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"Better to be deprived of food for three days, than tea for one.“.. Ancient Chinese Proverb..

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"Better to be deprived of food for three days, than tea for one“.

..Ancient Chinese Proverb..

Green tea: is tea which is not undergoing process of fermentation, but directly after the Picking, Incenses, or roasted on the method of roasting coffee, and then dried.

Latin Name: Camellia sinensis Common Name : Green Tea

Green tea (leaves of Camellia sinensis ,) is a popular beverage in East Asia, and also used as a herbal remedy in Europe and North America.

use steam in Japan

And roasting in China

"Better to be deprived of food for three days, than tea for one“.

What makes green tea so special?

What makes green tea so special?


anti-oxidative, anti-mutagenic,

and anti-carcinogenic

What makes green tea so special?


anti-oxidative, anti-mutagenic,

and anti-carcinogenic

Chemical analysis has revealed that green tea


What makes green tea so special?


anti-oxidative, anti-mutagenic,

and anti-carcinogenic The secret of green

tea lies in the fact it is rich in catechin

polyphenols(classified as catechins),

(The polyphenols give it a somewhat

bitter flavor).

Chemical analysis has revealed that green tea


The secret of green tea lies in the fact it is

rich in catechin polyphenols(classifie

d as catechins), (The polyphenols

give it a somewhat bitter flavor).

What makes green tea so special?

anti-oxidative, anti-mutagenic,

and anti-carcinogenic

contains six primary catechin compounds:

catechin, gallaogatechin, epicatechin,

epigallocatechin, epicatechin gallate, and apigallocatechin gallate

(also known as EGCG) ,EGCG is a powerful anti-


Chemical analysis has revealed that green tea


contains six primary catechin compounds:

catechin, gallaogatechin, epicatechin,

epigallocatechin, epicatechin gallate, and apigallocatechin gallate

(also known as EGCG) ,EGCG is a powerful anti-


The secret of green tea lies in the fact it is

rich in catechin polyphenols(classifie

d as catechins), (The polyphenols

give it a somewhat bitter flavor).

What makes green tea so special?


and anti-carcinogenic

contains alkaloids including caffeine, theobromine, and

theophylline.(These alkaloids

provide green tea's stimulant

effects). *L-theanine, an

amino acid compound found

in green tea.

Chemical analysis has revealed that green tea


contains alkaloids including caffeine, theobromine, and

theophylline.(These alkaloids

provide green tea's stimulant

effects). *L-theanine, an

amino acid compound found

in green tea.

contains six primary catechin compounds:

catechin, gallaogatechin, epicatechin,

epigallocatechin, epicatechin gallate, and apigallocatechin gallate

(also known as EGCG) ,EGCG is a powerful anti-


The secret of green tea lies in the fact it is

rich in catechin polyphenols(classified

as catechins), (The polyphenols

give it a somewhat bitter flavor).

What makes green tea so special?

and anti-carcinogenic significant amounts of water-soluble vitamins and minerals, particularly zinc,

manganese, potassium, niacin, folic acid and

vitamin C.

Chemical analysis has revealed that green tea


Green tea helps to accelerate the metabolism, because..

1 )Metabolism of carbohydrates:

reduced by

And also

the green tea




thathigh levels of sugar and insulin in

the blood

ofputting peopleat risk of



NOTE:one of causes of high cholesterol level it is diabetes.and thus.. green tea acting to reduce levels of cholesterol.

Increase in glucose metabolism in healthy humans administered with green tea

Oral glucose tolerance curves (OGTT, n = 22) and basal blood glucose levels (Basal, n = 25)


Green tea helps to accelerate the metabolism, because..

2 )Metabolism of lipid:

At a new study for U.S. conducted on obese men drinking that green tea three times every day, discovered that they

burn 200 extra calories a day .

reduce levels of sugar (glucose)

stimulates glycolysis

It is prevent diabetes

reduce the weight

reduce levels of sugar (glucose)

stimulates glycolysis

It is prevent diabetes

reduce the weight

stimulates lipolysis

burn calories

Harmful Effects

People that are suffering from heart problems, and kidney disorders, stomach ulcers and mental disorders (particularly anxiety) should not drink green tea

before consulting doctor .

 And also pregnant and breastfeeding women should not drinking green tea.

 The children that drink more than 250 mg of green tea in the day may cause by difficulty in the metabolism of iron (so it is not recommended to children)..

To date, the only negative side effect reported from drink the green tea is …insomnia

because the green tea is contains caffeine. However, green tea contains caffeine less than coffee.

وعلينا أن ال نأخذ بنصيحة الشاعر الذي قيل له بأن اإلكثار من أي شيٍء" -:Gمضر وخاصة الشاي، فأنشد قائًال

إذا عملت الشاي فامأل لي الكأساG ** فإني ال أرى في الشاي بأسا

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