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ber 0, 'I BE LET, •or iuch urmO/ 9tars tl8 1114!} be agreed•n, wo HOU ES io Quce 'n-street, with t o ienemeota in each. Ooe Houqe Wald ith two tenements. , a House and a l:irge Kitchen Gar· with two nt-ho1198, and two back the said pren1ises, in Queen ::cet. Parti&..'Ulal'IJ ay be known on ap- ication fO M 8Tl'M FITZGERALD, Publican. April IS, 1816. tf. 0 ICE. Tne 1uLtc1·iber laas reuiwd for Salt, it tllALL lot of tull:>l e cellent Jamaica A At. """' ve been eight ye 1u1 in the King' , c:ell19.' al borne, and of liicb bet ill sell (for the convenU.oce of purchasers) · the amallest quantity allowed by law. .u.so, Some pri1ne GENEY A, to be dispo9eti in the same way. . . ourua - -- ' . . - SAINT JOHNS, WEDNESD v, - SEPTEl\IBER s,·- 1s16. f(£1. I ls. 6d. per ann.) .__. NO\V discharO'ing . or a!, · e ar o Bunt, Stabb, :>res on & Co. - . . A cargo of . Superior Ne\vcast1e COALS, Wfuch will be delivered from the shi , c:t ten shilling3 per hogshead. April 't7, 1816. ./ tf fVI. 'I'Rll, B Eo leave to inform th eir friend.CJ and the public in general, that they have talcen the premi s llll ly occupied JonaLhan Parsons , nearly opposite the Go- vernor's.. ·wharf, lo"'er st ree t, corner of Church-hill, whe re th y have alwa y. on hand. im 'portcd fr om the fi r t manufactu- rers in Britain, aD d r ale, on the most reasonable term , th arti- cles. viz.- . GOLD and ilver \>Vnrt:h rhe ved viz. the 111dmd E, a emen t; cluplex dillo I r lt' nt I \ Pr cli1Lo I h 1'i1.0111o l do. Re pl'ater... horiioncal 11'n n pl in; \·t:'r..-e ·\' a chcs nf _ l'\'t ry de r ip_ i n; i1111t 11 va riety. of Gold \\e tch Chaut -.: 1 ""I • K , &e. WJth an ex- tf'nsive of or her ·.1 · '. \ • tlcrv BTl!'ad, Flour, On m al , f'ork, Beef, 811U e r, T a., Cotfee, U(?IT, Brand;, Rum, Holland , Port \V ine :\la clt:'i'r a do . herry do. Ale&: Portl'r, P ie . & Sauc e,; , Vinegar, Anchovies, wirh a e · o. orhn nt of SH PG ()OS. (' . . LL .porsons having any demandd a: JUST "IMP.ORTED MULLOY, of St. Johns, Newfoundlaqd, A FE\ half and qr.-cbe ts Boh ea Tc:i, Plante;, dedeased, are hereby requc.ted to Lime in casks. Aricks, furni sh th e same to WALTER \l Av- And a fe.,,,. ca sks bo\ t led P !r ter. · L"A .qnd · Mr. L Ase, . du ly at- W il!iarn B. Thoma9. te!Jted. A.ud a: tl pe rson indebted to th e August 17, 1 16. said e.i ta te, · ar<: · desi red to make im · necii:ttc - -- -- -- - -- paymen t to them; they- al one .being autho- For Sa /1 by Lli.e subscriber, rized to ellle th e said e·tate. · . A q uan tity of ·M.l itv tV luLLov, Adm'rx. Fire--w-oo(l & DunQa!!'e. January l816. · -.J ·- G:3'" Persons ayeeihg for D 11nna3e, Ly . JQST IMPO TEB, the will have it de ivered dry wh ei 1 · Par Brothers, fr om P o9{e , and called for. G. L1TTt E. Adven!ure, fro11i L?ndor., __ 0_,_1 _8_ 1_6 _. --------- An exten i\ ·e asso rtment of Br iti :>h manu Ja m es J oh nston, Cabin r. t-rnake1·, focttire<l Go od , con istif'.g f the folio· . .,- ATF.FUL for th e many fav or,, conferred ing arti lcs, which \\ . ill be disp ed f by on him· by li i:> friend5, since hi ar- whol esa le r retail:- · - - - riv al her e, hope s, by a steady ancl punr. l 11:i l broad Cloth , ma.- to. bu to rriciit a continn- nUf uc ture, · - - - ---a tro..!1 of th m supp >rt :rod mmen d t ion . Black, grey and oliYe colou red Ker :. lie flus nuw on ltand, . i;eymere11, half Cloths, .A nd for ale, on r en enab le tenn3, .A ceneral a 1s1rtmcnt of Ca in t Furnilure ,--vi :. And wai t oat P terns of. vcr d. esc ription . M :ihogany dining, anti. card Al so, a n ea t a so rtm en t of Linen Drape- Tab les ; mal oga ny ancl birch 'h.\li .,, , So- ry 1-losiery, gc ntleme ns' fine Hats of tl)e phas, _9, hc.> ts of Drawer s, and B steads of best quality, with a variety of other articles. various and patterns. • · John Stentaford. (J::7 Orders pu nct ual'y nt: andc tn, l!n d June 1816. . ex cuted \" ii th <li ·p:i tch; nn lion·· 0 large sto ck of s wood of al kind :1 . J uue 15, 18 16 . Just arriv ed, and for Sale, Augn t 14, 1816. J tl li!l'S Clift. \ John Pedci11s emuracn11 this oppor-- tunity of ex pr ing hi s ar 1ti. t4l de for the Tery lioeral encouragement he has air •ady and hopes from bi · general knowledge of the tch and Cl ck Bu3i- nes.c;, and unvaried attention, to sec ure a A HANn OMF. young I10flSE, three and nn half years old, fi t for either saddle nr For pat"l ic ulars apply - -- - - .- --------- ) W tinkd by IM ub11Crwe>· 11, A Store-kee et . \Vbo can be ell recommended. None other need apply. Hu111, llEBD & Co. July 31, 1S16 •• NO 'l'ICE. A LL pem>ns havinao demands a."'ain st the estate of Daniernonners, of -VVa- ti:rfonl, Irelaud, but lato of Port Grave, N-=\vrt>undland, Surgeon, deceased, are re- quested t ' ft1rni11b the saine, duly attested, to. tho 11b3Crihei's ; and :ill indebt- ed to the said estate, are desired to make immediate payment to 'rhomas Ewer, 'l Adm.rs.- Peter f JunP I\>, 1816. tf NOTICE. A LL peNons wJ10 have claims on the es- tate of Shannan, Livin gs t,,n & co. of St. Johns, merchan • in so lvent, are re- qneit ed to exhibit the s amtl at th '}ol nc e of l\-1r. Geo. Lilly, Notary Public; / tQ whom a ll debts due to the said estate are to be peid. By order of the 1,ru tt.'C , at tlii Offi t'a. J une 'l6, 18 l G. continuation of pa fayors. . THOwlAS r •l UH.PHY, of SuTToN's p_,. • •• \v tclt ' c 11nd lock" of description ,of.- - c.al"Prutly repaired with expedition. RISlt, in th e County of W EX PORO, lnE- Apnl 20 •. 1816. LAvo , and l at o 't.Jo hn s, 4 ewfound- lanJ., ' 'ailor & Shop-keeper, Deceased .• 1'o nt SOLD OR LET, ALL P <!r3on indebted to the E t .. te of For a term or tenns of ye ar&, the lat e ab ,.e na med Th oma s : fur- Several efi.,.ib! e ph .q , Dece ·eel, are re uesled to 1na .ke l NI - D'' ; EL . 'NlE DIATE pnyment to ih c nbscriber, or F or particulars apply at 1\Ir. Bnoo:.r's to Mr. JoHN B ;i oo:.t, Notary Pub lic , an d Office, Qu n street. to no ot h er whatever. . January 6, 1816 JUD I' fH i\IURPHY, i\dmx. TO BE SOLD, by pricate contract,' ' T HE fo - ;i; im le of a new O\VRLL- ,. , I N_ ;I-IOU· ', for :. ";lr the property of u. \. .. 11 u:ock con !!ti . rr of two t en - ements, mc!ut.ii g a S hop . e in Ducl.- nearl y oppo::i e ' Vi tl ia1n Long, : A s o,-Th e 1nte r e;,t in .a le se of twen y- two yea rs ot a pi e ce of GRO b uilt upon by · l'i i r. i\ Ianin i- tu :i te in \V I ef!ro v -street, yieW: ;'n 0 w .. ly profit rent of , ,€ 19. · F5' r paiticu lar ' appiy to l\f ILLER, FERGUS & C..i . Au gust 10, 1816. tf · \V. ll. ftO\V _s_t_. _Jo_h_n_s"-, _ 1_s_.15-:r. _ ::::::::::..= -' --- ·ust atFri ,-pwer Eleanor, B EGS leave to inform hi · friends and rom ateriord, Thos Meag'l1er & s·.,Ol1S And jor ule bu ll Lf! subs-;b·r ', the public, that he has ta!Ce!l tb e Store ' On mode(ate term ,'" .. form erly occupi d by Mr. Bouch er; be- Have for Sale, ·At their Stores, · A h , M t l\•l cs. rs. llunt, Stabb, Pr e.:; to n On r easo11able t t e Stoo·es of 1 WiJLia1n Hogtm,, and l\1es..rs . Stuarts & Ronnie's, 'vhere he me.5s Pork, firit qlty. Butter, llfa ggoU!J-COve, has on sale, 8upad i e Flour, in bis. and f-bls. TrnRT! ba gs bread, first quality, A al. l t ·"all A · f Sugar in and barrels, 53 tlerces Strangman's Porter, gen.er assor me n oJ . rt1c es ._. 3 to 4 tons checks, wb fcL V.',; ll b"" .r.or t'•e fi,,.L•ry &c Pearl Bari yin kegs ·, Oatmeal in I')- u. •• "' ;is J' '• " 11 " • • -o .. , sold by the C\Vt. and half-cwt. Consl .s t1'ng of A. fi w puncheons \Vhi key, . 1 too fiue basket :Salt, Bread, flour, pork, butter, ham,.. ( be. t 20 crates well assorted Earthenware, u 1 L" York), Lines (St. Peter's,'sho re and sed), 10 ca ks do. Gfas3ware, 400 arre s ime, 14 {. Bricks, '" May 25, 1816. . f II ,. . 1 . Sheet Iron, Red and yellow Ochre, !) teot Viine, --------------- tw1nes o a sorts, capnn seines, lerring Ao a quantity of Shoes. NO'l'lCE. net., mackarel ditto, hook (hake7 quarter Oak Pla nk ,- l'?ine,Boa;· ds - Ja1nes Fergus. r f!E Cr edi to . on th C? - EEta te :- of-Tn<nrAc-r-n nd squid-) ;-best- small hen Ru 3s ia d11 ·k .- B st n_!l!oalLeathtlf,_ J _ _ _ Patrick Co. have a ojnted iVlr. nutnber canvas, pit ·h Prime l ea f ·robacco, uiy 10, 1816. SAMl'EL Koucu to collect all debt due to (Stoc nolm), tar 'itto, p111nt, m see 01, oi.p and Candles, tf said estnt , nnd to recover the same by th e s pi rits of rpentine, bolt iron;- iia.il ofalJ A.ad of cured Fish, which F ·Now LAN"DrNo · · r · · cl' ·11 "'- - 0 d b th q · tal ro:n on boa rd the Br i..:antin e Chance, b es t-nossible,1 nean, eitlWFoy a course of sizes, iron pots, p:ins, grin tri w1 ue Y .c u:n . .., r h'd 1 h b h" H J ()7 • 1 t6 Capt. Hylyer, from Water fo rd, law or otherwise. Such as are indebted, 1 e eat er, oots r 10g. c .. .:ia n · anuary :.. · A d fc d W I . h fi d · '' or Sale ll u tlie :vlhscriber, an.! to !!'.O V(lrn th cniselves accordingh·. an el 1ngton), s oes ne an coarse), T E fi J - J el (b he su bscribers e just re cei\"ed, IGHTY· T\;;;, rkins pri1ue new· r.rt .J A:o.rE s barv s, tea ohea, souchong and gr ee n), 0 Lap fi Ii ll 1. .-er . win . a-. ropi London, qua ty utter, N.lc ,ror. s GrLt._ Tru stees . touacco, ho 1cry, printed cottons, dow la _, - "b · ,: ·h· h An t•xrrn. ivc a sorcm nl of ' IC , with 300 of fine P :l ot PATRICE. oaa1s, _ calico, check, serges, flannela, bl:tn kets, J 11 d n1 ..... BRE \D -o _ . er- an i;;..aau;_, •. of formor imr>rtations, ·· wiil be A ne:nst 7, 1. L 6. . slops of all sorts,.bats, - Of th st .1 s Id bl ... e G mouern cons1 shng o on reasonn e termg, · - - And a vari ety of other articles. · · · F or Sule, by public auction, N. B. Out Harbor .. ex ecuted at p he artic es, viz. PATRICK MVRRIS. 01i Frida!J th e fi1' st Novemier nea-, the sh ortc,t noti ce. w · of various d es criptions, 1 - August 2 4, 1 16. At 12 o'clo•·k, At the fi all , Gold V'1 atch ha ins T< BE L . .. J\tay 1s, , 1 s. > E'r TIIO SE " '.f'J l kn ow n Premi es of th e ..I • • Do. Si?ala and Keys, For a term of 4 yea.rs a nd immeciiate es to• of Butler & 1'odridge, at Bu· . 'A L L ·persons having demands aga in s\ Verr e egant, fine, real garn et 'JIO resrion !fi:ve n., rio, of -a new Dwelling-house - the estate of JouN GERSA ND, of .'Vlth bracelets nnd hr. oach&.i to match, ALL that PL TA'rION or Fi hi nnd Shop·, a s . tage, "'125 feet by. 24 feet Aberdeen, Scotland, but late of St. J uhns, Ditto amber and cor ne hau do. do. in" a ·t-t -.l • . - - D' tt !tees d · d ti , .... wu 10 a con with two lofts over th e ,vhole build- Newfoundland, decea:!ed, p re re- 1 0 . 0 •• 0 • · ne ;o u,. . . of the Harbor of Trinity, late in the · a r oo k .. room, coopers" -frame of qu es ted to furnish the same, duly attes ted, E"ar pancy of Joseph . ·a new St:-ire, bed laid down, 38 feet by 3'2 to th e subscribers; and all persons iodebt- and stlver . pn eiDg a ,. ore.- Dwelliog . feet; Flake11 adequate to cu· re from 3,000. <?d to the said estate, are desired to - make table,. taa, desert and cadd1e Spoons, : Cook-room Flakes, nd th · to 4,000 quintals tish ; with sundr·y articles payment to . Ditto and. Snuff-boxes, · for the 8 0 avenienC¥ on the premises, which will be enumerated ANA)lTASIA G.ta k:Admx. \fariety of Jewellery of all des- ' Further known 011 p more particularly, in !O{l'le time . JAMES FERGUS, t criptloDS: tion to DoaELL, • ·: 1 before the sale. . . D•v10 TAsKEa, 5 A r 3 Perkins & Winter. 1816. 31, 1816. July 13, Tri l ' , ·- .. ..
Page 1: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/NewfoundlandMercantileJournal18160918no110.pdfber 0, 'I BE LET, ~ •oriuch urmO/ 9tars tl8 1114!} be agreed•n, wo HOU ES io Quce'n-street,

