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Benefits of Individuals Doing Relationship Counselling

Date post: 15-Feb-2017
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Benefits of Individuals Doing Relationship Counselling

Benefits of Individuals Doing Relationship


Relationship counselling is a way for couples to work out conflicts and issues that are threatening their relationship.

If you’re enthusiastic about getting couple counselling, hopefully, your partner feels the same – but that’s not always the case.

Just because your partner is averse to counselling doesn’t mean you and your relationship can’t benefit from the expertise a relationship counsellor offers.

Professional counsellors are trained to listen to your problems, help address conflicts and work with you to find workable solutions to personal and relationship issues. 

With the help of a counsellor in Castle Hill, you may see problems in your relationship in a new way and find more effective ways to deal with them.

Just as importantly, a counsellor can help you change how you think about and react to conflicts in your marriage. 

Talking to a counsellor will also help you recognise and express your feelings about your relationship in a safe and caring environment. That’s therapeutic for everyone involved!

Other Benefits of Individual Counselling

Counselling can boost your self-esteem, help you feel more comfortable with yourself, reassess how you relate to your partner and help you handle all aspects of your life better – including your relationship.

When you feel good about yourself, you’ll approach people and your relationship differently. That can have benefits for you, your partner and your relationship as a whole.

How Effective Is Individual Relationship Counselling?

 A professor of psychology at the University of Denver put it to the test. He asked 300 couples to undergo relationship counselling either as a couple or individually. The results? The couples that were seen individually saw as many positive changes in their relationship than those that were seen as a couple. 

Individual counselling is a viable option if your partner is unwilling to seek counselling with you.

The Bottom Line

Relationship counselling is about making relationships better and, ideally, it should be a shared experience.

It can change how you approach conflict, help you gain new insights into yourself and your relationship, relieve stress and boost your self-esteem.

Even if your partner is reluctant to get counselling, individual counselling can help you AND your partner enjoy a healthier relationship.

If you feel like you and your partner will benefit from individual counselling, please contact me on 0413 181 320.

FREE 15-minute phone consultation
