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Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance

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  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


    Our papers provide the perfect surface forprinting. This surface is tight enoughfreefrom holes and channels into the basestockto hold ink pigment out on thesurface for intense color, crisp detail, preciselines and sharp halftone dots. At the sametime, it's porous enough to allow the inksolvent to penetrate the surface to ensuregood ink setting.Porous? Just Enough!Porosity is a touchy thing. Too much and theresins in ink disappear deep into channels ofthe base stock. Too little and ink languisheson the surface, smearing and refusing to set.For these and many other reasons, it'simportant for porosity levels to be just right.The porosity of paper is measured by itsresistance to the passage of air underspecified laboratory conditions. A slowairflow rate indicates a very tight sheet.A fast airflow rate is the sign of a shee tthat's open or porous.Porosity rates affect ink densities on pressand how quickly inks set up on the sheet.These variables may seem insubstantial,but they can directly impact the timing ofyour project.Sheets that are highly porous not only detractfrom the final appearance of a printed piece,but also their runnability on press.Coating, because it covers the open basestock with a sm ooth, even surface, is thebest way to control porosity levels. Potlatchcoatings are formulated to provide optimalporosity levels for each of its paper finishes,which differ in their degree of openness.Matte is our most porous (open) surface,followed by silk and velvet. Gloss is our leastporous (closed) surface.Acting as a sophisticated screen of s orts,coating guides the action of the ink vehicle,directing these solvents into capillaries sittingjust beneath the sheet's surface.After these vehicles set, the ink pigmentsremain up top in all their brilliant intensity.From this position, ink can deliver excellentretained ink gloss and the smooth surfacerequired for even light reflectance, giving yousharp, clear reproductions.

    Ink Gloss: Nothing to Gloss OverAmong the many benefits of excellent inkhold-out is high retained ink gloss, whichenhances the brilliance and color intensityof the printed image.Ink gloss comes when your chosen sheetdisplays ink leveling, paper gloss andsmoothnessall the things that coatedpapers deliver so well. Typically, glos sfinishes have the highest retained ink gloss,followed respectively by velvet, silk andmatte finishes.Low ink gloss, on the other hand, is a trademark of porous papers, because the ink setsso fast that leveling of the film cannot occur.Points, Pounds, Polish: A TradeoffFor any given paper, a three-way relationshipexists among its caliper (measured in points),basis weight (or pounds) and surface finish(polish).None of these three properties can bechanged without forcing the change of at leastone of the other two.For example, paper calendered for finishesand that's everything but matte sheetspaysa price for its polish. Much like pressing afreshly laundered shirt, paper when calenderedis compacted to create a refined finish. Butjust as that shirt flattens out in the process,so does paper, causing it to lose points andpounds. That loss can translate to decreasedopacity, porosity and ink solvent absorbency.Our matte surface has the highest bulk(caliper), followed by silk, velvet and gloss.Smooth S tartSmoothness is a physical attribute thatrefers to the evenness of the paper surface.Smoothness is critical to quality print production as it determines how well paper reflectslight. Paper stock with a rougher, more unevensurface scatters light because the ink cannotlay flat to form a sm ooth layer.Put simply, rougher paper diffuses the lightthat hits its surface, reducing image clarity,dulling ink intensity and muddling the integrityof the printed work. The result is softer, less-defined detail and color reproduction.The essential smoothness of paper comesfrom the high quality of its base stock, theaddition of interfiber filler and the super-smoothapplication of specially designed coatings.

    All exceptionally smooth in composition,Potlatch papers receive further finishingthat enhances their appearance and texwhile suiting a wide range of aesthetic aperformance needs. To the eye, gloss finappear smoother than silk or velvet and,finally, matte finishesyet they all retaintheir essential smoothness.The smoother the surface of paper, thesmoother the ink lay and the crisper theimages printed on it. From a paper surfacethat's smooth, anything's possible.Light Reflectance by Paper Surface FinisLight bounces off a perfectly flat surface inparallel raysa mirrorlike action technicalknown as "specular reflection." That's howpapers that are supercalendered, such agloss, appear so shiny and lustrous. In connon-gloss finishes, such as matte, reflect diffusely, scattering rays in all directions.

    sss ;W**V>.*.v...Vrt AVCoatedSmooth coated papersurfaces reflect l ightevenly, enhancingcr isp reproduction.

