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Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic...

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Graphene-mediated exchange coupling between magnetic molecules and substrates: a DFT view Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy
Page 1: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Graphene-mediated exchange coupling between magnetic molecules and substrates:

a DFT view

Valerio BelliniCentro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy

Page 2: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics

Non-magneticorganicmolecules Magneticsolidstatesystems


The molecule-surface interaction couldbe exploited to tune the magneticpropertiesofthesubstrate.(Spinterface).E.g.H2Pcon2MLFe/W(110)

Organic layers can be employed to act astunneling barriers, but the spins resides instandard solid state leads (Organic spintronics).E.g.LSMO/Alq3/Co.





Page 3: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Why magnetic molecules?

• Magneticmoleculescanbethepenultimatelimitinthelowdimensionofamagneticdomain where to store binary information (0/1 = up/down) (the ultimate limit isrepresentedbysingleatomsorvacancies).

• Several advantages over “standard”magnetic nanoparticles, e.g.monodispersity isensuredbychemicalsynthesis.

• Themagneticpropertiesofthemoleculescansurvivetheevaporationprocessunderhigh-vacuum (molecular functionalization to toughen the molecule) and theinteraction with the surface (low-interacting substrates as Au or electronicdecouplinglayersareconsideredforthispurpose).

• Theycanself-assemblyonopportunesubstrates,offeringorderedarraysofmagneticunitsthatcan,inprinciple,beaddressedsingularlybylocalprobes.

• Thegoalistobuildfunctionalhybridorganic-inorganicdevices,onewouldideallybeable to switch themagnetic properties of themolecule or themolecule-substrateinteraction by external stimuli, e.g. electric or magnetic field, electronic current,electromagneticradiation,mechanicalorchemicalmanipulations.

Page 4: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Molecular magnetic (q)bits: some examples

Purelyorganicradicals Singlemolecule/chainmagnets


• Open-shell(neutral)molecules• Isotropicmagneticproperties


• Largespin(orbital)moment• Largemagneticanisotropy• Magneticstorage,spinvalves

• PredominantlyAFMinteractions• Small (or no, i.e. S=1/2 Kramer

doublet)magneticanisotropy• Q(uantum)bits,QuantumGates

• Spin-filteringlayer• Interplay between magnetic and


Page 5: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic



Single ion magnetic molecules


PRB88,144407(2013). JCPC118,17670(2014).




Page 6: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

TbPc2-based molecular spintronics devices

Spintronicsdevicesobtained integratingTbPc2moleculewithcarbon-based leads (graphenedots,nanotubes)havebeenalreadypresentedintheliterature.





Page 7: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

The substrate’s choice: do we want interaction or not?







Page 8: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Ln double decker (LnPc2)

• Ln3+valence+2Pc2-:electronunbalance• Ln4fmagneticmoment.• s=1/2 spin radical delocalized over thetwoPcs.

Verystable.It could be functionalized to improvegraftingonsurfaces(pyrene).Strong spin-orbit coupling, that leads tosingle-magnetbehavior.It has been demonstrated to work as amolecularbit(qbit)intransistorandspin-walvegeometries.Its nuclear magnetic states could beaddressed.

a dream for experiments…

Itisaratherlargemolecule(113atoms).It contains a rare-earth ion, and theimportantphysicsisonthe4forbital.Inneutral form, it has a localized inorganic(4f)andadelocalizedorganic(radical)spins,thatmustbeaddressatthesametime.Thereisnotmuchwork intheliteraturebyDFTtocomparewith.Multiple spins means multiple magneticstates:CDFTneeded!

…a nightmare for DFT!


Page 9: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Theoretical approach and some (few) technical details


• Density-functionaltheory(DFT)calculations,GGA(GGA+U)functionals.• PAWpseudopotentials(precisionhigherthanstandardpseudo≈all-electronmethods)• Nospin-orbitcouplingisincluded,i.e.welookatisotropicexchangeonly.• Grimmedispersioncorrectionshavebeenaddedtodescribemoreaccuratelythemolecule-surfaceinteraction(DFT-D2,DFT-D3).

• The surface is simulated by a finite size slab, typically composed of 5-6 monolayers(magneticmomentinthecenterhastobebulk-like).

