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Bendigo Shepparton Instant Paper

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Written by our readers www.theword.com.au 22, Jun, 2010 - 29, Jun, 2010 Bendigo/FILM AND BOOK REVIEWS - This Little Piggy Went to Market . . . Jacperryman Normal0011035914172511.1287000 Title:This Little Piggy Went to Market . . .Author(s): Margaret Bateson-Hill & Anna McQuinnIllustrator: Roberta AngelettiPublisher: Koala BooksISBN: 9780864619228Price: $14.99Suggested readership: Early childhood The early nursery rhymeThis Little Piggy . . .is re- presented this season – evoking the tender humour of its original edition, with newer dimension. Its talented creators have teamed their respective talents producing a written and illustrate... Bendigo/FILM AND BOOK REVIEWS - Duck Jacperryman Normal001915224164111.1287000Ti tle:DuckAuthor: Janet A. HolmesIllustrator: Jonathan BentleyPublisher: Little HareISBN: 9781921541575Price: $12.95Suggested readership: Early childhood Duckis a small book packed with maximum appeal. Presentation, versatility and soul - the volume has it all. Crafted for tiny hands and gentle hearts, it speaks of companionship, reunion and the beauty nurtured by a special, but unlikely friend. Exquisitely illustrated, Duck is literature to live by, liter... Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS - The bell rings early Admin Finishing time shifted for student safetyBy ANTHONY RADFORDKANGAROO Flat Primary school will change its finishing times from next term to combat safety concerns about Olympic Parade.The thoroughfare comes to a standstill most mornings and evenings, especially at the roundabout intersection with McKenzie Street West.Crusoe College principal Ben Johnstone- McCloud said the school was monitoring the congestion.“It is something we are acutely aware of,” hesaid.“It is now an extensive education precin... Bendigo/FOOD FOSSICKERS - On the Chopping Block with Adrian Hensley Admin Chief cook and bottle washer, mudcake maker and pastry chef wannabe at Basement on ViewHistory:Bendigo boy returning home after 10 years, having worked in Marysville, Wodonga, Melbourne and Launceston in cafes and catering.Describe your happiest food moment. Why did it make you happy?Stewed apricots, custard and ice cream at nana’s, whenever we would go to nanas she would always bring out a container of stewed apricots from the freezer she had frozen the season just gone, it made me feel loved b... Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS - Preferences row Admin By ANTHONY RADFORDTHE campaign to fill thevacant City of Greater Bendigo council seat has turned nasty.Candidates lodged their preferences this week, with two candidates alleging they had been duped by another.Marong’s Karel Zegers and Maiden Gully’s Bruce Phillips have both claimed Stuart Symes reneged on separate preference deals.Mr Zegers claimed Mr Symes reneged on a preference deal that would see both candidates attracting each others’ second preference.“I put him second and he put me fourt... Bendigo/FOOD FOSSICKERS - Fesenjan Chicken, pomegranate and walnuts Admin Ingredients:1 large onion, chopped finely½ teaspoon pepper½ teaspoon turmeric2 tablespoon butter1kg chicken or duck, mince or whole birds1 tablespoon flour200g walnut meat, coarsely chopped1/3 cup hot water½ cup pomegranate molassesSalt to tasteJuice of 1 or 2 lemons (optional)1 small eggplantCooking oil1 ½ teaspoons cardamom powderMethod: Saute the onion with the pepper and turmeric in the butter until well browned.Remove onions and drain.If mince is used, make small balls and brown slightly in... Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS - MAN OF VISION - Co-founder of the Bendigo Weekly takes a step back... Admin By LAUREN MITCHELLDARYL McClure opens the top drawer of his desk and brings out the very first copy of Bendigo Homes and Property from July 4, 1997; American Independence Day.It’s a small, yellowed, crinkled paper that harbours big dreams and fond memories.“I think we hold the record for the width of a column,” he laughs, opening to the offending article that stretches across the entire page. “When you’re deprived of sleep, that’s what you do.”A small team of dedicated staff worked around the cl... Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS - RE: AMBO SITE DELAY - December deadline will not be met Leafy Green Trees Pretty pictures and waffle mean nothing. Another snow job by this Brumby government.
Page 1: Bendigo Shepparton Instant Paper

Written by our readers www.theword.com.au22, Jun, 2010 - 29, Jun, 2010

Bendigo/FILM AND BOOKREVIEWS - This LittlePiggy Went to Market . . .Jacperryman

Normal0011035914172511.1287000Title:This Little Piggy Went toMarket . . .Author(s): MargaretB a t e s o n - H i l l & A n n aM c Q u i n n I l l u s t r a t o r : R o b e r t aA n g e l e t t i P u b l i s h e r : K o a l aBooksISBN: 9780864619228Price:$14.99Suggested readership: Earlych i ldhood The ea r ly nu r se ryrhymeThis Little Piggy . . .is re-presented this season – evoking thetender humour of its original edition,

with newer dimension. Its talentedcreators have teamed their respectivetalents producing a written andillustrate...

