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Bowling Green State University Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-22-1924 Bee Gee News January 22, 1924 Bee Gee News January 22, 1924 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News January 22, 1924" (1924). BG News (Student Newspaper). 38. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/38 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU.
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Bee Gee News January 22, 1924 Bee Gee News January 22, 1924

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News January 22, 1924" (1924). BG News (Student Newspaper). 38. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/38

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Vol.5 BOWLING GREEN. 9., JANUARY 22 1924 No. 4


Like all speakers who start out interesting their audience with a joke, the alumni cjlumn must do so also. Earl Lowrle is teaching in Lorain Hi and the students there like his famous derby hat. They s all him "Doe" there and had a cartoon picture cf the local product in his "bewtiful" hat!

Another joke: "Fat" A. R McDaniels. former student and leader for Williams county during the summer terms, is married. He hooked up to some member of the fair sex during the holiday season. .McDaniels is now Drenching in Grace United Brethren church in Elkhart, Indiana.

Maurice M. Mercer and Lola Holloreter, fjrmei" students in the summer here and teachers in the Lowling Green High school, were married o" December 22.

Helen Pooh: Shet^er, student in the sunnier o" 1619 and who marred Ralph Shetzer, student ii 1918 and 11)19, died of tuberculosis at her home in Portage, Ohio, on New Year's day.

The following degree grads are found scattered around in Wood countv: Helen Shafev, '22, Rowing (iieen Hi; Suzanne Shearman, '23, Rowling Green Hi; Lillian Tressell. '22. Rowling Green H'; E E. Leidy, '22. North Baltimore; Orville Raberding. '23. Perrysburg; Clive Treece, '20. Perrysbirg; P. P. Huffman. '23, Perrysburg: Claitua Stougb. '20, Weston; Dale Treece, '21, Rloomdale; Charles Clucas, '21, Tont^gany; Lester Stough, '20. Hoytville; Charles Richardson, '22, Hoytville; and the editor.

Arlington Hankins, student here last year, from 1'emberville. is now traveling for the Metealf Neckware Company, of Cleveland, having the state of Indiana as his territory.

Clela Cox, former student, is teaching in her home town, Montpelier.

Walter Rump, who attended school here las* \ear. is teaching near Montpelier.

Eldred Rrannon, captain of the track team last year, is teaching near Pryan.

San ford Gorsuch, '23, is teaching school in Wauseon.

Giford Luke. Montpelier. who has attended sum- mer school here for several years, is teaching the little foreigners the'r A. R. C'a in Warren, Ohio.

Prof. Hudson, formerly the head of the Com- mercial department, no lomrer is a Prof. He ha? tacked a shingle in front of an office and is now

Jan. 11. Jan. 12. Jan. 15. Jan. 18. Jan. 19. Jan. 19. Jan. 23. Feb. 1. Feb. 2. Feb. 9. Feb. 11. Feb. 15. Feb. 22.

Bee Gee vs. Toledo U. at Toledo. Freshman Party. Lecture by Dr. Grenfell. Findlay vs. Bee Gee. Bliss College vs. Ree Gee. Girls' Prom. Dayton U. vs. Ree Gee. Defiance College vs. Ree Gee. Detroit U. vs. Ree Gee. Snow Party. Lecture by Maude Ballington Booth. Valentine Party. Rluffton College vs. Bee Gee.

BOOK AND MOTOR The honorary society of Baok and Mot r met

January 17th for the purpose of electing officers lor the year. The officers elected are Iscah Belle Rail, president; Jonathan Ladd, v'ce president: Nadine Cle\ren?er. secretary, and Prof. Overman, treasurer.

After the regular business had been comnlet-d the meeting adjourned.

OLDE FIVE BROTHERS On the evening of Jnnuary 7, 1924, at the Olde

Temple, the Five Brothers fraternity met to confer I he first degree upon seven neaphytes.

The degree was very impressive and br u^.i out the ereat lessons of faith and confidence.

At this time Brother Ivan Lake, '23. was preset and presented the new constitution, wlvch was ac- cepted by the fraternity. The new consitution g'v^? the Brothers a working form of organization and IO"dfi dignity to the order.

After a short business meeting, the Pr^ther-* adjourned to the Home cafe where an old fashioned feed was enjoyed by all

FRESHMAN CLASS The Freshman <!ass, l,a ing dispensed w'th th"1

"Tppi". and having recovered from the minstrel fhow. is now busy preparing for their big part", Saturday, the 12th.

The Freshmen classes in the vast have given fnme of the best parties of the year and by the i^tere^t a"d notices for committee meetings ap- pearing on the bulletin board this party should g> over bis-. The upper classes wish the Fresh success In their first plunge into the social sea.

