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Benjamin Arnold, German Bishops and Their Military

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  • 7/23/2019 Benjamin Arnold, German Bishops and Their Military


    German Bishops and tir Military

    Retinues in te Medieval Epie

    Benjamin Arnold (University of Reading)

    The maoit of bishos i meieva ema wee bo ito aistocatic okight kies which ie themsevs o thei ociec i wafae I site of the message of the oses a the taiig eceive fo highceica oce, it is ot ehas sisig that bishos etaie the obemas istict as bllas whe the became as I the it wasaccete that thee existe istictios betwee tes of sevice; wafaeabo a ae A tabe ooet of sh ivisios was himsef a

    ieia bisho eha I of Cambai (25) Acoig to his bio-gahe he comose a homi which gave wie avetismet to the sbject I actice the itica eeiece of the hch i its comeeatioshi with seca owe showe that the istictios wee ot eas t

    Tables on episcopal origins in L. Santifaller, Zu Gchch ooch-a/ch Rchkch

    (Sitzungsberichte der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, phil-hist Klasse 229 Vienna954) 7683 and discssion in A Schulte, u uch Kch Ma (Kirchenrechtliche Abhandlungen 634; Stuttgart, 9) n the aristocratc naure of the German Church, HZielinski Rchkoa ooch u a/ch Z i (Suttgart, 1984) 93 Stmer Fh : Su u och Fhugchch kchuch Rch vo 8 b Jahhu (Monogaphien ur Geschichte des Mittelalters, 6 2 Stuttgat 93) 3 5

    ' exle 'Tria genera homnum Zur Geschichte eines Deuungsschemas der soalen irklichkeit in Antike und Mittelalter, in L Fenske, ROsener, nd T Zot (eds), uo Kuu uGcha Ma Fch f Jo Fck (Sigmaringen, 984) 483500 and ie funktionale reiteilung der "Gesellschaft bei Adalbero von Laon Fhach Su 2 (98)54 Man, Oo-Gak: Bag u Fag ach Sgak (ierteljahschrft r Soial und rtschaftsgeschichte Beihefte 33; Stuttgart/Berlin, 93); H Stahleder 'ZumStndebeg im Mittelalter, Zch bach Lagchch 35 (92) 523 Fleckensteinrdo in A El ad E Kaufmann (eds. Hawbuch u uch Rchgchch (hereafterHRG) iii (Berlin 984) cols 29

    Ga coou aacu L (Monumenta Gemaniae hstorca [hereafter MGHScptores ) 485 f Genus humanum ab inito ifaum divisum esse monstravit, in oratobus agicultoribus pugnatoribus horumque singulis alteruum detra laevaque fover evidens documentum dedit.

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    162 Beam od

    daw The ceca cces whch fosteed the pax D a attet to estaastocatc methods of voet sefhe aso cam to omote the amed

    gmage o csade the egtmate teest of the vesa hch Sce1076 the deoogca ad mta cofotato betwee the efomedaac ad the Saa mea dast had comeed the hch to accetaed foce ceta ccmstaces as a ghtf method of eccesastaoc

    Fo ths thee wee atecedets stetchg back to the aoga Emewhee the ch was eqed to sot at east tgca emsFaksh exaso agast the heate be the Saos Avasavs Aabso eve heetca' eeks of the east oma Eme th dsodes of theth cet eates themseves took to etag amed oowgs so thatt was ossbe to tasmt the mode of a mtazed hch to the teth

    cet east Faks eam beset b aga vaso athedatows weefoted ad ovost ehad of Agsbg descbes how the sated

    K Schnh Rch un Fi Zum Kniggnn m U Hnch III.' HtorhJahruh 8 92) 227; H Hn, nung n glch un wllch Gwl l Plm n Amhung mlllchn uchn Bicf' Zthrr Krhnghht 82 ( 97) ,

    28; ] Flcnn, Plm un Gl nchlchn Rchch' n K Schm (Rh und Krh vor dm ntturtrt rd Tnah zum ahtzgtn urttag (Sgmngn, 8),838

    H Hmnn ottfrd und Truga (MGH, Schfn, ; Sug 94); H E Cwyh Pc n h uc f G h Elnh Cnuy, Pat and Prnt 4 970) 42

  • 7/23/2019 Benjamin Arnold, German Bishops and Their Military


    Medieva ema Bishos with Amed eties

    Bisho Uich himsef dited the defece of the tow dig the agasiege of 955 0 It was howeve the achievemet of tto the eat 933)

    to commit the bishos to the miita oses o the e ema mprumo a ega basis Bt if the bishos soted the Emie i ams theimeia hch did ot ose sight of the aae taditio of missioa e-deavo which had achieve geat oitica sigiae de St Boiface, hiscice ad sccessos ois the ios had eied o this method whe

    he egaged St Asga o the abotive covesio of Scadiavia i theit cet 3 ad it was moed b tto I i his diomatic deaigswith oad ad ga t the ed of the teth The ast majo istacewas the wo of Bsho tto of Bambeg I 10239) i the coesio ofoeaia i the twefth cet 5

