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Bearing Size Chart

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  • 8/10/2019 Bearing Size Chart


    Bearing Size Chart

    Inch dimensions are rounded to the nearest thousandth. ID is inside diameter, ODis outside diameter.

    Not all sizes listed are available or in stock. Some bearings are listed for referenceonly.

    6000 Series Metric Bearings

    BearingNumber ID (MM) OD (MM)

    Width(MM) ID (inch) OD (inch)


    6000 0 !6 " 0.#$% .0!% 0.# &

    600 ! !" " 0.%'! . 0! 0.# &

    600! & #! $ 0.&$ .!60 0.#&%600# ' #& 0 0.66$ .#'" 0.#$%

    600% !0 %! ! 0.'"' .6&% 0.%'!

    600& !& %' ! 0.$"% ."&0 0.%'!

    6006 #0 && # . " !. 6& 0.& !

    600' #& 6! % .#'" !.%% 0.&&

    600" %0 6" & .&'& !.6'' 0.&$

    600$ %& '& 6 .''! !.$ 0.6#060 0 &0 "0 6 .$6$ #. &0 0.6#0

    60 && $0 " !. 6& #.&%# 0.'0$

    60 ! 60 $& " !.#6! #.'%0 0.'0$

    60 # 6& 00 " !.&&$ #.$#' 0.'0$

    60 % '0 0 !0 !.'&6 %.## 0.'"'

    60 & '& & !0 !.$ %.&!" 0.'"'

    60 6 "0 !& !! #. &0 %.$! 0."66

    60 ' "& #0 !! #.#%6 &. " 0."66

    60 " $0 %0 !% #.&%# &.& ! 0.$%&

    60 $ $& %& !% #.'%0 &.'0$ 0.$%&

    60!0 00 &0 !% #.$#' &.$06 0.$%&

    60! 0& 60 !6 %. #% 6.!$$ .0!%

    60!! 0 '0 !" %.## 6.6$# . 0!

    60!% !0 "0 !" %.'!% '.0"' . 0!

    60!6 #0 !00 ## &. " '."'% .!$$

  • 8/10/2019 Bearing Size Chart


    60!" %0 ! 0 ## &.& ! ".!6" .!$$

    60#0 &0 !!& #& &.$06 "."&" .#'"

    6200 Series Metric Bearings

    BearingNumber ID (MM) OD (MM)

    Width(MM) ID (inch) OD (inch)


    6!00 0 #0 $ 0.#$% . " 0.#&%

    6!0 ! #! 0 0.%'! .!60 0.#$%

    6!0! & #& 0.&$ .#'" 0.%##

    6!0!( 0 &."'& #& 0.6!& .#'" 0.%##

    6!0# ' %0 ! 0.66$ .&'& 0.%'!

    6!0% !0 %' % 0.'"' ."&0 0.&&

    6!0& !& &! & 0.$"% !.0%' 0.&$

    6!06 #0 6! 6 . " !.%% 0.6#0

    6!0' #& '! ' .#'" !."#& 0.66$

    6!0" %0 "0 " .&'& #. &0 0.'0$

    6!0$ %& "& $ .''! #.#%6 0.'%"

    6! 0 &0 $0 !0 .$6$ #.&%# 0.'"'

    6! && 00 ! !. 6& #.$#' 0."!'6! ! 60 0 !! !.#6! %.## 0."66

    6! # 6& !0 !# !.&&$ %.'!% 0.$06

    6! % '0 !& !% !.'&6 %.$! 0.$%&

    6! & '& #0 !& !.$ &. " 0.$"%

    6! 6 "0 %0 !6 #. &0 &.& ! .0!%

    6! ' "& &0 !" #.#%6 &.$06 . 0!

    6! " $0 60 #0 #.&%# 6.!$$ . "

    6! $ $& '0 #! #.'%0 6.6$# .!60

    6!!0 00 "0 #% #.$#' '.0"' .##$

    6!! 0& $0 #6 %. #% '.%"0 .% '

    6!!! 0 !00 #" %.## '."'% .%$6

    6!!% !0 ! & %0 %.'!% ".%6& .&'&

    6!!6 #0 !#0 %0 &. " $.0&& .&'&

    6!!" %0 !&0 %! &.& ! $."%# .6&%

    6!#0 &0 !'0 %& &.$06 0.6#0 .''!