(Continued on page two) (Continued on page three)

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2_ _ . .. BEE GEE NEWS

CHRISTMAS PARTY STUDENT VOLUNTEER CONVENTION The annual Christmas party was held Thursday Bowling Green was represented, by one dele-

evening. December 20th. The following program gate, at the Student Volunteer convention at was presented in the auditorium: Indianapolis December 28th to January 1. Violin Solo Miss Hull It was a meeting of some five thousand dele- Vocal Solo Mrs. Mohrs ;;utes from over a thousand colleges and universi- Reading Miss Dal' ties in this country and Canada. Y. M. C A. and Drill _ Group of Gir'.s Y. W. C. A. secretaries and workers. 200 returned Christmas Songs.. Music Students missionaries, and various officers of the Student

At the close of the program the Glee Club girls Volunteer movement swelled the number to well led the processional down to the gymnasium, holding over 6000. lighted candles and singing carols as they went. Addresses by such men as Rev. Kennedy,

The gymnasium was a beautiful sight to behold. student chaplain to King George V, Dr. Adolf The decorations consisted of cedar branches and Keller of Switzerland, Dr. Ching Yi Cheng, one of gold stars. A huge Christmas tree occupied the the foremost Christian leaders of China, inspired center of the floor and in the midst of all the merry and helped all who were there, making, old Santa Claus, himself, appeared, dis- The addresses by noted nationals from all tributing his gifts among the children. The party ever the world and by missionaries, home on fur- was under the direction of Miss Neilson, to whom lough, gave an outlook on world affairs and helped a great deal of credit is due. Credit should also the students to see what the troubles of the world be given to the decorating committee. The party are today, was one of the most attractive events of the year. The convention was divided into some 50

o discussion groups and the opinions of the students WILSON—SHOCKEY from different lands were illuminating.

The announcement of the marriage of Miss Altogether it was a wonderful meeting and Pauline Shockey. of Bowling Green, to Mr. Harold brought together nearly all elements, racial and Wilson, of the Haskins road, is of great interest religious, of the world. to the friends Of the young couple. JOHN PILCHER, Delegate.

The wedding ceremony was performed at 12 CHAOSI IANUARV a 1924 o'clock, noon, on New Year's day at the home of , criAPBi. JANUAKY a, itw» friends in Toledo bv the Rev. Perry Hopper of the At ,hp. "*£* ch*pel hour Tuesday Forrest Presbyterian church of that city. "*»*" Smith- '^f- was P«*ented ten dollars in

On New Year's eve a delightful prenuptial K<>ld as the reward for suggesting the name Shatzel Party was given for the bride by a group of her "«""• for th" Mw «*■««* which is fast Bearing friends in Bowling Green, who presented her with a '"ompletion. _ beautiful gift of silver. Mr. Shatzel, president of the board of trustees.

Miss Shockey is a student in the Home pnd in whose honor the new hal1 was named' spoke

Economics course of the college at the present time at tnis tlme- »nd Mr. Wilson is one of our former students. CHAPEL-JANUARY 15, 1924

The many friends of the bride and groom in quartette made its first appearance school at the present time and those of former . , .. ,M , , , ... .. ._ , ' .. , , . . .. . , lefon; the student body at this time and won the years in school wish them great happiness. iff1

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are at home to their !<l;Proyal °r aU- «„,.„ Aanart .. . , . on„ „ .. .__. , t The program was given by the Music depart- inends at 307 North Enterprise street. . '' " _, . , f «.,-.v-,-« „„ ment. Prof. McEwen played a group of numbers on

° the violin, after which C. Premo sang a group of ALUMNI NEWS Mexican songs.


(Continued from page one) On Christmas day (1923) Ivan Beard gathered lettuce and celery from the garden at his home.

•.,_. , .. , , near Vanlue, Ohio. The vegetables were exception- practicing law in the state where elopers go to get gUy edib,e ^ aflded tQ the yariety a8 we„ as to

married. .... ... the novelty of the Christmas dinner. Kenton Moore. 23, is still superintending in Ai.

Ohio. (See any good map.) He reports that this Leap Year stuff is an awful strain on h's ph"s!o.?- STORAGE ROOM nomy and that he will be glad when the year is Room 400 of the Administration building has over and man gets back his right to propose. He been rearranged and is now being used as a storage says that there is not a day that passes that he room for athletics, dramatics and decorations. This does not get a handful of letters from girls who are fills a long-felt need and is greatly appreciated. proposing to him! Enlist in the navy, Kent! o

°~" A Game for Every One. NEW CATALOGUE The crook-Blackjack.