    As missioaies efoes, d admistaos, th bishos of he imeia

    Chch wee ivaed i Eoe 6 Istet i gidig the aa cia

    H Kalfe, bnbchrbungn ngr Bch d 0. Jhrhundr A gehe Qe e eche Gechiche e ieae eiher om Seiechiagabe, 32 arma 973),04

    L Ae, e Kiegie e ler e e chihe Kaie, M/gn d nur

    rrchch chchorchung 79 9 7), 3 407 a 8o 972), 40 E N oho, Th ScurAcv of h rmn pcop 0 ieiy of ebaa Sie, 3o Licol, 932)Zielii, Rchpkop i 42 0 Khe, ie ooihe Reichihe Ei ohgbeh iAd und Krch 4204 Ree he "mpeial hch Syem of he oia a Salia Rea ReoieaioJou of ccc Ho 33 982), 3474

    Shiee, WnfrdBonu und d chrch rundgung urop e e ama,980), 2o28 W eo, ngnd nd h Connn n h gh Cnury fo, 94), 3 Ree, Sai Boiface a Eop' i Th r nghmn y on Sn Bonc Eee,98o), 94 WallaeHail, Frnkh hurch 43

    G Wa, V Ankr Rmr GH Scipoe em Germacam m hoarm Haoe 884) H ahh a iofe Agar Frhmrch Sudn 97), 222 WallaeHaill, rnkh Church44

    om he eeie lieae ee P E . Shamm, Kr Rom und Rnovo Sudn zur chchd rmchn rnurunggdnkn vo nd d krongchn Rch b zum nvurr eama, 97), 8787 R We, Sudn zur horchpochn dnknw Brun von Qurfur

    ielehe ochge ; e/ooge, 95) A ajoi, he oge of Gieo ihe Ya ooo, Spcuum 24 949), 3395 a oh aiio, oe a peaio, ice i heoleio eie by H Bema Hdnon und Kruzzuggdnk n dr duchnpoik d M

    W h )

  • 7/23/2019 Benjamin Arnold, German Bishops and Their Military


    Benmin Arnold

    into the pth o reorm in the mideleenth entry the Germn episoptedisoered tht, ppl shisms notwithstnding, the demnds o elesistil

    reor nd o politil loyty to the Empire were y no mens inomptibl The militry hbits nd methods ingrined in the tenth nd eleenthentries lso died hrd The Germn bishops my he been remrkblytlented in te peetime exetion o their oe, bt their mrtil spirit re-mined so inseprble prt o the episopl pprts tht it me in oronsiderble omment For I 7 the Cologne Chronile, reerring to Frederik Brbross's orth tlin expedition, reords with pride how Arh-bishop Rinld o Cologne hd ssiste the empero in the sbjtion oly Aompnied only by 4 knights, the rhbishop ws ght p ndbesieged in Tslm by lrge ore o Romns When Arhbishop Christin o Minz nd the hnellor Philip o Heins berg, den o Cologne, sd-

    denly pered with reinorements, Arhbishop Rinld brst ot o thetow with his smll troop nd inlited terrible mssre pon the distrtedbesiegers As reslt o this itory, Brbross ws enbled to enter RomeThen epidmi deited his rmy, destroyed the rhbishop, mn remrkble or wisdom nd diligene, pon whom the emperor's glory relied tothe tmost degree' nd obliged the rler to retrn to Germny

    n similr ein the Stde Annls report tht on the next expedition, theboementioned Arhbishop Christin o Minz depoplted Lombrdynd sny with his merenries nd strk gret er throghot tly bybesieging nd reding Bologn, Ferrr, Renn, n Anon2 0 n thebttle or Bologn it ws reorded tht, ld in ll rmor nd on horsebk,

    the bloodthirsty prlte killed nine men with triplehded bldgeon Oneo his sretries, Henry o Bremen, sw him tke rok nd ssh the teetho twentyeight prominent tlins, presmbly prisoners Not ll bisopstrned ot to be eql to the militry tsks whih irmstnes imposedpon them The sores or the Sxon Wr (735) nd the sbseqent

    (Wn Dann a Gb Ghh ; Vnna 968) H W, Anod von Wd,Kanzl Konads III. und zbshf vn Kln Vnhngn nh Ghhn 3;gn r 93)

    H Buann Rf al Rhbhf n Z Hnh n H Ebn ( )

  • 7/23/2019 Benjamin Arnold, German Bishops and Their Military


    Medie Germn Bishops with Armed Retines

    Wr onestitres gie exmpes o bishops deeted, ptred, drien romheir dioeses, n een kied in btte Perhps the bestknown o sh

    eents is the Btte o Merihstdt in I 7, when Henry IV inited mordeet pon the Sxons Arhbishop Wernher o Mgdebrg ws kied,Bishop Wernher o Mersebrg ed the ed, nd Arhbishop Siegried oMinz, Bishop Adbert o Worms, nd the pp egte, were tken ptie