Bendigo/FILM AND BOOKREVIEWS - DuckJacperryman

Normal001915224164111.1287000Tit l e : D u c k A u t h o r : J a n e t A .H o l m e s I l l u s t r a t o r : J o n a t h a nBentleyPublisher: Little HareISBN:9 7 8 1 9 2 1 5 4 1 5 7 5 P r i c e :$12.95Suggested readership: Earlychildhood Duckis a small bookpacked with maximum appeal .Presentation, versatility and soul - thevolume has it all. Crafted for tinyhands and gentle hearts, it speaks ofcompanionship, reunion and the

beauty nurtured by a special, butu n l i k e l y f r i e n d . E x q u i s i t e l yillustrated, Duck is literature to liveby, liter...

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS- The bell rings earlyAdmin

Finishing time shifted for students a f e t y B y A N T H O N YR A D F O R D K A N G A R O O F l a tPrimary school will change itsfinishing times from next term tocombat safety concerns aboutOlympic Parade.The thoroughfarecomes to a standstill most mornings

and evenings, especially at theroundabou t in t e r sec t ion wi thMcKenzie Street West .CrusoeCollege principal Ben Johnstone-McCloud said the school wasmonitoring the congestion.“It issomething we are acutely aware of,”hesaid.“It is now an extensiveeducation precin.. .

Bendigo/FOOD FOSSICKERS- On the Chopping Blockwith Adrian HensleyAdmin

Chief cook and bottle washer,mudcake maker and pastry chefw a n n a b e a t B a s e m e n t o nViewHistory:Bendigo boy returninghome after 10 years, having workedin Marysville, Wodonga, Melbourneand Launces ton in cafes andcatering.Describe your happiest foodmoment. Why did it make youhappy?Stewed apricots, custard andice cream at nana’s, whenever wewould go to nanas she would always

bring out a container of stewedapricots from the freezer she hadfrozen the season just gone, it mademe feel loved b...

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS- Preferences rowAdmin

By ANTHONY RADFORDTHEcampaign to fill thevacant City ofGreater Bendigo council seat hasturned nasty.Candidates lodged theirpreferences this week, with twocandidates alleging they had beenduped by another.Marong’s Karel

Zegers and Maiden Gully’s BrucePhillips have both claimed StuartS y m e s r e n e g e d o n s e p a r a t epreference deals.Mr Zegers claimedMr Symes reneged on a preferencedeal that would see both candidatesattracting each others’ secondpreference.“I put him second and heput me fourt...

Bendigo/FOOD FOSSICKERS- Fesenjan Chicken,pomegranate and walnutsAdmin

Ingredients:1 large onion, choppedfinely½ teaspoon pepper½ teaspoonturmeric2 tablespoon butter1kgchicken or duck, mince or wholebirds1 tablespoon flour200g walnutmeat, coarsely chopped1/3 cup hotw a t e r ½ c u p p o m e g r a n a t emolassesSalt to tasteJuice of 1 or 2l e m o n s ( o p t i o n a l ) 1 s m a l leggplantCooking oil1 ½ teaspoonscardamom powderMethod: Saute theonion with the pepper and turmeric in

the butter until well browned.Removeonions and drain.If mince is used,make small balls and brown slightlyin...

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS - MAN OFVISION - Co-founder of the BendigoWeekly takes a step back...Admin

By LAUREN MITCHELLDARYLMcClure opens the top drawer of hisdesk and brings out the very firstcopy of Bendigo Homes and Propertyfrom July 4 , 1997; AmericanIndependence Day.It’s a small,yel lowed, cr inkled paper thatharbours big dreams and fondmemories.“I think we hold the recordfor the width of a column,” he laughs,opening to the offending article thatstretches across the entire page.

“When you’re deprived of sleep,that’s what you do.”A small team ofdedicated staff worked around thecl...

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS - RE:AMBO SITE DELAY - Decemberdeadline will not be metLeafy Green Trees

Pretty pictures and waffle mean

nothing. Another snow job by thisBrumby government.

Page 2: Bendigo Shepparton Instant Paper

2 Written by our readers

Shepparton/BusinessNews - City set for $30mnew ColesStudio

R i t c h i e s C e n t r eredevelopmentPLANS are welladvanced for the start of constructionof a brand new state of the art ColesSupermarket in the south of the CBDof Sheppar ton .The new megasupermarket with retail shops, a new

K-Mart Auto and new carparking isset to bring the Vaughan and CorioS t r e e t s h o p p i n g p r e c i n c talive.Interestingly, the developer,Thompson Property, of Melbourne,who is the landlord of the existingColes/K-Mart stores negotiated torelocate the Coles Supermarket withK-Mart sta...

