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1 Btiary Volume I by Pedro Barrenechea, Jimmy Beck, Henry Lopez, and Eric Wiener Cover Pat Loboyko Interior Artists Drew Baker, Danny Cruz, Nate Furman, Paul "Prof" Herbert, Pat Loboyko, Eric Lofgren, Bradley K. McDevitt, Hian Rodriguez Layout & Graphic Design Pedro Barrenechea Art Director Jimmy Beck Editors Sarah Brown, Katie Davignon, Matthew Flinn, Paul Gerwe Arcanis: the World of Shattered Empires created by Henry Lopez Team Paradigm Pedro Barrenechea, Jimmy Beck, Matt Blank, Henry Lopez, Nelson Rodriguez, Eric Wiener, James Zwiers Printed in the USA... All portions of this book are © 2011 Paradigm Concepts All rights reserved. Arcanis, Arcanis: the World of Shattered Empires, the Arcanis logo, and all related marks and images are © 2000 - 2011 Paradigm Concepts. Shattered Empires: Roleplaying in the World of Arcanis is © 2011 Paradigm Concepts. e mention of, use of or reference to any company, trademark or product in this book is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright in question. Sample file
  • 1

    Bestiary Volume I

    by Pedro Barrenechea, Jimmy Beck, Henry Lopez, and Eric Wiener

    Cover Pat Loboyko

    Interior Artists Drew Baker, Danny Cruz, Nate Furman, Paul "Prof" Herbert, Pat Loboyko, Eric Lofgren,

    Bradley K. McDevitt, Hian Rodriguez

    Layout & Graphic Design Pedro Barrenechea

    Art Director Jimmy Beck

    Editors Sarah Brown, Katie Davignon, Matthew Flinn, Paul Gerwe

    Arcanis: the World of Shattered Empires created by Henry Lopez

    Team Paradigm Pedro Barrenechea, Jimmy Beck, Matt Blank, Henry Lopez, Nelson Rodriguez, Eric Wiener, James Zwiers

    Printed in the USA...

    All portions of this book are © 2011 Paradigm Concepts All rights reserved. Arcanis, Arcanis: the World of Shattered Empires, the Arcanis logo, and all related marks and images are © 2000 - 2011 Paradigm Concepts. Shattered Empires: Roleplaying in the World of Arcanis is © 2011 Paradigm Concepts. The mention of, use of or reference to any company, trademark or product in this book is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright in question.




  • IntRoductionWelcome back to Arcanis: the World of Shattered

    Empires. When designing a brand-new RPG from the ground up, we knew that monsters would be vital. We just do not have the ability to point people at their 10 year old monster book to tide them over while we work it out. We need the monsters now. So we came to the conclusion that a shorter work is better than making folks wait 6 months for anything at all, thus the book you now hold in your hands.

    This book is designed to allow the Chronicler to make his own Threats. Although we have a large collection of foes planned for future release, we are not setting out to make the “bucket of monsters” that is common in other gaming adversary books. The Threats presented within this work are instead intended to be illustrative in nature. The system of Threat creation is quick and simple; the Chronicler should be able to spend time working on the story and the nature of the enemy rather than be held captive to extensive mathematics just to create something that is to be slaughtered by the heroes anyhow.

    Something that one might notice when reading our examples is that much more space is dedicated to story and description than exacting and overly precise definitions of creature abilities. PCI has always felt that stories will evoke many more adventure ideas than a series of numbers. Every creature should bring a plot idea (or five) to the table. Now, get out there and make your own enemies.