    UncoatedRough uncoated papsurfaces scatter refll ight, enhancing softreproduction.

    This quality of light reflectance can be usfor maximum effect, depending on the finthat's selected. Our gloss surface has thhighest surface gloss , followed by velvet,and matte.The Finish LinePotlatch premium papers are available in distinct finishes: matte, velvet, silk and gPotlatch soft-finished papers are remarkasmooth and even providing excellent inkhold-out without gloss. Potlatch gloss papcombine a smooth surface with a high glouniform ink coverage and light reflection. result is brighter color and sharp, clear dThere are no hard and fast rules dictatingfinish selection, only guidelines that are wto keep in mind. As long as the finish youchoose improves your project's performanenhances its aesthetic appeal and fits itsbudget, you simply can't go wrong.

  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


    with a

    d T E C H N I C A L

    S M O O T H P A P E R S T A R T S W I T HA S O L I D B A S EAll coated paper is made from wood fiber.But all wood fiber isn't created equal. Andyou s imply cannot create the ref inedsurfaces essentia l for f ine pr int ing whenyou start with the wrong f iber.At Potlatch , we use a precise blend of fib ersfrom select northern hardwoods and softwoods to make the pulp for our high-qualitycoated papers. During our long, cold wintersand shor t , coo l summers , these t reesproduce the short, th in f ibers that are idealfor making high-quality paper that's strongand smooth .

    Microphotograph of paper fibers

    High opacity is essential to our fine coatedprinting papers. That's why we add carefullybalanced and , frankly, expensive p igments toour pulp before it enters the paper machine.Why? Because, without these f i l lers, even thebest blend of pulp will yield paper with areasof low opacity, where light shows through thesheet. These areas a l l work to underminereadabil i ty and pr int contrast.Our special pigmentscalled "opac i f ie rs "fill in the voids between fibers in the basestock while increasing the number of ref lective surfaces. The result is a sheet with evenbrightness, uniform strength, h igh opacity andan astonishingly smooth surface.

    C O A T I N G S P A V E T H E W A Y F O RG R E A T P R I N T I N GDespite interf iber f i l ler 's best efforts , uncobase stock has what 's ca l led an "opensurface" ready-made for soaking up l iqu idHow open this surface is relates to its deof "porosity ," a measurement that refers the ease with which air passes through pPaper with h igh porositypaper t o we ls ,fo r instancehas sur face cap i l la r ies anchannels that pul l ink and solvent deep ii ts f ibers.In general, uncoated paper is highly porouThat's why it 's often used for "soft" reprodt ion , such as watercolors or i l lustrat ions. type of reproduction is created by half tondots tak ing on the fuzzy, random pattern othe fiber. A negative effect with some of thvery open uncoated papers is that co lorswash out and deta i ls lose their sharpness

    CoatedRefined coatings holdink out for intensecolor and crisp details.

    UncoatedHalftone dots spreauncoated paper, sofcolor while losing d

    In comes coating , to the rescu e. Coatingsare precise ly formulated mixtures of ca lc icarbonate and c lay suspended in a b inderIt 's coating's job to create a smooth, unifosurface across the sheet. Smooth and levfor even l ight ref lect ion and uniform ink f iTight enough to hold ink out on the surfacAnd jus t porous enough to a l low ink to b int ight ly to the surface.Each Potlatch coating is an exclusive blenunique to each grade and surface. Theproduct of exact ing research and constantevolut ionary improvement, our coatingsadhere t ight ly to our base stocks, maximizl ight ref lectance, boosting opacity whilestr ik in g jus t the r ight balance betweenporosity and ink hold-out.Think Ink Hold-OutInk can only deliver color and detail at fulintensity when it sits up on the paper surfaThis quality is called ink hold-out. And inkhold-out is what you get when you buy finecoated papersespecially those by Potla