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS- Skills combinedAdmin

By LAUREN MITCHELLHE isknown locally for his witty take onthe Bendigo Weekly co lumn,however illustrator John Veeken’scolourful characters are now makinga pos i t ive impac t ac ross theglobe.John recently launched his

latest venture, Qcards, a publishinghouse for card-based games andactivities to promote emotionalintelligence.His first product, TheBear Cards, features a string oflovable teddy bears who are notafraid to show their soft side – ortheir happy, sad or shy one.The deckfeature...

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS- Ben’s on boardAdmin

JOURNALIST Ben Cameron hasj o i n e d t h e B e n d i g o W e e k l yteam.Cameron replaced AnnikaSmethurst at the Weekly after asuccessful stint at Heathcote’sMcIvor T imes .Week ly ed i to rAnthony Radford said Cameron was

a grea t f i t fo r Bendigo .“Benimpressed when he did some workexperience with us a couple of yearsago,” he said.“Those in media andpublic relations circles in Bendigoknow of Ben’s professionalism anddedication to his community, so he isthe right fit for the Weekly and forthe city.“His exp...

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS- A good case forwineloversAdmin

B E N D I G O W i n e g r o w e r ’ sAssociation launched the city’s latestliterary offering last week.MixedCases; Stories of the BendigoWinegrowers was launched byParliamentary Secretary for Regionaland Rural Development Jaala Pulfordat The Capital.In the book, authorsJohn Holton and Lauren Mitchellunearth the hopes, accomplishmentsa n d a s p i r a t i o n s o f 2 4 l o c a lwinegrowers from the region’s much-

loved labels.The full-colour coffeetable book is brought to life throughthe work of designer Jacqui Lyncha...

Shepparton/News - Shepparton in toptenStudio

SHEPPARTON is in the running tobe named Australia’s best walkingtown, as part of a competition byPrevention magazine in conjunctionwith Channel 7 Sunrise morningprogram.Sheppar ton has been

shortlisted in the Top 10 places to bevoted as Australia’s best walking

town, i t was announced th i sweek.Greater Shepparton Mayor,Geoff Dobson is encouragingresidents to vote for Shepparton onthe Prevention magazine website orusing the entry form in the currented i t ion .“Severa l months ago ,Preven t ion . . .

Shepparton/Letters to the Editor - Dear Editor,Studio

Want to have your say? Email yourl e t t e r s t o t h e E d i t o [email protected]

u. Max 100 wordsDROUGHTD E F E N C E D e a r E d i t o r , A s acouncillor subject to the increasedscrutiny of the current conflict ofinterest regulations imposed on local

government, I find it extremelydifficult to watch and listen to thePremier and Water Minister defendtheir actions in relation to the foodb o w l m o d e r n i s a t i o n a n d t h e

northsouth pipeline.The Victoriangovernment released a report prior tothe l...

Bendigo/OPINION- RE: KeepBendigo Cup day apublic holidayChuck

Peter, I agree with you, Alan, youorganised the public rally. Of courseyou would say it was successful.Ken, you lost me at the Weeklyappears impartial; and Ruth, welldone for standing up for a great ideathat is making the centre of Bendigosomething to be proud of.

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3Written by our readers

Bendigo/FILM AND BOOKREVIEWS - Title: Can ICuddle the Moon?Admin

T i t l e : C a n I C u d d l e t h eM o o n ? A u t h o r : K e r r yB r o w n I l l u s t r a t o r : L i s aStewartPublisher: ScholasticPrice:$ 2 4 . 9 9 I S B N :9 7 8 1 7 4 1 6 9 5 5 4 0 S u g g e s t e dReadership: Early ChildhoodCan ICuddle the Moon? is a tale that willbe remembered for its star charactersand illustration. Balanced by a childfriendly text, the volume invites theyoung reader to reach and feel with

the senses. As a little owl searches forsomeone to cuddle, he encountersmany wonders, including the moon –but can he cuddle the moon, or...

Bendigo/FILM AND BOOKREVIEWS - Title: YouAdmin

Tit le:YouAuthor / I l lustrator:Stephen Michael KingPublisher:S c h o l a s t i c I S B N :9 7 8 1 7 4 1 6 9 6 2 2 6 P r i c e :$19.99Suggested readership: EarlychildhoodStephen Michael King is anaward-winning creator of books forchildren. This season the local talentexcels again – present ing hisreadership with a text that lovinglytransforms the heart via an affectivedialogue. Aptly titledYou, the newly

released work draws its audience intothe topical theme of affection. As aworld of inspiring colour, size andsound...

Shepparton/CommunityConnect - CommunityConnectStudio

Tell us about your events fax-58218 7 0 9 o [email protected](information is required at least2 weeks before an event)THISM O N T H G E N E A L O G YWORKSHOP- FAMILY HISTORY

SEARCHA workshop will be held onthe 26th of June to help familieslocate their long lost ancestors. It is aFREE workshop that is open to boththe Shepparton and Mooroopnacommunities. Afternoon classes areavailable at 1pm, 2pm and 3pm at theChurch Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-DaySaints, 130 Echuca Road, Mo...

