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Beyond the Spherical Cow - NISTApr 27, 2005  · pages of calculations, "First, you start with a...

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Page 1: Beyond the Spherical Cow - NISTApr 27, 2005  · pages of calculations, "First, you start with a spherical cow." A real cow is too complicated. Scientists often resort to assumptions
Page 2: Beyond the Spherical Cow - NISTApr 27, 2005  · pages of calculations, "First, you start with a spherical cow." A real cow is too complicated. Scientists often resort to assumptions

Beyond the Spherical Cow

A New Approach to Modeling Physical Quantities

for Objects of Arbitrary Shape

Marc De Graef

Department of Materials Science and Engineering Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

Financial Support: DOE DE-FG02-01ER45893. April 27, 2005

Graduate Student: Shakul TandonBrookhaven Nat. Lab.: Marco Beleggia, Yimei Zhu

Page 3: Beyond the Spherical Cow - NISTApr 27, 2005  · pages of calculations, "First, you start with a spherical cow." A real cow is too complicated. Scientists often resort to assumptions

OutlineIntroductory comments about shapes

Applications to magnetostatics/electrostatics

Demagnetization factors

BaTiO3 crystals

Interactions between arbitrary shapes


Moment of Inertia Tensor/Quadrupole Tensor

General Relations


Page 4: Beyond the Spherical Cow - NISTApr 27, 2005  · pages of calculations, "First, you start with a spherical cow." A real cow is too complicated. Scientists often resort to assumptions

It’s all a matter of shapeWhen asked how to increase the milk production of cows, a theoretical physicist might answer, after much head-scratching and pages of calculations, "First, you start with a spherical cow." A real cow is too complicated. Scientists often resort to assumptions that simplify a problem, making it solvable. But the downside is that the solution may not represent anything "real." (paraphrased from http://archive.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Cyberia/NumRel/BuildingBlocks.html)

Example: Nearly all computations in magnetism involve the assumption that everything behaves like a magnetic dipole. Even when the particle shape is not spherical, the dipole approach continues to be used. This is only appropriate if the particles are far apart!

In this talk, we will show that shape does matter, and that actual shapes can be taken into account correctly, without assumptions.

Page 5: Beyond the Spherical Cow - NISTApr 27, 2005  · pages of calculations, "First, you start with a spherical cow." A real cow is too complicated. Scientists often resort to assumptions

Beyond the Spherical Cow ...

Page 6: Beyond the Spherical Cow - NISTApr 27, 2005  · pages of calculations, "First, you start with a spherical cow." A real cow is too complicated. Scientists often resort to assumptions

Shape dependent quantitiesdemagnetization and depolarization tensors

gravitational/electric field


moment-of-inertia tensor

solid angle

acoustic radiation impedance

various transport properties


Page 7: Beyond the Spherical Cow - NISTApr 27, 2005  · pages of calculations, "First, you start with a spherical cow." A real cow is too complicated. Scientists often resort to assumptions

Typical problemsTypically, these quantities require 3D integrations over the volume of the object, or over the surface of the object.

For interacting objects, the integral is often a 6D integral over both particle volumes.

Shape usually enters through the integration boundaries, via parameterized expressions for the volume or the surface.

So, is there a way to incorporate the shape of the object via a function, rather than via integration boundaries?

Page 8: Beyond the Spherical Cow - NISTApr 27, 2005  · pages of calculations, "First, you start with a spherical cow." A real cow is too complicated. Scientists often resort to assumptions

The Shape FunctionEach object has a binary nature, i.e., a randomly chosen point is either inside the body, or it is not.

Hence, we define the shape function as:

Note that this function is also known as the indicator function or the characteristic function.

In a technical sense, this is not a real function, since its derivatives do not exist in the traditional calculus context. The shape function is therefore a generalized function (distribution), i.e., a 3-D hat function.

D(r) =

{1 inside0 outside

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The Shape FunctionThe shape function can be used to extend the integration volume from the volume of an object to all of space:

The advantages of using shape functions become more apparent in Fourier space. The Fourier transform of the shape function is known as the shape amplitude:

This is the only place where the actual shape information is used as integration boundaries.

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Example Shape Amplitudes

Shape amplitude is a real function for objects with a center of symmetry.

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Example Shape Amplitudes

Page 12: Beyond the Spherical Cow - NISTApr 27, 2005  · pages of calculations, "First, you start with a spherical cow." A real cow is too complicated. Scientists often resort to assumptions

Magnetic Field and Energy of a dipole


B(r) =µ0

[3n(n · µ) − µ


]Magnetic Induction:



Magnetic Vector Potential: A(r) =µ0

µ × r


B(r) = ∇× A(r)

E(r) = −µ · B

Magnetostatic Energy:

= µ0H(r)

Magnetic FieldPermeability of vacuum


[µ1 · µ2

|r|3− 3

(r · µ1)(r · µ2)



Page 13: Beyond the Spherical Cow - NISTApr 27, 2005  · pages of calculations, "First, you start with a spherical cow." A real cow is too complicated. Scientists often resort to assumptions

Dipolar Tensor

Tensors in Magnetism

B = µ0(M + H) → Bi = µ0(Mi − NijMj)

Demagnetization tensor N describes the demagnetization field due to a given magnetization M.