Proof of the new catalogue to be d'stributed in The bride—Solitaire. February, is now being read. The new catalogue The engineer—Bridge, carries in it many new courses, A complete an- The coward—Flinch, nouncement will be made later. The fireman—Poker,

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TOLEDO "U" WINS Bee Gee opened the conference basketball

season at Toledo on the University sourt with a 30 to 19 loss. At the end of the first half the Orange and Brown were leading the "Bi<; Ciiy Tossers" 14 to 12, but the two points lead did not amount to much after the second half got under way,

"Manny" Wisberg was the big man for Toledo and in this half he seemed to run wild, caging the sphere from almost any angle. At the same time, the locals were failing to hit the bucket for count- ers and team work was also lacking.

Bachman, despite the fact that he was a marked man, succeeded in making five field goals.

Coach "Mac" carried his entire varsity squad to Toledo. The squad at the present time consists of 14 men.

The game was somewhat a disappointment, as the followers of the Orange and Brown anticipated a victory. The two teams will meet, again and the locals will treat Toledo U to the low score. Line- up and summary:

Bee Gee ■ Toledo "U" Premo F. Klein Moscoe F. Weisberg Bachman C. Schaller Hesrick G. Getterman Bistline . G. Sieck Substitutions: Be.e Gee—Etoll for Moscoe.

Olds for Bachman. Place for Hesrick, Bachman for Olds. Toledo U.—Carson for "Klein, Klein for Schaller, Silverman for Fetterman, Gould for Schaller, Innis for Silverman, Mclnniss for Innis.

Field Goals: Premo, 1; Moscoe, 2; Bachman, 4; Olds, 1; Hesrick, ,1; Carson, 4; Weisberg, 7: Schaller, 4.

Foul throws: Premo, 1.

DAYTON WHIPS BEE GEE In the season's opener the Orange and Brown

quintet lost to the fast Dayton "U" team, 29 to 15, at Dayton.

Bee Gee made a very cred'ble showing, especially in the first half, which ended 13 to 14 In favor of Dayton. Each member of the Orange and Brown did good work considsring that Coach "Mac'- had spent only one week in drilling them.

In the last half Dayton quickly took advantage of the Staters technical errors and held them to two points, which were scored by the diminutive "Tom" Crowley.

Hesrick, who hails from Williams county, and "Hobby" Bistline. local lad, held down their guard positions in fine style while Captain Premo, of Potsdam, N. Y., was the shining light on the offense. For Dayton, Lange and Fullweiter were (he big guns.

Perhaps the most pleasing feature of the game was the good sportsmanship shown by both teams on the floor. The crowd remarked that it was one of the best and cleanest basketball games played on their court.

Whenever Bee Gee made a good play or caged a pretty goal, the Dayton crowd applauded. Let's

show them the same spirit at the return game January 23, 1924. Summary:

Ray ton Bee Gee "•ake R. F (C) Premo, Crowley dealer L. F. Moscoe i.ange (C) c. Bachman, Etoll Mahart L. G. Hesrick I*oyte R. G. Bistline Hippo G. G. Fullweiter c.

Field Goals: Premo, 3; Hesrick, 1; Blake, 3; Fullweiter, 5: Lange, 3.

Foul Goals: Premo, 1; Moscoe, 1; Hesrick, 1; Crowley, 2; Blake, 1; Lange, 2; Doyle, 1; Fullwei- ter. 3.

DETROIT DEFEATS BEE GEE Coach "Mac" and his basketball tossers in-

vaded the camp of Detroit City College and were defeated, 30 to 16, Saturday night, January 12.

Bee Gee took the lead for the first ten minutes but the Detroiters soon struck their stride and took the lead, which they never lost.

Bee Gee's greatest difficulty was in caging the sphere. The team work was good and when the opponent defense was broken the basket was missed.

The locals failed to make good their free throws, of which there were many due to the fact that there were two officials who missed very little. Numerous fouls were called on both sides. In general the officiating was exceptionally good.

The following men played for Bee Gee: Olds. Place. Huffman, Brand, G. Figgens. Crowley, Etoll.

ST. JOHN'S IN TWO-POINT WIN OVER B. G. Bee Gee. playing a better brand of ball than

displayed Friday night, gave the Saints a real scare on Saturday night, January 12th, at Westminster gym. The first half started with each team playing a fast game, Bee Gee being a bit off color but rapid- ly improving as the half progressed. The Saints at no time had over a point lead and just as the whistle announced the end of the half the Orange tossers netted the goal, which tied the count at 12-all.

The second half showed B. G. going strong, likewise St. John's. Hollgrieve, for the Saints, play- ing very nice ball. The score see-sawed back and forth the entire half, neither team being able to an- nex a safe margin of points. Premo, Bachman and Moscoe carried the Orange and Brown offense well, while Hesrick and Bistline were mainstays on the defense.

