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BEJIJSTM. - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031565/1849-11-22/ed...of the...

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**ry Tbqtsdejr Morning a« Malone, . iin County, New.Xwk. on Main Street, opposite the Rail Road Office. Y<m can take nry Hat. rami m niikiimMi ; ' ^ tmfe. tern* f6#^n3algencfeii, : tHif tfo Vaciftti«Jn%pasfed; atfiSfof 4tae? slightest nottcje,-how. KS^~*|:j?5. madvance; $1,75. at the end of.ix ih " , ' ? '^ nbt P ai 'f before ifcw rml of the yeu>. . .NPW-di'sContinned until all arrearages am paid j**9jSf *tthe option of the publkbera. irc^? 0 ^"* 61 "" ^ * **»•«« or uarfer inserted three c !J§M9 r "V, and 25 cts for each subsequent insertion liberal discount made to those »bo advertise by Interest charged on a!J"sums alter dies bc- MdMthe M. DE TjfcStimeAxto -wkfi born'in Paris i n c o m e ? fglF to* bfia'idt ^flismpmrfrarelSvisi. ty^anganaasiake rif eithjexvuatilpttje officer, 11,754. Attha?period-itwafcthegenera!cue. f ^ * * ^ , ^ « d "Whens1ie'did,,she e&ripajcom- ^od%o^^fqf^0p^iA^0^ifihedutiiot t t o m j n u o b l f families to send ©attheiHn&nts , ^^% , « ' e « l 6 b r a t e « K s « ! f g e 6 o j ^ i p i e x | u m o 4 ^ $ B l & s i P P P r e ^ y e | i ^ d # d f h f d *%?<*- BEJIJSTM. A||R- NICHOLS, Prnctieat Devlisl, befog perma- M^ nenlly located in this ,ViUa»e, will devote his Wb»>fe time to the duties of the profession, and assures Ploughing ffTateUcs arid Poetry. O* *Ve seldom find BO mncb wit+ humor, poet- ry, goodrseDsei and ptaeticalimateledge displayed \ in one production, ma in the folfewiing report of Dr. ' O. W. HOMES, of Bbstoa, oi\a Ploughing Match -i^ ~ — ~ ~ „ ,..„„...o -, « = , .-. -.-...—, .... „,, ~ ... . . . ,. • ~ . ~ , , ihat recently b i n e off in Beri&Mre Mass 1 We were once coating over the railroad to be «""*e«£fo the provinces. Thegay moth-" f * Nwame- legybandajgecitotightly ? 4lR|gged ,f*PGM p^teM^mii&nff^Pf^loftV. «"'* "The plough is a very ancietrtinmlement h U ' tr , Qax Was, l»»gtOn <% to Baltimore, when we f r > rter a brief retirement, resumed her.place *MtepaA- thl» ,ner*e, and. pni,thaj;b§d< to ^ l j . & e ^ ^ - ^ a m b e ^ T ^ e p r r ^ a >v)th the nt- wriuet.inth^En^fshln^^ „l^„ h A ' f ^ ^ P ^ a peculiar sortof aujan sitting hard , ,n t h o M ^ t court c'ifcje, seldom fmding- «**> *»rtH*e, that be beaded ijethiagBo|»ttch, ^Aff! b/ " ^ tal^L'm,good-natured fel]ow%^at S * efea ^ »*» • * * « * V * ' t t r i r f & a the poo? ^ s u m m o n s to O e j w f e r to n ^ h i s T -"- ' ^ j.ne association 6f free andmaepettd^^^ . . . . . . . •. p »-«. it may be remarked that the same gen-1 a person who Ih'ed'bvhis'wite, Written npori^/ who » consigned to the care of a hired nurse, } JX&B *«*«« l lA Pff - J»>a-'fcfeST ***& iiomen can, by a simrlar process;tttiii tfieir coughs his fa0e. Afrjeod who Was with fneanswer-1 wtolived pejfhapB many miles distant, was left J p^es^auifQeJ^fldTiunseif OowUe' into cows, which woolii be" the cheapest method of, ed my inquiry as to who he *wasj and .ashed to veg'^te 4> r /ears. " | »eyrand; and, head ot that branch of fiis rsiiinrr ii va ai„-ir u . . . «» t - . - L . ' i v . _ - . . , . ., ' mo *^ !,„„„ i. .^ .i ,. i '..-T'. .. g 0 -jt f are 3 w*,th Charted-Afah>'ice,eldest son '•>"• ^ 8 Brbtnel* Archambauld had left f of the Count de Talleyrand. • Esdled' from ! boc,e ? f Nurse Rigant \^itJi better fortune s^ss,, ;fhajjfted flie" office" th-1 considerate fiindhess: Jb'u^hegged:'L> a.' ' 1bmi^a^1|is' own lungs^ere sb Verrdeli; raising live stock, but it is to be feared that they me to keep -between the object of my notice (referring lo the cows) wou/d prove hut low bred anc * '"n 1 ^"'. least he should come Over to our animal. 6o m e have- derived tb^hEpglish word Reat ' lls m y conipanioD said he knew, "bat did plough fromjhe S^jffaitPt^Jmvilih which j uo ^' l f > » ^ c o g n « e 1 ^ there, comes from thej^rmep luggesang ilVelatio,. to ' -• l M f e a n "? « ^ * ^ ' a m an that is ,he .a« te , * , t s u c F r r s e d E c ^ c t w e e n « * . ^ ' S g S f t i S ^ * ^ ent languages may be carried top far, as, for ex- ample, if a man should trace the name of the AUamaha to tlie circumstances that tho first set his father's houseiat the hour of his birth, lie w^s. carried^,a distant village,, by a nuEse- w te^^ rf &|V? ri W Po luring nr^ childreu 'well oir^l!,!^ it haj^ned.*4cdQrditigJo the priace's- himselfjfdj'he had escaped accidents, auf his. f ,,.' ' Yon Ipo^y^ung.ipy idea? aftbe/. ||b#paid; >llnin0 tVXKixfn- «4i>(iinfif mieJ B««MIJ rfVvHiAM>v^l' ft /~V.i '.rlArhtma l*j-iM linira rvnf KAA»I n4- ciilvn/%1 on/I n —A ^dwir t limbs 'Were -straight aiid well-formed. | O n the day that Gharles-Mauricfe had sncce^Bfui- ly. completed bis studiesatthe college of £ou- l4^^alej^erbjl0ojking man, LwoiT for his assure ,_, , ^ ,—ro- ••-*? — M delicate, liM'hkHvboltffifeSr to eaj^oTmter^liefco'Id air.' l ' +Th^4m^ryliIo6d rflQanted in-ithfl officer's cheek? ie "wtts » y<Wdf jast come frjoin Nor- jnaady,and spokowitbliis native accent in •»all:Jtepiitity/i •••'••... ,-t... l .; 4 .1 perliaps ypa have not, been at school, and are not aware that yon bavJvet many tjhings to learn: amongst' the rest'—•— ''Athoniand pardonsl' interrnpted fee abbe, i'hiswadversary, and bftpmtrons and frieods that tilt<, r eratior« shall be per- tiers were all tomahawked op the margin of that lortnBu ;= :fceoe«4manner and with a view to the per- river. - ' triienl •attsfictioiMjf the patient. Dr. N. will keep ,.~. . . , . . . e«JMtanily dn ba^d, a lar?e ? «iia welt selected assort- X l me and'experience have sanciioned the cos- meat of S^OCICTOlfSPmiCELAlN TEETH torn of putting only plaiu, practical men upon this ^ I f ^ S o " ' ^ ^,r Uad J UM -I' 0 " tin f *°' d committee. Were it not so, the most awkward plates, according to the latest tmpruvrments in the ... ABT, at short notice and upoa the most reasonable hlundera would be constantly occurring. The in- terns. ' flJr Teetb extracted without pain by the use of the Leotboo.' ! All operations warranted. ^ ways ready to borrow of, or drink with you J' i J pa*«*,and regularly gave excellent accounts i '. n g a ca^«l|fi5umL_ ., . .„ ..... _ --.^-^ .-., He neverlias any money, howe^ er, aud I am j of the cliild. J^er 'darling little Chariot was ^j 8 comrads, and commanded him to foliew j imitating to pefil^oW-^n|^«fDPmaaf m<e&nt curious to know hpw ho will get over the ' f ' le P r ' de °f the country, with his rosy cheeks j ma l to ^ l0 celerical seminary of St Sulpice. j 'I assure you I hacq beermat school; f I learn road, without paving, for he surely will do it 1 and sturdy limbs. He was well kd, well j ^ e set >tence was withojut appeal. He lelirn-1 ed all my letters, and if kriQw that A fe (abbe) someway.' ' J dressed;, what mdre Could a ba,by want V | e ^ fto™ bis snperiorthait his family had (Jeci- : " — * '"* " l J - i " ,J1J - J -' " - 'Probably he has got a ticket—borrowed! 'What more indeed?' thought hislady-moth- ^ to deprive him of his 1 birthright, and tiins- - '-•- ' •• -•• •• - «-• ««--.»:- ...i 1 .... ... fer it to his 3oungeT brother. f '.Ajid wherefore f asked the youth. the money to btiv that sort,' said. J. 'Not he. Beau' it with, or something of always travels free, and Office over the Store of Win. King & Son«. Main'si Malone, Jfc. Y. December 2 1 1343 habitants of our cities, for instance, w£o frequepily ' boards in the same wav.' He never pays out .visit the country during the fine season, would nnd ' money, when wit or trick will pass current tbemselvf s quite at a loss, if au overstrained polite- iu its place,' said my friend. er; that is, whenever she had- time to think about tlie matter at all; but this was not of- ten ; for court duties and court pleasures ab- sorbed her every faculty, aud occupied every moment. " Time rolled on Another son was born to A. T. DUNTON, " WttL PERFORM *rt OPERATION IS t D e n t a l Surgery that majrte required, with neatness, correctness, •nd dispatch. »£>/ operations warranted to give tati*fa€lion» Office one dour west of Meigs & Wead's. ncss "should place them in this position. Imagine j 'What a shocking bad hat he has got OJI,' ! tbe Count de Talleyrand; and, like his elder a trader or a "professional man from the capital of, said t *> observing the dilapidated condition of' brother, he came into the world strong and ' 'healthy, cust in the mould of a vigorous race. He shared tho/ot<ftf Charles-Maurice, being seut to die village where the latter was grow Drs. Paddock $ Howard, H AVING formed o copartnership in tho practice .of Medicine and Sorgeri, offer their profession- al 'services to the inhabitants: ofport Covington and its v'cinilje. We hold our«er»e'» iri readiness to attend to all cull*. pri»ai|.'l . [ Kun Civ), ohon, July I, 1319. O. K. l'ADDOCK. If N. W. HOWARD. the state, unexpectedly called upon to act in rum matters. "Ploughshares arc to liim shares that pay no div- idends. A coulter, lie supposes, has something to do with a horse. His notions of stock were obtain- ed jin F*annel Hid) market, where the cattle look funnily enough, to be sure, compared with'the liv- for tite s' quite Iiis beaver 1 'It is some fru-k of his, doubtless , rest of h^s dress, you will ohscrw, .genteel.' /Yes, I see.,' My friend went on to tell me how Bean had done his tailor out of a receipt i'i fiill l\>r ais last voar's bill, find the landlady at hi* last is not C D (ceder, yield) ;|and, morepver,that your E P (cpe$, sw,ord) vV^ll not make me O T (oier, go away).' By this time a number of the guests had collected, and receive rf'Talley. rand's 1 sally with a peal of hearty laughter.