ber 0,

'I BE LET, ~ •oriuch urmO/ 9tars tl8 1114!} be agreed•n,

wo HOU ES io Quce'n-street, with t o ienemeota in each. Ooe Houqe

Wald ith two tenements. , a House and a l:irge Kitchen Gar·

with two nt-ho1198, and two back ~,adjoining the said pren1ises, in Queen ::cet. Parti&..'Ulal'IJ ay be known on ap­ication fO

M 8Tl'M FITZGERALD, Publican. April IS, 1816. tf.

0 ICE. Tne 1uLtc1·iber laas reuiwd for Salt, it tllALL lot of tull:>l e cellent Jamaica

A At."""' ve been eight ye1u1 in the King', c:ell19.' al borne, and of

liicb bet ill sell (for the convenU.oce of purchasers)· the amallest quantity allowed by law. .u.so,

Some pri1ne GENEY A, to be dispo9eti in the same way.

. .

ourua • - --' . .

-SAINT JOHNS, WEDNESD v,-SEPTEl\IBER s,·- 1s16. f(£1. I ls. 6d. per ann.)

.__. NO\V discharO'ing .

or a!, · e ar o Bunt, Stabb, :>res on & Co. • - . .

A cargo of . Superior Ne\vcast1e COALS,

Wfuch will be delivered from the shi , c:t ten shilling3 per hogshead.

April 't7, 1816. ./ tf


B Eo leave to inform their friend.CJ and the public in general, that they have

talcen the premis llll ly occupied by-~lr. JonaLhan Parsons, nearly opposite the Go­vernor's.. ·wharf, lo"'er street, corner of Church-hill, where th y have alway. on hand. im'portcd from the fi r t manufactu­rers in Britain, aDd offi~r ~ r ale, on the most reasonable term , th fullowin~ arti­cles. viz.- . GOLD and ilver \>Vnrt:h ~of rhe mo~pr ved

prin~r•H, viz. the 111dmd E, a ement; cluplex dillo I r lt'nt I \ Pr cli1Lo I h 1'i1.0111o l do.

Repl'ater ... horiioncal 11'nn pl in; \·t:'r..-e·\' a chcs nf_ l'\'t ry de rip_ i n; i1111t 11 va rie ty. of Gold \\etch Chaut-.:1 ""I • K ~ , &e. WJth an ex­tf'nsive 1-.~orlment of or her ·.1 ·'.\ • tlcrv

BTl!'ad, Flour, On m al , f'ork, Beef, Ham~, 811Uer, T a., Cotfee,

U(?IT, Molllll~, Brand;, Rum, Holland , Port \Vine :\laclt:'i'ra do. herry do. Ale&: Portl'r, P ie . ~ & Sauce,; , Vinegar,

Anchovies, wirh a e · en~iv o. orhn nt of SH PG ()OS.

(' . .

LL .porsons having any demandd a: JUST "IMP.ORTED ~

MULLOY, of St. Johns, Newfoundlaqd, A F E\ half and qr.-cbe ts Bohea Tc:i, Plante;, dedeased, are hereby requc.ted to Lime in casks. Aricks, furnish the same to ~fr. WALTER \l Av- And a fe.,,,. casks bo\tled P!rter. · L"A T~~1 .qnd · Mr. JA~t~s L Ase, .duly at- W il!iarn B. Thoma9. te!Jted. A.ud a:tl person indebted to the August 17, 1 16. said e.itate, · ar<:·desi red to make im·necii:ttc -------- --payment to them; they- alone .being autho- For Sa/1 by Lli.e subscriber, rized to ellle the said e·tate. · . A quantity of

·M.litv tVluLLov, Adm'rx. Fire--w-oo(l & DunQa!!'e. January ~3f l816. · -.J

• ·- G:3'" Persons ayeeihg for D11nna3e, Ly . JQST IMPO TEB, the e~on , will have it de ivered dry whei1 · Par Brig.~ Brothers, from Po9{e, and called for. G. L1TTtE.

Adven!ure, fro11i L?ndor., _J-:~-ly~·-1 __ 0_,_1_8_1_6_. ---------

An exten i\·e assortment of Briti:>h manu James J ohnston, Cabin r. t-rnake1·, focttire<l Good , con istif'.g f the folio· . .,- ATF.FUL for the many fav or,, conferred ing arti lcs, which \\•.ill be disp ed f by on him· by li i:> friend5, since hi ar-wholesale r retail:- · - - - rival here, hopes, by a steady ancl punr. l11:i l urEnPl~E broad Cloth , \Viits l i~re ma.- at~ntio n to. bu in~3, to rriciit a continn-

;· nUfucture, · - - - ---atro..!1 of thm supp >rt :rod r-~ mmend tion . Black, blu~, grey and oliYe coloured Ker:. lie flus nuw on ltand,

. i;eymere11, half Cloths, .And offer~ for ale, on ren enable tenn3, .A ceneral a1s1rtmcnt of Ca in t Furnilure,--vi:.

And wai t oat P terns of. vcr d.escription. M :ihogany dining, ~rea kfo ::. t anti. card Also, a neat a sortment of Linen Drape- Tables ; mal ogany ancl birch 'h.\li .,,, So­

ry 1-losiery, gcntlemens' fine Hats of tl)e phas, _9,hc.>ts of Drawers, and B steads of best quality, with a variety of other articles. various siz~!! and patterns . •

· John Stentaford. (J::7 Orders punctual'y nt:andc tn, l!nd June ~9, 1816. . ex cuted \"ii th <li ·p:i tch; havin~ nn lion·· 0

large stock of s asone~ wood of al kind:1. J uue 15, 18 16. Just arrived, and for Sale,

Augn t 14, 1816. J tl li!l'S Clift. \ ~ John Pedci11s emuracn11 this oppor-­

tunity of ex pr ing his ar 1ti.t4lde for the Tery lioeral encouragement he has air •ady e~rienced, and hopes from bi · general knowledge of the tch and Cl ck Bu3i­nes.c;, and unvaried attention, to secure a

A HANn OMF. young I10flSE, three and nn half years old, fi t for either

saddle nr bamc~s. For pat"liculars apply

- --- - .- --------- )

W tinkd by IM ub11Crwe>·11, A Store-kee et

. \Vbo can be ell recommended. None other need apply.