    The thor o or prinip ont o this, Brno o Mersebrg, ommented srstiy pon the diemms o bishops when ser poitis ompeed them to go to wr Sine they were trined or the reigios ie, othem knew better how to sing psms thn to dispose o egions in wr ndtrning in ight t the ery sight o btte, so mny oowed them tht theking mst he deided tht most the entire Son rmy hd gien wy nd

    ed Brno ws noniy orret bt poitiy odshioned iniming tht the bishops shod neer een he ome to ght', or heirssstts s pretes inested b the rown nd eneoed with temporities impied the regr proision o miitry serie Een when inestitrews bndoned in I I 22, 3 the retention o temporities by the episopte sti

    rried miitry obigtions As Abbot Wibd o Crey, n impebyreormist ignitry, wrote to Bishop Bernhrd o Hidesheim in I49/ theking's serie, rvtum r, reqired ttendne t ort, the proision ohospitity nd sppy to the itinernt roy hosehod, nd ssistne ponthe king's mpigns, n xpdton5 And one o this bishop's predeessorst Hidesheim hd oined st sh n expedition in I I 2, Lothr III's m-

    pign ginst the Czehs In the mbshes whih broght disster pon theGermns in the dees o the Erzgebirge, the bishop o Hidesheim is sid tohe ost the ty knights whih he ed on tht expedition' The rsdessw Germn bishops in simir strits Dring the Seond Crsde, Bishop

    z G My v Kau Jahrbhr d duthn Rh untr Hnrh I und Hnrh V iii wedn.(Berlin 1965),37-45

    HE Lha Bruno Buh om Sahnkrg MGH Duh Mital Lipig 93), 9 MGH Cui Aa Pubia i f P Ca Da W Kda i d du

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  • 7/23/2019 Benjamin Arnold, German Bishops and Their Military


  • 7/23/2019 Benjamin Arnold, German Bishops and Their Military


    68 Bnjn Arld

    It s rd rsst t rny f Ersus n t s subjt

    I ti nd it dict to ae p y ind weter certain Geran biop ae et

    an exape or are foowing one in te way in wic tey ae abandoned pop andbenediction and oter c cereonia atter and carry on a ecar ord een tote extent of beeng tat t aot a ar of cowardce and nbecong to abiop to render p warrior o to God eewere tan on te batteed. 3

    Altug t blls sulr prdurs f t Grn pspt wr

    ttr fr su tnsv nd lnglstng nt gd rsns fr tn b nfrrd fr t pltl trdtn f t dvl Ep rnkf kng nd prr tslf nludd t tv dsp f t Cur s vsbl rry In Abbt Ekbrt f grns dsrbd Hnry IIIs caput ecclee nd wn Arbsp Arb f Mnz ddrssd Cnrd IIbut tkng up t chtanum mpeum n Wp srbd t t

    wrds Yu v rrvd t t gst yu r t vr f CrstAs srvnts f Gd bsps wr ls rqurd t sustn t trrstrl pur-pss f rulrs w wr tslvs nntd lk Crst ex et aceo Bl n kngsp sntd by Crsts g s vnly kng y v bnqustnd by t ppl rfr vnt but t ws ply rvvd n ttwlft ntury nd nt nly n t Grn Epr Bsp Ott fFrsngrprts tt durng Frdrk Brbrsss rntn t An n 5 tnw bsp f Mnstr ws ls nsrtd s tt n n ur t sdy sw t untn f w prsns w r srntlly nntd rdngt t ust f t Nw nd Old stnts nd r rgtly lld chtDomn t Lrd's nnt

    T Grn tdrl urs pssssd lnd n vst sl nd tsln plld bsps wvr unwrldly n rtr vtn t tn t ggrssv styl f ly gnts. T n dnstrtn f tr

    A H T Levi, Cee k f Ea vl xxii eay a Eaa Wii (Tooo,1986): Paie of olly, Raie, 19 f

    K Seke, Die eeee iea (F MGH, pitolae eletae, ; ew e, eli,1964) 15 p 14; H elau, Die Weke Wip (MGH, Siptoe eum Gemaaum uum holaum, 6 3 e, Haove/Lepzi, 1915) f

