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BESTEK EN Ontwerpend onderzoek ATELIER BXL productieve ... · 2 / 7 Architecture Workroom Brussels ...

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DESIGN STUDY ATELIER BXL PRODUCTIVE METROPOLIS specifications for the appointment of two designers
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specifications  for  the  appointment  of  two  designers                                                      


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1. contract      1.1. commissioning  party    Architecture  Workroom  Brussels  vzw  Handelskaai  30,  B-­‐1000  Brussels  www.architectureworkroom.eu    Contact:  Maxime  Peeters  +32  2  204  07  10  [email protected]    1.2. master  architect    The  appointment  of  a  designer  is  being  done  in  collaboration  with  the  master  architect  of  the  Brussels  Capital  Region.  The  master  architect  is  supporting  the  commissioning  party  in  setting  up  the  procedure,  drawing  up  the  specifications  and  the  programme,  and  in  selecting  a  designer.    He  will  ensure  quality  control  during  the  entire  procedure.    Contact:  Kristiaan  Borret  Master  Architect  +32  2  204  29  82  [email protected]    1.3. designer    By  designer  is  meant  a  freely  mixed  design  team  in  which  at  least  1  member  is  an  architect,  urban  planning  expert  or  landscape  architect.    1.4. object  of  the  contract  

 For  its  seventh  edition  in  2016,  the  International  Architecture  Biennale  Rotterdam  (IABR)  on  “The  Next  Economy”  is  focusing  within  this  theme  on  exploring  the  possibility  of  shaping  cities  and  metropolitan  regions  as  platforms  for  the  desired  future  economy,  as  a  response  to  the  economic  crisis  and  the  increasing  social  segregation  occurring  in  large  and  medium-­‐sized  cities.  How  can  society  and  individuals,  production  and  consumption,  resources  and  raw  materials,  use  of  space  and  territory,  be  coordinated  better  and  smarter,  and  make  use  of  design  to  contribute  to  the  transitions  that  will  continue  to  radically  and  incessantly  change  the  world?    The  IABR  is  more  than  a  series  of  biennial  events.  It  initiates  and  produces  Project  Workshops:  research  &  development  projects  with  a  multiannual  character,  always  solution-­‐oriented  and  linked  to  actual,  existing  tasks  in  cities  at  home  and  abroad.  Atelier  BXL  Productive  Metropolis  is  an  integral  part  of  the  research  and  development  track  of  IABR  2016  and  thus  of  the  exhibition,  the  public  programme  and  other  (public)  expressions  in  the  context  of  IABR-­‐2016-­‐THE  NEXT  ECONOMY.  Atelier  BXL  Productive  Metropolis  is  a  collaboration  between  the  IABR,  Architecture  Workroom  Brussels  (AWB)  and  Brussels  and  Flemish  actors.    Atelier  BXL  Productive  Metropolis  explores  the  relationship  between  spatial  design  and  (the  future  development  of)  the  economy  in  the  urban  region  of  Brussels.  The  starting  point  here  is  the  conviction  that  the  foundation  can  be  laid  in  the  metropolitan  area  for  the  productive  city  of  the  future,  in  which  simultaneously  social,  ecological,  economic  and  spatial  gains  can  be  achieved  on  both  sides  of  the  regional  border.  Atelier  Productive  Metropolis  BXL  is  searching  for  a  better  match  between  the  changing  economy  and  the  organisation  of  space  for  productive  activities  in  the  capital  city’s  metropolitan  area.  How  can  spatial  quality  and  the  urban  economy  reinforce  one  another,  and  who  creates  the  productive  city?  Through  design  research  and  a  programme  of  policy  and  stakeholder  participation,  Atelier  BXL  Productive  

