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Beeckestijn clinic alignment sales & marketing 2april2012

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Tijdens een clinic op 2 april jl gaven Egbert Jan van Bel en Laura Nuhaan een zeer inspirerende clinic over de noodzaak van een betere alignment tussen marketing & sales. Hoe haal je als bedijf meer omzet uit jouw leads? En welke strategie heb je daarvoor?
Egbert van Bel Laura Nuhaan April 2, 2012 Demand Generation (New Style) requires intense collaboration between Sales and Marketing
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Egbert van BelLaura Nuhaan

April 2, 2012

Demand Generation (New Style) requires intense collaboration between Sales and Marketing

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Insight in Sales and Marketing issues-differences

Generate ideas for alignment improvement

Suggestions for maximizing Demand Generation

Share Best Practices/Experiences among peers


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Agenda 18.00 Opening (EJ) 18.10 Alignment

-Changing online and social world-New models arise-Marketing and Sales Alignment

19.00 Discussion Alignment 19.30 Demand generation

- Revenue Management - Lead generation:Buying Persona/Buying Profile -Lead nurturing/lead scoring

-Sales enablement20.00 Discussion

20.30 Tools and technology

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Agenda 18.00 Opening (EJ) 18.10 Alignment

-Changing online and social world-New models arise-Marketing and Sales Alignment

19.00 Discussion Alignment 19.30 Demand generation

- Revenue Management - Lead generation:Buying Persona/Buying Profile -Lead nurturing/lead scoring

-Sales enablement20.00 Discussion

20.30 Tools and technology

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Who is Responsible for the New Buyer?

Today’s Buyer: Owns the buying process Leverages the social web Expects immediate value



60 % of the buying process is gone through without contacting a (sales) person at the company (Sirius Decisions)

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The Marketing and Sales Divide

Marketing Sales

Focus on * Leads * Lead Generation

* Deals * Selling

Organisation Visibility * Low * High

Contribution * Difficult * Easy to judge

Measure * Lead Volume *Brand

* Closed Deal * Revenue

• Almost 50 % of companies have conflicts between marketing and sales (Andeta research 2012)

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The Process Gap: Suboptimal Results

Lead Generation

Process Gap Sales



• Over 50% of sales do not meet target (CSO Insights)

Lead Scoring &


• Over 90% of leads never close (Sirius decisions)

• 40 % of sales time spent in finding & (re)creating content (CMO)

• 90 % of marketing content goes unused (American Marketing Assoc.)

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Funnel Mindness


• Content marketing* • Social Media*

• Analytics*

• Technology*

• Funnel Mindness *

• Sales Enablement

• Only 10 % of Sales call their marketing Sales Savy (CMO insight)

The Must Have Skills for Marketeers

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New Models Arise


Sales focus on face to face (high touch) Integrated Sales (Multi touch)












Traditional B to B

Traditional B to C

New models * demand focus•multi touch•More effective face to face

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Integration Works

Chief Revenue Officer: Marketing and Sales report to the same person (*only 30 % of companies do this)

* Andeta Research 2012

Marketing divided in a strategic marketing team and a lead generation/sales support team (*only 35 % of companies)

Marketing and Sales focus both on revenue and the funnel

Job rotation and collaboration projects between sales and marketing(*only 26 % of companies)

Visit key customers with Sales (*38 % of companies)

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Alignment Fundamentals

• Only 30 % of companies have a shared social media plan (Andeta Research)

• Only 30 % of companies have a shared social media plan (Andeta Research)

Social Media/internet changes the way companies interact with customers

Requires Review of Marketing and Sales Collaboration

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Agenda 18.00 Opening (EJ) 18.10 Alignment

-Changing online and social world-New models arise-Marketing and Sales Alignment

19.00 Discussion Alignment 19.30 Demand generation

- Revenue Management - Buying Persona/Buying Profile -Lead nurturing/lead scoring

-Social Selling -Relation Management

20.00 Discussion 20.30 Tools and technology

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Discussion Questions

Main issues/challenges Marketing and Sales along the funnel?

