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Bedside Clinic on Bronchitis, Cholelithiasis

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  • 7/30/2019 Bedside Clinic on Bronchitis, Cholelithiasis


    Cindy Claire L. Alcantara

    N40; Group 4


    Chronic Bronchitis, Hepatomegaly withCholelithiasis


    A. Chronic Bronchitis

    Bronchitis is a term that describes inflammation of

    the bronchial tubes (bronchi and the smaller branches

    termed bronchioles) that results in excessive secretions ofmucus into the tubes, leading to tissue swelling that can

    narrow or close off bronchial tubes. There are two major

    types of bronchitis, acute and chronic. Many investigators

    conclude that recurrent incidences of acute bronchitis are

    the first steps that can lead to developing chronic


    Acute bronchitis is bronchitis that is short-lived;

    the bronchitis lasts about two weeks and usually people

    recover with no permanent damage to the bronchial tree.

    Viruses such as influenza, respiratory syncytial virus

    (RSV), and rhinoviruses cause the majority (about 90%) of

    cases of acute bronchitis, while the remainder are caused

    by bacteria (for example, Mycoplasma, Pneumococcus) or

    short-term exposure to chemical irritants (for example,

    tobacco smoke, gastric reflux contents, inhaled solvents).

    Symptoms of acute bronchitis may include:

    a cough,

    mild wheezing,


    chills and malaise, and

    shortness of breath especially with exertion.

    Some people may cough up phlegm. Chronic bronchitis

    differs from acute bronchitis in several ways described

    below (for example, pathology, progression of disease,

    major causes, treatments, and outcomes).

    Chronic bronchitis is defined as a cough that occurs

    every day with sputum production that lasts for at least 3

    months, two years in a row. This definition was developed

    to help select uniform patient populations for researchpurposes, for example, to study medication therapies for

    treatment of chronic bronchitis.

    Many of the bronchi develop chronic inflammation with

    swelling and excess mucus production. The inflammation

    causes a change in the lining cells of the airways to

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    varying degrees. Many cells that line the airway lose the

    function of their cilia (hair-like appendages that are

    capable of beating rapidly), and eventually the ciliated

    cells are lost. Cilia perform the function of moving

    particles and fluid (usually mucus) over the lining surface

    in such structures as the trachea, bronchial tubes, and

    nasal cavities to keep these hollow structures clear of

    particles and fluids. These ciliated cells that help in

    clearance of secretions are often replaced by so-called

    goblet cells. This group of cells secretes mucus into the

    airway. The warm moist environment of the airway along with

    the nutrients in the mucus is an excellent medium for

    growing bacteria. The mucus often becomes infected and

    discolored from the bacterial overgrowth and the body's

    inflammatory response to it. The inflammation, swelling,

    and mucus frequently and significantly inhibit the airflow

    to and from the lung alveoli by narrowing and partially

    obstructing the bronchi and bronchioles.

    The muscles that surround the some of the airways can

    be stimulated by this airway irritation. This muscular

    spasm also known as bronchospasm can result in further

    airway narrowing. With long standing inflammation, as can

    be seen in chronic bronchitis, this muscular spasm and

    inflammation results in a fixed, nonreversible narrowing of

    the airway and the condition is termed chronic obstructive

    pulmonary disease (COPD). Chronic coughing develops as the

    body attempts to open and clear the bronchial airways of

    particles and mucus or as an overreaction to ongoinginflammation. Chronic bronchitis can be a progressive

    disease; symptoms (listed below) increase over time. Some

    NIH investigators consider chronic bronchitis a type of


    COPD also includes the entities of emphysema, chronic

    bronchitis, and chronic asthma. These conditions are not

    always separable and patients often have components of

    each. In the case of chronic bronchitis, the fixed airway

    obstruction, airway inflammation and retained secretions

    can result in a mismatch of blood flow and airflow in thelungs. This can impair oxygenation of the blood as well as

    removal of the waste product, carbon dioxide.

    Although people of any age can develop chronic

    bronchitis, the majority of people diagnosed with the

    disease are 45 years of age or older.

