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Bh Usa 07 Dempster

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  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    VoIP Security Methodology and Results

    NGS Software Ltd Barrie Dempster Senior Security Consultant [email protected]

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    Agenda Agenda

    VoIP Security Issues

    Assessment Methodology

    Case Study: Asterisk

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    VoIP Security IssuesVoIP Security Issues

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    hy is VoIP such a !ro"lem #hy is VoIP such a !ro"lem #

    If you take a systematic a!!roach to it$ it isn%t

    Assessing VoIP systems is &uite different from the '!ro"eand !arse( techni&ue commonly used on data"ases and we"a!!lications)

    It a!!ears this way as it%s multi*disci!line *

    +ata networks$ ,oice networks and security knowledge

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster



    .ne of the ma/or selling !oints "ut one of the "iggest issues

    Goes against current network security "est !ractise)0irewalls$ VPNs$ VLANS etc)) are focused on se!aration of traffic$ often tose!arate into security "oundaries

    Con,ergence not only makes administration easier$ it

    makes hacking easier too Voice traffic on a data network is o!en to attacks using tools andtechni&ues that ha,e "een used in the !ast on data networks

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    From the NIST Security considerations for Voice over IP systems:

    The flexibility of V !" comes at a price# a$$e$ complexity insecuring %oice an$ $ata. Because V !" systems are connecte$ tothe $ata networ&' an$ share many of the same har$ware an$software components' there are more ways for intru$ers to attac& aV !" system than a con%entional %oice telephone system or "B(.)

    A con,ergence &uote A con,ergence &uote

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    1he Main 1hreats1he Main 1hreats

    1oll 0raud


    Caller I+ S!oofing

    +enial of Ser,ice

    Another 2ntry Point

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    1oll 0raud1oll 0raud

    It%s easy 1he slightest misconfiguration can lead to toll fraud * Misconfiguration of+ISA$ +efault !asswords and sim!le social engineering)

    It%s !rofita"le 0ree use of ser,ices Ser,ices can "e resold .,erheads are low

    It%s ha!!ening 3and has "een for a long time4

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    Caller*I+ S!oofingCaller*I+ S!oofing

    1here are a num"er of ways to do this

    1his is another threat that e6isted "efore VoIP "ut /ust got easier

    It%s still not an attack method that the general !u"lic are aware of Many com!anies still use it as !art of an authentication mechanism

    7ou now need no technical knowledge to s!oof Caller*I+) A num"er of com!anies sell these ser,ices

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    +enial of Ser,ice+enial of Ser,ice

    8!time on traditional tele!hony networks is generally ,ery high It%s not easy to +oS someone It%s not easy to hide your tracks when !erforming an attack .nly a few com!anies control the access !oints

    Ser,ice Le,els for tele!hony are more im!ortant than most IP !rotocols 2mergency ser,ices Customers58sers are used to high ser,ice le,els

    VoIP "rings IP%s !ro"lems to ,oice IP has suffered many +oS ,ulnera"ilities +doS is e6!ensi,e and difficult to com"at

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    Another 2ntry Point Another 2ntry Point VoIP "rings !ro"lems to the IP network as well

    It%s as "ad as email$ IM clients and we" "rowsers3which is "ad-4

    Com!licated5Numerous !rotocols Lots of ,ulnera"ilities already found

    Attackers are finding more

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster



  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    So we "reak it down into com!onentsSo we "reak it down into com!onents

    VoIP is made u! of a num"er of com!onents$ many of these are co,ered "ye6isting testing methodologies)

    1he .!erating Platform


    VoIP Protocols

    Su!!ort Protocols

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster



    9ow to assess configuration #

    Scanning with war diallers and similar software is not enough

    1he configuration also has to "e manually re,iewed$ "y checking theconfiguration file5data"ase)

    Charting IV %s and call dialing !lans makes ,ulnera"ilities o",ious

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster



    +efault !asswords

    still ram!ant in P;

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    VoIP ProtocolsVoIP Protocols

    SIP5 1P5 1CP5MGCP5IA

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    Su!!ort ProtocolsSu!!ort Protocols

    1he 'IP( com!onent in VoIP is slightly more than IP$ it e6tends to 1CP$8+P and su!!orting !rotocols like +9CP$+NS$ 101P etc)))

    1hese !rotocols all ha,e their own issues

    1hese !rotocols also ha,e some ideas for solutions 3eg)) IPsec$VPN%s$I+S5IPS$ firewalls etc))))4

    Com"ined with VoIP increase the risk of some of the attacks that canoccur

    A VoIP assessment can "e done as !art of an infrastructure assessmentor standalone "ut standalone assessments should ca,eat that ,alidity isde!endent on infrastructure assessments "eing !erformedinde!endantly)

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    Case Study: AsteriskCase Study: Asterisk

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    hy Asterisk as a study su"/ect #hy Asterisk as a study su"/ect #

    It%s !o!ular

    It%s freely a,aila"le

    No additional hardware re&uired

    It%s o!en source

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    Asterisk: .!erating Platform Asterisk: .!erating Platform

