ....11 O,t1,_~ on tr.. bal oJ '110(. DYOIIobI . ,c; :nd ,.I.'fIGf1c.~

    , .0.1 .h'l~ .... ~ the ftltfOf .. 11 "net*lin "" wh.ch ~.tt.,. ill P'"'"'~ 51 T M - fllftor''-Iet .. , the I.g f--t I .(.oe'pt I . , . . \ . f. dc._. f ' I IQ I ' aUnt the.. ,.-.ani"i

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *sessithrr TRADE WI DS~tvoll,ekinus

    I COLLECT CAP potch and Insignia,

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Apr-May 1971


  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Apr-May 1971


    April - May 1970 BEAR FACTSTHE C.A.P. UI~IFORM

    This is the First of a series of articles designed to serve as a reference forproper wear of the CAP uniform. For detailed inFormation member; should referto CAPM 39-1, "Civil Air Patrol Uniforms," dated 18 Feb 70. The minimum bosicuniform for mole and femole seniors and codets which will satisfy most accasiansis listed below. Members may obtain and wear other uniforms authorized inCAPM 39-1 on on optionol bosls .Minimum Bosic Uniform - Male: Matching ton shirt and trousers, blue belt, bluemght cop, block shoes on socks, and insignia (CAP identificotian badge, copand collar insignia. shoulder patch, and shoulder or sleeve rank insignia).Minimum Basic Uniform - Female: Blue and white striped service uniform (cotton/polyester), blue flight cop, neutral nylon hose, block shoes, and insignia (CAPidentification bodge, cap and collar insignia, shoulder patch, and shoulder orsleeve ron insignia).

    Variations from the uniforms, uniform combinations. and insignia containedin CAPM 39-1 are not authorized. TIle service uniform is worn when engaged innormal duties as a CAP member. It is worn while attending local. area, orno tiona I Functions. CAP members wi II not wear the uniform: I) at any meeting ordemonstration carried out or sponsored by on organization, association, movement,group, or combination of persons that 0) the Attorney General of the United Stateshas designated as totalitarian. Fascist. Communist, or subversive, b) advocates orapproves the commission of acts or force or violence to deny other; their rightsunder the Comtilution of the United States, c) seek to alter the form of the U. S.Government by unconstitutional means; 2) under any circumstances that wouldtend to bring discredit or reproach upon the uniForm; or 3) when engaged incivilian employment.

    Each member of CAP must be well-groomed and assure that his personalappearance at all times reflects credit upon himself and the CAP. Wher uniformsare worn, they must be clean, neat. correct in design and speciFication, and ingood condition. Men will be clean-shaven, with hair neat and closely trimmed.Women wit I have their hair neatly arranged and shaped to present a conservativefeminine cppeoronce, hair may touch but not fall below the bottom of the collar.Cosmetics will be conservative and in good taste. Pencils, pins, combs, cigarettes.honkerchlefs, jewelry, etc., will not be worn or carried exposed on either moleor female uniform (wristwatches, identification brccelets, and rings are permitted,but females may not wear earrings).

    When purchming uniforms from commercial sources. make sure each gometpurchased contains a certification label to insure it meels specifications.WING CONFERENCE

    The 1970 California Wing Conference will be held 18-20 September inBakersField at the NEW Bakersfield Inn, scheduled For completion in July. Roomrotes will be $10.00 - S12.00 for singles and $12.50 - $14.00 for doubles. PLANTO ATIENDI

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Apr-May 1971


    oqe 9 Apri I - May 1970 BEAR FACTS Page 10

    . S .




    nedinlor'ent,'ates s or


    Governor Ronald Reagan presented the Gen. Carl A. Spoatz award toCodet Col. Mike A. Taylor lost month. Ceremonies at the Store Capitol were0150 attended by Col. Howard Brookfield, w1ng commander, and Cadet Taylor'sparents. M r. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor of Santa Barbaro.

    Mike joined the CAP codet program in 1963 in Hawaii. He has been veactive in CAP, inclUding summer activities in lACE, where he visited NorwaYiCAP Glider Encampment, where he soloed a glider; and the CAP Flying Encamp-ment, where he earned his private pilot's license. He was deputy wing command-er at the Ccllfomlo Wi g Summer Encampment lost year, his seventh encampment.Cadet Taylor is presently on the stoff of Centrol Coost Group 11 and is the chair-man of the California Wing Cod t Advisory Council. He is a junior in college,majoring in nuclear engineering and minoring in mathematics.