Shepparton/News -Legendary LionStudio

THE AFL Commission recentlywent through their records andcouldn’t overlook veteran KevinMurray when it came to selecting the23rd ‘Legend’ of the game. The AFLhosted a Hall of Fame function atMelbourne’s Çrown Casino where

Murray was awarded the Legendstatus. “It’s a real honour to beelevated to legend status and beclassed among many of the greatplayers who made the game so good”,said Football Legend, Kevin Murray.Murray began playing in the VFLwith Fitzroy in 1955 aged 16 andcaptai...

Bendigo/FILM AND BOOKREVIEWS - Title: AnimalKingdomAdmin

Tit le: Animal KingdomRated:MA15+ Genre: DramaDirector:David MichodMain Cast : GuyPearce, Ben Mendelsohn, JoelE d g e r t o n , L u k e F o r d , J a c k iWeaverTHE locally-made crimethriller Animal Kingdom boasts a

who’s who of Australian acting talentand a screenplay that makes TV’sUnderbelly look like a sugar andsweet Disney flick.The film is gritty,un-nerving and a marvellous vehiclefor the likes of Ben Mendelsohn, JoelEdgerton, Guy Pearce and JackiWeaver to cut their teeth on.And boydo they g...

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS- Students learn abouthealthAdmin

LOCKWOOD South Primary Schoolstudents have been getting the taste ofa hea l th ie r , happier l i fe th i smonth.The school is taking part in theLet’s Live Better initiative from theBendigo Marketplace.The plan usesThe Biggest Loser co-hosts MichelleBridges and Shannan Ponton as theyaim to turn Australian children intothe world’s healthiest eaters.Thecampaign is aimed at educating

children about what goes into theirshopping trolley each week andget t ing k ids to educa te the i rparents .“Kids have . . .

Bendigo/OPINION - KeepBendigo Cup day a publicholidayAdmin

Keep Bendigo Cup day a publicholidayThe Bendigo Show goes fortwo days , one of which i s aSaturday.Isn’t that the same as apublic holiday? Leave the BendigoCup and its status as it is, say no to apublic holiday at the expense of the

B e n d i g o C u p h o l i d a y . P e t e rMcGuire,Flora Hill.Who is countingthe hospital beds?One must ask ourlocal MP Jacinta Allan if thesepromised 12 new winter beds asannounced on the news will be anadditional 12 or will include thoseeight beds that disappeared suddenl...

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS - Step in for some funAdmin

WITH the dance craze againsweeping the country, Bendigo localswill have a chance this schoolholidays to see some great dance

talent on their doorstep.The eighthannual Bendigo Dance Eisteddfodwill begin at Kangaroo Flat’s JBOsborne Theatre, Kangaroo Flat onSaturday, June 26 at 9am. Localdance students and those from across

the s ta te , inc lud ing Ba l la ra t ,

Woodend, Melton and Seymour, willcompete in classical and theatricaldance sections for 13 days in theschool holidays. Countl...

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4 Written by our readers

Bendigo/BENDIGOSPORTS NEWS - Takingon the worldAdmin

Harcourt’s Shelley Chaplin is in theAustral ian Gliders wheelchairbasketball team to contest the worldchampionships in England nextmonth.The former Girton Grammarstudent took up the sport in 1999 andis no stranger to the national team

having represented her country for asilver medal at the 2004 ParalympicGames in Athens.Our national teamwill include 10 of the 12 athletesfrom the bronze medal winning teamat the 2008 Paralympic Games inBeijing.The Australian team willtravel to Berlin t...

Bendigo/BENDIGOSPORTS NEWS - ChasinggoldAdmin

Continuation of an amazing year forsailor AshbyBendigo sailor GlennAshby is set to continue his amazingyear when he chases a record seventhin t e rna t iona l A C las s Wor ldChampionship in Italy starting thisweekend.Fresh from his victory as

team coach of BMW Oracle in theAmerica’s Cup off the coast of Spainin February, the Strathfieldsayeyachtsman has arrived in Cesenaticoto defend the catamaran title he wonlast year at Lake Macquarie.‘’I havehad a good preparation since arrivingin Europe...

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS- Communities in thespotlightAdmin

COMMUNITY Plans to Bendigo’snorth will be the focus in the comingweeks.Both Eaglehawk and MaidenGully residents are meeting to discusstheir official Community Plans. Cityof Greater Bendigo Eaglehawk Wardcouncillor Peter Cox held meetings

this week to discuss the 3556Eaglehawk and Community DistrictPlan.“It is encouraging to see theEaglehawk district is booming withbuilding approvals up by 119 per centover the past 12 months,” hesaid.“With that in mind it is importantthere...


