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Bellagala | Minneapolis Wedding Photography

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Finding the Right Wedding Photographer

Think about your mother and father’s wedding album. You have probably seen it a dozen times, and although it is most likely pretty outdated at this point in time, it is the single most useful item when any wedding memories are being discussed. You’ve looked at the hideous dresses a thousand times, laughed at the ridiculous hair-dos, and gawked at your father’s huge glasses. These things are all pos-sible because of the wedding photographer, which makes it one of the biggest parts in planning a wedding.

Deciding upon a wedding photographer can be one of the most difficult choices when it comes to your wedding. After all, these photographs are how you will not only share this day with others, but how you will be able to re-live it yourself.

There are many important aspects to consider when deciding upon a photographer. It is important to decide on a photographer that you not only enjoy their artistic style, but that you feel comfortable with as well. If you are someone who is a bit “camera shy” you may want to look for a wedding pho-tographer who is used to shooting subjects in a natural or organic way so you feel your absolute best. There are many wedding photographers in the Twin Cities area to choose from which makes it easier to find one that suites your tastes, both artistically and personally.

Although it may seem a little tedious, meeting with more than a few wedding photographers might help you decide on exactly what you are looking for. Whether you are visiting a single photographer, or a large wedding vendor, make sure you ask for a portfolio or other wedding albums they have produced in order to point out things you either like or dislike. There are all different kinds of couples, so pointing out whether or not you like serious photographs rather than goofy ones is an important conversation. The photographer should get to know the two of you as a couple in order to paint a true picture of your wedding day.

It is also important to discuss what type of albums the photographer has available once the photo-graphs are taken. There are numerous types of albums, and they can range anywhere from mildly costly to extremely expensive. Making the photographer aware of what type of album you are looking for is vital because after all, this is the platform which your photographs will be displayed upon for the rest of your life.

Because these are such important pictures, it is smart to bring in a list when visiting your possible photographers. Come prepared to your meetings so you can get the most out of your appointment. Glance at wedding photos from your friends or family before in order to get a feeling for the type of photographer you are looking for. Being prepared never hurts!

Luckily for all the brides and grooms of the Twin Cities, there are an amazing list of Minneapolis wed-ding photographers, so you can find the wedding photographer that is right for you.

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Pros and Cons of Destination Weddings

Sand under your toes, the hot sun shining on your back, and a beautiful sunset taking place while you say your vows. That all sounds like an amazing wedding to most of us, but destination weddings can be an idea that couples toy with for months before deciding if this is the right decision for their wed-ding. Did you know that even if you have a destination wedding, you can bring local vendors with you? Oftentimes Minnesota couples that chose to leave home for a wedding ceremony will bring their Minneapolis wedding photographer with them.

If you have had the opportunity to attend a destination wedding, you probably know how amazing they can really be. Whether the spot is the snow capped mountains of Vail, Colorado, or the ex-travagant beaches of the Bahamas, it is clear why many people choose to have their weddings in a location other than the place they call home. Creating a wedding in a special destination can make life-long memories not only for the bride and groom, but for all the friends and families who are lucky enough to be there.

However, the planning and preparation which can go into a destination wedding can be enough of a headache for some that they decide to go to their local golf-club or ballroom rather than lugging their entire family across the country. So, how does one decide? It is important to weigh the pros and cons for you as a couple and your wedding party in general before deciding on whether or not a des-tination wedding is for you.

The first thing which is on most people’s minds when planning a wedding, regardless of its location, is obvious: money. Money can become the main factor in planning a wedding no matter where it is, so it is no surprise that this is a large factor which keeps many couples from planning a wedding outside of their comfort zone. If money is not a factor for you, then by all means, don’t let that keep you from planning a wedding in a far-away spot. Unfortunately for most, money is a factor. A big one. This is why the number of guests you plan on inviting to the wedding is the second most important factor. Small weddings can be much easier not only to pay for, but also to plan for, in other places.

Arranging all the details from catering, table settings, lighting, flowers, and any and all other decora-tions can be difficult when you are working with people who are hundreds to thousands of miles away. In this sense, a wedding planner might be the best option to help you work with all of these people. As with all extra details, this will need to be worked in to the budget.

