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Benefits of LinkedIn for the College Student

Date post: 26-Sep-2015
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Attached herewith is my Business Report on the effects of having a LinkedIn profile in today’s technologically advancing society. This report will go into detail about the methods and importance of making a thorough profile. It will include the following information: What should and should not be included in a profile, what recruiters are looking for, and the importance of having a LinkedIn.
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The Effects of Having a LinkedIn Profile In Today’s Technologically Advancing Society (Image taken from Google Images) By: Roxanne Eramela San Francisco State University Business Communication for Professionals

The Effects of Having a LinkedIn Profile In Todays Technologically Advancing Society

(Image taken from Google Images)

By: Roxanne Eramela

San Francisco State University

Business Communication for Professionals

Professor: Shari Weiss

Table of Contents


A. Background

B. Statement of Purpose

C. Significance

D. Scope

E. Organization


A. What Should/Should Not Be Included

B. What Recruiters Are Looking For

C. Whats In It For Me?


A. Summary Of Problems

B. Summary Of Findings

C. Conclusions

D. Recommendations


Executive Summary

We live in a world where technology is constantly expanding and social media is becoming the main source of communication. In the business community, LinkedIn, a social networking site designed specifically for business purposes, is being used as a marketplace where individuals can brand their image and connect with potential business partners. The importance of creating an effective LinkedIn profile is vital in networking. Many mistakes are made on LinkedIn that range from including too much information, to not enough. However, it can be used to generate faster leads than your competition if used efficiently. This report will help registered LinkedIn members create an outstanding profile. It will also highlight the significance and benefits of having a LinkedIn.


A. Background

LinkedIn is a social networking site designed specifically for the business community. Founded in December 2003 by Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn has a total number of 347 million users, 107 million of which are in the United States. It is unique compared to other social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter because it is specifically used to find jobs, connect with potential business partners, and to exchange knowledge, ideas and opportunities. Their mission is to connect the worlds professionals to make them more productive and successful. When you join LinkedIn, you get access to people, jobs, news, updates and insights that help you be great at what you do.

In todays technological advancing society, LinkedIn serves as a tool to improve communication with clients and business partners because information can be passed through multiple outlets almost instantly.

B. Statement of Purpose

Many people do not know how to make the most effective LinkedIn profile, lessening their chance of receiving the potential benefits that this site offers. An effective profile can open many doors within the business community. This report will go in detail about the methods and importance of making a thorough profile.

C. Significance

Social media is becoming much more eminent in todays technological advancing society. Over the years, LinkedIn has become an essential personal branding tool. It has never been more important to build and maintain a successful profile.

D. Scope

The purpose of this report is to help registered LinkedIn members create an outstanding Linkedin profile. This will include the following: What should and should not be included in a profile, what recruiters are looking for, and the importance of having a LinkedIn.

E. Organization

This report will go in detail on how to build an effective LinkedIn profile based on facts and recommendations. It will also include information on the benefits of managing your professional brand: an important aspect used for recruiting in the business community. Each topic will have its own labeled section to ensure easy comprehension.


A. 91% of companies use LinkedIn to research candidates.

LinkedIn evolved from creating a professional network between colleagues to becoming a base platform for the entire professional recruitment industry.

Designed by: Roxanne Eramela Source: infrogr.am/linked

Figure 1. Percentage of Industries that use LinkedIn

LinkedIn is rapidly substituting the paper resume, yet some still arent utilizing all they can out of this influential network. 35% of the time recruiters find things online that cause them to reject a candidate.

Here are some things you can do to enhance your LinkedIn profile:

1. Details Make a Solid Profile

A LinkedIn profile is just like a work resume where information such as past education, work experience, skills and current work position are displayed. Adding a personalized profile headline and summary would be very helpful to make an impression. Its also important to use keywords in your headline, summary, and throughout your entire profile. These keywords can consist of ones main profession or passion.

By: Roxanne Eramela Source: Infogr.am/linkedinsights

Figure 2. Only 50.5% of people have a 100% completed LinkedIn profile.

2. Always Proofread

Just like any other material that is written for others to read, a LinkedIn profile should be free of grammatical and spelling errors. Try putting yourself in the eyes of the reader and see if everything is written clearly and reasonably. Basically, treat it like how a job resume would be treated.