  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


    A L L Y O U N E E D to M A K E

    S M A R T C H O I C E SA B O U T P A P E RA no t h e r j o b has j u s t l and ed on your des k . T he d i r ec t i on is c lea r, t he co nc ep t , onc e as t rug gle , is firm. Now you 'v e got a dec i s ion to m ak e: W hic h p a p e r to speci fy .W h er e d o you s ta r t? I t' s yo ur r e s pons i b i l i t y t o con s i de r a ll t he va r i ab l e s an d a r r i ve a ta s h ee t t h a t w ill m ak e t he p r o j e c t an d eve r yo ne i nvo l ved yo ur c l i en t , yo ur bos sand you look good. And choos ing i sn ' t a lways easy . Of course , the paper you se lec tsh ou ld be cons i s t ent wi th the overa l l s t ra tegy of the p r in te d p iec e . A nd , for the grea tess u c c e s s, y o u n e e d t o c h o o s e t h e p a p e r e a r l y o n i n t h e p r o j e c t c y c le . C o u p l e t h o s ep r i o r i t i e s w i t h t e c h n i c a l , a e s t h e t i c a n d b u d g e t a r y c o n s i d e r a t i o n s , a n d y o u ' v e g o tyour wor k cu t ou t f o r you .W e ' r e h e r e t o he l p . W i t h "Sm ar t Cho i ces " by Po t l a t ch , we ' l l s e r ve a s you r gu i det h r o ug h i m po r t a n t s t eps i n t he dec i s i on - ma k i ng p r oces s . I n t h is u s e fu l t oo l , you ' l l findfour r ea l -wor ld scen ar ios tha t co uld eas ily l an d o n you r desk i f they hav en ' t a l r eadyI n each on e , you ' l l we i gh t he cha l l en ges , rev iew p r ac t i ca l cons i de r a t i on s , ga t he rt echn i ca l i n f o r ma t i on and d i s cove r a t l ea s t one s o l u t i on t ha t f i t s the bi l l .We ' l l a l so he lp you unders tand the cr i t i ca l i s sues of how ink in terac t s wi th d i f ferentpa pe r su r f aces an d fin ishes, s how i ng how t hey can d e t e r m i n e t h e in t eg r i t y o f i mager ep r oduc t i on and , u l t i ma t e l y , t he qua l i t y o f t he f i na l p r i n t ed p r o j ec t .

    What ' s more , you ' l l a l so r ece ive "Your Projec t , Your Choice ," a handy checkl i s t toreview w he n i t co m es t im e for you to spec ify pap er . Refer to it every t ime a new pro jeclan ds on yo ur desk , so you ca n m o re eas ily a l ign yo ur p r ior i t i es .W i t h " S m a r t C h o i c e s , " y o u h a v e a ll y o u n e e d t o m a k e e d u c a t e d d e c i s i o n s a b o u t p a p e rse lec t ion for every pro je c t . Beca use Pot l a tch wan ts you to have the bes t inf orm at io navai l able on h an d , so you can ar r ive a t the be s t ch oice every t im e.

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  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance



    Target AudienceMain Message




    End Use


    Assignment: Automotive BrochureClient is introducing a high-performance sports coupe. Other than a tes t drive, thisbrochure will be the sales tool that people use to make a buying decision.Sophisticated drivers who value performance, impeccable design and precision control"The high-performance car you've earnedat last."Impeccable, powerful, valuable, luxeThis car is all about the excitement and freedom of Hitting the Open Road. Images willreflect a variety of American vistas along with details of the vehicle.

    Production Considerations The brochure, like the car, is an object of desire. It must embody the perfection of the

    vehicle down to every last detail. Because the brochure will be the only thing a potential buyer takes home, the four-color images

    must look real as lifeas if you could drive them off the page. This means that:- Areas of dense ink coverage must appear perfectly smooth and sol id.- The intricate detail of all chrome and glass must sparkle.- Leatherwork and other interior finishe s mu st reproduce in all their rich subtlety.