    There can be many causes of chronic bronchitis, but

    the main cause is cigarette smoke. Statistics from the US

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest

    that about 49% of smokers develop chronic bronchitis and24% develop emphysema/COPD. Some researchers suggest that

    about 90% of cases of chronic bronchitis are directly or

    indirectly caused by exposure to tobacco smoke.

    Many other inhaled irritants (for example, smog,

    industrial pollutants, and solvents) can also result in

    chronic bronchitis.

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    Viral and bacterial infections that result in acute

    bronchitis may lead to chronic bronchitis if people have

    repeated bouts with infectious agents.

    Also, underlying disease processes (for example,

    asthma, cystic fibrosis, immunodeficiency, congestive heart

    failure, familial genetic predisposition to bronchitis, and

    congenital or acquired dilation of the bronchioles, known

    as bronchiectasis) may cause chronic bronchitis to develop,

    but these are infrequent causes compared to cigarette


    The major risk factor for individuals to develop

    chronic bronchitis is tobacco smoking and second-hand

    tobacco smoke exposure. However, there are others, such as

    repeated exposure to pollutants (especially airborne

    materials such as ammonia, sulfur dioxide, chlorine,

    bromine, hydrogen sulfide), dust, repeated bouts of acute

    bronchitis or pneumonia, and gastric reflux (by inhalation

    of gastric contents).

    The major symptoms of chronic bronchitis are as follows:

    Cough and sputum production are the most common

    symptoms; they usually last for at least 3 months and

    occur daily. The intensity of coughing and the amount

    and frequency of sputum production vary from patient to

    patient. Sputum may be clear, yellowish, greenish, or

    occasionally, blood-tinged. Since cigarette smoke is themost common cause for chronic bronchitis, it should not

    be surprising that the most common presentation is so

    called smoker's cough. This is characterized by a cough

    that tends to be worse upon arising and is often

    productive of discolored mucus in the early part of the

    day. As the day progresses, less mucus is produced.

    Dyspnea (shortness of breath) gradually increases with

    the severity of the disease. Usually, people with

    chronic bronchitis get short of breath with activity and

    begin coughing; dyspnea at rest usually signals that

    COPD or emphysema has developed. Wheezing (a coarse whistling sound produced when airways

    are partially obstructed) often occurs.

    In addition, symptoms of fatigue, sore throat, muscle

    aches, nasal congestion, and headaches can accompany the

    major symptoms. Severe coughing may cause chest pain;

    cyanosis (bluish/grayish skin coloration) may develop in

    people with advanced COPD. Fever may indicate a secondary

    viral or bacterial lung infection. When symptoms worsen or

    become more frequent, this is often referred to as an

    exacerbation of chronic bronchitis. These exacerbationsoften require antibiotics, and may need steroid medication

    and an increase in respiratory inhaled medications.

    B. Hepatomegaly

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    Hepatomegaly is enlargement of the liver. The liver

    edge is normally palpable in children and thin adults and

    some patients may have a palpable right lobe of the liver.

    It is smooth, uniform, non-tender and descends to meet the

    palpating fingers on inspiration. The best way to assess

    size is by percussion - a normal sized liver can appear

    enlarged if displaced downwards by lung disorders. An

    enlarged liver expands down and across towards the left

    iliac fossa. To avoid missing a really big liver, always

    begin liver palpation in the LIF and work back towards the

    right upper quadrant.

    Associated symptoms may be few or rather vague, eg loss of

    appetite, weight loss and lethargy.

    There may be symptoms relating to liver dysfunction, eg

    jaundice, bruising, gynaecomastia, spider naevi, ascites;

    or related to the underlying cause, eg xanthelasma suggests

    autoimmune liver disease.

    Measure the hepatomegaly by percussing the upper and lower

    borders (will rule out causes such as emphysema which can

    push the liver down giving a false impression of


    On palpation:

    Smooth hepatomegaly suggests: hepatitis, chronic heart

    failure, sarcoid, early alcoholic cirrhosis, tricuspid

    incompetence with a pulsatile liver.