What is the impact of online and social? On Alignment and Models?

Main barriers for alignment?

Success stories?

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Agenda 18.00 Opening (EJ) 18.10 Alignment

-Changing online and social world-New models arise-Marketing and Sales Alignment

19.00 Discussion Alignment 19.30 Demand generation

- Revenue Management - Lead generation:Buying Persona/Buying Profile -Lead nurturing/lead scoring

-Sales enablement20.00 Discussion

20.30 Tools and technology

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Well Structured Demand Generation pays off*

Lead Generation`

Sales Process


Lead Scoring &


Lead Scoring &


• 40 % more revenue

• 22 % increase in leads

• 21 % more leads convert into opportunities

• 17 % increase in win rate

• 7 % shorter sales cycle

• 15 % reduction in customer acquisition cost

• 12 % increase in deal size

% leads X % converted opportunities X % win rate X deal value = ROI

Demand Generation costs

% leads X % converted opportunities X % win rate X deal value = ROI

Demand Generation costs

Marketo Research Shows:

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New Funnel Requires Adjustments


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Funnel Mindness = Revenue Management


Marketing Qualified Leads

Marketing Qualified Leads

Sales Accepted LeadsSales Accepted Leads

Sales Qualified LeadsSales Qualified Leads

Closed dealsClosed deals

Lead ScoringLead Scoring

Lead NurturingLead Nurturing

Sales (Enablement)

Sales (Enablement)

Closed Loop TrackingClosed Loop Tracking

Content Marketing

Content Marketing

• Only 39 % of marketeers researches sales data to improve their marketing campaigns (Andeta research)

• Aligned Companies perform better: 20-24% more revenue growth (Sirius Decissions)



Lead GenerationLead Generation

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Lead Generation Understand/listen to your target audience Identify buying persona and their journey Be visible and easy to be found Determine what content they are looking for and when

• 57 % of B to B marketeers said that SEO had the largest impact on their lead generation

• By 2015 nearly 75% of new inquiries are generated from the web”(Sirius)

• 57 % of B to B marketeers said that SEO had the largest impact on their lead generation

• By 2015 nearly 75% of new inquiries are generated from the web”(Sirius)

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What is a buying PersonaA Buyer Persona is a detailed profile of an example buyer that represents the real audience – an archetype of the buyer that the company hopes to persuade to choose its products, services or solution.

1, Start with a profile (name, description, who, behavior) : Research/use different sources

2. Analyze and develop further (solution fit, business fit, opportunity, size of segment)

3. Select key persona and build story4. Launch

Develop Content Strategy

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Content Marketing

Content strategy is a focused look at the entire life cycle of content…from the creation to maintenance, recycling and even retirement of content.

Attention –interest-Desire-Action-RelationAttention –interest-Desire-Action-Relation Buyer Persona

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That is where Lead Nurturing comes In What is the best content marketing strategy?

• Content per buying phase• Delivery channel per buying phase• Delivery method• Content per buying persona

• 41 % of the companies struggle to create content for lead generation (marketing prof)

• Customized marketing messages increase productivity with 20 % (CSO)

• 41 % of the companies struggle to create content for lead generation (marketing prof)

• Customized marketing messages increase productivity with 20 % (CSO)

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Build Profile:• Name• Description• Quote• Who (demographics)• Behavior

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Lead Scoring and Nurturing

Making Face to Face Sales more effective: at the right time, with the right message with the sales Buyer centric

Determine scoring criteria (demographic/behavorial/fit) Define which nurturing/content program lead will fall into (telesales, emails, visit)

Qualify leads based on scoring (hot, warm, cold) Track where possible Build database

• 50% of qualified leads are not ready to purchase immediately• Best-in-class companies were 4.6 times more likely to be involved in lead

nurturing than were laggard companies (Aberdeen study (Gleanster)

• 50% of qualified leads are not ready to purchase immediately• Best-in-class companies were 4.6 times more likely to be involved in lead

nurturing than were laggard companies (Aberdeen study (Gleanster)