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Metropolis  will  search  for  the  desired  development  models  and  spatial  typologies  for  this  productive  city.  The  totality  of  the  ongoing  processes,  as  well  as  the  spatial  and  governance  challenges  in  the  Brussels  metropolis,  make  this  region  an  excellent  testing  ground  for  future  spatial  models,  an  example  for  many  other  cities  and  urban  regions  in  Flanders,  Wallonia  and  Europe.  Mark  Brearley  has  been  appointed  Atelier  Master.  He  is  a  professor  at  the  CASS  in  London  and  will  use  his  years  of  experience  in  urban  development  projects  to  provide  substantive  guidance  to  this  process.    These  specifications  cover  conducting  design  research  for  the  Brussels  Capital  Region.  Four  specific  cases  are  focused  on,  always  in  close  cooperation  with  the  relevant  state  actors  in  Brussels.  Each  of  the  two  selected  teams  will  tackle  two  linked  sites.  Via  design,  the  potential  and  the  necessary  spatial  conditions  will  be  examined  in  those  areas  needed  to  play  a  vital  role  in  the  development  of  productive  neighbourhoods  in  the  Brussels  metropolitan  area,  where  living  and  working  are  qualitatively  intertwined.  Specific  spatial  proposals  are  expected,  which  will  be  used  in  the  practice  of  actual  development.  These  programmes  will  be  substantively  fed  by  Urban  Meetings  in  which  knowledge  is  also  exchanged  with  Flemish  research  projects  and  with  international  experts.  The  interim  and  final  results  will  be  part  of  exhibitions  and  public  programmes  at  the  IABR  Rotterdam  and  at  BOZAR  in  Brussels.      Remuneration  for  this  contract  is  fixed  at  €  30,000  excl.  VAT.        1.5. location      Cases  (subject  to  change)    − Masui  (Schaarbeek,  Brussels)  An  industrial  district  with  a  multitude  of  urban  workshops,  proximity  to  an  urban  port  platform  with  construction  companies,  the  North  Station  and  the  new  developments  around  Tour  &  Taxis.  This  is  the  neighbourhood  of  choice  for  testing  new  economic  principles  in  construction  and  the  flexible  use  of  land.      − Birmingham  (Anderlecht)    The  challenge  here  lies  in  transforming  the  industrial  sites  in  a  way  that  does  not  disrupt  the  social  dynamics  anchored  in  the  surrounding  neighbourhoods  and  that  mainly  focuses  on  training  opportunities,  entrepreneurship  and  the  integration  of  productive  activities.      − Biestebroeck  (Anderlecht)    The  grounds  surrounding  the  Biestebroek  Dock  are  an  underutilized  district  in  the  southern  canal  zone.  It  is  an  OGSO  area  (Enterprise  Area  in  an  Urban  Environment)  where  redevelopment  for  housing  while  maintaining  a  minimum  number  of  productive  activities  is  paramount.  As  in  other  OGSO  programmes,  here  a  new  blended  fabric  must  be  given  form  that  brings  together  the  desired  programmes:  space  for  port  logistics,  economic  activities,  housing  and  public  facilities.    − Delta  (Oudergem,  Elsene,  Watermaal  Bosvoorde)  In  the  context  of  elaborating  a  master  plan,  thought  must  be  given  to  developing  a  mixed  area  that  combines  an  accessible  innovation  campus  and  an  urban  enterprise  area  with  a  residential  neighbourhood  and  a  medical  centre.      1.6. indicative  timing    15/02/2016  (awarding  of  contract)  15/02/2016  (start  of  contract)  19/06/2016  (final  report)  

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2. Procedure      2.1. nature    Since  it  is  a  private  initiative,  this  procedure  is  not  subject  to  the  regulations  on  public  procurement.    The  commissioning  party  reserves  the  right  to  change  the  procedure,  terminate  it  at  any  time  and  not  to  award  the  contract  or  possibly  start  a  new  procedure.    Terminating  the  procedure  does  not  give  the  selected  candidates  any  right  to  compensation  or  other  claims  than  payment  of  the  tender  fee  (article  2.12),  and  only  if  the  procedure  is  terminated  after  the  information  meeting  or  if  the  contract  is  not  awarded.    The  commissioning  party  may  decide  to  transfer  the  rights  and  duties  resulting  from  this  contract  to  a  yet  to  be  created  legal  entity.    2.2. language    The  contract  documents  will  be  drawn  up  in  Dutch,  French  and/or  English.    2.3. phases    The  procedure  contains  the  following  phases:  

! call  for  candidates  ! selection  ! tender  ! awarding  

 2.4. call  for  candidates    A  call  for  candidates  will  be  made  to  designers  via  a  newsletter  from  the  master  architect  and  other  channels.    2.5. selection    Designers  will  submit  their  candidacy  via  mail  

! to  [email protected]  ! no  later  than  20/01/2016  at  2:00  pm  

 The  application  consists  of  

! The  contact  details  for  you  and/or  the  team  you  have  in  mind  ! A  brief  description  of  relevant  expertise  (max.  2  A4  equivalents  recto)  

 The  following  competences  are  being  sought  for  this  contract:  

-­‐ The  ability  to  design  at  various  scale  levels  -­‐ Experience  in  conducting  design  research  -­‐ Experience  with  innovative  visioning  in  architecture  and  urban  planning  -­‐ Knowledge  of  the  Brussels  territory  and  the  policy  context  -­‐ Experience  in  design  and  research  on  production  in  the  city  and/or  the  transformation  of  

business  sites  -­‐ Experience  with  policy  preparation  research  -­‐ Experience  with  a  multi-­‐disciplinary  approach  -­‐ Experience  with  cultural  production  in  function  of  societal  debate  

 In  consultation  with  the  master  architect,  the  commissioning  party  will  select  5  candidates  to  participate  in  the  subsequent  phase.    