Bendigo is to remain on Stage Threerestrictions for a further indefiniteperiodBENDIGO could know withinweeks if it will be on Stage One waterrestrictions this summer.Premier JohnBrumby and Water Minister TimHolding announced this weekBallarat would go onto Stage Onerestrictions on August 1.That wasdespite Bendigo having more wateravailable than Ballarat, and most of

Bal lara t ’s water f lowing pas tBendigo’s Sandhurst Reservoir on itsway across the Great DividingRange.In November last y.. .

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS- Green talks loud andclearAdmin

By BEN CAMERONStarting aconversation with the community onhow to achieve a greener future is themain focus of a State Governmentd iscuss ion paper re leased onFriday.Visiting Huntly PrimarySchool, Energy and Resources

Minister Peter Batchelor said thepaper was intended to lead discussionin cutting greenhouse gas emissions,switching to more renewable energysupplies and creating a climatechange economy over the next decadeand beyond.“The people of Bendigowill be big winners out of this,”...

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS - RE: Preferences rowTHE WOMBAT

This is typical of not only council butalso state and federal fighting for

votes. Firstly I am no fan of Symes,but this is what happened to him lastcouncil elections if my information iscorrect. When you read some of the

information being sent out you couldbe forgiven for thinking that theperson standing is not the one theflyer is about because the way they

have flowered their comments.

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5Written by our readers

Bendigo/BENDIGO LIFE -Favourite cycle recycledAdmin

OK Eddie Barkla, I reckon you’reonto something.I know you read mycolumn, you know I read yours... butup until now I must admit it wasmostly due to my amazement thatafter four years, the fodder for abicycle article just keeps coming,week after week.But I’m one of younow, a cyclist, and I’m after sometips. Not that I’m a stranger to abike.I’ve been riding one since I was

seven, there’s just been a slight gapbetween journeys, of say, around 13years.But the bike I’ve got now,we’re old f...

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS -STAGE ONE STILL ON TRACK -Watering lawns by ChristmasEditor

By ANTHONY RADFORD andBEN CAMERONBENDIGO is stillon track to be on Stage One waterrestrictions by Christmas.In February,the Bendigo Weekly revealed ColibanWater was aiming to have Stage Onewater restrictions in place, under itsnew conservative water plan.PremierJohn Brumby and Water MinisterT i m H o l d i n g t h i s a f t e r n o o nannounced Ballarat would go onto

Stage One restrictions on August1.Stage One means watering lawns isallowed, as is watering gardens with ahand-held hose at any time, wat...

Bendigo/BENDIGO LIFE -Bendigo above and belowAdmin

IN 1888, Victoria’s Governor SirHenry Brougham Loch and LadyLoch, accompanied by Major andMrs Hanning Lee and the governor’saide-de-camp Captain CR Falconer,travelled by rail to Bendigo in a first-class carriage.At Macedon the then-

mayor of Bendigo joined the officialparty in their carriage to accompanyt h e m t o t h e c i t y o f t h e i rdest inat ion.Council lor ThomasJefferson Connelly was the firstBendigo-born mayor to occupy up tothat time this voluntary position ofmunicipal importance.Additio...

Bendigo/OPINION - Effortfor waterAdmin

BENDIGOIANS must be wonderingjust how hard they have to battle tor e g a i n a r e a s o n a b l e w a t e rsupply.Tuesday’s announcement by asmiling Premier that Ballarat’s waterrestrictions would be eased to StageOne from August 1 was in stark

contrast to the news delivered thenext day to Bendigo customers byColiban Water. Bendigo is to remainon Stage Three restrictions for afurther indefinite period – “until earlynext year” which, in effect, means thebest part of another summer on harshrestri...

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS- The good-time cityAdmin

By ANTHONY RADFORDANanalysis of City of Greater Bendigocouncil budgets over the past fouryears has shown less and less is beingspent on traditional needs and more isbeing spent on market ing thecity.Former Department of Education

official and avid council watcher TedColemen said recent rate rises hadresulted in more money being spenton softer council project and less onthe tradit ional road, rates andrubbish.“There is an imbalance. Weare becoming the play, parade andparty city,” he sa...

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS- Poor country cousinsAdmin

A RESEARCH project by theVictorian Parliamentary Library hasthrown new light on the conditionsseparating regional and metropolitanVictorians.Releasing the report thisweek, Bendigo-based NationalsMember for Northern Victoria

Damian Drum said library staff spentmonths ploughing through data fromthe 2006 national census and puttogether a paper ranking all eightV i c t o r i a n U p p e r H o u s eregions.“What it reveals is there is amassive gap between the city andcountry in Victoria,” he said....

