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Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Today I will be speaking out of Matthew chapter five, verses one through eleven.
(y) (wmen) (de) (zh) (Ys Jd) (zh) (míng) (wènhòu) (dàji) (píng'n) (w) (yào) (jingshù) (Mtài Fúyn) (dìw) (zhng)1-11 (jié)
Did you know God wants you to have a good life? God wants you to have blessings! But sometimes blessings are not recognizable if you are looking with normal eyes.
(n) (zhdào) (Shàngdì) (yào) (n) (yngyu) (hào) (de) (shngmìng) (ma)?  (Shàngdì) (yào) (n) (yngyu) (zhùfú) (rúgu) (n) (yòng) (chángrén) (de) (yngung) (láikàn) (yushíhou) (wúf) (rènch) (zhùfú) (lái)
But today we are going to look with Jesus eyes and see the place in the Bible where Jesus says the word blessing or favor more than any other place in the Bible.
(jntin) (wmen) (yào) (yòng) (Ys) (de) (yngung) (láikàn) (hé) (lioji) (zài) (zhèl) (su) (shu) (de) (zhùfú) (huò) (nhuì) (zhège) (cí) (duyú) (zài) (Shèngjng) (l) (de) (qít) (dìfang)
If you want to be blessed from your heavenly Father then this is where you should look! Matthew chapter 5:1-12. Jesus clearly uses the word blessing or favor nine times in a row!
(rúgu) (n) (xingyào) (dézháo) (láizì) (tinfù) (de) (zhùfú) (zhè) (jiùshì) (n) (gi) (kàn) (de) (dìfang) (Mtài Fúyn) (dìw) (zhng)1-12 (jié) (qngchu) (de) (shyòng) (zhùfú) (huò) (nhuì) (zhège) (cí) (zài) (yxíng) (l) (yu) (ji) (cì)
Most people don’t understand this passage in Matthew because they don’t understand Jesus’ main goal.
(dushù) (rén) (bù) (lioji) (Mtài Fúyn) (l) (de) (zhè) (duàn) (tmen) (bù) (lioji) (Ys) (de) (zhyào) (mùdì)
Jesus is God in human flesh and God is interested in one thing. Setting up a perfect Kingdom of love in heaven and on earth. He wants to fill this Kingdom with a perfected family. A family built upon character attributes that were all exemplified in the person of Jesus Christ.
(Ys) (shì) (yu) (rénlèi) (xuèròu) (de) (Shàngdì) (duì) (y) (jiàn) (shì) (gnxìngqù) (jiùshì) (zài) (tinshàng) (hé) (dìshang) (chuàngjiàn) (y) (gè) (wánmi) (de) (ài) (de) (guó) (xingyào) (yòng) (gè) (wánmi) (de) (jitíng) (lái) (wánchéng) (zhège) (guó)
This is Jesus singular goal, to build the Kingdom of Heaven and bring it to the earth.
(zhè) (shì) (Ys) (de) (dny) (mùbio) (chuàngjiàn) (tinguó) (bìngqi) (b) (t) (dàidào) (dìshang)
Whenever Jesus would talk to people he would use the phrase, the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven! These two phrases are used 126 times in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
(wúlùnhéshí) (Ys) (shyòng) (Shàngdì) (de) (guó) (huò) (tintáng) (de) (guó) (zhège) (cí) (duì) (rénmen) (shuhuà) (ling) (gè) (cí) (zài) (Mtài Fúyn) (Mk Fúyn) (Lùji Fúyn) (héyu) (hàn) (fúyn) (l) (bèi) (shyòng) (lio)126 (cì)
We must understand that Jesus main goal was, and still is today, to setup an everlasting Kingdom of loving individuals who will live together in happiness and harmony forever.
(wmen) (bìx) (lioji) (Ys) (de) (zhyào) (mùbio) (shì) (xiànzài) (réng) (shì) (chuàngjiàn) (y) (gè) (ynghéng) (de) (ài) (de) (guó) (mi) (ygèrén) (jing) (yngyun) (yq) (shnghuó) (zài) (xìngfú) (héxié) (l)
But this type of Kingdom cannot exist without the proper citizens to fill it.
1. Therefore Jesus came to make proper citizens for an eternal Kingdom. Step 1 is to put your faith in Jesus as the leader of this Kingdom.
(dànshì) (zhèyàng) (de) (guó) (bùnéng) (méiyu) (shìhé) (de) (rénmín) (lái) (chéngjiù) (t)
1. (ync) (Ys) (lái) (shde) (rénmín) (chéngwéi) (shìhé) (yú) (ynghéng) (guódù) (de) (rénmín) (y) (jiùshì) (xingxìn) (Ys) (shì) (zhège) (guó) (de) (lngdorén)
If you are here today there is a strong chance that you are already doing step 1 and trusting Jesus. But if not it is as simple as praying and asking Jesus to be the Master of your life.
(rúgu) (jntin) (n) (zài) (zhèl) (n) (hn) (knéng) (yjng) (zài) (jìnxíng) (bùzhòu) (y) (érqi) (xingxìn) (Ys) (dànshì) (rúgu) (búshi) (hn) (jindn) (de) (n) (zhyào) (qíqiú) (Ys) (chéngwéi) (n) (shngmìng) (de) (zh)
Imagine there is throne inside of you. Who get’s to sit on that throne. Do you or does Jesus? If you fully trust Jesus then you must pray and ask Him to sit on the throne of your life. To be your leader, your Master, your true King. I hope all of us have made that decision today. If not then myself or Pastor Kim can help you pray the prayer to ask Jesus to be your Lord.
Following Jesus is step one. Our main text for today in Matthew chapter 5 says that very thing.
(xingxiàng) (zài) (n) (lmiàn) (yu) (gè) (bozuò) (gi) (zuò) (zài) (bozuò) (shàng) (ne) (shì) (n) (háishi) (Ys) (rúgu) (n) (wánquán) (xingxìn) (Ys) (n) (ynggi) (qíqiú) (Ys) (lái) (zuò) (zài) (n) (de) (shngmìng) (de) (bozuò) (shàng) (chéngwéi) (n) (de) (lngdorén) (n) (de) (zh) (n) (de) (zhn) (wáng) (w) (xwàng) (wmen) (jntin) (suyu) (rén) (yjng) (zuò) (lio) (zhège) (juédìng) (rúgu) (huán) (méiyu) (nàme) (w) (huò) (jn) (mùsh) (ky) (wèi) (n) (dogào) (qíqiú) (Ys) (chéngwéi) (n) (de) (Zhnzh)
(gnsuí) (Ys) (shì) (bùzhòu) (y) (jntin) (su) (yào) (jingshù) (de) (Mtài Fúyn) (dìw) (zhng) (jing) (de) (zhèngshì) (rúc)
Matthew 5:1-3, Let’s read it.
