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Best Ways To Attract More HIGHEND CLIENTS 7 Adam Urbanski The Millionaire Marketing Mentor
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Best  Ways  To  Attract  More  HIGH-­‐END  CLIENTS7

Adam  Urbanski The  Millionaire  Marketing  Mentor

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Hey there… Adam Urbanski here…

There’s one question friends, clients and students ask me more often than anything else…

“How do I consistently attract more and higher quality clients?”

It’s a big problem most entrepreneurs can’t solve.

Over the past 25 years of starting, building and selling my own businesses I found many strategies and tactics. I implemented and tested hundreds of them and made millions of dollars in the process.

But what’s even more important is that the few strategies that I found most effective generated over a $50,000,000 in extra revenue for just

a handful of my top clients over the last five or six years alone. (This is what I actually keep track of. But between thousands of our students on all six continents that number is probably double.)

In this report I’m sharing with you just a handful of methods that I found work best and fastest - especially if your product is you, your skills and your expertise.

You might be tempted to skip right to the tactics, so you can “dive in” and get busy doing what you think will get you more business. Don’t!

Because without understanding the core strategies behind them, tactics they will rarely - if ever - work.

I’ve been there - busy “treading water” and not getting ahead. But my life and my businesses changed when I started studying and understanding these strategies.

And I started with absolute nothing… no education beyond a high-school diploma… only $194 in my pocket… no connections… and I didn’t even speak English to start!

In ten years - using the strategies I outlined on the following pages - I turned that $194 into my first million dollar business in only 10 years.

If they worked for a guy like me - they will work for you.

As an entrepreneur you sacrifice a lot to turn your dreams and passion into a real, successful, profitable business. You already work hard. This guide will give you the knowledge to WORK SMART - to sell more, for more money, to more high-end clients, while working less.

I look forward to supporting you further and hearing about your success as our journey together continues.

Here’s to your success… Cheers!

Adam Urbanski Founder and CEO, The Marketing Mentors®

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“93%+ Of People Are Growing Their Business All Wrong”

I read this on a website just this morning. And since it’s on the Internet, it must be true, right? But joking aside, this number is probably closer to 99% - since that’s the failure rate of all small businesses. That’s a pretty scary fact.

And that’s why I decided to write this short tutorial…

To give you the know-how needed to beat the odds and join the top 1%-ers - the entrepreneurs who don't just survive, but crush it - getting all the new ideal clients they love working with, getting paid what they deserve for the value they create, and having the time freedom to enjoy a lifestyle most people only watch on TV.

Let’s start at the beginning…

Understanding the BIG PROBLEM every entrepreneur must conquer…

There’s just one leading cause of death for small businesses. A “silent killer” that devours life-long savings, destroys health, breaks up relationships of unaware, but forward charging entrepreneurs… What is it?

Lack of Clients!

It’s that simple. Without the ability to consistently generate quality leads, separate looky-lou’s from serious prospects, and influence those prospects to become ideal clients, something terrible happens… NOTHING.

Well, actually, something does happen eventually - you go out of business.

But here’s where 99% of all people growing their business do it all wrong… They chase the latest “tactic of the day” hoping it will become their salvation.


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But without understanding the underlying STRATEGY most approaches will fail to deliver the desired results. They might work briefly - consider it “beginner’s luck” - but will fizzle out quickly. Leaving you frustrated and forcing you to chase yet another tactic with a steep learning curve!


In a moment I’ll show you seven “tactics” anyone can quickly employ to get new paying clients fast. But first, let’s look at a few “strategic shifts” you must understand to use these tactics effectively with consistent, long-term results.

Strategy vs. Tactics - What’s The Difference And Why Does It Matter To You?

OK, I don’t want to turn this into an academic paper filled with useless, smart-sounding mumbo-jumbo. But if you don’t understand the difference between the two, you’re doomed to ongoing struggle and your marketing will likely stop working every time changing technology impacts how we communicate - which is pretty much every day!

I’ll keep it simple…

Tactic is an activity - something you do. Strategy is the thinking behind that activity that gives it purpose.

That’s why strategies tend to be “timeless” - because as a race humans changed very little since we left our cozy caves - our desires remained the same since the beginning of time. So we still respond to the same basic triggers.


A strategy gives you clarity about WHAT needs to be done and WHY it needs to be

done. Tactics focus on HOW to do it.