    To accom plish the above, you'll need to consider papers with a perfectly smoo th su rfacefor impeccably even ink lay, and exceptional ink hold-out, so halftone dots sit up on thesurface for crisp, accurate reproduction.

    True-to-life reproduction also dictates high light reflectance and uncompromising printed ink gloss,to enhance the visual pop of images.

    With highly saturated images, it will be crucial to choose a sheet with excellent opacity, minimizingdistracting show-through, and controlled porosity, so ink sits up top for even reflection of color.Nothing must detract from the visual splendor of the images.For added bril l iance and handling durability, you'll l ikely want to add flood or spot varnishes.If so, your selection mus t lend itself to inline and offline UV and aqueou s coating proce sses.Brochures will be delivered by hand at dealerships or by mail in a protective wrap to qualifiedcustomers. As such, durabi l i ty is a signif icant, though not overriding, concern.Type is important, but image and emotion are everything. A bright opaque sheet will serveboth copy and photos well.A lot rides on this piece. If it, in the hands of the potential buyer, doesn't communicate thevalue of the car, the buyer may not be seduced to try itmuch less buy it. In the end,th e printingand papermust be of superlative quality.

    Recommendation: GlossGloss is a shiny surface created by supercalendering coating pigmentsso they reflect light off the surface in the same direction. The result ishigh reflectance for subjects that require strong ink gloss retention,

    1 such as the gleam of paint on a car, the sparkle of glassware and theshine of chrome.

    Technical: Incredibly precise halftone dot; small pigments aligned for uniform lightreflectance and excellent clarityAesthetic: Shiny and polished; powerful; slick to the touchPerformance: Smooth, even reflectance; unsurpassed resi l ience and retained ink gloss;scuff resistant, though higher potential for fingerprintingSuggested for: Hard, shiny surfaces, including glass, m etal and p lastics; highly detai led subjects

  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance



  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


    P i l l

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  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


    Potlatch Vintage8Number One RecycledCleanBright White91 BrightnessVersatile and acid-free as always,Vintage comes in a clean, bright whiteshade, recycled with 10% post-consumer fiber. Available in threef inishesGloss, Velvet and Silk.

    Potlatch's patented high-solidscoating process ensures a smooth,uniform p rinting surface, high inkhold-out and brilliant color reproduct ion. And complementing Vintage'sbright white is the warm white shadeof Vintage Velvet Creme.

    Production NotesCoverFour-color process,match blue, inlinespot gloss varnishon image, inline spotdull varnish on typeInsideFour-color process,match red touchplate applied to carimages, match dullcream tint varnish,inline spot gloss anddull varnishes

    Photo CreditsCoverHunter Freeman,San FranciscoInsideRed Jaguar:Hunter Freeman,San FranciscoDesert: JamesSchwabel/PanoramicImages, Chicago

    BMW: Mark LaFavorPictures,MinneapolisSkyline: TomasBarbudo/PanoramicImages, ChicagoAuto details: MichaelFurman, Philadelphia

    Printed onVintage Glo80 lb. Cover


    W H E R E P A P ER IS J U S T T H E B E G I N N I N G O F T H E P A R T N E R S H I PP O T L A T C H C O R P O R A T I O N , C L O Q U E T , M I N N E S O T A 5 5 7 2 0 8 0 0 - 4 4 7 - 2 1 3 3 W W W . P O T L A T C H P A P E R . C O M

    2001 Potlatch Corporation

  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


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  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


    Potlatch McCoyPlus One Ultra Bright Blue White96 BrightnessWith an incredibly ultra bright bluewhite shade, a choice of popular basisweights and versatile finishesGloss,Velvet, Silk and MattePotlatchMcCoy combines the character andeye-popping brilliance of a premium

    sheet and pricing closer to a No. 1 .You'll be amazed by the dazzling colorreproduction and smooth lay of inkson the sheet. Acid-free for archivalpermanence. Potlatch McCoy Gloss,Velvet and Matte are recycled with10 percent post-consumer fiber.