    Network infrastructure 0irewalls will ha,e to "e configured to su!!ort Asterisk Mail ser,er configuration ;asic networking +NS$ 1CP$ 8+P$ IP etc)))

    .!erating Systems uns on Linu6 so security issues relating to Linu6 a!!ly to Asterisk) Patching of the .S5Asterisk and other com!onents$ file !ermissions$ i!ta"les etc)))

    +ata"ases5 e"ser,ices5C M Can ha,e a data"ase "ackend Commonly integrated with SugarC M 9as a num"er of we" front ends 3AsteriskN. $ 0reeP;

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    Asterisk: Vulnera"ilities = +enial of Ser,ice Asterisk: Vulnera"ilities = +enial of Ser,ice

    Asterisk SIP Channel +ri,er 3chan>si!4 SIP Malformed 8+P Packet+oS

    Asterisk Manager Interface Passwordless 8ser M+? Authentication +oS Asterisk Malformed SIP INVI12 e&uest +oS Asterisk Crafted SIP es!onse Code handle>res!onse 0unction +oS Asterisk Malformed SIP egister Packet emote +oS Asterisk SIP Channel +ri,er 8ns!ecified emote +oS Asterisk IAia6@ IA

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    Asterisk: Vulnera"ilities = Code 26ecution Asterisk: Vulnera"ilities = Code 26ecution

    Asterisk 1) B S+P Parser chan>si!)c !rocess>sd! 0unction .,erflows

    else if 33 sscanf*a' +T,- ax/ate0anagement#1s+' s2 DD E44 Ffound D Eif 3o!tion>de"ug H @4ast>log3L.G>+2;8G$ ateMangement: JsKn $ s4if 3-strcasecm!3s$ local1C0 44

    !eert Bca!a"ility D T,- 3(4/3T54036375056T48 C384TC 9else if 3-strcasecm!3s$ transferred1C0 44!eert Bca!a"ility D T,- 3(4/3T54036375056T4T/36S 5/5D4TC 9****************************************************************************************************else if 3 *sscanf*a' +T,- ax:$p5C#1s+' s2 DD E44 Ffound D Eif 3o!tion>de"ug H @4ast>log3L.G>+2;8G$ 8+P 2C: JsKn $ s4if 3-strcasecm!3s$ t B8+P edundancy 44 F!eert Bca!a"ility D T,- 3(4:D"45C4/5D:6D36C;9ast>ud!tl>set>error>correction>scheme3!*Hud!tl$:D"T845// /4C //5CT! 64/5D:6D36C;29

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    Asterisk: Configuration Asterisk: Configuration

    +efault !asswordsVery common on Asterisk$ as are easily guessa"le SIP !asswords

    ;ad dial !lan logic

    +ial !lan logic in Asterisk can "ecome fairly com!le6 and the flat file format makes ithard to follow$ if the dial !lan isn%t documented 3and u!dated4 it can make it easy to

    make mistakes) Common mistakes in Asterisk include gi,ing access to too manyconte6ts or too many o!tions in a !u"lic conte6t)

    Call Control and monitoring Asterisk can "e configured 3Mi6Monitor4 to record calls to a file and these can often"e left with la6 !ermissions) Asterisk also has Intrude5;arge functionality withChanS!y) A misconfigured dial !lan can unintentionaly gi,e call monitoring a"ilities)

    Accounting and ;illing1here are a ,ariety of o!tions for "illing with Asterisk$ they generally !lug in to

    Asterisk using it%s Call +etail ecord files) 2ach of these has their own securityconsiderations)

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    Asterisk: VoIP Protocols Asterisk: VoIP Protocols

    2ncry!tion o!tions #

    e%,e already seen sim!le ,ulnera"ilities in the


    0airly com!licated to configure

    Assum!tions made "y the de,elo!ers

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster



  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster



    Practise safe con,ergence

    A!!ly traditional network security logic to VoIP)

    Check the VoIP !roducts for ,ulnera"ilities)

    +on%t /ust scan$ audit as well-

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    here else can I get more information#here else can I get more information#

    htt!:55www),oi!sa)org * 1he VoIP security alliance released a ,oi! threatta6onomy and ha,e an acti,e mailing list co,ering VoIP issues

    htt!:5www)nist)go, * 8S centric "ut ha,e e6cellent tele!hony security


    htt!:55www),oi!*info)org * Not !articularly security related "ut a goodsource of VoIP information)

    htt!:55www)osstmm)org * 1he .!en Source Security 1esting MethodologyManual) 1he VoIP com!onent is currently under de,elo!ment)

  • 8/12/2019 Bh Usa 07 Dempster


    http://www.ngssoftware.com/ Copyright 2006. Next Generation Security Software Lt . !"" other tra e mar#s are the property of their respecti$e owner% an are use in an e itoria" context without intent

    Thank YouThank You

    omments!"uestions #omments!"uestions #$arrie %em&ster ' (arrie)ngssoft*are+com$arrie %em&ster ' (arrie)ngssoft*are+com