    -rmsinsd ,vear ,ettes,Ieted,

    STOLEN ca. RADIOo m A Johnson Messenger 3, serial number 48468, complete with 026.620 CAPAN (Channel 2) crystal, was stolen in Phoenix, Ariz., in the laller port of Morch.There Is reason to believe Ihol Ihe redia m"y have been tron porled to Colifornia.Keep an eye out for this equipment and if you have any 'nformetton or i where-

    obou 5, contact any California Wing relay stotion or the wing commander b y radioor letter. The gear is owned by Col. Swaim, Pikes Pee] 6, in Colorado

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Apr-May 1971


    April - May 1970 BEAR FACTS Page 11

    The annual California Wing Communications Conference was held in Salinaslast month. As usual, Cop+. Jack Riley, Group 10 commander, did a fine job oforgoni,ing. Some of the subjects discussed in the meetings were communicationsoperations, administration, and engineering, and plenty of time was allotted fordoing what comes naturally to communicators - talking.

    The Communicator of the Year Award was presented to a team - Bill andlois Varni (White Bear 25). Most CAP rodio operators have hod an occasion towork with W6 25 on VHF, HF, or teletype. As 0 1 temate net control station forCalifornia, they handle scores of messages each month and their dedication togel'ting the word through shaws in the long hours and constant attention given thejob. We know working multiple channels on a busy evening ls about as easy asputting the lid on a barrel full of snakes, but Bill and lois do on admirable job.Congratulations and thonk you to two wonderful members.

    All radio stations operating on HF Channel 5 are reminded that they MUSTobserve other wing's net times. Do not transmit during these times unless you haveemergency trafFic that can be handled no other way, and always ask permissionfrom the wing net control station to use the channel. The following list shaws thepresent PST for all nets on channel 5. Daylight Savings Time usually affects onlyHawaii, which changes to 10 p.m. PDT. Clip this list and post it near every HFtransmitter to remind your operators.

    7:00 n.m, - Group 11 net8:30 a.m. - California Wing morning net5:30 p.m. - Group 5 net6:00 p.m. - Washington Wing net7:00 p.m , - Oregon Wing net-PST "*PDT

    7:30 p.m. - Nevada Wing net8:00 p. m, - Pacific Region net8:30 p.m. - Calif. Wing net~9:00 pvrn, - Hawaii Wing net9:30 p.m. - Alaska Wing net** 10:00 p.m. - Hawaii Wing net

    Some ather news: A reminder to teletype users: use the break symbol (Bnbetween the heoding the the identifier and between the text and the signature .Cal. Ben McGlashan has resigned as director of communications, Pacific Region.Col. McGlashan recently returned from a round-the-world trip .. A personalmessage from Brig. Gen. R. N. Ellis, notional commander, to all unit commanders:"My congratulations to your communications personnel for splendid efford putForth in CAPCOM 70 communications exercise. Preliminary evaluation of thetest reflects significant improvement over CAPCOM 69. This display of teamworkand cooperation serves to insure the success of our emergency service tasks. " ...A Radio Operators CertiFicot of Praficiency has been developed by Notional tooward to members who complete the higher more complex levels of learning andproficiency in the field of electronics and CAP communicotions .. Co lifomiaWing placed first in Pacific Region and eighth in the nation in the 1969 communi-cations point score evaluation based on cAPR 100-9.

    Single-sideband (SSB) capabilities continue to grow in Civil Air Patrol use.CaliFornia, with 99 SSI> stations, has more thon ony other single wing, and morethan the entire Rocky Mountain Region. Pacific Region has 228 s s e stations,second only to the Middle East Region, which has 232.

    April - May 1970ACCIDENT REVIEW

    The Following is a resume 0California this year, released by

    Blythe: The pilot of a Beecduring touch and go's" ond causethe pi lot rec'!ived no injuries.

    Son Miguel Islond! Cessnaditch in about 20 feet of water.

    14 miles east of Paso Roblthe ground with left wing while s~

    Truckee: On landing, CessAgain no injuries but much damog

    Sacramento: The pilot of acraft on a foamed runway when tl1gear collapsed on landing, but c

    17 miles northeast of Imperilanded unjured, but the croft eros

    Shingle Springs: Pi lot of aduring crosswind landing. ,I No in

    Riverside: A Cessna 150,pilot escaped injury, b u t the airc

    2 rn l les south of lone Pine.when he lost oil pressure in Flight.but the aircraft sustained substanti

    19 miles SE of Sanfo BarbaraHell-Porter STOl made a hard Ion

    Helicopter incidents were 0 1operated by the Santo Monico PoBPier. Minor injuries resulted. Thnsustained substantial damoge andblade hit 0 tandplpe while on a slast RPM during auto-rotation,domNOTAMS

    new airport, Tenco, is ope12131'W . Unicam is nOWovaile!surveillance approoches are avellauntil further notice .. Palm DeserGillespie Field, Son Diego, cammand grcvel .. Tower- requency farplex (or transmit 122.5) .. San Cotower hours 0700 102300 local (nohas two frequencies: 124.0 for run

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Apr-May 1971


    age 11

    ;alinosob ofrlonsj for

    mdtoforto, theasob.

    lUSTJ have'onIS theonlyIH Fg netan netnet, netnet1 9 net(BT)e...;Jion.anders:e.worktondnuni-


    April - May 1970 BEAR F CTS Page 12ACCIDENT REVIEW

    The following is a resume of some of the accidents that hove occurred inCalifornia this year, released by the California Department af Aeronautics.