    Monstrous Traits

    Alien Mind 32

    Beast of Burden 32

    Crippling Stench 32

    Corrupting Touch 32

    Crush 32

    Consumption 32

    Dark Sight 32

    Engulf 32

    Energy Aura 32

    Fel Sight 33

    Hive Mind 33

    Hive Body 33

    Improved Climbing 33

    Incorporeal 33

    Infernal Characteristic 33

    Innocent Appearance 34

    Life Sight 34

    Master of Many 34

    Mindless 34

    Mob Tactics 34

    Monstrous Charge 34

    Natural Armor 34

    Natural Spell Casting 34

    Notable Attack 34

    Possession 34

    Powerful Attribute 35

    Powerful Attack [Tiered] 35

    Ravenous 35

    Regeneration 35

    Resilience 35

    Resistance 36

    Scent 36

    Special Ability 36

    Special Attack 36

    Speed of the Damned 37

    Trample 37

    Vampiric Attack 37

    Murder Characteristics

    Murder Characteristics 37

    Monstrous Flaws

    Atmospheric Disturbance 38

    Bestial Intellect 38

    Host 38

    Light Sensitivity 38

    Manifest 38

    Relentless Hunger 38

    Repulsion 38

    Rot of Corruption 38

    Small 39

    Ultimate Master 39

    Vulnerability 39

    Weak Characteristic 39

    Weakness 39

    Traits & Flaws Index

    Introduction How to read a threat box 3Threat Archetypes 4Threat Types 5

    Monsters of Arcanis

    Barghest 6Common Beasts of Arcanis 7Bloodflies 10Devil, Headsmasher (Skaljir) 11Devil, Inferno (Kazorlith) 12Eaters of the Dead 13Fiend, Hellwraith (Vaelgar) 14Gar 15Golem, Clockwork 16Golem, Corpse 17Il’Huan, Warrior 18Ooze, Necromantic Sludge 19Singarthan Troll 20Skeleton, Warlord 21Ssanu 22Ss’ressen, Flame Tongue “Pyrolengus” 24Ss’ressen, Horned Jowl “Agamassi” 25val’Baucisz Vampyr 26Voiceless One, Dominator 28Voei 30Zombie, Greater (Glakki) 31Monstrous Traits 32Murder Characteristics 37Monstrous Flaws 38

    Appendix 1

    Building Encounters 40

    Appendix 2 “Re-skinning” Existing Foes 42Variations 42Creating Your own Foe 44






  • If you have read the Arcanis: RPG Core Rulebook you may have noticed some small changes to our Threat Box, and although all of these changes are cosmetic (for ease of reference), we will go over the different parts of the threat block below.

    Note that not all Threats may have every section of a Threat Box present. This is not a typo or an oversight. If a creature does not possess spell casting abilities or flaws, then that section will not be shown.

    Basic Threat Info This section provides you with the creatures name, its

    type, any possible variations, its base tier, base die, and the creatures size and type.

    Threat ArchetypeThis represents the level of danger presented

    by the creature.

    For more information on Threat Archetypes, see ‘Threat Types’ below.

    Variations: Presented in full on page 42. Variations

    represent significant changes to a foe. These Variations may be physiological changes, such as mutations or “gifts” from otherworldly patrons. They may also represent advanced skill sets, such as advanced combat training or leadership abilities.

    Base Tier This is the Threat’s base Tier and it’s used when creating

    encounters. For more on creating encounters see page 40.

    Base Die When running a Threat, the base die is used when roll-

    ing all Attribute die rolls, including Action Skill Rolls, At-tack rolls, and Damage rolls.

    Type While these types mostly serve to handle interaction

    with spells/magic items (such as a ward that repels Undead), they also possess a few qualities common to all creatures of that type. Some examples of Threat Types are Beasts, Elementals, and Constructs.

    A full list of types with their general descriptions can be found after this section.

    Defenses and Base Statistics St (Wo):

    The Threat’s Stamina and Wounds.

    Pace: The Creature’s pace, any additional modes of movement

    or special notations would be listed under pace notes. The value listed in this box is the creature’s land pace, unless oth-erwise noted.

    AR (n): The Threat’s Armor Rating, both worn and natural,

    where the first value denotes the threat’s total Armor Rating (including Worn and Natural Armor) and the second value is solely the threat’s natural armor. If a value of 0 is pre-sented for the first value, the Threat is not wearing any armor.