(Mtài Fúyn)513 (lái) (dú)
1Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2 and he began to teach them. He said: 3“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
1 (Ys) (kànjiàn) (zhè) (xdu) (de) (rén) (shàng) (lio) (shn) (jì) (y) (zuòxia) (méntú) (dào) (t) (gn) (qiánlái)2 (t) (jiù) (kiku) (jiàoxun) (tmen)3 (de) (rén) (yufú) (lio) (ynwèi) (tinguó) (shì) (tmen) (de)
Step one is that we are blessed when we are poor in spirit. No one will ask Jesus to be the King of their life unless they know they are in need of a change!
(bùzhòu) (y) (shì) (dàng) (wmen) (xxn) (shí) (wmen) (shì) (shòu) (zhùfú) (de) (yurén) (huì) (yoqiú) (Ys) (dàng) (tmen) (de) (shngmìng) (zh) (wáng) (chúfi) (tmen) (zhdào) (tmen) (xyào) (gibiàn)
Poor in spirit means that you know you are in need of a change. A poor person knows they are poor. If you are poor and someone says they can help you then you must put your trust in them to help you, there is no room for pride.
(xxn) (de) (rén) (yìsi) (shì) (n) (zhdào) (n) (xyào) (gibiàn) (de) (rén) (zhdào) (zìj) (shì) (pínfá) (de) (rúgu) (n) (shì) (pínfá) (de) (yurén) (gàosu) (n) (tmen) (ky) (bngzhù) (n) (nàme) (n) (bìrán) (xìnrèn) (tmen) (lái) (bngzhù) (n) (méiyu) (jio'ào)
A person’s spirit is the core of who they are. Your spirit is the engine that runs your emotions, your personality, your attributes, even your physical body.
(de) (xnlíng) (shì) (t) (de) (nèihé) (de) (xnlíng) (yùnzuò) (n) (de) (qíngxù) (gèxìng) (pn)
(gé) (n) (de)
If you had a car that you really loved, but the engine was not running good  you could try to keep getting it fixed, or you could just get a brand new engine!
(rúgu) (n) (yu) (bù) (zhn'ài) (de) (chzi) (ynqíng) (yùnzhun) (bùliáng) (n) (ky) (shèf) (xiho) (t) (huòshì) (huàn) (gè) (quánxn) (de) (ynqíng)
In Matthew 5:3 Jesus is telling us that we are blessed when we know that we are poor in spirit. We are blessed when we know we need a new engine.
(zài) (Mtài Fúyn)5 (zhng)3 (jié) (gàosu) (wmen) (shu) (dàng) (wmen)( (xxn)) (xnlíng) (pínfá) (shí) (shì) (bèi) (zhùfú) (de) (wmen) (bèi) (zhùfú) (dàng) (wmen) (zhdào) (wmen) (xyào) (y) (gè) (xn) (ynqíng)
There are three types of people,
1. the person who is in denial that their spirit is bad,
2. the person who knows their spirit is bad but is trying to fix it themself, and
3. the person who knows their spirit is bad and knows that Jesus is the only Master who can fully fix it by giving them a new spirit.             
(yu) (rén): 
2.     (zhdào) (zìj) (de) (xnlíng) (pínfá) (shìtú) (zìj) (xifù) (de) (rén)
3.     (zhdào) (zìj) (de) (xnlíng) (pínfá) (zhdào) (Ys) (shì) (wéiy) (k) (gi) (t) (xn) (de) (xnlíng) (lái) (xifù) (t) (de) (rén)
This is the first step in following Jesus and becoming blessed. You must know that you are spiritually poor and in need of Jesus help. Once you humbly admit that and pray to Jesus for a new spirit, then you will receive a born again spirit from God.
(bùzhòu) (y) (gnsuí) (Ys) (bìngqi) (dédào) (zhùfú) (bìrán) (zhdào) (n) (de) (xnlíng) (pínfá) (xyào) (Ys) (bngzhù) (ydàn) (n) (xxn) (chéngrèn) (bìngqi) (xiàng) (Ys) (dogào) (qiúdé) (xn) (de) (xnlíng)
That’s why Jesus suffered, died on the cross, and then resurrected to life. So that anyone who follows Him could have their poor broken spirit reborn!
(nà) (jiùshì) (wèishénme) (Ys) (shòuk) (zài) (shí) (jià) (shàng) (ránhòu) (fùhuó) (suy) (rènhé) (gnsuí) (Ys) (de) (rén) (y) (ky) (sh) (tmen) (de) (pòsuì) (xnlíng) (fùhuó)
Now that you have this born again spirit it can be retrained into the image of Jesus Christ. Jesus is our prototype that our character is being molded to be like.
(jìrán) (n) (yule) (de) (xnlíng) (k) (péixùn) (chéng) (Ys) (de) (yàngmào) (Ys) (shì) (wmen) (yào) (bèi) (sù) (xíng) (de) (yuánxíng)
The Kingdom of God is filled with a diverse group of people, but they are all being taught by God’s Holy Spirit how to live out the unique character attributes of Jesus.
(Shàngdì) (de) (guó) (chngmn) (lio) (xdu) (zhnglèi) (de) (rén) (tmen) (du) (yóu) (Shàngdì) (de) (Shènglíng) (jiàodo) (rúhé) (huó) (ch) (Ys) (de) (tèzhì)
Step 1. Pray to Christ to transform your poor spirit into a new born again spirit.
(bùzhòu) (y). (xiàng) (j) (ddo) (gào) (zhunhuàn) (n) (de) (pínfá) (xnlíng) (chéngwéi) (y) (gè) (quánxn) (zài) (huó) (de) (xnlíng)
Then you are blessed, because you become a new citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Now we must learn to be a proper citizen of this new Kingdom that we are a part of.