  • 8/10/2019 Bearing Size Chart


    6300 Series Metric Bearings

    BearingNumber ID (MM) OD (MM)

    Width(MM) ID (inch) OD (inch)


    6#00 0 #& 0.#$% .#'" 0.%##6#0 ! #' ! 0.%'! .%&' 0.%'!

    6#0! & %! # 0.&$ .6&% 0.& !

    6#0# ' %' % 0.66$ ."&0 0.&&

    6#0% !0 &! & 0.'"' !.0%' 0.&$

    6#0& !& 6! ' 0.$"% !.%% 0.66$

    6#06 #0 '! $ . " !."#& 0.'%"

    6#0' #& "0 ! .#'" #. &0 0."!'

    6#0" %0 $0 !# .&'& #.&%# 0.$06

    6#0$ %& 00 !& .''! #.$#' 0.$"%

    6# 0 &0 0 !' .$6$ %.## .06#

    6# && !0 !$ !. 6& %.'!% . %!

    6# ! 60 #0 # !.#6! &. " .!!0

    6# # 6& %0 ## !.&&$ &.& ! .!$$

    6# % '0 &0 #& !.'&6 &.$06 .#'"

    6# & '& 60 #' !.$ 6.!$$ .%&'6# 6 "0 '0 #$ #. &0 6.6$# .&

    6# ' "& "0 % #.#%6 '.0"' .6 %

    6# " $0 $0 %# #.&%# '.%"0 .6$#

    6# $ $& !00 %& #.'%0 '."'% .''!

    6#!0 00 ! & %' #.$#' ".%6& ."&0

    6#! 0& !!& %$ %. #% "."&" .$!$

    6#!! 0 !%0 &0 %.## $.%%$ .$6$6#!% !0 !60 && %.'!% 0.!#6 !. 6&

    6#!6 #0 !"0 &" &. " .0!% !.!"#

    6#!" %0 #00 6! &.& ! ." !.%%

    6##0 &0 #!0 6& &.$06 !.&$" !.&&$

    Miniature Size Bearings

    BearingNumber ID (MM) OD (MM)

    Width(MM) ID (inch) OD (inch)


  • 8/10/2019 Bearing Size Chart


    60' ' $ 6 0.!'& 0.'%" 0.!#6

    60" " !! ' 0.# & 0."66 0.!'&

    60$ $ !% ' 0.#&% 0.$%& 0.!'&

    6!6 6 $ 6 0.!#6 0.'%" 0.!#6)%* 6.#& $.0& '. % 0.!& 0.'& 0.!"

    D ub!e " # Bearings

    +hese bearings have ! ro s of balls to handle higher loads.

    BearingNumber ID (MM) OD (MM)

    Width(MM) ID (inch) OD (inch)


    #!0! & #& &.$ 0.&$0 .#'" 0.6!!06 #0 6! !#." . " !.%% 0.$#'

    &!0! & #& &.$ 0.&$0 .#'" 0.6!&

    &!06 #0 6! !#." . " !.%% 0.$#'

    # ' %' !!.! 0.66$ ."&0 0."'%

    Wide Bearings

    BearingNumber ID (MM) OD (MM) Width(MM) ID (inch) OD (inch) Width(inch)

    -!0% !0 %' !0.6% 0.'"' ."&0 0." !

    -!0& !& &! !0.6% 0.$"% !.0%' 0." !

    -!06 #0 6! !#." . " !.%% 0.$#'

    Se!$%a!igning Bearings

    +hese self(aligning, or / loating/ bearings allo u1 to !.& degrees ofmisalignment. +hey are used for the to1 roller on some 2+ and 3ona belt sanders.





    Width(MM) ID (inch)



    2+N" !!0& !& &! " 0.$"% !.0%' 0.'0$

    +S$! !!06 #0 6! !0 . " !.%% 0.'"'