    Creature Name Threat Archetype [Variation] (Tier #.#)

    d#, SizeType

    (Additional Type)







    St (Wo): ## (#) Pace: ##’*

    AR (n): # (#) Initiative: #d10

    Fate: # Fate Vaule: #

    * Pace Notes: ##' with additional Notes

    Attacks: Attack: +# (Defense) d# (d#) +#

    Speed: #, Range: #

    Attack: +# (Defense) d# (d#) +#

    Speed (Recovery/Strain): # (#), Range: #

    Special Rules for this attack


    Spells Cast at: +# Primary Die: d##

    Passive: ##

    Spells Known


    Martial Techniques: Techniques KnownWeapon Tricks (Weapon): Weapon Tricks Known

    Talents: Known Talents

    Traits: Known Traits

    Flaws: Flaws

    Skills (+#, ##, ##)Trained Skills

    Gear: Equipment, if any

    Encounter Tier Value: #.#



    {{{ Basic Threat Info


    Qualities& Flaws


    Skills & Gear

    Special Abilities

    Defenses and Base Statistics


    How to read a threat box




  • Initiative: The number of d10s rolled for Initiative

    Fate & Fate Value: If a threat possesses Fate (very rare), then these two sections will be provided. Fate is the num-ber of Fate points possessed, whereas the Fate Value is the threat’s Fate Score.

    AttacksHere you will see the Threat’s attacks listed with any

    possible recovery/strain values.

    Special Attacks (gained though the Special Attack Trait) or additional attack forms gained through Talents or Traits are also listed here, but simply presented as an additional at-tack option.

    Special AbilitiesSpecial: Casting: Only presented when a threat possess

    spell casting abilities. This section provides what bonus the spells are cast at, as well as the caster’s passive value (both of which may be higher or lower than the threat’s skill bonus). A list of spells known will also be listed.

    Special: Manuv.: Only presented if the Threat possesses any additional combat maneuvers. Martial Techniques and Weapon Tricks are listed here.

    Special: Catch all for any special ability which does not fall into one of the standard sections, such as the voiceless one’s ability to communicate telepathically to a range of 100’.

    Qualities and Flaws Here you will find the Threat’s Talents and Flaws, as

    well as a new Quality Traits. Traits represent inborn abilities which cannot be copied or denied/blocked though the use of spells such as Steal Capacity.

    Skills and GearSkills: Skills are the Threat’s trained skills, which are al-

    ways represented by three numbers. The first is the univer-sal bonus for all listed skills, the second represents the listed skill’s passive value, and the last number is the passive skill value for all untrained skills.

    Gear: Any Gear used by the Threat. If the threat does not utilize any gear, this section is simply omitted.

    Encounter Tier ValueThe Final Value used when creating encounters, as some

    Traits and Monstrous Talents modify the Threat’s effective value when building encounters. For

    more on creating encounters see page 40.

    Threat ArchetypesAdversary

    These are truly powerful threats; one Adversary can eas-ily take on two to three Heroes. They also usually possess fate points.

    CommonTwo common threats are roughly equal to a single Hero.

    EliteThese are roughly equal to a Hero of the same Tier.

    MinionsThese are groups of low powered threats, but don’t un-

    derestimate them! Minions operate in groups of 4 to 6 (called mobs) and always share the same clock which is advanced by the slowest action performed by any member of that mob. They never suffer damage from missed Area attack spells but only possess 1 Wound and 1 Stamina. The number of min-ions per mob is always shown as the 1st line over the crea-ture’s base die. Lastly Minions, regardless of the situation will never cast through strain (as it would instantly vanquish them).

    MurdersA murder is a violent swarm of insects, vermin, or

    other small creatures that sweeps over an area, destroying everything in its wake. Although swarms can occur naturally, such as when a bee hive is disturbed, in most cases they will dissipate quickly once the cause of the disturbance is removed.

    Far more dangerous are the swarms created through sorcerous efforts or as the manifestation of rage by various spirits, such as demons or shades.

    Murders possess an array of unique abilities and rules that are presented on page. 37





  • Threat TypesBeast (Natural and Magical)

    A Beast is a natural, common animal while Magical Beasts represent fantastic animals which are the product of otherworldly or magical manipulation.

    CelestialCelestial creatures are mostly agents of some

    Higher Power, originating from outside the Mortal Realm. (Examples: Valinor and Celestial Shield Maidens)

    ConstructConstructs are non-living creatures created through

    magic. Constructs commonly have a low Avoidance and a very high armor value, making them quite difficult to de-stroy though normal means. Constructs do not need to eat, breathe or sleep.