(xiànzài) (wmen) (bìx) (xuéxí) (chéngwéi) (wmen) (shì) (qíy) (bù) (fèn) (de) (xn) (guódù) (de) (héyí) (de) (zmín)
Christ is your Master, He has given you a born again spirit.
(Jd) (shì) (n) (de) (zh) (yjng) (gi) (n) (y) (gè) (zài) (huó) (de) (xnlíng)
Let’s see step 2 in Matthew 5:4 Jesus says, Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
(wmen) (láikàn) (dì'èr) (bùzhòu) (zài) (Mtài Fúyn)5 (zhng)4 (jié) (shu) (itòng) (de) (rén) (yufú) (lio) (ynwèi) (tmen) (bìdi) (nwèi)
Step two Jesus says you are blessed when you mourn. Most people mourn when someone dies. We do so because something is happened that God didn’t originally design. Death. God didn’t originally design humans to die.
(dì'èr) (bùzhòu) (Ys) (shu), (n) (shì) (shòu) (zhùfú) (de), (dàng) (n) (itòng) (shí) (díquè) (shì) (ynwèi) (yuxi) (shìqing) (de) (fshng) (nà) (bn) (búshi) (Shàngdì) (chuàngzào) (de) (swáng) (Shàngdì) (yuánbn) (méiyu) (chuàngzào) (rén) (de) (swáng)
The Bible explains that He created us as eternal. When our ancestors disobeyed God this was called original sin and death entered the world.
(shu) (t) (bn) (chuàngzào) (wmen) (wèi) (yngcún) (wmen) (de) (zxin) (wéibèi) (Shàngdì) (jiù) (fàn) (yuánzuì) (swáng) (biàn) (jìnrù) (rénjin)
Our disobedience is call sin, sin destroys our connection with God, God is the sustainer of life. Therefore death is not a result of God’s perfect design, it is a result of sin and disobedience.
(wmen) (de) (bù) (shùncóng) (jiùshì) (zuì) (hu) (huàile) (wmen) (y) (Shàngdì) (de) (liànji) (Shàngdì) (shì) (shngmìng) (de) (láiyuán) (suy) (swáng) (búshi) (ynwèi) (Shàngdì) (de) (wánmi) (chuàngzào) (swáng) (shì) (zuì) (hé) (bù) (fúcóng) (de) (jiégu)
Jesus says we are blessed when we realize the destructive power of sin and cry out to Him about it! This is what verse 4 is saying.
A born again person can truly see the depth of sin in their own life. They can also more easily see the sin in their friends and family.
(Ys) (shu) (wmen) (shì) (shòu) (zhùfú) (de) (wmen) (lioji) (zuì) (de) (humiè) (lìliang) (ér) (xiàng) (t) (h) (qiú) (rènzuì) (shí) (zhè) (jiùshì) (dì) (sì) (jié) (su) (shu) (de) (nèiróng) (gè) (zài) (huó) (de) (rén) (ky) (zhnzhèng) (kànjiàn) (zài) (tmen) (zìj) (de) (shngmìng) (zhng) (de) (shndù) (tmen) (y) (ky) (qngyì) (dì) (kànjiàn) (tmen) (de) (péngyou) (hé) (jirén) (de) (zuì)
Don’t make excuses for sin. Cry out to God in repentance! Mourn about the sin all around you. Sin should make you sad enough to cry out to God about it.
(bùyào) (tìzuì) (k) (qiú) (hugi) (wèi) (wéirào) (n) (sìzhu) (de) (zuì) (itòng) (zuì)
(yng) (sh) (n) (gòu) (ishng) (dào) (xiàngshàng) (dì) (h) (qiú) (rènzuì)
The longer you live as a Christian God will reveal to you more and more of your sins, the good news is you can defeat any temptation or sin that you find yourself struggling with. The way you defeat your sin is to cry out to Jesus about it!
(n) (shnghuó) (chéngwéi) (Jdtú) (yuè) (ji) (jing) (xinxiàn) (yuè) (du) (n) (de) (zuì) (hào) (xioxi) (shì) (n) (ky) (zhànshèng) (nàxi) (n) (zhèngzài) (zhngzhàn) (de) (yòuhuò) (hé) (n) (zhànshèng) (n) (de) (zuì) (de) (fngf) (jiùshì) (h) (qiú) (xiàng) (Ys) (rènzuì)
Mourn and cry to Jesus about your sins and the sins of others. As you do Jesus will give you the strength and wisdom to overcome all the sin and evil around you.
(xiàng) (Ys) (h) (qiú) (chéngrèn) (n) (de) (zuì) (hé) (biéren) (de) (zuì) (n) (zhème) (zuò) (shí) (Ys) (jing) (cìgi) (n) (lìliang) (hé) (zhìnéng) (qù) (kèfú) (n) (sìzhu) (suyu) (de)
Then you will be truly comforted.
(n) (jing) (dédào) (zhnzhèng) (de) (nwèi)
The Holy Spirit that comes from the Father through Jesus is often called The Comforter.
(láizì) (tinfù) (tngguò) (Ys) (jiànglín) (de) (Shènglíng) (cháng) (chngwéi) (bohuìsh)
The Holy Spirit reveals compromises and character flaws in our life, then helps us overcome those character flaws. When you overcome the sins in your life, this brings great comforter to us.
(xiàng) (wmen) (jishì) (shngmìng) (zhòngdì) (tu) (xiéhé) (réngé) (xiác) (bngzhù) (wmen) (kèfú) (zhèxi) (réngé) (xiác) (dàng) (n) (kèfú) (shngmìng) (zhòngdì) (zuì) (zhè) (jing) (wèi) (n) (dàilái) (hn) (dà) (de) (nwèi)
This is step 2. Cry out to Jesus about all sin so that you can be sanctified. Then you will receive great comfort.
Step 3 in becoming a Christ-like citizen, ready for the Kingdom of heaven:
Matthew 5:5, Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
(bùzhòu) (sn) (chéngwéi) (xiàng) (Jd) (ybn) (de) (zmín) (hào) (jìnrù) (tinguó)
(Mtài Fúyn)55 (de) (rén) (yufú) (lio) (ynwèi) (tmen) (jing) (chéngshòu) (dì) (t)
As we become mature Christians and take a battle against sin, something can easily happen. Pride.