• Structuralrelaxationsofthemoleculeandtopsurfacelayer(nodynamics).• Extractionof themolecule-surfaceexchangeenergies required, despite the large in-planecell,asamplingontheK-pointsinthe2DBrillouinzone(2x2).

• SupercomputersattheCINECAcenter(Bologna)andHLRN(Hamburg)havebeenemployed.

Page 10: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

TbPc2: Wien2k vs Quantum Espresso, LDA+U

Wien2K QuantumEspresso

AllElectron PAWpseudopotential



Page 11: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

LnPc2, Ln=Tb, Dy, Er in the gas phase: a DFT view




• 5dorbitalson the Ln ions gets spinpolarizedduetothepresenceofthe4fmoment.

• They are more extended in space and thisleadstoanhybridizationwiththeN2porbitalsin the Pcs (see for instance peaks at -3.5eVand-2.5eV)


Page 12: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

XMCD experiments of LnPc2, Ln=Tb, Dy, Er on Ni(111)


The magnetization could be fitted considering adirectTb-NiAFMexchangeterm.




XMCD results in agreement with otherexperiments of TbPc2 on Ni thin films onCu(100) and Ag(100) substrate [Lodi Rizzinietal.,Phys.Rev.Letters107,177205(2011)]

Page 13: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Existence and interaction of the spin-radical




• Which is thesizeandsignofthecoupling with the Ln ion? Is itinfluencedbytheenvironment?

• Does the spin radical in the PcALWAYS survive when themolecule is adsorbed on thesurface?

• Ln4fmagneticmoment.• s=1/2spinradicaldelocalizedoverthetwoPcs.

Page 14: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

TbPc2 on Ni(111): DFT results


Thechargetransferissolargethatthespinradicaliscompletelyquenched.Initssteadaspinpolarization takes place at the lower Pc plane due to contact interaction with the Ni(111)substrate,itchangessignmovingfromanatomtoanother,andithasanextrinsicnature.





Page 15: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

TbPc2 on Ni(111): DFT results

Page 16: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

TbPc2 on Ni(111): DFT results

Page 17: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

TbPc2 on Ni(111): DFT results

The spin polarization on the lower Pc is pinned to the Ni substrate. If Tb spin is reversed, amodification in the polarization of theN atoms takes place, the interactionwith the remnantspinpolarizationinthePcplane,resultsintoadifferentenergy,i.e.magneticinteraction!

Note that a spin polarization, but no radical, has been also found in the STMexperiments of,Schwoebeletal.,Nat.Commun.3,953(2012),forTbPc2onCo/Ni(111)!!!

Page 18: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

The graphene/Ni(111) substrate

top-fcc top-bridge


HR-XPS (200K)showsthattop-fcc is themostabundant stacking (60%), while top-bridge isthe second most abundant one. DFTcalculationsalsoshowthattop-fccandbridgetoparethelowestenergyconfiguration.




• Graphene-passivatedNickelasoxidation resistantelectrode forSpintronics [B.Dlubaketal.,ACSNANO6,10930(2012)]

• Graphenelayerasanelectronicdecouplinglayer[J.Choetal.,NanoLett.12,3018(2012)]• Itallowsmagneticcouplingbetweenmagneticlayers[V.M.Karpanetal.,Phys.Rev.Lett.99,


Page 19: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

TbPc2 on Ni(111) and Graphene/Ni(111)

Chargetransferisreducedto0.75e-fromthemoleculeto the surface, and the spin radical is partiallyquenched (from 1.00𝜇B to 0.25𝜇B). It has an intrinsicnature, thatmeans that it couldbestabilized inboththespindirection.


The charge transfer is so large that the spinradical is completely quenched. In its stead aspin polarization takes place at the lower PcplaneduetocontactinteractionwiththeNi(111)substrate, it changes signmoving from an atomtoanother,andithasanextrinsicnature.

TbPc2/Ni(111) TbPc2/Graphene/Ni(111)


Page 20: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Spin model Hamiltonian: Tb radical Ni





Asafurthereffortwetriedtoreducethenumberoffitting parameters, obtaining either Jexch or K bycalculations.

• CASSCFfindsJexch=−0.24meV(FM),andthefittoXMCDmagnetizationdataleadstoK=+0.22meV(AFM).

• DFTcalculationsfindsK=−45meV(FM),andthefitleadstoJexch=+0.03meV(AFM)


S. Marocchi et al., “Relay-like exchange mechanism through a spin radical between TbPc2 molecules andgraphene/Ni(111)substrates”,ACSNano10,9353(2016).