The game, although a loss so far as points were concerned, was a victory for Coach McCand- less for it showed that the "Cowboys" were finally mastering his style and give every sign of an expert aggregation by mid-season.

o Ouch!

"I've come to fix that old tub in the kitchen." "Oh, mama, here's the doctor to see the cook."

Skull—"A man told me I looked like you." . Bones—"Where is he?? I'd like to knock his

block off." Skull—"Don't bother. I killed him."

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In the fall of the year 1922 I went to see my cousin, John Ormsby, whom I had not seen for many years. He and his wife, whom he had married six months previously, were living on a farm about three and one-half miles from a little village called Spraxton.

In this village, one clear, cold afternoon at 1:3.0. a very homely, tired looking young man was seen to get off the train, wearily plod his way up town, and go into several stores consecutively. I was that man.

At last I found out where John lived and de- rided I would walk out in order to spring a more complete surprise. After walking five of the three nnd one-half miles with my eyes in continuous search, I finally did catch sight of the house sought for, and I was glad, for fatigue and hunger had taken possession of me. My ring at the door was answered by John who was certainly surprised. Of course he asked me in and I proceeded to take off my over- shoes. A very serious look came over his face as he said slowly, "Why, I have no place for over- shoes."

"Oh", I answered, "They're all right here on the porch."

"Yes", he drawled out, "but I like to have a place for everything and have everything in its place. Come along out to my shop and we'll make places for overshoes."

"All right", I said cheerfully. I supposed he had something grand to show me. I didn't take the overshoe business seriously.

On the way out to the shop our conversation ran as most conversations do—something about how well the folks were and a whole lot about the weather. Just before entering, he said, "I tell you, 1 believe in having a place for everything and then keep everything in its place." I would have known that before the day was over had he not told me.

"Yes", I agreed, "that's a very good plan." We went into the shop which I at once observed

was very orderly and clean. John, apparently know- ing what he was about, went to a case containing a series of drawers and pulled out the one which had the letter "H" tacked to it. At length he handed me a little card which said "Hammer No. 729" and told me to go over to the tool room and get it. Dumfounded, though I was, I asked no questions but went after the hammer while he looked up the other necessary tools. On entering the tool room the first thing that met my eyes was a hammer and I got it.

Within one-half hour we had all the tools out on the bench and were ready to begin work which, I had found out, was really making a place for over- shoes. The places were made just the shape of my rubbers, which were nines. The other sizes he would make some other day. When we were through he said, "While you're here I guess I'll have you help me glue the framework of my writing desk together."

"How long have you been working on your writing desk?" I asked.

"About six weeks", was the reply. "You know when a fellow has everything in order he can work so much faster." I said nothing.

By the time he had, skillfully, by the use of cards, gotten his tools ready the glue was hot and everything was set for the work. The glue was ap- plied and we were ready to use the clamps but we had forgotten blocks of wood to keep the clamps from marring the woodwork. I looked around on Ihe floor but nothing was to be found. Every shop ought to have pieces of wood lying around over the Poor but there was none in John's shop. He told me where to go to get some but by the time I got back the glue was cold and the whole thing was to be done over again.

When we were through, the tools were to be put away. First, put the tool away, then take the cor- responding card back. Great calamity—I had gotten the wrong hammer when sent for one. The difficul- ty was finally straightened out all right and much tc my joy we started toward the house.

On the way, John said, "Time for the chickens to go to roost."

"Yep". I answered, thinking to myself, "Trying to keep the conversation up. eh?"

He started for the chicken coop. I followed slowly. He put each chicken in the place marked off for him while I leaned against the wall and tried to come out of my dreim. I can't go into detail as to how he did it for I was too tired, hungry, and sleepy to pay good attention.

Again we started for the house but I was net glad for I expected something else to come up. Ho went in, however, and he went to a stand, opened a large book, fumbled with the numerous leaves for about ten minutes, then said, "Hook No. 176 in the closet is empty. Hang up your coat and hat."

Everything seemed to be in place but his wife. I didn't know where she was and I guess he didn't either. She finally came home though and we had supper.

I tried all evening to convince John that his methods were wasteful, that he ought to leave his tools lying around any place so that they would b- handy when needed, that the shop didn't have to be

(Continued on page eight)

GIRLS DUPE "MOTHER" For several years the ladies of the world have

been generously presenting a great variety of styles in dress, all of which seem to burden some parts of the body with an abundance of fur, fancy work, unnecessary wings or tails, overgrown collars, etc , while other parts almost crave for protection.

Mothers have been disgusted and worried as to the outcome of it all. They have done all in their power to keep their daughters well and properly clothed, but at last there has been an awful out- burst by one "mother"!

Only a few days ago "Mother Earth" was seen garbed in a new white garment which was quite sparing in some parts and exceptionally bundlesome in others. Indeed, it even kept her from carrying on her business as rapidly as usual.

