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BERGEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DIVISION OF BUSINESS, PERFORMING ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES BUSINESS DEPARTMENT BUS 207 Principles of Management Semester, Year Syllabus C o u r s e D e s c r i p t i o n B U S- 20 7 Pr in ci pl es of M an ag e m en t int ro du ce s th e st ud en t to th e m an ag e m en t pr oc es s th ro Details Course Number/Section: Meeting Days & Time: Room Number: Instructor: Office Location: Office Hours: Phone: E-mail address:



BUS 207 Principles of Management Semester, Year


Course Description

BUS-207 Principles of Management introduces the student to the management process thro

Details Course Number/Section: Meeting Days & Time: Room Number: Instructor: Office Location: Office Hours: Phone: E-mail address:

ugh which an organization utilizes human, financial, physical, information and entrepreneurial resources effectively and efficien

tly to accomplish the organization’s objectives. The managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, communicating,

leading, and controlling are explored within the context of a rapidly changing and increasingly diverse global society. T

he ethical implications of management decisions are emphasized.


3 lecture, 0 lab, 3 credits


BUS 101 Introduction to



Required Textbook

Essentials of Contemporary Management 6th Ed. by Jones and George. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, ©2015. ISBN 97

rrent events, online study guide, Internet activities. The Sidney Silverman Library has extensive resources, both print an

d electronic, which support Management. There is also virtually unlimited relevant information available on a variety of web


Faculty Resources

Student Resources

In addition to the resources mentioned above students should be encouraged to make full use of:

the Sidney Silverm

ergen.edu/library/learning/tutor/smart/index.asp the Dise Leag Off for onli cou (by pho at 2612558 avae in pers

at ro C-3 or ema at [email protected]

Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment

After successfully completing all course

Faculty may assess student accomplishmen


activities, the student will be able to:

t by one or more of these methods:

exams/quizzes; report

s, either oral or written; case study; class discussion

exams/quizzes; reports, either oral or written; case

study; class discussion

exams/quizzes; reports, either oral

or written; case study; class discussion; analysis of r

elevant news articles


/quizzes; reports, either oral or written; case study; c

lass discussion

exams/quizzes; reports, either oral or written; case stu

dy; class discussion

exams/quizzes; reports, either oral or

written; case study; class discussion

exams/quizzes; re

ports, either oral or written; case study; class discuss


Course Content

Unless otherwise noted each topic is expected to be covered in approximately 3 hours of instruc

tional time or its equivalent. Ch. 1: The Management Process Today Ch. 2: Values, Attitudes, Emotions and Culture

Ch. 3: Managing Ethics and Diversity Ch. 4: Managing in the Global Environment Ch. 5: Decision Making, Learning, Cr

eativity and Innovation Ch. 6: Planning, Strategy and Competitive Advantage Ch. 7: Designing Organizational Structure

Ch. 8: Control, Change and Entrepreneurship Ch. 9: Motivation Ch. 10: Leaders and Leadership Ch. 11: Effective Tea

m Management Ch. 12: Building and Managing Human Resources Ch. 13: Controlling Essential Activities and Pr

ocesses Ch. 14: Operations Management

Course Activities

Faculty are encouraged to use a variety of instructional techniques to encour

age student learning. Research on learning shows that the straight lecture technique is not particularly effective. Lect

ure segments should be kept to a maximum of 20 minutes and be interspersed with other learning activities such as demonstrati

on, question and answer, class discussion, group learning projects, student presentations, etc. In order to meet the

needs of diverse learners faculty are encourage to supplement lectures with transparencies or PowerPoint. (Note: if not

assigned to a room already equipped with the technology portable teaching stations equipped with a laptop computer and proj

ection system are available from the library. Also, all classrooms have an Internet connection)

Faculty are encouraged to

incorporate use of the Internet in their assignments and projects. Students have ample access to the Internet in college labs

. Students also have ready access to all Microsoft Office software so they can be required to word process any work submitte

d, as well as develop PowerPoint presentations or Excel worksheets.

There are many types of projects that are excelle

nt learning activities for BUS 207 students. Some examples of projects that can be assigned to individuals or groups are:

Grading and Assessment

The Business Department has not yet established an

assessment measure that students in every section of BUS 207 must complete. Faculty may choose the methods by which

they will assess student learning. A statement pertaining to consequences or protocol for missed or incomplete work m

ust be included. Faculty are encouraged to use multiple methods of assessment and to assess stude

nt learning frequently. A midterm and final exam are not sufficient measures of student learning. Some exam

ples of assessment methods are:

Final Grade Calculation

There are currently no departmental policies on final grade calculation for BUS 207

Course Pol

All BUS 207 students


must be exposed to current events. Faculty are encouraged to include both in class discussion of relevant news and form

al student written or oral reports on current news topics.

College Policies


Attendance Policy

BCC Attendance Policy: All students are expected to attend punctually every scheduled meeting of each course in which they are registered. Attendance and lateness policies and sanctions are to be determined by the instructor for each section of each course. These will be established in writing on the individual course outline. Attendance will be kept by the instructor for administrative and counseling purposes.

Attendance Policy in this Course: It is at the instructor’s discretion to institute an attendance policy. If a student will be penalized for absences and lateness, it is incumbent upon the instructor to include those provisions in the outline.



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value o hours.


dents who require accommodations in accordance with the

oss Course Schedule: Week(s) Date(s) Topics/Activities/Assignments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Note to Students: The Syllabus/Course Outline and Calendar is tentative and subject to change, depending upon the progress of the class.

Rev 1/2011