    While most Constructs are mindless or possess only very basic, almost animalistic conscious and are thus not immune to effects like Horror.

    ElementalsElementals are creatures composed primarily of one of

    the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, or Water) from beyond the Mortal Realms. Due to their nature, they are immune to poison and diseases. They also do not need to eat, breathe, or sleep.

    Humanoid (Giant)Humanoids are bipedal and intelligent (Logic 2+) crea-

    tures. While most Humanoids use weapons, some may also possess Natural Attacks such as claws. Humanoids of large size or bigger are considered Giants.

    Infernals (Demon, Devil, and Fiend)

    Infernal creatures originate from the Hells, of which, thus far, three known species have been identified.

    The Devil is the most common Infernal encountered. These creatures vary in shape and sizes but all share the ability to take a physical form upon the Mortal Realms.

    Demons cannot exist tangibly outside of the Hells, but instead enter the Mortal Realms by possessing sentient beings. Once possessed, their hosts begin to take on more and more of the demon’s Traits. Possession commonly takes place in multiple stages, each stage systemically destroying part of the host’s soul as the demon solidifies their hold upon their puppet’s body.

    Fiends are the rarest of Infernals as they seem to possess many of the qualities of both Demons and Devils, such as the ability to possess individuals or become corporeal on the Mortal Realms for a short period of time.

    MonstrosityThis category applies any living creature that does not

    fit into the other categories and typically has frightening and bizarre characteristics.

    PlantA Plant is a creature composed of vegetable or fungal

    matter. Plants do not need to sleep, but Plants must feed and breathe.

    ShadesShades are Incorporeal Undead and represent the restless

    spirits of the deceased who refuse to or are unable to return to Beltine’s Caldron or whatever afterlife the living creature believed in. All Shades are immune to poison and diseases and most do not need to eat, sleep or breathe.

    SpiritSpirits consist of Incorporeal creatures, such as the na-

    ture spirits worshipped by animists. All Spirits are immune to poison and diseases, and do not need to breath or sleep, though some Spirits must still feed from time to time.

    SsethricSsethric creatures are the varied intelligent cold-blooded

    races, typically hailing from the Ssethregoran Empire. This is a diverse group that includes beings of an astounding range of capabilities and sizes.

    UndeadUndead are unaffected by spells or magic items which

    specifically target living creatures. All Undead are immune to poison and diseases and most do not need to eat, sleep or breathe.

    VerminThe various invertebrate animals such as insects, arach-

    nids (and other arthropods) as well as worms and mollusks (leeches, snails, etc.). These creatures are typically unintel-ligent and act on instinct or collective will.





  • It’s a race between one’s senses as to when a Barghest is first detected – either hearing its maniacal chittering or smelling the rancid odor it emits. Once discovered, the creature appears physically unimposing, but one would take care not to underestimate this small creature.

    Reaching heights of no more than four feet, a Barghest’s skin has a greenish-grey pallor and jet back stringy hair that appears as if it were lathed in oil. Its wide face is literally slit from ear to ear with a wide and toothy maw, giving it a perpetual grin. Yet that smile holds no joviality or the slightest bit of humor. There’s a reason as to why the Barghest are used to frighten children to sleep.

    Many consider the Barghest vermin; to be wiped out without the slightest hesitation. hile this is true for the most part, dismissing Barghests as having animal intelligence would be a fatal mistake. Their uncontrollable laughter, which they try to suppress through clenched teeth, beguile many a victim into thinking them harmless. In truth, the Barghest have a sharp intellect that they have chosen to turn towards the capture and torture of their victim. Unlike animals, the Barghest take delight in making their captives suffer before feasting upon them.

    The Barghest usually live in large colonies below ground, but are comfortable hunting above, so long as it is in the evening hours. Though not gifted with any

    supernatural abilities, Barghest possess clawed feet that mirror their hands and even enjoy an

    opposable “thumb”. This allows them to scale all but the sheerest surfaces, and even hang

    upside down while leaving their hands free for other activities.