Why has she so suddenly accepted the girls' fad?

It seems strange; I advise you, Father Time, to "watch out", this is leap year.

That sure was some snow. —I. E. B.—Soph.

• I

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(Continued from page one)

I *


WILSONIAN LITERARY SOCIETY The Wilsonian Literary Society met Tuesday.

January 8. The purpose of the meeting was to elect the officers for the second se.nester. The elec- lion was postponed until the week of January 14th to 18th. Miss Nadine Clevenger was elected presi- dent pro tempore.

WILSONIAN SOCIETY The Wilsonian Society elected the following

officers for the second semester: Nadine Clevenger, president; Ethel Crawford and Leona Horner, tied for vice president: Pearl Creighton, secretary; Merle Hoskinson, treasurer; Olive Havens, charman <.f the program committee.

The tie hetween Ethel Crawford and Leona Horner will be decided at the next meeting.

FIVE SISTERS A group of Bowling Green college girls organ-

ized a society similar to the Five Brothers and called themselves the Five Sisters.

Their first action in the matter was to go to President Williams and "interest him in their plan. After gaining his consent and recognition they made their first appearance with an attractive float in the Homecoming parade.

November 20th, they held their first regular business meeting and elected the following officers: Helen Veber, president; Olive Haven, vice presi- dent; Mildred Whisler, secretary, and Juno Beverstock, treasurer. The other charter members are Leona Horner, Leora Stout, and Frances Kurz.

Due to the recent organization several details pertaining to the society have not yet been settled. Their emblem has been designed, and carried out their color scheme*. A red, five-pointed shield with u white border serves as a background for a white torch, black mask and a white S.

The Five Sisters are holding regular meetings overy two weeks. The first was in the form of a Christmas party at the home of Miss Helen Veber.

Plans are being made for taking in new mem- bers later in the year.

HOME EC. CLUB The Home Ec. girls, on Thursday, December

2uth, met at the home of Miss Pauline Shockey. The meeting was in the form af a Christmas party, and a hit and miss lunch was enjoyed by all. At this time Miss Shockey announced the date of her marriage to Mr. Harold Wilson, '22. After a pleasant social hour the girls returned to their homes, wishing their fellow club member success and happiness in her new vocation.

FRESHMAN PARTY On Saturday evening, January 12th, the Fresh-

man class held the annual party in the gym. The Freshmen having invited the faculty and the stu- dent body, there were a goodly number present.

The gym was artistically decorated in red and white, the class colors. The evening was spent in

dancing, the music l:eing furnished by the North Baltimore orchestra. The patrons and patronesses were Pies, and Mrs. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Perry, and Miss Fitzgerald.

PERSONALS M. G. Hoskinson spent the holidays in Jefferson,

Ohio, visiting friends. Mrs. Wesley Adams, stenographer in the busi

j.'tss office, resigned and will move with her husband to Akron, Ohio. Mrs. Adams' many friends are sorry to see her leave.

Mrs. Sharp, dean of women, spent the Christmas vacation at the home of her parents in Greenville, Ohio.

Miss Hayward, educational supervisor, was ill lie first week after vacation and unable to assume her duties.

Miss Rhea McCain, head of the English depart ment, 3pent the vacation at the home of her parents in Lebanon, Ohio.

Prof. J. R. Overman and wife spent the Christ- mas vacation at Napoleon, Ohio.

Miss Helen Thierry, of Toledo, was appointed lo succeed Mrs. Wesley Adams as stenographer in the business office. Miss Thierry received her train- ing in Sandusky High school, Sandusky Business College and Chicago University. The Bee Gee joins the faculty and student body in welcoming Miss Thierry to Bowling Green.

Miss Nettie Crass, stenographer of the Regis- trar's office, is unable to assume her duties due to a severe cold.

Miss Walker, domestic science teacher, spent the holidays visiting friends in New York City.

The announcement of the marriage of Miss Uuth Hessick, '22. to Mr. Byron R. Bricker, on Tues- day, December 25th, 1913. will be of interest to Miss Hessick's many friends.

Some of the Five Brothers seemed to have IDSL or shall we say slipped, their pins, during the Christ- mas vacation. Others even were seen, pricing dia- monds. —Do we smell orange blossoms?

Estelle Mohr spent the vacation, a guest of Prof. Tunnicliffe, in New York City.

Professors Holt. Moseley and Overman attend- ed the American Association for the Advancement of Science at Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 26-Jan. 2.

Those attending State Teachers meeting, in Columbus, Ohio, December 26-7-8. were President 11. B. Williams, Professors Biery, Carmichael, Kohl. Martin, Hissong. Schwartz, Beattie. Heston and Neilsen.