Hu111, llEBD & Co. July 31, 1S16 ••


ALL pem>ns havinao demands a."'ainst the estate of Daniernonners, of -VVa­

ti:rfonl, Irelaud, but lato of Port d~ Grave, N-=\vrt>undland, Surgeon, deceased, are re­quested t ' ft1rni11b the saine, duly attested, to. tho 11b3Crihei's ; and :ill person~ indebt­ed to the said estate, are desired to make immediate payment to

'rhomas Ewer, 'l Adm.rs.­Peter ~lac?herson, f

JunP I\>, 1816. tf

NOTICE. A LL peNons wJ10 have claims on the es-tate of Shannan, Livingst,,n & co. of

St. Johns, merchan • insolvent, are re­qneited to exhibit the samtl at th'}olnce of l\-1r. Geo. Lilly, Notary Public; / tQ whom all debts due to the said estate are to be peid. By order of the 1,ru tt.'C ,

at tlii Offit'a. J une 'l6, 18 l G.

continuation of pa fayors. . THOwlAS r•lUH.PHY, of SuTToN's p_,.

• • • \v tclt ' c 11nd lock" of ~ery description ,of.--c.al"Prutly repaired with expedition. • RISlt, in the County of W EX PORO, lnE-

Apnl 20 •. 1816. LAvo, and lat o 't.Johns, 4 ewfound­lanJ., ' 'ailor & Shop-keeper, Deceased . •

1'o nt SOLD OR LET, ALL P<!r3on indebted to the E t .. te of For a term or tenns of year&, the late ab ,.e named Thomas : fur-

Several efi.,.ib!e ph.q, Dece ·eel, are re uesled to 1na.ke l NI-D''; EL LING-HOUSE~. . 'NlEDIATE pnyment to ihc nbscriber, or For particulars apply at 1\Ir. Bnoo:.r's to Mr. JoHN B;ioo:.t, Notary Public, and

Office, Qu n street. to no other P.~rso whatever. . January 6, 1816 JUDI'fH i\IURPHY, i\dmx.

TO BE SOLD, by pricate contract,' '

T HE fo -;i;im le of a new O\VRLL-,. , IN_ ;I-IOU· ', for:. ";lr the property

of u. \. .. 11 u:ock con !!ti . rr of two ten­ements, mc!ut.ii g a Shop. jt~a e in Ducl.­worth-~tr~et, nearly oppo::i e ' Vi tl ia1n Long, mrpen~~ :

A so,-The 1ntere;,t in .a le se of twen y­two years ot a piece of GRO ~D. n~wiy built upon by· l'ii r. i\Ianin Fii~ :rra l i­tu:i te in \V I ef!ro v -street, yieW:;'n

0 a ~ w ..

ly profit rent of ,,€19. · F5'r paiticular ' appiy to

l\f ILLER, FERGUS & C..i. August 10, 1816. tf

· \V. ll. ftO\V _s_t_. _Jo_h_n_s"-, _J_an_._~_s_, __ 1_s_.15-:r. _ ::::::::::..=-' ---·ust atFri ,-pwer b~g Eleanor,

BEGS leave to inform hi · friends and rom ateriord, Thos Meag'l1er & s·.,Ol1S And jor ule bu llLf! subs-;b·r' , the public, that he has ta!Ce!l tbe Store • ' On mode(ate term ,'" • ..

formerly • occupi d by Mr. Boucher; be- Have for Sale, ·At their Stores, · A h , M t ~\!cm l\•l cs. rs. llunt, Stabb, Pre.:;ton ~Co's. On reaso11able ler1R..~, t t e Stoo·es of 1

'· WiJLia1n Hogtm,, and l\1es..rs. Stuarts & Ronnie's, 'vhere he pRI~fE me.5s Pork, firit qlty. Butter, llfaggoU!J-COve, has on sale, 8upadi e Flour, in bis. and f-bls. TrnRT! bags bread, first quality,

A al. l t ·"all A · f Sugar in ho~heads and barrels, 53 tlerces Strangman's Porter, gen.er assor men oJ . rt1c es ._. 3 to 4 tons p;~· checks, wbfcL V.',;ll b"" nece ~ ·ary .r.or t'•e fi,,.L•ry &c Pearl Bari yin kegs· , Oatmeal in k""'~ I')- u. •• "'

;is J' '• " 11" • • • -o .. , sold by the C\Vt. and half-cwt.

Consl.st1'ng of A. fi w puncheons \Vhi key, . • 1 too fiue basket :Salt, Bread, flour, pork, butter, ham,.. (be. t 20 crates well assorted Earthenware, u 1 L"

York), Lines (St. Peter's,'shore and sed), 10 ca ks do. Gfas3ware, 400 arre s ime, 14 {. Bricks, '" May 25, 1816. • . f II ,. . 1 . Sheet Iron, Red and yellow Ochre, !) quarter-cas~sweet teot Viine, --------------- tw1nes o a sorts, capnn seines, lerring Ao a quantity of Shoes.

NO'l'lCE. net., mackarel ditto, hook (hake7 quarter Oak Plank,- l'?ine,Boa;·ds -

Ja1nes Fergus.

rf!E Credito . on th C?-EEtate:-of-Tn<nrAc-r-nnd squid-);-best- small hen Ru3sia d11 ·k.- B st n_!l!oalLeathtlf,_ J _ _ _ Patrick ~-~'~o~uY.H Co. have a ojnted iVlr. nutnber canvas, · cardage~oaku1n, pit ·h Prime leaf ·robacco, • uiy 10, 1816.

SAMl'EL Koucu to collect all debt due to (Stoc nolm), tar 'itto, p111nt, msee 01, oi.p and Candles,


tf •

said estnt , nnd to recover the same by the spirits of rpentine, bolt iron;-iia.il ofalJ A.ad a ~quantity of ~alf cured Fish, which F ·Now LAN"DrNo · · r · · cl' ·11 "'- -0 d b th q · tal ro:n on board the Bri..:antine Chance, best-nossible,1nean, eitlWFoy a course of sizes, iron pots, 1ry1n~ p:ins, grin tri w1 ue Y .c u:n . ..,

r h'd 1 h b ~fi h" H J ()7 • 1 t6 Capt. Hylyer, from Waterford, law or otherwise. Such as are indebted, stones~ 1 e eat er, oots r 10g. c .. .:ian · anuary :.. • · A d fc d W I. h fi d · '' or Sale llu tlie :vlhscriber, • an.! to !!'.OV(lrn thcniselves accordingh·. an el 1ngton), s oes ne an coarse), T E fi J

- J el (b he subscribers e just recei\"ed, IGHTY·T\;;;, rkins pri1ue new· r.rt .J A:o.rEs MAcBRAlRE,~ barv s, tea ohea, souchong and green), 0 Lap fi Ii ll

• 1. • • .-er . win.a-. ropi London, qua ty utter, N.lc ,ror. s GrLt._ Trustees. touacco, ho 1cry, printed cottons, dowla_, -"b · , : ·h· h ~ An t•xrrn. ivc a sorcm nl of • ' IC , with 300 bii~ of fine P :lot PATRICE. oaa1s, _ calico, check, serges, flannela, bl:tnkets, J 11 d n1 ..... BRE \D -o _ . ~·.e er- an i;;..aau;_, •. of formor imr>rtations, ··wiil be

A ne:nst 7, 1. L 6. . slops of all sorts,.bats, - Of th st .1 • • s Id bl ... e G mouern patterns~ cons1shng o on reasonn e termg, · - - And a variety of other articles. · · · F or Sule, by public auction, N. B. Out Harbor order~ .. executed at p he follo~ng artic es, viz. PATRICK MVRRIS.

01i Frida!J the fi1'st Novemier nea-, the shortc,t notice. w· .A'fCHE~ of various descriptions, 1

- August 24, 1 16. ~ At 12 o'clo•·k, At the Merchants~ fi all, Gold V'1 atch ha ins T< BE L . .. J\tay 1s, , 1 s. • > E'r TIIOSE " '.f'Jl known Premi es of the ..I • • Do. Si?ala and Keys, For a term of 4 yea.rs and immeciiate

esto• of Butler & 1'odridge, at Bu· . 'A LL ·persons having demands agains\ Verr e egant, fine, real garnet Ne~i<laces, 'JIO resrion !fi:ven., rio, consistin~ of-a new Dwelling-house - the estate of JouN GERSAND, of .'Vlth bracelets nnd hr.oach&.i to match, ALL that PL TA'rION or Fi hi nnd Shop·, a s. tage, "'125 feet by. 24 feet Aberdeen, Scotland, but late of St. J uhns, Ditto amber and cornehau do. do. in" a·t-t-.l • . -- D'tt !tees d · d ti 1~ , .... wu 10 a con en1~t with two lofts over the ,vhole build- Newfoundland, Coo~r, decea:!ed, pre re- 1 0 ~a . 0 •• 0 • · ne ;o u,. . . of the Harbor of Trinity, late in the · in~; a rook .. room, coopers" sbo~; -frame of quested to furnish the same, duly attested, E"ar aud. fi~ger ~in~, pancy of Joseph B~,rrage d~a:ied., .

· a new St:-ire, bed laid down, 38 feet by 3'2 to the subscribers; and all persons iodebt- ~old and stlver ~bimbles! . pneiDg a ,. ore.- Dwelliog ho~ . ~ feet; Flake11 adequate to cu·re from 3,000. <?d to the said estate, are desired to -make Sil~er table,.taa, desert and cadd1e Spoons, : Cook-room Flakes, nd th ~ · to 4,000 quintals tish ; with sundr·y articles i~mediate payment to . Ditto and. ~rtoise-shell Snuff-boxes, · for the ~ 8 0 ~. avenienC¥ on the premises, which will be enumerated ANA)lTASIA G.ta k:Admx. Wi~ ~ \fariety of Jewellery of all des- ' Further ~calnJ known 011 ~· p more particularly, in ~andbills, !O{l'le time . JAMES FERGUS, t criptloDS: tion to • DoaELL, • ·: . J>~ 1

before the sale. . . D•v10 TAsKEa, 5 A r3• Perkins & Winter. May~, 1816. Augus~ 31, 1816. July 13, 1816~ Tri

• l

' • ,




Page 2: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/NewfoundlandMercantileJournal18160918no110.pdfber 0, 'I BE LET, ~ •oriuch urmO/ 9tars tl8 1114!} be agreed•n, wo HOU ES io Quce'n-street,


F'oa CBAaT~ • .