    Many remote human settlements are sometimes beset by groups of Barghest searching for small infants. Whether due to some bizarre ritual or just a sick sense of humor, Barghest leave some vegetable or tuber swathed in the babe’s blanket for the parents to discover in the morning.

    The usually reserved elorii bristle at the mention of these creatures. They speak of their flight into the Vastwoods to find refuge after the God’s War, only to find the thick forest infested with Barghest. After many generations, they finally eradicated the malicious beast from their arboreal home and forced them underground, where they now make their habitat.

    Common Tactics Barghest rarely confront their prey alone, but prefer

    to overwhelm them by sheer numbers. Using their unique physiology, they employ their feet to scale rocky outcrops and then rain rocks or short javelins down upon their targets.

    Due to their diet or perhaps because of the bits of rancid meat that tend to get caught between their teeth, some of the older Barghest exude a potent odor that can make the stoutest of dwarves wretch. The Barghest themselves seem to be immune to the stench and delight when they are able to disable a foe without lifting a claw.

    *Common Barghests are presented in Arcanis: The Role Playing Game

    BarghestBarghest, ElderElite (Tier 1.0)

    d8, Small Humanoid







    St (Wo): 35 (2) Pace: 40’*

    AR (n): 0 (3) Initiative: 3d10

    * Pace Note: see Improved Climb

    Attacks: Claws: +4 (a) d4 (d8)

    Speed: 3, Range: Melee

    Bite: +3 (a) d8 (d8) +2

    Speed: 5, Range: Melee

    Talents: Acrobatic, Stealthy T.I, Weapon Focus (Claws) T.I, Wolf Pack Tactics

    Traits: Crippling Stench, Improved Climbing, Natural Armor x2, Ravenous, Scent

    Flaws: Light Sensitivity, Small

    Skills: (+3, 18, 15)Athletics, Larceny, Melee (Unarmed), Mettle, Perception, Stealth (at +4)

    Encounter Tier Value: 1.0





    Table of ContentsIntroductionTraits & Flaws IndexHow to read a threat boxThreat ArchetypesThreat Types

    Monsters of ArcanisBarghestCommon Beasts of ArcanisBrown BearHawkHorseHorse, warExceptional AnimalsShadow LionWolf Lizard

    BloodfliesDevil, Headsmasher (Skaljir)Devil, Inferno (Kazorlith)Eaters of the DeadFiend, Hellwraith (Vaelgar)Gar, WarriorGolem, ClockworkGolem, CorpseIl’Huan, WarriorOoze, Necromantic SludgeSingarthan TrollSkeleton, WarlordSsanuSs’ressen, Horned Jowl “Agamassi”val’Baucisz VampyrVoiceless One, DominatorVoeiZombie, Greater (Glakki)

    Monstrous TraitsAlien MindBeast of BurdenCrippling StenchCorrupting TouchCrushConsumptionDark SightEngulfEnergy AuraFel SightHive MindHive BodyImproved ClimbingIncorporealInfernal CharacteristicInnocent AppearanceLife SightMaster of ManyMindlessMob TacticsMonstrous ChargeNatural ArmorNatural Spell CastingNotable AttackPossessionPowerful AttributePowerful Attack [Tiered]RavenousRegenerationResilienceResistanceScentSpecial AbilitySpecial AttackSpeed of the DamnedTrampleVampiric Attack

    Monstrous FlawsAtmospheric DisturbanceBestial IntellectHostLight SensitivityLairManifestRelentless HungerRepulsionRot of CorruptionSmallSupernatural LimitationUltimate MasterVulnerabilityWardWeak CharacteristicWeakness

    Murder CharacteristicsAppendix 1 Building EncountersAppendix 2 Creating & Modifying Threats“Re-skinning”ExIsting FoesVariationsBruteCorruptedExceptional SpecimenSilence TouchedCapability VariationsMartialArcaneDivine

    Creating your own FoeDesigning Your Foe,Step by StepMonstrous Archetypes:AdversaryCommonEliteMinionMurder

    Applying Monstrous ArchetypesTable 2-1 Foe DefensesFoe TypesFoe SizeFlawsThe Final Touches:Gear, Weapons,and ArmorListing Qualites & Special AbilitiesEncounter Tier Value:Natural Attacks