Mrs. C. L. Mong and Miss Kathryn Fitzgerald, of Greenville, Ohio, spent the week-end of January 12th with their sister, Mrs. Maude Sharp.

o Cloyd Gebhardt. Wren, Ohio, summer student

of 1921-23, died Saturday, January 19, 1924, of poison from a recent operation.

o Beologically speaking. Quack doctors are Smart ducks who should be

come jail birds. A woman's face, when it draws a lot of interest,

is her fortune. A "Tramps' Opera" is to be produced in London

shortly. Surely, the music should be ragtime.



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BEE GEE NEWS Published by

THE STUDENTS AND FACULTY Bowling Green State Normal College.

Published Monthly Except August and September Entend as second-class matter December 20, 1920. at

Howling Green. Ohio, under the Aet of March 3. 187!).

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-Chief.- Donnal V. Smith. Convoy, O. I'.usincss Manager M. G. Hoskinson, Rudolph. O. Asst. Business Mgr...Clement V'eler, Bowling Green, O, ASSt Bus. Mgr., Marjorie Dunipace. Bowling Green, O.

ASSOCIATE EDITORS Organizations Editor J. B. I-add. Bowling Green, O. Asst. Organizations Ed.. Ethel Crawford, Graysville, O. Reporter Jay Bone, Gary, Ind. Social Editor Eulalie Hoffman, Toledo, O. Joke Editor Emily Benson, Cardington, O. Reporter C. C Promo, Potsdam. X. Y. •Uh.lef.i-: Editor E. E. Etoll. Bryan, O. Art Editor Vivian Murdock, Bowling Green, O. Alumni Editor I. E. Lake, Bowling Green, O. Faculty Advisor..Prof. G. W. Beattie, Bowling Green, O.

SUBSCRIPTION RATES Single Copy 5 Centc Per Yf-ar >r>0 Cents

Subscription payable in advance. Send all Remittances to


In care of B. G. S. N. C.

CO-OPERATION Today is an age of co-operation. Men and

governments alike are coming to realize this more and more. Governments are establishing leagues, courts and councils to meet this need; men are organizing clubs, bureaus and exchanges whereby they may more easily co-operate with one another. Ocassionally, however, there crops out an individ- ual who thinks that by being different he is going to succeed. He believes that by isolating himself from all co-operative plans he can further his own interest to his advantage. He forgets that it is always the gander who leads the geese. If you would be a leader, be one of the people—there is no success, no advancement even, unless by co- operation. He who co-operates most has the best success.

Nations arc prone to realize this. They would still continue on old lines of each for himself. The dark years since 1914 are seemingly forgotten. In 1 reparedness for another possible world conflict (rather calamityl even Christianity is fprgotten. There is no mercy in new (shall we say ingenious inventions?) implements of protectlon(?). Co- operation—why not—can't we at least give it a fair trial?


Undoubtedly there were many students who wanted to come back fir Homecoming but could not because of their work. Perhaps they would be able to come back to such a day in the spring.

Nearly every college in the country has a Color Day, a Spring Festival, a May Day, or an

FRANK W. THOMAS Donor of the gold footballs to this year's letter

men, in honor of their having won the Homecoming tame with Ashland, November 10.

The men, the Varsity N, and the college wjsh to (hank Mr. Thomas for his kindness and interest in the college and her activities.

Alumni Day to care for this need. Such a day to be any kind of a success must be a big day. Bee Gee needs just such a day. Commencement comes en Thursday, June 12th, this year—why couldn't we have Alumni Dav, Friday, June 13th? Make it a leal day—have the girls' gym classes give lawn dances, have a queen of the day; in the morning have a track meet or a ball game, have a big Alumni program in the auditorium, the Senior tree planting, and then in the evening after the Alumni banquet have an Alumni party as a sort of cap f:r the day. That would make the last clay of the year a real day—would give the Alumni and former students a reason for coming back to Bee Gee—would show them that the old school is still going—would impart to them some of our enthusiasm so that they could tell others what a good college they graduated from.

_ 0 Oh, Mr. Darwin!

He: "Would you accept a pet monkey?" She: "Oh, I would have to ask father; this

is so sudden."

A Study in Marble. "This is a grave situation", said the man as

he passed the cemetery.

* fl


A la Shapcspeare. Fair Lady: "Is there no succor?" Brave Knight: "Yes, I'm coming."

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Men Are Scarce—Leap Year Conflict Will End With Many Casualties—Males Frightened by Female

Rush—H'.-Men Are Scarcer, Say Lassies.— Terrible War—Rats, Lipsticks, Hairpins

Fly as Girls Rush for Men at Open- ing of School After Vacation.