    ' 000 Series Bearings

    +he inner race on these bearings is ider than the outer race.

  • 8/10/2019 Bearing Size Chart


    Bearing Number ID (B) (MM) OD (D) (MM)Width (W)

    (MM) ID (B) (inch) OD (D)

    "'&0 ! #! !.' 0.%'! .!

    "'&0! & #& !.' 0.&$ .#

    "'&0# ' %0 %.# 0.6'0 .&

    "'&0% !0 %' &."'& 0.'"' ."

    Measuring Bearings

    How to measure and choose the correct bearing type

    Reference Numbers

    The quickest way to determine which bearing you require is usingthe bearings reference number.

    Most bearings have their references numbers engraved on the

    bearings themselves, but these often rub off over time and so itmay be necessary to measure the bearing yourself, as describedbelow.

    Measuring Bearings

    It is sometimes necessary to measure bearings to

    determine the correct bearing type.

    You can measure the dimensions of a bearing by

    using a vernier caliper like the one below ormeasuring accurately with a ruler.

    ll bearings will have a width, an inner diameter andan outside diameter.

    !nce you have determined the dimensions of yourbearing, you can use our bearing search tool to find

    the correct bearing.

  • 8/10/2019 Bearing Size Chart


    There are three main types of bearing " rollerbearings, ball bearings and needle bearings. The

    differences between these bearings are detailed


    Bearing Suffixes

    !nce you measured your bearing, you can use our search to find the correct bearingsi#e.

    e.g. Inside $iameter% &'mm( !utside $iameter% '&mm( )idth% *'mm " +earing

    Type% &-'

    !nce you know the bearing you need based on si#e, you can then choose furtheroptions%

    The bearing also has a seal either side of the bearing and this will be indicated bythe suffi %

    // or &/ 0 & Metal 1hields&21* or &212 or $$30 & 2ubber 1eals

    dditionally, bearings also have a clearance value. This provides the bearing roomfor e pansion between the bearing races and will add a small amount of play

    between the two rings.

    n e ample of where a larger clearance is required is if a bearing is likely to get hot.

    The heat needs room to escape otherwise there is a risk of bearing failure.

  • 8/10/2019 Bearing Size Chart


    4& 0 clearance is less than international standard

    45 0 international standard for bearing clearance46 0 clearance is greater than international standards

    Bearing Types

    Ball Bearing - ball bearing uses loose balls to maintain separation between thetwo races.

    Roller Bearing - The same as a ball bearing but instead of balls, a roller is used to

    maintain the separation,

    Needle Bearing " a small bearing which uses small rollers to reduce the friction

    between the races

    Precision Bearing Technology

    Technical information

    Spindle bearings are angular contact bearings, with exceptional attention tooutstanding running properties a nd speed values.

    First some important characteristics of spindle bearings:1. Contact angle2. Materials

    3. Precision

    4. Preload and bearing arrangement

    5. Precision of the corresponding parts

    6. Bearing ts

    7. !brication

  • 8/10/2019 Bearing Size Chart


    1. Contact angle 0

    The contact angle is f ormed by a straight line drawn between the points o f contact ofthe balls w ith the raceways a nd a plane perpendicular to the bearing axis. Externally

    applied loads a re transmitted from one ring to the other along this l ine. "he contact angle is designed into the bearing and changes d!ring

    operation #ith the speed$ the e%ternal forces and the di&erence intemperat!re bet#een the inner and the o!ter ring.

    With increasing contact angle

    imiting speed decreases 'adial rigidit( decreases

    )%ial rigidit( increases

    GMN manufactures sp indle bearings w ith 15 and 25 contact angles. Other contactangles a vailable on request. Angular contact bearings/precision spindle bearingsTechnical information

    2. Materials


    Basically GMN rings ar e m ade from vacuum degassed chr ome steel 100Cr6, whichis h eat stabilized for temperatures u p to 150 C (302 F). On request, an additionalheat stabilization c an be carried o ut for working temperatures b etween 150 C and300 C (572 F). Bearings for working temperatures u p to 500 C (932 F) are m adeof high temperature tool steel.