If you don’t know the area well, it is probably best to bring your photographer with you. After all, the photographs can be one of the most important things you walk away from your wedding with, so choosing the right photographer is extremely important. If you find a photographer in your own city which you are most comfortable with, it is usually very possible to bring that photographer to your chosen destination. For instance, if you have a photographer you love in Minneapolis, you can bring your Minneapolis wedding photographer to Mexico if you wanted. The catch: you will have to pay their way. If this is something that isn’t quite in the budget for you, it is important to decide what mat-ters more, the photographer, or the location of your wedding. However, many photographers are will-ing to customize packages and will throw in extra coverage for a destination wedding (bachelorette party, rehearsal dinner, etc.).

If you are set on a destination wedding, do not let the budget stray you away from having the wed-ding of your dreams. It is possible to cut down on a party size, handle many of the details yourself, or find vendors in the particular area to help you rather than flying a particular photographer down. Your family and friends may encourage you to go for it, as they probably need a vacation anyways!

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“We’re Engaged!” Now What?

So he popped the question, and you said yes. But where do we go from here? It is common knowl-edge how many little details will come up in the next few months of planning your wedding. However, thinking about the first steps in being engaged is something that can be overlooked.

These days, it is extremely common to not only have wedding showers and bachelor or bachelorette parties, but also to have engagement parties. This can be a great way to get your family and friends together in order to celebrate the union that will occur in the near future. If your families are not very familiar with each other this can serve as a great “meet and greet” for all those relatives that have yet to meet. With many family members most likely not living in the same state or city, it is a fun way to get everyone out for an event surrounding your wedding day.

Once the wedding date draws near, your families will have already met each other and been able to share some memories. This will release some of the tension from the big day, knowing that you don’t have to do quite as many introductions!

Deciding on exactly who you want to invite, or how big you want your engagement party to be is another important discussion. A small and charming engagement party can include your family and very close friends. You might want to think you will be included in the wedding party, as it is probably a smart idea that they are invited. Some bride and grooms decide to make this a big event and invite more people, which usually result in renting out a special venue for this such as a private room at a restaurant. However, if you enjoy entertaining, you can accomplish a stunning engagement party in your own home, which would cut some of the extra expenses.

If you are the type of couple who wants to have an engagement party, there is a good chance you will be interested in engagement photos as well. This is something that is becoming very common for newly engaged couples. It is a great way to become comfortable in front of the camera together, and to test out the photographer that you will use for your wedding day.

Many couples decide to use their engagement photos as a part of their “save the date”. The save the date send out is not necessary, yet is something that is highly recommended. Family and friends are extremely busy, which means having something to put on their calendar or refrigerator to give them a heads-up on your wedding date is very smart. With some great engagement photographs, it is easy to take your favorite picture and create a chic, yet more casual mail out for your wedding guests.

The excitement which will occur over the next few months of planning will only become greater as you get closer to your wedding day. The amount of tasks can seem extremely overwhelming when first engaged, however, if you take just a few steps at a time the plotting and planning will only pay off to make your wedding day spectacular.

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Wedding Photography for the Camera Shy

There is one in every group. The one who ducks behind others during a photo opportunity, or dis-plays their extra-awkward smile just like Chandler Bing from “Friends” as soon as the flash goes off. You know who I’m talking about, whether it is you or one of your best friends. The camera shy one, who stays as far away from the flash of a camera as ANALOGY. Well, lucky for you, there are enough talented wedding photographers who are trained to make this type of client look good on their wed-ding day.

Wedding photographs are an extremely, if not one of the foremost aspects of the wedding day itself. These are the memories which you will leave with from your wedding day, the pictures that you will show your children and your grandchildren years from now. That is why photographing both the bride and groom, as well as the wedding party, in as natural and comfortable setting as possible is impor-tant.

If this is you, or possibly your fiancé, the choice of wedding photographer just became even more important. When booking a wedding photographer, many couples choose to use this same photogra-pher to photograph pictures which will be used for a “save the date” or engagement announcement. If engagement photographs are something you are interested as well, this can be even a bit more uncomfortable for the camera shy because it is not actually the big day. However, this pre-wedding photo shoot can act as a sort of “warm-up” for the big day. Many couples choose to shoot their en-gagement photographs in a place which is surrounded by strangers. If this is the case, it may give the camera shy an opportunity to shed their fear of being photographed in front of others.

Talking about this with the photographer is always a smart thing to do so they are able to work with the two of you without making anyone uncomfortable. Making them aware of your dislike for the limelight is probably best so they can think of ways to make you feel comfortable head of time. These are professionals, so they know how to catch people in natural and flattering ways without making it seemed posed. This engagement shoot can allow the couple to get to know the photographer and become much more comfortable. After the bashful bride or groom is able to see how great they can really look on camera, the wedding day might not be as painful!