Is there a relation between these two tensors and the shape amplitude ?

Page 14: Beyond the Spherical Cow - NISTApr 27, 2005  · pages of calculations, "First, you start with a spherical cow." A real cow is too complicated. Scientists often resort to assumptions

Dipolar tensor in Fourier Space

It is not too difficult to show that the dipolar tensor is the inverse Fourier transform of

Hint: use cylindrical coordinates to prove this relation; sphericalcoordinates result in diverging integrals...

direction cosines of frequency vector

Page 15: Beyond the Spherical Cow - NISTApr 27, 2005  · pages of calculations, "First, you start with a spherical cow." A real cow is too complicated. Scientists often resort to assumptions

Demagnetization Field

Nabla operator inFourier Space

The Fourier Space FormalismConsider an object with a given magnetization state M(r)

A(r) =µ0

∫M(r′) ×

r − r′

|r − r′|3dr′Basic Equation: “convolution”

A(k) = −iµ0

M(k) × k

k2Vector potential: vector cross product

M(k) =

∫M(r)e−ik·rFourier Transform

of :M(r)

Includes shape information

B(k) = −ik × A(k)Magnetic Induction:

B(k) = −µ0

k2k × M(k) × k = µ0

[M(k) − k

M(k) · k


]= µ0 [M(k) + H(k)]

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Analytical Expressions

H(r) = −





k2k(m · k)eik·rDemagnetization Field

E =µ0M





k2(m · k)2Demagnetization Energy

M(k) = M0mD(k)For a uniformly magnetized object:

Demagnetization Tensor(point function)

Demagnetization Tensor(ballistic)

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Demagnetization Tensor

So, the demagnetization tensor is equal to the convolution of the dipolar tensor with the shape function, which is consistent with our intuitive understanding: all the possible magnetic fields are copied to each location in the object.

The actual demag field is obtained by contracting w.r.t. to the magnetic moment direction.

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Properties of Demag TensorTrace:

Symmetry: Being a second rank tensor, N inherits the symmetry of the corresponding shape; in particular, if the shape has a rotational axis of order greater than 2, then the tensor is isotropic in the plane normal to that axis (Neumann principle)

Computability (numerical): Numerical computation is relatively straightforward, thanks to FFT algorithms, BUT ...

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Analytical vs. NumericalIn an analytical computation, the shape amplitude has infinite support.

In a numerical FFT-based computation, the support is finite (finite frequency range).

An inverse numerical FFT of an analytical shape amplitude will give rise to Gibbs oscillations...

This can be avoided by using a filter function:

Page 20: Beyond the Spherical Cow - NISTApr 27, 2005  · pages of calculations, "First, you start with a spherical cow." A real cow is too complicated. Scientists often resort to assumptions

ExampleRectangular prism with dimensions

Regular FFT Filtered FFT

Deviation from truestep function extends to only 1 pixel on either side of boundary.

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Example (continued)For numerical work, the demag tensor is given by:


No filter function needed!


Page 22: Beyond the Spherical Cow - NISTApr 27, 2005  · pages of calculations, "First, you start with a spherical cow." A real cow is too complicated. Scientists often resort to assumptions

Graphical RepresentationA symmetric 3x3 matrix has 3 real eigenvaluesand associated eigenvectors.

Nij → O

λ1 0 0

0 λ2 0

0 0 λ3


λ1,2,3 > 0 EllipsoidInside shape:

Outside shape: λ1,2 > 0;λ3 < 0Single SheetHyperboloid

Has eigenvectorsas columns

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Example: Demagnetization Tensor

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Page 25: Beyond the Spherical Cow - NISTApr 27, 2005  · pages of calculations, "First, you start with a spherical cow." A real cow is too complicated. Scientists often resort to assumptions

More examples






L 2a


face f

face f '





nfeNfe = nf '







a b c

d e f

g h







(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

[-0.560, 0.448] [-0.931, 0.931] [-0.453, 0.548]

[-1.044, 0.334] [0.006, 1.063] [0.006, 0.384]

Nrr Nrz Nzz

λ- λ+ λ2





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Nxx Nyy Nzz

Nxy Nxz Nyz







λ1 λ2 λ3

λ1 λ2 λ3












a = 2/3

a = 3/32

a = 1/24

More examples

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Application to ElectrostaticsA uniformly polarized particle has a potential:

and a resulting field (in Fourier space):

The electric displacement is then given by:

which results in:

Page 28: Beyond the Spherical Cow - NISTApr 27, 2005  · pages of calculations, "First, you start with a spherical cow." A real cow is too complicated. Scientists often resort to assumptions

Depolarization EnergeticsThe self-energy of a uniformly polarized particle:

2 µm 1 µm







SEM images of the faceted BaTiO3 crystals after reaction with AgNO3.