    Blythe: The pilat of a Beech Bonanza "inadvertantly retracted Ihe gearduring touch and ga's" and caused substantial domage to Ihe aircraft, althoughthe pi lot received no njuries.

    Son Miguel Island: Cessna In lost power on takeoff, cousing he pilot toditch in obout 20 feet of water. Na injuries; substantial damage to oircrart.

    14 miles eost of Paso Robles: During agricultural operation, aircraft hitthe ground wilh left wing while spreying. No injuries; substantial damage to plane.

    Truckee: On landing, Cessna 1B2 ran onto soft grolJnd ond nosed over.Again no injuries but much damage to aircraft.

    Sacramento: The pilot of a Cessno 210 did on admiroble job of landing hiscraft on a foomed runway when the gecr refused to come down and lock. Thegear collapsed on landing, but caused only minor damage. No injuries resulted.

    17 miles northeast of Imperial: The pilot oFa Navy F8 bailed out andlanded unjured, but the croft crashed in on uninhabited area and assumed ta.laled.

    Shingle Springs: Pi 10 of a Beech Bonanza "lost control and hit a ditchduring crosswind landing." No injuries were reported but the craft was damaged.

    Riverside: A Cessna ISO , taxiing in high, gusty winds, flipped aver. Thepilot escaped injury, but the aircraft sustained damage.

    2 miles south of Lone Pine. The pilot of a Novion mode a forced landingwhen he lost oil pressure in flighl. No injuries resulted in the wheels-up landingbut the aircraft sustained substanlial damage.

    19 miles SE of Santa Barbaro: No injuries were reported when a FairchildHeir-Porter STOl mode a hard landing at on oil well lease site.

    Helicopter incidents were also reported, one a which was a Hushes 300operated by the Sonia Monico Police Department which sank off the Santo MonicoPier. Minor injuries resulted. Three miles west of Castroville, a Hiller 12-Csustained substcntlcl damage and passengers received minor injuries when the rotorblade hit a standpipe while on a spray run. At the Hughes Airport, a Bell 470lost RPM during auta-rolation, damaging the oraft but causing no injuries.NOTAMS

    A new airport, Tenco, is open 13 miles NW of Sacramento, at 3Bo46'N by121 3 1 'W .. Unlcom is now available at Fallbrook Airport neor Oceanside . Nosurveillance approaches or available 10 Son Fronclsco , Oakland, or San Joseuntil further notice Palm Desert Airport, south af Palm Springs, is still closed .Gillespie Field, San Diego, commissioned a new runway, 9R-27L, 2760' langand graveL . Tower frequency for lnke Tahoe Volley Airport is now 118.4 sim-plex (or transmit 122.5) . San Carlos tower is 119.0, ground contra! 121.8,tower hours 0700 to 2300 local (no simplex, 50 transmit 122.7) .. Son Jose towerhas two frequencies: 124.0 for runway 30l and 120.7 for ru way 30R..

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Apr-May 1971


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    41 1 - 1 7

    r: 18-20


    Wing SARCAPGeneral Meeting, Wing HeadquartersSW Sectional Meeting, The 99's, San JoseMay

    Group 3 Survival Seminar (Mountain Rescue Team)WW I Antique Aircraft Fly In & Airshow, LivermoreGroup 9 Field Surviva I TrainingPacific Region Conference, Stardust, Las VegasArmed Forces Day - Parade at Torrence, 10 a.m.Group 7 SARGroup 3 SARCAP6th Annual West Coast Nationa I Antique AirplaneAssn. Fly In, WatsonvilleHayward - Las Vegas Air Cruise & Proficiency RaceGroup 4 SARGeneral Meeting, Wing HeadquartersMemorial Day

    JuneNEC, Anchorage, AlaskaPorterville Maanlite Fly InGroup Commanders MeetingAerospace Education Workshop, Cal Poly

    JulyMonterey Peninsula - Takeoff point for PowderpuffDerbyIndependence Day - Frontier Day Fly In Jamboree,Prescott, ArizNational Staff College, Maxwell AFB, Ala.

    SeptemberCalifornia Wing Conference, Bakersfield

    Send your activities for the Cclendor to:The Editor, Bear Facts, P.O. Box 692, Goleta, California 93017