(dàng) (wmen) (chéngwéi) (chéngshú) (de) (Jdtú) (bìngqi) (wèi) (zuì) (zhngzhàn) (dngx) (hn) (róngyì) (fshng) (jio'ào)
We get some victories and breakthroughs in our life…then pride starts to creep in.
(wmen) (zài) (shngmìng) (zhng) (dédào) (yxi) (shènglì) (hé) (tpò) (jio'ào) (kish) (pá) (jìnlái)
All Christians should constantly battle pride.
(suyu) (Jdtú) (yào) (bùduàn) (de) (y) (jio'ào) (zhngzhàn)
The answer to this is to look at our prototype, Jesus Christ. He was the strongest human who has ever lived. He was and is God in human flesh.  The God man. Yet he humbled himself to death on a cross.
(dá'àn) (jiùshì) (zhùmù) (wmen) (de) (yuánxíng) (shì) (céng) (huó) (Guò) (de) (zuì) (qiáng) (de) (rénlèi) (shì) (yu) (xuèròu) (de) (shén) (shénrén) (rán'ér) (qinbi) (t) (zìj) (dào) (s) (zài) (shízìjià) (shàng)
Jesus said that you are blessed when you choose to be meek. So what is meekness?
Meekness is not weakness. Meekness is strength under control.
(Ys) (shu) (n) (shì) (shòu) (zhùfú) (de) (n) (xunzé) (wnróu) (nàme) (shénme) (shì) (wnróu) (ne)
(wnróu) (búshi) (runruò) (shì) (zài) (kòngzhì) (xià) (de) (lìliang)
Think about a powerful mighty horse that is running wild in the field. It has never been trained to control it’s great strength and speed. But once the horse has been broken and trained, the horse is then able to accept a rider. Now the horse is under control and it’s power can be used for great purposes.
(xing) (xing) (y) (p) (qiáng) (ér) (yulì) (de) (y) (m) (Bnchí) (yú) (tiány) (cóngláiméiyu) (bèi) (xùnliàn) (qù) (kòngzhì) (t) (de) (lìqi) (hé) (sùdù) (ydàn) (zhè) (p) (m) (bèi) (xùnfú) (shòu) (Guò) (xùnliàn) (t) (jiù) (néng) (jishòu) (qíshì) (xiànzài) (zhè) (p) (m) (zài) (kòngzhì) (xià) (t) (de) (lìliang) (ky) (yu) (xdu) (yòngtú)
This is what God wants to do with your life. He knows you have talents and abilities that He gave you. But you must learn how to use your talents and abilities properly for your Masters glory.
(zhè) (jiùshì) (Shàngdì) (su) (yào) (shyòng) (de) (n) (de) (shngmìng) (zhdào) (n) (yngyu) (t) (cìgi) (n) (de) (tinfù) (hé) (nénglì) (dàn) (mí) (bìx) (xuéxí) (rúhé) (shìdàng) (de) (yìngyòng) (n) (de) (tinfù) (hé) (nénglì) (lái) (róngyào) (n) (de) (zh)
Maybe you are great talker, you have a great sense of humor and love to chat with everyone in the room. Have you learned to control that power and utilize it for God’s glory?
(huòx) (n) (shì) (hn) (hào) (de) (ynshu) (réncái) (yu) (hn) (hào) (de) (yumògn) (bìngqi) (y) (xhuan) (hé) (shìnèi) (de) (migerén) (shuhuà)
(n) (céngjng) (xuéxí) (qù) (kòngzhì) (nàyàng) (de) (néngliàng) (Shàngdì) (de) (róngyào) (lái) (yìngyòng) (t) (ma)
Maybe you are highly intellectual and can solve any problem. But have you learned how to control that intellect and use it for God’s glory?
(huòx) (n) (jídù) (de) (cngming) (jijué) (rènhé) (nántí) (n) (céngjng) (xuéxí) (qù) (kòngzhì) (nàyàng) (de) (zhìnéng) (bìngqi) (wèile) (Shàngdì) (de) (róngyào) (lái) (yìngyòng) (t) (ma)
Maybe you are physically strong or beautiful, have you learned to use that physical strength or beauty to honor God yet?
(huòx) (n) (de) (shnt) (qiángzhuàng) (huòshì) (milì) (céngjng) (xuéxí) (qù) (yìngyòng) (shnt) (de) (lìliang) (huò) (mi)
(lì) (lái) (róngyào) (Shàngdì) (ma)
If you haven’t learned to control your talents and abilities and use them for God’s glory, then you will use your talents and abilities recklessly. Without meekness your power will harm people instead of be used to help them for God’s glory.
(rúgu) (n) (huán) (méi) (xuéhuì) (kòngzhì) (n) (de) (tinfù) (hé) (nénglì) (yìngyòng) (tmen) (lái) (róngyào) (Shàngdì) (jing) (lmng) (de) (shyòng) (n) (de) (tinfù) (hé) (nénglì) (rúgu) (méiyu) (wnróu) (n) (de) (lìliang) (jinghuì) (shnghài) (rénmen) (ér) (búshi) (bèi) (shyòng) (lái) (bngzhù) (rénmen) (wèi) (Shàngdì) (de) (róngyào)
Meekness is strength under control in order to accomplish a higher purpose for Christ.
(wnróu) (shì) (kòngzhì) (xià) (de) (lìliang) (wèile) (yào) (wèi) (Jd) (wánchéng) (gèng) (go) (de) (zhyì)
The blessing is that the meek will inherit the earth. In other words, you can only be a part of Christ’s leadership on the earth if you are meek.
(zhùfú) (jiùshì) (wnróu) (de) (rén) (jing) (chéngshòu) (dì) (t) (rúgu) (n) (wnróu) (n) (zhèng) (ky) (shì) (Jd) (de) (lngdo) (dìwèi) (de) (y) (bù) (fèn)
Meekness is a requirement for leadership in Christ’s Kingdom. Christ’s Kingdom is coming soon from heaven to earth. If you want to be a part of that leadership then you will obey Christ and allow Him to bridle your talents and abilities for His glory!
(wnróu) (shì) (Jd) (guót) (l) (lngdo) (dìwèi) (bìbèi) (de) (tiáojiàn)
Step 3 Meekness not weakness is strength under control for God’s glory.