    Production NotesCoverFour-color process ,match metallic, inlinespot gloss varnishon image, inline spotdull varnish on typeInsideFour-color process,match dull cream tintvarnish, match metallic,inline spot gloss anddull varnishes

    Photo CreditsCoverJeffrey Apoian,New York

    InsideHat and purse:Paul Armbruster,New YorkShoes: FrancineZaslow, Boston

    Printed oPotlatch Silk 80 lb


    W H E R E P A P E R I S J U S T T H E B E G I N N I N G O F T H E P A R T N E R S H I PP O T L A T C H C O R P O R A T I O N , C L O Q U E T , M I N N E S O T A 55 7 2 0 8 0 0 - 4 4 7 -2 1 3 3 W W W . P O T L A T C H P A P E R . C O M

    200 1 Potlatch Corporation

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  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance



    Target A udienceMain Message




    End Use


    Assignment: Luxury Goods CatalogClient sells a wide array of high-end goods, including jewelry and g em s, silk sca rvesand ties, via direct-mail catalog.Repeat customers and a new mailing list"We sell the things that dreams are made of."Desirable, sophisticated, sumptuousThe fine, rich textures of featured products inspired the use of graphic photographyagainst simple backgrounds.

    Production Considerations As the catalog sel ls a premium assortment, the paper you select must reflect an elegant

    quality, giving an impression of high value through its feel, appearance and superior performance. Catalog displays its subjects in exquisite de tail, from so ft goods, like cashm ere scarve s and

    leather, to sterling silver and crystal. Your paper choice must be versatile, super-smooth anddel iver outstanding contrast and precise detai ls.

    To capture the highlights and lowlights of a crystal goblet, for instance, consider a paperwith uniform light scatter so shadows retain their detail.

    To inspire purchase, the catalog must be immensely readable. Copy must print with clarity,details must pop and the entire viewing experience must feel comfortable, all of whichsuggests a sheet that's opaque and scatters light diffusely, without glare.

    In direct mail , your greatest challenge will be selecting paper that reproduces exceptionallywell but isn't so thick it becomes cost-prohibitive to mail . As such, you must weigh thetradeoffs of points, pounds and polish: Calendered papers such as gloss decrease points inthicknessa bonus for mailingwhich also, however, reduces opacity, possibly diminishingthe final print effect.

    Sent without a protective covering, a catalog must be able to withstand the rigors of mailing.Prepare to treat the cover and inside photographs with an overlay of varnish or coating toprotect against scuffing and rub, especially when printing on softer finishes.

    Recommendation: SilkSilk is a soft-finished surface with moderate paper gloss. Coating pigmentsare oriented so that light scatter is controlled. Silk is best for printingsubjects that have a tactile sense, such as fine fabrics, and require highresolution without high gloss, such as a gem set in gold. Silk also allowsfor smooth, flat, solid ink lay and excellent readability.

    Technical: Precise halftone dot; controlled pigments like gloss but finished differently forsofter resolutionAesthetic: Excellent contrast for enhanced readability; smooth ink layPerformance: Pliant and resilient on press and offSuggested for: Fine art, glassware, fabric, skin tone s, detai l

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  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


    Potlatch VintageNumber One RecycledClean BrightWhite91 BrightnessVersatile and acid-free as always,Vintage comes in a clean, brightwhite shade, recycled with 10% post-consumer fiber. Available in three finishesG loss, Velvet and Silk.

    Potlatch's patented high-solids coatingprocess ensures a smo oth, uniformprinting surface, high ink hold-out andbrilliant color reproduction. And complementing Vintage's bright white isthe warm white shade of VintageVelvet Creme.