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Tactics change often. For example… Placing an ad in Yellow Pages is a tactic. And if you just asked “what’s Yellow Pages?” then it’s my point exactly. Or you could use telemarketing - you know, cold-calling home-owners right around their dinner time to solicit their business. It was an awesome tactic in 1999! But in 2003 the government-created “do-not-call” (in the USA) rendered it pretty much useless.

Anyway, you get the point, right? Strategy first - tactics second. Strategy - big-picture focus and long-lasting success. Tactics - being busy but not accomplishing much.

So tactics without a strategy are like doing something without thinking. (As in Q: “what the heck where you thinking doing this?”… A: “Truth be told - I wasn’t thinking!” Sad, but too often true.)

In a way, many entrepreneurs resemble a dog chasing its own tail: a wagging tail gets their attention… they start chasing it… it always seems to be just an inch away from being caught so they keep at it… it’s exhausting… they can never catch it… but they never stop to ask “WHY?”

Let’s make it specific… Let’s say your goal is to 5x your current sales and reduce your time working with one-on-one clients. So if you’re making $3,000 to $6,000 a month, you’d want to consistently make $15,000 to $30,000 each month - with only some of it coming from trading time-for-money.

What could be your strategy?

1) Sell big-ticket service packages to higher-end clients. (More money with fewer clients.)

2) Host a monthly workshop. (Highly leveraged revenue without one-on-one work.)3) Create an information product or training course. (Stop selling time and monetize

your know-how.)

Now (finally) come the tactics. Today they could be…

1) Sponsor an event where you get exposure to ideal high-end prospects. 2) Use networking (offline) and social-media (online) to identify and approach

prospects. 3) Use paid advertising to drive prospects to a webinar, or a video sales letter

explaining your program/course and inviting people to sign up.)

OK, I think you get the difference, right? So let’s move on…


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Six Ways To Think Strategically So You Can Stop Chasing Resistant Prospects

And Make Ideal New Clients Come To You

Just reading this will immediately help you attract more clients. That’s a big claim - I know.

So how can it be possible that just reading something can make you a better marketer?

Because unlike tactics - which often take years of practice, strategies take only moments to understand.

And once you understand the strategy - everything changes!

So let’s get cracking…

Strategy #1: To charge more for your work don’t change who you are - change who you work with.

Many professionals and entrepreneurs start out feeling “inadequate” to charge and get paid what they would really like to charge and get paid.

They believe they first need to take a few courses, have a few more certifications, and get 10 years of experience - then they finally can charge more!

While being good at what you do is a non-negotiable, what really decides how much you will get paid for your work is the client’s “potential for gain”.

To keep this simple, I’ll use a money-based example. (In our course we dive in depth into discovering “potential for gain” when the clients you work with and the work you do is not “money-focused”.)

Let’s say you work with businesses and help them generate more revenue.


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So if you work with a start-up that’s making $1,000 and you agree that your work together will get them to $10,000 a month - their “potential for gain” is $9,000 a month.

They might be willing to part with 5% to 10%, maybe 20% in some cases.

So you could earn $500 to $2,000 from this client. Now this could be a one-time fee, or a monthly retainer for a period of time - depending on how you structure your offer. (More on this in a moment.)

But if you work with a company that’s already making $1,000,0000 a year and you can help them get to $2,000,000 - their potential for gain a cool million!

And they will likely also be willing to give 5% to 20% of that to make it happen. So your earning from that client would be $50,000 to $200,000.

You didn’t change. The work you would do with both clients is identical. But your compensation would be vastly different! And it would probably take way more effort to work with the start-up than with the $1M company.

That’s what I mean by “change who you work with”. Another way to put it is to say “know who your dream clients are and develop a plan to attract them.”

Strategy #2: To boost your confidence to get higher-end clients “talk the walk” first.

Understanding how to get your business up and running starting from where you are is the key to boosting your confidence and approaching the dream high-end clients I mentioned in Strategy #1.

We are conditioned as a society to praise people who have the integrity to “walk their talk” - meaning they do what they preach. However, this indicates that they were preaching first and doing second - that’s totally back-ass backwards!

When you TALK YOUR WALK it means you have already done something and are now teaching it. Big difference.

For example…

Let’s say you approach this $1,000,000 company mentioned in Strategy #1. And you offer to help them grow to $2,000,000. A natural question they will ask is “have you done this before?”