(bùzhòu) (sn)  (wnróu) (búshi) (runruò) (shì) (zài) (kòngzhì) (xià) (de) (lìliang) (wèile) (Shàngdì) (de) (róng)
Step 4 being a Christ-like citizen is found in Matthew 5:6, Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
(bùzhòu) (sì)  (chéngwéi) (xiàng) (Ys) (ybn) (de) (zmín) (zài) (Mtài Fúyn)5:6 (kmù) (yì) (de) (rén) (yufú) (lio) (ynwèi) (tmen) (bìdi) (bozú)
Have you ever heard the saying, “you are what you eat?”
(n) (céngjng) (tng) (Guò) (zhège) (shuf) (ma) (rú) (qí) (shí)
Well it is the same in a spiritual sense. Your new born again spirit that Christ has given you can become corrupted again.
(zài) (língxìng) (y) (yyàng) (su) (cìgi) (n) (de) (xn) (de) (zàishng) (de) (líng) (y) (knéng) (zàidù) (bnghuài)
People can and do fall away from faith in Christ. Why do they? It’s because they stopped eating proper spiritual food.
Christians forget spiritual disciplines and fully consume their time with their work, their hobbies, and their leisure entertainment.
(rénmen) (knéng) (bìng) (bìrán) (líqì) (Jd) (xìnyng) (wèishénme) (ne) (ynwèi) (tmen) (tíngzh) (ch) (shìyí) (de) (líng) (liáng)
Even Sunday morning church service becomes a form of entertainment to many.
(shènzhì) (duì) (xdu) (rén) (láishu) (zochén) (jiohuì) (lbài) (biànchéng) (yzhng) (yúlè)
However, if we want to be blessed by Christ, we must choose to eat other things.
(rán'ér) (wmen) (xingyào) (dédào) (Jd) (de) (zhùfú) (wmen) (bìx) (xunzé) (ch) (qít) (de) (dngx)
Here are some examples of healthy spiritual food:
Bible study.
Personal prayer.
Group prayer.
Worship Services.
(yuèdú) (Shèngjng)
(gèrén) (dogào)
(tuánt) (dogào)
(jìngbài) (yíshì)
(shàndài) (trén)
(hubàn) (gunxi)
The number one reason why people fall away from faith is because they stop practicing these spiritual disciplines.
(rénmen) (líqì) (xìnyng) (de) (yuányn) (shì) (ynwèi) (tmen) (tíngzh) (zhèxi) (shlíng) (coliàn)
Step 4 of having Christ-like character is to eat these spiritual foods, as you do your appetite will begin to change. You will realize that maybe you were malnourished spiritually.
(bùzhòu) (sì)  (yàoyu) (xiàng) (Jd) (de) (pngé) (jiù) (x) (ch) (zhèxi) (líng) (liáng) (n) (ch) (lio) (n) (de) (pnwèi) (jinghuì) (gibiàn) (n) (jing) (lioji) (huòx) (n) (yqián) (shì) (língxìng) (yíngyngbùliáng)
If you never eat vegetables it’s because you don’t have a taste for them. But if you get in the habit of trying all different types of vegetables you will begin to find some you like and your appetite for them will grow. Then you will begin to hunger for them as you crave the pure nutrients they provide.
(rúgu) (n) (bù) (ch) (shcài) (ynwèi) (n) (bù) (cháng) (yxià) (tmen) (rúgu) (n) (xíguàn) (yú) (chángshì) (bùtóng) (zhnglèi) (de) (shcài) (n) (jing) (fxiàn) (yuxi) (shì) (n) (xhuan) (de) (érqi) (n) (de) (wèiku) (y) (huì) (zngzhng) (n) (jinghuì) (kish) (kqiú) (tmen) (ynwèi) (n) (xyào) (tmen) (su) (gngyìng) (de) (qngjié) (yngfèn)
Spiritual disciplines are pure nutrients from heaven, and the blessing from Christ is that you will be filled with the Holy Spirit.
(shlíng) (coliàn) (shì) (láizì) (tintáng) (de) (qngjié) (yngfèn) (Jd) (de) (zhùfú) (shì) (n) (jing) (Shènglíng) (chngmn)
The blessing of Jesus is that our born again spirit can be full of The Holy Spirit when we hunger and thirst after righteousness…

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity of God and when The Holy Spirit fills you He helps you do things you could never accomplish on your own.
(shì) (sn) (y) (shén) (de) (dìsnwèi) (Shènglíng) (chngmn) (n) (Shàngdì) (bngzhù) (n) (zuòshì) (n) (bù) (x) (kào) (zìj) (de) (lìliang) (qù) (wánchéng)
The Holy Spirit of God is like fuel for your born again spirit and these spiritual disciplines are like the gas pump where you refill.
(Shàngdì) (de) (jiù) (xiàng) (zài) (wèi) (n) (de) (zàishng) (líng) (jiyóu) (shlíng) (coliàn) (jiù) (xiàng) (wèi) (n) (jiyóu) (de) (bngp)
If you are a Christian and you are feeling discouraged, or depressed, or struggling with sin, then you are probably not properly fueling your spirit with God’s Holy Spirit.
(rúgu) (n) (shì) (Jdtú) (n) (qìni) (jsàng) (huò) (zhngzhá) (yú) (zuì) (nàme) (n) (knéng) (shì) (méiyu) (wèi) (n) (de) (líng) (zhùrù) (Shàngdì) (de) (Shènglíng)
Step 4. is to do the spiritual disciplines that will build your appetite for God, as you do, the blessing from Jesus is that you will be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Step 5 to having a Christ-like character is Matthew 5:7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
(bùzhòu) (w)  (yngyu) (xiàng) (Jd) (de) (pngé) (shì) (Mtài Fúyn)57 (rén) (de) (rén) (yufú) (lio) (ynwèi) (t) (bìdi) (liánxù)
Being merciful is the number one thing that humans hate to do. Look at all the wars. Look at all the divorces. Look at all the bitterness between family members.
(réncí) (shì) (rénlèi) (zuì) (toyàn) (zuò) (de) (shì) (suyu) (de) (zhànzhng) (kàn) (suyu) (de) (kàn) (suyu) (jirén) (jin) (de) (tòngk)
So what is mercy? Mercy is an undeserved act of love. Mercy is not giving someone the very thing that you think they deserve.