The Brig A I~LISO .. : · Will earry about ~ •• oo qtls.

~fish ; is · well u,laple<l for a ,fish cargo, and .ready to take on lm.1rd i~­

~-;:,;,;;;i,:;,_.,,~ .. -'" •• ,. ml'diatt.tly, or proceed to nn Ont Port 1f requited. For particUtars npJlf y to ·

· Ru-wr, 8'rA.ao,· Pat:sTO:!f & Co. Sept. 14, 1816~

-• T.Q BE SOLD, ii1tnucl;utcl9. r nnotl1er· ~> ditio!l of 5,000- men · oga~t 4in~toned PIANO-FOR.1 E, her ultra-1r!lrine pr \'1nct>,;, Jtv\,· fast a

By Brond\\·ood ; pro:ic!iing tbe e. tuinm ut of the g:-c<tl 0

J>rice Tltirl!J Guineas. ject f r w rich they have been fig1 ~;ng d . ~ Enquire at this Office. inti n per:od of so\·en r~ur.:1 .

· . SepL 7, 1816.

·-For S:ile, By .public A.llctien, 0:1 i.~nrD~4Y the -.Wtl& instant,

A LL Ril'horJ Palmer's right, titio n11cl interest in tho~e vulnnble PRE~I I-·

IIC;ll_i\~L F,AR I EL!~· ~ES, late in his occ11pnncy, of wl i ·h Of. l. Joh~s. J\· e~fuundlancl, Ta.1~~or., .J.w.el.\'I •enrs are yet 1111cxpiccd.. - - -

':VHERl!.AS l\lil'ml .Farrell,?; Saint 'fhesc Pren1i ·~ having lately undergone l Johns, NPwfoundland, l ;iylor, n thorouah repair, 'tllld bcinn- in n centrnl

Wa$, on 'the 13th ~Ia.:• ,. \V pu: t. cl clare<l part of :he Harbor, nf we11°calcubtcd {0.

It oppears tl1at of the five \·~~cl so . tiine sinc.e seize\l on by the 'fuui_?ian 1ru1' nc> rs "ho sailed in •th 111 on n sort of· dependent piratical <'x pccli1ion three ha been cnptnr J hy a 'fut~i:h -sqna<l ro:1. o a fourth by :u~ E.ugli h fri0 • • • • 0 1:y

...bJ:i;, t.h.ercfur rcn1~inctl I 1-:te-!'jrute.r. ,

in:oh·ent by t ~--~·ourt_, in pi::··u- Ml"' :d.ensi.vc..Mc!rcau ii tnbr litJ1cnl once of tlu.' st . o th: Cl.L'O. 3 ; -~nrl ~rhe.l.,rcnnse · 1nuy h~ ~iewed

The Captain of the C rtl1[1genn pri tc r, lately taken inlo N w O d e' n · by t!

11ite tat~ hrig HE>~pt! r, wit h 4- ,O· dollars on beard, 1t11!i bt:, 1_ti:i fur piri1


whereas {he .nnder'-1gned h:n•e b en appoi nt-.. ' ... .

sell the efft>Ctli of tht> aid i\I icha l Fnrrell, fi r the general hrnefit cf hi~ crecl't rs--· All penionc: who nre indebted to the said

· i\.lic·hnt!l l•'arr ti, or \vho h11\·c i~ hie:. her, .or their po!' e!li1io~, :iny of the said licbal'I "Farrell's .,.J?C,>ct-, otrc h rcby requ· I not to­pny or d<.>liver the same to :i11y thar per­F.'>n than the ti·ustees or tJ1 Pir rtg_ent, and "'i\'e notice to tht.·m, or either of them .with­out ddny.

Rn·Wi\RD n,,~ . }{OBERT llROW~,

~foy l , l 16. ~ ~....,. ... __ _


T IJE tn1st es to th" l':ilate of I\f.il'hnel l•'nrn·ll~ cf t. Ji>hns, Newfo11ndla11d. 0

Bm. & J or taylor, in olvc t, lun·e nppointed l\ilr. GPO. P ~'E 0

3"• "· ,,, I ! .. illy, ,:>larv Pu bli ·, h.> he thei r aaent nnd ARDR DULLSY OB '-~ vO. • _.,_ I ·

<iP.i• ~: ,, a; ' ' j attorhE'Y, nud to r ~!iBCl all rmniers re. at1ve

l ___ . ____ TJIB BRIG

r a JI ) f E c :s, ' Vi Ii. err, m:ister,

mitten J1:Br ~ter lOtJQns. Jr'or p:ir-ticulars apply to • . .

IlusTF.as & Co. ,Tu l 31, 1816.

· The fine, Briti:1h h11i1l Brig GOOD I ?\TENT,

'Fhomas Fox. master;

then~to. A 111 er:on<i inclrbted to tluf !'aid ~tnfe.

nru hi':'t>by · re-qu-in-d to m. kC' im1neclinte pnvn~eFl thc>rC'of to the s\1b~criber; 0r, in <':i~e of default, p1oces for reco,·enng tht" t=ame will be for1hwith in. titutl'd ngain l Owm. GEo. L1LLY Ag •nt.

:'\tay l , lS16.

N Ol'I '.E is. h r.cby "in•n, hy J A~tE CoN:s i::t.r., of ·arboneur. that no per­

aon or p r ·ons :-;hall er .. llit..ar lrnrh(lur l\1 -nv Co~~·EtL, the wife of J Im . '011 n<'ll.­fron1 the onfc hereof; otherwi" thf'y lihnll su:.tain the 1 i;s. - -

C::n·bone:rr, .T 1ly 3 l, 1. 16.- -- =

aud ac uifted. ... · -

'' c I .un that. the fie • of tl e two ri. c!iie l ~ of St: Don1ingo, P ti on 'nud Cl1r· topl e1 are:·at ea in ·,;, rc-h or ei cl otl el'.

'ro h~ old, by publ ic A ttC'lion, 1'ho F ench pap r~ I n\· for ·ome tin: On rv ED;\. E. f) ,,f 1' the '25th i1isla11t, post almost f<'g1flarl y put 101 th . Qlll l:t t i~

Pr,•ci clv- ul l-1 o'clqck, - r oth r, a ildi tul 'd hy u ·ort ll· 'j ulvU:1 At !lfr. 1'V1n. lle:t' F1n·111, of our intemil"d c111 rrri again '. Ale it>'

In Jots 10 . uit the purcha.s rs_, ow 1h~y t II ll ll t! at the P.or · will i uh

T EN ton of lll1y, ler. by 11 1nedi:tlio11 i11 1 der h.l tu k~ Int I IO do. O:;t· in. Stnnv, ----i cH\' 1nds t!te d, :,ti. r-nrc.m t~ f>f if3 vus~

St>verul aC'l'<' crot><l -1\Jter·f;~as,_. • tuc Burbury 1 at1~ .--'.!'It ~:; ·might pro-vc a Se\·er:il lors Par. nip • 1lto Celery. ~,vk.wnrJ kind < r i 1t l'r·po'4i \ion, l 11 t i re.

Ditto Cabhag , ditto 'l'urnips, 11 i•i11s t ~he ~~uhli. hed tha t there is un· Ditto Potatovs, /~ ui-11 in~11tio11. ll is u w :11 hnown tr.ck

,?.O 1·urkie·, J 2 Gee e,- ,fl the pn L f th · ,u·i ia.n, p1· · . to fobri.. :m-Tit!. . nrrdry h f n rl~~~".·.------- Ci te :1r(rlc pr lJ n cu to ~ \\ r : ~~e!l rro · fi:$'" Conditions·.,vill be nrnde-lmowo at J ifft.rr Il l q_uart rs, a1Hl tht! c· ntinual r. 1the time , f sale. ·urre11 c:e in th pi! agrRphs r"· ll' ting t~

~ept l-:1 1Sl6. · ! l3arba11 , Lau·~ ,(' ti e inP.i1 1 · };l'r 1~ ~~~~33!!!1i tind th rf'Sf .;t 1 ai I tv li' ·t• t1ch 111eu, prow~

LONDON, A uousT 13. tliut tl1ere i · 1111 dl of rl1 is "l'" ·it . · coin~0 in ·ir-:ub tion. '

.f:-. Ol ~T- J r.. .J·1f t ns our p:t p •r wac; " in;: to ftC"!, 'l't .i ' -t l th "' FrC'll ·h .J nri - !; f nnduv.

(;01 nt Vr 11 t D'l•:11 .11 ha;; lw1•a a.c"_j•Jtl • ·d guilty, 1u:r ·c.1tlumt-:1;.i , of 'l .. •h '"1ea:~n.

_unc :!.ClllClt l ' '.to \ht> p·ii n f U •ut. •

'fill arry 4.500 quintals fish. Apply to . the ma tt"r on board, or to

. PAllKBR, B~LEr, Joa & Co. j An~st 31, J, 16. ·


For Fa~JGHT or CH RTF.R,

To Spaf 11, Porlugsl. or any Pert tl1e ..;,,.e-igltts,

wit hill

HE oubocri!>er will •oJ~tal>IO · for anrDeb~ contra- r 1J, •· aew

tr.the Brig, &aver,-und4'r 'bfl !lD'C\ . . · Wn.r.i•• FoauST;

Sept. 11, 1816. •


Page 3: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/NewfoundlandMercantileJournal18160918no110.pdfber 0, 'I BE LET, ~ •oriuch urmO/ 9tars tl8 1114!} be agreed•n, wo HOU ES io Quce'n-street,

-~ -

'.! 1 o n :1 g co;r11Laucc ' · · o • • - · rt "'.~ a• Y ; JU!!t.y, s lw·t the lo:.; ·:in 01;: S~i"rt . ·_. ' d < r. and p•it:i,.l!;n~ the infrnrti(\IJ of lrP:tti(':; a exposed '1o_r ale on the I a cl.:ur <rud d o;\! ill\'t!.'i t ;,~., : ..,n O!l (J~l'Ya, if

t.<-l ·='Wi'th thP n .. •f'!l('if'~. 0 11 '"" '!'"OllOcl nf their I dav of la t, _ (' n. 13hng of . r gnirr:l. .. ooing th Va!l:!al<; of the Port<>: h11 t it i'l nuu "!lEr.s' bed r l)UU Carpe: ' 'l'he lo!lowing form i~ to bf' o')_;cn· ti:-·- ..