— The Chevalier de Boufflers himself applaud- ed - f but the discomfited Norman, having no 'Because he is not a cripple,' was tlie i reply. The words entered likeiron into theviet|n's soul; (hey changed his very nature, and made reply ready, took himself off as fast as possi- the youth what the Prince d« Ttdleyrandlaf- j ble. Madam du Deifand happened tb be in terwards appeared. Ln proud and bitter! si-1 the room. She heard the Vepatee, end ex- Icnce he donned the offered-cassock ; and ( pressed a wi,sh to have its author introduced uone may know what passed, within, for tiev-1 to her. Titis was!doue by Be Bofflers himself, er, even to his most intimate friends, did! he | Tbe illustrious lady, who jivas blind,! invited ing originals. He knows, it is truejihiereis a dif-1 boarding house, and various other instances ference in cattle, and would tell yo&that he preters. of his ingenuity. S. P. BA1 PHXS1C1JX JND' A URGEO.X. Residence one doer South of^,. C LatbiopV. Office over L. C. LATHBOP'S Store. Law •" Copartnership • p t l K undersigned have'formed a copartnership as ' A«tojrnegr». Solicitors and - Counsellors, uoder the 'He owed me toft dollars,' said my friend, 'but in attempting to collect it, one day, I'll be banged if he didn't get ten more out of me; so 1 thjnk I shall let the matter rest as it is for fear pf doubling the sum »m - e more.' At this, moment the conductor euterud tlie , T . ,. . , . ... opposite end of the cars to gather the tickets. •The bwtory of one of these summer v.s.ters ; ^ « seng0I<8j and - v e t ^ m chet . k s 1 n re . shows diat this rural education must be very nnper-, tartK £ any of the m, as is often the case feet. He no sooner established himself than he , XV tth tijttliellers, who are frequently called.up- commences a series of experiments. He tries to i on on popular routes, to show their tickets, drain-a marsh, but only succeeds in draining his i had placed theirs in tlie bands of their hats, pockets. He offers to pay for having a compost so that the conductor could see that they tbe sirloin breed to all others. His children are j equally unenlightened. They know no rhorc cf the pouliry yard than what they have learned by having the chickenpox and playing on a Turkey ; carpet. Their small amount of knowledge of wool- ! growing is lam(b)entable. i I est brother, the captain of a ship-of-war, and a Knhjht of Malta, returned from a distant I expedition. Alter greeting the elder ntem- | hers of his, family, he inquired for his little ' nephelws, and felt both shocked and surprised i at flieir parents indifference towards them. D*t*d Jannary2, 1848 JOHN HUTTON. J. K. Flanders, jflto*ney, Soliciltr and Counsellor rWillattehd to all collection business intrusted to him. is frequentty performed for htm. by other people, {^u Himst his heart «ut of the car witidow,' afte'rnobu Xvhen' he approached 'th*e village, thougb he pays no barber's bill. He buiids a wire rtIul seeme d absorbed iu coMt^niplating the ' »» d , ) e bethought him of inquiring the way to fence and paints it green, so thav nobody can see , scenery on that side of the road. Tiie eon- i ^ liouset of .Vurse Rigaut ^ Looking round, it. But he forgets to order a pairof spectacles d'uetor spoke to llim fbV his ticket there was \ ne . sa AV on the hill a paje 4 th^in c h i l d , w i t h l o n g fair hair flowing on his shoulders; he was ud practice LaVaDdEquityiolheSnpremeCou.tOP^ " ,, v , -, . • • ' Office near the EpucopaiChurch, M»hjoe t Frankim i and make on invisible one of if, sure enough, in Ticket, sir,' said the .conductor, tapping niisy «ettnig a bird-trap on' the snow. Tl tJCounty, N . Y H-AMERIAM, ACTOESE* ASD CPDSSBT.I.OR Ap LAW. Office No. 2, Firli'i Exchange (2d Floor,) MUone, FrcUtklia Co., JV >'. no time. And tjtmlly,httvnig'W»agbt a machine to i W»» I'gbtly on the slioujder. Beau sprang back into the naptaih called him,' and as! the little fellow car, knocking , approached,'thekuid sailor saw'with pawthat. ' chop fodder, which tffi6p!# J «ir a good slice of bis;, , """,;" ,"» f "T*%.V'»V ,'i'~ ."'' '."" ".">—° I t "„', „ i ' it . *• " ' ~" 1 r & ' the "ha* into the rdad; and leaving it, in one) he, was lame, aud leaned (or support on a M Attorney aud Counsellor at Law, SJULOSE, FKASKLIN CO., -K. Y. i (E? Particular attention given to ike collecting business. OFFICE, two doors east, frotn Field's Exchange- [dividends and two ot three children's finger*, be | concludes that, instead orcutltng leed,'lje will cut 1 farming, and so sells om to one of those plain,prac- tical farmers, such as you have lionored by placing 1 on your committee, whose pockets are not so full when he starts, but have fewer holes, and not scj many fingers in them. ' Clear the blown path to meet his coulter's gleqii! Lo, on he comes behind his smoking team, - ' With toil's bright-dew-drojis on hU sunburnt brow, 1 The Itftd of earth, the hero of tbo plow ! ) minute, nearly a mile behind. He; looked i I first at the conductor, then out uf the win-; ' dow after his hat, and iu a.seeunlqg ff\ .of ' rage exclaimed : ' 'What the d— : —I do yon strike a mini in I , that way for? Is that your bushiess ? Is I you telt whe 'I will TJtUEim & FITC1T, , ^ «v i« «x First in tbe field before-tbe re'ddening SUP. 2ltt»>^nitgS, CottnSellOrS, $t SOlUttOrSj • tast in the«lniii>ws »?hfttt;b«day tsdone, ,._. *„ „„ m v~ Line after'i'oe along the barstine sod OFPICE^-Maio Stree 1 ; over Andrus I& Lewis S'ore. \ EDWABD Frrca A. B. PABMBWS. ; ^ 'Xf& , _-—.—,.. -i - - DeatecifrD^-6Aod». Groceries, Hjuft Wane,. Crock No. i Marks the broad acres where his feel has trod ; I Still wbete kq treads ibe stubbptn clods divide, \ The smooth, fresh furrow opens deep and >v<i<le_; Matted and dense the tangled turf upheaves : Mallow and dark the ildjy corn6()ld cleaves, • Un the^teep hill.ido nlicieibe luhoiing train 1 Stub'ibe long track that score* the level plan,; ! Thrdo'gb the moist Valley ringed with oozing ^lay 7" j The patjent corivoji break* its destined way? -" ».At every turn the laosening chains resound, Tbe swinging blbugbahare circles ;^istca|ng round, JBHIIJHPdBk MIEiljl^Bi Till the wide f^eld one Lil.ow^ w«steap7iear*t •• * '''. "* '«, 1S _ r«^» *K V I And weai'led; hands unbind the-pantini.stecia.. • " .,n..„. ~3^~~ -—i I-* ' , e , e B r e t "° "f 11 w 3e »t^rd) labor brings ^ '£'* ^- . 'r-.. . . I'T£A tiOnaMifr'a C n d mntAon noTVIn nf iTtnU* * |»ry, Paints, Oils, and Dye-sttinfy iyc. FieU* JSschange, Malone, it r mmnwM'ltQ^m BY This H0W& is pleasantly sitoatedon sttevr rods east ofihe Bridge, m the most ^antral part orHhe village!. ' John Thompsony ^ u u i n g doneoy fhe^bo'ttfeseriaic* Shdp##«>»a»a*ecyqfPtBrMigfR' 8 H ote k Referred 1 !- ."*!& tr, MaM^e, ojd. has just retaroed from Main Street i""* i*v»«it , » fto"", * ° golden \>amj> offings'; I This is tbe pago whose letters shafl hpseon ., • Changed \fy the sun to words of\livipg gteen i Tbis is the scholar whose immortal pen!. Spells tho first lesson hunger taught to men ; at "•gurnet^ %j ! use •tii ,S c These are ibe lines,' O heaven-cdnrmatlded T6il; Tiatlfill thy deed—the charter t»r the-'sOB! iQQgi^cious mothermodter^ vybose benignant breast :Wakes us to life 'slid lulls us ail to rest. How'tweet thy Jeaiure*, kind jo every clime, ' Mods with their BrnTfe'ihe wiinkled front Jr Tin ''' We slnin tb'y ubwers^they blossom o'er the "dead , . VVe rend thy bosom, and It gives us bread ; O'er ijhe red field that trampling strife has torn Waves tbe green plumage of tbj tossoled corn ; small crutch. 'llollo ! my, boy ; can Dame Rigajit lives*? • 'Cerfeinly,' said the child* Smiling, show yon the way on ope condition.' 'Come, then, make haste, my lad-; I'll pay that what the cppipany hire you for '.' j 3'0" handsomely for your guidance.* » .'I beg your pardon, sir, I only want your, 'Nonsense, replied the child reddening;, ticket,' said the conductor^ meeklv. " j ''"J' condition Ms, that you whTlet trie ride on 'Ticket! G> yes, it's all v£ry well fur you > ? our horse to- thenuree's door. 1 don't want , to want my ticket; but-1 want my bat !'"re- j:vourmoney,' - \ plied beau, bristling up. ' 'Moujjt, then, my boy, 1 .said'jtlie^ Captain; ' ' Verry sorn-, sir, really. T meVely wished ' reaehittg/dowii his Itand, arid Mtehiug with' !tp call your attention, and I took the only! surprise the agility with which the, child,crip- meahs iu my power,' said the conductor. j plo as he-was, mariaged'to climb on the till 'You had better use a cane to attract a ? per- saddle. . , . - - 1 srtn's attention next, and hit him over the! Holding, his little guide carefully before ! head with it, if he happens to-be looking the I him, the fcaptain reached the lionse,.of Dame i otlier wav!' replied the indignant Beau. j Rigaut, He told the child to hold hia horse i ,'Well/sir, I will apologize to you again, if for amoment, 1 a n d j h t e r e d the door: (nurse ' voii wish. T nave clone sr/once already," said' 11 ««*«*» *» Weet him. W h a t passfed between: ' Kht now dlsc6nceTted conductor.' " "'fvhomit Probably nothing very amicable: for ' j ' 'Yes, no dotibt'; but that'don'J;Testoi©tny' property; that's gone.' <• J I 'Well, sir, I cannot talk any longer-—I'll I take your ticket, if you please,' said tlie con- I dttctor. •, . . . j. 