(héwèi) (réncí) (shì) (bù) (yngdé) (de) (ài) (de) (jdòng) (réncí) (búshi) (jy) (murén) (n) (rènwéi) (tmen) (pèi) (di) (de) (dngx)
Your husband or wife says something rude to you, so what do must people do, they say something rude back. But this is not mercy.
(n) (de) (pèi'u) (duì) (n) (chyánbùxùn) (rén) (huì) (znme) (zuò) (tmen) (fnchúnxingj) (dàn) (zhè) (búshi) (réncí)
Mercy is taking the rude thing they say and paying it back with genuinely kind word or if you can’t do that because of anger, then holding your tongue.
(réncí) (shì) (jishòu) (tmen) (de) (cl) (yány) (y) (zhnchéng) (wnhé) (dehuà) (yù) (huòshì) (rúgu) (n) (shubuch) (hohuà) (lái) (nà) (jiù) (bìzu)
Sometimes it’s better to just not say anything.
(yushíhou) (bù) (shuhuà) (fn'ér) (bjiào) (hào)
Jesus goes on to say later in Matthew 5 that if someone
cheats you give freely to them, if someone hits you give them the other cheek. If someone curses you then pray for them.
(zài) (Mtài Fúyn) (dìw) (zhng) (shohòu) (jìxù) (shu) (ruò) (yurén) (qpiàn) (n) (n) (jiù) (shsh) (gi) (tmen) (ruò) (yurén) (d) (n) (n) (b) (lìngy) (jiá) (y) (gi) (t) (d) (ruò) (yurén) (zzhòu) (n) (nàme) (n) (yào) (wèi) (t) (dogào)
Now you might say that’s not easy to do…unless you understand what you are actually doing. By choosing mercy instead of punishment what you are actually doing is sending a signal to God to act on your behalf.
(xiànzài) (n) (knéng) (huì) (shu) (nà) (bù) (róngyì) (n) (lioji) (n) (zhèngzài) (zuò) (de) (shì) (shénme) (shì) (jiè) (yóu) (xunzé) (réncí) (dàitì) (chfá) (n) (zhnzhèng) (zài) (zuò) (de) (shì) (zhèng) (fsòng) (xioxi) (gi) (Shàngdì) (n) (su) (zuò) (de) (shì) (zhèng) (dàibio) (lio) (n)
God sees that you are mistreated, but when you fight for you go after your own justice then
God leaves it alone because you have taken the matter into your own hands.
(Shàngdì) (lioji) (n) (bèi) (nüèdài) (dàng) (n) (wèi) (zìj) (de) (zhèngyì) (zhngzhàn) (Shàngdì) (jiù) (bùgun) (n) (lio) (ynwèi) (n) (b) (zhè) (shì) (fàng) (zài) (zìj) (shu) (zhng)
But if you are mistreated and you bless the person, even though you don’t feel like blessing them. Then God will come to your defense and either soften the heart of the other person or punish them.
(dàn) (ruò) (n) (bèi) (nüèdài) (fn'ér) (zhùfú) (nà) (rén) (jísh) (n) (bù) (xingyào) (zhùfú) (t) (Shàngdì) (yào) (lái) (bohù) (n) (huò) (runhuà) (nà) (rén) (de) (xn) (huò) (chfá) (nà) (rén)
During the process of you showing mercy to someone, God will also remind you of the time when you were not so innocent.
(zài) (n) (duì) (murén) (zhnxiàn) (réncí) (de) (guòchéng) (zhng) (y) (yào) (tíxng) (n) (n) (céngjng) (y) (yu) (búshi) (zhème) (wúg) (de) (shíhou)
Step 5 is that God mercifully works on your behalf when you to show mercy to others.
Step 6 in becoming a Christ-like citizen ready for His
Kingdom is
Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
(bùzhòu) (liù)  (chéngwéi) (xiàng) (Jd) (ybn) (de) (rén) (jìnrù) (Shàngdì) (de) (guó)
(Mtài Fúyn)58  (qng) (xn) (de) (rén) (yufú) (lio) (tmen) (bì) (kàndéjiàn)   (shén)
The pure in heart is a heart that has no more walls. When we first become a Christian and we get a born again spirit that spirit is willing and moldable. We become a compliant person. But there is this other nature to all people that has to be put to death. It’s what the Bible calls the carnal nature.
(qng) (xn) (de) (rén) (yu) (k) (méiyu) (qiáng) (de) (xn) (wmen) (gng) (chéngwéi) (Jdtú) (wmen) (dédào) (y) (gè) (zàishng) (de) (yuànyì) (de) (qi) (k) (sùzào) (de) (líng)
The carnal sinful nature is the old you before Christ. Your bad habits, you're lusts, your tempers.
(de) (yuzuì) (de) (tinxìng) (shì) (zài) (n) (chéngwéi) (Jdtú) (zhqián) (de) (jiù) (de) (n) (de) (xíguàn) (qíngyù) (n) (de) (píqi)
The carnal sinful nature will try time and time again to come back up and you must become a professional at putting it to death.
(de) (yuzuì) (de) (tinxìng) (jing) (yzài) (de) (chángshì) (qtú) (huídào) (n) (de) (shnshang) (yào) (chéngwéi) (y) (gè) (shànyú) (zhì) (t) (yú) (s) (dì) (de) (zhunji)
This evil nature of yours likes to get resurrected whenever you look back in the past. You dwell on past hurt and pain, past failure and disappointment.
(midng) (n) (huígù) (guòqùshí) (de) (de) (tinxìng) (jiù) (xingyào) (fùhuó) (n) (tíngliú) (zài) (guòqu) (shòushng) (yòu) (tòngk) (jnglì) (shbài) (hé) (shwàng)
We are all wounded creatures and God knows this. The pure in heart ask God for the courage let go of their past and give God every wound. The pure in heart choose to forgive God for all the things they blamed him for or didn’t understand.