·~::;:\:-1 .,.-v; t•rv <loubtftil, that F.•1ro .. ,. will aerrpt :i '; . -· loor ditlp, bt'd- ·idc• .iHo, the su 1~re r'J ·W :;c, age. o ·cup .. t' 1. p:'. t:c ufldt nt t!iP. '<'cr-.'r'i .1n , hi:-h tho Porte Tle~ r h Uqg·, tt•a T ray', tl:!u Ci: s1s, of n•s;·Je:i<: ; \\ h:Jfl.t'r rnu rr't. ..• or . :11:;! ;

mny <.'bOO!I;• fn inflil't on Chr• Jl!';"-l'.1(': "· }j'o l cl'n~ lipper .' tool,;, . the I Ull b.:r 0 C'h itdr 'II ~ UC :·!1t> ' \\ h "! ,o..'

tTl1ere is rL":t~on to hrPr1•1•, th1 111 • ' 1nr>- 'fray-: ant~ :ind ·rrny ' \ 'i>. rdro ~ <>. t~1e pro pi: iy wa · wh:-:1 <'on,,-u • .. ,,I : d1 t ~~~~~r-~l ricnns i!l Jl:1rli ·1;). r " ':II l c ,·ery <llffi1·:: lt. Pt· 1 hr l<e, dinner :ind occc:::'.on:! l 'rabl ' i: c n· i ~! ed o ; u ' " l..h' t' ,;, how !en"" 1 .1. ;.

i~~~~~-~~l:: qn . tbP f;1llljt'('\ of ('rmrrn ··11ipn: and tl1:11 - ~"ht>t l ~f Dra\~~lrs. ~- ·~rn . d' w1n1"t in fe r~ ·t th!.' ~ifii r.·r ha . a l 11 • ti1n . or their sq11adro11 ""'II 1\(11 m 11 l;r- n u ~elC..;:; rru- ; :me- TClft'Onr \. . Tm . ~· ~. uo, the l t' j I(; ;t . : . 1 t:~i r la ll 'I r . n. I .:;.' : f a

~=F'Mciilt;nnce ill the ::\ft•tHit•r! a1; nn. . .\ quunth . ar:~i o~ P·nr r, lltl ril . l . - IH t pron · rflj 1l U! i:ii n:" rt Il l

- muhogany .'ideh .i rd , hi. ii l! . e:>t · \\ h 1her t' r" •rietor vr le:.'!' i: of PARJ!I. Auo. fl~--The Pl Hnnlh rnp"~.1 ~ do. four-post llecl::itc:td.s and '1orin tb "TOl.! Od Oll \\'h i +1·t1 r: uu i ld i 11~ l>:l r .I ' if

Barrt>re ha. ll"nfn r.ppPA.rf'u. I-Ii~ co • 1''1 r11it1 re. lens _ , 1.-0111 ,, hom, :: t..! \\ . :: l rcr. t ,\:a it leagiu~. BilJ:!ud \rart'Oflt'". In~ n'.-o nnf'ear- A.t the $'11ne. tinte a11d 11foce su j ect to. l'h~ \\ n to ::·1 y "l. t 1l11•y e<l nrtrr 11 lo:l;: n;,~,..nre. 1 I "n..; t ·nn - \V.j~ h oE.>1 J for ''c, ltuv-1: a r end~~ t \' t f .. - .. u ,crij'TI 1' rte•I tr ('n}l't'll(> 11" In I'~ Anihrnr~·rlia- 'l'!l.f 11Jldtr 111enti'o ned 1·1·tic'1:;> :- in t it ' ~ 1.,:und. ann "\a•:i r~ r t \\":!:! i.1 :ir•

j l··ml' •l \fllS offi ginn <:o!oo.,., to wholP ht> h111J ~i·· ! •n thP ·a- ·3 h:i r-; !'l<rp , 4 Cn"' l'i?. Bo t!.I; 11.l 1n p:., . :\l ud 1 \ I i:I d ~ > .·l 01 tlic c<.1rrect.1 · of l;:.r~·.;d ~ p-.or t~-.Uow clia~ ~ lth 1naku1g I v<>re,:t fo,v~: If j., fir ~ <'111 e \\a,; to " in- 5 n i1•1·e.; (~ lot h, 2 r Ht · \'.: ._. hl. ordag<:, the st:11 n c1.:._t r.'' 11 i ·l'd. )lCJlt ·t>:i.- . iia as lomu-d hv F.11rt'•lt!i.111<1, of'' +:il<-~td h1• .. nn1P. -li, b01'·' ~.u rJ ·e. . 10 tlo. C tClL ·, . . \ : .• J: ~ rnrm .n. J:J1i! .. too for ~ling a phinlt offered me of l1iit fri1•11(!.: Fo11d1 • ne;> I. .:u d ( ~ r:int. I .1 ·20 o ~ t ao1z 8alt, _ . ._ .,pt. l R, 18 l J. tf

6n ' It '·n nnt ";1h1111t a ~ to11i11hn'Pt1t tliat he .~ •' l. t · •e.1tl r ff at~ . 6 J oz. , oyeau,

J , I

0r..USSELll, J\UrT. 5 -. om i •y wrote fro1n Fr 1.· • va ral olcl ic:wra\s who hnJser hm

0b all tlu• re-

vo!iit:ounrv \\"ars, Ii 1' l'1; n consult1>d J'e'4jlt'<'lin;.t· the bet 11le111 F re~ivin~ t\·arlike spil'IWn the ar1ny, have reconun1·u­t{ed as the f>e.ct 10 an.i mo ition or

l1Pr, 89 fur(.> nmpl 10 t n· in ... o, and to give the trot>pll tho:ro cneml in "·hoin tJ1Py hn\1' for many year plar.fHl (.'OUfitlerU"e,

'Ve now learn fro1n Li te that be:iide~ t.he rt>eruitin,,. lor the !'tar.ding nnny. a1~~re­,·ially for the roy11l gu:n .l. a l Hrtit"::lnr bu-· rt?n11 i-1 o oen<ad tu t>1trol rr<"nn1 f1lr t:ll' c1 .. Joni • 'l'hc r1·~11u•11tll or G11u1ln!o111•c un~t l\I u·tinit 1ie are to h n ~s C(J nril1•kd ; nnd *"Pl~ lw;1n 'to talk t~t>•wra!l. ·.of tlw ~1'1ip-

11 <':lt of an e'(•1<'1.li1ion to.St. J), 1riin !'>. iw which tnacy cltl soldi~l'll \VOtilJ g: ~J;y (."II· g·1gt>.

'l'iic ftu<1,..fart.t'C\rp3 tt:1,~Pr (~,•lll"'<•l C, llllt

'" or;.:; :1£0\\', \vi:o tt h"atl-r1uar•• · 1~ r1•m1ti.n ·r.• ta:r.'.y nt l\l:n1h "'''" t'i ft.> h·• entin,!y nc~v ciolbe<l. ,,. e h 1,1• tl.nt ~ ;rrl!'lt par! or what i: rtqui!'Jil.? for· thi'l purpv:1e \\ ;ir 1't? Lr:i "shed by tluse 1·ro\•im.·1•:i.

l1•11M t tlmt thc•P snns r11/IJl!e.~ wPr.r C'ou"t>:, (i_ l"ll"' ·s.Alt•. 1-0 lb. l•eathen, Duke·. ( 'or<lono;. ~nd 'l'r~nsu11"r$; tha1 iht>v ' 'i I ott !e:> Ph:klc', ....,... hnd not ~11rn•nclt1red tltr ~·' cf whirh 11 :-'t· 1! r am-: wra . pi 11~ P :i :i€'-r, hHd 11· 1'1·•1, nor utourd fo ~ 1h1• 610011 v. hi1 h 7 pirw:. Frrnch nnd 'punish 'Vine:;. tl11·v hnd s!il'<l; nn1l that thev w11ll e>d on ~''l t. 18, I. ' 16. th<>. t>ar1h s1·1intlalir.i .1~ th ·ir ttnod lt t k. l:v -------------.:.--__,,,.....,_ lll!\1 ii:~. thPv \\'f"" prt iu·rihf'd 'fo1· tl1e (.'111uie T JI I ·S D Y .. r;f _1.;h .. ,.1!i!-1'hi'l 110!: rtun~te plr11<ao q' At 12 o'ch,ck. • On the Pr mi,·e:s, madl• ~ha L1· •islator of C'ui:rc: mile tor tl e 1Vill be 8oltl, by /Jue i1


oz~. tt_11,_11,..J .1~.1:·-~-..... ._ ...... _....,_ ___ , rinHE inten• t in a plot 6f GHOUXD,

1 ~ (' · - -· - · ·n--- · -,- 11 . situate on the south :ido of Gow r-

HA ·r lff1\·e ju ~ 1e,.ein:> I, .

B.11 t-l1e Ann, Cupt. Pl. illip: , / t om f.ondr1•i~ .,

S. 0. 'II _ • 'I •\' il ll k'..')', ' ngo nn l3ohe11 rf'trn, in qr. -che l:; UllU OXl!31

200 bags finerHis u: r, 100 I-': .: f- l~u ·,en Otk k, 1\nd f!O ca~! o ~lo us«N ;

\Vhich they ,. i I ·d i 0:1 \ ry rr. • .!c.. ·t:·· term~. - - - - - -. Srpt. 18, 181 G.