    Production NotesCoverFour-color process,match metallic, inlinespot gloss varnishon image, inline spotdull varnish on typeInsideFour-color process,match dull cream tintvarnish, match metallic,inline spot gloss anddull varnishes

    Photo CreditsCoverJeffrey Apoian,New York

    InsideHat and purse:Paul Armbruster,New YorkShoes: FrancineZaslow, Boston

    Printed onVintage S ilk80 lb. Cover


    W H E R E P A P E R I S J U S T T H E B E G I N N I N G O F T H E P A R T N E R S H I PP O T L A T C H C O R P O R A T I O N , C L O Q U E T , M I N N E S O T A 5 5 7 2 0 8 0 0 - 4 4 7 - 2 1 3 3 W W W . P O T L A T C H P A P E R . C O M

    ) 2001 Potlatch Corporation

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  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance



    Target Audience

    Main Message




    End Use


    Assignment: Annual ReportClient is a pharmaceutical manufacturer dedicated to taking a fresh approach to thedevelopment of therapeutic drugs.The annual report wi l l be distributed to shareholders, insti tut ional investors, employeesand other members of the business community, including the media."We've installed a new management team to grow the business in a way that advancesour mission: Helping people live healthier lives."Warm, approachable and progressive, but also sophisticated, professional, stableAn emphasis on new leadership has led to the strategic decision to introduce membersof the managem ent team using warm, l ively photographic portraits.

    Production Considerations The cl ient 's wish to del iver a more "human" feel suggests a softer, more tacti le surface. To be professional in tone, the sheet must be flawless in execution.

    With portraits, subtle shadows and precise detail are extremely important, requiring a verysmooth sheet with exceptional ink hold-out for crisp halftone dots. The chairman's letter, operations statements and financial data are at least as significantas the images. That's why a high degree of paper opacity, minimizing show-through andimproving readability, is essential wherever text and images print front to back.To make the annual report easy to read and to reduce eye strain, you'll want to considera diffuse, non-glare surface finish that scatters light randomly.For greater contrast between images and text and to prevent rub on softer finishes,appl ication of varnish to images and sol ids is recommended.The report will be delivered by hand and by mail in a protective wrap, so durability is animportant, though not overriding, concern.Readability is a priority and the project may also be written on (i.e., investors' marginnotations). A low-gloss, non-glare sheet is easier on the eyes and more receptive to ink.The shelf l ife of an annual report is a year. However, as a direct reflection of a company,the annual report must reflect and reinforce the company's brand, its strengths and itspersonality, in every facet of its production, be it copy, design or printing.

    Recommendation: VelvetVelvet is a lightly calendered surface that offers low to moderate papergloss. Coating pigments and binders are combined to create a surfacethat scatters light. The velvet surface is best for printing images that needhigh resolution without high gloss. Velvet also provides high readability,premium performance and a tacti le feel .

    Technical: More precise halftone dot than matte; greater light-scatter controlAesthetic: Low-glare for excellent readability; adds depth and dimension; human feelPerformance: Smooth, even reflectance; unsurpassed resi l ience and retained ink glossSuggested for: Text, portraits, textiles such as felt, leather and embroidery

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  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


    Potlatch McCoyPlus OneUltra Bright Blue White96 BrightnessWith an incredibly ultra bright blue whiteshade, a choice of popular basis weightsand versatile finishesGloss, Velvet,Silk and MattePotlatch McCoy combines the character and eye-popping

    brilliance of a premium sheet and pricingcloser to a No. 1. You'll be amazed bythe dazzling color reproduction andsmooth lay of inks on the sheet.Acid-free for archival permanence.Potlatch McCoy Gloss, Velvet and Matteare recycled with 10 percentpost-consumer fiber.

    Production NotesCoverFour-color process,match yellow, inlinespot dull varnish onimage, inline spotgloss varnish on typeInsideFour-color proces s,match dull cream tintvarnish, inline spotgloss and dullvarnishes

    Photo CreditsCoverMark Segal,ChicagoInsideUpper left, lowerleft and upperright portraits:Paul Elledge,Chicago

    Eyedropper: Printed onStone/Steve Taylor, Potlatch McCoLondon Velvet 80 lb. CDNA s trand:Ryan McVay,PhotoDisc, SeattleLower rightPortrait:Stone/Philip LeeHarvey, London


    W H E R E P A P E R I S J U S T T H E B E G I N N I N G O F T H E P A R T N E R S H I PP O T L A T C H C O R P O R A T I O N , C L O Q U E T , M I N N E S O T A 5 5 7 2 0 8 0 0 - 4 4 7 - 2 1 3 3 W W W . P O T L A T C H P A P E R . C O M