  • 7/23/2019 Benjamin Arnold, German Bishops and Their Military


    Mdv Grn Bsps w rd Rnus

    ss suprvsn nd dlgn v jursdn vr rdpndns nd dn r rrrs rug slbuldng nd

    nng rd rnus dndd r nnul nn. Grnbsps wr n urs ln ngs prls n Cur nbng gnrusly ndwd w prl pssssns n nd ngn.Bu rlv rnss ryl ur n s prbulns rund vs Epr ndd us rln upn dnsv prs un-y nd dvy n dss In rgnl pls urlnds wrrlly surd r ll usd nrrn by ryl prvlgs uny s wll s njyng prn sulr dvs ppndr ngburng rsry In pr s nsuns d n wrkwll nd bsps n r dss wr blgd dnd slvs by rr r ll rvls ll n r wn unsrupulus dvs.5 T

    nsrv w r ss pssssd n lnds ursdns nd nrgs bsps rr d ll bu p n lry rsw r prns nd lrds n r rgn. Tus Bsp O I B-brg rrr ssnry nd undr nsrs ws ls prsd byn s bgrprs r r w w prsrvd rgs svssls nd mnerale nd nsrud nw sls rugu s lnds6

    Grn vl ns ryl pgns brd nd sllp wn ds us psd ug lry rdn upn Grn pspIprn dl rgs r n nury bu w bsps quppdslvs w nssry rnus rns nd supprv srgs T und mle r kng w vy rur wpns nd wr-

    rss nnud b s v yp lry rnr n Crlngn sussrkngds7 Inrsngly s vssl mle wrnnd y rbl grns lnd n pr prrl nurdrvd r Crlngn ps nd u ndd bwn n ndwl nurs W r ld wrds nd n nuryBsp Nkr g (9728 dvdd lnds s ur n r

    qul rns rs susn pspl usld snd sup

    D Wi i i ' RG ii h i i h

  • 7/23/2019 Benjamin Arnold, German Bishops and Their Military


    Bnjan Arnld

    prt t aptr and t nast undatns and t trd t grant ut n t s vassals r mla.8 Ts radal slutn was als adptd s

    ntprary Bsp Hnry Wrzurg (995/68), w tk vru land r Ara Ay at t nd t tnt ntury and gav tn t s mle' T sps Esttt n w w sall ntr-std latr rst gan t n vassals n tr rlatvly undrdvlpdds lat n t nnt ntury wn Eprr Arnul ndwd t s wtHrrdn Ay and st ts tnsv stats Fr an aunt drv-

    ng n ts nal r r t lvnt ntury w ar tat Bsp Eranald 82) trw ut t nks and nstalld anns n agrprnds dstrutng t rst Hrrdns rsurs t s mla r vas-sals Fr t rst t t spr Esttt gan t av mle snr tat t ad ad nn r vry w. And tday all t nur E-sttts vassals tr r ur ptd all ar nd r t lands tsay. Ts arrngnt nald t sps t ntrut t t pansvprals t Ottnans as wn Bsp Rgnald was sund tItaly wt ty ard warrrs y Ott II n 98

    I sps wr nng kngts n a largr sal n t tnt and l-vnt nturs t surs ps prls aut w ts vassals atually

    wr. Fr Bsp Ttar Mrsurg 98) t wrd mle adsvral uss. It was a prsnal arstrat ptt Duk Cnrad t Rdklld at t L n 955, s egegu mle and Burgrav Rdag Mssnassassnatd n 984, s nlu mle. It was als plyd r vassals ngnral; Duk Hrann Swaas mle r apl r t mliean Man t vassals t arsp Manz n 984. Ovuslyt sps wn arstrat gratgrandatrs mlie pm e genee lai-m nst kngts t st altd rt w dd n atn aganst tSlavs n 929, wuld av ad ntng n n wt t sp Halr-stadts llwng vassals alld mle ev r wt t at Crvys

    Ansem es psopoum eodensum MGH Scripore 7), 2049 MGH Diplomaa,o II 434 pp 70 ae o 99 A a royal charer, hi ource i ormaly a

    orery u Wrur acuire Amoach an i lan in 993 conrme in 999) y enuine iploma

  • 7/23/2019 Benjamin Arnold, German Bishops and Their Military


    Medeval Germa Bshos wth Armed Retues 11

    vassals f feror codto I the see of Salzburg where we are relatvely well formed about the archescoal retues the bograhes of

    Archbsho Gebhard I (1088) form us that hs dele were oblemead mneale ad that he was suorted by hs ml, cludg CoutEgebert of Orte burg ad by hs mltary eve

    Elevethcetury sources thus beg to refer to retues of mnealekghts of ufree status ad ther mortace to bshos was erhas adumbrated the Lex amle or rules whch Bsho Burcard of Worms (1)drew u shortly before hs death for the tow of Worms ad all te deedats of the cathedral churh 8 Much more exlct formato about theew vassalmltas of mneale was rovded by Bsho Guther of Bamerg (10575) oe of hs charters. The Bamberg mneale wereedowed wth heredtar efs retur for mtar ad admstratve ser

    vces. If the bsho referred ot to grat a ef the the mnea was freeto seek servce ad rewards uder aother lord mle u vul Bambergmneale ad ther ow rearatory costs for mltary camags orth ofthe Als ad the receved subsdy from the bho whle actually theeld For Itala exedtos the bsho rovded extra horses ad a cashadvace of 3 for ttg out the warrors I the bshos court mneale

    ejoyed te rght of comurgato for all oeces save cosracy agastther lord I hs household admstrato thy were oblged oly to exercsethe hoourable oces of seeschal butler chamberla marshal ad forester. Such rules of status ad servce have oscure ateceets whch go back

    Iid, 1; MGH Dipmata, Oo I 10 99) ad Arn 7) S a nnates Sangallensesmaires MGH, Sipt, 1 05) th at f St Gal infriores milies.