And what if you haven’t?


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Now you’re screwed, right? I mean how are you supposed to build your own $2M biz if in order to acquire those ideal $1M clients - who will pay you the big money to grow your own $2M biz - you must already have an experience building a $2M biz?!

That’s what most people think - it’s wrongand that’s what gets them in trouble…

Here’s a better approach. There’s more than one thing that contributes to growing a business. So while you might have never built a $2M company before, maybe you created a content-publishing-based lead generation method that drives massive leads for only a fraction of what it would cost if a company had to advertise to get those leads.

Could that skill contribute to growing a company from $1M to $2M?


And would the $1M company be willing to pay you good money to install your “content-publishing-based lead generation machine” in their business?

You bet!

That’s WALKING YOUR TALK - find something you’re already awesome at and turn that into your high-end offer. It will make your confidence soar!

Can you see how this can totally transform your business? And it has nothing to do with a single tactic. It’s a way of thinking.

And that alone can make you a better marketer and a more savvy entrepreneur.

Now, imagine what happens when you start “stacking the strategies” - when you combine #1 and #2 - you can probably already see the massive potential, right?

And we’re just getting started.

By the way - I keep using money-based examples because it makes it easy to illustrate my points. However, these strategies can be very successfully applied when money is not the “measuring stick”. I have clients who sell relationship advice, spiritual practices, health benefits, fitness, beauty - just to name a few non-money-oriented offers.

We’ll dive into creating massive, non-monetary value that makes people pay a fortune for what you do in the full Big Ticket Sales Machine course.


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Strategy #3: To charge more and get it, sell value - not time or process.

Imagine walking into a million dollar business, sitting down with a decision-maker and taking up 30 minutes of their valuable time explaining to them how “content-publishing-based lead generation” works.

You’ve got their ear (for the moment) so you might as well showcase how smart you are. So you pile on a few jargon words, like “multi-channel publishing” and “content repurposing”, hoping to impress this great prospect. At the end of the meeting you’re asked to send more info… Then you never hear from this “great prospect” again.

What happened?

To answer that, imagine a different scenario…

Imagine sitting down with a decision-maker of a million-dollar company…

They are giving you 30 minutes of their time. So you get right to it… But the “it” is not talking their ear off with your industry jargon. Instead, you “seek to understand” their challenges with generating quality leads and converting them to prospects.

Now the decision-maker is eagerly involved - after all, he’s finally found someone who “speaks his language” and is actually genuinely interested in understanding his challenges.

As you begin to understand how the company currently generates leads with paid advertising, together you explore how “content-publishing” could be used to attract higher-end, more qualified prospects at a much lower cost per lead.

You discuss how these prospects would be already educated on company’s best approaches by consuming some of the strategically published content. And how it would likely increase the number of prospects who end up being paid customers.

The decision-maker gets excited about the possibilities. He pushes back his next meeting giving you another 30-minutes to further explore how you could help them deploy this “content-publishing-based lead generation system” in his business.

See the difference?


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In scenario #1 the focus was on the process. It’s like going to a mechanic to fix the car and the technician wasting an hour to explain each tool they will use, when all you wanted was a working car and being back on the road.

In the second scenario the focus was on VALUE - helping the company grow by acquiring more leads and customers at a lesser value. The tool was nearly irrelevant - what mattered was the results that tool could generate. That’s what decision-makers in every walk of life want - RESULTS. That’s how we measure value.

Sadly, most professionals are too busy explaining how much time they will spend on the project, how many meetings it will take, and the amazing tools they will use in the process. And all a potential client can hear is “work, work, a lot of hard work - I guess I better just keep doing what I’m doing now because it seems easier.”

Stop it.

People don’t care about time and process - they care about how it will make their life or business better.

Strategy #4: To sell more at higher prices package and productize your services.

Like most professionals I started out by charging hourly for my work.

But I quickly learned that it was a fast way to nowhere in terms of attracting more clients and growing a successful business.

So I turned my coaching into a “program” and everything changed. I now…

>> Leveraged my know-how instead of selling my time. >> Sold value instead of process. >> Instantly multiplied my “per-hour” earnings by four! >> Tripled my client enrollment - instead of turning one out of five prospects into a client, I was now enrolling three of them into my program.