'Ticket! Bbav&n't, y o u j u s t k n o c k e d if, out I , of.the w^cjwy.hat^tid all t ? . Do j?ou wapt to . | a4.dins,i)l 1 t ) t9 ) hjj(ig¥.l' j , ., . •.,. j 'Ok* Vt8H r fa ^^i^'" . ^ hat-baud ,r^ug- *' i gested the conductor. | 'titf$S$ \ U top ttfe^rah'i'.'Wa'^O'Wk 1 and'see!' said ^n%Mlefe T fiedu,\y!im t iudig. uant scorn depicted on his met*. 1 'Well, sir, I shall pass.you free over dig ! rda'a; fficM, 9, saM th^omJnctor/attempting to be Cerutti, exercised much influence Ml the first events in the Revolution; 6f 4789. |n jux- taposition with articles from Itbe fiery p^a. pf Mirabeau, or bearing the impress of Cerutti'^ bitterly-ironical genius, tlie historian of |o-day studies still with interest essays exhibiting the calm, steady reasoning of Talleyrand for ex- ample, those on the 'Reform m National, Edu- cation,' 'On the Abuses of Prjwer,' *ic||i the Unity of Weights arid Measures,' dic.S^c.'— Sey'cs and Mirabeau professed great efteem forthetaleHts-of the young TaHeyrdnd.- ing uj> ignorant ;utd neglected, without fear j a 'bide to tbo subject. Now in hi.s youth,I as the young abbe to be seated' nex^ heri Sh of God or man before his eyes. Till the axri- afterwards in mature age, his resolution was) passed her venerable hand over his face, in or- val of the little Archambauld, he had never ^k^ 11 ant * ac * e o' °» hnniediatelv. He px- ; der to examine the features, which sh$ could seen the face of a relative. His mother, oc- f P resse d neither grief nor a desire for the Ire-1 not see, and then said, 'Go^ young man; na- ctipied with pleasure, his father with anfbi- ve |*sal of the decree; he knew this would Ibe I ture has endowed you with her fichesjt gifts*. tiu.u, thought not of him. ll is singular that I va ". 1 ou t» * n appearanco at least, submitted i She has placed it in your power fullyi to re- while the latter died young, without having j patiently to the strict rules of the housel—i deem the wrongs of fortune.' obtained the renown he sought, and the form-1 Notwithstanding his lameness, lie possessed | The Abbe de TaUeyrand soon became er ended a long life in eomparitive jiovertv, it considerable strengtlt and activity of bocl)-; J known in. the highest literary and political was reserved for their neglected child to make ' ,u * atn °ng bis cotnpa nions his usual wearlon i circles; his subsequent career belongsjto the Europe ring with Ids fame, and to amass an ' °f defence wasjiis tongue. Young and |ld j eventful history of the period. It is jrather enormous fortuue. dreaded his caustic, biting sentences, wlfle singular that he attached his name to the first When Charles Maurice had entered his tbe influence and power which his mast|r- popular journal that ever appeared in ifrance eighthyear.ithappcnedthathis father's youno-. rni "d asserted and maintainedtvas quite mar- 'La Feuille Villageoise,' conducted by fJ&Ab- •••••• vellous. At the seminary he became as djs- " tingujshed as at the college. There jstill sur- vive a few old.clergymen who can recall the eloquent orations of the young student at the weekly exhibitions at St. Sulpice. Some pf these compositions lutve been preserved; they are chiefly remarkable for the. artful manner in which the passions of the auditory are en- listed against the adverse side, and their sens th^- * - At^taAgaof.aeyenteeny.M. de Talleyraijd quitted tbfrfiemmaryvin order .to comple! his theological studies at tlie Sorbonne. T i e ! Mirabeau frequently declaf eel «hat he' ci&isid few days which intervened were passed by > ejed him the only man capable of succeeding him at theiamUy residence. Up to that pe- j him in the direction of the moderate pajty of rjpd he-had"nefer«pe«^a night bencalh the pa- | the time. , f , renlal roof. Well might Rousseau fulminate | Talleyrand died mParis,intheeighty-fourth bis burning reproofs against the high Jso'^i | year of his age^on the 17th of May 1838.— mothers of that time, whom^ he designates I By his. will he has strictly prohibited hisfheus 'merciless stepmothers.' M. ^ e Talleyrand j fronJpublishing his memoirs—which he Wrote was so fortunate as to have-for his precept* , himself, and which are, it is saidMlposSlcfc^in an excellent raan, not many years older tha a i England—until thirty years shall have (fxpir liiinself. Astr<ingiandhifltfngi«ffectioh.fjull ~ A * i U - J rLf J "' »- : - I . . sisted between them. His ^dear father Lati- glois,' received from him a liberal pension till the end.of ,his days: .and up to the. year of 1828;ithe period of the good old Abbe's death! his anpquated figure, attired iri the costumi of.the preceding century, mig/ht have beer Constantly seen in the prince's splended re ceptioh r.odfris, his huge snuff-box. and color- ed ! pbeket-handkerchief figuring next rich uni fortrHS-'anoVbrilliant orders. When;he spoke, his former pupil listened with j espectful del' erence. Indeed it is not too ni uch to .assert,; thatwhatevergood was mingled with the chan. jftcter of the astute diplomatist, i night fairl/be" traced to the e.arJy; jhsfructipn of-1|ie, Abbe Langlois 1 , . T h W q p n g A l $ c T 4 T a l l e y i r W ' s first^p-; lieflraBdBia tb©gwisj?^ejy#f Vtimyr^Ume _ hoteL Of Madame de Brignple, \vho was in the Uhe young-listener'outside «ould distinguish a, ' '' "' I.-^I.J.A... j sound of weeping—feminine lamentations o : vQrboniehylOffthna^cniintrTeprimands, Sud- denly* fhe'laflbr'rttsn'etT Out, Sefaed'the shiver- ittg^boy,'tais^d'lUmf«hd'lieldin^olo^ely-em-" braced Wtthjpoe arm,.»Me wj,^ithe,o*h§?he- tiring-ldokingtmaa ei NursejRnzaut, who wanted to gam possBSS> teHe^.-jffl&yerj'wnOibeing 'jon vhlr. <&Mg'Wifo&*'tt was-the; fim§.<mffl»m': work & a'mdnibnito motmt"lria horBei'anci,^,^!!?^!^!^^^^! withl tWclhad beforehibjMratsafifllmateiis^$^^ aaM™^^. ,, , r . v ^ -- —r--z^—n T witttodttpertitttting-the perfidiqna nurs,a eyen. irithe^gjfBM^enrVre^ ^ ^ ^ n d ^ j c t e j ^ Doesffie ,to sayidfea tocher eharge. ^%&ey rpde on, ebmptet»nv»*pniBieTjt}pg,oji^h^4^ha "~ --—-* s-^^-ta i:i»i_ s*\ t^„ 'Ait-~^L'.~A tz^SiXA ittkl h£, „n*i*n~ vniino- ahbefs^edifieationrwhen their *• little" Cliarles-Manrice learii'ec was ti uncferWrigs'tsatlir, wfed,iii An sport of indignation against the woman id without taking partin-it,,^ gp^ft^md^epil;, re ed from the day of his death. Mariy"a!state mystery and many a grand secret in diploma- cy will no doubt be revealed to the cujrious public of 1868. Till then, we must content ourselves with a few rambling records ofjthat grand mover of the wires of the politicatpup- pet-show—Charles-Maurice -Prince de [Tal- leyrand. , ! Early Marriages. ,, |t " Tlie children of^very young parents «r4gen - erally deficient iu streugth of body andlnind andjiiommonl^ die young. . Franklin was the fifteenth child of his father, and the eighth' of his mother, and more, still, he was ^ae^onng- estjCbjld for jii& successive ge^eMiions, on his moThfjr's sidej from whom mqife than froi^his father, %e infieriferl his t4Bhinen : li'taleEtBi..;4Pitt, Fox, ahtl fehrke,^vei'eeac^*he^yotmg«gtibild of their respective, familiesj. DanielsXVel istet- -is the'youngestL-by a second ojafriage^^BO al- i swwas.LoisiBae.on., ivho^e r i(aSher^wa|,'jifty, and his mother iflurty4w.ojew§ wLMgi af his »«,^K=nrF5.OTvns™n ii Mr tbj Benjamin West was th| e^d||ija'(i4.binaself his ^A?enf %\ kti^Bt&Bodi V^bejcelehratedi, tiethchibi by P n e,.fafl»er- ! an^ frequent-visitor at * '* H "* '"'' 'i&ftdtifo bnfe fe |iis y^in>; |p^c^ts;^ejnia|a3r^ ] ^^^pti^Jaid |gequei»tly transmita*j 'ps Duh. ! S h " t h e r e r e t o S s f p ^ l ' 5 ^?** Kl. "3^*i U ? i Oor ffladdeaing conflicts, war thyfairest plain, l^^ifpS ° ! " - L --'• ------ - Li —'-- —'- eet as ^l^m^^&^t m Still tby snfiac»wer.ti*ibtgjruwing grain. YstOr-dfff motter,'»tiilruncounted charms entto^^Ry Work d o n e ot?gr; in s c a n n e r »wiir *£m* on? R t f e r in the St*& ^ • • *-*^M mx>»»»ure»her « » « 0 f®'ii". a V .T/J2DRamnl5tb««e«bolnpof thloehaBbrttciBg'nrda. ^r»!W«^.f t f ; T. , ! dOTM ' f -il«t^«t l ^i n i»e.Ia i ,k«ed eC av, ,-• ,, Andtby'fond7v»cakne»i , wB*toour«trentih : B»iay. No, bjiht-ilb hi'lli,'whose batincts, hoVv dlspldyrd Cn blazing t^ottjrw AutpQn haoorrajed; By yiiu ttvi3.cicct, omi4 :ibp»inhjofi «>phcEB, . <. .. cni - , ,. „,,f..u»««-m,ne»*ftiLaat tO;4fe?Cilve,,oati icei..to ecappoari^. - ... leiilMW " l u i . " .l^-t. ha hda.ogojacpmaigoce" "fV't 71 -*^^£inw W?nw'oi> Mill street.ond And Tecds lO^ileoco from ito hold rovinoo^, \V^Mi»M3Ba K, '^i t *^ um ' iwi ^-'' <f ': -" ll° C»owo wl|n M^'UMUown UnlaintetLeoii; • ' ; \ ' * S ; "•?. " "" " " '1"«nMnili ll -"- lurty-twqyeajfs qt tentlreM.i of etiven- tlrer; r 111 i s a tiie e „_ anffip6ia£liSiM»n- mu v- .-> U i r i a bat peqalna oven BPWf« to Freci bg i Jf Jbcr cbtnpe^^idlpai ' Wolllleo'erect; tbo g^rdiohJ'bt'rhft^''^/ : ! ltiHGfcyl«b lhu^<|ori l^lbe.pa/liogsun .p, .. ' Tbofcv-oVd:b6j^.ecuC(i'''*fhoi'thaf}^^* w " , ° rtt -} ^?R^i. ,*f . J^tXfl 73 J ^^JgajkL^^^^^^^^ nKiii ni in iwmimlmUiiKM
Page 1: BEJIJSTM. - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031565/1849-11-22/ed...of the Count de Talleyrand. • Esdled' from ! boc,e ? f Nurse Rigant \^itJi better fortune