News from the front is still arriving which indicates that the great rush for men in the Bowling Green corridors will not be decided until the board of trustees arranges a drawing of men, in which each girl will get a chance. Only four girls out of every live will be disappointed in that way, say those who jire in close touch with the situation.

Immediately upon the return of the co-eds to the college buildings here was a great clamour for the men students which soon waxed into a thrilling contest. Hairpins, rats, lipsticks, compact cases and the like were seen to fly in every direction as the fair sex tangled in efforts to prove their claim to their gentlemen lovers.

Envious watch is being kept by every clique of girls. The "Five Sisters", hiding behind a mys- terious mask, warn all outsiders against trying to -vamp" their men. The "Seven Sisters" say little, but are ready at a minute's notice to do the'r c'.erndest.

Other groups are all set. Williams Hall girls claim that they have the best chance to win the men because they have a "Webb" in which to en- tangle the masculine sex. The town ladies declare that they have the best chanre because they can get out oftener for dates. A "Sharp" lookout is being kept, which spoils this, however.

The Glee Club girls are planning on serenading their men folks and, in that way win their love. The Home Ec co-eds say that they have a better argument. "If you want to appeal to a man, do it through his stomach", is their watchword. They are practicing up on making their gentleman friends favorite pie. TJm, Yum!

Gym girls are getting acquainted with all the stunts used by a "cave man lover". Use 'em rough. is their motto. Girls in the English department are composing poems that they hope will win the love of the male.

Great quantities of books are coming into the college daily. Upon investigation it is found that they are texts on "How to Propose", written by Carlyle Kennedy.

The ratio of five to one between the boys and girls greatly handicaps the co-eds. The thickest part of the fighting is not over yet. say the war correspondents, and is likely to continue indefin'te- ly. The trustees are planning to arrange a drawing of men.

In this way every girl will have an equal chance. The men do not favor the plan. Some have been in hiding ever since the beginning of the year. Recruiting stations reoort that many of the college men have made application to enter th° service at the first indication of a revival of the fighting.

Officials remain slent on the matter. The only ones who are safe are the married men. At least they can be thankful for once that they are merried!

DR. GRENFELL One of the privileges of the College Lecture

Course was to have heard Dr. Grenfell, who lectured in the auditorium, January 15, 1924.

The lecture of this man unfolded one of the epic t- lories of work and service in wild and inaccessible lands.

The bleak and barren coast of Labrador has made life unbelievably hard for its inhabitants. The sturdy descendents of Devon and Dorset, Scotch and Irish fishermen, who came over during the last four centuries, have been practically cut off from contact and civilization. The small permanent resi- dent population is augmented each summer by some 20.000 deep sea fishermen, coming from southern New Foundland, Novia Scotia, and the Maine coast. Producing their share of the world's wealth, these courageous workers, who are of our own race and religion, suffered untold hardships in bleak north- kind and waters because the rudimentiary accepted prerequisites for mind and body were utterly lack- ing. Not even the simplest forms of medical and surgical aid were available.

The lecturer gave a remarkable insight into the daily lives of the fisher folks of the Labrador coast. There is much of daring and adventure in them, and there is also inspiring courage, rare unselfish- l.ess and heroic self-sacrifice when danger threatens. Dr. Grenfell has devoted practically his whole lifetime to helping and understand- ing and sympathizing with these people in iheir little known life. His life in the Labrador wilds has been productive of ex- periences such as have fallen to the lot of few other men. He speaks with a broad humanity, an ability appealing straight to the heart and mind of all who hear him. His lecture was enjoyed and appreciated by all. It would be a fine thing to hear Dr. Grenfell again, this time as he gave more detailed accounts of his great, good work in the frozen northlands.

Books in Bee Gee College Library Written by Dr. Grenfell. the Lecturer Who Spoke, January 15.

"The Harvest of the Sea." "Down to the Sea." "Adrift on An Ice-Pan." "Down North on the Labrador." "Labrador, the Country and Its People." o

NOTICE TO TEACHERS Things are looking much brighter now as to

positions. Our senator, Simeon D. Fess, has present- ed a bill to congress urging that body to appropriate a. sufficient fund to build at Washington a "National University of United States". The proposal is that this institution cost $100,000,000. Our first presi- dent. George Washington, proposed such an institu- tion at one time and in his will set aside a consid- erable sum of monev to be used on behalf of the plan. All these years that money has been drawing interest, until today it is a quite considerable sum.

Teachers should be interested in such a Worthy project and learn about it.

Wouldn't it be nice, if some clay Bee Gee stu- dents could say, "Dr. So-and-So, head of his depart- ment at the National University, is a B. G. gradu- ate. He was hac-k for Homecoming last year"?? Is such a tlpmght a wild drea^i or is it a possibility?

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«- 4



(Continued from l>age six)

kept clean, etc., but I was out of place talking like that and he took no stock in what 1 said.