Another important detail which can be overlooked is making sure that everyone feels comfortable in what they are wearing. Hopefully whatever apparel was chosen for the wedding day was chosen by the wearer themselves, however for engagement photos make sure everyone feels their best in what-ever they choose to wear. If the outfit one is wearing is not something they feel good in, then you can count on a lot more difficulty when it comes to getting them to smile!

No one wants to look back at their wedding day, and feel as if they aren’t looking their best. That is why deciding upon a wedding photographer who clicks not only with your vision, but you and your fiancé’s personalities as well is extremely important.

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Summer: Minnesota’s busiest wedding season

Frigid temperatures and over ten feet of snow is something that most Minnesotans have become accustomed to over the years. Although we barely get through those tough winter months, there is something good that comes out of all of this snow and frigid air. What could that possibly be you ask? The answer is simple. Minnesota summers. And Minnesota summers, although possibly comparable temperature-wise to other nearby states, are different. This is because we as Minnesotans have an ap-preciation that other states just don’t have for summer, which makes it just a little bit better here than anywhere else.

The Minnesota summers are something that are talked about for months by many, so it is no wonder why many couples choose this for their wedding date. Whether the ceremony takes place by one of our thousands of lakes, or possibly at a beautiful golf club or historical site, there are an array of amaz-ing locations to choose from around Minneapolis and St. Paul.

The city is host to some of the most beautiful lakes in the area, which makes deciding upon a wed-ding site during the summer months somewhat difficult. An outdoor ceremony during the summer can be a beautiful afternoon or evening. If your wedding day happens to land on one of our 90 plus days with high humidity, you and your guests may sweat a bit more than desired, but the ambiance which can be created by the beauty of our state will make up for it.

With all the lakes and rivers available to us, another beautiful summer wedding option is to take the party to the water. Boats are available not only on many of the lakes, but the rivers as well for your entire wedding reception to take place. These boats, which vary from small to large in size, can create an amazing backdrop for your wedding ceremony and or wedding reception. Imagine dancing the night away on a boat sailing across the St. Croix River with your entire wedding party.

Regardless of where you decide on having your ceremony and reception, it is important to think ahead of the game. Because this season is so busy for Minnesota, it is important to book all of your services far ahead of time in order to book them on your specific date. Some Minnesota wedding photographers book out over two years in advance for summer dates. If the photographer you have in mind is already shooting a wedding for that particular date, you are out of luck. Getting these simple details such as the ceremony location, reception location, and photographer booked as soon as you know the date is vital when planning your summer wedding.

Summer weddings in Minnesota can be magical. Whether you decide on an indoor or an outdoor wedding, a Minnesota summer can be the perfect time to plan your wedding.

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Putting Your Faith in a Minneapolis Wedding Photographer

Deciding upon a wedding photographer is a difficult decision. Once this decision is made, a huge amount of the pressure will be taken off when it comes to worrying about the pictures which will be taken. However, many couples have a hard time putting all their trust with a photographer. Letting go of your worries, and allowing a photographer do their job is necessary in order to enjoy your wedding day to the fullest and get the best pictures possible.

There are hundreds of candidates that you could have chosen, but there is a reason why you decided upon this particular Minneapolis wedding photographer. It is important to remember this because the photographer isn’t able to do their job unless you let them. Couples that relax and simply let the wedding photographer take charge will end with better results. A huge part of wedding photography happens after the photographs are taken, possibly days after the actually date of the wedding. This means that leaving the photographer to do what they do best before judging the photos is usually the smart thing to do.

After all, you should have done your research on this photographer, so you should be aware of the type of work that they typically produce. If your photographer tells you to do something a bit out of character, maybe a bit silly seeming, do it anyways. They know what photographs turn out best, and they are only trying to catch you in your best light. Going into your engagement and or wedding pho-tography shoots, you should enter with an open mind. Your photographer might have suggestions for certain locations which would be best for your shoot that maybe seem different to you. While it is important to have an open communication line and share your thoughts and feelings on where you would like your photos to be taken, it is also important to trust the photographer. Remember, they are the professionals.

Going out of your comfort zone can be a bit tricky, and even scary at point. However, when you see the all the beautiful pictures which will result from a little trust, you will be thanking your photog-rapher. Minneapolis is home to some amazing wedding photographers, so you shouldn’t have a problem finding someone to fully entrust with your wedding day. By handing over the reins to your photographer and giving them the responsibility that they should have, I guarantee that you will be a happier bride or groom and can relax just a bit more on your wedding day!