    Craggy hepatomegaly suggests: primary hepatoma or secondarytumours.

    C. Cholelithiasis

    Cholelithiasis is the medical term for gallstone

    disease. Gallstones are concretions that form in the

    biliary tract, usually in the gallbladder.

    Gallstones develop insidiously, and they may remain

    asymptomatic for decades. Migration of a a gallstone into

    the opening of the cystic duct may block the outflow ofbile during gallbladder contraction. The resulting increase

    in gallbladder wall tension produces a characteristic type

    of pain (biliary colic). Cystic duct obstruction, if it

    persists for more than a few hours, may lead to acute

    gallbladder inflammation (acute cholecystitis).

    Choledocholithiasis refers to the presence of one or

    more gallstones in the common bile duct. Usually, this

    occurs when a gallstone passes from the gallbladder into

    the common bile duct.

    A gallstone in the common bile duct may impact

    distally in the ampulla of Vater, the point where the

    common bile duct and pancreatic duct join before opening

    into the duodenum. Obstruction of bile flow by a stone at

    this critical point may lead to abdominal pain and

    jaundice. Stagnant bile above an obstructing bile duct

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    the trachea, which branches off into one of two bronchi.

    Each bronchus enters a lung. There are two lungs, one on

    each side of the breastbone and protected by the ribs. Each

    lung is made up of lobes, or sections. There are three

    lobes in the right lung and two lobes in the left one. The

    lungs are cone shaped and made of elastic, spongy tissue.

    Within the lungs, the bronchi branch out into minute

    pathways that go through the lung tissue. The pathways are

    called bronchioles, and they end at microscopic air sacs

    called alveoli. The alveoli are surrounded by capillaries

    and provide oxygen for the blood in these vessels. The

    oxygenated blood is then pumped by the heart throughout the

    body. The alveoli also take in carbon dioxide, which is

    then exhaled from the body.

    Inhaling is due to contractions of the diaphragm and of

    muscles between the ribs. Exhaling results from relaxation

    of those muscles. Each lung is surrounded by a two-layered

    membrane, or the pleura, that under normal circumstanceshas a very, very small amount of fluid between the layers.

    The fluid allows the membranes to easily slide over each

    other during breathing.

    B. Hepatobiliary System

    The liver is the second largest organ of the

    body, weighing 1200 to 1500 grams, or 4-5% of body

    weight. It is located in the right upper abdominal

    quadrant, or the right hypochondriac and epigastricregions, behind the lower ribs. The falciform ligament

    divides the liver anatomically into two unequal lobes:

    right and left. Two additional smaller lobes, the quadrate

    and caudate lobes are more visible in cross section.

    Physiologically though, the division is equal, following the

    fossa for gall bladder and inferior vena cava. There is no

    evidence for difference in functions among the four anatomical


    The gall bladder is a saccular organ located posterior

    to the liver that functions to store bile. It has a

    mean capacity of 30-50 mL. Mucosal folds, calledthe spiral valves of Heister, maintain patency of the

    cystic duct to allow passage of bile. Presence of fats in

    the duodenum stimulates the gall bladder to contract.

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    III. Pathophysiology

    A. Chronic Bronchitis

    B. Hepatomegaly


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    A. Patients Profile

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    Patient X, a 63 year old woman, weighing 84

    kilograms, a Roman catholic by birth was admitted by

    two of her daughters, to Manuel J. Santos Hospital

    last October 8, 2012, Monday due to difficulty of

    breathing and jaundice with icteric sclera. As her

    daughter narrated, Patient X had suffered from on and

    off fever,and cough for about two weeks prior to

    admission but was said to have been underestimated by

    Patient X as common flu. Unexpectedly, on the said day

    of admission at about 10 oclock in the morning,

    Patient X had experienced difficulty of breathing and

    was cyanotic. Patients jaundice and yellowish

    discoloration of the her eyes had worsened Patient Xs

    familys worries that had made them decide to submit

    Patient X to the hospital for appropriate medical

    management. Thus, her daughters rushed Patient X from

    their home in Purok 3, Emelia Compound, Barangay Holy

    Redeemer, Butuan City to Manuel J. Santos Hospital.