**ry Tbqtsdejr Morning a« Malone, . iin County, New.Xwk.

on Main Street, opposite the Rail Road Office.

Y<m can take nry Hat. rami m niikiimMi •;' tmfe. tern*

f6#^n3algencfei i , :tHif tfo Vaciftti«Jn%pasfed; a t f i S f o f 4tae? s l ightest nottcje,-how.

K S ^ ~ * | : j ? 5 . madvance; $1,75. at the end of.ix i h " , ' ? '^ n b t Pai'f before ifcw rml of the yeu>.

. .NPW-di'sContinned until all arrearages am paid j**9jSf *tthe option of the publkbera.

i r c ^ ? 0 ^ " * 6 1 " " ^ * **»•«« or uarfer inserted three c!J§M9r"V, and 25 cts for each subsequent insertion

liberal discount made to those »bo advertise by Interest charged on a!J"sums alter dies bc-

MdMthe M. D E TjfcStimeAxto -wkfi born' in Par i s i n c o m e ? fglF to* bfia'idt ^ f l i s m p m r f r a r e l S v i s i . t y ^ a n g a n a a s i a k e rif eithjexvuatilpttje officer,

11,754. A t t h a ? p e r i o d - i t w a f c t h e g e n e r a ! c u e . f ^ * * ^ , ^ « d "Whens1ie'did,,she e & r i p a j c o m - ^od%o^^fqf^0p^iA^0^ifihedutiiot t t o m j n u o b l f families to send © a t t h e i H n & n t s , ^ ^ % , « ' e « l 6 b r a t e « K s « ! f g e 6 o j ^ i p i e x | u m o 4 ^ $ B l & s i P P P r e ^ y e | i ^ d # d f h f d *%?<*-

BEJIJSTM. A | | R - NICHOLS, Prnctieat Devlisl, befog perma-M ^ nenlly located in this ,ViUa»e, will devote his Wb»>fe time to the duties of the profession, and assures

P l o u g h i n g ffTateUcs a r i d P o e t r y .