    Standard m aterial for balls is va cuum degassed chrome steel 100Cr6. For theincrease of speed value and lifetime, all bearings c an be delivered with ceramic b alls.

    Further special materials are av ailable on request.

  • 8/10/2019 Bearing Size Chart


  • 8/10/2019 Bearing Size Chart


  • 8/10/2019 Bearing Size Chart


    Bac to bacarrangement -B

    /ace to face arrangement-/

    "andem arrangement -"

    Often, if a bearing is subjected to large loads or if a high degree of rigidity is r equiredthree or more bearings a re u sed, assembled in s ets sh own h ere after. The b earingarrangements ca n be c ombined from universally matched bearings, or produced atsufficient lot sizes.

    "-B "-/ "-"

    8-B 8-/ 8-"

  • 8/10/2019 Bearing Size Chart


    When using a single spring loaded bearing, a minimum preload must be observed toassure positive rotation of the balls a nd to prevent skidding. GMN application

    engineers w ill calculate the minimum preload for your application.

    5. cc!racy of the associated com"onents

    The machining quality o f the abutment surfaces a nd bearing seats a re of greatimportance for running accuracy a nd low operating temperature of a bearingapplication. Reference values f or form and position tolerances a re available onrequest.

    #. Bearing $ts

    The machining quality a nd the correct selection of the ts f or the bearing seats a re ofgreat importance for a satisfactory operation of precision bearing applications.

    For correct t selection please contact our application engineers.

    %. &!brication

    The correct choice of lubricant and method of lubrication is as important for theproper operation of the bearing as t he selection of the bearing and the design of theassociated com ponents.

    Grease lubrication

    9rease sho!ld be !sed if...

    Maintenance free operation o er long periods of time is desired$ the ma%im!m speed of the bearing does not e%ceed the speed factor n %

    dm of the grease$

    the heat generated is almost !niforml( dissipated b( the en ironment$

  • 8/10/2019 Bearing Size Chart


  • 8/10/2019 Bearing Size Chart


  • 8/10/2019 Bearing Size Chart


    The red lines s how the line of force while pressing the bearings o nto their seats. Thesketch on the right shows t he mounting forces p assing through the balls. This l eads

    to indentations i n the raceways hence the bearings r un noisy and the service life willbe reduced.

    This s ketch shows t he correct mounting of a bearing with a tight bore t onto theshaft. Mounting forces a re conveyed through the inner ring only, balls a nd racesremain free a nd undamaged.

  • 8/10/2019 Bearing Size Chart


    Very few applications c all for tight ts o n both bearing seats. In this c ase a bearingcan be mounted by pressing both rings si multaneously. As a result, balls a nd

    raceways remain undamaged.

    tarting '"eration

    Oil Lubrication

    In general, there are no particular running-in specications f or oil lubed bearings,nevertheless i t proved advantageous w hen

    l!bricant is a ailable prior to start !p. Consider length of feed pipes toa oid ins!Acient l!brication$

    #hen performing a short r!nning in proced!re to allo# the bearings to

    settle in their seats.

    Grease Lubrication

    Grease lubrication calls f or running-in of the bearings. Even when a reduced greasepack is a pplied to the bearing, a certain amount of surplus g rease causes a dditionalfriction. A complete grease lm must cover all contact surfaces.

    GMN recommends t he following procedure for the majority o f applications:

    +tarting se:!ence at 1 per cent of operating speed follo#ed b( a stop to

    allo# the bearings to cool o& to ambient temperat!re. -istrib!tion se:!ence at 5 per cent of operating speed #here act!al

    operating temperat!re slightl( e%ceeds nal operating temperat!re. henthe temperat!re has reached a ma%im!m$ the !nit is stopped to cool o&again to ambient temperat!re. "est se:!ence$ rst operate at nominalspeed. *f target operating temperat!re is e%ceeded$ the distrib!tionse:!ence sho!ld be repeated.

  • 8/10/2019 Bearing Size Chart