._ {l \ • TIT'"~ JOl, ·. :\ '· : 1r Pl, oppo.:itE> 1he ~r<'. idence of 1\.lr . .Jo. \\'n,·F.•tl.\Y, f'FPTEunr~fj· l ~~ lll. !' •1•h b "ll, IK.>ld by 1\lr. JoJ111 P.ml un- cr --

Hi~ F.xN•llPnc\· rhk~-;;.'r .• ;:-~ 111,,9 '"' 1-t-~st• from \\1 r. J 01.1epl1 Butl, for th~ un<'x­'" Al•I "'"' thP r.,:1tl\\ in•t G .. nl •i>f ""'• , ... i-•nu.. .. ptrC' I t lfl'TrOf 17 yrar.- ' •'rom lht> 20.lr ()c-

r• .1 . . .. ~ ... . ' . .,

fnr o.; .. f .. land, "t• 1'··111 •Hl i ·n ";"~. &1 .. ~r.: 1111 .-I t .brr next, su~it·ct .to the annual r .nl of thP n•11nl ••h· ,.r ,,ffirc hn• " l>t't'n rt'•pt• ·1i·1el: .'~6. to_,,t ther with ;he Fl'<ime o.f a House atlr.1ini 1c1cd 11r•o 1!11•111 : -- t

1•1,.,ro,., ('rotP, F-'l· n<' W c>rC' ,.ed thert10n, adme:i5tll ing 3!J f .. ·t•t Suprrme Surrflgatr:, ('ler : n/ flu: Arroi;11; , and ! by 17. und 15 foet 11 prior t: al o:3 pannel

f'uitn~ liutu!orum. Doors, 5 Ooor-.i:1n1s. a11d fl\ indow li'rnm 0 s ,J r.Jin rlre1111n, F.~ri. · J -1111,.. 1,1:1.-i.-. r.:.11• ar. <l Sm:lu~· , \\;th ! lig! Li suited to l le

. f);t, !r1 fl•H• lawi1 E·q. i!Ui I 11011 ·-.. .I 1m1· Much.-:l;rP: E-o. 'i f,p Gr uncl mPasun in front About

,.. ( ,' . •1 1 t; ~; ' c_: rr v p, n \\'i••lnn '- \'l 'Cr . II',; 1· ·f>.J foot, anJ frotn f~ont 10 fti3r ah llt 35 ft. •


' . '

4 .a r"

{ .. ,. ,. () • • i..: . •

" I

• .'i1l}111i:Hll1rl•\\'011hl3tl' •( i . ,f::.,~. T rAP ''"\ I • I •

J11,,:;,.,., of tl1c P.-arf' Ji1r lite ni-frir t nf St .. Tc.Ira , J \ ',ff>S 1

I lDtS, Auctioneer. J l J. -«=> 11 • ' -'· 1:1 ·111.; h en r"c::mt-and ttlrtll for tire 1 lmm.qml ,, ntTT~mf., I • . ---- ... rt:- 1 ~ 1 16:- - - - • ly-npprr.... . _. ., e la •:1 -: l !I "\. l :i

p.,, id 11 .. rhiiu, F.•'l· C· r>'· H. ~I.!=;, p ;1;,. " ' "' town of grpi!t r : · : t·.·r ' ;v 'Y• t. ;.• h t \' !: · l J»lll<'- R·c:harti Oacr<'"'. F.• • c np1. f~. i\l. ~. Tih<'~. I On S .1Tt"RD.J.Y ne.rl llie 'llsl im;tanl: b~en i11for~1wJ o! 1· Ll'! •1_· e1j : , 1 1~ 1ph t • •• IJy Jame- J .>hu G rd II liriun" r, uq. Capt. If. M. ~. 1" J\t 12 o'cl c·k, On the \Vhari of h110 spe lil y tH (ol" )& f j 1ronl dm- " illC:c : r

J I .~~;1'11:~ . ,.. • 11 l\f ~ Fl, j · llu1·t RtJbinsvn 8,- Co. { H allfa.·, there to op!'n a St'lhJt' . · 1.1' r · ri» -,.' & r\\ ' r·"'l· ' apt. . . . . ' - ,... b d h ' I r A . "- . II I I h

.lu~t:ci:s oftl.c Peat:c, a1ul.'11r1 .>gatc~foi theJ;;!and, , II e _?l '. y pu l.IC uchon. pecl1u y >i:~ c YI! t,1 11 0: .. :1 t 1 <> 1'1 , ;, . 1l. ·1 - &c .• ·c. I s n.vEN'J:Y ,pipes wd hogsheads ef to_ the ll~lll~erous. llJ) I hto ~ ' y ll' pee' .. :.:?

C':i.talonia 'Vwe, fr iends ot h1 .. ~enun·.ry, tl: ·1t, nL p·i.>. •111, I e_ , . .. ,tf>r·l:w r.f'er• oc-n the Fo mdation of 1he Nio'v And coili: of nc>\ Corda" : entertains no su<'h ide.1: aP J : ' !:: , 1 h . di l

BRt>~St>: L<>. Aua. 7 .-L:•ttr~ f.0111 ~IJ~l- l\tetlr"• :,, Chllpl'I iu th'a Town,""" " laid by the Jlnyable i) mc-r ·hn~t~ ! ... ~ish. intl>11ti 10 qa :t St. John • he (' ')•tc,i c l.e h Hf'\", \V. F.i' i... A nnmerott" ontl re•pert11b 1c•r.om-~ay of. the day b fore }'C:\ter,l:1y ·t>nlain ponv 8._ ri::ih•ed 011 ihe ~ 1 ,0 1 1,. wiini>sc this in- • • AL c; o, .,houl 1 he' \·ery de11t·ic.1t bc1:1 in 1 "'I f'1•1 1111J

tit~ follnw1ng to1eme:1t :-" 'l'he l'ri•1ce of t'rt·-1i111t '"Pl'C'ln<::e. Thr 1ethori i ~ t mini.·t~r~ pre- 'I 'lO bc.rrel. P erk, -10 firkin Bult!'r, I orutitudl' t) tho!'C lat!!,•:1 an.: !)f'0:. ~ .1 .c I, ,\-Jterioo is e"tr··cted 111.!re in n fow dav-> to .. ,,"!· en~a t-Pd iu pr3y r; nud th<> R .. , .. '1. Cul>it, 1 pipe Brandv, '20 C'l.l k' Ham3,

11 who~r l:':lJlc•tion and sup

11ort i•e luu, ftJr t , :!

~ l .... h· ·1· I f I • r .1 .. -,Prt>d 811 11 1ldrl',~ f.•undt>d do E:trt\ 31 Chap1 A d ,, . - h . . . I t ti J'b I • I e.,um~ t !t' ~ II' COlnln'!lll 0 t l - nny 0. 1hr lall l' f p:irt (lf 1hl! I I th \'Pt ·e; b r iPRv t l r .. rrioi:: l • nrious ot er :l~ll' E' • ~ • at1 lrt"C Y•'ll . so I •ra • .I' f>l~I ·yt·t. \\'o'.' [ i.} •

.:.!U;r tio • lJi3 prP. ence he~c ha.• he- to I he nJ,·n' ll !"N Tl'l'll ~ inir ht>lh 10 iocti1•t rlu.1li: and ~ G ~o. LILL\". A!lc!torrecr. he to omit giving them t!t11~r y uotic.:: 0r u:h ome.mc,re or le.::-; necelt:.ary. It !il"'lll>; t I.ti ~oriCJ\., from the ercrt lnn or plnrl'• ft>r J'l;vine <:' .,n• J.S s l6 . - - :in intcntin:t. Au . omi~ion of trtis . art

·°'""'-t..•:=:-rt,:-::T"7r.:'"""""-"''1 ~ - · ' 111 ti CO • . J ::> ll I! fua 0 lllflamc'ieo- - \V·or,fup.- , f' op e 111 1

If' we l(llO\'.'f W - --- · ~ -mit;h~ <>J~C-lll!:tinst- tht'!r SCC1Jl'JngTa •J fr. -. l' o 1c n 1e . , nn so .• o l 'l, w r 11 0 1 p:-r- ROI' ER•· 1' NEVJ""'.· · ·~ 1 • r 1 • h'I J • 1:. 1 ol I' ' m11! s, .as WE' !IT t le to,vn: -Ui:. Ill 1 10 mi"t the 1' o"l>rl,,r.; of thr propo•e.-1 rn~ fi c to h11Ve ~ > ~,.. v I ('I '" · 1or t.lt'lr c l ( ren 1n (i:o~c :('~ll) s w 1•cb .

~11 ntry, e:;pc ·ially 11 ~11i11:..at tl.e H r"t'sh to cnrpp 11in, 111111 1h"Y l> •!l\n' to hnil d b•1t w 1~ n t 11 .\S FOR SALi'". • th·~· :nost appro\·e ·; lac l1lt'r1 lore a~ .. ur-..a r op ; and. it .is to tbe.•e c:·iminal l!Oclca- aul,. •o li 11 i ~h. If th \' ni>Pd pt-c nien· a i:i, 0•1T At lite .')lo;·e: nJ !1of r. Pat1·icl.: Do~. :&, t!;l?m that it shall be n. t r.are1ul iy Avo.cl •t1• Ot, tlTat t e q rnrr Is ar~ a::: t•ri ed which !\(>Wll'c\ift• of th .. r(·.:p"C ll t•'e commtiniiy t'll' t i(, B iEA f:)_ .. 101ir. O:it1ne:cl, 'J'. ; {. ovajls hhnself of thi.; or1-ort111 .i1v

T 1 •11 will J•'lt 11-imiJ JI ~I 1b h11 t I t e :-:r'/d! :.i ~t- h' · ave \'~ry. frequently ltap!'ened in s me anc~ in. their power 1Yill hf' alforifad. p rk in barrd and half-b'lrrd.;, to exprei.~ 18 most g:;atcful nc 0 1)\\ !1 d"'-l~ces. As the lfieltl J\;la~hnl m11k s 1i .,....,.._,.. -+J'J"j• : lln1r,r. . Il11Uer, l st and ~d onalitv, ·mentti to hi kh:d beuefur:or:j for tl1c n1a~y r-00psohserve--tbestnct.est di--ipline .• and CUSTf1; f-Tf.OO S E. lld·.P rt,'\7ine in -onst>~, C~talo.:;inc!'iuo, forotJr11 hitherto e'.':p~ri·nt:rd, ho ·i11

0 tl.e

a:; t rhe ·malle,, • truns..., .... re. ion \'er13Jy i:~-i:&nf:o. . ale . · 1 Oil, ..Rutn, SW1;nr and :,Jol.-~s s, Di\"ne Beiae"- ·u ~ttt~nuc to h·r :; ,:; h;m -1'1 :P }.6, p,.:!!-Comm r<ie, . orhm1c , • :1 · • .. .. um " · , h~ can n ::>o on t l P. t>t pr inn l- f!" ; run) t\itd rnolas•tt .. , ·Bria A 11, Kt'll v, Ll1•er- at1:.skins ;'&c ·c.f. wi~b· such 11eJltl1 and :-treng!h, as wi!I na-

·u. tly de1 ,a-!'..i 1 that uch of-the ifrhab't:ints pool; aoal, ,.: r•ii•, h~u11, pork, .~. ~dir. -J ai1 , All of \V irh., Ji\ w::r di. pose of on t!1c l.Jle l1im to aUcnd to the du•:rt.; of his ur<lu-.s trouhlt? t!le publi"c tranqullity shJll IJe 0 1 in". P. E. lilan!l: c'.· 111t: 11nd .Ah""Jl· 17.- 1nosL reb.3onahle term,_ to wholesale rur- ous·profe~ition ip a in, ••• er benef:ci" ' tn 1!te.

d . ,, ~ .. hr nn, P !1iil ;:i1, f-<'n1ll'111 llreil<f, Ru · ia lint•n, I · d b' rtas!e and p nl ::l hed. • • lolat'I ~,coffee anrl 4.000 dt1llars, CJ &SCr3 . yout 1 Ct\IDITII(\ ' to I i'1'fC, aUJ Silli: ; ._

- ___... c-1. !: Ti t·r> • . · · . tory lo tl se ' b\l may IJe pic-ctSt?d to e:n1-CtvJTA V11.ccnr .t, .J u r.v 2 t.-It WM to St! '· . 14. - Briganti_) t' Gw.r•hntou;rh. rerri"• A TOnJtKJ-.:F.PER, ploy him.