    It was exactly 10:45 am when they arrived in the

    Emergency Room of the said hospital. Patient X was

    then seen by her attending physician, Dr. Virginia

    Lim-Yu. She was then administered with Oxygen and was

    was subjected to several tests, namely Chest X-ray,

    Serum Potassium, Calcium, Sodium, Creatinine, Urea

    Nitrogen, ALT (SGPT), and Complete Blood Count. The

    tests had revealed that patient had atherosclerotic,

    clear lung fields but with non-dilated bronchial tree,

    which is suggestive of bronchitis. Patient Xs pasthistory revealed that she had failed to continue

    taking her maintenance drug for her bronchitis for

    about seven years already, of which she had forgot

    already the drug name.

    Furthermore, Patient was then submitted for an

    Ultrasound on the next day which in turn revealed that

    she had hepatomegaly and cholelithiasis. She also had

    undergone serologic test for typhoid fever, of which

    the result was negative. She too was additionally

    indicated for a CT Scan to rule malignancy andinvolvement of the mass in her liver, and

    unfortunately, she and her family refused to submit to

    such diagnostic test because of financial reasons.

    Patient X has been admitted to be monitored and

    treated in the Annex Station at Room 327 Bed C. Her

    condition had shown persistent problem with

    oxygenation and breathing. She also experienced

    constant pain on her abdomen, particularly on her

    epigastric region which occur more frequently at

    night. She has been treated with very potentantibiotics IVTT and orally, and it showed that after

    several days of therapy, onset and severity of pain

    has reduced and became infrequent and rare. Moreover,

    her attending Physician had noticed that her abdominal

    girt had reduced, and bloating was no longer noted.

    Patient X with her condition was supposedly for

    surgery, particularly cholecystectomy, however Dr.

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    Lim-Yu did not consider such as a good option

    considering patients age and heart condition, and

    that any surgery performed would bring extreme danger

    to her.

    Last October 16, 2012, I had been able to take

    part of her care. Wherein upon assessment, Patient X

    was lethargic, with fast shallow breathing, elevated

    BP of 160/90 mm Hg and was quite cyanotic with hooked

    IVF, D50.9NaCl 1 liter, regulated at KVO rate at right

    metacarpal vein. She had an O2 inhalation at 3 liters

    per minute via nasal cannula. She too had a Foley bag

    catheter attached to drain to a urobag. In our care,

    Patient Rob had been given with Domperidone (Dompenyl)

    orally, GIT protector and a anti-flatulent drug to

    prevent and lessen risks of duodenal ulcer, which can

    occur because of inflammatory process of the gall

    bladder and liver, Tramadol + Paracetamol (Algesia)

    orally, for pain and inflammation in the GIT, and

    Ipratropium + Salbutamol (Duavent) via nebulisation

    for bronchospasm, vital signs monitoring was done

    every 4 hours.

    I was able to witness her condition for 7 days,

    and during the course of our care, and I noticed

    Patients X gradual improvements. At first, she was

    lethargic and dependent with her significant others

    for her needs. She too, could not tolerate breathing

    without oxygen inhalation. She was very sedentary andwas lying down her bed without trying to sit up at

    times and her temperature fluctuates from time to

    time. But days after, as her condition improved, she

    was now able to sit up on bed at times and during

    times of eating and drinking oral medications and her

    febrile episodes were no longer present. She was tried

    to be weaned of her supplemental O2 inhalation on

    October 17, 18 and 19, 2012 and her O2 saturation was

    observed. Immediately after removal, her O2 inhalation

    was within the normal range however, an hour or two

    after, her O2 saturation had went down to 82% to 91%only even with aid of deep breathing and sitting up,

    thus, her O2 inhalation was continued. The nurses

    notes on the weekends, October 20 and 21, 2012

    revealed that her O2 inhalation was tried to be weaned

    on the Sunday and was indicated for a 24-hour

    observation to decide patients tolerance and ability

    for discharge. However, her O2 inhalation was again

    administered back because her O2 saturation had been

    persistently low. On October, 23, 2012, her O2

    inhalation was again removed for observation, and this

    time, it showed that Patient X could now tolerateindependent breathing with good O2 saturation.