(Shàngdì) (zhdào) (wmen) (du) (shì) (shòushng) (de) (shngwù) (xn) (de) (rén) (xiàngshàng) (qngqiú) (yngqì) (poki) (guòqu) (bìngqi) (b) (miy) (gè) (shnghài) (du) (po) (gi) (Shàngdì) (qng) (xn) (de) (rén) (xunzé) (yuánliàng) (Shàngdì) (wèile) (suyu) (tmen) (zéguài) (t) (huòshì) (bù) (lioji) (de) (shìqing)
The fact is God has allowed the world we now see. The pure in heart trust Him that there is a future soon to come where He will right every wrong and full setup His Kingdom in heaven and earth.
(shìshí) (shì) (Shàngdì) (yjng) (rènk) (lio) (wmen) (xiànzài) (kàn) (dào) (de) (zhège) (shìjiè) (xn) (de) (rén) (xingxìn) (Shàngdì) (yu) (gè) (wèilái) (jíjing) (dàolái) (zài) (nàli) (t) (jing) (do) (cuò) (wèi) (zhèng) (bìngqi) (zài) (tinshàng) (hé) (dìshang) (shèlì) (t) (de) (guó)
Simply put, the pure in heart fully trust God with their whole heart. Everything they are. The pure in heart say Lord, nothing is mine, everything is yours, whether good or bad comes my way, I trust you even unto death.
(jindn) (de) (shu) (xn) (de) (rén) (wánquán) (quánxnquányì) (dì) (xingxìn) (Shàngdì) (miy) (jiàn) (shì) (du) (xingxìn) (qng) (xn) (de) (rén) (shu) (zh) () (méiyu) (y) (jiàn) (shì) (w) (de) (suyu) (du) (shì) (n) (de) (wúlùn) (chxiàn) (zài) (w) (de) (lùshang) (de) (shì) (hào) (y) (huài) (w) (xingxìn) (mí) (zhídào) (swáng)
The reward here is a blessing that is priceless. For those who fully trust God with their whole heart, they will begin to see all things through God’s perspective. In doing so they will see God himself.
(wújià) (de) (zhùfú) (jing) (shì) (huíbào) (wánquán) (quánxnquányì) (dì) (xingxìn) (Shàngdì) (de) (rén) (tmen) (jing) (kish) (tngguò) (Shàngdì) (de) (yngung) (kàn) (suyu) (de) (shìqing)
Step 6 is to that the pure in heart are blessed to know God’s heart and will for their life.
Last but not least is step 7, found in Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
(dàn) (zuì) (bù) (zhòngyào) (de) (shì) (bùzhòu) (q) (Mtài Fúyn)59  (sh) (rén) (hémù) (de) (rén) (yufú) (lio) (tmen) (bì) (chngwéi)   (ShéndeÉrzi)
The number 7 is God’s sign of completion and in this seventh blessing Jesus is saying that as all these previous character attributes and Christ-like dispositions are building inside of your heart and mind then their is a final result. You become a peacemaker.
(bùzhòu) (q) (shì) (Shàngdì) (wánchéng) (de) (yìnjì) (dì) (q) (fú) (Ys) (shu) (dàng) (suyu) (qiánshù) (de) (pngé) (hé) (xiàng) (Jd) (ybn) (de) (xìngqíng) (bèi) (jiànzào) (zài) (n) (de) (xnlíng) (l) (nàme) (jing) (yu) (zuìhòu) (de) (jiégu) (chnshng) (n) (chéngwéi) (y) (gè) (hé) (shì) (lo)
A peacemaker can also be called a reconciler. As we live this life with Christ-like characteristics empowered by the Holy Spirit we become people who can truly help others.
(hé) (shì) (y) (ky) (chngwéi) (tiáoji) (rén) (wmen) (huózhe) (de) (jùyu) (xiàng) (Jd) (yyàng) (de) (pngé) (de) (shngmìng) (shì) (yóu) (Shènglíng) (jy) (lìliang) (suy) (wmen) (ky) (zhnzhèng) (bngzhù) (biéren)
Jesus has called us all to not be just mere Christians, who profess Christ with our mouths but to be Christians who live out the lifestyle and character of Christ himself.
(Ys) (jiàodo) (wmen) (bùyào) (zhshì) (dàng) (gè) (zuba) (shngchng) (Jd) (de) (Jdtú) (yào) (dàng) (huó) (ch) (Jd) (pngé) (yàngshì) (de) (Jdtú)
God has promised to help us do that very such thing if we are willing to try. A proper citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven is well equipped to help bring peace in other peoples lives by leading them to the very Christ that they are following.
(Shàngdì) (yjng) (chéngnuò) (bngzhù) (wmen) (qù) (zuò) (zhèyàng) (de) (shìqing) (wmen) (yuànyì) (chángshì) (tinguó) (de) (shìyí) (de) (zmín) (yào) (bèi) (zhungbèi) (hào) (jiè) (yóu) (yndo) (qít) (rén) (guxiàng) (tmen) (su) (gnsuí) (de) (zhège) (Jd) (wèi) (tmen) (dàilái) (píng'n)
Have you lead anyone to Christ recently? It should be our highest ambition to lead people to Christ, because in doing so we are offering them the greatest riches that can be found in this life and also in the one to come.
(n) (zuìjìn) (yu) (yndo) (rènhé) (rén) (gu) (zh) (ma) (rén) (gu) (zh) (yng) (shì) (wmen) (de) (zuìgo) (zhìxiàng) (ynwèi) (zhème) (zuò) (shí) (wmen) (zhèng) (tígng) (tmen) (c) (shng) (hé) (jinglái) (néng) (zhodào) (de) (zuì) (dà) (de) (cáifù)
Who is waiting on the other side of your obedience to Christ? Who is it that you could bring peace to, by sharing the Good News of Jesus with them. As you become a witness for Jesus, The Son, He say that you too will be called true children of God.
(shéi) (zài) (shùnfú) (Jd) (de) (lìngy) (dun) (dnghòu) (n) (ne) (shì) (n) (ky) (fnxing) (Ys) (de) (hào) (xioxi) (wèi) (tmen) (dàilái) (píng'n) (de) (rén) (ne)
Jesus says at the end of His Sermon the Mount in Matthew 7:21
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”
(zài) (dngshn) (bo) (xùn) (de) (jiéwi) (Mtài Fúyn)721 (Ys) (shu)
(chnghu) (w) (zh) () (zh) () (de) (rén) (bùnéng) (du) (jìn) (tinguó) (wéidú) (znxíng) (w) (tinfù) (zhyì) (de) (rén) (cáinéng) (jìnqù)
If you want to enter the Kingdom of heaven, you must follow Jesus in doing the will of the Father who is in Heaven.