    2001 Pot la tch Corpora t ion

  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance



    Target Audience

    Main Message




    Assignment: Annual Report

    End Use


    Client is a pharmaceutical manufacturer dedicated to taking a fresh approach to thedevelopment of therapeutic drugs.The annual report wi l l be distributed to shareholders, insti tut ional investors, employeesand other members of the business community, including the media."We've instal led a new management team to grow the business in a way that advancesour mission: Helping people live healthier lives."Warm, approachable and progressive, but also sophisticated, professional, stableAn emphasis on new leadership has led to the strategic decision to introduce membersof the management team using warm, l ively photographic portraits.

    Production Considerations The cl ient 's wish to del iver a more "human" feel suggests a softer, more tacti le surface. To be professional in tone, the sheet must be flawless in execution. With portraits, subtle shadows and precise detail are extremely important, requiring a very

    smooth sheet with exceptional ink hold-out for crisp halftone dots.The chairman's letter, operations statements and financial data are at least as significantas the images. That's why a high degree of paper opacity, minimizing show-through andimproving readability, is essential wherever text and images print front to back.To make the annual report easy to read and to reduce eye strain, you'll want to considera diffuse, non-glare surface finish that scatters light randomly.For greater contrast between images and text and to prevent rub on softer finishes,appl ication of varnish to images and sol ids is recommended.The report will be delivered by hand and by mail in a protective wrap, so durability is animportant, though not overriding, concern.Readability is a priority and the project may also be written on (i.e., investors' marginnotations). A low-gloss, non-glare sheet is easier on the eyes and more receptive to ink.The shelf l ife of an annual report is a year. However, as a direct reflection of a company,the annual report must reflect and reinforce the company's brand, its strengths and itspersonality, in every facet of its production, be it copy, design or printing.

    Recommendation: VelvetVelvet is a lightly calendered surface that offers low to moderate papergloss. Coating pigments and binders are combined to create a surfacethat scatters light. The velvet surface is best for printing images that needhigh resolution without high gloss. Velvet also provides high readability,premium performance and a tacti le feel .

    Technical: More precise halftone dot than matte; greater light-scatter controlAesthetic: Low-glare for excellent readability; adds depth and dimension; human feelPerformance: Smooth, even reflectance; unsurpassed resi l ience and retained ink glossSuggested for: Text, portraits, textiles such as felt, leather and embroidery

  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


    Potlatch VintageNumber One RecycledClean BrightWhite91 BrightnessVersatile and acid-free as always,Vintage comes in a clean, brightwhite shade, recycled with 10%post-consumer fiber. Available in threefinishesGloss, Velvet and Silk.

    Potlatch's patented high-solidscoating process ensures a smooth,uniform printing surface, high inkhold-out and brilliant color reproduction.And complementing Vintage's brightwhite is the warm white shade ofVintage Velvet Creme.

    Production NotesCoverFour-color process,match yellow, inlinespot dull varnish onimage, inline spotgloss varnish on typeInsideFour-color process,match dull cream tintvarnish, inline spotgloss and dullvarnishes

    Photo CreditsCoverMark Segal,ChicagoInsideUpper left, lowerleft and upperright portraits:Paul Elledge,Chicago

    Eyedropper:Stone/Steve Taylor,LondonDNA strand:Ryan McVay,PhotoDisc, SeattleLower rightPortrait:Stone/Philip LeeHarvey, London

    Printed onVintage Velvet80 lb. Cover


    W H E R E P A P E R I S J U S T T H E B E G I N N I N G O F T H E P A R T N E R S H I PP O T L A T C H C O R P O R A T I O N , C L O Q U E T , M I N N E S O T A 5 5 7 2 0 8 0 0 - 4 4 7 - 2 1 3 3 W W W . P O T L A T C H P A P E R . C O M

    2001 Potlatch Corporation

  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance


  • 7/28/2019 Behind the Scenes Smart Choices Smooth Performance