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2.6. briefing    The  commissioning  party  will  invite  the  selected  candidates  for  a  briefing  on  04/02/2016,  at  a  time  to  be  determined  later,  at  the  following  address:  Schaarbeeklei  636,  1800  Vilvoorde.    At  the  briefing,  candidates  will  be  given  the  opportunity  ask  questions  regarding  the  contract.  The  commissioning  party  will  send  a  report  of  the  questions  and  answers  to  all  candidates.    Additional  questions  can  be  sent  by  mail  to  [email protected].    The  answer  will  go  to  all  candidates.  Only  written  questions  and  answers  sent  to  all  candidates  can  be  considered  a  supplement  to  these  specifications.    The  deadline  for  receiving  questions  is  2  working  days  before  submission  of  the  tenders.    2.7. submitting  a  tender    The  deadline  for  receipt  of  the  tenders  is  11/02/2016  at  2:00  pm.    Tenders  must  be  sent  to  Roeland  Dudal  Managing  Partner  +32  2  204  07  10  [email protected]  Handelskaai  30,  B-­‐1000  Brussels    The  tender  must  be  submitted  in  5  printed  copies,  and  one  digital  version  in  PDF  format.    2.8. oral  presentation    Each  candidate  that  submits  a  tender  will  be  invited  to  explain  it  to  an  advisory  committee,  followed  by  a  question  and  answer  session.  This  will  give  the  commissioning  party,  assisted  by  the  advisory  committee,  better  insight  into  the  tenders.    Candidates  will  have  the  opportunity  to  clarify  the  intentions  in  their  tender  on  15/02/2016,  from  2:00  pm.  A  more  precise  schedule  for  the  presentations  will  be  announced  later.    2.9. advisory  committee    The  commissioning  party  will  make  use  of  an  advisory  committee  in  assessing  the  quality  of  the  tenders.    The  advisory  committee  is  composed  of  representatives  from:  - International  Architecture  Biennale  Rotterdam  - the  commissioning  party  Architecture  Workroom  Brussels  - the  master  architect  of  the  Brussels  Capital  Region  - the  Office  of  the  Minister-­‐President  of  the  Brussels  Capital  Region  - the  Brussels  Planning  Bureau  (BPB)  - The  Equipe  Canal  (Brussels-­‐Capital  Region)    2.10. negotiations    The  commissioning  party  retains  the  right  to  negotiate  in  multiple  stages  and  with  a  limited  number  of  candidates  retained  on  the  basis  of  the  quality  of  their  tender.  

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The  negotiations  will  be  conducted  on  the  basis  of  equality  of  treatment  of  all  candidates  invited  to  the  negotiations.    2.11. awarding    After  possible  negotiations,  the  commissioning  party  will  award  the  contract  to  the  candidate  whose  tender  it  deems  most  economically  advantageous,  taking  into  account  the  award  criteria.  The  final  decision  on  awarding  the  contract  remains  the  responsibility  of  the  commissioning  party.    2.12. remuneration    Each  invited  candidates  who  submits  a  complete  and  valid  tender  will  receive  remuneration  of  €  2,000  excl.  VAT.  Total  remuneration  for  the  candidate  to  whom  the  contract  is  awarded  will  be  reduced  by  this  amount.    2.13. tender    The  requested  form  and  content  of  the  tender  will  be  sent  to  the  5  selected  candidates  at  a  later  date.    2.14. awarding  criteria    A  description  of  the  awarding  criteria  will  be  sent  later  to  the  5  selected  candidates.    2.15. period  of  validity  of  the  tender      With  their  tender,  the  candidates  commit  themselves  for  a  period  of  30  calendar  days  from  the  day  after  the  deadline  for  submission  of  the  tenders.    2.16. intellectual  property  rights      Under  the  provisions  of  article  3,  §  3  of  the  Act  of  30  June  1994  on  copyright  and  related  rights,  all  property  rights  connected  to  copyright,  and  all  rights  relating  to  the  documents  drawn  up,  the  research  conducted  and  its  results  in  execution  of  this  contract,  and  the  data  that  made  this  work  possible,  are  transferred  to  the  commissioning  party  and  the  master  architect.    This  is  a  final,  exclusive  transfer  for  both  the  candidates  and  commissioning  party,  which  is  applicable  worldwide,  covering  the  methods  of  use  (reproduction,  communication  through  various  channels  such  as  internet,  exhibitions,  publication,  etc.),  including  those  not  listed  in  these  specifications.    It  covers  the  documents  drawn  up  in  the  course  of  the  procedure  and  in  the  context  of  execution  of  the  contract.  Candidates  acknowledge  that  they  are  creating  works  at  the  request  of  the  commissioning  party,  within  the  framework  of  the  present  contract,  and  to  transfer  their  property  rights  in  accordance  with  the  above-­‐mentioned  provisions,  without  being  entitled  to  any  other  form  of  compensation  than  that  which  they  receive  if  all  the  necessary  conditions  for  participation  in  the  contract  are  met  for  the  non-­‐selected  candidates,  or  the  price  of  the  contract  [for  the  selected  candidate].  The  remuneration  foreseen  in  this  framework  covers  the  transfer  of  property  rights  as  specified  above.      

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3. appendix    Any  appendices  will  be  sent  to  the  5  selected  candidates  at  a  later  date.      