O * *Ve seldom find BO mncb wit+ humor, poet-ry, goodrseDsei and ptaeticalimateledge displayed \ in one production, ma in the folfewiing report of Dr. ' O. W . HOMES, of Bbstoa, o i \ a Ploughing Match • - i^ ~ — ~ ~ „ ,..„„...o - , « = , . - . - . - . . . — , . . . . „ , , ~ ... . . . , . • ~ . ~ , , ihat recently b i n e off in Beri&Mre Mass1-° W e w e r e o n c e c o a t i n g over the railroad t o b e «""*e«£fo the provinces . T h e g a y moth-" f * N w a m e - l egybandajgec i to t igh t ly ? 4 lR |gged ,f*PGM p ^ t e M ^ m i i & n f f ^ P f ^ l o f t V . «"'*

"The plough is a very ancietrtinmlement h U ' tr,Qax W a s , l » » g t O n < % to Ba l t imore , w h e n w e fr> | » r t e r a brief ret irement , r e s u m e d her .place *MtepaA- thl» ,ner*e, and. p n i , t h a j ; b § d < to ^ l j . & e ^ ^ - ^ a m b e ^ T ^ e p r r ^ a >v)th the nt-w r i u e t . i n t h ^ E n ^ f s h l n ^ ^ „ l ^ „ h A ' f ^ ^ P ^ a pecul iar s o r t o f a u j a n s i t t ing hard , , n t h o M ^ t court c'ifcje, s e ldom fmding- « * * > *»rtH*e, that b e b e a d e d i je th iagBo|»t tch , ^ A f f ! b / " ^ t a l ^ L ' m , g o o d - n a t u r e d fel]ow%^at S * e f e a ^ »*» • * * « * V * ' t t r i r f & a the p o o ? ^ s u m m o n s to O e j w f e r t o n ^ h i s T-"- ' — ^

j . n e association 6f free andmaepettd^^^ . . . . . . . •. p » - « . it may be remarked that the same gen-1 a person w h o Ih 'ed 'bvhi s 'wi te , Written npori^/ w h o » c o n s i g n e d t o the c a r e o f a h i red nurse , } JX&B * « * « « l

lAPff - J»>a-'fcfeST ***& iiomen can, by a simrlar process;tttiii tfieir coughs h i s fa0e. A f r j e o d w h o Was with f n e a n s w e r - 1 w t o l i v e d pejfhapB m a n y mi le s distant , w a s left J p ^ e s ^ a u i f Q e J ^ f l d T i u n s e i f O o w U e ' into cows, which woolii be" the cheapest method of, e d m y inquiry a s to w h o h e *wasj a n d .ashed t o v e g ' ^ t e 4>r / e a r s . " | »eyrand; and, head ot that branch o f fiis rsiiinrr i i v a ai„-ir u... «» t - . - L . ' i v . _ - . . , . ., ' m o *^ !,„„„ i. . .i , . i ' . . - T ' . .. g 0 - j t f a r e 3 w*,th Charted-Afah>'ice,eldest son '•>"• ^ 8 Brbtnel* Archambauld had left f

o f the C o u n t d e Ta l l eyrand . • Esdled' from ! b o c , e ? f N u r s e R i g a n t \^itJi better fortune

s ^ s s , , ;fhajjfted flie" office" th-1 cons idera te fiindhess: Jb'u^hegged:'L> a.'

' 1bmi^a^1 | i s ' o w n l u n g s ^ e r e sb Verrdeli;

raising live stock, but it is to be feared that they m e to k e e p -be tween the objec t o f m y not ice (referring lo the cows) wou/d prove hut low bred a n c * ' " n 1 ^ " ' . l ea s t he should c o m e Over t o our a n i m a l . 6 o m e have- derived tb^hEpglish word R e a t ' l l s my conipanioD said h e k n e w , "bat did plough fromjhe S^jffaitPt^Jmvilih which j uo^'lf > » ^ c o g n « e 1 ^ there, comes from thej^rmep l u g g e s a n g i lVelat io , . to ' - • lM f e a n " ? « ^ * ^ ' a m a n that i s ,he . a « t e , * , t s u c F r r s e d E c ^ c t w e e n « * . ^ ' S g S f t i S ^ * ^ ent languages may be carried top far, as, for ex­ample, if a man should trace the name of the AUamaha to tlie circumstances that tho first set

h i s father's house ia t the hour o f h i s birth, l i e w^s. c a r r i e d ^ , a d is tant village,, by a nuEse-w t e ^ ^ r f & | V ? r i W Po luring nr^ chi ldreu 'we l l oir^l!,!^ it ha j^ned .*4cdQrd i t i gJo the priace's-

h imse l f j fd j 'he had e s c a p e d acc ident s , a u f his. f , , .' ' Y o n I p o ^ y ^ u n g . i p y idea? a f tbe / . | | b#pa id ; > l l n i n 0 tVXKixfn- « 4 i > ( i i n f i f m i e J B « « M I J rfVvHiAM>v^l' ft /~V.i ' . r l A r h t m a l*j-iM linira r v n f K A A » I n4- c i i l v n / % 1 o n / I n —A


t l imbs 'Were -straight aiid wel l - formed. | O n the d a y that Gharles-Mauricfe had sncce^Bfui-ly. comple t ed b i s s t u d i e s a t t h e c o l l e g e o f £ o u -

l 4 ^ ^ a l e j ^ e r b j l 0 o j k i n g m a n , LwoiT

for h i s assure

,_, , ^ ,—ro- ••-*? — — M de l icate , liM'hkHvboltffifeSr to eaj^oTmter^liefco'Id air.'

l' + T h ^ 4 m ^ r y l i I o 6 d rflQanted in-ithfl off icer's cheek? i e "wtts » y<Wdf jast come frjoin Nor-j n a a d y , a n d s p o k o w i t b l i i s nat ive a c c e n t in •»all:Jtepiitity/i •••'••... ,-t... l . ; 4 .1

per l iaps y p a have not , been a t s choo l , a n d a r e not a w a r e that y o n b a v J v e t m a n y tjhings t o l e a r n : a m o n g s t ' the rest'—•—

' ' A t h o n i a n d pardonsl ' interrnpted fee abbe , i'hiswadversary, and

bftpmtrons and frieods that tilt<,reratior« shall be per- tiers were all tomahawked op the margin of that lortnBu ;= :fceoe«4manner and with a view to the per- river. - ' triienl •attsfictioiMjf the patient. Dr. N. will keep , .~ . . . , . . . e«JMtanily dn ba^d, a lar?e?«iia welt selected assort- X l m e and'experience have sanciioned the cos-meat o f S^OCICTOlfSPmiCELAlN TEETH torn of putting only plaiu, practical men upon this ^ I f ^ S o " ' ^ ^ , r U a d J U M -I'0" tinf * ° ' d committee. Were it not s o , the most awkward plates, according to the latest tmpruvrments in the . . . ABT, at short notice and upoa the most reasonable hlundera would be constantly occurring. The in­terns . ' flJr Teetb extracted without pain by the use of the Leotboo.' ! All operations warranted. ^

w a y s ready to borrow of, or drink wi th you J'i J pa*«*,and regular ly g a v e e x c e l l e n t a c c o u n t s i '.ng a c a ^ « l | f i 5 u m L _ . , . . „ ..... _ - - . ^ - ^ .-., • H e n e v e r l i a s any m o n e y , howe^ er, aud I am j o f the cliild. J^er 'darling little Chariot w a s ^ j 8 c o m r a d s , and c o m m a n d e d him to f o l i e w j imi ta t ing to pe f i l^oW-^n |^«fDPmaaf m<e&nt curious to k n o w h p w ho wil l g e t over the ' f ' l e P r ' d e ° f the country , wi th his rosy c h e e k s j m a l t o ^l0 ce lerical seminary o f S t Su lp ice . j 'I a s s u r e y o u I hacq beermat s c h o o l ; f I learn road, without pav ing , for he surely will do it 1 a n d s turdy l imbs. H e w a s wel l kd, we l l j ^ e s e t >tence w a s withojut appeal . H e lelirn-1 ed al l m y let ters , a n d i f kriQw that A fe (abbe) s o m e w a y . ' ' J d r e s s e d ; , what mdre Could a ba,by w a n t V | e ^ fto™ bis snperiorthait his family h a d (Jeci- : " — * '"* " l—J— - i " , J 1 J - J -' " -

'Probably h e h a s g o t a t i c k e t — b o r r o w e d ! ' W h a t more indeed?' thought h i s l ady -moth- ^ to deprive him o f his1 birthright, and t i i n s -- '-•- ' • •• -•• •• - « - • ««--.»:- ...i 1 . . . . . . . fer it to his 3oungeT brother. f

'.Ajid wherefore f asked the youth . the m o n e y to btiv that sort,' said. J.

' N o t he. Beau'

it with, or someth ing of

a l w a y s travels free, and

Office over the Store of Win. King & Son«. Main'si Malone, Jfc. Y. December 2 1 1343

habitants of our cities, for instance, w£o frequepily ' boards in the same wav . ' H e never pays out .visit the country during the fine season, would nnd ' m o n e y , when wit or trick will pass current tbemselvf s quite at a loss, if au overstrained polite- iu i ts p lace , ' said m y friend.

e r ; that i s , whenever she had- t ime to think about tlie matter at a l l ; but this w a s n o t of­ten ; for court dut ies a n d court p leasures ab­sorbed her every faculty, aud occupied every moment . "

T i m e rolled on Another son w a s born t o


t D e n t a l S u r g e r y that majrte required, with neatness, correctness,

•nd dispatch. »£>/ operations warranted to give tati*fa€lion»

Office one dour west of Meigs & Wead's.

ncss "should place them in this position. Imagine j 'What a s h o c k i n g bad hat he has g o t OJI,' ! tbe Count de T a l l e y r a n d ; and, like his e lder a trader or a "professional man from the capital of, s a i d

t *> observing the di lapidated condit ion of ' brother, he c a m e into the world s trong a n d ' 'healthy, cust in the mould o f a v igorous race .