3. Do Not Use False Information

It is very easy to check and confirm just about anything on the Internet. Details about education and job history specifically should not be false. Lying is not tolerated in the professional world because seeming unreliable is never good for business.

4. Profile Pictures Make All The Difference

Adding a photo to a LinkedIn profile can increase the amount of views by 11 times. However, this does not mean a photo at a college party with a plethora of booze in the background. When it comes to choosing the right profile picture, its a good to tone things down a bit and think about how you want to be represented. Have a high-quality, professional, and recent picture that will be recognized by recruiters and business contacts in the industry.

5. Utilize LinkedIn Groups

Groups on LinkedIn are used to share and participate in a professional setting in areas of similar interests. Use the search feature at the top of the homepage to find groups or view suggestions of groups that might be of interest.

B. Recruiters Want Tech-Savvy Employees More Than Anything Else

The use of LinkedIn in recruiting is expected to rise this year. 89% of recruiters have used LinkedIn at some point to fill a position. They want to see specific signs that are of worth to their effort in tracking a candidate down.

Teens Top the Tech-Savvy Chart While Adults Lag Behind Figure 3. Source: digitaltrends.com

A millennial generation is shaping communication habits for the future.

Among staying professional within your profile, be sure to sound passionate, engaged, and excited. The most enticing people to hire are the ones who are the most excited about what they do. Show enthusiasm by participating in groups, sharing interesting articles or news, and connecting with leaders in the industry.

Having 50 or fewer connections on LinkedIn tells recruiters that the use of technology and social media are either not important or intimidating. Larry Kim, founder and CTO of WordStream says, When you have more connections, more people are viewing your profile, especially as theyre checking out your request to connect. Expanding your LinkedIn network can result in real-world connections and opportunities.

Figure 4. Source: 12most

Click on new peoplehyperlink and then click on 1st connections to see a thumbnail of your connections.

C. Whats In It For Me?

Whether a current student or graduate or a successful executive, an effectively written LinkedIn profile can help open doors to opportunities and networks.

Figure 5. Source: webmarketingdude.com

How Linkedin has helped with users across the world.

Brand building is a fundamental part of any business plan, and a well-managed LinkedIn profile can serve as a lead for your brand. By remaining active on the site, your brand will gradually grow, increasing likeability and building the trust of potential business partners. Branding is how an individual identifies themselves with current and future customers, and LinkedIn is the perfect stepping stone to shape a desired image.

An active and consistently significant LinkedIn profile is sure to invite applications and questions from interested individuals who are using the network to find great job opportunities. Take advantage of this by keeping a list of open jobs and positions attached to your company page to be found by someone who would like to join.

III.Conclusions and Recommendations

A. Summary of Problems

Minor details such as not using an appropriate picture on your LinkedIn profile, providing a faulty, dull summary, or eliminating past jobs or volunteer work are all mistakes that current users are unknowingly doing. This can ultimately lower the chances of being noticed by important people such as employers and top-notch businesses.

B. Summary of Findings

The materials gathered in this report are collected from facts, statistics, and recommendations based on real life experiences.

C. Conclusions

At this point in my report, I hope to have answered the many questions about LinkedIn that pertain to those who already have a profile, or plan on creating one. Certainly, a LinkedIn profile does not guarantee a job, but a properly executed profile can be used as a tool to increase visibility and give members an upper hand in multiple opportunities in the business community.

D. Recommendations

My recommendations are simple: Create a LinkedIn account, constantly edit and improve your profile to the best of its ability, and interact with like-minded individuals to expand your network.

Works Cited

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Bullas, Jeff. "25 LinkedIn Facts and Statistics You Need to Share."Jeffbullass Blog RSS. 2 Dec. 2014. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.


Foote, Andy. "Why You Should COMPLETE Your LinkedIn PROFILE."LINKEDINSIGHTSCOM. 27 Mar. 2013. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.


Foss, Jenny. "Best of 2013: What Recruiters Want to See on Your LinkedIn Profile."Best of 2013: What Recruiters Want to See on Your LinkedIn Profile. Web. 7 Apr. 2015. .

Kane, Libby. "8 Mistakes You Should Never Make On LinkedIn."Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 4 Mar. 2013. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.


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Von Rosen, Viveka. "12 Most Important Metrics You Should Monitor on LinkedIn."12 Most RSS. 23 Mar. 2012. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.


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