    W E, itg zu Ghiht d Miitalitt im Eztift Salzug, Mieilungen derGesellschaf fr Salzburger Landeskunde, 5 19); H Dph, Miitiaitt ud Htad i dStimak ud i Sazug, Zeischr des Hisorischen Vereines fr Seiermark 97 ), ; ad Plm tdih Wadlug im Ad tih, d Stimak ud Sazug vhmih im ahhudt i kti d), Herrscha und Snd: Unersuchungen zr Sozialgeschiche im IJ]ahrhunder Vtihug d Ma Pak Ititut Ghiht, 5 ; Gttig, 977), 075;] d Th mati f th Sazug Miitialag i th Tth ad Evth Ctui a

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    17 Bejmi Arold

    to the ith ctury 6 ad they exlai why it was ossible to retai mewho were assals i law kights i fuctio ad ufree i status. 6 It has

    bee coicigly suggested tha some of the two thousad or so lrca,armoured warriors summoed by Otto II to Italy for the calamitous Calabria camaig of 9 were embryoic mnerals.62 It is strikig howmay of these lrca were retaiers of the Curch roughly 70 er cet ofthem Nietee bishos ad tei lrca are metioed i the source morewere already i Italy with the emeror ad oe of them Hery of Augsburg

    is kow to ha erished i the battle with the ArabsThe roblems surroudig the emergece of eiscoal retiues of mner-

    ales i the eleeth cetury ae ot as yet caable of comletely coicigsolutios63 But it is clear that by the twelfth cetury the armed retiuesserig the Germa bishos cosisted almost etirel of mnerale sus

    taied by hereditay efs. 6 By far the most comrehesie icture of their S njamin Anold, Gem ighh

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    Medieval Germa Bishos with Ared Retiues 173

    status ad fuctio is rovided by the ura mnralum draw u b Archbisho Raiald of Cologe for his retiue i the mid6s Aart from

    elaborate disciliary rules ad ordiaces about the admiistratio of thearchieiscoal household ad estates the custumal is most revealig aboutthe military services which were the ricial urose of such retiuesUder their oaths of fealty the mnerale boud themselves wheter theyheld efs or ot to defed the erra of their lord the archbisho ad to followhim i rms as far as the boudaries of the diocese ad i certai circumstaces beyod them They were cormed i their hereditary right to theirefs ad oces by rimogeiture without aymets of relief or heriot Ayyouger brother was exected to reset himself with warhorse shield adlace to the archbisho to declare that he was mle e mneral of St Peterthe cathedral atro ad to oer fealty ad service After a year's robatio

    the archbisho would d him a ef ad corm his status as oe of Cologes me de amla, or else release him to seek service ad reward iaother retiue The terms of service uo Italia exeditios were also setout i detail Notice beig give a year ad a day i advace mnerale withefs worth 5 marks or more er aum were required to atted the archbisho awardig them marks towards their ttigout costs as well ascloth for dressig their servats Equimet was secied ackhorsessaddes leather holdals coverigs ad horseshoes with the ecessary ailsO the march to the south the archbisho aid each kight a mark a mothoce the Als were reached. Those with efs worth less tha the yearly 5marks might stay behid ayig scutage or herura, lierally armytax of

    half their retalSuch retiues of kightly mnerale were essetial to te survival restige ad exasio of the Germa bishorics as territorial ricialities ithe twelfth ad thirteeth ceturies. The retiues accomaied the bishosuo their eregriatios aroud the Emire to atted the imerial court orecclesiastical syods to visit moasteries castles ad tows or to joi military

    6 L Weirih, Qelle z eshe Vefssgs, Wshs Szigeshhe is I2$D, Ael Q l G i Mi l F i S i G i

    B j i A d

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    74 Bejami Arod

    amaigs About the ed of May 6 for eame Frederik Barbarossawrote from Pavia to various ries of the Emire to sumo them to meet

    him at Besa

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    Mediea Gema Bishos with Amed Retiues 175

    tes of efs backed b Lehnrech, as the moe eectie meas of holdigetiues togethe. This also idicates that edeig milita seices i

    etu fo efs was b o meas a moibud actice i fouteethcetuGema. As we shall see eisoal teasuies wee ot u to aig fo milita seice o the basis of aual salaies o loge cotacts alhoug it isclea that ma of the efs wee i fact assigmets uo icomes fom eiscoal maos ad othe ossessios.