H e shared tho/ot<ftf Charles -Maurice , being seut to die vi l lage where the latter w a s g r o w

Drs. Paddock $ Howard,

HAVING formed o copartnership in tho practice .of Medicine and Sorgeri, offer their profession­

al 'services to the inhabitants: ofport Covington and its v'cinilje. We hold our«er»e'» iri readiness to attend to all cull*. pri»ai|.'l . [ Kun Civ), ohon, July I, 1319.


the state, unexpectedly called upon to act in rum matters.

"Ploughshares arc to liim shares that pay no div­idends. A coulter, lie supposes, has something to do with a horse. His notions of stock were obtain­ed jin F*annel Hid) market, where the cattle look funnily enough, to be sure, compared with'the liv-

for tite s ' quite

Iiis beaver 1 'It is some fru-k of his , doubt less , rest of h^s dress , y o u will o h s c r w , . g e n t e e l . '

/ Y e s , I see.,' My friend went on to tell me h o w B e a n

had done his tailor out o f a receipt i'i fiill l\>r ais last voar's bill, find the landlady at hi* last

is no t C D (ceder, y ie ld) ; | a n d , morepver, that y o u r E P (cpe$, sw,ord) vV ll no t m a k e m e O T (oier, g o a w a y ) . ' B y this time a number o f t h e g u e s t s h a d c o l l e c t e d , a n d r e c e i v e rf'Talley. rand's1 sa l ly wi th a peal o f hear ty l a u g h t e r . — T h e Cheval ier de Boufflers h imse l f applaud­ed -f but t h e discomfited N o r m a n , hav ing n o

' B e c a u s e he i s not a cripple,' w a s tlie i reply.

T h e words entered l i k e i r o n into t h e v i e t | n ' s s o u l ; (hey c h a n g e d his very nature , and m a d e reply ready , t o o k h imse l f off a s fast a s poss i -the y o u t h what the Prince d « Ttdleyrandlaf - j ble. M a d a m du De i fand h a p p e n e d tb be in terwards appeared. Ln proud and bitter! si-1 the room. S h e h e a r d the Vepatee , e n d ex-Icnce he donned the o f fered-cassock ; and ( pressed a wi,sh to h a v e i t s author introduced uone m a y k n o w what passed , within, for tiev-1 to her. Tit is was!doue by B e Bofflers himself, er, even to his most in t imate friends, d id! he | T b e i l lustrious lady , w h o jivas b l ind , ! invited

ing originals. H e knows, it is truejihiereis a dif-1 boarding h o u s e , and various other ins tances ference in cattle, and would tell yo&that he preters. of his ingenui ty .


Residence one doer South of^,. C LatbiopV. Office over L . C. LATHBOP'S Store.

Law•" Copartnership • p t l K undersigned have'formed a copartnership as

' A«tojrnegr». Solicitors and-Counsellors, uoder the

' H e o w e d me toft dol lars, ' said m y friend, 'but in a t tempt ing to co l lect it, one d a y , I'll be b a n g e d if h e didn't get t en more out o f m e ; s o 1 thjnk I shall let the matter rest as it i s for fear pf doub l ing the s u m »m - e more. '

A t this, m o m e n t the c o n d u c t o r euterud tlie , T . , . . , . . . . oppos i t e e n d of the cars to ga ther the tickets. •The bwtory of one of these summer v.s.ters ; ^ « s e n g 0 I < 8 j a n d - v e t ^ m c h e t . k s 1 n r e .

shows diat this rural education must be very nnper-, t a r t K £ a n y o f t h e m , as is often the case

feet. H e no sooner established himself than he , XVtth tijttliellers, w h o are frequently ca l led .up-commences a series of experiments. H e tries to i o n o n popular routes , to s h o w their t i ckets , drain-a marsh, but only succeeds in draining his i had p laced theirs in tlie bands o f their hats , pockets. H e offers to pay for having a compost so that the c o n d u c t o r could see that they

tbe sirloin breed to all others. His children are j equally unenlightened. They know no rhorc cf the pouliry yard than what they have learned by having the chickenpox and playing on a Turkey ; carpet. Their small amount of knowledge of w o o l - !

growing is lam(b)entable. i

I e s t brother, the captain o f a ship-of-war, and a Knhjht of Malta , returned from a distant

I expedi t ion. Al ter gree t ing the e lder ntem-| hers o f his, family, h e inquired for his l ittle ' nephelws, and felt both shocked and surprised i at flieir parents indifference towards them.

D*t*d Jannary2, 1848 JOHN HUTTON.

J . K . F l a n d e r s ,

jflto*ney, Soliciltr and Counsellor rWillattehd to all collection business intrusted to him.

is frequentty performed for htm. by other people, { ^ u Himst his heart « u t o f the car w i t i d o w , ' afte'rnobu Xvhen' h e a p p r o a c h e d 'th*e v i l lage , thougb he pays no barber's bill. H e buiids a wire rtIul s e e m e d absorbed iu coMt^niplating the ' » » d , ) e be thought h i m o f inquiring the w a y to fence and paints it green, so thav nobody can see , s cenery on that s i d e o f the road. T i i e eon- i ^ liouset of .Vurse R i g a u t ^ L o o k i n g round, it. But he forgets to order a pairof spectacles d'uetor s p o k e to l l im fbV his t icket — there w a s \ n e . saAV on the hill a paje4 th in chi ld ,with l o n g

fair hair flowing o n his s h o u l d e r s ; he w a s u d p r a c t i c e L a V a D d E q u i t y i o l h e S n p r e m e C o u . t O P ^ " , , • v , -, . • • ' Office near the EpucopaiChurch, M»hjoetFrankim i and make on invisible o n e of if, sure enough, in T i c k e t , sir,' said the .conductor, tapping niisy «ettnig a bird-trap on' the s n o w . T l

tJCounty, N. Y


Office No. 2 , F ir l i ' i Exchange (2d Floor,) MUone, FrcUtklia Co., JV >'.

no time. And tjtmlly,httvnig'W»agbt a machine to i W»» I'gbtly on the slioujder. B e a u sprang back into the

naptaih cal led him,' and as! the l ittle f e l low car, k n o c k i n g , approached, ' thekuid sai lor saw'wi th p a w t h a t .

' chop fodder, which tffi6p!#J«ir a good sl ice of bis;, , """,;" ,"» f "T*%.V'»V ,'i'~ ."'' '."" ".">—° I t "„', „ i ' i t . *• " ' ~"1

r • & ' the "ha* into the rdad; and leav ing it, in o n e ) he , w a s l ame , a u d leaned (or support on a

M Attorney aud Counsellor at Law,


i (E? Particular attention given to ike collecting business.

OFFICE, two doors east, frotn Field's Exchange-

[dividends and two ot three children's finger*, be

| concludes that, instead orcutltng leed,'lje wil l cut 1 farming, and so sells om to one of those plain,prac­

tical farmers, such as you have lionored by placing 1 on your committee, whose pockets are not so full

when he starts, but have fewer holes, and not scj

many fingers in them. ' Clear the blown path to meet his coulter's gleqii!

Lo, on he comes behind his smoking team, -' With toil's bright-dew-drojis on hU sunburnt brow, 1 The Itftd of earth, the hero of tbo plow !

) minute , near ly a mi le behind. He; l ooked i I first at the c o n d u c t o r , t h e n out u f the w i n - ; ' d o w after his hat , and iu a.seeunlqg ff\ . o f ' rage e x c l a i m e d : ' ' W h a t the d— :—I do y o n strike a mini in I , that w a y for? Is that y o u r bush ie s s ? Is


y o u telt whe

'I wil l

TJtUEim & FITC1T, , ^ «v i« «x First in tbe field before-tbe re'ddening SUP.

2 l t t»>^nitgS, C o t t n S e l l O r S , $t S O l U t t O r S j • tast in the«lniii>ws »?hfttt;b«day tsdone, , . _ . *„ „„ m v~ Line after'i'oe along the barstine sod

O F P I C E ^ - M a i o Stree1 ; over Andrus I& L e w i s S'ore.

\ E D W A B D F r r c a A . B . P A B M B W S . ; ^ 'Xf& , _ - — . — , . . • - i - -

DeatecifrD^-6Aod». Groceries, Hjuft Wane,. Crock


i Marks the broad acres where his feel has trod ; I Still wbete kq treads ibe stubbptn clods divide, \ The smooth, fresh furrow opens deep and >v<i<le_;

Matted and dense the tangled turf upheaves : Mallow and dark the ildjy corn6()ld cleaves,

• Un the^teep hill.ido nlicieibe luhoiing train 1 S tub ' ibe long track that score* the level plan,; ! Thrdo'gb the moist Valley ringed with oozing ^lay

7" j The patjent corivoji break* its destined way? -" ».At every turn the laosening chains resound,

Tbe swinging blbugbahare circles ;^istca|ng round,

J B H I I J H P d B k M I E i l j l ^ B i Till the wide f eld one Lil.ow^ w«steap7iear*t •• * ' ' ' . "* '«, _« 1 S _ r« » *K V I And weai'led; hands unbind the-pantini.stecia..