Overall - packaging instantly allowed me to multiply my earnings without working any harder. In fact, I now worked less!

How packaging your services into the right format and right offer can impact your business…

I think examples work best, so let’s look at two different situations. And let’s switch to something non-business oriented. How about relationship-advice…


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Here are two different ways the “pitch” for “relationship coaching” could look:

Now I have question for you… Without knowing anything else about this offer, which “experience” would you be more likely to invest in?

Probably Option B, right?

Even though it’s a bigger investment, most people naturally feel it’s a better offer and will be more compelled to take advantage of it.


Because we “productized” the coaching. By packaging it into a “transformational experience” we turned intangible coaching into a product that delivers very tangible results.


Option A)

We’ll get together for an hour each week for the next 12 weeks and work on improving your relationship. (Most people would likely get into painstakingly explaining some of the processes involved, but since you already learned Strategy #3 you know better, right?) I only charge $100 an hour and since you’re getting 12 sessions you’re getting a discount so you only pay $1,000. (Hey, don’t laugh - I’ve done this!)

Option B)

Our 90-day “Totally In Love Transformational Experience is perfect for you. Imagine being on this exciting journey which will make you fall in love with yourself (in a good way), with your life, and with your significant other.

It will totally transform your life. You will have a happy, healthy and deeply fulfilling relationship. Doesn’t that sound good? Imagine how much more joyous and fulfilling your life will be.If this program could do this for you, wouldn’t it be totally worth it?

What would you be willing to invest in a program that changes everything? A lot, right? But the good news is that your investment in the entire Totally In Love Transformational Experience is only $5,000.

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And here’s that key word again - results. Something we’re all willing to pay for. ;)

Strategy #5: To enroll more clients stop “closing” and start coaching.

Wait - what? That’s right - when you stop “hard-closing” and worrying about “overcoming objections” and focus on coaching potential clients on making a decision that’s best for them - you’ll easily and naturally turn more prospects into clients.

And you’ll do it without any goofy gimmicks and sleazy manipulation.

This is a big topic and we spend a lot of time inside the BTSM totally transforming your relationship with selling and massively multiplying your ability to inspire people to make a decision, to take action, and to invest in your solution - when it’s appropriate for them.

But I’ll give you three ways to use coaching and education to close more sales right away:

1. Shut up and listen. (Sorry for being blunt - but this is a biggie!) Most sales conversations turn into a “show up and throw up” session where the person doing the selling is determined to tell the potential buyer everything there’s to know about their solution. WRONG! Your prospects don’t need to understand your process, they just need to feel understood.

2. Eliminate inertia. Most people would rather keep doing what they’ve always done - even if they don’t like the result they get - because it’s familiar and feels safer than the risk of doing something different. It’s inertia - a powerful force. You must know how to help your potential clients see the cost/pain of inaction, or they will do nothing.

3. Transfer confidence. When doing something new - or making a huge, one of a kind investment - it’s natural that potential clients aren’t very confident in their action and decision. That’s where your confidence comes in. If you’re not 100% confident that you’re their best option - they won’t be either.


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Strategy #6: To generate more leads, stop pitching and start teaching.

I’ve been using and teaching “education based marketing” since the day I opened my coaching practice in the summer of 2000.

It’s based on a simple truth: We hate being sold. But we love to learn about how to solve our problems. So…

Take this report, for example.

If you’re reading this - you obviously find this information valuable. So while I’m teaching you valuable strategies I’m building a relationship with you. I’m showcasing how my programs can be helping you be more successful in business. Yet you don’t feel being pushed, pressured, manipulated, or sold!

Now imagine what would happen if I titled this report: “7 Ways Why Your Must Hire Adam Urbanski” or “5 Reasons You Should Join Adam’s Big Ticket Sales Machine Coaching Program” - you wouldn’t even bother to download such thing.

And you’d never read it!

That’s why special reports, teleseminars, workshops, webinars, live-streams, speaking at events - anything that allows you to teach first - are ideal tactics to generate highly qualified prospects.

There’s an entire science to this strategy. I’m cutting my explanation short to keep this report from turning into a 200-page college book.

But one thing to highlight (that we cover extensively in the BTSM) is that using education to attract clients is not just “good ol’ teaching”… It’s actually a bit more complicated than that.


“When you pitch - people run. When you teach - people come!”