    To sustai a obediet ad eectie etiue i a cometet state of milita

    eaedess was with te ecoomic exloitatio of thei lads ad the admiistatio of justice withi thei teito the icial secula coce ofbishos at home i thei dioceses The efeomet of kights was exesiad the use o abuse of eiscoal esouces fo the uose ofte aised feasof waste i the cathedal chates. Thee wee othe dages too. Mner

    ale wee themseles a heedita ode of ladowes with iteests todefed ad this ofte led them ito amed coict with thei eighous oee with thei eiscoal lods. Multile efeomet mobilit betweeetiues ad the subdiisio of efs had also teded to eode the huma com-ositio of the etiue as well as the mateial foudatio of efs astes adoes uo which it was suosed to est

    A close examiatio of iteactio betwee bisho ad etiue is madeossible o the Baaia see of Eichstt b the suial of two souces oidig comlemeta ifomatio about its milita cicumstaces i thelate Middle Ages. The st cosists of the seies of biogahies of the foutee bishos who eiged betwee 279 ad 145, its st authos successfullestablishig the taditio of takig aticula ote of milita aais. Six ofthe biogahies (36) ae the wok o the Eichsttt cao He Taubeof Selbach (d. 364), a distiguished histoia who wote a geeal choileo the oes ad emeos of his time. 6 All these biogahies wee cotiuatios of the Lber pnc a odeed b Bisho Gudecha II of Eichsttt i107 o 072 The secod souce is the Eichsttt Lber udrum, a a

    codex of the eal sixteeth cetu ito which wee coied eight egistes ofefs the ealiest of them datig fom the st decade of the fouteeth ce

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    Benamn Anold

    tuy. he seven egstes whch follow ae n eect lsts o enewals of tteuon the accesson of the bshos fom 16 to 146. If Echsttt was not

    mateally at the foefont of the Geman bshocs t occued a oston ofstategc sgncance n the bodelands of Fancona Swaba and Bavaa.8

    In the second half o the thteenth centuy t ecoveed fom geat losses suffeed at the hands of the cathedal advocates the Bavaan comtal dynasty ofHschbeg Between 80 and 100 t became ossble fo the bshos to uchase tensve lands to establsh a efomd admnstaton on the bass ofcastles and oces enfeoed to mnserales, and to eand the mltay etnue to about sty knghtly famles One esult was attenton to the wttenecod a new catulay and cadastal suvey8 1 te new egste of efs theconstucton of fomal escoal memoals and the bette achval sevaton of dlomatc ognals8 all takng lace wthn a fe yeas o 100

    Then ealy n the fouteenth centuy the bshos standng as tetoalnces was geatly moved by a sngle nhetance In 0 the chldlessCount Gebhad of Hschbeg last advocate of the cathedal chuch andtown made amends by bequeathng most of hs etensve ossessons to Echsttt.83 The tansfe ncluded the majoty of hs knghts and the efs8 andthe 16 egste of efs ndeed shows that the escoal etnue hadeanded by about e cent ove the gue about fom oughly stynames to about nnety Ths egste aeas not to be comlete but takenwth the 84 egste abut thee dozen of th knghtly famles n the latfouteenthcentuy Echsttt etnue must have tansfeed the allegance tothe bshos fom the Hschbeg etnue ate 10 But once agan te es

    coal teasuy was often emty n the fouteenth centuy togethe wth thelands Echsttt had nheted the massve Hschbeg debs and t also ncued new ones all of whch took decades to ay o.85 The see obably suffeed n the eodc econmc cses of the fouteenth and fteenth centues

    Bayiss Saasai Nnb, Hosi is nb os -340: be fem llem epp eei pem os 1-73 bo 30 os 745 35 o Rabno oWibusn os. 91 134 o dik o inn os 350 45 o on o

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    Medieval erman Bisps wit Armed Retinues I77

    altug denite answers abut te agrarian milieu wuld ave t await cmparative study f te infrmative Eicsttt landregister f abut 300 and te

    ric fteentcentury adastral evidence. Bisps tended t be cautiusabut epanding teir enfeed retinue f vassals in spite f te several territrial acquisitins wic ad transfrmed teir plitical psitin in suternGermany