Do your diligent research on a Minneapolis wedding photographer, and then rest assured that you’ve hired an expert to guide you through the photo taking process on your wedding day!

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Last minute details for your destination wedding

So you’ve decided to have a destination wedding. The choice has been made over probably hours of discussion as to whether all this work of getting friends and family to your remote location is worth it. Well, it will all be worth it once you are surrounded by friends and family in the wedding location of your dreams.

However, a lot of planning has gone into this day, and it is important to make sure all your ducks are in a row before you head out for this event of a lifetime. First of all, start with a checklist. It is impos-sible to remember all of the things you need to bring without some sort of list. Verify this list with your maid of honor, and maybe a family member or two to make sure you aren’t forgetting anything.

One important thing that can often be forgotten is to double check with all your service providers that everything is in check. For instance, if you are bringing your wedding photographer along with you it is vital to make sure that all of the travel plans and hotel accommodations are set not only for your wedding party, but for the rest of your “wedding team”.

In most cases if you are flying your wedding photographer to the chosen destination you will be pro-viding the sleeping accommodations as well, so it is important to make sure that you have provided your photographer with all of the necessary details. You and your wedding party may have made different arrangements for flights or other forms of transportation, so it is important to make arrange-ments for transportation from the airport to the hotel for each member of your team. You want the best wedding photography we can possibly have for this once in a lifetime day, so having all the de-tails in order for your photographer is a must so he or she can focus on the photos!

Providing a travel itinerary ahead of time for not only your wedding party and guests, but for the rest of your team such as the photographer and videographer is a smart addition so no one is asking questions on the day of.

Although its likely that you have packed all your vacation wear and have arranged for your dress to arrive in perfect condition, remember to pack all those little extras that might not be available to you in this far away destination. For instance, if you think there is a chance, any chance at all, that you may need wardrobe tape, then bring it. It is unlikely that a small town in the Caribbean Islands will have wardrobe malfunction items, so bring anything you think you may need in your suitcase!

All the sweat and tears that may have gone into this day are about to pay off. Once you are on that plane headed to your far-away destination, nothing will matter but the guy sitting next to you and the memories you will soon make together to produce the best wedding photography!

Plan ahead by researching the best wedding photography available now! Then, book your photogra-pher, sit back and relax!

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Out of the Box Photography for You!

Most of the albums we see from the 70’s and 80’s are pretty straight forward. They include shots dur-ing the ceremony, shots of the wedding party, the couple cutting the cake, and various pictures taken during the reception. However, wedding photography has changed in the past few decades and there are many more less standard photographs which can capture the true story of your wedding day.

Wedding photography has come a long way since your parents wedding, and there are many op-tions which you can consider when looking for a photographer. Not only has just the photography changed, but wedding ceremonies and receptions have gone outside the box to create some really amazing stories. When deciding how you want to remember your day, a main concern in this discus-sion is the photographer.

There are many photographers who are skilled at taking the standard wedding shots. However, if this is not something you are looking for then it is necessary to look for a photographer who shoots cou-ples, rather than the ceremony itself. A good photographer can make a couple look good in pictures, but a great photographer can paint a picture of the couple’s story.

If you plan on doing some outside of the box things at your wedding, it is nice to document them. There are plenty of quirky couples out there who have incorporated little memories and other parts of their relationship into their wedding day, so these are things that you would want the photographer to photograph in the right context. This is why booking a photographer who can grasp the couple’s story is something that should be considered.

Photographers such as this are devoted to bringing out more in a picture than just a few smiles. A photojournalistic wedding photographer will capture moments and stories rather than just bodies in a room. These types of photographers are devoted to keeping photography an art rather than a ser-vice. Rather than having the bride and groom pose for multiple shots in positions that feel uncomfort-able and forced, they are able to candidly tell the story of the day that two people joined as a union.

Finding a photographer who can understand your story is one of the best gifts one can have on their wedding day. However, it is important to point out that there is nothing wrong with the standard wed-ding shots that we see many times. What one should take away is that there are many ways to docu-ment your wedding day, and finding the right way for you as a couple is the most important thing. Whether that be naturally and organically, or you feel more comfortable with the help of the photog-rapher posing the group it doesn’t matter. As long as the pictures taken are exactly what you wanted them to be, that’s all that matters!