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Example of Lead Scoring






Fit: Industry, Role, Company Size, Geography

Interest: •Engagement: Latent buying behavior (early phases), •Buying Interest: Active buying behavior (late phases)

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Interest Scoring* - Examples

• Early stage content +3• Attend webinar: +5• Visit any webpage / blog : +1• Visit careers pages: -10

• Early stage content +3• Attend webinar: +5• Visit any webpage / blog : +1• Visit careers pages: -10

• Pricing pages: • +10 regular, +15 detailed

• Watch demos: • +5 overview, +10 detailed

• Mid-stage content +8• Late-stage content +12• Searches for “Marketo” +8

• Pricing pages: • +10 regular, +15 detailed

• Watch demos: • +5 overview, +10 detailed

• Mid-stage content +8• Late-stage content +12• Searches for “Marketo” +8


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Sales (Enablement)

Make clear agreements on when and how to hand off leads into Sales (lead qualification)

Determine required level of sales intelligence Providetools/support/collateral that make Sales successful

• 40 % of sales time is spent in finding, creating and recreating marketing content (CMO council)

• 47% of B2B marketers say they either close fewer than 4% of all marketing-generated leads, or they don't even know this metric (Forrester)

• Sales reps spend 45 % of their time figuring out how to spend their time, instead of closing deals (IDC)

• .

• 40 % of sales time is spent in finding, creating and recreating marketing content (CMO council)

• 47% of B2B marketers say they either close fewer than 4% of all marketing-generated leads, or they don't even know this metric (Forrester)

• Sales reps spend 45 % of their time figuring out how to spend their time, instead of closing deals (IDC)

• .

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No Lead Left Behind

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Don’t forget: Align and Monitor

Make sure to involve marketing, sales and customer service Speak the same language Define clear roles and responsibilities Determine Service Level Agreements Set clear metrics per phase Monitor and evaluate!

• Aligned companies experience higher customer retention, growth in billing size and revenue (Miller Heiman Best Practices 2010)

• Aligned companies experience higher customer retention, growth in billing size and revenue (Miller Heiman Best Practices 2010)

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Agenda 18.00 Opening (EJ) 18.10 Alignment

-Changing online and social world-New models arise-Marketing and Sales Alignment

19.00 Discussion Alignment 19.30 Demand generation

- Revenue Management - Lead generation:Buying Persona/Buying Profile -Lead nurturing/lead scoring

-Sales enablement20.00 Discussion

20.30 Tools and technology

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Have you adjusted your lead genin the last 2 years? How and why

What would be your 3 take awaysfrom the presentation on demand Gen? What can you do with it in real life?

Best practices? Do’s and don’ts>

Who has a content strategy, share experiences

Who does lead nurturing?

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Agenda 18.00 Opening (EJ) 18.10 Alignment

-Changing online and social world-New models arise-Marketing and Sales Alignment

19.00 Discussion Alignment 19.30 Demand generation

- Revenue Management - Lead generation:Buying Persona/Buying Profile -Lead nurturing/lead scoring

-Sales enablement20.00 Discussion

20.30 Tools and technology

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Example of Tools that Can Help

• Social CRM (Salesforce)

• Tweetdeck

• Hootsuite

• InsideView

• Onesource

• ConstantContact

• Brainshark• GetSatisfaction

• SocialMention

• Radiant6

• Marketo

• Eloqua

• TweetFeet• Wildfire

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Find Us

[email protected] http://www.andeta.com/nl Twitter: @theandetagroup LinkedIn Group: Sales and Marketing Innovation


Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheAndetaGroup Google plus:

plus.google.com/116749518833614916173/posts Blog: andetablog.com/

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Some screenshots

Inside View Marketo Salesforce

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Inside View Social Selling University Andeta Sales and Marketing Alignment


Marketo Eloqua

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Low High Touch

Face to Face


Email Mobile

Video Conference/chat

Social Media

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An Overview of Social Selling Tools

• Linkedin

• Twitter

• Facebook

• Focus • Slideshare

• YouTube

• Forums

• Blogs• Channels