    Suc circumspectn was abandned upn te accessin f Frederick fOettingen in 33. His bigraper describes is lve f princely magnicence and f is retinue reprted tat e ad a large curt f nblemen and apius enug useld wic e tenderly supprted maintained andnurised His reister f efs bears tis ut recrding mre tan knigtly names well ver a undred f tem apparently new vassals f tesee. Te cunts f Oettingen wre temselves pwerful territri princes ad

    jacent t te bispric n te west Altug Bisp Frederick was fnd fte knigtly families w ad served te Oettingen in te past and granted atleast frty f tem Eicsttt efs is recruitment ranged far and wideamngst te nbilit f Bavaria Swabia and Francnia. In part tebisps mtives fr epanding te retinue arse frm te perilus plitics fsutern Germany during te 3s culminating in te defeat f te Swabian

    league f twns in 3 Altug is predecessr ad jined te antiurbanHerrenbund f princes at Nuremberg in 33 Frederik canged curse andallied imself t te Swabian cities t frigten te dukes f Bavaria wpsed a cnstant treat t is see n tis tactic e was fllwed by Arcbisp Pilgrim f Salzburg wse subsequent kidnap by te dukes actually

    precipitated te Swabian war. Altug te league was defeated and is dicese was ravaged Bisp Frederick etricated imself witut serius lss fstanding. Obviusly e was a cntrary and singleminded prince Frm 409 4 5 e still adered t te Rman pnti Gregry XII altug nearly all

    Barschs Saasarch rrg Hochsf Echs ral 9 (47; 43 (1447; 4(15

    Ges epis 3

    8 B A ld

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    8 Benamn Arnld

    the rest f the Empre had abandned hm n favur f the Psan canddates tthe papal ttle

    Retanng knghts n Bshp Fredercks generus scale was nt cntnuedafter hs death n 1415 althugh the ve bshs wh regned after hm untlthe Refrmatn cntnued t cut a gure n suth German pltcs Numbersslwly declned frm abut 130 names at the accessn f Jhn f Hedeck n1415 t abut eghty names n 1496 at the accessn f abrel f Eyb Ger-man knghts cmplaned that bshps were keepng them ut f efs as therservces became less essental but ths was certanly nt the reasn fr dwn-dlng numbers n the bshprc f Echsttt The bshps were n the cn-trary cncerned t keep numbers up by fresh recrutment largely frm thehers f knghtly famles whch were etngushed wthut leavng drect maledescendants Frm the early furteenth century untl 1496 the regsters

    recrd nearly 400 famly names but nly abut frty f them survve frm thethree furteenthcentury regsters rght thrugh t Bshp Gabrels tme Insustanng a credble retnue the bshps were havng t cpe wth severalrelated prblems: wth mblty that s knghtly famles transferrng therallegnce elsewhere after ne r tw generatns f serce; wth genetcfalure that s the demse f patrlneallydened nble famles wthut leav-ng drect descendants; wth sales f efs whch had t be transfrred wth thebshps cnsent and recrded by ther chancery; and wth reartenancesthat s the subenfement f efs r fragments f efs t ther partes aganrequrng permssn frm the bshps The regsters recrd these varustransfers f efs the marty t cllateral hers wh then receved ncmes

    lands ces r castles rm Echsttt In terms f famles the cmpstn f th retnue ver the decades wastherefre very unstable ndeed; abut 400 names ccurred ver years butnly per cent f them all the way thrugh the regsters The remanng 90per cent gravtated twards Echsttts servce ether n the fllwng f anambtus bshp such as Frederck f Oettngen r as cllateral ers f epscpal knghts r by new enfement In mst cases the prvenance f thene names can be ute readly dented frm the dsbanded retnue f the

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    8o Bnmn Arnold

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    8o nm n Arnol

    nd dtld dcrpton o th wor ctl b ctl throughout h trrtornothr prctcl rult o mntnng n cnt rtnu w mpl dmon-

    trtd b th bhop n o8 H bogrphr tll u thtthis reverend prince also put down frequent molestations by the Franconian nobility,with which they had audaciously and fearlessly persecuted him. Note that one day inthe year of our Lord 1408 the Franonian nobility hostilely invaded the see o Eichsttt with a large force and near Herrieden they savagely fell upon the peasantry withre and pillage carrying o their cattle and belongings. So our praiseworthy father

    and lord furiously pursued them with is magiter curiae and ohers of his household.In the evening the same day they bravely attacked them at the village of Lauterbachtwo miles from the town of Rothenburg in Franconia boldly crushed them seizedback the peasants' goods, and took twenty-three of the enemy captive Others of theenemy retrated into the castle in that village, or ed hither and thither. So theyreturned rjoicing to Herrieden with the captives, the peasants belongings, and also

    the cattle Of the noble and common captives the praiseworthy lord bishop afterwardsallowed twentytwo of them to be decapitated after legal sentence. ne of them, ayoung suire just escaped death through the pleas made on his behalf. So the churchof ichsttt obtained tranquility and peace, since the Franconian nobility did notagain invade the diocese during the lifetime of that venerabe bishop He was hard onothers of his adversaries, pursuing them courageously and permitting most of them to

    be sentenced to death or other punishments

    Th Echttt bogrphr lo rvl tht th nod rtnu w not thonl ourc o mltr rvc mplod b th bhop Whn Frdrc oOttngn uccor John o Hdc ( 49 ond th Lgu o Con-tnc gnt Du ou th Brdd o Bvrngoltdt h mn-

    tnd prvt rm o 300 lrd nght or th durton o th wr(140 H uccor Albrt o Hohnrchbrg (494) nt ort ormor nght to protct th town nr th Bhmn rontr rom Hutttc n th chtg o 43 h w d t thrt lnc or th Hu-t crud o o nd n lrgr contngnt nght nd nntrwth trn o thrttwo wrwgon butull md wth ronwor ndron chn cpbl o ormng ort nd dnc n nct nd lvhlquppd wth ood tool tnt rm cnnon powdr nd crobow' t