    Fortunately, her attending physician and her family

    agreed to discharge Patient X for home care.

    Thus, on October 24, 2012, Patient X was finally

    discharged at about 4 in the afternoon with prescribed

    home medications and low salt, low fat diet. She was

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    advised to come back for a follow up check up with Dr.

    Lim-Yu on November 11, 2012, at her clinic. A diet

    list of Low Salt, Low fat diet was explained and

    provided to her. Each home medications indications

    and schedules were also explained and that she too

    understood the side effects of the drugs.

    V. Laboratory Tests and Interpretation

    10/8/12 - Chest X-ray

    Interpretation: Atherosclerotic Aorta

    - Blood Chemistry

    Uric Acid = 6.1 mg/dl (2.7-7.3) INCREASED

    Creatinine = 0.78 mg/dl (0.7-1.3) NORMAL

    ALT (SGPT) 24.0 u/L (

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    a. Beta-2 agonists have the bronchodilating effects of

    adrenaline without many of its unwanted side effects.

    Beta-2 agonists can be administered by MDI inhalers or

    orally. They are called agonists because they activate

    the beta-2 receptor on the muscles surrounding the

    airways. Activation of beta-2 receptors relaxes the

    muscles surrounding the airways and opens the airways.

    Dilating airways helps to relieve the symptoms of

    dyspnea (shortness of breath). Beta-2 agonists have been

    shown to relieve dyspnea in many COPD patients, even

    among those without demonstrable reversibility in airway

    obstruction. The action of beta-2 agonists starts within

    minutes after inhalation and lasts for about 4 hours.

    Because of their quick onset of action, beta-2 agonists

    are especially helpful for patients who are acutely

    short of breath. Because of their short duration of

    action, these medications should be used for symptoms as

    they develop rather than as maintenance. Evidence

    suggests that when these drugs are used routinely, their

    effectiveness is diminished. These are referred to as

    rescue inhalers. Examples of beta-2 agonists include

    albuterol (Ventolin, Proventil), metaproterenol

    (Alupent), pirbuterol (Maxair), terbutaline (Brethaire),

    and isoetharine (Bronkosol). Levalbuterol (Xopenex) is a

    recently approved Beta-2 agonist.

    b. In contrast, Beta-2 agonists with a slower onset of

    action but a longer period of activity, such as

    salmeterol xinafoate (Serevent) and formoterol fumarate

    (Foradil) may be used routinely as maintenancemedications. These drugs last twelve hours and should be

    taken twice daily and no more. Along with some of these

    inhalers to be mentioned, these are often referred to as

    maintenance inhalers.

    c. Side effects of beta-2 agonists include anxiety, tremor,

    palpitations or fast heart rate, and low blood


    Anti-cholinergic Agents

    a. Acetylcholine is a chemical released by nerves thatattaches to receptors on the muscles surrounding the

    airway causing the muscles to contract and the airways

    to narrow. Anti-cholinergic drugs such as ipratropium

    bromide + Albuterol sulfate (Duavent) dilate airways by

    blocking the receptors for acetylcholine on the muscles

    of the airways and preventing them from narrowing.

    Ipratropium bromide + Albuterol sulfate (Duavent)

    usually is administered via a MDI. In patients with

    COPD, ipratropium has been shown to alleviate dyspnea,

    improve exercise tolerance and improve FEV1. Ipratropium

    has a slower onset of action but longer duration ofaction than the shorter-acting beta-2 agonists.