• " .,n..„. ~3^~~ -—i I-* ' , e , e B r e t"° "f11™ w " ° 3 e »t^rd) labor brings ^ '£'* ^ - . 'r-.. . . I ' T £ A t i O n a M i f r ' a C n d A » mntAon noTVIn nf iT tnU* *

|»ry, Paints, Oils, and Dye-sttinfy iyc. FieU* JSschange, Malone, it r

mmnwM'ltQ^m BY

This H0W& is pleasantly s i toa tedon sttevr rods eas t o f i h e Bridge, m the most

^antral part orHhe village!.

' John Thompsony

^ u u i n g doneoy fhe^bo'ttfeseriaic*

Shdp##«>»a»a*ecyqfPtBrMigfR' 8 H o t e k

Referred1!- ."*!& tr, MaM^e, ojd. has just retaroed from

Main Street i""* i*v»«it ,» fto"", * ° golden \>amj> offings'; I This is tbe pago whose letters shafl hpseon ., • Changed \fy the sun to words of\livipg gteen i

Tbis is the scholar whose immortal pen!. Spells tho first lesson hunger taught to men ;

at "•gurnet %j

!use •tii , S c

These are ibe lines,' O heaven-cdnrmatlded T6il; Tiatlfill thy deed—the charter t»r the-'sOB!

iQQgi^cious mothermodter^ vybose benignant breast :Wakes us to life 'slid lulls us ail to rest. How'tweet thy Jeaiure*, kind jo every clime,

' Mods with their BrnTfe'ihe wiinkled front Jr Tin ''' We slnin tb'y ubwers^they blossom o'er the "dead , . VVe rend thy bosom, and It gives us bread ;

O'er ijhe red field that trampling strife has torn Waves tbe green plumage of tbj tossoled corn ;

smal l crutch. ' l l o l l o ! my, boy ; can

Dame Rigajit lives*? • 'Cerfeinly, ' said the child* Smiling,

s h o w y o n the w a y o n ope condi t ion . ' ' C o m e , then, m a k e haste , m y lad-; I'll pay

that w h a t the cpp ipany hire y o u for '.' j 3'0" h a n d s o m e l y for y o u r guidance.* » . ' I b e g y o u r pardon , sir, I on ly w a n t y o u r , ' N o n s e n s e , replied the child r e d d e n i n g ; , t icket , ' said the conductor^ meek lv . " j ''"J' condit ion Ms, that y o u w h T l e t trie ride on

' T i c k e t ! G> y e s , it's al l v£ry w e l l fur y o u > ?our horse to- thenuree ' s door. 1 don' t w a n t , to w a n t m y t i c k e t ; but-1 w a n t m y bat !'"re- j : vourmoney , ' - \

plied beau, bristl ing up. ' 'Moujjt, t h e n , m y boy,1.said'jtlie^ Captain; ' ' Verry s o r n - , sir, really. T meVely w i s h e d ' reaehi t tg /dowi i h i s Itand, arid M t e h i u g with' ! t p ca l l y o u r at tent ion, a n d I took the o n l y ! surprise the agi l i ty wi th w h i c h the, child,crip-

m e a h s iu m y power , ' said the conductor . j plo a s h e - w a s , mariaged' to c l imb o n the t i l l ' Y o u had better use a c a n e to at tract a? per- s a d d l e . . , . - • -

1 srtn's attent ion next , and hit him o v e r t h e ! H o l d i n g , his l i t t le gu ide carefu l ly before ! head with it , if he h a p p e n s to-be l o o k i n g the I h im, t h e fcaptain reached the lionse,.of D a m e i otlier w a v ! ' rep l ied t h e indignant B e a u . j Rigaut , H e told the child to hold hia horse i , ' W e l l / s i r , I wi l l apo log ize t o y o u a g a i n , if f o r a m o m e n t , 1 and j h t e r e d the d o o r : (nurse ' voii wish . T nave clone s r /once already," said'11 ««*«*» *» W e e t him. W h a t passfed between:

' K h t n o w dlsc6nceTted c o n d u c t o r . ' " "'fvhomit Probab ly n o t h i n g v e r y a m i c a b l e : f o r ' j ' ' Y e s , n o dotibt'; but that 'don'J;Testoi©tny'

p r o p e r t y ; that's g o n e . ' <• J I ' W e l l , sir, I c a n n o t talk a n y longer-—I'll I take y o u r t i cke t , if y o u please , ' said tlie c o n -I dttctor. •, . . . j. ' T i c k e t ! Bbav&n't, y o u j u s t k n o c k e d if, o u t

I , of . the w ^ c j w y . h a t ^ t i d allt? . D o j?ou w a p t t o . | a4.dins,i)l1t)t9)hjj(ig¥.l'j, .,

. •.,. j 'Ok* Vt8Hr fa ^^i^'" . ^ hat -baud , r ^ u g -*' i g e s t e d the conductor .

| 'titf$S$ \ U top t t fe^rah' i ' . 'Wa'^O'Wk 1 a n d ' s e e ! ' s a i d ^ n % M l e f e T f i e d u , \ y ! i m t i u d i g .

uant scorn depic ted on h i s met*. 1 ' W e l l , sir, I shal l p a s s . y o u free over dig ! rda'a; fficM,9,saM t h ^ o m J n c t o r / a t t e m p t i n g to

b e Cerutti , exerc i sed m u c h influence M l the first events in the Revolution; 6 f 4 7 8 9 . | n jux ­taposit ion wi th art ic les from Itbe fiery p^a. pf Mirabeau, or bear ing the impress o f Cerutti'^ bitterly-ironical gen ius , tlie historian of | o - d a y s tudies sti l l with interes t e s s a y s exhibit ing the c a l m , s teady reason ing o f T a l l e y r a n d for ex ­ample , those on the 'Reform m Nat ional , E d u ­cat ion , ' 'On the A b u s e s o f Prjwer,' *ic||i the Un i ty o f W e i g h t s arid Measures , ' d ic .S^c. '— Sey'cs and Mirabeau professed great e f t eem f o r t h e t a l e H t s - o f t h e y o u n g TaHeyrdnd.-

ing uj> ignorant ;utd neg l ec t ed , wi thout fear j a ' b i d e to tbo subject. N o w in hi.s youth,I as the y o u n g abbe to be s ea ted ' nex^ heri Sh of G o d or man before his eyes . Ti l l the axri- afterwards in mature a g e , his resolution w a s ) passed her venerable hand over his face , in or-val o f the little Archambauld , he had never ^k^ 1 1 a n t * a c * e o ' ° » hnniediate lv . H e px- ; der to e x a m i n e the features, w h i c h sh$ cou ld seen the face of a relative. H i s mother , o c - f P r e s s e d neither gr ief nor a desire for the Ire-1 not s e e , and then said, 'Go^ y o u n g m a n ; na -ctipied with pleasure, his father with anfbi- v e |*sal o f the d e c r e e ; h e k n e w this w o u l d Ibe I ture has e n d o w e d y o u with her fichesjt gifts*. tiu.u, thought not o f him. ll is s ingular that I v a". 1 • o u t» *n appearanco at l eas t , submitted i S h e h a s p l a c e d it in y o u r p o w e r fullyi t o re-while the latter died y o u n g , without h a v i n g j patiently to the strict rules of the h o u s e l — i d e e m the w r o n g s o f fortune.' obtained the renown he sought , and the form-1 N o t w i t h s t a n d i n g his l ameness , lie possessed | T h e A b b e d e TaUeyrand s o o n b e c a m e er ended a long life in eomparit ive jiovertv, it cons iderable strengtlt and act iv i ty o f bocl)-; J k n o w n in. the h ighest literary a n d polit ical w a s reserved for their neg l ec t ed child to m a k e ' , u * a t n ° n g bis cotnpa nions his usual wearlon i c i r c l e s ; his subsequent career be longs j to the Europe ring with Ids fame, and to a m a s s an ' ° f defence w a s j i i s tongue . Y o u n g and | l d j eventful history o f the period. It is jrather e n o r m o u s fortuue. dreaded his caust ic , b i t ing s e n t e n c e s , w l f l e s ingular that h e a t tached h i s n a m e to the first

W h e n Charles Maurice had entered his tbe inf luence and power wh ich his m a s t | r - popular journal that ever appeared in i france e i g h t h y e a r . i t h a p p c n e d t h a t h i s father's youno-. r n i " d asserted and main ta inedtvas quite mar- 'La Feui l le Vi l lageo i se , ' conducted b y fJ&Ab-