    Medeval German Bsps wt Armed Retnes r 8 r

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    Medeval German Bsps wt Armed Retnes r 8 r

    een mnts mantaned zoo kngts t deend te dese rm te depredatns te cnts Oettngen

    ke te csttt seres regsters es srvve r te vassals manyanter bsprc n late medeval Germany J In cnnctn wt relatedmateral especally letters enement and te Lehnsreverse prmssryacknwledgements bndng te eees 0 we can perceve tat vassalage wasa mltary realty and ad nt entrely relapsed nt an nanmate system arstcratc landtenre I te es recrded n te regsters dd nt tencarry a specc mltary blgatn ten mltary servce was stll an endrngscal tradtn wc n prncple gverned te relatnsp between kngtand bsp and was te mtve r grantng t transerrng r renewnges. I 0 5

    Te Ecsttt evdence reveals sme remarkable cntntes metd

    rm te nnt t te stent centres n spprtng te bsps mltaryretnes rm Bsp Ercanbalds se te Herreden lands ater 888 tte preservat and edtng all te regsters es nt te papr cde nBsp Gabrel Eybs cancery ater rsoo. Bt we can see tat te vassalsw were sstaned by a andsme prprtn te pssessns te catedral cres were temselves n statc rder r grp wtn Germanscety. Te ble mlies te arlngan and Ottnan age were qtederent rm te miniseiaes te Staen era wse dynamsm sstanedtem as a kngtly nblty. In te rteent centry te bnds servltywc bnd tem clsely nt te amiliae ter lrds nally dsappeared.Tey ad evlved nt te Riterscha as a prvleged rder r estate wtn

    te terrtral prncpalty. 0 Bt ter nctn canged mre slwly tan 3 g G Hl Die tete Lehbche e Mebuiche zbch Gschchsquln d Po

    n Sachsn und angnnd Gb 6 Hal 883 F Hn Das Lhnbuch ds WbugBschos Go on Hohnloh (31322' chue zu Gechichte Be, (o 66 5383 H Roh Die mittellteliche Lehbche e Bichfe v Ob (snabckGschchsqulln 5 snabck 132 E Kb Toalsaa und Lhn' n Stuie zum mttel!te

    he Lehewee (Vog und Foschungn ndau Consanc 6o 1523 (Sabug and Babg aal W Man De Lehhf Mze zbch im te Mittellte (Dssldof H Hoan D ltete Lehebuh e Hchts Wzbu (uln und Foschungn u

    8 Benmin Arnld

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    denitins r ppernes The trditin militr servie ws nt mheted b the de legl servilit nd is likel hve been reinred b

    the emi dilties in whih knighthd nd itsel in the rteenthn teenth entries. Knights were still llling mh the sme militrnd dministrtive ntins s in the thirteenth entr with the ver smestles es lnds nd revenes s rewrd

    Terms inditive the servile nes mnsrals Dnslu nd homnspropr were in deline b the beginning the rteenth entr bt vs

    slge still ntined t vitlize the bnd between retines knights nd theterritril prines In the Eihsttt registers the homns propr bt 305re lled hnlu r vssls rm 365 nd re desribed s sssha, tht isin ptin r in residene pn their es 8 Rrl Germn ws ntver well sited t newer methds retining whih were evlved in Frne

    nd Englnd the alanc, indentre rrn, lthgh sme es in Ger-mn were indeed ssignments pn inme These mesres were mreeient in sstining militr mbilit in lg mpigns ver gret distnesr rss the se itsl. The were mh less relevnt t the Germn militrsittin in whih the gret mjrit nits were ll eds within terri-tril r prvinil dimensins In dditin the Germn territril prinipli

    ties were reltivel bkwrd in teir dministrtive nd sl rgniztinnd ptentil s tht lthgh slries ertinl were pid t knights theprines ld nt rel stedil pn their tresries t mitin their retinesThe therere depended p trditinl methds diret enementwith hereditr es rtitins inmes nd esttes whih pertined t

    their priniplities Sh methds were better sited t plitil relit in theGermn Empire where privte wr ndted b the retine ws still neetive instrment

    This begn t hnge gin twrds the end the teenth entr whenthe prines were eperimenting with legl nd dministrtive innvtinswhih enhned their thrit nd their mmnd reginl serit nd

    rder I I 0 One nseqene ws tht the nient ntinl nnetins

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