    Ipratropium usually is well tolerated with minimal side

    effects even when used in higher doses. Tiotropium

    (SPIRIVA) is a long acting and more powerful version of

    Ipratropium and has been shown to be more effective.

    b. In comparing ipratropium with beta-2 agonists in the

    treatment of patients with COPD, studies suggest that

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    ipratropium may be more effective in dilating airways

    and improving symptoms with fewer side effects.

    Ipratropium is especially suitable for use by elderly

    patients who may have difficulty with fast heart rate

    and tremor from the beta-2 agonists. In patients who

    respond poorly to either beta-2 agonists or ipratropium

    alone, a combination of the two drugs sometimes results

    in a better response than to either drug alone without

    additional side effects.


    a. Theophylline (Theo-Dur, Theolair, Slo-Bid, Uniphyl,

    Theo-24) and aminophylline are examples of

    methylxanthines. Methylxanthines are administered orally

    or intravenously. Long acting theophylline preparations

    can be given orally once or twice a day. Theophylline,

    like a beta agonist, relaxes the muscles surrounding the

    airways but also prevents mast cells around the airways

    from releasing bronchoconstricting chemicals such as

    histamine. Theophylline also can act as a mild diuretic

    and increase urination. Theophylline also may increase

    the force of contraction of the heart and lower pressure

    in the pulmonary arteries. Thus, theophylline can help

    patients with COPD who have heart failure and pulmonary

    hypertension. Patients who have difficulty using inhaled

    bronchodilators but no difficulty taking oral

    medications find theophylline particularly useful.

    b. The disadvantage of methylxanthines is their sideeffects. Dosage and blood levels of theophylline or

    aminophylline have to be closely monitored. Excessively

    high levels in the blood can lead to nausea, vomiting,

    heart rhythm problems, and even seizures. In patients

    with heart failure or cirrhosis, dosages of

    methylxanthines are lowered to avoid high blood levels.

    Interactions with other medications, such as cimetidine

    (Tagamet), calcium channel blockers (Procardia),

    quinolones (Cipro), and allopurinol (Zyloprim) also can

    alter blood levels of methylxanthines.


    a. When airway inflammation (which causes swelling)

    contributes to airflow obstruction, anti-inflammatory

    medications (more specifically, corticosteroids) may be

    beneficial. Examples of corticosteroids include

    Prednisone and Prednisolone. Twenty to thirty percent of

    patients with COPD show improvement in lung function

    when given corticosteroids by mouth. Unfortunately, high

    doses of oral corticosteroids over prolonged periods can

    have serious side effects, including osteoporosis, bonefractures, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure,

    thinning of the skin and easy bruising, insomnia,

    emotional changes, and weight gain. Therefore, many

    doctors use oral corticosteroids as the treatment of

    last resort. When oral corticosteroids are used, they

    are prescribed at the lowest possible doses for the

    shortest period of time to minimize side effects. When

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    it is necessary to use long term oral steroids,

    medications are often prescribed to help reduce the

    development of the above side effects.

    b. Corticosteroids also can be inhaled. Inhaled

    corticosteroids have many fewer side effects than long

    term oral corticosteroids. Examples of inhaled

    corticosteroids include beclomethasone dipropionate

    (Beclovent, Beconase, Vancenase, and Vanceril),

    triamcinolone acetonide (Azmacort), fluticasone

    (Flovent), budesonide (Pulmicort), mometasone furoate

    (Asmanex) and flunisolide (Aerobid). Inhaled

    corticosteroids have been useful in treating patients

    with asthma, but in patients with COPD, it is not clear

    whether inhaled corticosteroid have the same benefit as

    oral corticosteroids. Nevertheless, doctors are less

    concerned about using inhaled corticosteroids because of

    their safety. The side effects of inhaled

    corticosteroids include hoarseness, loss of voice, andoral yeast infections. A spacing device placed between

    the mouth and the MDI can improve medication delivery

    and reduce the side effects on the mouth and throat.

    Rinsing out the mouth after use of a steroid inhaler

    also can decrease these side effects.