• • • • • • vel lous . A t the seminary h e b e c a m e a s djs- " t ingujshed a s a t the c o l l e g e . T h e r e jstill sur­vive a f ew o l d . c l e r g y m e n w h o can recall the e loquent orat ions o f the y o u n g student a t the w e e k l y exhibi t ions at St . Sulp ice . S o m e pf these compos i t ions lutve been preserved; they are chiefly remarkable for the. artful m a n n e r in w h i c h the pass ions o f the auditory are en­l i s ted a g a i n s t the adverse s ide , and their sens

th^- * - A t ^ t a A g a o f . a e y e n t e e n y . M . d e Tal leyraijd quitted t b f r f i e m m a r y v i n order . to comple! h i s theo log i ca l s tudies a t tlie S o r b o n n e . T i e ! Mirabeau frequently dec laf eel «hat he ' ci&isid f e w d a y s w h i c h intervened w e r e p a s s e d b y > e j ed him the o n l y man capab le o f s u c c e e d i n g him a t t h e i a m U y res idence . U p to that p e - j h im in t h e direct ion o f the moderate paj ty o f rjpd he-had"nefer«pe«^a night bencalh the pa- | the time. , f,

renlal roof. W e l l might R o u s s e a u fulminate | Ta l l eyrand died mPar i s , in thee ighty - fourth bis burning reproofs aga ins t the high Jso'^i | y e a r o f h i s a g e ^ o n the 17th o f M a y 1 8 3 8 . — mothers o f that t ime , w h o m ^ h e des ignates I By his. wi l l h e h a s strict ly prohibited hisfheus 'merc i l ess s tepmothers . ' M . ^ e T a l l e y r a n d j fronJpublishing his m e m o i r s — w h i c h he Wrote w a s s o fortunate a s t o have-for h i s p r e c e p t * , himself, and w h i c h are, it i s saidMlposSlcfc^in a n e x c e l l e n t raan, n o t m a n y y e a r s o lder tha a i E n g l a n d — u n t i l thirty y e a r s shall have (fxpir liiinself. Astr<ingiandhif l t fngi«ffect ioh. f jul l ~A * — i U - J r L f J "' » - : - I . . s i s t e d b e t w e e n them. H i s ^dear father Lati-g lo i s , ' r e c e i v e d from h i m a l iberal pens ion till the end.of ,his days: .and up to the. year of 1828;ithe period o f the g o o d o l d A b b e ' s death! his anpquated figure, attired iri the c o s t u m i o f . the preced ing century , mig/ht h a v e b e e r Constantly s e e n in the prince's sp lended re cept ioh r.odfris, h i s h u g e snuff-box. and color-ed ! pbeket -handkerchief figuring n e x t r ich uni fortrHS-'anoVbrilliant orders. W h e n ; h e s p o k e , h i s former pupil l i s tened wi th j espectful del' e r e n c e . I n d e e d i t i s n o t t o o ni uch t o .assert,; t h a t w h a t e v e r g o o d w a s m i n g l e d wi th the chan . jftcter o f t h e as tute diplomatist , i n ight fa ir l /be" traced to t h e e.arJy; j h s f r u c t i p n of-1| ie, A b b e L a n g l o i s 1 , .

T h W q p n g A l $ c T 4 T a l l e y i r W ' s first^p-; lieflraBdBia tb©gwisj?^ejy#f Vtimyr^Ume

_ hoteL Of M a d a m e d e Br ignple , \ v h o w a s i n the U h e young- l i s tener 'outs ide « o u l d dist inguish a, ' ' ' "' I . - ^ I . J . A . . . j s o u n d of w e e p i n g — f e m i n i n e l amenta t ions o :

vQrboniehylOffthna^cniintrTeprimands, S u d ­denly* fhe'laflbr'rttsn'etT Out, Sefaed'the shiver-i t tg^boy, ' ta is^d' lUmf«hd' l ie ldin^olo^ely-em-" braced Wtthjpoe a r m , . » M e wj,^ithe,o*h§?he- t i r i n g - l d o k i n g t m a a ei

NursejRnzaut , w h o w a n t e d to g a m possBSS> teHe^.-jffl&yerj'wnOibeing

'jon vhlr. <&Mg'Wifo&*'tt was-the; fim§.<mffl»m': w o r k & a ' m d n i b n i t o motmt"lria h o r B e i ' a n c i , ^ , ^ ! ! ? ^ ! ^ ! ^ ^ ^ ^ ! withl t W c l h a d b e f o r e h i b j M r a t s a f i f l l m a t e i i s ^ $ ^ ^ a a M ™ ^ ^ . ,, , r . v ^ - - —r--z^—n T witttodttpertitttting-the perfidiqna nurs,a eyen. ir i the^gjfBM^enrVre^ ^ ^ ^ n d ^ j c t e j ^ D o e s f f i e ,to s a y i d f e a tocher e h a r g e . ^ % & e y rpde o n , e b m p t e t » n v » * p n i B i e T j t } p g , o j i ^ h ^ 4 ^ h a " ~ - - — - * s - ^ ^ - t a i:i»i_ s*\ t^„ 'Ait-~^L'.~A tz^SiXA ittkl h£, „n*i*n~ vniino- ahbefs^edifieationrwhen their *• — little" Cl iar les-Manrice learii'ec was t i uncferWrigs'tsatlir, wfed,iii A n sport o f ind ignat ion aga ins t the w o m a n i d

w i t h o u t t a k i n g part in- i t , ,^ gp^ft^md^epil;, r e

ed from the d a y o f h i s death. Mariy"a!state m y s t e r y and m a n y a grand secret in diploma­c y wil l no doubt be revealed to the cujrious p u b l i c o f 1 8 6 8 . T i l l then , w e must content ourse lves wi th a f e w rambl ing records ofjthat grand mover o f the wires o f the pol i t icatpup-p e t - s h o w — C h a r l e s - M a u r i c e -Prince d e [Tal ­leyrand. , !

Early Marriages. ,,|t

" Tl i e children of^very y o u n g p a r e n t s «r4gen -e r a l l y deficient iu s treugth o f b o d y a n d l n i n d andj i iommonl^ die y o u n g . . Frankl in w a s the fifteenth ch i ld o f h i s father, and the e ighth ' o f his mother , a n d more, st i l l , h e w a s ^ a e ^ o n n g -estjCbjld for jii& successive ge^eMiions, on h i s moThfjr's sidej from w h o m mqife than fro i^his father, %e infieriferl h i s t4Bhinen:li'taleEtBi..;4Pitt, F o x , ahtl fehrke,^vei'eeac^*he^yotmg«gtibild o f the ir respective, familiesj. DanielsXVel istet--is the'youngestL-by a s e c o n d ojafriage^^BO al-

i s w w a s . L o i s i B a e . o n . , ivho^er i(aSher^wa|,'jifty, and h i s mother i f l u r t y 4 w . o j e w § wLMgi af h i s

»«,^K=nrF5.OTvns™n i i M r t b j B e n j a m i n W e s t w a s th| e ^ d | | i j a ' ( i 4 . b i n a s e l f h i s ^A?enf%\ kti^Bt&Bodi

V^bejcelehratedi, t i e t h c h i b i b y Pne,.fafl»er- !an^ frequent-visitor a t * '* H "* '"''

'i&ftdtifo bnfe fe | i i s y^in>; | p ^ c ^ t s ; ^ e j n i a | a 3 r ^ ]

^^^pti^Jaid |gequei»tly transmita*j

'ps Duh. ! S h " t h e r e r e t o S s f p ^ l ' 5 ^ ? * * Kl. "3^*iU? i O o r ffladdeaing conflicts, war thyfairest plain,

l ^ ^ i f p S °!" -L --'• ------ -Li—'-- —'-eet as ^l^m^^&^t m

Still tby snfiac»wer.ti*ibtgjruwing grain.

YstOr-dfff motter,'»tiilruncounted charms

e n t t o ^ ^ R y W o r k done ot?gr; in s c a n n e r »wiir *£m* on? R t f e r in the St*& ^ • •

* - * ^ M mx>»»»ure»her « » « 0 f ® ' i i " . a V .T/J2DRamnl5tb««e«bolnpof thloehaBbrttciBg'nrda. ^ r » ! W « ^ . f t f ; T . , ! d O T M ' f - i l « t ^ « t l ^ i n i » e . I a i , k « e d e C a v , , - • , ,


No, bjiht-ilb hi'lli,'whose batincts, hoVv dlspldyrd Cn blazing t^ottjrw AutpQn haoorrajed; By yiiu ttvi3.cicct, omi4 :ibp»inhjofi «>phcEB, . <. ..

cni - , , . „,,f. .u»««-m,ne»*ftiLaat tO;4fe?Cilve,,oati icei..to ecappoari^. - . . .

l e i i l M W " l u i . " .l^-t. ha hda.ogojacpmaigoce" "fV't 71 -*^^£inw W?nw'oi> Mill street.ond And Tecds lO^ileoco from ito hold rovinoo ,

\V^Mi»M3BaK,'^it*^um'iwi^-''<f': -" ll° C»owo wl|n M ^ ' U M U o w n UnlaintetLeoii;

• ' ; \ ' * S ; "•?. " "" " " '1"«nMnili l l -"-

lurty-twqyeajfs qt tentlreM.i o f

e t i v e n -tlrer;r 111 i s a

tiie e

„ _ anffip6ia£liSiM»n-

mu v-.->




i a

bat peqalna oven BPWf«

to Freci

bg i Jf Jbcr cbtnpe^^idlpai

' Wolllleo'erect; tbo g ^ r d i o h J ' b t ' r h f t ^ ' ' ^ / : !

l t i H G f c y l « b lhu^<|ori l^lbe.pa/liogsun .p, ..

' Tbo fcv-oVd:b6j^.ecuC(i'''*fhoi'tha f } ^ ^ * w",°

rtt -}

^?R^i. ,*f . J^tXfl 73 J ^ ^ J g a j k L ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ nKiii ni in iwmimlmUiiKM