The white contrast specks indicate silver metal deposits. (images G. Rohrer)

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50% 75% 85% 95%



{111} Truncated Cube

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How about interacting shapes?Magnetostatic energy is generally defined as:

Converting to Fourier space for uniformly magnetized particles we find:

is the relative position of the particles

This expression can be rewritten as:

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Interacting shapesUsing the convolution theorem, we find:

In this expression, we have introduced a new quantity:

This is the cross-correlation of the shape functions.

Finally, we rewrite the energy in terms of a new tensor field:

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The Magnetometric Tensor Field

This relation is similar to that for pure dipoles:

The magnetometric tensor field contains all the shape-dependent interactions, so that the particles can be represented by their total moments.

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Geometrical Interpretation




( -x)

C(x) Dzz

( -x)

2R-2R 0 x

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Example ComputationsRectangular prism (2a,2b,2c) auto-correlation function:

Magnetometric tensor element:

Result is in full agreement with standard expressions used in micromagnetics codes.

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Example ComputationsConsider two bar magnets (rectangular prisms). The first magnet has dimensions 24 x 12 x 12 and is uniformly magnetized along the x-axis. The second magnet is smaller (16 x 2 x 2) and is allowed to move in the x-y plane. Its magnetization is along the longest axis. The question to be answered is then: for each location in the x-y plane, what is the orientation of the second magnet for which the interaction energy is minimized?

3D computation, using a 256 x 256 x 256 voxel grid, and the analytical expression for the shape amplitude of a rectangular prism.

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Page 37: Beyond the Spherical Cow - NISTApr 27, 2005  · pages of calculations, "First, you start with a spherical cow." A real cow is too complicated. Scientists often resort to assumptions

Broader InterpretationMagnetic particles interact through the dipolar interaction, which is represented by the dipolar tensor.

Perhaps it is possible to replace the dipolar tensor by another interaction function to describe other physical interactions between particles of arbitrary shape...

Interaction “kernel”

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Applications to Gravitation

Gravitational potential satisfies Poisson’s equation:

Solution for uniform mass density and arbitrary shape:

Using the Fourier space approach this leads to:

and also, for the gravitational field:

Obviously, the same is valid for electrostatic problems...

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What about gravitational interactions?Interaction energy between two arbitrary bodies:

For uniform mass density we find:

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General interactionsWhat we learn from this is that interactions between uniform bodies of arbitrary shape can be written in terms of the shape cross-correlation function and an interaction-dependent kernel, which, in Fourier space, takes on a form of the type:

for electrostatic, gravitational, ...

for dipolar

for a Yukawa-type interaction

...question: Do all factors of this form correspond to physical interactions?

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What about surfaces ?

Many physical quantities involve integrations over the surface of the object. Could the shape function formalism be used for such problems?

In other words, is there a “function” related to the shape function that describes the surface?

preliminary work shows that the gradient of the shape function results in the unit surface normal...

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Surface Normal

Explicit computation for a sphere results in the outward unit normal on the surface.

The surface itself can then be described by the norm of this vector, which results in a discontinuous “function” which vanishes everywhere except on the surface where it is unity...

Numerical work shows that thisis correct, but the theory needs to be done “properly”, using the theory of generalized functions (distribution theory).

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Moment of Inertia Tensor

MOIT is defined as:


Working out the convolution products we find:

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MOIT (continued)The full tensor is given by:

Hessian matrix of D, evaluated in k=0

We can do the same thing for the quadrupole tensor:

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There is a relation between the MOIT and the quadrupole tensor:

This relation is valid for every shape. This was verified analytically for the sphere and numerically for a number of basic shapes.

MOIT (continued)

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Additional General RelationsConsider the following relation:

Integral converges for n=2, 3, and 4:

For n=4, we have:

Integrand for MOIT !


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Similarly for the quadrupole tensor:

and an even more general relation:

again, valid for all shapes...

Additional General Relations

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ConclusionsShape matters and can be correctly included in analytical formalism without approximations!

The shape amplitude and its derivatives and moments appear to allow for general shape-independent statements or relations to be formulated.

Fourier space shape formalism is accurate, flexible, and can be used for many other types of interactions...

electrostatics, gravitation, moment of inertia tensor, elasticity, ...

Questions remain about the applicability of this formalism for quantities that depend on surface integrations rather than volume integrations. This research is currently ongoing...

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The End