    Lists of Patients Drugs:


    Captopril ( Capomed) 25 mg

    1 tab SL every 6 hours forBP 160/100

    ACE Inhibitor

    Telmisartan (Pritor) 40

    mg/tab OD

    Angiotensin receptor blocker

    Isosorbide Mononitrate

    (Imdur) 60 mg tab OD


    ASA (Aspilet) 80 mg 1 tab


    Analgesic, Antipyretic,


    Erdosteine (Zertin) 300 mg

    1 cap BID


    Paracetamol (Tempra Forte)

    1 tab every 4 hours forfever

    NSAID, Antipyretic

    Tramadol + Paracetamol

    (Algesia) 1 tab TID

    Analgesic, Antipyretic

    Ipratropium + Salbutamol

    (Duavent) 1 UDV every 6



    Domperidone (Dompenyl) 1

    tab TID

    Anti-flatulent, GIT


    Omeprazole (Omepron) 20 mg

    1 cap BID

    Proton Pump Inhibitor

    VII. Nursing Management


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    1. Monitor for adverse effects of bronchodilators

    tremulousness, tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, central

    nervous system stimulation, hypertension.

    2. Monitor condition after administration of aerosol

    bronchodilators to assess for improved aeration, reduced

    adventitious sounds, reduced dyspnea.

    3. Monitor serum theophylline level, as ordered, to ensure

    therapeutic level and prevent toxicity.

    4. Monitor oxygen saturation at rest and with activity.

    Supportive Care

    1. Eliminate all pulmonary irritants, particularly cigarette

    smoke. Smoking cessation usually reduces pulmonary

    irritation, sputum production, and cough. Keep the

    patients room as dust-free as possible.

    2. Use postural drainage positions to help clear secretions

    responsible for airway obstructions.

    3. Teach controlled coughing.

    4. Encourage high level of fluid intake ( 8 to 10 glasses; 2

    to 2.5 liters daily) within level of cardiac reserve.

    5. Give inhalations of nebulized saline to humidify bronchial

    tree and liquefy sputum. Add moisture (humidifier,

    vaporizer) to indoor air.

    6. Avoid dairy products if these increases sputum production.

    7. Encourage the patient to assume comfortable position to

    decrease dyspnea.

    8. Instruct and supervise patients breathing retraining

    exercises.9. Use pursed lip breathing at intervals and during periods of

    dyspnea to control rate and depth of respiration and

    improve respiratory muscle coordination.

    10. Discuss and demonstrate relaxation exercises to reduce

    stress, tension, and anxiety.

    11. Maintain the patients nutritional status.

    12. Reemphasize the importance of graded exercise and

    physical conditioning programs.

    13. Encourage use of portable oxygen system for ambulation

    for patients with hypoxemia and marked disability.

    14. Train the patient in energy conservation technique.15. Assess the patient for reactive-behaviors such as

    anger, depression and acceptance.

    Education and health maintenance

    1. Review with the patient the objectives of treatment and

    nursing management.

    2. Advise the patient to avoid respiratory irritants. Suggest

    that high efficiency particulate air filter may have some


    3. Warn patient to stay out of extremely hot or cold weatherand to avoid aggravating bronchial obstruction and sputum


    4. Warn patient to avoid persons with respiratory infections,

    and to avoid crowds and areas with poor ventilation.

    5. Teach the patient how to recognize and report evidence of

    respiratory infection promptly such as chest pain, changes

    in character of sputum (amount, color and consistency),

  • 7/30/2019 Bedside Clinic on Bronchitis, Cholelithiasis


    increasing difficulty in raising sputum, increasing

    coughing and wheezing, increasing of shortness of breath.


    Brunner and Suddarths. Medical and Surgical Nursing

    Udan, Josie Quiambao. Medical Surgical Nursing

    Lippincott. Manuals of Nursing Practice

    Mosby. Medical Surgical Nursing

    Shaker SB, Dirksen A, Bach KS, Mortensen J (June 2007).

    Bach PB, Brown C, Gelfand SE, McCrory DC (2001). "Managementof acute

    exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: asummary and appraisal of published evidence".Ann.Intern. Med.134 (7): 60020.