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS- Army to march onPepperGreenAdmin

By BEN CAMERONThe FederalCoalition has pledged to makeBendigo’s PepperGreen farm thefirst site in the country to host itsproposed Central Victorian GreenArmy initiative.Announcing the planat the farm on Friday, federal Shadow

Environment Minister Greg Hunt saidthe Green Army would provide ateam of 10 young locals to work onenvironmental projects full time oversix months.The plan promises tode l ive r we t l and s to rm wa te rmanagement, further development ofcommunity vegetable gardens...


FIRE ripped through an op shop onEaglehawk Road, California Gully

Friday night. The fire was reported toCFA at approximately at 7.34pm. TenCFA appliances at tended. TheBendigo Weekly believes the fire could be suspicious.At 9pm Friday

the CFA website listed the fire statusas controlled.Full details in nextweek's Bendigo Weekly.

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6 Written by our readers

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS- Youngster voicesconcernsAdmin

By BEN CAMERON One Bendigoyoungster is proving you can have acommunity voice, regardless of yourage.Maiden Gully resident and juniorcampaigner Gabrielle Henthorn hascollected 330 signatures on a petitionfo r a b i cyc l e pa th a long ani n c r e a s i n g l y b u s y M o n s a n t sRoad.The idea began with a letter-writing assignment where studentsaddressed an issue they felt strongly

about.After reading it out in front ofh e r p e e r s a t s c h o o lassembly,Gabrielle felt inspired toput petitions in the local pos...

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS- Life’s suite for familyman MelAdmin

A BENDIGO institution has thespring back in his step and returned tohis desk job.After a few years takinga back-seat, working on his golfhandicap and lobbying for a betterBendigo hospital, local businessidenity Mel McGovern has embedded

himself back into the furnituretrade.A permanent fixture of localbusiness for more than 40 years, andwho has overcome recent healthproblems, Mr McGovern said thereturn of his son, James, after sevenyears living in China, provided theinner spring behi...

Shepparton/Sport -Dance student starsStudio

LOCAL student, Tiffany Nicholasdanced her way to the top recently atthe Wangaratta Festival of Dance.TheGOTAFE Regional Academy ofDramatic Arts (GRADA) studentcompeted in 12 sections of thecompetition, in the genres of Jazz,Funk/Hip Hop, Neo, Contemporary,Song and Dance and Musical Theatre,impressively snagging nine trophiesand two medals. Tiffany’s final

trophy and medal count included fivefirst place wins, one second place,five third place gettings and oneHonourable Mention.&...

Shepparton/Sport -Young footballers hit thebig timeStudio

SCHOOL Sport Victoria has selectedSt Brendan’s and Mooroopna PrimarySchool students Will Brodie and JySimpkin for the Australian FootballUnder 12 team. Will and Jy havemade a great performance following aselection process that began in April

to make the final team of twenty threep l a y e r s . T h e i r i m p r e s s i v eperformances caught the eye of theVictorian team selectors, and theywere invited to at tend furtherselection trials that culminated intheir team selection. Many studentshave gone on t...

Shepparton/Sport - Black beltbrillianceStudio

EVER thought of taking up martialarts? Award winning Zen Do Kai‘Instructor of the year’ for 2009,Sensei, Mick Clark can teach you.He has a background of 26 yearstraining, 20 years teaching self-

defence and was graded by thefounder of Zen Do Kai, ‘Soke Bob

Jones’. His extensive travellinghistory has seen him connect withsome of the world’s finest MartialArtists. Mick recently travelled with agroup of 14 Australian Martial Artiststo Okinawa, Japan, the homeland ofGoju-ryu Karaté ...

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS - Op shop fireupdateAdmin

A fire which gutted a warehouse atthe rear of an opportunity shop inCalifornia Gully on Friday night wasdeliberately l i t .Bendigo Police

believe the fire was the result of aburglary.It took fire crews 90 minutesto bring the blaze under control whichbegan at approximately 7.34pmFriday evening.A nearby resident toldthe Bendigo Weekly she heard two

cars “screaming around the corner”jus t moments before the f i rebegan.The warehouse was completelydestroyed by fire while the op shopsuffered s...

Bendigo/FOODFOSSICKERS -NIBBLES by NicoleMurphyAdmin

• Took a table of people to the launchofWild Mint’snew winter menu andwe all loved it. I had the Moroccanlamb tagine with preserved lemonand they brought it to the table inpiping hot mini tagines. Very nice.•Speaking of lamb, theBendigoFestival of Lambis coming soon as apart of the Australian Sheep andWool Show. Exci ted? Thinkdelicious recipes, and perfect winterlamb. Pop the dates in your diary andwatch this space.July 16 to 18,B e n d i g o S h o w g r o u n d s .www.sheepshow.com• Return o...