1'!1 :<pe.cted th t tt1e Sublirne . Pono would Sydn:•y : h'l l a • · • •11• : L~i~·1 i.nir. Hill, i .e!!- '\VI o <'< p1·on• 1r~· th<' nt>c:~.· nry tr- 1i1nc· · lie \\Ou)d itb flineh def Pre e, obst-n·~

• AA' 1 • \ r · d ' !d . t>\\'t11, Ll\•c rJ>ooi , ( '. .) • ··e75 qTlii. c cl fi4h, I J '.lt see wi th ·pie ure .E ur nean forct", I h<>n .: >?,ff!><' q

1"· 0

fi Ii . . · ltlOp ·J ho IV J"!' ''. nin •• v,ill hear o a situat ion by nppl) ii1g 1h:!l .a few wooks 1.atit-e. prior JO nu~· ri . r._..,.c;:i .agninst ! .ne.a. an wou not wa.1t · 17. -· Br an1i1 •' l:l rcuit', Tn.rnl.>11 11 , R•1rh<?l111r1n: n~ . :i lO .'?: p:r ' b~ing ~O\'~ r Ill bi .tO anotl.t

mtll th~ Engli:;b, Neapolitffe·1, :tnd othf'r · 1Jnlla··1. Bril{· ~·in hall, Cr~ws, ~li ·a111 •. 2,0flO • pt. 18, 1816. school, w uld very c:k>$irnhl !4, by t."faa ' •~ts a;nved to blockade and bombarJ. the '111•. cnrl li-h. • ' orts of t~e Regonaies, before iuterp ing ~~~~~ r mediabon in this wAr. W .ANTED: .. Franco already resUlnes her happv in- For th ·fintt c n

uence over the Divan. Tbe lollowi.1.; no- . .TAt1 A ·LBJ

.ce has bgen published: .. i,•bola11 ~oward, master, 'AFJGATION o'~ THE MEDTTB,R,R&>•s.1 N. I · · ,!K)J qniutal Fish 011 li'reighr. . ''....The Consul-General of France at 'l'u- : F.or pan.cu urs apply fa , · · · lS makes known, this 13th or J11ly th ..<t T110M.\S Row; Su.urlt Sidt.

Capt~in Pac~a'3- squadron, fi~e sail of ! Se 18, 1816. "tf ·• '

• ; t I

Tiu: sub ~criber l.11.~.fo

T HREE tons of Corda·ge, on ieaso:i-nble terms. · ~

- Also, to l.et, A new D\\·r:LtrN1-llot:sE,

20, with. an oven in it. • For. ~tic,ulur3 aprly to •

°" John Sncllpmt. Sept 18, 1St6. .





Page 4: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/NewfoundlandMercantileJournal18160918no110.pdfber 0, 'I BE LET, ~ •oriuch urmO/ 9tars tl8 1114!} be agreed•n, wo HOU ES io Quce'n-street,




( •

ALL penon* ha1ing dllllands apinst MR. CAR'IUNGTON begs leeTe to retura the e of Joa. AY JC, . of {re- his l'incere thanks to his frit!nds and

land, but late or Barbar Once, ewfound· th., puolic in general, for their succ f ul land, Surpon, de are requested to exertions in presen·ing the Parsonage from furnish the eune duly atleltM, to the sub- the dreadful conflagration, which destroyed.. scriber ; and all penons indebted to the the Church, on the night of the ~ th in t. said fltate, are cltlirecl to mu• immediate ft[r. c. forbeprs mentioning names, lest payment to . ;.n tbu conf u!lio · nciden on such an.oc a-

E.,ttABftR MAY It, Admx. sion he !!hould omit any still he fet!ls.it his llarbor Grate, Aug. 19, 1816. duty to express his grat1 nde to the ~v.

Mr. Ewer and the Rev. Mr .. Hcrr90, for Just arriftd from \V erford. their un\\·earied and kind assistance, during

And for S3t~, By the thsc~bt!r, the whole of the awful scehe. _' · • On the most moderate terms, Hnrbor Grace, Aug. 29, 1816.

.At tlie up]J!r ·tore• of l\Ir. Patrick·Afo.m..;,;:.'a:.?.' -r---------------

]\·J EAD in tierces, of n superj.or·qu 1ty, D v_ f f Butter do. Straogn1an'sPortcrin t~. READFUL~RE • • . .

'l\leR:s' fine and strong Shoes, Feather Beds, &c.

Patrick \Varren. .Tune 8, 1816. ..

.Tli sub! ribers ha\•e reccive<l Per B1ig Uiuisa and l10011er ,_,Iu.i.:kare1,

From Bermuda, ' Jl?L icl, tl1cy o.ff;r.for sale, on nioderolt te1·n_1s,_

M OLASSES, Sugnr, Coffi of superior q'uality, • T avy Brend, Crackers, su­

perfine States' Flo\lr, 'fobar.co and Tar. TltEY UAVB AL 0 FOR SALE,

Of fot'Jlttr imporlations, R11m, a tuw cru e$ L Toyeau, l.f11deira

P ort, Lit4bon :ind Cla11t \Vine of !mperior quality, Engli. h Bef.r and Cider, English Oat., P(':ise. Pork, Butter, Cordage, Can­va. , nncl a general a sortment of IIOP GOOD. • •• N1cHOLA.S & JosEPH G1LL.

Octo~r 14, 1815.

Q:rr "OTI<:E.,

A LL pen:ons having claims on the <'S­

tate ef JosEPn BUTLER, lately. de­eln1ed insolvent, are requ~ted to furni fi tl1eir accounts imml'diately. dnly pro\'ed, at the office of the subscriber· othen\'ise they will be excluded tho benefit nf the fi>'a~ di­t•idend, which will short I. t;i :c place.

, . 0EOrtG E LtLLT, .• A nt to tl~ Above t!Jlale.

Febru11ry 17, 1816. •


lluNT STABB, PmTo.· & Co.

H AVE a larb"C 8tock C: ~~ts, Scios, Ca:!t i~et • L!.:.d and Twine, which

tlaey will ri:~e-r cl1eap. ~~h 9, 1s1e.

A LL PeBOns having demands on the estate of GEORGE . CROUCH-·

ER ·of Poole, county of Dorset, Eng­land, but late of St. Johns, Ne,yfoundJa~d, Fi·sherman deceased, are requested to fur­nish the sa:ne duly attested to the subscrib­er ; anti all persons indebe~ to th~ said es­tate, Rre desired to make immediate pay· inent to

J.B. TaElll.ETT, Admr. D cember ~3, l81'6. tf

}larker, Bulley, Job & Co. Have just received, (

Per Brig Lap11.-in€, front LQnclon,

A F"C\V quarter-ca~k3 good Vin gar, And barrels best manufactured 1'o-

baGCO· August 21, 1816.

W HEREAS the CuuncR at Harbor Grace 'vas unfortunately con!'umed

by Fire: on the uight of the 28th in · tant: and as there is every reason to believe that Jt was · n1alic.iously done, the Magi trnt off er .

One hundred Guineas Re,va , To any pPrson, who shall- gh·e-such infor­mation as may lead to the coo•iction of the p~rson; Or per.>.ons, \YhO WeM CClflCerned in · the perpetration of uch· an impious act.



_.\n~1st 2~, 1816.


A IIOUSE, containing 4 or more bed­roomi:, a front shop. and other nec"5-

nry apartment · together with a,i.back · yard. lt's situation must·b~ in a public part of the T wn.

For particulars, enquire at this Office. .Julv 10, 1816. . tf . .


T HE Trustees to the estate of Vr;_cr: :\T Co TIOA!'\, insol•ent, give thi public

notice, · that they hav appointed the said VtNCE~T CosTIGAN to collect all debti; due to the said estate, and that he i:; empower­ed to prosecute all pcr~ons n·h.Q, do ·not make immediate payment.

Jgu~ Dt1'.:..&c0Mn, } T 1 P i\I

rus ees . ..lTRlCK 0 n1s,

.ATLV, AgPnt. Augu!I 2:l, 1816.

L:rtely Imported, · · .Aitd for Sale on the mo t 1'r.n~on.abl1 terms,

· At the tor~ of Hui,, Reed & Co. ·

P ORK ;n. bH~re!s and half barrels, Butter 1n hrk1nt=, ·

Beef in ti ere s an cl ha rrels, Bread in bags, Flour in barrel,, Sugar, l\ilusccwado, single, double and

treble refined, Tobacco, Soap and Candles in boxes, Canvas, No. and fiat, Cordage, new and twice-laid, Oakum, Iron, bar, b6Jt and flat, bar Lead, Nails of al! . kinds, T:ir, Pitrb and Turpentine~ .Einset!d Oil and Spirits Turpentine, English Oats, Porter in bottlPs, Burton Beer in hogsheads and bottlea, Anchors and Grapnels, Salt, C~6als , Cheese, double Gloucester "nnd Stilton, Pickled Tripe in kegs and jars,

Do . . Oysters in jars, English and Irish I-Iams,

1 The subscri~er has for Suk, - - - 71:w lio1?:Shead11 -v ry suporior old

· rf!d 'VINE, ·which -~y be .had ch1ttp, if applied for immediately.

Bath StoTes, Canadian ditto, Camp Ovens, &~. Earthenware, A variety of 1-Iardware, inc u ing locks, . hlngc.-s,- 'ci\rjJiritcrs.., -a.na . coopera' 'tools,

J He·has also,

A consignment of Leatherware, Consisting of, fishing Boots; mens', wo­

mens' and -childrens' Shoes ; and Barvels-. which be will sell at prime cost & charges.

JP:. B. R01V. · Junf 5, 1Rl6.

' · OFJPER FOlt SALf:, On reasonable tenn5,

The folloll;ing assortmen~ o.( excellent Prcn,-isions, ~c. consisting of

· poRK, Beef, Butter, Bread, · . Flour, Ontmeal, Soucllong Te~

11,oaf and ~USCOYado Sugar, l\i[olasses, · neva, Rum, Leaf Tobacco, Soap,

eandles, Vinegar, Olive Oil, }\Tid}>ort Canvas, Salt, Oakum, Nails, Gunpowder and Shot, Pine and bard wooCl Board· and Pl k, Goals Crooked Ti.D1"ber for repairing , .

. Vessels, a:=:~..,..Al~ a T&riely of other articles.

