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Beating the decline of the Facebook Organic Reach - KRDS singapore

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Beating the decline of

the Facebook Reach

Singapore, August 2014


KRDS Co-founder

Why is the Facebook Reach

declining ?

Facebook is no evil : it’s not depriving brands from reach on purpose but is a victim of

its own sucess

« Every day people see content

from millions of Pages on

Facebook in their News Feeds.

Our goal is to show the right

content to the right people at the

right time so they don’t miss the

stories that are important to them


1500 stories on average are eligible to be featured in users’ News Feed everyday, for

300 spots, so Facebook has to make a choice !

What was Edge Rank ?

EdgeRank is dead : Facebook’s News Feed algorithm now has

close to 100k weight factors to decide what to feature in

people’s News Feed

How to beat the Facebook

declining organic reach ?

Acquire QUALITY fans

Acquire quality fans using ads

Buy Facebook Ads and target people who’ve

already interacted with your brand, they’ll be

more open to liking your brand, cheaper to

acquire and more reactive to your posts. Use :

Custom Audiences (email data base,

phone number data base)

Web Custom Audiences (people

who’ve visited your website)

Acquire quality fans using apps

This predictions app was first

developed by KRDS in 2009 for

French TV channel Canal+ to cover

the French Football Premier

League and is still up and running

to this day with 100.000+


The app helped propel the page of

Canal+’s football TV show « Canal

Football Club » , 100k+ fans were

acquired on the app.

On an app, there’s more real estate to explain why people should follow your

brand (though you can’t gate content only to those who’ve liked your page)

Acquire quality fans using your owned media



Shop window

Any print material




Be straightforward : say WHAT users should do…

E.g. « Become a fan by clicking here, and be the first to know about our limited offers »

Online : say « click on Like » and display

the Facebook Like Box

Offline : say « Like XXX » and display

the url and QR code

…and WHY

The 5 main benefits of having fans beyond organic distribution

1. Lower cost for paid distribution thanks to:

Ads with social context : For any person using Facebook, brands will pay less to deliver an ad with social context to that

person than an ad without social context because FB algorithm favors ads with social context as people are more receptive

to them, click more on them.

and Look Alike audiences : Targeting users who are similar to your fans is favored by Facebook algorithm

2. More impactful ads: The more fans, the more people can be reached with social context, with better results than ads without

social context on :

ad recall 50% up (Nielsen study)

online sales 35% up (Datalogix study)

3. Optimization of creative : Your brand can conduct creative testing with fans to generate real-time feedback on content before

investing in paid media

4. Audience insights : Fan insights (e.g., geographic, demographic, likes/interests) can enhance your decision making on and

off Facebook by informing targeting for ad campaigns and providing insights into the affinities of your customers that can influence

creative or product innovation.

5. Fans can be reached with ads 4 times per day in their newsfeed, as opposed to 2 times/day for regular users, so the

more fans, the more impact you can have on your target audience in little time

What is the ideal number of fans ?

The ideal maximum number of fans is when all of

your target audience is following your page

The ideal minimum number of fans is when

anyone within your target audience has at least a

friend that is fan of your brand so that you can

reach 100% of your target audience with ads

having a social context.

Create News Feed-friendly content

Use bold imagery and

video to grab attention

Organic reach rate

of this post : 10%

(KRDS currently

manages Converse

Singapore FB page)

Use bold imagery and

video to grab attention

Use simple,

short copy

Be authentic

Highjack the news when relevant

(KRDS currently manages

Converse Singapore FB page)

(KRDS currently manages Magnum and Cornetto French FB page)

Create Timeline contests

Marie, French food brand (fresh ready-made meals),

reached the 100k-fan milestone

They posted :

« Wow, 100k fans : Thanks to you all ! To celebrate

this milestone, Marie is giving away gifts ! To get

yours :

1. Send us a comment with #1000thanksMARIE

2. Send us your details in PM

First 1000 to contact us will a get a surprise!

Ready? Now it’s up to you ! »

Results on that post (No media buy)

30k people reached in 24h

30% reach rate

2000+ comments and 2000+ PM in 1 hour

5% engagement rate

Results on that post

54% organic reach rate

10% engagement rate*

*Eng. Rate =

% Shares+likes+comments


We’ve conducted a study to compare if regular posts and timeline contests




8xbigger with



(Eng. Rate =% shares+likes+comments )


KRDS has built PromoFactory, a proprietary tool to manage timeline contests for large pages

and prevent people from cheating

Cocreate with fans a series of illustrated

posts telling a story

Fans were asked to help Ludo the elf investigate and find Santa’s disappeared Danette

desserts over the month of December

10k+ fans posted comments on the page

500 000 fans were reached in a month, 4x more than in the previous month

Month over month

performance :

2,3x average reach/post

1,8x interactions

Create Comic Strips !

The comic strip format is a very

engaging one compared to

picture, text or video

Brand’s posts featuring text, picture or

video barely go beyond an organic

engagement rate of 1%

We’ve noticed that stories featuring

comic strips get a 2% organic

engagement rate in average with peaks

at 5%

KRDS launched CommitStrip.com, a

daily strip for a niche audience

(webdevelopers) that went viral thanks

to Facebook sharing. It grew from 0 to

200k UV/month in 18 months without

media buy.

One story from CommitStrip.com got

featured on 9GAG Facebook page

and got an engagement rate 6x bigger

than the average rate/post of the 2

previous months

Repeat your messages

Repeat your messages

If a FB post has an low fan reach (i.e. 2.5%), 70% of those reached by the following post will not have been reached by

the first post. *

For the 6th post, it’s still 50% of the post’s audience that hasn’t seen any of the 5 previous posts. *

DON’T post exactly the same message twice though

This is a good way to A/B test messages before boosting them with ads :

Upworthy has learned that a good headline can be the difference between 1,000 or 1,000,000 people reading or

viewing a story

(*Wisemetrics research)

Optimize timing

Optimize your timing

It takes a mere 30 minutes for a post to get 50% of its

global Reach.*

75% of engagement occurs within the first 5 hours*

On average, you could generate 30% more reach on

Facebook using optimal timing *

(*Wisemetrics research)

Pages’s optimal day

« when your fans are online »

Posting on Facebook during your highest peak of ‘when your fans are online’ is generally not

a good idea

During peak of “when your fans are online”, most likely your fans’s friends will be online too, posting content competing

with yours. Also, as your fans are following other pages, these pages will know they’re online and will be tempted to post

as well during these peaks, that’s why it’s not necessarily the best time to post stories.

Consider paying to boost the best posts

Consider paying to boost your best posts

Leverage your fan base to actually find out which posts are performing the best organically

Then boost those posts to get even more earned media on top of paid media




About KRDS

KRDS was founded in

Paris, in 2008. The

1st Facebook Agency

in Europe.


a 100%




KRDS can

develop native

apps and


mobile sites

KRDS is one of the

7 winning agencies

out of 260, the

only non-American



France: Headquarters(2 offices)

India(4 offices)


+150 people


• Design, Creation and Optimization of Ads Campaign

• ROI Oriented : Close profitability monitoring of CPA

(Actions = fans, clicks, purchases, installs)


• Set up/optimization of the page

• Fan/follower recruitment

• Training

• Strategic content

• Operational day-to-day support


MICROSITES• Consultancy Services

• Website socialization and gamification



• Concept creation / innovation driven ideas

• Technical development and graphic


• Terms of Service in-depth expertise

• Hosting

• Hack-proof apps

• Mobile-enabled apps

Some of KRDS International Clients

KRDS Clients in Asia