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7Written by our readers

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS- Two new faces atColiban WaterAdmin

Two new directors have beenappointed to the board of ColibanWater.Andrew Skewes and RussellWalker have been appointed by theMinister for Water Tim Holding tothe eight member board from the startof next month.Four positions were

open, with Holding re-appointingNoel Harvey and Andrew Cairns, andaccepted a decision by both JenniferDawson and Don Erskine not to re-nominate.Coliban Water ChairmanJohn Brooke said he welcomed all ofthe Minister’s appointments.“BothAndrew and Russell will br...

Shepparton/News - IVFCelebrates 30 years oflifeStudio

TODAY Australia celebrates the30th Anniversary of the pioneeringtechnology of IVF as well as the 30thbirthday of the first IVF born child,Candice Reed.Candice Reed, now apatron of AccessAustralia said, “As Icelebrate my 30th birthday, I find itinspiring that in 2010 one child inevery classroom has been conceivedwith the help of IVF. That figurereally puts the past 30 years into

perspective,” she said.In AustraliaAlmost 10,000 babies are bornthrough IVF in each year (around 3percent ...

Shepparton/News -Rewarding opportunityStudio

AS a living partnership betweenpeople who are blind, vision impairedor sighted, Vision Australia dependson the commitment and dedication ofvolunteers.Coordinator of Volunteers& Radio, Pam Power said, “Withoutthe help and generosity of volunteers

we wouldn’t be able to provide theservice which we do, f ree ofcharge.”Right now, Vision Australiain Shepparton are experiencing ashortage of volunteers. “During thistime of the year, we find a largenumber of our volunteers head upnorth t...

Shepparton/News - Support for localcemeteriesStudio

TWO local cemeteries are set tobenefit from a Brumby Governmentmaintenance grant, Member forNorthern Victoria and ParliamentarySecretary for Agriculture, KayeDarveniza announced last week.Ms

Darveniza said 82 small and medium-sized Victorian cemetery trusts across

the state will receive funding,including Shepparton Cemetery andKialla West Cemetery.“These grantsare for small rural cemeteries withlittle maintenance money and will beused for essential items such asequipment, general upke...

Shepparton/News - A winningmocumentaryStudio

SHEPPARTON film maker, AidanPrewett won a major award at theNewtown Flicks Short Film Festivali n S y d n e y r e c e n t l y f o r h i smocumentary film “me, myself and i-pod”. The film was also a finalist in

the Shepparton Shorts Film Festivalin March of this year.Aidan won the

JVC award, a high definition videocamera worth about $5,500 and alimited release glass trophy createdby glass artist Lisa Cahil.The awardcriteria was for encouragement wherethe winner has demonstrated a clearidea of fil...

Shepparton/News- U3A LearningStudio

TWICE each month, up to 20 keen,mature-aged photographers gather atthe Esson Street hall to share theirexperiences and ideas and to learnmore about their craft as a part of theU3A (Universi ty of the ThirdAge).Members have been extremelyfortunate to have several generouslocal professional photographers aswell as Kerry Short from WanganuiPark Secondary College, who haveprovided lessons along the way.Eachp a r t i c i p a n t i s f o l l o w i n g aphotographic theme, which this yearhas concen...

Shepparton/News- Contributing tosaving waterStudio A NEW Community WaterwiseSHEPPARTON/NEWS page 8

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8 Written by our readers

Bendigo/BENDIGOSPORTS NEWS - BecBulley is bestAdmin

Former Sandhurst netballer RebeccaBulley has been voted as the Playerof the Year in the 2010 ANZChampionsh ip se r i e s .Ano the routstanding court performance lastMonday night against Southern Steelensured the goal defender would wint h e f i r s t p r i z e o f a H o l d e nCruze.Bulley again starred for theNSW Swifts as they swept to a record-breaking 13th straight victory this

season.The club is now preparing forthe weekend clash with the AdelaideThunderbirds at Acer Arena with thewinner advancing to t...

Bendigo/BENDIGOSPORTS NEWS - Braveshit hurdleAdmin

The Nunawading Spectres showedthey arethe team to beat for theSEABL Championship with a solidnine-point win over the BendigoBraves at the Bendigo Stadium onSaturday.The Spectres got off to agreat start to lead by eight points atthe first change and then withstood abig challenge from the Bravesmidway through the match beforesome solid play from Gerard Leonard

and Shane McDonald in the closingminutes set up a handy win.IvanMcFarlin was top scorer for Bendigowith 24 points and Warren R...

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS- Hall of fameAdmin

By BEN CAMERONIT’S a longway from Rosalind Park to London’sRoyal Albert Hall.But that is how farf o u r f o r m e r B e n d i g o S e n i o rSecondary College students havecome in r ecen t t imes .Lou i saTrewartha (principal trumpet), Mark

Shearns (principal tuba), AndrewYoung (French horn) and BridgetGraham (violin) will tour Asia andEurope as members of the AustralianYouth Orchestra ensemble.It is anincredibly rare achievement by theschool, enhancing its reputation as abreeding ground for elite musicians...