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Trimming the Fat on Your Wedding Budget

All the details which come up during the planning of a wedding can be extremely overwhelming. Deciding whether or not to include certain things, or doing them yourself rather than hiring someone are only a few of the choices which brides have to make when planning for their wedding day. How-ever, if one can cut corners elegantly in order to cut the budget, we say go for it.

The list of services which is available to brides and grooms goes on and on. However, there are some areas that if done right, can be trimmed down in order to take away some of that extra stress caused by the wedding budget. The things that can be cut down will be different for each and every couple, but in most cases there are a few things which are good to discuss which can possibly be skipped.

When trimming the fat, I first think of what is the most important in order to evaluate which things can definitely not be cut from budget. For instance, a wedding photographer is on the top of my list because this is the person who will be documenting this event for the rest of your life. There is a good chance that not everyone important in your life is going to be able to make it to your wedding, so the photographs which are taken on this day will serve as not only a reminder for you and your family of this amazing day, but also as a way to share the day with those who could not be there.

Another important person on my list is the caterer or chef. This may not be as important for everyone, but if you share a love of food and cooking, then the dinner menu may be more important to you than it is for others. However, if this is something you are not to concerned with, consider going for only one meal option rather than two, or possibly doing a buffet rather than table-service.

And when it comes to tables, most people think flower arrangements. This is one of the most expen-sive parts of a wedding, but can really make or break the ambiance. Find a florist who is both tal-ented and in your price range is important, so this is someone that you can plan on spending a good amount of time deciding on. If flowers aren’t really your thing, this is an area where you may be able to eliminate some extra costs.

Having either an open bar or a cash bar is also debatable, and both options are extremely common. If your guests aren’t too concerned with alcoholic beverages, having an open bar might not get too expensive. However, many times an open bar can lead to not only a huge bill at the end of the night, but also your Uncle Bill doing the worm on the dance floor.

With a great photographer booked it is common practice to nix the videographer. Although many couples may want a play by play of their ceremony and reception, Minnesota wedding photography gives brides and grooms so many choices of finding the perfect Minneapolis wedding photographer that it is possible to get this without the use of a videographer. Maybe you have a relative stand in with an at home video camera to catch a few “behind the scenes” moments instead!

Everyone knows weddings can become extremely expensive without close paid attention. This day won’t happen again, so finding a way to cut some of the unnecessary costs while maintaining your vi-sion is crucial and if done right, doable.

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Looking FAB on your wedding day!

Long, short, dark, or light, there are plenty of options when it comes to hair-dos for your wedding day. No matter if you are growing your hair out for your wedding, or you have recently chopped it all off, finding a hair style which is special, yet suites your normal tastes is a fun part of planning the big day.

The number one things brides begin to look for after they become engaged tends to be the wedding dress. Usually the choice of how to style one’s hair comes a little bit later in the planning process. But the choice of the dress affects the hair more than one may think. Once the dress is decided upon, the bride can begin to contemplate ideas for her possible wedding day hair style.

A practice run for the hair and make-up is definitely something that should be planned upon if not at least considered. Having a few friends over to look for new trends and styles in magazines is a fun way to get ideas that might work for you. Once you have a few different styles that you may like, imagine what these will look like with your style of dress. If you have a strapless dress, having some or all of your hair done works. However, if your dress is very busy around the shoulders and neck, you may want to stay away from adding more business with your hair. Once you have some of your favorite styles, have your stylist play around with the ideas to see what works best for you. There is a good chance that one ore more of the styles you may like doesn’t work as well with your particular hair type.

Day of mistakes can only add stress to the wedding day, so being as prepared as possibly is highly suggested. This also applies to the hair and make-up. Getting an idea of exactly how both the bridal hair and make-up will look not only the day of, but in pictures as well is something to think about.

The make-up that one usually wears on a daily basis may be a bit different than what one may want to consider when doing for their wedding. A smart thing to do is photograph yourself in the practice make-up in order to picture how your wedding photographs will turn out. Bridal make-up, which may look somewhat drastic in the mirror, may not show up the same way on camera. This is something that mn wedding photographers are very aware of, so talking to your particular photographer ahead of time is wise. about this That’s why planning ahead for this, such as wearing fake eyelashes isn’t a bad idea. However, creating a dramatic look while staying true to your natural look is recommended. You wouldn’t want to look like someone else in your photographs!

Having your hair and make-up planned accordingly before the big day is an easy way of eliminating stress on your wedding day. It is clear that looking your best is important on this day, and if you plan ahead this will ensure that will happen!

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