Feb111&ry 31 181~.

fire-irons, &c. . 'Tin-wart!, do. Plates, Hooki;, Lines and T'vin~. And a general assortment of Shop Goods.

July 3, 1816.

JUST I~IPORTED In the brig~ Dnvr:, ancl MAnT, from Eni;lond ,

nnd CLYDE frem ~cotlnnd, Andfor SALE, By the S1Wscribers,

Par~n:: mess pork in hnrrels and half do. Butter, first quality, Bread, l st, 2d and Sd do. Superfine flour, Ham~ Loaf sugar~ . A few kegs tripe, Fillhing boots, Deck do. Barvels, Leather, Lines anci. '!'win , Soap and Candles.

A general aQC>rtment of 'Which they will dispose of on reaaonable ·terms. M'Calman, JVaf.son ~ Co.

May 4, 1816. tf


Offera for Sale, on reasonabla term.a, · 3oo hagl' good Bread, 300 6rkins l~t and 2d quality Dutter, 100 barrelS' Pork,. • 100 ··do. · Stockholm and American Pitch, 100 do. · do. do. Tar, J 00 l:Joxes-mould and dipt Candles,

50 do. white alld yellow Sonp, 1 ton Cheshire and single & dble. Gloater

Cheese, 1 ton good Hams, 3 tons twice laid Cor<iage, ·

500 hogshe~ds Lisbon Salt, _ A fe,v casks excellent Devonshire Ale,

Flour, · Pease, Rum, l\iola'\se , Sugar, Coffee, b:ir. and fishing Lea~ new Cor-

po.wder, - 'Cobacco, Paints,_ lin eed Oil, Bricks, ShingltIB, Clapboard; Sticks of dif­ferent sizes, for wharf or house building ; white oak hogshead St~,·es, gig Harnesses, mens' and womens' Saddle&, nnd

A ge11e1·al assol"tment of Shop Gonds. .Tune 15, 1816. ·

1-VA~' TED,

A l\fAN SERVA-:-IT, who unden1tands . cooking. A person so quelitied will

henr t>f :t situati-on by applying at this Office. e=;;- None need apply, but such as can

produce i;atisfactciry references as to cha­racter from his last employer.

Augu ·t 24, 1816.

}i'or Sale, At the Stores of Peter l...1ernessurler,

B READ, fo ur, P ork, Bntter, Pease, ~oap, C:tndlcs •. Gin, Rum , l\!olasses,

Sugnr, Paints different colours, linseed Oil, cod noel caplio Seinl':1, cod Bag· ; n1ncknrcl , hl'rring and cast Nets; bank, L P eter, long and short shore Line~ ; 1'wine::, a large n. sortment of new Corda~e. Bool.3 & Shoes of all izes , "\\' estphnlia Ham . prime B11ron, Anchors, Grapnel i; , te I, hard wood P lank. Vinegar, a quantity of Brick , Brid­port Canvas, together with n general a sort­ment of SJJOP GOODS.

l\lay 15, 1816.

Ju t Imported, from Boston, ng Brothers, - .An or Sile, By Jolin q· Ro'1ert Brin1,

1.000 barrels superfine Flo~r, 500 bags Bread, 200 barrels pilot do.

• !iO barrels Indian ~1e11l, 500 b11sl1els ditto Corn.

Also,..ef a fol'mer importation, 50 barrels Pitch, 30 l\1. Shingles, 20 cords Lath-wood, 40 boxes red Herringr:, 50 spni ~e Spars, 1000 bushels Lime, l 0 l\1. Brick!!.

l\fayll,l!i16. __ ,.~

For Sale, by private conti·act, At Burin,

T H.AT valuable Fia/1inrr R m, eligibly_ situated on Point George, formerly

occupied by l\1essrs. John Villeneufve & co. Compri .ing, •

A Dwelling-house, 44 feet by 24, A Counting-house, 16 - 14, A Store with two lofts, 47 • 26,

Ditto with one do. 33 - 21 ,. A Stage, 125 ·feel along shore and 54 out,

by 2-1 broad, with a salt-room and spa­cious loft over,

A Cook-room, 50 feet by 17, Smiths' f11orge, with tools, _ S '! out Stores, \Vharf, FJa·kes and Beach,- that-ca){"spread . - 500...quintals.- - .- --

T acether rrith the follou:in&, a'Hiclu: 1 washing vate, 7 ~-hundred weights, 1 qr. do. 4 drudge barrows, l b:irking kettle, l screw-jack, l bait SkitT and 5ail , ro\v-bars, 'l cross-cu_t saws, 5 drudge_ barrows, 3 salt barrows, 1 do. shute, 8 rack casks, 2 salt meas;.r 10 cove ls, 2 wood be . s, 2 timmy noggin.s, 2 hatchets; . room bell.

Application· to made to Jl.Iahard ~ 1'i'colle.

Burin,June~8, 1816.

/! NOTICE. AN the 20th day of October next a fi. ~ nal dividend will be made to all cre­di.tors ou ·the estate of Peter Macpheraon 8f" Co. 'of Port de Grave, Merchn ts, in· solvl!nt, who. have duly pro~ their claims io his Majcs,y's Supre'!_lo, or Surrogate. Court, at St. Johns. All per3ons interelt- . ed in said estate are requested to govena thetiselves accordingll_: _ -

By· order of the Trustees, GBo. LILL~ Agent.

HUNT, STABB, PRESTON & Co. Off p- fol" l().[e, at reduced prices,

B ANK, s.t. Pelt!rS".aod ~Jore lin~; seal, ganging, caphn, seme, herring net,

arrd other twines ; cables, baw3ers, rod~ end small cordage, twice-laid and new'. ealum, cast nets, herring !ind mackarei nc~ of all dimensions ; caplin seines, pro. per sizes fo~ western boats ; a 'few half~ barrels of pigs' tonguei, barrels nnd t' erces of pigs' cheeks; hams of excellent qual' ty, worth the attention of families ;-_ ·

Devon hire ale, London porter, and a variety of wines in wood and pottle; lima juice, brar1dy, and a few QlSes of ordial!1; 8 baf es of leather ; boots and shoes assort-

. ed in casks · si .lim · q

or pluistering ; sou hong, congo and oohea tea, in various sizt-<l pack:ig s ; tohncco in libds. or by the cwt. ; n1ould ca:ulles in bo~es, Turkey figs in do.; r isius, curr nts an cl a I monds, in batrels .

l\1ay 4, 1816.

!\'ow landing fro1n th'! Gleaner, Anrl for ale, by

llunt, Stabb, Preston .& Co . A fe~v hogshend · of real good Devon·

. hire October ; ., . . Antl f»rmi the !vlary •. fro nt Opo ·In, V cry choice Pl!rt 'Vine, in hogshead.;,

qnarter\cn. ks and hal f-quarter cask~. of the i;ame quality ru; their la ·t importation.

l\l ny 11 • I lfi.

~1ker, Bulley, Job & Co. I-lave receirtd. per , hip 1-larrison and

Brig Camlrinn. from . l,ivl".rpool, MARTINIQUE 1\(0)11 SI'S, Cat· Ionia \Vine,

Salt, Coals, n few Guns, &c.

.Per Br;g.c; °Jlar.11 and Dm1P. an d 8chcorur Concord .. from T1'ig11111oulh

Cordnge of oil ~il , .Oukum, &c. &c.

Per Ship .l\f ar.'I• Brip;.c; S;itc1t!alrir. Cbanct, · and Cessiwck. und • ··ltocmer Curlew,

.fro1n J Vate1fGni, Prime me~i: Pork, l st, 2d noel 3d q1111lity Eutter, Porler in hog:heads 11nd tiPrc1• .

Per ·Rri[J J.-ivcly, , clioontr [_,-•rk, four Sons _l\Jary ~· Dus/in · . . f rom I f.i!ij'u r,

- Superfine Amerrr:in FJ,,ur, Pi1 t, 'f-:ir, Mola.c.scs, Suga r. Bread, Coffee, Co ca, Rice, Lumber, Shingle.\, and Scant li ng .

1'.,.ou:la1uli11gfrom Bri" Alf1·td,f,.om Ro~s . A quantity of Br:cks and . Lim~. For a part of whK:h fiioh will be taken in payment.

Also, of f or111 e1· impol'talion.:, Vhiskey. Jamaica Spi ;its rind :Sut; r,

Coffee, &c. &c. June 2'!: 1816.

PARKER, ftuLLEY , .Jon & Co. .Offer for Sule,

B READ, flour, 'o:itmt•al, rot.k, butter, chee:;e, coffee, te:is, ~ 10ar, rum,

whiske cordial, J amnicn s _ i ri ts, n. iassl'S, vinegnr, soap, c:ind , pai11l 'nnd p;iint oil, gunpowder, shot, gla: s, n:i iL ; cables, pew and twice-laid ; small cordage, d0. ; p!tch, tar, oakum, lumber, shingles, wine. loar su­gar; chairs and bedst~ads, assorted ; oats; pense, rounq nod split ; cnmbou!'c , stoves anchors, grapnels, har:dwarc, ti nware, earth­enware, mottresses, can' a , . ncl<; , linec, h•ines, hooks, bar and bolt iron, har and sheet lead ; varnish, b!ack rind pine, in jars and kegs.

And a variety of other a ti ·lcz, which will be..di po!rod of on n1oderute_ tcrtos.

~1ity 4, 1816.

T HE co-partne.rshi !ltely_caa:kcloa ·n­St~ Johns and 'feignn1outh, under

t 6e firm of TTem ctu l; ul er.. ,,.as clis- -solved by mutual con5ent, nt the close of the past year. All per ons ha,·ing claims on tho snid firm, are r 'luc.;;ted to present the same to their late ~ounting house in St. Johns ; and all pel'!ions indt:bted to the said firm nre desired to mal.e im1n~iat~ payments to Mr: J. B. Tretnlett, wh,o i,. _ authorized to receive the same.

J\f m·y Tremlelt. Jnhn Butler.

Teignmouth, Jan. 1, 1816. f J. B. Tre1nldt. St. Johns, May S, 1816.

The bu~ness 1ntely carri d on under the abe•e firm, wilf in future ~carried on un­der the firm of TU.El\lLET'fS & Co.

May 8, 1816.

ST. JOHN$, Newfoundlaod: P.a1KTED

and PuaLJIDBD ev!_"f WED!'J.ltlDAY & 8AniaDAT, by HAIRE 4' LEE, at their Orr1cs, .Duekioorth-Street, oppc>lite tht CouaT-Hov1E ; where Adt:nti.tnnat.

• and all other O.nsRs in their I.IMS. wiU be-timll(lrlls receh-ed ud aU~1ftW to. •