Page 21: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Pc rotation upon quenching of the radical


TbPc2/Graphene/Ni(111) TbPc2/Ni(111)


Our results are fully compatiblewiththeonesshowninapreviouspaper on STM measurements ofTbPc2/Au(111)

Page 22: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic



Single ion magnetic molecules


PRB88,144407(2013). JCPC118,17670(2014).




Page 23: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic



Single ion magnetic molecules


PRB88,144407(2013). JCPC118,17670(2014).




Page 24: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Structural, electronic spin and states of metalloces

Page 25: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Structural, electronic spin and states of metalloces




dxy , dx2-y2

dxz , dyz

S = 3/2 1 1/2 0 1/2 1

Y. Li, et al., Phys. Rev. B, 83, 195443 (2011)

CoCp2 is the member which more strongly binds, i.e. Eads = 0.2 eV (physysorption) to graphene, and that shows largest charge transfer to graphene, i.e. Q=0,28 e-

Trends in charge transfer between metallocenes and unsupported graphene

Page 26: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

K.-F. Braun, et al., PRL 96, 246102 (2006)

B. Heinrich, et al., PRL 107, 216801 (2011)

FeCp2 on Au(111)

FeCp2 on Cu(111)


NO Dissociation!

J. Choi et al., Surf. Sci. 600, 2997 (2006) CoCp2 on Cu(111)


CoCp2 vs. FeCp2 -  additional electron occupies the anti-

bonding orbital. -  H-L energy gaps is smaller. CoCp2 has larger chemical reactivity (used

as redox agent in catalysis)

Experiments on metallocenes on metallic substrates



In this case the presenceof a graphenedecouplinglayermightbecriticaleventopreservetheintegrityofthemolecule!

Page 27: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Top-Fcc Bridge-Top

HOMO 2B2 HOMO 2A2 Hollow


Bridge 1

Bridge 2



c) dyz dxz

Unit cell: cobaltocene on graphene deposited on a 4 layer thick Ni (111) slab. Structural characterization follows three lines: a) Molecule conformation b) graphene stacking c) preferred adsorption site

CoCp2 on graphene/Ni(111) substrate


Page 28: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

CoCp2 on graphene/Ni(111) substrate

(meV) (meV) (Å) Configuration

ΔE = Energy difference with respect to GS d = Co-graphene distance (dCo-Ni=d+2.1Å)

Eex= E( ) – E( )

The magnetic coupling is AFM and of around 10 meVs. It is not that small! dCo-Ni = 6.4Å !!!

P.S. FeP on Co/Cu: Eex≈ 50meV (dFe-Co=3.4Å)




Page 29: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

CoCp2 on graphene/Ni(111) substrate

(meV) (meV) (Å)

The extension of the magnetic orbital of Cobaltocene is clearly a critical factor in determining the magnetic coupling


dyz dxz


2B2 2A2

ΔE = Energy difference with respect to GS d = Co-graphene distance (dCo-Ni=d+2.1Å)

Eex= E( ) – E( )

Page 30: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

CoCp2 on graphene/Ni(111) substrate

(meV) (meV) (Å) Configuration

The stacking of graphene is not critical. That’s surprising since: •  mC-top = - 0.02 μB mC-fcc = + 0.03 μB •  mC-bridge = +0.002 μB

The coupling does not depend on the size of the magnetic moment induced on graphene

Top-Fcc Bridge-Top

ΔE = Energy difference with respect to GS d = Co-graphene distance (dCo-Ni=d+2.1Å)

Eex= E( ) – E( )

Page 31: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

CoCp2 on graphene/Ni(111) substrate

(meV) (meV) (Å)

ΔE = Energy difference with respect to GS d = Co-graphene distance (dCo-Ni=d+2.1Å)

Eex= E( ) – E( )

Variation in the adsorption site leads to some variation in the coupling.

The coupling in all the above cases is



Page 32: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

dyz spin-polarized HOMO is pinned at the Fermi level. Only a small shift is observed upon adsorption of CoCp2

Clear hybridization between the C sp-states of graphene and the d states of Ni! Hybridization around the Fermi level is more effective for the C atom on the fcc position and involves both dz2 and dxy/dx2-y2 Ni states.