Finally it was bedtime and I was given a map in detail of my room so that I might know where everything was located. I did not use the map. I hunted through the dresser drawers, found a needle cushion, procured a needle and thread, and did a little mending of minor importance. I must nol have placed the needle back in its original place for the next day I heard John's wife tell him that I must have been monkeying with the needle cushion for the needles were not in their places. That was too much for me.

It was nine o'clock. John's wife was upstairs. John was out putting the right hen on the right nest, and I was left alone. I decided that there \va™- a place for me, that said place was as far from that one as T could get, and that I would get there as quickly as I could.

At ten o'clock a very homely young man, with an air of bewilderment, was seen entering an east bound fast line.

P. S. (Ten years later—1932). I have heard two rumors concerning my friend John. One was that he still had a place for everything but had nothing to fill the places. The other was that th<- income tax collector found himself in debt at the end of a two-hour interview with John.


All the in

A REAL BAND Home-coming Day enjoyed a for sure college

band—drum major and all. There is no doubt that the pep winning the game was in part due to the band. Since then the band has continued to practice and by the vibrations of the air in the vicinity of the band room, much progress is being made.

In time they will appear in full unuorm, then we must admit, "Behold King Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." success to the band. It is popular with students, adds to the athletic contests and, time, will no doubt rival the famous bands of the country with its artistic programs.

Members of the band are as follows: Leslie Kiggins, Bob Orwig, H. L. Perry, E. C. Powell. L. Lake, E. Mohr, W. Thomas, E. R. Leiter, E.

Beard, A Brand, P. Domrow, c. W. C Premo, R. Place, R. Crane, O. Roth M. Siegling, F. Hemmelgarn. o A Standing Joke.

Hubby: "You're three quarters of an hour late What do you mean, keeping me standing around liki a fool?"

Wife: "I can't help the way you stand."

Beard, I. Franklin. Bluey, E.

First Tpyist: "Isn't it terrible the way we have to work these days.

Second Typist: "Rather. Why, I typed sa many letters yesterday that last night I finished my pray ers with Tour's truly*."


Paulding, O., Jan. 12, 1924. Dear Willie: Your ma and me are at home.

the weather being far too cold for old folks such as us to go traipsing off to town.

I see by the papers your basketball team has gone and lost several games right in a row. Funny thing about losing. Willie, it takes real stuff to lose once but to lose time after time and still keep trying—well, Willie, only good sports are able to do it. Lots of folks thinks that they are real supporters when they come out to the games pulling for the team so long as it is winning—but they aren't doing a thing—a winning team doesn't need support. Thr- loser is the fellow who needs the help. Them being my honest sentiments, Willie, I'm anxious to se^ how you stand the test. I hope you have enough of the good, old, country kind of grit to hang on and give 'em help, more than before.

You know, Willie, that Christmas Party your ma and me was to still sticks in my memory. It was a rather plane, a rather simple affair and it had i qu'et well mannered dignity about it that was wor- shipful. Now there is Christmas parties and Christmas parties Willie but your college gave the best your ma and me has ever seen. It seems soil of as a part of the institution, the student body and the year. Your ma and me felt that if we would u « back to Bee Gee in fifty years from that Christmas we would still see much the same service Nov.' Willie that don't mean that Bee Gee isn't progress- ing: because we all must have some thines t^af don't change, something sure and solid Tnstit'itio-s is the same as folks, that party is a tradition and the added years will only increase its p-iwer. Them's your ma's and mine honest sentiments.

Your letter tells me your mid-year examinations is close on to you. Willie vou acted nos'tive scared. What's wrong with you? You've got it soft—in col- lege you have examinations once a vear or twice — in life you have 'em every dav. Don't fear vonr oxams boy. It is a sure sign thev's a screw loose somewhere if you do. either you've not studied or your teachers don't know their oats. I'd hate t.-i think either of the above mentioned to be the casr-. Why Willie you don't fear your basketball games do you? They are an examination of vou and your roach to see what you done during the last week— so it is with your exams. Thev find out rnw your teacher and vou has teamed together during the half year. Of course Willie you might have worked hard and your teachers too and still faU If such is the case Willie all T got to sav is yr>:ir ma and me is backing you while vou give er another round. Boy you have got to win vour ma's got her heart set on't and me. well I ain't trving to ms»kn you ambitious son but I'd like to have you show thai you"re a man—just that.

Well Willie I guess that is all. Tm not telling vou to be a good boy Willie 'cause a man in college is growed UD. but I am stating from mv 59 years r-f experience that although it demands qu'te an effort sometimes it pays to do the right thing always.

Willie your ma is quite set on vou dressen warmer so she is going to send your heavies.

Always wishing you the best. YOUR PA.