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I call this methodology “teach to sell” and it’s both an art and a science that all successful exerts learn and practice their entire lives.

For example, you might have seen people teach a webinar and generate thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars in sales as a result of it.

So you set out to teach your own webinar. You seem to do everything exactly the same - except your results are very different; zero, or very few sales.

That’s because you don’t know how to “teach to sell”.

I’m mentioning this not to make you feel bad, or inadequate. I had no idea how to teach to sell either. But I was smart enough to recognized that I didn’t know what I didn’t know.

So I did what all successful entrepreneurs do - I surrounded myself with people who had this skill, invested in their courses, went to their seminars, and hired them as my coaches - until I finally got it to work for me!

Unfortunately most people confuse “knowing of something” with “knowing how to do something.” Those are two very different things. And that difference is what separates the haves from the have-nots!

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you know something when you only know of it. And get the support you need to bridge the gap. It will make all the difference in the world and save you time, money and a lot of frustration.

Now that we got the strategic thinking covered, let’s dive into a few tactics…


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7 Tactics To Get Paying High-End Clients Fast I must mention this once again - these tactics work. And they work like crazy.

But it’s a bit like two people baking a cake following the same recipe: one creates something delicious and the other ends up with something that needs to be thrown out.

How can they get different result? The followed the same recipe, right? Because it’s not just having the right recipe - it’s knowing how to apply it the right way.The same applies here.

Don’t be fooled that by the simplicity of these tactics. And if they sound familiar you might be tempted to say “I already know that”, or “I’m already doing it”.

If you’re doing something like this and are getting awesome results - that’s great. Congrats. But if your results are less than stellar - don’t blame the tactic. There’s probably something a little off with your application of it. And you’d probably benefit from having someone take a look at what you’re doing and help you make a few tweaks to get you on the right track.

Anyway, now that I got my “warnings” and “admonitions” out of the way, let’s get into the details of 7 tactics that (don’t right) will get you high-paying clients fast.

I. Rifle Through Your Hit-List.Sorry for the military-inspired, attack-focused name. If it makes you feel warm and fuzzy think of this strategy as “Picking Low Hanging Fruit”… Or “Being of Service To People You Are Close To”.

This is how I got my business up and running. And this strategy took me nearly to my first $100,000.

This approach is ideal when you’re just starting out, or when you’re testing new ideas.


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It’s very simple, fast, doesn’t depend on complicated technology. Which means that you can literally go from an idea to having a paid client in a matter of hours. (Plenty of my students who needed to get themselves out of a “financial pickle” fast, successfully used this approach.)

1. Make a list of people whom you could be of service to. If you already know exactly what you’re doing - let’s say that you’re a) a relationship coach, or b) a business growth consultant - then you’d make a list of people who you already know that could use some type of support in their a) relationship, or b) business. And if you’re unsure what your offer is, this approach could help you discover it. So just make a list of people whom you’d like to support somehow.

2. Next to each name write down three ways you could support them. Make sure that you’re listing the VALUE (the results you could create for them) and not just the process you’d use to help them.

3. Prioritize this list in order of which person would be the biggest win with the lowest risk. This is entirely subjective and will be different for everyone. Bottom line, decide who you feel most comfortable approaching first, second, third - etc. Doing it this way will give you the confidence to get started.

4. Connect with each person. The purpose of the first connection is to set up a time to talk - not to sell them. This is very important. Since these are people you already know and have some connection to, I recommend using the phone. But email works, too. And the combination of both works best.

Here’s a sample phone / email script. Replace the words in [brackets] with messages that would be relevant to what you do.

That’s it. Pretty simple, right?


“Hey [Friend]. I was thinking of you lately. Last time we connected you mentioned that you had some concerns about your [relationship]. Is this still the case? (if yes) … You know, I had a few ideas how you could turn things around quickly and would love to share them with you if you’re interested. There’s no obligation, it’s just my way of being of service and supporting you. Would you like that? (if yes)… Great, let’s set up a time when we can talk for 30-45 minutes so I can walk you through my ideas for you….”

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5. During your meeting follow the ideas I shared with you above - especially in strategies #3 through #6. Don’t pitch - teach distinctions, consult on a new approach, and coach through fears of making changes.

Provide value. And show them how working with you would be of even more value to them. Be prepared to present your “service package” in a way that communicates the results you can help them create.