(rúgu) (n) (xing) (jìn) (tinguó) (bìx) (gnsuí) (Ys) (znxíng) (tinfù) (zhyì)
These seven Beattitudes given from Christ are all possible by His power that He gives to all His followers.
(yóu) (Jd) (quánbng) (cìgi) (t) (de) (gnsuí) (zh) (zhè) (q) (fú)
Will you make it your highest ambition to do the will of the Father and live out these 7 steps of Christ-like character?
(n) (sh) (t) (chéngwéi) (n) (de) (zuìgo) (zhìxiàng) (znxíng) (tinfù) (zhyì) (huó) (ch) (Jd) (yàngshì) (de) (q) (bùzhòu) (ma)
If you say yes… then there is a guarantee that you must be made aware of….
(rúgu) (n) (shu) (shì) (nàme) (yu) (y) (gè) (bozhèng) (n) (bìx) (yào) (lioji)
It’s found as two additional blessings here in Matthew 5:10-12
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
(háiyu) (éwài) (de) (ling) (gè) (zhùfú) (zài) (Mtài Fúyn)510–12
10 (wèi) (yì) (shòu) (bpò) (de) (rén) (yufú) (lio) (ynwèi) (tinguó) (shì) (tmen) (de)11 (rén) (ruò) (yn) (w) (rmà) (nmen) (bpò) (nmen) (nizào) (gèyàng) (huàihuà) (hubàng) (nmen) (nmen) (jiù) (yufú) (lio)12 (yngdng) (hunx) (kuàilè) (ynwèi) (nmen) (zài) (tinshàng) (de) (shngcì) (shì) (dà) (de) (zài) (nmen) (yqián) (de) (xinzh) (rén) (y) (shì) (zhèyàng) (bpò) (tmen)
Do not be surprised, that when you make it your highest ambition to live fully for Christ, with all His characteristics, that you then find some of the closest people around you begin to turn on you. Some will call you crazy, some will call you evil, some may even try to twist the truth against you to cause you to fall.
(bùyào) (dàng) (n) (b) (dài) (zhe) (Jd) (de) (pngé) (wánquán) (wèi) (Jd) (ér) (huó) (zuòwéi) (n) (de) (zuìgo) (zhìxiàng)  (n) (huì) (fxiàn) (yuxi) (zuì) (qnjìn) (n) (de) (rén) (kish) (duì) (n) (gnxìngqù) (yuxirén) (huì) (shu) (n) (fng) (lio) (yuxirén) (huì) (shu) (n) (zhòngxié) (yuxirén) (shènzhì) (huì) (niq) (shìshí) (duìkàng) (n) (wèile) (ràng) (n) (dido)
The ways of this sinful world are in hostility toward God and His Christ! Remember this, so that you are not surprised when you are persecuted for living a holy life.
(zhèxi) (shì) (yuzuì) (de) (shìrén) (duìdài) (Shàngdì) (hé) (Jd) (de) (fngshì) (jìzhu) (zhège) (dàng) (n) (yn) (Guò) (zhe) (shénshèng) (de) (shnghuó) (ér) (shòu) (pòhài) (shí) (bùyào) (jngyà)
Being persecuted comes with two more “bonus blessings” from Christ that you get when you are counted worthy to suffer for your testimony.
  (zài) (du) (ling) (gè) (láizì) (Jd) (de) (hónglì) (zhùfú) (huì) (suízhe) (shòu) (pòhài) (yq) (líndào) (n) (yn) (n) (jiànzhèng) (n) (de) (shòuk) (shì) (zhíde) (de)
If people treated Jesus bad, then they will also treat you bad if you refuse to compromise His Truth. Because your lack of compromise will make them feel convicted so they will attack.
(rúgu) (rénmen) (duì) (Jd) (bùho) (tmen) (y) (duì) (n) (bùho) (rúgu) (n) (jùjué) (tuxié) (t) (de) (zhnl) (ynwèi) (n) (de) (bùtuxié) (sh) (rénmen) (juéde) (bèi) (pàn) (zuì) (tmen) (jiù) (gngj) (n)
Don’t get angry! Don’t get bitter! Remember that you were in their same mindset, stuck in your sins, until the love and wisdom of Jesus set you free!
(bùyào) (bùyào) (tòngk) (jìde) (n) (céngjng) (y) (hé) (tmen) (yyàng) (de) (xntài) (kùn) (zài) (n) (de) (zuì) (lmiàn)
So respond to all types of persecution on your faith with “rejoicing and gladness” like it says in verse twelve. Because you know your blessing will be great for all of eternity!
Let me close this time in prayer. If you need to get right with God in any of these things we talked about today then just tell Him that right now as I pray. God listens to your thoughts and your words as you pray. Confess any areas you are off from His will and ask for His Holy Spirit power to get you back on track.
(ràng) (wmen) (y) (dogào) (zuòwéi) (jiéshù) (rúgu) (n) (xyào) (zài) (rènhé) (wmen) (jntin) (su) (tolùn) (de) (shìqing) (hé) (Shàngdì) (xiho) (jiù) (qng) (xiànzài) (gàosu) (t) (nà) (jiàn) (shì) (dàng) (w) (dogào) (de) (shíhou) (Shàngdì) (huì) (língtng) (n) (de) (xnsi) (yìniàn) (hé) (huày) (dàng) (n) (dogào) (shí) (tnchéng) (rènhé) (n) (wéi) (lí) (t) (de) (zhyì) (de) (shìqing) (bìngqi) (qngqiú) (t) (de) (Shènglíng) (dài) (n) (huídào) (gudào) (shàng)
Father, we confess that we are in need of your help. We want to live like your son Jesus. We want to become a true blessing on the earth. We want to receive every good gift that you have for us. Today we ask that you would give us a new excitement about living for you fully! Jesus we thank you for the gift of salvation and our hope of heaven. Help us now to start living as Kingdom of Heaven citizens even while on this earth. Today gives us fresh power from the Holy Spirit to live out the lifestyle of Jesus. We thank you for your wonderful Truth in the Bible! In Jesus name we pray. Amen!