In general, electronic or magnetic coupling between two orbitals is re levant i f energy and spat ia l overlapping is effective. In our system AFM coupling is favored

Exchange mechanism revealed by LDOS analysis

Page 33: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

1 monolayer of Fe or Co is intercalated below graphene.

[Intercalation has been demonstrated experimentally, and it’s a way to avoid the difficulties of growing graphene on metals, see rev. of M. Batzill, Surf. Sci. Rep. 67, 84 (2012)]

Ni slab

Fe/Co ML



NièFeèCo progressive depopulation of the minority spin leads to smaller DOS at EF and larger spin moment.


Tuning of the magnetic coupling by intercalation

Page 34: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic



Single ion magnetic molecules


PRB88,144407(2013). JCPC118,17670(2014).




Page 35: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic



Single ion magnetic molecules


PRB88,144407(2013). JCPC118,17670(2014).




Page 36: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Molecular Button





Transient oxidation by STM current (via hole injection)induces a Sn2+➜ Sn3+ transition, reducing the Sn ionicradius, and promoting the switching between the twostructuralconformationsofaSnPcmoleculeonAg(111).

Switching can be irreversible or reversible dependingwhethertheSnPmoleculeisdirectlyadsorbedonAgorifitisadsorbedonabufferlayerofSnPcmolecules.


Page 37: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Let’s make it magnetic!

Requirements: ItmustcontainanelectronicmagneticmomentItmustpresenttwostablestructuralconformations

Page 38: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Let’s make it magnetic!


Page 39: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Let’s make it magnetic!


Page 40: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Let’s make it magnetic!

A second skimming can be obtained by some systematics aimed to find outwhether the ion is accommodated in thePcplaneor if it is pushedoutof ituponstructuralrelaxation.Weareleftwith4candidates.

Page 41: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Energy barrier for MPc, where M=Zr, Nb, Hf, Ta

Redcurves(rightscale)depicttheTMmagnetic moment (Lowdin charges).Nominally it isS=1/2 (1𝜇B) for1st rowionsandS=1(2𝜇B)for2ndrowions.

Black curves (left scale) depict theenergybarrier, calculatedmoving theTM ions along theperpendicular to aflatPcmolecule.

Outward relaxations d amounts to0.4-0.7Å,whileenergybarriersrangesfrom0.35to1.1eV.


Total spin of themolecule is S=1 forZrPc/HfPcandS=3/2forNbPc/TaPc

Page 42: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic


Effect of the molecule-substrate interaction on the energy barrier between the two conformations




Page 43: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic


Effect of the molecule-substrate interaction on the energy barrier between the two conformations




Page 44: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic


Effect of the molecule-substrate interaction on the energy barrier between the two conformations





Page 45: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

ZrPc on Graphene/Ni(111)

ZrPc(HfPc)attainsabistablestructuralconformationongraphene/Ni(111).Inthe‘up’case,anintrinsicmagneticmomentpersistsinthemolecule,anditcouplesAFMwiththeNisubstrate(∆E=-16meV).In the ‘down’ case, the Zr spin is quenched and a spin polarization isinducedonthePcligand.

Page 46: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Energy barrier by Nudge Elastic Band (NEB) method

• The‘down’conformationis1.5eV(ZrPc)-1.8eV(HfPc)morestablethanthe‘up’one☞Stillratherstronginteractionwiththesubstrate!

• IntheHPccasethe‘up’to‘down’transitionseesabarrierof0.1eVwhichmightnotbesufficienttopreservethe ‘up’state instandardexperimentalconditions,while intheZrPccasethebarrierisof0.3eV.

• TheZr(Hf)magneticmomentsisquenchedinthe‘down’state.

Page 47: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Spin density analysis during the ‘up’ to ‘down’ transition

Page 48: Bellini - CNR · Valerio Bellini Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Modena, Italy. Organic spintronics, spinterface and molecular spintronics Non-magnetic organic molecules Magnetic

Energy barrier for instant oxidation/reduction


ForSnPc,abarrierof2.5eVwascalculated,thatcouldbediminished upon reduction(-1e-)to1.5eV.

The ZrPc (HfPc) shows two stablestructural conformation, with differentmagnetic properties, and the energybarrier between them could be modifiedbyinstantreduction/oxidation.


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Thank you for your attention!