In the BTSM we do a lot of work around re-framing your attitude towards selling so you won’t be missing out on opportunities to serve people because you don’t know how to have powerful enrollment conversations.

For now, just remember to relax. If you feel pressure and discomfort - you’ll telegraph it to the person you’re talking to.

Don’t be attached to getting a client - that will just make you nervous.

Focus on being of service. And stay open to the possibility of it turning into paid business for you. If it does - that’s just an added win. If if doesn’t - no big deal - there are plenty of “fish in the sea”!

If you’ve been in business for a while, this approach can turn into a nice profit boost. And if you’re just getting started, it will help you discover what you love to help people with and how your know-how and skills can be turned into an in-demand solution to a very real problem a lot of people struggle with.

NOTE: This approach really is as simple as I just described. But don’t think that it’s easy. I often spend a lot of time coaching my clients and students through the nuances of this process. So it will take you a little while to get a hang of it.

The biggest thing is to stick with it and don’t get discouraged when you don’t succeed at first. Finally, it’s OK to acknowledge that you just don’t have certain skills - like knowing how to have a great “discovery session” that leads to people signing up as your clients - and decide to invest in yourself to develop those skills.

II. Shot-Gun Through Your Contacts This is very similar to the previous tactic. But instead of making a list of people you think you can help, you send a message to all your contacts letting them know how you can be of value to them.


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This approach is very simple and very effective. It works best when you already decided what your offer is.

What you do is write an email (see sample below) and send it to everyone (or nearly everyone) in your address book.

You may be tempted to leave some people off that “distribution list.” Don’t!

Don’t make the decision for them by not sharing your message with them. Let them decide if they want to reach out to you after hearing what you have to offer.

And if you’re concerned that you’re spamming people - you’re not.

Because this isn’t something that you’ll be sending over and again. And you’re not adding people to any kind of mailing list. You’re just approaching them once.

Of course, if you have your own optin list, this is something you can do repeatedly. And you can set it up so this kind of invite goes to every new person joining your list.

Here’s an example of what your email could say (this is nearly exactly a copy of one of the messages I used in the past.)

*** *** *** Sample Email *** *** ***Subject Line: Get a [business] breakthrough you need - fast…

Hi [First Name],

[Your Name] here with a quick update and a special invitation.

If you feel like you’ve been working too hard to [grow your business] without getting the big results you want - this maybe exactly what you’ve been looking for.

[Share a success story here…]

I recently worked with [3 clients] who wanted to [grow their businesses] and each one of them had big breakthroughs:

[list three big wins / benefits here] >> [One created a lead-generation system that brought in enough


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high-paying clients to turn their brand new business into a six-figure success (annualized) - in only 9 days.]

>> [Another client repackaged their services from working one-on-one to a small workshop. We created a simple offer for it, shared it with a very small pool of contacts and generated an additional $123,000 in sales in only six weeks. But the biggest win here was that my client got his life back - no longer having to provide his services one-on-one!]

>> [Finally, with another client, we added one tweak after new leads were generated and added a $14,000 boost in sales - monthly! Now, keep in mind nothing else changed - they are still getting the same number of leads they were getting before, I simply showed them how to monetize a hidden asset they already had and turn it into a new profit center.]

Cool, huh?

Which brings me to the special invite I mentioned earlier…

Seeing how what I do generates huge breakthroughs for my clients I realized that there are probably people in my community that would benefit from these strategies.

So I decided to share my strategies with anyone who can benefit from them through a short, powerful [business growth breakthrough] session.

If you’d like to learn how my simple strategies can

>> [generate more leads for you] >> [help you close more high-end sales], and… >> [grow your business beyond trading time-for-money]

This [Business Growth Breakthrough] session might be a good fit for you.

It’s free. And there’s no obligation to buy anything further from me.

But in the time we spend together I’ll give you at least three strategies you can use immediately to [get more leads, close more sales, and reduce your work load.]


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Now, I’d love to support everyone because I really love helping [entrepreneurs become more successful]. But obviously that’s not realistic because it would take up all my time.

So I can only offer a handful of these sessions each week.

If you’d like to take advantage of this offer - remember, there’s no obligation and the potential upside for you is huge - just hit reply and let me know you’re interested.

Once you do that, what will happen next is I’ll send you more details about the session and a few simple questions about your current situation.