CENTURY NEARS:Grant Weeks isset to become the first player in thestate to reach the 100 -goal mark thisseason. His 11-goal haul for GoldenSquare last weekend takes his tally to88. The magic moment is set to ber e a c h e d o n J u l y 3 a t W a d e

Street.SPORTSNITE:The weekendpreview of local football, netball,soccer and basketbal l i s nowavailable at www.bendigoiptv.comand click on SPORTSNITE. Specialguest this week is Wayne Williamsthe president of the Bendigo JuniorFootball League who reports ...

Bendigo/BENDIGOSPORTS NEWS - Trevor’sback on trackAdmin

Hubert Opperman was one ofAustralia’s most famous cyclists,despite his cycling career ending 60years ago. In his time, he set a seriesof momentous records for endurancecycling that seemed would last foreternity.The Central Victorian

Veteran Cycling Club conducts anOppy Classic which perpetuates thememory of the legend.This year in adead-heat, popular CVVCC memberTrevor Pell continued his winningways after a gruelling 67 kilometresof the 2010 Oppy handicap held atRochester on Ma...

Bendigo/FOODFOSSICKERS - Thesensation of pomegranateAdmin

By Nicole MurphyNow here’s aflavour sensation from the MiddleEast. Pomegranate molasses is asyrup-like reduction of pomegranatejuice. It has an amazing tart – sweetflavour and adds both sour and sweetto dishes.It’s particularly popular inPersian dishes such as Fesenjan andMuhammara dip. The latter was giventhree mentions in the latest Sex and

the City movie, but please don’t gosee the movie for this reason. I’ve putboth recipes in here for you but myphotogr...

SHEPPARTON/NEcontinued from page 7

Disp lay garden i s due to becompleted in July at Goulburn ValleyWater’s (GVW) head office in FryersStreet showing GVW is practicing

what they preach.Up to 60% of waterused in and around homes, schoolsand businesses in the GVW region isused outside, usually watering lawn

and t radi t ional s ty le gardens .Historically, very few Australiangardens were designed to be waterefficient.Change is on the horizon

though, with many Goulburn Valleyresidents re-landscaping their...

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9Written by our readers

Bendigo/FOODFOSSICKERS -MuhammaraAdmin

MuhammaraRed capsicum, walnutand pomegranate dipIngredientsThreelarge red capsicumsOne red bulletchilli, seeded and choppedOne garlicclove, crushed with two teaspoonsofsalt125g walnuts, shelled and roughlychopped¼ cup lightly toasted fresh

b r e a d c r u m b s O n e t a b l e s p o o npomegranate molasses½ lemonjuicedOne dessertspoonhot waterOneteaspooncaster sugar¼ cup extravirginolive oilMethod:Roast thecapsicums on stove flame slowly forabout 10-15 minutes so skin puckersup or blackens. Peel an...

Bendigo/BENDIGO NEWS- Lachlan’s bright newsAdmin

A talented Eaglehawk North PrimarySchool student has won a state-widecolouring competion.Eight-year-oldLachlan Whitewood first tastedsuccess in a district competition runby Newspower over Easter.His

colourful work was then entered in acompetition of winning entries fromNewspower newsagencies acrossVictoria and Tasmania. From over4 , 0 0 0 e n t r i e s , h e w o n f i r s tprize.Lachlan received $250 worth ofart supplies while his school received$500 worth of art equipment.

Shepparton/News -Great event for worthycauseStudio

IT shouldn’t be too long beforeShepparton Villages can purchasetheir long awaited two new buses. Forthe past 12 months, they have workedtirelessly to raise funds and will nowhost another event, which will help

them achieve their goal. The black tie/lounge suit event will be held at theGV Hotel on Saturday 10th July.Guests will enjoy the evening with adelicious five-course meal, greatselection of beverages and fabulousentertainment by 16-piece soul band,‘Grand Wazoo’. For only $100 per...

Shepparton/Sport -Opportunity for cricketenthusiastsStudio

IT’S still a little while before the2010/2011 cricket season starts, butShepparton Cricket Association isputting their feelers out for potentialcricket umpires. Director of Umpiresfor Shepparton Cricket Association,

Fred Andronaco said, “We encouragepeople to give it a go. If you’veplayed cricket or just have an interestin the game, you can have the bestseat in the house and get paid for it”.No experience is necessary; theassociation is searching for umpiresearly so they can provide ...

Bendigo/FILM AND BOOK REVIEWS - Ruby and Leonardand the Great Big SurpriseJacperryman

Normal0011237055186511.1287000Title:Ruby and Leonard and the Great

Big SurpriseAuthor / Illustrator:Judith RossellPublisher: Lit t leH a r e I S B N :9 7 8 1 9 2 1 5 4 1 5 9 9 S u g g e s t e dR e a d e r s h i p : c h i l d h o o d C o s t :


87000 When you’re amouse, even the smallest tasks seemoverwhelming &nbs...