Don’t worry - it’s nothing too intrusive. It will simply let me make sure that I can be of service to you and get ready for our talk.

That’s it.

If you feel you could benefit from the kinds of results I described earlier - hit reply now and let’s book the time to talk shortly.

If you’re already doing great and don’t need this kind of support - that’s awesome. Congrats on your success.

And I’d love it if you could share this message with someone you know who is still a few steps behind you.

Think about it: having a [Business Growth Breakthrough] session with me could be a turning point in their life. And they would have you to thank for the introduction.

All good wishes…

[Your Name] [Your Phone Number]

*** *** *** End Of Sample Email *** *** ***

NOTE: This is just one example of the kind of templates included in the BTSM were you literally get dozens of pre-written, already proven effective emails and conversation scripts.


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III. Networking This is a very popular and highly effective method.

Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs go about it the wrong way and don’t get good results from it.

Most people believe that it takes weeks, even months of attending networking meetings and building connections and reputation before they will ever generate a lead.

That’s not true. I develop a method to get paid clients from every networking meeting I attended. So I could justify taking the time attending these meetings.

The reason my approach worked is because I understood the six strategies I listed earlier. Because I understood them I did things differently and my results where immediately very different from everyone else.

It would take me about 90 minutes to walk you through the entire approach so I obviously can’t do it here. But I will give you enough to get you started.

1. Prepare in advance something of value to offer to potential clients - I call it a “client magnet”. This could be an article, special report, an audio CD, or even a teleseminar / webinar that you pre-recorded or are hosting live regularly. It must be something that a potential client would find of value. For example, this report is my “client magnet”. But yours doesn’t have to be so elaborate. Keep it simple - get it done fast.

2. Develop an effective ABC - Audio Business Card. This isn’t the same old “elevator pitch” everyone else uses… You know “Hi, I’m a coach… blah blah blah…” Your ABC actually doesn’t even talk about you. It’s designed to grab attention and command action by calling out to your ideal prospects. It clearly communicates the value you offer, and makes it easy to understand how to take the first next step to connect with you and benefit from what you provide.” (Sorry for not being able to expand on this here.)

3. At the end of your ABC simply invite folks to connect with you to get access to that Client Magnet you prepared in advance.


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4. Follow up with folks who requested your Client Magnet. Use a version of the script and email I shared above. But the key is to stay in touch and continue providing value.

5. Invite the right prospects to connect with you for a breakthrough /discovery session.

That’s it. When you do it right - every networking opportunity will turn into new high-end clients for you.

IV. Speaking and Sponsorships. This tactic is awesome because it automatically positions you as a credible authority.

And there are tons of opportunities in every city and town all over the world where you can be featured as a speaker. You don’t have to start big - you just need to start.

Once you develop a little bit of a recognition it will be easy to get invited. And you can get started by “sponsoring” certain events.

Sponsoring events could be considered an entirely separate tactic. And it can get very costly to get involved. But here I’m simply talking about sponsoring small, local events.

You can often do this for under $100.

It will put you in the spotlight in front of your ideal audience and give you the opportunity to present your offer.

The steps are very similar to those I listed under Networking.

1) Have something of value to offer to your audience. 2) At the end of your talk invite people to connect with you to collect your “client magnet”. 3) Follow up. 4) Set up breakthrough / discovery sessions. 5) Enroll new clients. ;) Frankly, some of my biggest success stories start with this approach. It’s pretty straightforward and can quickly turn into a client and profit “explosion” when implemented the right way.

Plus, once you figure it out, you can keep repeating the process over and over again every time you want to get new clients.


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V. Paid Advertising This requires a little bit of an up-front investment. And there’s some “techie stuff” involved. But the upside is that this approach can be easily scaled and gives you complete control over your lead generation.

Once you use some of the earlier tactics you should get a pretty good idea how many prospects it will take to get a client. Based on that you can figure out how much you can invest in advertising.

For example, let’s say that it takes five prospects to get a client who is worth $5,000. Now you can decide how much you’re willing to pay to generate one prospect. Would you be willing to pay $50 per prospect? $100? $200? Even at $200 per prospect it would cost you only $1,000 to get a $5,000 client. That’s a 500% ROI. Not bad, right?

Paid advertising is one of the most predictable ways to ramp up any business.

But most people are skeptical about it. And because they don’t understand the strategies that make lead generation profitable, they can’t make it work in their business.

Knowing what you’re learning here, you now have a big strategic advantage over 99% of entrepreneurs who will never figure this out. ;)


Would you invest a $1,000 to get a $5,000 client?

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VI. Online Networking Social media gives all of us the same access to global audience. So you can take your networking efforts online and reach potential clients all over the world. And it doesn't have to involve any complicated technology.

This approach works very much like a combination between “Hit List”, “Shotgun” and “Networking”…

Develop something of value and keep sharing it through posts on social media. And your call to action can be as simple as “if you’re interested send me a PM (private message) here.”

For example, about four years ago I recorded a short video message. It was roughly about 2-minutes long. The message in the video was very similar to the email script I shared earlier. In my post I invited people to a “secret” page on my website where they could apply for a breakthrough session with me or someone on my team.

Before long people started liking the video. Sharing it with their connections. Giving me exposure to thousands of people I didn’t know before. This simple strategy resulted in over $250,000 in new coaching business.

AND - get this - I now have used the same video and I shared it with my entire list once a year for the last three years.

Each time I do this - it gets more ideal high-end clients to reach out to me.

Keep it simple and just get it done!

And the video is completely “home made” with me actually holding my iPhone and recording my short message. No big scripts. No fancy equipment. No editing.

I simply shared something of value and invited people who feel that it might be of service to them to reach out to me. That’s it! Do you think you could do something like this? The answer should be a definite YES!


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7. Turn Your Website Into A Client MagnetMost websites are a total waste of time and money. They require technology skills (or a hefty budget) and take a long time to build them right. And after all that effort most sites still don’t generate any leads and don’t bring any money.

This tactic will fix it for you.

Instead of having a complicated website, put up a simple single page that offers your Client Magnet to your visitors. You can use simple to use tools like leadpages.net or squarespace.com - which costs about 10 bucks a month so price is not a barrier.

You’ll be surprised how well it works! In fact, over the last decade, I’ve made millions of dollars selling my coaching and consulting services online, and for the most part I use simple web pages that have only one goal - generate leads.

It just works. ;)

And when you are connecting with others offline you never have to worry what they will see when they go to your site. Because you know you have a solid offer on your home page that turns one of out two visitors into a lead - meaning a potential client.

Just make sure to follow up with your leads. Again, use a version of the email / script I provided earlier - to invite people to a breakthrough session. You get the drill, right?

So What’s Next? I’ve used all of these tactics in my business. In fact, it’s only a small sample of dozens of ways I’ve developed for myself or my clients to get leads and attract new clients.

But you really only need one way. So select one method and apply it again and again - until you get very good at it. That’s the real key to success.

Personally, what I find works for me when I’m learning something new that’s vital to my business is to get involved with a community of people mastering the same skills that’s led by someone who’s already got the results I want.


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This was I can ensure that I’m learning the right information and that I’m applying it the right way.

Speaking of the right information…

So far I shared with you two videos sharing with you some of the strategies and tactics I outlined here. These videos will help you understand these ideas even better - so that you can implement them faster. Definitely make sure you watch them.

In my very next video I’ll share with you my entire Big Ticket Sales Machine Blueprint so you can see everything that goes into creating a system that consistently attracts ideal prospects and converts them into high-end clients.

I’m often shocked how many entrepreneurs who struggle to get to six figures, or to grow their success to multiple six figures and into the million dollar level don’t take the time to build such system in their business.

They are working very hard, but because they are working on the wrong things they can never get ahead. It’s like the ultimate trap - doing something you think will give freedom and ending up chained by it!

So that’s why my next video will give you the blueprint of what you need to build - to do it the right way. So you can do what you love, use your genius to make a difference and impact a lot of people, and create money and time freedom for yourself in the process.

Sound good?

The video is nearly ready. And I’ll send you an email with a link to it once it’s online.

(If you got this report from a friend you can access the training videos here - this will make sure you get the emails with access to future videos, too.

Or you can just email me at [email protected] and I’ll make sure we’ve got you all hooked up so you don’t miss any of the good stuff I’m giving away.)

One last thing…

I’d love to hear from you. Please take a moment to leave a comment on the page where you downloaded this guide.

Specially I’d love to hear which of the Six Strategic Shifts I outlined here will be the most challenging for you to implement. Let me know - I’m reading all the comments and will respond to yours, too.


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